The University of Winchester Carbon Management Programme Implementation Plan
Document Information
Prepared For: Mat Jane, Head of Energy and Environment 01962 841515
Prepared by: Susie Chalk, Analyst 020 3058 9773
Quality Assurance by: Will Jenkins, Consultant 020 3053 6659
Version Control: Version
Draft v0.1
30th August 2016
First Draft Release
Final v1.0
21st September 2016
Final Release
Disclaimer: Important Notice Whilst reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information contained within this report is correct, you should be aware that the information contained within it may be incomplete, inaccurate or may have become out of date. Accordingly, Carbon Credentials, its agents, contractors and sub-contractors make no warranties or representations of any kind as to the content of this report or its accuracy and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, accept no liability whatsoever for the same including, without limit, for direct, indirect or consequential loss, business interruption, loss of profits, production, contracts, goodwill or anticipated savings. Any person making use of this report does so at their own risk [and it is recommended that they seek professional advice from their own adviser whenever appropriate].
Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.
Carbon Management at The University of Winchester............................................................................................. 9
Carbon Emissions Baseline & Performance to Date ................................................................................................ 13
Carbon Emission Scenarios & Targets ..................................................................................................................... 17
Delivering The Carbon Management Programme .................................................................................................. 23
Engagement and Communications ......................................................................................................................... 26
Investing in our Campus .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Analytics & Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Implementation Action Plan and Next Steps .......................................................................................................... 38
Appendix A: Technical Opportunity Assessment ............................................................................................................ 40 Appendix B: Carbon Emission Factors ............................................................................................................................. 55 Appendix C: Carbon Reduction Policy Context ............................................................................................................... 57
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Implementation Plan provides guidance for the delivery of the University of Winchester’s Carbon Management Programme (CMP). The focus of this Implementation Plan is on the actions that will deliver a 2025 carbon emissions intensity target, and ultimately lead to the achievement of a 2030 absolute reduction target. VISION The University of Winchester has worked hard to become a leader in low-carbon higher education and by 2015 had achieved a 45% reduction in the carbon intensity of its campus since 2006/07, far exceeding its 30% target. With the University celebrating its 175th anniversary now is the time to plan for the future, ensuring that the needs of the present users of the campus are met without compromising the ability of future users to meet their needs. The University has reaffirmed the importance of environmental sustainability in its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, and has now refined its carbon management programme to ensure these commitments are met. To deliver this Carbon Management Programme successfully, the University of Winchester will invest in technologies that seek to improve carbon efficiency and generate renewable energy, ensure its Masterplan delivers low-carbon buildings and embed a culture of environmental sustainability. This will be achieved by working collaboratively with staff and students, drawing on the breadth of knowledge and experience across the university and aligning the programme with the strategic direction of the University. THE VALUE AT RISK: MITIGATING AGAINST INCREASING ENERGY CONSUMPTION & COST If the University of Winchester had continued to consume energy at the 2006/07 intensity, it is estimated that energy costs in 2014/15 would have been higher by over £390,000. Over the lifetime of the last CMP this equates to a cumulative net saving of around £1,440,000. Carbon Credentials has evaluated the potential impact of energy price inflation (modelled at 4% per annum) and the impact of the Masterplan to quantify the risk of maintaining current energy intensity and not reducing further. If the 2025 target is achieved, it is estimated that annual savings by 2025 would be in the region of £620,000. It is expected that this Carbon Management Programme will deliver a ten year cumulative saving of just over £2,700,000.
10 year value at risk
Figure 1 Projected Energy Costs to 2025. Please note: this analysis assumes carbon reduction projects will be implemented gradually over a ten year period.
THE OPPORTUNITY: DELIVERING OUR CARBON MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME By working closely with the University of Winchester, Carbon Credentials has identified a £2.9 million investment opportunity that will deliver £379,000 of annual financial savings. This assessment has revealed that the key opportunities for the University of Winchester are:
District Heating System: the development of energy centres containing Combined Heat and Power systems at the Upper Campus and King Alfred Campus. Analytics & Reporting to Inform BMS Optimisation & Engagement: effective utilisation of the extensive submetering and AMR network through the programmatic analytics and reporting of data. This will inform ongoing technical work to optimise existing systems and support staff and student engagement initiatives. Installation of Solar PV: there are many viable roof spaces for further solar PV installations, delivering cost and carbon savings, and being a visible sign of the University’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
Figure 2 Investment Summary for the Carbon Management Programme
PROGRESS AGAINST THE UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER’S 2015 TARGET The University of Winchester has significantly over-achieved its existing target of a 30% reduction by 2015 in emissions intensity by floor area, delivering a reduction of 45% since 2006/07. Over the same period the University of Winchester’s carbon emissions have decreased by 5.5% on absolute terms.
Total Carbon Emissions Carbon Emissions Intensity by Floor Area Carbon Emissions Intensity by Total FTE Staff and Student
Baseline Emissions: 2006/07
Percentage Change
4,211 tCO2e
3,979 tCO2e
96 kgCO2e / m
0.89 tCO2e / FTE
53 kgCO2e / m
0.58 tCO2e / FTE
-45.0% -34.9%
Figure 3 Progress Against the 2015 Emissions Target
SETTING TARGETS TO 2025 AND 2030 It is important that the University of Winchester commits to an ambitious carbon reduction target that is in the context of targets set by the UK and the Higher Education sector, and is informed by strategic plans for the university and the opportunities to reduce carbon emissions. Consequently, the University of Winchester commits to long-range target of a 55% reduction by 2030, against 2006/07. This is based on total emissions, is aligned with the level of decarbonisation required to limit global warming to 2°C and will be challenging to achieve, given the expected growth in the size of the campus. In order for the University of Winchester to demonstrate progress along the route to this ambitious 55% reduction target, an emissions intensity target of a 65% reduction by 2025, against 2006/07, has been set. This target has been designed to stretch the University in its efforts to deliver a low-carbon campus, while being in the context of the Masterplan and available opportunities for carbon reductions. Although emissions from commuting, supplier travel and procurement are not incorporated within the emissions assessment and reduction targets, recommended initiatives have been identified to support their management:
2025 Carbon Target (Intensity)
2006/07: 96 kgCO2e / m2
2030 Carbon Target (Absolute)
2006/07: 4,211 tCO2e
2024/25: 34 kgCO2e/ m2
2029/30: 1,895 tCO2e
THE UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER’S APPROACH The table below outlines the University of Winchester’s main themes for managing and reducing its carbon emissions. These elements will be vital to the success of this carbon management programme, and this Implementation Plan details objectives and actions for each.
Work Stream
Short Term Actions Approve the carbon reduction targets and confirm timelines for the Implementation Plan.
Analytics & Reporting
Confirm that the CMP has the correct governance structure and representation from across the University. Implement a robust Analytics & Reporting Programme that is capable of regularly tracking the programme’s key performance indicators and fulfilling the reporting framework.
Risks Resources and funding are not allocated to the programme. Lack of focus and drive to successfully deliver on the carbon reduction targets.
Lack of technologies and resources to collect, analyse and report data in a timely manner. BMS Optimisation & Engagement projects cannot be delivered effectively.
Actions to Mitigate
Senior leadership must ensure that Your Campus, Your Planet is suitably positioned and the value at risk is fully understood.
Allocate funding and resources to deliver the Reporting Framework.
Engagement & Communications
Climate Change Education
Energy Conservation Measures
Launch the Your Campus, Your Planet programme internally so staff and students are aware of its objectives and targets. Utilise the stakeholder mapping and communications strategy to design and implement a high impact programme that builds on ongoing initiatives. Ensure that the Your Campus, Your Planet programme is a component of climate change education. Confirm opportunities for collaboration and using the University as a living laboratory for climate change research and education. Review findings from the ‘Technical Opportunity assessment’ report. Prioritise energy conservation measures and confirm route to funding.
Communications are not consistent following launch of the CMP, and the programme loses momentum. Staff and students feel that the programme is not being delivered in line with expectations and it is not a priority for the University.
Ensure sufficient resourcing and a continual stream of communications to all stakeholders so that Your Campus, Your Planet does not drop off the agenda.
Academic endeavours are not joined up with what the University is doing on campus to manage and reduce its environmental impact.
Ensure the CMP delivery team is represented and the University’s leadership support collaborative working between the Estates & Facilities team and the Climate Change Education strategy.
Resources and funding are not allocated to the programme.
Work with senior decision makers to remove barriers to funding energy and carbon efficiency projects in existing buildings.
Low & Zero Carbon Generation Technologies
Identify and secure necessary resources and funding for Solar PV and a District Heating Scheme, including a full risk assessment and the consideration of various funding routes.
Resources and funding are not allocated to the programme.
Work with senior decision makers to remove barriers to funding substantial renewable and low carbon technology projects.
Delivering the Master Plan
Ensure any changes to the Masterplan are assessed for their impact on the University’s ability to achieve its carbon targets.
Energy and carbon efficiency measures are value engineered out of construction projects and emissions intensity does not improve.
Work with senior decision makers to remove barriers to funding energy and carbon efficiency projects in new or redeveloped buildings.
Align IT improvement plans with the aims of the CMP.
Stakeholders may not understand the value or need of aligning IT services projects with the CMP.
Ensure the senior leadership actively supports collaboration to meet the aims of the CMP.
Improve the monitoring and tracking of emissions from business travel and commuting.
Staff do not follow best practice reporting of business travel data and time is not allocated to improve data quality.
Ensure that any changes are supported by a strong training and communications plan.
Utilise bin weight data, bin audits and the launch of Your Campus, Your Planet to engage with new intake of students on recycling.
Students and staff are not actively supporting the aims of the CMP.
Ensure sufficient resourcing and a continual stream of communications to all stakeholders so that Your Campus, Your Planet does not drop off the agenda.
Develop a sustainable procurement policy and associated training plan.
Policies do not get created as they are not seen as adding value or being a priority. Policies are not embedded effectively and staff revert to old ways of working.
Ensure that policies are supported by an implementation and training plan, and that they contain metrics to evaluate the success with which they have been delivered.
NEXT STEPS Through consultation and engagement with key stakeholders during the CMP development process, it has become clear that there is a significant opportunity to implement an optimised approach to carbon management at the University of Winchester. The key next steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Approval of how the CMP will be delivered, including the implementation plan Confirmation of the key performance indicators and targets Communicate and launch the CMP Completion of the short-term actions defined in the Implementation Plan
1. CARBON MANAGEMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER BACKGROUND The University of Winchester embarked on the Carbon Trust carbon management programme in 2008 and developed a Carbon Management Programme (CMP) that set a 30% carbon reduction target for 2015, against a 2006/07 baseline. Following guidance published for the sector by HEFCE, the University of Winchester also set a further target for 2020 of 43%, against a 2005/06 baseline. This baseline incorporates only Scope 1 and 2 emissions and, in the University of Winchester’s case, this was gas, oil, electricity and fleet vehicles (Figure 4).
Figure 4 University of Winchester’s 2006/07 carbon emission baseline
In 2015, the University of Winchester engaged Carbon Credentials to conduct a CMP Diagnostic. This encompassed a detailed review of the university’s current approach to carbon management, and the identification of associated key risks and opportunities, given the 30% carbon reduction target for 2015. This process revealed the need for an updated CMP that would look beyond 2020 and be aligned with the wider strategic vision and Masterplan of the university. This implementation plan focuses on the University of Winchester’s operational energy and carbon management, and seeks to improve carbon performance across the university.
VISION With the University celebrating its 175th anniversary now is the time to plan for the future, ensuring that the needs of the present users of the campus are met without compromising the ability of future users to meet their needs. The University has reaffirmed the importance of environmental sustainability in its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, and has now refined its carbon management programme to ensure these commitments are met.
To deliver this Carbon Management Programme successfully, the University of Winchester will invest in technologies that seek to improve carbon efficiency and generate renewable energy, ensure its Masterplan delivers low-carbon buildings and embed a culture of environmental sustainability. This will be achieved by working collaboratively with staff and students, drawing on the breadth of knowledge and experience across the university and aligning the programme with the strategic direction of the University. It is ‘Your Campus, Your Planet’ and the University looks forward to working with every individual that can contribute to its efforts to develop a low-carbon teaching and research environment.
DRIVERS FOR IMPROVING CARBON PERFORMANCE The University of Winchester has identified the following drivers for carbon management. Focusing on these will help engage a wider range of stakeholders, inform and guide improvement efforts and ensure that the CMP is aligned with the wider objectives of the university, ensuring the CMP has the maximum impact.
Reducing environmental impact and contributing towards global efforts to combat climate change Growing the university without increasing carbon emissions Improving profitability and resilience, and mitigating against risks Aligning with the aims of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, in particular the third strategic priority ‘Sustain’ Endorsement of WinACC and clarity on the university’s role within this organisation Leading by example and enhancing reputation within the local community and the HE sector Engaging with staff and students to raise awareness and encourage carbon reducing behaviours Align carbon management efforts with the university’s aims for climate change education and research Maximising the use of existing resources by increasing space utilisation Meeting legislative requirements
SCOPE & BOUNDARY The CMP’s scope and boundary must be clearly defined so that responsibilities are understood, resources are focused in the right places and progress can be tracked in a consistent and transparent manner. Through consultation with key stakeholders, it has been established that the appropriate boundary for the CMP is all buildings that the university has operational control over. This includes all the university’s own buildings, as well as the University Managed Housing that it leases from private landlords year on year. The University of Winchester owns, but lets out, the West Downs Nursey and Tops Day Nursery. Here, the University of Winchester has financial control, but not operational control. These are therefore not included. The scope of the plan refers to the resources it seeks to manage, and Carbon Credentials has assessed this from a carbon emissions perspective to align with best practice. By evaluating the potential to deliver a meaningful impact across all carbon emitting activities, it was possible to determine a relevant and practical scope for this CMP. The outcome of this assessment is presented in Figure 5, where carbon emitting activities are allocated to one of three scopes as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This CMP defines a framework for managing and reducing the use and cost of the elements covered in Figure 5.
Figure 5 The University of Winchester’s Scope 1, 2 & 3 Carbon Emissions
CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT OF CARBON PERFORMANCE The CMP must be easy to understand, in both value and implementation. All actions must be clear and measurable to provide understanding of each individual’s contribution to the vision of the university. Carbon Credentials has developed a four-stage approach to improving carbon performance, which has been tailored to meet the needs of the University of Winchester. Stage 1: Review and Optimise CMP, Define Embedding Actions for Success This document is designed to provide the basis for energy carbon management, with particular focus on the ‘embedding actions’. Stage 2: Implement and Embed Approach Defined in CMP Completing the actions outlined in this document to fully embed energy and carbon management across the organisation. Stage 3: Support Ongoing Delivery of CMP Energy and carbon reductions will be delivered through the effective implementation and management of projects and actions by appropriate stakeholders. Stage 4: Measure and Verify Savings It is important for the university to measure and verify savings from recently implemented projects; therefore this process will need to start immediately. This document includes an outline approach to measurement and verification for each set of projects. 11
2. CARBON EMISSIONS BASELINE & PERFORMANCE TO DATE CARBON EMISSIONS BASELINE & PROGRESS AGAINST 2015 TARGET The University of Winchester has significantly over-achieved its existing target of a 30% reduction by 2015 in emissions intensity by floor area, delivering a reduction of 45% since 2006/07. Over the same period the University of Winchester’s carbon emissions have decreased by 5.5% on absolute terms.
Total Carbon Emissions
Percentage Change
4,211 tCO2e
3,979 tCO2e
Carbon Emissions Intensity by Floor Area
96 kgCO2e / m
Carbon Emissions Intensity by Total FTE Staff and Student
0.89 tCO2e / FTE
53 kgCO2e / m
-45.0% -34.9%
0.58 tCO2e / FTE
CARBON EMISSIONS BREAKDOWN: 2014/15 The table below presents a breakdown of carbon emissions in 2014/15, indicating that the majority of carbon emissions originate from energy consumed in buildings. Furthermore, over 50% of emissions are associated with student residences, which includes both on site accommodation and housing owned by private landlords that is leased directly through the university for students. Source Electricity Natural Gas
Academic Buildings
Student Accommodation
University Managed Housing
Water Usage
Waste Disposal
Fleet Vehicles
Business Travel
Air Travel
Rail Travel
OUR COMMITMENT TO GREEN ENERGY: MARKET BASED REPORTING METHODOLOGY From 2015/16, energy suppliers must also provide tariff specific emissions factors for the University of Winchester’s supplies. As the University of Winchester is committed to procuring 100% renewable electricity on its supply contracts this will generate an additional carbon saving that should be clearly communicated. The University of Winchester, following the updated GHG Protocol, will state supply specific emissions factors alongside the market based average provided by DEFRA. This will result in two sets of emissions figures being reported as in the table below. 13
Approach to Reporting Emissions
Total Emissions 2014/15
1. Market based factors: to allow comparison with other organisations
3,979 tCO2e
2. Tariff specific factors: to allow recognition of the University of Winchester’s renewable energy supply contracts
1,808 tCO2e
PERFORMANCE TO DATE The University of Winchester has delivered reductions in total carbon emissions despite growth in the floor area of the estate. This has been achieved through a variety of measures including the construction of more efficient buildings, investment in energy conservation measures, the removal of oil fired heating, the implementation of an advanced sub-metering system and no longer sending waste to landfill. Figures 6 and 7 present the reductions that have been delivered, both in terms of absolute and relative emissions.
Figure 6 Carbon emissions by type (2006/07 - 2014/15)
Figure 7 The University of Winchester’s progress against its 2015 carbon reduction target
Given the significant growth in the size of the university since 2007 it is important to understand the impact that the CMP has had. Figure 8 shows that 3,244 tCO2e have been avoided (in green) through the effective implementation of the CMP. This has been calculated by applying the 2006/07 emissions intensity by floor area to the total floor area of the estate for each year.
Figure 8 Understanding the emissions avoided through the successful implementation of the University of Winchester's Carbon Management Programme (Green shows avoided emissions, blue shows the actual trend)
BENCHMARKING PERFORMANCE AGAINST THE SECTOR By analysing the data submitted to the Higher Education Statistics Agency’s Estates Management Record it is possible to assess the University of Winchester’s performance in the context of its peers. Figure 9 shows that in 2014/15 the University of Winchester had the fourth most carbon efficient campus in the UK, using emissions intensity from energy consumption per floor area as a comparator.
Figure 9 Emissions from energy by floor area in 2014/15. The University of Winchester is highlighted in blue. All data comes from HESA's EMR
As well as assessing performance in the most recent year, an analysis of performance over time has been conducted using the same data set. From this analysis it is evident that the University of Winchester has achieved the fifth largest reduction in emissions from energy by floor area in the sector, an excellent achievement that must be widely communicated and celebrated (Figure 10).
Figure 10 Percentage change in emissions from energy by floor area, from 2008/09 to 2014/15. The University of Winchester is highlighted in blue. All data comes from HESA's EMR
3. CARBON EMISSION SCENARIOS & TARGETS SETTING A ROBUST CARBON REDUCTION TARGET It is important that the University of Winchester commits to an ambitious carbon reduction target that is in the context of the strategic plans for the university, the available opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and the level of funding to implement these opportunities. Additionally, this target must be set in the context of international, national and sector commitments. Consequently a thorough scenario modelling exercise must be carried out. Carbon Credentials has assessed the opportunity for the University of Winchester to hit a 55% carbon reduction target by 2030 against a 2006/07 baseline. This is based on the UK government’s stated reduction targets, defined in the Climate Change Act, and the reduction trajectory to 2050 that HEFCE has established for the sector as a whole. For more details please see Appendix C.
ASSUMPTIONS USED TO MODEL CARBON EMISSION SCENARIOS In order to set achievable and relevant carbon reduction targets, potential scenarios have been created by modelling the impact of the following factors.
Assumptions & Approach to Modelling The impact of the University of Winchester’s Master Plan on carbon emissions has been calculated as follows: 2019 West Downs 1: additional floor area of 8,000m2 at 2015 energy emissions intensity, with 10% efficiency savings.
Master Plan
Effect of Scenario on Carbon Emissions Total Impact: +974.5 tCO2e Energy: +942.5 tCO2e Water: +26.0 tCO2e Waste: +6.0 tCO2e
2020 Queens Road: additional floor area of5,250m2 at 2015 energy emissions intensity, with 10% efficiency savings.
2019 West Downs 1: +382.5 tCO2e
2022 St Elizabeth’s Hall: remove existing emissions from Elizabeth’s Hall and add 250 bed accommodation, with emissions based on Burma Road energy emissions intensity per bedspace, with 10% efficiency savings.
2020 Queens Road: +251.0 tCO2e
2023 St Grimbald’s Replacement: remove existing emissions from St Grimbald’s. Additional floor area of 3,000m2 at 2015 energy emissions intensity, with 10% efficiency savings. 2024 Library Extension: add 1,200 m2 using energy emissions intensity of existing Martial Rose Library. Student Growth to 2025: Student population grows by 2,570 at end of ten years modelled. Use existing waste and water emissions intensity per FTE.
2022 St Elizabeth’s Hall: +154.8 tCO2e 2023 St Grimbald’s Replacement: +105.8 tCO2e 2024 Library Extension: +48.5 tCO2e Student Growth to 2025: +32.0 tCO2e
Projects Identified Through Previous Technical Work & Walk Around Survey
Solar PV Installation
Previous technical work and opportunities identified during walk around are assumed to be implemented by 2020. Please refer to Appendix A: Technical Opportunity Assessment for details Installation of solar photovoltaics on roof spaces of West Downs Student Village, Martial Rose Library and the Performing Arts Studio by 2020. Please refer to Appendix A: Technical Opportunity Assessment for details
Combined Heat & Power Generation
Biomass Energy Centre
Installation of gas CHP at King Alfred Campus and Upper Campus. Please refer to Appendix A: Technical Opportunity Assessment for details Installation of a biomass energy centre at King Alfred Campus and Upper Campus. Please refer to Appendix A: Technical Opportunity Assessment for details
Total Impact on Energy Emissions: -694.3 tCO2e
Total Impact on Energy Emissions: -43.1 tCO2e
Total Impact on Energy Emissions: -577.2 tCO2e
Total Impact on Energy Emissions: -1,144.8 tCO2e
ACCOUNTING FOR GRID DECARBONISATION There is a government-led drive to achieve an emission factor for grid electricity of 100 gCO2/kWh by 2030. This represents a 78.4% decrease against the 2015 emission factor for grid electricity. This additional reduction that is out of the control of the University of Winchester has been applied to the expected emissions under each scenario in a manner that allows this impact to be assessed separately. It is assumed that the current ratio of electricity to total carbon emissions is maintained at 54%, and the overall 78.4% decrease in carbon intensity of electricity is achieved at a rate of 5.2% per year. For more details please see Appendix B.
SCENARIO 1: DO NOTHING In this scenario the impact of the University of Winchester’s Masterplan is illustrated, highlighting the gap between current emissions, targeted emissions and the likely emissions if the Masterplan is implemented as expected. Excluding Grid Decarbonisation
Including Grid Decarbonisation
Expected Emissions in 2030
4,954 tCO2e
2,857 tCO2e
Difference from 2030 target of 55% reduction against 2006/07 (1,895 tCO2e)
+3,059 tCO2e
+962 tCO2e
Percentage change since 2006/07 (4,211 tCO2e)
SCENARIO 2: PROJECTS + SOLAR PV + CHP In this scenario the impact of the reductions achievable through the delivery of the identified carbon reduction projects, installation of solar PV and CHP. This also includes the impact of the University of Winchester’s Masterplan. It has been confirmed that this is the most probable scenario, based on the recommendations in this Implementation Plan and the ambitions of key members of the team responsible for CMP delivery. Excluding Grid Decarbonisation
Including Grid Decarbonisation
Expected Emissions in 2030
3,639 tCO2e
2,099 tCO2e
Difference from 2030 target of 55% reduction against 2006/07 (1,895 tCO2e)
+1,744 tCO2e
+204 tCO2e
Percentage change since 2006/07 (4,211 tCO2e)
SCENARIO 3: PROJECTS + SOLAR PV + BIOMASS ENERGY CENTRE In this scenario the impact of the reductions achievable through the delivery of the identified carbon reduction projects, installation of solar PV and the Biomass Energy Centre. This also includes the impact of the University of Winchester’s Masterplan. Excluding Grid Decarbonisation
Including Grid Decarbonisation
Expected Emissions in 2030
3,071 tCO2e
1,772 tCO2e
Difference from 2030 target of 55% reduction against 2006/07 (1,895 tCO2e in 2030)
+1,176 tCO2e
-123 tCO2e
Percentage change since 2006/07 (4,211 tCO2e)
CARBON REDUCTION TARGETS TO 2025 & 2030 The table below defines the recommended targets for the University of Winchester. Targets have been established based on the University of Winchester’s current performance and the scenarios presented above. Carbon Credentials believes the University of Winchester can meet these targets through implementation of the CMP leading to improved carbon performance. 2030 TARGET: ABSOLUTE EMISSIONS REDUCTIO N It is important that the University of Winchester commits to an ambitious long-range target that is aligned to global efforts to combat climate change. Consequently, the target of a 55% reduction by 2030 has been chosen.
2030 Carbon Target (Absolute)
2006/07: 4,211 tCO2e
2029/30: 1,895 tCO2e
2025 TARGET: EMISSIO NS INTENSITY REDUCTION In order for the University of Winchester to demonstrate progress along the route to this ambitious 55% reduction target, an interim intensity target has been chosen. This target has been designed to stretch the University in its efforts to deliver a low-carbon campus, while being in the context of the Masterplan and available opportunities for carbon reductions. The table below explains how this target has been developed.
Emissions Intensity
Reduction Against 2006/07 Baseline
2006/07 Emissions Intensity
96 kgCO2e/ m2
2014/15 Emissions Intensity
53 kgCO2e/ m2
2024/25: Projected Emissions Intensity in Scenario 2
39 kgCO2e/ m2
2024/25: Pathway to 2030 Absolute Target
27 kgCO2e/ m2
Consequently, an emissions intensity target of a 65% reduction by 2025, against 2006/07, has been set.
Target 2025 Carbon Target (Intensity)
Baseline 2006/07: 96 kgCO2e / m2
2024/25: 34 kgCO2e/ m2
Although the following are not incorporated within the emissions assessment and reduction targets, initiatives have been identified to support the management of their environmental and carbon impacts: -
Staff and student commuting Contractor and supplier travel Procurement 22
4. DELIVERING THE CARBON MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME HOW THE UNIVERSITY OF WINCHESTER WILL ACHIEVE ITS CARBON REDUCTION TARGETS The table below outlines the University of Winchester’s approach to delivering this CMP and achieving targets. The following sections of this document provide detailed guidance to support the achievement of the objectives defined below.
Engagement & Communications
Improve staff and student awareness of the importance and benefits of reducing carbon emissions by developing and implementing a comprehensive programme in collaboration with the Student Union Ensure staff and students understand what the CMP is trying to achieve Engage with staff and students so that they know what they can do to reduce their carbon impact, focusing on actions for academic buildings, student residences and when they are at home Engage with stakeholders in order to identify and deliver solutions that will help to increase space utilisation from 20% to the planned utilisation rate of 37%, including looking at ways to improve the room booking system to incentivise the choice of the most energy efficient rooms on campus Work collaboratively with those leading on the Climate Change Education strategy to shape the thinking and behaviour of students
Climate Change Education
Energy Conservation Measures
Low & Zero Carbon Generation Technologies
Clear definition of roles and responsibilities across the university Appropriate positioning and promotion of carbon management Identify and secure necessary resources and funding for carbon reduction projects Identify and manage programme risks
Shape the thinking and behaviour of students by educating them about climate change causes, impacts and solutions, finding innovative ways to stimulate reflection and learning, and prepare students for future life Promote and increase student’s awareness on the doctoral research project on ‘Responsible Management Education and the Challenge of Poverty Alleviation’ Establish and promote sessions for information drop-ins to raise awareness of the value of carbon management to students and to hear their ideas and feedback enabling all students the opportunity to engage with Climate Change issues during their time at the university Student Academic Council to work with the university in developing Climate Change Education • Review findings from the ‘Technical Opportunity assessment’ report • Prioritise energy conservation measures and confirm route to funding • Integrate energy efficiency measures with planned maintenance • Undergo BMS Optimisation on buildings with BMS to increase visibility of building energy performance, reduce maintenance costs and reduce carbon emissions • Measure and verify the savings from each project to understand their impact • Continue to identify and implement additional energy conservation measures to close the performance gap Install solar PV on the roof tops of West Downs Student Village, Martial Rose Library and the Performing Arts Studio Identify and secure necessary resources and funding for a District Heating Scheme, assessing both gas fired and biomass options, including a full risk assessment
Delivering the Master Plan
• Continue to utilise the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) to guide the design of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings • Continue to report the carbon intensity (by floor area) so that improvements in carbon performance can be communicated and the level of avoided emissions is understood • Ensure that the whole life cost of mechanical and electrical services are considered to encourage the use of the most efficient technologies in order to achieve energy, cost and carbon savings • Work collaboratively with the IT department to increase awareness of the opportunities to reduce energy consumption in IT, integrate the consideration of environmental matters into IT’s decisionmaking and implement energy saving initiatives • Continue to upgrade the university’s vehicle fleet with more carbon efficient vehicles • Continue to encourage staff and students to use more sustainable travel modes when commuting, including car sharing, charging based on vehicle carbon emissions and providing cycling facilities • Track emissions from staff and students commuting to and from the university through annual surveys • Implement an improved approach to collecting and analysing business travel data • Utilise the travel hierarchy to refine the existing travel policy and encourage low-carbon travel options for business travel • Continue to send zero waste to landfill by recovering energy from waste • Utilise the waste hierarchy to implement projects that will reduce the amount of waste coming to site, encourage the re-use of items where possible and recycle the remainder in order to limit the level of waste that is incinerated to generate energy • Utilise bin weight data to encourage staff and students to recycle more • Carry out waste audits and bin surveys to monitor waste segregation, identify issues and work with staff and students to develop solutions • Identify necessary resources to conduct a project to reduce the amount of food waste in student accommodation
Develop a sustainable procurement policy and associated training plan Use this policy and training plan to increase awareness of the emissions associated with procurement Incorporate principles of sustainable procurement in induction training for key personnel that have budget responsibility Assess the whole life cost of a product before purchasing it Engage with suppliers to reduce the number of deliveries and packaging used Improve data collection to enable analysis of procurement emissions, which will allow the identification of the most significant spend areas in terms of carbon emissions
Analytics & Reporting
Collection, analysis and reporting of data for energy, water, waste and travel Provide the information and insight to relevant stakeholders to understand how successfully the plan is being delivered Measure the impact of specific activities and carbon reduction projects Improve visibility of performance to identify further saving opportunities Introduce carbon budgeting for each faculty
OVERVIEW OF GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE AND PROGRAMME RESPONSIBILITIES To ensure the greatest possible chance of successful delivery of the CMP by meeting objectives and targets, it is vital that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and communicated, and that carbon management is positioned and promoted throughout the university. This requires support and oversight from Senior Leadership, with clear actions and communication throughout the organisation. 24
Figure 11 presents the structure for the plan delivery, clearly defining roles and responsibilities at different levels.
Figure 11 Delivery Structure for CMP
Group(s) Programme Delivery Team: - Chair: VC or Deputy VC - Director of Estates & Facilities - Head of Energy & Environment - Student Residences - Finance - Procurement - IT - Travel - Student Union
Role in Embedding the CMP -
Governors, SMT, Senate, UMT and PRC -
To drive the implementation and ongoing management of the University of Winchester’s Carbon Management Programme To support the selection and implementation of carbon saving projects within each of the eight themes To identify and secure necessary resources and funding To report on the impact of the programme to the Regular review of the Carbon Management Programme Be visible ambassadors for carbon management and sustainable practice at the university To visibly endorse, champion and support the plan To ensure the strategic direction of the university does not conflict with the aims of the Carbon Management Programme To approve funding for the plan and projects To help mitigate implementation risks
5. ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS OBJECTIVES The University of Winchester will manage an ongoing programme of communications with staff, students and other stakeholders. Overall, the aim is to cultivate a culture of energy efficiency, ensuring that this is seen as a business as usual activity and that all staff and students are aware of what they can do. Communications will aim to raise awareness and continually maintain momentum for the CMP. Communication objectives: o All stakeholders are aware of the ‘Your Campus, Your Planet’ brand and identify with its key messages o All staff and students are aware of the importance of reducing carbon emissions and operating in a sustainable manner o All staff and students know how the University of Winchester is performing and what the targets are o All staff and students know what they can do to make a difference to reduce their carbon impact o All staff and students are informed of and understand how they can support relevant initiatives and projects o Wherever possible, visual imagery and icons should be used to ensure all staff and students can understand the message o Encourage ownership for day-to-day carbon management, so that day-to-day operations incorporate the optimisation of energy performance as business as usual o Encourage all staff and students to come up with ideas and innovations Key messages to communicate:
The University of Winchester is committed to reducing its energy consumption and its environmental impact Being a sustainable university will reduce waste and inefficiency Being a sustainable university will present new opportunities for marketing and business development. Prospective Students are increasingly interested in the University of Winchester’s sustainability credentials and therefore it is vital that good practices and procedures are in place Carbon management is the responsibility of all staff and students Everyone has to take action, think about how much energy is being used and how waste can be prevented Everyone should be reporting examples of energy waste and poor practice
STAKEHOLDER MAPPING During the design of the CMP, a stakeholder mapping exercise was carried out, identifying key stakeholder groups and ranking them in terms of influence and impact, as figure 12 displays. By identifying stakeholders in this manner the University of Winchester are able to tailor the manner in which they engage with stakeholders, utilising the existing communications team and channels to ensure that stakeholders receive the information required to best inform their work. Carbon Credentials views this as an effective way of developing a stakeholder engagement strategy. This exercise should be repeated regularly to ensure it is kept up-to-date.
Figure 12 Output of the stakeholder mapping exercise
COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY The table below outlines a communications strategy for the CMP, detailing specific objectives that should be achieved to encourage the various audiences to take appropriate action.
What do they need to know?
What do they need to feel?
What do they need to do?
Governors / Senior Management Team
- The importance of carbon management - Progress and performance - Success stories - Risks and opportunities - Financials – costs, savings
- That the University of Winchester is a leader in carbon management in the sector - The staff and students are aware and supportive of the CMP - It makes economic, social and environmental sense
- Visibly endorse, champion and support the plan - Approve funding for the plan and projects - Be aware of and help manage delivery risks, including conflicts between university objectives and carbon reduction objectives
Programme Delivery Team
- How buildings are performing - What savings projects have delivered to establish how successful they have been - The wider staff body and students care and value it - What they need to do next to reach the targets
- The team is valued and supported, and the university is committed - Funding and resources are available to deliver the plan - By working collaboratively the objectives will be achieved
- Deliver the implementation plan - Visibly endorse, champion and support the plan - Work collaboratively - Report progress and successes up to the Governors and Senior Management Team
Staff and Students
- Why is it important to the University of Winchester - What the university is doing and its successes - What they can do to make a difference
- They their actions make a difference - That it is a joint responsibility, both the university and the individual must contribute - They their feedback and ideas are listened to and that their opinion is valued
- Take actions to reduce energy and water usage and recycle - Factor carbon emissions into travel decisions - Hold people accountable around them
Launch the Plan
Develop a launch plan by defining: o Who will be involved and what people’s roles and responsibilities are o The actions required in the run up to the launch o The communication channels that will be used o The call to action that is to be communicated, and how people can directly engage with the ‘Your Campus, Your Planet’ brand
Communications Calendar
Create and deliver a communications calendar that confirms the content and messages that will be distributed throughout the year, by defining the following for each month: o The messages that will be targeted at the three main audiences identified above o The channels that will be used, how frequently and the messages most appropriate for each channel o The type of content required o Responsibility for producing and distributing content
Website Content
Produce content for the university website to communicate environmental commitments, utilising the ‘Your Campus, Your Planet’ brand
6. INVESTING IN OUR CAMPUS FUNDING THE PROGRAMME For this CMP to be managed and delivered successfully, it is imperative that sufficient funding is available to invest in the buildings and technologies. Investment must deliver a strong return on investment, with the aim that the CMP is self-funding. It must also meet the wider needs of the university and align with the wider strategic objectives of the university.
TECHNICAL APPRAISAL SUMMARY The table below sets out Carbon Credentials final assessment of the feasible Technical Projects available for the University to achieve carbon savings. As previously mentioned, the Facilities Team have made huge strides towards this area and so in Carbon Credentials opinion the below table represents the entirety of projects available to the University that will achieve substantial carbon savings.
Previous Technical Work Upgrade bedroom lighting to LEDs with microwave sensors (QRSV) Lighting Upgrades and Optimisation Lighting Upgrades Heat Pumps Strategy Review and Optimisation Opportunities Identified During Walk Around Alwyn Hall - Removal of Flats Engagement Strategy and BMS Optimisation WDSV Boiler Upgarde and Heating Controls Martial Rose Library Lighting Upgrade Low Flow Shower Heads Server Room Cooling Renewable / Low Carbon Opportunities Solar PV King Alfred Energy Centre - Gas CHP Upper Campus Energy Centre - Gas CHP Total
Payback (Years)
Annual Carbon Savings (tCO2e)
Annual Savings (£)
University Centre St Alphege & St Edburga St Alphege & St Edburga
Alwyn Hall
£25,500 £5,300
£13,800 £5,200
1.8 1.0
84 21
Martial Rose Lighting Residences Main Building
Site King Alfed Campus Upper Campus
A number of points and caveats on the table above include:
Unit rates of 12.5 p/kwh for electricity and 5 p/kWh for gas have been used to calculate or update cost savings All payback are Simple Payback and do not factor in any expected increases in utility rates – as rates are expected to rise over the next few years, paybacks for projects will shorten and become more attractive CO2e factors used to calculate or update carbon savings have been taken from DEFRA 2016 factors Where possible, interactive effects have been calculated to take into account expected hierarchy of work. For example, heating control savings at WDSV are based on a % saving of the reduced heat load from more efficient boilers. All cost calculations have been taken from previous work, information provided by the on-site team and engineers experience and knowledge. It is suggested that as a next step all projects the University aims to undertake be fully costed by suppliers
ENERGY SERVICES MARKET OVERVIEW Within the past five years, the energy services market in the UK has seen a growth of energy services companies (ESCOs) introducing and offering low carbon solutions and services to a wide range of UK organisations amongst many sectors. In order to achieve often ambitious targets, UK Organisations need to identify what energy saving opportunities are available to them, and to establish how they intend to fund these capital projects – either internally or through an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) provided by an Energy Service Company (ESCO). Within these contracts, the ESCO acts as a prime contractor in order to deliver energy performance improvements for buildings and infrastructure. ESCOs offer, as a part of their core services, a guarantee of energy savings through the various technical measures (for example LED lighting or BMS controls) which they install. An EPC enables large investment into capital projects that reduce energy consumption and costs, and therefore allows the energy user’s estate or portfolio to be upgraded. The EPC can also reduce the maintenance backlog. No initial upfront costs are required from the energy user as the financing of the projects is paid for through the guaranteed savings. However, there are initial costs before undertaking an EPC through the planning and procurement phases. Throughout the lifetime of the contract this initial investment is repaid for and money is saved overall (See Figure 11).
Figure 13 Summary of EPC Financial Structure
Whether funded internally or externally, the procurement and delivery stages present a number of challenges that need to be overcome to ensure the successful delivery of an optimal EPC.
FRAMEWORKS OVERVIEW Within the UK EPC market there exists a number of public procurement frameworks which act as a useful platform for organisations and companies to procure an EPC or Main Contractor. These include ‘RE:FIT’, ‘Essentia’ and the ‘Carbon and Energy Fund’ (CEF). They provide an alternative process for organisations that need to procure through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The frameworks operate by the organisation applying to sit on the framework or applying to become a member. Once an applicant has been approved the framework opens a mini-tender competition to the ESCOs and they will bid for the project work, with the final aim of being contracted as the preferred supplier to deliver the EPC to the organisation.
FUNDING MARKET OVERVIEW The energy efficiency and renewable energy financing market is growing fast in order to support energy users that may not have access to finance or are not able to finance capital projects themselves. This market includes financial institutions, funds, banks and government backed capital. Additionally, ESCOs are increasingly able to fully fund EPCs from their own sources or off-balance sheet solutions.
Traditional Procurement In this option, the University of Winchester may decide to fund carbon management projects internally. Technical services would be procured either from a single ESCO or main contractor, who in turn would subcontract suppliers. In this option the University would pay the ESCO or main contractor in return for the delivery of the range of services and Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) they have both agreed upon.
Engage with an ESCO with EPC In this option, the University would procure a single ESCO for the purpose of an EPC, with the projects funded by a third party. In this model the University may also decide that they would directly apply for third party funding to procure the services of the ESCO. This option involves the University repaying the funder through the estimated savings and the ESCO delivering the services, with the sub-contracted suppliers providing some or all of the energy conservation measures.
Creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) In this final option, the University would manage the installation of the energy conservation measures through the creation of a special purpose vehicle (SPV). This SPV can engage with one or more ESCOs and suppliers through one or more EPCs as well as utilise both internal and external sources of finance.
Simple financial process ESCO/ Contractor expertise in delivering EPCs Implement range of ECMs Larger proportion of savings kept by University Shorter paybacks One delivery team Guaranteed savings – reduced risk ESCO expertise in delivering EPCs Implement range of ECMs Lower upfront internal cost compared to traditional procurement Legal and operational requirements predefined by ESCO More control for the University No vested interest Independent technical and risk support SPV owns the asset/EPC Larger equity share Range of supplier choice
NEXT STEPS Carbon Credentials has summarised a four phased process for delivering high-value capital projects. It is recommended that this proven process is applied when considering purchases of major capital plant and renewable energy technologies.
Technical Appraisal and Specification
• Site based engineering and financial analysis of demand, layout, resource and yield calculations, grid connectivity and planning requirements.
Market Appraisal
• Engage with leading suppliers and identify top 5 companies.
Planning Workshop
Funding Options Analysis
Procurement and Funding Plan
• Present technical and market engagement findings. • SWOT analysis and collaborative assessment of risks and benefits of optimal route forward. • Assessment of risks and benefits for the funding and procurement options. • Development of clearly defined plan to ensure optimal and effective next steps.
RISKS Carbon Credentials has identified a number of challenges that could affect the success of the University of Winchester’s procurement process.
Direct supplier engagement will influence the contract in favour of the supplier and the University of Winchester will not be able to fully extract value from the process Competing supplier claims and options will make it difficult for the University of Winchester to have an objective understanding of the market and result in sub-optimal decision making The risks and implications associated with procuring sub-optimal plant and associated financing are significant Sub-optimal procurement process will increase the University of Winchester’s time, resourcing and cost commitment Sub-optimal procurement process will increase the risk of the University of Winchester not meeting its reduction targets 32
There are a number of reputational risks associated with failure and a thorough procurement process will significantly reduce the likelihood and impact of them
Most importantly, the procurement support process will be available as and when needed and a large number of projects can be appraised in a relatively short space of time. A major benefit would be the integration of all such projects in the CMP including all the various components detailed thus far.
7. ANALYTICS & REPORTING Performance management includes data collection, analysis and reporting. It provides the information and insight required to understand how successfully the plan is being delivered and measuring the impact of specific activities. Visibility of energy performance can also help to identify and realise further saving opportunities.
DATA MANAGEMENT Establishing a robust data management and reporting programme is a key requirement for the University of Winchester. Data management processes should be logged and updated when new flows of data are available and it is important that the University of Winchester seeks to increase accuracy and granularity of data and continue to monitor performance in each building. The table below provides an overview of the risks and opportunities across the carbon and energy data management process. Stage
Challenges -
Sub-meter communications network is not robust and data gaps are prevalent Variance in fiscal and sub-meter consumption Separate data streams result in the potential for inconsistency Integration of non-verified data with other data systems will lead to errors If we move to a new system will we have access to all historic data Losing ownership of data E-Sight is seen as a ‘single point of failure’ Data frequency and coverage
Opportunities -
Establish a hierarchy for different data streams to enable a prioritised approach to data storage and access
Outsource bill validation to free-up internal resource Single data analysis system for all carbon management data Set carbon/energy budgets for Accommodation; Sports; Student Union; Catering; Faculties, based on actual data and realistic forecasts
Time for key internal resource to conduct analyses on energy data is limited, in part due to collation and storage challenges
Time to implement tailored reporting to the full range of stakeholders
Due to lack of time for analysis and reporting, there is not a programmatic approach and therefore action is reliant on reactive review of energy data
Integrating verified and accurate data with the University of Winchester’s other management and reporting systems Focus on fiscal data and accurate submeters in the short-term to embed the reporting programme and demonstrate value immediately
Tailored reporting to drive engagement Bill Student Union for energy consumption, and ultimately roll-out to other departments
Utilise internal resource to review reporting outputs and implement changes based on insight from the reports, as opposed to utilising internal resource on collation, storage and analysis 34
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIS) KPIs will provide close monitoring of environmental performance, including provision of strategic and tactical objectives for the University of Winchester that can be utilised as an engagement and communication to tool for staff. It is important for both absolute and relative KPIs to be tracked. Absolute consumption facilitates review of energy performance and cost monitoring whereas the relative KPIs, like intensity, compares the consumption to a base unit, i.e. floor area. Carbon Credentials recommends both are implemented. The table below presents the key performance indicators that will track the University of Winchester’s performance and inform improvement initiatives. Key Performance Indicator
Carbon Emissions
Total (tCO2e) Broken down by source (tCO2e) Emissions using market based and tariff specific factors (tCO2e) Emissions intensity (kgCO2e) Progress against 2029/30 and 2020/21 targets
Energy (broken down by academic buildings and student residences)
Electricity consumption (kWh; kWh/m2) Gas consumption (kWh; kWh/m2) Energy tariffs (£/kWh)
Total (m3; litres; pints)
Vehicle Fleet
Mileage and spend Carbon intensity (gCO2/km)
Business Travel
Spend by travel type Emissions by travel type
Weight by type (tonnes) Waste mass per FTE staff and student Recycling (%; 70% target) Waste converted to energy Data by bin (not allocated to every building)
REPORTING PERFORMANCE To bring this CMP to life there is a need to ensure regular and appropriate communications to a wide range of stakeholders and audiences. Consequently, the reporting framework presented in the table below has been developed in collaboration with the University of Winchester and is the basis for the communication of carbon performance to the different audiences at the University of Winchester. By tailoring reporting outputs to contain suitable information, wider audiences can be targeted where appropriate. Carbon Credentials encourages the ongoing refinement of the content provided in each report.
Reporting Output
CMP Delivery Team
Residences Report
CMP Delivery Team
Non-Residences Report
CMP Progress Report
Students, Staff & Visitors
Engagement Dashboard
High-Level Overview
All Stakeholders
Annual Report / UN Global Compact
Strategy Overview, Successes & Progress Against Targets
Technical Building Summary Technical Building Summary Targets, Indicators & Cost
Monthly Monthly Quarterly
MEASUREMENT & VERIFICATION Measurement and verification (M&V) should be part of the business case for all projects. It is important that the impact of each project can be quantified by measuring savings alongside a range of interactive and static factors that could have an impact on carbon emissions. By better understanding the savings of implemented projects, the University of Winchester will be able to make informed decisions regarding project selection and prioritisation. APPROACH The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) provides a recommended methodology for different types of projects. IPMVP is designed to help identify project savings against a backdrop of variable operations, such as unexpected changes in consumption profiles. IPMVP will also identify factors which may have caused the change, such as fluctuations in occupancy, operating times and ‘other’ events. These factors are used in performance measurement to adjust the baseline consumption. It is a complex process, often involving detailed statistical analysis, but the overall process is summarised in the table below.
M&V stage
Create a plan
Agree plan
Activities at this stage
Value of M&V at this stage
• What is the project? • Who is interested in performance? • What baseline data is available? • What future events or variables might affect performance?
• Higher accuracy of calculation • Helps assess value • Clearer understanding of project risks
• Will future finance be dependent on project success? • Will success support engagement? • Balance cost vs. accuracy • Define period and variables
• Increased transparency – helps with understanding of risk
M&V stage
Activities at this stage
Value of M&V at this stage
• Plan must be agreed • Ensure that the final design and installation includes the necessary monitoring components
• Keeps focus on energy savings • Reduces risk of poor commissioning
Monitor measurement
• Through the measurement period, ensure all factors are being recorded • Periodically review data flows
• Keeps focus on energy savings • Provides an early warning of underperformance • Reduced risk of data gaps
Verify savings and report
• Use the agreed plan to assess the impact of static factors and consumption drivers • Communicate data appropriately with all stakeholders
• Provides robust and verifiable feedback to stakeholders • Proves savings and stimulates further investment
Implement project(s)
8. IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN AND NEXT STEPS The table below outlines the key short-term actions that need to be completed as part of implementation of the CMP. Work Stream
Short Term Actions Approve the carbon reduction targets and confirm timelines for the Implementation Plan.
Analytics & Reporting
Engagement & Communications
Climate Change Education
Energy Conservation Measures
Low & Zero Carbon Generation Technologies
Confirm that the CMP has the correct governance structure and representation from across the University. Implement a robust Analytics & Reporting Programme that is capable of regularly tracking the programme’s key performance indicators and fulfilling the reporting framework. Launch the Your Campus, Your Planet programme internally so staff and students are aware of its objectives and targets. Utilise the stakeholder mapping and communications strategy to design and implement a high impact programme that builds on ongoing initiatives. Ensure that the Your Campus, Your Planet programme is a component of climate change education. Confirm opportunities for collaboration and using the University as a living laboratory for climate change research and education. Review findings from the ‘Technical Opportunity assessment’ report. Prioritise energy conservation measures and confirm route to funding. Identify and secure necessary resources and funding for Solar PV and a District Heating Scheme, including a full risk assessment and the consideration of various funding routes.
Risks Resources and funding are not allocated to the programme. Lack of focus and drive to successfully deliver on the carbon reduction targets.
Lack of technologies and resources to collect, analyse and report data in a timely manner. BMS Optimisation & Engagement projects cannot be delivered effectively. Communications are not consistent following launch of the CMP, and the programme loses momentum. Staff and students feel that the programme is not being delivered in line with expectations and it is not a priority for the University.
Actions to Mitigate
Senior leadership must ensure that Your Campus, Your Planet is suitably positioned and the value at risk is fully understood.
Allocate funding and resources to deliver the Reporting Framework.
Ensure sufficient resourcing and a continual stream of communications to all stakeholders so that Your Campus, Your Planet does not drop off the agenda.
Academic endeavours are not joined up with what the University is doing on campus to manage and reduce its environmental impact.
Ensure the CMP delivery team is represented and the University’s leadership support collaborative working between the Estates & Facilities team and the Climate Change Education strategy.
Resources and funding are not allocated to the programme.
Work with senior decision makers to remove barriers to funding energy and carbon efficiency projects in existing buildings.
Resources and funding are not allocated to the programme.
Work with senior decision makers to remove barriers to funding substantial renewable and low carbon technology projects.
Delivering the Master Plan
Ensure any changes to the Masterplan are assessed for their impact on the University’s ability to achieve its carbon targets.
Energy and carbon efficiency measures are value engineered out of construction projects and emissions intensity does not improve.
Work with senior decision makers to remove barriers to funding energy and carbon efficiency projects in new or redeveloped buildings.
Align IT improvement plans with the aims of the CMP.
Stakeholders may not understand the value or need of aligning IT services projects with the CMP.
Ensure the senior leadership actively supports collaboration to meet the aims of the CMP.
Improve the monitoring and tracking of emissions from business travel and commuting.
Staff do not follow best practice reporting of business travel data and time is not allocated to improve data quality.
Ensure that any changes are supported by a strong training and communications plan.
Utilise bin weight data, bin audits and the launch of Your Campus, Your Planet to engage with new intake of students on recycling.
Students and staff are not actively supporting the aims of the CMP.
Ensure sufficient resourcing and a continual stream of communications to all stakeholders so that Your Campus, Your Planet does not drop off the agenda.
Develop a sustainable procurement policy and associated training plan.
Policies do not get created as they are not seen as adding value or being a priority. Policies are not embedded effectively and staff revert to old ways of working.
Ensure that policies are supported by an implementation and training plan, and that they contain metrics to evaluate the success with which they have been delivered.
NEXT STEPS Through consultation and engagement with key stakeholders during the CMP Build process, it has become clear that there is a significant opportunity to implement an optimised approach to carbon management at the University of Winchester. The key next steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Approval of how the CMP will be delivered, including the implementation plan Confirmation of the key performance indicators and targets Communicate and launch the CMP Completion of the short-term actions defined in the Implementation Plan
APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT ENERGY DATA REVIEW Carbon Credentials has undertaken a high-level Opportunity Assessment of the University of Winchester portfolio in order to develop an understanding of the available opportunity for installing carbon saving measures. The opportunity appraisal involved Carbon Credentials undertaking the following activities: • •
• •
Comprehensive desk-based analysis of consumption to identify top energy consuming buildings A review of technical opportunities that have previously been identified through the University’s 2015 ESOS Audit, 2 x Techno Economic audits carried out by Carbon Credentials and previous District Heating Scheme feasibility studies A 1-day site walk-around to further review opportunities in conversation with Mat Jane, Head of Energy and Environment Indicative assessment of potential savings, capital investment and simple payback
PORTFOLIO CONSUMPTION Total portfolio consumption of the University of Winchester for the academic year 2014/15 was 4,539,454 kWh of electricity and 6,906,333 kWh of gas. This equates to £567,432 of electricity and £345,317 of gas (assuming an average 12.5p and 5p cost per kWh respectively.) As shown in Figure 1 below, although gas is larger in regards to kWh consumed, because electricity is both more expensive per kWh and more carbon intensive it equates to the largest utility cost as well as the largest carbon tonnage.
Figure 1: University of Winchester Consumption in kWh, Cost (£) and Carbon (Tonnes CO2e)
Total carbon consumption was than assessed by property type to identify any potential focus areas. However, as can be seen in Figure 2 below, carbon tonnage is split evenly between the academic and student accommodation buildings within the portfolio.
Figure 2: University of Winchester Carbon Tonnage breakdown
IDENTIFYING THE TOP ENERGY CONSUMERS To understand the opportunity at hand and to identify the top energy users across University of Winchester‘s portfolio; Carbon Credentials then evaluated the total carbon consumption (gas and electric) for all properties operated by the University. Using this analysis, Carbon Credentials was able to identify the higher consuming site across the portfolio as shown in Figure 3 below:
Figure 3: University of Winchester – Top Energy Consumers (tonnes carbon)
As can be seen from figure 3, the top carbon consuming buildings are all student accommodation. Following conversations with Mat Jane, in recent years however a lot of work has been undertaken on the student accommodation and so it was agreed that the site walk around would focus on the following high consuming academic buildings:
Martial Rose Library Main Building WDC Herbert Jarman Alwyn Hall
The following section provides an overview of the technical audit work undertaken for The University of Winchester to dates, as well as a summary of the results of the site visit undertaken on the 20th July 2016.
SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL AUDIT WORK TO DATE The University of Winchester has undertaken a number of technical studies over the past few years to identify energy saving opportunities across the portfolio. These include:
2 x Techno-Economic Audits – of the University Centre and St Alphege / St Edburga. These were undertaken in 2015 by Carbon Credentials to support the CMP diagnostic work ESOS Assessment Report – undertaken in 2015 by Carbon Footprint Ltd. Although most compliance for ESOS was undertaken through Display Energy Certificates (DECs), the ESOS Audit included detailed energy audits of West Downs, Queens Road and Burma Road Student Villages A District Heating Scheme Analysis – undertaken in 2010 by Self Energy focusing on King Alfred campus
A summary of the outputs of these audits is set out in the table below. Please note that many of these opportunities (highlighted in grey) have been updated in the following analysis and summary table above.
Total Savings (£)
Energy reduction campaign (all sites)
ESOS Audit
Prefect occupancy heating controls (WDSV)
ESOS Audit
Upgrade bedroom lighting to LEDs with microwave sensors (QRSV)
ESOS Audit
Lighting Upgrades and Optimisation
University Centre
CCES Audits
Carbon Savings (Tonnes CO2e)
Baseload Identification and Management
University Centre
CCES Audits
Lighting Upgrades
St Alphege & St Edburga
CCES Audits
Heat Pumps Strategy Review and Optimisation
St Alphege & St Edburga
CCES Audits
CHP + District Heating (S3)
Self-Energy (2010)
514 779
OPPORTUNITIES IDENTIFIED AT SITE VISIT A site visit was undertaken with Mat Jane, Head of Energy and Environment on Wednesday, 20th July 2016. During the site visit it was identified that Mat and his team have made huge amounts of progress in regards to identifying and implementing carbon saving projects across the portfolio. This is reflected in the University of Winchester being one of the top Universities in the UK for achieving carbon savings. Because of this progress it has become harder and harder for Mat and the team to identify projects to create additional savings in carbon. This is of course both a fantastic achievement, and a particular challenge for the next stage of carbon reductions in the portfolio. It is the opinion of Carbon Credentials that the next stage therefore needs to consider large, campus wide renewable and low carbon initiatives – particularly focused on district heating networks and renewable energy generation. The following sections provide a summary of additional projects identified by Carbon Credentials during the site visit, with the recognition that many of these are already being implemented, or considered by the team.
Whilst on site, it was explained by Mat Jane that consideration was being made to the removal of 20 x bedrooms from Alwyn Hall as these are not needed for the current influx of students. As Alwyn Hall is currently a mixture of offices and bedrooms, this leads to the requirement of being heated 24/7 in the winter – during the day to heat the 43
offices, and evenings and weekends for the flats. Additional savings are made from the removal of domestic hot water tanks as all office hot water is point of use. From conversations with Mat Jane on site – it was estimated that this would relate to a saving of 50% in the gas usage of this site. This equates to a carbon saving of 27 Tonnes CO2e as shown below. Area
2014/15 Gas Usage (kWh) Saving % Gas Saving (kWh) Emissions Factor (kg CO2e/ kWh) Carbon Saving (Tonnes CO2e)
295,736 50% 147,868 0.18407 32 (including additions from DHW)
ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY AND BMS OPTIMISATION The University of Winchester has had some success with engagement programmes – including Pizza 4 Power in March 2014 which achieved a 1 week saving of 24% electricity consumption in the student villages. From conversations with Mat Jane however, it appears that these programmes have been sporadic, and mainly focused on specific areas such as student accommodation. Because of this, and the high-turnover nature of students in University accommodation, the effects of these programmes are short lived at best. Carbon Credentials recommends the implementation of a campus wide energy engagement strategy. This could include the identification of key stakeholders – from the Vice-Principal downwards – who would take on the responsibility for achieving energy savings across the University. By taking expanding responsibility away from the facilities team and into the core of University operations, greater savings can be achieved. Effective engagement programmes are tailored to the specific structure and operations of the organisation and are embedded within the day-to-day functioning of the institution, rather than as an add-on. By doing this, energy saving becomes part of the business as usual practices of the University. The most effective engagement programmes make best use of energy data and visualisations to create the story of the institution. Figure 4 below shows some example graphics from a Carbon Credentials client – Kingston Hospital:
Figure 4: Example Engagement Graphics – Kingston Hospital
Energy savings from engagement strategy are created from the reduction in operational usage of equipment controlled by building occupants – in this case staff and students. Examples of equipment include PCs, printers, lighting and heating devices. These have been included with BMS Optimisation savings below. BMS OPTIMISATION/ BASELOAD MANAGEMENT The University operates a campus-wide Priva BMS system. Originally designed for the horticulture industry, this system enables complete control across the entire built environment. The facilities team use this system to good effect to control HVAC across the site, and are regularly adding more items onto the system to be controlled – for example the new Thorlux smart lighting being installed in buildings such as the West Downs Centre. However, despite the advanced BMS system, it appears that wastage energy is still occurring across the site. Evidence from data analysis of the electricity usage at The University Centre - in the Techno Economic Audit undertaken by Carbon Credentials in 2015 - shows that there remains a strong night-time baseload within this building. As the largest academic building energy user there has been a focus on reducing the energy use of this building, with a lot of year-on-year success as shown in Figure 5 below:
Figure 5: The University Centre – year-on-year electricity performance
If the University Centre – which has been a focus of energy reduction – still shows potential for baseload reduction and BMS optimisation, it is expected that other buildings across campus which have had less focus will also contain opportunities in the form of wastage energy. If both an Engagement and BMS Optimisation Strategy were undertaken, it is expected that a 10% reduction in both electricity and gas can be achieved from these initiatives, as calculated in the table below:
2014/15 Site Usage (kWh) Saving % Saving (kWh) Emissions Factor (kg CO2e/ kWh) Carbon Saving (Tonnes CO2e)
Gas 6,906,333 10% 690,633 0.18407 127
4,539,454 10% 453,945 0.41205 187
WEST DOWNS STUDENT VILLAGE – NEW BOILERS It can be seen from the consumption analysis that gas usage at the West Downs Student Village (WDSV) is the largest consumer of energy across the portfolio (2,648,313 kWh = 38% of total gas consumption). This is due to 20 year old Ideal Classic boilers. Electricity consumption is also high at 583,418 kWh – which relates to the 3kW immersion heaters in the Accolade water storage heaters present in each flat. The University facilities team are currently undertaking the replacement of all old Ideal Classic Boilers (assumed 70% efficient) with new Baxi Ecoblue Advance (89% efficient). Using the kWh gas demand for the academic year 2014/15, savings created from the increase in efficiency of the new boilers are 565,370 kWh as shown in the table below. Old Boiler System Heat Requirement (kWh) Boiler Efficiency Gas (kWh)
New Boiler System
1,853,819 70% 2,648,313
1,853,819 89% 2,082,942
Difference 19% 565,370
This equates to a carbon saving of 104 Tonnes CO2e: Area WDSV 2014/15 Gas Usage (kWh) Saving % Gas Saving (kWh) Emissions Factor (kg CO2e/ kWh) Carbon Saving (Tonnes CO2e)
Units 2,648,313 21% 565,370 0.18407 104
HEATING CONTROLS It should be noted that the ‘Prefect occupancy heating controls’ opportunity is based on an expected saving of 40% due to empty rooms not being heated. This saving of 646,017 was calculated in the ESOS audit from 2012/13 energy data. From conversations on site, although the occupancy heating controls are not being included, new thermostats for each flat are. A conservative assumption of an additional 20% savings on the gas used by the more efficient boilers can be calculated through the addition of the new thermostats as below:
WDSV Estimated New Gas Usage (kWh) Saving % Gas Saving (kWh) Emissions Factor (kg CO2e/ kWh) Carbon Saving (Tonnes CO2e)
2,082,942 20% 416,588 0.18407 76
SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS OVERVIEW OF TECHNOLOGY Solar panel electricity systems, also known as solar photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun's energy using photovoltaic cells. These cells don't need direct sunlight to work – they can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to displace grid electricity to power building operations. The feed-in tariff supports the installation of solar PV systems and provides a payment per kWh of electricity generated. This is dependent on the size of system installed. The export tariff provides a payment for each kWh of electricity exported from the system. Although there have been a number of cuts to the Feed-in-Tariff over the past few years it is still available and provides a guaranteed source of income for a period of 20 years. Current Tariff rates can be found here.
REVIEW OF SITE POTENTIAL Carbon Credentials has assessed the site potential, reviewed with Mat Jane and identified the following roof tops that could potentially be suitable for Solar PV: • • •
West Downs Student Village Martial Rose Library Performing Arts Studio
CALCULATION OF COSTS, SAVINGS & OTHER INCOME STREAMS Energy savings are created from displacement of grid electricity, plus income from FIT tariffs. Calculations for the amount of Solar PV identified have been undertaken using the assumptions in the table below.
Data Inputs
Irradiance kW/m2 PV Annual kWh/ kWp Installed Cost £ / kWp Electric Unit Rate £ Electric Emissions kgCO2e FIT Rate p/kWh
0.152 800 £1,200 £0.125 0.5 0.0391
The investment summary is set out below, with financial totals rounded to the nearest £100. Total Usable Area (m2)
West Downs Student Village
Martial Rose Library
Performing Arts Studio
Cost Savings (£)
Investment Required
Simple Payback Period
Carbon Savings (Tonnes CO2e)
Cost Saving + FIT
kWh output
MARTIAL ROSE LIBRARY - LOW ENERGY LIGHTING The Martial Rose Library contains a large amount of high energy using PLL and T8 lamps. As this building has recently changed to 24/7 usage, it has been identified that Low-energy lighting will be required to off-set the additional consumption from the longer burning hours of the lamps. The facilities team has provided quotations for this work at a cost of £182,000. Assuming a 20% saving after additional hours have been included provides a saving of £4,647 and 19 tonnes carbon.
DISTRICT HEATING SCHEME OVERVIEW OF TECHNOLOGY Conventional ways of generating electricity involves huge amounts of heat being wasted. A District Heating Scheme is can provide heating through either Biomass boilers or Combined Heat and Power (or CHP). Biomass boilers act as conventional boilers, but utilise a biomass (woodchip or pellets) fuel source. CHP is a technology that generates electricity, but also captures and utilises the waste heat which can be used to supply the heat demands of a building or site portfolio. By making use of this heat, it can either reduce significantly or offset completely the additional fuel required to meet the heating demands. Typically, CHP users save approximately 20% of their energy costs. REVIEW OF SITE POTENTIAL The University of Winchester is well set up for a District Heating Scheme that would provide heat to a selection of site buildings via a District Heating Network connected to an energy centre. A number of feasibility studies have been undertaken in this area, including the review of the King Alfred campus undertaken by Self-Energy in 2010, and a wider study including the local NHS hospital, MOJ Prison as well as the University itself. For detailed information, please refer to the feasibility studies but in summary, there is the potential for 2 distinct District Heating Schemes:
Kind Alfred Campus – as per Self Energy Calculations in 2010 and shown in the figure below Upper Campus (West Down and Burma Road Student Villages)
Figure 6: Kind Alfred District Heating Scheme – Self Energy 2010
CALCULATION OF COSTS, SAVINGS & OTHER INCOME STREAMS (KING ALFRED CAMPUS) Calculations for the King Alfred campus have been taken from the Self Energy 2010 study. This included 2 options for the Energy Centre – a 357 kW CHP unit or a Biomass boiler at 500 kW, both backed up by 1,500 kW of gas boilers. Both assessments utilise the scenario 3 option for District Heating Network in the figure above. The costs and savings calculations below have been updated to reflect changes in emissions factors and unit rates for electricity. They also reflect the fact that when the 2010 study was done, oil was a large contributor to heating in the campus. As the facilities team have successfully eliminated oil, carbon savings for each technology are correspondingly lower. Option 1 - CHP Calculations CHP calculations assume a 12 hour daily run time for 365 days of the year (3,942 hours) and existing boiler efficiency of 75%. It is recognised that due to term times this may be unrealistic, but that there is the potential to increase run hours during term time to get the same overall running hours. It is suggested that an updated feasibility study be undertaken to accurately model costs and savings from this technology. kWh Saving CHP Elec - Out CHP Heat - Gas Displaced CHP Gas - In Total
Unit Rate
1,365,075 1,868,508 -3,580,322 - 346,738
£0.125 £0.050 £0.050
£0.00554 £0.00193
Annual Energy Savings £ £ 178,197 £ 97,032 -£ 179,016 £ 96,212
Technology CHP
Capex £
Energy Savings £
FIT/ RHI Income £
Total Savings £
Simple Payback (Years) 11.39
Annual tCO2e Saving 247
Option 2 - Biomass Energy Centre Calculations Notes – calculations based on 500 kW Biomass boiler, including costs and kWh load taken from Self Energy assessment. Energy, Carbon and RHI Savings have been updated. Assumed existing boiler efficiency of 75%, new biomass of 85%. kWh
Biomass Fuel Used Existing Fuel 1 Saving
3,710,892 4,205,678 494,786
Unit Rate
£0.04 £0.05
Energy Cost £
£148,436 £210,284 £61,848
Technology Biomass Boiler
Capex £ £1,050,000
Energy Savings £ £61,848
FIT/ RHI Income £
Total Savings £
£ 103,750
Simple Payback (Years) 6
tCO2e Saving 726 50
On the site visit, it was identified that the Upper Campus (including the West Downs and Burma Road Student Villages) would also be suitable for a secondary District Heating Scheme. This has been considered through a previous study undertaken by Parsons Brinkerhoff in May 2015 which included assessing a heat scheme for Winchester covering the local hospital and prison as well as the upper campus. Heat demand calculations have been taken from this feasibility study, with WDSV updated to take into account reduced load from new boilers and controls as shown below: Name BRSV A BRSV B BRSV C BRSV D BRSV E WDSV WDC Total
Annual Gas Demand kWh 84,845 150,181 85,820 114,351 93,857 1,666,354 250,000 2,445,408
A 642 kWe CHP unit has been identified as the correct size to cover this heat demand. Again, CHP calculations assume a 12 hour daily run time for 365 days of the year (3,942 hours). It is recognised that due to term times this may be unrealistic, but that there is the potential to increase run hours during term time to get the same overall running hours. It is suggested that an updated feasibility study be undertaken to accurately model costs and savings from this technology. Option 1 – Gas Fired CHP Calculations
CHP Elec - Out CHP Heat - Gas Displaced CHP Gas - In Total
kWh Saving
Unit Rate
1,820,100 2,491,344 -4,773,762 -462,318
£0.125 £0.05 £0.05
£0.00554 £0.00193
Annual Energy Savings £ £ 237,596 £ 129,375 -£ 238,688 £ 128,283 51
Capex £
Energy Savings £
FIT/ RHI Income £
Total Savings £
Technology CHP
Simple Payback (Years) 8.82
Annual tCO2e Saving 330
Option 2 - Biomass Energy Centre Calculations The same identified heat loads form the Parsons Brinkerhoff study were also used to calculate the costs and savings for an Upper Campus Energy Centre containing Biomass boilers. For ease the same size boiler (500 kW) has bene used for calculations. However, as the WDSV is currently having boiler upgrades, efficiencies of these current boilers and the new biomass energy centre boiler have been assumed to stay the same. As with all other suggestions above, it is suggested that an updated feasibility study be carried out to understand the exact heat loads and sizing requirements.
Biomass Fuel Used Existing Fuel 1 Saving
Unit Rate
Energy Cost £
2,451,302 2,451,302 -
£0.04 £0.05
£98,052 £122,565 £24,513
Technology Biomass Boiler
Capex £
Energy Savings £
FIT/ RHI Income £
Total Savings £
Simple Payback (Years) 11
tCO2e Saving 419
GAS-FIRED CHP VS. BIOMASS Despite the better carbon savings, due to the potentially excessive maintenance costs and uncertainty regarding government support for renewable heat through the Renewable Heat Incentive, Option 1 (gas-fired CHP) is proposed in the final summary of technologies for both King Alfred and Upper Campuses. When managed well, a gas-fired CHP lifespan would cover 15 plus years. This would take the University through to 2030, but which time it is expected that new, more efficient heating technologies could replace the CHP as the heat sources in the Energy Centres.
FURTHER PROJECTS FOR CONSIDERATION Following the site visit, a further set of opportunities were identified that should be taken into consideration. Due to a lack of certain inputs or specific sub-metered data, Carbon Credentials was unable to provide in-depth calculations on these. These are set out below with high-end assessment of potential savings where possible. It is suggested that these are explored in further detail by the facilities team. LOW FLOW SHOWERHEADS It was identified that the University of Winchester has around 1,700 showers across its student accommodations. None of these currently have low-flow shower heads. Water saving shower heads add air into the water flow to make the shower feel like it is using as much water as a normal shower, but actually uses substantially less. The shower heads can save 50% of the water consumption from the showers. As hot water is used in the showers, this also provides savings from the gas used to heat the water. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) have previously calculated that a low flow show head could save 1 kWh of gas per shower. Assuming that each shower is used on average once per day during term times (around 9 months of the year), then the caluclations are as follows: 1,700 showers x 1 kWh x 270 days = 459,000 kWh saved per year or 6% of total consumption. At 3 p/kWh cost of gas this creates a yearly saving of £13,770. Assuming an installed cost of £15 per showerhead produces a cost of £25,500 for 1,700 showers, equating to a 1.9 year payback. Area
Gas 6,906,333 6% 459,000 0.18407 84
2014/15 Site Usage (kWh) Saving % Saving (kWh) Emissions Factor (kg CO2e/ kWh) Carbon Saving (Tonnes CO2e) SERVER ROOM COOLING
The University is due to install Deltamaster free cooling into 2 x server rooms. Sub metering is being installed on each server room to enable calculation of loads and assess savings calculations using costs from the supplier. kWh figures below have been back calculated from the savings provided by the installer. Area 2014/15 Site Usage (kWh) Saving % Saving (kWh) Emissions Factor (kg CO2e/ kWh) Carbon Saving (Tonnes CO2e)
Electricity 4,539,454 1% 51,283 0.41205 21 53
ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES WITH NO SAVING CALCULATIONS The following opportunities have no savings calculated due to lack of information but will create further energy and carbon savings. Bar End Sports Centre Lighting – The University is currently exploring the addition of lower level lighting for smaller events to avoid large flood lights being used for small events. Floodlighting paybacks are often low as although floodlighting uses high kW rating lamps, the burning hours (i.e. hours they are actually on per year) tends to be low. Adding a secondary level of smaller kW rated lighting is a good compromise here. Laundry Sub Metering – It was identified that some of the highest gas intensity buildings were those that contained the laundries. Gas sub-metering is proposed to identify loads and potential upgrades. Options include more efficient washers and driers but also targeted engagement programmes encouraging lower temperature wash cycles. Main Building Zoned Heating – The main building currently has one main heating loop feeding the entire building. The University is considering upgrading the internal heating structure to create better zoning. This would create savings be providing more control to facilities staff to only heat areas in use. Herbert Jarman Boilers - Although not an energy saving measure, there are currently 2 x 800kW gas boilers in Herbert Jarman which are underused as they were previously sized to run a much larger heat demand form the Main Building. As these are in good condition, consideration should be made to utilising these in any energy centre designs to reduce overall costs.
APPENDIX B: CARBON EMISSION FACTORS Carbon Credentials bases its UK greenhouse gas (GHG) calculations on the DEFRA emission factors1. These are updated yearly by DEFRA to reflect the GHG emissions intensity of different emission sources in the UK. The aim is to provide a single source of data for all GHG emission calculations to support the UK’s commitment to reducing its overall emissions to 80% of 1990 emissions by 20502. There is a government-led drive to achieve an emission factor for grid electricity of 100 gCO2/kWh by 20303. This target does not include other GHGs and is purely based on carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation. The emission factors from DEFRA are carbon dioxide equivalent, which does take into account other GHGs such as methane. Though these are strictly not the same emission factors, as there is no tCO2e target set by the UK Environment Agency, we have used the 100 gCO2 target as a representation of the expected tCO2e target for 2030. The reason for this is that we strongly recommend that targets set should be to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions, rather than carbon dioxide alone. Confirmed DEFRA factors up to 2016, and Carbon Credentials’ projected factors to 2050, can be seen below:
Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Electricity Emission Factor (kgCO2e/kWh) 0.4491 0.4703 0.4567 0.4785 0.4734 0.4667 0.4961 0.4938 0.4853 0.4521 0.4600 0.4455 0.4943 0.4622 0.4121 0.3898 0.3675 0.3452 0.3229 0.3006 0.2783 0.2560 0.2337 0.2114 0.1892
Electricity Emission Factor Year on Year Decrease (%) 5% -3% 5% -1% -1% 6% 0% -2% -7% 2% -3% 11% -6% -11% -5% -6% -6% -6% -7% -7% -8% -9% -10% -11%
Year 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050
Electricity Emission Factor (kgCO2e/kWh) 0.1669 0.1446 0.1223 0.1000 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00
Electricity Emission Factor Year on Year Decrease (%) -12% -13% -15% -18% -5% -5% -6% -6% -6% -7% -7% -8% -8% -9% -10% -11% -12% -14% -17% -20% -25% -33% -50% -100%
1 3 2
The current stated method3 by which the above targets will be achieved is through increased electricity generated from renewable energy sources and nuclear, in addition to investment into carbon capture and storage technologies. Based on the UK’s target to reduce emissions by 80% against a 1990 baseline by 2050, The National Grid ‘Future Energy Scenarios’ has set a zero carbon grid target by 2050, leading to a 0 (zero) emission factor for grid electricity. In the table above, Carbon Credentials has therefore assumed a constant absolute year-on-year reduction in electricity emission factor, from 2016 to 2030, to 100 gCO2e/kWh, and then again from 2030 to 2050 to 0 gCO2e/kWh. This is in line with the Government’s commitment to reduce emissions and the general decreasing trend in emission factors that has been observed since 2009. For natural gas, there are no clear indications or trends in emission factors. Until such point where there have been significant advances in this area, it is assumed that natural gas emission factors will remain constant. See the table below for further detail:
Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Natural Gas Emission Factor (kgCO2e/kWh) 0.18396 0.18396 0.18396 0.18396 0.18396 0.18396 0.18396 0.18396 0.18523 0.1836 0.18521 0.18404 0.184973 0.18445 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184
Year 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050
Natural Gas Emission Factor (kgCO2e/kWh) 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184
Unless other emissions factors are required for specific schemes (e.g. the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme), Carbon Credentials will utilise the emissions factors from the above tables for all greenhouse gas emission modelling. Note: the above factors will be updated each year as new information is released by DEFRA, as well as when policy changes are announced which will impact GHG emissions reductions.
APPENDIX C: CARBON REDUCTION POLICY CONTEXT INTERNATIONAL COMMITMENTS In 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted. The UNFCCC seeks to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous interference with the climate system. This is currently deemed to be a 2°C rise in global mean temperatures relative to pre-industrial levels. This was the first major demonstration of a global political commitment to avoid dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, and lay the foundations for global efforts to mitigate and adapt to the causes and effects of climate change. In December 2015, at the 21st annual conference of the parties (COP-21) in Paris, 195 countries adopted the firstever universal and legally binding global climate deal. Amongst other commitments, the Paris Agreement sets out a global action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, by agreeing: “A long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels To aim to limit the increase to 1.5°C, since this would significantly reduce risks and the impacts of climate change on the need for global emissions to peak as soon as possible, recognising that this will take longer for developing countries to undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with the best available science.”
NATIONAL COMMITMENTS The UK Government has set national targets for the reduction of carbon emissions through the 2008 Climate Change Act to meet obligations under the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC. The targets commit the UK to the reduction of carbon emissions compared to 1990 levels by 34% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050, against a 1990 baseline. To ensure that progress is made in the short-term and the UK is provided with certainty to help plan and invest for a low-carbon economy, the Act also established a mechanism for five-year carbon budgets. It is strongly recommended that UK businesses and organisations align their targets with the reductions defined in the carbon budgets, and ultimately seek to achieve an 80% reduction by 2050. The first five carbon budgets, leading to 2032, have now been set into law. This is presented in the table below. For context, the UK emitted 497 MtCO2e in 2015. Budget
Carbon budget level for five year period
% reduction below 1990 base year
1st Carbon budget (2008-12) 2nd Carbon budget (2013-17) 3rd Carbon budget (2018-22) 4th Carbon budget (2023-27)
3,018 2,782 2,544 1,950
MtCO2e MtCO2e MtCO2e MtCO2e
23% 29% 35% by 2020 50% by 2025
5th Carbon budget (2027-2032)
1,725 MtCO2e
57% by 2030
HIGHER EDUCATION SECTOR COMMITMENTS There has been a very positive response in the public sector to Government targets for carbon emissions. This is evidenced by the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s Carbon Reduction Target and Strategy for Higher Education in England. The publication sets challenging targets for carbon emission reductions in scopes 1 and 2 of 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 against a 1990/91 baseline. Against a 2005/06 baseline, this is equivalent to a reduction of 43% by 2020 and 83% by 2050. The scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction targets established by HEFCE are for the sector as a whole. HEFCE recognises that the progress individual institutions can make will differ depending on their circumstances and level of ambition. Consequently, institutional carbon reduction targets do not need to match the sector carbon reduction targets. Targets may be changed by institutions, to reflect new circumstances, better information, advances in technology or grid decarbonisation. It is vital that a reasonable and transparent approach is adopted. There are currently no financial penalties planned for institutions who do not meet their 2020 target. While HEFCE has not instructed Higher Education Institutions to set targets for the reduction of scope 3 emissions it requires the submission of waste, water supply and wastewater figures annually and encourages the assessment and management of emissions related to procurement, travel and commuting