2016 welcome Pack

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Welcome 2016-17

Welcome We are delighted that you have chosen to study at the University of Winchester and hope that your time here will be rewarding, challenging and enjoyable. Now that you have decided to come and study here, there are some practical matters to think about. This pack is designed to assist you with your preparations before arriving at University and make your first week as easy as possible. It also provides all the information you will need to register and enrol with us.

We very much look forward to welcoming you in person in September.

Professor Joy Carter Vice-Chancellor

Harry Sampson Student Union President 2016/17

If you have any queries, please contact Arrivals Helpline on +44 (0) 1962 827321 or email arrivalshelpline@winchester.ac.uk and we will be happy to help you.

UoW Mobile App

Information at your fingertips Features include: • Campus maps • PC Finder – location of nearest PC • Module information – personal to you • Directory Search • Student Union information • Sports facilities • Pocket Guide – useful facts about the University • News and events from the University & the SU • Laundry View – availability of washers and dryers in the launderettes on campus • Arrivals Weekend and Welcome Week information • Library - search resources, manage your borrower account, reserve and renew books • Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) • Catering information

For more information: www.winchester.ac.uk/mobileapp


Contents Online registration and frequently asked questions


Faculty information


General information for on-campus students


Registration and enrolment 5 Students studying on-site 5 Timetables 5 Welcome Week Programme Inductions 5 Campus cards 5 Arrivals Weekend


Welcome Week


Students studying on campus: to do Enrolment dates and times

8-9 11

Headstart timetable


Distance / flexible learning / weekend delivery students: general information


Information, advice and support: for all students


Academic Skills activities


Academic English support for international and EU students


Finance matters


Fees and how to pay


Winchester Student Union


IT: a few details


Food on campus


Foundation Music


Winchester Hub


Institute for Value Studies


What is a H.E.A.R.?


Erasmus and exchange study abroad opportunities


Bookshop 25 Online study opportunities


Student Charter


Summary of key terms and conditions


How to find the University of Winchester


Useful contacts


Standard semester and attendance dates



Online registration All students must register online between 1 September and 7 September 2016. Failure to register will delay your enrolment onto your course.

Have you uploaded your photo? If you have not already done so, as part of the online registration process you will be asked to upload a valid, high quality passport style photo showing your head and shoulders. This photo must only be of yourself and no-one else must appear in the frame. Please ensure you have a suitable photo on your computer before beginning the process. Guidance on how to upload a photo is at https://apps.winchester.ac.uk/photoupload


What help is available? Where appropriate, detailed information and links are available on each screen as you proceed. If you have any problems with the online registration process or any other query relating to your arrival here at Winchester, please telephone the Arrivals Helpline on 01962 827321, open Monday – Friday 10:00 – 16:00 from 18 August to 23 September. Or email arrivalshelpline@winchester.ac.uk

What do I do if I have lost my username and password logon details? You should contact the ITS Helpdesk on 01962 827654 or email: servicedesk@winchester.ac.uk Have your student number (7-digit reference number in confirmation letter) to hand when you contact them.


A quick guide to registering online You will have received your username and password details in your confirmation letter or directly in an email. Please go online to: www.winchester.ac.uk/register

The registration process Once you have logged in with your username and password, you will be able to move from page to page using the Next button. You will see screens that look like this:

Frequently asked questions When can I register? You will be able to register online from 1 September and no later than 7 September 2016.

I don’t have a suitable photo to upload Please ask a friend or family member to take a photo of your head and shoulders using a digital camera or mobile phone and download this onto your computer. Make sure the image is clear then upload this photo as part of the online registration process. Please see https://apps.winchester.ac.uk/photoupload for help.

How long will the registration process take? Approximately five to ten minutes.

What will I need? Your username and password which you were sent as an applicant in your offer letter/email, or your confirmation letter/ email. Your term-time contact address – if you are moving into University housing it is advisable to have your letter confirming your address before registering (if you have not yet received your allocation please do not leave these fields blank but provide your address details where we can contact you). Please do not provide a work address, as we will be unable to contact you there. Your Unique Learner Number (ULN) – please refer to the guidance given by UCAS if you are not sure what this number is: www.ucas.com/advisers/guides-and-resources/adviser-news/ news/unique-learner-number-uln. If you are a Research Student and have been issued with your Research Identifier Number, please have this to hand. Pen and paper to write your own notes. A suitable photo for upload if you have not already done so.

How do I navigate through the process? Each screen has a next button, which will take you to the next screen in the process.

At the end of the process, please ensure you click on the ‘Next’ button (if you don’t, you will have to complete the process again). This will log you out of the registration process and take you back to the initial log in page. You are now registered with the University – congratulations!

I am unable to progress to the next screen Mandatory fields should appear with an asterisk (*) and you will not be able to continue the process if any of these fields have been left blank.

I have entered the information in a previous screen incorrectly. Can I go back and change the information? There is a back button on the Internet browser toolbar. Click the back button to return to the previous screen where you can alter any information you had entered.

I have been timed-out of the process As a security measure, you will be timed-out of the process if there are prolonged periods of inactivity. If this occurs, you should log in again, with your updated password and you will be taken to the relevant screen to continue.

I queried my programme (course) details and received an information message The information message appeared because we need to confirm your programme details. Our Admissions or Registry teams will be in touch with you over the next few working days at the contact details you provided, with instructions on how to proceed. You need to wait until you have heard from Admissions or Registry before logging in again.

What happens next? You will be required to formally enrol with the University and, for students studying in Winchester, this will form part of your induction on arrival (see page 11). Your IT account will be converted to a full student account and will normally be ready for use straightaway. If you will be studying at a location other than Winchester, please visit www.winchester.ac.uk/register to complete a Verification of Identification Form (using the online instructions for guidance).

PERSONAL DATA The University, and Student Union, holds personal data on its students and alumni and in compliance with our legal obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 we are required to explain what data is held and the purposes for which it will be processed and disclosed. These details will be provided to you as part of the registration process and you will be asked to confirm that you give your consent to the University and Student Union processing and disclosing your information as described. As part of this process you will also be informed about how to object to the processing of your personal data.



Faculty information Introduction to your Faculty and your programme Students studying on-site Programme Induction meetings for undergraduate and postgraduate students All students should attend Programme Induction meetings as these will provide you with the opportunity to meet your Programme Leader, Programme Administrator and members of the teaching staff, and to receive important timetable and course information. Programme Induction meetings will be held during Welcome Week or during the first week of teaching. A detailed timetable of all meetings will be available on Faculty websites in early August and from your Faculty offices and at enrolment. www.winchester.ac.uk/register


Faculty of Arts (ART) Dean of Faculty: Alasdair Spark (Acting) Faculty Manager: Tracy Hixson Faculty Office: 2nd Floor, St Edburga Building Opening times: • Welcome Week and Week 1: 09.30-16.30 • Week 2 onwards: 10.00-15.30 (Mon-Fri) For further information please visit our faculty website or email: Arts.Admin@winchester.ac.uk

Faculty of Business, Law and Sport (BLS) Dean of Faculty: Professor David Birks Faculty Manager: Louise Tewkesbury Faculty Office: West Downs Centre Opening times: • Welcome Week and Week 1: 09.30-16.30 • Week 2 onwards: 10.00-15.30 (Mon-Fri) For further information, please visit our faculty website or email: BLSenquiries@winchester.ac.uk

Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care (EHSC) Dean of Faculty: Dr Janice de Sousa (Acting) Faculty Manager: John Brackstone Faculty Office: Department of Teacher Development (DTD): St Grimbald’s Court Education Studies/Liberal Arts (ESLA): Alwyn Middle Interprofessional Studies (IPS): Alwyn West Opening times: • Welcome Week and Week 1: 09.30-16.30 • Week 2 onwards: 10.00-15.30 (Mon-Fri) For further information, please visit our faculty website or email EHSCenquiries@winchester.ac.uk

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Dean of Faculty: Professor Kristyan Spelman Miller Faculty Manager: Lisa Simpkin (Acting) Faculty Office: Medecroft Opening times: • Welcome Week and Week 1: 09.30-16.30 • Week 2 onwards: 10:00-15:30 (Mon-Fri) For further information, please visit our faculty website or email: HSSenquiries@winchester.ac.uk


General information for on-campus students

Timetables You will receive your personal timetable at the end of Welcome Week (provided you have fully registered and enrolled). We are unable to release timetable information any earlier than this, but we can confirm that standard teaching takes place between 09:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday. If you have any specific queries, then please contact your home Faculty using the contact details on page 4.

Registration and enrolment Before you can commence your studies, you must complete a two-part process as follows: 1. Register online prior to arrival. ALL students must register online between 1 September from 10.00 and by no later than 7 September. Instructions on how to register online are included in this pack.

Welcome Week Programme Inductions

2. F ormally enrol. This second part is a mandatory process which all new students must complete before studying can commence.

During Welcome Week there will be a number of programme-related events for you to attend. Details of your programme inductions will be available on the University website in early August at www.winchester.ac.uk/register

Students studying on-site

Campus cards

Completion of your enrolment as a student studying at the Winchester site (including King Alfred Campus and West Downs Campus) will take place during Welcome Week, when you will:

Every student is issued with a multi-function card which is used for identity (the card incorporates a photograph), borrowing learning resources from the Library, as a catering card, printing, laptop loan scheme and security access. As part of the registration process you must upload a valid photograph of yourself in order to progress through registration. Please note that some students will be issued with their campus card before completing enrolment in order to access certain areas of the accommodation. This does not mean that you have finished the enrolment process, and you are still required to formally enrol (see page 11 for further details).

• pay your tuition fees in full or submit your Direct Debit form (if you have not applied for a fees loan) • pay your accommodation occupation fees (if appropriate) • receive your Student Handbook which contains Academic Regulations for your programme • students with a disability or learning difference should meet the Disability Team as soon as possible to ensure relevant support is in place for you. They will be in The Zone over Arrivals Weekend and throughout Welcome Week. • UK students moving in to halls should register with a doctor (go to The Zone over Arrivals Weekend or during Welcome Week), for which you will need the name and address of your previous surgery • apply for your National Union of Students (NUS) card, giving you membership of the National Union of Students • show your Student Finance Letter to the Finance team (if applicable) • receive your student campus card • attend your programme induction meetings • participate in the rolling programme of academic/social activities Check your “TO DO” list for further details.



Arrivals Weekend

for students moving in to university managed accommodation

Disabled students

If you have already had a needs assessment and want to get ahead of the crowds during Welcome Week then do come along to the Zone between 10:00 and 16:00 on Saturday 17 September or Sunday 18 September and meet with a Disability Adviser. If you bring a copy of your needs assessment, evidence (and timetable if you know it) the adviser can draw up your learning agreement and start to put your support in place. If you can’t make it on Saturday or Sunday then do make sure you come along and meet a disability adviser after you have enrolled during the week.

Saturday 17 September – Sunday 18 September



Only students living in University-managed accommodation are required to arrive during the weekend of 17/18 September however all students are welcome to attend any of the social and Headstart events (see pages 12-13) which are taking place over the weekend and during welcome week. All students enrolling for programmes taught on campus (excluding programmes taught solely at the weekends) must attend their enrolment session (see details on page 11) and any Faculty and programme related sessions.

Arrival for all students in Universitymanaged accommodation (both on- and off-campus accommodation) If you have been allocated a room in University accommodation and gone on to accept this, you will have booked an arrival slot on either Saturday 17 or Sunday 18 September, and you must stick to the slot you have elected to arrive in. Information on arrivals can also be viewed at www.winchester.ac.uk/arrivals

Arrival for international students (overseas, EU, Erasmus, Visiting, US exchange) studying at the Winchester site To benefit from your Orientation Programme, you are encouraged to arrive on Saturday 17 September (or Sunday 18 September if you are unable to arrive on Saturday). A free airport pickup service is offered from Heathrow Airport on Saturday 17 September only. Please check the International Handbook for more information: www.winchester.ac.uk/register

Your home Faculty

Need some help with your IT?

IT Services will be open to assist you during the arrivals weekend. If you need some help or advice on getting connected, please come and visit us (locations will be clearly signposted).

Refreshments on arrival

The catering facilities in the University Centre and Kenneth Kettle Building (King Alfred Campus) and the Winchester Business School (West Downs Campus) will be open if you wish to buy refreshments. Café Life, located near the key issue area at West Downs, will be open from 08:00. There will also be a quiet space for parents/guardians/family in St Alphege 301, where some talks aimed specifically at families will be given.

As well as catering, on arrivals weekend many facilities on the King Alfred Campus will be open, including the Library and Student Services, Registry and Finance (all in the Zone) and you can ask questions, register with a GP, check out the Library resources, and talk to Faculty representatives who will also be on site. So come down, have a cup of coffee and have a look at the facilities.

Your confirmation letter accompanying this pack will tell you the name of your ‘home’ Faculty. Please make a note of this as your arrival and activities during Welcome Week depend on which Faculty you are in. You will find contact details about your Faculty on page 8, and representatives from your Faculty will be here in St Alphege foyer, Main Campus, over the weekend.


Welcome Week Monday 19 September – Friday 23 September

Student helpers

Student Helpers will be all around the campus during Arrivals Weekend and Welcome Week, and are easy to spot in their brightly coloured Student Helper t-shirts! They are here to welcome you and answer your questions, so look out for them.



Headstart is a rolling programme of talks running throughout the week. These talks are all designed to help you settle in to life here at Winchester and will include an opportunity to meet with many different people including the Student Union, the Student Services teams and the Security Team. During these talks the teams will cover what each of their services can offer you in the way of help, information, advice and guidance during your time here. The Careers team will introduce you to ways of finding out about all the work and volunteering opportunities available. The Academic Skills team will explore with you what is different about studying in higher education including: • How you can manage your time • How to get to grips with academic reading • How to get a SMART Buddy and how will that help you with your study Commuting students are advised to attend one of the talks on travel and parking. None of the Headstart sessions are mandatory but each of them is helpful in giving you additional information that will ease you into life at University. So please do come along if you can. If you want to reserve a seat at the SU/ Student Services talk you can do this by going onto the SU Website – the address can be found on the Headstart timetable on pages 12-13.

Life at University – UniSmart™ is a presentation and show with a twist! The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Joy Carter, warmly invites all students to attend this show and presentation. This is a free event and includes information that will help you make the most of your time here at Winchester. Please see the Headstart timetable for dates and times and keep an eye on The University of Winchester Facebook page www.facebook.com/UniversityofWinchester, and follow the SU on Twitter for more information nearer your arrival.


Students studying on campus: to do Before you arrive and when you are here

Before you arrive All students must register online and upload a suitable photograph (see pages 2-3) UK and EU students, full-time and part-time: students from England can apply to Student Finance England for student support. Please visit www.gov.uk/student-finance for more information about applying for finance. Students from Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland should apply to their relevant Student Finance organisation. Students from the EU should apply to Student Finance: www.gov.uk/studentfinance If you have not applied for student support and are studying full-time or part-time and paying for your own fees, you must complete and return the direct debit form (that will be emailed to you over the summer) to the Finance department by 21 October 2016. Some students may have the option to pay in instalments. Please see www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsandmoney If a sponsor has agreed to pay your fees (for example, employer, company, school or research council) please ensure you obtain written confirmation from them and bring it with you. See ‘Can my employer, company, school or research council pay my tuition fees?’ (see Finance matters from page 22)


Residential students: you should fill in your Accommodation Fee (Direct Debit) Payment Form (emailed to you over the summer, or available during the online room acceptance process) and return it to the Finance department by 16 September 2016 Open a student bank account Ensure that you have had the MMR and Meningitis ACWY vaccines UK full-time students fill in an HC1 form for assessment for free or reduced health costs (such as NHS prescriptions, NHS dental treatment and sight tests). If you are eligible for this support you will be sent an HC2 exemption certificate. HC1 forms can be obtained from GP surgeries, dental practices, Post Offices and Benefit Agencies

Virtual learning environment Log in to Canvas (the University’s new Virtual Learning Environment where you can access course information, including lecture materials, handbooks, reading lists and contact information for key staff) by going to www.winchester.ac.uk and clicking ‘login’ at the top right of the screen. This will take you to the student intranet homepage where you can click on ‘Canvas’. Your modules and programme homepage will appear in your ‘dashboard’. UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER | WELCOME PACK 2016 | WWW.WINCHESTER.AC.UK

International students should refer to the International Student Handbook enclosed for your pre-arrival checklists For students offered University accommodation, ensure you have accepted your room online and read through the handbooks and regulations for living in our accommodation For students in University accommodation, scan your PC from home to save time when you get here. Type this line into your browser and follow the instructions: scan. winchester.ac.uk If you have disclosed a disability please complete the additional requirements form that has been emailed to you. Learning module: watch the video on academic conduct and complete the quiz.

Things to bring to your enrolment Letter from the University which confirms your place on the course Proof of identity – any one of the following documents will be acceptable: Birth Certificate, Passport, Driving Licence, Marriage Certificate, Adoption or Deed Poll Certificate (documents must be original: photocopies are not acceptable). If you are an international student you must bring your Passport and Visa/ entry clearance documentation and original proof of your entry qualifications to be checked. For visa nationals this will involve scanning your passport and visa into our University system, to comply with Home Office monitoring requirements. If you have applied to Student Finance you must bring your Financial Notification Letter which is sent to you by Student Finance. If you have not received your Financial Notification Letter before enrolment, you must bring the latest correspondence you have received and hand it to the Finance Team at enrolment If a sponsor has agreed to pay your fees, you must bring a letter or purchase order to confirm this (this must include the full billing address). Please hand the form to the Finance team at enrolment If you are self-financing (paying your own fees) you must pay in full by or at enrolment or complete a Tuition Fee Direct Debit form and hand it to the Finance Team at enrolment

During Arrivals Weekend Visit St Alphege for an opportunity to meet representatives from your Faculty and find out more about Welcome Week and induction activities. For students living in University accommodation please come to the Zone (locations will be signposted) and register with a doctor (see the pack handed to you with your room key).

If you are dyslexic or have another learning difference such as dyspraxia, please bring a copy of your most recent Educational Psychologist’s report and, if possible, your Needs Assessment. Please bring these with you to Student Services and meet with a Disability Adviser If you have any other disability, please bring the appropriate documentation and evidence to support this. Please bring these documents with you to Student Services and meet with a Disability Adviser If you have arranged for official financial aid or government sponsorship that pays for your course fees, you must provide us with a confirmation letter from the financial organisation. This letter must be on official headed paper or stationery of the relevant organisation and have the official stamp of that organisation on it. The letter should show: •

your name

the name and contact details of the financial sponsor

the date of the letter

the length of the sponsorship

• the amount of money the financial sponsor will pay towards your course fees or a statement from the sponsor that all of the tuition fees will be covered.

During Welcome Week Enrol* Go to your programme events Attend a SU/Student Services talk (see Headstart programme) Attend a UniSmart show Attend an Academic Skills session International students should refer to the International Student Handbook for information on registering with the doctor and other health information. If you have a disability, meet with a Disability Adviser if you do not do this over Arrivals Weekend *International students: have your visa/passport/entry clearance scanned and your entry qualifications verified before enrolment





Enrolment dates and times Enrolment takes place in The Stripe (Building 17, see map on page 42). Please arrive at the appropriate time stated below (the letter confirming your place at the University states your home Faculty).


Faculty of Arts


Faculty of Business, Law and Sport


Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Monday 19 September 2016 Time


08:45 to 10:15

PGCE (all) plus PGCE University-based School Direct

10:15 to 12:00

All non-teaching EHSC students (UG and PG)

12:00 to 13:15

BEd/MEd (Primary Teaching students) surnames A to G

14:15 to 15:30

BEd/MEd (Primary Teaching students) surnames H to Z

15:30 to 16:30

International Students (including EU) surnames A to N

16:30 to 18:00

International Students (including EU) surnames O to Z *

16:30 to 17:30

CGI and Degree Apprenticeship Programmes *

* these sessions will run concurrently in the same location

Tuesday 20 September 2016 Time


08:30 to 09:30

Exchange/Visiting/Erasmus students

09:30 to 10:45

ART surnames A to G (UG and PG)

10:45 to 12:00

ART surnames H to L (UG and PG)

13:00 to 14:30

HSS surnames A to E (UG and PG)

14:30 to 16:15

HSS surnames G to O (UG and PG)

16:15 to 18:15

HSS surnames P to Z (UG and PG)

Wednesday 21 September 2016 Time


08:30 to 09:45

ART surnames M to S (UG and PG)

09:45 to 11:00

ART surnames T to Z (UG and PG)

11:00 to 12:45

BLS surnames A to G (UG and PG)

13:45 to 15:30

BLS surnames H to O (UG and PG)

15:30 to 17:00

BLS surnames P to Z (UG and PG)

17:00 to 18:15

Part-time, Postgraduate (including PG Diplomas, Masters), Childhood Studies Please note that you are encouraged to attend your Faculty enrolment session, but if you can’t make that day or time, then please come to this session instead.



Headstart timetable MONDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER


11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00

Book your place at www.winchesterstudents.co.uk

12:00 - 12:30


12:30 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:00

CANVAS Your Virtual Learning Environment - Essential info

14:00 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:00 12 15:00 - 15:30



TEN TOP TIPS FOR HE STUDY Our Academic Skills advisers will provide you with guidance on how to meet the challenges of HE study.

CAREERS We are here from 9am-5pm Come and find out about part-time jobs and volunteering in the local area, access careers advice and help writing your CV, and see if you’re eligible for the Winchester Employability Fund.

STUDENT UNION/STUDENT SERVICES TALK Book your place at www.winchesterstudents.co.uk

Want a SMART Buddy? * TEN TOP TIPS FOR HE STUDY Our Academic Skills advisers will provide you with guidance on how to meet the challenges of HE study.


A SHOW NOT TO BE MISSED Two sittings in The Stripe Auditorium, 15.30 and 17.30 Book your seat via the Student Union website: www.winchesterstudents.co.uk/events





10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 17:00

GREEN CAMPUS including travelling to Uni

Want a SMART Buddy? *



Meet and greet YOUR SECURITY STUDENT UNION/STUDENT SERVICES TALK Book your place at www.winchesterstudents.co.uk

Come and find out about part-time jobs and volunteering in the local area, access careers advice and help writing your CV, and see if you’re eligible for the Winchester Employability Fund.

CANVAS Your Virtual Learning Environment - Essential info

* Academic Skills Mentor, see page 20 for more information ** Academic Skills Mentors for International Students, see page 20 for more information

English quiz time

Want a SMART Buddy? *




SMART Companion Scheme

10:00 - 11:00

for international students **

11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00


12:00 - 12:30


12:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:00

STUDENT UNION/STUDENT SERVICES TALK Book your place at www.winchesterstudents.co.uk CANVAS Your Virtual Learning Environment - Essential info

TEN TOP TIPS FOR HE STUDY CAREERS We are here from 9am-5pm Come and find out about part-time jobs and volunteering in the local area, access careers advice and help writing your CV, and see if you’re eligible for the Winchester Employability Fund.

Our Academic Skills advisers will provide you with guidance on how to meet the challenges of HE study.

MATURE STUDENTS’ SPACE & STUDY SUPPORT Chill out and have a cup of tea with the Academic Skills team.

14:00 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:00



15:30 - 16:00

Want a SMART Buddy? * 13




11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:00

CANVAS Your Virtual Learning Environment - Essential info

12:00 - 12:30


12:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:00


10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30



STUDENT UNION/STUDENT SERVICES TALK Book your place at www.winchesterstudents.co.uk

11:30 - 12:00

CANVAS Your Virtual Learning Environment - Essential info

12:00 - 12:30


CAREERS We are here from 9am-5pm Come and find out about part-time jobs and volunteering in the local area, access careers advice and help writing your CV, and see if you’re eligible for the Winchester Employability Fund.


CAREERS We are here from 9am-5pm Come and find out about part-time jobs and volunteering in the local area, access careers advice and help writing your CV, and see if you’re eligible for the Winchester Employability Fund.

* Academic Skills Mentor, see page 20 for more information ** Academic Skills Mentors for International Students, see page 20 for more information


ERASMUS STUDENTS English quiz time

Want a SMART Buddy? *

Distance/flexible learning/weekend delivery students: general information All students must first register online and then enrol

A quick summary of the things you need to do

1 14

Register online (please complete this process as soon as you can after 1 September (1 December for programmes starting in January 2017) – you are not a student until you have completed both online registration and enrolment (Verification of Identification) processes

2 3

Enrol by completing the Verification of Identification process

C ontact your Programme Leader to confirm you have fully completed the enrolment process

If you are a distance and flexible learning student (i.e. you will not normally attend lectures or other academic activities on campus) or are registering for a programme which is being taught by weekend delivery you are not required to attend an enrolment session on campus. Once you have completed the online registration process you must enrol by filling in a ‘Verification of Identification’ form which can be accessed at www.winchester. ac.uk/register Please follow the instructions on the form and submit the required documentation (see form for submission information) as soon as possible and no later than two weeks after the official start date of your programme. You are not a student until you have completed both the online registration process and your ‘Verification of Identification’ form has been received and processed by staff in the Registry. You can contact Registry staff by emailing registry.enquiries@winchester.ac.uk

ID cards Your University ID card will be posted to you once you have completed the enrolment process. This card, the student campus card, is a combined identity, learning resources, library and catering card which you will be able to use to confirm your student status to a range of organisations and which you should bring with you if you do visit the University campus. You may also need it if visiting other university campuses.

University Mobile App All students, regardless of their mode and level of study, must register online. For programmes starting in September/ October the online process opens on Thursday 1 September. For programmes starting in January the online process will open on Thursday 1 December. Please go online to www.winchester. ac.uk/register and log in using the username and password you received in your confirmation letter or directly in an email from the University. Instructions on how to complete the online registration process can be found on pages 2-3 of this booklet.

Students can download the University Mobile App to access a range of information (for example campus maps, news, events, Students Union). The App is called UoW Mobile and is available for all web-enabled devices as well as a specific app for Apple and Android devices. You will be able to access some information by logging in as a guest but once your enrolment is complete you will be able to access password protected areas of the Mobile App too, such as directories and library catalogues.

As part of the online registration process you will be asked to upload a passport style photo showing your head and shoulders. The photo must only be of you and no-one else must appear in the frame. Please ensure you have a suitable photo on your computer before beginning the online registration process. Guidance on how to upload a photo can be found at https://apps.winchester.ac.uk/photoupload

Canvas is the new Virtual Learning Environment where you can access all your course information, including lecture materials, handbooks, reading lists and contact information for key staff. To log in go to www.winchester.ac.uk and click ‘login’ at the top right of the screen. This will take you to the student intranet homepage where you can click on ‘Canvas’. Your modules and programme homepage will appear in your ‘dashboard’.


Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Library To access our online resources you will need your library borrower number which is on the back of your University ID card. Information about library services for distance and flexible learning students can be found at www.winchester.ac.uk/Library/ Pages/Distance-and-Flexible-Learners.aspx Detailed contact information and details about opening hours can be viewed at www.winchester.ac.uk/Library/Pages/ OpeningHours.aspx University of Winchester students living outside the county of Hampshire (UK residents only) may register for our postal service, by which we will post books to you from our library (books must be returned at your own expense). Please email interlibraryloans@winchester.ac.uk You may also find it helpful to register to borrow materials from other UK University libraries, to register for this service please go to http://www.sconul.ac.uk/sconul-access If you have any questions about Library services please contact us and we will be happy to help. Call 01962 827306 or email Libenquiries@winchester.ac.uk

Personal tutor All students have a personal /link tutor (who may also be a module leader). Your programme leader will confirm who this is and how to contact them.

Student representation There are lots of ways for students to feedback to the University on their experience with us. One way is through membership of committees. For example, all programmes have programme committees which include student membership, and the University has a Student Academic Council which considers a wide range of issues of relevance and interest to the study body. If you would like more information about student representation please contact your programme leader or refer to the Student Union website www.winchesterstudents.co.uk/yourvoice If your participation would require you to make special journeys to the campus, the University will be happy to consider refunding all or part of the associated travel costs. Please email Registry.Enquiries@winchester.ac.uk for the attention of the Academic Registrar.

Academic conduct At university, finding your own academic voice is key and starting at University means a step-up in your learning where the standards required for your self-expression are more exacting than at school or college and there is an expectation that you will act with academic integrity at all times. To help you understand exactly what is meant by the term

‘academic integrity’, the University has provided a learning module called ‘Playing by the rules - understanding correct academic conduct’ which we ask all students who are new to the University to undertake before you start with us. Please go to www.winchester.ac.uk/register for further information.

Academic Skills Academic Skills offers free support to help you update and upgrade your academic skills and excel in your studies. Search for Skillsnet on the intranet and explore online tips and study resources on a range of subjects, including essay writing, academic referencing and critical thinking. You can also find out about our academic skills workshops (if you are able to come to campus) and one-to-one tutorials, which we offer online via Skype. Email academicskills@winchester.ac.uk to book appointments.

Student Services Student Services offers a range of support services (please see pages 17-18 for details). Many of these are available online and we can answer many queries through emails and phone calls. Some counselling and disability support can be provided at a distance via Skype and email.

Student Union All students are members of the Student Union. Please see pages 28-29 for more information. If you would like an NUS (National Union of Students) ID card details can be found at www.nus.org.uk

Tuition fees There are a range of methods of payment as detailed in this booklet (pages 22-26). The simplest method may be for you to complete the direct debit form available at www.winchester. ac.uk/studentsandmoney and to send this to the Finance Office (the address is on the form). Otherwise please do contact our Income Team on +44(0) 1962 827275 who will be pleased to advise you.

Council tax exemption Full-time students studying on full-time courses are entitled to apply for exemption from monthly council tax charges. Once your enrolment is complete you will be able to print a certificate of student status which you should submit to your local city council. Part-time students are not entitled to Council Tax Exemption.

Campus facilities Whilst you may not be required to visit the campus as part of studies with us, you are of course very welcome to visit the campus and to access the facilities in person if this is practicable for you. Please do look through the rest of this booklet. Whilst much of the information is about events for on-site students which take place during their Welcome week there is lots of general information which you may find helpful.



Information, advice and support: for all students Accommodation The University’s Student Housing Services Helpline operates throughout the year. Please telephone with any queries on +44 (0) 1962 827533. Please be aware that at peak times we receive a very high volume of enquiries, so your patience is appreciated. The Student Resident Guide (on/off campus), which contains a lot of useful information about living in our accommodation, will be available during the room offer process to those students moving in to university property. You will also receive a welcome email very soon after moving in which will provide information about life in University accommodation. facebook.com/WinchesterFresher16

Insurance Your personal possessions, particularly valuable belongings, including bicycles, should be insured against theft, loss or damage. The University is unable to provide insurance for personal effects. Your parents may hold a householder’s policy that could be extended to give you coverage. The Student Union has information about insurance schemes. The University has Public Liability cover in respect of its legal liability in any case of damages. It does not cover the payment of compensation to students injured whilst participating in a University course or sporting activities, unless a legal liability is established. You may wish to consider taking out Personal Injury Insurance.

Security To ensure your security and welfare we have a team of Site Stewards who are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They regularly patrol the University site as well as act as an emergency response to any issues that arise on campus. If you wish to contact the Site Stewards please call 01962 827666 or 01962 827667.



If you are not a catered resident and requested a catering card when making your Housing Application, further information about this can be found on our webpages: www.winchester.ac.uk/startinghere/studentaccommodation

Council tax exemption Full-time students studying on full-time courses are entitled to apply for exemption from monthly council tax charges, and will be able to print their own certificate of student status once they have fully registered and enrolled. Full-time students living in University halls are automatically exempt from council tax charges (so will not need to print a certificate for this purpose), but those living in private sector housing must submit their certificate (along with all fellow full-time student housemates) to their landlord or to the local city council. Part-time students are not entitled to Council Tax exemption. More information regarding this can be sought from the Housing office.

Travelling to the University Public transport

Catering card Resident students on a catered package will be issued with their campus card when collecting their keys to student housing as this card doubles as a catering card. If you are issued with a temporary catering card then please hand this in when you receive your formal University campus card. If you are not a catered resident and requested a catering card when making your housing application, then please check our web pages for further information: www.winchester.ac.uk/startinghere/studentaccommodation For more information about food on campus see page 31.


Park and Ride - there are four Park and Ride sites in Winchester and the University is well-served by the service. The nearest bus stop is less than a five minute walk from campus. Park and Ride is the cheapest option for students wanting to drive to Winchester. Heavily discounted Park and Ride Smart Cards (pre-loaded with 20 days of parking and riding) are available from St Swithuns’ Lodge (no. 2 on campus map, page 36) and the Travel and Transport section of the intranet once you have enrolled. Stagecoach Unirider – Stagecoach’s Student Unirider bus ticket is for travel on any Stagecoach bus across Zone 1 (Winchester only) or Zone 2 (Winchester, Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex) all day, 7 days a week. You can purchase Unirider tickets once you have enrolled. See www.stagecoachbus.com/tickets/unirider for full details.

Bluestar – students can save 20% on Bluestar’s 30 day and 90 day network tickets which allows unlimited travel on all Bluestar services, including the Bluestar 1 bus, connecting Winchester and Southampton. You can access the discounted tickets through the Travel and Transport section of the intranet once you have enrolled.

look for ‘IT Services’ in the Information Bank section of the Intranet and browse through the guides. In addition, you will have received a message to your new University email account (Unimail) – do read this and follow the links covering topics such as getting connected in halls, setting up mobile devices and much more. If you need further assistance, please come and visit us.

First Hampshire -University of Winchester students can make a 10% saving on monthly, termly and annual tickets which cover all First Hampshire bus services including the E1/ E2 service connecting Winchester – Eastleigh - Portswood. For more information and to order a discounted ticket please email environment@winchester.ac.uk If you are unsure about the best way to get to the University or have enquiries about travel by public transport please email environment@winchester.ac.uk

Why not bring your bike to University? The University has extensive cycle storage facilities available on campus ranging from cycle hoops, covered shelters and bikeaway lockers, so why not cycle to University?

Parking Students who live in University accommodation on campus are not permitted to park on campus at any time. For exemptions, please see the Parking Regulations available on our website once you have enrolled. Parking for students who do not live on campus is strictly controlled and space is very limited. Students are encouraged to use public transport wherever possible. To check if you are eligible for a car parking permit, please read the University’s Parking Regulations. Ticketing is in operation for any vehicles found to be parked illegally. Parking in the City streets around University is controlled by Winchester City Council through a residential permit system. Students in University accommodation are not eligible for residential parking permits and are advised not to bring a car to Winchester. For more information check the Winchester City Council website at www.winchester.ac.uk

Car Share The University has a car share database and by car sharing with other eligible University users you will be entitled to a car share permit, which is the cheapest option for parking on site. You can join the University car share database via the Travel and Transport section of the intranet once you have enrolled.

IT Services During enrolment, your IT account which you were issued with as an applicant will be converted to a full student account providing access to all University student IT resources. You can continue to use the same username and password as you have been using as an applicant. IT Services provide a wide range of information on the University intranet pages. When you arrive and have completed enrolment,

Library We have more than 300,000 books, including all your key course texts and a huge range of online resources, including journals, ebooks and databases. We offer quiet places to study or group rooms to help you to prepare group presentations. We are open 24/7 during term time, and our self-service kiosks mean that books can be issued and returned any time, and our self-service kiosks mean that books can be issued and returned any time. Come and join one of our tours to get to know your way around the library and its facilities. Don’t forget to bring your campus card when visiting us during Welcome Week. @UniWinLibrary

Personal tutoring The University of Winchester offers personal tutoring to ensure that every student can obtain guidance, support and advice. This is particularly important for new students who may need information on general matters and someone to approach if experiencing an academic or personal problem. Once you are here, you will receive more information about Personal Tutoring from your Faculty.

Careers: jobs, volunteering and work experience Part-time employment and voluntary work are both excellent ways to help you develop those all-important employability skills and enhance your CV. Local opportunities are advertised on www.winchester.prospects.ac.uk careers@ winchester.ac.uk facebook.com/universityofwinchestercareers @_UoWcareers



Childcare If you have to arrange childcare in order to study, you can benefit from our nursery service run by Child Base Ltd at the West Downs Campus. The nursery is registered with Ofsted and offers care for children from the age of six weeks to five years, with 68 places available each day from 07.30-18.30 on a full-time or sessional basis. The nursery is open weekdays throughout the year, closing only for Bank Holidays. Places are offered to children not connected with the University but there are term-time only subsidised places for the children of students studying at the University of Winchester. For more information about the nursery, please contact the Nursery Manager on +44 (0) 1962 827393.

• Sports hall • 8-lane athletics track and all weather pitch - located at the Winchester Sports Stadium

Faith Chaplaincy The University’s values statement says “We celebrate our Christian foundation, and welcome those of all faiths and none. Together we seek to explore the mystery of life, and grow in wisdom and love.” Chaplaincy is here to help that happen, whoever you are and whatever you believe.


If you would like to get in touch before you arrive, please email us at chaplaincy@winchester.ac.uk, ring us on +44 (0) 1962 827063 facebook.com/UWchaplaincy

Christian Union The Christian Union is led by students for students. Many attend its meetings and events. If you would like to make contact with the Christian Union before you arrive, you can email the President on WUCU.co.uk@gmail.com

Muslim Prayer Room This is situated in Main Building room 7 (King Alfred campus), and is open all day for prayers. There are washing facilities and the set times for prayers are shown.

Sports facilities The sports facilities team are available throughout Arrivals Weekend and Welcome Week to talk to students about participating in sport and the sports facilities available at the University. The Gym within Burma Road Student Village will be open throughout the week for students to take a visit and see what’s on offer; the facility spread over two floors offers a fantastic work out with state of the art technology. Other Sports facilities that are on offer at Winchester include: • New fitness studio offering a variety of exercise classes • New all-weather surface multi-use games area offering 2 tennis courts, 1 netball court & 2 5-aside football pitches


• Full size Tiger Turf Astro Pitch accommodating hockey/football and three 5-a-side pitches Alternatively you can visit our website: www.winchester.ac.uk/sportsfacilities facebook.com/universityofwinchestersportsfacilities @_UoWSports

Academic English Support for International and EU Students Study in a second (or further) language can present a unique mix of challenges and put a lot of pressure on an international student. The English Language Teaching and Support Unit (ELSTU) is here to help. We offer group workshops and In-Sessional one to one support sessions for all levels and all fields of study. Search the University Intranet for ELTSU and make a booking to see us for support. Email ELTSU@winchester.ac.uk or visit www.winchester.ac.uk/eltsu for more information. facebook.com/WinchesterEltsu

Student Services The Student Services team provides information, advice, support and guidance on many aspects of student life. They will be available in The Zone during Arrivals Weekend and each weekday from then on. Please do not hesitate to contact them before or after your arrival at Winchester. student.advice@winchester.ac.uk

Counselling Life as a student can make considerable demands and there may be times when it is helpful to seek support. Counselling provides an opportunity and a space to reflect in confidence with a person who is trained to listen and to help explore issues. We have male and female counsellors available. counselling@winchester.ac.uk

Health matters All students living in University accommodation or in the local Winchester area are strongly recommended to register with a GP. Students will continue to be able to see their family GP at home during the holidays as a temporary resident. There are three local practices for you to consider and their web addresses are: Friarsgate Practice: www.friarsgatepractice.co.uk St Clements Surgery: www.stclementspractice.co.uk St Pauls Surgery: www.stpaulssurgery-winchester.nhs.uk To register, visit The Zone during Arrivals Weekend or Welcome Week Please refer to Useful contacts on page 44 for further contact information. For details of other NHS services in the Winchester area, please go to: www.nhs.uk Any other queries, please email us at health@winchester.ac.uk

MMR vaccinations You will be aware that the last few years have seen a significant increase in measles and mumps in the UK. In August 2008, the Department of Health sent a directive to all GPs requesting that they organise a national MMR catch-up programme for those children and young adults who may only have been given one combined MMR vaccine. For life-long protection, two MMR vaccinations are necessary. Your medical records, held by your GP, will confirm your vaccination status – please check with your local surgery. If you have only had one MMR vaccination, please ensure you have the second before coming to University.

Meningitis ACWY vaccine Meningitis is a serious and potentially life threatening disease and all new students coming to University should have received the meningitis ACWY vaccine. However, there may be a few students who have not received it. Please check with your family GP and make arrangements to receive this vaccine before coming to University.

Health and Wellbeing The Wellbeing Advisers are in St Alphege Foyer every day from 9:00 to 16:30 Monday-Thursday and 09:00 to 12:30 Friday during Welcome Week. Need space to think? Want to come and say hello to the Wellbeing Advisers and find out about looking after your own wellbeing? We’re available for a chat/advice, or you can just come and sit quietly.

Academic Skills Breeze through the new challenges of university study by making the most of a wide range of free academic skills opportunities. Workshops and one-to-ones run throughout the year and can help you update, upgrade and excel. Academic Skills offers support to students from undergraduate to PhD level, providing guidance on how to both enjoy and engage with your studies in an efficient and successful way. Support is also offered to distance and flexible learners via Skype and through our online resources on Skillsnet (see page 15). Find out more by emailing academicskills@winchester.ac.uk. Other services offered by Academic Skills are Back to Study for Mature Students and the SMART Buddy and SMART Companion schemes (Academic Skills Mentors) - see page 20 for further details. Go to the app to check out our range of Welcome Week activities (or see pages 12-13).

Student Advice and Finance (Student Services) The Student Advice and Finance team offers advice and information on money matters, personal and study-related concerns. For queries concerning student loans, bursaries and scholarships please email studentsandmoney@winchester.ac.uk For personal and study related concerns and financial hardship, please email student.advice@winchester.ac.uk

International students The International Student Officer is available to help with any non- academic issues students may face whilst at University including welfare and visa related enquiries. international.students@winchester.ac.uk

Dentists Please ensure you continue to see your family dentist every 6-12 months and have a check-up before you come to University. This can easily be arranged within the holidays. However, should an emergency appointment be needed between times, please contact the NHS Dental Helpline: 111.

Disability declaration and support (including mental health issues) The Disabilities and Learning Diversity team within Student Services supports students with disabilities and learning differences. If you have disclosed a disability and/or learning difference on your UCAS form, or by other means, you can pop along to Student Services during your first couple of weeks and set up support with one of our Disability Advisers. If, for whatever reason, you have not declared your disability and would like to inform us or find out about the support available, let us know by emailing disability@winchester.ac.uk

Care leavers The University has been awarded the Buttle UK Quality Mark in recognition of our commitment to support for care leavers. A designated Student Adviser is able to offer support to students coming from care. This support includes providing details of an annual bursary, and advice in relation to University accommodation and study-related concerns. If you have indicated to us that you are a care leaver (or if you have not previously disclosed this information to us and would like to find out about the available personal and financial support) please make an appointment with the nominated Student Adviser as soon as possible after your arrival. For further information, please telephone +44 (0) 1962 827341 or email student.advice@winchester.ac.uk



Academic skills activities How to find your own academic voice and maintain academic integrity Finding your own academic voice is key and starting at University means a step-up in your learning where the standards required for your self-expression are more exacting than at school or college and there is an expectation that you will act with academic integrity at all times. To help you understand exactly what is meant by the term ‘academic integrity’, the University has provided a learning module called ‘Playing by the rules - understanding correct academic conduct’ which we ask all students who are new to the University to undertake before you start with us. This module will also provide examples of some of the forms of academic misconduct, which you need to avoid. Please go to www.winchester.ac.uk/register for the information.


We hope that by undertaking this module, listening to the advice of staff and following the instructions in your Programme and Module Handbooks, you will succeed in finding own academic voice and developing your academic integrity and so avoid, intentionally or unintentionally, committing academic misconduct, which is regarded as a serious matter at all universities. If you need help at any time to ensure that you achieve academic integrity, please talk to your Personal Tutor, a Module or Programme Leader or Academic Skills Staff in Student Services.

Back to study for mature students Academic Skills offers a one day induction course for those returning from a break in education. This is a wonderful opportunity for mature students to familiarise themselves with our campus, learn about studying at University and meet new friends. Join this one-day workshop on Tuesday 13 September 2016, 09:15-15:45 The workshop will cover topics such as time management, essay writing, academic referencing and reading skills. Current mature students will be available to answer your questions and to talk with you about their experiences. For more information and to book your place, email academicskills@winchester.ac.uk or telephone 01962 826434 When booking, please provide your name, address, email, contact phone number and the degree you will be studying. Places are limited so please book early. Check the app for more details.

Academic Skills Student Mentors Learn the secrets of successful study!

SMART Buddies (Academic Skills Mentors) Our SMART Buddies have been specially selected and trained to guide students in the transition to academic life. They meet with their mentees every week to discuss areas such as reading, referencing and preparation for assignments, working together to develop a work study routine and techniques to meet the challenges of higher education. Through their own experience and training, mentors aim to help mentees reach their potential and enjoy an enriched university experience. The scheme is available to undergraduate, UK resident, EU and PGCE students.

SMART Companions (Academic Skills Mentors for International Students) Our SMART Companions have been specially selected and trained to guide international students towards an enjoyable and rewarding University of Winchester study experience. They meet with their international students each week to share tips and advice regarding how to meet new people and join university activities, develop written and spoken English and enhance their academic skills. The scheme offers international students the opportunity to benefit from a regular contact to help in the transition to UK higher education. If you feel you would benefit from the services of a SMART Buddy or SMART Companion, then, after enrolling, please email: studymentoring@winchester.ac.uk (for a SMART Buddy – Academic Skills Mentor) smartcompanions@winchester.ac.uk (for a SMART Companion – Academic Skills Mentor for International Students).


Academic English Support for International and EU students Individual In-Sessional Support

• Grammar • Academic vocabulary • Academic reading strategies • Listening: following and engaging with lecture/seminar discussions

Academic English support is free and available to all registered University of Winchester students and staff. The English Language Teaching and Support Unit (ELTSU) offers a variety of support, development and learning opportunities to students who do not have English as a first language, and who wish to develop their mastery of academic English. ELTSU is involved in the on-going development of a range of scheduled and on-demand services and resources to ensure that international students get the help they need to excel.

• Speaking, pronunciation and taking part in academic lectures with native speakers

Individual academic English support pairs you with an ELTSU tutor who will work with you to help set and achieve your goals, both improving your academic performance as well as developing abilities in academic English. You can choose to come to as many or as few sessions as you need. Occasionally academic and/or subject tutors may refer a student for academic English support; however, most students choose to attend for themselves and benefit from improved performance with their assignments. We can help you with:

Academic English workshops are offered within the academic semester for students to develop their academic and language skills in a collaborative, friendly and supportive environment. Workshops are developed and scheduled to meet student needs. Existing workshops range from Speed Reading, to Planning Research to Targeting your Work at a Specific Grade. You can attend these or request, as a group of friends, a workshop to be setup around your specific needs and subject of study.

• Academic writing

Learn more and access support

• Approaches to your academic tasks


• Referencing and academic sources

Email: eltsu@winchester.ac.uk

• Critical thinking and analysis

Blog eltsuwinchester.wordpress.com

• Task structure • Academic strategies for international students

• Presentation skills including body language, visuals, voice and audience engagement To find out more about one to one academic English support please visit: www.winchester.ac.uk/eltsu/in-sessional

Group Workshops

We look forward to helping you with your Academic English.

facebook.com/WinchesterEltsu www.pinterest.com/eltsuwinchester



Finance matters If you are a full-time UK or EU undergraduate student, you should have already applied to Student Finance for a Tuition Fee Loan. In addition, full-time UK undergraduate students are able to apply for maintenance support.

Useful contacts

If you are a full-time or part-time student, you should have already applied for a Tuition Fee Loan for the academic year 2016/17 through the relevant organisation (see the list of useful contacts, left). Student Finance will send you a Financial Notification letter to confirm your Tuition Fee Loan. If you choose to apply for a partial Tuition Fee Loan your Financial Notification letter will tell you how much you will need to pay to the University. All students should apply for the full Tuition Fee Loan unless they wish to self-fund all or part of the year.

Students and Money: telephone +44 (0) 1962 827008 or email studentsandmoney@winchester.ac.uk

What happens if I have not yet received my Financial Notification from Student Finance?

Student Finance England: www.gov.uk/student-finance

If you have applied to Student Finance for a Tuition Fee Loan, but you have not received your Financial Notification letter by enrolment, you will be regarded as a self-financing student and will be liable for the full tuition fee and will be required to make appropriate arrangements to pay at enrolment. You will be reimbursed, where appropriate, as soon as you supply the University with a copy of your Financial Notification letter.

Student Finance Wales: www.studentfinancewales.co.uk Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS): www.saas.gov.uk Student Finance NI: www.studentfinanceni.co.uk

Student maintenance support Full-time UK undergraduate and PGCE students may be eligible for government support in the form of a maintenance loan (dependent on household income).


you are earning £21,000 or more. For part-time students, repayment commences after four years from the start of their course.

When will I receive my student maintenance support? The first instalment of your maintenance support should reach your bank account on or around 26 September 2016, provided you have: • Applied for and received an approved application from Student Finance • You have signed and returned your Online Declaration by POST to Student Finance

If you are experiencing delays with your funding application, please contact Students and Money on +44 (0) 1962 827008 or via studentsandmoney@winchester.ac.uk

Bursaries and scholarships The University has a number of bursaries and scholarships available to full-time UK and EU undergraduate students paying full-time tuition fees of £9,000. These are non-repayable awards intended to help you with the living and learning costs associated with studying at University. For further information about the University’s financial support, please visit: www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsandmoney

• You have fully registered and enrolled at the University

Postgraduate Loans

Please note; you will not receive your funds in time for Welcome Week, so you will need to have sufficient funds available to cover all your expenses during this time and until your maintenance support has cleared in your bank account.

With effect from 2016/17, NEW postgraduate students can apply for a student loan (existing students are not eligible, even if they’re continuing their studies in 16/17).

The second and third instalments of your support will be paid directly into your bank account in January 2017 and May 2017 respectively.

• Loans are available for students studying on a Masters course (NB students registering for the Integrated Masters, PGCE, PG Certificate or PG Diploma are not eligible for this loan).

If the first payment of your maintenance support is delayed and you are in financial hardship, please visit Student Services in the Zone and alert the Finance Department as they may be seeking to take direct debits from your account that may not be met.

• Students who already hold a qualification at an equivalent or higher level to a Masters will not be eligible.

Tuition Fee Loan – undergraduate UK and EU students

• If students intend to study part-time, they can apply for a loan, but you must be studying a minimum of 40% intensity per academic year, with a 50% aggregate over two years, in order to be eligible.

If you choose to take out a Tuition Fee Loan, you will not have to pay any upfront fees. Student Finance will pay the tuition fee on your behalf directly to the University. Repayments for full-time students commence after graduation, once


Who can apply?

• Students must have been domiciled in the UK for the last 3 years in order to apply for this loan.

• Students must normally live in England and be under 60 at the start of the first academic year of their course. For further details go to www.gov.uk/postgraduateloan

Fees and how to pay Any queries? If you have a financial query, the Finance Office on the first floor of the Main Building is open from 10.00 to 15.00 Monday to Friday. Any queries regarding payments can be discussed with our Income Team on +44 (0) 1962 827536 / 827275. To view our full Regulations for Payment of University fees please refer to www.winchester.ac.uk/feeregulations

Billing of tuition fees Tuition fees go towards the cost of your course and allow the University to provide the resources, staff contact and support to enable you to succeed. The fees you will be charged will depend on the mode of study you are undertaking. Please see the students and money website pages for specific course fee information. You can also find out more information at www.winchester.ac.uk/ studentsandmoney Fees are for the academic year 2016/17 unless otherwise stated. Full-time tuition fees are billed for the academic year in midOctober and part-time tuition fees are billed for the full academic year in mid-November. Part-time postgraduate (excluding Research degrees): 50 per cent of the full-time rate is charged in both Year 1 and Year 2. If you are studying over a period of time longer than two years, you will still be required to pay the first two years as stated. The result of this is that any additional years will be fully paid and no additional tuition fee payments will be required. Research degrees: the agreed fee is paid annually for 3 years for full-time students and 6 years for part-time students, thereafter an “until completion fee” is payable per annum. For a comprehensive list of fees please see www.winchester.ac.uk/ studentsandmoney

Can my employer, company, school or research council pay my tuition fees? Yes. If your employer or other organisation agrees to pay all or part of your tuition fees, the University will invoice them for the appropriate amount. (Please note that parents, family and friends are excluded from this category. If they assist with your fees, you are classified as self-financing and must pay the fees accordingly). Please ensure that your employer or other organisation provides the University with the following information, either by an official letter on company headed paper and signed by an authorised person, or an official signed purchase order:


• the student’s (your) full name (and University ID number if known) • the amount of tuition fees they will pay for the academic year • the academic year for which sponsorship applies • the name of an individual, organisation and address to whom the invoice should be sent • a reference (or purchase order number) to be quoted (if applicable). Please bring the letter or purchase order to enrolment and give it to a member of the Finance Team. Please note that under certain circumstances: • the University reserves the right to reject a sponsor • the University reserves the right to reject a sponsor’s letter or purchase order if the necessary information is not complete • a new letter or purchase order is required for each academic year of study • payment by a sponsor is due on receipt of invoice; there is no instalment option • if your sponsor fails to pay, or withdraws their support at any point in the year, you are still responsible for any outstanding fees and the University will hold you liable for this amount.


Paying tuition fees If you do not have a Tuition Fee Loan or are ineligible for one, you will be required to pay your tuition fees in accordance with the payment terms of the University detailed below.

Full-time undergraduate UK and EU students Fees are to be paid: • in full, by or at enrolment or • by Direct Debit in two equal instalments on 1 December 2016 and 1 February 2017.

Full-time undergraduate UK and EU students beginning study in Semester 2 Fees are due in full on receipt of invoice.

Part-time undergraduate students beginning study in Semester 1 You will be invoiced for all the modules that you are due to take for the year during November. Payment is due in full on receipt of invoice or by Direct Debit in two equal instalments on 3 January 2017 and 1 March 2017.

Part-time undergraduate students beginning study in Semester 2 Fees are due in full on receipt of invoice, no instalment options are available.


Part-time and full-time postgraduate students Fees are due in full on receipt of invoice or by Direct Debit instalments which will be collected on 1st of month, with a minimum of four weeks from your invoice date in five equal instalments.

Students funded by Lånekassen Fees are payable in 2 instalments to coincide with when funding is received from Lånekassen: 1st instalment due by / at enrolment 2nd instalment due by 20 January 2017 Payments can be made via our online store by credit card (not American Express) by going to www.winchester.ac.uk/feepayments

Overseas (non EU/EEA) undergraduate students The University requires all overseas students to make an initial tuition fee deposit before the Confirmation letter is released. You will have been sent a Fee Deposit Information sheet detailing the amount of your tuition fee deposit. If you require a TIER 4 student visa, you will need to request a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from our Admissions Team (see International Handbook for details). Beginning study in Semester 1 (undergraduate students) You are required to pay the balance of your tuition fees for 2016/17 as follows: • in full by or at enrolment • by Direct Debit in two equal instalments (from a UK bank account only) on 1 December 2016 and 1 February 2017. Beginning study in Semester 2 (undergraduate students) • in full by or at enrolment


There is currently no Direct Debit scheme for students commencing studies in Semester 2.

Overseas postgraduate students Fees are due in full at or by enrolment or by Direct Debit instalments (from a UK bank account only) which will be collected on the 1st of the month, in five equal instalments – within a minimum of four weeks from your invoice date.

Tuition fee deposit refund policy for international students Tuition fee deposits will be refunded if a student is unsuccessful with their visa application and can produce a valid, official visa refusal letter. An international student who wishes to apply for a refund must notify the University’s International Office in writing and supply the visa refusal letter. Please see www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsandmoney for the policy.

Accommodation occupation fees – all students Students living in University accommodation are required to pay occupation fees. Full details will be sent with the room offer. This can be found on the online application system. Occupation fees are taken in three equal instalments on or near to 14 October 2016, 20 January 2017 and 12 May 2017. The Direct Debit account holder will automatically receive an email from the Finance Office to confirm their account details and the amounts and dates of the instalments. If you do not receive the email by 7 October 2016 please contact the Credit Controller in the Finance Office on +44 (0) 1962 827265. For full information on additional charges that apply to certain educational events please visit www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsand money

How do I pay? The University will accept the following: • cash in sterling – up to £2,000 • a sterling cheque drawn on a UK bank account • a sterling bank transfer • most major credit card or debit cards (NOT American Express) • instalments by Direct Debit drawn on a UK bank account

Cash in sterling Cash payments can be made in person at the Cash Office Counter between 10.00 and 15.00 Monday to Friday. For reasons of security, the University would prefer tuition fees to be paid by a more secure method, for example credit card, cheque or bank transfer. If you choose to pay the University in cash then you must ensure you receive a receipt which you should retain in case you need to query what has been paid. We will not be able to take more than £2,000 in cash.

By cheque Cheque payments should be in sterling drawn on a UK bank and made payable to ‘The University of Winchester’. Please ensure your student number is on the back of the cheque. The cheque together with your payment slip can be delivered in person or sent by post Please note: an administration charge of £50 per cheque will be levied for cheques that are returned unpaid by the banking system.

Bank transfer If you choose to pay by bank transfer your bank will require the following information: • The sterling amount (GBP)

sufficient funds, or your credit limit is high enough, to cover the cost of your fees.

Direct debit A Direct Debit is an easy way to pay your fees. This method of payment benefits both the University and yourself. It keeps administrative costs down and there is no extra charge for payment by instalments. The advantages to you of paying by Direct Debit are: • helps your budget planning • no queuing necessary to pay fees • no worries about paying on time and therefore no risk of a late fee being imposed providing there are sufficient funds available in your account the day before the due date to ensure that the Direct Debit collects. Who can set up a direct debit Instruction to pay my fees? In order to use this scheme, the payee must be the holder of a UK bank account. As banks and building societies do not accept Direct Debit Instructions on some types of account, you should check with your Bank/Building Society before you submit your Direct Debit form. In completing and signing the Direct Debit form, you are giving the University the authority to take the agreed payments direct from your bank account. There must be enough money in your chosen bank account to pay each instalment. If not, your bank may make a charge to your account. The University will also charge for uncollected Direct Debits. Unfortunately we are not able to accept Direct Debits on a third parties account. If this is likely to cause you a problem, please contact the Credit Controller to discuss your options. Can I cancel a direct debit?

• Beneficiary’s name: The University of Winchester

Instructions can only be cancelled through your bank. You must also make sure you contact us if you choose to cancel any Direct Debit. If you are having financial problems, let us know. If we are not aware of any cancellations, we will charge £50 for any returned Direct Debits.

• Beneficiary’s address: Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NR

What happens if a mistake is made?

• Beneficiary’s bank: Natwest Bank, Winchester

If the University of Winchester, or your Bank or Building Society makes an error, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your Bank or Building Society.

• Payment details – it is important that we can identify the sender when the money is received into our bank account therefore please quote your student number

• Beneficiary’s account: 00343048 • Sort code: 55-81-26 • SWIFT/BIC: NWBKGB2L • IBAN: GB17NWBK55812600343048 You must also instruct your bank that all charges (including those of the beneficiary’s bank) are to be paid by the sender. Any difference between the tuition fee and the amount received will have to be settled by you. Please retain your copy of the bank transfer document as it may be necessary for you to prove to the University that you have made the correct payment. Please ensure you quote your student number and name in the transfer details.

By credit/debit card Credit and debit card payments can be made in person or over the telephone. We take most credit/debit cards (but NOT American Express). Please call the Finance Office on +44 (0) 1962 827257. Before paying by this method, you must ensure that you have

How long is my direct debit Instruction open for? The Direct Debit will be open for the duration of the academic year. At the end of the academic year, the instruction will be closed. A new Direct Debit needs to be set up at the beginning of each subsequent academic year. How do I set up a direct debit? Tuition fees – all you need to do is complete and sign the Direct Debit instruction and mandate that will be emailed to your personal email address over the Summer. Occupation fees – you will also receive a copy of this Direct Debit instruction and mandate to your personal email address over the Summer. Please send forms to the Finance Office, University of Winchester Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NR



Please return your forms by 16 September 2016 for Accommodation fee direct debits, or 16 October 2016 for tuition fee direct debits. If you require any further information and guidance on the direct debit instalment scheme, please contact the Credit Controller in the Finance Office on +44 (0) 1962 827265. Please note: no other instalment plans are available. Therefore, please take this into account when budgeting for the academic year.

What if I miss a payment date? It is important that you pay your fees on time. If all or a proportion of your fees or charges remain unpaid after the due date relevant to your chosen method of payment, charges and/ or sanctions may be imposed by the University which could affect your studies. The University operates a credit control and debt recovery programme in respect of all fees and charges owing to the University. The debt management policy can be viewed at www.winchester.ac.uk/debtmanagement


If you experience difficulty with paying University fees, you should immediately contact the Finance Team, Credit Control section. Email credit.control@winchester.ac.uk or telephone 01962 827265, so that the University can work with you regarding your payment difficulties.

Consequences of non-payment of your fees If you are unable to pay any fees on the due date for payment, the sooner you contact the Finance Office the better. It is usually possible to arrange a payment plan and this will help you to avoid the University taking further action against you to recover what you owe. Further action includes: • If you pay fees in any other currency than GB pounds sterling, the University will charge you the cost of converting the fees to pounds sterling • If you do not pay fees when they fall due for payment, the University will charge you an administration fee of £50 for recording this in the accounts and chasing you for payment The following are treated as late or non-payment and will attract a £50 administration fee: • Failure to pay within 7 days of the Payment Due Date • Cheque returned unpaid by the banking system • Failure of Direct Debit collection from your bank • Cancellation of a Direct Debit instruction without prior agreement of the Finance Office • If you have agreed to pay by Direct Debit and a payment is not met, the balance of your fees becomes payable in full within 7 days of the rejected payment • The University may begin court proceedings against you if you are in debt to the University, but will give you fair warning before doing so. In addition to the debt, you may become liable to court fees, interest and enforcement fees. These can increase the amount you owe by over 40 per cent • If judgement for debt is entered against you, you may find it


difficult to rent accommodation in the private sector, obtain credit facilities or enter into mobile phone contracts for a period of 6 years • Late or non-payment of occupation fees may result in the University taking proceedings for eviction against you • Your contract with the University may be for the supply of more than one service and/or product (e.g. tuition, accommodation, internet, course materials or excursions etc.). If you agree to buy several products and/or services from the University and you do not make all the agreed payments when they fall due, the University may refuse to continue to supply services and/or products to you until payment has been made • The University will not normally suspend you from tuition (including Library access) during an academic year if you have paid at least 80 per cent of your tuition fees and have a payment plan in place for the balance. The University may ask you to provide detailed evidence of your income and expenditure before agreeing a payment plan with you • The University will not normally prevent you progressing to the next academic year if you have paid at least 80 per cent of your tuition fees and have a payment plan in place for the balance. The University may ask you to provide detailed evidence of your income and expenditure before agreeing a payment plan with you • The University will not normally accept you onto a new programme of study while you have debt with the University • The University may refuse to give references to future landlords where you are in debt to the University in respect of your housing • You and your guests will not be permitted to attend any award ceremony until you have paid the University all money due under your contract • The University will try and contact you promptly if you miss a Payment Date. The University will not normally suspend supplies until it has made at least 2 attempts to contact you and given you a reasonable opportunity to pay what you owe or negotiate alternative arrangements for payment. • If you do not respond to the University’s request for you to make contact to discuss your fees, the University may suspend your University IT access until you make contact with the Finance Office, or for a period of up to 14 days whichever is the shorter period. The University will warn you of this consequence (and what you need to do to avoid it) when making the 2nd attempt to contact you. Suspension from your University IT account may make it difficult or impossible for you to complete or submit coursework and you will not have access to your University email account. You will not necessarily have to pay all outstanding debts before suspension is lifted, but you will need to contact the Credit Controller if you want your University IT account to be restored in less than 14 days. The University may, without notice to the student concerned, deduct from any sums due or becoming due to that student from the University, all sums owed to the University by the student. Where monies have been received and there are tuition and occupation fees outstanding, or if in addition to these, the student also has other outstanding debts to the University, the University will allocate funds to the earliest debt first.

If I leave University, how much will I have to pay? Students who withdraw or interrupt studies after enrolment and during an academic year are liable to pay a proportion of their course fees as indicated in the table below. These liabilities apply to all full time and part time students, regardless of source of funding. Started Semester 1 Date agreed by Registry*


26 September to 16 October 2016


17 October 2016 to 15 January 2017


16 January to 7 May 2017


8 May to 26 May 2017


Refund of University fees Please see www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsandmoney for information on fee refunds.

Points to note for all students If you wish to withdraw or interrupt studies, then it is your responsibility to contact Registry and complete the relevant form, and return your student ID card, if appropriate. Your withdrawal or interruption in studies will become effective on the date that a fully completed form is accepted by Registry. If appropriate, you must inform Student Finance of your ‘change of circumstance’.

Started Semester 2 Date agreed by Registry*


16 January to 5 February 2017


6 February to 7 April 2017


8 April to 26 May 2017


25 September 2017 to 14 January 2018



Research/Doctorate started October 2016 Date agreed by Registry*


1 October to 21 October 2016


22 October to 31 December 2016


1 January to 31 March 2017


1 April to 30 September 2017


Research/Doctorate started April 2017 Date agreed by Registry*


1 April to 21 April 2017


22 April to 30 June 2017


1 July to 30 September 2017


1 October 2017 to 31 March 2018


* Date upon which the student’s withdrawal or interruption is agreed by Registry ** Proportion of course fee payable

Please note: This applies for courses of one year or more (for other courses, please see your course administrator). This excludes the weekend MBA course (please contact your programme administrator for details). Please refer to our website for the full terms and conditions for the Payment of University Fees: www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsandmoney Withdrawal from or interruption in study may affect a student’s entitlement to University Financial support.


www.winchesterstudents.co.uk su_comms@winchester.ac.uk facebook.com/winchestersu or facebook.com/winchesterfreshers16 @winchestersu winchsu winchester student union

Winchester Student Union is an organisation within the University of Winchester, it’s run for and by students. Student Unions are a unique chance for students to elect representatives from their peers, to run their services and extra-curricular activities. Elected officers support and represent students during their educational experience at Winchester. You automatically become a member of the Student Union when you enrol (although you can opt out, should you chose, by emailing su_pres@winchester.ac.uk) and can take full advantage of all their facilities and services.

winchestersu youtube.com/winchsu

University Centre 28

The Student Union’s home is the multi-million pound, award winning University Centre. Situated at the entrance to King Alfred Campus, it is a fantastic facility for student recreation, with two bars, a coffee shop, the SU shop, student radio station and offices.

Freshers Fortnight Nothing will introduce you to life at Winchester better than the Union’s programme of welcome activities. You’ll be given an entertainment schedule outlining all the events taking place in your first two weeks at Winchester, also known as Freshers Fortnight. This is your chance to socialise, get involved and find out what your Union can do for you. The Student Union’s “Freshers Crew” is a team of student volunteers who will be on hand (in orange t-shirts) to help guide you through two non-stop weeks of activities and events. They can help with any information on the Union or University you might need. Remember do as much or as little as you want, and take time to relax in-between!

Freshers Fayre Held in and around the University Centre, the Freshers Fayre has stalls and exhibits you can visit to see what the Union and University has to offer. Sign up for a sports team (ranging from Rugby to Rounders) or join a society (from busking to gaming), and bag yourself lots of freebies! Local businesses and organisations will be there with great offers for students and to show you what Winchester has to offer! It is an event not to be missed.



Make your voice heard

Student Welfare

Winchester Student Union is dedicated to representing students; it’s run by students and everything it does is for its members, the student body. Your Union is here for academic support, advice and protecting your rights. If you find yourself with any financial or academic issues, the Student Union is here to help and offer advice. Winchester Student Union campaigns on important issues that can affect your academic experience; for example access to funding or opening hours of campus facilities.

Student welfare is a priority for the Student Union, and they understand the challenges students may face when going to University. Working closely with Student Services, the Student Union offers advice and support on issues such as, mental health, sexual health, student money, housing, personal safety, alcohol awareness, body image and more. The Student Union runs Student Listeners, a peer support scheme, along with campaigns to promote positive student wellbeing; such as the free Safety Bus, taking students home after a night out.

Shops & Bars The Vault, Terrace Bar & The Lounge are the social hub of the campus, and during Freshers, are the place to be! The Vault is the biggest and best venue in the city and plays host to a wide variety of events and entertainment; from live music to comedy, karaoke, club nights, movie screenings and more. The Vault has it all! If the busy atmosphere of The Vault isn’t your thing, then why not pop into our relaxing coffee bar. Open all day with fantastic indoor and outdoor seating, the Terrace Bar & The Lounge offer a great atmosphere, and serve the best coffee on campus


IT: a few details The IT department at the University (IT Services) provide a range of facilities for students – here is a flavour.

Computing for you There are four key locations on campus (Library plus three other ‘open’ zones) providing a total of over 280 computers (Apple Macs and Windows PCs) that are available for you to use, some of which can be booked in advance. Two of these buildings are open 24/7 making study much more flexible for all students. The computers have all the standard Microsoft programmes (such as Word, Excel) and some have additional applications to aid study (like ArcGIS and assistive technology software). At busy times, we make all the other computing rooms available for study (as long as they are not booked for teaching).

Portable computing 30

Students have easy access to 150 laptops from self-service units located on the main campus and West Downs. These are free to use for up to 24 hours - all you need is your campus card to access the service. A brilliant solution for taking notes in lectures.

We like mobile devices! Nearly everyone now has some kind of mobile device – BlackBerry, Android, iOS, Windows laptops, MacBooks – these can all be configured to work on the University wireless network on campus or in halls of residence. Full details on how to connect will be available when you arrive. So, remember to bring along your mobile device if you want to ‘compute on the move’!

Printing on campus Your campus card can activate any of the Canon multifunction printers that are located in student areas (such as the Library print room, Learning Café, West Downs, etc.). They are easy to use – scan your campus card and read the simple instructions.

Paying for your printing You need a printing balance loaded on your campus card and there are two easy ways to achieve this: use the print cash top-up machines located in the Library, Learning Café, Kenneth Kettle Building or West Downs social computing zone or – and this is probably the best way – use the online print payment gateway: https://printcredit.winchester.ac.uk/

Photocopying Service

Please note that wireless printers cannot be used with the University network, so ensure that, if you are bringing a printer, it can be connected to your PC or laptop via a USB cable.

IT run our own photocopying and printing service – you can use this for any study or personal printing requirements – and lots of the services are cheaper than commercial outlets. Check out the intranet when you arrive on campus for more information.

Caring for your equipment

DIY computing

If you are bringing your own IT equipment to the University, please note that IT Services are unable to offer a repair or consultancy service (except to assist with the installation of SPSS if required). There are local companies who offer maintenance and ITS can provide a list of contacts (but we do not endorse their work or prices). It would be prudent to bring warranty proof and perhaps consider a maintenance plan in the case of hardware faults.

We provide loads of information on our University intranet, so all the guides and setup instructions are at your fingertips. Every new student will receive an information pack from us (either paper or by email) but if you can’t find your way around, just visit the IT Helpdesk.

A bit of gaming? Many common gaming consoles (for example Xbox, PlayStation 3) can be used with the University residence network. Information is provided to help you connect your device, but please be aware that technical support for gaming consoles is very limited and provided only on a best-efforts basis.


Getting help When you start here (and throughout your time at the University), IT Services are available to help you as much possible. During your first few days, if you get stuck trying to set up your computer or mobile device, the team will give you a hand. Please note however that we can’t provide technical support for non-University equipment so please do make sure your computer equipment is in good working order before you arrive.

Food on campus

If you suffer from food allergies, you can contact our team at foodallergyaware@winchester.ac.uk to find out how we can cater for you during your time at Winchester. facebook.com/foodoncampuswinchester @uowcatering +44 (0) 1962 827214 foodoncampus@winchester.ac.uk


The Food Hall is on Level 3 of the University Centre and is open to students, staff and visitors. It provides for a variety of culinary needs, with a range of hot and cold food served throughout the day. We cater for those who may want a quick snack, freshly made deli sandwich, soup or a hot meal, and we also provide a variety of international cuisines. The Food Hall is also the main dining area for those students who are in catered accommodation. TERM-TIME OPENING HOURS Monday-Friday: 08:00 to 14:30 & 17:00 to 19:00 (18:30 for hot food) Weekends: closed

The Learning Café is adjacent to the main reception on Level 4 of the University Centre. It provides an environment for students to relax, to study or grab a takeaway coffee. We provide a selection of premium coffees using organic milk, and coffee beans that are Fairtrade, organic and Rain Forest Alliance Certified. We also offer a selection of sandwiches and paninis and a wide variety of smoothies, milkshakes and iced teas. Check out our fairtrade and gluten free products. TERM-TIME OPENING HOURS Monday-Friday: 07:30 to 18:00 Weekends: closed

Gourmet Burger Company is located in the Lounge on Level 2 of the University Centre. We provide a variety of food including the ever-popular Gourmet Burger Menu using locally sourced organic beef burgers, buffalo burgers and homemade organic mushroom burgers. TERM-TIME OPENING HOURS Monday-Sunday: 12:00 to 19:30 Cyber Italia is part of the social learning space in the Kenneth Kettle Building. The staff provide a full barista service, and they also produce hand-stretched pizzas every day. In addition there are also paninis, sandwiches, crisps, snacks and a variety of cold beverages including fruit smoothies and milkshakes. TERM-TIME OPENING HOURS Monday-Friday: 08:30 to 23:00 Weekends: 10:00 to 23:00

Café Life is our coffee bar in the West Downs Business School. It is similar to the Learning Café providing a selection of ‘grab and go’ hot and cold food and drinks. All coffee beans are Fairtrade, organic and Rain Forest Alliance Certified, and we also stock a variety of Fairtrade and organic cakes and snacks. TERM TIME OPENING HOURS Monday-Thursday: 08:00 to 19:00 Friday: 08:00 to 15:00 Weekends: closed UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER | WELCOME PACK 2016 | WWW.WINCHESTER.AC.UK

Foundation Music FM is the University’s extra- curricular music department. All students (whatever your course), staff and members of the local community are invited to be part of a whole range of music ensembles, bands, workshops, tuition, shows and performances throughout the academic year. Membership of all the ensembles is totally free and there are no auditions. People who have never been involved in music making before or who have only done a small amount, through to the highly experienced musician are encouraged to come along and see what FM has to offer and how you can get involved.

Community FM is a family just waiting for you to join. Each ensemble organises social events as well as musical activities. Come along and get to know people with a similar interest.


Diversity FM is involved in most types of music including pop/rock, jazz, classical, world, gospel, musicals and more. Everyone of any ability or experience is welcome. Some ensembles use sheet music, others don’t. Everyone is catered for so why not try out a few. Challenge yourself.

Participation It’s all about actively MAKING MUSIC. There are workshops and tuition to help you gain more experience, there are leadership opportunities within the ensembles, and there are weekly rehearsals to enjoy. Take your music to another level with FM.

Facilities FM has six open access practice rooms (all with pianos) available during the day and evening for any student to use. There are also rehearsal rooms and larger spaces with pianos, drum kits and various other musical instruments and equipment, which are bookable for practice. There are lockers available for instruments and cupboards for larger equipment.

Tuition VocalZone – weekly free vocal coaching sessions with our resident voice tutor. Everyone is welcome whatever your experience. Private lessons – These can be arranged, sometimes at a discounted cost, often on- campus or in the local community. Please contact FM for more details.


FM Instrumental Ensembles

FM Vocal Ensembles

• • • • • • • • • • •

• Male Barbershop

African Drumming Ensemble The Brass Collective Clarinet Ensemble Concert Band Flute Choir KASBAH Swing Band Steel Pan Jam String Gems That Dixie Feeling (jazz band) The Uke Group Winchester Recorder Consort

• Gleeman (folk choir) • SHOWSTOPPERS Musical Theatre Troupe • The King Alfred Singers (classical choir) • The Ladies (choir for upper voices) • The SONG (soul, rock and pop choir)

BandHub FM runs BandHub which is a network of band musicians studying or working at the University of Winchester. Principally a Facebook page, the aim is to link musicians with the hope of encouraging them to make music together. Rehearsal facilities are available and support is given. FM can also assist with finding local performance opportunities.

Musical Routes Musical Routes is FM’s skills and careers programme. Through workshops and bursaries, you’re able to take a peek at possible career paths associated with music and maybe give them a try. Any FM member can apply for funding for musical skills/career development – just ask a member of our team. Our extension projects then give you the chance to challenge yourself over a longer period and gain invaluable workplace experience.

Excellence Awards Students demonstrating excellence in music-making of any kind may be eligible for a Music Excellence Award of £500 per year. Recipients of the Award are expected to play an active role in the FM communityThere are 5 awards available.Applications open until mid-october. Auditions held in Week 5 of semester 1.Visit www.winchester.ac.uk/music for application form and more info.

For further information visit www.winchester.ac.uk/music facebook.com/foundationmusic @fmwinchester +44 (0) 1962 827466 foundation.music@winchester.ac.uk

Winchester Hub is the centre of student social action at the University of Winchester. We inspire, connect and support you to shape a better world while here at university and throughout your life. We believe in student powered social change and are making sure there are as many opportunities as possible for you to get involved, make a difference, and become powerful, active citizens. We’ve got three main streams that you can get involved in to become part of the Hub: a community of like-minded students who are passionate about making change happen both now and in the future.

Community Volunteering Here is a summary of just two of the many projects we run - for more information and to see what else is running, please visit our website. Schools Plus tackles educational inequality by tutoring young people from deprived or struggling local schools. Student tutors work to improve the academic knowledge, confidence and interest of their pupils, whilst also giving them an insight into life at university. LinkAges takes the loneliness out of old age by connecting you to opportunities to help local older people. It’s a great way to engage with your local community, take a break from the library, classroom or lecture theatre and make a real difference to an older person’s week.

Social Impact Careers Through Winchester Hub’s Social Impact Careers programme, we can connect you with internships, jobs and career advice tailored for the not-for-profit sector. Our unique Social Impact Internship Scheme should be your first port of call if you’re passionate about crafting a career in charity or social enterprise.

Saffron Hampton - studying English “I first heard about Winchester Hub through Fresher’s Fare in my first year. Being involved with the Hub in my first year has made my university experience all the more enjoyable. It’s helped me meet new people and make friends, making me more comfortable within university life. “I’m involved in the Hub’s School’s Plus project. The project works by training students like me to tutor in local schools, working to increase school students’ interest, knowledge and confidence in their studies by acting as positive role models. I was a tutor and Project Coordinator last year and this year I’m on the Hub committee as Schools Plus coordinator. I’ve also joined in with their ‘give it a go’ one off volunteering opportunities, they’re really fun and a great way to get involved with social action if you don’t have tonnes of time. “It was great coming to uni and joining the Hub, it helped me meet new people straight away. It’s also meant that I could do something besides go to lectures and my job. It’s also building my CV, I want to be a teacher when I graduate, so Schools Plus is helping me get the experience I need to apply. “For me, social action is doing something to make society a little fairer. Taking part in Schools Plus has reinforced just how important education is for young people, and made me realise that many children don’t get as far as university because they may not have access to the support they need. Winchester Hub has given me the power to challenge this,and make an impact, I believe I’m doing my part to make society a little fairer. “Getting involved with the Hub will open your eyes to some of the issues that are faced by our society and provides a really simple way to make your mark and address these. Whether it’s combating elderly isolation through Linkages, or tackling educational disadvantage through Schools Plus, Winchester Hub makes it really easy to address these issues.”

Impact International Looking further afield to start your social action journey? Impact International is a programme of resources, training and an annual conference which brings together expert facilitators with students who are planning an international volunteering placement.

For more information, drop us an email at hello@winchesterhub.org, visit our website www.winchesterhub.org or come say hello in MB116. We look forward to meeting you during the Freshers Fayre! UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER | WELCOME PACK 2016 | WWW.WINCHESTER.AC.UK


Winchester’s Institute for Value Studies is an extra-departmental space where students and staff from the university’s different departments can work together on fundamental questions about ethics, politics, art, religion and education. In the modules offered by the Institute, undergraduates at Winchester get the opportunity to engage with fundamental questions about values in an open, undogmatic and probing atmosphere. The modules are team-taught by staff from the various departments in the university, who bring different kinds of expertise and experience to bear on questions of general human significance. The format is conversational (max 12 students in each class) and the spirit co-operative. Each module is worth 15 credits. Many students can take a module or two for credit. Ask your programme leader or check online if your programme allows this: www.winchester.ac.uk/valuestudies


It is also possible to participate in one or more of these modules as an extra-curricular activity and have the work recognized on the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). In 2016-17, the Institute will run the following modules: • Culture: High and Low (Semester 1) • Other Animals: Contemporary Moral Frontiers (Semester 1) • The Values of Teaching (Semester 1) • Cosmopolitanism: Political Values in the Age of Globalization (Semester 2) • Liberal Education: Ends and Means of the Modern University (Semester 2) The Institute also organizes special events and runs a regular Film Forum and a Current Affairs Conversation Circle. For more information, see www.winchester.ac.uk/valuestudies If you wish to be on our mailing list, send an email to ivs@winchester.ac.uk Questions can be addressed to: Dr Thomas Nørgaard - Director, Institute for Value Studies Thomas.Norgaard@winchester.ac.uk


What Winchester students have said about the Value Studies modules: was very engaging to hear different perspectives from other “ Itfields of study. This helped shed new light on the questions and issues we were grappling with. ” seminars were a definite highlight of the module. Close use “ The of the texts to back up argument was encouraged, but there was also plenty of room for original thought. ” tutor did a great job at allowing everyone to input their “ The ideas and opinions, and challenged us in the sense of discussion topics and broader thinking. Conversation was brilliant. ”

What is a HEAR? A HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) gives you a single online record of your academic and other achievements during your time at University. It includes all your grades, your final result, information about your programme and extra-curricular activities (volunteering, academic rep, student union activities for example) you have taken part in.

How can you make the most of your HEAR? • Look out for your HEAR email in semester 2 and activate your HEAR account. • Check out the list of activities you could get involved in and add to your HEAR at www.winchester.ac.uk/hear/activities

For more information please go to www.winchester.ac.uk/hear 35

Erasmus and exchange study abroad opportunities


FIND US ON LEVEL 4 OF THE UNIVERSITY CENTRE 01962 827365 bookshop@winchester.ac.uk

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN STUDYING ABROAD? If you are enrolling on a full-time undergraduate programme of study, then you may be eligible to apply for a place on one of our study abroad programmes! Locations include Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Japan, Canada and USA.

For more information email studyabroad@winchester.ac.uk or call 01962 624930


All the course books recommended by your lecturers


Pick up your copies the moment you need them

CHEAPER THAN AMAZON Big discounts given


Buy a Student Book Card from us before term begins UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER | WELCOME PACK 2016 | WWW.WINCHESTER.AC.UK

Optional Online Study Opportunities These courses can be completed before you arrive or while you are here. They are not formally assessed and they do not give you credit towards your academic programme. However, if you work through the set tasks and activities and submit them as required, you will be able to include them as part of your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), that will add to your employability once you graduate.

Making Sense of Religion Faith and Spirituality in Today’s World Why learn about faith and spirituality? 36

• Crucial part of human experience • Powerful influence on politics, culture and many other aspects of human life • If you are curious about the world we live in, you need to know something about religion

What’s in the course? • Religions in the UK today • Politics and religion – should they mix? • Religion, sex and gender • Religion, ethics and medicine • Where will you find religion? Religion in culture • More to be added in future – have your say!

When you’ve finished… Students who complete the course will be entered into a prize draw with a top prize of £2,000 and two runners up prizes of £500. For further information and instruction on how to join this short module please email Abigail.Whittall@winchester.ac.uk


An Introduction to Contemporary Themes and Issues in Global Politics While politics, international relations, global political economy and other related subjects can be taken discretely and in their own right, the importance of an understanding of local, international and global politics impinges on a vast array of other disciplines, as well as being of significance to the lay man and woman. As global issues impact on your life in tangible or less obvious ways, we feel that even if such topics do not form your primary area of study then an awareness of global issues is important. To make sense of the world you live in, you will need to understand local, international and global politics to some degree. Consisting of six main topics, the content begins with a simple and fun self-test where you can establish what your political ideology and philosophy is (even if you did not know you have one, you will find out that we all do, knowingly or not). This is followed by an overview of British politics and theories of international relations before turning to matters affecting the workings of the global economy and their relation to global politics. The final two topics look at two specific issues of global politics that have international, national, regional and local significance, namely Climate Change and so-called ‘Failed States’. This course is available to all students at the University. It is not formally assessed and it does not give you credit towards your academic programme. In addition, students who complete the course by Friday 27th January 2017 will be entered into a prize draw with a top prize of £2,000 and two runners up prizes of £500. For further details and information on how to join the course contact: Dr William Sheward, Programme Leader, Politics and Global Studies via William.Sheward@winchester.ac.uk

An Introduction to Climate Change: the causes, the impacts, the politics and the importance of action

This introductory course provides a range of resources to help you to understand the causes, impacts, politics and actions needed at local, regional, and international levels. It also examines the part we play as individuals and communities in mitigating and/or adapting to the effects of climate change. On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - adopted by World Leaders in September 2015 - officially came into force. Over the next fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries agreed to mobilise efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind. The Goal for Climate Change recognises that, ‘Urgent action is needed to combat climate change and its impacts’ and at the Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted the first-ever global climate agreement. The agreement sets out a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to below 2°C. Climate change is a global challenge that does not respect national borders and the need to understand the causes, its impacts and the importance of actions has never been more urgent. Climate Change affects every country on every continent with many of the poorest and most vulnerable communities affected the most. Without action, the world’s average surface temperature is projected to rise over the 21st century and is likely to surpass 3 degrees Celsius this century. Affordable, scalable solutions are critical to enable countries to move to cleaner, more resilient low-carbon economies but this requires actions and cooperation within and across communities locally and globally. This short course is available to students from all subject areas across the University because climate change is an issue that is important for everyone, regardless of discipline or intended career. In addition, students who complete the course by Friday 27th January 2017 will be entered into a prize draw with a top prize of £2,000 and two runners up prizes of £500. For further details and information on how to join the course contact: Professor Carole Parkes, Global Issues and Responsible Management by email to Carole.Parkes@winchester.ac.uk UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER | WELCOME PACK 2016 | WWW.WINCHESTER.AC.UK


STUDENT CHARTER The University of Winchester and the Winchester Student Union are committed to providing an environment that supports and develops students through high quality learning and teaching, and services that underpin a positive student experience. We value the opinions, views and wellbeing of individuals as well as intellectual freedom, diversity, and creativity. We celebrate our Christian foundation by welcoming people of all faiths and none and seek to promote social justice. University and Student Union Staff and students have worked together to develop this charter that clearly sets out what we all expect of each other. It recognises the importance of an effective partnership commitment, in which staff have professional obligations and students are responsible for themselves as learners and as individuals. The Charter is approved and reviewed annually by the Student Academic Council. COMMUNICATION, UNDERSTANDING AND EQUITY The key to our relationship is a joint understanding and open communication channels. Good communication is a two-way process and it is important that everyone seeks help and advice and raises issues of concern at the earliest opportunity.


Under this charter, it is expected that all staff and students will:  Treat each other and members of the public, both in person and online, with respect, tolerance and courtesy, regardless of identity, background or belief  Be open, honest and conduct themselves with professional/academic integrity  Raise queries, concerns and complaints promptly through established channels of communication  Respond promptly to all requests for advice, information, feedback and assistance  Respect the physical environment of the university environment, its facilities and resources Communication channels

Active student participation

Sources of information

Intranet Unimail account Canvas Surveys and Evaluations

Elected Student Representatives Student Union Programme and other University Committees Programme (Re)Validations Student Ambassadors and Fellows Winchester Research Apprenticeship Programme

Website: Public Documents such as Regulations, Policies and Guidelines Intranet and Canvas: Programme-specific information Student Handbook Official University social networking sites

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Students can expect:  Encouragement to develop academically and personally through a variety of learning, teaching and assessment activities which enable them to explore the current research in their subject(s)  Opportunities to work with enthusiastic academic staff who have expertise in teaching within their disciplines and who are actively supported to develop and deliver high quality teaching  An assessment system which is fair, transparent and based on academic merit  Academic advice and guidance on the academic standards and requirements of their programme and academic development.  Access to a wide range of learning resources and facilities appropriate to their programme  Activities and opportunities within and beyond the curriculum that enhance student’s employability and personal development, which may be included in their Higher Education Achievement Report (eg work, volunteering placements and opportunities to study abroad)  Timely provision of accurate information about all aspects of teaching, learning and assessment of their programme  Effective and timely student feedback mechanisms, including student representation, which enable them to be involved in the management and development of their programme and teaching, learning and assessment within the University as a whole

Please note that this Charter offers a framework for aspirations and effective practice and does not constitute a binding agreement.


STUDENT CHARTER In return, students are expected to:  Attend all classes and complete assessments as required with academic integrity  Pursue their academic studies in a diligent, ethical and responsible manner, taking the initiative to develop the skills needed to become a successful and independent learner  Seek advice and help from relevant support services if there is an issue that may impact or is impacting upon their studies  Provide feedback on their programme Academic and Learning Support Academic Support

Administrative Support

Sources of information

Personal and Module Tutors Programme Leader or Director of Studies Academic Supervisor Study Skills Service Winchester Student Union

Programme Administrator Faculty Office Registry

Student, Programme and Module Handbooks Library Canvas Intranet

REGULATIONS, POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND COMPLAINTS, APPEALS, DISCIPLINE Under this charter, it is expected that all staff and students will:  Inform themselves of all regulations, policies, guidelines and procedures and comply with them  Where appropriate raise complaints, academic appeals, allegations of academic misconduct (eg cheating), harassment, bullying and other disciplinary offences promptly through the correct channels and help to resolve all such issues speedily FEES, CHARGES AND FINANCE MATTERS The University and the Winchester Student Union agree that clear information about fees provided by the University and prompt payment by students and clients, supplemented by financial advice services for those in need, will provide a sound financial basis for the University to fund on-going and new projects for the benefit of staff and students. Students can expect that the University will publish and promote:  Essential programme costs, estimates of additional costs together with payment options, deadlines and penalties for nonpayment  Financial Advice services available In return, students are expected to:  Ensure all fees and charges are paid promptly (by the student or sponsor/funding provider)  Manage their finances effectively and seek help promptly if they find themselves in difficulties Paid Employment The University recognises that students may wish or need to take paid employment but advises that full-time students should only consider taking paid employment for up to 15 hours per week during a semester, subject to ensuring that their academic studies including placements are unaffected. Tier 4 students should consult the Home Office website for details of paid-work restrictions. Part-time students should ensure that they allow sufficient time to fulfil their academic commitments. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Students can expect that the Winchester Student Union will:  Support all students to ensure they receive fair treatment and are aware of their rights and responsibilities  Support the participation of students in quality assurance and enhancement activities, particularly through the election and development of student representatives for University/Programmes committees and for Programme (Re)Validation events  Assist students with academic and welfare problems  Represent the interests of students at local and national level  Support active student/community engagement  Provide a range of clubs and societies to enhance personal and professional development  Provide a social space In return, students are expected to take advantage of support provided by the University and the Winchester Student Union: Health & Wellbeing

Student Services (non academic)

Sources of information

Wellbeing, advice and guidance; Disability support University link GP Practice Catering outlets with healthy and ethically sourced food/drink Sports Centre/Facilities, Sports and Social Clubs

Winchester Student Union Finance & Planning Housing Careers Service

Student, Programme and Module Handbooks Intranet

Please note that this Charter offers a framework for aspirations and effective practice and does not constitute a binding agreement.



Summary of Key Terms and Conditions The following is a summary of the key terms in the University’s Terms and Conditions. The full Terms and Conditions are available at: www.winchester.ac.uk/TermsandConditions


This summary is provided for information only and does not form part of your contract. Please ensure you read the full Terms and Conditions and relevant University Regulations (as stated in the full Terms & Conditions) before accepting an offer of a place at the University and before enrolling.

Pre-Enrolment Contract A Pre-Enrolment Contract is formed between you and the University when you accept the offer of a place. If you do not Enrol by the deadline you have been given by the University, your Pre-Enrolment Contract will automatically expire at 23:59 on that date. You have a 14 days statutory cancellation period during which you can change your mind about accepting an offer to study at the University. Even after this period, you can cancel your PreEnrolment Contract at any time without incurring any fees to the University.

Enrolment Contract When you Enrol, your Pre-Enrolment Contract automatically expires and a new Enrolment Contract is formed between you and the University. This is when you become responsible for paying tuition fees. If you Enrol online, there is a 14 day statutory cancellation period during which you can change your mind about coming to study at the University. The period runs from the date you Enrol online. If you cancel your place within this period, you will receive a full refund of any tuition fees which you have paid to the University. If you Enrol in person, there is no statutory cancellation period,


but If you withdraw from the University, transfer to another institution or take time out (interrupt your studies)within the first three weeks of your Course start date, you will receive a refund of any tuition fees paid but the University retains the right to retain any deposit paid. If you withdraw from the University, transfer to another institution or take time out (interrupt your studies) after the first three weeks of your Course date but before the end of the Academic Year, refunds/credits are not automatically given, but unless you retain a statutory right to cancel which entitles you to a full refund, the University will refund a proportion of any Tuition Fees in accordance with the Regulations for the Payment of Tuition Fees. You are strongly advised to discuss the implications in advance with relevant University staff since such decisions can have significant implications. If you materially breach the Terms and Conditions or University Regulations, the University may terminate your contract. In certain circumstances only, the University may make changes to, or discontinue your Course or change the Terms and Conditions or its Regulations. Please see the full Terms and Conditions for details.

Tuition Fees The University charges Tuition Fees for the delivery of its Course and you will have primary responsibility for payment. Please see full Terms and Conditions for details. If you do not pay your tuition fees, the University may charge interest on any outstanding tuition fees, withhold services from you and withdraw you from your Course. You will not be able to re-Enrol, receive your award certificate or official verification of

your studies or attend a graduation ceremony if you have tuition fee debt.

Intellectual Property The University recognises that each student is the owner of the intellectual property they create during their course. However, there are exceptions to this as detailed in the Intellectual Property Policy.

Liability The University expressly excludes liability to the fullest extent permissible by law for all damage to your property and for personal injuries or death, unless caused by the negligence of the University or its staff. Unless it is liable in negligence for personal injury or death, the University limits its liability to the value of tuition fees paid by you or on your behalf, or, if greater, any relevant amount received from its insurers.

Student Regulations Students are required to abide by the University’s Regulations and associated Policies. Please see the full Terms and Conditions for a list of these documents and how to access them.

Code of Conduct Students are required to abide by the Student Conduct Policy. Some courses also have professional conduct requirements.

Breach of Regulations The University will investigate allegations of misconduct in accordance with its own procedures and students found in breach

of these, may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. These can range from an informal verbal warning to expulsion from the University. Please see section 12 of the full Terms and Conditions. If you do not meet the programme requirements at each stage of your University Course, you may not be permitted to progress to the next stage of your Course, you may have to repeat assessments or modules or you may have to withdraw from your Course and may not be awarded the qualification for which you are studying. Students found in breach of the Academic Misconduct Regulations may have sanctions imposed which can range from a formal warning to expulsion from the University.

Appeals If you wish to appeal as an applicant, please follow the Appeals by Applicants Policy. If you are an enrolled student, please follow the Academic Appeals Regulations.

Complaints The University has one Complaints Policy for both applicants and enrolled students.

Contact Us The University’s address is: The University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 4NR Telephone Number: +44(0)1962 841515 Fax Number: +44 (0) 1962 842280 Email: admissons@winchester.ac.uk



How to find your way around campus 25



28 29 2 1






14 15


6 12

10 7



26 8

42 11 17


18 19 20

1. Alwyn Hall: staff offices

12. The Martial Rose Library (MRL)

2. St Swithun’s Lodge (SSL)

13. Tom Atkinson Building (TAB)

3. The Cottage

14. Fred Wheeler Building (FWB)

4. K enneth Kettle Building (KKB) and Cyber Italia Café

15. Bowers Building (BB) and the Centre for Sport (CFS)

5. Herbert Jarman Building (HJB)

16. St Alphege Building (SAB)

6. The Chapel

17. The Stripe

7. Main Building (MB)

18. Beech Glade (Halls of Residence - SO22 4NL)

8. St Grimbald’s Court (SGC) 9. S t Elizabeth’s Hall (Halls of Residence - SO22 4NR)

19. Medecroft (MC)

10. St James’ Hall

21. Winchester Business School and West Downs Centre (WD)

11. University Centre; Student Union; Main Reception; Food Hall

20. Medecroft Annexe (MCA)

Acronyms are used as abbreviations for teaching locations and popular venues


22. West Downs Student Village (Houses 1-68 - SO22 5HT) (Houses 69-108 - SO22 5FT) 23. Holm Lodge (HL) 24. Cemetery Lodge 25. Masters’ Lodge, Research and Knowledge Exchange Centre 26. St Edburga Building (SEB) 27. Performing Arts Studios (PAS) 28. Queen’s Road Student Village (Halls of Residence - SO22 4DQ) 29. Burma Road Student Village (Halls of Residence - SO22 4SB)

How to find the University


43 +


Postcodes For arrivals/accommodation key collection on 17/18 September: P West Downs Centre SO22 5HT For general enquiries: King Alfred campus+ (main campus)

SO22 4NR


Useful contacts Arrivals and online registration queries


Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827321 arrivalshelpline@winchester.ac.uk

Payments +44 (0) 1962 827257 Other queries: +44 (0) 1962 827536 / 827275 credit.control@winchester.ac.uk

Student Services Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827341 Fax: +44 (0) 1962 827515 studentservreception@winchester.ac.uk

Money advice/welfare student.advice@winchester.ac.uk studentsandmoney@winchester.ac.uk

Disability/Dyslexia/Mental Health

Tel: +44 (0) 1962 826427 Donna.Rose@winchester.ac.uk

Study Abroad (exchange/Erasmus/visiting) Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827232/7582 studyabroad@winchester.ac.uk

disability@winchester.ac.uk mentalhealth@winchester.ac.uk

Car parking office

Academic skills

IT Services


Servicedesk@winchester.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827654

Health 44

International Recruitment Advisor



Security office


security@winchester.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827666


International Student Officer international.students@winchester.ac.uk

English Language Teaching and Support Unit (ELTSU)

Student Union www.winchesterstudents.co.uk SU_admin@winchester.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827418


St Clements Surgery

Dean of Chapel

Tel: 01962 852211 Fax: 01962 856010 Out of hours: 111 – calls are free

Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827063 chaplaincy@winchester.ac.uk

Careers/jobs/volunteering careers@winchester.ac.uk

St Paul’s Surgery

Tel: +44 (0) 1962 841515

Tel: 01962 853599 Fax: 01962 849982 Out of hours: 111 – calls are free

Student housing services

The Friarsgate Surgery

Tel: +44 (0) 1962 827533 housing@winchester.ac.uk

Tel: 01962 871730 Fax: 01962 854956 Out of hours: 111 – calls are free

University of Winchester main reception

Other useful contacts Winchester Tourist Information for Hotel and Bed and Breakfast accommodation in Winchester www.visitwinchester.co.uk National Health Service (NHS): www.nhs.uk or call 111 Interfaith Network for UK: www.interfaith.org.uk


Standard semester and attendance dates 2016-17 Undergraduate study The academic year is split into two semesters. Students are required to be in attendance for both the teaching and assessment weeks as detailed below:

Semester dates



Enrolment and induction (mandatory Welcome Week)

19 September 2016

24 September 2016

Semester 1

26 September 2016

13 January 2017

Semester 2

16 January 2017

26 May 2017

Attendance dates



12 weeks teaching

26 September 2016

16 December 2016

12 weeks teaching

16 January 2017

7 April 2017

Assessment weeks

9 May 2017

26 May 2017

Year 1 BEd/MEd students are also required to undertake a two-week unpaid structured observation prior to the start of the programme. The dates above also apply to standard full-time taught postgraduate programmes starting in semester 1, and you are expected to submit your dissertation/extended research project before the end of September 2017.

ELTSU semester and attendance dates 2016-17

PGCE - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Primary and Secondary)

Enrolment and induction (Welcome Week) 19 September 2016-23 September 2016

Taught in three terms, plus three week structured observation prior to the start of the programme

Semester 1 26 September 2016-16 December 2016

Term 1 Monday 19 September 2016 – Friday 16 December 2016

Christmas break 19 December 2016-13 January 2017

Term 2 Monday 9 January 2017 – Friday 9 April 2017

Semester 1 continued EXAM WEEK 16 January 2017-20 January 2017 23 January 2017-27 January 2017

Term 3 Monday 24 April 2017 – Friday 7 July 2017

Semester 2 30 January 2017-7 April 2017 Spring break 10 April 2017-28 April 2017 (includes Good Friday (14 April) and Easter Monday (17 April)) Semester 2 continued Bank Holiday Monday (1 May) 2 May 2017-12 May 2017 EXAM WEEK 15 May 2017-19 May 2017 22 May 2017-26 May 2017



The University of Winchester, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NR +44(0)1962 841515 course.enquiries@winchester.ac.uk

Your feedback‌ Did you find all of the information you were looking for? If you have any comment about this pack, or suggestions for improvemwent, please get in touch via Registry.Enquiries@winchester.ac.uk

Documents can be made available in different formats upon request. Please contact Amy Kenyon at +44 (0) 1962 827203 or Amy.Kenyon@winchester.ac.uk for further details

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