7 minute read
Faculty Publications
Brookover, D.L., Hanley, E.M., Boulden, R., & Johnson, K.F. (2021). “I want to be a first”: Student, family, and school factors influencing first-generation student college readiness. School Community Journal. https://www.adi.org/journal/currentissue/currentissue.pdf#page=41
Cabell, A., Brookover, D.L., Livingstone, A., & Carter, I. (2021). “It’s never too late: A phenomenological study on high school counselors’ support of underrepresented minority students. The Professional Counselor. https://tpcjournal.nbcc.org/wp- content/uploads/2021/05/Pages-143-160-Cabell-Its-NeverToo-Late-Underrepresented- Students-Interest-in-STEM.pdf
Clark, R., Wilder, D., Kelley, M., & Ryan V. (2020). Evaluation of instructions and video modeling to train parents to implement a structured meal procedure to decrease food selectivity among children with autism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1, 1-5.
Freitas, L., Henry, J. E., Kelley, M. E., & Tonneau, F. (2020). The effects of stimulus pairings on autistic children's vocalizations: Comparing forward and backward pairings. Behavioural processes, 179, 104213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104213
Henry, J. E., Kelley, M. E., LaRue, R. H., Kettering, T. L., Gadaire, D. M., & Sloman, K. N. (2021). Integration of Experimental Functional Analysis Procedural Advancements: Progressing from Brief to Extended Experimental Analyses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54, 1045-1061.
Morgan, O.J. (June 2020). Last word: Illness is not always about genes or pathogens. Science of Psychotherapy Magazine, pp. 51-53
Morgan, O.J. (2021, November). Addiction recovery in a time of social distancing: Covid-19 and recoveryoriented practice (rev). The Science of Psychotherapy Magazine, pp. 36-57.
Nawrocki, J.T., Morgan, O.J., Thomas, L.C. (2021). Effectiveness of cognitive and behavioral therapies on cancer patients' psychosocial distress and recommendations for tailored care. Current updates in Cancer Research Journal, 1(2), 11-18.
Robinson, T., & Kelley, M. E. (2020). Renewal and Resurgence Phenomena Generalize to Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 113, 206-213.
*Watkins, S. C., *Kaopuiki-Nestrick, K. H., Lund, S. K., & Bordonada, T. M. (2021) Strengthening the family unit: Building resilience in our communities during COVID-19. Counselors for Social Justice May 2021 Newsletter.
Manuscripts in Press
Chan, C. D., *Silverio, N., & Bordonada, T. M. (in press) Complicated tensions of caregiving for LGBTQ+ older adults of color in COVID-19. Conceptual articled accepted for Journal of Social Issues.
Herrick, S. J., & Datti, P. A. (in press). Autism spectrum disorder and sexual minority status: Sex education and counseling implications. Literature review and practical article accepted in the American Journal of Sex Education
Kelley, M. E., Clark, R., McGarry, K.M., Morgan, A. C., Henry, J. E., Gadaire, D. M., & Sloman, K. N. (in press). Multiple Schedules Facilitate Rapid Noncontingent Reinforcement Schedule Thinning. Behavior Analysis: Research in Practice.
*Denotes graduate student co-author
Manuscripts in Press (con’t)
McGarry, K. M. & Kelley, M. E. (In press). Tele-health based Brief FA. Journal of Behavioral Education.
Lund, S. K., & Bordonada, T. M. (in press) Trans college athletes. Conceptual article accepted for Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness.
Troy, M. L., Lund, S. K., & Datti. P. A. (in press). The relationship between Fitness for the Profession and ethical development: An undergraduate human services program model. Journal of Human Services.
Book Chapters
Gadaire, D. M., Kelley, M. E., & LaRue, R. H. (2021). Indirect behavioral assessments: Interviews and rating scales. In Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, & Henry S. Roane (Ed.) Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis. New York: The Guildford Press.
Morgan, O.J. (2021). Addiction recovery in a time of social distancing: Covid-19 and recovery oriented practice. In Daniel Siegel, Allan Schore, and Louis Cozolino (eds), Interpersonal Neurobiology and Clinical Practice, Chapter 10 (pp. 215-233). W.W.Norton. [Interpersonal Neurobiology Series]
Podlesnik, C. A., Jimenez-Gomez, C, & Kelley, M. E. (2021). Matching and Behavioral Momentum. In Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, & Henry S. Roane (Ed.) Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis. New York: The Guildford Press
Comprehensive Reports:
Datti, P. A. (2021). CSHSE Interim Self-Study Report for Reaccreditation. Council for Standards of Human Service Education Accreditation, Alexandria, VA.
Faculty Presentations
Referred Presentation (State):
Datti, P. A., & Kratsa, K. (2021, November). LGBTQ+ 101: Empowering counselors and counselor trainees to provide competent and affirming care. Presentation provided at the annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association fall conference, King of Prussia, PA.
Invited Presentation (State):
Charette, J., Dalton, S. E., Loeffler, D., Y Datti, P. (2021, November). Putting it into practice: Complexities in caring for lgbtq+ clients, families, and systems Half-day pre-conference institute provided at the annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association fall conference, King of Prussia, PA
*Denotes graduate student co-author
Invited Presentation (National):
Barrio, C., Patel, S., Bordonada, T. M., & Feather, K. (October 22, 2021) Guest Panelist for virtual roundtable session, Successfully Navigating a Doctoral Program, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision biennial conference.
Brookover, D.L., Duyile, B., Jones, J., Robins, L., & Cannedy, M. (2021, October). Accessible, innovative, and ethical: Publicly available online data for sampling and analysis in counselor education. Symposium for the 2021 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Datti, P. A., & Herrick, S. J. (2021, June). All these Isms: Understanding privilege, power, and oppression in personal and professional relationships. Two-hour special presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education 2021 Summer Conference, online. https://ncre.org/summer-2021-conference/
Datti, P. A., Heekyung, L., Herrick, S. J., Lu, J., Pan, D.; Stevens, R., & Yalamanchili, P. (2021, June). From students to full professors: Career trajectories of your rehabilitation counseling colleagues in academia. Panel presentation at the National Council on Rehabilitation Education 2021 Summer Conference, online. https://ncre.org/summer-2021-conference/
Horton-Parker, R., Datti, P. A., & Feis-Christy, M. A. (2021, October). Discussion of best practices with TUA faculty chapter advisors. Round table panel discussion presented at the National Organization for Human Services Conference, online. https://nohs.memberclicks.net/2021-national-conference-schedule
Moran, D. & Brookover, D.L. (2021, October). Fortifying the future: Career interest of school counselor educators. Symposium for the 2021 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Professional Presentations
Bordonada, T. M., *Chestnut, K., & *McElhill, M. L. (2021, November). Counseling Deaf Individuals from a Developmental & Multicultural Framework. Presented at the 53rd Annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
Lund, S. K., & Bordonada, T. M. (2021, October). Now and Later: Supporting Student Well-Being During Ambiguous Times. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision biennial conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Lund, S. K., Green, C., Hanna, T., & Coombs, A. (November, 2021). PCA Committee for Anti-Racism and Inclusive Action (CARIA): Origins, Purpose, and Future Directions. Presented at the 53rd Annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
Troy, M. L., (2021, November). Wanna Advocate for Social Justice? Better Know Your History! Presented at the 53rd Annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
Troy, M. L., & Lund, S. K. (2021, October). Creative Approaches to Engaging Students in the Classroom/ Zoom Room Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision biennial conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Willis, B., Schmidt, C., & Wahesh, E. (2021, October). Examining The Content And Perceptions Of Peer Feedback Given In Group Supervision. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision biennial conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
*Denotes graduate student co-author
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
The CRC credential is specific to Master’s of Rehabilitation Counseling. The passing of this exam ensures that the counselor fits in nationally with the key competencies for the field. Possessing this credential makes a Rehabilitation Counselor more marketable and distinguished among other counseling professionals. This credential also demonstrates one’s commitment to learning through education, trainings, and practice. The credential can also lead to job placement, advancement in the position or salary, and referrals from medical and non-medical professionals. For more information about the exam and benefits of the credentials please see https://www.crccertification.com/about-crc-certification .
National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification
This exam is used to assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required for effective counseling. Passing the NCE is a requirement in many states and used in military health system services. Passing is also needed to get the National Certified Counselor (NCC) credentials. The NCC is the largest national counselor certification in the world. There are specialty certification is addictions, school counseling and clinical mental health as well. For more information about this exam, the benefits, and the difference between a national certification and state licensure, please see http://nbcc.org/Certification/CertificationorLicensure
Human Services Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP)
Graduates of the CHS program are eligible to sit for the Human Services - Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP) exam to receive the HS-BCP credential. The credential allows for independent verification of practical knowledge and educational background in human services. With increased competition in this growing field, becoming board certified in human services shows attainment of high standards and allows you to stand out as a part of a distinguished group known for commitment to maintaining excellence in the field. With the number of human services jobs expected to climb rapidly this decade, the HS-BCP credential can help launch a rewarding career. Note that this is one of the very few credentials offered at the undergraduate level. Because of our program's accreditation status with CSHSE, University of Scranton CHS majors who have 15 credits or less to complete are eligible to apply for the credential and sit for the examination prior to graduation. Please see the Center for Credentialing Education’s (CCE) website for more information on the credential and exam: http://www.cce-global.org/HSBCP.
On October 14, 2021, The University of Scranton held its 20th annual disABILITY Conference, which I was honored to be a part of. This year’s focus was on exploring autism across the spectrum. It integrated three (3) live and six (6) recorded sessions online which was led by highly respected leaders in our field and invited guests. Each keynote presentation narrowed in on a specific topic. Topics ranged from discussing strategies to employ those with autism to parent’s sharing personal stories of their child with autism. One keynote presentation that I enjoyed, was AJ Paron-Wildes and her son Devin Wildes. Devin was diagnosed with severe autism at the age of 3 years. All his mother AJ wanted, was to hear his voice and for him to be able to communicate. Not only did he learn how to speak, but he found his voice through art. Now as a young adult, he sells his art and professionally talks about his art around the country. I was truly motivated by the presentation and took away that anyone can accomplish anything if they are truly passionate. Devin has clearly found his purpose in art and has beat the odds. The conference not only opened my mind about what life is like for someone who lives with autism, but it offered specific ways in which I can advocate for people with autism. Overall, I thought this year’s conference was a huge success and I am excited to see what next year’s conference entails.
Written by: Mackenzie Machell