11-18-21 Villager

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VOLUME 39 • NUMBER 51 • NOVEMBER 18, 2021

Since 1982


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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

Colorado Supreme Court approves legislative redistricting plan BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER


n November 15, the Colorado Supreme Court said, in a ruling written by Justice Richard Gabriel regarding the plan submitted by the Independent Legislative Redistricting Commission, “The Commission did not abuse its discretion in applying the criteria set forth (in) the Colorado Constitution…The court thus approves the Plans and orders the Commission to file those Plans with the Colorado Secretary of State

no later than December 29, 2021, as required by…the Colorado Constitution.” The Colorado Republican Committee, Colorado Republican State Senate Caucus, Colorado Republican State House Caucus, all represented by Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP, the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners, and the Colorado League of United Latin American Citizens had all urged approval of the plan. Fair Lines Colorado, Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research, along with Lynn Gerber, Doris Morgan, and Thomas E. Norton had

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This is the final statewide map of State Senate districts.

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urged its disapproval. Overall, there are few significant changes to current state house and senate districts. Presently, Democrats hold a 41 to 24 majority over Republicans in the





65-member state House and a 20 to 15 majority in the 35-member state Senate. Historically, redistricting, done every ten years following the U.S. Census, was done by the party in the ma-




Our mission is to give Colorado children a magical Holiday. Volunteers of America is collecting New Toys for children in Colorado this Holiday season. Please donate new toys (ages 0-16) to First American State Bank at 8390 E. Crescent Pkwy, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 or cash donations directly to Volunteers of America at www.voacolorado.org/toydrive Deadline for donations is December 17, 2021.

Every new toy dropped off to the Bank is entered into the drawing to win a signed bottle of John Elway Reserve 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon OR two Club Level tickets with valet parking to the Cincinnati vs. Broncos Game 12/19/21.

jority in the state legislature. That process, that frequently resulted in gerrymandering or accused gerrymandering, often eventually ended up at the Colorado Supreme Court anyway to be sorted out. In 2018, when Constitutional Amendments X and Y creating Independent Congressional and Legislative Commissions comprised of like numbers of Democrats, Republicans and Independents were placed before the voters, the heads of both major political parties endorsed both amendments. Based on the fact that the Colorado Supreme Court accepted both the legislative and congressional maps that the first-ever Independent Commissions proposed after getting input at dozens of public hearings around the state, it appears that the new system, though not completely shielded from political influence, worked pretty well. Although there are no new legislative districts, Colorado will have a new 8th congressional district in Continued to page 6

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

Democracy isn’t light or transient

“Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.” So wrote Thomas Jefferson arguing for the colonies’ independence from British rule. When the American colonists separated from England, there wasn’t much faith that a new country and government would survive, much less thrive. In fact, many early Americans simply hoped the republic would last twenty years. Now, two-hundred forty-five years later, the republic has avoided splintering into factions while truly becoming a “government long established.” Each fall during a unit on the Age of Reason, my class spends time deconstructing and analyzing both the language and ideas of the country’s founding document; the experience is a revelation and a reminder every year. The American experiment in self-government was rooted in the Enlightenment, drawing from European philosophers such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. The ideas were mostly theoretical on the continent, and put to the test across the ocean in the colonies. Edmund Burke, the father of modern conservatism, believed first and foremost in stability and the enduring of institutions against chaos and disorder. In establishing his beliefs about government, Burke contrasted the revolutions in both America and France, praising the American colonists for establishing a government and not descending into anarchy and chaos. The American republic has survived because of a common understanding and shared commitment to the vision of a united group of states which, while widely spread and unique, are still one country. The one time in the country’s storied history that threatened division was, of course, the Civil War. That conflict was of monumental, profound significance, freeing an enslaved race of people and affirming the vision that all men are created equal and no one shall live in bondage. That cause was neither light, nor transient. As President Lincoln noted in his Second Inaugural Address, “Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish.” Ultimately, with the guiding words of Lincoln appealing to “the better angels of our nature,” the nation healed and reunited. The past couple decades have seen an increasingly vocal population that decides and acts based on ultimatums and intransigence. Recall elections, the splintering of collaborative departments, and even talk of secession at the county and state level are all examples of careless disregard for the institutions of democracy. The January 6 attack on the nation’s capitol following frustration over a lost election

is the most egregious affront to the vision and sacrifices of 1776. All these rebukes of established government are indicative of an increasingly thin-skinned constitution in the American people who seem incapable of accepting any difference of opinion or heterogeneity to their world. Recall elections are a huge waste of time and money, and they’re a sign of the whiny petulance that currently infects our politics and our lives. Barring evidence of obviously illegal activity or ethics violations, the recall election is always simply the next election.

Similarly, the rash decision of political leaders in Douglas County to leave Tri-County health over a mask mandate is precisely the sort of frivolous action that Jefferson would have dismissed as light and transient. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, who crafted the Federalist Papers to defend the Constitution, would have looked askance at recent moves by legislators in three Maryland counties to secede from the state. Talk of secession would be absurd if it weren’t so dangerous. Similar movements have percolated in Colorado’s Weld county, where some residents want to join Wyoming. Parts of eastern Oregon want to join Idaho. And it seems like every year, there’s a bill in Texas to form its own country. The “take-my-ball-and-gohome” attitude that influences such action is not the same resolve and firm political conviction that led to the establishment

of the United States, nor is it reflective of the honorable commitment to save the union in the name of freedom and equality. Instead, it’s flippant, rash, and, quite frankly, un-American. To be rash is to not be conservative, prudent, or respectful, and such political tantrums are an affront to the vision which expects each generation to conserve the foundation upon which our societies, our communities, and our republic is built. We all need a little more faith and a lot more patience in the systems and traditions that establish the blanket of comfort under which we rest so comfortably, and we should reaffirm our commitment to “governments long established.” Michael P. Mazenko is a writer, educator, & school administrator in Greenwood Village. He blogs at A Teacher’s View and can be found on Twitter @ mmazenko. You can email him at mmazenko@gmail.com

Edmund Burke, the father of modern conservatism, believed first and foremost in stability and the enduring of institutions against chaos and disorder. In establishing his beliefs about government, Burke contrasted the revolutions in both America and France, praising the American colonists for establishing a government and not descending into anarchy and chaos. The American republic has survived because of a common understanding and shared commitment to the vision of a united group of states which, while widely spread and unique, are still one country.

ARAPAHOE COUNTY C NVERSATIONS Thanksgiving All County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, November 26 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Visit arapahoegov.com/calendar Arapahoe County seeking public input about transportation The 2040 Transportation Master Plan draft is now available for final review and comment. Read the entire report at arapahoegov.com/transportationplan KIOWA CREEK NORTH OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN

Weigh in on our Kiowa Creek North open space planning The Kiowa Creek North Open Space Master Planning master planning strives to preserve the natural resources, while providing enjoyment of this unique open space in the eastern riparian floodplain. Get details at kiowacreekopenspace.com


We Want You!

Citizen Boards and Committees Help shape our community by serving on one of Arapahoe County’s citizen boards and committees. When you serve as a volunteer on an advisory body, you provide input into the County’s decision making process in many areas of subject matter expertise. In turn, the County benefits from your knowledge, experience and expertise. Visit arapahoegov.com/citizenboards or scan the QR code with your smartphone.


Visit arapahoegov.com/osmasterplan to read the DIVE summary report.

PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

Thanksgiving memories Thanksgiving is really a wonderful American tradition. The day gives us a chance to be with family and to cherish our great nation. A land where the world wants to come and join us in our freedoms and opportunity for all under the rule of law. The Thanksgiving meal is the traditional celebration dating back to the Indians giving food to the starving Pilgrims. Supposedly they only had a few kernels of corn to feast upon. Cooking the turkey is a family tradition and it was one of my fondest times with my aging mother, as a widow, still hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner at her home. My ranching father passed away from lung cancer at age 75 from too many years of dust,

A get-well soon to Villager sports columnist Denny Dressman who is recovering from COVID-19. He was fully vaccinated but has had a tough time for three weeks. He is recovering at home now. Jay Davidson, President of First American State Bank is assisting Volunteers of America (VOA) in collecting new toys for children in Colorado this holiday season. New toys may be dropped off at First American State Bank at 8390 E. Crescent Circle, Suite 100, in Greenwood Village, 80111. Deadline for the toy drop is December 17. Cash donations are also accepted: www.voa colorado.org/toydrive *** If you take a new toy to the “Toy Drive” you can enter a drawing to win a bottle of John Elway Reserve 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon, or two club level tickets with valet parking to the Cincinnati vs. Bronco football game 12/18/21. *** Received this advice in an email from a good friend about holiday season shopping. The memo states the following: “Before you go buy a bunch of “stuff” for family and friends this holiday season, ask them what they really need. Maybe

freezing cold, and smoking cigarettes as he operated his cattle ranch in N.W. Colorado. Our family resided in Craig where I had departed the ranching industry and was operating The Craig Daily Press. No daily newspaper to produce on Thanksgiving Day, so Gerri and I, our four children, and my brother Henry, joined my mother for an excellent traditional dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, et al. My job was to hustle to my mother’s house around 6 a.m. to help prepare the turkey. She was the expert and I the student on how to prepare and cook a turkey. The bird was too heavy for her to lift into the oven and that was my primary responsibility. My mother was my teacher

they need help with a utility bill, car payment, or the rent. Maybe they need a kid-free night and could use a free babysitter. Maybe they could use a home-cooked meal. Maybe they need someone to listen to them over a cup of coffee. Maybe they don’t know what to ask for and are too embarrassed to ask. Maybe you could be the one to give them exactly what they need this season, rather than some ”stuff” they’ll never use.” *** Another email advises that with all those shipping containers stranded in the ocean remember that local artists have product and most stores have gift cards available. There is plenty of merchandise available in local stores so spend your money in your neighborhoods or at the area malls. The sales tax you spend locally returns to our city governments and the majority of money to support our schools. Supporting local business firms saves jobs and keeps doors open. *** In case you missed some of Freda Miklin’s election factoids here are a few numbers about the recent election. There are 460,417 registered voters in Arapahoe County. Of that total, 418,309 were considered to be eligible voters. The election turnout was 146,309,

The Villager

in life beginning at a very early age as I was home schooled on the ranch 30 miles from the nearest school. My mother held school every day for me, my five-year older brother, and my cousin John. We eventually moved into town where she became a third-grade teacher for decades and was elected the Moffat County Superintendent of Schools for 12 years. I can well remember the wooden blocks of letters, the alphabet cards, learning to read and write, mixing flour and water to make glue, and coloring eggs at Easter. So, my education finally reached the turkey cooking level as I watched carefully how she washed the turkey and reached deep into the body cavity to remove the sack of gizzard and heart. I wonder how many people cook the bird with those items still inside or fail to allow enough time for the bird

37.5 percent of the eligible voters. Prior to the election unaffiliated registrations were 36 percent, registered Democrats 35 percent, and 29 percent were Republicans. The election results tell a different story with 45 percent of all registered Republicans voting, 37 percent of registered Democrats voting, and bringing up the rear were the unaffiliated with only 27 percent voting. All of the contests were billed as “non-partisan,” but it appears that political party members pay more attention to elections. *** I’m told that Dianne Bartlett hosted a terrific party for herself and other friends celebrating birthdays at Citron Bistro at Yosemite and Hampden Ave recently. Tom and George have been in the local restaurant business for decades, first with Seasons in the DTC and then Citron. They have survived COVID-19 and are going strong with their great cuisine and afternoon happy hours. Happy Birthday to Dianne and her female friends who enjoyed a spectacular party. Several Villager colleagues were among the attendees as we now approach our own 40th newspaper birthday December 2. *** I had my Pfizer booster shot at Safeway last week. My arm was slightly sore

The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must accompany all letters to the editor for verification and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. Letters deadline 10 am Monday. Please limit to 300 words.

to thaw? It’s happened to me. She basted the bird with a mixture of flour and butter and stuffed the dressing deep into the body cavity stitching up the bird’s cavity. I would lift the blue roaster pan into the heated oven and the bird would be ready to be carved by noon. Looking back at Thanksgiving I cherish the memories of cooking with my mother and then the closeness of our family that still exists today. My mother left us years ago, but never in spirit. I’m going to be cooking that turkey early Thanksgiving day and remembering my mother and all the memories that I cherish about her and my wonderful dad who taught me how to work. Inhale family on this special day and be thankful for America.

the next day, but no other apparent ailments. I just feel more secure and safe having the vaccination protection. I don’t like putting strange formulas into my body, but down through the years have had plenty of immunizations in the military and in school. No one asked me about polio, smallpox, et al, they just did it. That’s probably how this pandemic should have been handled, but it is a matter of choice, at least for adults. The good thing is that life is partially returning to normal, and less fear abounds. However, the cases are still rampant, and hospitals are full. No doubt doctors and nurses have learned how to save lives and treat patients better. When will it end? Not sure of the future, but in my opinion it is better to be safe, than sorry. Science will prevail and hopefully a cure will be found. *** I purchased a 24 lb. Butterball frozen turkey at Safeway last week and there were plenty of turkeys available. I didn’t check on the toilet paper supplies, but the store was full of Thanksgiving fare. The Villager staff wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Look for the wishbone.

Submit your letters by email to: gerri@villagerpublishing.com 303-773-8313

Office: 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122 • (303) 773-8313 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $52 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID IN LITTLETON, CO. AND ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR Gerri Sweeney 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-773-8313 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Susan 720-270-2018 PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2020 Member

QUOTE of the WEEK My cooking is soWEEK bad QUOTE of the my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor. – Phyllis Diller

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5

Arapahoe County and Tri County Health hold town hall on pediatric vaccine BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

On November 10, Arapahoe County, in partnership with Tri-County Health Department (TCHD), held a town hall on the state of the COVID-19 virus in this area and the availability of the Pfizer vaccine for use in children aged five to 11. As of November 15, according to TCHD, the intensive care units (ICUs) in Arapahoe County hospitals are 99.4% occupied and Arapahoe County Hospitals overall are 99.2% occupied. In Douglas County, ICUs are 96.1% full and hospitals overall are 93% full. In Adams County, those numbers are 94.5% for ICUs and 97.3% for hospitals overall. According to Dr. John Douglas, TCHD’s executive director, “What appears to be going on is that we have the most COVID patients hospitalized since just before Christmas 2020. Most are unvaccinated, but there are some breakthrough cases, especially in older folks. Another reason is

regular activity leading to heart attacks, appendicitis’, etc. We are also seeing folks who didn’t get adequate preventative care last year and many who deferred testing and treatment. Besides that, we have fewer medical staff members than we did a year ago. Nurses and respiratory therapists are burned out and there are fewer of them available.” He continued, “The bright side of the situation is the available vaccines which have been an extraordinary game changer. If people get vaccinated who haven’t and those who have get a booster, it will be very helpful. In addition, people should wear masks in indoor settings. If you do get COVID-19, get the monoclonal antibody treatment. Also, please get a flu shot.” Dr. Bernadette Albanese, a pediatric infectious disease specialist who is a medical epidemiologist with TCHD, talked about the recently approved Pfizer vaccine for children ages five to 11 to protect against COVID-19. She said, “This is not a new vaccine. 500 million doses have been given in the U.S. alone. We have lots of

information about how well they work to prevent severe illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. The Delta Variant has been a challenge. It has taken over the U.S. and the world and is much more contagious than the original virus. It is now affecting children five to 11 years of age. The vaccine is an MRNA vaccine from Pfizer. It is the same as the one that has been used in adolescents and adults. The dose has been adjusted to be appropriate for five-to-11-year-olds. The pediatric formulation has an appropriately studied lower dose than what is used in teens and adults to produce a good immune response in the children. Children need to get two doses three weeks apart, just as do adolescents and adults. Two weeks after the second dose they are considered to be effectively protected. The most common side effect seen is a sore arm, followed by short-lived tiredness and headache. There were no other significant side effects seen.” In response to questions from


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COVID numbers going up in Colorado regarding testing, masks, and vaccines, leading some to wait things out until life returned to normal. Most insurance plan deductibles reset at the end of the year. Those who have already met their deductible are eager to have their BY BRIAN C. JOONDEPH elective procedures before January 1, so the cost is covered under their paid deductible, rather than next year when they have a new deductible to meet. Some, anticipating an end of year surge in surgery demand due to increasing COVID cases, are trying to get in ahead of the wave to avoid having their procedures put off deferred. While simple procedures are done as an outpatient, more complex surgery, including heart surgery, requires hospitalization, and perhaps a few days in the ICU. The ICU isn’t just for sick COVID patients, it serves a wide patient population and due to the cost of running and staffing an ICU, it needs to be relatively full, just as airlines prefer their planes to fly with few empty seats, from a business perspective. Hospitals are businesses too and need revenues to cover their costs. The news articles discussing ICU beds don’t mention whether this shortage represents physical beds or the ability to staff these beds. If a 40 bed ICU only has staff to safely care for 30 patients, and has a census of 28, they are reported to have only two available beds, ignoring the ten beds that cannot be used due to insufficient staff. Hospital staffing may be an issue. More than 100 million


Continued on page 6


Watching the local news, one sees constant stories about COVID numbers going up in Colorado, with COVID hospitalizations higher than they have ever been except for the spike last December. Some pundits predict last year’s peak will soon be surpassed. On the surface that doesn’t make sense, since nearly 80 percent of eligible Coloradans have received at least one vaccine dose, suggesting the vaccines are not working as well as they should, or that vaccine immunity is waning, hence the push for booster injections. Scarier still is that Colorado officials reinstated “crisis standards of care” for hospital staffing, allowing hospitals and other facilities to stretch limited personnel and use volunteers, including National Guard and family members, to help care for hospitalized patients. ICU beds are in desperately short supply, with fewer than 100 beds available in Colorado as reported by the Denver Post. Are we headed to a situation where patients will be treated in hallways or turned away from overcrowded hospitals to fend for themselves? With complicateed situations, explanations are also complex and multifactorial. While I don’t have a simple answer, here are some of the factors playing into this current crisis. How much current hospital care is non COVID related? Remember that for the past two years, routine care and elective surgery were put deferred over fears of catching COVID or the constantly changing rules


Americans are out of the workforce and this includes healthcare workers. Some are burnt out after a hellacious two years on the COVID front lines. Others have reprioritized their lives and activities. Still others are resisting vaccine mandates. As the weather turns cooler, Coloradans are heading indoors, into closer proximity to each other unlike when hiking in the mountains or strolling on a golf course. This will increase COVID numbers here and explain the drop in cases in Florida, for example, under the opposite effect of more venturing outside now due to tolerable temperatures, unlike the sweltering Florida summer when many stay indoors. Remember also that many COVID patients spend weeks or months in the hospital, utilizing beds. COVID has created a mental health crisis for a variety of reasons beyond the scope of this essay, but mental health placement is challenging, with few inpatient beds and facilities, meaning patients lingering in hospitals or emergency departments awaiting placement. These factors keep hospital beds filled. There are many reasons for the recent surge in COVID cases and hospitalization, and it is prudent to look at the numerous contributory factors rather than simply relying on knee jerk responses of blaming the unvaccinated or unmasked. Past case surges peaked and fell over time. Hopefully these peaks will soon become smaller and less frequent, as we attempt to return to our pre-COVID lives and world.




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PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

Pediatric vaccine

Continued from page 5

callers, the medical experts, including Drs. Douglas and Albanese and Caitlin Silverstein, registered nurse with TCHD, said: • The pediatric vaccine is available through many pediatricians. That is where parents should check first. Local pharmacies, such as Walgreens, will also have the vaccine. TCHD vaccination clinics will also have it, as will Children’s Hospital. Like all other COVID-19 vaccines, it is completely free of charge. • If new variants begin to emerge in the U.S., the vaccine manufacturers will immediately test their vaccines’ ability to offer protection from it. • Children, like adults, can get a COVID-19 vaccine during the same visit as a flu shot. • Myocarditis has not been seen in any of the several thousand children who were a part of the study for this vaccine. It is a known side effect that has been seen very, very rarely in older teens and adults. Out of 1,000,000 doses given, it was seen in 50 to 100 older subjects, mostly all male. It is important to keep in mind that inflammation of the heart is more of a risk in children who get COVID-19 than any known risk of getting the vaccine. • There is no recommendation for a booster shot at this time for either children or teens. Only adults are recommended to get the shot. • There are 27 children in Colorado hospitals diagnosed with COVID-19 at this time. Children do not get as sick as adults when they get COVID-19, but there have been almost 2 million cases, 8,300 hospitalizations, and

Legislative redistricting Continued from page 2

the November 8, 2022 election. So far, two Democrats, This is HD31 Rep. Yadira Caraveo and the final Adams County Commissioner statewide Charles “Chaz” Tedesco, and map of four Republicans, SD23 Sen. Colorado Barbara Kirkmeyer, Weld House County Commissioner Lori districts. Saine, small business owner Guilianna “Jewels” Gray, and 2018 University of Northern Colorado graduate Ryan Gonzalez have announced their intentions to compete for their parties’ nomination for Colorado CD8 in the June 28, 2022 primaries.

This is the final approved map of Colorado House districts in south metro Denver.

190 deaths from COVID-19 in children under 12 years old. The other risk, unusual but severe and unpredictable, is multi-inflammatory syndrome in children after they get the COVID-19 virus. One-third


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of those who got this had no underlying condition. Of those who got it that had underlying conditions, a common underlying condition was obesity. • Children who should possibly not be vaccinated are those who are allergic to the vaccine or an ingredient in it. Conversely, those with other health conditions are generally at higher risk for the virus, so it is important that they get the

vaccine. • There are no plans for school districts, TCHD, or the state to mandate getting vaccinated to attend school. The vaccine does not yet have full licensure. That will probably not happen for a year. • Vaccinated people who get breakthrough cases are less likely to contaminate others. • The study of the pediatric vaccine included approximately

3,000 children and is ongoing. That is a pretty average size for pediatric clinical trials. This data has been added to all the data from the adult clinical trials. There are other systems set up to rapidly evaluate data that comes into the CDC to ensure safety. If anything concerning comes up, it is quickly vetted to see if there is a pattern of concern. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

Ms.Colorado Senior chosen in fierce competition Jeanne Nott of Loveland, a stand-up comedian, won the hearts of the judges The 27th Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant titled “The Power of the Dream” was held at PACE Center Theater in Parker, Colorado with candidates from over the state competing for the coveted crown. Aurora produces prime candidates for Ms. Colorado Senior. Outgoing Queen Dr. Marilyn Chipman and the two runners-up for 2022 – Joanie Ryan and Marla Downer are all from Aurora. Final contestants vying for the crown this The reigning Ms. Senior America year were Pris military spouse Laura Morgan (North Schnell, a speaker FLEURISH Carolina) with Colorado’s premier from Elizabeth State Pageant Administrator and who presented publicity guru René Green “Bilingual ConverCourtesy photo Newly crowned Jeanne Nott begins her The Queen’s Court – 1st Runner-up Joanie Ryan sation” in Spanish and English. walk as the 2022 Queen while 2021 Queen and 2nd Runner-up Marla Downer surround Ms. Singer Marla Downer of Aurora Dr. Marilyn Chipman (right) looks on Colorado Senior 2022 Jeanne Nott sang “A Broken Wing” by MarLEFT: Royalty in attendance tina McBride. Classic pianist from other states: Linda Anthony Liz Palmer of Denver presented (North Carolina), Polly King “Rustle of Spring” by Chris(North Carolina), Ms. Senior America 2021 Laura Morgan tian Sinding. Deejay Johnson (North Carolina), Julie Kate Cobb of Broomfield sang “I’ve Got Salomon (New Mexico) and Fran Music in Me” by Kiki Dee. StoOwens, president of National ryteller Lisa Wilson of Colorado Senior Alumnae Association Springs presented “Miracle on (Massachusetts) a Monday.” Kitty Robb’s lyrical BELOW, LEFT: The dynamic duo dance presentation “Kiss Me” emcees - Tony David of WildeFire was composed by Matt Slocum and Michelle Rahn Colorado’s with backup vocals by Kitty own Ms. Senior America 2004 BELOW: 2021 Queen Dr. Marilyn Robb. She is from Broomfield. Chipman (almost 80 years old) Aurora’s Joanie Ryan sang surrounded by her proud family “Let’s Get Loud” by Jennifer Lopez and played bongo drums. Petite Jeanne Nott from Loveland, who captured the crown, presented her version of “Senior Comedy” with a New Jersey accent. She is no stranger to the stage with her first appearance at age four as a pineapple in the “Fruit Bowl Ballet” at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Vineland, NJ. She has garnered several acting credits since and has been performing stand-up comedy at senior centers and assisted living homes in Northern Colorado under the clever presentation name: “Why Nott Laugh?” Besides the talent portion that counts for 30%, the Evening Gown portion counts for 20%, the Philosophy of Life portion, also shared on stage, is 20%. What the audience does not see nor hear is the important Interview session with the judges that counts for 30% toward the total score! Queen Jeanne will compete for the national title in Hershey, PA from September 5-9, 2022. The Ms. Senior America Pageant is the world’s first and foremost pageant to emphasize and give honor to the women who have reached the (60+) “Age of Elegance.” It is a search Ms. Mae who was for the gracious lady who best recently crowned exemplifies the dignity, maturity Glamorous Grandma In the audience- candidate for sheriff of Douglas and inner beauty for all senior at Highpointe Assisted County John Anderson, Jake Jabs of sponsoring Americans. For further informa- Living in Denver was American Furniture and Mayor of Parker Jeff Toborg The distinguished judges – Tina Miller, Virginia Photos by Scottie Iverson Quinones, Ken Goodwin and Susan England in attendance tion: www.colosramerica.com.

PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

Arapahoe County Republicans bring big fun and big funds at Lincoln Day Dinner! There was no shortage of energy, enthusiasm, fun and fundraising when Arapahoe County Republicans gathered at the Radisson Hotel in Aurora to celebrate its annual Lincoln Day Dinner. “Lincoln was the first Republican president,” said emcee Jimmy Sengenberger. “His legacy is our legacy.” Opportunities to support the Arapahoe County Republican Party were abundant. Guests were greeted with a silent auction and treated to a marathon “Heads or Tails” game presented with hilarity and sometimes off- thestage coin tosses by George Brauchler and Rich Sokol. Edie Marks was the winner of the game capturing a $500. gift certificate from American Furniture Warehouse. The Brauchler/ Sokol team also called the live auction and paddle raise. There was rapt attention when the powerful panel of Congressmen Doug Lamborn and Ken Buck were on stage to share insight. “What is the role of The Constitution?” said Buck who serves on the Judicial Committee.. “States are laboratories of democracy. We need to get out of this spiral quickly,” he said re-

ferring to government giveaways.”We owe those who protected us in Afghanistan for 20 years and America is stuck with a weak leader for three more years” continued Buck. “America needs to be strong for the good of the world,” said Lamborn who serves on the House Armed Services Committee.” Mike Pompeo is a wonderful American. Trump had a plan for and conditions for Afghanistan withdrawals and we had the Abraham Accord under Trump. Iran is an existential threat to Israel. One of the reasons America is blessed is because of support to Israel.” Most riveting was Derrick Wilburn, founder and executive director of Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives who is sick and tired of being told white people care about face color and having it being crammed down throats. “I am the beneficiary of slavery,” said Wilburn. “Not that it was good. Because my ancestors were brought to this country, I was

educated and live a wonderful life!” He talked about American Exceptionalism. “Until this country, rulers were by birthright – pharaohs, kings, emperors - rather than being chosen,” he said. “The Colonists revolted, documents for self-government were created and America became exceptional regardless of skin color. ANY child born in America of ANY color with a mother and father married at birth is privileged. The true privilege in this country is the structure of your family. Likes attract likes. Liberal fools want to push oppression. We got CRT voted down in El Paso County.” He addressed BLM, White Privilege, Systemic Racism and Reparation.”Systemic Racism is where blacks live - not at the federal level – that was squeezed out decades ago, but at the local level. Blacks are concentrated in cities. The mayor and councils - who is running the system? Racists insist on living in the past. People risk their lives to be here!”

Kathleen Chandler, who led the Invocation, with candidate for Colorado Governor Heidi Ganahl and Arapahoe County GOP Chair Suzanne Staiert

Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives’ Derrick Wilburn, U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn and U.S. Congressman Ken Buck Former State Rep (HD 38) Susan Beckman and Arapahoe County Commissioner Nancy Sharpe

Candidate for Colorado Governor Greg Lopez, candidate for Colorado Secretary of State Pam Anderson and U.S. Senate candidate Erik Aadland

President of Aurora Republican Forum Bob Miles led The Pledge of Allegiance

“I believe 99.575% of white people in America could care less about face color.”

Colorado GOP Chair Kristi Burton KNUS radio host, popular MC Brown and VP Priscilla Rahn Jimmy Sengenberger

- Derrick Wilburn, Founder and Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives

Executive Director of Colorado County Clerks Association and former Arapahoe County Clerk Matt Crane, former Arapahoe County GOP Chair Lynne Cottrell, Former 18th Judicial District DA George Brauchler and former Arapahoe County GOP Chair Rich Sokol

Dani Rowland and her mom, Anne Rowland entertained as well as sang The National Anthem

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9

QUESTION: I don’t get cavities – do I really need to floss?

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Holiday Shoppers Michelle & Susan Holiday Mart Committee

Co-chairs Left to right: Brooke Bearman, Heather Yount, Bonnie Keyes, Lauren Perkins, Tess Enright, Krista Mullen

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PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

Oh what fun it is to shop Shop Local

A Paris Street Market held their annual 2021 Rue de Noel, A Paris Street Christmas Market, indoors at the Douglas County Events Center in Castle Rock on Friday, November 12 and Saturday, November 13. Admission was free and plenty of parking was available. We would especially like to thank The Villager for their continued support! www.aparisstreetmarket. com. 303-877-9457


Holiday shopper Elisabeth Repka

More holiday shopping at Vandel Antiques 2675 W. Alamo Ave. Littleton Sandi Vandel, owner Vintage galore items. ..

The Merry Magpie Vintage’s owner Heidi German

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11

City-wide Toy Drive is in full swing Denver Santa Claus Shop is collecting new toys for local children in need, many of whom otherwise might not have a toy to open during the Holidays. DSCS expects to serve 13,000 youngsters this year. “Our mission is ‘A Toy for Every Girl & Boy,’ and nothing, including COVID, keeps us from giving toys to kids in need,” said Scott Hamburg, President of DSCS. “We’ll do an outdoor Shop again this year because of COVID.” DSCS will have a “drive-thru” free toy giveaway in December instead of its traditional Toy Shop where Clients actually shop – choosing toys for their children. This aims to make Clients and volunteers safe as COVID lingers. Families in need are invited to DSCS by local Social

Service Agencies and Community Partners. Parents will drive up to receive NEW toys based on their children’s ages and gender. DSCS serves children ages newborn through 11

years old – and cannot accept any used toys or any new or used stuffed animals due to COVID. Donations can be made online and in person. Companies or schools may hold Toy Drives or collect money to buy new toys for the Shop. Many retail partners are toy drop-off sites, including Denver Mattress, Larry H. Miller Dealerships, Dirty Duck Bar, Joy’s Consigned Furnishings, Happy Canyon Flowers, Prose Nails and Four Seasons Hotel. DSCS's website denversantaclausshop. org has details on its Amazon and Walmart Toy Wish Lists plus how families can register to receive free toys. DSCS is a volunteer-run, nondenominational 501(c)(3) nonprofit celebrating its 91st year. It has helped well over 1 million local children in need in its long history.

seniors a new way of living Colorado-style.

The lifestyle you deserve ! Local ownership has it’s benefits!

PAGE 12 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 13




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PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

State Sen. Paul Lundeen explains how GOP hopes to win back seats

BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER At their regular monthly meeting at Maggiano’s DTC on Wednesday, November 3, Republican Party Whip State Senator Paul Lundeen told members of the Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Club that their party will take back the state Senate in 2022 by focusing on three key issues that Republicans are better equipped to address than their Democratic counterparts: 1. Making life more affordable in Colorado; 2. Making Coloradans feel safer in their communities; 3. Giving back to parents the authority to match their responsibility to direct the education and upbringing of their children. Lundeen noted that every member of the general assembly has the right to introduce five bills during a legislative session and that in his role as the GOP whip, he got senate Republicans to promise to reserve two of their bills in the 2022 session to propose laws that deliver the message contained in those three issues. Lundeen talked about the recent win by Virginia Republican Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin, who focused on parents’ right to direct the education of their children. He pointed out that the Douglas County School Board had become more conservative in the November 2 election while can-

Paul Lundeen posed with Lauren Son and James Ruehmann, Cherry Creek High School sophomores. James recently formed the Creek Teenage Republicans club at school and Lauren is a member.

Neal Davidson (left), who fell just short of being elected to the Centennial City Council, is pictured here with his wife Fran, Centennial Mayor Stephanie Piko and Centennial Council Member Mike Sutherland. Piko and Sutherland were elected to a second term unopposed on November 2.

didates supported by the teachers’ unions had won election in Denver and Jefferson Counties. Although he did not mention it, candidates for the Littleton Public Schools Board of Education and the Cherry

Creek Schools Board of Education who enjoyed union support also won election. Lundeen continued, saying that the “midterm snapback, which is an historical reality in America, is beginning to happen. That’s a

Kevin Edling is a 32-year veteran of the United States Air Force National Guard and was a police officer in Denver for 26 years. He said that he is running for Arapahoe County Sheriff in 2022 because, “I have learned firsthand that local politics and bad policy is crippling law enforcement.” He believes in “common sense policing, to serve and protect with respect.”

little bit of a tailwind. President Biden can expect to lose a little bit of ground in 2022. But Joe Biden is doing everything he can to take that little tailwind and turn it into a zephyr, perhaps a jet stream by the time we get to November 2022… The basic aspects of life in America are being disrupted by the fact that this administration would prefer to be insular and would prefer to pursue what I would describe as sort of an orthodoxy with a religious fervor of global climate change by oppressing the economy and the people of America.” He also pointed out that supply chain issues will be blamed on the Democrats.

Gail Piper was just elected president of the Colorado Federation of Republican Women. Photos by Freda Miklin

In response to a question, the senator described Proposition 119, which sought to raise nearly $138 million from new taxes on retail marijuana and take $20 million from the school land trust annually to fund broadly defined tutoring and enrichment programs chosen by parents around the state, as a program that “would have given parents an educational voucher to spend on behalf of their children.” He noted that there were conservatives on both sides of that issue. It failed 54% to 46%. Lundeen complimented the Independent Legislative Redistricting Commission for its work, including over 40 public meetings, that will result in much fairer maps than were previously drawn by the party that had control in the general assembly, which, this year, would have been the Continued on page 16

Colorado expects to get $700 to $800 million from the infrastructure bill BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

Shoshana Lew, the executive director of the Colorado Department of Transportation, told Colorado Public Radio on November 8 that she expects our state to receive between $700 million and $800 million “in new money for transportation projects over the next five years,” from the $1 trillion infraA





















structure bill just passed by the Congress and signed into law by President Biden on November 15. According to Lew, the money will be used to help fund the state’s previously published 10-year plan of 400 highway and rural road projects. She also expects Colorado to receive an additional $215 million from the federal government to be used for public transportation projects statewide. This funding is in addition








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to the projected $5.4 billion expected to be generated over the next 10 years from the fees generated and the general fund transfers provided in SB21-260. The bill, called “Sustainability of the Transportation System,” creates “new sources of dedicated funding and new state enterprises to enable the planning, funding, development, construction, maintenance, and supervision of a sustainable transportation system by preserving, improving, and expanding existing transportation infrastructure, developing the modern infrastructure needed to support the widespread adoption of electric motor vehicles, and mitigating adverse environmental and health impacts of transportation system.” It was signed into law by Governor Polis June 15, 2021. The new funding consists of fees phased in over ten years on gasoline and diesel, as well as electric vehicles (EVs). It also imposes fees on residential deliveries that began July 1 and fees on ride-sharing beginning in 2022. In SB21-260, there is $310 million allocated to the installation of EV charging stations along with incentives for buying EVs and eBikes. Another $289 million is dedicated to the cost of replacing delivery trucks, school buses and ride-share vehicles, along with government fleets, with EVs. $134 million is allocated to replacing public buses with electric ones. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15

Dear Savvy Senior, I have arthritis in my hips and knees and have a difficult time getting around anymore. What do I need to do to get a Medicare-covered electric-powered scooter or wheelchair? Need a Ride


Does Medicare cover mobility scooters or wheelchairs? Here’s a breakdown of how it works.

Schedule an Appointment

Your first step is to call your doctor or primary care provider and schedule a MediBY JIM MILLER care required, faceto-face mobility evaluation to determine your need for a Dear Need, power scooter or wheelchair. If you’re enrolled in origiFor you to be eligible, you’ll nal Medicare, getting an elec- need to meet all of the followtric-powered mobility scooter ing conditions: or wheelchair that’s covered • Your health condition by Medicare starts with a visit makes moving around to your doctor’s office. your home very difficult, If eligible, Medicare will even with the help of a pay 80 percent of the cost, afcane, crutch, walker or ter you’ve met your Part B demanual wheelchair. ductible ($203 in 2021). You • You have significant probwill be responsible for the relems performing activities maining 20 percent unless you of daily living like bathhave supplemental insurance.

Dear Readers,


emergency surgery, or something else very urgent. There are always a host of reasons. • When he or she asks for money, the request is for payment through the use of a gift card, or prepaid debit

ing, dressing, getting in or out of a bed or chair, or using the bathroom. • You are able to safely operate, and get on and off the scooter or wheelchair, or have someone with you who is always available to help you safely use the device. If eligible, your doctor will determine what kind of mobility equipment you’ll need based on your condition, usability in your home, and ability to operate it. It’s also important to know that Medicare coverage is dependent on your needing a scooter or wheelchair in your home. If your claim is based on needing it outside your home, it will be denied as not medically necessary, because the wheelchair or scooter will be considered a leisure item.

need now?


Many of my clients have asked what are the critical documents needed, particularly in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simply being married does not give you Crimes that occur the legal right to gain access to over the internet are BY DONALD PETERSON your spouse’s medical records or frequently associated make medical decisions on your with identity theft and many of card. spouse’s behalf, even in an emerthe same scams that come over Scammers, both male and gency. To avoid this problem and the phone are also common female, use fake dating profiles, to help others care for you and to online. The anonymity of the sometimes using photos of other achieve your overall estate planinternet makes it especially easy people, even stolen pictures of ning goals, the following docufor criminals to not just make a lot real military personnel. They ments create an effective medical/ of money, but to leave emotional build relationships, some even estate plan package: scars on their victims and to get falsify wedding plans, before 1. Healthcare Power of Attorney; away with their crimes. An examthey disappear with your money. 2. General Financial Power of ple of the bolder crimes include Make sure you don’t send money. Attorney; illegitimate dating sites or bogus Never wire money, put money on 3. Advanced Directive for Medsuiters, online classified ads posta prepaid debit card, a gift card, or ed by disreputable brokers and ical/Surgical Treatment (“Livsend cash to an online love intersellers, and crooks who run raning Will”); and est. You won’t get it back. If you somware scams on unprotected 4. Will (or a Will with a Trust). do have someone you feel could computers. Careful medical/estate planbe the “one”, do some checking to ning should include preparation make sure you are talking to the and signing of these documents, Online Dating Scams person you think you are: to accomplish your goals and As impossible as it is to • Run image searches of their protect you, both during your believe that scammers are preprofile photos at images. lifetime, and at the time of passtending to be in love with you for google.com or TinEye.com, ing. The Power of Attorney money, it’s true, and victims lose and paste suspicious text into documents allow you to designate hundreds of thousands of dollars. search engines to see if it’s those agents whom you authorize Online dating can be a successful been used elsewhere. way to meet new people, even • Pay attention if they have poor to help you on your behalf during the love of your life, but go into it your lifetime, and the Will/Trust grammar or many misspelled with eyes wide open and learn to documents allow you to nominate words. recognize the following red flags: • Don’t share personal informa- others to help with your estate • You meet someone special on after your passing, as well as to tion such as your address or a dating website or someone identify the beneficiaries and the date of birth. messages you through a social distributions to them, to accom• Be vigilant about users who media app. Soon he or she plish your estate planning goals. ask you to leave the site and wants to move from the dating Selected information in this use personal e-mail addresses. site to e-mail or phone calls, column has been taken with although scammers often shy permission by Continuing Legal What are the four key medical/ Education in Colorado, Inc., from away from the latter. estate plan documents you • He or she tells you he or she the Colorado Senior Law loves you, and Handbook, 2020 EdiA 30% REDUCTION ON ESTATE PLAN tion (Chapter 11: Arm although you both DOCUMENTS IS CURRENTLY BEING live far away, Yourself With Consumer perhaps due to OFFERED DUE TO THE COVID-19 CRISIS! Protection Information, work or military Amy Nofziger, M.A. and FOR A FREE TELEPHONE OR VIDEO duty, someday Barbara Martin-WorCONSULTATION, PLEASE CALL: you both will be ley, M.A.), which is a Donald Glenn Peterson, Esq. together. copyrighted publication Don Peterson Law Firm • He or she asks and may be accessed 4100 E. Mississippi Avenue, Suite 410 for money on the Denver, CO 80246 and downloaded for pretense of covPhone: (303) 758-0999 free at: www.cobar. ering plane fare E-Mail: Donald@PetersonLaw.co org/For-the-Public/Seto visit you, or for Website: www.donpetersonlawfirm.com nior-Law-Handbook.

Cyber Crimes and Current Online Dating Scams.

Where to Buy

If your doctor determines you need a power scooter or wheelchair, he or she will fill out a written order or prescription. Once you receive it, you’ll need to take it to a Medicare approved supplier within 45 days. To find Medicare approved suppliers in your area, visit Medicare.gov/ medical-equipment-suppliers or call 800-633-4227. There are, however, circumstances where you may need “prior authorization” for certain types of power wheelchairs. In this case, you’ll need permission from Medicare before you can get one.

Financial Aid

If you have a Medicare supplemental (Medigap)

policy, it may pick up some, or all of the 20 percent cost of the scooter or wheelchair that’s not covered by Medicare. If, however, you don’t have supplemental insurance, and can’t afford the 20 percent, you may be able to get help through Medicare Savings Programs. Call your local Medicaid office for eligibility information. Or, if you find that you’re not eligible for a Medicare covered scooter or wheelchair, and you can’t afford to purchase one, renting can be a much cheaper short-term solution. Talk to a supplier about this option. For more information about power mobility devices call Medicare at 800-633-4227 or visit Medicare.gov/coverage/ wheelchairs-scooters.

I am so thankful

for friends, family and clients who continue to make my 45-year career in real estate a dream come true.

From my family to yours – Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & God Bless America Call Edie for a showing



PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

Littleton Public Schools breaks ground on Career Exploration Center BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

On October 12, Littleton Public Schools (LPS) officially broke ground on their Career Exploration Center (CEC),

formerly known as the LPS Career and Technical Education (CTE) Innovation Center, on the southeast corner of Broadway and Littleton Boulevard, the former home of a Ralph Schomp car dealership. The CEC will provide dynamic, interactive,

and innovative programming in multiple career paths. The initial career paths that are planned for the opening of the school in the fall of 2023 are: • Aerospace • business and entrepreneurship • computer science

• construction trades • healthcare • natural resources LPS plans to offer opportunities for concurrent enrollment at Arapahoe community college as well as partnerships with local industries. Additional career

pathways will be added in the future. This new innovative school is just one of the many projects that was made possible through the $298 million bond that LPS district voters approved in 2018. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

These are conceptual renderings of what the new LPS Career Exploration Center will look like. Final design work is not yet complete.

State Sen. Paul Lundeen CCSD shares information on career Continued from page 14

Democrats. The redistricting of state House and Senate districts, he said, though not yet final, will make some districts presently held by Democrats “more competitive than they have ever been before.” To help win those back, the GOP is looking for the best possible candidates, especially if they are female or minorities, he reported. The party is also using digital data to target most likely

voters. Lundeen told the Republican faithful that the GOP will be successful in winning back the state Senate, “because the Democrats’ position is that we are not treating those people in jail right. Those criminals, we should relabel them as victims.” He explained, “That is part of the policy conversation going on at the state capitol today.” fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

education and student engagement BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

At its regular board of education meeting on November 8, Cherry Creek School District (CCSD) Career and Innovation Assistant Superintendent Sarah Grobbel shared updates on CCSD’s 2020 and 2021 summer learning programs and provided updates on its programs at the Cherry Creek Innovation Campus (CCIC), along with district concurrent enrollment statistics.

Summer enrichment We caught up with newly elected City Council Members Danielle Jurinsky (left) and Dustin Zvonek (center) from Aurora and Robyn Carnes (right) from Centennial.

Photos by Freda Miklin

In the summer of 2020, approximately 1,100 elementary school-aged students participated in the Power Scholars Academy, CCSD’s summer

learning program in partnership with the YMCA. It met nine times at 16 elementary school sites, focused on literacy and math. Pre-test and post-test data demonstrated an average of over two months of growth in each area for each student. At the middle school level, 3,578 sixth and seventh graders attended three onehalf day sessions of Summer Launch Camp held at all 12 of CCSD’s middle schools during the first week of August 2020. They participated in project-based learning and “rediscover school” activities. In-person high school summer classes have historically focused on grade recovery or enhancement for students who performed poorly in a class or just wanted to try to raise

their grade. There have also been online opportunities for students who needed to take classes they could not fit in their schedule. Since CCIC opened, summer opportunities have been provided there for students for career exploration, to earn college credit or work toward an industry certificate. Although only half the usual number of students participated in what was exclusively virtual or online summer school in 2020, the numbers picked up in 2021 to 542 students, only ten percent fewer than the average number of students in 2018 and 2019, nearly all of whom attended classes in person rather than virtual. In addition, there were 821 semesters of online courses for

depleted. Therefore…

gressing to “clinical” nutritional deficiencies, and thereby, causing a myriad of new health challenges years later. Also, because the new health challenges surface years after the last pregnancy, the depleted state of their health at that time is rarely associated as the underlying cause of the state of their poor health, years later. In Part 2 of this article, I will share 1) how evidence of the above can be seen in the state of health of the children, 2) what causes food cravings during pregnancy, 3) reports of the positive health experiences women have, who receive Clinical Nutrition support before, during and after pregnancy and 4) I will be sharing my own pregnancy experiences. Call me for a FREE Initial Consultation for help with the above! Dr. Donna Smith holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Nutrition, is a Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.), a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.), a Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist (C.D.N.), a Canadian-Chartered Herbalist (C.H.) and owner of ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION (Est. 1981) in Wichita Falls, Texas. Information for Nutritional and Bioenergetic Education only and not for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or disease.

Continued on page 17

Pre-Conception to Perfect Pregnancy & Solutions to Infertility & Post-Partum (Part 1 of 2)!

This article is the result of a recent suicide of the relative of a dear friend of mine, just weeks after giving birth, and the cause… post-partum depression. To fully understand the cause of this tragedy and how it could have been prevented, along with preventing the many pre- and post- health challenges related to giving birth today, I want to share what I have discovered that is being over-looked, starting from 1) miscarriages and infertility, 2) pre-conception to pregnancy to delivery to post-partum, and 3) then women’s health issues that may surface years after delivery, especially for women who have had multiple births.

LITTLE HOPE TO BABIES AND MORE BABIES: Since opening my business in November, 1981, I have successfully helped clients with all of the above. One couple diagnosed with infertility was told by five different OB/GYN physicians that they would never have children, yet after providing Clinical Nutrition Testing and Therapy for both the mother and father to be, they had three healthy children. Another couple, had three miscarriages before being referred to me, and now they have two healthy children.

WHAT WAS BEING OVERLOOKED is a his-and-hers Clinical Nutrition Analysis of the Laboratory Reports from testing their individual biochemistry to 1) identify and then 2) correct their nutritional deficiencies/ excesses, toxicity, biochemical imbalances and organ or gland dysfunctions, so 3) their bodies could be biochemically healthy at conception. (Refer to my article, “5 Stages to Health and Disease,” The Villager 09/09/21, P5, which applies to the cause of all health challenges, even those pregnancy-related.) Then once pregnant, the mother continues with Trimester retesting to identify the “individualized pre-natal” dietary and nutritional supplement programs required to meet the changing needs of both mother and child, as well as what is needed for delivery and to prevent post-partum health challenges. ROOT CAUSES OF COMPLICATIONS in getting pregnant, as well as during pregnancy, labor, delivery and post-partum, that are not inherited- or accident-related, are nutritional deficiencies/excesses, toxicity and

biochemical imbalances, which then cause male and female organ and gland dysfunctions; the more severe these are, the more severe the symptoms.

ANOTHER OVER-LOOKED ISSUE is that of women’s health challenges that may not surface until a year or more after the birth of their first child, and becomes even more severe after multiple pregnancies. I have mothers contacting me, who suffer from migraines, joint and muscle aches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, cognitive challenges, etc., that started surfacing from 1-5 years after the delivery of a child. This is because true post-partum education is lacking. As indicated above, it is important that a couple’s Clinical Nutrition Analysis of their Lab Reports is nutritionally-sufficient prior to conception and that the mother maintains sufficiency during pregnancy by monitoring and correcting nutrient levels as they change each trimester. However, what is rarely considered is that the rigor of labor and delivery depletes the mother of a myriad of nutrients within hours, so she may go into labor nutrient-sufficient, but comes out of it

AFTER DELIVERY, a Clinical Nutrition Analysis of the Lab Reports of the mother’s biochemistry identifies the nutrients she and her baby will require for their “post-natal and/or post-partum” dietary and supplement program. A POST-NATAL PROGRAM is designed for breast-feeding mothers to assure sufficient, nutrient-rich milk production and prevent breast duct obstructions to the milk flow. Ideally, an infant should be fed only mother’s milk for the first 12 months for two primary reasons: 1) so its digestive system can fully develop before ingestion of solid foods and 2) to allow sufficient time for the mother’s antibodies to pass through the breast to build a stronger immune system. Both are keys to preventing allergies, immune health challenges, and more! A POST-PARTUM PROGRAM assists women in 1) replenishing their nutrient levels to fully recover from labor and delivery, 2) which also gives them the greatest potential to prevent post-partum symptoms. (The more nutrient-depleted after delivery; the more severe post-partum symptoms.) And 3) prevents these post-delivery deficiencies from pro-

November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 17

CCSD shares information Continued from page 16

which CCSD students enrolled in the summer of 2021. MS STEMblazers, an empowerment series and STEM career exploration in aerospace, engineering/construction, aviation and medical cancer research for girls in grades six through eight was also offered in summer 2021. The Cherry Creek Schools Foundation paid for curriculum, transportation, supplies and child care expenses for programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels, as well as scholarships for high school students for summer school.

Career and technical education

The purpose of the career and technical education (CTE) program at CCSD is to promote college and career readiness through pathways with purpose. Grobbel presented charts showing how the CTE programs have been growing in CCSD and the level of enrollment in various CTE areas. At CCIC, the most popular CTE pathway is health and wellness, followed by (auto-

This chart shows the number of CCSD students enrolled in career and technical education in high schools as well as middle schools for the current school year and the previous two. Sarah Grobbel is CCSD Assistant Superintendent of Career and Innovation.

motive and aviation) transportation. Grobbel shared that CCIC is graduating “about 140 students every semester” with a Certified Nursing Assistant certificate. She said that CCIC is considering adding a biochemistry pathway and that she expects the school to reach its capacity within the next two years. Lastly, Grobbel presented data on the percentage of enrollment at CCIC that is being provided by each regular CCSD high school. Nearly half of CCIC students are from two high schools combined, Eaglecrest (27%) This chart shows the number of CCSD students who participated in concurrent enrollment and the number of classes for which they enrolled.

and Cherokee Trail (21%). The traditional high schools contributing the smallest number of students to CCIC are Cherry Creek (7%) followed by Overland and Smoky Hill (10% each). This chart shows the percentage of students enrolled in specific CTE pathways at CCIC.

Concurrent enrollment

This program allows high school students to earn college

credits at the state’s community colleges by completing certain designated high school classes without paying tuition, although they must use their College Opportunity Fund dollars provided to every high school student at no cost by the State of Colorado for use at Colorado colleges and universities. These classes are transferrable to the state’s fouryear institutions in the same way as are other community college credits. In addition to the charts showing the number of students who participated in the program for the past four years and the number of concurrent enrollment classes for which they enrolled, Grobbel shared that female students outnumbered male students 53% to 47% this year in the program and that English and math were the most popular courses taken by concurrent enrollment students, followed by literature and business. The CCSD high schools with the largest number of concurrent enrollment

students this school year are Cherokee Trail with 1,417 and Grandview with 1,172.

Board questions

In response to questions from CCSD board members, Grobbel shared: • There was sufficient capacity in the summer programs to accommodate every student who wanted to participate. • Students who took concurrent enrollment classes will have the grade they received in the class appear on their community college transcripts. • All students who needed a scholarship for a summer class at CCSD was able to get it. • Colorado Department of Education oversees the concurrent enrollment program provided through the state’s community colleges. • There are 30 full time employees at CCIC, half of whom came from other CCSD high schools, allowing for cost containment at CCIC. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Colorado Supreme Court Approves the Final Legislative Plan Monday, Nov. 15, the Colorado Supreme Court approved the final state house and state senate plans. The decision can be viewed at https://www.courts.state. co.us/userfiles/file/Court_ Probation/Supreme_Court/ Opinions/2021/21SA305.pdf. According to the Colorado Constitution, the plans will be filed with the Secretary of State no later than Dec. 29, 2021. “Coloradans voted for Amendment Y and Z and the

commissioners and staff delivered.” said Jessika Shipley, staff director of the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission. “These maps reflect how the state is growing and evolving, and the variety of voices we heard from communities over the last year.” Now that the congressional and legislative maps are adopted by the Court, the 2021 Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions have fulfilled their duties to the people of Colorado.

PAGE 18 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021


—Continued from previous page— FIRST PLACE Best Public Notice Section

2017 FIRST

2018 NNA Better Newspaper

PLACE — Best Section

Advertising Contest Award-winning Newspaper

ARAPAHOE COUNTY WARRANTS REPORT FOR 10/01/2021 TO 10/31/2021 FUNDS SUMMARY: 10................................................... General Fund................. 5,314,834.96 11.................................................... Social Services.............. 1,219,780.86 12................................................... Electronic Filing Te.............. 44,682.00 14................................................... Law Enforcement Auth........ 85,253.22 15................................................... Arapahoe / Douglas W...... 204,364.70 16................................................... Road and Bridge............... 300,228.07 18................................................... Contingent................................ 326.95 20................................................... Sheriff’s Commissary.......... 44,142.93 21................................................... Community Developmen..... 34,380.41 25................................................... Developmental Disabi......... 15,319.00 26................................................... Grants............................ 1,510,640.06 28................................................... Open Space Sales Tax..... 306,370.41 29................................................... Homeland Security -........... 66,984.66 33................................................... Building Maintenance........ 362,844.81 34................................................... Fair Fund............................. 18,649.40 41................................................... Capital Expenditure........... 413,820.85 42................................................... Infrastructure..................... 850,598.69 43................................................... Arapahoe County Recr..... 132,352.41 70................................................... Central Services................ 202,994.49 71................................................... Self-Insurance Liabi............ 41,449.24 73................................................... Self-Insurance Worke........... 8,971.68 74................................................... Self-Insurance Denta........ 106,365.55 84................................................... E-911 Authority.................... 27,826.64 91................................................... Treasurer....................... 7,894,994.80 TOTAL .................................................................................19,208,176.79 _______________________________________ PREPARED BY _______________________________________ APPROVED BY FUND REPORT - 10 General Fund A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Capital Outlay................... 1,811.11 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other.............. 630.95 ABC LEGAL SERVICES INC..............MISC..................................... 15.00 ACCESS ONE, INC.............................Services and Other........... 1,262.47 ACSO EMPLOYEE TRUST FUND......MISC................................ 1,456.50 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,894.30 AED EVERYWHERE...........................Services and Other.............. 104.00 AED EVERYWHERE...........................Supplies............................... 134.10 ALAN MCCLINTOCK..........................Services and Other......... 22,174.00 ALCHEMER LLC.................................Services and Other.............. 340.00 ALCHEMER LLC.................................Supplies............................... 340.00 ALCOCK LAW GROUP PC.................MISC................................... 160.52 ALEXANDER WILLIAMS....................MISC..................................... 15.00 ALL DIGITAL REWARDS LLC.............Services and Other.............. 270.63 ALLEGIANT MORTUARY TRANSPORT LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 8,054.00 ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM..................Supplies............................... 460.32 ALPINE CREDIT INC..........................MISC..................................... 15.00 ALSCO................................................Supplies................................. 55.00 ALTITUDE COMMUNITY LAW PC......MISC..................................... 15.00 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 165.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION ............................................................Services and Other.............. 597.00 AN ULTIMATE MARKETING SERVICE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 522.00 ANALEMMA ENTERPRISES LLC......Services and Other.............. 675.00 ANDERSON & KREIGER LLP............Services and Other.............. 237.50 ANTERO INC......................................Services and Other........... 3,700.00 AQUA SERVE.....................................Services and Other................ 28.00 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 8,605.16 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Supplies.......................... 80,177.25 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Supplies............................... 176.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND...Services and Other......... 53,812.42 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other......... 11,362.50 ARAPAHOE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 44,885.00 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 141.60 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,120.00 AURORA MEDIA GROUP LLC...........Services and Other........... 3,989.20 AUTOZONE PARTS INC.....................Supplies............................... 162.14 Abel Montoya......................................Services and Other................ 10.64 Adam Frank.........................................Supplies............................... 117.92 Alyssa Haden......................................Services and Other................ 31.81 Amanda Cruz Giordano.......................Services and Other.............. 211.20 Antonia Galvez-Saldana......................Services and Other................ 21.17 BACKUPIFY INC.................................Services and Other........... 2,135.70 BALBOA LLC.......................................MISC..................................... 18.00 BARBARA EASTIN.............................MISC..................................... 64.10 BARBARA NAPPER............................MISC..................................... 66.10 BC SERVICES INC.............................MISC................................... 105.00 BENEFITED LLC.................................MISC................................... 975.28 BENEFITED LLC.................................Services and Other.............. 160.00 BETTY MANNAN................................MISC................................... 107.10 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,408.52 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC.......Supplies............................... 168.30 BRAMMER LAW OFFICE PC.............MISC..................................... 15.00 BRANDON JOHANSSON...................MISC..................................... 15.00 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other................ 63.99 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,546.86 BRINK’S INCORPORATED.................Services and Other........... 7,793.26 BROWN DUNNING WALKER FEIN PC ............................................................MISC................................... 145.69 BURBACH & ASSOCIATES, INC........Services and Other................ 70.00 Batteries Plus LLC...............................Supplies............................... 457.25 Benjamin Williams...............................Services and Other.............. 142.00 Brett Cohn...........................................Services and Other.............. 177.07 Brian Cassidy......................................Services and Other................ 56.66 Bridgett Lopata....................................Services and Other.............. 179.20 Bruce Hiraoka......................................Supplies................................. 25.92 CAIN & ASSOCIATES.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 CALEB CHRISTOPHERSON..............MISC..................................... 15.00 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................... 408.92 CAROLIN TOPELSON LAW LLC........MISC..................................... 64.10 CATHERINE S TROYANEK................Services and Other................ 12.00 CCP INDUSTRIES..............................Supplies............................ 1,337.90 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Services and Other............ (644.10) CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Supplies................................. 97.78 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC.................Services and Other.............. 275.08 CDW LLC............................................Supplies................................. 93.14 CEC SOLAR #1121 LLC.....................Services and Other......... 21,087.09 CEC SOLAR #1122 LLC.....................Services and Other......... 20,955.36 CEC SOLAR #1130 LLC.....................Services and Other......... 21,311.33 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other........... 3,376.51

CENTURA HEALTH CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other................ 25.27 CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 24,974.89 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other.............. 121.34 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Supplies................................. 67.85 CHERRYL WORKMAN.......................MISC..................................... 15.00 CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER......MISC..................................... 34.50 CITY CENTER MARKERTPLACE......Services and Other......... 19,758.25 CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC................................ 1,244.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other........... 2,850.33 CITY OF AURORA..............................Supplies............................ 3,649.20 CITY PARK LAW GROUP LLC...........MISC..................................... 69.10 CIVICORE LLC...................................Services and Other.............. 300.00 CLEAR SELECTIONS GROUP INC...Services and Other........... 8,916.00 CLINT DAVID DENNEY......................MISC..................................... 68.10 COBBLESTONE SYSTEMS CORP....Services and Other......... 11,997.14 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOC...Services and Other.............. 960.00 COLORADO BUREAU INVESTIGATION ............................................................MISC.............................. 29,821.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC..................................... 70.92 COLORADO GARAGE DOOR............Services and Other.............. 617.00 COLORADO NATURAL GAS INC.......Services and Other................ 26.74 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Services and Other.............. 105.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Supplies............................... 155.50 COLORADO NEWS CONSERVANCY PBC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,170.40 COLORADO REGIONAL HEALTH INFO ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,170.00 COLORADO STATE PATROL.............Services and Other.............. 163.80 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY.....Services and Other.............. 420.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CASHIERS ............................................................Services and Other......... 30,666.73 COLORADO TIRE RECYCLING LLC ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,124.00 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE ............................................................MISC.............................. 34,952.72 CRAFTMASTER HARDWARE LLC....Supplies............................... 186.43 CREDIT SERVICE COMPANY INC....MISC..................................... 60.00 Caitlyn Cahill.......................................Services and Other................ 39.98 Cara Proffitt.........................................Services and Other.................. 2.96 Carol Musso........................................Services and Other................ 29.12 Cassandra Sale...................................Services and Other................ 35.06 Catherine Raley...................................Services and Other.............. 117.30 Christopher Clark................................Services and Other.............. 139.75 Christopher Gulli..................................Services and Other.............. 168.72 Claudia Meeks.....................................Services and Other.................. 8.96 Craig Hawkins.....................................Services and Other........... 1,923.40 DAIOHS USA......................................Supplies............................... 185.83 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 16,440.76 DEINDE JAIYESINMI..........................MISC..................................... 15.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other......... 19,047.84 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Supplies............................ 1,228.00 DENVER HEALTH AND HOSPITAL AUTH. ............................................................Supplies............................... 620.56 DIAMOND DRUGS INC......................Supplies............................... 600.00 DIEXSYS LLC.....................................Services and Other......... 24,800.00 DISPUTE RESOLUTION SYSTEMS..Services and Other........... 1,497.67 DISTINCTIVE THREADS INC.............Supplies............................... 300.40 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 4TH JUDICIAL ............................................................MISC..................................... 14.45 DOMINIC JAMES NUANEZ................MISC..................................... 15.00 DONALD WENTWORTH....................Supplies............................... 403.95 Dale Davis...........................................Services and Other.............. 293.82 Daniel Salazar.....................................Services and Other.................. 6.24 Deborah Ries......................................Services and Other.............. 117.30 Denise Holter.......................................Services and Other.................. 7.73 Diana Patrick.......................................Services and Other................ 66.75 E470 PUBLIC HIGH WAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other................ 63.10 EL PASO COUNTY.............................Services and Other......... 14,230.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Services and Other......... 29,308.50 EMPLOYERS COUNCIL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other................ 99.00 ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL ............................................................Services and Other.............. 190.00 ERIN KIM DAHL..................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ESMERALDA GONZALEZ..................MISC..................................... 15.00 Elizabeth Knerr....................................Supplies............................... 126.90 Emma Lovato......................................Services and Other................ 40.49 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................Supplies............................... 827.30 FAIRCLOTH CORPORATION.............Supplies................................. 83.19 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN..................................... Community Programs.......................... 10,436.25 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 7,699.92 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................... 134.18 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies............................... 383.23 FEDEX.................................................Supplies................................... 7.19 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 546.00 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............Supplies............................ 2,696.20 FLEET FUELING.................................MISC.............................. 49,051.67 FOP LODGE 31...................................MISC.............................. 33,509.00 FORENSIC TRUTH VERIFICATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,430.00 FRANCY LAW FIRM PLLC.................MISC................................... 115.00 FRONT RANGE LEGAL PROCESS SERVICE ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 Fay Myers Motorcycle World...............Supplies................................. 16.96 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other....... 104,681.49 GJKG INC............................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 GPS SERVERS LLC...........................MISC..................................... 33.50 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other........... 1,849.34 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 1,247.96 GUADALUPE HERNANDEZ...............MISC..................................... 15.00 GUADALUPE MARQUEZ ORTIZ........Services and Other........... 1,680.00 Gerardo Alvarenga Rivera...................Services and Other................ 13.44 Ginger Delgado...................................Services and Other.............. 221.20 HARMONY LAW LLC..........................MISC..................................... 15.00 HARRY L SIMON................................MISC..................................... 40.00 HASS WOODWORKS.........................Supplies............................... 900.00 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................Services and Other.............. 392.09 HITCHIN POST TRAILER AND...........MISC................................ 8,970.00 HOBART CORPORATION..................Services and Other........... 2,376.71 HOLST BOETTCHER & TEHRANI LLP ............................................................MISC..................................... 60.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................MISC.............................. 12,607.65 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Services and Other.............. 544.96 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies................................. (9.30)

HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC................................ 3,509.34 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC.....Services and Other......... 12,506.40 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS......................Services and Other.............. 950.36 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other........... 9,358.43 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................... 198.24 INTEGRATED FAMILY COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 INTELLECTUAL TECHNOLOGY INC ............................................................MISC................................... 454.16 INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,290.24 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................MISC............................ 593,143.25 ITXCHANGE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,959.00 J AND R BENNETT WELDING INC....Services and Other........... 1,101.79 J.D. POWER AND ASSOCIATES........Services and Other.............. 135.00 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 715.32 JAMES BROWER PSYCHOLOGICAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,750.00 JAMES M SENGENBERGER JR........Services and Other.............. 250.00 JAMIE ANDREW ADDIE.....................MISC..................................... 37.00 JANE RINGER....................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 JENNIPHER ALEXANDER.................MISC................................... 175.38 JINVESTMTS LLC...............................MISC..................................... 53.10 JJL PROCESS CORP.........................MISC..................................... 75.00 JOHN DAVID MARTINEZ....................MISC..................................... 15.00 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA.........MISC............................ 157,784.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A.........Services and Other....... 384,033.14 JUDICIAL ARBITER GROUP INC.......Services and Other................ 78.00 JULIO ARRIAGA.................................MISC..................................... 64.10 Jahsana Banks....................................Services and Other.............. 210.05 James Fox...........................................Services and Other................ 68.00 Jamie Wright........................................Services and Other.............. 254.81 Jason Reynolds...................................Services and Other.............. 112.09 Jeffery Manqueros...............................Services and Other................ 99.12 Jeremiah Gates...................................Services and Other................ 99.12 Jodi Gragg...........................................Services and Other.............. 132.66 Jonathan Vaala....................................Services and Other.............. 371.20 Juan Guzman......................................Services and Other................ 78.73 K&H INTEGRATED PRINT SOLUTIONS ............................................................Services and Other....... 376,595.11 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC......................... 1,205,710.07 KATHRYN WEATHERS......................MISC..................................... 63.10 KEVIN R SAILOR................................Services and Other........... 2,200.00 KEVIN ZAMBO....................................MISC..................................... 15.00 KRISTEN LARSON.............................MISC..................................... 26.50 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE CO ............................................................Supplies............................... 426.50 Karla Frye............................................Services and Other................ 35.34 Katherine Smith...................................Services and Other.............. 783.44 Khanh Pham........................................Services and Other.............. 142.80 Kimberly Gonzalez..............................Services and Other................ 70.28 L & N SUPPLY COMPANY INC...........Supplies................................. 61.29 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 577.27 LAW OFFICES OF NATACHA M GUTIERREZ ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LAW OFFICES OF NELSON & KENNARD ............................................................MISC..................................... 13.00 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC...................Supplies............................... 308.19 LE ARGUELLO....................................MISC................................... 182.76 LEROY ORTIZ.....................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LEWIS PAPER INTERNATION INC....Supplies............................ 4,930.55 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Supplies............................... 280.55 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS........Services and Other........... 4,741.35 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 360.71 LIFE’S IMAGE LTD..............................Services and Other........... 3,500.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other.............. 280.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Supplies................................. 68.50 LIND JENSEN SULIVAN & PETERSON ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LINDA WILLIAMS................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LUMIN8 TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,165.00 Lauren Thomas...................................Services and Other................ 22.12 Laurie Halaba......................................Services and Other.............. 107.52 Lisa VanderHeyden.............................Services and Other.............. 422.90 Lorraine Schaffer.................................Services and Other.................. 5.26 Lucas Hatlestad...................................Services and Other.............. 115.47 Lynnea Oldham...................................Services and Other................ 81.98 MA DE JESUS TELLEZ PENAFOR....MISC....................................... 5.00 MAIL MASTERS OF COLORADO INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 48,934.61 MAM LLC.............................................Services and Other.............. 258.00 MARIE BAUTISTA GARCIA................MISC..................................... 15.00 MARK ANDY INC................................Services and Other........... 1,063.89 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,132.00 MAUREEN FOLEY..............................MISC..................................... 10.00 MCGEE COMPANY............................Supplies............................... 124.00 MCNEILEPAPPAS PC.........................MISC..................................... 80.00 MILIND VIBHANDIK............................Services and Other................ 26.32 MILLER COHEN PETERSON YOUNG PC ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 MILLSAP & SINGER LLC....................MISC..................................... 25.00 MOBILE MINI LLC...............................Supplies............................ 2,412.07 MOELLER GRAF, P.C.........................MISC................................... 139.72 MOETIVATIONS INC...........................Services and Other......... 26,304.73 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS..................Services and Other......... 58,339.80 MULTICARD INC.................................Services and Other........... 1,065.00 MULTICARD INC.................................Supplies............................ 1,016.89 Mark Harkleroad..................................Supplies............................... 240.98 Merrie Morgan.....................................Services and Other.............. 282.90 Michael Axinn......................................Services and Other.............. 118.78 Michael Borders..................................Supplies............................... 200.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................Supplies............................... 784.18 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............Supplies............................... 490.57 NAVIGATE WELLNESS LLC...............Services and Other........... 3,153.75 NELSON & KENNARD........................MISC..................................... 90.00 NEW YORK CENTRAL MUTUAL FIRE ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 NICOLE A CAMPBELL........................MISC..................................... 15.00 Nancy Sharpe......................................Services and Other.............. 150.47 Natalie Favela.....................................Services and Other.................. 6.72 Nathan Schloesser..............................Supplies................................. 28.49 Neal Daly.............................................Services and Other................ 99.12 Nicholas Pegg.....................................Services and Other................ 59.02 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other.............. 551.50

— Continued to next page —

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— OPEN MEDIA FOUNDATION..............Services and Other.............. 540.00 ORBITAL MEDIA NETWORKS INC....Services and Other........... 1,944.00 ORTEN CAVANAGH & HOLMES, LLC ............................................................MISC................................... 174.90 ORTEN CAVANAGH HOLMES & HUNT LLC ............................................................MISC..................................... 18.00 PAYLOGIX LLC...................................MISC.............................. 34,294.94 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,889.47 PITNEY BOWES INC..........................Services and Other.............. 634.95 PITNEY BOWES INC..........................Supplies............................... 468.32 POLSINELLI PC..................................MISC................................... 156.00 POTESTIO BROTHERS.....................Supplies............................... 526.02 POWER EQUIPMENT CO..................Supplies................................. 93.06 POWERDETAILS LLC.........................Services and Other.............. 247.01 PROFESSIONAL RECOVERY OF LONGMONT ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 PROFESSIONAL SIGN LANGUAGE.. Services and Other.............. 162.50 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION..........Services and Other.............. 285.53 QUICKSILVER EXPRESS COURIER ............................................................Supplies................................. 25.62 RANDSTAD TECHNOLOGIES...........Services and Other........... 6,720.00 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,278.00 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies............................... 182.74 RGB SYSTEMS INC...........................Services and Other......... 12,284.20 RICHARD J CALDWELL PC...............MISC..................................... 15.00 RICHARD LYNCH...............................MISC..................................... 15.00 ROBERT HAYNES..............................MISC..................................... 50.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,069.95 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies............................... 129.72 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Supplies............................... 126.32 ROMBERG AND ASSOCIATES..........Services and Other......... 13,796.71 RUSSELL W OWENS.........................Services and Other.............. 187.50 RYDERS PUBLIC SAFETY LLC.........Supplies............................ 8,614.41 Riley Nolan..........................................Services and Other.............. 265.50 Robert Decker.....................................Services and Other.............. 111.16 Roger Hankins.....................................Services and Other.............. 127.00 Ronald Gazvoda..................................Services and Other.............. 250.80 SAFEWARE INC.................................Supplies............................ 3,921.66 SARA GARRIDO METZ......................Services and Other........... 4,750.00 SCHWAB MFG & ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,401.34 SECOND CHANCE CENTER INC......Community Programs..... 16,710.52 SHRED-IT USA...................................Services and Other.............. 153.60 SHUMS CODA ASSOCIATES INC......Services and Other......... 10,400.00 SKAGGS COMPANIES INC................Supplies............................ 1,496.28 SKM MANAGEMENT, MORTON ASSOCIATES, ............................................................MISC..................................... 62.10 SOUTHERNCARLSON.......................Supplies................................. 95.14 SPRINGER AND STEINBERG PC.....MISC..................................... 60.00 SPRINGMAN BRADEN WILSON........MISC................................... 377.50 SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC..................Services and Other.............. 543.72 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC............................ 129,809.15 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC..........Services and Other.............. 898.24 STATE OF COLORADO......................Services and Other........... 6,190.61 STATE OF COLORADO......................Supplies.......................... 26,437.32 STATEWIDE INTERNET PORTAL AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 25,170.00 SUMMIT PATHOLOGY........................Supplies............................ 1,060.00 SUMMIT VIEW SOLUTIONS..............Services and Other.............. 174.00 SUNBELT RENTALS INC....................Services and Other........... 5,963.63 SUNCOR ENERGY SALES INC.........Services and Other.............. 510.00 SYMBOLARTS LLC............................Supplies............................ 8,035.75 Scott Shaw..........................................Services and Other................ 57.68 Seddon Keyter.....................................Services and Other................ 14.00 Shawn Boston.....................................Services and Other.................. 8.96 Stacy Hines.........................................Services and Other.................. 5.26 Stefanie Spain-Madrigal......................Services and Other.............. 203.84 Susan Sandstrom................................Services and Other.............. 461.67 T-MOBILE USA INC............................Services and Other................ 29.75 TAG PROCESS SERVICE..................MISC..................................... 15.00 TALENTSMART INC...........................Services and Other......... 13,552.26 TARAMART & GAS INC......................Services and Other................ 55.20 TELVENT DTN INC.............................Services and Other........... 2,640.00 TERESA FISHER................................MISC..................................... 64.60 TEXAS A&M VETERINARY MEDICAL DIAGN ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,658.56 THE DUPONT LAW FIRM LLC...........MISC................................... 193.75 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other......... 21,096.18 THE MOORE LAW GROUP APC........MISC..................................... 45.00 THERMO FLUIDS INC........................Services and Other.............. 250.00 THIN LINE THREAD...........................Services and Other.............. 150.00 THIN LINE THREAD...........................Supplies............................... 340.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other........... 3,129.49 TODD COMPANIES INC.....................Services and Other.............. 700.00 TOP HAT FILE & SERVE INC.............MISC..................................... 10.00 TOP HAT FILE AND SERVE INC........MISC..................................... 45.00 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL......................Services and Other................ 43.94 TRANS UNION....................................Services and Other.............. 303.86 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 32,359.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other....... 397,442.00 TRILOGY MEDWASTE WEST LLC....Supplies............................... 840.00 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US)..........Supplies............................... 652.99 Terri Maulik..........................................Supplies............................... 166.80 Tina Heidel..........................................Services and Other.............. 134.00 Todd Montgomery................................Supplies............................... 204.32 Travis Jones........................................Services and Other................ 58.79 U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT INC................Services and Other........... 1,570.15 ULTEIG ENGINEERS INC..................Services and Other........... 1,403.56 UNITED LANGUAGE GROUP INC.....Services and Other........... 1,011.10 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE.Supplies............................ 7,765.00 UNIVERSAL INFORMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 721.68 UNIVERSAL TRACTOR CO................Supplies................................. 88.97 UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING..............MISC..................................... 15.00 US POSTMASTER..............................Supplies............................... 265.00 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 179.52 VANGUARD TACTICAL LLC...............Services and Other......... 34,000.00 VERONICA HERNANDEZ..................MISC..................................... 15.00 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other........... 3,026.31 VINCI LAW OFFICE LLC....................MISC..................................... 40.00 VISION CHEMICAL SYSTEMS INC...Supplies............................... 914.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC.............................. 12,894.30 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other.............. 232.47 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Supplies............................ 4,629.97 Victor Blatzer.......................................Services and Other................ 33.04 WANCO INC........................................Supplies............................ 1,000.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other........... 9,749.70 WATCHGUARD VIDEO.......................Services and Other.............. 630.00 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other....... 434,263.97 WESTERN LAW GROUP LLC............MISC................................... 178.12 WINZENBURG LEFF PURVIS & PAYNE LLP ............................................................MISC................................... 116.05 William Watts.......................................Services and Other................ 21.56 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other....... 120,864.93 XEROX CORPORATION....................Services and Other......... 34,381.78 ZIPPORAH IBARRA............................MISC..................................... 15.00 FUND REPORT - 11 Social Services 1 HILLSIDE POINTE LLLP..................Community Programs.......... 800.00 18TH JD - JUVENILE ASSESSMENT CENTE ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,349.84 5280 WASTE SOLUTIONS LLC.........Community Programs.......... 395.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Services and Other................ 65.00 AGAPE FUNERAL SERVICES...........Community Programs....... 1,000.00 ALAMOSA HUMAN SERVICES..........MISC................................... 300.00 ALCHEMER LLC.................................Services and Other.............. 340.00 ALL STATES CREMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Community Programs..... 18,685.61 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD

............................................................Services and Other......... 22,703.39 ARAPAHOE/DOUGLAS WORKS........Community Programs... 179,084.76 ARROYO VILLAGE APARTMENTS LLLP ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 Abigail Ramsauer................................Services and Other.............. 337.97 Adeline Duanlueded............................Services and Other.............. 188.50 Aleah Buccelli......................................Services and Other.............. 159.77 Alexandra Eggleston...........................Services and Other................ 27.05 Alicia Hewitt.........................................Services and Other................ 36.29 Alison Ivory..........................................Services and Other................ 94.08 Allison Good........................................Services and Other.............. 134.40 Amber Taylor.......................................Services and Other.............. 152.60 Amber Verzosa....................................Services and Other................ 72.24 Amy Goldberg.....................................Services and Other................ 94.58 Ashley Wunderle.................................Services and Other.............. 422.01 Aubree Brewer....................................Services and Other.............. 350.22 BARBARA GREEN..............................Community Programs.......... 744.80 Bailey McGuinness..............................Services and Other................ 72.30 Brenda Armour....................................Services and Other.............. 221.31 Brenda Flores......................................Services and Other.............. 229.26 Brenda Ondijo.....................................Services and Other.............. 102.99 Bridget Grimaldi...................................Services and Other.............. 273.06 Brittani Choate.....................................Services and Other.............. 274.29 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,497.75 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Supplies............................ 1,845.52 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other......... 15,478.01 CENNTENIAL EAST APARTMENTS LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,278.00 CENTER FOR WORK EDUCATION AND ............................................................Community Programs... 119,707.78 CFPD ATTN: MELISSA MCGUIRE.....MISC................................... 200.87 CHAD C CERINICH............................Services and Other.............. 967.50 CHAFFEE COUNTY............................Services and Other................ 25.00 CHANCE.............................................Community Programs.......... 640.00 CHRISTINE ROUNDS.........................Community Programs.......... 400.00 CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER......Community Programs....... 1,000.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC..................................... 44.54 CL SOUTHGATE LLC.........................Community Programs.......... 690.17 CLUTTER TRUCKER..........................Community Programs....... 4,349.00 COLORADO CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES ............................................................Services and Other.............. 414.60 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC..................................... 69.23 COLORADO REALTY LLC..................Community Programs.......... 650.00 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER.................Community Programs..... 36,150.00 COMPASS GROUP USA, INC............Community Programs.......... 150.00 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other........... 1,327.64 CORPORATE TRANSLATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,836.78 COURT OPS INC................................Services and Other................ 84.00 CREMATION SOCIETY OF CO..........Community Programs....... 1,000.00 CROWLEY COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Services and Other................ 41.50 Carrie Balow........................................Services and Other.............. 155.90 Cassandra Gorrell...............................Services and Other.............. 340.93 Cassandra Schoolcraft-Aguilar............Services and Other.............. 936.94 Chelsey Hanson..................................Services and Other.............. 611.01 Christine Lane.....................................Services and Other.............. 211.53 Christopher French..............................Services and Other................ 60.87 Cindy Roark.........................................Services and Other.............. 177.07 Clemencia Rojas.................................MISC..................................... 20.00 DANA JOHN........................................Community Programs....... 1,700.00 DARRON WADE DUNSON JR...........Services and Other.............. 675.00 DBOA LLC...........................................Community Programs....... 2,775.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other......... 35,052.00 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC................................ 1,714.30 Dawn Klaus.........................................Services and Other................ 24.64 Dawn Stoudt........................................Services and Other.............. 107.57 Deanna Lee.........................................Services and Other.............. 182.95 Deanna Stepaniuk...............................Services and Other.............. 390.04 Deborah Bowers..................................Services and Other.............. 103.48 Delmy Acosta......................................Services and Other.............. 107.52 Diana Cortes.......................................Services and Other................ 30.00 EDGAR PARADA................................MISC................................... 407.00 EL PASO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE............................................................Services and Other................ 72.05 ELENA SLUDNIKOV...........................MISC..................................... 60.00 EXPERIAN..........................................Services and Other................ 37.00 Eliza Granahan-Field...........................Services and Other.............. 117.60 Eric Hoskins........................................Services and Other.............. 386.07 Erin Ellis..............................................Services and Other................ 38.92 Erin York..............................................Services and Other................ 59.11 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 952.98 FAMILY TREE INC..............................Community Programs..... 13,040.00 FAMILY TREE INC..............................Services and Other........... 2,696.93 FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT ............................................................Services and Other................ 97.05 G&I X AURORA JV LLC......................Community Programs....... 1,070.00 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP..................Services and Other........... 1,569.60 GUADALUPE NEGRETE....................MISC..................................... 20.00 Galeane Hale......................................Services and Other................ 89.21 Genevieve Rumlow.............................Community Programs.............. 9.81 Genevieve Rumlow.............................Services and Other.............. 213.20 Godwill Mangayi..................................Services and Other................ 49.50 HEATHER HOPKINS..........................MISC..................................... 20.00 HORAN & MCCONATY MORTUARY ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC................................... 861.06 Harmonie Trenn...................................Services and Other.............. 135.23 Hayley Wolfe.......................................Services and Other.............. 535.18 ILLUMINATE COLORADO..................Services and Other.............. 454.50 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other........... 2,351.80 JAMES ERIC SWART.........................Services and Other.............. 990.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY HUMAN SVCS ............................................................Community Programs..... 11,025.57 JENNIFER CORRIGAN.......................Services and Other........... 4,750.00 JORGE SALAS...................................Services and Other........... 3,906.00 JOSEPH NEKAMBUZA.......................Community Programs....... 1,050.00 JOSHUA BAILEY.................................MISC..................................... 10.00 Jacquelyn Gabel..................................Services and Other.............. 107.69 Jarleeya Cameron...............................Community Programs............ 23.33 Jill Coughlan........................................Services and Other.............. 462.57 John Kelley..........................................Services and Other.............. 199.80 Jordan McGinnis.................................Services and Other.............. 155.85 Juanika Barnett...................................Services and Other................ 50.23 Julianne Simenson..............................Services and Other.............. 375.42 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC............................ 458,562.27 KATHLEEN ZIOLA...............................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 KONA ICE OF SOUTH CENTRAL DENVER ............................................................Community Programs.......... 900.00 Kala Slater...........................................Services and Other.............. 251.44 Kari Sales............................................Services and Other.............. 164.86 Katriona Mortimore..............................Services and Other.............. 495.32 Kimberly Pine......................................Services and Other.............. 146.78 Kirkland Morrow..................................Services and Other................ 20.78 Kristin Davis........................................Community Programs............ 36.38 Kristin Davis........................................Services and Other.............. 449.38 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 234.80 LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 357.75 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 381.12 LISA NAVARRO...................................MISC....................................... 8.17 LKF FAMILY CORPORATION.............Community Programs....... 3,000.00 LONNIE EDDY....................................Services and Other........... 1,485.00 Laura Heathcoat..................................Services and Other.............. 342.95 Lauren Phalen.....................................Services and Other.............. 127.68 Leah Turner.........................................Services and Other................ 20.50 Leba Hirsch.........................................Services and Other.............. 720.71 Letishia Payne.....................................Services and Other.............. 260.00 Linda Harris.........................................Services and Other.............. 205.01 Linley Stricker......................................Services and Other................ 56.73 M & M MOBILE HOME INC.................Community Programs....... 2,390.00 MADERA PROPERTIES LLC..............Community Programs....... 1,500.00 Maya Hoganson-Sanchez...................Services and Other.............. 480.82 Megan Jensen.....................................Services and Other................ 66.75 Michelle Dossey..................................Services and Other................ 64.68 Michelle Yorks.....................................Services and Other.............. 787.06 Mindy Kugler.......................................Services and Other................ 66.81 Molly Craig..........................................Services and Other.............. 471.91 NANCY REGALADO...........................Community Programs.......... 240.00 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT...........MISC................................... 201.70

NEW MEXICO VITAL RECORDS AND ............................................................Services and Other................ 80.00 NICOLE HICKS-NESTOR...................MISC..................................... 42.00 Natalie Coronado................................Community Programs.............. 7.28 Natalie Coronado................................Services and Other.............. 100.74 Nicole Primm.......................................Services and Other................ 99.12 OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS, DEPT OF ............................................................Services and Other................ 27.00 ONTARIO SYSTEMS LLC...................Services and Other........... 2,287.00 OPTIMIZE MANPOWER SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 24,710.29 Olivia Bennett......................................Services and Other.............. 385.96 PCC APARTMENTS SPE, LLC...........Community Programs.......... 800.00 PHAM NGA.........................................MISC..................................... 10.00 PINEY RIDGE TREATMENT CENTER LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,360.00 PITNEY BOWES.................................Supplies............................ 6,633.00 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,889.20 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 368.21 PUEBLO COUNTY GOVERNMENT...Services and Other................ 13.35 Pamela Yanett.....................................Services and Other................ 14.11 RAISE THE FUTURE..........................Community Programs....... 2,603.33 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,279.00 RENE GONZALEZ..............................Community Programs.......... 250.00 RICCY RAMOS...................................MISC..................................... 10.00 ROSE MONTANO-LIERMANN...........MISC..................................... 50.00 Rebecca Heaton..................................Services and Other.............. 157.86 Rebecca Wilson..................................Services and Other................ 87.25 Rebeckah DeAngelis...........................Services and Other.............. 448.90 Rolonda Nix.........................................Services and Other.................. 3.02 Roxann Tademy...................................Services and Other.............. 337.68 SALVATORE L FAZIO JR....................Services and Other.............. 495.00 SHANIQUE BROWN...........................Community Programs....... 2,200.00 SHANNON & JASON CONNELLY......MISC................................ 1,400.00 SHILOH HOUSE INC..........................Community Programs..... 39,565.45 SHILOH HOUSE INC..........................Services and Other.............. 727.58 SKYLINE VIEW APARTMENT PROPERTY LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,082.86 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................................MISC................................ 7,043.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC.............................. 38,563.47 STEPHANIE ANDREA RAYTON.........Community Programs....... 2,000.00 STORMSOURCE LLC.........................Services and Other........... 2,621.30 SUNSET HOMES PROPERTY MGMT LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,095.00 Sade Mickles.......................................Services and Other.............. 315.40 Sadie Hill.............................................Services and Other.............. 497.34 Sarah Williams....................................Services and Other.............. 556.81 Shaela Newby.....................................Services and Other.............. 176.35 Shannon Hicks....................................Services and Other.............. 379.07 Shawanda Lewis.................................Services and Other.............. 150.80 Shayla Reichert...................................Services and Other.............. 253.40 Stephanie Velazquez...........................Services and Other.............. 273.95 Steven McCracken..............................Services and Other................ 15.12 TASHA DONALDSON.........................Community Programs.......... 312.71 THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP ............................................................Community Programs....... 7,500.00 THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,750.00 THOMAS A GRAHAM JR....................Services and Other........... 1,485.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other........... 5,849.97 TOM MILLS PSI INC...........................Services and Other........... 1,180.00 TRAVIS RUMSEY...............................Services and Other........... 1,700.00 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 11,826.86 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 100.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,834.77 TaShana Sanders................................Services and Other.............. 588.29 Tanya Glick..........................................Services and Other.............. 426.33 Taylor Graston.....................................Services and Other.............. 212.69 Tracy Carroll........................................Services and Other.............. 213.70 Tracy Opp............................................Services and Other.............. 484.64 Tyler Quig............................................MISC..................................... 20.00 VALERIE K BROOKS..........................Services and Other.............. 191.25 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................ 4,398.87 WAL-MART STORES..........................Community Programs..... 10,000.00 WARD COUNTY..................................Services and Other................ 22.56 Whitney Ernst......................................Services and Other.............. 258.55 YOUTH VILLAGES INC......................Community Programs....... 2,927.61 Yangson Baker....................................Services and Other................ 28.56 Zoei Moon...........................................Services and Other.............. 118.72 FUND REPORT - 12 Electronic Filing Technology COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC.............................. 29,364.00 GOVOS INC........................................Services and Other......... 15,318.00 FUND REPORT - 14 Law Enforcement Authority Distric AN ULTIMATE MARKETING SERVICE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 348.00 Batteries Plus LLC...............................Supplies............................... 304.83 Brett Cohn...........................................Services and Other.............. 118.05 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 280.07 CENTURA HEALTH CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other................ 16.85 COLORADO DEPT OF HUMAN SVCS ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,050.00 COLORADO STATE PATROL.............Services and Other.............. 109.20 Christopher Gulli..................................Services and Other.............. 112.48 DIAMOND DRUGS INC......................Supplies............................... 399.00 Dale Davis...........................................Services and Other.............. 195.88 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,010.76 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies................................. 89.45 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 364.00 GUADALUPE MARQUEZ ORTIZ........Services and Other........... 1,120.00 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC................................... 182.88 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other................ 17.59 JUDICIARY COURTS STATE OF CO ............................................................Services and Other.............. 108.00 Jeffery Manqueros...............................Services and Other................ 66.08 Jeremiah Gates...................................Services and Other................ 66.08 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 59,187.06 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 865.91 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS........Services and Other........... 3,160.92 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 240.47 LIMU LLC............................................Services and Other........... 3,281.95 Laurie Halaba......................................Services and Other................ 71.68 Ms. Audra Daniels...............................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 Ms. Sandra Irhia (Andrew)..................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 Neal Daly.............................................Services and Other................ 66.08 POWERDETAILS LLC.........................Services and Other.............. 164.68 SKAGGS COMPANIES INC................Supplies............................... 997.51 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 5,974.90 SUNCOR ENERGY SALES INC.........Services and Other.............. 340.00 TARAMART & GAS INC......................Services and Other................ 36.80 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT...................MISC................................... 461.54 VICTIM ASSISTANCE LAW................Services and Other........... 1,350.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 674.52 WATCHGUARD VIDEO.......................Services and Other.............. 420.00 FUND REPORT - 15 Arapahoe / Douglas Works! ADAMS COUNTY................................Services and Other........... 2,798.75 ALL ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS...Community Programs....... 3,060.53 AMBIUS (20).......................................Services and Other................ 97.32 APICS CHAPTER 81..........................Services and Other........... 3,320.00 ARIANNA J STOLTZ ARREOLA..........Community Programs.......... 125.00 AURORA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,783.75 Andrea Barnum...................................Services and Other................ 87.54 BRIDGE WF II CO PEMBROOKE GREEN LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,019.00 Benjamin Rosenberg...........................Services and Other.............. 105.28 CHERRY CREEK INNOVATION CAMPUS ............................................................Community Programs.......... 456.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................Community Programs............ 95.00

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 20 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021 —Continued from previous page— COLORADO TRUCKING COLLEGE LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,750.00 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TRAINING CENTER ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,750.00 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF AURORA ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,529.12 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other.............. 519.80 CWS CASTLE PINES LP....................Community Programs....... 1,097.50 Casey Saylor.......................................Services and Other................ 14.67 Cassandra Snow.................................Services and Other................ 77.84 DAMON L MCNEAL............................Community Programs.......... 500.00 ECKERD YOUTH ALTERNATIVES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 37,333.32 EXCEL DRIVER SERVICES LLC.......Community Programs.......... 500.00 EXCEL DRIVER SERVICES LLC.......Services and Other......... 26,900.00 Emily Goode........................................Services and Other................ 89.54 FHEG ARAPAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................Community Programs.......... 149.20 FIT & NU LLC......................................Services and Other................ 39.75 FRONT RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 153.90 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 776.32 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC................................... 220.98 INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,001.00 IREIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,681.00 JAMES DUFFY....................................Community Programs.......... 300.00 JAPHETH LAWRENCE TEALER........Community Programs.......... 150.00 JOHN D NEBEL..................................Services and Other........... 4,870.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 58,613.44 KEVIN DE LAO SANCHEZ.................Community Programs.......... 100.00 KEVIN ORDONEZ...............................Community Programs.......... 150.00 KREIDEL SERVICE SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,500.00 KREIDEL SERVICE SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,700.00 Kerrie Solis..........................................Services and Other................ 12.88 Korin Metz...........................................Services and Other................ 11.98 LARNELL M DUNCAN........................Community Programs.......... 250.00 LUCIA G MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ....Community Programs.......... 100.00 LUTHER COLEMAN...........................Community Programs.......... 200.00 MARLON T BADGER..........................Community Programs.......... 200.00 Matthew Kilian.....................................Services and Other.................. 7.84 Monica Vaughn....................................Services and Other................ 26.94 Monika Tang........................................Services and Other................ 19.60 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP ............................................................Supplies............................... 291.60 PHARMAKEIA PRE-PHARMACEUTICAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 PR DENVER LOWRY LLC..................Community Programs....... 1,401.00 RIGHT ON LEARNING INC................Community Programs.......... 375.00 RIGHT ON LEARNING INC................Services and Other........... 6,532.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other................ 69.00 RTD 2380............................................Community Programs....... 1,910.00 Ryan Fischer.......................................Services and Other................ 15.12 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 6,001.16 STEADFAST APARTMENT REIT LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,465.63 SUMMER HOPE GATHERCOLE........Services and Other.............. 550.00 Stephanie Mufic...................................Services and Other................ 49.17 TRAVELERS PERSONAL INSURANCE ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,096.91 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING...Services and Other........... 4,495.00 UNIVERSAL MAINTENANCE.............Community Programs.......... 446.01 VALERIA JABALERA...........................Community Programs.......... 200.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 605.37 VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,000.00 WEX BANK.........................................Community Programs....... 2,616.44 FUND REPORT - 16 Road and Bridge AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES...............Supplies............................... 593.40 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................ 1,530.07 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 398.39 BIG TOOL BOX...................................Supplies............................... 131.85 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................... 264.46 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other........... 2,228.87 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...Services and Other........... 4,388.74 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other........... 9,488.41 CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE.....Services and Other......... 15,802.32 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................Services and Other......... 11,265.22 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................Services and Other........... 1,605.03 COLORADO ASPHALT SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies............................ 4,739.85 COMPASSCOM SOFTWARE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,099.60 COMPASSCOM SOFTWARE CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies................................. 40.80 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,899.09 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS INC....Supplies............................... 464.82 FAIRCLOTH CORPORATION.............Supplies............................... 223.12 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................... 677.82 GREATWOOD LUMBER AND HARDWARE ............................................................Supplies................................. 75.70 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC..................................... 99.06 INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 526.65 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC........Services and Other....... 117,798.10 JK TRANSPORTS INC........................Services and Other......... 34,173.77 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 39,660.63 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC...................Supplies................................. 13.95 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ............................................................Supplies............................... 205.76 LUMIN8 TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,672.25 MATHESON TRIGAS INC...................Supplies............................... 147.90 NILEX USA INC...................................Supplies............................ 1,994.72 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other.............. 314.50 OWENS EQUIPMENT LLC.................Supplies............................ 5,463.54 POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC..............Supplies.......................... 12,270.00 RDP BARRICADE CO, LLC DBA........Services and Other........... 5,371.07 ROTH SHANNON...............................S ervices and Other................................ 1,400.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY..........................................MISC. 4,083.27 TOWN OF BENNETT..........................Services and Other................ 83.64 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY.......Services and Other.............. 656.66 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL......................Services and Other................ 95.11 TOWN OF FOXFIELD.........................Services and Other.............. 272.29 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other................ 84.48 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 433.31 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 1,489.85 FUND REPORT - 18 Contingent KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................... 319.53 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY..........................................MISC. 7.42 FUND REPORT - 20 Sheriff’s Commissary ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 4,396.51 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFFS......MISC................................ 8,423.84 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other........... 9,752.50 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,536.19 BAKER & TAYLOR..............................Supplies............................... 621.67 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.............. 115.00 DEBRA RENEE TYGRETT.................Services and Other................ 75.00 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC..................................... 15.24 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 3,060.66 NANCY LANTZ....................................Services and Other.............. 550.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 585.76 THE DENVER POST...........................Services and Other........... 1,088.00 USA TODAY........................................Services and Other.............. 114.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 44.14 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other........... 7,764.42

LEGALS FUND REPORT - 21 Community Development BSREP II WS HOTEL TERM TRS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,588.00 CSST SOFTWARE LLC......................Services and Other........... 1,715.00 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,599.90 GRACEFULL FOUNDATION...............Services and Other........... 3,729.37 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other.............. 226.94 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 3,060.68 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 424.28 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 36.24 FUND REPORT - 25 Developmental Disability DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS.........Services and Other......... 15,319.00 FUND REPORT - 26 Grants 1663-1683 ALTON STREET LLC........Community Programs.......... 483.00 2019-1 IH BORROWER LP.................Community Programs..... 27,855.69 2345 EMPORIA LLC...........................Community Programs....... 1,550.83 9407 E 17TH AVENUE LLC................Community Programs....... 6,305.00 ACADIA AT CORNERSTAR APARTMENTS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 8,543.65 ACOMA INVESTORS LLC..................Community Programs....... 3,600.00 ADVENIR AT DEL ARTE LLC..............Community Programs....... 3,462.00 AIDAN MCGUIRE................................Community Programs.......... 142.71 ALAMEDA VIEW APARTMENTS LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,832.00 ALL STAR PROPERTY INC................Community Programs....... 3,825.00 ALLA RAYKIN-LOGAN........................Community Programs....... 4,958.00 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................... 756.42 ALTOS REALTY ADVISORS INC........Community Programs..... 20,259.50 AMELIE COMPANY............................Services and Other......... 18,069.63 AMERIHOME MORGAGE COMPANY INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,624.10 AMLI RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 7,925.52 ANCHOR WILLOWICK LLC................Community Programs..... 22,937.50 APTCO HOLDINGS LLC.....................Community Programs....... 7,260.43 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,919.46 AREL DENVER II LP...........................Community Programs..... 14,966.97 ARTWALK OWNER LLC.....................Community Programs....... 9,002.17 ASCENTIA REAL ESTATE HOLDING ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,037.00 ATLAS REAL ESTATE GROUP..........Community Programs....... 3,322.50 AUKUM TERRA VISTA APARTMENTS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 4,287.45 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,195.05 AURORA VILLAGE ASSOCIATES LLLP ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,356.00 Angela Pearson...................................Services and Other................ 62.16 April Stones.........................................Services and Other.............. 100.24 BEACON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,670.00 BELGARD REALTY CORPORATION ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,439.34 BENZER CO 1 LLC.............................Community Programs..... 10,845.04 BLAKE LINDBLAD..............................Community Programs....... 7,650.00 BLDG II MANAGEMENT CO , LLC.....Community Programs....... 9,979.79 BREIT MF HOLDINGS LLC................Community Programs..... 30,266.07 BRIDGE WF CO ESPRIT....................Community Programs..... 18,257.05 BRIDGWATER APARTMENTS LLC....Community Programs..... 12,767.26 Bambi Shropshire................................Services and Other................ 96.88 Brenda Simons....................................Services and Other................ 96.88 CAH INVESTMENTS LLC...................Community Programs....... 7,421.13 CANYON CREST LLC........................Community Programs....... 4,740.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 416.03 CENLAR FSB......................................Community Programs....... 4,039.35 CENNTENIAL EAST APARTMENTS LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 4,279.00 CENTERSPACE LP............................Community Programs....... 9,004.88 CENTURY 21 WORLD CLASS...........Community Programs....... 6,090.00 CH GREENWOOD POINT COMMUNITIES LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 7,110.40 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other......... 15,179.68 CITY OF AURORA..............................Community Programs.......... 159.62 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other.............. 280.33 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Community Programs.......... 499.94 CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN LLP..........Services and Other.............. 787.50 COLORADO REAL ESTATE SALES...Community Programs..... 12,000.60 COLORADO REALTY LLC..................Community Programs..... 10,600.00 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES INC............Supplies............................... 702.81 COMCOR INC.....................................Community Programs....... 4,851.71 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Community Programs..... 83,507.73 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Community Programs... 212,104.30 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Services and Other........... 4,210.00 CSST SOFTWARE LLC......................Services and Other........... 6,860.00 CWS ILIFF STATION LP.....................Community Programs....... 6,197.48 Cara Proffitt.........................................Services and Other.................. 6.00 DAUNINE JARAGOSKE.....................Community Programs..... 13,700.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other........... 7,216.00 DENVER RESCUE MISSION.............Community Programs....... 1,959.99 DENVER WINAIR CO.........................MISC................................ 6,436.00 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE INC....Community Programs....... 1,699.19 Denise Holter.......................................Services and Other................ 49.34 EAGLE ROCK SUPPLY......................MISC.............................. 18,157.97 EAST CHERRY CREEK VALLEY.......Community Programs.......... 536.09 EMERALD POINT APARTMENTS......Community Programs....... 3,990.00 Eloisa Altamira.....................................Services and Other................ 78.40 Emily Bild.............................................Services and Other.............. 340.48 Emily Bild.............................................Supplies............................... 125.00 FALCON RUN APARTMENTS LLC.....Community Programs....... 4,638.71 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Community Programs..... 48,226.58 FOREST MANOR LLP........................Community Programs....... 5,112.20 FSV LLC..............................................Community Programs....... 7,060.00 G&I X AURORA JV LLC......................Community Programs....... 4,223.49 GALLUP HOLDINGS FOUR INVESTMENTS ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,028.13 GARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,556.50 GARFIELD COUNTY..........................Community Programs.......... 289.50 GEORGE STEVENSON LOWRY.......Community Programs....... 4,000.00 GREENTREE VILLAGE LLC..............Community Programs....... 5,646.68 GREENWOOD PARK OWNER LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,194.94 H & A PROPERTIES LLC....................Services and Other........... 8,589.45 HOLIDAY MOTEL LLC........................Community Programs....... 2,125.00 HOME COMFORT INSULATION........Services and Other........... 7,550.42 HUNTERS RUN HOLDING LP............Community Programs..... 10,923.39 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC..................................... 83.82 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other.............. 453.88 INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOC ............................................................Community Programs.......... 354.52 INTERVENTION COMMUNITY...........Community Programs.......... 216.55 INVITATION HOMES OPERATING.....Community Programs....... 5,225.40 IREIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 9,968.44 JANIS WALTERMIRE..........................Community Programs....... 9,000.00 JM REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT....Community Programs..... 22,022.00 JOESEPH R AND MOLLY L ESTERL-BYRNE ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,900.00 JOHN CHARLES GONCE...................Community Programs....... 3,885.00 JSP VISTA LLC...................................Community Programs....... 4,523.23 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 22,500.54 KFED DOR 85B LLC...........................Community Programs..... 21,569.23 KOZACEK REVOCABLE TRUST.......Community Programs....... 5,519.65 L & N SUPPLY COMPANY INC...........Supplies............................... 143.01 LARAMAR NINE MILE STATION........Community Programs....... 3,682.00 LARIMER COUNTY............................Community Programs....... 2,998.76 LITTLETON CROSSING APARTMENTS LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,274.00 LITTLETON MAIN STREET LP...........Community Programs....... 2,072.00 LITTLETOWN PARTNERSHIP............Community Programs....... 4,050.00 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............MISC................................... 796.11 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............Supplies............................ 1,525.80 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies............................ 3,198.87 Lauren Thomas...................................Services and Other.............. 110.60 Lauren Thomas...................................Supplies................................. 80.90 MADRONA DAYTON MEADOWS LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 9,524.00

MARIONSUE LLC...............................Community Programs....... 6,007.00 MAVI UNLIMITED INC........................Community Programs....... 4,205.00 MCGUIRE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ............................................................Community Programs....... 4,059.00 METRO COMMUNITY PROVIDER NETWORK ............................................................Services and Other......... 43,456.33 MIG RE INVESTORS 1 LLC...............Community Programs....... 5,511.00 MONTGOMERY INSULATION INC.....Services and Other........... 5,018.24 NORTHFIELD AT STAPLETON..........Community Programs.......... 501.00 ORCHARD AT CHERRY CREEK........Community Programs....... 8,656.75 OUTLOOK LITTLETON RE INVESTORS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,234.67 P&J PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC......Community Programs....... 5,410.29 PACIFICCAL PC CORE LLC...............Community Programs....... 4,200.00 PARTNER MANAGEMENT LLC.........Community Programs....... 8,500.00 PATRICK DEROMEDI.........................Community Programs....... 4,900.00 PC OSITO RIDGE LLC.......................Community Programs....... 4,642.00 PCC PARTNERS LLC.........................Community Programs..... 10,980.93 PERIDOT REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LLC ............................................................Community Programs..... 16,700.00 POPULUM REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,665.69 POWERS CIRCLE APARTMENTS.....Community Programs....... 4,296.00 PPF AMLI DEVCO LLC.......................Community Programs..... 14,237.40 PRCP AURORA LLC...........................Community Programs....... 5,086.00 PRENTICE PLACE LOFTS LP............Community Programs....... 3,144.00 PRIM WHISPER SKY LLC..................Community Programs....... 8,880.36 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other.............. 377.88 RADCLIFF 3002 LLC..........................Community Programs....... 2,446.00 RAR2-MONTE VISTA AT.....................Community Programs....... 7,127.25 REALTY LEADERS LLC.....................Community Programs....... 4,213.00 RECIPROCITY COLLECTIVE.............Community Programs..... 17,700.00 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,022.00 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies............................... 114.74 REDDY PROPERTIES........................Community Programs....... 4,500.00 REGAL APARTMENTS LLC................Community Programs....... 2,916.00 RENTERS WAREHOUSE COLORADO LLC ............................................................Community Programs..... 36,186.97 ROBERT MURPHY.............................Community Programs....... 4,600.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................. 51.36 RONALD W STREHLOW....................Community Programs....... 4,170.00 RRE FOX RIDE HOLDINGS LLC........Community Programs....... 6,009.73 RUSTIC ARMS LLC............................Community Programs....... 1,900.00 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other.............. 993.00 SANTANA RIDGE GARDENS LP.......Community Programs....... 2,700.00 SECOND CHANCE CENTER INC......Community Programs..... 11,995.29 SOUTH CREEK LITTLETON LLC.......Community Programs....... 3,330.00 SOUTHGLENN PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,612.24 SOUTHWEST COLORADO COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs.......... 289.50 SRGMF III HOLDINGS LP..................Community Programs....... 5,900.62 SSP 172 SOUTH CLARKSON LLC....Community Programs....... 6,861.53 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 1,651.38 STATEBRIDGE COMPANY LLC.........Community Programs....... 1,222.09 STEADFAST APARTMENT REIT LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,993.00 SUNBELT PORTFOLIO JV LP............Community Programs..... 13,179.54 SUNROAD MEZZ APARTMENTS PARTNERSHIP ............................................................Community Programs..... 12,316.59 TC GREEN LLC..................................Community Programs....... 6,892.90 TC METRO SIX LLC...........................Community Programs....... 8,311.99 TEBO-ORVIS LLC...............................Community Programs....... 3,280.00 THOMAS JOHN..................................Community Programs....... 3,750.00 THOMAS MATTHEW SENTY.............Community Programs....... 7,500.00 TIBURON ASSOCIATES LLC.............Community Programs....... 7,164.00 TODD MATTHIES...............................Community Programs..... 22,187.00 TURK TWO LLC..................................Community Programs....... 8,246.50 TY W HOLDEN....................................Community Programs....... 7,950.00 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US)..........Services and Other.............. 217.09 Teresa Marlowe...................................Services and Other.............. 232.01 Tyson Erickson....................................Services and Other................ 73.36 UNITED LANGUAGE GROUP INC.....Services and Other.............. 136.50 VIA MOBILITY SERVICES..................Services and Other......... 16,593.00 VIP REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 9,759.93 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 181.50 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 228.25 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other......... 11,794.75 WHI ACOMA LLC................................Community Programs....... 7,364.64 WHOLE ENERGY AND HARDWARE INC ............................................................MISC................................... 830.40 WIENER ACQUISITION CO LLC........Community Programs....... 5,300.19 WILLOW MISS DEVELOPMENT INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,089.71 WILLOW STREET RESIDENCES LLLP ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,665.00 WILLOWS WATER DISTRICT............Community Programs.......... 241.68 WINCHESTER AND BROWNING.......Community Programs....... 8,311.50 WINDERMERE ONE HOLDINGS.......Community Programs....... 6,299.32 XCEL ENERGY...................................Community Programs..... 13,478.93 FUND REPORT - 28 Open Space Sales Tax A & A TRADIN POST INC....................Supplies............................ 1,495.00 ALAMIA INC........................................Services and Other.............. 153.27 AMBERG ENTERTAINMENT COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,074.00 BMDCR...............................................MISC................................... 937.50 Bryan Jones........................................Supplies................................. 55.30 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other........... 1,116.11 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2............Services and Other.............. 658.12 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other.............. 133.50 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................Services and Other....... 175,000.00 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,408.00 COLORADO DESIGNSCAPES INC...Services and Other........... 1,200.00 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,421.00 DHM DESIGN CORPORATION..........Services and Other......... 22,657.92 DISTINCTIVE THREADS INC.............Supplies................................. 94.08 Dixon Olson.........................................Supplies................................. 94.80 ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Services and Other.............. 973.59 ELITE HOOD CLEANING CO.............Services and Other.............. 635.00 Eaglecrest High School.......................MISC................................ 1,500.00 Eaglecrest High School Athletic..........MISC..................................... 53.00 Elizabeth Mayer...................................Services and Other.............. 200.29 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 19,807.80 HIGH LINE CANAL CONSERVANCY ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................... 124.50 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC..................................... 15.24 INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 137.65 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION.......Services and Other........... 3,228.50 Jacqueline Perez Llaguno...................MISC................................ 1,050.00 John Sullivan.......................................MISC................................... 100.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 14,620.50 KATHRYN SCOTT PHOTOGRAPHY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 LESLIE OJEDA...................................MISC................................... 900.00 Legend High School............................MISC................................... 964.00 MILLERCOORS LLC...........................Supplies............................ 1,957.20 Michael Wedding.................................MISC................................ 1,090.00 Mountain State Dog Training Club......MISC................................... 900.00 Off Grid Expo, LLP..............................MISC................................ 1,292.00 PATRICIA GABAYAN...........................MISC................................ 1,262.00 POTESTIO BROTHERS.....................Services and Other.............. 870.64 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION..........Services and Other........... 7,272.85 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ASSOC OF FAIRS ............................................................Services and Other.............. 150.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other................ 72.95 ROTH SHANNON...............................Services and Other.............. 205.00 RR DONNELLEY.................................Services and Other........... 4,991.00 Raymond Winn....................................Supplies................................. 94.80 Roberto Toledo....................................MISC................................ 1,366.25 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other........... 2,724.50 SEMSWA.............................................Services and Other.............. 411.68

— Continued to next page —

November 18, 2021, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 21

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 972.16 SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT...................Supplies................................. 26.80 Sandra Bottoms...................................Supplies................................. 94.80 Saunders Construction, Inc.................MISC................................... 900.00 Shannon Carter...................................Services and Other.............. 194.40 Shannon Carter...................................Supplies................................. 97.68 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 153.06 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 192.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other......... 10,925.17 Zachary Fellhauer...............................Supplies................................. 94.80 FUND REPORT - 29 Homeland Security - North Central AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC...Services and Other................ 34.46 AURARIA HIGHER EDUCATION CENTER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 506.25 C SCOTT KELLAR..............................Services and Other......... 13,125.00 CADWELL IRREVOCABLE TRUST III ............................................................Services and Other.............. 389.46 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 174.34 CENTER FOR INTERNET SECURITY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,760.00 CHARLES SCOTT KELLAR................Services and Other........... 2,407.37 CRITIGEN LLC....................................Services and Other........... 1,757.50 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC................................... 341.88 JOEY MILLIKEN..................................Services and Other........... 1,867.56 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 1,360.22 PINNACLE TRAILER SALES LLC......Services and Other........... 1,629.00 RICHARD C PRICE.............................Services and Other........... 5,499.92 SAMMIE J WICKS II............................Services and Other........... 1,177.91 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 186.08 STATEWIDE INTERNET PORTAL AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 32,700.00 STEPHANY JUNEAU..........................Services and Other................ 30.91 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 36.80 FUND REPORT - 33 Building Maintenance Fund A & A TRADIN POST INC....................Services and Other.............. 284.33 ABC ASPHALT INC.............................Services and Other........... 6,150.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SECURITY.....Supplies................................. 42.22 ATCO MANUFACTURING COMPANY ............................................................Services and Other.............. 610.00 BOBS ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,132.49 BROWN BROTHERS WEATHERPROOFING LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 69,577.00 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other.............. 321.62 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC..........Services and Other........... 1,279.70 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other.............. 194.40 COLORADO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 29,360.00 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC..................Services and Other.............. 289.74 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ............................................................Services and Other................ 60.00 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE...Services and Other......... 18,545.11 DUANE L KENT..................................Services and Other.............. 950.00 E & L FLATWORK...............................Services and Other........... 9,500.00 EAP GLASS SERVICE........................Services and Other......... 46,190.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Services and Other........... 2,336.64 ENERGYCAP INC...............................Services and Other......... 10,136.23 ENGLEWOOD LOCK AND SAFE INC ............................................................Supplies................................. 15.96 EVEREST MECHANICAL NORTHERN CO LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 385.00 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................... 204.35 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 280.00 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC..................Services and Other........... 5,856.77 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY....Services and Other................ 61.68 GLOBAL FIRE & SAFETY INC...........Services and Other.............. 360.00 GONZALES CUSTOM PAINTING INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 79,764.00 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other.............. 156.68 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 453.85 HIGH PLAINS WATERPROOFING LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 34,911.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Services and Other.............. 539.99 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................ 6,060.12 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other.............. 591.48 JOHN W GASPARINI INC...................Services and Other........... 1,456.40 KEESEN LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 14,354.70 PEST PREDATOR LLC.......................Services and Other........... 1,911.00 POWERS PRODUCTS COMPANY....Services and Other.............. 350.00 PUR-O-ZONE INC...............................Supplies............................... 500.00 RAMPART SUPPLY INC.....................Services and Other........... 1,110.65 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies............................... 711.93 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT...Services and Other........... 1,100.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PORTABLE COOLING INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,340.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS.........................Services and Other.............. 651.95 SOLID SURFACE CARE INC.............Supplies............................... 450.00 SUMMIT LABORATORIES INC..........Services and Other........... 2,240.00 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY ............................................................Services and Other.............. 215.83 VALICOR PPC HOLDINGS INC..........Services and Other........... 3,830.15 WESTERN MECHANICAL SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,176.84 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 845.00 FUND REPORT - 34 Fair Fund ABIGAIL ALLRED................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 ABRAM WAILES.................................Services and Other.................. 4.00 ADAM (AJ) FRICKE............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 ADELYN WESTENDORF....................Services and Other.................. 5.00 ADRIENNE COPE...............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 ALDEN THOMPSON...........................Services and Other.................. 6.00 ALIZABETH QUICK............................Services and Other................ 58.00 ALLISON GRIFFIN..............................Services and Other................ 29.00 ALYSSA WALLIS.................................Services and Other................ 10.00 AMANDA HARTZELL..........................Services and Other................ 52.00 AMY DODD.........................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 ANDREA BRINEY...............................Services and Other................ 22.00 ANGELA BENFORD...........................Services and Other.................. 3.00 ANNA VETTER...................................Services and Other................ 97.00 ANNA WIKOWSKY..............................Services and Other.................. 8.00 ANTHONY MANSANARES.................Services and Other.................. 4.00 ARACEL COLBURN............................Services and Other................ 14.00 ASHLYN SIDELKO..............................Services and Other.................. 3.00 AUBRE DAVIS.....................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 AUDREY HARRELL............................Services and Other................ 67.00 AURORA SERRELL............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 AUSTIN EURITT.................................Services and Other................ 14.00 AVA GRIFFITHS..................................Services and Other................ 14.00 AVERY SEIBERT................................Services and Other................ 28.00 BARBARA ARCHER...........................Services and Other................ 10.00 BECKY CLEMONS..............................Services and Other................ 10.00 BECKY ZENTHOEFER.......................Services and Other................ 39.00 BEN STUCKY......................................Services and Other.................. 1.00 BODEN BRINEY.................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 BONNIE MURPHY..............................Services and Other.................. 9.00 BRECKLYN NESS...............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 BROOKE GOOD.................................Services and Other................ 77.00 BROOKLYN SURRATT.......................Services and Other................ 10.00 BRUCE PECKHAM.............................Services and Other.................. 2.00 CADIN REED......................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 CAITLIN CLINE...................................Services and Other.................. 8.00 CALEB DINAN....................................Services and Other.............. 107.00 CAMDEN HESS..................................Services and Other................ 66.00 CARLA HOPKIN-RIVERA...................Services and Other.................. 5.00 CARLA WISE......................................Services and Other................ 16.00 CARLOTTA DYE.................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 CELINA RAYMOND.............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 CHAS BUTTERFIELD.........................Services and Other.................. 8.00 CHASE ANDERSON...........................Services and Other................ 10.00 CHLOE SCHROEDER........................Services and Other................ 24.00 CHRIS DILSARER..............................Services and Other................ 26.00 CHRISTINA CIFUENTES....................Services and Other................ 18.00 CLAYTON COMMUNITY GARDEN....Services and Other................ 29.00 CLEAR SELECTIONS GROUP INC...Services and Other......... 12,738.25

COLBIE HOUSE.................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 COLE ALLSHOUSE............................Services and Other.................. 8.00 COLE AMUNDSON YOUNGER..........Services and Other.................. 5.00 COLTON MORETZ/VARRA.................Services and Other................ 12.00 CONNER PRICE.................................Services and Other................ 24.00 COURTNEY BAUER...........................Services and Other................ 22.00 COURTNEY CUNEY...........................Services and Other................ 16.00 CYRENA FINNEGAN..........................Services and Other.................. 1.00 DAISY HEATH.....................................Services and Other.................. 6.00 DAPHNE KURTZ.................................Services and Other................ 10.00 DAVID VETTER...................................Services and Other................ 99.00 DEB HUMBLE.....................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 DEBORAH LOSEKE...........................Services and Other................ 15.00 DELANI VETTER................................Services and Other................ 46.00 DIANE HENDERSON..........................Services and Other.................. 5.00 DYLAN PRICE....................................Services and Other................ 16.00 DYLAN WRIGHT.................................Services and Other................ 16.00 EDWIN GONZALEZ............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 ELIJAH YEATER.................................Services and Other................ 25.00 ELIZA ALLRED....................................Services and Other................ 15.00 ELIZABETH WESTENDORF..............Services and Other.................. 6.00 ELLIE REISER....................................Services and Other................ 17.00 EMILY ALLRED...................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 EMILY KASTENS................................Services and Other.................. 8.00 EMMA DOMINGUEZ...........................Services and Other................ 30.00 EMMETT VIDGER...............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 GABRIEL RUSSO...............................Services and Other................ 19.00 GAGE AVERY.....................................Services and Other................ 44.00 GARRETT FETTY...............................Services and Other................ 13.00 GIANNA DYE......................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 GINCEY MANSFIELD.........................Services and Other.................. 2.00 GINGER JOHNSON............................Services and Other................ 19.00 GRACE ALLRED.................................Services and Other.................. 7.00 GRACE FOOSE..................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 GRACE LEE KALUNGI.......................Services and Other.................. 9.00 GRACE MCINTYRE............................Services and Other................ 10.00 GRANT FETTY....................................Services and Other................ 15.00 HALEY MORRIS.................................Services and Other................ 14.00 HOPE FRENCH..................................Services and Other................ 49.00 HOPE HARTUNG................................Services and Other................ 21.00 IAN FOOSE.........................................Services and Other.................. 6.00 ISAAC JARAMILLO.............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 ISABELLA DOMINGUEZ.....................Services and Other................ 43.00 ISABELLA WILLIAMS.........................Services and Other................ 14.00 JACI VETTER......................................Services and Other................ 68.00 JACKSON SEIBERT...........................Services and Other................ 22.00 JACOBY PRINSLOO...........................Services and Other................ 15.00 JADE BROSTROM..............................Services and Other.................. 2.00 JADEN CASSEL..................................Services and Other.................. 4.00 JAMES ALLRED..................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 JANE GOLDY......................................Services and Other................ 99.00 JASON OMALLEY...............................Services and Other.................. 8.00 JEAN WALTON...................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 JEREMY VARRA.................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 JESSE MORRIS..................................Services and Other................ 14.00 JESSICA SIDELKO.............................Services and Other.................. 2.00 JIM ROGO...........................................Services and Other................ 19.00 JONATHAN BRNAK-TURECEK..........Services and Other................ 14.00 JORDAN CAMP..................................Services and Other................ 15.00 JORDAN CRIDLEBAUGH...................Services and Other................ 16.00 JORDAN HADDOCK...........................Services and Other.................. 6.00 JORDAN JARVIS................................Services and Other................ 11.00 JOSEPH KENNEY..............................Services and Other................ 12.00 JOSH NEIL..........................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 JUDITH CALE.....................................Services and Other.................. 9.00 JULIAN JOHNSTON...........................Services and Other................ 22.00 JULIE WEBSTER................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 KAIDEN POWELL...............................Services and Other................ 16.00 KAREN ALLEN....................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 KATE SOUTHER.................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 KATELYNN RUSSO............................Services and Other................ 44.00 KATHERINE LEE................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 KATHLEEN CHANDLER.....................Services and Other.................. 6.00 KATHRYN KIRK..................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 KATIE POWELL..................................Services and Other................ 30.00 KAYLEE CIFUENTES.........................Services and Other................ 29.00 KAYLEE SEFCOVIC...........................Services and Other................ 80.00 KEILEY MORRIS.................................Services and Other................ 26.00 KELSIE MARTINEZ.............................Services and Other................ 10.00 KENDALYN FUIKS..............................Services and Other................ 44.00 KLAUS DODD.....................................Services and Other................ 23.00 KODY HARRELL.................................Services and Other................ 26.00 KOY BAUER........................................Services and Other................ 24.00 KREIGHTON WESTENDORF.............Services and Other.................. 6.00 KYLA BAUER......................................Services and Other................ 14.00 KYLE LANDWEHR..............................Services and Other.................. 3.00 LAKAYLA VINCENT............................Services and Other................ 60.00 LANDYN STEVENS............................Services and Other................ 13.00 LAUREN KEMPF................................Services and Other.................. 1.00 LAURIE SMITH...................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 LEAH MOYER.....................................Services and Other................ 72.00 LEE HUTSLER....................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 LEIF RITTER.......................................Services and Other.................. 4.00 LEILAH BRINEY..................................Services and Other.................. 9.00 LEXIE CASSEL...................................Services and Other................ 18.00 LIAM ANDERSON...............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 LILLI VERMEER..................................Services and Other................ 10.00 LILLY APMANN...................................Services and Other.................. 6.00 LINDA RINELLI...................................Services and Other.................. 9.00 LISA MASON.......................................Services and Other................ 13.00 LUCINDA GREENE.............................Services and Other................ 31.00 MACKENZIE COWLES.......................Services and Other.................. 4.00 MACY MEYER....................................Services and Other................ 16.00 MADDY JESAITIS...............................Services and Other................ 12.00 MADELYNN EICHERLY......................Services and Other.................. 9.00 MADISON WRIGHT............................Services and Other................ 18.00 MARY SEIER......................................Services and Other................ 10.00 MARYANNE CHASE...........................Services and Other................ 81.00 MAYA RICHMAN.................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 MAYLIE MACLENNAN........................Services and Other................ 20.00 MCCRAE MACLENNAN.....................Services and Other................ 54.00 MEADOW ROBINSON........................Services and Other.................. 5.00 MELONIE CUTLER.............................Services and Other................ 10.00 MEREDITH DAVIDSEN.......................Services and Other.................. 8.00 MIA ROOT...........................................Services and Other................ 18.00 MICHELLE MILLER............................Services and Other.................. 2.00 MILAN RICHMAN................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 MIRANDA FISCHER...........................Services and Other................ 10.00 MIRIAM CUTHBERT...........................Services and Other................ 10.00 MOLLIE COCHRAN............................Services and Other................ 25.00 MORGAN ROOT.................................Services and Other................ 20.00 MUSETTA DEAN.................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 NATHAN HUNHOLZ............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 NELSON MILLER................................Services and Other................ 19.00 NICOLENA TAYLOR...........................Services and Other................ 29.00 OLIVER HEATH..................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 OLIVIA POWELL.................................Services and Other................ 24.00 OLIVIA SCHROEDER.........................Services and Other.................. 8.00 OWEN COLLITT..................................Services and Other................ 18.00 PAIGE CANETTO................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 PAM DEAN..........................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 PARK SILO..........................................Services and Other................ 20.00 PAUL COMPTON................................Services and Other................ 15.00 PAYDEN LAPTHORNE.......................Services and Other................ 22.00 PEG MANCUSO..................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 PEYSEN HESS...................................Services and Other................ 82.00 PEYTON SHERMAN...........................Services and Other.................. 9.00 PHOEBE SERRELL............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 POLLY RODRIGUEZ...........................Services and Other.................. 2.00 PRESTON SNYDER...........................Services and Other................ 10.00 RACHELLE STODDARD....................Services and Other.................. 5.00 RASCHELLE NEIL..............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 REBECCA YOUNG.............................Services and Other................ 32.00 REBEKAH COOK................................Services and Other................ 10.00 REEGAN RODDA...............................Services and Other................ 28.00 ROBERT CALE...................................Services and Other.................. 1.00 RYLEE TIFFANY.................................Services and Other................ 10.00 SANDY WARD....................................Services and Other.................. 1.00 SARA TOWNSEND.............................Services and Other................ 17.00 SARAH GIBSON-REB........................Services and Other.................. 2.00 SARAH LYNNES.................................Services and Other................ 32.00 SEAN LANDWEHR.............................Services and Other................ 33.00 SETH RATCLIFF.................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 SHANNON SUTLIFF...........................Services and Other................ 24.00 SHEILA GAINS....................................Services and Other.................. 8.00 SHELBY FRICKE................................Services and Other................ 10.00

SLOANE RAYMOND...........................Services and Other.................. 7.00 STEPHANIE HANOUW.......................Services and Other.................. 9.00 STEPHANIE RODDA..........................Services and Other................ 28.00 STEPHEN COMPTON........................Services and Other................ 15.00 STERLING TAYLOR............................Services and Other................ 24.00 SUE DEUTSCHER..............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 SUNBELT RENTALS INC....................Services and Other.............. 805.65 SYDNEY RAYMOND...........................Services and Other.................. 8.00 TANYA AMUNDSON YOUNGER........Services and Other................ 31.00 TARAN DAVIDSEN.............................Services and Other.................. 4.00 TAYLOR DAVIDSEN...........................Services and Other.................. 5.00 TAYLOR THOMAS-TURECEK............Services and Other................ 48.00 TEAGAN DAVIDSEN...........................Services and Other................ 22.00 TEAGAN HOZA...................................Services and Other.................. 3.00 THEA CARRUTH.................................Services and Other................ 12.00 TIMOTHY BECKEL.............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 TINA SUTTON.....................................Services and Other................ 21.00 TOBIN DAVIDSEN..............................Services and Other.................. 7.00 TORI DINAN........................................Services and Other................ 78.00 TREVOR GIBLETT..............................Services and Other.................. 3.00 TREVOR SWARTZ..............................Services and Other................ 23.00 TRISTAN DAVIDSEN..........................Services and Other.................. 5.00 TY ALLSHOUSE..................................Services and Other.................. 9.00 TYLER LYNNES..................................Services and Other................ 11.00 TYLER SEFCOVIC.............................Services and Other.................. 5.00 UNIQUE IMAGES LLC........................Supplies............................... 185.00 VADA DU PONT..................................Services and Other................ 18.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 936.50 WENDY RHYNE..................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 WES BUTTERFIELD...........................Services and Other................ 10.00 WYATT VIDGER..................................Services and Other.................. 5.00 XAVIER NATALE.................................Services and Other.................. 2.00 ZACK BROSTROM.............................Services and Other.................. 3.00 FUND REPORT - 41 Capital Expenditure ABEAM CONSULTING USA LTD........MISC................................... 945.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Capital Outlay................. 17,280.00 KC CONSTRUCTION INC..................Capital Outlay................. 35,984.17 KC CONSTRUCTION INC..................MISC................................ 8,795.50 KONE INC...........................................MISC............................ 281,821.38 SUMMIT LABORATORIES INC..........MISC.............................. 19,354.00 SUPERIOR ROOFING INC.................MISC.............................. 49,640.80 FUND REPORT - 42 Infrastructure BOHANNAN-HUSTON INC.................Services and Other......... 22,193.75 CDPHE................................................Services and Other.............. 350.00 E-470 PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other....... 431,567.79 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 87,231.15 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC........Services and Other....... 303,943.00 WELBORN SULLIVAN MECK & TOOLEY PC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,313.00 FUND REPORT - 43 Arapahoe County Recreation Distri ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND...Services and Other......... 72,926.28 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other........... 2,632.30 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other......... 44,000.00 COLORADO DESIGNSCAPES INC...Services and Other.............. 184.50 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE ............................................................Services and Other................ 60.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................. (165.33) KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 2,974.34 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other........... 4,019.76 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 257.71 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 44.14 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 877.75 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 4,540.96 FUND REPORT - 70 Central Services ADVANCE AUTO PARTS....................MISC..................................... 52.86 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................MISC.............................. 12,679.22 ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................MISC................................... 299.44 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC ............................................................MISC................................ 1,088.00 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC.......MISC................................... 359.04 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................MISC................................... 117.27 CLEAR CHOICE.................................MISC................................... 296.01 COLORADO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CO ............................................................MISC................................ 1,493.66 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................MISC................................ 1,007.18 FARIS MACHINERY CO.....................MISC..................................... 15.63 FEDEX................................................MISC................................... 575.63 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............MISC.............................. 21,726.88 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................MISC.............................. 54,458.72 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................MISC................................ 3,998.44 KGA-FLG LLC.....................................MISC.............................. 70,802.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................MISC.............................. 16,740.53 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................MISC................................ 1,409.98 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............MISC................................ 1,876.85 O’REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC ............................................................MISC..................................... 44.99 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC.............MISC................................ 9,355.16 PITNEY BOWES.................................MISC................................ 2,517.84 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................MISC................................ 1,123.71 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................MISC................................... 432.60 VISTA FD LLC.....................................MISC................................... 522.85 FUND REPORT - 71 Self-Insurance Liability AXIOM COLORADO LLC....................Services and Other........... 9,081.32 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............Services and Other........... 2,370.23 J&N TACTICAL LLC............................Services and Other........... 7,450.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other.............. 525.00 MAZZO CORPORATION....................Services and Other......... 15,904.10 Ms. Audra Daniels...............................Services and Other........... 1,623.91 Ms. Sandra Irhia (Andrew)..................Services and Other........... 1,691.19 PORTER AUTO BODY........................Services and Other........... 1,518.04 UHRICH LOCOMOTIVE WORKS.......Services and Other........... 1,248.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other................ 37.45 FUND REPORT - 73 Self-Insurance Workers Comp CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other........... 8,971.68 FUND REPORT - 74 Self-Insurance Dental ALERUS FINANCIAL NA.....................Services and Other........... 1,074.08 DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other....... 100,085.27 RETIREMENT PLANNING SERVICSTATE OF COLORADO ) ) S.S. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) I, JOAN LOPEZ, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND EX OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LISTS OF COUNTY WARRANTS ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER THE DATES OF 10/01/2021 THROUGH 10/31/2021 DRAWN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERE UNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE SAID COUNTY AT LITTLETON THIS 11/03/2021 . JOAN LOPEZ, CLERK TO THE BOARD Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10497 ___________________________

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 22 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021 —Continued from previous page—

SPECIAL DISTRICTS NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Goldsmith Metropolitan District will make final payment at their offices located at 8351 E. Belleview Avenue, Denver, CO 80237, on or after November 22, 2021 to Centennial Concrete & Waterproofing (Contractor) for all work done by said contractor on the 5619 DTC – Repair Project, all of said construction being within or near the boundaries of Greenwood Village, Arapahoe County, Colo-

COUNTY TREASURER NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to BADER H. AL SHAYA, HEARTSTONE PROPERTIES LLC, THE FARM AT ARAPAHOE COUNTY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, FIG CO19, LLC You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of November, 2014, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to TTLBL LLC, the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: LOT 9 BLK 10 THE FARM AT ARAPAHOE COUNTY 9TH FLG EX M/R’S aka 16836 E CALEY PL and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to TTLBL LLC;

rado. Any person co-partnership association of persons company or corporation that has furnished labor materials provisions or other supplies used or consumed by such Contractor or his Subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done and whose claim therefore has not been paid by the Contractor or his Subcontractor at any time up to and including the time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done is required to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim to Goldsmith Metropolitan District 8351 E. Belleview Avenue, Denver, CO 80237 at or before the time and date hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement of submittals. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10498 ___________________________

FOXFIELD PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Foxfield shall hold a virtual public hearing regarding the 2022 budget on December 9, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. or as soon as possible thereafter. The Proposed Budget is available for inspection on the Town of Foxfield website at townoffoxfield. colorado.gov. Public comment will be heard at the hearing or written communication regarding the budget may be submitted to the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 461450, Foxfield, CO 80046, or via e-mail to clerk@townoffoxfield.com, no later than December 9, 2021 at 5:00 P.M. Further information is available by calling (303) 680-1544. All interested persons may attend. Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10499 ___________________________


That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2013;


That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of BADER H. AL SHAYA for said year 2013;

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Hearing on the Petition for Exclusion of Property has been scheduled in Division 15 of the District Court, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, on the Petition to Exclude property from the Marin Metropolitan District, on November 30, 2021 at 9 A.M. A copy of the Petition for Exclusion of Property can be obtained through the offices of the City Attorney for the City of Greenwood Village, 6060 S. Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 (303) 486-5742.

That said TTLBL LLC, on the 29th day of October, 2021, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate; That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said TTLBL LLC, on or about the 16th day of March, 2022, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed. Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 5th day of November, 2021, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: November 11, 2021 Last Publication: November 25, 2021 Legal # 10495 ___________________________

ARAPAHOE COUNTY ARAPAHOE COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP-21-51 VEHICLE TOWING & STORAGE SERVICES Notice is hereby given that the Arapahoe County Purchasing Division will be accepting proposals for Vehicle Towing & Storage Services for the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department. All Arapahoe County solicitations can be obtained from the County’s website. The Request For Proposal (RFP-21-51) document can be obtained by going to the Arapahoe County website www.arapahoegov. com, then go to the Finance Department, and under the Finance Department select Purchasing then go to the Quick Link for the Rocky Mountain ePurchasing website. Electronic submissions will be accepted online via Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing Systems (RMEPS), www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado. Submittals must be received, electronically, no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on December 16, 2021. The County reserves the right to waive any or all informalities or irregularities and to reject any or all

/s/ TONYA HAAS DAVIDSON, CITY ATTORNEY Published in The Villager First Publication: November 11, 2021 Last Publication: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10486 ___________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Gerald Joseph Weber, Deceased Case Number 2021 PR31088 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado or on or before March 4, 2022 or the claims may be forever barred. Yuhuan Weber 7440 S. Blackhawk St. #16-306 Englewood, CO 80012 Published in The Villager First Publication: November 4, 2021 Last Publication: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10472 ___________________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Katherine Powers Obering a/k/a Katherine Obering, Katherine Powers Obering Benda, Kay Obering, and Katherine Benda, Deceased Case Number 2021 PR 31115 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Arapahoe, County, Colorado on or before March 18, 2022, or the claims may be forever barred. Christian J. Obering personal representative 6474 Lone Eagle Road Golden, CO 80403 Published in The Villager First Publication: November 11, 2021 Last Publication: November 25, 2021 Legal # 10482 ___________________________

LEGALS claim prior to final settlement will release the Goldsmith Metropolitan District, its Board of Directors, officer’s agents and employees of and from any and all liability for such claim. BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Goldsmith Metropolitan District. /s/ Ken Lykens, General Manager Published in The Villager First Publication: November 11, 2021 Last Publication: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10490 ___________________________ NOTICE OF VACANCY PURSUANT to Section 32-1808(2)(a)(I), C.R.S., notice is hereby given that a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors of Greenwood Consolidated Metropolitan District. Any eligible elector of the District who is interested in appointment to the Board may contact the District’s attorney, Matt Dalton, via e-mail: clinney@ spencerfane.com. The Board of the District may fill said vacancy 10 days after the date hereof. By:Matt Dalton, Counsel for the District Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10491 ___________________________ NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET AND 2021 BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposed budgets for the ensuing year of 2022 have been submitted to the Boards of Directors of the Southgate Water District and Southgate Sanitation District (collectively, the Districts). Such proposed budgets will be considered at a public hearing during the combined regular meeting of the Boards of Directors of the Districts to be held at the Southgate offices, 3722 East Orchard Road, Centennial, Colorado 80121, at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, the 14th day of December, 2021. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that amendments to the 2021 budgets of the Districts may also be considered at the above-referenced meeting and public hearing of the Boards of Directors of the Districts. Copies of the proposed 2022 budgets and amended 2021 budgets, if required, are available for public inspection at the offices of the Districts, 3722 East Orchard Road, Centennial, Colorado 80121. Any interested elector within the Districts may, at any time prior to final adoption of the 2022 budgets and amended 2021 budgets, if required, file or register any objections thereto or comments thereof. SOUTHGATE WATER DISTRICT & SOUTHGATE SANITATION DISTRICT By: /s/ Mark Rosser, President Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10500 ___________________________ NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the proposed budget for the ensuing year of 2022 has been submitted to the Fiddlers Business Improvement District (“District”). Such proposed budget will be considered at a meeting and public hearing of the Board of Directors of the District to be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. In order to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the public in light of the imminent threat caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting and public hearing will be held by telephone only. To attend and participate by telephone, dial 650-479-3208 and enter passcode 76687702. A copy of the proposed 2022 budget is available for public inspection at the offices of John Madden Company, 6501 S. Fiddler’s Green Circle, Suite 110, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111. Due to concerns related to COVID-19 and certain visitor restrictions that may be in place, please contact Scott Schley by email at scott.schley@johnmaddenco.com to make arrangements to inspect the budget(s) prior to visiting the foregoing office. Any interested elector within the District may, at any time prior to final adoption of the 2022 budget, file or register any objections thereto. FIDDLERS BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT By: /s/ Ron Fano, District Counsel Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10504 ___________________________ INVITATION TO BID Goodman Metropolitan District (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: Highridge Park Renovation Bids for the construction of the Project must be submitted by email

and will be received until December 14, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. local time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. A description of the Work to be performed, including all materials and labor necessary for completion of the Work, is as set forth in the Construction Drawings currently on file with The Architerra Group. The Highridge Park Playground is located within the development known as The Farm at Arapahoe County situated East of South Parker Road between East Orchard Road and East Arapahoe Road in Arapahoe County, State of Colorado. The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: The Architerra Group, Inc. 5881 South Deframe Street Littleton, Colorado 80127 Lesanne Dominguez ldominguez@architerragroup.com Information and Bidding Documents for the Project will be available electronically on November 18, 2021. Send request for bid documents to Lesanne Dominguez ldominguez@architerragroup.com. Include company name, contact name and contact information in the request. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office. A pre-bid conference for the Project will be held on November 29 at 10:00 at the Highridge Park located at 16801 E Caley Cir, Aurora (north of E Arapahoe Rd and west of S Buckley Rd). Attendance at the pre-bid conference is encouraged but not required. For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents. Bidders are hereby advised the Owner reserves the right to not award a Contract until sixty (60) days from the date of the opening of Bids, and Bidders expressly agree to keep their Bids open for the sixty (60) day time period. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any informality, technicality or irregularity in any Bid, to disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive, conditional or alternate Bids, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, to require statements or evidence of Bidders’ qualifications, including financial statements, and to accept the proposal that is, in the opinion of the Owner, in its best interest. Owner also reserves the right to extend the Bidding period by Addendum if it appears in its interest to do so. Any questions concerning this bid shall be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 3, 2021, and must be emailed to: Lesanne Dominguez ldominguez@architerragroup.com Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10505 ___________________________ NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET AND AMENDMENT OF 2021 BUDGET SUBURBAN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sections 29-1-108 and 109, C.R.S., that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Suburban Metropolitan District (the “District”) for the ensuing year of 2022. The necessity may also arise for the amendment of the 2021 budget of the District. Copies of the proposed 2022 budget and 2021 amended budget (if appropriate) are on file in the office of the District’s Accountant, The McKillip Group, 3 Oakwood Park Plaza, Suite 102, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104, where same are available for public inspection. Such proposed 2022 budget and 2021 amended budget will be considered at a special meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at 6343 S. Grape Ct., Centennial, Colorado 80121. Any interested elector within the District may, at any time prior to the final adoption of the 2022 budget or the 2021 amended budget, inspect the 2022 budget and the 2021 amended budget and file or register any objections thereto. SUBURBAN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT /s/ Paula J. Williams McGEADY BECHER P.C. Attorneys for the District Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10507 ___________________________ NOTICE OF VACANCY ON THE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS OF RIVERWALK

METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and particularly to the electors of the Riverwalk Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3 of Arapahoe County, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 32-1-808, C.R.S., that vacancies currently exist on the boards of directors of the Riverwalk Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3 (“Districts”). Any qualified, eligible elector of the Districts interested in filling such vacancy and serving on the boards of directors should file a Letter of Interest with the boards of directors of the Districts on or before the close of business on November 28,

2021, at the office of the Districts’ General Counsel. Forms of Letters of Interest are available and can be obtained from the Riverwalk Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3, c/o Catherine Will at McGeady Becher P.C., 450 E. 17th Avenue, Suite 400, Denver, Colorado 80203, (303) 592 4380. RIVERWALK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOS. 1-3 By: /s/ Paula J. Williams McGeady Becher P.C. Attorneys for the Districts Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10508 ___________________________

NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET AND AMENDMENT OF 2021 BUDGET CHERRY CREEK CORPORATE CENTER METROPOLITAN DISTRICT CITY OF GLENDALE, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sections 29-1-108 and 109, C.R.S., that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Cherry Creek Corporate Center Metropolitan District (the “District”) for the ensuing year of 2022. The necessity may also arise for the amendment of the 2021 budget of the District. Copies of the proposed 2022 budget and 2021 amended budget (if appropriate) are on file in the office of the District’s Accountant, Simmons & Wheeler, P.C., 304 Inverness Way South, Suite 490, Englewood, CO 80112, where same are available for public inspection. Such proposed 2022 budget and 2021 amended budget will be considered at a special meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. You can attend the meeting in any of the following ways: 1. To attend via Zoom videoconference, use the following link, or e-mail csorensen@specialdistrictlaw.com to have the link e-mailed to you: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87662199604?pwd=SjBIdXlUL3IxMFQ0Uy 9zZk1qN3JsZz09 2. To attend via telephone, dial 1-346-248-7799 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter the following additional information: (a) Meeting ID: 876 6219 9604 (b) Passcode: 468745 Any interested elector within the District may, at any time prior to the final adoption of the 2022 budget or the 2021 amended budget, inspect the 2022 budget and the 2021 amended budget and file or register any objections thereto. CHERRY CREEK CORPORATE CENTER METROPOLITAN DISTRICT /s/ Elisabeth A. Cortese McGEADY BECHER P.C. Attorneys for the District Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10501 ___________________________ NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET AND AMENDMENT OF 2021 BUDGET COPPERLEAF METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO. 2 ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sections 29-1-108 and 109, C.R.S., that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Copperleaf Metropolitan District No. 2 (the “District”) for the ensuing year of 2022. The necessity may also arise for the amendment of the 2021 budget of the District. Copies of the proposed 2022 budget and 2021 amended budget (if appropriate) are on file in the office of the District’s Accountant, Simmons & Wheeler, P.C., 304 Inverness Way South, Suite 490, Englewood, CO 80112, where same are available for public inspection. Such proposed 2022 budget and 2021 amended budget will be considered at a special meeting to be held on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. You can attend the meeting in any of the following ways: 1. To attend via Zoom videoconference, use the following link, or e-mail csorensen@specialdistrictlaw.com to have the link e-mailed to you: https://zoom.us/j/93215394799?pwd=NHZvamR5M0pMdUtvcGpyU1Z jemFCQT09 2. To attend via telephone, dial 1-346-248-7799 or 1-253-215-8782 and enter the following additional information: (a) Meeting ID: 932 1539 4799 (b) Passcode: 679288 Any interested elector within the District may, at any time prior to the final adoption of the 2022 budget or the 2021 amended budget, inspect the 2022 budget and the 2021 amended budget and file or register any objections thereto. COPPERLEAF METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO. 2 /s/ Paula J. Williams McGEADY BECHER P.C. Attorneys for the District Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10503 ___________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDED 2021 BUDGET AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the GOODMAN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT (the “District”), will hold a meeting via teleconference on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 5:00 P.M., for the purpose of conducting such business as may come before the Board including a public hearing on the 2021 amended budget (the “Amended Budget”) and 2022 proposed budget (the “Proposed Budget”). This meeting can be joined using the following teleconference information: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84373241823?pwd=RWlTcnBTMWJJUVQ3NT g4Si9pN3Rndz09 Meeting ID: 843 7324 1823; Passcode: 142786; Call-in Number: 720-7072699 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an Amended Budget and a Proposed Budget have been submitted to the District. A copy of the Amended Budget and the Proposed Budget are on file in the office of CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP, 8390 E Crescent Parkway, Suite 300, Greenwood Village, Colorado, where the same are open for public inspection. Any interested elector of the District may file any objections to the Amended Budget and Proposed Budget at any time prior to final adoption of the Amended Budget and Proposed Budget by the Board. This meeting is open to the public and the agenda for any meeting may be obtained by calling (303) 858-1800 or by visiting goodmanmetro.org. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: GOODMAN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT /s/ WHITE BEAR ANKELE TANAKA & WALDRON Attorneys at Law Published in The Villager Published: November 18, 2021 Legal # 10506 ___________________________

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November 18, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 23

NEWMAN CENTER PRESENTS JAZZ VOCALIST VERONIC SWIFT The Robert & Judi Newman Center for the Performing Arts at the Univ. of Denver presents Veronic Swift Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the June Swaner Gates Concert Hall. Tickets on sale at newmancenterpresents.com or by phone at 303-871-7720. Veronica brings new songs that mix classical with rock & roll and funk as well as jazz. ADESLKA INTRODUCES “DICKENS” A Family Holiday Experience, a one-night theatrical & experiential event inspired by the classic Christmas tale “A Christmas Carol.” Sat., Dec. 11, 4-8 p.m. A variety of activities from ice skating to a holiday market, gourmet hot cocoa bar, story time with Charles Dickens, and more. Four Mile Historic Park. Two theatrical performances of the famed “A Christmas Carol” narrative played out along the path through the park. Variety of food trucks & a full bar. Tickets online on Eventbrite Tickets: $25 ages 4-11 and $50 ages 12 & over. Ages 3 and under free. The park is located at 715 S Forest St., Denver. DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS BLOSSOMS OF LIGHT Nightly, Nov. 19-Jan. 8, 4:30-9 p.m., York Street. A twinkling winter wonderland. Tickets must be purchased in advance. THE NUTCRACKER GALA Nov. 19 at The Ellie Caulkins Opera House at the Denver Performing Arts Complex with all-new Nutcracker sets and costumes. Performance followed by dinner by Kevin Taylor. Gala tickets available at www.coloadoballt. org/gala or by calling 303-339-1640. AFFORDABLE ARTS FESTIVAL Online sale. Nov. 19 & 20. Over 65 artists offering their art online for $100 or less. Admission to the site is $12 with proceeds going to the Arapahoe Community College Foundation to fund scholarships. Info: www. AffordableArtsFestival.com CHATFIELD FARMS TRAIL OF LIGHTS Nov. 26 - Jan. 2 5-8:30 p.m. Winding path glistening with lights. Lights synchronized

to music in the children’s play area and two three-sided light tunnels. Tickets must be purchased in advance. TESORO CULTURAL CENTER’S HOLIDAY EVENTS Nov. 28, The Farolito Lighting & Pinecone Ceremony; 4-5:30 p.m. From 4-5:30 p.m. light the farolitos in the courtyard while enjoying 1830s &1840s Christmas carols, performed by students from Colo. School of Mines & strolling musicians. Dec. 5, Holiday Auction Party; Dec. 24, Las Posadas on Christmas Eve. The Fort Restaurant, 19192 Hwy 8 in Morrison. Dec. 24, 4-5:30 p.m. Las Posadas celebration commemorating Mary & Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem on the night of Jesus’ birth. Info: 303-839-1671. PARK MEADOWS IS MAKING MEMORIES Gingerbread decorating parties on Nov. 27, Dec. 4 & 11. Holiday Scavenger Hunt Nov. 18-Dec. 18. For details: Visit: www.park meadows.com/events. COLORADO BOOK AWARDS OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS Awards are presented in at least ten categories. Submissions are due by Jan. 7, 2022. Books must be published in Oct.-Dec. 2020 and 2021. Entry forms: visit the Colorado Book Awards webpage. FAREWELL PARTY FOR ENGLEWOOD MAYOR LINDA OLSON

Thurs., Nov. 18, 5-7:00 p.m. at The Filling Station, 3242 S. Acoma St., Englewood. RSPV to Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce. ENGLEWOOD FRIDAY COFFEE NETWORK

Nov. 19, 8-9:00 a.m. at The Guild, 3435 S. Inca St., Suite C, Englewood. A monthly event. STREETS OF SOUTHGLENN PARADE

First Annual Holiday parade Friday, Nov. 19, 6 p.m. Free Santa photos, reindeer corral, Clydesdale carriage rides, ice sculptures, cookies & hot cocoa with the elves. CENTENNIAL HOLIDAY ARTISAN MARKET

Sat., Dec. 4, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free


The 2022 Infiniti QX55 can be described with elegance with slick wood paneling, interior leather two-tone seats, and stylish SUV design. This is Nissan’s flagship luxury brand and the test model price begins at $57,050 with an additional $695 for the luxury “Slate Gray” paint. The sloping optical hood is a pleasure to see with the speed and traffic warnings posted on the windshield. The 2.0L 4-cylinder turbo engine produces 268 horsepower and can move the GX55 to 60 mph. in 6.4 seconds. Along with the speed the engine has a unique growl when pushed to perform. Along with peppy performance, the vehicle averages 25 mpg fuel mileage. There are standard and sport drive modes, but the standard drive range works well for all driving situations. The steering is precise and

Aurora Republican Forum

Nov. 20, 9-10 am at JJ’s Place, 2340 S. Chambers Rd, Aurora, CO 80014. $5 Coffee, Tea, Donuts, Bagels. Talk about Politics Denver Concert Band Holiday Concert

Tickets are $20. Illyrian Dances and Spirit of Aloha. Nov. 20 at 2 pm. Holiday concert at the Lone Tree Arts Center The Village Toy Drive

Donate: First American State Bank, 8390 E Crescent Pkwy, Suite 100, Greenwood Village. Deadline for donations is 12/17/2021 Southlands Kicks off Holiday Season

Holiday Hometown Parade, Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021 at 6 pm.Santa Photo Experience, Sat., Nov. 20-Dec. 24, 2021 City-wide Toy Drive Denver Santa Claus Shop is collecting new toys for local children in need. DSCS expects to serve 13,000 youngsters this year. Our mission is “A Toy for Every Girl & Boy. DSCS will have a “drive-thru” free toy giveaway in December. Families in need are invited to DSCS by local Social Service Agencies and Community Partners. DSCS serves children ages newborn through 11 years old and CANNOT accept any used toys or new or used stuffed animals due to COVID. Donations can be made online or in person. United States Women’s Curling Association

is privileged to host the United States Women’s Curling Association Senior Women’s National Bonspiel from Dec. 1-5, 2021. Thirty-two teams, 128 women across the USA. Opening Ceremonies and Welcoming Remarks begin Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 6:50 pm. Curling games will be played daily, closing ceremonies and final games on Sunday, Dec. 5 at 10:30 am., located at 14100 W 7th Avenue, Golden, CO Board & Barrel

Arapahoe Fairgrounds, 25690 E. Quincy Ave, Aurora. Saturday, Dec 4, Noon-6 pm,

the “Pro-PILOT” system offers steering assist, intelligent cruise control, and lane recognition. The car has many safety and luxury features from heated seats to steering wheel.

and petite. This is an all-wheel vehicle that can be appreciated by good drivers who like the performance of a sports vehicle in a SUV styling. Everything about the Infinite brand speaks to quality and has final assembly in

Safety features abound with predictive forward collision warnings, pedestrian detection, rear cross traffic alert, blind spot warning and blind spot intervention and lane departure prevention. In many ways the GX55 can almost drive itself. Infiniti describes the QX55 as a “coupe SUV” smaller,

Aguasi (ABV.), Mexico with skilled craftsmen. The sound flows from a Bose 16 speaker system, the seats are heated, cooled and comfortable. The steering is precise and the turbo engine eager to respond to road demands for an excellent drive. The is a luxury SUV in quality and price.


family-friendly event at Centennial Center Park, 13050 E. Peakview Ave. Purchase holiday gifts from local artisans and vendors. Family activities, cookies & hot cocoa, performances by local school choirs & fruit trucks.

Tickets $35 until Nov. 15, $45 after Nov. 15, $50 at the door. Arapahoe County presents wintertime event featuring a snowboard rail jam, premium barrel-aged libations, smores, great vendors. Get tickets online at www.arapahoecountyfair.com/ boardandbarrel. 21+ event only. Pets prohibited. Rain, snow, or shine event – no refunds. Parker Arts Events

Michael Martin Murphy’s Cowboy Christmas, Nov. 21 – 6 pm. Holiday with the Cjro, Nov. 26 – 4:00 pm & 7:30 pm Colorado Jazz Repertory Orchestra & Vocalist Heidi Schmidt Christmas in Killarney, An Irish Christmas Calibration Nov. 27 – 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm Irish dance & traditional Christmas Classic Swing into Christmas with the Beverly Belles, Nov. 28 – 2:00 pm & 6:00 pm Three part harmony with international touring and inspired by the Andrew Sisters Clara’s Dream Nov. 30, 5:00 pm & 7:30 pm Students from On Pointe School of Dance. Based on the classic nutcracker ballet. Tickets can be purchased at The Pace Center, 20000 pikes Peak Ave. – Parker.

The Schoolhouse, Ruth Memorial Chapel & Discovery Park in Parker. South Metro Denver Chamber Holiday Business After Hours Registration is Open!

Tuesday, Dec. 7, 5-8:00 pm. Hudson Gardens

Internet Essential Impact on Workforce Development Summit

Please join Comcast on Nov. 17. For full roster of speakers and ongoing updates, Visit: http://internetessentialsimpact onwork.splashthat.com Cherry Creek Chorale presents

Here We Come A-Caroling, Dec. 10-11, 7:30 pm. Bethany Lutheran Church located at 4500 E. Hampden Ave. in Cherry Hills Village

The Robert and Judi NEWMAN CENTER University of Denver

Kronos Quartet, Wed. Jan. 12 at 7:30 pm at the June Swaner Gates Concert Hall Tickets start at $19 on sale at newman centerpresents.com or by phone at 303.871.7720. Colorado Statewide Network

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PAGE 24 | THE VILLAGER • November 18, 2021

BY LISA J. SHULTZ This 12-acre park is the site of Denver’s oldest house located at 715 S. Forest St. The Pioneer Museum and park includes a log home, a barn with farm animals and guided tours. The Park is celebrating 160 years, and this holiday season is the perfect time to schedule a visit. Touring the park shows the visitor the history of the region beginning with the indigenous people who inhabited the land before white settlers arrived. Arapaho, Cheyenne and Ute peoples were present in the region. The Cherokee Trail to California was established in 1849. Brothers Jonas and Samuel Brantner built a two-story log cabin along Cherry Creek in 1859, and in 1860 Mary Cawker bought it to service those on the Cherokee Trail. The structure became an Inn with dancing on the second floor. In 1862, the Butterfield Stage Company established their route to Denver, and Cawker’s house was the “last mile” stop before arriving in Denver. Mary Cawker sold the house to Millie and Levi Booth in 1866. The Booths became beekeepers and built a bee house on the property. In 1870, the railroad arrived in Denver from

Photos by Lisa Shultz

Cheyenne, which ended the stagecoach route. The Booths turned their efforts to farming. The house evolved with a brick addition in 1883. I recently enjoyed a guided tour of the house, and I loved hearing about its history and envisioning life in Denver’s early days. In 1941, the Four Mile House officially becomes a historic monument. Denver designates it as a landmark in 1968, and it is listed a Registered Historic Place in 1969. It is a special place of significance in Denver’s history, and we are lucky that is it so well preserved and cared for. Today Four Mile Historic Park is “dedicated both to preserving Colorado’s history and to creating new stories through exciting events and educational programs.” Each month of the year showcases different events. In the summertime, they offer Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga classes. You may also enjoy live music and a farmers’ market on the weekends, axe throwing, build your own scarecrow, tractor rides, and much more. The winter season begins November 26-January 2 with December Delights. Hours are 5:009:00 pm Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday and 5:00-10:00 pm

Friday and Saturday. Prices range from $10-16 and include scavenger hunts, craft activities, ice skating and seasonal snacks and beverages. Coming in December is Brunch with Father Christmas on Saturday December 18 from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. This event is for the whole family. Activities

include a yule log hunt, cookie and ornament decorating, tractor rides, and more. Prices range from $35-45. Enjoy this treasure trove of history and preservation. Find out more and purchase tickets at fourmilepark.org. Lisa J. Shultz is a book reviewer and an art, culture and

food columnist for The Villager since 2020. Lisa is a Denver native, and she loves to inspire exploration of the city’s treasures in her book Essential Denver. Find out more about her and her book at LisaJShultz.com or call her at 303-881-9338

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