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adams county.com
New Business & Industry Welcome
Adams County Development Council launches new website to better promote our communities. Our staff is here to help you locate your business in Adams County.
Adams County is the right location Surrounded by Grant, Lincoln, Whitman, and Franklin Counties and along Interstate 90 and Highway 395 in Southeastern Washington, you will find Adams County. This section of the state offers much more than just road travel amenities; it encompasses charming communities, diverse Northwest landscapes and flourishing business opportunities. Diversity in Adams County means many opportunities for your business.
www.growadamscounty.com • 425 E. Main St., Ste 300 • Othello, WA • 509.331.2025
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Pink flowers and chlorine I
set out to do something fun with my five year old granddaughter. She and I love to go to the community pool for a session of splashing, giggling, diving and taking turns showing each other our new and amazing dolphin-like skills. After darting back and forth we took a quick break and held to the side of the pool edge. Only stopping for a moment, my granddaughter looked at me with bright eyes and before she kicked off the wall and once again dove under the water she exclaimed, “Grandma, you are like pink flowers blooming at me.” I held to the side of the pool for several minutes absorbing what she said, then cleared my eyes of chlorine and saw the world in a whole different way. I will never forget those words. It dawned on me just how powerful nice words and small acts of kindness truly are. And in a world that is full of dizzying complexity and hardships, goodness shared is so impactful. We all have the opportunity to make a difference in the life of someone by doing something good. As we start a new year, let’s look at some things we can do. Let’s put our heart into something and make it bloom. Make music that makes others want to create. Inspire others by being inspiring. Teach young people to do amazing things. Empower others to do things they’ve never been
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able to do before. Read, and read, and then write. Love, and love, and then help others to love. Help someone no one else cares to help. Do something good and ask others to pass it on. Be profound. Find focus in a world without it. Reach out to those who are frustrated, depressed, angry, confused, sad, hurt. Share hope. Be the voice for those without one. Listen, then listen some more. Hear. Pray. Learn, do, then teach. Meet new people, become fast friends. Dare to be wrong. Study the greats, and emulate them. Surprise people. Cook great food, and share it. Help someone else start a business. Focus on less, but do it better. Help others achieve their dreams. Be brave. Be honest. Be hilarious. Get really, really good at something. Practice a lot. A lot. Start now. Try hard. What are you going to do? I know you’ll think of something.
- Melea Johnson
VENUE MAGAZINE Published by: Venue Media Group, Inc Publisher: Melea Johnson Layout & Design: Joe LaRosee Sales: Melea Johnson, Sue Tebow Photographer-in-Chief: Robin L. Green Graphics: Joe LaRosee, Lisa Basher Contributing Writers: Jan Thacker, Mark Ellestad, Judy Baker
Venue Magazine, PO Box 820, Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 431-3573 Melea Johnson / 509 760-0503 Sue Tebow info@thevenuemag.com / thevenuemag.com /
On the cover: Jodee Sheats Photo by: Robin Green
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"In the blink of an eye everything can change. So forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never know when you may not have that chance again."
Ellyn Bachman
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"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."
Chuck DeMeerleer
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smiles Moses Lake Family Dentist, Dr. Harder
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By Jan Thacker
here were once two teachers who landed teaching jobs in an isolated village in Alaska. The first teacher arrived at the village and climbed down from the airplane. A Native elder greeted the fellow and welcomed him to the community. “Tell me,” the teacher said as he and the elder walked to the school, “what is it like living in this place?” “What was it like where you came from?” responded the elder, answering the question with a question. “It was awful,” said the teacher. “People were unfriendly and negative. No one got along or cared about anyone else. I’ve never lived in a worse town.” The old man shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry to say you’ll find it the same here,” he said. The next day the second teacher arrived in town. He greeted the elder warmly and looked around at the glorious countryside with eager eyes. “What is it like, living in this village?” he asked the elder. The old man answered with the same question he had asked the day before: “What was it like where you came from?” “It was a wonderful place to live!” exclaimed the teacher. “The people were so warm and caring and I had so many friends I hated to leave.” The wise old Native smiled at the young man, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “You’ll find it the same here.”
Author, Jan Thacker
sn’t it funny how our attitudes can determine what we get out of life? We can jump out of bed and meet each day with happiness, enthusiasm and eagerness, or we can crawl out groaning with bitterness, despondency and unhappiness. Years ago when Troy and I were youth directors at the First Baptist Church of North Pole we found one of the most favorite teenage phrases—always said in a whining voice—is, “I’m booooored.” I always told them they were booored because they let themselves be. No matter what youth activity we were engaged in, they had the option of making it exciting by getting enthused and having fun or they could sit like lumps and be bored. Most of them perked up and had a good time. Some of them joined in once they heard the laughter, saw the activity and wanted to share in it. Some, of course, preferred to be frowning lumps. These kids are grown now and I’ll bet the lumps are still moping through life, whining and bored. They could be standing on Fifth Avenue in New York or on Mickey Mouse Drive at Disneyland and roll their eyes with unhappiness. I’ve known people who could take a humdrum life and make it exciting: mothers who could turn baking cookies into something so fun it was forever etched into a child’s memory; fathers who could make a weekend camping trip into the adventure of a lifetime.
On the other hand I’ve known people who could walk into a room and put an immediate damper on the festivities. They sort of plod along, slump-shouldered and followed by a dark rain cloud. They don’t know how to have fun or enjoy life—to look past the problems and see the exciting world God has given them. I live with a husband who is always happy and cheerful. He never worries, never frets, and hums through life with good thoughts and feelings and praising God. He can get a smile out of the most unhappy child and a room is always cheeriest when he’s there. I confess there are times when I’m not absolutely thrilled with life but, thankfully, I inherited my father’s calmness and his penchant for being cheerful. My moods are steady and predictable. There is something about growing older that makes you appreciate every minute of life. But even as a child I don’t ever recall being bored. There is always something in life to be excited about and there are always blessings to be thankful for. Back when our children were all teenagers and life was a turmoil I kept the story of the two teachers on my desk—to remind myself that I only have one chance at life and it’s up to me, all by myself, to make it enjoyable or not. To remember that the beauty of life is to be found in thoughts that rise above the needs of self.
Custom Made Jewelry
765-6331 208 W 3rd Ave Moses Lake
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Scholastic FX Class
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but do not tell you what to see."
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Artwork by KA Greene
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Attic Shops on Alder Marion Lester – As is Antiques and Alder St. Tan
Melody Fair Price – Grandma’s Hands
Kathy Whitney – Second Time Silver
Sherri Kasparek – Desert Beads
Lisa Hutchison - Ell’s
Hours: 10am-4:30 Tuesday Wednesday thru Friday 11am-4pm Saturday 11am-3pm Closed Sunday and Monday 415 S. Alder, Moses Lake
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Red Door
We will be reopening mid-January in our new location at 206 West Third and still offering those unique and wonderful items that you love. We are featuring a fresh new look at Red Door with lots of new furniture, beautiful vintage pieces, fabulous home decor, antiques, art, and lots of jewelry. We love our store and think you will, too!
Red Door Cafe
Coming in February! Located on the corner at 202 West Third, our new Red Door Cafe is connected to our retail store right next door. We will offer soups, salads, sandwiches, baked goods, Craven’s coffee, and Winegar’s ice cream from Ellensberg. Shop and eat - what could be more perfect?
202 and 206 West Third Avenue, ML 509-350-5525 reddoorml@gmail.com like us on Facebook Store hours: Monday through Friday 11a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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"Joy is not in things... It is in us."
Bridget Entzel
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For t he love of it by Melea Johnson
he month of February brings a day to be...well...in love. The whole nation gets another chance to give attention to one’s personal relationship with his/ her chosen sweetie. Why is your relationship to great? How can you make it better? You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? It is time to perhaps examine those pebbles that have gained in size over the past year. Boulders in the progress to the relationship you desire. We all know if we really want something bad enough we will make a decision to make it work (even if it seems impossible), and if we don’t want it bad enough, we will make an excuse. It is easy to blame anything gone wrong on the simple hormonal sugar thing, with a bit of sour grapes stirred in, and left over stuff we carry around in our wheelbarrow of past hurts that should have been dumped, but we hang onto them, instead. Adding this to the lack of sunshine, inadequate sleep, and that dang Wizard of Oz nightmare that keeps drifting in and out of our lives, it’s a very good thing Valentine’s Day comes around once a year! Small loving gestures speak loudly and clearly to the one you love. So here’s a little suggestion from one girl who still worries sometimes about flying monkeys and if the yellow brick road she’s on is heading in the right direction? For the girls, think of all the ways you respect your man, and tell him (show him) so. For the guys, think of all the ways you love your girl, and tell her (show her) so. It is an amazing cycle, the love and respect thing. One cannot happen without the other. It’s a divine design. Did you know that already? Good for you!
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Hotoveli offers new vintage inspired home decor , Candles, Jewelry, purses, modern chic clothing, and designer perfumes such as Gucci, Versace, Michael Kors, Viktor & Rolf -Flowerbomb...
...You know, the gifts your
girl has a
crush on.
509-764-6614 hotoveli@hotmail.com 955 W. Broaday, Moses Lake, WA
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February 13th, 5:00pm Cave B Estate Winery Opening for featured artist, Melea Johnson. See you there! meleajohnsonart.com
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“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
Kass Newman
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"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you will help them become what they are capable of becoming."
Becky Freidig
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Dinner - Dance- Auction
Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce
February 20, 2015 $50/Per Person $400/Per Table oF 8 Columbia basin elks lodge 814 n sTraTFord road moses lake, Wa
6 Pm ~ CoCkTail Hour/reCePTion 7 Pm ~ dinner 8 Pm ~ live auCTion danCing To dimesTore ProPHeTs evenT brougHT To you by moses lake CHamber
regisTer aT: WWW.moseslake.Com inFormaTion@moseslake.Com (509) 765-7888 ex. 100
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new menu items s
ecial p s h t n o m e h t of
930 N. Stratford Road | Moses Lake, WA | 509.766.9000 www.rocktopburgersandbrew.com |
Monday – Saturday 7am-9pm • Sunday 8am-8pm 221 W. Broadway • Moses Lake • 509.765.4177 • www.michaelsmarketandbistro.com
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‘ yippie-ki-yay soiree 6th annual fundraiser & auction
Don Nutt - Artist
6:30 P.M. FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 27TH ATEC CENTER Big Bend Community College $50/PERSON | $400/TABLe
Reserve early! For tickets call: 509-793-2059
Columbia Basin Allied Arts Membership available to employees &
Support provided by Moses Lake & Grant County Tourism Commissions
Infor mation: 509.793.2059 columbiabasinalliedar ts.or g
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Nicol Reich and Jager
"Unconditional love is as close as your nearest shelter."
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"Laughter sparkles like a splash of water in sunlight."
Allie Newman, Josee Newman, Kass Newman
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Columbia Basin Allied Arts
Live performances held @ Wallenstien Theater
Presented by: Columbia Basin Allied Ar ts
JANUARY 24, 2015 | 3:00PM & 7:00PM person: Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce PURCHASE InOnline: www.brownpapertickets.com
TICKETS: Phone: 800-838-3006
Information: 509.793.2059 • columbiabasinalliedarts.org
Support provided by Moses Lake & Grant County Tourism Commissions Wallenstien Theater 6989 College Parkway, Moses Lake
Columbia Basin Allied Arts is pleased to once again bring The Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) to Moses Lake from Monday, January 19th through January 24th. Local students K-12 will have the opportunity to participate in this year’s production of “The Wizard of Oz”. On Sunday, January 18th two MCT tour actor/directors will arrive complete with sets, lights, props, costumes, makeup, and scripts…everything it takes to put on a play. Local students will audition on Monday, January 19th at 3:30 pm and rehearse throughout the week. There are opportunities for 64 students. On Saturday, January 24th there will be two performances open to the public. While children will be enjoying their week with the Missoula Children’s Theatre, they’ll also be developing critical life skills such as teamwork, communication, social skills and self-discipline. MCT’s programs increase access to the arts for children between ages 5-18. The performances reinforce the values and goals of our schools by teaching children that hard work, discipline, and listening skills lead to success. MCT is the nation’s largest touring children’s theatre that has been touring extensively for more than 40 years now from Montana to Japan. This season they will visit nearly 1,200 communities with up to 44 teams of Tour Actor/Directors with everything it takes to put on a play...except the cast. All MCT shows are original adaptations of classic children’s stories and fairytales . . . a twist on the classic stories that you know and love. Creativity, social skills, goal achievement, communication skills and self-esteem are all characteristics that are attained through the participation in these unique, educational projects. MCT’s mission is the development of lifeskills in children through participation in the performing arts.
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Columbia Basin Allied Arts
Live performances held @ Wallenstien Theater
Broadway’s Next H!t Musical Presented by: Columbia Basin Allied Ar ts
FEBRUARY 5, 2015 | 7:00PM person: Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce PurChase InOnline: www.brownpapertickets.com
tICkets: Phone: 800-838-3006
Information: 509.793.2059 • columbiabasinalliedarts.org
Support provided by Moses Lake & Grant County Tourism Commissions Wallenstien Theater 6989 College Parkway, Moses Lake
Broadway’s Next H!T Musical Every song is fresh. Every scene is new. Every performance is different. It’s all improvised and it’s all funny. The New York Times calls Broadway’s Next H!T Musical “Hilarious!” Time Out NY says “At last! A musical of, for, and by the people.” The hysterical Broadway’s Next H!T Musical is the only unscripted theatrical awards show. Master improvisers gather made up, hit song suggestions from the audience and create a spontaneous evening of music, humor, and laughter. The audience votes for their favorite song and watches as the cast turns it into a full blown improvised musical - complete with memorable characters, witty dialogue, and plot twists galore. BNHM has been seen recently at The Triad, Tribeca Film Festival, and at the New York Musical Theater Festival, among many others. Under the direction of improv veterans Rob Schiffman and Deb Rabbai, Theater Week hailed the show as “brilliant” and The New York Post called Broadway’s Next H!T Musical “remarkable.” Don’t miss this next great American musical - it could be written about anyone’s town!
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Panache will open on March 6
Playwright Don Gordon has created an unusual, witty, and tenderly evolving romantic comedy about a relationship between Harry (Clint Pozzi}, a down and out artist who is depressed by a tragic event in his life, and Kathleen (Melissa Sloan), an upper class woman who turns up at his shabby apartment with an unlikely mission. Kathleen has come to Harry’s apartment to straighten up what she considers to be a DMV mistake, having to do with a mix up over a license plate with the word “panache” on it. Harry hardly seems like the type to have a license plate with that word on it since he normally spends his time playing cards with his clueless friend Jumbo, (Justin Rowland), and drowning his sorrows in cheap beer. Kathleen on the other hand is more comfortable chatting it up with her friends at the country club, or on the golf course. Her idea of roughing it is to be forced to stay at the Holiday Inn, when more up-scale accommodations are unavailable. Other cast members are Holli Bosnar, Lui Navarro and Jon McLain. It is directed by artistic director, Beverly Hasper. Panache will Open on March 6. The full schedule is Friday & Saturday, 7:30 pm March 6-7,13-14, 20-21, with Sunday Matinees at 2:pm March 8, 15, 22. Tickets are available on line at www.masquers.com They are also usually available at the door.
AUDITIONS Play On! Written by Rick Abbott
photo by Keith & Sadie Dodge
Auditions for Play On! will be held from 2-4 P.M. Saturday, January 31. Carol Boyce will be directing this play, set to open on April 24. The cast for this play is quite large so Carol is hoping for a good turn out at auditions. “This is the hilarious story of a theater group trying desperately to put on a play in spite of maddening interference from a haughty authoress who keeps revising the script. Act I is a rehearsal of the dreadful show, Act II is the near disastrous dress rehearsal, and the final act is the actual performance in which anything that can go wrong does. When the authoress decides to give a speech on the state of the modern theatre during the curtain calls, the audience is treated to a madcap climax to a thoroughly hilarious romp. Even the sound effects reap their share of laughter.”
A Life in Five Acts
written by Peter Sinn Cheri Barbre will direct the summer play. It will run from June 19 through July 12. From the moment of his birth in the ladies room in a fast food restaurant, nothing ever seemed to go right for Bob. The cards really were stacked against him. But my, oh my, the people he met and the adventures he had. It was a dizzying array of people and situations. All he ever wanted was love, but will he find it, or will he change his priorities? Well ... forever and ever is a long time and a lot of things can happen while you’re waiting to find out.
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Beauty and the Beast Quincy Valley Allied Arts proudly presents
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Country Sweethearts 6TH ANNUAL
The Columbia Basin Cancer Foundation focuses on providing support, services, encouragement and information to patients and families currently battling cancer in Grant and Adams Counties. We strive to identify individual needs and provide help throughout the process of diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We collaborate with a variety of groups and agencies to expand resources for cancer patients locally.
Country Sweethearts February 7th, 2015
Grant Co. Fairgrounds 5PM CHECK-IN & SOCIAL HOUR
Join us for an evening to honor those who fight and live with cancer everyday TURN YOUR DATE NIGHT INTO A NIGHT OF GIVING! FEATURING DINNER, DANCING, WINE, BEER, SILENT & LIVE AUCTIONS
T ickets: $65/person or $500/table of 8 PLEASE RSVP BY JANUARY 3OTH AS SPACE IS LIMITED
Please call our office today to see how we can help you. 509 764-4644
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Crossfit Four Pillars
“Every day is a chance to get better...
...It does not get easier, You get stronger."
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Fall 2014 Vice President’s List
2014 Fall Quarter HONOR ROLL at Big Bend Community College. Congratulations to the recent accomplishment of these outstanding students! President’s List - completed 12 or more graded credits with a GPA of 3.75 or above. Vice President’s - List completed 12 or more graded credits with a GPA of 3.33 to 3.74. Submitted by Doug Sly, Director of Public Information Big Bend Community College
Fall 2014 President’s List Idaho Ashton: Alyssa Hawkes Declo: Stormie Kidd Meridian: Cody Reilly Middleton: Kevin Herbert Sugar City: Felicia Nelson Twin Falls: Connor Meyerhoeffer Montana: Belgrade: Autumn Rollins Washington Almira: Zoey Harvey Coulee City: Caelan Pitts Ellensburg: Della Gonzalez Ephrata: Sienna Bedford, Kent Kallstrom, Shelby Koch, Addy Melcher, Stenn Monson, Andrew Oakey, Carley Peters, Meredith Plagerman, Eric Santiago, Justin Vaness, Alison Williams, Joshua Williams Graham: Kelsey Cearley, Zachary Stevenson Issaquah: Kyle Schlewitz Leavenworth: Scott Lester Mattawa: Keith Estes, Kevin Machuca Moses Lake: Eli Anderson, Owen Anderson, Rebekah Anderson, Luca Arantes-Beneditti, Patricia Avelar, Stephanie Bannon, Jonathan Barlow, Jay Bartunek, Thomas Baxter, Kennedy Bell, Alena Beloborodyy, Kyle Bleazard, Samantha Bolanos, Julie Bonner, Caitlin Brimberry, Alicia Brito-Brown, Victoria Brown, Mariah Byington, Tyler Carlson, Hailey Carpenter, Samantha Chavez, Carla Christie, Sophia Crapson, Izabella Dalrymple, Taylor Delys, Anita Escamilla, Yuriy Fedas, Dennis Fedorchuk, Peter Fedorchuk, Michelle Flores, Jalen Garza, Philip Gelinas, Keenan Giarritiello, Jamie Gipson, Moises Gonzalez, Derek Hansen, Carlos Hernandez, Keeghan Holman,
Allison Hyer, Jaiden Ireland, Suzanne Jaderholm, Justin Johnson, Mercedes Johnson, Heather Jones, Dustin Knutson, Edward Kvitovskiy, Victoria Kvitovskiy, Alec Lafontaine, Jareth Leach, Antonina Lovyn, Olga Lukashev, Serena Madrigales, Jun Maezawa, Gonzalo Marroquin-Sosa, Oscar Martinez, Bryce Mathyer, Devon Mccornack, Tommie Mcphetridge, Aaron Mercer, Madison Molitor, Roberto Montano, Rachel Nichols, Krissandra Olund, Noah Osborne, Kenneth Osborne, Alan Park, Noah Porter, Glen Prater, Jose Raygoza, Sarah Reavis, Alexander Reed, Shane Reyes, Jordan Richeson, Ryan Rosas, Jose Sanchez, Elizabeth Segura, Ada Serrano, Edith Serrano, Norval Shearer, Danessa Skane, Richa Suglani, Cody Sumner, Kayla Teslow, William Thompson, Aleksandr Timofeyev, Owen Tolley, Monica Torres, Sarisa Trew, Tiffany Vehrs, Jesse Vigil, Andrew Walker, Nathan Walker, Terry Wambsgans, Megan Washburn, Heidi Welch, Conner White, David Wilkie, Debra Wood, Connor Wytko Othello: William Dunleavy, Anamari Gaeta, Israel Hernandez, Isiah Montejano, Aida Neponuceno, Erik Ramirez, Desiree Rubalcaba, Michael Valentine Peshastin: Michael Mcintyre Poulsbo: William Ekin Quincy: Susana Camacho, Jennifer Gallaway, Cristin Garcia-Barbosa, Fausto Parra, Jefferson Roylance, Rigo Santos-Garcia, Indra Valencia, Silvia Villela, Ethan Williamson Royal City: Miriam Bautista, Jacob Payne, Melissa Valencia Sequim: Douglas Cole Soap Lake: David Bozin, Susanne Key, Elinor Williams Warden: Trace Cole, Nikolas Massa Waterville: Seth Hale Wenatchee: Samuel Black, Marcos Mendoza
Idaho Bloomington: Shania Bateman Burley: Chelsee Baker Emmett: Quentin Stepon Grace: Mackenzie Windley Idaho Falls: Mckenzi Lott Kimberly: Riley Carlton Moscow: Patrick Osullivan Rathdrum: Lauren Schwalbach Twin Falls: Kaleb Price Montana Dillion: Whitney Southam Nevada Las Vegas: Deandrea Johnson, Deanna Manning Utah Logan: Anthony Peterson Washington Almira: Kyle Peterson Beverly: Terri Mattozzi Brewster: Douglas Kirk Colville: Jalene Howell Electric City: Melissa Boord Ellensburg: Kendall Hershberger Ephrata: Jacob Barth, Claudio Bastida-Diaz, Son Quang Bui, Matthew Derting, Chance Flanigan, Samuel Flynn, Ana Giles, Leah Heer, Jessica Howell, Chiara Hudson, Samuel Kallstrom, Erin Keefe, Wesley Kliphardt, Sabastian Lee, Juan Lopez, Colin Lowry, Brooklynn Maedke, Cassandra Mcconnell, Tommy Neagle, Amy Olsick, Marucs Plagerman, Tamara Purrington, Amy Sisco, Sarah Spangler, Jesse-Lee Stangland, David Swenson, Dawn Wakefield Fox Island: Erik Wood George: Moises Peredia, Jessica Schooler Gig Harbor: Austin Bowen Hartline: Robert Beatty III Hunters: Elizabeth Larrew Kennewick: Adam Munoz Lind: Juan Hernandez, Casey Sackmann Mattawa: Miriam Barajas, Luis Garcia Moses Lake: Daniel Adams, Jessica Barajas, Todd Beavin, Kaden Bergeson, Denise Bravo, Kristin Brickey, Kayla Brown, Gloria Cardenas, Christopher Carlson, Edwin Castro, Alma Cerna, Randy Chambers, Sarah Champion, Kathryn Chavez-Luna, Justin Christensen, Gavin Clark, Mckenna Conley, Amanda Cutrell, Kevin Dalrymple, Irina Danyuk, Austin Davison, Kalvin Deboer, Holli-Jo Diamond, Nicole Duville, Chance Engelhardt, Jason Estrada, Angie Foster, Quinten Frank, Zackery Friedbauer, Jason Fry, Kim Fuller, Debora Galeana, Jefferson Garcia, Jaime Garza,
Rita Garza, Corie Gere, Brittany Gillespie, Ilce Gonzalez, Deanna Guerrero, Diana Gultay, Idalia Gutierrez, Alexis Guzman, Griffin Hansen, Taylor Harless, JT Harman, Daniel Henney, Nicole Heroux, Kiley Heuser, Megan Hill, Desalle Holmes, Jennifer Ibarra, Robert Jackson, Sharayah Jarvis, Sandra Jimerson, Miranda Johnson, Saryn Jones, Irena Kolosnitsyn, Nicholas Lancaster, Gage Lane, James Lee, Tricia Lesser, Michael Loeffler, Beatriz Lopez, Nicholas Lovrovich, Anthony Lustig, Cristina Marlatt, Hannah Marsh, Roxana Martinez, Jamie Miller, Adrian Mitma, Mikayla Moreno, Elliot Nichols, Nathalia Nunez, Danielle Obrien, Joshua Oord, Laura Oronia, Brehanna Ortiz, Mario Ortiz, Harkurin Pandher, Haley Perez, Ryan Perez, Thomas Pfeiffer, Bethany Phillips, Wade Pugh, Genavieve Quintanilla, Rehn Reiley, Jesse Reyes, Noemi Reyes, Kellan Roellich, Justin Roman, Vanessa Rosas, William Roseburg, Julie Rosenberg, Matthew Roughan, Stephanie Russell, Shahrose Saini, Luis Sandoval-Morales, Erika Santacruz, Javier Santillan, Sarah Schutt, Lauren Schwaiger, Zhane Serrano, Spencer Shaw, Josiah Sherman, Ryan Sherwin-Alakayak, Amanda Shoemaker, Trevor Smith, Jose Solis, Brooke Sorenson, Jennifer Steffler, Ashleigh Stevens, Brandon Strait, April Suarez, Megan Thompson, Estebanie Tijerina, Hailey Tolliver, Paula Tovar, Harris Turner, Charlaine Utter, Adrian Vazquez, Amanda Veldran, Stephanie Villafana, Vasiliy Vorobey, Meghan Waites, Amy Walters, Allie White, Quincy Wilks, De Roun Williams, Stephanie Williams, Thomas Willis, Teresa Witte, Cecilia Zamora, Joshua Zimmer, Nathan Zoren Newman Lake: Frederick Selby Othello: Matthew Brown, Johnathan Cook, Sonia Cruz, Katheryne Ortiz, Antonio Ramirez, Rose Sanchez, Juan Silva-Ramos, Lindsey Small, Sarai Solorio, Gerard Weyns Quincy: Josefina Alvarez, Ramiro Alvarez-Analucas, Roberto Barajas, Amanda Calloway, Luis Camacho, Karla Guerrero, Riley Nelson, Mauro Osorio-Santiago, Nathan Phelps, Dayanira Quintero, Carmen Zepeda-Zarate Royal City: Erika Armengol, Jacqueline Bustos, Jessica Madrigal Selah: Mitchell Schwittay Soap Lake: Ganna Agoshkova, Cameron Ball, Tamara Blalock, Cinthia Piedra Spokane: Scott Miller Warden: Mariah Caballero, Karina Elizarraraz, Ariday Guerra, Zach Overton, Nathaniel Stott, Elias Valencia Wenatchee: Carl Mattheis, Michael Mcdonald Wilbur: Dylan Crow Yakima: Hunter Dixon, Parker Stohr, Daniel Umina
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"Never underestimate your ability to save a life."
Josee Newman
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Connect with the fastest* internet in the nation.
Choose your service provider and get connected.
Respite Care • Adult Daycare • Family Education Support Group Services • Safe & Secure Community
* Grant PUD has the fastest download speed in the nation according to Gizmodo.com
830 NW SUNBURST CT. • MOSES LAKE • 764-1900
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Allison Aguilar
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"Take care of your body, It’s the only place you have to live."
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Five Strategic Steps to a stress free home purchase
Buyers in today’s real estate market need the Five Strategic Steps to Follow when they are purchasing a home. Starting with their initial searches for properties online to selecting the right agent and then there’s the twists and turns in the purchase process. It’s all new. You all have your favorite online home searching site. Use it for your initial searches. But, did you know that most online sites are updated as little as every two days? In the market we are currently facing that could mean the difference in getting an offer accepted let alone presented. An agent can get you hooked up with new listing information emailed in real time direct from the local MLS. The right real estate agent to represent your interests is a grand negotiator and focused on finding the right home. They are knowledgeable about the area, the process and the contracts. They are able to not only listen to your concerns and needs; they are able to interpret what you are feeling into actions. This is paramount because buying a home is an emotional process stuck in a logical sequence of events. In today’s real estate market we are faced with short sales, bank owned properties, low market inventories, multiple offer bidding wars and the rise in interest rates. How your agent prepares you for these twists and turns in the process is huge. Yes, it can get frustrating but with the right agent you will look forward rather than back. When it’s time to buy a home follow this simple advice.
1. Get online to your favorite site to do your initial searching. Buyer’s today search low key for months before getting serious enough to contact an agent. 2. Get approved for your loan. Do not look seriously for homes without an approval. Seller’s, in most cases, won’t look accept your offer without it. 3. When you are serious, not anxious, find an agent that listens to you and has the experience to guide you wisely. They will get you connected with the real time property searches and help in identifying the right homes. 4. Listen to the advice of your agent. Price is dictated by the marketplace but the terms of the agreement are a big part of winning or losing. Trust your agent during the negotiations; follow their lead … that’s why you hired them. 5. Be prompt with information requests by your lender and reasonable as issues arise during the closing process. Understand that there are as many as 30 people involved with the process of buying and closing your transactions. Each one is depending on another. A small delay in information gathering can stall your closing. Remember, battles over little things that really don’t matter is pointless and can sour a deal. So, bottom line, prepare … Select the right agent, be approved for your loan, understand the process and listen to the guidance of your agent. When you’re prepared, finding the right home can be really fun!
Life’s PERFECT MOMENTS are now When it comes to legal matters we know you prefer simple. That is why we handle the complicated for you. We’ve got your back, so you have extra time to get carried away.
Contact Tom Perry: Realty Executives Brio Sales Consultant to both Buyers, Education and Sales Trainer Tom@REx2020.com
photo courtesy of Robin L Green
100 E. Broadway Avenue • Moses Lake • 509-765-9285 Quincy office now open on Thursday by appointment. 11 E Street SW, Quincy 509-797-2042
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"Your life is your message to the world, Make sure it is inspiring."
Allie Newman
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Get Your Business in the Black YOU ONLY NEED ONE BOOK For All Your Local Goods & Services in the COLUMBIA BASIN
Michelle Krogh 750-2249 Columbia Basin Market Manager
310 S Cedar St., Moses Lake
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o matter what shape you consider your body to be in, there is a very simple and cost-effective way to improve your mobility and balance, strengthen your core muscles, and improve your circulation. T-Zone Vibration technology comes to us from Canada, and after spreading quickly in popularity across Canada and Europe, T-Zone Health Canada was looking to expand into the United States. And it did. Open since 2009, our community has this technology available to us at The Health Zone. This local business, was started by George Stevenson and his partners (at the time), Angie Stevenson and Nancy Larsen. Nancy had been introduced to the T-Zone Vibration machine by Dr. Ian Gainor, a chiropractor from Canada, and was eager to share her experiences with her family and friends. George was curious, but hesitant. When Nancy insisted he give the technology a try, George was skeptical of how standing and shaking on a machine could be an effective workout method. He gave it a try. After 10 minutes it did loosen some muscles and helped him relax a little, but did not feel like a workout. “The next day as I got up for work,” George said, “my legs felt like I’d been working out and I couldn’t figure out why my abs were sore, but realized it was a result of the machine.” A few weeks later, Dr. Ian Gainor, visited Moses Lake to give a presentation offering a complete explanation of how this machine works. “He explained involuntary muscle movement to me,” stated George. “When we walk, all of our muscles are working to maintain balance. The machine simulates walking, creating muscle response in the form of contracting and relaxing as many as 32 times per second. Gravity, is the force we have on our body, with the machine moving our muscles for us, we are working out without doing a regular style workout. The machine is a whole body vibration. Ten minutes is equal to a one hour workout, but gentle on the body. It can be used for massage, therapy, circulation.” George bought a machine and within a short time he experienced an improvement in his core strength. “I felt
younger and my circulation had improved. My back pain was gone, my energy level was up and my stress level was down. Before this physical improvement I couldn’t pick my 9-year-old daughter up off the floor and worried that if we had an emergency I would not be able to save my child. That was a horrible feeling. A few months later I found my little 9-year-old asleep on the floor. I leaned down and picked her up with none of the pain or problems of the past.” Michele Stanhope, patron of the Health Zone, stated that she had retired in December of 2012 and began exercising 45 to 60 minutes every day at the Health Zone. Using the T Zone, doing toning, hand wedges and the Kettle Bell for cardio as well as doing protein shakes, she has lost 33 pounds and has gone down three pant sizes. Most importantly she has more energy and her osteoarthritis in her knee is very minimal. At 61 she states she feels better than she did in her 50s. John and Phyllis Cottengim said when they heard about the T-Zone there were very skeptical, but decided to give it a try. Since then, they have been going regularly for over three years. They have lost over 100 pounds between the two of them and their doctor has told them they need to continue what they are doing as they are reversing their personal process of aging. Martha Wong, has been coming to the Health Zone 3-4 times a week for a little over a year. When she started she was 12 weeks away from a knee replacement surgery and still using a cane due to poor balance. She gained permission from her orthopedic surgeon and joined the Health Zone to build her muscle strength and improve her balance. Within two months her balance was greatly improved and she felt strong enough to begin a regular walking program. “At first I walked for less the 20 minutes,” she stated, and “I am now cane free, walk up to 40 minutes and can walk up and down hills. My walk covers 1.5 miles daily and I have been able to ride my exercise bike regularly.”
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85+ Buyers & Sellers Represented For A Total Volume Of $14.8 Million In Sales
Membership available to employees & immediate families of: PUD’s & Municipal Corps or Grant, Kittitas, Okanogan & Douglas Counties; employees of cities of Ephrata & Soap Lake, Columbia Basin Hospital and Ephrata School District.
Call 509-754-5233 or stop by 217 Alder Street SW, Ephrata, WA for details.
723 E Main Ave Soap Lake $70,000
807 Westshore Dr #32 $135,000
428 E Linden Ave $158,500
8637 Dune Lake Rd $382,000
7589 McDougal Ave $177,000
8118 Road 2.4 NE $248,500
4296 NE Star Dr $85,000
688 S Drury Lane Othello • $116,000
4955 Brent Rd NE $218,000
711 Crest $125,000
1339 E Crossroad Dr $159,900
608 NE Young Rd 8 $540,000
1660 S Turnagin Ct $155,900
3125 NE Rd F $125,000
7689 McBee St NE $164,000
786 S McKinney Rd Othello • $182,000
1532 NW Rd 12.3 Ephrata • $180,000
813 S Lakeland Dr $183,700
4106 W Peninsula Dr $140,660
SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Virtual Branch & Bill Pay
Shared Branching
8258 Neppel Rd NE $145,000
SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 245 N Earl Rd $144,000
4642 McLaughlin Rd NE $143,000
1117 E St. Helens Dr $142,000
817 S Wilder St $153,181
622 W Village Ave $139,900
I’d Like To Be Your Choice Your dream is out For Buying Or Selling there. Go Get it. D D D D D L L L L L O We'll protect it. SO SO In S2015! SO SO SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 3856 Road F NE $54,000
712 NE I.6 Rd $85,000
9547 NE Morgan Rd $330,000
4728 W Warbler St $174,950
2171 W Hwy 26, Othello $125,000
402 Dow Ave $133,000
NKA Road 8 NE $35,000
1202 S Eastlake Dr $176,000
10306 Rd 5.6 NE $345,000
857 S Highland Rd Othello • $180,000
Chris Arnberg Agency 821 E Broadway Ave Ste 18 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bus: (509) 764-5144 www.chrisarnberg.com
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