paper!! People call me from all over. Last week I re ceived a call from Hawaii about one of my ads. LT Antiques - 2 Apartments for Rent - 04 Man looking for a 1 bedroom apart-
ment. Has a friendly medium size dog. Age 67 on disability so can pay up to $700 a month. Williamsport only. 570-974-1120. ufn Autos/Trucks - 07 53 Vehicles 1948 & up, $1,000 to $5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570538-3464. UFN Auto Accessories10
Four 23560R17, like new, $150.00. 570-966-4762. 1023 99 Buick; 88 Buick Engine Trany; 225 Dodge Engine; 5 Lug Aluminum Dodge Wheels; 87 Chevy 2.0 Trany. 570-850-4186. 10/23
570-966-6220. ufn
Clothing - 15
Farm & Garden23
PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Pa 17737
4 Firestone Tires 23565R16, 3/4 tread, $120.00;
Gabe Gush Owner
P: 570-584-2996
F: 570-584-2964 ib4675@centralpenn.biz
For sale parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570204-9626. ufn
Campers, Motor Homes, Rec.
Vehicles - 11 2012 18 1/2 Ft. Mirage Tandum Island Hobie Sail/ Yak Trailex Trailer Tramps. You can paddle, pedal, sail, $3,900.00. 570317-4965. 10/16
1995 Chariot Park Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/ loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer.
AC4 Row Wide
Head; Bale Elevators; NI Uni Pacts & Equipment etc.; Stick Welders; 323 NI Corn Picker; Field Cultivator; John Deere Choppers; Fuel Tanks; Oil Tank; GMC V6 Engine. 570-850-4186 10/23
Guns - 26
Savage 99, 38-55, pre war; Win 94, 38-55, pre war; WBY Mag. 257 NIB. 570-419-1077. 10/9
Help Wanted - 28
Wanted: Tall, attractive, country homeowner seeks Irish lady, 60-70’s for companion with drivers license. 570538-3464. 10/30
Experienced Sales
Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position,
Excavation Services
Sales & Service of Tecumseh and Power King
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer position. 2435 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a full-time position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@yahoo.com
Household/Furniture - 30 Floral Design Tile Top Coffee Table, $40; Glass Top Iron Bottom Coffee Table $20; Vintage Rocker $20; Wooden Tool Box, $15; Tall Solid Wood Secretary Desk, $90; Solid Wood Server, $45; All Wood Tall Armorie Cabinet, $35. 570-204-4516. 10/16 Oak Hutch, White Tile Table w/4 chairs; Hand painted Apple Jelly Cupboard; Mahogany Queen Bed, mattress, like new; never used Singer Portable Sewing Machine, accessories, never out of pkgs., carrying case. 570238-7355. 10/16/23
Pineapple Bed. 570-556-4344. 10/9
Inflatable 4 person Hot tub, some chemicals, $250.00; Coleman Coffee Table, 2 EndTables, $70.00 OBO; 2 Walkers, $10.00 OBO; Wooden Coat Rack, $10.00; Black Rollator, $75.00; Microwave Stand w/wheels, $10.00. 570-809-4267. 10/2
Miscellaneous - 35
Set of 4 matching Tires, size 275/60/20, good tread, $150; Toro Wheel Horse; 44” Mower, smokes, needs repair, $100; Large Dining Room Table mahogany with 4 chairs, solid wood, has scratches, $50. 570-204-4516. 10/16
MCA Water Treatment Tank (MM)10BY); Camp and Firewood; House Items - odds & ends, etc.; TV; 24” fire ring.
570-850-4186. 10/23
Books: Sports & Field, PA Angler, Outdoor Life, Field & Stream, PA Hunting & Trapping. 10/9
Black Stone Modern American Law Course. 570360-0077. 10/16
Antique John
Deere Back Hoe & 15 Feet of 6 inch
Steel Chimney thru the Roof Kit. 570360-0077. 10/16
Pets - 40
German Shepherd Puppies, white, 1 male, 2 female. Asking $350.00. 570452-6342 or 570-4525199 after 7 pm. 10/9
Find more information by visiting JewishFuturePledge. org.
Naming people who should inherit assets like life insurance policies or retirement accounts is something you may have completed long ago when creating those assets. However, it’s important to ensure the beneficiaries named align with your will to avoid conflict as designated beneficiaries often take precedence over a will, which could create confusion and legal headaches.
Establishing your estate plan is important for ensuring last wishes are met, but it’s also beneficial to revisit the plan regularly to update when necessary. For example, many people review their plans every couple of years or at major life events, such as the birth of a child or grandchild, marriage or divorce, purchasing a large asset, changing life insurance coverage and career changes.
Source: Jewish Future Pledge
1. *Bow Wow Wow’s “I ____ Candy”
5. Money source
8. *____’s Root Beer
11. Pelvic parts
12. Start of something big?
13. Round openings
15. RPM gauge
16. Cantina cooker
17. Car sound, to a toddler
18. *Ninepins namesake
20. Kiln for drying hops
21. They had
22. Division, abbr.
23. Informal wear
26. “Tail” on letter C
30. Kamakawiwo’ole’s strings
31. Real estate sale agreement
34. Denials
35. 9 a.m. prayer
37. Even, to a poet
38. *Desert plant harvested for sweet syrup
39. Forbidden
40. Quickly or slowly, e.g.
42. *Sweet ____ brew
43. Breathe in
45. Westernmost city in Germany
47. Soldier’s bed
48. Mensch, alt. sp.
50. Italian car brand
52. *Jolly livestock raisers?
55. Russia’s hard liquor
56. Ctrl + Z
57. Consumes food
59. Checks out
60. Famous French couturier (1905-1957)
61. Heavy Metal’s Quiet
62. Caustic soda
63. Newsman Rather
64. Kill, as in dragon
1. Clever humor
2. Unfortunately, exclamation
3. Actor Nolte
4. Island in French Polynesia
5. *Donut filler
6. Checked out
7. Bleats
8. Rocky & Bullwinkle and Mary Kate & Ashley, pl.
9. To a very great degree (2 words)
10. Not bright
12. Sacred choral compositions
13. Roundish
14. *Sweet tooth, technically
19. *___ Musketeers, spelled out
22. Drops at dawn
23. *____-Frutti
24. Highlander’s dagger
25. Sage and rosemary
26. *Scoop holder
27. Averse
28. “Drove my chevy to the ____”
29. Southeast Asian org.
32. Relinquish, as in property
33. Clergyman’s title, abbr.
36. *Single serving treat
38. Embarrass
40. Arthur, to friends
41. Hard feelings
44. I to Greeks, pl.
46. TV’s “Where everybody knows your name”
48. Opposite of depression
49. “____ ____ a high note”
50. Same as fogey
51. Inactive
52. “Ant-Man” leading actor
53. Not top-shelf in a bar
54. Greek portico
55. Radio knob, abbr.
58. Farm pen
fluctuations are the norm these days, and cold winter weather is on the horizon.
This winter, don’t get caught out in the cold when it comes to heating costs. There are things you can do now to help save money by reducing your energy consumption. Consider these tips from the experts at Carrier to help you reduce usage and home heating costs this season.
1. One of the easiest ways to save on your heating bill is turning the heat down to the lowest setting you are comfortable with. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, turning the temperature down an additional 10-15 F while you are sleeping or away can help save about 10% a year on energy costs.
2. Installing a programmable thermostat can make turning down the heat automatic. Depending on the model, you can set different temperatures for when you are home, away or asleep. Better yet, a WiFi-connected smart thermostat can make automatic adjustments and is controllable remotely using a smartphone.
3. Keep up with regular maintenance of your home heating system so it runs efficiently. Change your filter as recommended by the manufacturer and have a professional conduct an inspection and tune-up before the weather gets cold and appointments become harder to get. A dirty or clogged furnace filter can cause your furnace to work harder than needed and waste energy in the process. According to the experts at Carrier, regular, routine maintenance and cleaning can help your furnace run more efficiently and potentially extend its life.
4. The average life of a furnace is 15-20 years, so be prepared when it comes time to replace. Oftentimes, people wait to buy a new furnace until their current system breaks down and have to resort to buying what’s in stock. Planning ahead lets you shop for a system that’s right for your home and preferences. Right now may be a good time to consider replacing your aging furnace with available manufacturer promotions, energy company incentives and tax credits associated with the Inflation Reduction Act.
5. If you replace your furnace, consider switching to a high efficiency model. They offer a higher level of comfort and energy cost savings. Many homeowners are opting for higher efficiency heat pumps, units that handle both heating and cooling. They are powered by electricity and a growing choice for consumers who want to use less fossil fuels. For example, Carrier’s award-winning Infinity line is among the most energy efficient on the market and operates down to -15 F.
6. Check for drafts around doors, windows and other openings. Seal with caulk or weatherstripping. Also ensure your home is insulated properly. Some utility companies offer to check your home’s insulation for free. Having less cold air to heat
can yield considerable cost savings. Being prepared for cold weather can help save money in the long run. Find more tips at Carrier.com/Residential. #16811
Source: Carrier
(Family Features) Regardless of your age, it’s never too early to plan your estate and ensure last wishes are met. Estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy - it’s a process that allows you to determine how your assets are bequeathed and managed upon incapacitation or death.
Aiming to promote cultural preservation and secure funds for Jewish institutions, the Jewish Future Pledge is a global initiative empowering families to discuss the importance of estate planning, including why patriarchs and matriarchs should ensure charitable
giving continues after their passing. The organization estimates $68 trillion will be transferred to the next generation over the next 25 years with around 20% of this wealth coming from Jewish donors.
Discuss these basic estate planning steps with your loved ones and
consider consulting an attorney for individual guidance.
Although not typically legally binding, preparing a letter of final wishes allows you to share information and requests, like funeral arrangements, which often fall outside of the will. It may also include an explanation of will provisions or suggestions for how funds you’ll leave behind should be used.
individuals promise that 50% or more of the funds intended for charity will be earmarked for Jewish charities or Israel.
Taking the pledge means individuals can ensure their legacy aligns with their values and clarifies their intentions after passing. For those who already donate to Jewish causes, the pledge acts as a beacon to others to make the same commitment.
Jewish social media influencer and entrepreneur Elizabeth “Lizzy” Savetsky, who became the 15,000th person to commit to the initiative. “In taking this step, I’m fiercely determined to safeguard the rich values and time-honored traditions that have shaped my identity and the lives of countless others.”
Continued page 4
A legally binding last will and testament is often considered the most important aspect of estate planning. This involves naming guardians for minor children and pets, listing all property, designating people and organizations that should receive assets, directing funds to charities and naming an executor.
As part of will creation and estate planning, consider charitable causes you’d like to support after passing. Talking with loved ones can be a way to gather input on important causes, and those conversations can act as a springboard for generations to support a particular cause or organization, based on their shared values.
The Jewish Future
Pledge asks Jews and their allies to prioritize these intergenerational conversations as they can be catalysts for families to include Jewish causes and Israel in their estate planning to ensure the future of Jewish people. By signing the pledge,
“Signing the Jewish Future Pledge is more than just an act - it’s a deeply rooted, emotional declaration of my unwavering dedication to my cherished community,” said
You must renew your ad every 2 issues for it to run in the next issue. And it MUST be written. Ads are not taken by phone.
Please note that no ads for alternative lifestyles will be placed anymore. Ads will be placed according to publisher’s discretion.
Must be 18 or over to use this column.
If you send us an ad to run in this section, you must include your real name and address or we will not be able to print your ad. No one ever knows who you are except for the person who handles the replies in my office. Thank you for understanding in this simple matter.
Did you meet someone or go further with your relationship? We want to know. Send us your testimonial.
Testimonials: (Looking for some new comments of success)
Fall 1991 and January 1992 Testimonials: My cousin and his new wife (both in their early 40’s) were visiting my mom, my sister, and I. My sister asks, “So, how did you meet?”
They kind of giggled and asked each other, “Should we tell them?” They said they met through the LBYL column. My sister and I decided we would try our fare at meeting “Mr. Right”.
(BTW, my cousin and his wife are still married and hopelessly in love.) My sister didn’t have much luck, but in January 1992, I saw this ad that kept drawing my attention. As described, he really wasn’t what I was looking for, but... We met later that month for the first time; got engaged in 1993 and married in 1994. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary this October and we have a 23-year-old daughter who lives out of state. Thank you, LBYL! Mr. & Mrs. J.N.
4/4/17 Testimonial: I placed an ad 1/2/94 and met the love of my life. He has 3 boys and I have
3 girls. We were married 8/26/95 and now we’re the Brady Bunch. Thanks for helping us find each other.
I will always be grateful to your paper Valley Trader. My husband DH wrote to me and we have been happily married almost 12 wonderful years. We’ve been through many trials and joys and so glad we found each other. K.W/K.H.
“Thanks Again Valley Trader, Friends! Years ago I put an ad in your paper and we were married almost 20 years & then our lord called him home.” -HR
“My brother met his wife Bonnie through your column. They have a son named Jake! He’s our pride and joy!” –CW
L.B.Y.L. Readers: It would help a lot if you put your town location in your ad. Distance is important when replying to an ad. Thanks. –
The Valley Trader
PLEASE RESPOND – We have had several people who have responded to personals in our column, and received no response in return. We would like to request that you send at least a post card to each and every response you receive, just out of courtesy to those taking the time to write you. Also, don’t forget to include either a phone number or address in your letter when responding to an ad.
Tired of not meeting that special someone at work, at the bar, or wherever you have been looking? Look no further than Look Before You Leap men and woman our other supporting single services. We want to help you! What do you have to lose? Just your loneliness. So do it. Send in your ad or send in a response. See directions at beginning of section on how to be a part of the Look Before You Leap.
1. Write your letter to the person of interest. Be sure to put a way to contact in
CHRISTIAN WOMAN. DWtCM, nonsmoker, healthy, 70, looks like 50, 6’0”, blue eyes, gray hair, sensitive, kind, caring,
loving, gentle, likes many things, prefers fine arts. Send recent photo.
GD26992 11/20
SWtFIC, fun, flirty & sexy, upbeat, very loyal & honest with lots of love to give. Seeks kind, loving & genuine man and a forever home. HC27033IC
SWtFIC, 56, salt & pepper, widow, looking for a chance at love again. I’m fun, free & ready to mingle. Serious responses only.
WtFIC, looking for an older gentleman to hold me tight, enjoy my cooking, cleaning and enjoy flea markets, yard sales & country living. MR27035IC
SWtFIC, green eyes, long auburn hair, soon to be released. Will relocate. Spontaneous adventure seeker. Love to travel. Seeking dependable fun loving, loyal, open minded man. JS27036IC
FIC. Are you lonely? Do you need a friend? Would you like someone to communicate with? I would like to hear from you.
SWtFIC, 58, looking for a friend, possibly a relationship. Will relocate if need be. Irish & Indian, funny & very lovable.
FIC, Looking for a friend? Well here’s me. 48 yrs. young & looking for someone that’s honest & lovable. Is there any good men still out there?
FIC, sexy, Italian Princess looking for that someone to laugh with, talk to, willing to try new things. Willing to relocate. Come find me. JB27040IC
FIC, 48 yrs. young, looking for an older gentleman to cuddle & explore. Hopefully more. Let me bring out your spontaneous side. MR27041IC
SWtFIC seeking very nice, kind, caring man, preferably older to visit me & for affection, kind, loving care. Needs computer skills.
SWtFIC, 33, blue-green eyes. Funny, easygoing, down for anything, very bubbly personality. Looking for someone to correspond with, talk on the phone, visit. AB27043IC
SWtFIC, kind, attractive, fun & bubbly, looking for a nice guy to keep in touch with me & write or visit me. I’m down for anything.
Help Wanted: FIC, very attractive, non felonious type inmate. Getting out soon. I want to make new friends. Write now.
Pansexual FIC, I have a beautiful, loving heart. Seeking pen pal with similar energy. LH27046IC
SWtFIC, fun, sexy, affectionate, loyal, understanding, romantic, adventurous. Seeking LTR, 50+. I come with smiles & undeniable warmth that will grow as we grow closer. CS27047IC
FIC, looking for an older gentleman to hold me tight & enjoy my cooking. I enjoy flea markets & country living. MR27048IC FIC, I am a live adult fun female. I want fun to be loved, happy & make new friends. Come see me. Write now. KE27049IC
SBFIC, 42, interested in intellectual companionship, enjoy to stimulate the brain in many ways, allowing me to stroke their ego. Mental foreplay. Can our personalities mingle? DP27050IC
SWtFIC, 58, Irish & Indian looking for love. I’m funny. Love being outside, flowers, gardening, love animals. Serious replies only. I am willing to relocate for love.
BK27051IC SFIC, Single lady looking for a friend, companionship. I’m caring and easy to get along with. If you would like a friend, please write. Enclose name & address. P27052IC FIC, Dirty Blonde, browneyed beauty, adventurous, outgoing. Willing to please & learn & try anything.
Seeks enticing, passionate man with a huge frisky appetite. HC27053IC
FIC, adventurous hottie looking for her special package. I’m a very sexual girl looking for her next big adventure. Can I take it with you? Are you the spark that will light my fire? Try me.
FIC looking for someone new & fun. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, movies.
Also a bit of an adrenaline junky. Will try anything twice. I have a lot of energy. Looking for someone to share it with.
SWtFIC looking for penpals, someone like me, smart, sense of humor, optimistic, outgoing, friendly, honest, loyal, positive, high in spirit.
FIC, lonely girl looking for romance. Adores animals & loves outdoors. Adventurous, fun loving & spontaneous. Willing to try anything. Take the lead and convince me. KG27057IC FIC, 33, looking for an older man who likes the outdoors & likes to travel & spend money. Hope to hear from someone soon.
FIC, sexy, seductive, Italian Princess loves to laugh. Looking for good conversation, friendship that could be more. Willing to relocate for that right someone. JB27059IC
SWtFIC, looking for long lasting friendships/ relationships. Someone who has the same interests/ qualities as me. Friendly, genuine, fun, outgoing, honest, humorous.
SWtIC lady. Looking for love. Would love to talk. Do you need someone in your life? If so, please write. Enclose name & address.
FIC. Beautiful, Italian woman, long dark hair, big hazel eyes. Loves to laugh & talk. Looking for that special someone. Willing to relocate for that one. JB27062IC
SFIC, 26, looking for someone to be my pen pal. I don’t have any friends or family to be in contact with. It’s really lonely & depressing not having anything to look forward to during my stay here. I’m a very positive person looking for somone that’s going to write me constantly. DS27063IC
FIC, sexy, Italian woman loves to laugh, talk & have fun. Looking for that special one. Big breasts, small frame, long hair, willing to relocate. JB27064IC
FIC, 5’3”, curvaceous, long auburn hair, deep brown eyes, loving, attentive, fun. In search of
mature, dependable, stable, caring, compassionate man to connect and build a relationship. FJ27065IC
FIC, 5’6”, curves in all the right places, long blonde hair, 180, outgoing, love having fun. Looking for a relationship. JM27066IC SFIC, Albanian, 35, no kids, never married, exotic, sexy, fun, loyal, family oriented, hard working, dependable. Soon to be released. Willing to relocate. GM27067IC SWtFIC, 35, 5’4”-145, nice to the eye. Seeking a friend, maybe more. Outgoing & romantic, who I can grow with. SL27068IC SWtFIC, 5’9”, hazel eyes/ chestnut-red long hair, 36. Looking for friend/ relationship to explore the world, be happy & respected & receive & give love & loyalty. Love outdoors. HH27069IC SBFIC, sassy, classy always happy enjoys company of others who show the same loyalty & respect. Looking for supportive friend/ relationship to grow into . HH27070IC WE DO NOT RUN ANY IC-LBYL ADS WITHOUT YOUR IDENTIFYING NUMBER. THESE MAILINGS ARE RETURNED BACK TO US, NON DELIVERABLE. ALSO YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR MAIL FROM LBYL. Inmates, seems you may need to be on some kind of mailing list at the prison. Inquire at your place.
The Valley Trader would like to thank everyone who places an ad in this column and also the people who respond. The number of responses we have been receiving has been GREAT!!! If you meet that “special person” from communicating through our column, let us know. Did you marry? Are you dating? We would like to know! Write us a short note we can print. Of course, we’ll only print it with your initials. ATTENTION: We have no control over where our Look Before You Leap ads arrive from, and being a free press, we will place them in our column.
keep packages secure, a smart doorbell will keep you updated on all activities in front of your home. From trick-or-treaters to carolers, you can easily view (and communicate) with your visitors, even if you aren’t home.
2. Decorate carefully. As pretty as those lights might be, they can be a tripping hazard. What’s more, overheating lights can trigger a fire in seconds, especially in a dry environment, such as near a parched tree. On Erie Insurance’s
YouTube channel, they show how fast a Christmas tree goes up in flames and have tips on how to avoid fires, including to check string lights for any frayed wires and to always turn off lights when you aren’t home.
3. Prepare for the unexpected. As temperatures drop, prepare your home for potential damage. Bad weather can trigger a weak tree to fall, potentially on your house, while cold temperatures can cause frozen pipes, which could cost thousands of dollars in water damage if the pipes burst. Be sure to keep your homeowners insurance up to date so you are prepared should any seasonal damage occur. To prevent that damage and a costly claim, survey your property and even call-in experts to check trees, pipes and other
possible hazards.
4. Stay safe on the road. The winter season carries driving risks. Not only may roads be slick and icy, but holiday shoppers are often stressed and frazzled. On roads, and particularly in shopping centers and mall parking lots, slow down and stay alert to avoid a fender-bender. As an added precaution, be sure to keep your auto insurance up to date in case of damage. Your insurance company might offer options to help you tighten your wallet during an expensive season. For example, Erie Insurance offers convenient bundling of car and home insurance to potentially save you money.
5. Mingle merry--and safely. Holiday parties can be fun, but make sure you have a plan for getting home safely. And if you’re hosting the party, be aware that in most states party hosts can be held liable for their guests’ actions behind the wheel. So be sure your guests have a safe ride home.
6. Be smart online. If you’d rather keep your comfy pants on and do your holiday
shopping online, be aware of where your data might be susceptible and only shop on reputable sites. An ERIE’s homeowner policy includes identity recovery coverage that can help you if you are the unfortunate victim of identity fraud.
Whether you are having a party or going on a shopping
spree, being safe and prepared for the holidays is key to avoiding any accidents, injuries and incidents.
- excludes wood pellets, harnesses, repairs
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