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Interactive Classrooms

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Interactive Classroom Piece

“Quiet reflection and meditation in the Sacred Heart Chapel.”

-Geoffrey Morton Graduate Assistants went into some of the classes offered this semester and asked the students what they do for self-care. Here are some of the responses for what our students are doing to take care of them

“I paint my nails and selves….

“I play with stress balls, listen to -Liam Mooney watch Grey’s.”- Bridget Furdon

“I go to the gym or for a car ride.” - Sara Studenski apartment with our 3 cats!” - Nicole Marra

out of the day to just watch my fish tank.”- Justin Ellis “I dance on Urban Beats Crew.” - Jonathan Crichton music, sit and meditate about the day, week, and month, and play video games (Battlefield1).”

“Sleep 101! But I also like to spend time with my fiancé specifically at our “I take 10 minutes

Deep breathing is a

“ I got to the gym, for walks, and the counseling center on campus.”- Ally “I relax and lay in bed and close my eyes and breathe.

Sweeney big one for me.”- Sarah Rosar “I craft...paint to distress.”- Adrian Laudani

“I go to the gym, or pray to God.”- Dan Metcalf

“I cook.”- Mary Ellen Kane

“I go to hot yoga classes 3x a week.” -Frankki Sorce “Painting, shopping therapy, yoga and the gym!”- Elizabeth Bishop

“I take naps whenever I feel stressed/need down time. Also I am part of the cheer team so I enjoy going to practice and outside tumbling/gymnastics classes to relieve stress.”- Jillian Roos

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