4 minute read
Undergraduate Students
As a CHS student, have you experienced a “cannonball moment” that has influenced your decision to be in a helping profession?
Natalie Intrieri, Undergraduate, Counseling and Human Services
I would say that I have had a number of cannonball moments throughout my time at Scranton. However, if I had to choose, one of the most significant cannonball moments came to me after I had completed my first internship experience at the Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (SSDHHC). At SSDHHC, I was able to work alongside their school counselor, Jackie Bailey, who is also a graduate of the CHS undergraduate and master in School Counseling programs. I was very fortunate to have had this experience because not only did this give me vast insight into the school counseling profession, but I was also able to learn more about deaf education, culture, and American Sign Language. My internship experience at SSDHHC enabled me to see and live the experiences that are discussed in class, and it has fueled me to use my power and privilege to advocate for those who cannot. Lastly, these moments have inspired me to increase my efforts in ensuring equity and fighting for change because some individuals do have significantly less than others.
My “cannonball moment” was during my senior year of high school. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and profession, but felt stuck. I always knew I wanted to work in a helping profession , but really had no idea what helping profession I wanted to work in. At first I wanted to be a high school chemistry teacher, but chemistry was not really an interest anymore. Also, at this time I was struggling with my mental health, but felt like I could not go to a school counselor because I wasn’t even sure we had one. At this moment, I knew I wanted to be in a helping profession, specifically counseling, because I wanted to be a resource for people, a resource I did not have at the time. My decision on being a counseling major was solidified when I came to the U during one of the Royal Days in the spring. I got to sit in on a Counseling Theories class and I knew right there I wanted to be a counselor. As I was sitting there, something just clicked and I knew at this moment that this major and career were right for me. This past event in high school was my “cannonball moment” where I realized I wanted to help others because of what I experienced.
Mariah Carey Clinical Mental Health Counseling
A cannonball moment that I have experienced that influenced my decision to be in a helping profession occurred when I was in high school. I was a senior at my school, and I was on the tennis team. Each year we had a handful of freshmen who joined the team, and this specific year one of the new girls was struggling with the adjustment to high school and attempted suicide. The girl was at a hospital over an hour away, and since all of her friends were freshmen they did not have their driver's license so I took them to visit her while she was recovering. After the initial visit I decided to continue to visit the girl and we became very close once she came back home. I became somewhat of a mentor to her, we spent a lot of time together and she often looked to me for help when she was in difficult situations or needed support. I felt very close to this girl because during her recovery, her parents attempted to heal their daughter by purchasing her expensive items and paying for her to go on luxurious vacations. My friend was not provided with the appropriate mental health resources to support her in forming coping skills and working through her issues. I tried my best to be that resource, but at age 17 there were limits to my knowledge on mental health issues and how to assist someone experiencing what my friend was experiencing. Throughout my senior year we were inseparable, but when summer rolled around we started to spend less time together because I was working and found a significant other. One day while I was at work I received a call that my friend had attempted suicide again, and this time she was nearly successful. I was heartbroken at this news, I felt guilty that I was unable to prevent her attempt and that I was not there for her when she needed support. I always knew that I wanted to work in a helping profession, and this situation made me realize that through education I could learn how to provide appropriate mental health services. I felt helpless in the past, but through my studies as a Clinical Mental Health Counseling major here at The University of Scranton I have faith that I can change the lives of others who may be struggling with mental illness. This was when my eyes were opened to see the world in a new light, and I am grateful that I was able to discover my purpose in life.
I do believe things happen for a reason. The question of what my cannonball moment is, took a deeper reflection than I had anticipated. If someone asked me what my cannonball moment was two months ago, I could easily share how my path shifted after a loss. However, thinking about my time in practicum and sharing with a professor about what I have been thinking and feeling, we identified I am currently in a cannonball moment. I have been enjoying the 1-1 counseling, seeing the appreciation and growth from clients, and feeling true pride and fulfillment in my professional work. This is something I have not experienced during my prior 10 years in a different profession. I want to allow these feelings to grow. So, when I learned a cannonball moment can be a moment in which your eyes open to see the world in a new light, that really resonated with me. I truly feel my eyes have opened up to a bigger future for myself. One where I can pursue the type of 1-1 counseling I have been enjoying, along with continuing my initial goal of becoming a school counselor. While my path is not changing, as with other cannonball moments, I feel it is just expanding to allow for further fulfillment. I am thankful this program has instilled the importance of self-reflection, which allowed me to take a deeper look on how I am feeling and identify this cannonball moment!
Caitlyn Cassera School Counseling