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•McCulloch, S. (2021). Animal sentience bill is necessary for the UK to be a true world leader in animal welfare. https://theconversation.com/animal-sentience-bill-is-necessary-for-the-uk-to-be-a-true-world-leader-inanimal-welfare-165576?utm_medium=amptwitter&utm_source=twitter • McCulloch, S. (2021). Animal Sentience: The Conservatives would be batty to vote against it. https://www. politics.co.uk/comment/2021/08/05/animal-sentience-the-conservatives-would-be-batty-to-vote-against-it/


•Clough, DL, (2022). The end of creatures, Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Theology,

University of Warwick. [keynote]. • Clough, DL, (2022). Christian ethics and farmed animal welfare, University of Oklahoma Institute for the Study of

Human Flourishing. • Clough, DL, (2021). On the mindfulness of nature, American Academy of Religion Panel ‘On the Mindfulness of


•Clough, DL, (2021). A Christian ethical assessment of farming animals and How humans use animals, Quelle éthique chrétienne pour les animaux? conference, Paris [keynotes]. • Clough, DL, (2021). Dominion in crisis: the vocation of Christians in a world on fire, Catholic Concern for Animals

AGM, London. [invited].

•Clough, DL, (2021). Animal salvation in modern protestant theology, ‘Quel Salut Pour Les Animaux?’ conference,

Paris. [invited].

•Gadenne D. (2021). Veganism and the veterinary profession. International Association of Vegan Sociology (IAVS)

Annual Conference [online].

•Knight A. (2022). Should cats and dogs go vegan? Darwin College, University of Cambridge. [invited oral, within the 2022 lecture series on ‘Food’]. https://youtu.be/YxjGa0MXfAc. • Knight A and Zemanova M (2022). Educational animal use and alternatives. Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Science Week 2022. Gold Coast, Australia. [via webinar]. • Knight A. (2022). To what extent should we protect animals’ rights? Somerville College, University of Oxford. [invited].

•Knight A. (2022). Should cats and dogs go vegan? Webinarvet seminar series. https://www.thewebinarvet. com/webinar/can-your-clients-dog-really-be-vegan-the-all-you-need-to-know-guide-for-the-most-recentfeeding-frenzy. [invited]. • Knight A (2021). Vegan and other alternative pet foods for dogs and cats. The 2nd International Electronic

Conference on Animals— Global Sustainability and Animals: Welfare, Policies and Technologies. [invited plenary, via webinar].

•Knight A (2021). Farmed poultry: animal welfare concerns. ACAW animal welfare seminar series, [via webinar]. • Knight A (2021). Educational animal use and alternatives. Conference on Humane Innovations in Education,

University of Sarajevo, [via webinar]. • Knight A, Mace J, O’Brien C and Carter A (2021). Enriching learning whilst reducing staff time via a screencast-

based flipped classroom. 20th European Conference on e‐Learning ‐ ECEL 2021, University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW). [via webinar], [shortlisted for 2021 e‐Learning Excellence Award].

•Knight A (2021). Was Jack the Ripper a slaughterman? Human-animal violence and the world’s most infamous serial killer. Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey. [invited keynote, via webinar]. • Lymbery, P. (2022) One Health, One Welfare: how protecting people, means protecting animals too. The

International Department of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)

Webinar on Food, Farming and One Health. • Lymbery, P. (2021) Environmental health, climate change and human-animal welfare: the Interlink? 5th Africa

Animal Welfare Conference – Action 2021: One Health, One Welfare - For a Better and Greener Tomorrow.

•Lymbery, P. (2021) Impacts of factory farming for animals, people and the planet. Eurogroup for Animals and

The Good Lobby High-level Panel Event – The Intersection of Trade and Animal Welfare in Sustainable Food

Systems. • Lymbery, P. (2021) Rewilding the soil. South Yorkshire Biodiversity Research Group (SYBRG) Rewilding the Soil and Land Conference.

•Lymbery, P. (2021) Implementation of One Welfare within food systems. One Welfare Conference. • Lymbery, P. (2021) The development of intensive farming in a post-pandemic era: the key role of global consumers in promoting animal welfare. 5th Good Food Summit, China on finding and incubating the Chinese best practices and solutions for food systems, to enhance the localisation of the 2030 proposal among Chinese organisations and activists.

•Lymbery, P. (2021) Lessons from a pandemic. 5th China Animal Health and Food Safety Conference. • McCulloch, S. P. (2021). Promoting high animal welfare standards abroad, implications for future trade policy, and banning the export of live animals for slaughter and fattening. Animal health, welfare, and standards in the

UK. Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum policy conference. • McCulloch, S. P. (2022). Everyday ethics comes to BVA Live. BVA Live. Birmingham, UK. • McCulloch, S. P. (2022). National mechanisms to represent animals in policy. AnimaLaw: Visions for the future.

UK Centre for Animal Law and UFAW. [Online].

•Riley, L. M. (2022). Welfare concepts and assessment: psychological and behavioural measurement. ABWAK

Flamingo Workshop. [Keynote]. • Zemanova M. A., Knight A. and Lybaek S. (2021). Difficult paradigm shift? Reasons for continued animal use for educational purposes revealed in non-technical summaries. 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal

Use in the Life Sciences. [poster, virtual].

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