Applicant Open Day Programme Feb 2021

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PROGRAMME There is plenty to do at our Applicant Open Day. You will be able to join the different Microsoft Teams sessions through our Open Day URL which is: Please note that the link may not work until the morning of the Open Day. This programme has been tailored so you can attend as much as possible throughout your day, with most sessions repeating with a morning and afternoon session.



10.00 LIVE WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION TO WINCHESTER Hear from our Vice Chancellor who will be talking all about The University of Winchester, what we have achieved, what we are aiming for and how we support our students.


10.15 LIVE Q&A This is your opportunity to ask those burning questions. Our current students will be available to answer questions about student life, living in Winchester, studying at University, how they settled in and much more.


10.30 LIVE VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOURS Using our Virtual Tour we will guide you around our beautiful campus, telling you more about our facilities and campus life.


11.00 ACADEMIC TASTER SESSION (SEE BELOW) Hear more from the academic staff who will be teaching you and experience a real life example of a lecture. Descriptions for each course can be found in the Academic Taster Session section of the programme.


11.45 HOUSING TALK Our experienced housing team will guide you through the accommodation options available here at the University of Winchester. You can ask them any questions you may have about living on campus or in University Managed Housing in the local area.


11.45 ALUMNI PANEL We will be joined by some of our Alumni who are going to share their stories of how Winchester helped them in their career. You will also be able to ask them any questions about their journey from being a student to working in a company, setting up their own business or furthering their education.


11.45 NEXT STEPS TALK Not sure what to do now you have submitted your application? Our expert team from Future Students will guide you through what happens next and what you can do to make your transition to University as smooth as possible. Suitable for Students and Parents/Carers.


11.45 OPPORTUNITY WINCHESTER TALK University is so much more than just a degree, it is an opportunity to develop as a person, build employability skills and gain new experiences. Come along to this session to find out more about what opportunities Winchester gives you over and above your degree.


12.15 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SESSION Meet our International recruitment team and fellow international students and ask them any questions you may have about studying as an International Student.


12.15 LIVE VIRTUAL ROOM SHOW Directly after our Housing Talk some of our current students will be showing you around their room. This is your chance to get a real feel for what the bedrooms and living areas look like.


12.15 PARENTS AND CARERS ADVICE SESSION This session is aimed at those who are supporting a young person through University. Pick up tips and advice from members of our Future Students Team, some of whom have been in your shoes.




12.15 STUDENT SERVICES TALK We have an excellent Student Services department who will be supporting you through your studies. Come along to this session and find out more about Wellbeing, Mental Health, Disability and much more.


12.15 STUDENT UNION TALK Our Student Union is there to support you in both your studies and extra-curricular opportunities. This session gives you the chance to find out more about Sports Clubs, Societies, Activities, Entertainment and Academic Support.




12.45 LIVE WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION TO WINCHESTER Hear from our Vice Chancellor who will be talking all about The University of Winchester, what we have achieved, what we are aiming for and how we support our students.


13.00 ACADEMIC TASTER SESSION (SEE BELOW) Hear more from the academic staff who will be teaching you and experience a real life example of a lecture. Descriptions for each course can be found in the Academic Taster Session section of the programme.


13.00 NEXT STEPS TALK Not sure what to do now you have submitted your application? Our expert team from Future Students will guide you through what happens next and what you can do to make your transition to University as smooth as possible. Suitable for Students and Parents/Carers. 13.00 STUDYING THROUGH COVID-19 The session will provide an overview of how the University has adapted to teaching in the pandemic.



13.45 HOUSING TALK Our experienced housing team will guide you through the accommodation options available here at the University of Winchester. You can ask them any questions you may have about living on campus or in University Managed Housing in the local area.


13.45 LIVE STUDENT Q&A This is your opportunity to ask those burning questions. Our current students will be available to answer questions about student life, living in Winchester, studying at University, how they settled in and much more.


13.45 OPPORTUNITY WINCHESTER TALK University is so much more than just a degree, it is an opportunity to develop as a person, build employability skills and gain new experiences. Come along to this session to find out more about what opportunities Winchester gives you over and above your degree.


14.15 LIVE VIRTUAL ROOM SHOW Directly after our Housing Talk some of our current students will be showing you around their room. This is your chance to get a real feel for what the bedrooms and living areas look like.


14.15 ALUMNI PANEL We will be joined by some of our Alumni who are going to share their stories of how Winchester helped them in their career. You will also be able to ask them any questions about their journey from being a student to working in a company, setting up their own business or furthering their education.




14.45 PARENTS AND CARERS ADVICE SESSION This session is aimed at those who are supporting a young person through University. Pick up tips and advice from members of our Future Students Team, some of whom have been in your shoes.


14.45 LIVE VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOURS Using our Virtual Tour we will guide you around our beautiful campus, telling you more about our facilities and campus life.


14.45 GET INVOLVED! Listen to our Student Union Exec team that will talk about all of the different sports and societies you can get involved in.


15.15 STUDENT SERVICES (WELLBEING & DISABILITY) We have an excellent Student Services department who will be supporting you through your studies. Come along to this session and find out more about Wellbeing, Mental Health, Disability and much more.


15.15 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SESSION Meet our International recruitment team and fellow international students and ask them any questions you may have about studying as an International Student.


ACADEMIC TASTER SESSIONS Hear more from the academic staff who will be teaching you and experience a real life example of a lecture. Descriptions for each course can be found below.

ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE An interactive taster session offers an overview of the course and an example of a typical year one class work. ACTING AND DRAMA How to not be ‘small’ on the small screen. In this session we will create micro-monologues and consider what it means to reach out to an audience. ANCIENT, CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL STUDIES/ARCHAEOLOGY ‘How old is that?’ is the first question asked of any archaeological site or object. In this seminar we will discuss how archaeologists build chronologies and the potential pitfalls in so doing. ANIMAL WELFARE AND SOCIETY Are animals legal persons? A discussion on the moral consideration of animals. ANTHROPOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Anthropology allows you to explore a wide variety of societies and cultures from around the world and across different time periods. It also leads you to reflect on your own practices and understandings of the world. In this session we will explore ideas of exchange and reciprocity in different cultures from an anthropological viewpoint, and you will be asked to reflect on your own ideas and practices related to gifting in today’s society. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Business Analysis - would you invest? This session will introduce you to how business managers scan a business’ operating environment when making investment decisions. CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH STUDIES An interactive session that explores the study of children and young people and key topics and issues for future professionals. CHILDHOOD STUDIES This session will explore and discuss what an early year’s professional could be and we will be creating captions about the value of having a degree.

CLASSICAL STUDIES Challenging contexts, considering Cleopatra: An introduction to Classics that takes as its subject the great Cleopatra, offering a reconsideration of life and reputation of one of the most famous figures from ancient history.’ COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN COURSES/DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGN; DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGN: 3D VISUALISATION ; DIGITAL MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AND 3D ENVIRONMENTS (GAME AND HERITAGE) Open discussion to discuss the ethos of our courses and what they can expect. We will dicsuss the type of topics and workshops that we get the students involved in. We will discuss the importance of design thinking and the design process, as well as an overview of some of the technical skills they will learn. COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES Every computer scientist must have an awareness of computational thinking, a concept which encompasses both algorithmic thinking and evaluation. In this taster session, we will investigate how computer scientists develop algorithms and then test their effectiveness. CREATIVE WRITING An interactive session that explores our Creative Writing courses. CREATIVE ADVERTISING Design Principles Brand Identiy and Style. CRIMINOLOGY Questioning Criminology and media influence. This session will introduce you to some of the key questions in criminology and consider the influence that media can have on our perceptions. You will have the opportunity to engage in a discussion on this using everyday common understandings of crime and criminality. DANCE An interactive session that explores the work of a touring dance company, skills needed and the challenges and opportunities for dance Post-Covid. The discussion will draw on current dance students’ experiences as company members of the dance repertoire touring dance company D@win. Videos of specific work will be shared and discussed. ECONOMICS AND BANKING An interactive taster session offers an overview of the course and an example of a typical year one class work. EDUCATION STUDIES COURSES Disability, special educational needs, and education. How can we create education and society to be more inclusive for all? ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES/ENGLISH LINGUISTICS What does your language say about you? Come have a look at what your language says about who you are (or who you want to be) - the words we use, the order we put them in, and even the words we *don’t* use can tel us about our identities, our values, and the way we see the world. ENGLISH LITERATURE Does Britannia Rule the Waves? This session explores the history of the famous British song Rule Britannia! which ends the Prom Concerts every year. What we shall find is that it is far from as patriotic as it seems today. EVENT MANAGEMENT Just how important are Events? FASHION MARKETING Fashion Brand Opportunities: Collabs and Extensions. Brand Identity is a crucial part in Fashion Business Success, In this fun taster session we explore the potential of well-known fashion brands for growing their equity in terms of collaborations and new brand initiatives - so get your thinking hats on! FILM PRODUCTION Beyond the screen. In this short session we will take a look at some examples how the use of off-screen sound helps expand a film’s story-world beyond the edges of the screen. FILM STUDIES, SCREENWRITING AND FILM Film, Style and Genre: This session will examine ways of reading film through discussion of the importance of visual style in film through a focus on contemporary genre hybridity by reference to, for example, horror and science fiction.

FORENSIC INVESTIGATION/CYBER CRIME AND FORENSIC INVESTIGATION Test your skills as a Crime Scene Investigator: You need to prioritise the evidence collection - what, how and why? GEOGRAPHY Geography and Climate Change StudiesGeopolitical artefacts of the War on Terror. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE An interactive session that explores how we construct and study health and social care and key topics and issues for future professionals. HEALTH AND WELLBEING An interactive session that explores the study of the broad topic of of health and wellbeing, and key topics and issues for future professionals HISTORY, YOU CAN ATTEND EITHER THE MEDIEVAL OR MODERN HISTORY SESSIONS Medieval History – Rulers of England in the Viking Age In this interactive lecture, Professor Ryan Lavelle will look at ways in which early medieval rulers were depicted. From coins to manuscript images via a few glances at Victorian statues of Alfred the Great, this session addresses the nature of power and authority a thousand years ago. Modern History – Supernatural and Witchcraft Beliefs in the British Isles, Continental Europe, and America, c. 1450-1800 This session explores the world of pre-modern supernatural and magical beliefs across the past two millennia but focuses, primarily, on the origins and nature of the pan-European and American witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in which over 100,000 people (the majority women) were tried and executed for alleged crimes of witchcraft. In this taster session, I will explain the broad context of the sixteenth-century witch hunts and we will then discuss the testimony of 8Anne regarding the prosecution of Appoline Belz, cunning woman of Lorraine in 1580. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: GLOBAL HEALTH Our interactive taster session offers an overview of the course and an example of a typical year one class work. JOURNALISM (INCLUDING SPORTS, FASHION, ENTERTAINMENT , MUSIC JOURNALISM AND PUBLIC RELATIONS AND JOURNALISM) Behind the scenes: Staff and students describe what it’s like working on the university’s award-winning WINOL news programme. LAW This session promises to be a bit of a car crash. What happens when you wake up to find a car has embedded itself into your front room? Call a lawyer [that means you!] We will consider as individuals and as a team those issues at play. Hopefully by the end of the session you will even be able to start charging for advice! LIBERAL ARTS Liberal Arts is not a new subject. It is one of the oldest forms of interdisciplinary study at University, going back over 2000 years. Yet most people know very little about it. Our session offers an opportunity to find out more about the history of Liberal Arts, and about the BA Liberal Arts degree here at Winchester. MARKETING Our interactive taster session offers an overview of the course and an example of a typical year one class work. MATHEMATICS Our interactive taster session offers an overview of the course and an example of a typical year one class work. MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION (INCLUDING ADVERTISING, SOCIAL MEDIA, VIDEO GAMES, JOURNALISM FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES) During this interactive taster session we will offer an overview of the course and we will have an open discussion about the type of topics and projects that you can get involved in on the Media and Communication programme. MUSIC AND SOUND PRODUCTION \ MUSIC PRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE (POPULAR MUSIC), COMMERCIAL MUSIC Take part in a practical drum sample making session, recording acoustic drums and turning them into a digital instrument. We will be using Ableton Live Suite, please download the free trial from and follow along! MUSICAL THEATRE Participants will engage in an online interactive exploration of performance and acting through song, considering both the acting and vocal choices a performer might make in conveying character through song.

NURSING Thrills and Spills: Nursing in the 21st Century. NUTRITION AND DIETETICS Malnutrition in older people: what are the signs and can the social causes of malnutrition be prevented? PHILOSOPHY/THEOLOGY/THEOLOGY, RELIGION AND ETHICS/PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND ETHICS Would it worry you if the police, a marketing company, your parents or your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to use a brain scanner to read your mind? In this session we’ll explore the ethical questions raised by “brain reading”: using neuroscientific techniques to gain information about people’s thoughts and mental states. We shall consider how secular and religious approaches to ethics might respond to these questions. PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND ECONOMICS/HISTORY AND POLITICS/POLITICS AND POLITICS WITH INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Politics of the Covid-19 Pandemic. PHYSIOTHERAPY What people think we do versus What we actually do. POLICING At 6pm on Tuesday 29th September 1829, 600 officers of the ‘new’ Police set out to patrol the streets of London for the first time. These officers were overseen by two Commissioners, Charles Rowan, and Richard Mayne, both of whom had the powers of Magistrates. But over two thousand years earlier, in Classical Athens, Magistrates with even greater powers, could draw on the services and arrest capabilities of the first ‘new’ police officers within a democratic society. Like police officers today, these officers from Classical Athens were probably equipped with both lethal and less lethal force options. We know that there were 300 of them, the 300 ‘Scythian Archers’ that formed the first ‘new’ police in Classical Athens over two thousand years ago. PRIMARY EDUCATION (ALL PATHWAYS) Our interactive taster session offers an overview of the course and an example of a typical year one class work. PSYCHOLOGY (ALL PROGRAMMES) Can we really detect when someone is lying?’ In this session we will briefly discuss what lying is from a psychological perspective and attempt to correct some common misunderstandings people have about lie-detection. There will also be a chance for you to try out your own lie-detection skills in a short activity. SOCIAL WORK Social Work Values and Ethics: What we mean by these terms; Relevance to Social Work Practice; Values behind choices; Values implicit in legislation and Policy; Society’s Vaues. SPORT A number of different interactive sessions will be available from across all undergraduate sport and exercise courses. SOCIOLOGY Climate Change and Society. The role of sociology in climate change research and policies. THEATRE PRODUCTION Taster session: what does a Stage Manager actually do? Learn about the different people who work backstage and have a whistlestop tour through the industry of Theatre Production.

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