The Ursuline School Scholarship Endowment Report 2024

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Scholarship Endowment Report 2024

From the Office of Advancement

For 125 years and counting, The Ursuline School has strived to provide a top-tier education and empower generations of women. With the counsels of Saint Angela at the core of our mission, the Ursuline tradition of Serviam –I will serve – permeates all areas of student life. This spirit remains within Ursuline women long after graduation and it is this profound care for others that has inspired our generous benefactors to support the gift of scholarship. The ability to award scholarships ensures that an Ursuline education remains affordable and accessible for so many talented and deserving students.

During the 2023-24 school year, tuition was $21,575 and 60% of the total enrollment in grades 6-12 received financial assistance in the form of merit scholarships, needbased grants, and/or named privately-funded scholarships. The latter are the focus of this report. The funds described within are collectively our privately-funded scholarship portfolio, a collection of endowed and annually funded scholarships, established in honor or memory of beloved family members and friends, treasured teachers, and Ursuline sisters to help continue the tradition of Ursuline education far into the future.

“The Ursuline School is the perfect place to test myself and broaden my horizons, so I am working hard now, and am excited for the young woman I will become after my years here, with your help!”

—Avery ‘26, Recipient of the Saad Family Scholarship

So much has changed in the five years since our last Scholarship Endowment Report. We have strengthened our privately-funded scholarship portfolio both in the number of scholarships awarded and scholarship dollars distributed. During the 2023-24 school year, 113 students received full or partial four-year privately-funded scholarships, an increase of 56 students since 2019. These students participated in a rigorous application process and were selected based on criteria determined by the benefactors of these scholarships. Continued support for 9 previously existing scholarships has allowed for an increase in the

dollar amount awarded and/or number of recipients since 2019. In addition, four new scholarship funds have been established (see Scholarship Spotlights on pages 10-12) and one scholarship award is now a four-year partial scholarship. We hope to continue growing our robust portfolio of scholarship funds over the next five years and beyond.

While strong support for Annual Fund unrestricted giving is a key component of keeping tuition increases to a minimum, gifts to our scholarship endowment offer benefactors the opportunity to play a direct role in the academic success of Ursuline students. We are immensely grateful to the Ursuline sisters, alumnae, faculty, families, friends, and foundations that have already been so generous in their support, and we hope that this report will inspire more support for scholarship.

As you read, please keep in mind that:

Individuals, families and friends can create a named scholarship which can be pledged and funded over a 5-year period.

• Endowed Scholarships may be established with a minimum of $50,000.

• Contributions and pledges of any amount to an existing scholarship or award are always welcome.

Ursuline students become women of strength and wisdom, faith and service — ready to share their gifts and talents with a world in need of their leadership. Thank you for supporting our mission in this important way.

Christine MacMenamin Memorial Scholarship Recipients and Shana Promuto ‘91.
Sr. Maureen Welch, Provincialate, with Emily Clemente Scholars.

Privately-Funded Scholarships at Ursuline

An increasingly large factor in private school enrollment is the availability of scholarships and financial assistance. At Ursuline, privately-funded scholarships are an important component of our financial aid program and building the scholarship endowment is a strategic priority. Donors who wish to establish scholarships have the following options:

Endowed Scholarships

An endowed scholarship establishes a permanent legacy at Ursuline in memory or in honor of any loved one. It may be funded by a major gift or built over a 5-year period. A percentage of earnings on an endowed scholarship fund (typically 3-5%) are distributed as an annual scholarship. For example, a $250,000 named scholarship fund will generate an annual scholarship of $10,000 per year. The minimum required to establish an endowed scholarship fund is $50,000.

Annual Scholarships

An annual scholarship is funded each year to provide a partial or full scholarship. Donors are asked to make a commitment for four years, after which time the terms may be changed or renewed.

Helen Crossin-Kittle Scholars and their families with Tricia Degen Kittle and Mary Degen ‘77.


Recipients of privately-funded scholarships are selected by a committee composed of representatives from Administration, Admissions, Faculty and Advancement. Rising and incoming ninth graders are informed of available scholarship opportunities and criteria during the admissions process and invited to apply. Scholarships are guaranteed for a student’s four years of high school, provided criteria continue to be met.

“Ursuline encourages and supports us to pursue our passion and make a positive difference in the world, and by performing scientific research, I’m following that path while also engaging my intellectual curiosity”

—Isabella ‘25, a Recipient of the Sr. JB Nicholson, OSU Memorial Scholarship

• To learn more about creating a privately-funded scholarship or contributing to an existing one, please contact Niamh Fitzpatrick ‘16, Advancement Associate & Scholarship Coordinator, at (914) 500-6287 or

Visit The Ursuline School website by scanning the QR code for more information.

Faculty member and niece of former President and Principal Sr. Jean Baptiste Nicholson, OSU, Patty Joyce (left), poses with recipients of her beloved aunt’s Scholarship.

Scholarship Stewardship Program

Whether scholarships and awards are established in honor or in memory of a cherished member of the school community, by a family, a foundation, or an entire class, they reflect the mission of The Ursuline School and inspire the students who receive them. In keeping with the tradition of Serviam, donor stewardship is a priority. Privately-funded scholarship recipients gather each fall to write personalized letters and holiday cards to their scholarship benefactors updating them on their lives at Ursuline and expressing their gratitude. The culmination of the Scholarship Stewardship Program takes place each spring when we invite benefactors for a special breakfast and liturgy, allowing them to connect with recipients of their scholarships. Over the four years, meaningful and lasting connections are made.

Catharine Murray Ryan ‘64 with Marie T. Murray Scholars Amelia ‘27 and Annika ‘25

Letter Writing

“I chose The Ursuline School because it has a community like no other, but also, the graduates who leave become women of dedication, diversity, success, service, and independent thought. I truly believe that your generosity fosters these young women to become compassionate future leaders and innovators.’”

— Annina ‘27, Recipient of the Gabelli Foundation Scholarship

Scholarship Benefactor Breakfast

“The scholarship I received opened me up to new possibilities at Ursuline that allowed me to improve my performance and public speaking skills…that’s the wonderful thing about Ursuline, you can pursue a variety of interests, grow as a person, and leave well-prepared to improve the world….Scholarship benefactors, your generosity allows shy girls to become confident young women, unafraid to speak, or sing, or dance for crowds. It also introduces girls to a community of girls who support and encourage each other. Each scholarship is an opportunity that allows girls full of potential to blossom into brilliant young women at Ursuline. I’m sure I speak for all my fellow scholarship recipients when I say that these scholarships are life-changing.”

— remarks by Sofia ‘24, first recipient of The Louise Este Bruce Scholarship, at the 2023 Scholarship Benefactor Breakfast.

Far left, left, and above: Scholarship recipients enjoy sharing updates with their Benefactors.
Top right: Recipients of privately-funded scholarships pictured at the 2023 Scholarship Benefactor Breakfast.

Serviam General Scholarship Endowment

Thanks to growing support from alumnae, parents of alumnae and current families who wish to share the gift of an Ursuline education, the General Scholarship Endowment has grown by nearly 32% over the last five years to $640,531. As a leader in all-girls Catholic education, Ursuline is committed to the intellectual and spiritual development of each student, and celebrates a community that unites students and alumnae of all cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Serviam is at the heart of the Ursuline tradition established by St. Angela Merici, who calls us to act in service to others. During every student’s time at Ursuline, they are encouraged to embody this mission by developing an awareness of and responsiveness to the needs of others. In our commitment to following this teaching of St. Angela, we established the Serviam General Scholarship Endowment for the purpose of supplementing financial aid. Grants made from the General Scholarship Endowment, Serviam Grants, are awarded to talented and deserving students. Support of this fund is crucial to ensure that we are able to continue cultivating a rich and diverse community.

In addition to the named privately-funded scholarships outlined in this report, the General Scholarship Endowment is an important source of need-based assistance for Ursuline students. For the 2023-24 school year, 33 students received Serviam Grants.

To join this effort and build this critical fund for Ursuline students today and in the future, please visit our website by scanning the QR code.

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday starts the season of giving with a day devoted to support for non-profit organizations.

For the last five years, Ursuline has maintained a focus on scholarship for our Giving Tuesday campaign. All gifts made to Ursuline on #GivingTuesday are directed to the General Scholarship Endowment — or to a named scholarship that is close to your heart — to help expand access for girls in our area to experience the exceptional teaching, global learning, leadership and spiritual development, service opportunities, and lifelong friendships that Ursuline offers.

Your support will continue the tradition of innovative Ursuline education for future generations of young women! Please show your #UrsulinePride on the next #GivingTuesday — December 3, 2024. In 2023, privately-funded scholarship recipients including Isabella ‘25 (top) and Ryan ‘26 (bottom) shared what it meant to them to be awarded a scholarship.

Scholarship Spotlights

Mary Jane Kann Reddington ‘41 P’72 Memorial Scholarship

$73,872 total

With a lifelong connection to The Ursuline School, Mary

Jane Kann Reddington ‘41 P’72 is an integral part of our history. From an entering ninth grader in 1937 and, until her death, Active Chairwoman of the “Building on the Tradition of Innovation’’ Capital Campaign, Mary Jane lived the Ursuline motto of Serviam — I will serve.

Words such as “remarkable” and “extraordinary” are among those used to describe Mary Jane, a lifelong learner, longtime educator, devoted volunteer, and woman of deep faith. Her life of service spanned decades, especially to institutions in New Rochelle where she lived her entire life. Mary Jane served on the New Rochelle Board of Education for 30 years and was President of the Woman’s Club of New Rochelle for over 20 years, among many other leadership positions. A parishioner of the Church of the Holy Family for 67

years, Mary Jane was both a lector and President of the Ladies Guild.

Mary Jane’s alma maters, The Ursuline School and College of New Rochelle, were perhaps the greatest beneficiaries of her wisdom and dynamic service. After retiring from teaching, she created Ursuline’s Development and Alumnae office in 1981 to find new and meaningful ways to engage alumnae and parents and create opportunities for Ursuline students. Mary Jane was a gifted communicator and The Ursuline School prospered under her outstanding leadership in this role which she held for seven years. More recently as Innovation Campaign Chair, she would regale supporters at gatherings, both large and small, with stories and urge them to invest in Ursuline students, describing Ursuline as “the strongest, most helpful institution I know.” Mary Jane was also a member of Ursuline’s Legacy Society and included the school in her

planned giving. Shortly after her death, her children — son Terence and his wife

Barbara Grote Reddington ‘ 71, daughter Martha Reddington ‘72, and son Robert Reddington and his wife Daniela — established this special scholarship in their mother’s memory. Mary Jane was deeply grateful to have received an academic and need-based scholarship to The Ursuline School. She took great pride in her high academic achievement and exceptional grades, always striving to make the most of her Ursuline education.

The Mary Jane Kann Reddington ‘41 P’72 Memorial Scholarship will be awarded every four years to an incoming freshman from New Rochelle who has distinguished herself academically, scoring in the 90th percentile on the TACHS and Ursuline Scholarship exams, and has demonstrated a commitment to the Ursuline motto of Serviam — I will serve. This special scholarship has been awarded for the first time to an incoming member of the Class of 2028.

Louise Este Bruce Scholarship

$282,045 total, $200,000 new


Louise Este Bruce was a philanthropist from a family with a notable legacy in public service and diplomacy. Throughout her life, Ms. Bruce donated to various charities but felt a particular obligation toward private educational institutions.

The Louise Este Bruce Foundation, which was created upon her death in 2013, has chosen to focus its efforts on institutions that share Ms. Bruce’s passion for education. Ursuline was honored that the Foundation board chose to establish this need-based scholarship in Ms. Bruce’s name in 2019 to recognize intellectually-curious incoming ninthgraders whose entrance test scores and grades are in the top tenth percentile. We proudly awarded The Louise Este Bruce Scholarship for the first time in 2020 and look forward to welcoming the second recipient to Ursuline in September ‘24.

Right: Sofia ‘24, inaugural recipient of the Louise Este Bruce Scholarship, delivers remarks at the Scholarship Benefactor Breakfast.

Carolyn Clemenza ‘79 Memorial Scholarship

$10,000 total

In 2023, Thomas A. Dixon Jr. established this scholarship in memory of his beloved wife and proud Ursuline alumna, Carolyn Clemenza ‘79, D.D.S. Carolyn’s senior yearbook quote, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give” says everything about how she lived her life. Carolyn cared deeply for her family, friends and patients, and always put others first. Whether exploring new technologies to improve procedures in dentistry for her practice or preparing incredible meals and desserts for those she loved, Carolyn enjoyed bringing smiles to everyone’s faces! An advocate for the empowerment of women, the Carolyn Clemenza ‘79 Memorial Scholarship will ensure that Ursuline education remains accessible for future young women. This needbased, partial scholarship will be awarded once every four years to a hard working student with a deep desire to attend The Ursuline School. The Carolyn Clemenza ‘79 Memorial Scholarship will be awarded for the first time in 2025.

Michael G. Santangelo Jr. Scholarship

$11,061 total,

$10,000 new gifts

The Michael G. Santangelo Jr. Scholarship Fund was formed in 2013 following the untimely death of Michael G. Santangelo, Jr. The Fund provides donations to educational institutions that administer scholarship programs to enable deserving students to attend a quality private high school that will make a lasting impact on the lives of the scholarship recipients. In 2021, The Michael Jr. Fund selected Ursuline to receive a grant to support a student from St. Ignatius School in the Bronx, a wonderful school with whom Ursuline has developed a strong partnership. The recipient is a strong, conscientious student who embraces the core values of The Ursuline School. The Michael G. Santangelo Jr. Scholarship was awarded for the first time at Ursuline to a member of the Class of 2027.

Privately-Funded Scholarships

The scholarship balance as of 8/31/2023 appears below the name of each scholarship fund. New Gifts indicates any gifts received between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2023.

6K Scholarship

$23,588 total

Established anonymously, this partial-tuition scholarship is awarded twice every four years to an incoming ninth grader based on academic achievement and need.

for African American and Latina students — is awarded once every four years to an incoming or rising ninth grader.

the face of illness. Shortly after Andrea passed away in 2005, her family and friends established this scholarship in her memory. This partial-tuition, four-year scholarship is offered to a rising or incoming ninth grader with consistently good grades and a variety of interests outside of the classroom.

Alexandria Brown ‘20 Scholarship

$65,142 total, $7,650 new gifts

Inspired by their daughter

Alexandria’s desire to see a more welcoming and inclusive school community, Ursuline parents Donna and Richard Brown endowed this scholarship in 2018 in her honor. This partial scholarship — Ursuline’s first four-year scholarship specifically

Andrea Aresi Kanovsky ‘83

Memorial Scholarship

$47,475 total, $100 new gifts

Andrea Aresi Kanovsky was an amazing wife, mother, daughter and friend. She was smart, stylish, and athletic — and incredibly strong in

Ann Toglia ‘66

Memorial Scholarship

$11,724 total, $50 new gifts

After her own experience with breast cancer, Ann Toglia used her sports medicine and fitness training to become a medical exercise specialist. She developed a special program for breast cancer patients to recover from surgery and maintain their health.

This scholarship was established by Ann’s parents after she passed away in 2005, and has been generously supported by the Class of 1966. The Ann Toglia ‘66 Memorial Scholarship is a funding source for the Think Pink Scholarship.

need-based scholarship is awarded to an Ursuline student from the Bronx, in honor of and in gratitude for the families and community where Mrs. Hornig had established an early childhood learning center.

tuition, need-based scholarship is awarded to a conscientious student who is active in her school and community.

Barbara Cunniffe Hornig Memorial Scholarship

$28,068 total, $20,101 new gifts

Barbara Hornig

Trudel ‘95 and Steven Trudel established this scholarship in memory of her mother, Barbara Cunniffe Hornig, a beloved teacher who helped numerous children learn to read and love school. Mrs. Hornig’s ties to Ursuline were many — as the sister of two alumnae and mother of two alumnae. This

Bernice and Joseph Vrablic Memorial Scholarship

$52,326 total, $90,662 new gifts

This scholarship was established in 2005 by dedicated alumna Rosemary Vrablic ‘78 to honor her parents and their lessons on the value of hard work, independence and striving toward one’s goals. This partial

Cardinal O’Connor Scholarship

$254,293 total

This partialtuition, four-year scholarship was established by an anonymous donor in 2004, and honors a student for her character, service and concern for others. It is given in memory of John Cardinal O’Connor who served as Archbishop of New York from 1984 to 2000. He was a forceful voice for Catholic social justice and an advocate for the most vulnerable in our society.

Ursuline School

Christine MacMenamin

Memorial Scholarship

$605,250 total, $193,765 new gifts

Christine MacMenamin was kind, bright, funny and a friend to all. To secure her Ursuline legacy and create opportunities for future students, a committee of alumnae, friends and family organized the first Christine MacMenamin Memorial Scholarship Reception in May 2013. The reception is a true celebration of Ursuline friendship. The Christine MacMenamin Memorial Scholarship is a partial-tuition, need-based four-year scholarship awarded to an incoming ninth grader who has a strong desire to attend Ursuline, and who will contribute to the vibrancy of the school community.

Edward Merrigan

Memorial Scholarship

$49,455 total, $28,997 new gifts

As an alumnae parent and trustee, Ed Merrigan was an enthusiastic champion of all-girls’ Catholic education and consistently encouraged Ursuline to “think big.” An Army veteran, Ed completed two tours of duty in Vietnam and received multiple commendation awards. He then enjoyed a long career in health care financial analysis during which he mentored numerous young people. With his wife Betty, Ed was a loyal and generous donor to Ursuline.

scholarship in his memory at Ursuline to continue his legacy and honor his desire to “make a difference.”

Eileen F. Davidson Scholarship

$11,711 total, $30,557 new gifts

Former Trustee and Finance

Upon his passing in 2019, Betty and daughters Eileen ‘00, Deirdre ‘02 and Maureen ‘04 chose to establish a

Committee Chair John Duffy has been a loyal supporter of Ursuline since his daughters Kara ‘01 and Caitlin ‘01 were students. In 2013, he established this scholarship in honor of then-President Eileen Davidson to recognize her leadership and commitment to the young women of Ursuline. This partial-tuition scholarship offers financial assistance for incoming students who otherwise might be unable to attend.

Elizabeth Worland Ford

Memorial Scholarship

$28,384 total, $10,625 new gifts

Elizabeth Worland Ford was a woman of many talents and interests who felt strongly about elevating and supporting other talented women. She credited her experience at a Catholic college for women as having a strong influence on her life and career path, and wanted her daughter Megan ‘02 to have the empowering opportunities that an Ursuline education offers. Her positive outlook, quiet confidence and genuine interest in people made her a resource and mentor for many. Elizabeth also had an affinity for the creative arts herself and, with her innate ability to understand and encourage others, liked to recognize and promote the works of female

artisans. This scholarship, established by Elizabeth’s husband and daughter in her memory, is awarded to an incoming or rising ninth grader who shares qualities of Elizabeth’s character and possesses a “maker mindset”: has a positive attitude, collaborates with and encourages her peers, and integrates creative interests in her approach to learning.

Speech and Debate Tournament is named for Emily, who was a superb public debater and teammate who excelled in forensics competitions. The Emily Clemente Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year based on academic achievement, evident concern for others, and demonstrated need. It is the only fouryear, full-tuition scholarship offered annually at The Ursuline School.

Emily Clemente

Memorial Scholarship

$2,207,062 total, $204,195 new gifts

This scholarship was established in 1989 by Ann and Constantine Clemente in memory of their daughter Emily, an outstanding student and leader at Ursuline. In the words of then-Principal Sr. Jean Baptiste Nicholson, OSU, Emily was “an excellent overall person. She had great insight and would get the most out of everything.” Ursuline’s annual

Gabelli Foundation Scholarship

$279,643 total, $332,161 new gifts

Established in 2005, this halftuition, four-year scholarship is awarded annually to an academically

talented incoming or rising ninth grader of Italian descent whose grades and entrance test scores are in the top 10th percentile. Need is a consideration but not a requirement for selection as a recipient.

to a rising ninth grader who is actively involved in the music program and has a love for the school.

Gleason Family Scholarship

$30,738 total, $50 new gifts

Sr. Martha Gleason, OSU passed away in 2021. She was an integral faculty member for 15 years and is remembered fondly for her commitment to building a strong arts program. This partial-tuition, fouryear scholarship was created in 2013 and is awarded once every four years

Healy Family Scholarship

$36,283 total, $10,456 new gifts

The Healy Family Scholarship was established in 2017 in honor of Patricia and Frank Healy by their daughter Liz Healy ‘94 and her husband James Reichbach P’29. Family and friends generously supported the scholarship upon the passing of Mrs. Healy in 2018 and Mr. Healy in 2019. The Healys are warmly remembered for their kindness, generosity of heart and strong faith.

The Healy Family Scholarship is a partialtuition, four-year scholarship awarded

once every four years to an incoming or rising ninth grade student who demonstrates these qualities and is committed to helping others in the spirit of Serviam.

Helen Crossin-Kittle ‘85

Memorial Scholarship

$46,772 total, $5,825 new gifts

Helen Crossin-Kittle ‘85 was the one Ursuline alumna to have lost her life in the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. She was a computer specialist at Cantor Fitzgerald – eSpeed. Helen was an original Ursuline “Woman of Tech” and was coding long before it became an important component of a 21st Century education. By establishing this scholarship in 2015 for their 30th Reunion, the Class of

1985 chose to honor Helen’s memory and show their support for those who keep us safe and protect our freedom. It is a partial-tuition, four-year scholarship awarded once every two years to a daughter or granddaughter of a 9/11 family member, veteran or first responder.

Kenneth & Frances LoCicero

Bailie ‘61 Memorial Scholarship

$36,153 total, $38,500 new gifts

The Frances LoCicero Bailie ‘61 and Kenneth Bailie Memorial Scholarship was established in 2021 by Ellen Mooney Hancock ‘61. Frances and Kenneth were beloved Computer Science professors at Iona College

and mentored countless students throughout their careers. As a working mother and grandmother in the field of Computer Science, Frances was a role model for many and even spoke annually to Ursuline computer scientists to encourage them in their studies. As a devoted alumna, she had a deep affection for Ursuline where she enjoyed strong academic and spiritual formation and formed lifelong friendships. This partial meritbased scholarship was awarded for the first time to a student in the Class of 2026.

Marianne Ciuffo Stineman ‘63


$39,964 total, $19,825 new gifts

The Marianne Cuiffo Stineman ‘63 Scholarship was established in 2015 by an Ursuline family in honor of and in gratitude for Mrs. Stineman, longtime Math Department chair and faculty member, who nurtured

their daughter’s love of math.

Previously given as a one-year award to a rising senior, this scholarship was awarded for the first time as a fouryear scholarship in 2022. It is awarded to a math enthusiast with a proven track record of success, as well as a true passion for the subject.

Marie T. Murray

Memorial Scholarship

$436,750 total, $229,500 new gifts

This partial-tuition, four-year scholarship was established in 2007 by Catharine Murray Ryan ‘64 in honor of her mother Marie Tully Murray — the mother of five Ursuline alumnae and grandmother of an alumna.

It is now given in her memory once every two years at the Moving Up Ceremony to a rising ninth grader who is an all-around Ursuline student. In addition to meeting the demands of Ursuline’s challenging curriculum, the recipient is active in the school community and is respected by peers and faculty alike.

Mary & Paul McEvoy Scholarship

$38,063 total, $75,000 new gifts

The McEvoys are long-time supporters of Catholic education, and value the Ursuline education that their daughter Carolyn ‘06 enjoyed and the

lifelong connections and friendships she made. Recognizing that rising tuition costs may make it difficult for many to benefit from all that Ursuline offers, the McEvoys established a scholarship to assist students who would thrive at Ursuline given the chance. This full-tuition scholarship is awarded once every seven years to an incoming student for her middle school and high school years.

appreciated how she taught math in a manner that was straightforward, entertaining and easily understood. She was patient, generous, encouraging, funny and kind — and her ability to connect with students earned her the nickname “The Math Whisperer.” This scholarship, which was established by her family in 2018, benefits an incoming ninth grader with financial need who supports and encourages her peers both in and out of the classroom.

Memorial Scholarship

$25,298 total, $13,100 new gifts

Maureen Zottner

was a beloved and respected member of the Ursuline faculty for nearly 30 years and the mother of two alumnae.

Her students and those she tutored

McCarthy Family Scholarship

$5,006 total, $15,605 new gifts

The Ursuline School is a special place for the Fay - McCarthy family with three generations of alumnae represented. In 2020, Catherine Fay McCarthy ‘84, husband John McCarthy, and daughter Fallon McCarthy ‘14 established the McCarthy Family Scholarship to honor the family’s legacy at the

Nina Iannotti Maguire ‘51 Memorial Scholarship

$357,203 total

As a mother of an alumna and grandmother of two Ursuline alumnae

Nina Iannotti Maguire ‘51 with daughter

Regina Moynihan ‘85 and granddaughters

Teagan ‘20 and Caitlin ‘17

The Ursuline School school and to create opportunities for deserving students to benefit from all of the wonderful things that an Ursuline education includes. This Scholarship recognizes talented students from St. Ignatius School who would thrive at Ursuline if given the chance to attend, and who will hopefully begin their own family tradition at TUS!

— and an alumna herself — Nina Iannotti Maguire fully appreciated the value of an Ursuline education. This scholarship was established to recognize and encourage leadership in the young women of Ursuline. This partial-tuition, four-year scholarship is awarded to a rising ninth-grade student who exhibits the qualities of a good leader — strong character, courage, initiative, and wisdom — and is involved in the school, church or community.

they enjoyed watching their daughter, Shannon ‘13, benefit from the opportunities and empowerment that are part of the Ursuline experience. Pat and Brian established the Ryan-Smith Scholarship for incoming students with demonstrated financial need so that future generations will also know and live the Ursuline mission.

Ryan-Smith Scholarship

$119,225 total, $40,000 new gifts

Pat RyanSmith ‘75 and her husband, Brian, know that an Ursuline education provides a strong foundation for life. In addition to experiencing this first-hand,

Saad Family Scholarship

$29,288 total, $30,000 new gifts

The Saad Family Scholarship was established in 2022 by Joseph and Jane Saad P’22 in gratitude for the wonderful experience that their daughter Lily ‘22 had while at Ursuline. The Saad family believes in the importance of hard work and that academic excellence should be recognized. Recipients are exceptional students who embrace Ursuline core values, exhibit admirable leadership skills, and have a strong desire to attend Ursuline.

Sr. Jean Baptiste Nicholson, OSU

Memorial Scholarship

$447,120 total, $14,375 new gifts

Sr. Jean Baptiste Nicholson, OSU, affectionately known as Sr. JB, led The Ursuline School for over 35 years, first as Principal and then as the first President. She was a woman of vision and compassion, wisdom and strength, who loved The Ursuline School. This scholarship was established in her honor in 2010 and continues in her memory. This partial-tuition, four-year scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership in their school, church or community. Financial need is also a consideration.

Santangelo Family Scholarship

$43,547 total, $13,725 new gifts

The women in the Santangelo family have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the Ursulines and The Ursuline School. Over several decades, mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins and aunts have been educated in the Ursuline tradition and strongly support it. This partial, merit-based scholarship, which was established in 2014, is awarded once every four years to an incoming ninth grader based on outstanding academic performance and Italian heritage.

Sea Change Scholarship

$11,379 total, $4,100 new gifts

Sarah Niedzwiecki-Mecoy ‘00 and husband Xavier Mecoy are professional yachtsmen who compete on the international racing circuit. Inspired by the energy and spirit of the CROWDS4TUS event, Sarah and X saw an opportunity to help students at Ursuline today. Their gift established a scholarship to assist current students whose families have experienced a significant change in circumstances due to job loss or illness. It is named the Sea Change Scholarship since it was earned on the sea and is intended to bring about a positive change.

Sr. Bridget Conwell, OSU

Memorial Scholarship

$13,320 total

This scholarship was established by a bequest from the Estate of John T. Shields in memory of Sr. Bridget Conwell, OSU.

Soulful Impact Scholarship

$207 total, $3,006 new gifts

The Soulful Impact Scholarship is a partial-tuition four-year scholarship established by former Ursuline faculty member Deirdre Gaughan who is also President of Soulful Impact LLC, an ethical leadership consultancy. It is given once every four years to a rising ninth grader who possesses strong leadership skills and, through her commitment to the Golden Rule, has an authentic respect for the value and dignity of others.  The recipient of this scholarship demonstrates concern for all members of the Ursuline community and embodies the spirit and mission of Serviam.

Ursuline gear, dress down days and bake sales hosted by the Breast Cancer Awareness Club. Think Pink is generously supported by alumnae to honor classmates. At their last Reunions, the Class of 1985

Think Pink Scholarship

$18,732 total, $6,325 new gifts

The Think Pink Scholarship was established by the Ursuline Cheerleaders and the Breast Cancer Awareness Club to assist students whose families have been affected financially by breast cancer. It is supported throughout the year by sales of special pink

contributed in memory of Muffin Gleason Hamm ‘85, the Class of 1988 in memory of Samantha Smith Stohr ‘88, and the class of 1966 in memory of  Ann Toglia ‘66.

In November 2023, the Breast Cancer Awareness Club presented a check to President Colleen Melnyk and Director of Philanthropy Cathy McCarthy ‘84 for the Think Pink Scholarship.

TR Scholarship in memory of Sr. Regina Kehoe, OSU

$169,004 total, $11,225 new gifts

The TR Scholarship in honor of Sr. Regina Kehoe, OSU was launched in 2014 by the Class of 1964 during their 50th Reunion year in celebration of their beloved principal, Mother Thomas Regina or “TR.”

Now in 2024, it continues in her memory and alumnae, particularly those who graduated in the 1960s, family and friends have generously supported this scholarship. This special scholarship is awarded every two years to an incoming ninth grade student who is hard-working and has a strong desire to attend Ursuline.

Ursula Pioli Callahan Scholarship

$117,748 total, $5,000 new gifts

When Ursula Pioli Callahan was growing up, daughters of immigrant parents rarely had the chance to attend high school. All who knew her agree that, had she been given the opportunity, Ursula would have thrived in an advanced academic setting. The Ursula Pioli Callahan Scholarship, generously established in 2013 by the Callahan family (Christine ‘83, Carolyn ‘84 and Tricia ‘86 and their parents) provides the opportunity of an Ursuline education for girls who share Ursula’s qualities: determined young women committed to academic success whose families may not have the resources to afford tuition. This partial scholarship is awarded once every four years.

Ursuline Sisters Scholarship

$206,201 total, $68,925 new gifts

St. Angela Merici’s counsel on unity reminds us to “Be united together with one heart and one mind. Be bound together with the bonds of charity, respecting each other and helping and supporting each other.”

The Ursuline Sisters of the Eastern Province have given their guidance, inspiration, and steadfast support to The Ursuline School since its founding in 1897. This partial, need-based scholarship, established in 2015, provides the opportunity of an Ursuline education for qualified students committed to the Ursuline tradition of Serviam.

Reunion Year Fundraising for Scholarship

Alumnae treasure their Ursuline experience and want to share the gift of an Ursuline education with young women today and in the future. Since 2019, alumnae celebrating reunions have been asked to consider support for the Alumnae Association Scholarship or a scholarship established by their class that celebrates lifelong friendships, honors beloved teachers, and remembers cherished friends they have lost. These scholarships will continue to grow through gifts marking milestones and memories.

Alumnae Association Scholarship

$19,946 total, $15,461 new gifts

The Alumnae Association Scholarship was established in 2004 by members of The Ursuline School Alumnae Association. This partial-tuition, four-year scholarship is awarded to daughters, granddaughters and nieces of alumnae for academic achievement.

Class of 1967 Scholarship

$24,414 total, $775 new gifts

The Class of 1967 established this scholarship in honor of their 40th Reunion in 2007.  Their dedication to Ursuline extends to curriculum enhancement through the gift of the Organic Vegetable and Herb Teaching and Learning Garden in 2012 for their 45th Reunion.

CMMS Committee members at the 10th Christine MacMenamin Memorial Scholarship Reception.

Class of 1982 Scholarship

$50,683 total, $17,136 new gifts

For the Class of 1982, their high school years helped shape them into the resilient women they are today. In honor of their 35th Reunion, they established the Class of 1982 Scholarship to remember their friend Sheila Kelly whom they lost while an Ursuline student, and Carolan Boyd, Kim Mouracade Nesbit, Lori Ann Orsi Senbergs and Mary Polachi. The Class of 1982 Scholarship is awarded every four years to an incoming or rising ninth grader who has demonstrated determination, resilience and spirit in her own life.

Class of 1984 Scholarship

$22,597 total, $7,602 new gifts

The Class of 1984 launched a class scholarship on the occasion of their 35th Reunion to help give young women today the opportunity to benefit from an Ursuline education. This need-based scholarship is given in memory of classmates Liz Hemming Walker, Laura Shanahan, Maryann Calafato Conti and Stephanie Ohl Lubarsky to a ninth grader who hopes to attend Ursuline. This scholarship will continue to grow over time as the class honors friendships, milestones and memories.

The Class of 1984 Scholarship incorporates the Laura Shanahan Memorial Scholarship that was established upon her passing in 2014.

Class of 1985

Forever United Scholarship

$20,178 total, $1,675 new gifts

For their 30th Reunion in June 2015, the Class of 1985 celebrated the friendships first formed at Ursuline, and the women of strength, wisdom, and faith that they have become. This scholarship will be given in memory of the classmates they have lost — Helen

Crossin-Kittle, Joan Meschi, Margaret Gleason Hamm, Deirdre McCorry Mazer and Tara Bernard-Stiehl — with the hope that their lives will be an inspiration to recipients. This need-based, partialtuition scholarship is awarded every four years to a rising or incoming ninth grader.

Connie Mullin Harvey ‘85 with Kelly ‘26, recipient of the Class of 1985 Scholarship

Class of 1990

Serviam Scholarship in memory of Bernadette Bleichert Kenney ‘90

$32,855 total, $3,275 new gifts

The Class of 1990 marked their 25th Reunion year in 2015 by establishing a scholarship that would encourage and nurture the spirit of Serviam in the young women of Ursuline today. It is named in loving memory of Bernadette Bleichert Kenney ‘90, a classmate and friend who always reached out to others despite her own challenges with chronic illness. This partial-tuition, four-year scholarship is awarded once every four years to a rising or incoming ninth grader for her outreach to others through school or community service.

“I want to thank you for your constant support these past 4 years. This scholarship has motivated me and helped me achieve my goals here at Ursuline. It has inspired me to work hard not only for myself, but for Helen and my dad, too.”

— Maeve ‘24

Helen Crossin-Kittle ‘85 Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Sr. Maureen Welch, Provincialate, with scholarship recipients.

“I plan to become involved in studying space as a cosmologist or astrophysicist… With your support, I will be able to access avenues to contribute to the world’s understanding of space and physics.”

—Kaylie ‘26

Recipient of the Kenneth & Frances LoCicero Bailie ‘61 Memorial Scholarship

“I’m extremely grateful to be the recipient of the Bernice and Joseph Vrablic Memorial Scholarship. My ability to attend Ursuline, take these advanced classes, and have access to these amazing opportunities would not be possible without this scholarship.”

—Corinne ‘25

a Recipient of the Bernice and Joseph Vrablic Memorial Scholarship

Scholars with Trustee Deirdre-Noel Engels


Privately-Funded Scholarship Awards at Ursuline

Scholarship Awards are one-year awards which recognize special qualities — i.e. achievement in a particular academic area, character, school service — as determined by the donor. Most of these awards are presented to juniors and applied toward tuition for their senior year. Scholarship awards may be endowed or funded annually.

A Scholarship Award can be established at Ursuline with a minimum donation of $10,000. Candidates for Scholarship

“This scholarship means so much to me as it gives me a sense of confidence and empowerment that I am a capable student and leader.”

—Brigid ‘24 Recipient of the Virginia & George Malnati Memorial Scholarship Award

Awards are recommended by faculty, staff and department chairs and selected by the Scholarship Committee.

•To learn more about creating a privately-funded scholarship award or contributing to an existing one, please contact Niamh Fitzpatrick ‘16, Advancement Associate & Scholarship Coordinator, at (914) 500-6287 or

Visit The Ursuline School website by scanning the QR code for more information.

Jacqueline Sans Ferguson ‘01 (right), granddaughter of Mary Lou McNaney for whom she established a scholarship award, catching up with Sr. Pat Schifini (left) and student scholarship recipients.

Scholarship Awards

The scholarship award balance as of 8/31/2023 appears below the name of each scholarship award fund. New Gifts indicates any gifts received between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2023.

Ac Fui Scholarship Award

$54,301 total, $700 new gifts

The Ac Fui Scholarship Award was established by the Class of 2016 and their parents as their Senior Gift to Ursuline. About half of the class had received some form of tuition assistance through merit scholarships, privatelyfunded scholarships or financial aid.  The Ac Fui Scholarship Award “pays it forward” and recognizes a current sophomore who possesses the qualities of an all-around Ursuline student: hard-working, involved in

a variety of co-curricular activities, committed to helping others, and is a friend to all. The recipient’s class ring, which bears the “Ac Fui” seal, is included in this award.

by Daniel O’Hare, retired 30-year Social Studies Department faculty member,  in memory of his parents. It is awarded to a junior who demonstrates a quiet sense of dignity and compassion for others.

Ann & Patrick O’Hare

Memorial Scholarship Award

$ 1,569 total, $4,700 new gifts

The Ann & Patrick O’Hare Scholarship Award is sponsored

Former faculty member Dan O’Hare with recipient of the Ann & Patrick O’Hare Memorial Scholarship Award

Cagliostro Family Scholarship Award

$1,983 total, $6,100 new gifts

The Cagliostro Family Scholarship Award was established by Ursuline alumna Jill Cagliostro ‘11, a Georgia Tech graduate and cybersecurity professional. She initiated this scholarship award to recognize an Ursuline junior each year for her achievement in Computer Science courses and for having a strong

interest in pursuing a degree and career in technology. Computer Science students are eligible to apply in spring of their junior year and must submit a personal statement.

Cuono Scholarship Award

$135 total, $3,000 new gifts

The Cuono Engineering STEM Scholarship Award was established by Ciro Cuono, P.E., Founder & Principal of Cuono Engineering PLLC. This scholarship award is given to a senior at graduation who intends to pursue a career in the engineering field.

Dr. Ione Dunkley Edwards

Scholarship Award

$6,224 total, $9,335 new gifts

Donna Edwards ‘75 and her daughters, Danielle and Dionne, in partnership with St. Simon the Cyrenian Episcopal Church in New Rochelle and The Ursuline School, established this scholarship to honor Dr. Edwards’ legacy as an educator and to continue her efforts to promote academic excellence. Students selected as recipients receive individual and group tutoring to prepare for the SAT and ACT college entrance exams. Ursuline students of color who have completed sophomore year are recommended by the Administration and selected through an application process that includes an essay and interview.

Johanna and Harold Essex and Eleanor and Cornelius Lorden. The Essexes and Lordens taught Jess, Dave, and their siblings the importance of education and academic achievement, hard work and diligence, honesty and personal integrity, empathy and compassion. This scholarship is bestowed annually to a current junior who exemplifies the traits of honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion and leadership, serving as a role model and ambassador for the school and community. The recipient is active in programs or extracurriculars at

Essex-Lorden Family

Scholarship Award

$5,874 total, $6,880 new gifts

The Essex & Lorden Families Scholarship Award was established in 2021 by faculty member David Lorden and his wife Jessica Essex Lorden in honor of their parents

The Ursuline School

Ursuline and is a “unifier” who works to bring people together around a shared goal or cause.

Helene Nicholson

Memorial Scholarship Award

$22,904 total

The Helene Nicholson Memorial Scholarship Award is given in memory of Sr. JB Nicholson’s mother to a junior who cherishes her Ursuline education and has embraced the many opportunities offered to her at the school. The recipient is a joyful, confident student with a can-do attitude. She is a leader and role model who encourages others to become more involved in the life of the school.

Memorial Scholarship Award is given in memory of 29-year faculty member Jane Murray and husband James, an accomplished attorney.  The scholarship award, sponsored by their children — daughter Liz ‘92 and sons — honors their devotion to family and friends, determination, and deep appreciation for all there is to learn and explore in the world — as well as the importance of demonstrating integrity, compassion, and kindness. It is awarded to a junior in the Reading and Language Development Program.

was established by alumna Jurate Kazickas ‘60 to recognize and inspire the next generation of groundbreaking African-American women in STEM fields. It will be presented annually to the graduating AfricanAmerican senior with the highest 4-year cumulative average in Science, Engineering, Math & Computer Science courses.

Mary Jane and James J. Murray

Memorial Scholarship Award

$424 total, $4,750 new gifts

The Jane and James J. Murray

Katherine Johnson

Memorial Scholarship Award

$7,684 total, $10,000 new gifts

The Katherine Johnson Memorial Scholarship Award was inspired by the extraordinary life and career of the pioneering NASA mathematician portrayed in the book and movie Hidden Figures who passed away in 2020 at the age of 101. This award

Kathryn Merkert Tully ‘45

Memorial Scholarship Award

$6,464 total, $4,000 new gifts

Kathryn Merkert Tully ‘45 was a proud Ursuline alumna, the mother of five alumnae daughters and grandmother of one alumna. This scholarship award was established by her family and is presented to a junior who demonstrates leadership and

personal commitment both inside and outside the classroom.

Laura Borton

Memorial Scholarship Award

$8,171 total

This scholarship award was established in memory of Laura Borton who passed away in 1994 while a student at Ursuline. It is presented to a junior Ursuline Connections Leader, a student in the program formally known as Peer Leadership, who demonstrates personal strength through her interaction with others and offers support and guidance to her peers.

awarded in her memory — and in memory of her daughter, Caroline Helen — to recognize a member of the junior class who exemplifies how an Ursuline education prepares young women to live as independent, creative and unique individuals engaged in the pursuit of knowledge.

(though not an alumna herself). Mrs. McNaney was known and well-respected in New Rochelle for founding the HOPE Soup Kitchen in response to hunger and great need in the community. Since that time, HOPE has grown to become the largest emergency food pantry and soup kitchen in the region.

Marianne Khawly Duffy ‘87 Memorial Scholarship Award

$6,473 total, $2,625 new gifts

The Marianne Khawley Duffy ‘87 Memorial Scholarship Award was established by her parents and is

Mary Lou McNaney

Memorial Scholarship Award

$1,271 total, $3,750 new gifts

The Mary Lou McNaney Memorial Scholarship Award was established in 2020 by her granddaughter, Jacqueline Sans Ferguson ’01, in gratitude for the scholarship she received while an Ursuline student and to honor her grandmother who lived the motto of Serviam

Meg Mackay Scholarship Award

$27,173 total, $50 new gifts

This scholarship award was established by the family of Meg Mackay, a woman of peace and compassion, who founded the Personal Development Program at Ursuline in 1992. As a teacher at Ursuline for more than 20 years, Mrs. Mackay — also the mother of two alumnae — introduced peer counseling and conflict resolution programs, and fostered an environment at Ursuline that values global citizenship and community leadership.

The Ursuline School

Poet of Promise Scholarship Award in memory of Sr. Eugenia Garvey, OSU

$4,194 total

The Poet of Promise Scholarship Award is sponsored by Jurate Kazickas ‘60 in memory of Sr. Eugenia Garvey, OSU. Sr. Eugenia was a gifted writer and poet, and had several works published in religious journals. She found great joy in keeping in touch with friends, and used her talents as a writer to reach out to classmates and former students. The English Department selects the most promising poet in the ninth grade for this award.

and a gift for communicating complex concepts. He empowered his students with problem-solving skills and encouraged each to trust in her own abilities. Many alumnae reflect on his lasting influence in their lives, and credit him for their careers in science, engineering, and teaching. This scholarship award in his memory is awarded to a junior who has embraced the study of physics, helps classmates master the subject, and contributes her gifts and talents to the school community.

John and Helen Schifini. It is given to a junior who exemplifies compassion, Christian values and a commitment to the Ursuline motto of Serviam. Virginia & George Malnati Memorial Scholarship Award

$609 total, $2,500 new gifts

Rick Dalby

Memorial Scholarship Award

$7,803 total, $7,175 new gifts

As a teacher at Ursuline for 23 years, Rick Dalby brought physics to life for his students. He had an intuitive understanding of the subject

Schifini Family Scholarship Award

$3,146 total, $2,250 new gifts

The Schifini Family Scholarship Award was established by Sr. Pat Schifini, OSU, former Ursuline faculty member and Campus Minister, and her sister in memory of their parents

The Virginia and George Malnati Scholarship Award is sponsored by Mr. John Malnati, a member of the Ursuline Social Studies faculty for 35 years, in memory of his parents. This award recognizes a junior who takes her studies seriously, is respectful to her peers, and has made a significant contribution to The Ursuline School community. Former faculty member John Malnati presents the Virginia & George Malnati Memorial Scholarship Award

“The Ursuline community is truly one of a kind, and being part of the Christine MacMenamin Memorial Scholarship Family is a real honor…As a first generation American, this scholarship has opened doors for me and allowed me to pursue my passion for business.”

—Andrea ‘25

a Recipient of the Christine MacMenamin Memorial Scholarship

Members of the Essex and Lorden families with the 2023 recipient of their family Scholarship Award.

Joanmarie Tully O’Connor ‘74 with the 2023 recipient of the Kathryn Merkert Tully ‘45 Scholarship Award

“Ursuline’s academic opportunities have set me up for a successful college career.”

—Niamh ‘24

a Recipient of the Sr. JB Nicholson, OSU Memorial Scholarship

Developing Scholarships

We are always working on expanding our scholarship portfolio and growing support for special named privately-funded scholarships that were created for a specific initiative. We feel honored that so many donors from different constituencies choose to support Ursuline through scholarship. It is important to us that we are able to fulfill our promise of scholarship commitment for a student’s four-years at Ursuline, so we take the time to grow each fund before offering it to an incoming or rising student.

Class of 1975 Scholarship

$15,959 total

This scholarship was established in 2022 by Pat Ryan-Smith ‘75 to honor the memory of the deceased members of the Class of 1975, Virginia Burigo, Julie Butler, Catherine Falvey, Kathy Freiji Hason, Barbara Rizzo Jules, Deborah Coupe Rios and Noel Rodriguez Rowley. This scholarship continues to grow with the support of many other classmates and family members.

Class of 1979

Memorial Scholarship

$4,881 total, $2,350 new gifts

This scholarship was established in 2015 by members of the Class of 1979 to remember the classmates they have lost, Maureen Micek, Gail O’Neill, Barbara Schrafft, Ann Marie Wolfe and Carolyn Clemenza. They plan to build this scholarship over time and through Reunion giving.

Class of 1981 Scholarship

$6,350 total

In 2021, to commemorate their 40th Reunion, the Class of 1981 established a scholarship in memory of their lost classmates Andrea Capalbo, Mariann Clemenza-Peters, Kelly Douglass Polk, Diana Huisman, Peggy McLoughlin, Julie Nigro Rohle, and Kathleen Tolin. In 2024, classmate Allyson Cola was included with those we remember.

Faculty Mission Scholarship

$11,513 total

An anonymous faculty member established this need-based scholarship in 2021 to recognize and celebrate the many exceptional educators, current and retired, dedicated to The Ursuline School.

Scholarship Endowment

Restricted Funds for Scholarship* for fiscal year ended August 31

Growing our scholarship endowment is a strategic priority and we are pleased to share that restricted funds for scholarship have grown more than 52% since the last Scholarship Endowment Report in 2019, significantly expanding opportunities available for Ursuline students today and in the future.

2019 $ 4,808,352

2020 $ 5,347,391

2021 $ 6,929,535

2022 $ 6,727,201

2023 $ 7,304,268

*Restricted funds for scholarship include the general scholarship endowment and named scholarship funds.


Funded Scholarships for fiscal year ended August 31

In the 2022-23 school year, privately funded scholarships provided $510,728 in scholarships and financial assistance representing 28% of the $1.83 million awarded in merit scholarships, grants and other discounts.

2019 $ 313,753

2020 $ 363,781

2021 $ 416,589

2022 $ 492,394

2023 $ 510,728

“This scholarship has been a life-changing gift. It’s shaped my future in unimaginable ways, and I want you to know how proud I am to have received it.”

—Madison ‘24

Recipient of the McCarthy Family Scholarship

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