The Unleashed Voice Magazine 2019 September - October Awakening Issue

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TUV Editors


Meet The Bonners

MarshaHugs Marries Sanora Williams




Rayceen Pendarvis:



Activist and Philanthropist Dr. Davin Clemons is determined to change the political dynamics in Memphis Tennessee City Council Race for District 6



In response to the anti-LGBTQ Nashville Statement, he responded:

The God I know does not support it.


eRay is a civil rights activist focused primarily on issues of innovation, equity, and justice. Born and raised in Baltimore, he graduated from Bowdoin College and holds honorary doctorates from The New School and the Maryland Institute College of Art. DeRay has advocated for issues related to children, youth, and families since he was a teen. As a leading voice in the Black Lives Matter Movement and a co-founder of Campaign Zero, DeRay has worked to connect individuals with knowledge and tools and provide citizens and policymakers with commonsense policies that ensure equity. He has been praised by President Obama for his work as a community organizer, has advised officials at all levels of government and internationally, and continues to provide the capacity to activists, organizers, and influencers to make an impact.

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8 Justin Lofton

Things Just Got Real In The State of Mississippi


NING E K I Soul of People

Be part of TUV Magazine’s Next Issue NOV | DEC 2019



Send all stories and articles to: Advertising inquiries: Deadline for ALL ADS: October 10, 2019


10 Dr. Davin Clemons Running With The People

14 Renea Taylor

Respect & Protect TransWomen


Monika M. Pickett Darkest Shade of Blue

02 | 2020 Christian Q Conference DeRay McKesson

06 | Editor’s Letter Gwendolyn D. Clemons

09 | Dominique Morgan Award Winning Activist, Artist & Speaker

13 | Spirituality Beth Trouy | Love Thy Neighbor

18 | The Soul of D.C. Rayceen’s Community Advocate Awards 2019

20 | Trans News K. Kenneth Davis aka The Trans Capitalist

22 | Meet The Bonners Sanora and Marsha Bonners

25 | Culture Tarree Douglas – Templeton| Black Royale 2: Tides of Tomorrow

28 | Health & Wellness The Larry Myers Story

29 | Entertainment The Soul of Memphis Tiah Gina

30 | Entertainment The Soul of New Orleans STU6

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31 | Entertainment Corey Sewart

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a g a z i n





Shawn M. Clemons Administration/ Fashion Director

Gregory Graphics Layout / Design

Eddie Wiley MSM | ATL Correspondent

Monick Monell Talent Director & New York Correspondent

Whitney Johnson

Renae Taylor

Ravell Slayton


Project Manager

Chief Editor



It’s It’s Been Been You You All All The The Time Time I

remember listening to motivational speaker and transformation coach Garrain Jones talk about his life on Tom Bilyeu YouTube Channel, Impact Theory. (You owe it to yourself to watch Impact Theory). The most impactful information I took away that day was, “The power we seek is already inside of us.” I know this sounds too easy and too cliché. But if you haven’t studied this theory, you really can’t reject it, can you? How can you know what you don’t know? I consider myself a life-long student because I love learning. However, my greatest accomplishments in my development did not come from formal academic learning. The most invaluable information came from thought leaders who showed me how to rewire my mindset to create the life I longed for. I am here today to let you know that you, too, can rewire your mindset. All of the tangible and intangible things you may desire are within your reach. The magnificent discovery waiting for you when you undertake the challenge to change is that, “It’s been in you all the time.”


I can’t explain the wonderful feeling I get when I achieve a goal, be it longterm or short-term. I now know that my mindset can produce exactly what I am looking for in my life. I now know that I get to control every aspect of my life through my inner thoughts and beliefs. The love I sought, I had it all the time. The career I wanted, I had it all the time. The peace I sought was in me all the time. Satisfaction with myself rested inside of me all the time. I get to decide how my story will end. The old cliché, “If you change your mindset, you can change your life,” is so simple but very much true. One of the most disappointing experiences for me is when people want to judge me based on my past. I reject the idea when they say, “I know you Gwen.” If you haven’t been a part of my social circle in the last 10 years then you don’t know me. You are referencing a person that no longer exists, and it is important that you get to know me now.

“ I consider myself a lifelong student because I love learning. However, my greatest accomplishments in my development did not come from formal academic learning. The most invaluable information came from thought leaders who showed me how to rewire my mindset to create the life I longed for.”

If you want to start walking toward a better life, I have included a few pointers to help you get started: 1. You can’t change what you aren’t aware of. 2. Whatever happens in your environment represents your level of consciousness. 3. There is an entire world that we literally know nothing about. 4. Fear Based – Insecurity Based – is a language that many people understand. The language of the belief system is the language people will speak the most. This can limit or propel your life. 5. Health, mind, and spirit have to be activated everyday. Your brain does not. 6. Learn to love every aspect of yourself. 7. Never give anyone permission to change who you are. 8. We aren’t created to be keepers. We are created to be givers. Release resentment. Release hate. Release depression. 9. Understand what surface level thinking is. Once you stop tending the garden, the weeds grow back. 10. Realize that your PURPOSE is not out there. It is inside of you. It’s Been You All The Time!

Be well, my friends,

Gwend olyn Clemon s



have had the distinct pleasure of serving as the Campaign Manager for Attorney Daryl Porter Jr., who successfully ran to become the next State Representative for District 98 in Southwest Mississippi. Throughout the campaign, we worked hard, and I equipped Mr. Porter with winning strategies that included: brand-identity, campaign messaging, interpretive community engagement, policy design, and grassroots fundraising strategies. The foundation of the campaign was rooted in addressing the most pertinent issues through the utilization of interpretive community engagement, also known as peopledriven policy design. This approach was both challenging and unique, given the political climate within the district. However, we began to organize a series of communitycentered events that helped us to unpack the many challenges people face in District 98. The communitycentered events provided the community space to not only offer insight into their problems but also allowed them to tell us what they want to see. From that point on, I focused on delivering effective branding and messaging strategies by infusing the communities input into ads, mailers, email blasts, stump speeches, and push cards. I then turned my focus to researching different policies across the country to determine a robust and flexible legislative agenda that captured the voices of those in the community. With this approach, I was able to develop policy briefs that informed both the policy issue and the legislative solution. Last but not least, we prioritized grassroots fundraising initiatives. It was critical for the campaign to raise money to support many of the ideas we had for branding and visibility. We successfully raised $30,000 with the help of stakeholders that hosted upscale fundraisers at their



lofton Things Just Got Real In The State of Mississippi homes, community phone banking, and targeted ad placement on social media platforms. Additionally, we sought out prominent business owners, medical providers, and trusted political action committees that aligned with legislative priorities. We learned two valuable lessons throughout the campaign. The first one is that small-dollar donors can finance a campaign, and the second is that people are willing to give to a cause that impacts them or someone they know. Now that we have won the election with 57% of the vote, I have transitioned into the role of Senior

Policy Analyst. In this role, I will be working alongside Representativeelect Daryl Porter Jr. to research and analyze existing and emerging programs and policy areas on the federal, state, and local levels. All details from the research and policy analysis will inform policy proposals that will likely become house bills in the Mississippi State Legislature. I will be launching Benchmark Election Strategies, an independent, freelance political consulting firm that provides campaign support for local, municipal, and legislative candidates.




Award Winning Activist, Artist & Speaker D

ominique Morgan is an award-winning artist, activist, and speaker. As the National Director of Black and Pink, the largest prison abolitionist organization in the United States, Mr. Morgan. works daily to dismantle the systems that perpetuate violence against LGBTQ/GNC people and individuals living with HIV and AIDS. Partnering his lived experience of incarceration as a youth (which included 18 months in solitary confinement) with a decade of change making artistry, advocacy, and background in public health, he continues to work in spaces of sex education, radical self-care, and youth development with intentions of dismantling the prison industrial complex and the impact it has on our community. Mr. Morgan is a recipient of the NAACP Freedom Fighter Award, the Omaha Chamber Young Professionals Changemaker Award, and the Young, Black, and Influential Award for Advocacy. He is currently completing his capstone project for his studies in the Georgetown University - System Involved LGBTQ Youth Scholar Program. Find out more about Dominique Morgan at www. Learn more about Black and Pink at View Dominique’s TedX Talk on Resilience here: fxxIqFifCt0






UV co-founder Davin Clemons discusses his decision to run for Memphis City Council District 6 on a policy platform of economic equity, community safety, and community services. What ignited your decision to run for City Council? In the city government, we have a lot of tradition and complacency with the common family name running the city and being privileged to make all the decisions for the


common person, but not including all the citizens at the table. Many families have gotten rich off of poor people’s struggles, and the system at large is not benefiting us all. So we need a city that can thrive for us all, a city where economic opportunities are offered to all, a city where everyone can be invited to the table. What made you want to step up and take on that task? Here in Memphis, we’re at the top of a lot of the wrong lists: in poverty, obesity, STDs and STIs, SIDS deaths among infants. I believe a lot of leaders in position have been complacent and not proactive with their leadership abilities. So I think it’s time for a new leader to be in this position to help move the city forward in a direction that would benefit us all. As a black male from South Memphis, where the poorest zip code (38126) is within my district, 38126, I think it’s incumbent upon us to be leaders. We have many women stepping forward, and I’m glad because the time is now for women, and all leaders who are considered minorities in the community’s eyes, to step forward. Being a product of this environment, being raised in this environment, knowing the dynamics of this environment, and working as a police officer in this environment, I have to do what I have to do to help others who have lost hope and have been crushed. I’ve been crushed before, but your crushing only makes you a better person. So just me being a testament and a product of South Memphis, of District 6, I thought it was incumbent upon me to go back


into our community and help it to progress. What do you believe it will take for you to turn the issues around that you’ve cited? It’s going to take progressive people in the district to help turn this around. My sexual orientation has come up. Thaddeus Matthews has called himself exposing me for being gay, even though you can’t expose me for being gay when I’ve been openly gay forever and a day. So it’s going to take progressive people even to see past the ignorance and repulsive talk of this individual from his pulpit on the TV, to see that we need leaders who are not afraid, who have faced opposition before, who have withstood the scrutiny, and who are not afraid of the bigotry of this world to stand up and move us forward. Until you have leaders who are in that position, who are not afraid to do those things, that’s the only way the city’s going to progress. Whether that leader is a man, woman,

straight, gay, black, white, whomever, if the leader is not strong, the city is not going to progress. We need a progressive leader who has their ear to the people, listens to the people, and pushes the people’s agenda. We cannot continue to do government in the same way we’ve been doing it before. We have to work together collectively and bring everybody to the table, even those rich developers, even those poor people who are struggling, to see how can we work together and move this city in the right direction to thrive and benefit us all. When it comes to your district in particular, what is it that you perceive as unique about it, for better and for worse? My district encompasses the South Side of Downtown Memphis, parts of South Memphis, parts of Whitehaven, and parts of Westwood. So the unique thing about my district, you get a little bit of everything in District 6. You have the rich. You have the middle class. You have the underserved. We

have our elderly population that is very vulnerable, so we have to protect them, offer them programming. We have a Hispanic population here in the community, we have the underserved, and we have the upper echelon. We really have a melting pot within District 6, and I think that’s a unique piece about our district. So I think within this district, if we all can work together, the people who are in positions of political authority and positions of financial authority, we can make it happen. How has your community involvement thus far helped to prepare you for this position? Not even including the 16 years I’ve been a police officer and working in the community and serving all people as the police, I think my seven years of being a philanthropist in the community qualifies me for work in public service and a position on the Memphis City Council, working with the people. We opened up a church seven

(Continued on page 12)


(Continued from page 11) years ago, Cathedral Praise Church of Memphis, Inc. The theme of my campaign is running with the people, but we’ve been running with the people for as long as seven years ago. From the inception of the church, we birthed TUV Radio Show, TUV Magazine, and our nonprofit Relationship Unleashed. We birthed the Cathedral Foundation that hosts Tri-State Pride. We have been unapologetically involved in the community, from adopting elementary schools, purchasing kids’ winter coats and helping with clothing drives. We went out and registered people to vote citywide. We helped restore felons with their voting rights. We were instrumental in the ordinance of the city pushing equal protection for all city employees. We spoke up against the senseless killing of our transgender sisters and brothers. I even marched in the protest to remove the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest. In fact, I almost went to jail protesting the removal of that statue. So we have been intentionally out here in the community, working in the community, partnering with people who don’t look like us, people whose sexual preference is not like ours. We have just been out here for the community. Thaddeus said that I have a gay agenda. But I don’t have a gay agenda. I don’t have a black agenda. I don’t have a white agenda. I have a people’s agenda. Until we look at it that way, we will never be the city that we were meant to be. As a media marketing firm, we have been intentional 12

about working with our fellow community members and opening up our marketing base to all people. We’ve had the newly elected county mayor on the radio show, as well as state officials, other elected officials, and people from the seminary. We are probably one of the only media marketing firms and radio shows to have opened the door to all people, which I think qualifies me for the position by showing that I can work with all people and not discriminate against anyone. You have many candidates that have been working with the schools, but have you worked with all people? Until you work with all people, you cannot fulfill the position of a public servant. We have public servants right now who are in these positions but are selfish. They refuse to work with other people. They spew hate. They condemn people who are not like them. How can we truly have public service from anyone who is biased against a group of people living in the districts they serve? I have eight (8) endorsements which I believe validate my stance on the work I’ve been doing in the community for the last seven years, so that just pushes the campaign and puts us on another level. I’m endorsed by the Memphis Police Association, the Afro American Police Association, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Union 1288, Memphis AFL-CIO Labor Council, the Victory Fund, and Tennessee Voter Project, the Memphis Fire Fighter Association, and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 369. They saw my resume. They see what I am doing. That’s why they endorse the policy platform that I’m pushing.





by BETH TROUY s it just me or does it feel like America is an angry bipolar person off her meds? Just spend a few minutes surfing on Facebook to see her mood swings. There’s a lot of arguing and finger-pointing going on without much focus on the value of compromise and finding middleground. We aren’t listening anymore.


I recently reflected on this after yet another unsolicited rant from a closed-minded religious zealot who felt it his mission to educate me on what the bible and the Catholic Church says about homosexuality (I don’t recall asking). Seems we are in a time of extremism with a lot more shouting and a lot less listening these days. What happened to “love thy neighbor?” I’m sad that so many well-intentioned Christians think that they are helping with chastising and proselytizing when in fact, they are the very ones often driving up the suicide rate among the marginalized of society. Meeting someone with a lecture when what they might need is empathy, is poison to a soul. The truth is, none of us ever know what battles someone is fighting inside. Save the lecture for when it is asked for and always meet someone with

brotherly love. We just don’t know. Besides, if we trust that God is at work in our lives, then surely we know that God is also at work in everyone else’s life too. Maybe just maybe, God knows better what a person most needs in the moment and we can relax and just focus on loving the person in front of us without judgement. Pope Francis brought on fiery criticism for his statement, “Who am I to judge” 5 years ago when asked about his views on homosexuality but his context should be examined again more closely. He easily could have picked the words “intrinsically disordered” from Church teaching, but having listened to the pain of those words from homosexual Catholics, he chose a more loving response. He said, “In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexual persons who are socially wounded because they tell me they feel like the church has always condemned them. But the church does not want to do this. During the return flight from Rio de Janeiro I said that if a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge. By saying this, I said what the (Catholic) Catechism says. Religion has the right to express its opinion in service of the people, but

God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person.” In other words, if you want my opinion on how I think you should live your life, I’ll give it to you but if you’ve got God in your heart, you’ll get it figured out just fine. Giving my neighbor my opinion is optional but loving my neighbor is mandatory. If our ultimate goal is to change someone’s mind or heart, we certainly aren’t going to get very far if we start the conversation with an unsolicited lecture. Winning someone over starts with a mutual conversation with common ground and trust building. It builds on listening, not speaking. So many personal conflicts could be resolved if we just respectfully sat together and listened with love. There is a time to teach and a time to listen. A time to correct and a time to empathize in silence. May we have the wisdom to know which to do in the moment. There’s a reason we have two ears and only one tongue. America, you need to shut your mouth, open your ears and take your meds honey. It’s time to listen more and talk less. Oh, and love your neighbor.



Old Ain’t Unless 14

Intergenerational movement/Getting older As an LGBTQIA Renae Taylor



often wonder about my prospects as I get older as an LGBTQIA person. I have many friends in their 50’s and 60’s who feel disconnected from the greater LGBTQIA Community. They feel isolated and alone because they are often seen as irrelevant, but I don’t see them that way. I see them as my future quickly approaching fruition. I, myself, am edging closer and closer to being older in this community. One day, I will be where they are. Will I feel the same way? Will I be alone and disconnected? Will I be alone and depressed? I was once told that anyone over 25 years old in the gay community is a spinster, because of the notion that youth begets beauty and popularity. But youth and beauty don’t hold a candle to learned experience and gained knowledge. I feel like nothing gets old but shoes and clothes, and even they come back in style! I often imagine what the modern gay rights movement would have been like without people like Marsha P. Johson, or Miss Major, or Bayard Rustin. Think about it. They were able to grow older with the movement and be embraced

by a whole new generation of activists who honored the sacrifices they made for the movement as they were unapologetic in their stance for LGBTQIA Rights. I was once out at a club, where they were honoring someone for their contribution to the Memphis LGBTQIA. When the honoree emerged from backstage, I heard someone say, “Where does that old head think they’re going?” It made my blood boil to hear that, but what’s worse is that the honoree also heard them. And as soon as they finished their number on the show, they put down a fierce reading! They motioned for the MC to come over, then grabbed the mic and said, “Baby, you better hope you will make it to be where I am now! I made it where y’all can have the opportunities you have, and don’t you ever forget that! We used get arrested for being in drag and could only be out on Halloween. Most of the pageants were held on Halloween in Memphis, for context of how things have changed from the past. Now y’all are able to be visible, because of us old heads!”

Ageism is tearing our movements apart! No one should be excluded for being too young or too old for the movement. The LGBTQIA needs to establish an Intergenerational Movement, a movement that allows the young and old to intermingle, sharing ideas and histories of our connected past. We should embrace the older generation and learn their stories to share with other generations. This movement should honor those who paved the way and those who are still pushing liberation forward. It our duty to make the world a better place for those who are coming behind us. We have made great strides, but we still have a long way to go before the future will truly be equitable for those yet to exist. I honor my ancestors, and I call out their names: Marsha, Sylvia, Bayard, Lady Peaches, Ms. Tata, and those whose names are lost to memory! I honor your names! We should also be honoring those who are still here, whose existence made it possible for us to be here. Can they get their roses while they are here to smell them?

15 15


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Community Activist Awards For this year’s edition of R ayceen’s Community Advocate Awards, I have selected three people I have known for a while and with whom I frequently collabor ate. These are three of the most kind and generous people I know. They have all supported the work I do and they each deserve to be recognized for all they do in the community.

Rayceen Pendarvis is an emcee, event producer, and lifelong Washingtonian. Known as the High Priestess of Love, the Queen of the Shameless Plug, the Empress of Pride, and Goddess of DC, Rayceen has been a community advocate for over forty years. For more information, follow Rayceen Pendarvis on social media and visit

Roz White / Photo credit: Captured by Wood D.

I met Roz White in the late 1980s at the Bachelor’s Mill Open Mic, through the late, great Reggie Ray. Since then, she has gone on to be an award-winning performer. I have had the privilege of watching her sing and act on stages across the DC metropolitan area – and she never disappoints. If you want to know about her many, many artistic accomplishments, please Google her! Much like myself, Roz was born in Washington, DC, where she has resided for over forty years. For almost ten years, Roz was a youth counselor with DC Department of Parks and Recreation. She is an alumnus of Duke Ellington School of the Arts and Howard University, and she has taught at the former since 2009. Roz is a


member of D.I.V.A. Incorporated, The Society for Women in the Arts, founded in 1983 at Howard University. Since 2016, through her own organization, she has sponsored an annual scholarship/mentoring event for high school girls. I have been honored to host talkbacks for several of Roz’s theater productions. It is always a pleasure to share a stage with her, and whether we are talking on or off stage, I treasure our conversations. I enjoy all her successes and seeing her whenever I can. Earlier this year she was a featured vocalist in a dynamic concert by Sylver Logan Sharp. I never know where I’m going to see Roz next, but I know my friend will be phenomenal. She is not just an outstanding performer, but she is a terrific person.


Donald Burch, III

Donald is also one of our most reliable members of Team Rayceen.

If you have been to more than a few Black LGBTQ events in DC over the past twenty years, I am confident that you have seen either me or Donald Burch at least once! Donald is THE ubiquitous volunteer in the LGBTQ community in Washington, DC. He even received a well-deserved award for his volunteerism at this year’s Capital Pride Honors.

Donald and I have known each other for many years. He has encouraged me and been supportive of my various events and projects, and for that I am very grateful. I may be the name and face people recognize, but Donald is the backbone of our community.

/ Photo credit: Jeff Salmore

Born in Chicago and raised in Detroit, Donald has called DC home since 1986. He is a retired clinical social worker who now volunteers for various organizations, including DC Black Pride, Capital Pride, Capital Trans Pride, and Rainbow History Project.

Jeff Salmore

/ Photo credit: Captured by Wood D

Jeff Salmore is an integral part of Team Rayceen. He is our primary photographer, videographer, and helps us in numerous ways with graphics and more. I am appreciative of all he has done for us over the past few years.

but he has done photo shoots for various performers, including my friend and frequent collaborator, Beverly “Miss Chocolate” White. Many of the photos which accompany my articles in this magazine are by Jeff. He is an excellent photographer and a great asset to the LGBTQ community.

Born in Los Angeles, Jeff has lived in DC since 1986 and has been married to his husband since 2013. Since retiring from accounting, he has pursued his dream of being a photographer. I met him several years ago when he photographed OutWrite, DC’s annual LGBTQ literary festival. Jeff has volunteered his time and talent not just for me and OutWrite,



K. Kenneth Davis

THE TRANS Capitalist 20


Within 14 months, I turned my financial situation completely around, got top surgery fully covered, improved my credit score, and now have two businesses with a prosperous stock portfolio

name is K. Kenneth Davis, H i,akamyTHE TRANS CAPITALIST. I

am a proud black transgender male (female to male) who is committed to seeing you thrive financially! It’s my passion and my life’s purpose to help you become financially stable and independent enough to secure your legacy of wealth. I earned my B.S in Civil Engineering Technology from Rochester Institute of Technology and received a Masters of Finance from Pace University Lubin’s School of Business in 2018. When I transitioned, I had thousands of dollars worth of debt, defaulted on credit cards, and depression. Any monetary fears or anxieties you’ve ever had, I’ve experienced! Within 14 months, I turned my financial situation completely around, got top surgery fully covered, improved my credit score, and now have two businesses with a prosperous stock portfolio. Creating my brand and company in 2016, THE TRANS CAPITALIST L.L.C., I wanted to take action against the horrific socioeconomic status of the Queer Transgender People of Color (QTPOC) Community. For example, did you know the unemployment rate for QTPOC individuals is four times higher than the national average and steadily

increasing? Also, I wanted to erase all taboos of discussing money or finances in public. Growing up, I was never allowed to ask questions about money, and that proved to be a significant detriment to my future. As a financial coach with a priority to heal your emotional and mental relationship with money on a subconscious and spiritual level, I provide three levels of service: 1. Adulting Like a Boss!: Mastering Budget’s & Crucial Credit Card Rules 2. Making Money While You Sleep: Mastering Investments & Passive Incomes 3. Establish Your First Business!: Mastering Entrepreneurship for #QTPOC Professionals All services are provided in the form of online courses, workbooks, or - my favorite - inperson workshops. My social media platforms are a trusted financial literacy resource for our community. I only give practical solutions and tips that I’ve used myself, and which you can apply with ease in your everyday life!


CEO, The Trans Capitalist L.L.C. @TheTransCapitalist TheTransCapitalist/ @MrDavisSpeaksOT THETRANSCAPITALIST


•Trans Economics 101: America Is Using Us • Beyoncé & Jay-Z “Pay Me In Equity” Explanation




“Love Wins”

Sanor a and Marsha Bonner


Wedding Ceremony

(Q&A responses provided by Marsha Bonner)

anora Bonner has a start-up business called She Brand Hair, and Marsha Bonner is a Human Resources Executive and Diversity & Inclusion Empowerment Speaker: / www.

Please tell us about how you and your wife met? After her mother transitioned, Sanora was seeking to uplift her spirit with inspirational, motivational, and empowering messages. On YouTube, she came across a video special of a hidden camera national television show called What Would You Do and watched a segment entitled Interracial Couple Faces Criticism. That was where she first saw me and felt something special that she said touched her about my heart and my spirit. She saw me again on Facebook taping a concert featuring Ms. Melba Moore, and then again on Facebook interviewing a Philadelphia barber who provides free haircuts to homeless people. After seeing me three times, she asked the God of her understanding if he was trying to tell her something. She felt that he was, and she reached out to me on Facebook Messenger. Our videos pretty much tell the rest of the story.

Where were you married? Sanora and I were married twice. (1) Pop-up Wedding at Ruby Vintage Harlem Restaurant, 2340 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd, New York, NY 10030 on Friday, October 26, 2019. (2) Formal wedding ceremony at the Marina Del Rey, One Marina Drive, Bronx, NY 10465 on Sunday, July 4, 2019.

How long had you been dating prior to being engaged? Sanora and I were dating for one month prior to her proposing to me.

Where did you honeymoon? We have not gone on our honeymoon yet. We are looking to either take a cruise or visit an island getaway.

Links & Videos: - Sanora Proposes to Marsha: https:// videos/10214927617524984/

Were your children present at the wedding?

- Marsha Proposes to Sanora: https:// videos/10214927634205401/

Yes, our four beautiful children all participated in the wedding. Khalil Fort, 20 years old, walked Sanora down the aisle. Kayvaugh Fort, 15 years old, was a groomsman. Sade Fort, 13 years old, was our junior bride. And Ziair Jackson, 7 years old, was our ring bearer.

- Sanora and Marsha “Love Wins” Wedding Ceremony: https://www. videos/10214872818955054/

Who were the distinguished guests at your wedding?

- What Would You Do Video Segment

All the core cast members from the WWYD video are our close friends and were invited to attend our wedding, including John Quiñones, Rachael Holmes, Gabriel Lawrence, Kristin Rose, and Julian Quiñones. World renowned R&B artist Monifah and her wife, Terez Mychell, who are also close friends of ours, attended the wedding as well. In honor of our wedding, Monifah performed an unplanned song. Greginald Spencer, the “Set-it Off Man” for the Apollo Theater’s Amateur Night, was our Masters of Ceremonies and performed three songs. R&B singer Burgandy Williams also attended and performed two songs.

- Zola Wedding Website: wedding/sanoraandmarshawedding2019

– Interracial Couple Faces Criticism: videos/854385241571024/ - Greginald Spencer, “Set-it Off Man” for the Apollo Theater’s Amateur Night: spencer.1690 - Burgandy Williams, R&B Singer: www.





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Tarree Douglas – Templeton


ashington DC Metropolitan area author, Tarree Douglass-Templeton is preparing to debut his fourth fictional novel, Black Royale 2: The Tides of Tomorrow. This novel is the second installment to the Black Royale saga, a melodramatic, black 1800’s period piece that is a sizzling read that has been reviewed well with readers and fans of Mr. Douglass-Templeton’s writing. The tale surrounds the black royal family of a small Caribbean island and their fight to maintain their freedom against the Holy Roman Empire, all while facing their own bouts of betrayal, forbidden love, passion, lies, and a bloody battle of family for control of the crown. As an African American/ Latino author, Mr. Douglass-Templeton feels his books contributes to the ever growing online African American/Latino literary community.





ikki Blue, the unforgettable heroine of the eyeopening debut novel, PRETTY BOY BLUE, is back. In THE DARKEST SHADE OF BLUE, released on Friday, June 21, from iUniverse Publishing, author Monika M. Pickett pens a searing, sexy continuation of Nikki’s riveting story, a lesbian’s ongoing search to find acceptance as well as personal – and sexual – fulfillment in a complicated and sometimes hostile society. Despite growing up in a New Jersey community where same-sex desire wasn’t accepted, Nikki always believed that she would find love and commitment with another woman, refusing to be held down by society’s standards. As a young person, she has dating adventures, eventually moving from college life to military service, and becomes pregnant while overseas. In this riveting second novel, upon returning to the States, Nikki is devastated after a breakup from her lover Katrice. Nonetheless, she draws strength from within, giving birth to her beautiful son, Karlos, while garnering the support of family and true friends. Determined to make it, she goes on to work in advertising for a major Washington D.C. publication, climbing the corporate ladder while exploring her erotic self in her personal life. She dares to open her heart again to two women: Danielle, a tall Virginian who adores Nikki’s son but for whom Nikki questions her attraction, and Valencia, a sales rep

who hires Nikki as a birthday party dancer, with the two soon embracing moments of exquisite passion.

adventures and life’s hard truths while rooting for Nikki every step of the way.

The brand-new sequel should delight and excite fans of 2017’s PRETTY BOY BLUE, which drew praise from both straight and gay readers for its emotional honesty, erotic encounters, and raw examination of the realities in store for a young African American lesbian. In this second book of the fictional trilogy, Nikki tries to balance her sexual identity while serving in the military, frequenting the club scene, and trying to find love.

THE DARKEST SHADE OF BLUE is available on Amazon and other leading digital retail sites.

“It’s a nice segue from the first book. Nikki always wanted a family; she always wanted that life. And in this book, she’s determined to find that,” says Pickett. “In the sequel, she comes into her own. She believes I am going to have a child; I can be a lesbian and have a child. I am going to have a wife, whereas years ago it wasn’t feasible or acceptable. “This shows Nikki’s growth, personally and in her relationships,” Pickett continues. “For this book, I want people to think about dispelling stereotypes and over-generalizations about the lesbian lifestyle. And in THE DARKEST SHADE OF BLUE, Nikki becomes more self-aware and won’t allow other people to define her.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Monika M. Pickett is a veteran of the United States Army, in which she served as a medic in Operation Desert Storm. She is an advocate and activist for the LGBTQ community. Pickett is a former advertising sales executive with The Washington Times and the National Society of Black Engineers. She earned an MBA from Johns Hopkins University, Maryland in 2005. Pickett is also the author of a monthly column, available online at and, where she shares her thoughts, experiences, and advice about coming out, same-sex marriage and divorce, navigating the U.S. healthcare system, ongoing cultural bias, and other issues. She currently lives in Woodbridge, Virginia. Ms. Pickett is a highly sought-after speaker and LBGTQ rights activist. She is available for press interviews and book signings. For more information, go to the website:www.

Readers are in store for another literary treat offering both sensual





ow do you find the strength to change yourself when you can't find the strength to get up out of bed in the morning? Depression is a terrible thing and it will debilitate you. I had to make a way for myself and it was not easy, but I knew if I didn't do it, nobody could do it for me. So I worked with myself, by myself and for myself, and in time, I found a way to change myself so that I could not only live, but enjoy life. Before I got so big, I was a world traveler, ministering in song to countries like Copenhagen, Denmark, Switzerland and London. I had to stop traveling because of my size, but that's changed. I am happy to tell you that I am ready to go again, only now I want to travel the world to be an inspirational speaker to help change lives. I have discovered that I love


life and I love people and if I can do anything to help someone else find a

way out of the misery I experienced, I want to do that. Making such an incredible change will get you some attention, and in my journey I've had some of that. Terry Carrigan, an Olympic champion, was such a great help to me. He was my mentor and worked with me through thick and thin, and I am so grateful to him. I was on the Richard Simmons Show, in California. Richard was quite an inspiration to me and we remain friends until today. I've had a lot of help from media personalities, I've been on shows like Inside Edition twice, and am scheduled to do more. I have had many opportunities to tell my story and I am now working as a public and motivational speaker. My book, Behind Closed Doors, is the first of many I believe, and I am excited about where this is going to lead me.


The The Soul Soul of of Memphis Memphis The Soul of Memphis Tiah Gina’ is an LA based artist from Memphis. She represents the soul of Memphis because she sings from her heart and ALWAYS acknowledges her Memphis roots. She is debuted her EP on July 30, 2019, titled Black Cotton. This EP is about her Memphis roots and growing up dark skinned with natural hair. Check out Facebook Tiah Gina’ and Instagram @thetiahg.



The Soul of New Orleans STU6


iffany Stewart is a rising star out of New Orleans. Tiffany is musically gifted on the trumpet, violin, and piano. Her musical journey began at the age of 8 while being a member of the choir. Her love for music led her to her passion for creative writing and poetry. Tiffany recorded her first song in 2009 and formed a Hip-Hop duo called Gimini with her former partner. Although, the duo enjoyed great success locally the relationship ended and so did the duo. In the summer of 2018, Tiffany was involved in a life changing accident. Through this experience she decided to change her name from T. Stewie to Stu6 rebranding herself and her music. Tiffany’s current release “Back to the Future” is a high energy track that reintroduces motivation in a new light. Recorded in Las Vegas, the song is a unique blend of Classic Southern hip-hop mixed with a new age flavor. Being from New Orleans, STU6 is able to bring a particular sound to the industry that has allowed her to create her own lane.






anadian Singer Cory Stewart releases his new single “Anyway”, produced by Canadian singer/ songwriter and producer Gavin Bradley (who has worked with artists such as Nelly Furtado, Tori Amos, Kylie Minogue). Of the song, Cory says, “This song is deeply relatable to so many people who have ended a relationship, only to find out the other person has quickly moved on. Beyond that, it brings up the topic of gay marriage, which is a subject still in its infancy within LGBTQ+ music and culture.” Producer Gavin Bradley says of working with Stewart, “Cory is the hardest working man in Toronto right now. ‘Anyway’ is the culmination of several focused years of writing and artistic growth. He’s killing it.” After receiving radio play and over 300,000+ downloads and streams online, Stewart has been welcomed as a new artist that creates “fearless,

unapologetic and relentlessly catchy” music (Canadian Beats, 2018), providing a fresh perspective on LGBTQ+ issues. Cory has been a supporting act for a number of legendary artists including Boy George, Crystal Waters and Murray

since the age of seven, receiving accolades from numerous music festivals across Canada. A former member of the Amabile Boys Choir of London, Canada, Cory has had the opportunity to travel and perform in several countries around the world including Germany, the Netherlands and Austria. Pulling from influences in Broadway, Pop and Electronic music (coined as ‘Theatropop’ by Stewart), Cory has found a sound that’s uniquely his own while working with JUNO awardwinning producer, Gavin Bradley.

Head. A Royal Conservatory of Music vocal program graduate, Stewart has been a songwriter and student of music

Website: Instagram: @Coryjstewart For more information, photos or interview requests, please contact: Danielle Watson,, 416.963.9857



TUV MISSION The Unleashed Voice Magazine will cultivate the stories of LGBTQ people with engaging and empowering conversation to people of the world about the multicultural LGBTQ Community.

TUV VISION The Unleashed Voice Magazine (TUV Magazine) will aid the LGBTQ Community and its allies in redefining how the diverse LGBTQ person wishes to be viewed or spoken about. TUV Magazine will be the optimal print and media hub for the affluent LGBTQ consumer and those who want to be included in the “Unleashing� movement.

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