I love The Valley Trader!!! I have been able to sell so many things through this little paper!! People call me from all over. Last week I received a call from Hawaii about one of my ads. LT Autos/Trucks07
condition. 570337-4619. ufn Truck Caps for sale. 570494-0444, call for details. ufn For sale parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570204-9626. ufn
Wanted to Trade: 72 Ford
Show Car for Ford Truck F15, 30.2 5 spd. Fewer than 90,000 mi, air. Anytime. Sunbury 570286-7849. ufn
Auto/Truck Accessories - 10
Rear Spoiler fits Chev. Cobolt and Pontiac GS, excellent
Campers, Motor Homes, & Rec. Vehicles - 11 1995 Chariot Park Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer. 570966-6220. ufn
Guns - 26 1893 Marlin 3855 Rifle, leather $985.00; Savage Bolt Action, Model 100 w/3x9 Tasco Scope, 30-06, $545.00; Chop Saw, $45.00; Harley Davidson Leather Jacket, like new, XXL, $55.00. 570742-4312. 3/20
lead to a fulltime position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted28
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 Sales Rep Wanted: Expand-
ing sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer position. 24-35 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may
15 Older Large Wooden Model Airplanes & others. 717545-9289. 4/10
2005 Suzuki Burgman, runs good. $900.00. 570648-0437. 3/27
2001 Honda Gold Wing, 1800, Reverse, Triked CSC, 570658-2719. 3/20
The Fremont Fire Department will be having a Rabies Clinic on Sat., April 15 from 1-3 PM at the Fremont Fire Station, 8641 Route 104 Mt. Pleasant Mills. Only Rabies vaccines are available for $12 each. Provided by the Furry Friends Animal Clinic. Benefits the Fremont QRS. 4/10
The Fremont Fire Department will be having an AYCE Ham & Chicken Pot Pie Dinner on Sat., April 8 from 4 PM to 6 PM at the Fremont Social Hall, 299 Millrace Rd., Mount Pleasant Mills. The meal includes Ham or Chicken Pot Pie, Harvard Beets, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Dessert & Drink. Adults $12, Children 5-11, $6. All you can eat or takeout. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. 4/3
The Fremont Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Sat., April 8 at 10 AM at the Fremont Social Hall, 299 Millrace Rd., Mt. Pleasant Mills.
Bring your own basket. Questions or if you would like to contribute candy call 717-543-7281.4/3
The 15th Annual Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies Consignment Auction will be held on Sat., April 29 at the Snyder County Produce Auction, 6130 Susquehanna Trail, Port Trevorton. Consignments and donations accepted Fri., April 28, 8 AM to 8 PM. Benefits the Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Compnies and Christian Aid Ministries. For more info or to list something on the sale bill call 570-374-0201. Sale bill advertising deadline is March 20. For a full sale bill when it becomes available visit fremontfd. com http://fremontfd.com/ 4/24
Tickets will go on sale April 1 for the 1st Annual Fremont Gift Card Bingo to be held on Sat., May 20. Event will be held at the Fremont Fire Station, 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills, Doors open at 3 PM and Bingo will begin at 5 PM. Tickets are $20 each and include 20 regu-
lar games. Only 300 tickets will be sold. Over $2,500 in prizes indluding Gift Cards, Cash, and Door Prizes. There will also be 4 special games and side raffles running throughout the evening. Message us on Facebook (facebook.com/fremontfire100 (http://faceboook.com/ fremontfire100 or visit our website (fremontfd.com (http://fremontfd.com/) or call 570-539-8230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. 5/15 First Presbyterian Church, Watsontown. Fellowship Hall. Grief Share: Sunday, MGrief Share: Sunday, March 12 & 26, 4:30 pm. Grief Share from a Christian perspective. Grief can come from many different life experiences and can affect each of us differently. Sharing it can reduce the burden. Come and meet others going through similar experiences and learn some coping mechanisms, as well as make new friends. 3/20
(BPT) - From the paint on your front door to the pillows on your porch swing, your home’s exterior provides a canvas for colorfully expressing
your style. But a big opportunity to leverage the power of color is often overlooked. Representing as much as 40% or even more of a home’s exterior, your home’s roof not only protects against the elements but can serve as a defining design
element-particularly when color is considered.1
Today’s shingle colors go well beyond conventional shades of gray, brown and black. For example, new color palettes in the Owens Corning TruDefinition® Duration® Designer Shingle range include a rich, sensory blend of hues evoking nature’s elements, food and libations, and textiles ranging from leather to metallics. Paired with other exterior elements like paint, siding, landscaping and lighting, roof shingles can pull together a vibe reflecting diverse personal styles.
A good example of this versatility can be seen in Midnight Plum, the 2023 Shingle Color of the Year. Inviting and intriguing, the shingle blends inky blues with regal violet shades and elegant touches of silver to achieve a hue that is distinctive yet versatile. Before you say, “my home’s roof
can’t do purple,” let’s look at three examples of how Midnight Plum complements different exterior styles.
Modern Farmhouse. A curated style board available at OwensCorning. com reinvents the familiarity of Farmhouse style. The design board sets shades of charcoals against a rolling green landscape, bringing an element of edginess to traditional design. A subtle hint of lilac softens the look and enhances the violet undertones in the shingle.
Traditional. Like coming home, the traditional style feels classic and welcoming. Set against the airy brightness of a pop of coral, Midnight Plum’s elegant purple tones bring an optimistic blush to the exterior. Combining clean, time-honored shades of blue and gray, Midnight Plum brings a current day accent to a look firmly grounded in tradition. Homeowners can find more ideas to inspire their own take on traditional style with a curated style board for traditional homes on the Owens Corning site.
California Bungalow. Location doesn’t limit this look named for the American Craftsman style that was nearly exclusive to California in the 1920s and ‘30s. The sloping roof of the bungalow provides a ready canvas for Midnight Plum to bring a cozy contrast to mellow neutrals and sweet purples. An inspiring style board shows how Midnight Plum complements the stone, tile and landscaping that make the California Bungalow style both elegant and homey.
Along with curated style boards, Owens Corning offers other color tools to help inspire your home’s exterior. For example, the Design EyeQ® visualization software allows you to upload a picture of your home and virtually “try on” new roof colors. And calling 1-800-GET-PINK allows you to order free color pairing brochures.
While your home’s roof is an ideal focal point for a color refresh, other elements also support beautiful exteriors. Light fixtures, landscaping and even the color of your porch furniture can all complement a home’s style. Similar to fashion, exterior color trends are always evolving. With versatility in mind, Owens Corning shingles are infused with a dimensional blend of colors to coordinate easily with exterior updates.
While fashion and design trends can come and go, the ultimate vote of confidence when it comes to a home’s style comes from homeowners. Since 2018, Owens Corning has been awarded the Women’s Choice Award®, as America’s most recommended roofing material brand.
Explore and get inspired by a range of shingle and color pairings at www.
1 Roofing & Home Value Research, online survey of female homeowners and real estate professionals conducted by Repass Research, October 31 thru November 9, 2016.
(BPT) - Spring is the perfect season for home improvement as it presents many opportunities for first-time homebuyers and experienced homeowners to be more thorough when it comes to maintenance. As the weather warms up, you’ll find plenty of indoor and outdoor projects that can improve the functionality of your home and boost its curb appeal while also avoiding unpleasant surprises.
“Many homeowners perform spring cleaning tasks to freshen up and declutter their homes, but it’s also crucial to tackle important maintenance tasks,” said Viviane Essex, merchant at The Home
Depot. “For most people, their home is their biggest investment. The Home Depot’s Home Services can help homeowners with routine repairs and installation projects that provide comfort, safety and most importantly, peace of mind.”
Don’t know where to start? The Home Depot’s Home Services has provided a helpful spring maintenance checklist. Here are three items you can check off your to-do list to make sure your home’s internal systems and external features run smoothly.
1. Schedule seasonal maintenance on your HVAC system
Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)systemiscrucialto keeping your home cozy in the winter and cool during the summer. Most systems have a lifetime of 10 to 20 years, and efficiency can drastically decrease as your
equipment gets older.
If your HVAC system is working harder and not performingaswellasitshould,itmaybetimetoreplaceit. Book a consultation with a certified professional who can inspect your existing system, make recommendations and give you an estimate for a new system. Not only will it help improve your home’s air quality, but it will also keep your family comfortable all season long.
2. Maintain, repair or replace your water heater
Water is used throughout your entire home, from showering and bathing to cooking and watering your lawn. To ensure you are using quality water, you’ll need to inspect, replace and repair your water heater.
Make sure to check “inspecting your water heater” off your spring cleaning list. Keep an eye out for any water buildup around your water heater, water-quality issues or small plastic pieces from your fixtures that can affect your water supply.
Also, look out for changes in water temperature or temperature duration, a broken pilot light, noise in your unit or pipes, or the smell of gas around your water heater. If you notice any of these signs, your water heater may be failing and need to be repaired or replaced.
3. Spruce up the outside of your home
The exterior of your home is just as important to inspect and repair as the interior. Your windows are an especially visible part of your home that need careful attention.
During winter, you may feel drafts or frequently see condensation on your windows. As the seasons change,
37 Ottawa Road, Danville.Pa. 17821
Saturday April 15, 2023 12:00 noon
you may notice cracking or peeling around window exteriors. These are signs that it may be time to replace your windows.
Sunday March 26th @ 10 AM 2246 Lebanon Valley Mall Lebanon, PA17042
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Saturday, March 25, 2023, Starting at 9am at 16722 US Rt. 15 Allenwood, PA. Small sixteen draw metal organizer- cheese boxes- Makita reciprocal saw- Evinrude 9.5 horsepower boat motor- large sixteen draw organizer- two wheel utility trailer- Harmon coal stove-advertising pencils (three)-advertising coin pouches ( one Herr’s Milling, Turbotville,Pa and one Tri-County Farm and Supply Company Jersey town, PA)-two thermometer advertising from Jamesway Brooder
Go to Auctionzip.com for pictures, lunch available, auc.on under tent, restrooms on sight, please bring a chair and a friend.
Auctioneer: Robert J. Enterline Questions Phone 570-412-2714
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Inch’s 3 Day Tag/Moving Sale
Thurs, Fri & Saturday, March 30, 31 & April 1, 9-4 daily
7809 Route 204, Winfield, PA 17889
(Located next to the Jackson Twnshp Municipal Bldg, 5 mi. NW. of Kratzerville, 2 mi. SE of New Berlin on Rt. #204) Guns-Hunting & Fishing Accessories-Pocket Knives-Antiques-Furniture-Appliances-Collectables-Coins
Trailers-Wdwrkng & Exercise Eqpmnt-Snowblower-Tiller-Generator-Power & Mechanics Tools
Note: All items are super clean, priced & sold as-is with no warranties applied. Terms—Cash or good PA check only, ID required. Full info & pics @ marquetteauctions.com, auctionzip.com ID1907 or GoToAuction.com ID6181. FFL gun transfer requirements will be followed. Owners not responsible for accidents. Selling the pp contents for Janet Inch.
Tom Marquette, AU-002855L, 570/916-6903
(Family Features) Picture this: You’ve purchased your home. You’re on the land you’ve dreamt about and you’ve got great ideas to turn your property into the personal oasis you’ve always wanted.
As you consider developing your land, building with environmentally sensitive choices becomes more important than ever. According to LightStream’s 9th Annual Home Improvement Trends Survey, more than 93% of homeowners see the benefits of undertaking renovations that
have positive environmental impacts. Yet, one of the top barriers to making eco-friendly upgrades is that people don’t know what to do (27%) nor where to begin (24%).*
As a first step, homeowners can take on renovations to make their existing home or building greener. Among the many smaller-scale eco-projects are new insulation,
HVAC systems, lighting or appliances.
“One popular upgrade is installing custom windows and doors that are thermally broken, meaning they’re designed to keep out cold or hot temperatures,” said Sean Cain, president of Morton Buildings, a specialized construction company with decades of experience in ecoconscious construction. “It’s a big improvement that is not only energy-efficient, but it will immediately impact the overall comfort of your building and save money on energy expenses.”
Reflecting larger visions, the survey also found that many homeowners are thinking outside the home itself, enhancing their properties by adding a separate garage, hobby shop, barn, office or accessory dwelling unit.
“Today’s homeowners are looking for a solid property improvement investment as well as construction specialists with the unique knowledge and know-how to deliver ecofriendly best practices and sustainable products,” said Todd Nelson, senior vice president at LightStream, an online lending division of Truist Bank.
In addition to return on investment and environmentally sustainable upgrades, homeowners are also increasingly interested in the longevity of their improvement projects.
including construction of ancillary buildings on their property,” Cain said. “Post-frame buildings with steel exteriors have advantages both for longevity and recyclability whereas shingle roofs or vinyl siding may need replacement more frequently, which often results in additional waste that cannot be recycled. Moreover, they
have protective benefits as well, helping to mitigate inclement weather and extreme climate events. Most of all, their design flexibility makes them modern and stylish.”
“People today are keenly interested in the long-term sustainability of their building decisions
This spring, book a window replacement. Windows should be inspected by a licensed professional every 2025 years to see if they need to be replaced. No matter what windows you choose, a new highqualitywindowwiththick, insulated glass is more energy efficient than older single-pane windows. Best of all, new windows can also improve your home’s appearance.
Another external item to inspect this spring is your garage door. You may not think your garage door needs regular maintenance, but just like a car, it needs regular tune-ups. Small issues can quickly turn expensive down the line. Also, some
garage door problems can pose a safety hazard and cause serious injury.
Depending on the age and condition of your garage door, it may be time to replace it. Replacing your garage door can improve the look of your home and increase its market value.
Finally, consider installing a new fence around your property. Fences provide privacy and security. They can help keep children and pets safe inside your yard, while also keeping out unwanted animals and trespassers. This decorative element also provides protection around an outdoor space, like a pool or garden.
For all your indoor and
outdoor spring-cleaning projects, you can find help at The Home Depot’s Home Services. Their installers can help you choose the material and style that best fits your property and needs.
All certified service providers are local, licensed, insured and background checked. To learn more and book appointments to spruce up your home this spring, visit HomeDepot.com/ Services.
1. Blood-related problem
5. Econ. measure
8. Blue
11. A perch for Christmas partridge?
12. Domain
13. Fill college entrance form
15. Archaic preposition
16. Chili seed
17. Ski run
18. *Swedish environmental activist
20. Makes lace
21. Pi meson, pl.
22. Digital map marker
23. *Rachel Carson’s “____ Spring”
26. Heater
30. “Wheel of Fortune” vowel request
31. Trouble, in Yiddish
34. Epochs
35. Type of single-story house
37. Noble title
38. Sandler and Driver
39. Not “out of”
40. Advice on shampoo bottle
42. *Pollinator of plants
43. ____ Cray, a.k.a. the father of supercomputing
45. *Earth Day founder
47. Benatar or Boone
48. Lacking clarity
50. Singer-songwriter Tori
52. *1969 Santa Barbara disaster
55. To some degree
56. Dig like a pig
57. Honoree’s spot
59. Apartments, e.g.
60. Swine and avian diseases
61. Primary source for Nordic mythology
62. Cash machine 63. It’s all the rage 64. Swallow’s house
1. PC “brain”
2. Christian fast
3. The Hippocratic one
4. Group of minstrels, e.g.
5. *Environmentally-friendly
6. Draws close
7. Spasm of pain
8. See him run?
9. “The Sound of Music” backdrop
10. Yellow #5 in list of ingredients
12. Highly-ranked ecclesiasts
13. On the move
14. Arranged in advance
19. Usually the last inning
22. Wound fluid
23. Delhi dresses
24. Absurd
25. Like a dryer trap
26. *Cuyahoga River disaster, Clean Water Act precursor
27. Omani and Yemeni
28. Tarantino in his own movie, e.g.
29. Ruhr’s industrial center
32. ____-friendly
33. Mourner’s wish
36. *Refuse turned fertilizer
38. Consumed (2 words)
40. Monotonous routine
41. Teenagers’ emotions
44. A mirage?
46. City in Netherlands
48. Between violin and cello
49. Not silently
50. Polly to Tom Sawyer
51. Disfigure
52. ____ Approach, music education
53. Serve soup
54. *Plastic tops of coffee cups
55. Sine ____ non
58. College entrance exam, acr.
Sustainability begins with material selection and production.
“There are many ways to make the manufacturing processes more sustainable, such as recycling or repurposing unused or misdirected materials and even capturing and reusing water,” Cain said.
Sustainable building options can also be more affordable, particularly if you’re looking at cost savings over time.
“Reducing energy costs is important to many building owners,” Cain said. “Make sure your building or home is well-insulated because this can save you a considerable amount of money.”
As consumers seek sustainability in their residential structures, more are considering their long-term financial impacts, too.
“We’re in era of rising interest rates,” Nelson said. “A fixed rate loan can save money and be the right choice for many reasons.”
LightStream.com to see how unsecured, affordable home improvement loans can help finance your renovation.
*The 9th Annual LightStream Home Improvement Survey was distributed by Ipsos among 1,301 U.S. homeowners, between January 4, 2022 and January 13, 2022.
Truist Bank is an Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC.