pay up to $700 a month. Williamsport only. 570-9741120. ufn
Autos/Trucks - 07
Man looking for a 1 bedroom apartment. Has a friendly medium size dog. Age 67 on disability so can
53 Old Vehicles plus parts, $1,000 - $5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570-5383464. 6/26
Auto/Truck Accessories10
Rear Spoiler fits Chev. Cobolt and Pontiac GS, excellent condition. 570-
For sale parts: 1997 Buick complete and ready to part out. Call 570Campers, Motor Homes, & 1995 Chariot Park Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer. 570-966-6220. ufn
$1150. also Marlin 1895 lever action Cal. 38-55 $985. 570-742-4312 5/8
Lawn & Garden - 23
Toro Zero-turnllooks brand new, 42”cut, 22.5 HP, $1195 570-742-4312 5/8
position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@ yahoo.com
Miscellaneous - 35
Lawn & Garden - 23
Honda Mower, choke start, high wheel, 21”, gas, $45.00. 570-925-2136. 5/8
Yard Sales - 25
Mifflinburg Market St. Sale Days. 17 Blocks of Yard Sales, May 18, 19, 20. 5/15
Guns, Etc. - 26
Ruger AR556, 3x9 Simmons Scope, 120+ rounds ammo, soft case, sling & more, $650.00. 570-980-3660.
12 gauge Winchester Model 120, 3 inch Magnum pump. $325 570-742-4312
1816-1969 commemorative Winchester Land of Lincoln Model 94, 30-30
Excavation Services
& Service of Tecumseh and Power King
Bostitch and Many More EMAIL: dheltman@verizon.net 1840
PA 17701
(570) 494-1716
BrushHog weed eater on wheels 18” cut, very good condition $350. 570-7424312 5/8
Help Wanted - 28
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Centre County. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@ yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time
Graphic Designer position 24-30 hrs. per week,. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a full-time
Gabe Gush Owner
P: 570-584-2996
F: 570-584-2964 ib4675@centralpenn.biz
Harley-Davidson Leather jacket Like New XXL $55 570-742-4312 5/8
15 Foot Air Jet Metal Chimney thru Roof Kit. 570-360-0077. 6/5 Huffy adult girl’s Bike, basket, bell, fine condition, paper work, more extras, hardly used, $40.00 takes it. 570-925-2136. 5/8
Toro Zero-turn, mows like new, 42” cut, 22.5 HP, $1,195.00; Brush Hog Weedeater on Wheels, 18” cut, very good condition $350. 570-742-4312. 5/15
18 Ft. Bass Boat & Trailer. All done over. Make reasonable offer. Call for details 570-995-5990 or 570-337-2727. 5/29
SKYLIGHT WINDOWS, insulated, tinted, full screen, 1/S frame, 54”Lx29 1/4 W, rough opening, ex. cond.; 3 new, still in box, metal frame mounts for above window inserts, ex. shape, plus extra frame, all above $400.00 firm. 570-538-1021.5/8
1/2 HP Jet Water Pump, good for small home or cabin, $40.00; Composting Toilet made by Excell, no water needed, $300.00. 570939-4164. 5/1
Cemetary Plots (2),, Northumberland Memorial Park, Stonington, Garden of Peace. $1,200 for both. Price negotiable. 570713-0247. 5/15
Motorcycles - 39
Tall, attractive home owner Seeks single lady, 60-70, for companion with drivers license. 570-5383464. 6/26
Join us for POPS: The Music of Cole Porter, Fri., May 12, 2023 & Sat., May 13, 2023, 7:30 PM Weber Auditorium, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove. It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely. We close our
2022/23 season with some truly iconic and cherished music from a by-gone era. This prolific composer made his mark writing scores for Broadway and Hollywood. Many of his tunes became standards in the American songbook and are still popular today. SVC will be taking their summer break after this finale, but don’t worry, next season is already shaping up to be quite an eclectic mix of repertoire.
The 33rd Annual Billtown Blues Festival will be held in Hughesville at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds, Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10. The award planners are pleased to announce awarded talent will arrive from across the country excited to come to Lycoming County and play for area music fans. 6/5
the evening. Message us on Facebook (facebook.com/ fremontfire100 (http://faceboook.com/fremontfire100 or visit our website (fremontfd.com (http://fremontfd.com/) or call 570-539-8230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. 5/15
The Fremont Fire Department will be having an AYCE Mother’s Day Lunch, Sun., May 14th, 11 am to 1 pm? at the Fremont Social Hall, 299 Millrace Rd., Mt. Pleasant Mills. Treat your Mother for a lunch of ham & turkey and all the trimmings. Sides will be filling, potatoes, vegetables, cole slaw, applesauce & dessert. Adults $16, children 5-11 $8. All you can eat or takeout. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. 5/8
The Buffalo Valley United Methodist Church, 954 Johnson Mill Road, Lewisburg, is holding an indoor yard sale on May 10 - 13 from 9 - 3 each day. Proceeds benefit the ministries of the church. 5/8 Tickets will go on sale April 1 for the 1st Annual Fremont Gift Card Bingo to be held on Sat., May 20. Event will be held at the Fremont Fire Station, 8641 Route 104 Mount Pleasant Mills, Doors open at 3 PM and Bingo will begin at 5 PM. Tickets are $20 each and include 20 regular games. Only 300 tickets will be sold. Over $2,500 in prizes indluding Gift Cards, Cash, and Door Prizes. There will also be 4 special games and side raffles running throughout
We are preparing our where to eat in Lewisburg, to help local restaurants bring in more customers during the week and weekends.
(StatePoint) Whether you’re saving to buy a home, putting money in your child’s college fund or just trying to cover higher costs for necessities, you may be looking for ways to keep more money in your wallet so you can spend on the things that matter most. And you’re not alone.
In fact, a recent national survey from Experian found that 66% of respondents are actively looking for ways to trim expenses from their monthly budget.
There is no better time than the present to get started. The basics of saving money lay a great foundation for stretching your dollars and taking control of your finances. This includes budgeting, paying off debt, establishing savings goals, automating savings and cutting back on unnecessary expenses.
However, you may not know there are other less obvious ways to keep more money in your wallet. Don’t leave money on the table, here are
three creative ways to save more now:
• Shop around to save on monthly bills: Most people spend time shopping around for a new TV or other purchase to get the best price, but overlook the opportunity to save by comparing monthly bill providers. Experian has an auto insurance comparison shopping service that can help you potentially save up to $900 per year on your policy. The
service provides you with multiple, tailored rates from up to 40 leading and well-established auto insurance carriers, allowing you to find a policy that meets your needs.
• Look for ways to maximize credit card rewards: You can save big and manage spending at no cost with the right credit cards and reward programs. To help you find the best card, whether you want cash back or no APR terms, Experian offers a free marketplace that leverages your financial information against lenders’ requirements to match you with tailored offers.
• Try negotiating rates: Negotiating monthly bills is crucial for finding extra savings. Take a look at your payment terms and plans to see if you can renegotiate for lower rates on expenses like cable or cell service. If you feel that calling service providers is tedious and time consuming, there are services that can help. A new feature available in a paid Experian CreditWorks Premium Membership negotiates lower rates on eligible monthly bills on your behalf so you can stop overpaying. Those who use this feature see an average savings of $263. If you’d like to negotiate directly with your provider, make sure you ask them about all the offers they are willing to extend to you so you know all your options and get the new, accepted offer in writing.
“Even when times aren’t tough, it is always good to practice budgeting and money-saving habits to position yourself in the best way possible before you need it,” said Andrea Woroch, a nationally recognized consumer finance
and money-saving expert. “Tapping into these tools from Experian can help you save in ways you may not have been aware of and help you keep your finances on track now and in the future.”
There are more ways Woroch recommends to save, including reducing your monthly spend on debt by consolidating credit card debt to a 0% balance transfer card and avoiding impulse shopping by deleting payment and shipping details stored in online retail accounts, as well as unsubscribing from store emails. To be more strategic at the grocery store and cut wasteful purchases, you might also consider meal planning.
To learn more about saving and Experian resources, visit Experian.com/ savings.
It’s always important to find ways to save. Leveraging available tools and being strategic can help you get control of your expenses and keep more money in your wallet.
health, especially for children, who are particularly vulnerable to certain contaminants. Local, state and federal policy has had some success in helping clean up drinking water supplies, but there are new reports of emerging contaminants linked to child development. Here’s what to know about some of the most common water contaminants linked to child health, along with information about how to filter them:
• PFAS: According to Environmental
Working Group scientists, the presence of Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in American drinking water is much wider spread than previously thought. Contamination of drinking water or ground water has been detected at almost 1,400 sites in 49 states. This large class of chemicals -- which includes perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) -- is added to a range of products and packaging. They are collectively referred to as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down easily and can last thousands of years. They can also build up in the human body. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the blood of nearly all Americans is contaminated with PFAS. A new medical research study recently reported PFAS is altering hormonal and metabolic pathways needed for child growth and development.
• Lead: The
safe drinking water is essential for human
effects of lead contamination in water have become more well known since the crisis in Flint, Mich. became widely reported on in 2016. However, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that there are between 6 to 10 million lead service lines still use in the country. When pipes that contain lead corrode, lead can enter drinking water. Harmful to everyone, even minimal exposure can have a significant impact on children, and has been linked to nervous system damage, impaired hearing, learning disabilities and impaired blood cell function..
• Microplastics: Microplastics are fragments of plastic pollution, which are harmful to water ecosystems and unhealthy to consume. Microplastics are found in both tap and bottled water and in a 2022 study, were noted to be found in human blood. While the health effects of microplastics are still largely unknown, they are emerging as a common drinking water contaminant to be aware of.
Some Solutions
To learn about the contaminants found in your drinking water,
you can access the Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database. No matter what you learn, it’s a good idea to filter your water.
Many home water filters only filter certain contaminants. It’s important to look for a water filter that removes chemicals including PFAS, heavy metals including lead, and that provides broader protection against emerging contaminants such as microplastics. One option is the pitcher filters and dispenser filters offered by LifeStraw, which remove not only lead, PFAS and microplastics, but also bacteria, parasites and a variety of emerging contaminants, including pharmaceuticals.
When it comes to child health, PFAS and lead contamination in drinking water is a concerning problem at the local and national level. Fortunately, household solutions exist to make water safer for individuals and families.
(StatePoint) If you’re like many outdoor enthusiasts, the warm months mean fun bonfire parties with sing-a-longs, scary stories and s’mores, right in your backyard. But having a wood-
moisture, making for less smoke and more efficient burning. While it says Jamie Briggs, director of marketing at Exmark, a leading
Cut List
Large Rack
• (2) 10-foot 2x4s (pressure treated)
• (2) 8-foot landscape timbers (pressure treated)
• (3) standard cinder blocks
Small Rack
• (2) 10-foot 2x4s (pressure treated)
• (2) standard cinder blocks
Build Steps
1. Measure, mark, and cut your 2x4s into 5-foot pieces.
2. For the smaller rack, lay the two cinderblocks side by side, holes up. For the larger rack, place two of the cinderblocks
at either end of the length of the landscape timber, holes up. Place the third cinderblock in the middle of the other two to work as support.
3. For the larger rack, lay the two lawn timber planks across the cinderblocks and then check to ensure they’re level.
4. For the smaller rack, turn the 2x4s so the wide sides are facing inwards. For the larger rack, place the cut 2×4 pieces into the holes of the cinderblocks,
#530 (Garage Tools / Equipment)
131 Schrawder Rd, Sunbury PA 17801 SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (Sale is in conjunction w/ Real Estate Sale at 11:00 a.m.)
10:00 a.m. - E-Z Dumper Landscapers Trailer w/ gorilla lift end gate
- Selection of Hand Tools - Electric Tools - Garden Tools - Patio Furniture - Generac 5500 HD Gasoline Generator - 2 Metal shelving units on Rollers - 2 door metal cabinet - Garden hose reel carts - Delta Chop saw - Engineers felted tool chest - Trinity 6 Drawer Tool Chest - Troy
Built 875EX prressure washer - Hitachi hand grinder - Husqvarna YT-
H24V42LS lawn tractor - Grasshopper 225, Zero Turn lawn mower - 2
1/2 ton floor jack - Bolens push mower - (2) aluminum levels - Grizzly
Metal ban saw - Central 21 gal. 2 1/2 hp 125 psi compressor - Grizzly bench grinder - Craftsman 2 pc. tool chest - Pop Up canvas canopiesFull Electric Hospital bed - Metal folding chairs - Shop Vac Hang up vac
- Champion 80cc 1400 watt generator - Small ratchet straps - Sump pump
- Christmas Tree - Small two door Whitaker Cabinet - Coleman coolers
- Echo gas weed wacker - Car ramps - Wheel barrow - Push cultivatorTractor lawn cart - Horse shoes - Pro Form XP110 exerciser - Step ladder
- Alum Ext. ladder - Micrometers & Calipers & Much More!
Auctioneer Notes: This will be a WALK & MOVE sale, bring your own chairs if needed. Selling 1 hour before Real Estate Sale & if necessary finishing after Real Estate Sells. No food at this auction.
TERMS: Cash or good PA check accepted. All items are sold “AS IS, WHERE IS”, no guarantee made by the seller. Statements made day of Sale take precedence over previous written materials.
small sides facing inwards.
5. To ensure the security of your
We will be selling from the home of Betty and the Late Bill Barnwell, Located at 218 East 9th Street, Watsontown, Pa. 17777
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Starting at 9:00 am
Watsontown Foundry Made Cast Iron Bucky Ribbon Dogs; Balliets Meat Market Watsontown, Advertising Screwdriver/ Bottle Opener; REID TOBACCO Cardbord Store Display Counter Sign; Mobil Handy Oil Tin w/ Flying Pegasus; Hammered Aluminum Serving Pcs; 3 Foot Wooden Stool; Swifts Wooden Cheese Box; OAK FURNITURE: [ Painted Side by Side Secretary; Washstand w/ Yoke Towel Bar, Chairs]; Bill Raup Watsontown Houses; Metal Race Horse Statue; Lighthouses; Tin Match safe; 15in Oval Aluminum Roaster; Griswald Cast Iron #4 Large Slant Logo Kettle[Marked Erie #787]; Ice Tongs; Amity Dairies 20Qt Milch Can; Wooden Ironing Stand Unit; Corn Husking Pegs; GE Monitor 40 Radio; Mid Century Hanging Light; Dry Bar Cabinet[ Made in Watsontown by Philco Ford]; Blue Opalescent Hobnail Epergne; American Thistle Pattern Glassware; [2] Decorated Plank bottom ½ Spindle Chairs; Painted Shade Gone w/ Wind Electric Lamps; Finger & Pedestal Kerosene Lamps;
Pennsylvania House Pencil Post Bedroom Suite [Full Size Bed w/ Box Springs and Mattress/ Large Chifferobe / Double Dresser w/ Mirror]
Morgan Silver Dollars[ 1887, 1889, 1897,1921,1921S]; Peace Dollars[ 1922 S, 1922];
1986 Ellis Island Silver Dollar; [4] 1964 Kennedy Halves; Kennedy Bi Centennial Halves; Buffalo Nickels; $5 Real Seal Dollar; Blue Seal $1.00 Silver Certificate; $2.00 Bills [1 is Star Note];
Vintage Reverse Painted Shade Electric Lamp w/Blue Sailboats Corningware Cornflower Pattern Pcs; Vintage Free Standing Finger Dryer; Wooden Quilt Rack; Fancy Wall/ Sofa Stand; Country Oak Glider Rocker; Upholstered Hide A Bed Loveseat[ Like New]; 5pc Maple Dropleaf Table w/ 2 Boards & 4 Captain Chairs; Thimble Collection; Pencil Drawing Prints By WR Students[“ Covered Bridge” by Eric Seksinsky Class 1982, “Watsontown Bridge” by Than Gearhart 2003]; GE 18 Qt Electric Roaster; Rose Carved Marbletop Oval Stand; Small Round Marbletop Stand; Shuman Dairy McEwensville Square Painted 1/2pt Milk Bottle; East Malta Dairy Sq Painted ½ Gallon Milk Bottle; International Paper Centennial History Book; Wooden Carved Songbird; Various Ducks; Nautical Theme Tall Dry bar Cabinet; Hand Crafted Stone & Wood Cottage Bank by Ralph Wetherbee; Westpoint Ladies Bike; DP Staionary Exercise Bike; Lionel Train Wall Clock; Steam Engine Telephone; 5pc Card table & Chair Set; Seasonal Decorations; Vintage Lighted Angel; Texasware Style Mixing Bowl; Aztec Green Mid Century Bowl;Ellinger Acatzed Wood Bowls; Mid Century Style Mixing Bowl w/ Pour Spout; Cookie Cutters; Cast Iron Sad Irons; Antique Platform Rocker; Checker Board Stand; Wrought Iron Floor Lamp; Cane Seat Chairs; Hull Art Vase; Sewing Notions/ Craft Items & Supplies; Kenmore Sewing Machine; Dyson Floor Sweeper; Modern Graceful Empire Style Upholstered Loveseat[ Like New]; Fancy Depression Era Full Bed[ Great Design]; Walnut & Marble Top Dresser w/ Mirror; 1 Drawer Washstand; Silhouette Print of Boy w/ Drum by Linda McGough[ WR School Teacher]; Samsung Flat Screen TV w/ Remote; Various Baskets; Cast Iron Squirrel Nut Cracker; Royal Worchester Egg Cooker; Ohio Art Coca- Cola Metal Coasters & Small Oval Trays; Plus Other Items Of Interest!
Huskee Supreme 25hp 50in Deck Riding Mower Toro 522 5hp 22in Cut Self Propelled Snowblower; Hand & Garden Tools; Small Power Hand Tools; Werner Blue Fiberglass 8ft Step Ladder; Various Step Stools; Alum.20ft Extension Ladder; Troy-Bilt Rear Bagger Push Lawnmower; Bocce Ball Lawn Game; Winross Chef-Boy-Ardee Truck & Trailer; American Home Foods Truck & Trailer; Tonka Small Ladder Truck
TERMS: Cash , Good PA Check [ Credit Cards w/ 4% Fee]
Job John • Lunch • Tents if Needed
SELLER: Betty Barnwell
AUCTIONEERS: Michael & David Weaver
Allenwood, Pa.17810 Phone 570-538-2227
Continue from Page 9
build, resituate the two lawn timbers so they’re as tightly placed against the 2×4 planks as possible.
To view the full video tutorial, visit Exmark’s Backyard Life site at https://backyard.exmark. com, a multimedia destination that provides homeowners with everything from grilling tips and design projects to gardening and lawn care advice.
“Our firewood rack gives you plenty of storage so you can keep your bonfire blazing for an entire party. It’s also one of the simplest builds we’ve ever done, and you’ll be able to make quick work of it over your weekend downtime,” says Briggs.
1. Foundation
6. Dashboard acronym
9. Bonny one
13. Pleasant smell
14. Metal-bearing mineral
15. Salk’s nemesis
16. Kidney-related
17. Christopher Lloyd’s ____ Brown
18. Investigative report
19. *Something to claim
21. *Declaration station
23. Argonaut’s propeller
24. C in TLC
25. Scot’s woolen cap
28. Sushi restaurant soup
30. *Exclusive accommodation
1. Prickle on a fence
2. Equal to pi times r squared
3. Cheap form of payment?
4. Insect in adult stage
5. Dar es ____, Tanzania
6. Traveled on a horse
7. Not amateur
8. Hajj destination
9. Like kittens’ mittens
10. “The Sun ____ Rises” by Hemingway
11. Thailand, once
12. Tofu bean, pl.
15. Walkways
20. “Peer Gynt” composer Edvard ____
22. Dot-com address
24. Wrestling match, e.g.
25. *Air traffic control feature
26. Fully informed
27. Army doctor
29. Traffic sign
31. ____ of measurement
32. Rock bottom
33. Search blindly
34. Island off Manhattan
36. Vegas cube
38. H or O in H2O, e.g.
42. Opposite of cathode
45. Obliquely
49. Knightly title
51. Slash’s instrument
54. Make believe
56. Cause for food recall
57. Attention-getting sound
58. Gym class test?
59. *Captain’s announcement, plural acronym
60. Porter order
61. June 6, 1944
62. Type of #14 Across
63. Grannies, in UK
64. Clarified butter
67. *PreCheck org.
(BPT) - Segmental retaining wall (SRW) systems make attractive walls, but they also are used to build many beautiful and functional outdoor features for homeowners and professionals alike. As the most versatile resource in a professional landscaper’s tool box, SRWs can also be used by do-it-yourself landscapers with a little know-how. Whether you need to transition a slope, shore up soil or create beautiful hardscaped features, one retaining wall system - the VERSA-LOK retaining wall system - can do it all.
YouTube creator and construction pro Stanley “Dirt Monkey” Genadek calls VERSA-LOK the “gold standard” of retaining walls. “VERSA-LOK’s solid, pinned units are superior to hollow, lipped blocks that require fill and might trap water,” says
Genadek, who owns a landscaping and excavating company in Mendota Heights, Minn. “It’s the one block that can do it all. VERSA-LOK is the gold standard in SRWs as far as I’m concerned.”
Says Scott Arnold, manager of Villa Landscapes, a design and install landscaping firm in St. Paul/Minneapolis: “Retaining walls are most often employed to address grade changes in the landscape and to retain soil. But as the ‘Legos’ of landscaping tools, retaining wall units can be used to create many beautiful and functional features such as outdoor kitchens, fireplaces and
Saturday, May 13th @ 8:30 AM
Saturday, May 27th @ 8:30 AM
LOCATED at 5801 New Berlin Hwy Winfield, PA 17889
Saturday, May 13th
Starting at 8:30 a.m. with a Large Assortment of Box lots followed by antiques, collectables and household goods
A.H. Mutschler Ice Cream Maker (patent # 222-4576), (Jeep) Petal Car, Fire King Glass, Toboggan, Cast Iron Hot Plates, Cast model cars, Yo Yo’s, Bird Water’s, Green Glass, Presidential Glass Plates, Coke Advertisement, Local Advertisement items, Heinz Ketchup Flash Light, Penn State Football Cookie Jar ( 1986 Fiesta Bowl), Metal Patriate Figures, Watches, Miniature Bottles and Medicine Bottles, Glass Bells, Cookie Cutters, Spice Cans, Cardboard Elvis Picture, Liberty Glass Mugs, Wooden Bowls, Rubber 7 Dwarfs, Jelly Jars, Wire Top Jars, “York Valley” Cheese Box, “Oven serve” Casserole Dish, Cameras, Aunt Jamima Bottles, Restaurant Glasses, “Crock ware” Milk Can, Banks, Jukebox Alarm Clocks, Chalk Figurines (Big and Small), Music Boxes, Incense, Holstein Cow Table Set, Cast Iron Book Ends, Wooden Soda Flat, Kerosene Lamps, State Glasses, Chicken Figurines, Crook Canister Sets, Restaurant Plates, Canning Jars, “Johnsons Brothers” China, Milk Glass, Box of Blue Guitar Bottles, Child’s Hamper, Sesame Street Childs Step Stool, Cake Pans, Covered Bridge Mail Box, miniature Wooden Covered Wagon Lamp, Walt Disney Collectable, Christmas Decorations and Nativity scene, M&M Christmas Tree Lights, Glass Ash Trays, New Testament Map, Stainless Bowls, Cook Books, Kaleidoscope, Ohio Match Company Matchbox, Art Kits, Apple Rookie Jar, GE Radio, Realistic Radio, 30 Cup Coffee Maker, Kitchen Utensils, Mixers, Griddles, Coca Cola Jug, Plastic Child Toys, Land Base CB, Aluminum Pots, Miniature Tin Water can, Metal Miniature License Plates (years 53, 68 and more!) Maxwell House Tin, Kratzerville Crock 1847 – 1997, Matchstick Holder, Church Hymens, Metal and Plastic Child Cars and Trucks, Warner Brothers Vending Machine Prizes, Porcelain / Graniteware, Canary Songster Set, Plastic Ice Cream Maker, State Collectable Plates, Ronald McDonald Plate, Pepsi and Coca Cola Japan Six Piece Canister Set, Custom Jewelry, Hand Painted Glass, 33 and 45 Records (Elvis, Jonny Cash and Beatles) , Cassette and Eight tracks, Restaurant Bun Coffee Maker, Tabletop Electric Organ, Flat Top Chests, Cigar Boxes, Insulators, Sausage Stuffer, Glass Butter churn, Hog Hooks and scrapers, Set Quoits, Colander with Pestle, Wooden Step Ladder, Old Timer Pocket Knife, Pony Boy Play Pistol, Planter Peanuts Pocket Knife, Train Tracks, Washboard, Washtubs, Sad Irons, Bowling Pins, Roller Skates, Sewing Chicken, Cast Iron Motorcycle with Sidecar, Large Selection of Avon, Vintage Lawn Mowers, Highchair, Double Wash Tub, Snow sleds, Wooden Nickels, Hot Wheels Belts, Baby Shoes, Wooden Play Pen, Coal Buckets, Single Trees, (major) Bicycle, White Mountain Ice Cream Containers, Toy Guns and Sheriff Stars, Snyder County Pioneer Days, Vintage Photo Cards of local towns, Children’s books, Cynosure Yearbook, Doylies, Butter Paddle, Butter Mold, Tin Noise Makers, Vintage Cigarette Lighters, Wind up Tin Train, “Wall Mount” Clothes Dryer, Bibles, Fabric Counter, Ice Picks, Rubber Stamp Dates, Wooden Marbles, Yard Sticks, galvanized Watering Can, Griswold Griddles #10, Record Players.
Household items
Franklinite Wood and Coal Stove, Refrigerator Freezer, Electric Glass Top Stove, Automatic Bicycles, Washer and Dryer, Hurricane Lantern, Outdoor Lighting, Cookware, Bird Houses, Stuffed Toys, Ice Buckets, Materials, Glass Jugs, Silverware, Crock Pots, Large Tupperware Collection, Board Games and Kids Toys Large Selection, Step Stools, Canes, Walkers and Handicap Items, Plastic Storage Containers, Chest Coolers, Drinking Water Coolers, Rollaway Chairs, Space Heater, Kitchen Table and 6 Chairs, Dressers, Hitachi Floor Modal TV, Wooden Plantstand, Couch, Gooseneck Rocking Chair, Microwave, Electric Portable Heaters, China Cabinet, Single Adjustable Beds, Grand Fathers Clock, Hospital Bed, Metal Shelving, Large Window Air Conditioner, Dehumidifier, Hot Plate, Singer Sewing Machine, Foot Stools, Steal Plant Hangers, Baby Buggy, Wooden Porch Swing, Wooden Step Ladders, Turkey Deep Fryer. This list does not display the numerus items to be sold.
Estate of: Randall Boonie
TA Wagner Auctioneers LLC
Auctioneer Trent Wagner # AU002238L
Contact: (570) 765-3306
From creating seat walls to stadium seats, retaining walls are for sitting. One popular application is a freestanding seat wall around a patio or fire pit. Retaining walls are perfect to set into hillsides such as amphitheater seating, where they retain soil while offering a place to sit. Other options include stadium seating, replacing cold, noisy and more expensive aluminum bleachers as well as a couch or bench designed with SRWs.
Functional features
Retaining wall units can make beautiful tiered gardens, raised garden beds, planters, tree rings plus fire and water features. One common application is a raised patio, where retaining wall units serve as a foundation for a paver patio surrounded by freestanding walls in place of a wood deck. Creative homeowners and installers have used retaining wall units for lighted column posts, waterfalls, hot tub platforms or mailbox columns.
Going up and down a slope is easier with solid stair foundations created from retaining wall units. From stairs out the back patio to steps for access within a hardscape design such as a multi-level patio, retaining wall units are a safe support for stair treads and pavers.
Keep people moving the right way with freestanding walls used as fencing or partitions.
A parapet wall is a back-to-back wall that serves as a barrier for vehicles and pedestrians. Steppeddown freestanding walls are used alongside ramps for easy access. Custom columns designed with lighting and fencing with timbers or rail posts can serve as a fence solution.
Both residential and commercial signage can be created with retaining wall units. Stately columns with house numbers at the end of a driveway, a hardscaped entrance sign to a community development or a mailbox pillar are features easily created with retaining wall units. Monument signs can be built as freestanding walls, with channel letters, a signboard or neon mounted on the surface.
The endless design options afforded by retaining wall systems
are limited only by the imagination. With a variety of colors and textures, retaining walls can do it all, beautifully. If you can design it, you can build it with VERSA-LOK.
oil fired furnace with forced hot air heat, well water, on-site sewer and 100-amp electric service East Lycoming SD! Terms: $7,000 real estate property deposit required day of auction, with good PA check or certified funds payable to Marquette’s Auction Marketing, balance at closing within 60 days of sale date. 4% buyer’s premium to be added to the purchase price of real estate. Real estate is sold “as-is” & is subject to owner confirmation. Statements made day of auction take precedence over previously printed material. Inspections may be done prior to auction at potential buyer's expense Real Estate will be auctioned off on Saturday, May 20th @ 11am.
Selling Friday, May 19th–Gold & Costume Jewelry, C.I. Griswald, Antiques, Salt Crocks; Selling Sat, May 20th–66 Stoneware Crocks/Jugs, Mantle Clocks, Antiques, Primitives, Furniture, Quilts; Special Note: All items will be sold as-is with no warranties applied. Terms Cash or good PA check only, ID required. Updated info & pics @ marquetteauctions.com, auctionzip.com ID1907 or GoToAuction.com ID6181 Owners not responsible for accidents Selling the real estate & contents for the Estate of Al & Sophie Hoff, longtime antique dealers. Kathy Hess & Chris Hoff co-executors. Stay tuned for updates as we progress through the personal property.
Tom Marquette, AU-002855L, 570/916-6903