University of Winchester: BA (Hons) Street Arts Brochure

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BA (Hons) Street Arts: Performance and Production

Why study at Winchester? There are many reasons to study at the University

Our graduates have a strong track record of

of Winchester – but the one to consider most

finding employment after leaving the University.

is that you will become part of a safe and

There is a dedicated Careers Service to provide

supportive community.

advice and help you research career pathways and employers. They also organise recruitment fairs

The University is located within walking distance

and workshops on how to write CVs and perform

of the city centre of Winchester, which is only one

well at interview.

hour away from London by train. The campus is located in a beautiful wooded setting overlooking the South Downs. We have excellent facilities for learning and teaching that are continually being updated to enhance the student experience. There is a vibrant Student Union, excellent sports facilities, a modern library and IT facilities across the campus. At the University of Winchester we aim to provide campus or University Managed Accommodation to all first year full-time undergraduates who hold Winchester as their firm choice. In addition, we also endeavour to provide students from non-EU countries and students with disabilities a room on campus, not just for their first year, but for the duration of their course. The culture of the University is informal and the emphasis is on you unlocking your potential, developing a clear sense of direction and becoming the best you can be in your chosen career.


BA Street Arts: Performance and Production The BA Street Arts: Performance and

wide range of partnerships. The degree

Production programme at Winchester is

balances the need to develop the creative

an exciting performance-based degree

capabilities of the students and also for

which explores how to create imaginative

them to have a working knowledge of

artist-led contemporary productions

different production and business models

Typical offer: 260-300 points*

in the new arenas of street arts and

that support their work within these

Single Honours

outdoor spaces. It is the only Street Arts

different sectors.

undergraduate degree in the world and it


Selection process: Potentially suitable

has been shortlisted for Excellence and

You may want to create and produce

applicants may be invited to interview

Innovation in the Arts in the Times Higher

spectacular performances for festivals and

and/or a group workshop

Education Awards. This sector of the

large scale events; make and perform large

performing arts is innovative, diverse and

scale puppets; engage in the vibrant world

If English is not your first language:

rapidly expanding. In this programme,

of street dance, music and comedy; or

IELTS 6.0 (including 6.0 in writing)

students are encouraged to develop a

develop a show which you could perform in

or equivalent. If you do not have the

practice leading to the creation of a range

many different countries around the world.

necessary level of English there are

of performances and events.

As a performing artist, you may choose to

pre-sessional English language training

create and organise live events through

programmes available at the University

The Street Arts marketplace has extended

creative partnerships with city centres,

that may allow you to meet your

and expanded in the last ten years. It is no

the heritage industry and commercial

minimum entry requirements.

longer just a branch of the performing arts

companies or as part of community

that creates work for festivals and events


but now reaches over to new areas of

*Entry requirements correct at time of print. For the most up-to-date entry

practice that embraces the strategic aims

This degree programme encourages you

requirements please visit our website at

and objectives of the heritage industries,

to apply your existing skills to these new

social policy makers, commercial

contexts and strive for performances

organisations, environmental agencies and

of the highest quality. Productions take

arts and wellbeing.

shape under many influences and offer you the opportunity to transform your ideas

The contemporary Street Art student

into imaginative performances in a wide

needs to know how to produce work across

variety of settings through a process of

a variety of different situations within a

creative engagement and critical reflection.


BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

Students devise and develop productions

practitioners and to develop portfolio of

which draw from a range of different

work across a network of events, festivals

subject areas and produce performances

and creation centres in the UK and Europe.

within an atmosphere of innovation and

This opportunity to develop your practice

creative development supported by a

allows you to build significant CV’s and

team of tutors all of whom have extensive

professional contacts whilst studying;

experience as street arts practitioners and

this is an important feature of the course.

who research and create contemporary

There are a number of street arts festivals

street arts projects.

for emergent artists which showcase the students work each year to invited

The degree develops your professional

producers and promoters including a

understanding of how to produce a range

festival run by the University.

of performances, events and festivals through the use of a range of performance

In the autumn, students have the

and production skills by working with

opportunity to develop work in the centre

creative producers, artistic directors and

of Winchester. The students are able

arts administrators and professional

to develop public performances with


professional practitioners, and to create productions as part of Hat Fair.

During the course, there are opportunities to develop work specifically commissioned

Throughout the course, students are

by the international Winchester Hat

encouraged to set up their own companies

Fair (the longest running and one of the

and to create their own online profiles as

largest street arts festivals in the UK).

a basis for establishing their professional

The University has built an international

practices on leaving the course. Current

network of performance and production

students have already identified the

based partnerships with festivals and

viability of a street arts practice as a


career choice through setting up their own Student Company and through their


You have the opportunity through work

curricular and extracurricular work they

experience to work with professional

have already funded a range of activities

BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

including overseas visits to Spain and



Year 1 • Making

Programme content

• Production Skills

The course is based on the practices of

• Performance Skills

outdoor performances which have a long

• Histories and Context

and distinguished tradition. Street arts

Year Two

have always reflected on and drawn from

• Street Arts Study

intercultural influences evolving from

• Dramaturgy of Public Space

many styles from around the world.

• Extending Practice • Directed Performance

The degree is not just based on skill

• Options

development but on the development

Year Three

of the ideas of why you want to make

• Performance Now: Debates and Discourse

performances or events. To realise these

• Creative Entrepreneurship and Production

ideas you develop methods of devising,

• Collaborative Project

informed by modules which develop body

• Extended independent Study

awareness and skill development especially

• Internship or Volunteering

in terms of physicality and movement and through improvisation and play.

Year 1 In Year 1, you learn how to realise

Production modules introduce you to

your ideas through producing public

principles of making and production;

performances with an understanding of

sound and film production; and new

public space and through using space

media and technology and puppetry

as a resource. Key to this work is an

Performance modules introduce street

understanding of the relationship between

dance techniques; circus and spectacle; and

the performance and the audience.

physical theatre, clowning and comedy. Other skills tutoring are supported through

You develop your performance ideas

work with practitioners and visiting

through improvisation and play, making


and devising and through learning,


BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

developing and applying a range of

are encouraged to become involved in a

production and performance skills.

range of extracurricular performances in a

Alongside the development of these skills

variety of contexts.

you explore how developments in digital media, networking and the internet can

Year 2

connect you to a wide range of audiences

In Year 2, Semester 1 you extend your

and practices in the shaping of your

understanding of the approaches and

practice as well as allowing you to record

skills in street arts through playful

and disseminate your own practice.

exploration and experimentation drawing from and looking across to other forms to

You deliver performances through gaining

encourage new and exciting works. You are

a preliminary knowledge of creative

encouraged to develop a sense of your own

production which include knowledge of

practice and discover new ways of working

risk assessment, health and safety. You

using a diversity of skills around key areas

then engage in the creation of installation

of interest to street arts. In the module

and finally develop a series of public

Street Arts Study, you look in depth at a


street arts company, festival or event to produce a report which also informs your

This work is created within a framework of

own future practice as well as studying the

critical reflection as you explore the subject

creative practices of other companies to

from its roots in popular traditions and the

inform your own making process.

carnival to its position as an innovative and diverse contemporary practice.

In Semester 2, you develop your own projects utilising your knowledge from


Students are encouraged to explore

the first semester using principles of

Street Arts in its widest context drawing

Practice as Research critically reflecting

from the experience of working with

on your own and other’s work. In Directed

professionals and visiting lecturers

Performance, you will receive direction

as well as the experienced street arts

from the staff as you develop a group

practitioners which already teach at the

public performance. As a company

University. Throughout Year 1, students

during this intense year of practice and

BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

performance you continue to develop

Your aim is to develop contemporary street

your production and performance skills,

arts performance to a level which can

including developing the administrative

sustain professional and public scrutiny.

and promotional skills necessary to

The final production is showcased to

develop and run your own company

invited creative producers, agents and

in collaborative and sustainable

events programmers, in order to develop

relationships with professional creative

reciprocal sustainable relationships of

producers. You continue to inform your

employment and practice. Modules in

practice through a critical framework

Creative Entrepreneurship and Production

which looks at transcultural influences,

will be centred around the creation of a

counter narratives and alternative

Festival of Street Arts to celebrate your

perspectives and practices.

work and to showcase it to promoters and bookers. Now: Debates and Discourses

You can be involved in exchange visits

contextually allows you to evaluate street

to France and Spain and encouraged and

art themes in contemporary society and

invited to perform at Hat Fair and a range


of other festivals and events over the summer.

Independent project The independent project is your chance

Year 3

to explore your ideas and visions through

In Year 3, you are engaged in independent

writing and performance you have found

study and performance both as a group

interesting and engaging over the course

and individually. In the collaborative

of your study in the process of making

Project you create, develop, produce and

performance. You might choose to write

deliver performances to a level which on

a dissertation, produce a documented

completion can be performed in front

project/performance or produce a

of the public at the Winchester Hat Fair.

creative project. The independent project

You are encouraged in the process to

is accompanied by modules on Creative

explore ways of developing your ideas

Entrepreneurship and Production and

using a variety of techniques, for example

Performance Now: Debates and Discourses

workshops and prototype performances.

that relate your final year’s work to the


BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

working and performance environment


you will soon be entering. It also prepares

Assessment is made mainly through

you for the creative infrastructure which is

assignments and projects completed during

currently emerging in street arts practice.

modules. Module assessments include performances, presentations, workshops,

Learning and teaching

documentation, journals, seminars, online

At the roots of BA Street Arts is the central

tasks and written work. We encourage you

role of devising within a collective context,

to reflect through your relationship to the

exploring practice using interdisciplinary

internet as well as more traditional means

methods and recognising the importance

of study. We are conscious of this growing

of enquiry. You are introduced to a wide

relationship with new media. Increasingly

variety of street arts styles and practices

through the course you are able to choose

which inform your own understanding of

assessment methods which play to your

the subject. We are as much interested in


how performances are created in outdoor contexts as in the skills which lie at the centre of the subject. We believe both these elements need to be understood in relation to each other and within a wider social, political and cultural context. The course therefore is a journey into a wide engagement with street arts performing contexts which are both practical and conceptual. In this way we look for students whose critical awareness informs the way that they make work and in the way they understand their place in the community of street arts practitioners. What you believe and how you want to practice is important to us.


BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

Teaching team

Dr Olu Taiwo graduated from the Laban

Gordon Murray is a theatre director and

The core teaching team comes from all

Centre with an MA in Choreography and

script developer whose projects range from

areas of the performing and visual arts.

wrote his PhD on performance philosophy.

the production of new plays to the staging

They have a wide range of experience as

He teaches dance, visual development

of large-scale public performance events.

producers, practitioners, lecturers and

and performance in a combination of real

He is a practitioner of community and

teachers. There are opportunities to work

and virtual formats and has a background

applied drama projects.

with professional practitioners, creative

in Fine Art. He is an actor, dancer and

producers and street arts companies

drummer performing in national and

Stephen Solloway is a flautist and

throughout the course. Specialisms

international contexts. His main interests

composer. His specialist academic interests

include circus; large scale puppetry; street

are to propagate twenty-first century

are in soundscape, music improvisation and

dance and choreography; street theatre;

issues concerning the interaction between


Commedia dell’arte; carnival arts; devised

body, identity, audience and technology.

theatre; clown and comedy; site specific

Annabel Arndt has an academic

performance and environmental art; live

Dr Richard Cuming is a performer, director,

background as programme leader in

art; music; physical theatre; and creative

deviser and teacher whose specialism is

Creative Industries. She has also worked

production. The staff are professionally

in innovative devised practice, especially

in Arts Administration and has edited

engaged in projects that involve

in physical and visual performance and

amongst other publications Total Theatre.

international collaborations, national

the synthesis of different forms, including

street arts performance groups and

clown and visual performance.

consultancy. We are conscious of the need

Nigel Luck and Sally Mann are associate lecturers and professional practitioners

to have a contemporary understanding of

Janet Lee is a physical theatre performer

which bring a wide range of skills to the

this fast evolving area of practice.

and puppeteer whose specialist areas are

programme especially in the disciplines of

physical and visual theatre. Her interests

visual arts, puppetry, circus arts and object

John Lee (Programme Leader) is Artistic

in street arts include large scale puppetry


Director of Fuse Performance and a

and stilt walking performance. She has

consultant to companies such as Kneehigh

directed for and performed with Strange

Career opportunities

Theatre Company. He has toured in over 35

Arrangements for the past 10 years as well

Street Arts is now practiced throughout

countries as a performer and street artist

as collaborating with Australian puppetry

the year in outdoor and indoor venues

with the British Council and is Co-founder

company Spare Parts Puppet Theatre.

and is supported by a year round circuit of

of the first Circus School in Britain.

festivals and events which cover all areas of the arts. It is an international art form


BA Street Arts: Performance and Production

with practitioners travelling worldwide

equip the students to move into a range of

providing a platform of employment. Part

related professions which lie at the centre

of the degree programme involves studying

of creative industries.

in Europe on exchange visits and alongside European students.

As a graduate in this new arena of work you will be among the first professionally

Students can expect to go on to become

trained practitioners in this rapidly

street arts practitioners and performers;

growing sector of the creative and cultural

creative producers; event’s organisers;


directors and choreographers of street arts and outside events; arts managers,

Contact us

community; carnival arts and participatory

For more information contact:

theatre practitioners and teachers. There

John Lee, Programme Leader

is a demand for street arts students in

Telephone: +44 (0) 1962 827335

the corporate and heritage industries


and in new media and performance and arts activism. There is the opportunity to

Course Enquiries and Applications

progress into postgraduate study.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1962 827234 Email:

Students leave this course with a wide range of skills and approaches appropriate to street arts practice. They will have experience of producing public performances within professional arenas using a wide variety of practices and styles. Through creating, developing and producing their own performances, they will be well equipped with an understanding of how to market and administrate their own projects. Many of the skills involved are transferable and


Explore the Winchester experience Open Days are a great way to find out more

If you miss any of the Open Days or are

about the course that you are interested in. It is

unavailable to attend – you can arrange a

also an opportunity to explore the campus and

Campus Tour instead by contacting the Student

meet tutors and current students to discover

Recruitment team.

what studying at Winchester is all about. To find out when the next Open Day is visit or contact the Student Recruitment team. At the event, academics from all of our programmes will be around campus giving sessions about your subject of interest. Each of the sessions will include an overview of the course, entry requirements, the application process and an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. Student Union representatives will also be available so you can find out more about Winchester’s sports clubs, societies and community involvement. As part of the campus tour you will see the halls of residence and the West Downs Student Village and find out more about living in Winchester. You will also be told about the student support services and scholarships and bursaries that are on offer.

Student Recruitment Telephone: +44 (0) 1962 827089 Email:

Finding out more... Course Enquiries and Applications Telephone: +44 (0)1962 827234 Email:

The University of Winchester Winchester Hampshire S022 4NR


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