er!!! I have been able to sell so many things through this little paper!! People call me from all over. Last week I received a call from Hawaii about one of my ads. LT
Antiques - 2
Apartments for Rent - 04 Man looking for a 1 bedroom apartment. Has a friendly medium size dog. Age 67 on disability so can pay up to $700 a month. Williamsport only. 570-9741120. ufn Autos/Trucks
puter or office room, sunken
- 07
2012 Nissan SUV, great shape,
$7,900.00; 4 Wheeler, brand new, due to bad health, age 70. $7,100. Must have cash. real deal on both. $14,000.00 for both.. Must sell both. 570951-7198.
Auto Accessories - 10 For sale
parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570204-9626. ufn
Campers, Motor Homes, Rec. Vehicles - 11 1995 Chariot Park
BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer.
Guns, Etc.26
Nib Ruger SR22, xtra clips, black, must transfer. $400.00. 570850-1438.
Four Wheel Tires, Carlisle, like new, 2x22
10.5 12 2x22
8.5 12 Lug
Tread. $200 all 4. 570-8501438. 9/11
Farm & Garden - 23
Curtis Snowplow, 6’ w x 18” h, fits a Kubota RTV 900. $600 Cash or reasonable offer.
12 Gauge Winchester Pump Shot Gun, plug for limited 3 shots, box ammo & leather gun case. $550.00. 570-797-1689.
Help Wanted - 28 Wanted:
Gabe Gush Owner
P: 570-584-2996 F: 570-584-2964 ib4675@centralpenn.biz
Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/ loft, com-
570-435-0461 leave messsage. 9/18
Tall, attractive, country homeowner seeks Irish lady, 60-70’s for companion with drivers license. 570538-3464. 9/18
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO
Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time Graphic Designer position. 24-35 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a full-time position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@yahoo.com
Household/Furniture - 30 Brown Metal Closet, 5 1/2 ft. high, 20” deep, 30” wide, $25.00; Niagara Theraputic Massage Chair, Vinyl, $50.00; Metal Swival Rocker, cloth fabic, $40.00; High Back, tufted Gold Living Room Chair, $40.00; Toaster Oven, $6.00; West Bend Electric Frying Pan, $10.00. All in excellent condition. 570-648-7486. 9/11
Miscellaneous - 35
Coleman Powermate Portable Electric Generator, 6250 maximum watts, 5,000 running watts, excellent condition, with large wheels, works great, $225.00. 570568-3884. 9/11
Hobb Zone
Super Cub
DSM Remote
Controlled, about 10 yrs. old but never used, $150.00
OBO. 570-748-6336. 9/25
Pets - 40
Golden Retriever Puppies for sale. 1 1/2 yr. old female, $200.00; 5 Mo. old Male, $250.00; 8 wk. old Puppies, $400.00. Loysville 717423-6947. 10/2
German Shepherd Puppies, white, 1 male, 2 female. Asking $350.00. 570-452-6342 or 570452-5199 after 7 pm. 10/9
Registered female Labradoodle, 2 yrs. old, very friendly & great wih children. Asking only $400. Muncy area 570-764-5870. 9/25
(StatePoint) After extreme weather events, it’s common to evaluate exterior home products and to feel a sense of urgency about replacing them if they’re not providing proper protection. One addition that homeowners should consider is a storm door, however, experts say it’s important not to rush the decision.
“Storm doors provide insulation, curb appeal, and weather protection for the entry door, but they are not one-sizefits-all,” says Brandon Morris, entry and storm door product manager at ProVia, a manufacturer that carries several brands of customizable aluminum storm doors. “Before making a purchase,
first determine your needs and style preferences.”
To help homeowners make sense of their options, ProVia is offering this round-up of essential factors to consider:
To reap the maximum benefits a storm door can provide, take thickness and construction into consideration. Those offered by ProVia all feature an aluminum wall thickness 20% greater than industry standard, to provide greater protection to your entry door, along with stability and durability for long-term use. Most brands they carry also have multi-hollow construction, which translates to greater strength and security than standard storm doors.
Storm doors are not always just functional. Certain manufacturers understand that they are a home element that can boost curb appeal, too. Decorative storm doors come with options like beveled glass, stained glass, and privacy glass, adding visual appeal, and a unique artistic statement where you least expect. Different colors and multiple options in hardware styles and finishes allow the storm door to blend in with your exterior design, whether that’s traditional and understated or ultramodern and eye-catching.
The type of glass you choose can maximize energy efficiency. Low emissivity (Low-E) glass doors, for example, have a thin, invisible coating that reduces infrared and ultraviolet light coming through the door glass. In winter, Low-E glass lets radiant heat pass through, but doesn’t allow it
to come back out, for a cozier interior. And in summer, it helps keep heat out. Low-E glass also features UV protection that can prevent fading of items inside your home.
Storm doors with removable glass panels and retractable screens enable airflow and crucial ventilation between the storm and entry doors, while letting the design of the entryway shine.
Accessories can create additional functionality for your storm door. Have a furry friend who needs regular outdoor access? Consider a doggie door so they can come and go as they please. Some manufacturers offer this option in multiple sizes to fit your pet’s needs. No streetside mailbox on your property? Add a mail slot to your storm door.
Other optional features, such as a piano hinge and
bottom expander, and an easy release closer, can help your storm door operate more smoothly, while ensuring it’s custom-fit to eliminate drafts.
For more storm door tips and recommendations, visit provia.com/ doors/storm-doors/.
Like many home elements, there’s a lot to consider when selecting storm doors. By weighing your style preferences and security needs, and by determining what add-ons your household can benefit from, you can make a decision you won’t regret.
(Family Features) For many people, changing seasons are about resetting routines and adjusting to a different pace of life. With fall activities in full swing, families should be intentional about their sleep routines to avoid missing the magical moments ahead.
According to SleepScore, people lose an average of 15 1/2 hours of sleep (about 10 minutes each night) during summer months due to the “summer sleep slump.” Addressing this challenge, Natrol, a leading sleep, mood and stress supplement brand, along with behavioral sleep specialist Shelby Harris, intend to help people gain control over their sleep and mood to be more present each day.
“Sleep is supposed to help you live your day to the fullest,” Harris said. “There are smart behavioral shifts you can make to maximize your sleep routine this fall, and sometimes that can include melatonin supplements. I always say, ‘If you are taking a sleep aid that makes you sleepy throughout the day, what is the point of taking it?’”
Harris recommends these easy tips to improve your sleep routine.
Before trying to reset routines, consider the changes you’re hoping to make. Track the sleep you’re getting now and pay attention to factors that may hinder your current sleep cycle, from struggling to fall asleep to tossing and turning during the night, then think about the ways you might be able to improve those hindrances.
Remember, changes don’t happen
overnight. For many people, the solution is as simple as going to bed earlier. Rather than trying to make up that extra 30 minutes immediately, it’s often helpful to slowly adjust routines. Try starting your bedtime ritual 5 minutes earlier each night to work toward your goal.
Despite the hectic nature of fall schedules, it’s important to prioritize time to unwind before bed. Whether it’s reading a book, meditating or finding another slow-paced activity you enjoy, a calming, screenless way to slow your mind may help you fall asleep quicker.
It may seem obvious, but too much light exposure (indoor and out) at night can cause sleep issues. Be mindful of your own comfort by ensuring TVs and computers are powered down, smartphones are set aside, outdoor lights are off and curtains are drawn.
to illness.
Ensuring children are current on their vaccines also creates opportunities for parents and caregivers to check their own preventive health statuses.
The National Institutes of Health notes vaccinepreventable diseases cost the country approximately $27 billion annually in lost wages and increased healthcare costs.
com/vaccinations or visit a local pharmacy or clinic.
Source: Kroger Health
Saturday • September 23, 2023 • 9:00 A.M. Real Estate @ 12:30 P.M.
Family Features) Now is a good time to check in and make sure your entire family is protected from infectious diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines help create protective antibodies that fight off infections. Timely routine vaccinations, such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubeola) and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), are known to prevent around 4 million deaths annually, yet only 1 in 5 adults are up to date on their vaccines.
Convenience, accessibility and lack of trust all play fundamental parts in why vaccination numbers are low across some demographic groups and geographic regions. Community pharmacies and clinics, such as the Kroger Family of Companies’ Pharmacies and The Little Clinic, have emerged as accessible and convenient options for people seeking needed healthcare services outside of traditional settings. These facilities offer a range of highquality services, including medication counseling, health screenings and immunizations.
Routine preventive care, including vaccine administration, can take place at various points throughout the year. Certain populations, such as people who are 60 years of age and older, those with chronic diseases and some minority populations, are more at risk for contracting certain infections and are encouraged to maintain updated vaccinations and boosters throughout the year. (For children younger than 5 years of age, check with your local pharmacist or clinician for vaccine guidelines.)
The CDC recommends everyone 6 months old and older get an annual flu vaccine. Influenza, more commonly known as the flu, is a highly contagious respiratory virus that infects the nose, throat and lungs, and could lead to serious illness, hospitalization or death. Dominant flu strains are constantly shifting and protection from a single flu vaccine declines over time.
Retail pharmacies and clinics hold a unique position in the local communities they serve and are deeply committed to vaccine education and outreach. In addition to providing protection against illnesses such as influenza, vaccines also offer protection against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, varicella (chicken pox), measles, RSV, pertussis (whooping cough), COVID-19 and more. By equipping people with consistent, factual information, retail pharmacies and clinics empower them to make informed decisions about their health and the health of their loved ones.
Research shows schools and colleges have the potential to cultivate a higher disease transmission rate that affects all ages. When students are protected against vaccinepreventable illnesses, they experience fewer absences due
Unlike some traditional healthcare settings, retail pharmacies and clinics are easily accessible. They are often located within local communities and have extended hours that cater to busy schedules, allowing flexibility for people getting their families vaccinated. Options like the Kroger Family of Companies’ Pharmacies and other retail pharmacies have established vaccine clinics within their pharmacy and clinic locations, making vaccinations a seamless and convenient part of the healthcare experience they provide.
Annual Gallup Polls consistently show pharmacists and nurse practitioners are among the most trusted people in the medical field. Healthcare professionals at retail pharmacies and clinics undergo rigorous training and possess indepth knowledge about vaccines, proper storage and handling as well as administration techniques.
By prioritizing proactive vaccinations, retail pharmacies create an environment that supports the well-being of students, teachers, staff and families, helping communities live healthier lives.
To learn more, visit kroger.
Location: 66 Flick Road, Allenwood, Pa. 17810 From Route 15 in Allenwood Take Route 44 North to the Village of Elimsport Turn onto Gap Road and follow Approx. 3 Miles Turn on to Lehman Road follow 1/2 mile and turn onto Flick Road and follow Signs. Watch for auction signs.
Auction Listing: Dodge Diesel 3500 Ram Truck, John Deere Gas 630 2 Cycl. Tractor, IH PTO Manure Spreader, 1970’s Jeep (V8, 4x4, Approx. 40,000miles), Household, Tools, Collectibles, Furniture, Etc. Please Check back for more details and pictures.
Real Estate Listing: This is a wonderful 28+ Acre real estate with a large 28’x60’ 3 bedroom/ 2 bath home, including a living room, dining area, family room, spacious kitchen, laundry room all on first floor. Upstairs is totally opened and unfinished with plumbing upstairs. Basement is also unfinished and open. 200 Amp Electric, Outdoor wood Stove with metal carport and back up oil furnace in house and Central AC, well water, septic system, large wooden deck 60’ Long front and back of house. Property consist of a spacious 3 car garage, and other out buildings. This property located back in the woods at the mountain base and is a very private location that would make this great for hunting also near PA State Forest Land. House was built in 2008. This is a must see home to appreciate!! Located in Lycoming County & Montgomery School District. Real Estate is sold “As Is”. The seller is highly motivated, and you don’t want to miss out on this great real estate!! Check out Auctionzip.com Seller #4038 for More info and Pictures.
Please contact Voneida’s Auction Service for a personal tour of the property. Call Dan Voneida at 570-447-6480
Terms: 4% Buyer’s Premium, $15,000 Down on auction day, Balance in 60 days. Owner has reserved the right to accept or reject any or all bids if they wish to do so. Any inspections can be done prior to auction day at buyer’s expense. All oral announcements on auction day supersede all printed material. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible in case of any accidents.
Owner: Joe & Debra Lehman
Bring Chairs • Food Available • Tents if needed
Associate Auctioneer: Wayne Arthur Lic. #AU001752-L
Voneida’s Auction Service
Dan Voneida - Auctioneer - Lic. #AU004059
723 Petersburg Road, Allenwood, PA 17810 • 570-447-6480
Saturday, September 30, 2023 @ 9 A.M. & 2 Day Tag Sale, Thurs. & Fri., Sept. 28 & 29, 9-4 daily 989 L. Harman Road, Hughesville, PA 17737
(turn on Harman Rd. 2 mi. E. of Hughesville on Rt. 118)
Real Estate Open House, Sunday, September 17th & 24th…2 to 4 pm
(or contact auctioneer for a private showing)
Home is a 2-story farmhouse w/5 BR’s, 1 bath, oil fired hot water baseboard heat w/furnace hot water, full basement w/outside entry, nice kitchen, LR and DR and is approx 1804 sq ft. Home also has a 2-sided wrap-around enclosed porch, well insulated walk-in attic for mega storage and a 16k watt whole-farm back-up propane generator. Home has an unattached 3 car garage w/a lean-to and storage at opposite end, good spring & well water & on-site septic system Out buildings consist of a well-maintained two-story bank barn w/2-60’ silos and a milking parlor, two corn cribs, 2 large open implement sheds, a smokehouse & 2 medium size sheds Home sits on a picturesque 191.42 acre farm w/106+ tillable acres & 62 wooded acres This property is nestled in a nice, quiet, secluded area just E. of Hughesville with abundant wildlife frequenting the area. Note: Property being offered with all Sub-Surface OGM rights. Farm is in Clean and Green Incentive program. Terms: $25,000 deposit day of auction, with good PA check or certified funds payable to Marquette’s Auction Marketing, balance at closing within 60 days of sale date 3% buyer’s premium to be added to the purchase price of real estate Real estate is subject to owner confirmation. Statements made day of auction take precedence over previously printed material. Radon & lead based paint inspection may be done at potential buyer's expense prior to auction Real estate will be sold as-is @ 11 A.M on Saturday, Sept. 30. 1% Realtors’ participation available & must pre-register client(s) according to Marquette’s Auction Marketing requirements
Tag Sale Items, Thurs. & Friday, Sept. 28 & 29—Furniture, Appliances, JD Collectables, Households, Antiques, Woodstove, Crocks Auction Items, Saturday, Sept. 30 2005 Subaru Forester, John Deere Garden Tractor, Grizzly Drill Press, Collectables, Tools, Butchering Equipment, New & Used Drums of Oil, Scrap Metal Special Note Cash or good PA check only, ID required. All items will be sold as-is with no warranties applied, with most items in excellent condition. Starting @ 9am each day w/appropriate items listed. Any remaining tag sale items will be auctioned off on Saturday, Sept. 30th, with the 11am real estate auction and the garden tractor following real estate Food available-bring chairs. Updated info & pics @ marquetteauctions.com, auctionzip.com ID1907, or gotoauction.com ID6181 Owners not responsible for accidents. Selling the real estate & personal property for Marian L. Harman Jane Opp & David Harman, POA’s.
Tom Marquette, AU-002855L, 570/916-6903
Keeping the room dark can make a big difference when trying to fall and stay asleep throughout the night.
Turn to a Drug-Free Sleep Aid Supplement
If you follow consistently good bedtime habits but still have trouble falling asleep, try a low-milligram melatonin supplement, like those from Natrol, which are designed to help people sleep better so they can feel well-rested and ready to take on the day.
“Melatonin is not a one-stop solution to help get your sleep back on track,” Harris said. “If you are taking melatonin, finding a brand with USP Verified options, like Natrol’s 5MG Fast Dissolve Tablets, for example, is extremely important.”
Prioritize Your Wake-Up Routine
That snooze button might be tempting, but those extra few minutes of sleep may do more harm than good. Ensure you wake up feeling refreshed by sticking to a consistent sleep cycle. Whether it’s a morning stretch or simply forcing your feet to hit the floor, prioritizing movement and exposure to light can help kickstart the day.
Find more ways to help get your sleep back on track by visiting Natrol. com.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Source: Natrol