With DISH and the Hopper Plus

I love The Valley Trader!!! I have been able to sell so many things through this little paper!! People call me from all over. Last week I re ceived a call from Hawaii about one of my ads. LT Autos/Trucks - 07 53 Vehicles 1948 & up, $1,000 to $5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570-
538-3464. 10/31
Wanted to Trade: 72 Ford Show Car for Ford Truck F15, 30.2 5 spd. Fewer than 90,000 mi, air. Anytime. Sunbury 570-286-7849. ufn
Auto/Truck Acces sories - 10
Rear Spoiler fits Chev. Cobolt and Pontiac GS, ex cellent condition. 570-337-4619. ufn
Truck Caps for sale. 570-494-0444, call for details. ufn
For sale parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570204-9626. ufn Campers, Motor Homes, & Rec. Vehicles - 11 1995 Chariot Park Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, fur nished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer. 570-966-6220. ufn Guns & Bows - 26 Help Wanted - 28 Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good com
mission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Ex perience sales necessary. Must have car & valid Driv er’s License. Terri tory & account list provided. Send re sume to: The Val ley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer position. 24-35 hrs. over 2
wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed envi ronment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a fulltime position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrad er@yahoo.com
Household - 30 Oak Dining Table & 4 chairs, light blonde color, good condition. Asking $100 OBO. 570495-3549. 10/17
1495 Route 405 Hughesville, Pa
P: 570-584-2996 F: 570-584-2964 ib4675@centralpenn.biz
Sears Craftsman Wet/Dry Vac, 5.25, 16 gal. works great, all accessories, $75. OBO. 570-204-9626 Mt. Carmel. UFN
Miscellaneous - 35 Boy Scout Lewis burg Community Strips Cub Scout $25; Scout Kaki red $25; other lo cal strips Mazep pa, Turbotville, New Columbia.
Camps Karoond inha, Nikomahs, Ioka. Pre 190 Scout iitems such as OA. Cash paid. 215-
946-4511. 10/24 3 small Strobe Lights, $20.00; Peace Sign, String Light Set, $10.00; Fog Machine, in cludes 1/2 gal. of fog liquid & remote, $35.00; 5 Martial Arts Book Manu els & Bruce Lee Book; Beatles Photo Books, $35.00. 717379-8010. 10/17 Strobe Light, mini strobe light & strobe light bulb, $10.; String of Peace Sign Lights, $5.00; Wireless Head set Microphones, $50.00; Realistic Bulk Audio-VideoTape Eraser $20.00; T. C. Helicon Mi crophone Pre-Amp for mobile devic
es, $30.00. 717379-8010. 10/17
Motorcycles - 37 2001 Honda Reb el 250, blue, 1700 mi, Dual Carbs, excellent run ning, super nice bike. $2,000. 272241-9073. 10/17 Pets - 40
AKC Poodle, fe male, rare color Blue-Merle, 1 year, shots, not spayed, very calm, loveable. $1,500.00 firm. 570205-6442. 11/14 Wanted - 50
WANTED: 1994 Honda Motorcycle, 18” Back Wheel to fit XR250s. 570748-6336 10/24.
(StatePoint) When it comes to customer retention, 82% will take their business elsewhere simply because they don’t think you care, according to a survey by The Rockefeller Corporation. Don’t leave your current and prospective clients feeling down in the dumps. Here are a few tips to spread holiday cheer and show them how much you appreciate them all year.
Holiday greetings should be about thankfulness and appreciation – so leave the sales pitches for another day. Instead, use your holiday greetings to build meaningful connections and foster personal relationships. Incorporate messages that focus on how much you truly value their partnership and connection, not their money.
Rather than sending the same gift or greeting to every client, make your messages more impactful with unexpected levels of personalization. This can be as
simple as addressing your clients by their names or including small gifts or exclusive offers you know they’d enjoy. Showing them you listen to their preferences or remember individual interactions provides an extra touch of thoughtfulness.
Also, check out exceptional subscription-based services. American Greetings, for example, offers a plethora of personal, creative ways to send messages with SmashUps and Creatacard — and you can even add a gift card to these special greetings.
SmashUps are highly personalized, smileinducing shareable videos that can be
Preheat oven to 250 F.
In large cast-iron pan, bring grapeseed oil to high heat.
Sear chateaubriand on all sides until golden brown, 2-3 minutes per side.
Remove chateaubriand from pan, reserving pan drippings; place chateaubriand on wire rack-lined baking sheet. Bake according to cooking chart for cook time and desired doneness. Use meat thermometer to ensure doneness.
Rest chateaubriand 15-20 minutes. Slice to desired thickness.
To make red wine gravy: Bring cast-iron pan with reserved chateaubriand drippings to high heat then add shallots and minced garlic. Brown 30 seconds.
Add red wine and deglaze pan, cooking until reduced by half, about 3 minutes.
Reduce heat to medium and whisk in 2 tablespoons butter and flour until all clumps have disappeared and mixture is well-incorporated, 3-4 minutes.
Add water and bouillon cubes; bring to boil then whisk in stone ground mustard.
Reduce to low heat and simmer until achieving sauce-like consistency, 7-8 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Turn off heat and whisk in remaining butter until fully melted and emulsified into sauce.
To make lemon-garlic asparagus: In large saucepan, bring olive oil to medium-high heat.
Add asparagus and season with salt, ground black pepper and crushed red pepper flakes. Sear undisturbed about 1 minute.
Turn asparagus and add minced garlic, sauteing about 10 seconds. Add lemon juice and continue sauteing until reduced by two-thirds, about 1 minute.
Turn off heat and add butter, stirring until emulsified into pan sauce. Season with salt and ground black pepper, to taste.
Serve chateaubriand with lemon-garlic asparagus and red wine gravy.
2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoons
To make creamy horseradish sauce: In medium bowl, whisk crema, mayonnaise, horseradish, vinegar, chives, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, hot sauce, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and paprika until well-incorporated. Season with additional salt and white pepper, to taste.
To make pepper rub: In small bowl, stir salt, peppercorns, chili and thyme.
To make prime rib: Pat prime rib dry with paper towels. Season on all sides with pepper rub and bring to room temperature, about 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 250 F. In large cast-iron pan, bring grapeseed oil to mediumhigh heat.
Sear prime rib on all sides until golden brown, 2-3 min utes per side.
Place seared prime rib on wire rack-lined baking sheet. Bake according to cooking chart for cook time and desired doneness. Use meat thermometer to ensure doneness. Cook until internal temperature is 10 F below desired doneness.
Rest prime rib 15-20 minutes. Slice to desired thickness.
To make crushed potatoes: Preheat oven to 425 F. Add potatoes to stockpot. Cover with cold water by about 1 inch and add 1 pinch salt. Over high heat, boil 8-10 minutes, or until fork tender. Drain and completely cool with running cold water.
Once cool, carefully crush potatoes with palms until skin breaks and potatoes are slightly crushed.
In medium bowl, whisk olive oil, garlic and parsley.
Place crushed potatoes on aluminum foil-lined baking sheet and toss lightly with olive oil mixture. Season potatoes on both sides with kosher salt and ground black pepper, to taste. Roast potatoes until crisped and golden brown, 15-17 minutes.
Serve prime rib with crushed potatoes and creamy horseradish sauce.
(StatePoint) Prepping windows for cold, gusty weather is essential no matter your home’s age, but what exactly needs to be done? Read on for the ultimate breakdown of how to seal windows and protect your home from the winter chill.
Step 1 – Test for Air Leaks. Any style of window could have small air leaks that allow drafts and moisture to enter without your knowledge. Check your windows’ seals by lighting a match or candle and seeing if the
smoke is affected by a breeze. The smoke trail can help pinpoint any small cracks you should address while weatherizing.
Step 2 – Fill the Seals. Reinforcing the seal around the entire window frame will ensure it’s ready for cold weather. Using a product such as Duck brand Foam Weatherstrip Seals will help form a solid barrier around window edges, thanks to self-adhesive foam strips that block drafts. This can help lower utility costs by stopping leaks. Updating these seals every few years helps keep the window frame in the best possible shape and maintains protection from the winter winds.
Step 3 – Restore with Paint. Updating your window with a fresh coat of primer and either paint or stain helps keep it in great condition for a change in season. Not only will it provide a new look, but paint or stain also creates a tight seal around the wood framework and acts as an additional
barrier for pinhole cracks or air leaks.
Step 4 – Insulate the Frame. Winter weather can be brutal in certain regions. Rolled Window Insulation Kits are crystal clear and create an additional cold-air barrier for when you need extra protection on top of foam seals. The window kit film comes in an easy-to-use roll of shrink film, which means no measuring is needed, and excess film can be cut once applied. Once secured to indoor window frames, the film provides an airtight seal that can be removed once warmer weather arrives.
Step 5 – Add Thermal Protection. After preparing your window for the approaching winter winds, swap out your everyday curtains for thicker, thermal fabric window treatments. These insulating curtains typically have two or three layers of thick fabric, combined with a layer of acrylic foam, to prevent air infiltration and cold.
Precautionary steps to seal in warm air and keep out potential drafts will help reduce energy costs this winter – and help protect the longevity (and comfort) of your home.
personalized in a variety of ways, including adding their name or a message right into the audio and graphics. With tons of holiday themes, messages from celebrities and more, they’re sure to entertain, surprise and delight your clients. Additionally, with SmashUps you can schedule delivery ahead of time to stay on track with deadlines and reduce the “out of office” emails around the holidays.
embrace your roots and in addition to your digital greetings, send a physical gift package to your customers and prospects. Receiving a gift filled with branded items, a bottle of wine or spirits, assorted baked goods, or gift certificates can really showcase how much you care about them.
creative, personal ways to show customers and prospects you care.
For a more modern twist on a classic holiday tradition, Creatacard is a new, personalized virtual greeting card that includes the mostloved features of paper cards. Unlike eCards, Creatacards are designed to “virtually” look and feel like traditional cards: they arrive in a virtual envelope that opens; feature folded or flat designs that open or flip over like a paper card; but also include unique digital features such as animation, video or music. In just a few easy steps, you can create, personalize, and even sign your favorite digital cards.
With an abundance of different cultures and traditions around the world, not everyone celebrates the same holidays. When creating your holiday greeting recipient list, make sure your messaging is appropriate for your client – or to be safe, use more generic and inclusive sayings such as, “Happy Holidays,” “Season’s Greetings” or “Warm Wishes.”
If you’re a more traditional company,
Consider sending cards to your main contact’s assistants, partners or other critical team members. A little can go a long way when showing your appreciation to every integral team member of their business –from the assistant to the CEO.
Sending holiday greetings is a smart way to keep your business top of mind before employees go on vacations around that time of year. Companies can get in the groove of sending out the same messages year after year, or get busy with other work, which can lead to pressed time and less ingenuity. Get inspired this holiday season with more
StatePoint) Long COVID can affect anyone who’s had COVID-19, even those who’ve had mild illness or no symptoms ini tially. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion shows that nearly 1 in 5 U.S. adults who have had COVID-19 experience new or lingering symptoms that last three or more months after first contracting the virus. Physical therapists can play an essential role in manag ing symptoms of long COVID.
Long COVID is unpredictable, and research is evolving, how ever common symptoms include extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, racing heart, dizziness, muscle aches and pains, brain fog, problems completing everyday activities and poor exercise tolerance. It’s also important to note that certain types of physi cal activity may not be appropri ate for everyone living with long COVID.
“A highly-personalized plan of care that includes working with a physical therapist is important,” says Leo Arguelles, PT, DPT, American Physical Therapy As sociation spokesperson. “People with long COVID can benefit from being monitored during exertion and should follow prescribed exercise dosing that helps them gradually prog
ress, rather than pushing through fatigue on their own, which could potentially set them back.”
Physical therapists are move ment experts who regularly treat individuals with the kinds of symptoms that people with long COVID experience. Here are three reasons to consider including a physical therapist on your long COVID care team.
1. Take a full-body approach. Physical therapists assess your overall well-being. They can de velop a personalized treatment plan to address issues such as fatigue, respiratory function and cardiac endurance. They can work and communicate with your primary care physician and can refer you to other health care pro viders if they feel you’d ben efit from seeing another spe cialist. Physical therapists and physical thera pist assistants collaborate with each other, and with other health profes sionals, to en-
Don’t be afraid to snip off a few blossoms each week. Many plants thrive after trimming and may reward you with even more flowers. Once you’ve gathered a bouquet from your garden, consider these tips to help keep fresh flowers at their best for a week or more:
Bacteria can quickly destroy fresh flowers, which is why it’s important to use a clean vase. Any floral foam, wires or frogs used in your arrangement must also be washed in warm, soapy water.
sunlight. The darker and cooler the room, the longer your blossoms will bloom.
Adding a crushed aspirin, bleach, vinegar, sugar or penny to the vase are ageold tricks. However, you can keep bacteria at bay and help flowers thrive by adding a packet of flower food to the water. It can be found at your local florist or home improvement store.
Flowers are living things that still require water, food and care after they are cut. Every 2-3 days, be sure to change the water, replenish the flower food and recut the stems for additional days of glorious color.
(Family Features) The beauty of having a garden is buds continually blooming on one plant or another throughout most of the year. While this provides lovely views from your windows, it can also be nice to bring some beauty indoors.
Remove any lower leaves that may come in contact with water inside the vase.
Carefully trim each flower stem at a 90-degree angle. It may also be helpful to cut flowers while they are underwater to keep moisture flowing into the stems.
Keep your arrangement out of direct
2+ Acre Real Estate Saturday * October 22, 2022 * 11:00 A.M.
Location: 100 Berriman Hollow Road, Muncy, Pa 17756. From South Main Street turn onto New Street follow .5 miles turn onto Muncy Exchange Road follow approx. 2 miles turn right onto Berriman Hollow Road. Real Estate is on the right. Watch for signs on auction day.
Real Estate Listing: This is a 3 bedroom/2.5 bath home located on 2+ acres in the Muncy School Dis trict in Lycoming County. The first floor has a spa cious eat-in kitchen, a large living room, 1 full bath and 1bedroom with 1/2 bath, laundry room. The sec ond floor has two bedrooms and a full bath w/jacuzzi tub. There is a front porch and large side deck with above ground pool, 2 car unattached garage and a nice cement block barn at far end of property (good for horse or animals). This home is located in a great country setting and located only 3 miles from town. Home sold “As Is”, does need remolding. The seller is highly motivated and needs to get property sold. So don’t miss out on this great investment real estate!! Check out Auctionz ip.com Seller #4038 for More info and Pictures.
Please contact Voneida’s Auction Service for a personal tour of the home and property. Call Dan Voneida at 570-447-6480
Terms: 4% Buyer’s Premium, 10% Down on auction day, Balance in 60 days. Owner has reserved the right to accept or reject any or all bids if they wish to do so. Any inspections can be done prior to auction day at buyer’s expense. All oral announcements on auction day supersede all printed material. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible in case of any accidents.
Owner: Ross Yagel Estate Executor: Rene’ Empie
Dan Voneida - Auctioneer - Lic. #AU004059 723 Petersburg Road, Allenwood, PA 17810 • 570-447-6480
Find more ideas for freshening up your indoor spaces at eLivingtoday.com.
sure to put a way to contact in your letter.
You must renew your ad every 2 issues for it to run in the next issue. And it MUST be written.
Ads are not taken by phone. We may be data basing the ad, if so, you will not get a new number each time.
Please note that no ads for alternative lifestyles will be placed anymore.
Ads will be placed according to publisher’s discretion.
Must be 18 or over to use this column.
If you send us an ad to run in this section, you must include your real name and address or we will not be able to print your ad. No one ever knows who you are except for the person who handles the replies in my office.
Thank you for understanding in this simple matter.
Did you meet someone or go further with your relationship?
We want to know. Send us your testimonial.
Testimonials: (Looking for some new comments of success)
Fall 1991 and January 1992 Testimonials: My cousin and his new wife (both in their early 40’s) were visiting my mom, my sister, and I. My sister asks, “So, how did you meet?” They kind of giggled and asked each other, “Should we tell them?”
They said they met through the LBYL column. My sister and I decided we would try our fare at meeting “Mr. Right”. (BTW, my cousin and his wife are still married and hopelessly in love.) My sister didn’t have much luck, but in January 1992, I saw this ad that kept drawing my attention. As described, he really wasn’t what I was looking for, but... We met later that month for the first time; got engaged in 1993 and married in 1994. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary this October and we have a 23-year-old daughter who lives out of state. Thank you, LBYL! Mr. & Mrs. J.N.
4/4/17 Testimonial: I placed an ad 1/2/94 and met the love of my life. He has 3 boys and I have 3 girls. We were married 8/26/95 and now we’re the Brady Bunch. Thanks for helping us find each other.
I will always be grateful to your paper Valley Trader. My husband DH wrote to me and we have been happily married almost 12 wonderful years. We’ve been through many trials and joys and so glad we found each other. K.W/K.H.
“Thanks Again Valley Trader, Friends! Years ago I put an ad in your paper and we were married almost 20 years & then our lord called him home.” -HR
“My brother met his wife Bonnie through your column.
They have a son named Jake! He’s our pride and joy!” –CW L.B.Y.L. Readers: It would help a lot if you put your town location in your ad. Distance is important when replying to an ad. Thanks. – The Valley Trader
PLEASE RESPOND – We have had several people who have responded to personals in our column, and received no response in return. We would like to request that you send at least a post card to each and every response you receive, just out of courtesy to those taking the time to write you. Also, don’t forget to include either a phone number or address in your letter when responding to an ad.
Tired of not meeting that special someone at work, at the bar, or wherever you have been looking? Look no further than Look Before You Leap men and woman our other supporting single services. We want to help you! What do you have to lose? Just your loneliness. So do it. Send in your ad or send in a response. See directions at beginning of section on how to be a part of the Look Before You Leap.
Regular: PA Romantic WtM, 69 - 62 - 200. Looking for a woman who likes camping, flea markets, dining out, having fun. I have a good sense of humor. Photo, phone. JB26836 11/21
SWtM, mid 60’s, 5’7”, excellent health, active, nonsmoker, no drugs, financially secure, homeowner.
Looking for female, 40’s to 60’s, date, travel, fun, adventures. Like outdoor, home projects, Nascar, much more. MS26889 10/31
Looking for my Teddy Bear, I’ll be your kitten. This John 3:16 Christian Wt. Lady (70) has many interests: writing, art, nature, nutrition & cooking. Let me make your favorite meal! I’ll respect you and hopefully make you smile. Non-smoker please. Kindness a must. Phone friend OK for now. Disabilities OK as well. KO26897 4/5/23
SWtFIC, 39, 5’6”, very long blonde hair, blue eyes, 155 lbs. Looking for pen pal, maybe more. Enjoy music, outdoors, being spontaneous. JB26894IC
FIC, looking to find someone who can help me pass my time here. TM26895IC
FIC, Hispanic, 35, 4 months left to do. Looking for a companion to start a new life with. I welcome female or male serious inquires only. CT26896IC
FIC, seeking an older, outdoorsy, calm, gentle, love bug. I am independent, a
Write your letter to the person of interest.
Seal letter in blank envelope.
Put ad code in lower left corner and stamp in top right corner. Now you are ready to mail to us. Leave rest of envelope blank. No return address, NOTHING else on it.
Place this sealed letter into a fresh new envelope. Place your payment along with sealed letter and seal. Put in $4.00 FEE.
Now address this envelope to: Look Before You Leap, P.O. Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837. This envelope you can put your return address on it.
homebody. 5’9”, athletic body, caring, kind, freaky in bed.
SFIC, 45 year old, blue-eyed, well proportioned woman who is kind, caring, & fun. Seeking an older, outdoorsy, adventurous man. LH26899IC
SFIC, smart, sassy, intelligent, funny Italian, big hazel eyes, long dark hair, huge breasts, thick in all the right places.
Looking for that someone.
SWtFIC looking for pen pal, possibly more. I enjoy the outdoors, music, & spending time with family & friends.
FIC, 5’6”-150, Pecan complexion, Mixed Carri/ Iland, 40, enjoy nice things, quiet, relaxed dinners. Can cook, very curvy, pretty. Will be leaving to freedom in less than 60 days. Going to the Williamsport Area. Love older men, race very open. I love the Lord and all will be well.
SFIC, mixed tan skin, curly hair, beautiful, 33, Christian. Seeks kind, honest, respectful companion who will take time for me. I’m soon to be released.
FIC, Contact me if you are looking for a friend. You also can follow me on instagram.
FIC, beautiful “one of a kind girl” that loves having a good time. Looking for a man willing to get to know me & possibly meet on the outside.
FIC, 35, looking for a companion, male or female, to start a serious relationship with. I’m finishing time for my 3rd DUI. So someone in Recovery would be a must with hard work ethics that is just as honest as I am with a good heart. I miss having someone to love & share all my time with. So if you find yourself lonely & want to take care of someone else as much as I would want to take care of you, please write.
FIC, looking for someone who can keep good conversation, likes to laugh & can help make these next couple of months go by so maybe we can link up in the future. I’m fun size & always down for a good time. Food, drinks, travel, shopping, sports, & gambling.
SFIC, Latino, 38, 5’-115, long black hair, hazel eyes. Looking for a romantic relationship. Preferably someone that is self sufficient & loves to have a good time, travel, & spend time with their partner. CB26908IC
SWtFIC, looking for companionship. Open minded, great sense of humor, fun to be with. Loving, affectionate, adventurous, honest, & loyal. I will send pictures when you write. HS26909IC
FIC, 25, 5’1”-160, long brown
hair, brown eyes, chanky eyes. Looking for a good friend. Somebody I can talk to. If you write me, I would send you some pictures. I come home next year. Get to know me. I’m very sweet. BS26910IC SWtFIC, seeking man for good times. I’m creative, fun, attractive, kind. Need promising man who’s kind, outgoing & free. KE26911IC
SWtFIC, 58, 5’6”-124, looking for a friend, companion, someone to share with. If you need a friend, please write. PJ26912IC
FIC, seeking man, kind, happy. I am attractive, helpful, entertaining, amorous woman. Need great company. Local inmate who needs outside support. EK26913IC
SWtFIC, seeking S/D who’s generous, willing, able, happy, hardworking, attentive, & loving for local, soon released, attractive & kind also. KE26914IC
Hello World! I would like to introduce myself, a young 47 year old SWtFIC, who has no problem being outgoing. I’m looking for a friend. TS26915IC FIC, 40, long dark black/ brown hair, dark brown eyes, 130 lbs. Mixed with Mexican/ Irish & a few other races. I have 2 kids & a little dog. I love nature walks, camping, & being on or by the water. Looking for support, friendship & a charming smile. RH26916IC
SWtFIC, seeking sweet, generous, kind, supportive gentleman for amorous, conscious, aspiring, creative hedonistic woman. Love pleasure, travel, music, fun, outdoors, dining, mountains. KE26917IC
FIC, Smart, sexy, fun, good sense of humor, long dark hair, hazel eyes. Loves to laugh. Looking for good conversations & a good time. JB26918IC
WdWtFIC, 61, looking for a white man around the same age. I need a pen pal & friendly companion. EF26919IC
FIC, looking to correspond by mail or phone for fun & good company. My charges are not violent or drug related. Just bored & lonely. SP26920IC FIC, soon released. Attractive, energetic, healthy, fun, exciting &attentive woman .Seeking support, TLC, friendship, all things good. KE26921IC
SWtFIC, 5’9”, blonde/ brown eyes, athletic build, 33, outgoing, openminded, extremely loving. Enjoy trying new things, caring personality. Seeking a lover/compaion. JW26922IC
FIC, 25, lt. brown skin, 160 lbs. Have sexy lips, chanky eyes, 5’1”. A lil shorty but carry myself with a big heart. Looking for someone I can write & talk to & visit. BS26923IC
FIC, 48, long black hair/blue eyes, very outgoing, love to travel. Very positive person. AD26924IC
SWtFIC, Mistress seeking Mr. for care, comfort, support. Looking for a friend, lover & generous man. Write for details. KE26925IC
FIC, 30, tall, thick, short brown hair. Love music, have tattoos, nose & tongue pierced, from Milton. Enjoy 4 wheeling, outdoors, camping, fishing, arts & crafts. Love food, & swimming. JW26920IC
SWtFIC looking to get to know any males, 36-45. I’m 39, black hair, blue eyes, 5’3”160. Just a few months left here. Just trying to get to know someone better. LA26921IC
SWtFIC, seeking supportive men with the capacity for making me a sugar baby. I’m attractive, attentive, amorous, available for release & companionship soon.
FIC, Italian Princess looking for her Prince. Smart, funny, loves to laugh & have good conversations. Dark hair, hazel eyes, thick in all the right places. JB26924IC
SWtF looking for older man. I’m 38, blonde hair, 5’7”170, outgoing & full of fun. Willing to make it long term. NB26925IC
FIC, Italian, 35, 5’8”-180, thick in all the right places. Have a 38 Double D chest & nice butt. Love music, movies, warm weather & the fall. Tacos are my favoite & anything pumpkin. Long brown/blonde hair, big brown eyes, tattoos. LW26926IC
Breast Cancer Survivors: How big was your lump?Local female inmate seeking information & letters of experience for purpose of making well informed decisions about treatment. Support & detail appreciated. KE26927IC
SWtFIC, attractive. I need a man to talk to, a mate and do special things for me. Preferably generous, older, kind, hardworking, happy. KE26928IC
SWtFIC, long black hair, hazle eyes, curvy & independent. Seeking older, kind, outdoorsy, calm man to share my days with. PM26929IC
SWtFIC, looking for outgoing, older gentleman to share time with. I’m very outgoing, independent, & loving. RB26930IC
SWtFIC, sweet, sexy, fun, easygoing, patient, open minded, tender, loving, affectionate, honest, loyal. Enjoy the outdoors. Will bring you pleasure & happiness. Looking for long term relationship. HS26931IC
SFIC, likes cooking & traveling. Looking for a penpal/companion. If something more comes from it, great! Willing to relocate.
SWtFIC, very outgoing, kind & independent. Love the outdoors, very loyal, & honest. Looking for kind man to keep
me company. PM26933IC
SFIC, 31, ambitious, driven, humorous, outgoing. Seeking male or female companion & desiring to expand my horizons. Can you lead the way? RD26934IC
SWtFIC, 47, Indian/ Irish/German, willing to relocate. Looking for a friend/ companion. TS26935IC
FIC Wanted: potential mates for myself, an amorous woman. Must be industrious, gentle, love to travel, make music, dine & love dogs, big trucks & farmers. KE26936IC SWtFIC, looking for people to correspond with. I’m 45 & this is my first time incarcerated & losing my mind from boredom. SM26937IC
SFIC, Moroccan, 35. Seeking friends to correspond with. I look forward getting to know you. NF26938IC
FIC seeking penpals, friends, potential mates for fun loving woman. Love horses & fast cars. Athletic, brunette, great smile, talented & attentive. Seek same & funny. KE26939IC
SFIC, 36, looking for penpal, possibly relationship, lonely. DM26940IC
Wanted penpals for soon to be releeased woman looking for funny, potential friendship & more. Need TLC, attention support, humor from local people who care. KE26941IC FIC, 28, A bad girl looking for a man that can handle & tame me. Freak in the sheets but lady in the streets. Lonely, looking for someone’s full attention. Have expensive taste & like to be taken care of. I want to take care of you back. I am unique, one of a kind with a juicy booty. You will never be bored with me. CF26942IC
WE DO NOT RUN ANY IC-LBYL ADS WITHOUT YOUR IDENTIFYING NUMBER. THESE MAILINGS ARE RETURNED BACK TO US, NON DELIVERABLE. ALSO YOU MUST SIGN UP MAIL FROM LBYL. Inmates, seems you may need to be on some kind of mailing list at the prison. Inquire at your place.
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sure that you receive the best care.
2. Help you move safely. Movement is essential to your recovery and your mental health. However, for some people, long COVID includes post-exertional malaise, or PEM, a worsening of symptoms after physical or mental activities. Your ability often may fluctuate — an activity that’s easily tolerated one day may exacerbate symptoms the next. Physical therapists develop prescribed exercise programs based on your symptoms and how your body re sponds and can monitor your symptoms, blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels to ensure your safety while doing exercises. This may include low-intensity stretches, strengthening exercises and balance training.
3. Help improve your quality of life. Through patient education, a physical therapist can help you find the balance between rest and activity and identify the right kind and amount of movement you should get to improve your tolerance for everyday activi ties.
More research is being done on long COVID every day. Your physical therapist will review available re search findings and can adjust your treatment plan as needed. To learn more and find a PT near you, visit Choo sePT.com.
& S Farms