port only! 570-974-
Autos/Trucks - 07
me from all over. Last week I re ceived a call from
Hawaii about one of my ads. LT APARTMENT -02 Man looking ible, for a 1 bedroom, has a friendly, medium size dog, Age 67 on disability. So can pay up to $700 a month. Williams-
1992 Chrysler Lebaron Convertible, V-6, auto, air, front wheel drive, 89,000 original miles, 2nd owner, new power top, white with red interior, good on gas, very well mainttained & excellent condition. Asking $4,900 OBO. 570742-4685 or 570428-2882. 4/24
Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer. 570-966-6220.
to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
53 Old Vehicles plus parts, $1,000$5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570538-3464. 6/26
Auto/Truck Accessories - 10
Rear Spoiler fits Chev. Cobolt and Pontiac GS, excellent condition. 570337-4619. ufn
For sale parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570-2049626. ufn Boats - 11
Campers, Motor Homes, & Rec. Vehicles - 13
18 Ft Bass Boat and Trailer, All done over, Make reasonable offer. Call for details. 570-995-5990 or 570-337-2717. 5/22
1995 Chariot Park
Clothing -20
Leather jacket Like New XXL $55 570742-4312 5/8
Lawn & Garden - 23
Toro Zero-turnllooks brand new, 42”cut, 22.5 HP, $1195 570-7424312 5/8
BrushHog weed eater on wheels
18” cut, very good condition 570-7424312 5/8
Guns, Etc. - 26 12 gauge Winchester Model 120, 3 -H Magnum pump. $325 Winchester Land of Lincoln Model 74, 30-30 $1150. Marlin 1895 lever actionCal. 13855 $985. 570-7424312 5/8
Help Wanted - 28
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@ yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer position. 24-35 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a full-time position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@ yahoo.com
Miscellaneous - 35 5 Starlings by Elon Musk, new in box, Hi-Speed Internet,
$5.99 each. 570966-6540. 4/17
WINDOWS, insulated, tinted, full screen, 1/S frame, 54”Lx29 1/4 W, rough opening, ex. cond.; 3 new, still in box, metal frame mounts for above window inserts, ex. shape, plus extra frame, all above $400.00 firm. 570538-1021.5/8
for companion with drivers license. 570538-3464. 6/26
The 15th Annual Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies Consignment
1/2 HP Jet Water Pump, good for small home or cabin, $40.00; Composting Toilet made by Excell, no water needed, $300.00.
570-939-4164. 5/1
Cemetary Plots
(2),, Northumberland Memorial Park, Stonington, Garden of Peace. $1,200 for both. Price negotiable. 570-713-0247. 5/15
Motorcycles - 39 WANTED - 50
Looking for a lady to clean 1 bedroom apartment for $30.00 one day per week in Lewisburg Area. Really need someone. 570-5516633. 4/17
Tall, attractive home owner Seeks single lady, 60-70,
Auction will be held on Sat., April 29 at the Snyder County Produce Auction, 6130 Susquehanna Trail, Port Trevorton. Consignments and donations accepted Fri., April 28, 8 AM to 8 PM. Benefits the Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Compnies and Christian Aid Ministries. For more info or to list something on the sale bill call 570-374-0201. Sale bill advertising deadline is March 20. For a full sale bill when it becomes available visit fremontfd. com http://fremontfd.com/ 4/24
Tickets will go on sale April 1 for the 1st Annual Fremont Gift Card Bingo to be held on Sat., May 20.
Event will be held at the Fremont Fire Station, 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills, Doors open at 3 PM and Bingo will begin at 5 PM. Tickets are $20 each and include 20 regular games. Only 300
1495 Route 405 Hughesville, Pa 17737 P: 570-584-2996 F: 570-584-2964 ib4675@centralpenn.biz
Mike Levan, Proprietor 570-546-9189 NOW OFFERING MAGNETO REPAIR
tickets will be sold. Over $2,500 in prizes indluding Gift Cards, Cash, and Door Prizes. There will also be 4 special games and side raffles running throughout the evening. Message us on Facebook (facebook.com/fremontfire100 (http:// faceboook.com/fremontfire100 or visit our website (fremontfd.com (http:// fremontfd.com/) or call 570-5398230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. 5/15
(BPT) - With warmer weather, blooming flowers and longer days right around the corner, for many, this means one thing: spring cleaning.
Whether you already have your essential cleaning supplies and a playlist queued up or don’t know where to begin, accomplishing a major deep clean that leaves your house sparkling can feel rewarding.
But before you dive
into your to-do list, you need to get your cleaning tools in order. It’s best to opt for tools that are versatile and multi-purpose to lighten your load as you might be overlooking a few areas or items in your home that are long overdue for cleaning. Products like Clorox Disinfecting Wipes can wipe out dirt, grime and allergens while also tackling illness-causing germs and viruses. Once you have your tools in order, you can start tackling these forgotten spots that you may be missing.
Tops of ceiling fans, shower heads and doors
Out of sight, out of mind. Often,
you don’t clean what you don’t see, but getting rid of hidden dust can make a big difference in minimizing the allergens around your home.
First things first, work from the tallest to lowest surfaces. With an extendable duster, wipe down the tops of light fixtures, doors, cabinets and picture frames, ceiling fan blades and even the top of your shower head in the bathroom, all of which are prone to collecting dust you’re likely not seeing daily. Vacuum once you’re done to pick up any of the dust that may have ended up on the floor.
You walk past your baseboards every day, but most people don’t give them a second glance. But when not cleaned regularly, baseboards are prime real estate for dirt and grime build-up.
Wiping down your baseboards with Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, which are safe to use on a variety of hard, non-porous surfaces around your home, as part of your regular cleaning routine is an easy way to pick up the dust and dirt that’s gathered, especially for painted white baseboards that can show dirt easily.
Inside your fridge, cabinets and pantry
Most people are guilty of holding onto produce past its prime or forgetting about expired flour lurking in the back of the pantry. While it’s hard to ignore grease splatters on your stove or pasta sauce spills across your counter, cleaning the inside of your fridge, cabinets and pantry may not be a part of your everyday routine, but doing so every three or four months can remove lingering grease, grime and crumbs and cut down on potential odors.
As part of your next refrigerator refresh, start by tossing all expired products or produce. You can use disinfecting wipes to pick up any crumbs, wipe away sticky or dried-on spills and kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria while you’re at it. After you’re done, rinse or wipe down any food contact surfaces, like your produce shelves, with warm water and allow to air dry.
Next, remove everything from your pantry and cabinets, working in sections if needed. Toss out
any expired items along the way, and once empty, vacuum up any lingering crumbs. Following that, you can wipe surfaces down with a disinfecting wipe to clean, disinfect and deodorize at the same time. Now you’re ready to restock the shelves.
Appliances such as your stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer can harbor hidden dirt, dust and even crumbs. Once or twice a year, it’s worth moving what you can, like your fridge which is typically on wheels, or using the crevice attachment of a vacuum
(BPT) - Earth Month is the perfect time to think about our impact
on our planet, and one way to make a positive difference is by purchasing pre-owned or used furniture. Not only is it a great way to save money, but it’s also an excellent way to reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Why shop for preowned furniture?
Purchasing new furniture can have a significant environmental impact, with production contributing to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, furniture accounts for 9.8 million tons of waste in landfills annually. By choosing to buy pre-owned, you can help divert usable items from ending up in a landfill and prolong the lifespan of resources that have already been extracted from the earth.
But buying preowned isn’t just good for the planet; it can also be good for your wallet.
Pre-owned furniture is often much more affordable than buying new, so you can save money while still getting quality pieces for your home. Plus, pre-owned shopping can give you access to unique and vintage finds you can’t find elsewhere, and it can make your home feel stylish and unique.
Tips for shopping pre-owned furniture
It can feel overwhelming if you’re new to shopping for pre-owned furniture. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Start with what you have: The most sustainable piece of furniture is the one you already own. So, before browsing for new furniture, take stock of what you already have. Can you repurpose or upcycle an item to give it new life? Sometimes a fresh coat of paint, new upholstery or modern hardware is all you need to completely transform a piece of furniture.
Determine your needs: If you still need new furniture, consider what kind of furniture you’re looking for before shopping. Consider the
You must renew your ad every 2 issues for it to run in the next issue. And it MUST be written. Ads are not taken by phone.
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If you send us an ad to run in this section, you must include your real name and address or we will not be able to print your ad. No one ever knows who you are except for the person who handles the replies in my office. Thank you for understanding in this simple matter. Did you meet someone or go further with your relationship? We want to know. Send us your testimonial.
Testimonials : (Looking for some new comments of success)
Fall 1991 and January 1992 Testimonials: My cousin and his new wife (both in their early 40’s) were visiting my mom, my sister, and I. My sister asks, “So, how did you meet?” They kind of giggled and asked each other, “Should we tell them?” They said they met through the LBYL column. My sister and I decided we would try our fare at meeting “Mr. Right”. (BTW, my cousin and his wife are still married and hopelessly in love.) My sister didn’t have much luck, but in January 1992, I saw this ad that kept drawing my attention. As described, he really wasn’t what I was looking for, but... We met later that month for the first time; got engaged in 1993
and married in 1994. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary this October and we have a 23-year-old daughter who lives out of state.
Thank you, LBYL! Mr. & Mrs. J.N.
4/4/17 Testimonial: I placed an ad 1/2/94 and met the love of my life. He has 3 boys and I have 3 girls. We were married 8/26/95 and now we’re the Brady Bunch. Thanks for helping us find each other. KP/DP
I will always be grateful to your paper Valley Trader. My husband DH wrote to me and we have been happily married almost 12 wonderful years. We’ve been through many trials and joys and so glad we found each other. K.W/K.H.
“Thanks Again Valley Trader, Friends! Years ago I put an ad in your paper and we were married almost 20 years & then our lord called him home.” -HR
“My brother met his wife Bonnie through your column. They have a son named Jake! He’s our pride and joy!” –CW
L.B.Y.L. Readers: It would help a lot if you put your town location in your ad. Distance is important when replying to an ad. Thanks. – The Valley Trader
– We have had several people who have responded to personals in our column, and received no response in return. We would like to request that you send at least a post card to each and every response you receive, just out of courtesy to those taking the time to write you. Also, don’t forget to include either a phone number or address in your letter when responding to an ad.
Tired of not meeting that special someone at work, at the bar, or wherever you have been looking? Look no further than Look Before You Leap men and woman our other supporting single services. We want to help you! What do you have to lose? Just your loneliness. So do it. Send in your ad or send in a response. See directions at beginning of section on how to be a part of the Look Before You Leap.
SD(Multiracial)StM, NS, 6’-220 lbs, retired with own money. Not lazy & can pick up after myself. Average Looking & very active (mentally & physically). Can travel some distance. Looking for SF for dating, who’s also very active. I consider myself a quiet person, but looking for someone to give me that spark. I’m not into the internet at all. My hobbies include photography, movies, outdoors and someone to date. TB26984 5/15
IC’s: FIC, sexy, Italian princess. Loves to laugh. Willing to try new things. Willing to relocate. Looking for her prince to have fun.
FIC, 40, blonde, getting out soon. Looking for someone to make my time fly by. Curves for days, green eyes, 5’7”, stacked up top & round bottom. Easy to talk to & an even better listener. Love music & movies. Can’t wait to be out & enjoy life again.
SWtFIC, attractive, fun, loving, affectionate, loyal, patient, openminded, sense of humor, adventurous, educated, relocatible. For serious relationship, someone to live & enjoy life
with. HS26968IC SWtFIC, seeking M/F companionship. Enjoys outdoors, camping, art, animals, beach, ocean, cooking, sports, music, astrology. Athletic build, blue eyes, way above average girl next door.
FIC, housewife seeking situation from kind, benevolent man. I love to travel & being real close. I need a great man who has pursued his goals & is happy & free. KE26971IC FIC, seeking friends with benefits. I am happy to please, submissive, attractive & enjoy amorous things. You must be generous & very employed.
SWtFIC, seeking companionship, visits & friends to form lasting heartfelt, meaningful relationships. Am quiet, attractive, hard working & patient.
TD26974IC SWtFIC, 48, looking for someone that I can laugh with, talk to, become friends with & possibly more. Willing to re-locate. I’ll be waiting to hear from you. TS26975IC FIC, sweet, hot, fun inmate, soon to be released. Searching for potential mate. Must be very generous, handsome, love dogs, music & making money. KE26976IC FIC, sexy Italian Princess loves to laugh, talk, try new things. Willing to relocate if need be. Looking for my prince that I’ll do anything for.
SWtFIC, 33, easygoing, funny, genuine. Loves to work out, athletic build. Looking for friendship, someone I can talk to. Could lead into something more. I’m very loyal & open to meeting people. You will not regret reaching out to me. Picture will be enclosed when I hear from you. AM26978IC FIC, 47, long brown hair, hazel eyes, 120
lbs., outgoing & down to earth. Looking for an older gentelman to spend my time with & possibly my future.
SWtFIC, lonely, could use someone to talk to. Miss my dogs, my cat & rabbit. Heck, I sort of miss the chickens now that eggs are $6.00 a dozen. LOL. Love to laugh, fish, camp, sit by the fire pit. The small stuff is the big stuff to me. Fireworks are definitely my favorite. Of course, fried dough.
SWtFIC, 58, but young at heart. Would love to have a friend. Easy to get along with. Loves country music and loves animals.
FIC, fair skinned, dark waist length hair, curvy body. In search of a good man to get to know & build a relationship. I’m down to earth, fun & loving.
SWtFIC, looking for serious, long term relationship. Released in June. Relocatible. Lots of love to share with you. Attractive, fun, patient, openminded, affectionate, honest, loyal, educated.
FIC, looking for a pen pal. I’m all female, brown hair, green eyes, 5’6”-140, 52. Like to fish, camp, swim. Love the outdoors. Lonely.
SWtFIC, 56 yrs. young. Looking for a penpal or more. I have 2 yrs. left & would really love to get to know someone to hang out with. I love to fish, hunt, camping, travel & just down right all around gal.
BS26986IC FIC, sexy, Italian princess, long hair, big breasts, curves in all the right places. Love to laugh & try new things. Willing to relocate.
FIC, 29, looking for a penpal/companion, maybe more. I love to cook, go camping, vacation & most of all
cuddle. CK26988IC
WtFIC, 29, strawberry blonde & blue eyes. Love to cook, clean, go swimming, camping, fishing, ride motorcycles, cut wood, paint, sand, dry wall. I would love a companion to talk to.
SWtFIC, 39, Taurus, 5’2”-145, brownish blond hair, brown eyes.
AC26990IC FIC, 43, 5’7”-130 lbs, brown hair, hazel eyes. Honest, outgoing, like to have fun. Love the outdoors, camping, fires, cookouts, boating, hiking, beach. Love to cuddle watch a good movie. I’m a Scorpio so love bedroom activities. Looking for a pen pal and hopefully a friend.
WE DO NOT RUN ANY IC-LBYL ADS WITHOUT YOUR IDENTIFYING NUMBER. THESE MAILINGS ARE RETURNED BACK TO US, NON DELIVERABLE. ALSO YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR MAIL FROM LBYL. Inmates, seems you may need to be on some kind of mailing list at the prison. Inquire at your place.
The Valley Trader would like to thank everyone who places an ad in this column and also the people who respond. The number of responses we have been receiving has been GREAT!!! If you meet that “special person” from communicating through our column, let us know. Did you marry? Are you dating? We would like to know! Write us a short note we can print. Of course, we’ll only print it with your initials.
ATTENTION: We have no control over where our Look Before You Leap ads arrive from, and being a free press, we will place them in our column.
(Family Features) Whether you’re a new homeowner ready to tackle the landscaping for the first time or a seasoned gardener looking to do some updating, when it comes to gardening, you simply need the right tools to do the job well.
Consider these tips when purchasing essentials for your tool shed.
Shovel: A shovel with a pointed blade is a good allaround choice for digging, mixing and moving soil. Conversely, a flat-bladed shovel should be used for “cutting” tasks such as straight-side trenches and edging. After
narrowing down which style of shovel best meets your needs, check the metal to ensure it’s well-constructed and won’t bend or break easily. Check fittings such as bolts and screws to ensure the blade and handle are strongly connected and can withstand reasonable pressure. Finally, spend a few minutes testing out the tool to
ensure it fits well in your hand.
Rake: With numerous materials and shapes to choose from, finding the right rake can be intimidating. A basic fan-shaped rake with metal fingers is a universally accepted, long-lasting option. Select a model with plenty of give in the fingers if you’ll be raking large areas and don’t want to damage the ground below. A rake made of firmer metal allows you to work and smooth soil. Purchasing the broadest width you can comfortably handle allows you to cover more ground, which means less work.
Depending on the space you’ll be tending, you may also consider purchasing a garden fork, which has fewer tines than a traditional rake and is ideal for aerating, weeding and turning small sections of soil.
Hoe: Whether flat or pointed,
a hoe is essential for a weedfree garden. Flat versions can also be useful for breaking up clumps and hard spots on the surface while pointed hoes make quick work of rows and mounds to protect and irrigate your plantings.
Shears: A variety of shears are available to accomplish a wide range of garden tasks. Larger shears are ideal for big jobs such as shaping hedges, while smaller pruning shears are meant for snips and sprucing. Quality metal and sharp blades are important features. Be sure to choose a model with a safety latch to lock blades when not in use.
Gloves: Even if you eagerly embrace the chance to get
your hands dirty, no tool shed is complete without a sturdy pair of gloves. Choose a material tough enough to protect from thorns but pliable enough to allow for free movement. Proper fit is key to avoiding blisters.
Find more gardening tips and advice at eLivingtoday. com WE
Continue from Page 5 to clean beneath and around the base of the appliance. You can also wipe the areas down to remove crumbs, stubborn food smudges, grease and grime.
Cleaning tools
That’s right - your cleaning tools need a little TLC too. Your cleaning supplies deserve the same attention as the rest of your home to avoid simply spreading around the dirt and grime.
On top of emptying your vacuum regularly, make sure to remove dust, hair or threads clinging to the beater bar or brush. You can disinfect toilet brushes, mop heads and smaller tools like brushes and sponges in a hot water and bleach solution regularly to help you get a more thorough clean and ensure that your tools are ready for your next big deep clean.
Knowing how to uplevel your cleaning routine can help you maintain a cleaner space and a happier you. To find more tips and product recommendations like these, visit Clorox.com.
1. Attired
5. *Alabama, for short
8. Type of pit, at a concert
12. *Nevada’s “biggest little city in the world”
13. October birthstone
14. Don’t do this to words?
15. Elusive Himalayan
16. Poet Sandburg
17. Come to pass
18. *Home of the Bourbon Trail
20. Not us
21. Winds to a ship captain
22. *Dish popular in the 50th state
23. *Largest state, by area
26. Dick ____ of “Bewitched”
30. Tombstone acronym
31. Spews
34. Succulent medicinal plant
35. Cast member
37. Greek “t”
38. Gibson garnish
39. Evade payment
40. Like certain pentameter
42. Lenon’s wife
43. Fashionable
45. Barely audible words
47. Casino’s pull
48. Bear down under 50. Sound bounce-back
52. *a.k.a. Commonwealth
1. Have a bawl
2. Potato’s soup partner
3. Initial stake
4. Happenings
5. Lickety-split
6. Shenanigans
7. Friend in war
8. *State with longest freshwater shoreline
9. It’s enough?
10. Pond gunk
11. Joaquin Phoenix 2013 movie
13. Relating to eye
14. *Michigan’s “____ City”
19. Selfish one
22. Pavlova’s step
23. Middle East natives
24. Permissible
25. In a fitting way
26. Half a ticket
27. Sober Ness
28. Not a soul (2 words)
29. Operatic voice
32. *Home to Arches National Park
33. Tucker of “Modern Family”
36. *State with panhandle
38. Round openings
40. School of thought suffix
41. Google search category
44. Often-missed humor
46. Hide craftsman
48. Little one
49. Lowest deck on a ship
50. Timeline divisions
51. His was a merry old soul
52. Tiny bottle
53. *”Field of Dreams” movie setting
54. Port in Yemen
55. Tax pro
58. Bit of work
size and style of the piece, as well as any specific features or details you’re looking for. What is your budget? Knowing what you want will help you refine your search and make the process less daunting. Shop locally: If you still need new furniture, consider shopping locally, which reduces transportation emissions and supports small businesses. Look for resale stores in your community or browse online marketplaces, like OfferUp, that allow you to search for items in your area. Download the mobile app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store - or visit OfferUp.com.
Consider the materials: When shopping for pre-owned furniture, consider how it’s made. Look for items constructed from sustainably sourced wood, bamboo or other renewable materials. Avoid items made from materials that are harmful to the environment, such as plastics or synthetics. Antique and vintage items tend to be of higher quality, will usually last longer and can add unique character to your home.
Don’t discount the imperfect: When shopping pre-owned, it’s important to carefully inspect items before you buy them. Look for any signs of wear and tear, such as scratches, dents or stains. Make sure the piece is sturdy and functional. However, minor imperfections can often be fixed with a little bit of DIY work or by hiring a professional to complete repairs. Sometimes by simply cleaning an item thoroughly, you can bring it back to life.
Stay open to negotiation: Many resale stores and online marketplaces allow for negotiation on price. Don’t be afraid to make an offer that fits within your budget. Ask about the piece’s backstorywhere it was originally purchased and how long it was owned - so you can be sure you’re getting a fair price.
Get creative: One of the best things about buying pre-owned furniture is the opportunity to get creative and personalize your space. You can paint or refinish a piece to give it new life or mix and match styles for a unique look. Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with your unique finds.
Choosing to shop for preowned furniture instead of new is a step toward reducing our environmental impact and creating a more sustainable future. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can find beautiful and unique pieces that will give your home
a fresh new look while also protecting the planet.
(Family Features) Growing fresh, healthy vegetables at home may not be as hard as it sounds. Novice gardeners just need good dirt, easy plants to grow, lots of sunshine and the right amount of water.
Once you’ve prepared your garden plot, select one or all of these vegetables, which are among the easiest to grow:
1. Lettuce - Plant lettuce seeds directly into the garden or a pot then repeat every two weeks. It can be cut a few weeks after planting. Some harvest lettuce by pulling it up - roots and all - but cutting a little off the top every few days can keep it growing until summer’s heat turns it too bitter.
2. Spinach - This vitamin-packed green is planted and harvested just like lettuce.
3. Cucumbers - Make several mounds of dirt near the edge of your garden and place 2-3 plants around the center of each. Cucumbers are notorious for growing vines that overtake other plants, so be vigilant about keeping them contained.
4. Squash - Like cucumbers, summer squash is planted on small mounds at the edges of a garden so their vines can be contained. Most varieties, such as yellow squash and zucchini, are quite prolific and just a few plants can feed a large family all summer long.
5. Tomatoes - Purchase plants that grow best in your area of the country from your local garden center. All plants should be staked or enclosed in tomato cages because successful plants produce an abundance of large, heavy fruit throughout the summer months.
6. Bell Peppers - Bell peppers are easiest to grow from plants. Space them about 1 foot apart then watch them take off with little care required. The only real trick to growing bell peppers is knowing when to harvest. If you’re growing red, orange or yellow varieties, they’ll start out green then turn color as soon as they ripen.
7. Carrots - Dig a long, shallow trench in soil that is free of rock. Sprinkle the seeds along the row, cover lightly with topsoil and wait for the top of the carrot to pop through the soil. Once a bit of orange appears, pull and enjoy.
Find more tips for growing a bountiful garden at eLivingtoday.com.