2 minute read

Physical Health



By Michael Lauderdale

February? Yes, through February. I know you are on fire, highly motivated and

ready to knock out your fitness goals through January. Sure, you took some time off, after all life happens and you must change priorities. “These bills can’t pay themselves,” you told yourself.

“I’ll get back on it tomorrow,” you told yourself. “I deserve this ______ (insert secret indulgence),” you told yourself. You tell yourself “Yes,” when you really want to say, “No.”

The conditions will never be perfect in your journey to living a healthy lifestyle because we tend to put the needs of others before our own. They say put your oxygen mask on first before helping others and for too long you have been holding your breath and refusing to breathe because you think you have time.

Here are my 5 top tips to help you recover and reclaim what you may have lost in pursuit of your fitness and health goals.

1. Set healthy boundaries. A fence is a neighbor’s best friend. By having clear and understood boundaries a level of understanding and respect is formed. Because there are healthy boundaries, they respect the time for you to be physically active and the food choices that go along with it. If the fence falls and you fall off track your neighbor can lend a helping hand and repair the fence. After all, the fence also helps them establish autonomy and grow.

2. Break the clock, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Establish two times in a day you can dedicate to working out. If you have two opportunities to be successful, you’re going to not only be more successful, but also consistent. You already give people second chances to make up for mistakes, why not give yourself the same grace and apply this same principle to yourself?

3. Swap it out. Switch one bad habit with a good one. We are nothing if not consistent. If you are a snacker, swap the unhealthy snack with a healthy one. If gummy bears are your kryptonite, like it is for me, swap it with broccoli or some other healthier option.

Remember, once you get started, you are bound to run into disruption, after all disruption follows intention. However, you must overcome it. Think, feel, and do higher than the disruption. Only then will you be on your way to keep the fire burning through February. 4. Reward yourself… but not too much. You deserve a break, but don’t do too much that you feel bad and say “F” it and keep going. Remember why you started, which brings us to the fifth tip.

5. “Y.” What’s your big WHY? You have a lot of reasons why you do this, but what is that one big WHY that really motivates you. It can be to be able to walk two flights of stairs without being tired, but it’s more impactful when you want to walk two flights of stairs to protect a family member. Your big WHY is connected to something big in you and your life.

Michael Lauderdale is a Health & Fitness enthusiast. Michael holds a Masters in Physical Education Teachers Education and Leadership and Policy Studies, from the University of Memphis.

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