over. Last week I received a call from Hawaii about one of my ads. LT
glass, 12 cups & ladel, $50.00 or best offer. 570898-0787. 8/21
Four 23560R17
Antiques - 2 Vintage 1950’s Punch Bowl, swirl white milk
Tires, like new, $150.00. 570-9664762. 8/28 53 Old Vehicles plus parts, $1,000 - $5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570-538-3464.
Kubota RTV 900. $600 Cash or reasonable offer. 570435-0461 leave messsage. 9/18
Yard Sales - 25
Apartments for Rent - 04 Man looking for a 1 bedroom apartment. Has a friendly medium size dog. Age 67 on disability so can pay up to $700 a month. Williamsport only. 570974-1120. ufn
For sale parts:
Autos/Trucks - 07 2012 Subaru Outback & 2008 Chevrolet Silverado Truck. 570-220-0732.
1983 Ford Mustang GLX Conv, V6 with auto trans, Fox body, silver with black top, fair condition, antique title, $1,900.00 OBO. 570-295-4033. 9/4
Auto Accessories - 10 4 Firestone Tires, 23565R16, 3/4 tread, $120.00;
1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570-2049626. ufn
Campers, Motor Homes, & Rec. Vehicles - 11
1995 Chariot Park Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer. 570-9666220. ufn
Farm & Garden - 23 Curtis Snowplow, 6’ w x 18” h, fits a
Yard Sale: Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 1, 8 am to 6 pm; Sept. 2, 3, 4, 8 am to ?? 1828 Treibley Road, New Columbia. 8/28
Part of Norry Community Yard Sale: Sept. 2 & 3, 9 am - 5 pm. 497 Wallace Street. Jewelry, records, books, lots of stuff, costume jewelry. 8/28
Guns, Etc. - 26 Marlin Model 336 BL 30/30 Win, $425.00; Summit Viper Aluminum Climbing Tree Stand, $275.00 570-2380539. 9/4
257 WBY. Mag new; 38-55 SAV. Pre War; 38-55 WIN Pre War. 570-419-1077. 8/21
Help Wanted - 28
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer position. 2435 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a fulltime position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@yahoo.com
Household Furniture - 30
Miscellaneous - 35
Coleman Hot Tub, 1 mo. old, $300.00; Hot Air Stoker, like new, $500.00; 3/4 HP Goulds Deep Well Pump, $450.00. 570-541-2966. 8/21
Pets - 40 Wanted - 50
Looking for small Upright Piano. 570-713-8109. 8/21
Wanted: Tall, attractive, country homeowner seeks Irish lady, 60-70’s for companion with drivers license. 570-5383464. 9/18
Wanted: Seeking guy to do mechanical work in Watsontown area. 570-538-3464. 9/1 Annoucements
The Fremont Fire Department is hosting their 6th Annual Gun Bingo on Saturday, Sept. 9 at the Fremont Fire Station, 8641 Route 104, Mt. Pleasant Mills. Doors open at 3 PM and games begin at 5 PM. Tickets are going on sale on August 5 for $40 each including the meal. Over $8,000 in prizes. Guns, cash, crossbows, door prizes, 50/50, rip tickets and side raffles. Purchase your tickets online at fremontfd.com (http://fremont. com/ or contact us on facebook.com/ fremontfire100 (http://facebook. com/fremontfire100 or call 570-539-8230. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. 9/4
(StatePoint) When the temperatures drop and the precipitation turns cold, efficiently keeping your home cozy and warm is likely a top priority.
As you make home upgrades this fall, be sure to use materials designed to withstand extreme weather events and which help manage indoor climate control. Doing so will mean greater comfort and more affordable energy bills, not only when it’s
cold, but all year long.
As your first defense against all kinds of weather, your roof sustains a lot of wear and tear. Consider prioritizing durability, strength and weather resistance in a new roof by opting for metal. The good news? You can get a classic appearance with this material, thanks to updates in roofing technology. For example, the energy-saving metal roofing offered by ProVia has the textured appearance of natural slate or shake shingles, but is constructed of highly durable 26-gauge steel, for added strength and lifetime protection from wind, rain, hail and corrosion.
Is your home is ever drafty or chilly when the temperatures drop and the wind kicks up? The culprit may be insufficient insulation. Keep in mind that most wall insulation is placed only between the studs, and wall studs make up to 25% of the wall surface of
an average home. You can fill in these insulation gaps with insulated vinyl siding that’s been tested and proven to increase the R-value (a measure of a material’s resistance to heat flow) of an exterior wall. One of the most energy-efficient exterior claddings on the market, CedarMAX insulated vinyl siding is one such choice that can help reduce your energy bills. Plus, its strong, rigid foam backing offers greater impact resistance against rain, hail, sleet and snow, making a siding upgrade a good project to consider before the first winter storm.
Windows are a common point of heat transfer, and as such, they play a huge role in the comfort of your home. It’s not often that you have to purchase windows for your home, but when you do, you’ll want to ensure that they deliver the best in energy efficiency and comfort. ProVia’s vinyl windows, for example, are ENERGY STARcertified, to help keep your
(StatePoint) From leaving on vacations and weekend getaways to heading out for a hike or to a sporting event, frequent in-and-out traffic in summer can leave our spaces a mess. While a deep clean can be reserved for fall, home organizing expert Abby Lawson of the popular Abby Organizes blog says there are quick ways to tidy up the home now.
Easy Entrance and Exit: A new survey by Duck brand finds 76% of people feel “overwhelmed” by their family members’ mess. To help control clutter near the entryway, install Duck brand EasyMounts Interior Drywall J Hooks to give items like beach bags, hats and umbrellas a designated spot. Lawson says she also likes to put a basket by the door, so her kids have a place to toss their shoes.
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when they come into the door encourages tidiness,”
(StatePoint) Children have a lot of questions about the way the world works and parents hope to have straightforward answers. But when it comes to questions regarding the body,
parents and kids alike can find these conversations awkward, uncomfortable and embarrassing. Experts say that destigmatizing a child’s curiosity about their body will not only help them take better care of their health, it may even spark their interest in science.
“Kids have so many questions about their bodies, some practical, some pure curiosity. Sadly, society sometimes chastises children for even asking these questions. By better understanding their bodies though, they can adopt good habits that stay with them for life, and learn about physics and biology in a fun way,” says David L. Hu, Ph.D., a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology and author of “The P Word: A Manual for Mammals.”
Dr. Hu, an award-winning scientist, animal expert and author, wrote “The P Word” for his 10-year old son, who like many children his age, is eager to learn more about his body. While previous books dealing with this topic are written with teenagers in mind, Dr. Hu believes it’s important for younger kids to enter puberty already having all the facts about their biology. His book, meant for ages 7-12, introduces
the penis as an organ that unites all biologically male mammals. It’s meant to serve as a gender-neutral, definitive resource about the penis for kids, providing tools kids need to recognize and name their body parts, understand when something might be wrong and practice good hygiene.
If you’re a parent of a curious kid, or a parent of a child who hasn’t yet voiced their questions, Dr. Hu offers the following tips:
1. Try not to shy away from these conversations or make your child feel ashamed for asking a question about their body. Keep in mind that many children will turn to the internet for answers if you aren’t open to answering their questions, where they may encounter false information or inappropriate content. Instead, acknowledge their curiosity by answering their questions as best you can, and by pointing them to trustworthy resources.
2. Don’t wait until your child reaches puberty. If you start talking to kids about their bodies when they are young, you’ll normalize and desensitize the subject, and the act of talking about it. Helping a child feel comfortable in their own skin before things start to change, will set the stage for less stress during puberty.
3. Help kids
understand that their body is natural and normal. In “The P Word,” Dr. Hu intentionally presents colorful, engaging images and facts about different mammals around the globe alongside information about human bodies, including how animals use their penises to pee, mark their territory and reproduce. “Comparative biology makes learning fun and amusing, lightens the mood around a serious subject, helps young kids understand their place in nature, and offers insights into the role of their penis or vagina outside the role of sex,” says Dr. Hu.
A valuable resource for parents, librarians, educators and of course, kids, more information about “The P-Word” can be found by visiting sciencenaturally. com/productpage/the-p-worda-manual-formammals.
“My hope is that kids realize that every question they have, no matter how embarrassing it is, can be addressed by the tools of
You must renew your ad every 2 issues for it to run in the next issue. And it MUST be written. Ads are not taken by phone. Please note that no ads for alternative lifestyles will be placed anymore. Ads will be placed according to publisher’s discretion.
Must be 18 or over to use this column.
If you send us an ad to run in this section, you must include your real name and address or we will not be able to print your ad. No one ever knows who you are except for the person who handles the replies in my office. Thank you for understanding in this simple matter. Did you meet someone or go further with your relationship? We want to know. Send us your testimonial.
Testimonials: (Looking for some new comments of success)
Fall 1991 and January 1992 Testimonials: My cousin and his new wife (both in their early 40’s) were visiting my mom, my sister, and I. My sister asks, “So, how did you meet?” They kind of giggled and asked each other, “Should we tell them?” They said they met through the LBYL column. My sister and I decided we would try our fare at meeting “Mr. Right”. (BTW, my cousin and his wife are still married and hopelessly in love.) My sister didn’t have much luck, but in January 1992, I saw this ad that kept drawing my attention. As described, he really wasn’t what I was looking for, but... We met later that month for the first time; got engaged in 1993 and married in 1994. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary this October and we have a 23-year-old daughter who lives out of state. Thank you, LBYL! Mr. & Mrs.
4/4/17 Testimonial: I placed an ad 1/2/94 and met the love of my life. He has 3 boys and I have 3 girls. We were married 8/26/95 and now we’re the Brady Bunch. Thanks for helping us find each other. KP/DP
I will always be grateful to your paper Valley Trader. My husband DH wrote to me and we have been happily married almost 12 wonderful years. We’ve been through many trials and joys and so glad we found each other. K.W/ K.H.
“Thanks Again Valley Trader, Friends! Years ago I put an ad in your paper and we were married almost 20 years & then our lord called him home.” -HR
“My brother met his wife Bonnie through your column. They have a son named Jake! He’s our pride and joy!” –CW
L.B.Y.L. Readers: It would help a lot if you put your town location in your ad. Distance is important when replying to an ad. Thanks. – The Valley Trader
We have had several people who have responded to personals in our column, and received no response in return. We would like to request that you send at least a post card to each and every response you receive, just out of courtesy to those taking the time to write you. Also, don’t forget to include either a phone number or address in your letter when responding to an ad.
Tired of not meeting that special someone at work, at the bar, or wherever you have been looking? Look no further than Look Before You Leap men and woman our other supporting single services. We want to help you! What do you have to
lose? Just your loneliness. So do it. Send in your ad or send in a response. See directions at beginning of section on how to be a part of the Look Before You Leap.
DWtCM, nonsmoker, healthy, 70, looks like 50, 6’0”, blue eyes, gray hair, sensitive, kind, caring, loving, gentle, likes many things, prefers fine arts. Send recent photo.
GD26992 11/13
IC’s: SWtFIC. Ready to meet? Let’s do it, come see me, hot, sweet fun. Affectionate, sexy, fun. Write for pics.
FIC, 33, looking for an older man who likes the outdoors & wants to take care of me and who likes to travel.
FIC, sexy, smart Italian Princess looking for my prince. Love to laugh, talk & to share a bond with. Willing to relocate. Will try anything new.
Let’s get it on. SWtFIC, soon to be released seeking potential partner, naughty, affectionate, fun, sexy, for same. Come see me for pics. EK27028IC SWtFIC, green eyes, long auburn hair, soon to be released. Will relocate. Spontaneous, adventure seeker, loves to travel. Seeking dependable, fun loving, loyal, open minded man.
SFIC, 43, long dark hair, blue gray eyes. Love outdoors, travel & animals. Looking for a friend, possible long term relationship.
FIC, Pretty woman seeking man for affection, fun, travel, good times. Must be noble, generous, open minded & available for only me.
SWtFIC, fun, flirty & sexy, upbeat, very loyal & honest with lots of love to give. Seeks kind, loving & genuine man and a forever home.
SWtFIC, 56, salt & pepper, widow, looking
for a chance at love again. I’m fun, free & ready to mingle. Serious responses only. JS27034IC
WtFIC, looking for an older gentleman to hold me tight, enjoy my cooking, cleaning and enjoy flea markets, yard sales & country living.
SWtFIC, green eyes, long auburn hair, soon to be released. Will relocate. Spontaneous adventure seeker. Love to travel. Seeking dependable fun loving, loyal, open minded man.
JS27036IC FIC. Are you lonely? Do you need a friend? Would you like someone to communicate with? I would like to hear from you. PJ27037IC
SWtFIC, 58, looking for a friend, possibly a relationship. Will relocate if need be. Irish & Indian, funny & very lovable.
BJ27038IC FIC, Looking for a friend? Well here’s me. 48 yrs. young & looking for someone that’s honest & lovable. Is there any good men still out there?
MR27039IC FIC, sexy, Italian Princess looking for that someone to laugh with, talk to, willing to try new things. Willing to relocate. Come find me.
JB27040IC FIC, 48 yrs. young, looking for an older gentleman to cuddle & explore. Hopefully more. Let me bring out your spontaneous side.
MR27041IC SWtFIC seeking very nice, kind, caring man, preferably older to visit me & for affection, kind, loving care. Needs computer skills.
KE27042IC SWtFIC, 33, blue-green eyes. Funny, easygoing, down for anything, very bubbly personality. Looking for someone to correspond with, talk on the phone, visit.
SWtFIC, kind, attractive, fun & bubbly, looking for a nice guy to keep in touch with me & write or visit me. I’m down for anything.
JH27044IC Help Wanted: FIC, very attractive, non felonious type inmate. Getting out soon. I want to make new friends. Write now.
Pansexual FIC, I have a beautiful, loving heart. Seeking pen pal with similar energy.
SWtFIC, fun, sexy, affectionate, loyal, understanding, romantic, adventurous. Seeking LTR, 50+. I come with smiles & undeniable warmth that will grow as we grow closer.
CS27047IC FIC, looking for an older gentleman to hold me tight & enjoy my cooking. I enjoy flea markets & country living.
FIC, I am a live adult fun female. I want fun to be loved, happy & make new friends. Come see me. Write now. KE27049IC
SBFIC, 42, interested in intellectual companionship, enjoy to stimulate the brain in many ways, allowing me to stroke their ego. Mental foreplay. Can our personalities mingle?
SWtFIC, 58, Irish & Indian looking for love. I’m funny. Love being outside, flowers, gardening, love animals. Serious replies only. I am willing to relocate for love. BK27051IC
SFIC, Single lady looking for a friend, companionship. I’m caring and easy to get along with. If you would like a friend, please write. Enclose name & address.
FIC, Dirty Blonde, brown-eyed beauty, adventurous, outgoing. Willing to please & learn & try anything. Seeks enticing, passionate man with a huge frisky appetite. HC27053IC
FIC, adventurous hottie looking for her special package. I’m a very sexual girl looking for her next big adventure. Can I take it with you? Are you the spark that will light my fire? Try me.
FIC looking for someone new & fun. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, movies. Also a bit of an adrenaline junky. Will try anything twice. I have a lot of energy. Looking for someone to share it with.
SWtFIC looking for penpals, someone like me, smart, sense of humor, optimistic, outgoing, friendly, honest, loyal, positive, high in spirit.
FIC, lonely girl looking for romance. Adores animals & loves outdoors. Adventurous, fun loving & spontaneous. Willing to try anything. Take the lead and convince me.
FIC, 33, looking for an older man who likes the outdoors & likes to travel & spend money. Hope to hear from someone soon.
WE DO NOT RUN ANY IC-LBYL ADS WITHOUT YOUR IDENTIFYING NUMBER. THESE MAILINGS ARE RETURNED BACK TO US, NON DELIVERABLE. ALSO YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR MAIL FROM LBYL. Inmates, seems you may need to be on some kind of mailing list at the prison. Inquire at your place.
The Valley Trader would like to thank everyone who places an ad in this column and also the people who respond. The number of responses we have been receiving has been GREAT!!! If you meet that “special person” from communicating through our column, let us know. Did you marry? Are you dating? We would like to know! Write us a short note we can print. Of course, we’ll only print it with your initials.
ATTENTION: We have no control over where our Look Before You Leap ads arrive from, and being a free press, we will place them in our column.
Continued from page 5
you have little kids, move the hooks to their level, so hanging their bag becomes part of their routine.”
Medicine Cabinet Makeover: The outdoor season brings its fair share of challenges like sunburn, bug bites, bee stings and rashes. Stock a cabinet with must-have emergency supplies. Lay Solid Grip Shelf Liner with Clorox on the shelf, so surfaces stay clean and dry from leaking bottles and sticky spills. Lawson keeps these essentials on a shelf near her entryway, so it’s easy for her family to apply sunscreen or bug repellent quickly on their way to the park or pool.
Order for Overflow: More than half of the people surveyed say clutter in the living room is the “most annoying” mess their family members make on a regular basis. Lawson says she uses hooks on the inside wall of her hall closet to hold an organizer. This creates extra storage for small toys as well as hand soap and toilet
paper. She also recommends that households establish a consistent cleanup time to “reset” the room.
“No matter how much we try to clean up, staying organized will come down to the habits that we have,” Lawson says. “Institute a daily or weekly reset where everyone in the family works together to get everything back to where it goes. That will keep the clutter from piling up.”
Gather Your Gadgets: From tongs to skewers, we often use the same tools to cook in the summer. Lawson suggests storing go-to grilling gadgets in a caddy, so they can easily be taken from inside to out. She also says to divide drawers with small trays and use shelf liner with fun prints and patterns under the trays to add a pop of color to the area.
Additionally, put bulky items like egg, pineapple and watermelon slicers in a basket on a higher shelf, so they don’t take up drawer space.
Car Clean-Out: Whether you’re heading on a day trip or a road trip, the car can easily get chaotic. Lawson recommends putting an organizer on each of the back seats, so kids’ snacks, electronics and car games are easily accessible. These pockets can also be a handy place for hand sanitizer, trash bags and water.
Setting up these simple organizing systems with the help of useful products and organizing tools will encourage tidy habits for a neat home all season long.
Continued from Page 4
You may not think about your interior decorating choices as something that could potentially improve your home’s energy efficiency, but many such updates will not only make your home look more cozy, they’ll actually help keep it warm. Thick area rugs are a good place to start, as they provide insulation underfoot. Likewise, cellular shades or Roman shades can help stop heat transfer around windows, and wall tapestries or fabric-like wallpaper can provide a touch more insulation on walls.
To learn more about building and renovating with comfort and energy savings in mind, visit provia.com.
By selecting the right products during a renovation, you can prepare your home for greater comfort and energy savings in cool weather.
1. Brainchild
5. Gravestone wish
8. Paleozoic one
11. Pressing tool
12. Senegal’s neighbor
13. Literary theme
15. Scissors sound
16. Final notice
17. *Notre Dame’s Fighting
18. *Home of the first Super Bowl winners
20. National League Pennant series, acr.
21. Steer clear
22. “Glee” actress ____ Michele
23. Befuddled
26. *One of 4 NFL teams sharing a home field
29. Fish story
30. Stockings
33. “Doggone it!”
35. Rand McNally book
37. Mozart’s “L’____ del Cairo”
38. Whiskey drinks?
39. Comedy act
40. Be more of a fox
42. Dead or Black, e.g.
43. Obliquely
45. Roof supporter
47. High or low card
48. Employer’s good news
50. Hyperbolic tangent
52. *College player not using eligibility
55. Beastly person
56. Double-reed instrument
57. *Nike Pegasus 39
59. Smidgeons
60. Paddleboarding acronym, pl.
61. Seaside bird
62. *Thirty-____ teams in NFL
63. *Ravens’ or Lions’ time, acr.
64. *Rushing unit
1. “____ Now or Never”
2. “Shoot!”
3. Arabian bigwig
4. Fund-raising letter
5. Torah teacher
6. Homer’s famous poem
7. Feel for
8. Larger-than-life
9. A Supreme singer
10. Emerald ____ borer
12. Poet’s death lament
13. Fungal skin infection
14. *Home of the Citrus Bowl in Florida
19. Not odds
22. Lily, in French
23. Unfortunately, exclamation
24. *a.k.a. Iron Mike
25. Charcuterie stores
26. Nibble away
27. Have faith
28. Ranee’s wrap
31. Lummox
32. Calendar abbr.
34. Russian autocrat
36. *Home to College Football Hall of Fame
38. Secret supply
40. *Extra point
41. Van Gogh flowers
44. Partners of pains
46. Spirited
48. Puzzle with pictures and letters
49. Take as one’s own
50. Think, archaic
51. Grand theft target
52. *The oldest college football Bowl
53. Actress Perlman
54. Millimeter of mercury
55. Took the bait
58. *Defensive one
11 CENTRAL PA COUNTIES IN 27,500 COPIES 570-444-9850
Saturday • September 23, 2023 • 9:00 A.M.
Real Estate @ 12:30 P.M.
Location: 66 Flick Road, Allenwood, Pa. 17810 From Route 15 in Allenwood Take Route 44 North to the Village of Elimsport Turn onto Gap Road and follow Approx. 3 Miles Turn on to Lehman Road follow 1/2 mile and turn onto Flick Road and follow Signs. Watch for auction signs.
Auction Listing: Dodge Diesel 3500 Ram Truck, John Deere Gas 630 2 Cycl. Tractor, IH PTO Manure Spreader, 1970’s Jeep (V8, 4x4, Approx. 40,000miles), Household, Tools, Collectibles, Furniture, Etc. Please Check back for more details and pictures.
Real Estate Listing: This is a wonderful 28+ Acre real estate with a large 28’x60’ 3 bedroom/ 2 bath home, including a living room, dining area, family room, spacious kitchen, laundry room all on first floor. Upstairs is totally opened and unfinished with plumbing upstairs. Basement is also unfinished and open. 200 Amp Electric, Outdoor wood Stove with metal carport and back up oil furnace in house and Central AC, well water, septic system, large wooden deck 60’ Long front and back of house. Property consist of a spacious 3 car garage, and other out buildings. This property located back in the woods at the mountain base and is a very private location that would make this great for hunting also near PA State Forest Land. House was built in 2008. This is a must see home to appreciate!! Located in Lycoming County & Montgomery School District. Real Estate is sold “As Is”. The seller is highly motivated, and you don’t want to miss out on this great real estate!! Check out Auctionzip.com Seller #4038 for More info and Pictures.
Please contact Voneida’s Auction Service for a personal tour of the property. Call Dan Voneida at 570-447-6480
Terms: 4% Buyer’s Premium, $15,000 Down on auction day, Balance in 60 days. Owner has reserved the right to accept or reject any or all bids if they wish to do so. Any inspections can be done prior to auction day at buyer’s expense. All oral announcements on auction day supersede all printed material. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible in case of any accidents.
Owner: Joe & Debra Lehman
Bring Chairs • Food Available • Tents if needed
Associate Auctioneer: Wayne Arthur Lic. #AU001752-L Voneida’s Auction Service Dan Voneida - Auctioneer - Lic. #AU004059 723 Petersburg Road, Allenwood, PA 17810 • 570-447-6480
Andracchio Estate Real Estate Auction & PP 3 Day Tag/Moving Sale
Thurs, Fri & Saturday, August 24, 25 & 26, 9-4 daily 401 & 403 E. Pine St., Shamokin, PA 17872
Real Estate Open House Showings--Sunday, August 13th & August 20th, 2 to 4 pm (or by private showing with auctioneer)
Well-constructed, “fixer-upper”, two-story, double home investment property, w/3 BR’s each side, LR, DR & eat-in kitchens, basements & walk-in attics, built prior to 1978, with approx. 1,000 sq. ft. on .25 acre parcel. Homes have off-street parking and front & rear porches, Property also has an unattached 6 bay garage. Shamokin school district! Utilities—Oil hot water heat with furnace hot water heater, public water & sewer and 100-amp electric service and a 4 camera security system. 403 upgraded w/100 amp electric service. Terms: $8,000 real estate property deposit required day of auction, with good PA check or certified funds payable to Marquette’s Auction Marketing, balance at closing within 60 days of sale date. 5% buyer’s premium to be added to the purchase price of the real estate. Real estate is sold “as-is” & is subject to owner confirmation. Statements made day of auction take precedence over previously printed material. Inspections may be done prior to auction at potential buyer’s expense. Real estate will be auctioned off on Saturday, August 26 @ 11am
Tag Sale Items—2010 Jeep Compass 4x4-Antiques-Woodworking Eqpmnt-Tools-Furniture-Appliances-Hunting & Fishing Eqpmnt-Push Mowers-Tire Changing Machine & Balancer-Reloading Eqpmnt & Supplies-Pocket Knives-Baseball Cards
Special Note: Hours 9-4 daily or by appointment only! All items priced & sold as-is with no warranties applied. Terms Cash or good PA check only, ID required. Updated info & pics @ marquetteauctions.com, auctionzip.com ID1907 or GoToAuction.com ID6181. Owners not responsible for accidents. Selling the real estate & contents for the Estate of David P. Andracchio, Alexis Andracchio, Executrix.
Tom Marquette, AU-002855L, 570/916-6903