UWM Post 10/01/12

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THEUWMPOST est. 1956

October 1, 2012

The Student-Run Independent Newspaper

Issue 5, Volume 57

Photo by Zak Wosewick

Sliding into Glendale

UW-Milwaukee’s plans to migrate baseball, track & field into Glendale may have been blocked at the plate. By Tony Atkins and Justin Jabs Sports Editor and Assistant News Editor sports@uwmpost.com Two Sundays ago, UW-Milwaukee Athletic Director Andy Geiger announced during a Student Association meeting a proposal that would move its baseball and track & field program into a new facility that would have been erected in the city of Glendale. However, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has reported that the city has no interest in the move. The city’s administrator, Richard Maslowski, reportedly stated that the City of Glendale was not interested in selling the land to the university. Maslowski told the Journal Sentinel that the parcel is zoned for office and medical use and the city is not interested in accommodating an athletic facility. The 12 to 14 acre parcel of land is located at 100 W. River Woods and is within walking distance of UW-Milwaukee’s Humboldt-Capitol U-Park lot and is surrounded by two health care facilities along the Milwaukee River. The land is currently owned by Securant Bank & Trust and is priced at $1.7 million, according to the bank’s website. Bank officials declined to say whether any parties had shown interest in purchasing the property. In an interview with Geiger, he stated that he didn’t directly speak with Maslowski but the university will move on if they can’t secure the land in Glendale. “I don’t know if there are any options to go forward there,” Geiger

said. “But, if not, we’ll have to find someplace else.” Geiger emphasized that it is “urgently important” to try to find another space close to the university and the unidentified “seven-figure donor” was not solely committed to that particular site. “We’re open to other opportunities that we have,” he said. “I don’t want us to go a ridiculous distance from the campus.” When built, the facility will house a 300 meter track, clinic site and a practice space for soccer, track and field and baseball. Geiger even mentioned the new facility would be big enough to house a football field. “In a place where winter is an issue, it would be ideal,” Geiger said. “I think that’s an ideal facility and the baseball stadium and synthetic field in a building like this would be perfect for this program.” Currently, the track program holds its home events at the Klotsche Center while the Milwaukee baseball team now plays at Henry Aaron Field, through Milwaukee County Parks. Many have argued that it isn’t sufficient enough to play host to the only Division I baseball program in Wisconsin. Geiger seemed to realize this as well in his statements. “I find it unusual that a school that has a baseball team, a track & field program and a tennis program and doesn’t have a baseball diamond, a track & field facility or tennis courts,” Geiger said. A lot of programs use the Klotsche Center, along with the track & field, program including men’s and women’s basketball, intramural sports along with a host of other classes and activities. Given the success of both the track & field programs, Geiger feels that these programs are more deserving of what is currently offered.

“We have two coaches that have done extraordinary work and we need to do better for them,” Geiger advocated. Geiger supports “shared space” on campus and stated that there will be enough space for intramural sports and other activities. “Between the two facilities, it would have added greatly to the effectiveness of nine of our fifteen teams,” he said. Geiger also announced during the September 23 SA meeting that the facilities will primarily be funded by gifts along with the segregated fees raised from the aborted campus arena proposition that students voted on. The new facilities will host camps to raise money as well. The types of camps have not been specified. While a track and baseball move to 100 W. River Woods in Glendale is not likely anymore, Geiger is committed to building a facility somewhere for these programs. “We’ll leave no stone unturned. I’ll just keep working at it,” he said. According to Geiger, the idea is to develop this land and lease it out with an option to buy. He emphasized that these developments are specifically tailored to the student-athletes and their coaches. It is not intended to be a facility to host a lot of fans; instead, it will give these programs the home that many feel that they deserve. There is no plan to develop land anywhere else at the moment but the university is looking into it, perhaps more now than ever. Tony Atkins, Steve Garrison and Justin Jabs contributed to the reporting of this story.

Police crackdown exposes deeper problems in campus neighborhood

Depth of student-resident tensions exposed By Caitlin PenzeyMoog and Robin Turnblom News Editor and Special to the Post news@uwmpost.com

The Milwaukee Police Department’s crackdown on student misbehavior on the East Side resulted in 92 arrests by the third week of enforcement, 63 of which were UW-Milwaukee students. While it’s still too early to assess the impact of the increased police activity in the surrounding campus area, Police Capt. Stephen Basting seems less than confident that the issue can be addressed solely through police action. “I don’t believe I’m going to be able to ticket my way out of this,” Basting said. “But we will continue the enforcement.” Tension between homeowners and student renters is a problem nearly as old as the university itself, but only recently

have the police responded so forcefully. The Murray Hill Neighborhood Association, the most vocal supporter of increased police activity in the area, has demanded that both local and state representatives do more to address the issues of noise, property destruction and drunken mayhem in the neighborhood. Two years ago the MPD partnered with the association to create the “Report It, Record It,” program, whereby residents can call in noise complaints so that MPD can better track neighborhood issues. “In the past we’ve been very subjective in our complaints,” said MHNA president Steve Klebar. “But the relationship we have with the 1st District and their enforcement in the neighborhood and the trends we’ve been seeing are going to make it relatively easy to figure out what’s going on.” Long-time residents say the issue has

only gotten worse in the past few years, though such claims are difficult to verify. Julie Knox has lived on Murray Avenue since 1996. She has a 9-year-old and a 6-year-old. “It’s an integrated neighborhood,” she said. “The non-students who live here expect a certain amount of energy – we like the vitality. The biggest concern really is the level of disrespect and arrogance. Sort of the, ‘Well we’re near campus, it’s ours isn’t it?’” Some students express disregard for permanent residents, saying this is a college area where it is not unreasonable to expect college noise. “I’m sorry, but this is part of college,” said Karley Krawze, a sophomore majoring in education. “If you’re not in college, you probably shouldn’t live here.” Another student who wished to remain unnamed said he told his elderly

UWM Campus Arrests September 1st through the 23rd

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Infographic by Mark Glatzel

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