UWM Post 1/30/12

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THEUWMPOST est. 1956

January 30, November 14,2012 2011

Issue 12, 16, Volume 56

the student-run independent newspaper

Greg Henschel named women’s soccer coach page 12

What happened to winter? page 3

Lovell makes his pitch

Chancellor Lovell discusses budget cuts and UWM accomplishments at Thursday’s plenary address By John Parnon Assistant News Editor news@uwmpost.com Chancellor Lovell gave his plenary address in UW-Milwaukee’s Wisconsin Room on Thursday evening, addressing concerns about the state budget and introducing several new initiatives at UWM. Lovell delivered his address to a full room, with the majority of the audience being composed of faculty and staff members. Lovell opened his speech by talking about state budget cuts and how it would affect UWM, while also pledging that his highest priority was to meet the cuts without laying off staff or reducing section offerings. Lovell also discussed the direction of many of UWM’s capital investments such as the Northwest Quadrant and the Great Lakes WATER Institute, giving a more accurate estimate of when these projects would be completed. One of the items Lovell discussed that the audience was the most enthusiastic about was UWM’s deal with the China Education and Research Network in China, which Lovell told the audience could result in an additional $20 million in tuition revenue. Through the CERNET program, which is an affiliate of the Chinese Ministry of Education, high achieving high school students in China are given the opportunity to study at UWM. UWM is one of only four CERNET certified schools in the US. Lovell also introduced the “best place

By Zach Brooke Assistant News Editor news@uwmpost.com

Chancellor Lovell addresses the audience. Photo courtesy of Allen Magayne-Roshak, UWM Photography Services

Senate fights over separation of powers

Khan and Kadulski approved to executive branch By Steve Garrison News Editor news@uwmpost.com

In the first session of the spring semester, student senate was already involved in divisive debate over President Angela Lang’s executive order to “separate powers,” barring members of the executive branch from serving on other branches of government. As per the order, any member of the executive branch who chose to vote as a senator on the appointments of either Sana Khan for vice president



or Nicholas Kadulski for treasurer would effectively resign their executive position. All members of the executive branch chose to abstain from voting, meaning they have until the next senate meeting, Feb. 12, to decide whether to vacate one of the two branches. Both Sana Khan and Nicholas Kadulski were approved in their positions by a two-thirds majority. “I do not support a corrupt executive branch,” Director of Public Relations Taylor Scott said after Lang announced her executive order.

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Latest Murray Hill meeting highlights rewards and punishments for student renters Report It, Record It and Preferred Tenant programs expanding

to learn and work” initiative during the plenary. “The faculty, staff and students of this campus are our greatest competitive asset. Every decision that we make going forward should support, enhance and protect this asset,” Lovell said. “That is the core premise of the best place to learn and work initiative.” Lovell then went on to talk about his interactions with students and faculty that left a particularly lasting impression on him, namely the “Hope House” project as well as the Silver Spring Community Nursing Center. Lovell said that these stories were ones that were “seldom told in the press, but defines who we are as a campus community.” Lovell then announced a video series called “Spotlight on Excellence” that UWM would be producing that would “tell stories from every corner of our campus.” The first of the series, which followed the actions of UWM Associate Professor Anne Basting, was then displayed during the plenary. Only the beginning of Lovell’s speech was dedicated to problems with the budget at the state level, but almost all of his points related back to the budget at some point. “As reported this week in The Chronicle of Higher Education and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the reduction in the UW System budget was among the greatest in the entire nation,” Lovell said, with several “wows” being heard murmured through the crowd as Lovell paused to look up. Lovell said that on the afternoon of

See PLENARY page 2

SA plea for Voter ID

Senator Jesse Brown urged Taylor Scott to file a legal complaint, which Chief Justice Anthony Dewees said would take weeks or months to settle. Deputy Speaker of the Senate Tereza Pelicaric also sponsored legislation that requires a search and screen committee composed of at least two non-SA members the power to narrow the branch head’s candidates for a position down to three selections. The bill passed unanimously and now awaits Lang’s approval. Currently, the president has the power to appoint whomever she chooses to an executive position,

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pending senate approval. “Angela hasn’t been elected by the students and I feel like the students need a voice in appointments,” Pelicaric said in defense of her bill. Senator Jesse Brown said, in regards to the ability to fill senate seats vacated by executive branch members, “There are a lot of bright students on campus, but none of them are here.”


Read the rest of the story online at uwmpost.com

Expansions of two programs designed to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods surrounding UW-Milwaukee were discussed at the Jan. 24 Murray Hill Neighborhood Association meeting. Representatives from the UWM Neighborhood Housing Office touted an increase in the number of landlords participating in the Preferred Tenant Program, while MHNA President Steve Klebar announced the community policing program Report It, Record it is expanding to additional UWM-area neighborhoods. While both programs are relatively recent innovations, Report It, Record It is the newer of the two. Initiated in the spring of 2011 by MHNA members in collaboration with the Milwaukee Police Department, Report It, Record It streamlines communication between Murray Hill residents and the 1st district police department. Members are provided with a direct phone number to report criminal activity and ordinance violations, resulting in faster dispatch times. “It’s a useful vehicle to help figure out how things are going,” Kelbar said. “It’s provided better communication between the community and the first district police department.” Police, too, have relied on Report It, Record It for information on crimes committed within the 58-block neighborhood directly south of UWM. In a recent email to MHNA members, for example, police requested information about three fires set within a single radius in the early morning on Jan. 26. The fires were still being investigated and no arrests had been made as of Friday afternoon, according to Officer Peter Graber. The program has been broadened to include five additional campus-area neighborhoods that comprise the Milwaukee Eastside Neighborhood Associations. However, despite the expansion in to other UWM-area neighborhoods, Klebar says it’s still too early to evaluate t success of Report It, Record It. “It’s too early to tell because it’s been a program that’s been implemented in relatively short period of time and there’s not enough data to say one way or the other,” he said. Meanwhile, UWM Neighborhood Housing Office officials announced plans

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