Tva jan 2018

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Su b-h

Rep. Du n can Hu n t er speak in g at t h e Advocacy Pan el @ Vape Sh ow case in Dallas

h eadin gs

95% SA FER

4. Tu r n in g Poin t , By Joe Sm it h 8. Wr it in g On Th e Wall, By Pat r ick Rif f e 12. Lon n ie Bozem an Pr of ile, By Pat r ick Rif f e 18. VTA 2018 Gam eplan 24. Glan t zin g At Br east s, By Pat r ick Rif f e



Congratulations, if you're reading this, you?ve succeeded in your quest to end combustible tobacco.You've accomplished something that most find impossible.So my question to you is, what the hell else are you going to accomplish? The critics are right,vaping did serve as a gateway. but it wasn't the negative gateway they're claiming, it was a gateway to success. I reread a great book recently by Malcolm Gladwell. It's called The Tipping Point. Malcolm Gladwell believes that societal change or trends start and finish with a single event. The event doesn't have to be large, it doesn't have to have widespread adoption, it just has to happen. Very small details often leads to massive change. Did you know that in 1994, Hush Puppies were on the verge of closing up shop and rebounded to sell almost 500,000 pairs in 1995. In 1996, they won a fashion designers award and sold close to 2 million pairs! This was all thanks to a handful of Manhattan youngsters who were seen wearing the shoes at local bars and clubs. That Gateway the naysayers are talking about, it was my Tipping Point. Once I realized that I was an ex-smoker, having accomplished something I never thought I could, I wanted more of that feeling. Yes, I have a very addictive personality, which is probably the reason I picked up smoking in the first place. I'm sure you can relate.Now, 5+ years of being smoke free, I?m constantly seeking others ways to improve myself. A positive addiction if you will. The thing is, if one small detail can lead a company from the brink of extinction to millions in revenue, why can?t something as small as an ego twist lead to a massive amount of self improvement? You have to feel it by now .The clearing of your lungs. The increased sensitivity of your taste buds.No longer needing to keep a bottle of Febreze in your

car, which, as an ex-smoker, I can tell you ? nothing masks that terrible smell we were all accustomed to. If you?re nodding your head in agreement, don?t you want more?

significant improvement over the nasty sticks I had in my pocket. It was in that moment, with an Ego Twist, a dripping atomizer, and an entire roll of paper towels that I became an ex-smoker.

Read a book. Don?t like reading? Listen to a book. Still coming up with a reason not to? Watch a video, youtube will surprise you. The point is, improve something. Whatever you do, take the time to do it better. If not for yourself, do it for your loved ones. How proud were they when you finally kicked cigarettes to the curb? Give them another proud moment. When you?re finished with that, give them another.

I promise you, it won?t be all roses and unicorns, it?s gonna kick your ass at times, but you have to suck it up and trudge forward. There are times when it?ll seem impossible, but you?ve already done the impossible ? so that excuse is no longer valid.

Always putting off that weight loss goal? Why? Afraid you?ll fail?How many times did you fail in your quest to quit smoking? Did you give up?I doubt it ? you probably wouldn?t be reading this magazine if you had. Do you remember how good you felt after you were finally smoke free? Who in their right mind doesn?t want to experience that again? I was proud when I kicked the habit. It was a weird kind of proud as well. It was a surprised kind of proud. I didn?t expect it to happen, but when it did, I felt pretty damn good about myself. Now, for the sake of transparency, I didn?t intend to completely give up cigarettes. I was just tired of bundling up in the winter to go outside and get my fix.I figured if I vaped, it would be a little more enjoyable than freezing on the patio or spending five minutes layering my clothes. After about two weeks of dual using, I realized that this annoying little thing that doesn?t always work as intended, was a

Having been actively involved in the vaping industry for as long as I have, and having heard from more people than I can recall, about what vaping has done to their lives, I can?t think of a single valid reason as to why you can?t improve your life. Hell, I still love to hear about how vaping improved someone's life. As a matter of fact, I?ve often told myself that the day I stop getting goosebumps from personal testimonies, is the day I leave the vaping industry. If you know of someone who still doesn?t believe me, I invite them down to south Georgia. I?ll take them to any Good Life Vapor and we?ll just sit. When customers come in, Ryan will be sure to introduce them and we?ll hear first hand, the testimonies that make everything we do worth it. From COPD to emphysema. From something as small as saving a few extra dollars each month, to a mid forties dad that just ran his first 5k. The stories don?t have to be huge and elaborate, small improvements are just as good. Remember, a tipping point doesn?t have to be large.

WORDS ON THE WA LL By Pat r ick Rif f e


I decided to begin a new monthly feature that would allow YOU, the vaper to put your words out into the world. Your stories are inspiring and might help smokers make the choice to give vaping a try.All the research shows that for any product, the patch, gum, pharmaceuticals, even vaping, to work, the smoker has to want to do it. Your words might be just the push they need.So every month, I will be using different social media accounts to give you the chance to participate, put your thoughts out into the aether and eventually make their way into this magazine or on a podcast on Smokefree Radio. The first of these posts posed a simple question, ?What Does Vaping Mean To You??. It?s a simple question, but cuts right to the bone.You see people comment on Facebook how ?Vaping Saved My Life.?but it really should say so much more.You?ve reduced the miracle into 4 words.I want to know how your life changed, what is better, everyone has a different story. We had many great comments.I think you dear reader should have a chance to read them. ?Ar t bylisabelle:Af t er 43 year s of sm ok in g, I h ad ear ly st ages of COPD. Vapin g m ean s m y h ealt h h as im pr oved. As lon g as I vape I w on't sm ok e. ?Jef f o_vapes:Vapin g is m y n ew f ou n d passion . I sm ok ed cigar et t es f or 40 year s an d t h an k s t o vapin g, I'm 8 m on t h s sm ok e f r ee. I w as diagn osed w it h copd an d em ph ysem a an d can n ow br eat h e bet t er , t ast e

bet t er an d n o lon ger sm ell lik e a disgu st in g ash t r ay.

sm ok e a dir t y t obacco cigar et t e?

?Fer n an do_jam ie_est r ada:Vapin g f or m e is a w h ole n ew lif est yle ch an ge an d it 's all posit ive. No m or e disgu st in g t ar , sm ok e an d h ar m f u l ch em icals. Ju st t h e w h ole idea of sm ok in g n ow is so f ou l alm ost t o t h e poin t of em bar r assm en t . Vapin g is m or e t h an a h obby f or m e an d m or e t h an ju st a ph ase.

?Coilsmith_id: Vapin g h as n ow been m y saviou r , m y w or k , m y passion an d m y lif e. I don't cou gh an ym or e. I'm f eelin g m u ch m or e h ealt h ier . I can t ast e f ood m u ch bet t er . I can br eat h e n or m ally. I f eel t ir ed n or m ally w it h ou t an y f eel lik e t h er e's a f ir e in side m y lu n gs. No m or e sm ellin g lik e an ash t r ay ever yt im e i com e h om e. I m et a lot an d i do lit er ally m ean a lot of n ice people w h ile in t h is in du st r y.. m an y people h elped an d i also h ope i can h elp m an y people on e day..

?Sm ok ybu d420: I st ar t ed vapin g 3 year s ago. I sm ok ed f or 20 year s. I w an t ed t o qu it bef or e i h ad k ids bu t w as h ar d. M y you n gest is six n ow. M y t w o k ids ar e t h e r eason i st ar t ed vapin g. I t r ied t o get m y m om t o qu it w h en i w as 8, didn?t h appen lost h er f ive m on t h s ago. I t r ied t o get h er t o vape. I got h er a ju u l sh e lik ed bu t sh e w as st u ck on t h e ick y st ick s. Sh e past in h er sleep. I?m ju st glad it saved m e f or m y k ids. I can br eat h e bet t er n ow. I f eel lik e i cou ld r u n a m ar at h on n ow t h at i can br eat h clear ly. M y k ids love t h at i vape an d t h ey k n ow I did it f or t h em . If i w ou ldn?t h ave st ar t ed i w ou ld h ave lost m y lif e a year ago. Dec 6 I h ave su r ger y t o pu t m e back t o n or m al. Th e doct or s k n ow i vape an d it s saf e. I vape t ell I get t o t h e h ospit al bef or e I get pu t u n der an est h esia n o pr oblem s. I w ak e u p at t h e h ospit al f eelin g gr eat r eady t o go. ?Ir on w oolm u st ach e:Vapin g h as been a lif esaver f or m e. I'm n ot w ak in g u p w it h cou gh in g f it s. M y f am ily says I've been look in g bet t er sin ce I've been of f t h ose dir t y cigar et t es. I f eel bet t er over all an d t h er e's so m an y gr eat f lavor s ou t t h er e w h y w ou ld an yon e w an t t o

6 stories, 6 lives, 6 reasons why we fight to protect this industry.We fight for parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa. You might think that 6 stories seems unimportant.If there are 6, there are 6 million, 10 million.These are the words left on the wall for now.Your stories will be told.The wall is vast and endless with room for everyone. Keep an eye out on The Vaping Advocate on Facebook and Instagram, on Smokefree Radio on Facebook and Instagram and SonOfLibertyRadio on Instagram for your chance to write on the wall.

#YouBetYourA sh w i th K ev i n Pri ceM onday 8:00 PM #Smok eFreeRadi ow i th Di mi tri s A graf i oti sTuesday 9:00 PM #Th eV ul garV aperw i th Fergus M asonWednesday 9:00 PM #NotaV api ngSh eepw i th A my LaneFri day 9:00 PM #SonOf Li bertyw i th Patri ck Ri f f eSaturday 11:00 PM #V apeStarsw i th JTSunday 11:00 PM

Sm ok eFr eeRadio.Com

LONNI E BOZ EM A N FROM I NSA NI TY TO V A PI NG A DV OCA TE Th e story th at Lonni e Bozeman tel l s about h ow h e f ound out about v api ng and h ow h e started h i s busi ness h as some comi cal poi nts, and controv ersy but th rough al l of th at i t sh ow s th at h e i s tak i ng th e ch oi ces h e h as made seri ousl y and h e does address th e good and bad. At 33 year s old, a bu sin ess t o r u n an d a bu sy f am ily lif e w it h f ive k ids, a w if e t h at w or k s t w o jobs is t h e h ead of t h e PTA.Lon n ie is n ot t h e st er eot ypical f ou n der of an e liqu id com pan y. In 2011, Lon n ie w as w or k in g in t h e bu sin ess m an ager an d t ech n ology sect or bu ildin g som e of t h e lar gest , t ech n ologically advan ced dat a cen t er s in t h e w or ld.His back gr ou n d in bu sin ess w or k in g w it h som e of t h e lar gest com pan ies in t h e w or ld h ad h im on t r ack f or a gr eat car eer . Th en h e discover ed vapin g.His st or y abou t h ow t h at h appen ed is h ilar iou s. ?I h ad qu it sm ok in g f or a w h ile, bu t I f elt lik e goin g back .On e day I w as sit t in g in ou r n et w or k oper at ion s cen t er w h ich look ed lik e a ligh t ver sion of t h e CTU f r om t h e TV sh ow 24.I?m w at ch in g t h e cam er as an d on e of m y t ech n ician s is at on e of t h e ser ver r ack s an d I see t h is clou d com e u p an d I?m lik e w ear in g a su it an d t ie an d I?ve got t h ese cor por at e ban k er s w alk in g t h r ou gh doin g a in vest m en t t ou r .I?m look in g at t h is cam er a t h at is u p on t h is 70 in ch m on it or in t h is n et w or k oper at ion s cen t er an d t h e vein in m y h ead is abou t t o explode.I gr ab t h e ph on e an d call dow n t o t h e t ech n ician .I?m lik e, ?Wh at in t h e m ot h er of all f u ck s ar e you doin g r igh t n ow ??an d h e says, ?Oh don?t w or r y br o it ?s on ly w at er vapor .?I an sw er back , ?Th at ?s cool, bu t if I see you do t h at again , I?m gon n a k ill you , n ot f ir e you .You h ave t o st op doin g t h at r igh t t h is secon d.? Af t er w ar d, t h e t ech sh ow ed Lon n ie w h at an elect r on ic cigar et t e w as, an d t h at w as w h at in spir ed h im t o bu y on e an d give vapin g a t r y in st ead of goin g back t o sm ok in g. Lon n ie bou gh t h is f ir st st ar t er k it f r om a com pan y m ost of t h e older sch ool vaper s w ill be f am iliar w it h , ?Hou se of Vapor ?.An ego bat t er y an d a gr ape e liqu id in 48m g.?It ar r ived an d I set it u p an d t ook t h e f ir st pu f f .M y m ou t h w as in st an t ly coat ed w it h 48 m g gr ape f lavor .To t h is day, if I t r y an yt h in g w it h gr ape f lavor it in st an t ly com es back t o m e h ow bad t h at w as.An d h u r lin g im m ediat ely w h en t h at 48m g h it m y t h r oat .? ?I k ept exper im en t in g w it h all of t h ese h or r ible devices an d h or r ible liqu ids.I r em em ber t h in k in g h ow t er r ible it w as an d t h in k in g t h er e h ad t o be som et h in g bet t er .Th er e h as t o be a ?f in er t h in gs in lif e? ver sion of t h is.Som ew h er e I h ave t o be able t o f in d lik e a ?Ch an el of vapin g?.No m at t er h ow m u ch I look ed I cou ldn?t f in d an yt h in g.Th er e w as Joh n son Cr eek , bu t I ju st didn?t lik e it .Pin k spot w as ar ou n d bu t it w as t h ese plast ic

bot t les an d t h e labels w er e color f u l, bu t it ju st didn?t h ave t h e t h in g I w as look in g f or .Th en I ask ed m yself , ?I w on der h ow h ar d it is t o m ak e t h is st u f f .?I look ed ar ou n d an d lear n ed.Th is isn?t r ock et scien ce, bu t t h er e is a level of pr of ession alism t h at can be br ou gh t t o t h e m ak in g of t h is, t h er e w er e n o st an dar ds at t h e t im e.St an dar ds cou ld on e, en h an ce t h e con su m er exper ien ce an d t w o, elevat e t h e aw ar en ess of t h ese pr odu ct s t o con ver t sm ok er s.M y t h eor y w as, if sm ok er s w er e m or e at t r act ed t o t h e pr odu ct , if t h e pr odu ct w as m or e at t r act ive t h at people w ou ld be m or e open t o t r y it an d u lt im at ely be able t o save m or e lives.Can I cr eat e a pr odu ct t h at is so appealin g t o t h e con su m er t h at t h ey ar e n ot scar ed t o t r y it .Becau se t h e bot t om lin e is, t h at w h en you see som et h in g t h at says, ?Cr ack Ice? you ar e gon n a be lik e, ?I?m n ot pu t t in g

t h at in m y body.? Wit h t im e exper im en t in g w it h f lavor s an d bu ildin g a bu sin ess f r om scr at ch , Lon n ie t ook h is f ir st bat ch of pr odu ct t o Ch ar n at VapeRev w h o or der ed 500 bot t les.?I br ou gh t h im 500 bot t les an d t h e n ext t im e I w en t in h e ask ed if I cou ld br in g h im 5,000.I br ou gh t h im an ot h er f lavor t o t r y an d h e said br in g 5,000 bot t les of t h at n ext t im e.Wit h in a m on t h or t w o w e w er e alr eady t ak in g or der s at w h at ou r m an u f act u r in g capacit y w as.We gr ew an d gr ew an d gr ew.? ?Wit h t h e h elp of Er ica at Local Vape, w e w er e able t o expan d an d got even bigger .? said Lon n ie.?If it w asn?t f or Ch ar n at VapeRev an d Er ica at Local Vape I?d st ill be w ear in g a su it an d t ie w or k in g in dat a cen t er s an d w ou ldn?t h ave an yt h in g t o do w it h t h e vapin g

in du st r y.? By 2013 Lon n ie?s com pan y, SAVEURvape h ad sever al of t h e biggest e liqu id lin es in t h e in du st r y,Th e St an dar d, Jam eson , Blu epr in t , Black Label, an d h ad sever al big par t n er sh ips an d collabor at ive br an ds. ?We w er e t h e f ir st com pan y t o u se glass bot t les, Joh n son Cr eek m ade t h e ch an ge af t er w e did.No on e h ad ever u sed a cor k on t h eir bot t le.We t r ied ever yt h in g w e cou ld t o h eigh t en t h e exper ien ce an d elevat e u s beyon d t h e look of ?m ade in t h e back r oom ? ju ices.? says Lon n ie. ?Nobody par t ied h ar der t h an Th e St an dar d in t h e ear ly days.We br ou gh t m idget s t o t r ade sh ow s an d h ad st r ipper poles at ou r boot h .We r eleased pr odu ct s t h at w er e poor ly br an ded.Jam eson w as t h e f ir st IP t h ef t br an d in vapin g.It t ook at t or n eys an d law su it s t o st r aigh t en t h at ou t .We br an ded ou r pr odu ct lik e a liqu or bot t le.No on e par t ied h ar der t h an u s.We h ad a lot of f u n doin g it , bu t t h e dif f er en ce is, w e saw t h er e w as goin g t o be a st r u ggle w it h t h e f eds an d w it h t h e st at es w e st opped an d clean ed u p ou r act .We k n ew t h at t h e spot ligh t w as goin g t o be on ou r in du st r y, if ou r t r u e m ission is on h ar m r edu ct ion w e don?t n eed t o be doin g st u f f lik e t h at .Th e f eds ar e n ot goin g t o t ak e u s ser iou sly.Th ey w on?t see u s as h ar m r edu ct ion .We h ave t o h ave a ver y ver y clean slat e.We cou ldn?t do t h at t h e w ay w e w er e doin g t h in gs.So

w e clean ed u p ou r act t h in k in g t h at ever yon e else w ou ld t oo.Bu t t h ey w er en?t .A lot of t h e n ew gu ys com in g in w er e def in at ely n ot .So w e w er e in t h is r eally w eir d place w h er e w e w er e lik e, ?I r eally can?t believe people ar en?t ch an gin g t h eir w ays.?Hopin g t h at w er e w ou ld be seen as a sh in in g exam ple, an d w e w er e.? Th e bad boys becam e t h e good boys.?We w er e pr ou d t o be t h at .I t h in k t h e in du st r y k in da n eeded som e f olk s t o st ep u p an d say you don?t h ave t o k eep doin g t h in gs t h e sam e sh it t y w ays.People ar gu ed w it h u s t h at you n eeded car t oon labels an d blah blah blah .I said you don?t n eed t h at .Th ey said you w on?t sell as m an y bot t les.I t old t h em , yes w e w ill.You r sales ar e based on t h e t ype of or gan izat ion you r u n an d t h e t ype of leader s you h ave.? SAVEURvape gr ew over t im e an d Lon n ie br ou gh t in par t n er s t o f lesh ou t t h e com pan y an d im pr ove t h e w ay t h e com pan y w or k ed.Bu t h e st ill r em ain s as t h e f ace of t h e com pan y an d it s biggest ch eer leader . ?We pu r posely t r im m ed dow n ou r com pan y.Decim at ed en t ir e lin es.Pu lled pr odu ct ou t of pr odu ct ion so w e cou ld st r eam lin e ou r selves.We h ave t h e opt ion t o r ebr an d t h ose pr odu ct s an d r elease t h em at a lat er dat e if w e w an t t o, or if dem an d is t h er e, bu t w e m ade a decision t o f ocu s on pr of ession al br an din g t o elevat e t h e pr odu ct an d t o h opef u lly im pr ove t h e im age of ou r com pan y an d h opef u lly t h e

in du st r y.Wh en w e did t h at an d r eleased SVRF, w it h in a ver y sh or t am ou n t of t im e w e h ad alr eady m ade u p w h at w e lost w h en w e did t h at .? ?I got in t h is f r am e of m in d bef or e Au gu st 8t h t o com e ou t w it h as m an y pr odu ct s as w e cou ld.We r eleased t on s of n ew pr odu ct an d got it ou t as qu ick ly as possible.On ce it w as r eleased, w e qu iet ly pu lled it .Ju st so it w as ou t .We bou gh t u p ot h er lin es t h at w e t h ou gh t w e cou ld m an u f act u r e an d on es t h at w e t h ou gh t w ou ld sell w ell.Ju st t o give u s var iet y an d t h e abilit y t o h ave a diver se pr odu ct cat alog t h at w e cou ld alw ays k eep sm all r eleases an d br in g st u f f ou t f or a w h ile an d t h en pu ll it f or r e-r elease lat er .To k eep u p in t er est an d people w ill w ait f or you t o br in g it back ou t .SAVEURvape h as a lot of st u f f com in g ou t in t h e f u t u r e.? As on e of t h e oldest com pan ies in vapin g t h at ju st h appen s t o be based in Calif or n ia, Lon n ie h as seen bot h t h e vapin g explosion an d n ow does bu sin ess in on e of t h e m ost r est r ict ive st at es in Am er ica f or t h e vapin g in du st r y. ?Lif e in t h e cou n t r y of Calif or n ia is h ow I r ef er t o it .Calif or n ia is a n igh t m ar e.CSFO h as don e at r em en dou s job w it h lobbyin g an d w or k in g w it h a lot of com pan ies t o st ay or becom e com plian t .It h as been am azin g t o h ave som eon e local lik e t h ey ar e t o h elp u s.I?m on t h e boar d w it h CSFO, I?m n ot as act ive as I w ou ld lik e t o be, bu t t h ey do a

t r em en dou s job.Calif or n ia t ax su ck s, t h er e?s n o w ay ar ou n d it .If I sen d sam ples ou t t o a sh op I h ave t o pay a t ax.Bu t it is w h at it is.Th e good n ew s is, if w e get som e f eder al w in s an d w e can get lan gu age ch an ges h appen in g w e w ill live in a w or ld w h er e w e can t ell t h e st at es t h at t h ey h ave t o go an d r eevalu at e t h eir t ax sch em es becau se w e ar e n ot a t obacco pr odu ct , bu t u n f or t u n at ely t oday t h at h asn?t h appen ed.SAVEURvape is pr obably on e of t h e m ost com plian t com pan ies in t h e st at e.We h ave a w h ole depar t m en t dedicat ed t o t ax an d com plian ce.We ar e com plian t in ever y st at e t h at r equ ir es it an d w e pay ever y st at e t h at r equ ir es t ax paym en t s.Th at m ean s w e h ave t o h ave people in place t h at u n der st an d t h ose issu es an d ar e dedicat ed t o t h at . Th er e ar e a lot of com pan ies t h at sim ply ju st don?t car e, bu t t h at is w h er e you separ at e t h e boys f r om t h e m en , n ot t o sou n d t oo ch au vin ist ic.I expect t h at on e day t h ose com pan ies t h at ar en?t doin g w h at t h ey h ave t o w ill get h it r eally h ar d an d it w ill be t oo lat e f or t h em .? Wh en t h e t opic of f lavor ban s com e u p, Lon n ie r ecogn izes t h e dam age t h is w ill do t o t h e in du st r y.?Th e f lavor ban w ill be t h e w ay t h ey h it u s goin g f or w ar d.Cit ies ar e t r yin g t h em , st at es ar e look in g at t h em an d t h ey w ill con t in u e t o t r y t h em .It ?s t h e var iet y of pr odu ct available t h at is it ?s r eal valu e.Th e m or e pr odu ct s on t h e sh elf t h e m or e opt ion s f or t h e sm ok er .We?ve alw ays r eleased ever y pr odu ct w e m ak e u p t o 12m g ju st so w e h ave t h ose pr odu ct s f or t h em .Th ey absolu t ely n eed t h at h igh er level t o get t h em in t o vapin g.Th ey m ay be able t o dr op it dow n , bu t w e of f er t h ose opt ion s ju st t o appeal t o t h e sm ok er .Wit h ou t f lavor s an d t h e opt ion s of n icot in e levels w e w on?t be as su ccessf u l.? Accor din g t h e E-Cig In t elligen ce, SAVEURvape is t h e #3 sellin g com pan y acr oss all sales levels, w h olesale, r et ail, on lin e an d in br ick an d m or t ar s.Pr oof t h at you don?t h ave t o pu t a car t oon on you r label, you can advocat e an d r u n a bu sin ess, you can oper at e at a h igh level of pr of ession alism an d st ill be su ccessf u l. ?Ever yon e in t h e in du st r y seem s t o t h in k t h at advocacy h appen s on Facebook .It r eally doesn?t .Th is is w h at I?ve lear n ed, t h e m ost su ccessf u l in it iat ives h ave h appen ed w it h lobbyist s, or pr ivat e f u n ded gr ou ps or law yer s beh in d closed door s.Th er e ar e in du st r y at t or n eys an d people pu sh in g gr ou ps t h at ar e ju st t r yin g t o m ak e m on ey.Th er e is n o an sw er t h at is r igh t f or ever yon e.For SAVEURvape t h e an sw er t h at I h ave f ou n d is t h at w e lik e t o h ave a seat at ever y t able.We don?t lik e t o par t icipat e in gr ou ps t h at don?t play w ell w it h ot h er s.We h ave gu ys lik e Pau l

Blair , Ph il Dam on an d Ton y Abbou d t h ey ?r e all gr eat gu ys an d t h ey ar e all on a dif f er en t playin g level, bu t w h at is u n iqu e is t h ey all h ave a dif f er en t st r at egy.I adam an t ly believe t h at t h is w ar w ill n ot be on e w it h a sin gle pr on g st r at egy, w e h ave t o h ave a m u lt i-pr on g st r at egy.? says Lon n ie abou t SAVEURvape?s advocacy ph ilosoph y. ?Th er e is a dif f er en ce bet w een bein g an advocat e an d an act ivist .Th e advocat es in t h e Capit ols an d doin g t h at k in d of w or k n eed t o be pr of ession al an d h ave cer t ain sk ills.Ever yon e can be an act ivist , n eeds t o be an act ivist .We h ave t o do a bet t er job at bu ildin g u p a r eal gr ass r oot s ef f or t .? adds Lon n ie. ?Look , t h er e ar e a lot of gr ou ps ou t t h er e doin g dif f er en t t h in gs.You don?t h ave t o agr ee w it h w h at t h ey ar e doin g, bu t you also don?t h ave t o sh it on w h at t h ey ar e doin g.If you don?t lik e it , don?t par t icipat e w it h t h eir ef f or t s.? said Lon n ie abou t r ecen t con t r over sy bet w een t h e gr ou ps.?Wh at w e n eed is f or all t h ese gr ou ps t o w or k t oget h er , n ot w ast e t im e t ear in g each ot h er dow n or t r yin g t o in t er f er e w it h each ot h er .We don?t h ave a pr oblem su ppor t in g an ybody t h at ?s m ak in g an ef f or t t o im pact ch an ge an d r edu ce h ar m .

V TA GA M E PLA N 2018 On December 7, 2017, the Vapor Tech n ology Associat ion demonstrated another great example of industry leadership by hosting its 2nd Annual state strategy conference in Rosemont, Illinois. The conference, called Vapor Game Plan 2018: State Strategy & Retailer Conference, brought together over 70 state vapor industry leaders and state lobbyists from 25 states around the country to discuss and plan the industry?s coordinated strategy for defending vapor at the state and local levels in 2018. Participants were treated to a wide variety of substantive presentations from vapor industry leaders on the national and state level, state lobbyists, state legislators, and leading experts on vapor industry economics and product liability experts.In addition, VTA provided its substantive and strategic recommendations on how to address 2018?s top legislative threats including flavor bans, taxation, and tobacco 21 proposals. During the morning session, participants listened to the following substantive presentations: ¡Br it t an i Cu sh m an , VTA?s Boar d Pr esiden t and the Vice President External Relations for Turning Points Brands, Inc., Vapor Beast and Vapor Shark presented a federal overview of the current scenarios for legislative and administrative actions that could benefit the vapor industry in Washington D.C. ¡Sam Salaym eh , Pr esiden t & CEO Nor t h Am er ica of AM V Holdin gs, fought through the flu to present a sobering, insightful and direct discussion of problems and pitfalls vapor retailers commonly face. Mr. Salaymeh started as a single vape shop owner in Nebraska and grew Alohma Vapes into an 11 store chain before merging with MadVapes and running their North American chain of 90+ vape shops. Having seen every vape shop issue, large and small, Mr. Salaymeh

broke down the core Reputation Management, Image Management and Inventory Management challenges confronting vape shops and offered essential solutions to make a single business successful in a manner that reflect positively on the entire industry. He covered topics such as budgeting, smart inventory management, employee training and retention, adjusting to additional regulation, and promoting best business practices. ¡M ich ael Lepper t , Dir ect or of Pu blic Af f air s f or Kr ieg DeVau lt (In dian a), Holly Kin ser , Pr esiden t of t h e Kin ser Gr ou p (Pen n sylvan ia), Ch ar lot t e Hick cox, Dir ect or of Gover n m en t Af f air s, ZHF Con su lt in g (Oh io), an d Jam es Hof f m an , Associat e Con su lt an t , KCVF Solu t ion s (Vir gin ia) provided conference participants with an engaging panel discussion on The Professional Face of Advocacy. The panel discussed the difference between professional lobbyists and lay advocates, the critical importance of retaining a lobbyist, the various differences between state legislative staffs and Washington D.C. staffs, as well as tools which state associations can provide their lobbyist to ensure they are successful. The panel, led by VTA State Affairs Manager, Jake Butcher, who also represents the Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois, gave the audience a great picture of what state lobbyists need from us to properly defend them in state capitols. During a working lunch,Ton y Abbou d, VTA?s Execu t ive Dir ect or gave conference participants a preview of VTA?s Marketing Standards for Members. He explained that VTA?s Board of Directors, in consultation with members, has been working diligently to provide common sense marketing standards for its members. These standards will not only help to create a uniform set of vapor industry marketing standards, but also create a discussion point for state associations to have with local elected officials regarding good businesses practices. After lunch, conference participants were treated to several presentations on how to communicate with their association members, maintain organizational strength, and protect vapor products at the local level. ¡Am y Lan e, Pr esiden t of t h e In dian a Sm ok e-Fr ee Allian ce, gave a presentation entitled How to Communicate With and Grow Your State Association.An incredible communicator in her own right, Ms. Lane offered strategies for how to continually engage membership in legislative discussions, how and how frequently state association leaders need to communicate with their members, and how to continue to develop your association to provide/add value to your member ?s businesses. As part of the discussion of growing state vapor associations, the unstoppable Fig Ram sey, Pr esiden t of Gon zo Vapor s, discussed

alternative fundraising strategies that he has been working on and rolling out to assist state vapor associations who are engaged in the fight. Mr. Ramsey discussed his Gonzo Gives Vape Tithing funding strategy in which his company donates 10% of each sale to the state vapor associations participating in his program. Mr. Ramsey also discussed the upcoming Vapes Giving manufacturer-match challenge that he was preparing to roll out.

consumers are prepared with talking points, and fact sheets to engage local elected officials on vapor issues.Jen n y Hoban , Boar d M em ber of THR4Lif e, joined Mr. Clark to talk about the significant local battles she has been waging in Minnesota and the tools that she has been developing to track and defeat, driving from town to town, local ordinances, working alongside Minnesota Smoke Free Association and CASAA.

·Pat r ick Taylor , Pr esiden t of t h e Calif or n ia Sm ok e Fr ee Or gan izat ion ,then provided perspective on how regionalizing your state association and including a comprehensive leadership team including manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers can aid in association growth and management. Specifically, Mr. Taylor discussed the significant work that CSFO has been doing in Sacramento and also announced CSFO?s forward-looking strategies which will welcome and involve California?s incredible vape shop retailer base.

Conference attendees were also given a real treat. They got to hear from Illin ois St at e Repr esen t at ive Kat h leen Willis (D-IL)on personal transformation from an anti-vapor legislator to a pro-vapor legislator. Rep. Willis told her amazing story of how she simply did her own research and didn?t believe what was handed to her by the public health groups. She also took the time to visit Cignot ? Vicki Vasconcellos?vape shop ? and took time to understand the products and what Cignot was all about.Rep. Willis offered her insights on the best practices and methods for contacting state legislators to discuss the industry.

·Alex Clar k , Execu t ive Dir ect or of CASAA, discussed the significant work that CASAA is doing to fight back against the myriad local anti-vape ordinances popping up around the country. Mr. Clark updated the conference participants on the best practices for defending vapor before units of local government, including CASAA?s efforts to develop software for local alerts, and their continuing efforts to work with VTA to ensure that state association members and

Conference participants also received remarks from Den ise Lazar , Par t n er , Bar n es & Th or n bu r g LLP, on ?What Vapor Retailers Need to Know About Product Liability Claims.? This was a timely presentation on liability which retailers and manufacturers may face from consumers and large plaintiff ?s firms. Ms. Lazar addressed the different types of legal exposure, essential elements of the claims, and offered some best practices for that can assist you if you get pulled into a

lawsuit, as well as what to do if you get a notice of lawsuit or potential lawsuit. As a perfect follow up, Cole Cu sh m an of t h e Cu sh m an In su r an ce Agen cy, discussed the VTA Member ?s only insurance program which will be launched in January 2018. Mr. Cushman also gave the audience an insightful analysis of how the insurance industry is evaluating vapor and offered a preview of the VTA insurance program that will better enable VTA members to protect their business interests. The energy and optimism about the vapor industry was contagious. In the words of one participant, as state vapor leaders were armed with information and strategies to defend their states, ?this was the best conference yet?. Jak e Bu t ch er , VTA St at e Af f air s M an ager ,and Ton y Abbou d offered an issue-by-issue analysis, of the bills that our industry will face in 2018, including (a) a description of the issue, (b) the proponents?arguments for moving the legislation, and (c) VTA?s recommended policy positions. Mr. Butcher and Mr. Abboud covered each of these points on each of the following bills that we expect to see pursued at the state level in 2018: ·Taxation of Vapor Products; ·Flavor Bans; ·Clean Indoor Air Bans; and ·Tobacco 21. In addition to breaking down our defensive strategies on these big bills, Mr. Butcher gave a presentation to state lobbyists

and leaders on some potential offensive strategies that VTA is working on with its members. Such offensive strategies would allow state vapor associations, and other interested stakeholders, to push a pro-vapor agenda rather than simply respond to hostile bills. This is just another example of the professionalized strategy that VTA is bringing to the vapor industry?s fight at the federal and state levels. To wrap up the conference, Tony Abboud gave a preview of VTA?s new initiatives for 2018. Specifically, in addition to doubling down on driving the federal agenda and continuing VTA?s rapid growth at the state level, Mr. Abboud discussed the Local Def en se Pilot Pr ogr am that it is rolling out in conjunction with CASAA to fight back at the local level. The program outlined

includes the creation of Local Def en se Team s within each state vapor trade association include vape shop owners and consumers in key cities and towns who will commit to taking training that VTA will be offering on speaking and presenting and advocating in front of City Councils. Mr. Abboud rounded out the day with an impassioned thank you to all the state vapor association leaders in the audience, taking time to recognize what he called the ?emerging leaders? in the vapor industry who ?raised their hand? and ?stepped up? sometimes reluctantly. He acknowledged the enormous progress made by Amy Lane and theI n dian a Sm ok e-Fr ee Allian ce, James Jarvis and the Oh io Vapor Tr ade Associat ion , Matt Milby and the M ar ylan d Vapor Allian ce, and Patrick Taylor and the

Calif or n ia Sm ok e Fr ee Or gan izat ion this past year alone. He singled out Nicole Crumley and the Ten n essee Sm ok e Fr ee Associat ion recognizing them as an exemplar association that was the first to join VTA. In addition he recognized the steady leadership provided by Stacey Hamilton and the Br eat h e Easier Allian ce of Alabam a and Jay Taylor of the Vir gin ia Sm ok e Fr ee Associat ion , as well as the new leadership of Nick Orlando/Josh Unger and the Flor ida Sm ok e Fr ee Associat ion and Topher Kent and Scout Stubbs of the Ar k an sas Vape Advocacy Allian ce. Mr. Abboud then invited all the groups and leaders that attended the conference to join VTA?s rapidly growing vape ?family.? React ion s f r om Par t icipan t s: ?Unity, a renewed motivation and knowledge for strategic planning in 2018.The Florida Smoke Free Association definitely benefited greatly from VTA?s conference. Thank you!? ? Nick Or lan do, Th e Vaper s Depot , Boar d M em ber , Flor ida Sm ok e Fr ee Associat ion ?The coordination strategies and steps taken by the VTA at the local, state, and federal level are forging a path forward for the vapor industry. The December conference in Chicago was a testament to their hard work and success over the past year. The event brought together government officials and leaders in advocacy from all over the country, who shared their stories and solutions to the issues facing the industry today. I am continually impressed by The VTA's ability to orchestrate such a successful strategy at all levels of government. The California Smoke Free Organization is proud to work with VTA.? ?Pat r ick Taylor , Dir ect or of M ar k et in g, Ch ar lie?s Ch alk Du st , ?The conference was an excellent opportunity to meet industry professionals from across the country, and to discuss both national and state strategies in preparation for a more coordinated effort to protect and advance the vapor industry in 2018. KVCF Solutions and the Virginia Smoke Free Association look forward to participating in future events as we strengthen our partnership with the VTA and its other members.?- Jam es Hof f m an , KVCF Solu t ion s ?VTA has done another amazing job with the state strategy conference. You can feel the passion and care VTA has for our industry, and its members. Thank you VTA!? -Jam es Jar vis, Vapor St at ion , Pr esiden t , Oh io Vapor Tr ade Associat ion ?VTA is always on point when it comes to presenting the information that state organizations need.I came out of the conference knowing that I would be able to effectively use what was presented to reach higher levels of success in my state and with the Maryland Vapor Alliance.?- M at t h ew M ilby, Sm ok e Fr ee Nat ion , Pr esiden t of M ar ylan d Vapor Allian ce.

Par t icipat in g in t h e con f er en ce w er e vapor leader s an d lobbyist s f r om each of t h e f ollow in g st at es:


·New York






·Rhode Island










·West Virginia





·Washington, D.C.


If you want your state association to be part of our multi-pronged, multi-state effort to defend vapor, please contact Jake Butcher, VTA State Affairs Manager (

·North Carolina

Glan t zin g At Br east s By Pat r ick Rif f e, #son of liber t yr adio Most of you will recognize the name Stanton Glantz. He made his name over the years fighting a one man war against Big Tobacco. He led the charge as early as 1978 against second hand smoke and has been a prolific author and ?talking head? when it comes to smoking. Glantz received a BSc in aerospace engineering in 1969 from the University of Cincinnati, an MSc in applied mechanics from Stanford in 1970 and a PhD in 1973. He focused on the mechanics of the human heart and engineering-economic systems (integrating computers and engineering in "methods of systems and economic analysis to engineering problems involving policy and decision making, both in government and industry.) Concurrently with his studies, he worked at NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center, first as a student trainee, then as an aerospace engineer. In 1973, Glantz carried out

postdoctoral research on the mathematical modeling of heart tissue at Stanford, and then at the UCSF, where he has worked since 1977. All of that is just to give you a small bit of information on his academic credentials. Simply put, he studied rockets, the heart and rockets, and dabbled a bit in economic impact of engineering. All of this and his years fighting Big Tobacco led him to the UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. Over the past 10 years he has also become one of the most vocal anti-vaping ideologues we have faced. He has attacked flavors as a youth magnet. Argued that vaping is a gateway to smoking. Discounted the benefits of vaping over smoking and appeared at hearings in DC and all over California. He has also been interviewed by media espousing that vaping is the next epidemic that tobacco control must defeat. Glantz was awarded a 5 year $20 million grant to lead research at UCSF on how the FDA should improve its regulation of

tobacco products in 2013. His research brings a lot of money in for UCSF. Over the years Stanton has gained the reputation of being blunt and abrasive, he even embraces his public image and controversial positions on smoking, on occasion wearing a "Here Comes Trouble" T-shirt. But recently, his abrasiveness and bluntness has landed him in some trouble. On December 6, 2017 papers were filed in San Francisco Superior Court, a Post-Doctoral Researcher who in the past had worked under Glantz has alleged that he sexually harassed her and other women. Glantz had retaliated by removing the complainants name from her research when she complained. The researcher, Eunice Neely, stated in her complaint that Glantz repeatedly stared at her body, forced her to hug him, and otherwise displayed ?misogynistic and racially insensitive? behavior. Neely states that she heard that he told students having tenure means ?you can rape the Vice Chancellor ?s daughter and still have a job,?. A comment that was proven correct when Neely reported Glantz?s harassment to the school and the university did not meaningfully act to protect her and other female employees. She says that this lack of protection meant she was ?forced to leave.? She left UCSF in June 2017 according to her attorneys. Neely interviewed with Glantz in

1995 for her job at UCSF. She states in the papers filed with the San Francisco court that he ?leered? at her chest, something he would do during her entire time at UCSF, Other female staff confided to her that he also did it to them and made many of them feel ?uncomfortable?. One co-worker even reported to having gone to therapy to recover from Glantz?s ?emotional abuse. Glantz made references to pornographic films and Playboy magazine multiple times and used hand gestures to simulate sex acts to the female staff, according to the complaint filed with the court. He even made reference to female staff members sex partners and reproductive history, which she states ?had nothing to do with their jobs.? During her time at UCSF, Neely was researching deceptive marketing practices of the tobacco industry and Glantz said that because of her work she would be listed as lead author. In January, Neely was informed that Glantz had asked two non-black female employees to ?fact check? Neely?s paper, something that no other researcher had to undergo in the past. Her paper was being subjected to a much higher level of scrutiny than other researchers. Much less that the two asked to ?fact check? her paper did not have the requisite level of competence on the subject matter. Later, in March, Neely reported Glantz?s conduct and asked to

transfer to a different advisor, but even though the switch was granted, Glantz told Neely, that he would be listed as an author on any paper she wanted to publish. In April, Glantz told Neely that her paper on deceptive marketing practices was ready to be submitted but he failed to do so. She continued to report to UCSF of Glantz?s continued harassment and was told by the director of UCSF?s Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination, Glantz will ?email you, so he will not stare at your breasts,? according to the suit. Ultimately in May, Glantz submitted Neely?s paper for publication, but her name was omitted as an author. Court papers state, ?Had she not complained about sexual harassment and asked for a new mentor, UCSF and Glantz would not have taken steps to strip her of authorship,? Glantz has categorically denied every complaint alleged in the suit and states he is cooperating with the universities investigation and due to the fact that an active case has been filed will not address specifics of the case. These questions should be posed. If Glantz was not such a lucrative asset for UCSF, would they have tried to quiet the complaints of Neely? Is Glantz?s research held to the same level of scrutiny that he subjected to her? Why did he remove her name from the paper she authored? What other unethical actions has he taken? Can any of his work be taken seriously now?

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