The Valley Trader!!!
been able to sell so many things
this little pa
People call me from all over. Last week I received a call from Hawaii about
one of my ads. LT Autos/Trucks - 07 53 Vehicles 1948 & up, $1,000 to $5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570-538-3464.
mi, air. Anytime. Sun bury 570-286-7849. ufn Auto/Truck Accessories - 10
sale. 570-494-0444, call for details. ufn
Wanted to Trade: 72 Ford Show Car for Ford Truck F15, 30.2 5 spd. Fewer than 90,000
66-67 Pontiac Body Parts; Floor Safes with combination, on wheels. Call anytime 570-538-1601. 10/10 Rear Spoiler fits Chev. Cobolt and Pontiac GS, excellent condi tion. 570-337-4619. ufn Truck Caps for
For sale parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570-2049626. ufn
Campers, Motor Homes, & Rec. Vehicles - 11
1995 Chariot Park
Model Camper, fur nished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make of fer. 570-966-6220. ufn
Guns & Bows - 26
Ten Point Cross Bow, new & never used, with arrows, scope. Titan Extreme Model, $400. 272-241-0328. 10/10
Help Wanted - 28
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Sales Rep Wanted: Ex panding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Experience sales necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: theval leytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer posi tion. 24-35 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be lit erally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a full-time position in the future. Send re sume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the val leytrader@yahoo.com
Household - 30 Sears Craftsman Wet/ Dry Vac, 5.25, 16 gal. works great, all accesso ries, $75. OBO. 570-2049626 Mt. Carmel. UFN
Miscellaneous - 35 Accent Tenor Sax, asking $1,200. 570437-2798. 10/10
Old Singer Sewing Ma chine Part: Old Singer Boben No. 45750 Siman co USA. Ask for Judy. 570-524-7521. 10/3 Strobe Light, mini strobe light & strobe light bulb, $10.; String of Peace Sign Lights, $5.00; Wireless Headset Microphones, $50.00; Realistic Bulk AudioVideo-Tape Eraser $20.00; T. C. Helicon Microphone Pre-Amp for mobile devices, $30.00. 717-379-8010. 10/17
Lionel Train 027, complete in box.
New, unopened. $80. 272-241-9073. 10/10
Motorcycles - 37
2001 Honda Rebel 250, blue, 1700 mi, Dual Carbs, excellent running, super nice bike. $2,000. 272-241-9073. 10/17 Wanted - 50
WANTED:Baseball, football, basketball, & hockey collections for my personal collection. 717-330-2684. 11/28 Announcements
The Fremont Fire De partment will be having their annual Apple Harvest Festival on October 6, 7, & 8 at the Fremont Social Hall, 299 Mill race Rd., Mount Pleas ant Mills. The event in cludes the area’s largest Chinese Auction with over 500 items, Vendors, Apple Dumplings, Cider, Apple Butter, Home made Ice Cream, Hot Sausages, Pulled Pork, French Fries, Fish Sand wiches, Cake Wheel & More. More!! Thursday the grounds will open at 5 PM and Swamp Root will perform at 6 & 7:30. Friday the grounds will open at 5 PM and Jesse will perform at 6 & 7:30. Air Weaver the Balloon Man will also be there from 5:30 til 8:30. Sat urday will begin with an All You Can Eat Break fast from 7-10 AM. Lucky Afternoon will perform at 12:30, 1:45 & 3:00. The 5th Annual Car, Truck & Bike Show will start at 9:00 AM and the trophies will be presented at 1:30 PM. The event will conclude with the Chinese Auc tion Drawing at 5 PM Saturday. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. Visit our website or Facebook page for more info and updates. For car show questions and registra tion call 717-694-3169. To reserve your vendor
space or other questions call 570-541-2603. 10/3
“Miles for Minus 1”. The 4th Annual 5K for Dwell. On October 15, 2022 Dwell Orphan Care will hold its 4th Annual “Miles for Minus 1” 5K at the South Williams port Park Complex. This event helps raise aware ness for the cause of car ing for orphans, vulner able children, and the families who love them in Central PA. Dwell’s supports foster and ad opted children through programs designed to grow attachment, foster connection, and provide wrap around support of families who walk this complex path. Through the Hope Chest Foster Closet and Foster Care Package program, par ent support groups, trau ma-informed trainings, and adoption assistance grants, Dwell empowers the village to lift up our most vulnerable. Your support of this event will help Dwell expand its services and continue advocating for children from hard places. We welcome the opportu nity to speak with you directly about how you can champion the cause. More information for the event can be found at dwellorphancare. org/2022-5k-run. You may also reach out via email to info@dwellor phancare.org if you have any questions regarding this event or Dwell’s pro grams, intention, and im pact. Together, we are the village working to raise up orphans, vulnerable children, and the families who love them. Jennifer Lake, Founder & Ex ecutive Director. 10/10.
The CPCA (Central Pennsylvania Callers Association) will hold their monthly square
dance on Sunday Octo ber 16, 2022 from 1:30 til 6:00 PM at The East Ha nover Community Build ing, 8848 Jonestown Rd Grantville, PA 17028 This is a family friend ly event but chil dren must be accom panied by a parent.
The dance is an old fash ioned eastern style square dance with a live band, Common Ground, no experience is required, there will be beginner lessons at 1:30. So come out and have some fun!!! There will be line danc ing between the sets!!
The CPCA is a non profit club that meets monthly on the 3rd Sunday at ven ues throughout Central Pennsylvania. Admission is $5 children under 13 are free but must be ac companied by a parent! For info email to cpcadance@com
cast.net or phone El sie @ 717-599-5444
Work Wanted - 51
NEED A NEW ROOF.? Call Daniel 570-9891938. Will also do small jobs. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 10/24
(Family Features) Renovating your home’s outdoor spaces not only enhances the aesthetic but can also provide a host of recreational benefits. Taking a look at awardwinning projects can help many homeowners draw inspiration while also identifying capable, reputable contractors to take on the project.
For example, selected by a panel of industry experts based on functionality, aesthetics, craftsmanship, innovation and degree of difficulty, these 2021 National Association of the Remodeling Industry National Contractor of the Year (CotY) Award Winners showcase a variety of ideas for upgrading your outdoor spaces.
Find the complete list at nari.org/ cotywinners.
Residential Landscape Design/ Outdoor Living Under $100,000 The clients wanted to upgrade a poorly draining, impractical backyard into an attractive, functional outdoor entertainment space that flowed from the renovated basement. The project included an outdoor area for entertaining, outdoor kitchen, spacious patio with a custom concrete fire pit, oversized ceiling fans, ample storage and landscaping complete with native plants around the perimeter.
“By working on this project, we learned how important it is to take a holistic look at what clients are trying to accomplish with their renovations,” said Thomas Boyce, president of Boyce Design & Contracting. “Often with outdoor living projects, designers and contractors look at the exterior of the home in isolation. We learned to
look at how the interior and exterior of the home connect to each other to make sure the features and floor plan flow and work well together. By taking this approach, we were able to achieve a better finished product that is more functional and attractive for our clients.”
Residential Landscape Design/ Outdoor Living $100,000-$250,000
A young, active family was looking to
Parking at
create a distinct outdoor living space with multiple entertainment spaces that tied in with the existing aesthetic and elevated the home amongst its neighbors. The low-maintenance backyard now features an outdoor dining area, sunken living room, entertainment area and additional storage space built with the home’s current architectural features while also maintaining a large enough yard for the kids and their friends to play.
“The aesthetic of the outdoor areas was designed not only for function but also to reflect the interiors and keep the inside-outside living feeling continuous,” said Tim Johnson, owner and founder of Livit Site + Structure. “For example, the shiplap used on the fire table is the same shiplap featured inside the home. Likewise, the Douglas fir timbers used on the pergola are the same as the interior ceiling beams.”
Residential Landscape Design/ Outdoor Living Over $250,000
A 4,000-square-foot project built at four different elevations, this client wanted to include a safe way to move from the upper level to the backyard without coming through the house, a structure for shade and protection from mosquitoes and a pool with features that reflected the home. Adding a covered screen room with individually controlled wall panels, see-through fireplace, fountain, pool with sheer descent waterfalls, recycled rock walls and staircase from the upper elevation while enclosing it all within a stone wall met those expectations.
“A sound piece of advice for anyone building anything in the backyard: get a plan,” said Ken DePratt, owner of KD Poolscapes, Ltd. “Have it match your expectations list.
Then, and only then, will you know if it matches your budget. We would recommend doing your research when taking on a pool project of any size. It’s hard to push that hole around once it’s dug.”
(Family Features) In the world of design, what’s old inevitably becomes new again, and a similar pattern is inspiring today’s ontrend color palettes for home decor. The latest styles reflect reviving and comforting colors influenced by heritage and romance, lending to a look that is familiar in an individualistic way.
With more people living their everyday, working lives at home, many homeowners are discovering the contentment that comes with slowing down. Often that means looking to the past to find comfort for moving forward.
Nostalgia serves as an emotional tool that delivers deep-rooted serenity and powerful healing properties. Looking to the past is often beneficial during times of uncertainty and can be an opportunity to bring styles and practices back to the present to create an appreciation of the past.
Whether living through the romance of rural lifestyles, the comfort of home or the nostalgia from far-off times, some of today’s most beloved design aesthetics celebrate the past, present and future while bringing balance, hope and comfort for you and your family to embrace.
Using color to evoke feelings and emotions
is hardly new but combining a carefully curated color palette with other design elements can allow you to create a look that pays homage to the past while breathing new life into your living space.
Reimagining classic, familiar tones allows you to achieve a design motif that is equal parts reminiscent and refreshing.
“The Vintage Homestead Color Collection offers an effortless look that reveals the importance of being hopeful to find stability and balance,” said Ashley Banbury, HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams senior color designer. “Our 2023 Color Collection of the Year revives elements from the past that are perfectly paired with vintage, comfortable and classic colors.”
Striking a balance between old and new can
take many forms, as these styles show:
* Heritage Revival: An interest in reviving the past is evident in design trends like a remerging appreciation of antiques and vintage elements, such oversized furniture and traditional shapes. To capture this style, your design should focus on contrasting old and new for a mix-and-match look. Ultimately, the aesthetic is a look that feels
simultaneously individualistic and curated.
A cohesive color scheme can allow the various elements to stand on their own while working in harmony for an intentional design. For example, the HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams 2023 Color Collection of the Year includes a combination of familiar tones that have been thoughtfully curated by design experts who borrow color and design concepts from the past for a hopeful future and a sense of belonging. Hues like Poetry Plum and Hot Cocoa evoke warmth and depth, while moderate shades like Restrained Gold and Glamour offer fresh ways to incorporate mid-range neutrals.
Meanwhile, soft tones like Natural Linen and Cool Beige offer subtle color for lighter, brighter spaces.
* Mixing and Matching of Eras: A new take on retro design is emerging in which eras are blended and new and old furnishing work side by side. To get this look, you’ll craft a space that marries historical and contemporary design, celebrating both the old and new. To design for longevity, incorporate pieces that are ambiguous in era and stand the test of time.
* Vintage Homestead: Reviving design elements from the past with mixed patterns, classic shapes and vintage decor adds up to comfortable and comforting design. With this trend, prints and patterns encompass a range of styles, reinforcing how interiors connect to fashion. Mixing classic elegance with sleek vintage shapes is refining the concept of polished comfort. To achieve the look, curate pieces in heritage shapes and patterns, along with retro accents. Be sure to incorporate vintage lighting and glass, as well.
A versatile color choice like Darkroom, the 2023 Color of the Year from HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams, is an alluring shade that is classic enough for heritage interiors but also modernly retro for a throwbackinspired aesthetic. It’s a neutral perfect for creating an eclectic yet modern look inside and out. Indoors, use it on the walls to offset more earthy brown and taupe tones in your furnishings and textiles.
Get inspired to combine the past with the present for a comforting design that’s all your own atthgtvhomebysherwinwilliams. com.
Today’s homeowners are also increasingly interested in biophilic design and bringing the outdoors in, which prompts a conservatory aesthetic in home design. To achieve the look, design your space to make maximum use of natural light in creative ways. Incorporate large potted trees and statement plants that blur the lines between indoors and outdoors.
Source: HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams
(StatePoint) The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every aspect of people’s lives and, as it turns out, it also impacted their feelings about financial security and life in surance. In a national survey commissioned by Erie Insur ance:
• Two-thirds of respondents (66%) said the pandemic made them more con cerned about their financial security than they were be fore.
• Sixty-one percent said the pandemic made them more con cerned about how their fam ily would be
taken care of financially if they became seriously ill or worse and could no longer provide for them.
• Half (49%) said the pandemic made them question whether they had the right type and amount of life insurance as part of their overall plan for fi -
2+ Acre Real Estate
Saturday * October 22, 2022 * 11:00 A.M.
Location: 100 Berriman Hollow Road, Muncy, Pa 17756. From South Main Street turn onto New Street follow .5 miles turn onto Muncy Exchange Road follow approx. 2 miles turn right onto Berriman Hollow Road. Real Estate is on the right. Watch for signs on auction day.
Real Estate Listing: This is a 3 bedroom/2.5 bath home located on 2+ acres in the Muncy School Dis trict in Lycoming County. The first floor has a spa cious eat-in kitchen, a large living room, 1 full bath and 1bedroom with 1/2 bath, laundry room. The sec ond floor has two bedrooms and a full bath w/jacuzzi tub. There is a front porch and large side deck with above ground pool, 2 car unattached garage and a nice cement block barn at far end of property (good for horse or animals). This home is located in a great country setting and located only 3 miles from town. Home sold “As Is”, does need remolding. The seller is highly motivated and needs to get property sold. So don’t miss out on this great investment real estate!! Check out Auctionz ip.com Seller #4038 for More info and Pictures.
Please contact Voneida’s Auction Service for a personal tour of the home and property. Call Dan Voneida at 570-447-6480
Terms: 4% Buyer’s Premium, 10% Down on auction day, Balance in 60 days. Owner has reserved the right to accept or reject any or all bids if they wish to do so. Any inspections can be done prior to auction day at buyer’s expense. All oral announcements on auction day supersede all printed material. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible in case of any accidents.
Owner: Ross Yagel Estate
Executor: Rene’ Empie
Dan Voneida - Auctioneer -
nancial security, and a quarter (25%) contacted their insur ance agent about it.
If you’re among those who want to make sure your family is tak en care of in the event something unexpected happens to you, but you aren’t sure where to start, here are three ques tions to ask your insurance agent:
1. How do I know whether I need life insurance? If you have family members or loved ones who depend on your income, it is a good idea to have life insurance to ensure they will be taken care of. The mortgage on your house, your child’s college tuition, car loans, and funds for your final expenses are just a few things that can be paid for
with money from your life in surance policy. Even if no one depends on your income, it still may make sense to get a life insurance policy to cover your final expenses and debts — in cluding student loans.
2. How do I figure out how much life insurance to get? There are several factors to consider, including the
You must renew your ad every 2 issues for it to run in the next issue. And it MUST be written. Ads are not taken by phone. We may be data basing the ad, if so, you will not get a new number each time.
Please note that no ads for alternative lifestyles will be placed anymore.
Ads will be placed according to publisher’s discretion.
Must be 18 or over to use this column.
If you send us an ad to run in this section, you must include your real name and address or we will not be able to print your ad. No one ever knows who you are except for the person who handles the replies in my office. Thank you for understanding in this simple matter.
Did you meet someone or go further with your relationship? We want to know. Send us your testimonial.
Testimonials: (Looking for some new comments of success)
Fall 1991 and January 1992 Testimonials: My cousin and his new wife (both in their early 40’s) were visiting my mom, my sister, and I. My sister asks, “So, how did you meet?” They kind of giggled and asked each other, “Should we tell them?” They said they met through the LBYL column. My sister and I decided we would try our fare at meeting “Mr. Right”. (BTW, my cousin and his wife are still married and hopelessly in love.) My sister didn’t have much luck, but in January 1992, I saw this ad that kept drawing my attention. As described, he really wasn’t what I was looking for, but... We met later that month for the first time; got engaged in 1993 and married in 1994. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary this October and we have a 23-year-old daughter who lives out of state. Thank you, LBYL! Mr. & Mrs. J.N.
4/4/17 Testimonial: I placed an ad 1/2/94 and met the love of my life. He has 3 boys and I have 3 girls. We were married 8/26/95 and now we’re the Brady Bunch. Thanks for helping us find each other. KP/DP
I will always be grateful to your paper Valley Trader. My husband DH wrote to me and we have been happily married almost 12 wonderful years. We’ve been through many trials and joys and so glad we found each other. K.W/K.H.
“Thanks Again Valley Trader, Friends! Years ago I put an ad in your paper and we were married almost 20 years & then our lord called him home.” -HR
“My brother met his wife Bonnie through your column. They have a son named Jake!
He’s our pride and joy!” –CW L.B.Y.L. Readers: It would help a lot if you put your town location in your ad. Distance is important when replying to an ad. Thanks. – The Valley Trader
PLEASE RESPOND – We have had several people who have responded to personals in our column, and received no response in return. We would like to request that you send at least a post card to each and every response you receive, just out of courtesy to those taking the time to write you. Also, don’t forget to include either a phone number or address in your letter when responding to an ad.
Tired of not meeting that special someone at work, at the bar, or wherever you have been looking? Look no further than Look Before You Leap men and woman our other supporting single services. We want to help you! What do you have to lose? Just your loneliness. So do it. Send in your ad or send in a response. See directions at beginning of section on how to be a part of the Look Before You Leap.
Regular: PA Romantic WtM, 69 - 62 - 200. Looking for a woman who likes camping, flea markets, dining out, having fun. I have a good sense of humor. Photo, phone. JB26836 11/21
SWtM, mid 60’s, 5’7”, excellent health, active, nonsmoker, no drugs, financially secure, homeowner. Looking for female, 40’s to 60’s, date, travel, fun, adventures. Like outdoor, home projects, Nascar, much more. MS26889 10/31
Looking for my Teddy Bear, I’ll be your kitten. This John 3:16 Christian Wt. Lady (70) has many interests: writing, art, nature, nutrition & cooking. Let me make your favorite meal! I’ll respect you and hopefully make you smile. Non-smoker please. Kindness a must. Phone friend OK for now. Disabilities OK as well. KO26897 4/5/23
SFIC, Single & lonely looking for intimate conversation, emails and a leader companion.
FIC, smart, funny, beautiful, loving, looking for someone to talk, laugh & have fun with. Long hair, big hazel eyes, thick in all the right places.
FIC, looking for friendship, someone to share things with. A companion to share thoughts & to listen, & enjoy each other’s company.
LSBFIC, Looking for personal friend & possible relationship. Beautiful, intelligent, vivacious woman.
Love the outdoors, cooking &
romance. AM26885IC
WtFIC, 5’8”, curvy, athletic body, big boobs, fat butt. Are you my Mr. Right? Seeking an older, outdoorsy, adventurous, calm, soft spoken love bug.
SWtFIC, 39, 5’3”-155, love doing anything outdoors, fun & loveable. Looking to get to know someone.
FIC, 35, only few months left of incarceration. Would love to find someone to spend my time with & have relations with. I’m caring, self motivated, determined & outgoing. My faults are that I am a people pleaser & food pusher. Looking for someone for the long term. AR26888IC
FIC, 36, intelligent, outgoing, loves chocolate covered strawberries, high heels, & thunderstorms. Also male & female. MH26889IC
FIC, smart, sassy, fun loving, sexy Italian, big hazel eyes, long black hair looking to laugh, talk, & build something real. JB26890IC
FIC, single & ready. Looking for great conversation & a long time companion. TM26891IC
WtFIC. 5’9”, curvy, athletic body, big boobs, fat butt. Are you my Mr. Right?
Seeking an older, outdoorsey, adventurous, calm, soft spoken love bug. SR26892IC
SFIC, mixed, 33, Christian, curly hair, tan skin with freckles. Looking for companion. Loves music, takes the time for me. Must be kind, honest & respectful. CH26893IC
SWtFIC, 39, 5’6”, very long blonde hair, blue eyes, 155 lbs. Looking for pen pal, maybe more. Enjoy music, outdoors, being spontaneous. JB26894IC
FIC, looking to find someone who can help me pass my time here. TM26895IC
FIC, Hispanic, 35, 4 months left to do. Looking for a companion to start a new life with. I welcome female or male serious inquires only. CT26896IC
FIC, seeking an older, outdoorsy, calm, gentle, love bug. I am independent, a homebody. 5’9”, athletic body, caring, kind, freaky in bed.
SFIC, 45 year old, blue-eyed, well proportioned woman who is kind, caring, & fun. Seeking an older, outdoorsy, adventurous man. LH26899IC SFIC, smart, sassy, intelligent, funny Italian, big hazel eyes, long dark hair, huge breasts, thick in all the right places. Looking for that someone. JB26900IC
SWtFIC looking for pen pal, possibly more. I enjoy the outdoors, music, & spending time with family & friends.
FIC, 5’6”-150, Pecan complexion, Mixed Carri/ Iland, 40, enjoy nice things, quiet, relaxed dinners. Can cook, very curvy, pretty. Will
be leaving to freedom in less than 60 days. Going to the Williamsport Area. Love older men, race very open. I love the Lord and all will be well.
SFIC, mixed tan skin, curly hair, beautiful, 33, Christian. Seeks kind, honest, respectful companion who will take time for me. I’m soon to be released. CH26903IC
FIC, Contact me if you are looking for a friend. You also can follow me on instagram. TM26904IC
FIC, beautiful “one of a kind girl” that loves having a good time. Looking for a man willing to get to know me & possibly meet on the outside. CB26905IC
FIC, 35, looking for a companion, male or female, to start a serious relationship with. I’m finishing time for my 3rd DUI. So someone in Recovery would be a must with hard work ethics that is just as honest as I am with a good heart. I miss having someone to love & share all my time with. So if you find yourself lonely & want to take care of someone else as much as I would want to take care of you, please write. AR26906IC
FIC, looking for someone who can keep good conversation, likes to laugh & can help make these next couple of months go by so maybe we can link up in the future. I’m fun size & always down for a good time. Food, drinks, travel, shopping, sports, & gambling. CF26907IC
SFIC, Latino, 38, 5’-115, long black hair, hazel eyes. Looking for a romantic relationship. Preferably someone that is self sufficient & loves to have a good time, travel, & spend time with their partner. CB26908IC
SWtFIC, looking for companionship. Open minded, great sense of humor, fun to be with. Loving, affectionate, adventurous, honest, & loyal. I will send pictures when you write. HS26909IC
FIC, 25, 5’1”-160, long brown hair, brown eyes, chanky eyes. Looking for a good friend. Somebody I can talk to. If you write me, I would send you some pictures. I come home next year. Get to know me. I’m very sweet. BS26910IC SWtFIC, seeking man for good times. I’m creative, fun, attractive, kind. Need promising man who’s kind, outgoing & free.
SWtFIC, 58, 5’6”-124, looking for a friend, companion, someone to share with. If you need a friend, please write.
FIC, seeking man, kind, happy. I am attractive, helpful, entertaining, amorous woman. Need great company. Local inmate who needs outside support. EK26913IC SWtFIC, seeking S/D who’s generous, willing, able, happy, hardworking, attentive, & loving for local, soon
released, attractive & kind also. KE26914IC
Hello World! I would like to introduce myself, a young 47 year old SWtFIC, who has no problem being outgoing. I’m looking for a friend.
FIC, 40, long dark black/ brown hair, dark brown eyes, 130 lbs. Mixed with Mexican/Irish & a few other races. I have 2 kids & a little dog. I love nature walks, camping, & being on or by the water. Looking for support, friendship & a charming smile.
SWtFIC, seeking sweet, generous, kind, supportive gentleman for amorous, conscious, aspiring, creative hedonistic woman. Love pleasure, travel, music, fun, outdoors, dining, mountains.
FIC, Smart, sexy, fun, good sense of humor, long dark hair, hazel eyes. Loves to laugh. Looking for good conversations & a good time.
WdWtFIC, 61, looking for a white man around the same age. I need a pen pal & friendly companion. EF26919IC
FIC, looking to correspond by mail or phone for fun & good company. My charges are not violent or drug related. Just bored & lonely. SP26920IC
FIC, soon released. Attractive, energetic, healthy, fun, exciting &attentive woman .Seeking support, TLC, friendship, all things good. KE26921IC
SWtFIC, 5’9”, blonde/ brown eyes, athletic build, 33, outgoing, openminded, extremely loving. Enjoy trying new things, caring personality. Seeking a lover/compaion.
FIC, 25, lt. brown skin, 160 lbs. Have sexy lips, chanky eyes, 5’1”. A lil shorty but carry myself with a big heart. Looking for someone I can write & talk to & visit.
FIC, 48, long black hair/blue eyes, very outgoing, love to travel. Very positive person.
SWtFIC, Mistress seeking Mr. for care, comfort, support. Looking for a friend, lover & generous man. Write for details. KE26925IC
FIC, 30, tall, thick, short brown hair. Love music, have tattoos, nose & tongue pierced, from Milton. Enjoy 4 wheeling, outdoors, camping, fishing, arts & crafts. Love food, & swimming.
SWtFIC looking to get to know any males, 36-45. I’m 39, black hair, blue eyes, 5’3”160. Just a few months left here. Just trying to get to know someone better. LA26921IC
SWtFIC, seeking supportive men with the capacity for making me a sugar baby. I’m attractive, attentive, amorous, available for release & companionship soon.
SBFIC, open to all conversation. I accept Jpay & Connect Network. TM26923IC
FIC, Italian Princess looking for her Prince. Smart, funny, loves to laugh & have good conversations. Dark hair, hazel eyes, thick in all the right places. JB26924IC
SWtF looking for older man. I’m 38, blonde hair, 5’7”170, outgoing & full of fun. Willing to make it long term. NB26925IC
FIC, Italian, 35, 5’8”-180, thick in all the right places. Have a 38 Double D chest & nice butt. Love music, movies, warm weather & the fall. Tacos are my favoite & anything pumpkin. Long brown/blonde hair, big brown eyes, tattoos. LW26926IC
Breast Cancer Survivors: How big was your lump?Local female inmate seeking information & letters of experience for purpose of making well informed decisions about treatment. Support & detail appreciated. KE26927IC
SWtFIC, attractive. I need a man to talk to, a mate and do special things for me. Preferably generous, older, kind, hardworking, happy. KE26928IC
SWtFIC, long black hair, hazle eyes, curvy & independent. Seeking older, kind, outdoorsy, calm man to share my days with. PM26929IC
SWtFIC, looking for outgoing, older gentleman to share time with. I’m very outgoing, independent, & loving. RB26930IC
SWtFIC, sweet, sexy, fun, easygoing, patient, open minded, tender, loving, affectionate, honest, loyal. Enjoy the outdoors. Will bring you pleasure & happiness. Looking for long term relationship. HS26931IC
WE DO NOT RUN ANY IC-LBYL ADS WITHOUT YOUR IDENTIFYING NUMBER. THESE MAILINGS ARE RETURNED BACK TO US, NON DELIVERABLE. ALSO YOU MUST SIGN UP MAIL FROM LBYL. Inmates, seems you may need to be on some kind of mailing list at the prison. Inquire at your place.
The Valley Trader would like to thank everyone who places an ad in this column and also the people who respond. The number of responses we have been receiving has been GREAT!!! If you meet that “special person” from communicating through our column, let us know. Did you marry? Are you dating? We would like to know! Write us a short note we can print. Of course, we’ll only print it with your initials.
ATTENTION: We have no control over where our Look Before You Leap ads arrive from, and being a free press, we will place them in our column.
for your loved ones to be cov ered throughout your lifetime.
Something else to take into account as you’re consider ing purchasing life insurance is the value it provides, even if you never actually need to use it. “One of the best reasons to get life insurance is that it sets your mind at ease to know that your loved ones will be taken
care of,” said Louis Colaizzo, senior vice president of Erie Family Life, Erie Insurance. “In fact, 44% of those who responded to our survey said the pandemic made them appreciate the peace of mind they get from having life insurance even more now than they did before.”
To learn more
about life insurance, contact your agent or visit erieinsur ance.com/life-insurance.
Amid the uncertainty created by the pandemic, consider channeling your concerns into action by creating a financial safety net for your loved ones.