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Health & Wellness

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Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Well it’s flu season… Well, it officially started at the start of October and lasts until May though most of the bugs go around during November through February. Every year roughly 18.7 million Americans get the flu shot in hopes to have immunity against the virus that at one time struck havoc from 1918 to 1920 with the flu pandemic. With the addition of Covid-19 it seems like you are bound to catch a bug or two that can put you out of commission for days or weeks. We all remember watching the news as the daily reports of the coronavirus struck havoc in New York City, the images of long lines for vaccines, patients on gurneys waiting to be seen by doctors, and family members only being able to see loved ones via facetime. You remember exactly where you were when the country shut down its doors to schools, restaurants, theaters, and other places of gathering as you were told to stay at home.

Well times are different, but not quite the same as they once were as we live with that history ingrained in our brains like a tattoo, we wish we never experienced, but are thankful we survived. Though we made it on the right side of life we have to keep our guard up to reduce the risk of not just us catching the seasonal bug, but our loved ones too. 2020 taught us a very memorable lesson in that we have to protect our loved ones by avoiding Covid-19, even if it means giving up temporary luxuries and risking our health to go out to get items to reduce the chances of an elderly or sickly family member from contracting the lethal virus.

Though times are better, diseases are still out there, but you can avoid it by building your immune system by doing the things that you already know to do. Those things include regular physical activity (PA) and eating nutritious healthy food options. By being more physically active you increase your white blood cell count creating more defenders against pathogens that come in handy in times of potential illness. If you couple PA with feeding your body the micronutrients it craves you will be able to heighten your immune system and reach a level of homeostasis that will help you repeal potential illness like water and oil.

Easier said than done because 92% of Americans have vitamin deficiencies, meaning more than one. This coupled with findings that show that in the fall and winter months both PA and levels of nutrient consumption goes down and it’s no coincidence that most Americans get sick in February followed by December then and January.

What is the right amount of PA?

According to Health.gov states for substantial health benefits adults should

• Moving more and sit less

• Doing between 150-300 minutes a week of moderateintensity or 75 minutes to 150 a week of vigorousintensity aerobic activity

• Participating in musclestrengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity and that involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week

When it comes to eating nutritious foods a good rule of thumb is to focus on increasing the amount of foods that grow from seeds, whether it be fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, or legumes. By focusing on these foods and eating an array for the spectrum of colors in both fruits and vegetables are likely to get the micronutrients your body craves without the extensive research and going down the endless rabbit hole that folds back onto itself.

In sum, focus on moving more and eating more nutrientrich foods that grow from seeds to help boost your immune system and ward off the pathogens that cause illness. Your body naturally leans towards life through restorative and rejuvenating processes and the process is affected by the nutrient-rich foods that you consume. Just remember a time you got a cut and your body healed itself… This is what our bodies’ naturally do. When succumb to a poor d-"iet” you are left slowly dying whereas if you choose a “heal”-thy lifestyle your body leans towards healing and a continuous life

Yet even still 90% of Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables to help reach their nutrient needs that will help improve their gut health and give them the nutrients and energy their body craves to live a healthier and more energetic life. It’s because we’re bombarded with ads and commercials of foods that didn’t exist over 100 years ago that have addictive chemicals in them that slowly kill us rather than heal us. Companies spend billions of dollars fighting for our attention and while the foods that are healthful go unadvertised because natural foods aren’t profitable, manmade, patented, processed foods are. With the food industry interested in profiting off of your pain, is it no wonder why this is the first generation that won’t outlive the previous generation?

But what if I told you there’s a company that has helped 1,000’s of people boost their energy, mood, improve their skin, increase quality of sleep by improving gut Made with real, whole foods, from the farm, lower than the price of a cup of coffee, and it’s certified organic from the man that fought to have the government certify organic foods?

If you’re ready to increase your energy, mood, sleep, skin, by improving your gut health, in under a minute, all without leaving the comfort of your home. You can also register for the free Heal or Kill Masterclass in which you will learn how the food that you’re eating is either healing or killing you, Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 7 pm est/ 6 cst.

If your health can’t wait for the Heal or Kill Masterclass, feel free to schedule a 15 minute complimentary call to see if this product is a good fit for you and get one step closer to reaching your health goals.

Don’t let your health continue to diminish and deteriorate as you fall into the SAD (Standard American) diet culture built on cheap processed foods that are high in calories and empty in sustenance. Food that leads towards death and pharmaceutical companies treating symptoms and never the cause. Where each drug that has a side effect is treated by another drug as they get you paying time and time again, so you suffer through life, while they profit off of your pain, one pill at a time.


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cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview/dashboard/ vaccination-dashboard.html


these young men can jam!

Meet Quincy and Jamar S. Oliver, The Founders and Head Coach of the Memphis Prancing Tigerettes. The best hip hop community dance team to crack the cusp of majorette/dance in the city. This world-renowned team has danced their ways into the hearts of millions over

the last few years. Quincy is a licensed cosmetologist, and Memphis native who established Memphis Prancing Tigerettes in 2007. Jamar is a graduate of Kirby High School (home of the Cougars) and has been in the dance/majorette/ drill community for 10+years. Q: QUINCY O. TELL OUR READERS A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF.

A: I have taught kids from across the Mid-South. I am a graduate of Hamilton High School, Mr. Hamilton class of 97, sung in the choir, and is the last known male majorette to dance & entertain the audiences at school activities

and local performances.


A: I began teaching many different majorette squads such as Memphis Sizzlers, Wooddale

Middle School, and Kirby High School Sapphires to name a few. I’ve also worked with the

lovely ladies of Mississippi Valley State University and the amazing Blazettes of Memphis!!!!! I am now the head coach for

the award-winning Memphis Prancing Tigerettes under the great leadership of Mr. Quincy Oliver. It’s important to me that the kids have fun while doing what they love.


A: I fondly remember the times that Mr. James Cathey, Band Director would have the

marching unit performing around Gaslight, (the neighborhood behind Hamilton High School). I remember being pushed and expected to perform at my full potential. These practices became entertainment for the


QUINCY: Mrs. Linda D. Cooper was one of my first sponsors, each day she would have bottled water and snacks at the door as the kids marched back into

the band room to close out the


JAMAR: I started my dance career under the leadership of the late great Andrea Paschal (Miss Sunshine). I served as Captain for 6 years until it was time for me to move forward

with my skills.


A: This type of work has always been our passion. Quincy stepped out on faith and started MPT with 10 members, and we would have rehearsal in a garage. Me and those girls worked hard and were dedicated to the task set before us. Our commitments

were fueled by sheer motivation and effort which led to numerous

first place and Grand Champion placements. As our brand became a force to reckon with, the Quincy Oliver brand was becoming a household name, and this was long before we were featured on Lifetime Movie

We as coaches take ownership, accountability, and responsibility for every little person age, 3-18 that we encounter, and they love us like we love them.

Follow Quincy and Jamar Oliver to learn more about the amazing work they are doing in the dance community of Memphis and surrounding areas.


Jamar S. Horton

Quincy Oliver

The Official Memphis Prancing Tigerettes. Network’s television series “Bring It!”. The Memphis Prancing Tigerettes was selected to have a cameo appearance on the “Prancing Elites Project.”


A: I estimate that we have

encountered and taught over forty-five thousand kids throughout my time as a coach and choreographer. We use this work as a personal mission to build and bond with our dancers.

Quincy is affectionately known as “Pop Que” and he accepted the role as being their bonus dad. We believe that the kids

we mentor take parts of us with them like we are their parents. We as coaches take ownership, accountability, and responsibility for every little person age, 3-18 that we encounter, and they love us like we love them.

Jamar O. is more of a

perfectionist when it comes to execution. I am more of a stickler

for clean lines, pointed toes. My motto is “I teach to learn, and I learn as I teach”!!

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