UWM Post 12-6-2010

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inside News | page 2 The Post’s first words with Chancellor Lovell

The Student-Run Independent Newspaper at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Monday, December 6, 2010


Volume 55 | Issue 14


A new face for UWM College Democrats

UWM to cut 700 free parking spaces

Sports | page 8 A look at the Brewers’ needs at this year’s Winter Meetings

Veteran’s, McKinley lots to close next fall; flat-rate garage will open By Zach Erdmann Asst. News Editor news@uwmpost.com

Next fall, the Veterans and McKinley UPARK lots will close and displace approximately 700 student drivers. Some of these drivers may use alternative methods to get to school, such as the U-PASS system or will find other parking spaces in the surrounding neighborhood. But according to UW-Milwaukee Parking and Transit an estimated 50 percent of them will have to park in the newly acquired Columbia St. Mary’s parking structure on Hartford Avenue for a daily fee of $4. The Veterans and McKinley

parks, referred to as the lakefront lots, are currently funded by student segregated fees. When each student pay tuition, they also pay a lump fee that is dispersed by the Student Association to fund services and programs that represent the students’ interest. This includes the UPARK system. A fee of $14.30 per student per semester is used to rent both the lakefront and CapitolHumboldt lots and provide shuttle service to and from campus. These lots then remain free for student drivers. For the 2011-2012 fiscal year, the university has opted to not renew the lease with

See PARKING page 4

fringe | page 10 Kid Cudi’s new album doesn’t cut it

Feature: Eating local is the way to go The Columbia St. Mary’s parking structure has approximately 750 parking spaces. Post photo by Sierra Riesberg

Hit-and-run hearing College Dems realign The student org rescheduled elects a new UWM student charged in drunk driving accident By Lyla Goerl Staff Writer news@uwmpost.com

Valerie Seidl, a 19-yearold UW-Milwaukee student, pleaded not-guilty to a hitand-run that occurred in November on Milwaukee’s Eastside near Oakland Avenue and Geneva Place. Seidl is charged with hitand-run involving “great bodily harm and injury by intoxicated use/vehicle,” issued by the Milwaukee Police Department. Fox 6 news was at the scene and reported witnesses who saw the accident said that another collision happened right before the hit-and-run. Two people were stepping out of their vehicles to examine a fender bender when they were both hit by Seidl.


The male victim, a UWM student who was involved in the fender bender accident, was treated to a laceration above his left ear on the scene, according to news reports. It was also reported the female victim, an 18-year-old UWM student, suffered severe head injuries. This required surgery to relieve pressure on her brain and multiple fractures and lacerations to her chin, face and head that required plastic surgery. The Journal Sentinel reported that Seidl was pulled over by a Waukesha County sheriff ’s deputy after a motorist reported the damaged vehicle swerving on westbound I-94. The 911 call said, “I’m reporting a drunk driver. The

See HEARING page 2

Men’s, women’s basketball teams have challenging week

executive board By Mike La Count News Editor news@uwmpost.com

The UW-Milwaukee College Democrats underwent a transformation by electing an entirely new executive board. After the Nov. 2 elections, some UWM College Democrats saw a need for change in leadership, as they voted to hold a special election for the executive board. During the campaign season the College Dems worked closely with another group, the Democratic Coordinated Campaign (DCC), an offshoot of an Obama political action committee. Jared Bierbach, the newly elected College Democrats Chair, says the line between the two groups became blurred. In the final stretch of the campaign much of the College Democrat’s resources were used to facilitate DCC.


“Student orgs do that all the time,” said Bierbach. “The purpose of having college Democrats on campus is to facilitate a Democratic base and ideal, which come from the party itself.” At this time Maura Metz was serving as the chair for the College Democrats and the campus organizer for the DCC. “We were happy to have someone who worked for both the campaign and the College Democrats but because she was working alone there was this blurred line,” said Bierbach. More problems arose with the other board positions when the individuals that held them could no longer fulfill necessary duties. Jon Moze, Vice Chair, was unable to continue his role after having to take time off of school. Other activities pulled Robert Scott and Nicholas Reindl away from their board positions as well. With all the work being done by the College Dems for the campaign, issues with board positions waited to be addressed. “There were vacancies on the executive board,” said Metz. “I think group members did a re-


Editorial | page 18 Why we should legalize assisted suicide MSNBC isn’t the liberals’ FOX News

ally good job stepping up. The people that were really involved then later went on to take on leadership roles in that special election.” After the national election passed and activity settled down the Dems were able to hold a meeting on Nov. 9 and pass an amendment to the organization’s constitution to allow for a special election. Prior to the special election on Nov. 17 all members of the executive board officially resigned, leaving five vacancies. Bierbach was elected chair and Shawn Matson vice chair. Matt Leser, Alexandra Tulloch and Jessie Bennett were elected to the board as well. With a new board the College Democratic will look to move past the disappointments the Democrats faced

See DEMOCRATS page 2


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