THEUWMPOST est. 1956
September, 24, 2012
The Student-Run Independent Newspaper
Womens soccer page 6
Crime to party page 3
Issue 4, Volume 57
Milwaukee Film Festival page 8
Chancellor urges reflection of UWM values Lovell’s Plenary focuses on improving UWM “The scope of change is far-reaching; the rate of change is breathtaking.” -Chancellor Michael Lovell
SA officials meet with
Alderman Kovac
Leaders discuss parking,
neighborhood tensions
Post photo by Zak Wosewick
Chancellor Michael Lovell unveiled the drafted form of UW-Milwaukee’s Guiding Values. Feedback on the values can be given at chancellor.
The Guiding Values are as follows:
We value innovation, leadership, and collaboration that foster learning through education, scholarship and research, and public service. We value opportunities for open inquiry to support the positive transformation of individuals (students, faculty, and staff ), institutions, and communities. We value a caring, compassionate, and collegial community characterized by mutual respect and safety. We value diversity in all its definitions, including who we are, how we think, and what we do. We value ethical behavior, based on integrity, accountability, and responsibility in all practices as a learning organization. We value transparent and inclusive decision making. We value stewardship of resources that promote sustainability, prosperity, and equity for all in the local and global community. We value pride in our institution, our unique qualities, and our vital role.
By Stephanie Schmidt Assistant News Editor Chancellor Michael Lovell gave an update on the status of UW-Milwaukee and warned against the dangers of acting like a private company at his plenary address last Thursday. “The life of a public university is measured in decades and centuries and acting like a private company can jeopardize this long term [goal],” Lovell said. Lovell brought up the University of Virginia and the attempted removal of President Teresa Sullivan over the refusal to cut departments that were not financially responsible, such as German classics, which was “deemed too costly.” “Public universities are not for-profit businesses and I believe it would be dangerous to act like one,” Lovell said. The Chancellor stressed the importance of staying away from private business models, and focusing on making sure UWM is a quality university. “As a campus, we still understand the importance of the humanities and arts, and providing an education that fosters broad-based critical thinking skills,” Lovell said. “We continue to do so in spite of significant budget cuts.” Lovell cited of the reduction in state support, the “shifting nature” of partnerships and the rapid emergence of forprofit schools and online education as hurdles for UWM to overcome, as well as the challenge to keep education affordable for students. “The landscape for higher education has continued to change faster than any time in our history,” Lovell said. “The scope of change is far-reaching; the rate of change is breathtaking.” Lovell also unveiled the draft of UWM’s guiding values, which are as follows:
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We value innovation, leadership, and collaboration that foster learning through education, scholarship and research, and public service. We value opportunities for open inquiry to support the positive transformation of individuals (students, faculty, and staff), institutions, and communities. We value a caring, compassionate, and collegial community characterized by mutual respect and safety. We value diversity in all its definitions, including who we are, how we think, and what we do. We value ethical behavior, based on integrity, accountability, and responsibility in all practices as a learning organization. We value transparent and inclusive decision making. We value stewardship of resources that promote sustainability, prosperity, and equity for all in the local and global community. We value pride in our institution, our unique qualities, and our vital role. Lovell urged students, staff and faculty to go to to provide feedback on the draft so that everyone may be a part of deciding on UWM’s values. Additionally, Lovell spoke about the recent decline in student enrollment at UWM. He said that freshman enrollment is down approximately 25 percent from the 2007 peak. “This freshman class, along with the five percent decrease in freshman last year will have significant impact on academic programs and campus budget for the next four to five years,” Lovell said. Also, UWM’s graduate enrollment of 4,800 students is the lowest since 2006. If these current trends continue the projected enrollment for the academic year of 2017 is 24,850 students, almost 4,000 less than the 2012-2013 academic year. Lovell said that factors affecting this number in-
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clude the demographics in the state of Wisconsin, competition from for-profit and online schools and record acceptance rate for UW-Madison students. One of the ways that the university is trying to combat the enrollment issue is to dramatically increase recruitment of out of state students. Another way Lovell is trying to aid enrollment is by personally traveling to area high schools to talk to parents and prospective students, as well as recruiting UWM graduates to do the same. “We cannot sit idle when it comes to enrollment,” Lovell said. Another focus of the plenary was talking about staff retention and the Best Place to Work initiative. “Addressing employee compensation remains a top priority for administration,” Lovell said. The Best Place to Work initiative was started last year and Lovell cited it as one of the primary ways to recruit and retain “outstanding” faculty and staff at UWM. “I am pleased to report the next UWM system biannual budget plan currently includes a faculty and staff pay plan,” Lovell said. Lovell said that UWM is doing everything possible with existing campus funds to make faculty and staff salaries “competitive.” Specifically for individuals whose salaries are most “out of line” with their peers or staff that “we are in danger of losing.” “We simply cannot allow this to happen,” Lovell said. Additionally, Lovell gave updates on capital projects and partnerships, including the $3 million partnership with GE Healthcare which was announced earlier this month. Also mentioned were the multiple construction projects on campus including the Union, Children’s Center, Kenwood IRC, the Kunkel Center and the expansion of the School of Freshwater Sciences.
By Justin Jabs Assistant News Editor
The UW-Milwaukee Student Association met with Alderman Nik Kovac last Friday to discuss parking concerns and the increased tension within neighborhood relations. “A parking problem is not solvable; it’s manageable,” Kovac said. Kovac used the same words to describe the noise issue with neighboring residents, calling it a “tough thing to fix” since the student body is shifting every four years. He said part of the problem is that some students view discipline from the university more seriously than from the police, citing “give me my effing ticket and let me go” as a popular response to being arrested. “We really want Chapter 17 enforced more strictly,” Kovac said. Chapter 17 is a UW-System policy outlining nonacademic misconduct, including illegal possession or use of alcohol. The Alderman said police officers “are supposed to be targeting the people that aren’t just drunk but that are out of control, and rather than just give them a ticket and let them go, arrest them for a few hours just to make more of an impression.” Steve Heimerl, who serves on SA’s Neighborhood Housing and Relations committee, disagrees with Kovac, saying putting students on display after being arrested is “humiliating.” The Student Association discussed ways to move forward, and asked to be put on the next Town Hall meeting agenda. Kovac believes neighbors would be receptive to students saying “let’s work together” on the issues. “The message I want to send to students is being 19 and having a drink is
KOVAC continued on page 3
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The Post with The Most