University of Winchester Strategic Vision 2030

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Strategic Vision ����

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

The University of Winchester is a community bound by educational excellence, where people come together to be the difference and make the world better.


University of Winchester: Strategic Vision ����


Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

Future generations face a significantly different world. The climate crisis, technological advancements, globalisation, demographic shifts, geopolitical uncertainty and resource shortages will have a major impact on how we work, connect, go about our lives and care for our planet. The future of Higher Education will be subject to much change and uncertainty, from constant shifts in policy to increasing marketisation and global competition.

Our students will have the opportunity to explore the meaning of life and grow in wisdom and love – to develop the attributes needed for citizenship in a globalised world and for living creatively, compassionately and wisely with others and with the planet.

Within this changing environment - and for the future of our planet and all life – we need to step up and play our part. The Strategic Vision 2030 sets out how we will be an institution that makes a difference. With our students, we will co-design and co-deliver rigorous, transformative and challenging education that builds them up to be wise and knowledgeable. Our aim is that they find success in their careers and have influence in the world around them. Our alumni will be known for their ambition to be confident agents for change, deeply committed to living lives of purpose and meaning.

My thanks to all who have been involved in the development of the Strategic Vision 2030, and for all the input we have had from our staff, students, Governors and others. I look forward to striving together for excellence in higher education, as a beacon for social justice and sustainability.

We will deliver strong financial management through lean and agile operations, underpinned by the highest business excellence to ensure our long term sustainability (Ensuring Excellence, our five-year Business Plan 2019/20 - 2023/24, sets out how we will do this in detail).

Within this changing environment – and for the future of our planet and all life – we need to step up and play our part. The Strategic Vision 2030 sets out how we will be an institution that makes a difference.

We are passionate about the important role we play as a driver of productivity and economic growth within the region. We will advocate the building of a sustainable, "circular" regional economy, and the move away from a “Take, Make, Waste” economy. We will continue to increase our economic impact, measured at £266m in 2018, as we grow in size and influence. We will deliver a step-change in engagement with employers over the next decade. We will become the partner of choice for organisations wanting to boost innovation, enrich their workforce and grow their impact. Together with our students, we will prioritise sustainability and social justice in every aspect of our work, in particular, supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this we will help individuals and communities flourish. Our value of people as individuals means we prioritise the success and wellbeing of students and staff. We will continue to prioritise exceptional pastoral care and opportunities for spiritual development.

In the absence of certainty and stability externally, we believe it is important for us to present a clear and bold vision. One that reflects who we are, cements our passion for sustainability and social justice and matches our ambition for success and impact over the next decade. This is why we have aligned the timeframe of our Strategic Vision 2030 with the target date for the Sustainable Development Goals. With the huge global challenges facing all life and the planet, there has never been more of a need for institutions like Winchester to stand up and boldly make a difference. We will sustain hope and a positive vision of the future through uncertain times.

Professor Joy Carter CBE DL PhD CGeol FGS Vice-Chancellor

The Church of England mission that led to our Foundation in 1840 continues to be the beating heart of the institution. It continues to underpin and nurture our values, strategy and conduct. Being an Anglican foundation and respecting those following all other religious traditions and none means we are committed to providing a radically inclusive education.




Our vision is to help shape a better world through everything we do, driven by the ambition, wisdom and impact of our students and staff.

To achieve our vision, we will be guided by our values and a strategic vision framework that has the threads of excellence in education, sustainability and social justice running through it.

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality




Over the next 10 years, the University will continuously improve and champion excellence in education, sustainability and social justice. We will achieve this by consciously embedding these principles together with our values into our culture, operations and courses. Our values – together with our motto 'wisdom ond lar', Old English for 'wisdom and learning' – will guide and drive all our work, provide a decision-making and behavioural framework for staff, and outline the expectations that we have of our students and graduates.


Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

1. INDIVIDUALS MATTER We’re passionate about seeing staff and students succeed and flourish, so they feel encouraged to help others and empowered to make a real difference in the world. To achieve this, we seek to provide a challenging and supportive environment that encourages ambition, nurtures the embrace of equality, diversity and inclusivity, develops wisdom for a fulfilling life and embeds knowledge needed for a successful career. Our staff and students will have the resilience and resourcefulness to seize the opportunities and face the challenges of life. We are committed to working globally to fight for equality, integrity and justice. Together, we will uphold the dignity and wellbeing of others, whoever they are and whatever their background.

2. COMPASSION We love and respect the planet and all life. In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, we strive to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We seek to nurture a love and value for all life and the planet, and challenge all staff and students to adopt this as second nature. Staff and students are empowered to change the world for the better, challenge convention with compassion and stand up for what they believe to be true.

3. SPIRITUALITY Together, we aim to explore the mysteries of life and grow wisdom and love. We celebrate our Anglican Christian foundation and welcome people of all faiths and none. In a world in which religion is often associated with exclusivity and anti-intellectualism, we seek to model ways of being religious that are inclusive and intellectually robust. We believe that everyone should be encouraged to express themselves through a unique collage of values, disciplines and practices. Our staff and students will have the opportunity to experience and reflect on the creativity, beauty and compassion in life.


University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030 University of Winchester

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality





University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE: OUR CORE PURPOSE At a time when the value of undergraduate degrees is under closer scrutiny, and distrust of those empowered by education grows, the University of Winchester reaffirms its faith in education as a value in its own right, and as a force for good in the world. Within our commitment to educational excellence is the University of Winchester’s ethos of a distinctly values-driven higher education. Depth in subject expertise is matched by depth of character development; breadth of knowledge is matched by breadth of concern with issues transcending those of self-interest; academic rigour is matched by respect and kindness towards all life; seriousness of study is matched by the fun and excitement of shared learning; and intellectual growth is matched by freedom for personal, emotional, spiritual, religious, and artistic growth. Our Strategic Planning does not lose sight of how time spent at university can provide some of the most formative experiences in one’s life.

On completion of a degree, the educational journey is not finished. Higher education is a life they continue to live. It is not only the quality of our students' education which is at the heart of our vision, but also the importance of the ongoing development of our staff's skills, wellbeing and expertise. We support their continued learning, in turn further enriching the students' learning experience. Educational excellence will be evidenced by positive external quality assessments, high student satisfaction, and the achievement of TEF Gold by 2030.

A University of Winchester higher education can make the difference. It encourages each person to take the time and the opportunity to think about who they want to be in the world and what contribution they want to make. It inspires confidence in being a graduate who has learned to enjoy asking the important questions. Our values foster a robust, resolute approach to standing up for what one believes in, to risk the new, and to rise up to challenges, including those presented by injustices we see around us. We nurture and support the activities that develop these aspects of excellence in higher education. We savour this as a positive outcome of a human and humanising university education. It will contribute to the wisdom needed for happy and meaningful lives for individuals and those they influence.



University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

SUSTAINABILITY: A UNIVERSITY SHAPING A BETTER FUTURE To us, sustainability means living in harmony, acting with kindness, and caring for the planet and all living things, now and for future generations. This means we act responsibly, consider the wider implications of our actions, and strive to have a positive impact on the world. We equip our graduates with the skills to make a difference in their future careers and enable staff and students to consider their individual and collective environmental and social impacts. With social justice at our core, we take the world’s challenges seriously and engage in meaningful and critical dialogue of global significance. Sustainability is a way of life at Winchester. Fundamental to our progressive and pioneering culture and practice, it is an essential component of everything we do. Our staff and students are engaged in the importance of sustainability and feel confident to engage with finding solutions to our world’s greatest challenges. To become a beacon for social justice and sustainability, we need to embrace education’s transformational potential. The UN’s "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" is one of the most important and ambitious global agreements of all time. With 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core, it sets out what it is needed to address the world’s most urgent challenges by 2030 – for example how to end poverty, and engender economic prosperity, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, peace and good governance. These ambitious goals will require us to transform how we operate as a university, how societies and economies function and how we live in harmony with our planet. “Universities, with their broad remit around the creation and dissemination of knowledge and their unique position within society, have a critical role to play in the achievement of the SDGs.”1

We believe that high-quality education is the key to achieving these transformations. Over the next 10 years we will explicitly position ourselves to support the achievement of this agenda. We will build on our National Union of Students’ Responsible Futures accreditation, which recognises our commitment to embedding sustainability and social responsibility in our teaching and other activities. We will ensure our education, research, partnerships and leadership are focused on helping society address these pressing challenges. We believe that this inter-disciplinary focus will give our students a competitive edge, enabling them to stand out in the competitive jobs market, gain meaningful employment and exemplify both the University's values and those implicit in the Sustainable Development Goals.

CARBON NEUTRAL BY 2025 We will focus on setting new levels of excellence for environmental and wellbeing across our estate, by serving food that meets the toughest ethical and environmental standards, eliminating unnecessary single-use plastics, and ensuring we have neither fossil fuel investments nor research funding from the fossil fuel industry. We will partner with institutions that identify with the highest ethical and sustainability criteria whilst delivering high returns for the University.

RESPONSIBLE FUTURES The University of Winchester was awarded the National Union of Students’ (NUS) Responsible Futures accreditation in 2019 for its commitment to embedding sustainability and social responsibility in its teaching and other activities. The award recognises the partnership between the University and our students to promote education for sustainable development, helping our students understand the sustainability challenges facing society and preparing them to become globally responsible citizens.

LEADING THE WAY IN CARBON EFFICIENCY We are one of the lowest carbon university campuses in the country. Since 2008, we have reduced our emissions by 45.53 per cent, the fifth highest reduction in the sector. We achieved zero waste to landfill in 2013. Our recycling rate has soared to 64% in 2016/17, up from 14% in 2009. Any waste that is not recyclable is sent to an energy from waste facility, food waste is sent for anaerobic digestion and waste cooking oil is turned into bio-diesel. In June 2019, the University of Winchester announced its pledge to eliminate all unnecessary single-use plastic by December 2020.

UN RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION CHAMPION UNIVERSITY We are proud to be one of the first Business Schools in the UK to become a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact 'Principles for Responsible Management Education' initiative (PRME). As a PRME champion, our aim is to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex economic, environmental and social challenges faced by business in the twenty-first century. PRME has played a central role in informing our strategies relating to teaching, research and external engagement to create a more equitable and sustainable economy and society.

CUTTING UNNECESSARY WASTE We’ve tackled the scourge of single-use disposable cups on campus by introducing a bold new pricing structure on takeaway drinks, combined with a giveaway of reusable Gum-tec mugs to students and staff. For a number of years, we offered a 25p discount on any drink purchased at our cafés in a reusable cup, however this only accounted for 3% of sales annually. The introduction of a 25p surcharge in November 2016 on all hot and cold drinks purchased in a disposable cup has had a dramatic effect, reducing the number of disposable cups being used by over 60,000, whilst sales of drinks in reusable cups have leapt to an average of 30%. Our coffee cup initiative has been so successful it’s attracted global media attention, including being featured in the prestigious BBC World Service programme ‘World Hacks’.


“The future of humanity and the planet lies in our hands. It lies also in the hands of today’s younger generation who will pass the torch to future generations. We have mapped the road to sustainable development; it will be for all of us to ensure that the journey is successful and its gains irreversible.”2


Getting started with SDGs in universities, Sustainable Development Solutions Network Paragraph 2


UN Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Paragraph 53




University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

SOCIAL JUSTICE: EXCELLENCE WITH A CONSCIENCE We are dedicated to the flourishing of people, communities big and small, life on earth, and the world as a whole. We encourage and empower our staff and students to make a difference in the world by working with our local and global community. We endeavour to provide the highest quality of higher education, but not at any cost. Our original mission that the Church of England had in the 1830s was to create an institution to train teachers in poor communities, so that access to education was not limited to the wealthy and elite. Our commitment to social justice means that while the quality of our offer will continue to rise, barriers to access will not. We will remain committed to enabling the widest access to our provision and being known as a welcoming, inclusive and friendly community. We will ensure those from underrepresented groups are welcomed and supported to succeed and progress into fulfilling careers. As a University of Sanctuary, we will continue to be a welcoming and safe place for refugees and asylum seekers. Our aim is to be recognised nationally and internationally for our international work in peace and reconciliation, animal welfare and as a UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Champion. We will nurture our strategic partnerships with organisations such as the St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, Compassion in World Farming, Blue Apple Theatre and the International Fund for Animal Welfare. We will develop key local and international strategic partnerships that help us deliver our mission for excellence in higher education, social justice and sustainability.


We will together uphold the dignity and wellbeing of others, whoever they are, regardless of background. Staff and students will be challenged to be ambitious and nurtured to embrace equality, diversity and inclusivity. We will be a kind, caring community. We will build on our efforts as a pioneer of the Living Wage. We will remain committed to efficient in-sourcing of staffing, to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all those working within the University. Staff and Students will be encouraged to fight for integrity and justice in a world of compromises and prejudice.

SPOTLIGHT ON SOCIAL JUSTICE BREAKING WALLS Breaking Walls is an educational partnership between the University of Winchester and HM Prison Winchester.


The project is part of the wider Learning Together Network and aims to widen into other subject areas in the future.

We are designing a new curriculum approval process centred on the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is about ensuring an inclusive learning for all. In essence, these principles argue that if we don’t cater for the culture, history and presence of under-represented groups, then we are denying people an education, increasing the corresponding social and economic disadvantages. UDL also covers disability, specific learning difficulty and all the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010.



As a Cathedrals Group university, we will model a way of being religious and spiritual that is even more intellectually robust and inclusive. We seek to place the big questions of life at the heart of our education.

Teachers, and by extension teacher training, are at the very core of social justice. Winchester is the first university in the world to offer student teachers the opportunity to undertake the UN's Climate Change Teacher course.

Widening Participation is in our DNA. From student recruitment to student support, we are deeply committed to making success at University available to all.

Our staff and students work together to take social justice and sustainability into the mainstream across the board. For example, we will incentivise research projects related to social justice. We will further impact the local community, working together to create greater prosperity and reduce deprivation in our region.

UNICEF Rights Respecting Education underpins all teacher education at Winchester and we offer a wide range of modules that focus on social mobility, including one on forced migration. Moreover, our on-going provision of CPD has a significant social justice theme, forming part of our delivery to existing professionals.

In all of our operations, we are committed to the highest ethical and fair trade standards. Wherever possible, all items purchased are Fairtrade – from the food we serve to the uniforms our staff wear. We provide surplus food to local charities, including First Bite, for them to provide meals for those in need within the local community.

Through a series of facilitated sessions focusing on contemporary issues in Criminology, students from the University and HMP Winchester are brought together to challenge perspectives, inspire future personal development and explore debates.

The pioneering work of the University, particularly with young carers, has been held up as an exemplar, leading to changes in Government policy to formally recognise young carers as a disadvantaged group, and ensure universities monitor their access and progress. The University is also held up as a leader for its work with children from military families, people with disabilities and refugees and asylum seekers.


University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality




University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

1. FLOURISHING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES Creating a place of wellbeing where staff and students flourish and help communities flourish too. GRADUATE SUCCESS We will nurture every student’s potential. We will empower our students through rigorous education in a supportive, challenging and creative environment. Our aim is that throughout their time with us, students grow into whole, confident and successful individuals committed to lives of influence, meaning and purpose, determined to challenge the status quo and make a difference in the world. In addition, the education we provide is focussed on their succeeding in life. We will increase graduate employment levels by achieving a culture change at Winchester to prioritise “Enabling Student Success”, followed by appropriate activities at all levels. We will centralise student development as a core activity and priority at Winchester, including increased support and guidance beyond Winchester for graduates. We will create connections, collaborations and agreements with business partners across the region to create recruitment pathways. We will work with our current alumni to secure graduate opportunities, mentoring and ambassadors for the University. We will significantly increase the amount of activity and support we offer to graduates in their early careers.

A CULTURE OF FLOURISHING Our staff and students are the key focus of what we do. We are proud of our strong community spirit driven by how people enjoy working and studying here, and proud that our partners and communities enjoy and benefit from working with us. Our staff are the very essence of our purpose and the reason behind our success. We value them and seek to


“ Inclusion isn’t just a nicety. It’s a necessity. We need to use every perspective and all the talent we have.” Dr Mae Jemison, Astronaut & first black woman in space

grow with them in a changing and challenging higher education environment. Together we will flourish through pursuing shared values, cultivating talent, and adapting our skills to the needs of our students and the dynamic world we share. We will thrive together and as we grow we will recruit new talent that share our values and enthusiasm for agility and versatility. We will embody and exude an environment that is welcoming, kind and nurturing whilst being constructively challenging. Staff and students will be empowered to build resilience, flourish and embrace the opportunities of our changing world. We will provide opportunities for all staff to develop their skills and passions, while supporting innovation and agility in their approach and focus.

A DEDICATION BUILT ON RESPECT We will respect, encourage and value each individual we work and study with to help them succeed. The dignity and wellbeing of individuals is as important as their opinions and views. We will work globally to help others flourish and realise equality and justice for all. We will have a thriving global alumni community who are making a difference in the world and who are ongoing advocates for the University. We will focus our student services and human resources functions on supporting overall staff and student wellbeing through a three-tiered approach. First, we will take a holistic view in order to recognise and seek to address modern society’s increasing mental health challenges, encouraging resilience and a balanced approach to life, work and study. Second, we will recognise the importance of physical health, and seek to put in place the necessary sports facilities, clubs and societies to encourage lifelong commitment to healthy levels of physical activity. Third, we will encourage staff and students to discover and develop the spiritual side of life. Being an Anglican foundation means we are committed to providing education which gives students opportunities to explore the meaning of life, to develop the attributes needed for citizenship of a globalised world and to acquire skills for the world of work and for living creatively. We will be dedicated to flourishing with our local and global communities. Working with our community we will enhance and apply our best assets to building a world in which all life and communities thrive sustainably. We will combine the best of what we are, have and do with the unique value contributed by others, so that the challenges, solutions and successes are shared. By empowering our staff and students to make a difference, we will champion a values-led approach to developing communities in which all its members can flourish.

BY 2030 WE WILL… • Be a place where all students and staff have the opportunity to grow their ambition, build their confidence, adapt successfully to change and ultimately to flourish and succeed • Be known for producing successful graduates who are highly sought after by employers for their skills, resilience, knowledge and passion for making the world a better place • Make it possible for all of our students to have a meaningful placement as part of their degree – including social impact placements • Have the best possible graduate outcomes in terms of employability • Lead action regionally and internationally to help individuals and communities flourish – including offering an accredited volunteering module to all students and volunteering opportunities for staff • Provide an outstanding student experience – from high-quality teaching to an exceptional campus – as demonstrated by our high student satisfaction and exceptional retention levels • Be sector-leading in the support we offer our staff and students, particularly how we help them maintain wellbeing and mental health • Have a thriving network of active alumni who work to support the strategic aims of the university through offering graduate opportunities, mentoring and ambassador support • Offer excellent sporting and music facilities, clubs and societies to encourage a lifelong commitment to healthy levels of physical and mental activity • Be a place where people love to work; are ambitious for themselves and others; feel connected, well-led and cared for – to be measured by attracting and retaining the best staff and high levels of staff satisfaction • Have excellent internal communications to ensure staff and students are well informed and can engage in the work and vision of the University


University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

2. TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATION: Education and lifelong learning that empowers individuals to succeed, have influence and change the world. HIGHER EDUCATION FIT FOR FUTURE “We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another.” Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum Technology and the global economy are evolving so fast we cannot really predict what the future of work will look like. Some of the jobs our future graduates will go into don't yet exist. Regardless of such fastpaced change, we strongly believe higher education, in particular our approach to it, will continue to play an important role in building healthier, happier and stronger communities around the world. The Fourth Industrial Revolution features a fusion of technologies blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological. The future will be defined by further breakthroughs in these realms, spanning robotics, artificial Intelligence, blockchain, biotechnology, the internet of things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles. The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings both opportunities and challenges – it has the potential to create solutions to global challenges and improve the quality of life for the world’s populations, whilst it could engender greater inequality due to the likely seismic shifts in global jobs and labour markets. It presents us two notable challenges: First, how can we ensure these new opportunities benefit the greatest number of people? And second, how do we evolve our provision to best prepare our students to succeed and seize these opportunities?


“ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

EDUCATION FOR GRADUATE SUCCESS “The world no longer cares about what students know, but what they do with what they know.” Tony Wagner, Harvard University In light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the SDG agenda, we believe the value of bringing people together to build community around sharing knowledge, growing wisdom and deepening understanding will be greater than ever. To prepare for our students for success in the world of work, over the next decade we will build on our uniquely tailored education, centred on: • sustainability and social justice • building the whole individual (wisdom) • passionate and engaging staff at the forefront of their fields • blended learning, embracing new technologies to enhance the learning experience • close engagement with business and other employers Our education will prepare our students for successful employment, helping them become whole, confident individuals committed to lives of meaning and purpose. We will remain resolutely committed to enabling the widest access to our provision. We will outperform sector benchmarks for attainment from underrepresented groups in higher education, and in particular, lead the way in attracting, welcoming and supporting students with disabilities, care leavers, young carers and children from military families. As a University of Sanctuary, we will be a welcoming and safe place for a growing number of refugees and asylum seekers. Our graduates will successfully influence through their professional work and be ready to collaborate to improve a future world. Our education will push students to develop the resilience to succeed in the face of challenges outside the classroom – both during their studies and after graduation. We will commit through our “Flourishing Education” to interdisciplinary learning that develops effective graduates who are able to deal with uncertainty and plan ahead to succeed.

BY 2030 WE WILL… • Be globally recognised as a welcoming and successful beacon for high-quality education, sustainability and social justice • Offer outstanding education that equips our students to succeed, measured by their levels of graduate employment, postgraduate and professional education and influence in the world • Offer education for sustainability and social justice as part of every Winchester student’s experience • Measure the quality and success of our education in terms of our students’ satisfaction, graduate employment outcomes and their ongoing engagement with sustainability and social justice • Be in the top 10 (as measured through subject league tables) for at least four subject areas including: teacher training, peace and reconciliation, medieval history and responsible management • Be a magnet for excellent values-driven staff who deliver high-quality education, excellent student experience and impactful research and knowledge exchange • Have an enlarged, balanced and forward-looking undergraduate and postgraduate course portfolio informed by data – students' and employers' – through the ongoing expansion and development of our provision with particular focus on our new Faculty of Health and Wellbeing • Be the university of choice for a growing number of students from around the UK and the world, enabling us to balance selectivity with widening access • Be the go-to partner for businesses, communities, government and third sector organisations, and health providers enabling relevance in our curriculum, meaningful placements for students and jobs for our graduates • Have embedded triadic education in all our courses


University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Flourishing Education drives our teaching and learning to continuously nurture: • a global and values-driven mindset • creativity and analytical skills • entrepreneurialism • leadership attributes • digital and technical shrewdness • flexibility and adaptability to change • industry and community awareness • problem solving • interdisciplinary thinking • triadic thinking – the bringing together of traditional, liberal and vocational learning together with a joy of learning Flourishing Education’s key focus is on learning and loving to learn. We will equip our students with the tools to continue learning and reinventing themselves throughout their lives. To support Flourishing Education, we will continue to foster meaningful partnerships with businesses, schools, third sector organisations and health providers. In particular, we will oversee a step change in engagement with employers, including the NHS. We will build on our fruitful partnership with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation to collaborate on education and research initiatives to develop future healthcare professionals and extend existing joint research programmes between the two organisations. Our strategic partnerships will enable portfolio development, relevance in our curriculum, establish placement opportunities for all students and pathways to jobs for our graduates. Our teaching and learning spaces and resources will provide an environment for rigorous academic endeavour together with creative and innovative thinking.

A SEAT OF LIBERAL EDUCATION We aim to become recognised as a Seat of Liberal Education in Europe. We will offer students a breadth and depth of education that allows them to interrogate the big questions of our time. We will offer all our undergraduate students the chance to study at least one Values Studies module. We will increase recruitment to our BA and MA in Liberal Arts. We will become part of a consortium of Universities in Europe committed to liberal education and seek to build the European archive of liberal education.


Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

TRANSFORMATIVE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION: Research and innovation that empowers and transforms our staff, students and communities close to home and around the world. We undertake research in order to affect positive global change. Our research builds on our Foundation, meaning we work responsibly, collaboratively and ethically. We will develop a research culture that encourages staff and student researchers to: a) be inclusive, mutually supportive and interdisciplinary b) think and work globally c) be bold, creative, courageous and confident d) push boundaries and challenge convention e) develop social innovations that influence public policy, corporate practice and thinking f) produce world-leading and internationally excellent research in line with our strategic themes. We will nurture research excellence and innovation across our academic disciplines, identifying and supporting world-leading and internationally excellent research wherever it exists. We will create a new generation of researchers to drive change; researchers who are proud to be different and strive for their work to have true meaning and impact. In particular, we will encourage and support interdisciplinary research and innovations that focus on tackling local and global sustainability and social problems and the means used to address those problems.

We are committed to high quality public engagement, through sharing our work with diverse communities.. We will support staff in developing these collaborative activities to facilitate a wide range of community interactions, including acting as a key partner for the Hampshire cultural Trust’s Royal City Project, celebrating the history and culture of Winchester and the heritage of the English language in Winchester. Through our public engagement, we seek to develop new skills, generate new ideas, create stronger networks, raise aspiration and inspire learning, with the aim of making a difference in the world.

We will create a new generation of researchers to drive change; researchers who are proud to be different and strive for their work to have true meaning and impact.

BY 2030 WE WILL… • Deliver world-leading and internationally excellent research, driven by our mission to achieve sustainability, social justice, and make a difference to all life and the planet, increasing our league table positioning in each successive REF exercise • Create demonstrative impact of our research on a global scale, evidenced through increasing amounts of world-leading and internationally excellent impact in each successive REF exercise • Deliver outstanding knowledge exchange, driven by our mission to achieve sustainability, social justice and make a difference to all life and the planet, securing a position in the top quartile of our KEF benchmarked group • Have increased our external research and knowledge exchange income by 50% through diversification of income streams and enhanced performance in national assessment frameworks • Have a growing and thriving community of research students, increasing our cohorts by 50% to 450

We will do this by creating a values-driven research culture that is inclusive, mutually supportive, interdisciplinary and global; bold, creative, courageous and confident; pushing boundaries and challenging convention; and seeking in all things to influence public policy, corporate practice and thinking on an international basis.


University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality

3. ORGANISATIONAL EXCELLENCE Ensuring our long-term success, remaining true to our commitment to sustainability and social justice. “Being good is good business.” Dame Anita Roddick To continue thriving as a provider of high-quality higher education committed to sustainability and social justice, we must make business decisions that ensure our long-term success whilst remaining true to our values. To succeed in the global higher education market, our rolling five-year business plan embeds sound financial planning, innovative thinking, bold decision-making, agility and fleetness of foot into our culture. We will hold leadership and governance to the highest standards of excellence in business management and values-driven decision-making. Our finances will remain strong through optimising our size and breadth of portfolio. This will ensure we thrive within the higher education market, by responding to demand and skills needs, achieving economies of scale. We will oversee a sound balance sheet yearon-year and continue our highly ethical approach to financial decisions. We will prioritise investment in growth areas and areas of excellence within the University, in particular: • supporting the development and growth of the Faculty for Health and Wellbeing • expanding the impact of areas of excellence such as the Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace, and our work as a UN PRME Champion University. We will regularly review our suppliers and partners to ensure they identify with our five positive ethical assessment criteria: • Responsible employment practices • Best corporate governance practice • Conscientiousness with regard to human and animal rights

We will hold leadership and governance to the highest standards of excellence in business management and values-driven decision-making. CARBON NEUTRAL BY 2025 We will be carbon neutral by 2025, including Scope 3 emissions. As a beacon for sustainability locally, nationally and internationally, we will build on our success in driving up environmental standards across our estate and functions. We will become the most carbon efficient campus in the UK, up from sixth most currently. We will continually develop our campus and facilities to meet the needs of current and future students without compromising on environmental standards. To respond effectively to the threat of climate change, we will invest in technologies that improve our carbon efficiency and generate renewable energy, develop new low-carbon buildings and foster a culture of environmental sustainability. We will eliminate unnecessary single-use plastics across all of our operations and catering outlets by the end of 2020.

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, RENEWAL AND TRANSFORMATION We will embed a culture of innovation across the University to drive improvements, deliver efficiencies and nurture creativity – ensuring what we deliver is relevant and where possible, leading the way. We will be an institution that continually evolves and responds to technological and global changes. We will seek out best practice from around the world to improve how we operate. This will mean the ongoing renewal and transformation of our infrastructure, internal management and support processes. We will remain agile to seize opportunities and deliver excellence, efficiency and effectiveness across our estates and professional service.

GROWING POSITIVE LOCAL IMPACT Our institution will be firmly rooted in the region, supporting its economic, social and cultural development and prosperity.

BY 2030 WE WILL… • Have maintained excellent financial management, grown income levels and secured long-term financial sustainability • Have increased our UK and international market shares in undergraduate and postgraduate students through a diversified portfolio, strong brand and effective communications • Have diversified our income streams, including a stepchange in philanthropic giving • Have increased our regional economic impact by 4% each year • Have continued to provide excellent estate and learning facilities, and digital transformation to enhance the student experience • Have continued to champion student engagement in decision making and enhancement at all levels


• Have developed the campus to support the diversified portfolio, providing outstanding facilities and accommodation to meet the needs of future students

We will continue to support and align our work to the Hampshire 2050 Commission and the Foundations of the Industrial Strategy, especially Ideas, People and Places.

• Have mainstreamed innovation, optimisation and continuous improvement across all areas of the institution, embedding the use of horizon scanning and data to spot opportunities and inform decision making

For example, the expansion of our Degree Apprenticeships provision in strategic growth areas will provide solutions to future technical skills challenges. Our economic impact, measured in 2018 to be £266m, will continue to increase as we grow in size and influence.

• Have improved our national and international reputation by moving at least 20 places up in each of the respected UK League Tables (Times Higher, Times, Complete University Guide, Guardian, Global Impact League Tables) • Be carbon neutral (including Scope 3 emissions) • Be world-renowned for sustainability across our campus and practices, including being the most carbon efficient campus in the UK, BREEAM (the world’s leading sustainability assessment method) ‘excellent’ buildings, generating renewable energy, zero waste and unnecessary single-use plastic free • Maintain a culture of flexibility and agility to seize opportunities while staying true to our mission and values.

• Sustainable environmental practice • Sensitivity towards the communities in which the business operates



University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030

Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality


STRATEGIC GOALS 1. GROWTH Controlled, sustainable growth in undergraduate student numbers and quality

2. FINANCIAL Strong financial management

3. STUDENT AND GRADUATE SUCCESS Major improvements to student satisfaction and attainment, graduate employability and graduate salaries

4. REPUTATION A stronger national and international reputation


To achieve this, the University will deliver a programme of work outlined in our five-year rolling Business Plan “Ensuring Excellence”, to improve performance across areas of particular importance to the delivery of our strategic goals, including: • Improve teaching and learning outcomes, to retain TEF Silver and aim for TEF Gold, in particular student satisfaction and graduate employability measures • Develop and strengthen our course portfolio, brand and national and global reach to support growth in student numbers • Deliver a step change in support for student wellbeing and graduate success • Build greater links with employers and the wider community • Diversify income streams • Deliver ongoing improvements to the estate and IT infrastructure to deliver an exceptional experience for students and staff Over the next 10 years, we will focus staff energy and resources to help deliver our mission and vision, underpinned by our commitment to business excellence combined with our values-driven approach.


Strategic Vision 2030 sets out how we will deliver transformative education, research and innovation; support people to flourish; and champion organisational excellence. It is our roadmap outlining how we will strive to have impact, be the difference and make the world better.



At its core sits a bold vision and clear mission, from which flows our strategic goals and framework. All of it is shaped, informed and inspired by our values and commitment to educational excellence, sustainability and social justice.


Our new Strategic Vision 2030 is the culmination of 18 months of work with staff, students, Governors and others.


Transformative education, research and innovation

Flourishing people and communities

Organisational Excellence


AGILITY TO SEIZE OPPORTUNITIES Our Strategic Vision has been developed at a time of increasing uncertainty, with particularly challenging years ahead for higher education and the country. We believe a 10-year strategic vision is the right approach, even in such uncertain times. It is important for us to present a clear and bold vision. We want to formalise our passion for excellence in education, sustainability and social justice while setting out our ambition for success and impact over the next decade. Our Strategic Vision will not constrain our ambition, rather we see it as dynamic and alive. It is not something to constrain our ambition and vision. We will continually monitor and assess our external and internal environment to seize opportunities that arise and fit with our vision and values.








University of Winchester: Strategic Vision 2030



The University for Sustainability and Social Justice Our Values: Compassion | Individuals matter | Spirituality


Strategic Vision ����

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