12-24-20 Villager

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A joyous and safe holiday to all! Light up 2021 with kindness and compassion From publishers Bob & Gerri Sweeney and The Villager staff, writers & contributors


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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

Accelerate Colorado hosts program on post-election federal policies BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

Accelerate Colorado (AC), founded in 2004, is a “partnership between business and governments in Colorado that works with the U.S. Congress and key federal leadership on issues critical to the state’s economic development, top industries, and business community.” For 14 years, AC has led a 100-person business mission to Washington, D.C. every year to meet with congressional representatives and other leaders to advocate for Colorado’s economic development and business interests. Due to the health pandemic, this year’s business mission, comprised of four diverse speakers on expectations about policies as a new presidential administration comes in, was held virtually on December 15. The Villager “attended.” Kevin Doran, AC’s executive director, told listeners that the organization’s current focus is on policies in the areas of aerospace and defense, energy, healthcare and bioscience, small business and economic development, transportation (land and air), and water and natural resources. Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting is the first commander of the newly re-designated Space Operations Command, which is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping fielded space forces who will execute space warfighting operations. The U.S. Space Force (USSF) was formed by President Trump one year ago and is temporarily housed at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Whiting told Doran that Space Systems Command and Space

Training and Readiness Command are planned for the future. Although USSF personnel are only 322, the economic impact of the operation, Whiting explained, is $3.3 billion/year across Colorado with about 32,000 personnel including U.S. Air Force personnel and contractors. Doran asked about the future of USSF. Whiting said that he didn’t expect significant changes since, “Space Force was passed by Congress,” adding that he “expects private industry to go to the moon before the U.S. government,” and that, “We have to be prepared to defend our missions.” “What other countries are you focused on?” Doran wanted to know. Whiting’s response was, “General Raymond, my boss (Chief of Space Operations, USSF), said that Russia was performing weapons testing near one of our security satellites, so we are watching that, because it is inappropriate behavior and inconsistent with what they say in the United Nations.” He continued, “The odds of them randomly conducting that test so close to us are so small they are laughable.” In distinguishing how USSF differs from the U.S. Air Force, Whiting said they will be “bringing in a cadre of intelligence professionals who will focus on other countries’ space programs, along with bringing in cyber experts. These things didn’t happen in the traditional Air Force.” Daniel Lippman, a reporter for Politico who covers the White

House and Washington, D.C. said that he expects earmarks to come back in the new Congress. He also expects to see a continuation of the effort to repeal Section 230, passed in 1996, that provides immunity to social media websites from liability for content posted on it by others. According to Lippman, “(President-elect) Biden is not a fan of Mark Zuckerberg and doesn’t use social media much, but he sees it for the downside, the misinformation and fake news that is spread there,” adding, “Republicans think Facebook is biased against them; Democrats think it spreads lies.” Lippman thinks there could be agreements on infrastructure and climate change in the new administration, including “boosting renewable energy,” but that none of these issues “will have bandwidth until the pandemic is addressed.” He does not expect that money for state and local governments or liability protection for corporations will be considered until 2021. (According to reports out of Washington, D.C., as of this writing, the current stimulus plan includes neither). Asked about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Lippman explained, “Biden wants to lower the Medicare age to 60 and add a public option, negotiate drug prices, and increase health care subsidies. Republicans don’t want to add a public option.” Lippman said that Health and Human Services Secretary-des-

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ignate Xavier Becerra is a strong supporter of the ACA and predicted that Becerra “will roll back many of the rules that Trump put in place.” He also predicted that we are “not likely to see a new health care plan when they can pass smaller bills that are less controversial.” About earmarks, a longtime tool of the Congress that was eliminated in February 2011, Lippman explained, “Lots of experts think earmarks made Congress work better and more efficiently. Today, representatives don’t socialize or form relationships with opponents. Bringing back earmarks is a good way to make it easier to get things done. It’s up to local media to identify shady earmarks. More transparency is in everyone’s interest and representatives will like it because their constituents will see them ‘bringing home the bacon.’ ” On the subject of spending, Lippman said, “Many people feel that $700-800 billion on defense is too much and we need more focus on cybersecurity. So far, both parties haven’t addressed the national debt and it hasn’t had terrible consequences for the economy. The (economic) problem now is the lack of consumer demand.” Asked about incoming appointees, Lippman said that many had hoped that Michele Flournoy would be selected as secretary of defense because she is so well-qualified. (Retired General Boyd Austin has been nominated for the position). He also talked about Susan Rice, who has been named chief of the White House Domestic Policy Council, saying, “The good news for Susan Rice is that she won’t need senate confirmation. It would have been hard to get it because Republicans still think she mislead on Benghazi (A 2012 attack on United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya led to the death of four Americans and others). It’s good for her to get domestic policy experience since she has had several foreign policy jobs. I’m hearing that she wants to run for president. Her family members are innovators in education. Her son is a Trump supporter who went to Stanford. She is super-smart and can range widely on domestic policy including health care. He also said that, for Treasury, “Janet Yellen is a super-smart economist who got bipartisan praise when she was picked,” and that, “Wall Street was reassured.” On the question of whether the political parties will move closer on the environment, Lippman said, “The Democrats have moved further left in the past few years but Biden is a centrist who is not interested in settling scores. “ Doran brought up China. The reporter said, “China is seen by both parties as the top national security threat to American influence in the next 50 years. In Africa, China is giving tens of billions of dollars to build infrastructure projects. They are also doing it in South America.” Trent Bauserman is a senior

policy advisor to Democratic Majority Leader U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer on energy policy, including transportation and infrastructure. On the incoming Congress, he quoted his boss as saying, “We’re going to have to find consensus with our minority. That means we can do good legislation in many of the areas we all care about.” On infrastructure, he said that everyone wanted it addressed, adding, “Biden’s build back better program has an emphasis on infrastructure. Republicans want it too. It’s the right thing to do and will serve as an economic stimulus.” On the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) championed by outgoing Colorado Republican U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, Bauserman said, “GAOA is a legacy act. Making those dollars mandatory and permanent is something many members of the Colorado delegation have been fighting for, for a long time.” He also addressed the idea of the return of earmarks, saying, “Hoyer believes in congressionally directed spending because individual members know the most about what their districts need. Taking it away leaves it up to the administration...Hoyer believes it’s an important reassertion of congressional powers… It will require transparency and other reforms including a promise that Members of Congress, as well as their families, do not derive any financial benefit.” As an example of the use of earmarks, Bauserman said, “There is a real benefit to the public in terms of direct spending for transit systems, health care, water infrastructure, and education. It gets more buy-in from legislators as opposed to large sums that aren’t directed anywhere in particular.” On the subject of bipartisanship, Bauserman said that Hoyer “talks a lot about the power of consensus when the two sides work together,” adding, “Most Democrats and Republicans care about a government that works for the people and benefits people’s lives. Most Representatives are there to improve peoples lives.” Judy Schneider is an adjunct scholar at the Brookings Institute. She has authored over 100 papers on congressional organization and frequently briefs members of congress and the administration on the inner-workings of the government. She, too, said that she expects earmarks to return in the next Congress. She also talked about executive orders, saying that they normally stay in effect until the policy contained in them is changed by a court, legislation, or a new executive order. On the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, she said, “The United States Supreme Court took care of that.” Accelerate Colorado program sponsors for this event included Arapahoe County, Adams County, The Medical Center of Aurora, Cigna, Bison Oil and Gas, Waste Management, and Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

State gives local restaurants a way to reopen for indoor dining BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER


fter receiving complaints from dozens of local elected and public health officials, as well as numerous private business owners, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has provided a way for restaurants to re-open for indoor dining, despite being located in a county that is on Level Red on the state dial. Under regular rules, at Level Red, indoor dining is prohibited. On December 16, CDPHE released the parameters for the “5 Star” certified business variance program. Businesses that meet the long list of requirements contained in it are allowed to operate at the levels prescribed one color down on the state dial. Arapahoe, Denver, and Douglas Counties are all at Level Red, so that would be Level Orange, which allows restaurants to offer indoor dining at 25% of their capacity, up to 50 people at a time. It also allows unlimited outdoor

Free Christmas tree recycling and mulch Don’t throw away your Christmas tree; give it another life by recycling it! The City of Centennial, Arapahoe Park and Recreation District and South Suburban Parks and Recreation District are providing residents with an opportunity to appropriately and safely disposeof Christmas trees. Starting Saturday, December 26 through Friday, January 15, 2021 you can dispose of clean, non-ornamented, non-decorated Christmas trees seven days a week from sunrise to sunset at the two Centennial locations listed below. Artificial trees will not be recycled.

East Side Residents

It is anticipated free mulch will be available for private use, on a first come first serve basis, at Lookout Park starting Monday, December 28 and every other day after that, excluding holidays, weekends and snow events.

dining as long as there is six feet between parties. At Level Orange, last call is at 10:00 p.m. At Level Red, besides no indoor dining being permitted, groups can only dine outside with their own household, and last call is at 8:00 p.m. Additionally, gyms at Level Orange are allowed to have 25 people per room indoors and use 25% of their capacity, compared to 10% capacity and 10 people per room indoors at Level Red. The 5 Star State Certification Program requires counties to have declining numbers in their incidence of COVID-19 cases, positivity rate, and hospitalizations (Arapahoe, Douglas and Denver Counties currently meet that qualification) . They must also implement “safety measures beyond what is already required by public health orders and guidelines.” To implement the program, a county must set up an administrative committee for the purpose of doing so. The committee has to include the

local public health agency and “should include other partners like the local chamber of commerce, nonprofits, local elected leaders, and industry association members,” along with a representative from the community at-large. Counties must fund the committee without using public health dollars. The committee has to make a plan to verify compliance of participating businesses with all requirements using “a live third-party inspector” trained in the inspection procedures “developed and approved by the committee.” Once a committee has been created and a plan to accomplish those things has been formulated, the committee must complete a variance application for any business that wants permission to operate under the 5 Star program exception and submit it to CDPHE. The application must include a letter of support from “the local public health agency, local hospitals, county commissioners or other local

elected body, and local tribes (if applicable). Once any businesses approved for the 5 Star program are operating, the administrative committee must report weekly to their local public health agency and CDPHE “the new certifications granted, the businesses that receive warnings, and the businesses whose certifications are revoked.” The 5 Star program was first instituted in Mesa County and is still in use there. Questions have been raised about the lack of scientific data supporting the rules and standards it contains. There is an ongoing push-pull between public health experts around the country who have cited in-person dining as a significant COVID-19 risk factor and local government officials who are trying to achieve economic stability in their states and cities. This has been going on since the pandemic took hold in the spring. In an article published by Colorado Public Radio on De-

cember 4, Dr. Thomas Tsai, a surgeon and health policy research in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, who “was part of a group of researchers who found that banning dining was the single most effective way to drive down mobility in the community,” said, “This partial opening with the five stars is just treading water going against the riptide, and just being pulled further away from suppressing the pandemic.” Despite ongoing efforts at contact tracing, it is not always possible to determine where a person who contracts COVID-19 became infected, hence it cannot be proven that the 5 Star program makes indoor dining less dangerous. Conversely, it cannot be proven that it doesn’t. What is true is that business owners cannot survive economically without serving customers. And so it goes. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

ARAPAHOE COUNTY C NVERSATIONS Happy Holidays All County offices will be closed on Thursday, December 24 and Friday, December 25 in observance of the Christmas holiday. Keep it up, Arapahoe!

arapahoegov.com/calendar Telephone Town Hall – Vaccination Update Join us on Thursday, January 7 @ 6:30 p.m. for a discussion on the COVID-19 vaccination and the County’s distribution plans. Get details at arapahoegov.com/townhall


Virtual Swearing In You are invited to attend the virtual swearing-in ceremony for newly elected County officials on January 11 @ 6:30 p.m. Access the live event: arapahoegov.com/BOCC

Milk Bananas Tabs

West Side Residents

Willow Spring Service Center, 7100 S. Holly St, in the designated enclosure by the front gate. Residents may obtain free mulch, on a first come first serve basis, from the Willow Springs Service Center, beginning Wednesday, December 30. The mulch will be available weekdays, 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Residents are responsible for loading and are encouraged to bring bags or trash cans and a shovel or pitchfork.

Renew your plates and registration in minutes on our next grocery run to King Soopers. Go to comvexpress.com to find one near you. ARAPAHOE COUNTY


PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

The Villager

A Christmas story about giving, the real meaning of Christmas spirit It was many years ago on a remote ranch in N.W. Colorado that this little story begins. I was around six yeas old and we lived in a very rural area in a small wooden frame house heated only by one kitchen stove that was fired by wood and coal. Everyone on a ranch or farm has daily chores to perform. All of the livestock must be fed in the early morning every day. My chore was to make sure that the wood box was full and the coal bucket had coal from the nearby coal house in the ranch yard. We had an icehouse with blocks of ice cut from the nearby Yampa river. Our barn kept the 1945 white Plymouth car, tack for the horses and the team that pulled the wagon to feed the livestock. We did not have any running water in the house and drank water from the nearby river gathered with a bucket. The outhouse was across the yard, having no indoor plumbing. We used lamps for evening light. It was late in the afternoon of Christmas eve when my mother asked me to bring in some more wood and coal for the stove. She related that she was going to make some cakes, cookies and

candy. I rushed to the woodpile and gathered an armload of kindling and then to the coal house to fill the coal bucket. I had visions of fudge and cookies running thru my young brain. As darkness descended, my father came to the house from his evening chores that included milking our jersey milk cow. This wonderful cow provided us abundant milk and cream, kept cool by a block of ice in the wooden icebox, now a valued treasure in antique stores. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of chocolate, cookies, fudge and cakes cooling on the table. I could hardly contain my mirth and joy and the upcoming feast of these homemade delacies. Sugar had been rationed during World War ll and sweets were scarce around our house. But, instead of offering me any of the treats my mother wrapped up the sweets and put them in sacks and into a cardboard box with some other packages. Meantime my father had pulled the car to the front door and I knew we were going somewhere. I was furious, how could they not share these treats with me. This was just an

outrageous act and I was full of disappointment as we donned our coats and hit the frozen dirt road. We traveled four miles past Juniper Springs where there was a remote country store and post office and headed up a mountainous sagebrush ravine. My mother was a teacher and taught school at the Saddle Mountain school in the nearby area. Well named because she rode horseback to the school. It was pitch black when we turned off the narrow dirt road and went down into a gulch and back up into a yard with a small cabin and lamplight glowing out of the cabin window. “What is this all about?” I wondered. Several dogs came barking at the car as we gather the sacks and approached the cabin door. From the dark entry way, I heard a man say, “Hello June, what brings you here tonight?” That was my mother’s name. As I entered the cabin, there were six children of varying ages sitting around the kitchen table. I looked on the table and there was one tin pan of cornbread, the Christmas evening meal. Out of the box came cookies, my beloved fudge, candies,

and presents, the children were thrilled and laughing. I suddenly went from being an angry little boy to being so proud of my mother. How did she know that these children had nothing for Christmas? But of course, she knew everything about this family as their schoolteacher. Their joy meant everything to me, and I laughed all the way back home. I was so proud of my parents. I never got a bite of fudge, but I received a message of sweetness from my mother and father that I have never forgotten from many years ago. Occasionally I will read about one of these family members in the local Craig newspaper as they have grown up and have families of their own. I saw an obituary on one of the girls recently. It was on this Christmas eve that I learned the real meaning of Christmas and that the real joy is in giving and not receiving. I’ve written this story many times and we publish it yearly at Christmas. I hope that it leaves a lasting memory in the minds of those who really wish to capture the true meaning of the Christmas spirit.

Office: 8933 East Union Ave. • Suite 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1357 Phone: (303) 773-8313 Fax: (303) 773-8456 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $52 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 8933 East Union Ave., Suite #230, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-1357 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney — x305 sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 • 303-773-8313 x365 REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 sharon@villagerpublishing.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com

As a youngster growing up on a remote cattle ranch in far Northwest Colorado the December weather was bitter cold and the snow was deep. Christmas was always very special thanks to my school-teacher mother. The presents always arrived under the tree Christmas morning. Mail was delivered once a week when snowstorms didn’t close the dirt road. Santa always brought the gifts with his sled and reindeer, so weather wasn’t a challenge to him. I believed in Santa Claus until my older brother set me straight one Christmas eve as I was awaiting his arrival as related in the following poem. Santa Claus is still alive and well in our hearts and minds. This classic poem was penned by Clement Clarke Moore way back in 1822. It was first published in the Troy New York Sentinel on December 23, 1823. Moore was born in Manhattan, New York July 15, 1779 into a wealthy family. He graduated first in his class at Columbia in 1798. He had a successful career as an author and passed away on July 10, 1863, a few months short of his 84th birthday. He is buried at Washington Heights in New

York City. He gave us this long-lasting historic Christmas gift:

A visit from St. Nicholas or the night before Christmas

By Clement Clarke Moore “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visons of sugarplums danced in their heads; And mamma in her kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the luster of midday to objects below, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver, so lively and quick

I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name; “Now Dasher! now Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! “Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!” As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they met with an obstacle, mount to the sky, So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof, The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. His eyes, how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like ros-

es, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; He spoke not a word, but went straight to this work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle, But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.”

Valerie LeVier — 303-358-1555 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS B.T. Galloway — x301 subscribe@villagerpublishing.com PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification, and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2020 Member

QUOTE of the WEEK QUOTE WEEK Forofitthe is in

giving that we receive. – St. Francis of Assisi

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5


Continued COVID-19 threat Despite the encouraging news that two promising COVID vaccines are arriving at medical facilities across the nation, the threat of increasing deaths from this insidious pandemic virus will continue at alarming rates for many more months. National health experts predict, because of the tremendous production and logistic challenges, inoculation the US population, it will take until next summer before at least 75% eligible populations will receive the necessary shots. This week the nation experienced highest infections and death rates since the onset of the pandemic. Over 320,000 people have died from the COVID virus at a stunning rate of 3,000 people per day. We all must continue to follow the US Center for Disease Control and State and Tri-County Health Departments to continue to wear masks, avoid crowds,

adhere to social distancing rules, and wash hands regularly. The greatest threat to continue rising pandemic infections and death rates is complacency. Protect yourself and other by wearing a mask and get your shots when available. In Arapahoe County, the virus has killed over 500 individuals and our medical facilities are approaching capacity, treating severe coronavirus patients. The pandemic places this nation’s economy at-risk of approaching a serious recession or depression. In Colorado, the hardest segments of the economy, is public facing businesses like restaurants. To address these challenges, the Governor and the Colorado Department of Health and environment has established a program that will allow restaurants to reopen to indoor dining at a 25% capacity if it can be shown they

meet certain conditions. Arapahoe County is currently working with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment to authorize implementation of the new Five Star Program. If granted, businesses can apply to receive variances to reopen their dining rooms to reduced capacity operations. Arapahoe County has also been given federal Cares funding to assist small businesses to cover business losses due to the COVID crisis. Contact the county at www.arapahoe gov.com/cares for information on the program. While the encouraging news about the COVID vaccines break through, it will take months before they will be available to the public. It is up to everyone to take personal responsibility to protect yourself and family from getting the virus. Please wear a mask, stay away from large crowds, and wash your hands regularly. Your life and the lives of you family and others depend on these steps

Will there be a Colorado ski season? Colorado is known for skiing, with world famous ski resorts and a long snowy ski season attracting skiers from all over the world. With COVID however, life is dramatically different, including skiing. How will Colorado be affected? Last year’s ski season abruptly ended in midMarch as COVID was becoming a household word. Eagle County was an early hot spot for the virus. We happened to be in Vail for a few days when the unthinkable happened, all the Colorado mountains closed. Skiing that Saturday, I asked several Vail employees if Vail could ever close. Distancing was already in effect with instructions to not share a chairlift with those not in your household, meaning I rode solo, even on the large 6-person lifts. The employees were adamant that Vail would never close. So much for predictions. By late afternoon, Governor Polis issued an executive order closing all Colorado

ski resorts due to rising COVID cases numbers in the mountains. We thought this might be a few weeks closure leaving April open for spring skiing. We met a family who had just arrived from England, only to find Vail BY BRIAN C. closed, ruining JOONDEPH their long-awaited vacation. By the next day, Vail was a ghost town. Little did they know this was the new normal. Alas there was no spring skiing. The intrepid ones who skied the back country were chased away by police if they were not residents of the county where they were skiing. Restaurants and businesses no longer had customers. Flashing forward to this season, winter is here with the usual snow in the mountains, despite prognostications from global warming doomsayers that we are facing the end of snow. Many new rules are in place, making skiing as challenging as so many other aspects of life today. Continued on page 9

PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas to All! Douglas County Republican Women hear words of inspiration from local pastor With what’s going on in the world, it’s sometimes difficult to be grateful and give thanks. Fitting for this holiday season Douglas County Republican Women (DCRW) called on a friend of the group – Castle Rock Pastor Theron Walker for insight and inspiration via its virtual meeting. Theron Walker grew up in Hamburg, NY, suburban Buffalo. He studied theology as an undergraduate at Oral Roberts University majoring in Old Testament and minoring in modern Hebrew.

He earned his Masters of Divinity at The Virginia Theological Seminary (Episcopal) and was ordained in 1996. He and his family have been living in Colorado since 2000 and in Castle Rock since 2006.He is the founder of Emmaus Anglican Church in Castle Rock (2010). Reverend Walker is interested in the intersection of faith, freedom and virtue (of which he spoke) and their place in public life. He gave history lessons of sorts of Civil War times and how Lincoln found pur-

pose, meaning and encouragement through Providence, an old-fashioned word. Rev. Walker reminded us that God is a just God and used war to purify the country through blood and suffering. “He is a just God and we Featured speaker Father are going to live Theron Walker

God’s favor. He left a provoking thought hanging: With Stephen Douglas and John Breckinridge having ties to Colorado, will these entities be renamed? The invocation was given by DiDouglas County Republican ana Wiens who Women President Barbara asked that we Piper Photos courtesy of DCRW reflect on things to be thankful for including being able to gather, at least electronically. President Barbara Piper concluded the meeting with a reminder that the next meeting date (virtual or in-person to be deterwinning is everything conmined) will be January 20. cept and whatever it takes “In the meantime, be kind to to win being not the way to each other!” she said.

“Trust God. Never let troubles so cloud our vision of what is deserving of thanks.” -Father Theron Walker

through this with pain and repentance along the way.” He also talked about the

Lone Tree Arts Center Guild holds cosmetics/ beauty fundraiser at Park Meadows Dillard’s


t was a festive, pre-holiday-madness morning when members and guests of Lone Tree Arts Center (LTAC) Guild gathered before business hours to share beauty tips and shop. A percentage of sales at the cosmetic counters was donated to the guild. Even with masks required, it was a fun and lively event. In lieu of the traditional holiday food and beverage due to Covid guidelines, Dillard’s presented wrapped goodies actually sold at the store. The guild’s sole purpose is to support and fundraise for Lone Tree Arts Center, a jewel of Former LTAC Guild President and Dillard’s Associate Susan Stiff, LTAC Guild Douglas County. President Lynn Pender and Assistant Sales Manager April Glynn

Michelle Rahn and Betty Pilcher enjoy the festivities Photos by Scottie Iverson

LTAC Guild Communications Director Camille Schroeder and hubby Dr. Stephen Weber are active members and sponsors of guild events From the partnering cosmetics department at Dillard’s – Paige Sherman and Danette Driskell welcomed attendees

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

GV resident asks city council to consider different view of COVID-19 BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

At the regular meeting of the Greenwood Village City Council on December 7, Greenwood Village resident and retired 5th-grade Greenwood Elementary School teacher Deb Schmidt appeared to speak to council members about coronavirus. She said, “During this COVID-19 pandemic, the Greenwood Village council, you have a responsibility to give our community hope and keep them informed, not just relying on the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), coloradocovid. org, WHO (World Health Organization) and NIHS (National Institutes of Health).” She continued, “In 1976, I did research for CU, research data collecting. It was during that time that I realized that research is paid by some group that can easily influence the research outcomes. So, of course, it will fund only studies that only support their platform. And with this COVID-19 pandemic, the same thing has happened.” Schmidt went on, “In the beginning, the COVID-19 information did not make sense and the censorship by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, media, and search engines alarmed me. Therefore, I decide to spend hours and hours researching COVID-19. I started spending time researching…(GV audio not clear)..around the world. To understand the COVID-19 virus you need to ratiocinate through all the COVID experts, not just one side.” She added, “I have read over 42 research studies on masks and on the ineffectiveness of masks. The latest study came out in November from Maine showing that wearing masks increased COVID.” On the subject of hydroxychloroquine, she said, “I have four close friends who are married to doctors. What did they do? They put them on hydroxychloroquine.” Ms. Schmidt presented the three city council members who were present at the meeting (Donna Johnston, Tom Dougherty, and Dave Kerber) and Mayor Lantz with a bound 70-page report containing seven tabbed sections including, “Facts on how deadly COVID-19 actually is,” “Truths on masks non-effectiveness,” “Truth on Hydroxychloroquine,” and “Recommendations for shift in public policy.” She also left extra copies for the five council members who were participating in the meeting remotely by audio (GV doesn’t video-record any of its meetings. Remote members cannot see the council chambers from their location. On that evening, the regular audio system failed and the back-up audio system recorded the meeting with significant background noise, making it difficult to understand what was said on the recording). The only city council member who offered any comment after the speaker’s presentation was Dave Bullock, who said, “I appreciate Deb coming before the council to speak. On most if not all of what she gave Council, that I have

read, since she was nice enough to send it to me electronically, there’s a lot of quite credible information from very credible sources…. I would highly recommend the things that she has provided us to read.” The research in Ms. Schmidt’s report includes a statement from Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at Stanford University, reprinted by Hillsdale College in October, that says, in part, “In the U.S. and in most of the world, hospitals were never at risk of being overwhelmed. Yet the lockdowns were kept in place, and this is turning out to have deadly effects…The U.N. has estimated that 130 million additional people will starve this year as a result of the economic damage resulting from the lockdowns.” On the use of masks, an article from finalcalltofreedom.com dated July 16, in Schmidt’s research, concludes, “Masks should not be used by the general public, either by adults or children, and their limitations as prophylaxis against pathogens should also be considered in medical settings.” Also included are 13 pages of a 17-page opinion submission from the River Cities Reader (rcreader. com) by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, which makes the point, several times, “Masks and respirators (N-95 masks) don’t work.” He concludes, “Individuals should know that there is no known benefit arising from wearing a mask in a viral respiratory illness epidemic, and that scientific studies have shown that any benefit must be residually small, compared to other and determinative factors.” On the following page, it says, in what appears to be an editors’ note, “Denis G. Rancourt is a researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and is formerly a tenured professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada. This paper was originally published at Rancourt’s account on ResearchGate. net. As of June 5, 2020, this paper was removed from his profile by its administrators.” It then quotes Rancourt as responding to the removal with, “This is censorship of my scientific work like I have never experienced before.” The final section of Ms. Schmidt’s research says that daily exercise and healthy diet should be encouraged to proactively protect against COVID-19 because, she says, “people who are elderly, or who have underlying conditions, or are overweight, are dying the most from this disease.” The Villager asked Ms. Schmidt how she thinks the Greenwood Village City Council could act unilaterally, practically speaking, on this issue, given its position as part of Arapahoe County, which is itself governed in health matters by Tri-County Health Department (TCHD). She suggested that the council might want to consider withdrawing from TCHD, as has Douglas County, and set its own health policies for the residents of Greenwood Village. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com









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PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

OPEN TO SERVE Business Chat – Tax Time Machine (Part 1)

Dr. Pomeranz, Dr. Argüello, Dr. Hong, Dr. Neugeboren, Dr. Marcuschamer

We have invested and implemented the following to keep you and our employees safe • 7000 sq. ft. facility provides

ample room for social distancing

• Each examination room is completely enclosed • PPE standards exceeding CDC and state regulations • Daily pre-screening of all patients and employees • Daily disinfecting with a fogger machine

Our last episode touched on the Covid Employee Retention Tax Credit, introduced in 2020, which can be highly beneficial for certain business situations impacted by the pandemic up to $5K tax credit per retained employee. For this episode, we will start by using the analogy of a time machine – how many of us can visualize travelling back in time and change something of value, as depicted in the classic H.G. Wells “Time Machine” novel Steve Estle and movies? In fact, here is a wonderful quote from H.G.: “The past is the beginning of the beginning and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn.” So what about you, do you ever have worrysome thoughts and find yourself feeling regretful wishing you could change the past? Sadly, for the most part, changing the past in general is impossible… But maybe not… Pretty much most of us have heard the saying two things are inevitable in life: death & taxes. Well certainly death is, but are taxes inevitable? Most think so, but what if that’s not an absolute – especially in the business world? Case in point: there are a myriad of legal and ethical ways to change (amend) your past business and personal tax returns and in doing so recover historical tax receipts already

paid. So let’s delve into one of these “Time Machine” like tax recovery strategies that can potentially save you thousands in taxes. But before we do: quick reminder as noted in last episode – our job as business consultants are to educate and offer specialized tax incentive services and programs for business owners and real estate professionals, but we are not traditional “tax advisors (CPA, EA, etc.)”. To be clear, our overarching strategy is to partner and work side by side with your existing tax professionals and add additional value since our focus is on the “specialized tax incentive” landscape. Ok, so back to our winning strategy… Are you are a business owner or real estate professional / investor? If so, do you own or have constructed investment or business property – either commercial and/or multi-family property (apartment, quadplex, etc.). Location does not matter – it can be anywhere in the country. Are you aware of the timeframe most (there are always some exceptions) tax and accountants depreciate properties over? Did you know for commercial, it’s 39 years; multi-family 27.5 years; with typically your depreciation applied in a straight line method meaning the value of your property asset is

reduced gradually with each full accounting year allocated the exact same depreciation amount (1/39 or 1/27.5), year after year…? Ok – enough boring accounting and why does any of this matter to you and why should we care? Well, the truth is via an accelerated depreciation methodology called cost segregation (https:// gmgsavings.com/services/ cost-segregation/), you have the opportunity to amend your depreciation schedule and reclassify elements of the property into considerably shorter depreciable timeframes (typically 5, 7 and 15 years) thereby substantially increasing writeoffs. In addition, cost segregation per Cares Act legislation passed earlier this year, now allows you offset and recover prior year taxes up to a max of five years back via what are known as lookbacks (i.e. time machine). So, there you have it, in taxes, time travel truly is possible – in this situation the IRS isn’t so grinchy… So if you are unsure if you qualify to recapture past taxes for your business, please reach out for a no obligation consultation or checkout this website: https://bit.ly/BizCash flowImprove. Next time, we’ll discuss a second time travel tax recovery strategy. Here’s wishing each of my readers out there a merry, bright, and joyous holidays and Christmas - from me to you, your family, and friends.

Steve Estle Stryde Business Solutions Advisor 303-604-0925 (O) • 303-817-9954 (C) www.cashflow-grow.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveestle/ steve@cashflow-grow.com


December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9

Frontline Swedish Medical Center workers receive first doses of vaccine It’s was a monumental day for the healthcare heroes at Swedish Medical Center, where we began administering the first COVID-19 vaccinations to our highest-risk staff and providers. We know this challenge is not over, but today, we stood ready to lead the fight to end the pandemic. Here’s to the healthcare heroes all over the world – thank you for your dedication, your compassion, and your courage as you do whatever it takes to care for our communities.

First line healthcare heroes at Swedish began receiving their initial COVID-19 vaccinations last week.

Swedish Therapy Team strikes a pose after receiving their initial COVID-19 vaccination.

Swedish emergency medical nurse proudly strikes a pose while receiving historic COVID-19 vaccination.

Swedish Medical Center is located in the south metro Denver area where it has been a proud member of the community for more than 110 years. An acute care hospital with 408 licensed beds, annually Swedish cares for more than 200,000 patients with a team of approximately 2,000 dedicated employees, 300 volunteers and 1,400 physicians. With stroke door to treatment times averaging just 20 minutes, Swedish serves as the Rocky Mountain Region’s referral center for the most advanced stroke treatment,

and was the state’s first Joint Commission certified Comprehensive Stroke Center. Swedish also serves as the region’s neurotrauma and orthopedic trauma provider and is a level I trauma facility with a dedicated burn and reconstructive center. Over 150 facilities regularly transfer highly complex cases to Swedish. Swedish Medical Center is proud to be a part of the HealthONE system of hospitals that earned the ranking as the #7 corporate philanthropist in the metro area and was the only hospital system ranked in the top 10. HealthONE contributed more than $1.5 million in 2018 and supports over 150 organizations through cash and in-kind donations. Additional information is available at www.Swedish Hospital.com.

businesses depending on skiers? Will they survive a dead season? What about their employees, some seasonal, others permanent? Will the attraction of living and working in a ski

town lose its luster over the predictability of a regular job in an urban area? Snow will always fall in Colorado mountains, but will the ski industry survive?

HCA Healthcare/HealthONE’s Swedish Medical Center Announces 2020 Q3 Colleagues of the Quarter HCA Healthcare/Health ONE’s Swedish Medical Center is proud to announce the 2020 third quarter ICARE Employees of the Quarter. The award is part of the Swedish Excellence Awards recognition program to recognize employees who uphold the hospital standards and values every day. Employees are nominated by their peers at Swedish Medical Center, a 408 bed acute care hospital located in Englewood, Colorado. Swedish Medical Center employees, Katey Dempsey, Simon Tran, Steven Kudrna, Alisia Jones, and Wendy Murphy, have all been recognized as winners of this prestigious

award. The ICARE winners were celebrated with smaller celebrations throughout the hospital to ensure the team was following proper COVID-19 precautions. “Each of these individuals have been recognized for exemplifying our ICARE standards and living them each day,” said Ryan Tobin, president and CEO of Swedish Medical Center. “They set the tone and expectation for those around them and help to ensure that our patients remain at the core of what we do each day.” The Swedish Excellence Awards recognition program is designed to recognize employees at Swedish Medical

Center who exemplify the hospital values while continuing to go above and beyond. Five employee winners are selected quarterly, each representing an ICARE value.


days to be returned. High numbers of false positive tests are another problem. It’s not worth planning such a trip, including airfare and lodging, depending on the unpredictability of a

nasal swab and timely results so close to travel. Whatever rules are in place today may change next week or month. Skiers will just stay home. What about the

Continued from page 5

Reservations are required, limiting the number of skiers on the mountain on any given day. Face coverings are required at all times. For many skiers, this is the norm, wearing a neck gaiter for warmth. Only one or two riders per chairlift, sitting at opposite ends of the chair. Getting lunch on the hill requires a reservation. Indoor dining is currently closed. In summer this isn’t an issue, but in winter, eating dinner outside when it’s typically below freezing is no fun. All businesses are struggling or closed as their usual customers are nowhere to be seen. Pitkin County, home of Aspen, requires a negative COVID test within 72 hours of travel or a 14-day quarantine before one can ski. That will all but eliminate out of town visitors. Planning a trip to Aspen, particularly from out of state or country, requires planning and effort. Receiving a test result that close to travel time is challenging as results often take 5 to 7







Excellence Winner:

Wendy Murphy, CNCSurgical Cardiology

Integrity Winner:

Katey Dempsey, Staffing Specialist- Staffing Office

Compassion Winner:

Simon Tran, Patient Care Tech- Spine

Accountability Winner:

Steve Kudrna, Facilities Management

Respect Winner:

Alisia Jones, Case Manager























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PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

Creek Pitcher Alexandra Gruitch earns a full-ride to the University of Maine BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

When we last saw Alexandra (Alex) Gruitch (Villager Newspaper, Volume 36, Number 28, May 31, 2018), daughter of Jeff and Elise Gruitch and granddaughter of Villager favorite Edie Marks, she had just finished her freshman year at Cherry Creek High School

having earned a varsity letter in fastpitch softball. On December 16, Alex signed a letter of intent to accept an offer to play her college ball at the University of Maine. That offer was accompanied by a full-ride, four-year scholarship. Alex told us that she knew from the time she was young, she wanted to play sports. She tried a few different ones, but nothing stuck until she started playing

softball when she was in the third grade. She knew she had found her sport, but she didn’t like the fact that she spent a lot of time waiting to be a part of the game. “I hated not always being in the middle of the play because I wanted to be in the middle of the game,” Alex told us. She soon realized that she wanted to be a pitcher and began working with a private coach to get her skills to a high level. Along

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the way, she decided she wanted to pitch softball for a Division one college team. Despite the competition and all the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic brought, Alex achieved her goal. We asked Alex why she chose the University of Maine. She said, “The coaching On December 16, Cherry Creek High School staff is really senior Alex Gruitch signed a letter of intent great and really to play her fastpitch softball at the University cares about their athletes. They also of Maine. really care about their students. Some schools seem to care more about making money.” Alex plans to study business and political science. “My goal is to go to law school so I can go into corporate law or politics, maybe lobbying. I’ve been studying politics, my family is very involved in politics. I took AP (Advanced Placement) Government and AP Comparative Government and Politics,” she explained. We asked her about politics. She said, “I share some of my family’s political views, but I also have my own political views. I think it’s important to be respectful of everyone’s views.” Alex was clear that she valued the education she got at Cherry Creek High School. She said, “Cherry Creek has very high academic standards that enabled me Cherry Creek softball pitcher to find my own work ethic in acaAlex Gruitch is ready to play ball. demics and it carries over to sports as well,” adding, “If you put in the official visits in April, 2021. We time and work, you will succeed.” are thrilled and proud that Alex got Dad Jeff Gruitch, a telecomthis full-ride offer from the Unimunications company sales versity of Maine after the coach manager, has been one of Alex’s saw her videos and spoke to her on coaches through the years. He the phone.” told The Villager that after three Cherry Creek head softball years of recreational softball, Alex coach Pablo Severtson has been knew she wanted to compete at a watching Alex pitch for three years higher level, so she tried out for a in club sports and at Creek this competitive team. After playing past year. He told The Villager, for different clubs, she joined the “She just knew what she wanted. Colorado Angels, a top-tier fastShe is a hard worker and dedicates pitch softball club, three years ago herself to whatever she wants to and has been playing there since. do. When I presented her to the Between the club and her Cherry University of Maine coach by Creek High School team, Alex sending videos of her playing, he pitches softball year-round. knew he wanted her on his team He said, “This year has been and he recruited her. Most girls really challenging for the girls on don’t get full-ride scholarships for our club team. The NCAA recruit- softball alone. In Alex’s case, her ing guidelines changed recently academic accomplishments added so that coaches can’t recruit playto her athletic ability accomplished ers until their junior year. Then that.” COVID came along and division The Villager joins Alex’s family one and division two coaches and Cherry Creek High School in haven’t been allowed to have kids congratulating her on this wonderon campus—as of today, they are ful accomplishment. going to be permitted to make Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11




Collecting and inventorying the assets of the estate; • Managing the assets of the estate during the probate process; • Paying the bills of the estate, from estate assets; • Making distributions to the heirs or beneficiaries; and • Closing the estate after all of the above responsibilities have been completed.


Dear Readers, What are the responsibilities of a Personal Representative?

In my prior article, I advised of the general steps to be taken when someone dies. If you have been nominated as a Personal Representative (also known as an “Executor”) in a Will, you have the power, before you are appointed by the court, to carry out written instructions of the deceased relating to the body, funeral and burial arrangements. Although you may begin to protect the deceased’s assets, you should not remove or distribute any assets before opening the estate through the court and being appointed by the court, as Personal Representative for the estate. A Personal Representative has a duty to act impartially in regard to all parties to the estate. As a Personal Representative you are responsible for:

The original Will is usually found in a safe place in the decedent’s home, a safe deposit box, or an attorney’s office. It is also possible that the Will was lodged with the court during the lifetime of the deceased, in which case, search for a Receipt from the court. Under the law, when the original signed Will is found, it is to be lodged within ten days with the probate court in the county where the deceased lived. If you are only able to find a copy of the signed Will, it is still possible to offer it for probate and an attorney can help with this process. If no Will is found, an attorney can also help guide you through the probate process, which is called an intestate proceeding.


Any person whose name is on the box may enter it at any

time. An heir or beneficiary in a Will can ask the bank to search for the Will, a deed to a burial plot, or burial instructions. A bank representative will open the box in the presence of the heir or beneficiary, to remove any Will that is found. The bank will deliver the Will to the court by certified or registered mail or hand delivery, and you should ask for a copy. After the Will is filed with the court, the person nominated as the Personal Representative can file a Petition or Application with the court, to appoint him or her.


The Personal Representative is the court representative who has authority to search for any important documents, including at the home, office, place of business or any safe deposit boxes of the deceased. Meeting with an experienced probate attorney, accountant, investment professionals and insurance agents is advised.

What are the four key medical/ estate plan documents you need now? Many of my clients have asked what are the critical documents needed, particularly in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simply being married does not give you the

What you’ll pay for Medicare in 2021 ment which was 1.3 percent. But if you’re a high earning beneficiary, which makes up about 7 percent of all Medicare recipients, you’ll have to pay more. Medicare surcharges for high earners are based on adjusted gross income from two years earlier, which means that 2021 Part B premiums are determined by 2019 annual income. Dear Inquiring, So, if your 2019 BY JIM MILLER The Centers for income was above Medicare and Medicaid Ser$88,00 up to $111,000 vices recently announced their ($176,000 up to $222,000 for cost adjustments for 2021 and married couples filing jointly), the increases for premiums and your 2021 Part B monthly preout-of-pocket costs for most mium will be $207.90, up from beneficiaries will be modest. $202.40 in 2020. But if you’re a high earner, Monthly premiums for you’ll pay more. Here’s what singles with an income beyou can expect starting in Jantween $111,000 and $138,000 uary. ($222,000 and $276,000 for joint filers) will rise from $289.20 to $297. IndividuMedicare Part B als earning above $138,000 While Medicare Part A, up to $165,000 ($276,000 to which pays for hospital care, is $330,000 for joint filers) will premium-free for most benesee their monthly premium inficiaries, Part B, which covers crease from $376 to $386.10. doctor visits and outpatient Those with incomes above services does have a monthly $165,000 up to $500,000 premium. Starting in 2021, the ($320,000 to $750,000 for joint standard monthly Part B prefilers), you’ll pay $475.20 per mium will be $148.50, up from month in 2021. And single fil$144.60 in 2020. That $3.90 ers with income of $500,000 bump represents a 2.7 percent or more ($750,000 or more for increase, which is more than joint filers) will pay $504.90 per double the most recent Social month next year. Security cost-of-living adjust-


Dear Savvy Senior, I know there will be a small cost-of-living increase in Social Security benefits next year but what about Medicare? What will the Medicare Part B monthly premiums be in 2021, and when do the surcharges kick in for higher income beneficiaries? Inquiring Senior

Medicare Part D

If you have a Medicare (Part D) prescription drug plan, the average premium in 2021 will be about $30 per month for most beneficiaries. But, again for high earner with annual incomes above $88,000 ($176,000 for joint filers) you’ll pay a $12.30 to $77.10 monthly surcharge on top of your regular Part D premiums.

legal right to gain access to your spouse’s medical records or make medical decisions on your spouse’s behalf, even in an emergency. To avoid this problem and to help others care for you and to achieve your overall estate planning goals, the following documents create an effective medical/estate plan package: 1. Healthcare Power of Attorney; 2. General Financial Power of Attorney; 3. Advanced Directive for Medical/Surgical Treatment (“Living Will”); and 4. Will (or a Will with a Trust). Careful medical/estate planning should include preparation and signing of these documents, to accomplish your goals and protect you, both during your lifetime, and at the time of pass-

ing. The Power of Attorney documents allow you to designate those agents whom you authorize to help you on your behalf during your lifetime, and the Will/Trust documents allow you to nominate others to help with your estate after your passing, as well as to identify the beneficiaries and the distributions to them, to accomplish your estate planning goals. Selected information in this column has been taken with permission by Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc., from the Colorado Senior Law Handbook, 2020 Edition (Chapter 28: What to Do When Someone Dies, Aaron L. Evans, Esq.), which is a copyrighted publication and may be accessed and downloaded for free at: www. cobar.org/For-the-Public/ Senior-Law-Handbook.


Phone: (303) 758-0999 E-Mail: Donald@PetersonLaw.co Website: www.donpetersonlawfirm.com How to Contest Income

Beneficiaries that fall into any of the high-income categories and have experienced certain life-changing events that have reduced their income since 2019, such as retirement, divorce or the death of a spouse, can contest the surcharge. For more information on how to do this, see “Medicare Premiums: Rules for Higher-Income Beneficiaries” at SSA.gov/benefits/ medicare/medicare-premiums. html.

Other Medicare Increases In addition to the Part B and Part D premium increases, there are other cost increases you should be aware of. For example, the annual deductible for Medicare Part B will see a bump from $198 to $203 in 2021. The deductible for Medicare Part A, which covers hospital services, will increase from $1,408 in 2020 to $1,484 in 2021. There are no surcharges on Medicare deductibles for high earners.

PAGE THE VILLAGER VILLAGER • November December 26, 24,2020 2020 PAGE 12 16 | THE

FINANCING Contact Laura DeLuzio for all your financing needs to either build, remodel, purchase or refinance your dream home NMLS# 1049076O O: 303.531.3778 C: 303.931.8402 All loans are subject to credit approval. This is not an offer of credit or commitment to lend.

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER November 26, VILLAGER || PAGE 13 17


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GaylordRockiesChristmas.com or call (720) 452-6900 PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

A Christmas Poem

Joyeux Noël By Dino G. Maniatis

As the darkness draws upon a misty moonlit night; the amber glow of windows soon becomes alight Chimneys puffing plumes, warming family hearths inside; celebrate feasts of the holidays and traditions of yuletide


© 2019 BUBLY and the Bubly Designs are trademarks. Imagined by Broadway director and renowned Cirque Dreams founder, Neil Goldberg.

Village Villager.indd 1

11/15/19 2:20 PM

Trees dressed resplendent, twinkling lights glisten; flakes of snow descend from heaven, upon them gently christen Bells ring and carolers sing under December's crisp Cold Moon; a dulcet harmony reminiscent of a medieval minstrel's tune Rushing, rushing, rushing, a shopper's hurried haste; every minute priceless, not a single moment to waste But haste is soon abandoned, time now for Christmas cheer; best set out the cookies, for Santa will soon appear Before the night expires, in a Dickens tale we'll delight; the most fabled of all ghost stories, told best by candlelight 'Tis an eve like no other; indeed, of magic and wonder; kisses under the mistletoe and a blissful night's slumber In the morn we'll surely see, two dozen presents or more; the joy of opening gifts from those who we adore It's a time to pause and cherish, summon the innocence of youth; an ephemeral reminiscence; a joyful, wistful sooth A time that reminds us to be humble and kind; empathy, grace, and compassion combined At the most wonderful time of the year, I wish upon thee; A Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a Christmas Merry Good tidings and wishes do certainly foretell; the true spirit of the holidays; to all, Joyeux Noël

A set from “I Love Christmas Movies” attraction, Santa’s elf-sized North Pole workshop allows guests to experience how small elves really are!

Experiencing all things Christmas at Gaylord Rockies BY VALERIE LEVIER

This year my family had the pleasure of experiencing all things Christmas at Gaylord Rockies. The property is just a short drive from Denver. As you pull up to the resort you immediately feel the sense of Christmas all around you. The front is decorated with larger than life snowflakes and trees that dazzle with beautiful lights. The staff is warm, welcoming and goes above and beyond to make sure your visit exceeds expectations. The Grand Lodge dons a Christmas tree that takes the breath away. In the lodge, a giant mantle features a roaring fire and stockings hung with care where guests can relax after a day of activities. The holiday schedule is packed with fun! While enjoying LIGHT!, visitors walk through a wonderful interactive light display that changes in conjunction with Colorado’s weather. Many various installations are a part of LIGHT! and you feel the holiday joy as you gaze at millions of twinkling lights in unique forms. My family loved strolling through LIGHT! and immersing ourselves in the ever-changing displays.The pop up exhibit “I Love Christmas Movies” allows guests to enjoy over 13 scenes from well-known holiday films. Children will enjoy the elf-sized room from the movie “Elf” and the train ride from “The Polar Express” where you actually feel like you are on the train to the North Pole. The multi-sensory experience includes the films “Elf” “A Christ-

mas Story” “The Polar Express” “The Year Without Santa Claus” and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” Guests can also enjoy all the activities in Mistletoe Village including Mrs. Claus’ Christmas Traditions, Gingerbread Decorating Corner, Sugary Sweet Story-time and letters to Santa. We delighted in the fun of Mrs. Claus’ Christmas Traditions as she read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” and led us in the singing of classic holiday songs. We decorated a gingerbread house complete with icing and candy to culminate our experience in Mistletoe Village! Outside you can also enjoy the many offerings at Glacier Point where all ages can experience the thrill of snow tubing, ice skating, ice bumper cars and, new this year, the snow merrygo-round. S’mores, cookies and hot drinks are a splendid addition to the outdoor attractions.

Installation at LIGHT! features an eye catching array of stained glass tiles.

Mia and Valerie LeVier pose in the illuminated tunnel of Christmas lights at LIGHT!

I would highly recommend a visit to Gaylord Rockies this winter with friends and family as many of their Christmas activities will continue with Winterfest. Make sure you plan for Christmas at Gaylord Rockies next year as you look to 2021.

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15



Are you Gnome for the holidays? Or are you wondering what exactly a gnome is. He is a garden ornament in the form of a bearded man with a pointed hat according to the dictionary, or an ugly person being of a mythical race of very small people said to inhabit parts of Ethiopia and India, or an imaginary being, supposed by the Rosicrucians to inhabit the inner parts of the earth, and to be the guardian of mines and quarries, etc. The Rosicrucians are a fraternity who, in the beginning of the 15th century, affected an intimate acquaintance with the secrets of nature, and pretended by the study of alchemy and other occult science to be possessed of sundry wonderworking powers. None of these sound that interesting. But this definition, maybe…. According to Nordicgnome. com, “elves were house gnomes who guarded their homes against evil. If you were good, they were good to you, but if you were bad, they were mischievous elves who would play tricks on you. Some of the tricks they enjoyed playing were giving you nightmares by sitting on your head while you were dreaming, tangling your hair as you slept, making your milk turn sour, and stealing your sausages.” Not that one either. They are a home trend coming from Scandinavia. The interest in gnomes really started to grow in 2018 and have popped up everywhere this year. Should we worry about them? No, they are cute ugly little guys that usually make us smile. Two Decembers ago I gave them to my family and friends and this year I created a quick version for you to make. There does not have to be a holiday to display them, but a reason,



Mountain Living in Castle Pines North. Fabulous custom walk-out ranch. Main floor theatre. $1,500,000. CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE

to make you smile. Supplies needed consist of: 1/6 yard of solid or print fabric As many 1-inch pompoms as gnomes you are making (white, beige, pink, black, whatever color) White card stock circle – 3” 1/6 yard of white fake fur fabric, long length Glue gun and glue Scissors Freezer wrap or parchment paper (for the hat pattern triangle) Pins Poly-fil stuffing for the hat Cord or magnet (to hang if you wish, or leave him laying around in different places to bring a smile) Cut the 3” circle (if you don’t have a protractor, a cup or glass might do). Cut hat from the fabric. To make your pattern, draw a line 3¾ inches long on the paper, place a dot at 1 7/8 inch and that marks the

half, draw a line 6” up on that dot, run a line up from the beginning of the 3¾ line up to the top of the 6-inch line and then down to the bottom ending of the 3¾-inch line. Cut your pattern out. Pin pattern on fabric that is doubled, face up and face down. Cut the hat. Hot glue just the long edges of the fabric (still face up and face down), just folding up the one side of the fabric to run the bead of hot glue and then the other, making the hat. Stuff the hat with a small amount (pinch) of the stuffing to add a poof. Put hot glue on one third of the circle and the same area on the back of the circle. Quickly insert that portion into the hat and stuffing and press down. Cut a square of fur, 3 inches across and two inches down (with the fur also going in the down direction). Round the side edges of the bottom of the beard. Glue the beard with hot glue, ½ inch onto the bottom off the hat. Fluff his beard out. Glue the nose at the center of the TOP of the beard line. AND NOW YOU HAVE YOUR OWN GNOME! If you have any questions or comments, you can reach out to me at rubyrockstherock@ gmail.com


Extraordinary walkout ranch backing to the Highline Canal.$2,995,000 THE PRESERVE

5775 S. FOREST


Perfect transitional. Totally updated. $1,739,000 THE PRESERVE



Amazing executive home on the Nature Preserve.10,000 sq ft.,pool, walkout. $3,000,000 GREENWOOD VILLAGE





PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020


BOOK REVIEW Introducing a new columnist - Lisa J. Shultz he Villager Newspaper first featured award-winning author Lisa J. Shultz in “Meet an Author Who Grew Up in Cherry Hills Village” on November 26, 2020. We are pleased to bring her on board as a columnist for book reviews. Lisa has averaged reading a book a week for years, and we would like her to share some of her favorites with you. Her reading choices are influenced by several book clubs in which she belongs, research for books she is writing, and whims of the moment. Here are a few of her favorite reads in 2020.

so vivid that I could transport myself there and see it with my own imagination. It reminded me of the Little House on the Prairie book series but from a boy's view and written for an adult audience. Reading this treasure puts hardship in perspective. It also shows resilience and morals worth modeling. I re-

ally enjoyed my time with this book and didn't want it to end. It will fondly linger in my memory for a long time.

a lot about schizophrenia and have a better concept of the challenges of treatment. Hearing about the disease from a family was intricately important in making the material readable. Knowing one of the 12 children as an acquaintance made it more interesting as well. I recommend it for those who wish to understand the difficult dynamics of mental illness. This book by Ann Patchett came out in 2019. It is a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, a New York Times Bestseller and TIME Magazine's 100 MustRead Books of 2019. The Dutch House is a captivating story about being exiled from home by a stepmother. As adults, siblings Danny and Maeve cannot overcome or let go of their past banishment. Their relationship and their tie to the house they grew up in is complicated. How they dealt with the key relationships in their lives was interesting to me. I personally have never been thrown out of a house, but I have visited homes I previously lived in before. I could relate to trying to process a life lived in a particular house. For those who enjoy audio books, it was brilliantly read on Audible by Tom Hanks.

High, Wide and Lonesome

This book was written in 1956 by Hal Borland (19001978). I loved being taken back to the early 1900's life on the eastern plains of Colorado through the eyes of a young boy. The writing was excellent with descriptions


This book was published in 2019 by B.J. Miller and Shoshana Berger. It was beautifully put together with tasteful illustrations, handy checklists, and no-nonsense language and advice. The first section is entitled Planning Ahead. It fit well with my advoca-

long-standing residents to rediscover and appreciate the rich history of the city. Also perfect for newcomers and tourists. The book is full of fun facts and great lists.

Learn about:

• Art, Culture and Entertainment • Parks, Recreation and Sports • Government and Education • Eating and Drinking Establishments • Famous People • Landmark Buildings and Neighborhoods • History You Can Remember • And much more Lisa worries that COVID shutdowns, homeless camps and boarded up windows will result in another downturn in the vibrance of Denver’s inner city and repel people

The Dutch House

Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American A Beginner’s Guide Family to the End: Practical This book was Advice for Living released in 2020 by Life and Facing Robert Kolker and has received wide Death

acclaim. Named a Best Book of the Year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, Time, Slate, Smithsonian, and Amazon. Also, it was selected as Oprah’s Book Club Pick. This book looks at schizophrenia from a research perspective and from a Colorado family in which 6 of the 12 children got sick. I learned

cy for not leaving a mess behind when you die. The rest of the book discussed dealing with illness, getting help, getting ready for death and what to do after someone dies. And the resource section at

the back of the book is one of the best I have seen. I have no criticism for this book, and it is timely for this period of a global pandemic. Ovations. Lastly, Lisa would like to toot her own horn and mention her latest book, which was published in November of 2020.

Essential Denver: Discovery and Exploration Guide

Essential Denver is fabulous for those born in Denver and

from spending time there. As Lisa rediscovered and wrote about her beloved hometown, she hopes to spark more interest in landmarks, treasures, and history of Denver to ensure the city’s future is strong and vital. To learn more about Lisa To learn more about Lisa and and her books, visit her webher books, visit her website, site, www.LisaJShultz.com. www.LisaJShultz.com. To To read readmore more book reviews, book reviews, follow followher heron on Goodreads, Goodreads, www.goodreads.com/ www.goodreads.com/LisaLisaJShultz. Lisaloves loves speaking JShultz. Lisa speaking to groups, and she would be be to groups, and she would happy attend your book club. happy attend your book club. Call her at 303-881-9338. Call her at 303-881-9338.

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December 24, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 17

LEGALS —Continued from previous page—

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ARAPAHOE COUNTY WARRANTS REPORT FOR 11/01/2020 TO 11/30/2020 FUNDS SUMMARY: 10........................................................General Fund............ 6,423,670.74 11.........................................................Social Services.......... 1,438,620.48 12........................................................Electronic Filing Te......... 52,399.00 14........................................................Law Enforcement Auth... 79,649.33 15........................................................Arapahoe / Douglas W. 147,321.89 16........................................................Road and Bridge.......... 626,105.24 19........................................................Communications Netwo. 58,697.71 20........................................................Sheriff’s Commissary..... 42,524.63 21........................................................Community Developmen. 17,828.18 26........................................................Grants...................... 11,469,897.44 28........................................................Open Space Sales Tax. 898,600.21 29........................................................Homeland Security -..... 151,867.50 33........................................................Building Maintenance... 204,744.85 34........................................................Fair Fund.......................... 1,500.00 41........................................................Capital Expenditure...... 610,639.64 42........................................................Infrastructure............. 3,447,640.47 43........................................................Arapahoe County Recr... 44,645.17 70........................................................Central Services........... 937,987.99 71........................................................Self-Insurance Liabi........ 34,136.88 73........................................................Self-Insurance Worke..... 57,714.38 74........................................................Self-Insurance Denta.... 114,734.61 84........................................................E-911 Authority............. 134,752.55 91........................................................Treasurer................... 8,035,386.92 TOTAL................................................................................. 35,031,065.81 _______________________________________ PREPARED BY _______________________________________ APPROVED BY FUND REPORT - 10 General Fund A-1 COLLECTION AGENCY LLC.......MISC..................................... 20.50 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................MISC.............................. 44,435.39 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other........... 2,662.70 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Supplies............................ 3,526.28 ACCESS ONE, INC.............................Services and Other........... 2,563.34 ACSO EMPLOYEE TRUST FUND......MISC................................ 1,287.50 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 839.04 AFFIRMA CONSULTING.....................Services and Other......... 40,035.00 ALAMEDA EAST VETERINARY HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other.............. 382.74 ALLEGIANT MORTUARY TRANSPORT LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,777.00 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY.........Supplies............................... 525.10 ALLYSON GARRETSON....................Services and Other.................. 1.84 ALSCO................................................Supplies................................. 27.50 AMELIE COMPANY............................Supplies........................ 257,789.40 AMERICAN CORRECTIONAL ASSOCIATION ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,625.00 ANGEL ARMOR LLC...........................Supplies............................... 420.29 ANGELA BOYKINS.............................MISC..................................... 25.00 ANGELA G STANTON........................Services and Other................ 11.67 ANNETTE V CALLAHAN....................Services and Other.................. 9.09 ANTERO INC......................................Services and Other........... 7,060.00 APRIL STONES..................................Services and Other.............. 214.25 AQUA SERVE.....................................Services and Other.............. 166.00 AQUA SERVE.....................................Supplies................................. 38.10 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 8,960.16 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Supplies.......................... 63,513.31 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Supplies............................... 231.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ............................................................Services and Other......... 49,609.52 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other......... 11,362.50 ARAPAHOE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 79,440.43 ARELI REVELES-CALDERA..............MISC. ................................... 15.00 ARNOLD & ARNOLD LLP...................MISC..................................... 25.00 ART GAUCIN......................................Services and Other................ 18.40 ASCENDANT STRATEGY MANAGEMENT GROUP ............................................................Supplies.......................... 36,000.00 ASPIRE HR INC..................................Services and Other.............. 427.50 AT&T....................................................Supplies............................... 120.00 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 110.04 AUTONATION.....................................Supplies................................. 35.22 AUTOZONE PARTS INC.....................Supplies............................... 535.91 AV-TECH ELECTRONICS...................Supplies................................. 61.60 Abbi Mekonnen...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Adrienne Payne...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Aidan Gregoire....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Aliya Jonss..........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Annalise Whitaker...............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Annays Gardie.....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Ashely Mowle......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Ashley Agyepong.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Asil Elnour...........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 BACKGROUND SOLUTIONS LP........Services and Other.............. 795.00 BACKUPIFY INC.................................Services and Other........... 2,135.70 BAMBI KIM SHROPSHIRE.................Services and Other................ 28.34 BASELINE ASSOCIATES INC............Services and Other.............. 140.00 BC SERVICES INC.............................MISC................................ 1,851.84 BEST WESTERN PLUS GATEWAY INN ............................................................Services and Other.............. 500.00 BLANCHARD TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,620.00 BLUE 360 MEDIA LLC........................Supplies............................ 3,080.16 BLUE SKY PROMOTIONS.................Supplies.......................... 15,635.62 BRANDON C WHISKER.....................Services and Other.............. 346.50 BRANDY MARIE ALESSANDRINI......MISC..................................... 15.00 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other................ 63.99 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Supplies............................... 537.92 BRINK’S INCORPORATED.................Services and Other........... 4,297.81 BROCK HOLLINGSWORTH...............Services and Other.............. 169.00 BROOKE BELT...................................Services and Other................ 60.00 BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES INC.......Supplies............................... 204.29 BURCH LAW FIRM.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 BURNS, FIGA AND WILL, P.C............Services and Other.............. 281.75 Briana Gebhart....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................ 1,226.76 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other................ 67.33 CAROL E BAKER................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 CAROL E JEPPSEN...........................Services and Other.................. 8.28 CASTLE HILL TECHNOLOGIES INC ............................................................Capital Outlay...................... 482.41 CATHLEEN A VALENCIA....................Services and Other................ 23.00 CCP INDUSTRIES..............................Supplies............................... 659.52 CDPHE................................................Services and Other........... 2,976.00 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Services and Other......... 24,444.59 CEC SOLAR #1121 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 8,540.84 CEC SOLAR #1122 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 8,535.16 CEC SOLAR #1130 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 7,966.68 CENGAGE Learning...........................Services and Other.............. 359.98 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other......... 15,353.31 CHARITY L BIGGS.............................Services and Other................ 33.06 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC..........Services and Other................ 12.49

CHARLES G MICHAELS....................MISC..................................... 15.00 CHARLES K KELLEY..........................Services and Other........... 1,157.06 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other.............. 116.73 CHERRY KNOLLS PHILLIPS 66........Services and Other.............. 552.00 CHRISTAL KETTELER.......................Services and Other.............. 185.00 CHRISTINE A REYMANN...................Services and Other................ 24.15 CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC................................ 1,154.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other........... 1,616.93 CIVICORE LLC...................................Services and Other.............. 500.00 CLAUDIA NICOLE MEEKS.................Services and Other................ 51.75 CLEAN DESIGNS INC........................Services and Other.............. 133.23 CLERKIN SINCLAIR AND MAHFOUZ LLP ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,000.00 COLORADO BUREAU INVESTIGATION ............................................................MISC.............................. 17,837.00 COLORADO CODE CONSULTING LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,560.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 600.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ............................................................Supplies............................... 245.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC................................... 792.52 COLORADO INTERACTIVE LLC.......Services and Other................ 17.08 COLORADO MEDICAL WASTE INC..Services and Other.............. 566.00 COLORADO OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,615.00 COLORADO REGIONAL HEALTH INFO ............................................................Supplies............................... 375.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY.....Services and Other......... 32,400.98 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.................. 5.25 COMCAST...........................................Supplies............................... 389.57 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TRAINING CENTER ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,245.00 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AND ENGINEE ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,336.69 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE ............................................................MISC.............................. 16,677.95 COREY ALAN WASLEY......................Services and Other........... 1,339.39 COURTNEY ANN OLESON................MISC..................................... 15.00 COVERTTRACK GROUP INC............Supplies............................... 414.95 CUSTOM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,472.36 Caleb Meyerhoff..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Carson Wedding..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Chloe Payne........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 D’Andrea Boakye................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 DANIEL COKER HORTON & BELL PA ............................................................MISC..................................... 25.00 DARREL B TROUT.............................Services and Other................ 19.55 DARREN JAY PUCKETT....................MISC..................................... 15.00 DAVID G KOPISCHKE........................Services and Other................ 17.88 DAVID M FRANCIS.............................Services and Other................ 18.40 DAVID W ROCHE...............................Services and Other.............. 344.00 DAWN RENE DRENNON...................MISC..................................... 15.00 DEBORAH SUE MEAUX....................Services and Other................ 15.30 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other....... 412,592.09 DELUXE..............................................Supplies................................. 34.40 DENISSE DIAZ MONTIEL...................MISC..................................... 15.00 DENVER FIRST AID & SAFTEY.........Supplies............................... 199.72 DENVER HEALTH AND HOSPITAL AUTH. ............................................................Supplies............................... 561.00 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF...Services and Other......... 44,225.00 DENVER WATER................................Services and Other........... 2,185.04 DIEXSYS LLC.....................................Services and Other......... 24,800.00 DOMINIQUE D RIDEOUT...................Services and Other................ 70.50 DUNBAR SECURITY PRODUCTS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 116.86 DUSTY N SASH..................................Services and Other.............. 298.77 DeMario Williams.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Donavan Perea...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Dylan Otto...........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 E470 PUBLIC HIGH WAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other................ 36.35 ED TATE & ASSOCIATES LLC...........Services and Other......... 12,000.00 ELECTRONICS FOR IMAGING..........Services and Other........... 1,049.64 ELLIOTT LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS INC ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ELLIOTT LEGAL iNVESTIGATIQNS INC ............................................................MISC..................................... 10.00 ELOISA ALTAMIRA..............................Services and Other................ 35.88 EMILY M SPADA.................................Services and Other.............. 145.05 ENCORE ENERGY SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,000.68 ENGLEWOOD LOCK AND SAFE INC ............................................................Supplies................................. 49.00 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR...............Services and Other........... 7,275.33 ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL ............................................................Services and Other.............. 532.00 ERIC FORD JR...................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ERIKA L WEST....................................Services and Other................ 20.70 EVA LOUISE FOSTER........................Services and Other.............. 108.00 EVAN GABRI SIEBRING.....................Supplies............................... 541.72 EXPRESS TOLL..................................Services and Other.................. 3.30 Elianajoy Volin.....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Elizabeth Newman..............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Elizabeth Ortega..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Ellie Greyson.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Emma Perl...........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Emmanuelle Bonsu.............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Ethan Pfister........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................Supplies............................ 1,048.49 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC.............................. 18,341.15 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................... 406.43 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies............................... 450.56 FINANCIAL EQUIPMENT CO INC......Services and Other.............. 169.00 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............Supplies............................... 330.54 FLEET FUELING.................................MISC.............................. 37,778.55 FOP LODGE 31...................................MISC.............................. 21,417.50 FORENSIC TRUTH VERIFICATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other......... 17,710.00 FRANCY LAW FIRM PLLC.................MISC..................................... 66.00 FRANK J BALL....................................MISC..................................... 15.00 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other....... 108,919.70 GERARDO M ALVARENGA RIVERA ............................................................Services and Other................ 17.25 GJKG INC............................................Services and Other.............. 150.00 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY.....Supplies............................ 3,083.15 GLOBALSTAR USA.............................Supplies............................ 1,067.97 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 1,334.45 GREGORY M PIPIS............................Services and Other........... 1,200.00 GROUNDS SERVICE COMPANY......Services and Other.............. 700.00 Gabriella Arnold...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Gabriella Black....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Gabriella Church.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Grace Galligan....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Grace Solarin......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 HARRY L SIMON PC..........................MISC..................................... 15.00 HEATHER LYNN BIRON.....................Supplies................................. 45.99 HERSHEY DECKER PLLC.................Services and Other.............. 225.00 HILAIRE BROCKMEYER....................Services and Other................ 40.94

HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................Services and Other.............. 266.96 HOBART CORPORATION..................Services and Other.............. 397.00 HOLST BOETTCHER & TEHRANI LLP ............................................................MISC..................................... 45.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................MISC................................ 7,928.72 Hanah Alhaj.........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC.....Services and Other........... 2,310.00 IESKE LIESKE & ENSZ PC LLO........MISC..................................... 25.00 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS......................Services and Other.............. 622.70 INSIGHT GLOBAL...............................Services and Other........... 9,286.00 INSIGHT GLOBAL LLC.......................Services and Other........... 1,250.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other....... 697,131.54 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................ 5,432.16 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................MISC............................ 333,571.13 INVISI-TAG LLC..................................Supplies............................ 2,412.00 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other................ 30.00 ITXCHANGE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 21,764.00 Imane Benabbas.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Indiya Warner......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Isabelle Kerr........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Iyanla Ayite..........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 J & R BENNETT WELDING INC.........Supplies............................... 366.66 J.D. POWER AND ASSOCIATES........Services and Other.............. 890.00 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,431.84 JAMES BROWER PSYCHOLOGICAL ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,325.00 JAMES V CONYERS..........................Services and Other................ 50.52 JAMIE B WOLLMAN...........................Services and Other.............. 200.00 JANA L NORDSTROM........................Supplies............................... 138.64 JANE F RIECK....................................Services and Other.............. 210.00 JENNIFER C PORTER.......................Services and Other................ 33.35 JENNIFER L ROYLANCE...................Services and Other................ 15.88 JENNIFER MARIA SCARPELLI..........Services and Other................ 60.00 JENNIPHER ALEXANDER.................MISC................................... 526.14 JEREMY E HERKO.............................Services and Other.............. 330.00 JHON ROJAS......................................MISC..................................... 15.00 JOEL B SIGDESTAD...........................Services and Other................ 19.55 JOHN A DENT.....................................Services and Other.............. 343.20 JOSHUA M THOMAS..........................Services and Other........... 1,019.06 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA.........MISC............................ 224,858.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A.........Services and Other....... 278,479.91 JUAN C GUZMAN...............................Services and Other................ 43.53 JUREM LLC........................................MISC..................................... 10.00 Jaida Anderson....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Jake Niblo............................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Jane McCauley....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Jessica Grubenhoff..............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Joshua Alvarez....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Joshua Brito-Mariani...........................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Joshua Guthrie....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Josue Gardie.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 K&H INTEGRATED PRINT SOLUTIONS ............................................................Services and Other....... 238,037.06 K&H INTEGRATED PRINT SOLUTIONS ............................................................Supplies............................ 4,009.60 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC......................... 1,093,698.89 KAREN K KENNEDY..........................Supplies............................... 120.48 KATHERINE FIELD.............................Services and Other................ 20.82 KATHRYN LATSIS..............................Services and Other.............. 200.00 KCI KONECRANES............................Services and Other.............. 525.00 KELLCIE SINES..................................MISC..................................... 15.00 KELLY TECH LTD...............................Services and Other.............. 209.60 KEVIN R KEMP...................................Services and Other.............. 159.85 KHANH N PHAM.................................Services and Other................ 82.51 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE CO ............................................................Supplies............................... 351.60 KUBL GROUP LLC.............................Supplies............................ 9,057.00 KURTIS ROBERT NIEMEYER............Services and Other................ 19.32 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC.....................Supplies............................... 848.69 Kase Rowley.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Katelyn Urbanski.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Kathryn Edwards.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Kayla Bond..........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Kaylin Hanna.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Kelley Delgadillo..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Kelsey Wiley........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Kira Isenhart........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 429.67 LATAJUNAE REED.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 LAUREL ELIZABETH FULLER...........MISC..................................... 15.00 LAUREN THOMAS..............................Services and Other.............. 100.17 LAWRENCE I EGHABOR...................MISC..................................... 15.00 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC...................Supplies................................. 20.49 LE ARGUELLO....................................MISC................................... 548.28 LEWIS PAPER INTERNATION INC....Supplies............................ 4,470.27 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 561.06 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Supplies............................... 150.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other........... 9,561.11 LIMU LLC............................................Services and Other........... 3,331.33 LINX MULTIMEDIA LLLP....................Services and Other.............. 399.51 LORI A VANDERBUR..........................Services and Other................ 19.09 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies................................... 9.46 LUCAS E GREEN...............................Services and Other.............. 138.52 LUCINDA H GREENE.........................Supplies............................... 303.64 LYNN SAUVE......................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 Landon Silva........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Laurel Hamilton...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Lauren Mooney...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Layali Suleiman...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Liam Bekerman...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Lizzy Maroncelli...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 MACARI-HEALEY PUBLISHING CO LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,023.80 MANATRON INC.................................Services and Other.............. 175.00 MARGARET M WOODS.....................Services and Other................ 20.13 MARISSA TRUJILLO...........................Services and Other................ 68.83 MARK A LEACHMAN PC....................MISC..................................... 33.00 MARK ANDY INC................................Services and Other.............. 727.50 MARY MURPHY..................................Services and Other................ 21.85 MASSIGA SIDIBE...............................MISC..................................... 15.00 MATHESON TRIGAS INC...................Supplies............................... 352.63 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,132.00 MEREDITH PHILLIPS.........................Services and Other.............. 250.00 MICHAEL D BORDERS......................Supplies............................... 200.00 MICHAEL E DELLORFANO................Services and Other................ 20.93 MICHAEL J AGOS...............................Services and Other.............. 158.60 MICHAEL S AXINN.............................Services and Other.............. 197.44 MICROSOFT CORPORATION...........Services and Other......... 52,021.00 MOBILE MINI LLC...............................Supplies............................... 958.58 MOETIVATIONS INC...........................Services and Other......... 26,990.01 MONA LEE WATTS.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS..................Services and Other......... 88,876.10 MULTICARD INC.................................Services and Other........... 1,065.00

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 18 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020 —Continued from previous page— MULTICARD INC.................................Supplies............................... 914.98 Madison Hylland..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Mary Melville........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Mason Harja........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Matthew Yohanes................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Megan Montgomery............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Melissa Hernandez..............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Murriam Ahmed...................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................Supplies............................ 2,039.73 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF............Services and Other.............. 908.00 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............Supplies................................. 22.52 NETUNWIRED LLC.............................Services and Other......... 15,997.00 NETWORK CLAIMS REDUCTION TECH LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 450.00 Naomi Wilson......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Natalie Perez.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Nathan Elder.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other.............. 867.50 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY....MISC..................................... 13.00 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC.............Supplies............................... 232.30 ORTEN CAVANAGH HOLMES & HUNT LLC ............................................................MISC................................... 195.70 Olivia Duchovnay................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Orezi Ogbe..........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Owen Mercer.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 PATRICIA A FLANAGAN.....................Services and Other................ 12.42 PATRICK D DURKIN...........................Services and Other................ 18.75 PATTERSON REPORTING & VIDEO ............................................................Services and Other.............. 119.90 PAYLOGIX LLC...................................MISC.............................. 23,872.19 PETERSEN LEYBAS RUBBER STAMP ............................................................Supplies................................. 46.20 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Services and Other.............. 230.20 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Supplies............................... 133.44 POCKET PRESS LLC.........................Supplies............................... 995.19 POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH FORUM ............................................................Services and Other........... 9,700.00 POSTMASTER LITTLETON...............Supplies.......................... 40,000.00 POTESTIO BROTHERS.....................Services and Other.............. 228.22 POTESTIO BROTHERS.....................Supplies................................. 23.18 POWERDETAILS LLC.........................Services and Other.............. 170.44 PRESAGIA CORP...............................Services and Other......... 42,695.00 PROFESSIONAL FINANCE COMPANY.......................................MISC. 15.00 PROFESSIONAL SIGN LANGUAGE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 288.00 PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT ............................................................Supplies............................ 4,387.50 PROSCI INC........................................Services and Other........... 1,045.00 PROVEST LLC....................................MISC..................................... 30.00 PSI CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Capital Outlay................. 36,342.34 PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 9,712.50 Pria Zaveri...........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 QUADROTECH SOLUTIONS INC......Services and Other........... 4,940.00 QUICKSILVER EXPRESS COURIER ............................................................Supplies............................... 364.19 RACHEL E BECK................................Services and Other................ 70.50 RALPH HARMOUSH...........................MISC..................................... 25.00 RANDALL S MILLER...........................Services and Other.............. 200.00 RANDSTAD TECHNOLOGIES...........Services and Other......... 16,000.00 RANDY REYMANN.............................Services and Other................ 16.68 RC PRECISION INSTALLATIONS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 325.00 REGINA RAQUEL FERSZT................Services and Other................ 90.00 RHONDA M ELGES............................Services and Other................ 14.38 RICHARD M FLAHERTY....................Services and Other................ 25.93 RICHARD T SALL...............................Services and Other.............. 200.00 ROBERT C DECKER..........................Services and Other................ 74.75 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,896.89 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies............................... 183.84 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Supplies............................... 169.10 RODNEY O BROCKELMAN...............Services and Other.............. 200.00 ROGELIO T LOPEZ............................MISC..................................... 76.60 ROLL OFF EXPRESS.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 ROSA CORPORATION.......................Services and Other.............. 172.80 ROYCE INDUSTRIES, LC..................Services and Other.............. 403.66 RUNBECK ELECTION SERVICES, INC. ............................................................Services and Other................ 68.57 RUNBECK ELECTION SERVICES, INC. ............................................................Supplies............................... 157.63 RYAN AUSTIN SPENCE.....................Services and Other................ 26.74 RYAN J SEACRIST.............................Services and Other................ 29.21 RYDERS PUBLIC SAFETY LLC.........Supplies............................ 1,830.16 Raseel Zmily........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Rodolfo Villalobos................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 SAFEWARE INC.................................Services and Other........... 4,428.40 SAMANTHA ROSS HENRY................Services and Other................ 34.27 SANDYN SKUDNESKI........................Services and Other................ 15.87 SAP PUBLIC SERVICES INC.............Services and Other....... 200,483.55 SARA GARRIDO METZ......................Services and Other........... 4,300.00 SCOTT A SHAW..................................Services and Other.............. 296.93 SCOTT PLOCHOCKY.........................Services and Other.................. 9.78 SECURITY CENTRAL INC.................Services and Other.............. 120.00 SEDDON G KEYTER..........................Services and Other................ 43.13 SHANE ROSS HANCOCK..................MISC..................................... 15.00 SHEILA A GAINS.................................Services and Other................ 34.07 SHRED-IT USA...................................Services and Other.............. 233.54 SKAGGS COMPANIES INC................Supplies............................ 1,129.95 SMILE STREAM LLC..........................Supplies............................... 216.00 SOUTHLAND MEDICAL LLC..............Supplies............................... 173.10 SOUTHWEST COLDFIRE LAW ENFCMT LLC ............................................................Supplies............................... 401.25 SOUTHWEST PLASTIC BINDING CO ............................................................Supplies............................... 389.77 SPECIALTY INCENTIVES INC...........Supplies............................ 4,656.21 SPRINGMAN BRADEN WILSON........MISC................................... 459.00 SPRINT...............................................Supplies............................... 400.00 STACY A HINES..................................Services and Other................ 22.14 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC.............................. 65,356.60 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT...........MISC................................... 290.19 STATE OF COLORADO......................Services and Other........... 5,356.31 STATE OF COLORADO......................Supplies.......................... 11,175.15 STATE OF MINNESOTA/4TH JUDICIAL ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 STATEWIDE INTERNET PORTAL AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 13,440.00 STEPHANIE FUTRELL.......................MISC..................................... 15.00 STOKES & WOLF PC.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 STUART K VAN KOOTEN..................Services and Other................ 16.10 SUMMIT PATHOLOGY........................Supplies............................ 1,022.00 SUPER SEER CORPORATION..........Supplies............................... 171.99 Sabrina Patten.....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Sabrina Wicker....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Sahel Pourfayaz..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Samara Stone.....................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Sean Gibson........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Shea Vance.........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Shia Coughlin......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Snap-On Tools.....................................Supplies............................... 949.01 Sophia Manzano.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Sophie Kvaratskhelia...........................Services and Other.............. 180.00 T-MOBILE USA INC............................Services and Other.............. 143.08 TACTIVOS INC....................................Services and Other........... 2,400.00 TATYANA M LEPLER..........................Services and Other.................. 8.05 TELCORDIA TECHNOLOGIES...........Services and Other.............. 950.00 TELVENT DTN INC.............................Services and Other........... 2,544.00 TERESA A MARLOWE........................Services and Other................ 92.11 THE EQUITY PROJECT LLC..............Services and Other......... 12,000.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 890.57 THE JOB STORE................................MISC................................ 2,419.11 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other......... 11,615.03 THE MOORE LAW GROUP APC........MISC..................................... 15.00 THE SUPPLY CACHE INC..................Supplies............................ 1,945.55 THERMO FLUIDS INC........................Supplies............................... 493.57 THIN LINE THREAD...........................Supplies............................... 924.00 THOMAS RICHARD LISEC................Services and Other................ 40.83 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other........... 3,224.98 TODD J MONTGOMERY....................Services and Other.............. 244.00 TODD RYAN........................................MISC..................................... 15.00 TOP HAT FILE AND SERVE INC........MISC..................................... 15.00

LEGALS TOWN OF DEER TRAIL......................Services and Other................ 44.44 TRANS UNION....................................Services and Other.............. 251.20 TRAVIS R KRINGS.............................Services and Other................ 70.21 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 32,359.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other....... 391,863.17 TSCHETTER HAMRICK SULZER PC ............................................................MISC................................ 2,190.00 TSI INCORPORATED.........................MISC.............................. 72,686.59 Talia Richard-Lande............................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Tierra Zuniga.......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Tina Karami.........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Tinley Enzminger.................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Trace Rindal........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Tyler Iden.............................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 U.S. COURTS-PACER........................Services and Other.............. 180.90 UE COMPRESSION HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,508.12 UNIFIRST FIRST AID CORP..............Supplies............................... 430.84 UNITED LANGUAGE GROUP INC.....Services and Other........... 1,471.00 UNITED POWER AND BATTERY CORP ............................................................Services and Other.............. 548.00 UNIVERSAL INFORMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 696.20 US POSTMASTER..............................Supplies............................ 1,240.00 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 362.07 VALLEJO CC LLC...............................Services and Other......... 18,832.34 VARGO & JANSON PC.......................MISC..................................... 30.00 VECTORS, INC...................................Services and Other........... 2,695.00 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other......... 36,897.58 VICTOR R BLATZER..........................Services and Other.............. 118.74 VICTORIA ADAMS KOTSCH..............Services and Other.................. 6.55 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other........... 1,568.97 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................ 6,621.69 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Supplies................................. 60.61 Victoria Majeske..................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 WAKEFIELD AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................MISC..................................... 70.00 WARREN KULIK.................................Services and Other.............. 101.72 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,688.23 WATCHGUARD VIDEO.......................Supplies............................ 6,954.00 WELBORN SULLIVAN MECK & TOOLEY PC ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,622.22 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other....... 447,500.15 WESTERN LAW GROUP LLC............MISC..................................... 77.60 WILLIAM T WATTS.............................Services and Other................ 23.00 WINZENBURG LEFF PURVIS & PAYNE LLP ............................................................MISC................................... 169.70 WL CONTRACTORS INC...................Services and Other........... 4,505.00 WOOD ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,117.50 WRITER MOTT...................................Services and Other................ 71.88 Wendy Avelar......................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other......... 72,929.82 Zachary Samuels................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 Zoe Purcell..........................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 FUND REPORT - 11 Social Services A BETTER PLACE FUNERAL & CREMATION ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Capital Outlay............... 220,387.89 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other........... 2,563.99 ABIGAIL M RAMSAUER.....................Services and Other.............. 992.65 ABT CREMATION...............................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 ADVANCED FLOORING SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,667.62 AIMIE INGALLS..................................Services and Other................ 16.56 ALEXANDRA C EGGLESTON............Services and Other................ 97.20 ALEXANDRIA J KNAPPE...................Services and Other.............. 175.32 ALEXIS S JONES...............................Services and Other.............. 310.96 ALICIA P HEWITT...............................Services and Other................ 41.75 ALISON A IVORY................................Services and Other.............. 421.48 ALL THE COMFORT OF HOME INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 9,827.41 AMBER D VERZOSA..........................Services and Other.............. 222.73 AMY L GOLDBERG............................Services and Other.............. 102.35 ANDREA D MACKENZIE....................Services and Other.............. 420.22 ANDREA M SCHABES.......................Services and Other................ 54.05 ANGELA M COMPTON.......................Services and Other................ 76.02 ANGELICA ROS..................................Services and Other.............. 396.18 APARTMENTS & HOMES INC...........Community Programs....... 3,600.00 APRIL K SEE.......................................Services and Other.............. 401.07 ARAPAHOE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT ............................................................Community Programs.......... 334.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,027.77 ARAPAHOE/DOUGLAS WORKS........Community Programs..... 27,938.00 ARIZONA READY PROCESS SERIVCE ............................................................Services and Other................ 80.00 ASHLEY D WUNDERLE.....................Services and Other.............. 252.89 ASHLEY J KOWALEFSKI...................Services and Other.............. 309.58 ASHLEY L SCHWIEGER....................Services and Other................ 94.25 AUBREE RENEE BREWER...............Services and Other.............. 384.04 BAILEY K MCGUINNESS...................Services and Other.............. 172.21 BC SERVICES INC.............................MISC................................ 1,663.78 BRANNON BRADDY...........................MISC..................................... 17.00 BRENDA L ARMOUR..........................Services and Other.............. 324.59 BRENDA R BLASKO...........................Services and Other.............. 347.41 BRIDGET GRIMALDI..........................Services and Other................ 51.23 BRITTANI N CHOATE.........................Services and Other.............. 360.52 BRITTANY NOBLE..............................Services and Other................ 22.08 CARISSA R BARELA..........................Services and Other.............. 294.40 CARRIE A BALOW..............................Services and Other................ 35.82 CASSANDRA ALLEN..........................MISC..................................... 27.00 CASSANDRA R AGUILAR..................Services and Other.............. 956.45 CDPH - VITAL RECORDS..................Services and Other................ 50.00 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Community Programs..... 16,048.00 CENTER FOR POLICY RESEARCH ............................................................Services and Other......... 50,634.00 CENTER FOR WORK EDUCATION AND ............................................................Community Programs... 193,392.63 CHAD C CERINICH............................Community Programs....... 1,215.00 CHAD C CERINICH............................Services and Other.............. 990.00 CHANCE.............................................Community Programs.......... 700.00 CHELSEY R HANSON........................Services and Other.............. 882.22 CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT #5 ............................................................Community Programs.......... 175.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC..................................... 18.00 COACHING-FORLIFE.........................Services and Other........... 2,500.00 COLORADO BUREAU INVESTIGATION ............................................................Services and Other.............. 395.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 350.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC................................... 138.45 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING & CCTV LLC ............................................................Capital Outlay................. 10,353.00 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER.................Community Programs..... 24,240.00 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other........... 1,247.52 CORPORATE TRANSLATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,532.13 DAJANA ROGULJA.............................Services and Other................ 90.68 DAWN M STOUDT..............................Services and Other.............. 189.92 DEBORAH M BOWERS......................Services and Other.............. 441.20 DELMY C ACOSTA.............................Services and Other.............. 166.18 DENICE A ALVAREZ...........................Services and Other.............. 221.44 DENVER DISTRICT COURT..............MISC................................... 200.00 DENVER HUMAN SERVICES............MISC..................................... 86.00 DENVER SHERIFF DEPARTMENT....Services and Other.............. 123.05 DONOVAN J WEBB............................Services and Other................ 19.38 EL PASO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE............................................................Services and Other................ 39.35 ELISE N RONQUILLO........................Services and Other.............. 225.98 ELIZA M GRANAHAN FIELD..............Services and Other.............. 204.41 ELIZABETH A AZNAR.........................Services and Other.............. 121.76 EMELY ROMERO...............................Services and Other.............. 202.98 EMILY A INGRAHAM...........................Services and Other................ 72.57 EMME MARIE MURPHY.....................Services and Other................ 81.08 ENCORE FURNERAL AND CREMATION ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 ERIC A HOSKINS................................Services and Other.............. 714.11 ERIN W WIENEKE..............................Services and Other.............. 877.11 EXPERIAN..........................................Services and Other................ 37.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,447.28 FAMILY TREE INC..............................Community Programs..... 25,750.00 FAMILY TREE INC..............................Services and Other........... 2,568.50 FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT

............................................................Services and Other................ 33.45 GAMZE KURAN DERECI....................MISC..................................... 81.00 GERALD H PHIPPS INC.....................Capital Outlay............... 130,769.59 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP..................Services and Other........... 1,361.01 HAIDAR FALHI....................................MISC....................................... 1.00 HAILEY D TRAVIS..............................Services and Other................ 82.57 HAYLEY ROSE WOLFE......................Services and Other.............. 451.72 HOME PARTNERS OF AMERICA INC ............................................................Community Programs..... 10,223.90 HORAN & MCCONATY MORTUARY ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 ILLINOIS DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ............................................................Services and Other................ 17.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other........... 3,842.01 INTERGROUP INC.............................Capital Outlay................... 1,824.50 JACQUELYN C GABEL.......................Community Programs............ 10.79 JACQUELYN C GABEL.......................Services and Other.............. 433.50 JAMES ERIC SWART.........................Services and Other........... 1,800.00 JAYMYN MERRIT...............................MISC................................... 100.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY DEPT OFSOCIAL SVCS ............................................................Community Programs..... 26,912.98 JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFFS....Services and Other................ 23.60 JEFFREY SCOTT WITTEBORT.........Community Programs.......... 800.00 JENNIFER L MARINE.........................Services and Other................ 21.97 JENNIFER PAUL.................................MISC................................... 130.19 JESSICA L FREEMAN........................Services and Other.............. 358.87 JESSICA ROMAN MARTINEZ............Services and Other................ 78.61 JOHN NAGENCAST...........................Community Programs....... 1,620.00 JOLETA S GATTON............................Services and Other.............. 117.30 JORDAN M MCGINNIS.......................Services and Other.............. 638.15 JORGE SALAS...................................Community Programs....... 1,732.50 JORGE SALAS...................................Services and Other.............. 495.00 JULIA P RAMSDELL...........................Services and Other.............. 322.36 JULIANNE K SIMENSON...................Services and Other................ 83.26 JUSTINA E MEADOWS......................Services and Other.............. 502.61 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC............................ 444,971.36 KANDICE PAUL..................................MISC................................... 166.45 KATHLEEN ZIOLA...............................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 KATIE E BROOKS...............................Services and Other.............. 334.88 KATRIONA S MORTIMORE................Services and Other.............. 215.22 KAYLEE MCFARLAND........................Services and Other................ 45.54 KAYLEIGH BOVERI............................Services and Other.............. 284.16 KELLY E GOODMAN..........................Services and Other.............. 226.67 KELSEIGH GORMAN.........................Services and Other................ 25.88 KEN CARYL GLASS INC....................Services and Other.............. 964.00 KHALED ALMUKHTAR.......................MISC................................... 300.27 KIERRA HUBBART.............................MISC..................................... 50.00 KIMBERLY D PINE..............................Services and Other.............. 798.27 KRISTIN F DAVIS................................Services and Other.............. 385.63 LARRY GOOD ASSOCIATES INC......Services and Other........... 1,900.00 LAURA DIAZ.......................................Services and Other.............. 659.08 LAURA N HEATHCOAT......................Services and Other.............. 470.58 LEBA R HIRSCH.................................Services and Other.............. 259.15 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 240.65 LILIAN LUQUIN SALAZAR.................Services and Other.............. 169.74 LINDA K METSGER............................Services and Other.............. 310.22 LINLEY K STRICKER..........................Services and Other................ 59.40 LONNIE EDDY....................................Community Programs.......... 810.00 LONNIE EDDY....................................Services and Other.............. 720.00 LYNNAE J STEVENS..........................Services and Other................ 20.59 MARIA V LOUIS MILLER....................Services and Other.............. 465.19 MARIANELA V TURNER.....................Services and Other.............. 196.94 MARIANN DONINA TORRENCE........Services and Other.............. 217.18 MARINA SARINANA...........................Services and Other.............. 105.00 MELISSA L MCKINLEY.......................Services and Other.............. 409.12 MICHELLE YORKS.............................Services and Other.............. 629.87 MINDY L KUGLER..............................Services and Other................ 53.48 MOHAMMED ALQATTAN...................MISC..................................... 24.00 NANCY REGALADO...........................Community Programs.......... 230.00 NATALIE F CORONADO.....................Services and Other................ 19.55 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT...........MISC................................... 605.10 NRZ MBN ISSUER HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,068.41 OLGA PARSHERKOVA.......................MISC..................................... 38.00 ONTARIO SYSTEMS LLC...................Services and Other........... 4,440.00 OPTIMIZE MANPOWER SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 33,407.42 OSCAR JIMENEZ...............................MISC..................................... 80.00 PAMELA A YANETT.............................Services and Other.............. 149.96 PARK PLACE 1 LLC............................Community Programs.......... 600.00 PHIANGCHIT MUTZBAUER...............Services and Other.............. 841.41 QUENTON BORASHARD GOODWIN ............................................................Services and Other................ 60.38 RACHEL ANNE NUNEZ......................Services and Other........... 1,575.00 RACHEL MACLEISH...........................Services and Other.............. 276.46 RACHELE SERRES............................Services and Other.............. 396.52 REBECCA HEATON............................Services and Other................ 97.18 REBECCA J MAYBURY......................Services and Other.............. 101.43 REBECCA L WILSON.........................Services and Other.............. 100.06 REBECCA MICHELLE MADSEN........Services and Other.............. 287.74 REBECKAH DEANGELIS...................Services and Other.............. 283.14 RENE GONZALEZ..............................Community Programs.......... 250.00 ROBERT ALAN JACKSON.................Community Programs.......... 382.50 ROBIN L NICETA................................Services and Other........... 1,008.27 ROLONDA L NIX.................................Services and Other................ 11.04 RYAN G MCCORMICK.......................Services and Other.............. 873.26 SADIE E HILL......................................Services and Other.............. 646.36 SALVATORE L FAZIO JR....................Services and Other........... 1,462.50 SAMANTHA J KAHLE.........................Services and Other.............. 162.33 SAMANTHA J LEACH.........................Services and Other................ 40.25 SANTIAGO CARDENAS.....................MISC................................... 104.90 SARAH L WOLF..................................Services and Other.............. 902.76 SETH BAGAYA....................................MISC....................................... 1.00 SHAELA M NEWBY............................Services and Other.............. 288.36 SHANNON HICKS...............................Services and Other................ 31.86 SHARICA JENKINS............................MISC..................................... 20.00 SHAWNA H SHAFFER........................Services and Other.............. 112.23 SHAYLA B REICHERT........................Services and Other.............. 694.66 SHILOH HOME INC............................Community Programs..... 20,847.34 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................................MISC................................ 2,477.00 SPATHA LLC.......................................Services and Other................ 45.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC.............................. 18,540.41 STEPHANIE VELASQUEZ.................Services and Other.............. 106.95 STEVIE N REES.................................Services and Other................ 55.83 STORMSOURCE LLC.........................Services and Other........... 2,028.00 SUSAN L WYNN.................................Community Programs....... 1,935.00 TAMARA D WHITE..............................Services and Other................ 99.71 TASHANA L SANDERS.......................Services and Other................ 71.76 TECSOLARC LLC...............................Services and Other........... 9,000.00 TERRI PRYOR....................................MISC....................................... 6.00 THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,000.00 THE HOPE INITIATIVE.......................Services and Other.............. 292.50 THE PITNEY BOWES BANK INC.......Supplies............................ 6,633.00 THOMAS A GRAHAM JR....................Services and Other........... 1,980.00 TIFFANY BERNICE MCGEE...............Services and Other.............. 118.34 TOM MILLS PSI INC...........................Services and Other........... 1,410.00 TRACY J OPP.....................................Services and Other.............. 203.38 TRACY M CARROLL..........................Community Programs............ 22.18 TRACY M CARROLL..........................Services and Other.............. 209.96 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 11,448.22 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 180.00 VALERIE K BROOKS..........................Services and Other.............. 765.00 VANESSA N HUGHES........................Services and Other.............. 214.54 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Community Programs.......... 200.00 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other......... 18,766.11 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other.............. 180.78 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................ 4,494.18 WAKEFIELD AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................MISC................................... 742.94 WAYNE LA CRUE...............................Services and Other........... 1,620.00 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,849.97 XCEL ENERGY...................................Community Programs.......... 858.98 FUND REPORT - 12 Electronic Filing Technology COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC.............................. 34,236.00 KOFILE TECHNOLOGIES INC...........Services and Other......... 18,163.00 FUND REPORT - 14 Law Enforcement Authority Distric 1ST CLASS TOWING.........................Services and Other.............. 205.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Supplies............................... 374.90

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— ALAMEDA EAST VETERINARY HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,919.19 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Supplies............................... 231.00 BROOKE BELT...................................Services and Other................ 60.00 CELENA MEEKS.................................Services and Other................ 60.00 CENTURA HEALTH CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.............. 600.00 CHERRY KNOLLS PHILLIPS 66........Services and Other.............. 368.00 CHRISTAL KETTELER.......................Services and Other.............. 125.00 COLORADO DEPT OF HUMAN SVCS ............................................................Services and Other.............. 945.00 EVA LOUISE FOSTER........................Services and Other................ 72.00 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................... 162.83 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC.....Supplies................................. 44.00 INVISI-TAG LLC..................................Supplies............................ 1,608.00 JUDICIARY COURTS STATE OF CO ............................................................Services and Other.............. 162.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 55,082.14 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 286.45 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other................ 22.61 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,808.50 MR BLAKE SILL..................................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 POCKET PRESS LLC.........................Supplies............................... 663.46 PROTECTION ONE............................Services and Other................ 71.25 ROSA CORPORATION.......................Services and Other.............. 115.20 SOUTHWEST COLDFIRE LAW ENFCMT LLC ............................................................Supplies............................... 267.49 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 2,987.72 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT...................MISC................................ 1,384.62 THE ADT SECURITY CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other................ 71.25 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other........... 2,036.25 VICTIM ASSISTANCE LAW................Services and Other........... 1,614.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 665.47 WATCHGUARD VIDEO.......................Supplies............................ 4,636.00 FUND REPORT - 15 Arapahoe / Douglas Works! A’NSHENEA DICKERSON..................Community Programs.......... 550.00 ALEXA P ELY......................................Services and Other................ 26.68 ALEXA P ELY......................................Supplies................................. 19.54 AURORA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,100.00 BETH M FREDEEN.............................Services and Other................ 15.64 CDL SAFETY SCHOOL INC...............Services and Other........... 3,000.00 CECIL R SESSIONS...........................Community Programs.......... 250.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................Community Programs............ 95.00 COLORADO SPACE BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 175.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY GLOBAL ............................................................Community Programs.......... 589.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY GLOBAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,500.00 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other.............. 519.80 DAVID KENYATTA...............................Community Programs.......... 200.00 DENVER HEALTH PARAMEDICS......Services and Other........... 3,000.00 DEVAUN BELL....................................Community Programs.......... 250.00 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS LLC..........Services and Other.............. 950.00 EXCEL DRIVER SERVICES LLC.......Services and Other........... 4,500.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 2,122.62 FELIZ CONWAY..................................Community Programs.......... 250.00 FLIGHT TRAINING INTERNATIONAL INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,000.00 FRONT RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 726.71 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,094.91 HALIMA KAY MANI.............................Community Programs.......... 150.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other.............. 988.74 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................ 2,760.99 JOHN D NEBEL..................................Services and Other........... 4,870.00 JOSHUA N ADAMS.............................Community Programs.......... 400.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 53,492.81 KEITH LANDERS................................Community Programs.......... 250.00 MATTHEW MAYFIELD........................Community Programs.......... 250.00 MONICA DILLOW...............................Community Programs.......... 300.00 MONICA K VAUGHN...........................Services and Other................ 78.60 NATIONAL ASSN. OF WORKFORCE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 NIELS E CHRISTENSEN....................Services and Other................ 26.45 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP ............................................................Supplies............................... 291.60 PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING SPECIALISTS USA ............................................................Community Programs.......... 100.00 PICKENS TECH..................................Services and Other........... 3,000.00 PRECISION TRANSACTION..............Services and Other.............. 930.16 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Community Programs.......... 417.98 RONALD R PEREA.............................Services and Other................ 15.76 RTD 2380............................................Community Programs.......... 912.00 SANG NGUYEN..................................Community Programs.......... 200.00 SOUTH DENVER SCHOOL OF NURSING ARTS ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,500.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 2,862.34 SUMMER HOPE GATHERCOLE........Services and Other.............. 495.00 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other........... 2,617.54 THE MASTER’S APPRENTICE..........Services and Other......... 19,500.00 THE SAGE CORPORATION...............Services and Other........... 3,000.00 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING...Services and Other........... 3,000.00 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 838.52 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 467.04 WELD COUNTY GOVERNMENT.......Services and Other........... 9,674.43 WEX BANK.........................................Community Programs....... 4,747.03 FUND REPORT - 16 Road and Bridge ACF FINCO I LP..................................Supplies............................ 2,378.60 ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY......Services and Other......... 30,548.50 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY.........Supplies................................. 56.90 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................ 1,694.29 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 403.65 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................... 528.92 CHRISTOPHER L CAMPBELL...........Services and Other.............. 525.00 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other........... 9,480.78 CLEARINGHOUSE.............................MISC................................... 193.28 DENCO SALES CO............................Supplies............................ 2,054.80 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 570.00

FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................ 1,449.21 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 3,015.23 GREATWOOD LUMBER & HARDWARE ............................................................Supplies............................... 443.76 IDENTITY INC.....................................Supplies............................... 331.78 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC........Services and Other......... 10,525.48 JK TRANSPORTS INC........................Services and Other....... 177,892.93 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 44,367.18 KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE CO........Supplies.......................... 36,760.11 KUKA INDUSTRIES INC.....................Supplies............................... 122.40 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC...................Supplies................................. 22.66 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies............................... 414.01 MATHESON TRIGAS INC...................Supplies............................... 142.06 MAVERICK WASTE SYSTEMS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,238.68 NORTHERN IMPORTS.......................Supplies............................... 274.50 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other.............. 341.00 OKLAHOMA CENTRALIZED SUPPORT ............................................................MISC................................... 692.28 OWENS EQUIPMENT.........................Supplies............................ 6,638.00 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Supplies............................... 642.35 ROBERT SHURTLEFF.......................MISC................................... 826.36 ROTH SHANNON...............................Services and Other........... 1,200.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 2,115.25 STOCKYARDS LUMBER & RANCH SUPPLY CO ............................................................Supplies............................ 8,811.65 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 317.84 TIMOTHY TONGE & ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,685.00 VANCE BROTHERS INC....................Services and Other....... 208,932.04 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 945.29 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 494.19 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 145.30 WL CONTRACTORS INC...................Services and Other......... 62,288.64 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 1,595.34 FUND REPORT - 19 Communications Network Replacemen CASTLE ROCK MICROWAVE LLC....MISC.............................. 58,697.71 FUND REPORT - 20 Sheriff’s Commissary ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 4,960.03 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other......... 13,887.50 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 8,951.53 BAKER & TAYLOR..............................Supplies............................ 1,541.57 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.............. 660.36 DEBRA RENEE TYGRETT.................Services and Other.............. 780.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 2,474.96 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 352.90 THE DENVER POST...........................Services and Other........... 1,122.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 29.36 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other........... 7,764.42 FUND REPORT - 21 Community Development DENVER BUSINESS JOURNAL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 100.00 DONTHULA REALTY INC...................Services and Other........... 5,890.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other.............. 109.86 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 3,406.56 PARK REALTY AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other........... 8,090.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 202.86 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 28.90 FUND REPORT - 26 Grants 1591 W ALAMEDA PARTNERSHIP....Community Programs....... 5,850.00 467 S MEMPHIS UNIT 13 LLC...........Community Programs....... 2,150.00 A & S JANITORIAL SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,782.08 A PERSONAL TOUCH CARPET & UPHOLSTER ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 A PLUS ATHLETICS LLC....................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 ABACUS EVENT STAFFING LLC.......Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ACTS NOW BAIL BONDS LLC...........Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ADVANCED BROADBAND SOLUTION INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 ADVANCED DENTAL HEALTH...........Services and Other......... 29,008.18 ADVANCED ORTHODONTIC CARE PC ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 ADVANTAGE TREATMENT CENTER ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,486.76 ADVENIR AT DEL ARTE LLC..............Community Programs....... 3,724.72 AFFINITY DENTAL ARTS PLLC.........Services and Other......... 40,000.00 ALJHAVEN ENTERPRISES INC.........Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ALL INCLUSIVE SEDANS LLC...........Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ALL PHASE MOVING LLC..................Services and Other......... 12,650.00 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................... 405.23 ANDERSON AND CLINTON BARBERSHOP ............................................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 ANDREA M SHEPARD AGENCY LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ANGELA G STANTON........................Services and Other................ 55.03 ANNETTE M ALFORD DMD PC.........Services and Other......... 12,161.58 APRIL STONES..................................Services and Other.............. 182.50 APSEN BLU LLC.................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 26,372.25 AURORA WARMS THE NIGHT..........Services and Other......... 73,184.65 BAI ENGINEERS LLC.........................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 BALDWIN FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 BALLET PHYSIQUE STUDIOS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 350.00 BAMBI KIM SHROPSHIRE.................Services and Other.............. 148.76 BEANTOWN INC.................................Services and Other......... 12,560.61 BEAUTY FRIENDS OLIVE LLC..........Services and Other......... 20,000.00 BENZER CO 1 LLC.............................Community Programs....... 5,164.22 BEST PHO INC...................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 BLACK CAR CO..................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 BOOJI BEAUTY BAR & CO................Services and Other........... 6,853.06 BRANDON M BRAUD DDS II LLC......Services and Other........... 6,846.51 BREWABILITY LAB LLC.....................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 BRISBEN CENTENNIAL EAST II........Community Programs....... 1,434.53 BUSTERBRAND.................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 BUTLER FAMILY HEALTH CENTER DC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 CARNATION BUILDING SERVICE INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,020.00 CAROLYN KITTELL DDS PLLC... Services and Other.......... 20,000.00 CATALYST FAMILY HEALTHServices and Other......................... 10,514.58 CATHERINE VIEREGGER DDS PC Services and Other........... 20,000.00 CE CONSULTING.Services and Other 20,000.00 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL COLORADO ...Services and Other........... 3,250.59 CHOICE NAILS CORP.Services and Other................................ 20,000.00 CHRISTOPHER J EDDYCommunity Programs............................ 3,765.00 CHRISTOPHER REX MORRIS.... Services and Other............. 5,260.43 CITY OF AURORA.Services and Other 1,263,635.21 CITY OF CENTENNIAL.Services and Other............................ 2,872,290.57 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE Services and Other.......... 19,617.65 CITY OF ENGLEWOODServices and Other.............................. 155,618.84 CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE Services and Other..... 2,532,205.24 CITY OF SHERIDANServices and Other................................ 18,779.00 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC Services and Other............. 9,086.00 COLORADO CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS PC ...Services and Other......... 20,000.00 COLORADO LIFE LESSONS LLC Services and Other........... 19,995.89 COLORADO PAWS.Services and

Other................................................... 10,000.00 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES INC............Supplies............................ 1,273.90 COLUMBINE NAILS LLC....................Services and Other........... 1,277.69 COMCOR INC.....................................Community Programs....... 3,500.52 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Community Programs... 106,723.40 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 16,540.00 COMPOUND OF COMPASSION........Services and Other......... 24,498.00 COMRADE BREWING COMPANY LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,101.94 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Community Programs... 262,408.28 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Services and Other........... 8,878.20 COT CAPITAL LLC..............................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 CPA REAL ESTATE SERVICES LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,000.00 CRABRUS INC....................................Services and Other........... 3,459.26 CRAWFISH BOIL COMPANY LLC......Services and Other......... 19,995.00 DAI HENG ENTERPRISES INC..........Services and Other......... 19,941.28 DAISY NAILS AND SUPPLY LLC.......Services and Other......... 40,000.00 DEB SHEPPARD LLC.........................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 DEER LAKE ELECTRIC LLLC............Services and Other......... 39,995.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies........................ 150,058.00 DENISE R HOLTER............................Services and Other................ 62.16 DENVER WINAIR CO.........................MISC.............................. 30,273.20 DEZIGNEXT TECHNOLOGIES LLC...Services and Other........... 2,090.00 DIRECT CHIROPRACTIC SCREENING ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 DOCTORS CARE................................Services and Other......... 27,609.00 DREAMSINC.......................................Services and Other.............. 777.84 EAGLE ROCK SUPPLY......................MISC................................ 8,424.00 EASTERN HILLS CHRISTIAN REFORMED ............................................................Services and Other......... 56,200.00 EBY PETROGRAPHY AND CONSULTING INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 EDUCATE 360 LLC.............................Services and Other........... 1,995.00 EL CAP HOLDINGS LLC....................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ELEVATION CHRISTIAN CHURCH....Services and Other......... 24,491.00 ELITE CARPET CLEANING & REPAIR INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 ELOISA ALTAMIRA..............................Services and Other................ 83.72 ENDODONTICS OF CHERRY CREEK DTC ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 EVERGREEN JEWELL AND VAUGHN LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 4,185.00 EXCALIBUR MOBILE SOUND SYSTEMS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 13,548.00 EXCEL DRIVER SERVICES LLC.......Services and Other........... 8,500.00 EZ CARE TRANSPORTATION LLC....Services and Other......... 20,000.00 F.U.E.L. SALON AND SPA LLC...........Services and Other......... 40,000.00 FAIRWAYS AT LOWRY AURORA LLC ............................................................Community Programs.......... 495.00 FAMILY PROMISE OF........................Services and Other......... 16,481.99 FHENATIC INC....................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 FINELY AGED INC..............................Services and Other........... 2,992.76 FIVE DALLAS PARTNERS LLC..........Community Programs....... 1,990.00 FOUNDRY APARTMENTS LLC..........Community Programs.......... 108.00 FOXRIDGE BARBERS INC................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 FRONT RANGE FLU SHOTS, LLC.....Services and Other......... 20,685.15 GARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,847.50 GARNISH INC.....................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 GARY G WOLFSON DDS PLLC.........Services and Other......... 40,000.00 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY....MISC................................... 348.00 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY....Supplies............................ 2,530.53 GOALFUNDZ LLC...............................Services and Other.............. 173.43 GRACE OF THE LORD.......................Services and Other......... 23,020.00 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 123.52 GREENWOOD FLOWER INC.............Services and Other......... 17,155.00 GREENWOOD VILLAGE DENTISTRY LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 GROUP VOYAGERS INC...................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 GROUT FAMILY DENTISTRY.............Services and Other......... 20,000.00 H & A PROPERTIES LLC....................Services and Other........... 8,589.45 HAAT FORCE SOUTH METRO LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 18,371.00 HAIR FETISH......................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 HAIR PRINCIPLES INC......................Services and Other........... 1,193.35 HANA SHIN INC..................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 HAND THERAPHY OF COLORADO LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 HANS MANAGEMENT LLC................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 HOME COMFORT INSULATION........Services and Other......... 14,155.78 HOPE STARTS HERE FOOD BANK..Services and Other......... 30,000.00 HWS S KIM.........................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 IDOWU ISHOLA OLADOYE................Services and Other......... 18,202.00 IMPERIAL HOLDINGS INC.................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 INDULGE SOUTHGLENN LLC...........Services and Other......... 20,000.00 INNA SELETSKAYA............................Community Programs....... 1,350.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other.............. 219.72 INSPECTIONGO INC..........................Services and Other........... 3,990.00 INTEGRATED FAMILY COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs....... 7,002.68 INTEGRATED HEALTH CENTER.......Services and Other......... 20,000.00 INTERVENTION COMMUNITY...........Community Programs.......... 403.85 INTREPID VENTURE GROUP LLC....Services and Other......... 35,825.00 INVESTED REAL ESTATE GROUP....Community Programs....... 1,319.88 JIANYUN ZHANG................................Community Programs.......... 211.00 JOSEPH DATAR, DDS, PLLC.............Services and Other......... 29,994.00 JP STYLE INC.....................................Services and Other......... 17,795.83 JSP VILLAS AT HOMSTEAD I LLC....Community Programs....... 3,332.11 JUNBUGG ENTERPRISES LLC.........Services and Other......... 20,000.00 K-BAM SPORTS.................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 20,553.88 KEITH D HANSON DDS PC...............Services and Other......... 20,000.00 KEUM H LIM........................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 KJ INC.................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 KJA CONSULTING LLC......................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 KM INC................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 KNIGHTON LLC..................................Services and Other........... 1,946.37 KWIK DRY CLEAN SUPER CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 KYUNG SOOK YUN............................Community Programs....... 2,100.00 L & J JANITORIAL SERVICES LLC....Services and Other.............. 782.46 L & N SUPPLY COMPANY INC...........Supplies............................... 104.75 LAXMI NARAYAN INC.........................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 LIM ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBEL MEDICINE ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 LITTLETON CHURCH OF CHRIST....Services and Other......... 10,000.00 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies............................ 5,500.75 LSP LITTLETON INC..........................Services and Other........... 9,140.01 MALLORY SAFETY AND SUPPLY LLC ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,571.60 MARISSA BOVEE...............................Services and Other................ 75.90 MARTHAS AURORA ENVENT CENTER ............................................................Services and Other......... 23,618.68 MARU FUKU INC................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 MASTERS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,497.50 MAYYA ACHERKAN DDS LLC............Services and Other......... 20,000.00 MD AFSAR ALI....................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 MESA COUNTY..................................Community Programs....... 1,486.76 METRO COMMUNITY PROVIDER NETWORK ............................................................Services and Other....... 207,817.58 MICHAEL DIORIO DDS......................Services and Other........... 5,000.00 MILE HIGH DRUG TEST CONSULTANTS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,101.00 MILE HIGH SHRM...............................Services and Other........... 1,395.00 MIP COLO V LLC................................Community Programs....... 2,600.00 MONGHA MOLITOR...........................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 MONOGRAMS TO GO INC................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 MONTGOMERY INSULATION INC....Services and Other........... 3,826.32 MOVEMENT 5280...............................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 NA COURTNEY DOWNS 89 LP.........Community Programs....... 1,684.90 NARUMOL WADEESIRISAK..............Services and Other......... 20,000.00 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MORTGAGE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 995.00 NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH....Services and Other......... 24,500.00 NEW LOOK CLEANERS INC.............Services and Other.............. 801.85 ONE COAT BEAUTIFUL LLC..............Services and Other......... 11,745.93 PARKSIDE REALTY & MANAGEMENT, LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,900.00 PATRIUM CONSULTING LLC.............Services and Other......... 17,727.00 PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,075.00 PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING SPECIALISTS USA ............................................................Services and Other.............. 895.00

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PAGE 20 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020 —Continued from previous page— PNC DATACOM LLC...........................Services and Other......... 25,481.40 POPULUM REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,060.61 POSITIVE ENERGY CONSERVATION ............................................................MISC................................... 776.00 PRECISION TRANSACTION..............Services and Other......... 18,308.48 QUINCY RIDGE HOLDINGS LP.........Community Programs....... 1,455.00 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT....Community Programs....... 1,880.53 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Community Programs.......... 406.00 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other......... 21,320.00 RMR COLORADO LLC.......................Services and Other........... 4,237.74 SAVIO HOUSE....................................Services and Other......... 25,325.81 SCIENCE MATTERS IN COLORADO LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,503.82 SECOND CHANCE CENTER INC......Services and Other......... 30,480.85 SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER NETWORK ............................................................Services and Other......... 22,246.46 SHAILEES SUNBEAMS......................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 SOUTHWEST COLORADO COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,486.76 SSI SOLUTIONS INC..........................Services and Other........... 1,148.00 ST PHILLIP LUTHERAN CHURCH.....Services and Other......... 15,000.00 STACEY MILLER DDS INC.................Services and Other........... 7,435.15 STACKHOUSE ACQUISITIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 40,000.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY..........................................MISC. 817.94 STEPHAN P JACKSON......................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 SUK MUN............................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 SUMMIT HEALTH & WELLINESS CTR PLLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 TEA STREET LLC...............................Services and Other........... 1,293.87 TERESA A MARLOWE........................Services and Other................ 10.24 THE CATERERS INC..........................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 THE FORT COLLINS DIGITAL WORKSHOP ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,090.00 THE SAGE CORPORATION...............Services and Other........... 8,220.00 THE SALVATION ARMY......................Services and Other......... 25,000.00 TIBURON ASSOCIATES LLC.............Community Programs....... 1,000.00 TIMANI REALTY INC..........................Community Programs....... 5,850.00 TMAC INVESTMENTS INC.................Services and Other......... 15,000.00 TOWN OF BENNETT..........................Services and Other......... 36,579.66 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other....... 813,396.04 TRINITY SCS INC...............................Services and Other........... 3,030.00 TWINZA LLC.......................................Services and Other........... 1,574.57 ULINE INC...........................................Supplies............................ 1,777.40 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING...Services and Other......... 40,455.00 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 805.98 VIKING POWER ELITE LLC...............Services and Other......... 10,000.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................ 6,621.69 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 200.25 WATERFIELD COURT GARDENS LP ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,737.36 WINRIDGE VENTURE LLC................Community Programs.......... 981.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 255.00 FUND REPORT - 28 Open Space Sales Tax ALAMIA INC........................................Services and Other.................. 1.95 ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY......Services and Other......... 13,322.16 ANHEUSER BUSCH...........................Services and Other.............. 268.45 APPLEJACK WINE & SPIRTS LLC....Services and Other.............. 411.93 ARAPAHOE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT ............................................................Services and Other....... 120,502.57 CARROLL W SCOTT..........................Supplies............................ 1,022.00 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Services and Other.............. 838.40 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2............Services and Other........... 1,055.64 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................Services and Other....... 414,000.00 CLEAR SELECTIONS GROUP INC...Services and Other.............. 815.00 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 168.00 COLORADO DESIGNSCAPES INC...Services and Other........... 1,200.00 CONCRETE EXPRESS INC...............MISC............................ 140,205.49 CONCRETE EXPRESS INC...............Services and Other.............. 803.25 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC..................Services and Other................ 75.96 CRYSTAL ORGAN..............................Services and Other................ 28.12 DESIGN WORKSHOP INC.................Services and Other......... 46,945.00 DHM DESIGN CORPORATION..........Services and Other........... 9,532.75 DIERS EXHIBIT GROUP, LLC............Services and Other.............. 176.00 DISTINCTIVE THREADS, INC............Supplies............................... 159.75 ELECTRI-TEK LLC.............................Services and Other.............. 450.90 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 646.59 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 20,390.00 GLEN R POOLE..................................Services and Other................ 95.01 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 478.27 GRANDVIEW HIGH SCHOOL............MISC..................................... 75.00 HAMACHER WELL WORKS INC.......Services and Other......... 12,952.05 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................... 187.48 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other.............. 329.58 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................... 190.39 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION.......Services and Other........... 6,002.20 JAMES C STEWART...........................Services and Other.............. 800.00 JAMIE SKETERS................................MISC................................... 900.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 14,358.98 LAUREN SIGLER................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 102.00 PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,854.78 PINYON EVIRONMENTAL INC..........Services and Other........... 5,023.15 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION..........Services and Other........... 5,416.03 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ASSOC OF FAIRS ............................................................Services and Other.............. 125.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 107.13 ROTH SHANNON...............................Services and Other.............. 205.00 S & B CONFLUENCE-CO LLC...........Services and Other........... 2,396.00 SANDRA L BOTTOMS........................Services and Other.............. 148.28 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 686.50 STREAM DESIGN LLC.......................Services and Other......... 11,229.50 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 206.69 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY ............................................................Services and Other.............. 290.00 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other........... 2,794.29 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 131.40 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 397.00 WENK ASSOCIATES INC...................MISC.............................. 43,488.50 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other......... 11,410.09 FUND REPORT - 29 Homeland Security - North Central C SCOTT KELLAR..............................Services and Other......... 10,850.00 CENTER FOR INTERNET SECURITY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,820.00 CRITIGEN LLC....................................Services and Other........... 4,070.00 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH ............................................................Services and Other......... 15,169.17 EON OFFICE PRODUCTS.................Services and Other.............. 164.34 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC............................ 112,262.34 RICHARD C PRICE.............................Services and Other........... 5,463.08 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC..................................... 91.20 TIME CREATORS INC........................Services and Other.............. 540.00 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 172.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 28.90 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 236.47 FUND REPORT - 33 Building Maintenance Fund A & A TRADIN POST INC....................Services and Other........... 3,188.11 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Supplies............................... 427.98 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SECURITY.....Supplies................................. 83.48 BOLDER ENERGY ENGINEERS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,300.00 CATOR, RUMA & ASSOCIATES CO ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,710.00 CDPHE................................................Supplies............................... 329.00 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other.............. 476.60 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC..........Services and Other................ 90.68 COLORADO DEPART OF LABOR & EMPLOYM ............................................................Services and Other.............. 225.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,080.00 COLORADO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC

LEGALS ............................................................Services and Other......... 66,930.00 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC..................Services and Other................ 93.35 DCPS CLEANING LLC.......................Supplies.......................... 31,423.14 DENVER FIRST AID & SAFTEY.........Supplies................................. 87.18 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ............................................................Services and Other................ 90.00 DOUA MOCKETT & CO INC...............Supplies............................ 5,422.00 EAP GLASS SERVICE........................Services and Other........... 2,517.46 ELECTRI-TEK LLC.............................Services and Other......... 23,388.00 ELEVATOR INSPECTION & CERT SERV INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 525.00 ENGLEWOOD LOCK AND SAFE INC ............................................................Supplies................................. 24.54 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC..................Services and Other.............. 612.37 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other.............. 343.89 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 1,269.40 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies.......................... 14,217.48 HORIZON............................................Services and Other........... 2,071.70 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other.............. 156.00 KEESEN LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,741.02 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC.................Supplies............................... 706.65 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............Services and Other........... 1,057.76 METRO PAVERS INC.........................Services and Other........... 6,800.00 PEST PREDATOR LLC.......................Services and Other........... 1,700.00 PIONEER SAND COMPANY INC.......Services and Other.............. 417.96 PUR-O-ZONE INC...............................Supplies.......................... 22,616.66 RAMPART SUPPLY INC.....................Services and Other.............. 953.81 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FLAG COMPANY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 399.83 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT...Services and Other.............. 665.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS.........................Services and Other.............. 118.14 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC.................Services and Other.............. 409.00 THE ADT SECURITY CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.............. 560.00 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO...........Supplies............................... 146.66 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Supplies............................ 4,510.00 WEED WRANGLERS..........................Services and Other........... 1,860.00 FUND REPORT - 34 Fair Fund MCGOFFIN MARKETING INC............Services and Other........... 1,500.00 FUND REPORT - 41 Capital Expenditure A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Capital Outlay................... 1,955.01 ABEAM CONSULTING USA LTD........MISC.............................. 97,657.00 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Capital Outlay................... 2,483.00 ALTUS ARCHITECTURAL STUDIOS INC ............................................................Capital Outlay............... 191,003.00 AMTECH SOLUTIONS INC................MISC................................ 3,900.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................Capital Outlay................... 2,357.00 ELECTRI-TEK LLC.............................MISC.............................. 18,185.00 EST INC..............................................MISC................................ 1,738.00 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY.....Capital Outlay...................... 136.31 KC CONSTRUCTION INC..................MISC.............................. 20,608.00 KECI COLORADO INC.......................MISC.............................. 66,945.31 LEWIS HIMES ASSOCIATES INC......Capital Outlay................... 2,695.00 LINX MULTIMEDIA LLLP....................Capital Outlay................. 11,418.26 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS..................MISC.............................. 24,960.00 REILLY JOHNSON ARCHITECTURE INC ............................................................Capital Outlay................. 14,000.00 RNN ARCHITECTS INC......................Capital Outlay................... 2,600.00 SOLUTIONS MECHANICAL...............MISC.............................. 12,252.50 SUPERIOR ROOFING INC.................MISC............................ 133,926.25 TRUEPOINT SOLUTIONS LLC..........MISC................................ 1,520.00 WESTERN ACCESS CONTROLS INC ............................................................Capital Outlay...................... 300.00 FUND REPORT - 42 Infrastructure ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY......Services and Other....... 111,563.67 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT...MISC............................ 348,180.00 COLORADO OUTDOOR INC.............MISC.............................. 29,775.00 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 45,270.61 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 52,622.05 HC PECK & ASSOC AS ESCROW AGENT ............................................................MISC............................ 350,275.00 SEMA CONSTRUCTION INC.............Services and Other.... 2,509,954.14 FUND REPORT - 43 Arapahoe County Recreation Distri ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ............................................................Services and Other......... 28,502.91 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other........... 1,957.97 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 879.28 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 4,179.68 NILEX USA INC...................................Supplies................................. 63.00 PARKER JORDAN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 229.30 PRESERVATION TREE CARE...........Services and Other........... 5,020.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 166.26 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 44.14 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,750.13 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 1,852.50 FUND REPORT - 70 Central Services ADVANCE AUTO PARTS....................MISC..................................... 28.11 ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................MISC................................ 1,570.89 AUTOZONE PARTS INC.....................MISC..................................... 29.28 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................MISC................................ 2,092.12 BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES INC.......MISC................................... 527.92 COLORADO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CO ............................................................MISC................................ 2,144.53 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................MISC................................... 110.84 FEDEX................................................MISC................................ 3,975.85 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............MISC................................ 1,122.67 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................MISC.............................. 38,353.13 HOW HOLDINGS LLC........................MISC................................... 181.15 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................MISC................................ 3,914.22 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................MISC.............................. 23,075.48 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................MISC................................ 1,069.60 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............MISC................................ 2,423.86 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................MISC................................... 329.30 SPRADLEY BARR FORD...................MISC............................ 816,877.00 THE PITNEY BOWES BANK INC.......MISC.............................. 40,000.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................MISC................................... 162.04 FUND REPORT - 71 Self-Insurance Liability ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................Services and Other.............. 722.15 ALLSTATE PROPERTY & CASUALTY ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,228.51 AXIOM COLORADO LLC....................Services and Other........... 7,100.61 BACHUS & SCHANKER LLC.............Services and Other......... 10,000.00 CLERKIN SINCLAIR AND MAHFOUZ LLP ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,817.65 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other................ 27.58 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS......................Services and Other.............. 298.80 MAZZO CORPORATION....................Services and Other........... 5,576.66 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS..................Services and Other........... 4,690.25 MR BLAKE SILL..................................Services and Other........... 2,052.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other.............. 622.67 FUND REPORT - 73 Self-Insurance Workers Comp CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other......... 57,109.69 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP ............................................................Services and Other.............. 604.69 FUND REPORT - 74 Self-Insurance Dental DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other....... 102,051.26 RETIREMENT PLANNING SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 12,565.48 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................Services and Other.............. 117.87 FUND REPORT - 84 E-911 Authority 911 SOLUTIONS INC..........................Services and Other........... 5,296.25 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other........... 2,579.10 CITY OF GLENDALE..........................Services and Other.............. 195.00 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................Services and Other......... 26,387.36 CONVERGEONE, INC........................Services and Other......... 59,493.86 ENGLEWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT

............................................................Services and Other........... 4,795.25 FAIRFIELD AND WOODS PC.............Services and Other........... 8,831.30 FRONT RANGE INTERNET INC........Services and Other.............. 120.00 METCOM.............................................Services and Other........... 2,817.75 SIMONA REDFERN............................Services and Other................ 30.00 STRASBURG FIRE PROTECTION....Services and Other......... 23,688.00 TDS LONG DISTANCE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.............. 285.66 VOIANCE LANGUAGE SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 233.02 FUND REPORT - 91 Treasurer CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC......................... 1,827,411.40 CITY OF CENTENNIAL.......................MISC............................ 476,159.05 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...MISC............................ 117,465.05 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................MISC............................ 177,866.99 CITY OF GLENDALE..........................MISC.............................. 34,491.09 CITY OF LITTLETON / FINANCE DEPT ............................................................MISC............................ 247,587.53 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................MISC.............................. 50,492.55 COLO DEPT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT ............................................................MISC................................ 1,680.00 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE.....MISC......................... 5,070,081.81 STATE OF COLORADO HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC.............................. 11,200.00 TOWN OF BENNETT..........................MISC..................................... 80.00 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY.......MISC.............................. 20,817.82 TOWN OF FOXFIELD.........................MISC..................................... 53.63 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S.S. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) I, JOAN LOPEZ, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND EX OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LISTS OF COUNTY WARRANTS ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER THE DATES OF 11/01/2020 THROUGH 11/30/2020 DRAWN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERE UNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE SAID COUNTY AT LITTLETON THIS 12/16/2020 . JOAN LOPEZ, CLERK TO THE BOARD Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10051 ___________________________

ARAPAHOE COUNTY ARAPAHOE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 2021-01 REVISION OF WEED CONTROL ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: The proposed Ordinance, if approved, would amend and restate the existing County Weed Control Ordinance No. 2001-02 to allow for regulation of weeds on lots up to two acres in size zoned for residential, commercial and industrial purposes, including those zoned by Planned Unit Development. HEARING NOTICE: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 12, 2021, the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing at 9:30 A. M., or as soon as possible thereafter at 5334 S. Prince St., East Hearing Room, Littleton, CO; at which, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed Weed Control Ordinance No. 2021-01. Please note, due to the ongoing COVID-19 emergency the hearing will be conducted through remote access – please check the weekly public meeting agenda at https:// www.arapahoegov.com/AgendaCenter/Board-of-County-Commissioners-1 for specific information on how to attend and participate. The agenda will typically be posted by the Friday afternoon preceding the hearing. TEXT OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE: Said proposed Ordinance 2021-01 was read in full on December 8, 2020 at the regular public meeting of the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners and the full text of such proposed Ordinance 2021-01 as read at said meeting is as follows: ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 2021-01 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH ARAPAHOE COUNTY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REGULATING THE ACCUMULATION OF WEEDS AND BRUSH ON COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS OF TWO ACRES OR LESS, PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL THEREOF; AND PROVIDING PENALTY PROVISIONS FOR VIOLATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT PERTAINING THERETO. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 30-15-401(1)(I.5), Colo. Rev. Stat., the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County (“Board”) has the power to adopt ordinances to provide for and compel the removal of weeds and brush from lots and tracts of property and from alleys behind and sidewalk areas in front of such properties within the unincorporated territory of the County, including the authority to provide for and compel the removal of weeds and brush from residentially and commercially zoned lots of two acres or less; and WHEREAS, the Board finds the accumulation of weeds on residential property and commercial lots of two acres or less is a public health hazard and/or a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, the Board also finds

that in order to preserve the public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Arapahoe County, the following Ordinance should be adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County as follows: SECTION I. INTENT The Board finds, determines, and declares that the accumulation of weeds on property is a public health hazard and a public nuisance in that such accumulations depreciate property values in the neighborhood, create a health and fire hazard, and encourage the proliferation of pests and rodents and that the regulation of weeds is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Arapahoe County. SECTION II. DEFINITIONS As used in this Ordinance, the following words are defined as follows: A. “Board” means the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, Colorado. B. “Commercial Lot” means any lot zoned for non-residential uses, including those zoned as Planned Unit Developments, regardless of actual land use, which is two acres or less in size and which is not agricultural land as defined in C.R.S. 39-1102(1.6). C. “Director” means the Director of the Arapahoe County Department of Public Works and Development. D. “Lot” means a parcel of land occupied or designed to be occupied by a main building. A lot may or may not be shown as a lot on a duly recorded plat. A lot includes a tract or other area of property shown on a recorded plat, such as for drainage facilities or other public use purposes, or otherwise held as common interest property under Colorado law. E. “Property Owner” means the owner of records, as shown by the tax rolls of Arapahoe County and/or the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Arapahoe County, of any real property to which this Ordinance applies. F. “Residential Lot” means any lot zoned for residential uses, including PUD zoned lots, regardless of actual land use, which is two acres or less in size. G. “Weeds” means any unsightly, useless, troublesome, or injurious plant, including grasses and/or all vegetation which has grown to maturity or to a height in excess of six (6) inches, including but not limited to, Field Bindweed, Leafy Spurge, Canada Thistle, Russian Knapweed, Perennial Sowthistle, Puncturevine, Silver-leaf Povertyweed, Mouseear Povertyweed, Fanweed, Mustards, Purple-flowered Groundcherry, Russian Thistle, Fireweed, Redroot Pigweed, Smooth Pigweed, Prostrate Pigweed, Sandbur, Hairy Stickseed, Buffaloburs, White Horsenettle and Carolina Horsenettle, Common Ragweed, cocklebur, and dandelion. This definition shall not include flower gardens, shrubberies, vegetable gardens,

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December 24, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 21

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— small grain plots, successional grasses utilized for erosion control, and pastures used for feed, fodder, or forage, provided the same are adequately weeded and maintained. H. “Zoning Administrator” means the Arapahoe County Zoning and Animal Services Manager or designated agent. SECTION III. APPLICABILITY This Ordinance shall apply to residential and commercial lots, as defined herein, within the unincorporated areas of Arapahoe County, and within any incorporated municipality in Arapahoe County that consents to the application of this Ordinance within the municipality, and to the alleys behind and the sidewalk areas in front of such properties. This Ordinance shall not apply to any property zoned as: Obsolete Zoning Districts RR-C (Rural Residential C) Current Zoning Districts A-E (Agricultural) A-1 (Agricultural) RR-A (Rural Residential A) RR-B (Rural Residential B) C (Cultural) O (Open) F (Floodplain) Nor shall this Ordinance apply to land currently in agricultural use as is defined in Section 39-1-102(1.6), as amended. SECTION IV. CUTTING AND REMOVAL OF WEEDS REQUIRED Residential and commercial lot property owners shall cut, or cause to be cut, all weeds growing on their lots and remove or cause the removal of the cut weeds to a legal refuse disposal site. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate the provisions of this Section. SECTION V. WEED REMOVAL PROCEDURES A. Upon information received of a complaint by Arapahoe County staff, the Zoning Administrator shall investigate said complaint to insure compliance with this Ordinance. If the Zoning Administrator determines weeds exist in violation of this Ordinance, prior to initiating the procedures set forth in this Ordinance to bring such property into compliance, the Zoning Administrator shall cause to have posted for a period of ten (10) days upon such property a placard containing a Notice of Violation in substantially the following form: TO THE OWNERS OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: (Property Description) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE EXISTS UPON THIS PROPERTY ACCUMULATIONS OF WEEDS WHICH MUST BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARAPAHOE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2021-03. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT, UNLESS SUCH WEEDS ARE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF WITHIN FIFTEEN DAYS FROM ________________, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SHALL CAUSE THE SAME TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF, IN WHICH EVENT THE OWNERS OF THIS PROPERTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR THE COST OF REMOVAL THEREOF AS SET FORTH IN THE ABOVE ORDINANCE. ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO By: _________________________ Zoning Administrator of Arapahoe County, Colorado B. In addition to the posting of the placard on the subject property, the Zoning Administrator shall serve on the property owner, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the Notice of Violation as set forth on the placard. This Notice shall be mailed to the property owner’s address as shown on the tax rolls of Arapahoe County, and at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, any additional address which the Zoning Administrator deems appropriate. C. Failure to Receive Notice. A property owner’s failure to receive any Notice of Violation provided for in this Ordinance shall not invalidate any proceedings under this Ordinance. D. Extension of Time. The Zoning Administrator, at his or her discretion, may grant a reasonable extension of time to effect the removal of the weeds if the request for extension is received within the time period for removal set forth in the Notice of Violation. Any extension as may be granted herein shall not exceed an additional fourteen (14) day duration. SECTION VI. A. Failure to Comply with the Notices - County Action. If the weeds are not removed within the time specified in the aforementioned Notices or upon

expiration of any extensions of time granted by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator is authorized and empowered to request appropriate County personnel or an approved private contractor to enter upon the subject property and remove the weeds. B. Administrative Search Warrants. If the Zoning Administrator is denied access to a property which has an accumulation of weeds prohibited under this Ordinance, application for an administrative entry and seizure warrant for the removal of such weeds may be made with the Arapahoe County Court or the Arapahoe County District Court. The Arapahoe County Attorney’s Office shall provide representation of the County in such matter. The application for administrative entry and seizure warrant shall include a sworn affidavit stating the factual basis for such warrant, evidence that the property owner has received notice of the weed violation and has failed to remove the weeds within fifteen (15) days of the date of such notice, a general description of the location of the property in question, and the proposed disposal of such weeds. The administrative entry and seizure warrant shall be executed by the Zoning Administrator within ten (10) days of the date of issuance. A copy of such warrant shall be provided or mailed to the property owner, and proof of the execution of such warrant shall be filed with the court. C. Employment of Private Contractors. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to employ private contractors with the approval of the Director to remove the weeds. The cost of removal by a private contractor shall be paid by the County upon receipt of an invoice approved by the Zoning Administrator and countersigned by the Director. D. Statement and Notice of Costs. Whenever any costs are incurred by Arapahoe County in causing the removal of any weeds, the Zoning Administrator shall cause a statement to be prepared showing the total costs of the removal, including an additional ten (10) percent for inspection and other incidental costs in connection with their removal. The Zoning Administrator shall serve the statement on the property owner by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, at the property owner’s address as shown by the Arapahoe County tax rolls, and at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, any additional address which he or she deems appropriate. The statement shall notify the property owner that weed removal work has been performed pursuant to this Ordinance, state the date the work was performed, the nature of the work performed, and instruct the property owner to pay the statement in full within thirty (30) days of the date set forth therein. E. Appeals from the Zoning Administrator’s Actions - Assessment of Costs. The aforementioned statement in subsection D above shall also notify the property owner that any complaints or objections relating to the statement of costs shall be made in writing by the property owners to the Director with a copy submitted to the Zoning Administrator within fifteen (15) days from the date set forth in the statement of costs. Said statement shall reflect that any appeal, if taken, will be heard and determined by the Director at a hearing prior to the adoption of any resolution by the Board assessing the cost of such work. All property owners filing timely written requests for a hearing shall be advised of the time and place of their hearing before the Director at least ten (10) days in advance of said hearing. At the hearing, the Director shall consider all complaints and objections relating to the statement of costs, may make such modifications as may be deemed equitable and just, or may confirm the statement of costs. The Director’s decision and findings shall be transmitted to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board shall thereupon, by resolution, assess the cost of the work against the real property from which weeds have been removed. The property owner shall be given thirty (30) days to pay the costs after the assessment resolution is adopted. If the assessment is not paid within such time, the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners shall certify the amount of assessment due to the Arapahoe County Treasurer. In the event an appeal is not filed by a property owner and payment of the assessment has not been received, the Zoning Administrator shall submit to the Board of County Commissioners the statement of costs after thirty (30) days have elapsed from the initial billing date. The Board shall thereupon by resolution assess the cost of work against the real property from which weeds have been removed. SECTION VII. COLLECTION OF THE ASSESSMENT - LIEN ON

PROPERTY A. Collection of Assessment. Following adoption of the assessment resolution, the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners shall certify the same to the County Treasurer who shall collect the assessment, together with an additional ten (10) percent penalty for the cost of the collection, in the same manner as other taxes are collected. The laws of this State for assessment and collection of general taxes, including the laws for the sale and redemption of property for taxes, shall apply to the collection of the assessments. B. Assessment Deemed Lien Priority. Any assessment made pursuant to this Ordinance shall constitute, from the effective date of the assessment resolution, a lien in the several amounts assessed against the real property on which the weeds were removed until paid and shall have priority over all other liens except general taxes and prior special assessments. SECTION VIII. PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS Any person who violates this Ordinance commits a Class 2 Petty Offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the first offense, seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) for the second offense, and one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for a third and any subsequent offense. The penalty assessment procedures set out in § 16-2-201, C.R.S., may be followed in enforcing this Ordinance. In addition to the penalties prescribed above, persons convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall be subject to a surcharge of ten dollars ($10) that shall be paid to the clerk of the court by the defendant as provided by§ 30-15-402(2)(a), C.R.S. SECTION IX. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the final publication following adoption. More information about this proposal is available at the offices of the Arapahoe County Public Works and Development Department, Planning Division, 6924 S. Lima St., Centennial, CO 80112 (by appointment only) or by calling 720-874-6650 during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday). Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10066 ___________________________

TREASURER NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to DONALD L JONES, MARCELINA R JONES, ELIZABETH LEWIS, DOUNGLAS COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FAMILY SUPPORT DIVISION, KENNETH W. ANDERSON You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of November, 2016, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to KYLE V MARETECH, the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: LOT 82 BUYERS OWN SUB NO 1 aka VACANT LAND and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to KYLE V MARETECH; That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2015; That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of DONALD L JONES, MARCELINA R JONES for said year 2015; That said KYLE V MARETECH, on the 24th day of March, 2020, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate; That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said KYLE V MARETECH, on or about the 11th day of March, 2021, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed. Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 30th day of November, 2020, A.D.

with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link:

Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: December 10, 2020 Last Publication: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10027 ___________________________

•https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ natalie.chase •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom.


•Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below.

DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112

If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664 OR 1-415655-0001. When prompted enter code 926 560 922.


YOU ARE FURTHER COMMANDED to appear before the Court at said time and place, either in person or by phone. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin.

and concerning KILONII HUBBARD AND JOHN MARTINEZ, Respondents.

Date: 12/17/2020

Kristi Erickson, Reg. #50739 Assistant County Attorney 14980 E. Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-752-8989 / (F) 303-636-1889

Kristi Erickson, Reg. #50739 Assistant County Attorney Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10052 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112



To The Respondents: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding KILONII HUBBARD AND JOHN MARTINEZ is set for January 4, 2021, at the hour of 8:30 a.m., in Division 22, at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7305 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren), dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code.


Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings by WebEx. Should you choose to appear by phone or video, please use the following WebEx Case Management Order instructions:

To The Respondents:

AUDIOVISUAL HEARING EXPECTATIONS AND GENERAL GUIDANCE The court will use Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped

and concerning HANNA CHAVARRIA AND JOHN DOE, Respondents. Kristi Erickson, Reg. #50739 Assistant County Attorney 14980 E. Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-752-8989 / (F) 303-636-1889 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 4, 2021 AT 11:00 AM Case No: 20JV539 Division: 22 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding JOHN DOE is set for January 4, 2021, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., in Division 22, at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7305 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner will request

that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren), dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings by WebEx. Should you choose to appear by phone or video, please use the following WebEx Case Management Order instructions: AUDIOVISUAL HEARING EXPECTATIONS AND GENERAL GUIDANCE The court will use Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ natalie.chase •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. •Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664 OR 1-415655-0001. When prompted enter code 926 560 922. YOU ARE FURTHER COMMANDED to appear before the Court at said time and place, either in person or by phone. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin. Date: 12/14/2020 Kristi Erickson, Reg. #50739 Assistant County Attorney Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10053 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, IN THE INTEREST OF: MARIANNA FRANCO, ANGELINE FRANCO, ELENNA FRANCO, AND ANTONIO FRANCO, Children, and concerning JESSICA MARTINEZ AND DANNY FRANCO, Respondents. Jordan Lewis, Esq. #50198 Assistant County Attorney

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PAGE 22 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020 —Continued from previous page— Attorney for Petitioner 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-636-1883 Case No: 20JV558 Division: 14 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding RESPONDENT MOTHER, JESSICA MARTINEZ is set for January 20, 2021 at 10:30 A.M. in Division 14 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren) dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ bonnie.mclean •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. •Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664. When prompted enter code 925 850 797. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin. Dated this 14th day of December, 2020 Jordan Lewis, Reg. #50198 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-636-1883 303-636-1889 FAX Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10054 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 So. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO In the Interest of: LAURENT MARTINEZ AND JOHNNYRAY ARCE MARTINEZ, Children, and concerning KILONII HUBBARD AND JOHN MARTINEZ, Respondents. Kristi Erickson, Reg. #50739 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: (303) 752-8989 Fax: (303) 636-1889 Case No. 20JV449 Division 22 NOTICE OF PATERNITY HEARING CONCERNING RESPONDENT JOHN MARTINEZ AS TO MINOR CHILD, JOHNNYRAY ARCE MARTINEZ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above captioned matter has been set for a PATERNITY HEARING on January 4, 2021, at the hour of 8:30 A.M., in Division 22, at the Arapahoe County Justice Center, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. The Court requests that you to be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin, in order for you to discuss the case with an attorney and/or caseworker, if you wish to do so. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings by WebEx. Should you choose to appear by phone or video, please use the following WebEx Case Management Order instructions: AUDIOVISUAL HEARING EXPECTATIONS AND GENERAL GUIDANCE The court will use Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped

with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ natalie.chase •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. •Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664 OR 1-415655-0001. When prompted enter code 926 560 922. YOU ARE FURTHER COMMANDED to appear before the Court at said time and place, either in person or by phone. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin. Date: 12/17/2020 Kristi Erickson, Reg. #50739 Assistant County Attorney Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10054 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, In the Interest Of: TIVON WILLIAMS JR. and ROYAL MOSLEY, Children, and concerning MADONNA JENKINS, TIVON EUGENE WILLIAMS, SR., AND CHRISTOPHER MOSLEY, Respondents. Kiley Schaumleffel, Esq. #46107 Attorney for Petitioner 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Telephone: 303.636.1308 Case No: 20JV268 Division: 22 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing and Default Judgement regarding Respondent Father, Christopher Mosley is set for March 8, 2021 at 11:30 A.M. in Division 22 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Date: December 15, 2020 Kiley Schaumleffel, Esq. #46107 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Dr., Aurora, CO 80012 Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10055 ___________________________

CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Cherry Hills Village Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission for the City Of Cherry Hills Village on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of receiving written and oral comments from the public concerning a site plan amendment, a rezoning, and a preliminary plat. This meeting will be conducted using electronic participation (virtual) only, there will be no in-person meeting. advanced registration is required in order to participate in the meeting. information for participation will be provided on the meeting agenda. the agenda is available on the city website at www.cherryhillsvillage. com. All interested parties are encouraged to participate in the hearings by following the instructions on the meeting agenda. Written comments must be submitted to pworkman@cherryhillsvillage.com or 2450 E. Quincy Avenue, Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 by the deadline indicated on the meeting agenda. The meeting agenda and copies of the proposed applications are available for review on the city website at www.cherryhillsvillage. com, at the Community Development Office, by appointment, at 2450 E. Quincy Avenue, Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113, or you

LEGALS may call 303-789-2729 for more information. Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10057 ___________________________

GLENDALE CITY OF GLENDALE PUBLIC NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE The following ordinance was passed before the City Council of the City of Glendale, Colorado, on the 15th day of December, 2020, and was ordered published by said Council: CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 6 SERIES OF 2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2021, ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY BASED ON THE SAID BUDGET SO ADOPTED; ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE DERIVED FROM OTHER REVENUE SOURCES; AND SETTING FORTH THE TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR EACH FUND A copy of this ordinance is on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Dated the 17th day of December, 2020 City of Glendale, Colorado Veronica Marvin, City Clerk Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10063 ___________________________ CITY OF GLENDALE PUBLIC NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE The following ordinance was passed before the City Council of the City of Glendale, Colorado, on the 15th day of December, 2020, and was ordered published by said Council: CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 7 SERIES OF 2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO, APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE FOR THE CITY’S CALENDAR YEAR 2021 A copy of this ordinance is on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Dated the 17th day of December, 2020 City of Glendale, Colorado Veronica Marvin, City Clerk Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10064 ___________________________ CITY OF GLENDALE PUBLIC NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE The following ordinance was passed before the City Council of the City of Glendale, Colorado, on the 15th day of December, 2020, and was ordered published by said Council: CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 8 SERIES OF 2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO, LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2020 TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2021, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2021 A copy of this ordinance is on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Dated the 17th day of December, 2020 City of Glendale, Colorado Veronica Marvin, City Clerk Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10065 ___________________________

GREENWOOD VILLAGE NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive proposals electronically via email until 2:30 pm on January 7, 2021. The request for proposals for 2021 Street Light Maintenance Services is available electronically via

the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System on the City website, www. greenwoodvillage.com/bids.

/s/ George Lantz, Mayor

Please submit proposal documents to Jessica Stemley at jstemley@ greenwoodvillage.com with the subject line reading “2021 Street Light Maintenance Services Proposal”.

Published in The Villager First Publication: December 24, 2020 Last Publication: December 31, 2020 Legal # 10058 ___________________________ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT For Greenwood Village

The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. Any proposal received as a result of this request is prepared at the consultant’s expense and becomes City property and therefore, public record. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to Jessica Stemley – Project Manager, Transportation (303) 708-6132 or jstemley@greenwoodvillage.com /s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works Published in The Villager First Publication: December 17, 2020 Last Publication: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10047 ___________________________ NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive proposals electronically via email until 2:30 pm on January 7, 2021. The request for proposals for the Cherry Creek Campus Circulation Study is available electronically via the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System on the City website, www.greenwoodvillage. com/bids. Please submit proposal documents to Jessica Stemley at jstemley@ greenwoodvillage.com with the subject line reading “CCC Circulation Study Proposal”. Please submit fee estimates to Jessica Stemley at jstemley@greenwoodvillage.com with subject line reading “CCC Circulation Study Fee Estimate”. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. Any proposal received as a result of this request is prepared at the consultant’s expense and becomes City property and therefore, public record. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to Jessica Stemley – Project Manager, Transportation (303) 708-6132 or jstemley@greenwoodvillage.com /s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works Published in The Villager First Publication: December 17, 2020 Last Publication: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10048 ___________________________ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT For Greenwood Village Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado will make final payment at the City Hall, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591 at 4:00 p.m. on January 15, 2021, to Colorado Paving, Inc, for all work done by said contractor for the project called Willamette Lane Paving Project, said construction being within the boundaries of the City of Greenwood Village, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, subject to prior satisfactory final inspection and acceptance of said work by the City of Greenwood Village. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company, or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, provisions, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractor or subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done and whose claim therefore has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractors, at any time up to and including time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done, is required to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim to the City Manager, City of Greenwood Village, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591, at or before the time and date hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement or claim at any time up to and including the time of final settlement will release said City of Greenwood Village, Colorado, its Council, officers, agents and employees of and from any and all liability for such claim. ATTEST: BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO

/s/ Susan Ortiz, City Clerk

Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado will make final payment at the City Hall, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591 at 4:00 p.m. on January 15, 2021, to Jalisco International, for all work done by said contractor for the project called Yosemite-Caley Right Turn Extension Project, said construction being within the boundaries of the City of Greenwood Village, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, subject to prior satisfactory final inspection and acceptance of said work by the City of Greenwood Village. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company, or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, provisions, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractor or subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done and whose claim therefore has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractors, at any time up to and including time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done, is required to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim to the City Manager, City of Greenwood Village, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591, at or before the time and date hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement or claim at any time up to and including the time of final settlement will release said City of Greenwood Village, Colorado, its Council, officers, agents and employees of and from any and all liability for such claim. ATTEST: BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO /s/ George Lantz, Mayor /s/ Susan Ortiz, City Clerk Published in The Villager First Publication: December 24, 2020 Last Publication: December 31, 2020 Legal # 10059 ___________________________ GREENWOOD VILLAGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO THE LIQUOR LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT XGolfDTC, LLC D/B/A XGolf Denver Tech Center by application dated November 20, 2020 has requested the Local Liquor Licensing Authority of the City of Greenwood Village to grant a Lodging & Entertainment Liquor License at 7600 Landmark Way A101, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 to sell malt, vinous, and spirituous liquor for on-premises consumption. A Public Hearing to consider the application has been scheduled to be held before the City Council of the City of Greenwood Village acting as the Local Licensing Authority on January 04, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Greenwood Village City Hall, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80111. Any party in interest shall be allowed to present evidence and to cross examine witnesses at the Public Hearing. Any party of interest shall be allowed to present evidence and to cross examine witnesses at the hearing. Names of officers/stockholders with 10% or more interest: Michael Ruvolo, Managing Member, 4008 Branigan Court, Timnath, CO 80547 Jena Ruvolo, Member, 4008 Branigan Court, Timnath, CO 80547 Information as to the application, procedures, petitions or remonstrances may be obtained from the City Clerk at Greenwood Village City Hall. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE JACKIE EWDARDS LICENSING SPECIALIST Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10060 ___________________________ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT For Greenwood Village Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado will make final payment at the City Hall, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591 at 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2021, to Frontier Environmental, for all work done by said contractor for the project called 2020 CIP- Bridgewater Pond

Improvements, said construction being within the boundaries of the City of Greenwood Village, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, subject to prior satisfactory final inspection and acceptance of said work by the City of Greenwood Village. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company, or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, provisions, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractor or subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done and whose claim therefore has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractors, at any time up to and including time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done, is required to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim to the City Manager, City of Greenwood Village, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591, at or before the time and date hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement or claim at any time up to and including the time of final settlement will release said City of Greenwood Village, Colorado, its Council, officers, agents and employees of and from any and all liability for such claim. ATTEST BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO /s/ George Lantz, Mayor /s/ Susan Ortiz, City Clerk Published in The Villager First Publication: December 24, 2020 Last Publication: December 31, 2020 Legal # 10061 ___________________________

SPECIAL DISTRICTS NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT Notice is hereby given that final payment will be made on the 31st day of December, 2020, on a contract dated June 28, 2020, between the City of Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District and Brannan Construction Company for the Gilpin Sewer Extension project. All persons, companies or corporations that have furnished labor, materials or other supplies or service used by Brannan Construction Company under and in connection with the said contract and whose claim has not been paid by the Contractor shall, by the 31st day of December, 2020, file with the Owner a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. Failure on the part of the claimant to file such statement will relieve the owner from any or all liability for such claim/s. Owner, City of Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District By: Kathy L. McKune Published in The Villager First Publication: December 17, 2020 Last Publication: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10050 ___________________________ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to § 38-26-107, C.R.S., that on January 4, 2020 final settlement with Brannan Construction Company, will be made by Goldsmith Gulch Sanitation District for the “Lift Stations Upgrades Project” subject to satisfactory final inspection and acceptance of said facilities by the District. Any individual, corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, limited liability company, partnership, association, or other legal entity that has furnished labor, materials, sustenance, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractor or its subcontractor, in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done or that has supplied laborers, rental machinery, tools, or equipment to the extent used in the prosecution of the work, and whose claim therefor has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractor, at any time up to and including the time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done, is required to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid, and an account of such claim with Goldsmith Gulch Sanitation District, c/o, Lisa Johnson, CliftonLarsonAllen, 8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite 300, Greenwood Village, CO 80111, on or before the date hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement of claim prior to final settlement will release the District, its Board of Directors, officers, employees and agents of and from any and all liability for such claim. s/s Goldsmith Gulch Sanitation District Published in The Villager Published: December 24, 2020 Legal # 10062

— End oftoLegals — Continued next page— —

December 24, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 23


Colorado Symphony “Colorado Christmas” Concert Starting December 18. Tune in to coloradosymphony.org to enjoy this family-friendly, virtual show from Boettcher Concert Hall. Directed by Taylor Martin, it includes Denver vocalist Devin DeSantis narrating “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” carols sung by the Colorado Symphony Chorus and Colorado Children’s Chorus. Tickets $15. Call 303-623-7876 for registration information. History Colorado Center Reflections on Democracy Now through Jan. 3. During this important election year be sure to visit the Smithsonian’s traveling exhibition, American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith which presents a history of citizen participation, debate and compromise. In addition, artists David Ocelotl Garcia, Rochelle Johnson, Cori Redford and Carmen Richards reflect on

core American values in art they created for their exhibit, The New Four Freedoms. Hours: Tuesday/Sunday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Tickets are $14. 1200 N. Broadway, Denver. For reservations visit historycolorado .org. For information call 303-447-8679


Dillon ice Castles December 19 – March 31. Ice Castles is an awe-inspiring, must-see winter phenomenon that brings fairytales to life. The Ice Castles are built entirely by hand using hundreds of thousands of icicles placed by professional artists. The castles include breathtaking LED-lit structures, frozen thrones, ice-carved tunnels, slides and fountains. Daily 12 – 9 pm. 120 Buffalo Street, Dillon. Tickets may be available on-site if Ice Castles is not sold out. On-site prices are subject to higher rates. For guaranteed entry and the lowest price, buy tickets online at icecastles.com/Colorado. For information call 855-845-7885

L’Esprit de Noel Holiday Home Tour Goes Virtual Now through December 25. For the first time in 43 years this signature holiday tour, the Central City Opera Guild’s only fundraiser of the year, will be conducted as a virtual presentation available to the general public. This year the tour moves online in the form of a free video walkthrough of the incredible Fisher Mansion and will feature performances by Central City Opera artists. Visitors will be asked for a donation. For information about how to view this year’s and past tours visit info@ centralcityopera.org/lesprit or call 303292-6500 Winter WonderLights at Union Station Now through December 31. Denver’s historic Union Station at 17th & Wynkoop Street has become a canvas on which the first-ever Christmas holiday light show appears. Each evening from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm the presentation will include riveting animations, historic Denver photos and unique artistic creations by local residents.


Mile High Holiday Mart Will Be Virtual November 13 – December 31. As conditions regarding COVID-19 have changed dramatically over the last two weeks, the Junior League of Denver’s Holiday Mart has been converted to a fully virtual event. All proceeds from this unique shopping experience support the League’s Mission of developing the potential of women, improving literacy rates and providing access to books for children through the third grade in the Denver metro area. Visit milehighholidaymart.com to shop! For information go to holidaymart@ jtd.org or call 303-692-0270 Wheat Ridge Optimist Club Holiday Gift Program Open Now. Local schools are giving us names of families who need our help. We will make Christmas gifts to these families of $50 King Soopers cards (groceries only) and a $35 Old Navy Gift Card for clothing for every child in the family. We’ll also be providing boxes of toys for each family.

Visit wheatridgeoptimist.org to make a donation or call 303-809-6286


Denver Botanic Gardens The Denver Botanic Gardens 1007 York Street location is open with limited attendance numbers, timed tickets and strict social distancing guidelines. Admissions are capped at 250 people in two-hour increments. Make a reservation online for a specific date at botanicgardens.org. Tickets will not be available onsite. For information call 720-865-3500 Denver Zoo All tickets must be purchased/reserved online at DenverZoo.org/Visit. The zoo will limit the number of visitors per day with staggered 15-minute entry windows to limit the number of guests at any one time. A one-way path around the entire campus has been created to allow guests to view a majority of its animal habitats and gardens. All guests ages 3 and over will be required to wear face masks. For further information call 720-337-1644

A year of change and transformation for the Kempe Foundation After six years of Jon leadership, John Faught Kruljac is stepping down from and John his role as Chief ExecuFaught tive Officer of the Kempe Foundation. Faught has been a champion of the Foundation for over 25 years, and his leadership will surely be missed by our staff and supporters. In the new year, he will transition into a new role where he dation is changing leadership, will use his public policy expertise we remain dedicated to working together to achieve a safe and to advocate for legislation on behalf of the Foundation. Long-time healthy future for children. Kruljac is an accomplished, Kempe advocate Jon Kruljac will step into the role of CEO effective energetic and passionate leader with expertise in strategic planning January 1, 2021. While the Foun-

and philanthropy. Professionally, he has more than 30 years of experience representing public companies in capital markets and investor relations. His history with Kempe dates back to 1991, when he was first introduced to the organization by Walt and Georgia Imhoff. In the 30 years that followed, he has remained involved with Kempe in various capacities. “I have always cared deeply for children and civic responsibility,” says Kruljac. “The Kempe Foundation is a great marriage of the two and I am honored that my journey

has taken me full circle back to this organization.” In regard to his predecessor, Kruljac is admiring. “John Faught helped further the Foundation’s reputation as a public policy resource and advocated tirelessly for legislative funding. I am grateful he will remain with us in a public policy role.” Looking ahead, Kruljac hopes to grow the Foundation’s spheres of influence with the ultimate goal of Kempe Center professionals serving as many children and communities as possible. He is a talented fundraiser and will work hard to ensure Kempe achieves its goals with financial support from

the Foundation. “We will continue addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the stressors children and families are currently experiencing,” says Kruljac. “We want to reach more schools, communities and neighborhoods with the right tools to manage the impacts of this pandemic moving forward.” We are thrilled to welcome Jon Kruljac into the role of CEO in the new year. We are confident that his expertise will build upon Faught’s successes and are grateful for the ongoing commitment of our supporters to making our work possible.

First principles of Constitutionalism

be governed under such and such principles. They have not chosen to be governed or promised to submit upon any other.” In sum, the American people did not ratify a blank check of authority for the government, but rather a Constitution that carefully allocates limited powers that are confined at every turn. The framers of the Constitution were entitled to believe that one of their most important, and hopefully enduring, achievements was the implementation of the rule of law –the subordination of government to the law--on a daily basis. Stated simply, this principle means that governmental officials have an absolute legal and moral responsibility to obey the Constitution from which they draw their authority and swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend. To disobey is to rebuke the very concept of constitutionalism. The solemn oath to obey the Constitution was not taken for granted by delegates to the Constitutional Convention. The drafters of the Constitution were not naïve; indeed, many were veterans of their state legislative bodies, colonial assemblies and Congress. A few were governors; some possessed considerable diplomatic experience. Most, moreover, were keen students of history, which informed their discussions and debates in Philadelphia. Their experience and reading taught them all an important lesson: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That history lesson, a universal axiom, reminded the framers that those holding positions in the gov-

ernment that they were creating would, by virtue of their office and the power, attached it, be tempted to abuse their authority for variety of purposes—personal, political and financial. The key question for all those committed to the maintenance of the rule of law was, as Madison asked in Federalist No. 51, how to persuade government

to obey the law. That was the great challenge in 1787. It remains the great challenge in our time. Editors Note: Andy is asking readers to discuss the contents of our country’s Founding Documents with their family. Questions, call Andy at 303-989-4833.

SUBMITTED BY ANDY MCKEAN All civics classes should begin with the first principle of American Constitutionalism: Government has only that power granted to it by the Constitution. As Justice Hugo Black stated in Reid v. Covert in 1957, “The United States is entirely a creature of the Constitution. Its power and authority have no other source. It can only act in accordance with all the limitations imposed by the Constitution.” This foundational principle, set forth by the legendary Revolutionary War lawyer, James Otis, Jr., in the landmark, Writs of Assistance Case in 1761, charted a distinctly American conception of what constitutes a constitution. Giants of the founding period—George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, among others—followed his path. As the nation’s first President, Washington was at pains to explain in letters to friends that he sought, more than anything else while in office, to avoid being characterized as a “usurper.” Washington wrote, “If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.” Hamilton—he of Broadway fame—observed that the branches

of government possessed no authority to alter the Constitution, from which they derive their authority. “An agent,” he wrote, “cannot new model his own commission” and “transfer the legislative power to the executive.” Madison stated in the Constitutional Convention: “It would be a novel & dangerous doctrine that a Legislature could change the constitution under which it held its existence.” Concerns among the founders about governmental officials’ acts of usurpation and revision of the constitutional allocation of power, reflect their understanding of the significance of the ratification of the Constitution by the American people. As Madison explained, if the people had not approved the proposed Constitution, it would have been stillborn. But their ratification of it, he declared, “breathed life” into the Constitution. Ratification, that is, approval of the Constitution by the sovereign people, represented the epitome of consent by the governed, which Thomas Jefferson referred to in the Declaration of Independence as an “unalienable right.” The historic significance of the act of popular ratification of the supreme law of the land, an acknowledgment that the people alone could approve or reject the proposed Constitution, was captured by James Iredell, one of the most acute theorists of the founding generation and a member of the first body of Justices serving on the U.S. Supreme Court: “The people have chosen to

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PAGE 24 | THE VILLAGER • December 24, 2020

Car ‘Parades of Lights’ connecting residents with family during pandemic On the evenings of Wednesday, December 16 and Thursday, December 17, residents of Someren Glen Life Plan Communities in Centennial and Clermont Park Retirement Communities in Denver were visited by loved ones and staff members in a ‘Parade of Lights’ car parade that circled around each community to bring holiday cheer. Approximately 10 to 15 cars decorated with lights, wreaths, ribbons and bows were viewed by residents looking out their apartment windows and balconies. Since residents aren’t able to go out on traditional holiday lights excursion this season, holiday lights were brought to them. COVID-19 has limited seniors’ ability to have in-person visits with loved ones. These communities have devised creative ways to increase engagement, including using a cherry-picker to raise family members to 2nd and

3rd floor apartments for window visits and creating safe, socially distanced outdoor meeting spaces. This year’s lighted car parade is an ‘out of the box’ example of connecting residents with family. Photos by Someren Glen Life Plan Community

2021 Acura TLX makes for sweet music BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST

The 2021 vehicles just keep getting better and among the best driving 4-door sedans this year is the latest Honda Motor Company’s Acura TLX turbo sports model. This car is a powerhouse of newly designed performance afforded to Honda’s long serving luxury brand Acura, first introduced decades ago to compete with the Lexus line. Compete it does, and this new all-wheel drive TLX with rear wheel drive dominance, wishbone suspension, and a 272 hp,

4-cylinder turbocharged engine is dynamite on wheels. Don’t try to take larger passengers in the red leatherette back seats as it’s a tight fit with limited leg room. This is a sports car with attractive red and white trimmed power front seats for both driver and passenger. Three modes welcome the driver; comfort, normal, and sport. I spent my week in the sport mode. Enjoyed the excellent fuel economy of 29 mpg on the freeways, overall average is rated at 24 mpg. The ten-speed transmission

is controlled by a push button shifter and paddle shift steering wheel controls. The new 2021 Acura TLX is a modified sports car with 19” shark wheels and a body that looks like an undercover police radar car. The 272-turbo engine and powertrain carry a 6 year/70,000-mile warranty. This Acura has final assembly in Marysville, Ohio. What fun to enjoy the multitude of safety features that range from adaptive cruise control, collision mitigation braking, forward collision alerts, lane departure warn-

ing, lane keeping system, and a jam alert for traffic delays. The smart phone charge pad is also appreciated. One slight challenge arose. The Acura engineers


Bells! Happy holidays from our family to yours!

outdid themselves with the inboard console computer and controls. Simplicity does not exist with the vast array of system menu controls presented on the screen. No fault of the car but mastering the many communication and entertainment choices takes time and pride of ownership. What was enjoyed most in electronic pleasures was the Acura ELS studio 3D premium audio system with 17 speakers. The sound is the best in any auto tested vehicle this past year. The TLX has ample trunk space with an overhead power/tilt moon roof. The outside mirrors are heated along with the front seats. Somehow in this model they missed a heated steering wheel. But, overall this beauty has every option included in the manufacturer’s suggest retail price of $46,250. High performance, sleek design and a fabulous sound system make this a great choice for a discerning driver who wants to drive an award-winning sedan. A purring engine and symphony-quality sound await.

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