12-28-23 Villager

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VOLUME 42 • NUMBER 5 • DECEMBER 28, 2023

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See the meaning of Auld Lang Syne in article on page 2

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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023


What do you think is the most played New Year’s song? Some that may come to mind are “Merry Christmas Darling” by the Carpenters or “Happy New Year” by Judy Garland, Nat King Cole, or ABBA. There is one that usually plays to bid farewell to the old year and brings in the new year, “Auld Lang Syne”. The text is a Scots-language poem written by Robert Burns in 1788, but based on an older Scottish folk song. In 1799, it was set to a traditional tune, which has since become the standard “Auld Lang Syne”. The tune is a pentatonic Scots folk melody, which was probably originally a sprightly dance with a much quicker tempo. There is some doubt as to whether this melody is the one Burns originally intended his version of the song to be sung to. The poem’s Scots title may be translated into standard English as “old long since” or, less literally, “long, long, ago”, “days gone by”, “times long past” or “old times”. Consequently, “For auld lang syne”, as it appears in the first line of the chorus, might be loosely

translated as “for the sake of old times”. At Hogmanay in Scotland, it is common practice that everyone joins hands with the person next to them to form a great circle around the dance floor. At the beginning of the last verse (And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere! / and gie’s a hand o’ thine!) everyone crosses their arms across their breast, so that the right hand reaches out to the neighbor on the left and vice versa. When the tune ends, everyone rushes to the middle, while still holding hands. When the circle is re-established, everyone turns under the arms to end up facing outwards with hands still joined. The song begins by posing a rhetorical question: Is it right that old times be forgotten? The answer is generally interpreted as a call to remember long-standing friendships. I truly believe that old time not be forgotten. Reminiscing about the past can help you feel connected to your past, and who you are in the present. This nostalgic recall teaches us what we’ve learned, the people that have shaped us, and the person we’ve become. Happy New Year to all my special readers!


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December 28, 2023 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

CCU raises $1 million for Israeli volunteer emergency first responders

Left to right: Dr. Donald Sweeting, Chancellor, Colorado Christian University; John Andrews, Founder, Centennial Institute; Roger Chandler, Award Winner; Kathleen Chandler, Award Winner; Jeff Hunt, Director, Centennial Institute; Eric Hogue, President, Colorado Christian University

Centennial Institute’s 2023 John K. Andrews Award presented to Kathleen & Roger Chandler

The Centennial Institute, Colorado Christian University’s (CCU) public policy think-tank, announce presentation of the 2023 John K. Andrews Award to Kathleen and Roger Chandler. The John K. Andrews Award for Colorado Leadership in Fidelity to Biblical and Conservative Principles is given annually in honor of John K. Andrews, a follower of Christ, husband, father, grandfather, Colorado Senate president, think-tank founder and friend to all. Roger Chandler joined CCU in July 2004 and is serving as the Assistant Vice President of Student Success in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies. He oversees the adult undergraduate and graduate retention, student achievement, program completion, and student services that provide direction, resources, community, and growth opportunities for the global online adult student population. Before joining CCU, Roger devoted 12 years of his career to active duty military service in the US Air Force. Kathleen Chandler is the Coalition and Future Leaders Program Manager for Independence Institute. She also runs the Local Government Project placing citizens in local government positions around the state. Kathleen is a political consultant and professional volunteer for conservative issues and candidates. Colorado Christian University leaders have praised the Chandlers: Hon. John Andrews — “Kathleen and Roger exemplify the American spirit at its best. Watching them give their all for God and country, I become a better person.” CCU President Eric K. Hogue — “The John K. Andrews Award is one of the highest honors we bestow through the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University and we are honored to recognize Kathleen and Roger Chandler as outstanding members of our community. The Chandlers embody the hard work and dedication required to positively impact the world with grace and truth.” Centennial Institute Director Jeff Hunt — “The Centennial Institute is proud to celebrate citizen activists Kathleen and Roger Chandler. Their hard work and dedication have helped place conservatives in leadership positions across the state. The future of Colorado is brighter because of their work. We are proud to honor them with the John K. Andrews Award as John Andrews’s legacy includes empowering the next generation of conservative leaders.” Previous recipients of the award include former Colorado State Representative Stephanie Luck,

Colorado State Senator Mike Kopp, businessman Jeffrey H. Coors, Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-CO), former Colorado Lt. Governor Jane Norton, businessman James B. Wallace, Catholic Archbishop of Denver Samuel Aquila, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson, former Colorado State Senator Kevin Lundberg and Mike and Brenda Baller, Donald and Joyce Siecke and Doug and Linda McDonald.

Colorado Christian University (CCU) has raised over $1 million to save lives in Israel amid the ongoing conflict with the terrorist group Hamas. The funds were raised during CCU’s Israel Benefit Dinner and Prayer Vigil event on December 5. The $1 million will benefit United Hatzalah, an emergency medical rapid-response organization whose volunteer medics have provided a critical service during this time of terror in Israel. “On the same day the elite universities were making what amounted to a declaration of antisemitism, CCU was making a declaration that we stand with the Jewish people and Israel in this time of trial, and that we denounce antisemitism,” said

Dr. Donald Sweeting, CCU chancellor. “The evening proved to be more than just a declaration or cheap talk, it was one of respect and heartfelt gratitude and a gift of over $1 million.” The solidarity event brought together Jewish and Christian leaders in Colorado for a kosher dinner, remarks on the ongoing situation

in Israel, and a joint public prayer vigil for peace. “As the president of Colorado Christian University, I promise you we will continue to stand with the state of Israel and her right and her fight for liberty, justice and the defense of her homeland and her people,” remarked Eric K. Hogue, CCU president. “The brotherhood between Christians and Jews is strong, and there is nothing that should ever separate it.” Jeff Hunt, Centennial Institute director, added, “Americans have clearly seen the failure of our nation’s most elite universities in speaking against antisemitism. With CCU, you have a university that is proud to stand with Israel and to raise money to save Jewish lives.”

ARAPAHOE COUNTY C NVERSATIONS All County offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 1, 2024 in observance of the New Year’s holiday.

Money Management Series Attend a free online class about money management beginning Jan. 9. The four-part series is especially good for those starting out on their own or who are looking to get back on track with their money, but is open to anyone wanting to participate. Sessions are one hour long, from 7-8 p.m. Visit bit.ly/CSUAllMyMoney to register or scan the QR code with your smartphone.


Visit arapahoegov.com/osmasterplan to read the DIVE summary report.



PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023

Erma Bombeck remembered I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. worked so hard on meals I would never have inand presents to make fami- sisted the car windows be lies happy. rolled up on a summer day As we end 2023 and because my hair had just begin the challenges of a been teased and sprayed. New Year we all can take I would have a lesson from Erma burned the pink canlooking back over dle sculptured like a her life as she prerose before it melted pared to end hers. in storage. I would have sat If I had my life to on the lawn with live over BY BOB SWEENEY my children and not By Erma Bombeck worried about grass I would have invited stains. friends over to dinner even I would have cried and if the carpet was stained laughed less while watchand the sofa faded. ing television and more I would have eaten the while watching life. popcorn in the good living I would have gone to bed room and worried much when I was sick instead of less about the dirt when pretending the earth would someone wanted to light a go into a holding patter if I fire in the fireplace.

The New Year; A good time to remember Erma’s philosophy She wasn’t a politician, never held public office, but offered advice from her heart that seemed to heal our souls and tickle our funny bones. I heard Erma speak many years ago before her untimely death. She addressed a newspaper audience at our annual convention at the stately Brown Palace hotel. She confessed her addiction to smoking that likely ended her life before her time. I’ve featured this column in past years but it is so timely every time that I read her masterpiece. A special salute to all of the cooks of the holiday season, to the fathers, mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, daughters and sons, who

The beginning of Wisdom is doubt It is the admission that we don’t know everything, a willingness to learn, and the ability to think rationally. Our lives are a path for learning, perfecting rational thinking, perfecting ethical actions, improving. Doubt is the cup of pain we must endure to improve. Ignorance is knowing everything, and then, shutting off any ideas contrary to your own. In fact, this dark ignorance is a phase we all go through. It is most unfortunate that some, a clear majority in this age, get stuck in it. They are absolutely certain in their ignorance. They scream and yell, burn down, and destroy. I feel sorry for their abject ignorance and the certitude with which they

pursue it. They know, for certain, that all climate change is manmade, that carbon is bad, that Israel colonized Palestine (though the Jews have occupied the area for 5,800 years), that Hamas are victims (even though Hamas initiated aggression). From this abject lack of inquiry, the complete lack of doubt, they cease questioning the premise for their thoughts. And in that moment, they justify the most horrific acts. Ignorance is deadly. Ignorance spawns arrogance. Conversely, knowledge begat humility. Principle, combined with knowledge, produces Wisdom. It’s not just the gathering

of knowledge that matters. It is applying rational thought to put that knowledge into order, to see cycles, causes and relationships. Further, that knowledge has no meaning without a Principle to guide it. That Principle is Truth, with a capital T. It is the wisdom we seek. When each individual was created, the creator imbedded Truth deep within mankind’s soul; then hid it under layers of distractions, like ego, pride, arrogance, emotion, passion, or desire. Then our creator gave each individual two gifts to help uncover that Truth: Knowledge of Good and Evil, and free will - the divine ability to choose between good or evil. This divine gift gives rise to the concept of the sanctity of the individual. For some reason known

wasn’t there for the day. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment realizing that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. When my kids kissed impetuously, I would never have said,” later, now go get washed up for dinner.” There would have been more “I love You’s” and more “I’m sorry’s’ but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute---look at it and really see it---live it. And never give it back! only to Him, our creator wants each of us to uncover that Truth through learning, and eventually Wisdom. It’s as if He wants our souls to mature through free choice. After decades of stumbling around and making mistakes, it seems the best path to enlightenment is honesty in thought, principled action, reasoning and logic combined with intuition and emotion, and humility. Then sprinkle in a little doubt so that we are always seeking wisdom. Jay Davidson is founder and CEO of a commercial bank. He is a student of the Austrian School of Economics and a dedicated capitalist. He believes there is a direct connection between individual right and responsibility, our Constitution, capitalism, and the intent of our Creator.

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The Villager

Office: 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122 • (303) 773-8313 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $62 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID IN LITTLETON, CO. AND ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). USPS # 431010 ISSN 1539-6274 (Print) ISSN 2993-7280 (Online) Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney sharon@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR Gerri Sweeney 303-773-8313 gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-773-8313 valerie@villagerpublishing.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Susan 720-270-2018 EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of Th e Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

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What don’t QUOTE of Ithe WEEK like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day. – Phyllis Diller

December 28, 2023 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5

Second Democratic legislator quits and another won’t run again

Linda Kelley leaves $500,000 to Cancer League Foundation As most of you know, Cancer League of Colorado lost a dear friend and patron, Linda V.G. Kelley, in 2022. In this regard, we are thankful and humbled to announce that, as a member of Cancer League of Colorado Foundation’s Endowment of Hope, Linda named the Foundation as a recipient of her estate with a generous, amazing gift of $500,000. This gift is greatly appreciated and will support Cancer League far

advocacy at the Capitol has ensured these critical issues are always front and center, and even after his term ends, I know he will continue fighting On December 18, first term for equity at every level.” Adams County State Rep. Said In an interview with ColoSharbini announced that he rado Politics in October, Ortiz will resign his seat by Decem- said, “I think I’ve been through ber 31, 11 months before the enough trauma and trials in end of his first two-year term my life to know you can make in the general assembly. all the plans you want and life Sharbini, a can have a diflawyer, blamed ferent outcome his decision to for you. And quit after particiyou just have to pating in just one make the most session of the of it. That’s the legislature, priway I’ve learned marily on the salto live my life, ary of just under and that makes it $44,000, which sound serious. I he said is not will always find adequate to supjoy where I’m at. port his family, I will make the but he also noted most out of the that the work situation I find environment at myself in and Adams County State the Capitol is, find joy and try Rep. Said Sharbini “characterized by and serve others vitriol and a lack and help others, of collegial behavior.” no matter where I’m at.” Greenwood Village State Sharbini, Dickson, and Rep. Ruby Dickson, in her No- Ortiz are all Democrats in the vember 24 letter announcing State House where their party her resignation one year into holds a veto-proof majority of her first term, said, “The sen46 out of 65 seats. That won’t sational and vitriolic nature of change for the 2024 legislative the current political environsession because Colorado law ment is not healthy for me or provides that when a member my family.” of the general assembly reTwo-term Centennial State signs, political party leaders Rep. David Ortiz announced in the district they represent on October 11 that he will choose the person who will not seek re-election to a third complete the term they are term in 2024. Ortiz is wheelvacating. That will occur in chair-bound as a result of a HD37, represented by Dickcrash he suffered while serving son, and HD31, represented by as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Sharbini. Since Ortiz plans to Army in Afghanistan. complete his current term, he House Speaker Julie Mcwill be replaced by the person Cluskie has publicly credited who wins the seat by election Ortiz with having, “passed on November 5, 2024. landmark legislation to imfmiklin.villager@gmail.com FASB Newman ad Villager 11-23.qxp_Layout 1 11/13/23 1:16 PM Page 1 prove basic access for people with disabilities, bolster service and support for veterans, and build more housing that Coloradans can afford. His

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into the future. Linda was a dedicated,

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PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023

CCRW celebrates holidays and installs officers Members and guests treated to concert by powerful, timeless, soul singer who shares his musical gifts and love for Christ around the country

Talented Aurora City Councilwoman “Ambassador of Soul” Biff Gore, from Season 6 of The Stephanie Hancock and Biff Gore after their shared Stephanie Hancock complemented the Voice fame in 2014 with Team Usher and Team Blake, performance Photos by Scottie Iverson sings The Blues and is an R&B songwriter with downconcert home guitar stylings. His background is in the biomedical field, but God called him to a fulltime ministry. He is associate pastor at Highline Community Church, serves as president of Colorado Right to Life and is a board member of Colorado Christian University.

RIGHT: Lynne Cottrell promoted the sale of the book Klinger to benefit TAPS

New CCRW President Dorothy Gotlieb received a star wand from outgoing President Evie Ashmore

LEFT: Jim and Evie Ashmore during an emotional Silent Night sung by Biff Gore reminding Jim of service in Vietnam

RIGHT: Priscilla Rahn is running for Douglas County commissioner BELOW: Sami Lockton, her sister Andi Hauser and Lori Gimelshteyn

New Cherry Creek Republican Women (CCRW) officers installed were: President – Dorothy Gotlieb, 1st VP Membership – Susan Struna, Assisting 1st VP – Linda Stevens, 2nd VP Program – Lynne Cottrell, Secretary – Mary Elizabeth Conroy, Treasurer – Caroline Cornell; installed by Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) Secretary – Wendy Warner

December 28, 2023 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

First American State Bank 10th Annual Toy Drive a success Rachel Landenberg, assistant principal at West Middle School helping with collecting and wrapping gifts.

Just a very small sample of the donated gifts, beautifully wrapped by all the many First American Bank staff, owners, friends, and Volunteers of America staff and West Middle School students.

Gerry Rasel, Volunteers of America Development, Lynn Hubert, VOA Events, Kyle Jones, VOA Marketing and Faustine Carry, VOA Development Volunteers, James Kraft and his Uncle Tucker Wald loading gifts Photos by Sharon Sweeney


Volunteers from West Middle School enjoying the holiday spirit of gift giving Claire S, Natalya E, Evelina F.





Our mission is to give Colorado children a magical Holiday. Volunteers of America is collecting New Toys for children in Colorado this Holiday season.



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Please donate new toys (ages 0-16) to First American State Bank at 8390 E. Crescent Pkwy, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 or Cash Donations directly to Volunteers of America at www.voacolorado.org/toydrive Vice President of First American Deadline for donations is December 16, 2022. State Bank, Michelle Gruber, who

has organized this Annual Toy Drive for the last 10 years, and sharing the joy with Michael James, Volunteers of America Senior Achievement Advisor. Photo by Sharon Sweeney

PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023

December 28, 2023 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9

CSI Free Enterprise Summit celebrates leaders in business and government



ecember 12 marked the second annual Free Enterprise Summit at which the Common Sense Institute (CSI) recognizes individuals and organizations who demonstrate what can be achieved in the free enterprise system. Koelbel & Company President and CEO Buz Koelbel, who is CSI Colorado’s board chair, was recognized as this year’s Free Enterprise Trailblazer because of all he has done throughout his career to enhance our economy and demonstrate the virtues of the free enterprise system while helping fill a vital need for all Coloradans by building housing throughout the metro area and the state ranging from affordable housing for those of lesser means up to multimillion-dollar luxury homes. Also recognized at the Summit as a Champion for Prosperity was the Colorado Association of Realtors (CAR) and its CEO, Tyrone Adams, a CSI board member. CAR was described as an organization that “consistently enters the public policy debate and leads policymakers towards solutions that advance opportunity, prosperity, and the free enterprise system.” Former Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers and State Senator Rachel Zenzinger received awards as Visionaries for the Future, bestowed

CSI National Board Chair Earl Wright and Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman Photo by Freda Miklin

for “innovation, bridge building…creativity, and an ability to convene diverse opinions.” Each was acknowledged for their ability to “identify the

problem and drive toward a solution rooted in data and fact.” The featured speaker for the event was national media commentator, conservative radio talk host, and Fox News contributor Guy Benson, who shared that he and his husband, Adam Wise, are the parents of 17-day-old Conrad,

who has already changed their lives. Adam Wise is the son of Robin and Steve Wise. Robin is the president and CEO of Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain, Inc. CSI Executive Director Kelly Caufield asked Benson to talk about the topic of the day, free enterprise, which he described as, “The greatest system ever conceived in the history of humanity,” adding, “It drives me crazy to see people launch attacks against capitalism and free enterprise, like it’s somehow immoral, and their view of collectivism is the moral alternative. The facts prove that is absolutely, 180 degrees, dead wrong. Those of us who believe in free enterprise need to not only cite the statistics and the data to back that up, but to embrace proudly the moral

The Free Enterprise Summit drew over 300 leaders to Empower Field at Mile High Photo by Freda Miklin

What was done to kids in this country during Covid was inexcusable. A lot of parents who may have been on the sidelines (earlier), realized, with a sense of urgency, that something is broken, and we’ve seen, across the country, in state after state after state, the dominos are falling in a great way on school choice. It couldn’t come at a more essential time, because I think that there has been a lot of indoctrination in schools.” CSI Colorado Board Chair and Free Enterprise Visionary He went on, “It’s one thing President/CEO of Koelbel & for the Future honoree and to indoctrinate people and inCompany Buz Koelbel Former Colorado Spring Mayor John Suthers culcate them with the correct views based on real facts, but we’ve seen, unfortunately, a great hostility to a lot of our values in school. To give parents and families more opportunities to break the stranglehold of the unions and folks who want to have a monopoly over kids and how they are taught to think, that is both the biggest threat and the biggest opportunity we have.” Pointing to Colorado, Caufield told Benson that the reason our state is, “still in the top tier for education is because…Colorado is number three in the country for the percentage of public-school students attending charter schools.” Community and business leaders Don and Linda Childears “How do you educate Photo by Freda Miklin younger voters about the benour side. We are right and we efits of free enterprise?” Caugood that free enterprise repfield wanted to know. Benson are benefitting humanity in a resents. The collectivists like way that the other side, if you answered, “It is an unbelievto think that they will create able uphill fight because a a better utopia, but whenever want to call them that, does lot of people are just checked their vision has been implenot. So, I’m very eager, hapmented or tried, it has resulted py, and privileged to have that out completely from news.” They get their news, “from in misery.” fight every single day.” social media in 30-second He continued, “Whereas, Asked to name the bigincrements and there’s a lot of what we believe is, this struc- gest threat to free enterprise group-think and herd mentalture of allowing individuals in America, Benson said, ity and flagrant misinformato strive and flourish, benefits “Education. It’s the biggest tion.” the collective far more than opportunity…We’ve seen Benson talked about the collectivism ever possibly (things) move in the direcblessing of being born an could. I think we need to lean tion of school choice in a American and said that, “The into the morality of it. We way that, even a few years number of younger people don’t only have the facts on ago, seemed inconceivable… who don’t believe that and think the opposite is true, is really, really alarming,” pointing to results from polls that he said show many millennials and members of Gen Z are not proud to be Americans. Asked how young people could be convinced to see the world more like he does,

Centennial City Council Member Don Sheehan, St. Vrain Valley Schools Superintendent Don Haddad, Colorado Business Roundtable President Debbie Brown, and JP Morgan Managing Director Jeffrey Bloomquist

Photo by Freda Miklin

Free Enterprise Visionary for the Future honoree Colorado State Senator Rachel Zenzinger

CSI President & CEO Kristin Strohm, COO Cinamon Watson, and Senior Economist Dr. Steven Byers Photo by Freda Miklin

CSI Executive Director Kelly Caufield and keynote speaker Fox News contributor Guy Benson Photo by Freda Miklin

Benson said, “I don’t know the best way to get through, especially to Gen Z, because it always has to be under-

pinned with truth and factual information…Success is cool and I think that there are a lot of younger Americans feeling

left behind. We have to convince them it’s not because of America. It’s not because of free enterprise. It’s the attacks

on those things that are holding you back.” fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

Purchase your 2024 ticket pack today! For $75 you receive admission to all 3 CSI events. https://secure.anedot.com/common-sense-institute/eggs-the-economy

PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023

To play, or not to play —that is the question RARE OPPORTUNITY WALKOUT RANCH WITH MOUNTAIN VIEWS !!















Heisman winner Jayden Daniels of LSU latest draft prospect to skip his bowl game Trojans coach: QB Caleb Williams to sit out USC’s Holiday Bowl game Headlines from the bowl season currently in progress raise some interesting questions: If you were either of the past two Heisman Trophy winners, would you do what they’ve both decided to do? Or would you feel a sense of responsibility to your teammates, your coaches, your school and your fans? What if you were a parent of either? Would you say, “Don’t risk a big NFL payday by playing in a ‘meaningless’ bowl game,” or would you advise him to play anyway because it’s the right thing to do? But wait! What is the right thing to do? Should commitment to others come ahead of money and personal well-being? At what point does football become “a business” that demands you look out for yourself? There was a time, long ago, when an invitation to play in a bowl game was coveted, and celebrated; when successful teams and star players were upset if they were denied the opportunity to perform on the national stage either on New Year’s Day or just before that.

But no more. It hasn’t been that way for decades, as, first, made-for-TV bowl games proliferated, and, more recently, NIL riches and the transfer portal burst onto the scene. The portal, in fact, has become as big a threat to the integrity of bowl games as the NFL Draft. Maybe even bigger. Scores of players have entered the portal or announced their intention to do so. They can still play in their current team’s bowl game if they haven’t yet committed to another school. But is a lame duck’s heart really in it anymore? Today, only an invitation to the College Football Playoff evokes the feelings common to when you could count the bowl games on your two hands and have fingers left over. Now, in most cases, only playoff games are worth extending a college career for those players who would otherwise “opt out”—another term that has entered intercollegiate football’s lexicon. Nick Saban of perennial national championship contender

Alabama had an interesting take on “opting out” last year when quarterback Bryce Young—the 2021 Heisman Trophy winner— and outside linebacker Will Anderson Jr., projected to be a “top three” pick in the NFL Draft, both played in the 2022 Sugar Bowl against Kansas State. “(That) sets a great example for guys who respect their teammates,” he said. “It’s kind of interesting that people opt out of playing for their team. The way you create value for yourself is to play football . . . When you do that against good competition, that creates value for your future.” Young certainly lived up to his coach’s words. In Alabama’s 45-20 victory over Kansas State, he completed 15 of 21 passes for 321 yards and five touchdowns. He was voted the Sugar Bowl’s most valuable player. “For me, it was just about doing everything I can to help the team,” Young said afterward. “We had pride in how we played and how we prepared—us wanting to finish, us wanting to push ourselves and hold each other accountable.” The opposing coach, Kansas State’s Chris Klieman, asked a member of the Alabama staff to thank Young for playing. “That’s what college football is about,” he said. “I was happy Bryce played. That was really good for college football and really good for kids to see.” Young was taken first overall by Charlotte in the April draft, and Anderson No. 3 by Houston. They weren’t the only Crimson Tide players who excelled in the Sugar Bowl and subsequently were chosen by NFL teams. Brian Branch, drafted 45th by Detroit, and Jordan Battle, who went 95th to Cincinnati, both had interceptions. “It speaks volumes of your character,” Saban said after the game, “when you choose to be a part of your team and you can be counted on to be part of your team, regardless of the circumstances.” Caleb Williams and Jayden Daniels aren’t the only NFL draft prospects who have eschewed playing in their teams’ 2023 bowl games. More than two dozen players whose names will be called in April have “opted out.” Do you agree with them, or with Saban, Klieman, Young and his teammates who played last year? Denny Dressman is a veteran of 43 years in the newspaper business, including 25 at the Rocky Mountain News, where he began as executive sports editor. He is the author of 15 books, nine of them sports-related. You can write to Denny at denny dressman@comcast.net.

December 28, 2023 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11

Plastic bags at grocery stores will start to disappear on January 1

Beginning January 1, 2024, retail stores and retail food establishments will be prohibited from providing single-use plastic carryout bags to customers, unless… • The retail food establishment is a restaurant or small store that operates solely in Colorado and has three or fewer locations. • The plastic bags were purchased by the retail or grocery store providing them before January 1, 2024. In that case, the store may provide them so as to liquidate their inventory but must charge at least ten cents per bag for doing so. This exception ends on May 31, 2024, regardless of whether or not there are any single-use plastic bags purchased before January 1, 2024 remaining. As of January 1, 2024, stores to which none of those exceptions apply may only furnish recycled paper carryout bags to customers at the point of sale for a fee of at

least ten cents per bag. Beginning July 1, 2024, local governments, who did not ask for this responsibility, are authorized to enforce this law with civil penalties including fines against retail establishments that fail to follow the rules. They will receive 60% of the proceeds of bag sales beginning no later than April 1, 2024 to cover the cost of doing so. Cities and counties are specifically authorized to use the money they receive from bag fees, “to pay for administrative and enforcement costs and any recycling, composting, or other waste diversion

programs or related outreach or education activities.” The law “does not apply to materials used in the packaging of pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, or dietary supplements or any equipment or materials used to manufacture pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, or dietary supplements.” A retail clerk told The Villager that Walmart has already stopped providing single-use bags because, “They didn’t want their check-out personnel to have to police whether customers were being honest about the number of bags they took.” She explained that when there was a discrepancy between bag sales as reported by customers and the number of bags remaining in Walmart’s inventory, it was left to the store to explain why the numbers didn’t reconcile. Not providing single-use bags eliminates that problem. It was June 8, 2021 when the final vote was taken on HB21-1162 Management of Plastic Products that created these rules, one reason why many Coloradans don’t remember them. fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

National Western Stock Show announces Denver Broncos legend, Randy Gradishar as 2024 Parade Grand Marshal

The National Western Stock Show, presented by CommonSpirit Health, announced Denver Broncos All-Pro Middle Linebacker (1974-1983) Randy Gradishar as Grand Marshal of the 2024 Stock Show Kick-Off Parade, presented by Arrow Electronics. During his time with the Denver Broncos, Gradishar was the leader of the legendary “Orange Crush Defense,” 1978 NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Seven Time NFL All-Pro, and Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2024 Finalist. Beyond his onfield achievements, Gradishar has remained a beloved figure off the field, engaging in community services and his unwavering commitment to supporting and empowering military veterans. Gradishar’s dedication to veterans stems from his father, who fought in the South Pacific during WWII. Randy has a deep respect for their sacrifice and service to the nation. Through strategic partnerships with veter-

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an-focused organizations, Randy has demonstrated his commitment to positively impacting the lives of those who have bravely served in the armed forces. “It is a great honor to have a football legend and dedicated Colorado ambassador for veterans like Randy Gradishar to lead our Stock Show parade,” said Paul Andrews, President & CEO of the National Western Stock Show. “Randy embodies the values of tradition and service on which the Stock Show is founded.” “I’m incredibly proud to serve as this year’s Stock Show pa-

rade Grand Marshal and hope to encourage our youth to be their best, develop strong core values and embody a dedicated work ethic,” stated Gradishar. “The National Western Stock Show mission is phenomenal, investing in tomorrow’s standout leaders!” Parade-goers, downtown businesses, and passersby are invited to stop by the Stock Show Fair at McGregor Square following the parade, where attendees may enjoy McNicholas Miniatures therapy horses, western royalty, ice skating, a food market and more.

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PAGE VILLAGER • December 14, 2023 PAGE1212||THE THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023







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December 28, 2023 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15


HUDSON HOLIDAYS & LIGHT UP THE NEW YEAR NOV. 24-DEC. 31. For the First Show. Flexible date tickets are on sale now. This option allows guests to purchase tickets now and use them on any future date of their choosing. Santa will make an appearance most evenings, providing the perfect photo opportunity. The second show Light Up the New Year, will run Jan. 2-28 and will feature

an entirely new, immersive light display featuring vibrant displays & upbeat music. Coffee and hot cocoa available. Beer, wine and cocktails for adults 21+, plus food concessions. Sensory-friendly show night will be available on Jan. 11. Tickets: HudsonGardens.org/holidays MS COLORADO SENIOR AMERICA ACCEPTING CONTESTANTS FOR 2024 Ms. Colorado Senior America

is not a beauty pageant. The pageant re-defines and gives honor to the senior woman in all her glory. It champions the dignity, maturity and inner beauty of all senior women. Currently accepting contestants who will be 60 years old or better by our pageant date of APRIL 27, 2024.This is the year to do something for yourself and have fun! Call Rene’ Green at 720-384-6249 for more details. (ColoSrAmerica.com)

Troy Erickson, Craig Jorgensen, Bob Keyser, Randy Taylor

Littleton Elks Lodge #1650 Donates Backpacks and Cold Weather Essentials to Homeless Veterans With cold weather looming, members of Littleton Elks Lodge #1650 filled backpacks with winter essentials to benefit homeless veterans in the community. “The outpouring of support from members and friends was amazing,” Bob Keyser PER and State Homeless Veterans Chair said. What began as a donation

from The Salvation Army and discussion on the Lodge floor grew into a collaborative effort with Idaho Springs Lodge and Rolling Thunder Colorado Chapter 1. Members took backpacks home and filled them with items like hats, gloves, hand warmers, blankets, snacks and socks. “These backpacks provide

critical warmth and comfort to our homeless veterans experiencing extreme cold weather, offering them a sense of support and care during challenging times.” Over 100 backpacks filled with winter essentials were donated to Bill Daniels Veteran Service Center and the Denver Veterans Community Resources and Referral Center.

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PAGE 22 | THE VILLAGER • June 8, 2023 PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023 PAGE 22 | THE VILLAGER • June 8, 2023

COURTS DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, IN THE INTEREST OF SARA HERNANDEZ NAJERAS, Child, And concerning JOSEFINA NAJERAS SANTIAGO and ELIBERTO HERNANDEZ GOMEZ Respondents. Linda Arnold, Reg. No. 16764 Office of the Arapahoe County Attorney Attorney for the People Arapahoe County Department of Human Services 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303-636-1882 Fax: 303-636-1889 Case No: 23JV318 Division: 23 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY COURT TRIAL AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT REGARDING RESPONDENTS JOSEFINA NAJERAS SANTIAGO and ELIBERTO HERNANDEZ GOMEZ

Published in The Villager Published: December 28, 2023 Legal # 11423 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, IN THE INTEREST OF: ARACELIA WRIGHT-DAVIS, KALIAH WEBSTER, AND KAYLAN DAVIS, Child, and concerning EDNA JONES, KAYLAN DAVIS, AND CASHMERE WEBSTER Respondents. Sarah Simchowitz, Reg. #44890 Attorney for the Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Dr. Aurora, CO 80012 (720) 800-5788 Case No: 23JV207 Division: 22 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGEMENT CONCERNING RESPONDENT MOTHER EDNA JONES

To The Respondents: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an the above captioned matter has Adjudicatory Hearing regardbeen set for an ADJUDICATORY ing Respondent Mother, EDNA COURT TRIAL AND DEFAULT JONES, has been set for JanuJUDGMENT REGARDING ary 2, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. (MST) RESPONDENTS JOSEFINA in Division 22, at the Arapahoe NAJERAS SANTIAGO and ELIBCounty District Court, 7305 South ERTO HERNANDEZ GOMEZ on Potomac Street, Centennial, ColoFebruary 2, 2024, at 11:30 a.m, rado 80112. You have the right to (MST) in Division 23 of the Arapabe represented by an attorney hoe District Court. ** The Arapahoe during these proceedings; if you County District Court is holding cannot afford an attorney, one will hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetbe appointed to represent you. In ings to allow for audiovisual and/ the event you fail to appear for said or audio participation. Participants hearing at the date and time indimay use any computer, tablet or cated, the Petitioner will request smart phone equipped with a camCENTENNIAL AIRPORT that the Court enter a default judgera and microphone for audiovisual Initial Public Information Meeting ment24, against participation. Parties Wednesday should use January 2024 you and adjudicate the child dependent the followingWings link: Over the Rockies Exploration of Flightand neglected in accordance with the Colorado 13005 Wings Way Englewood, CO 80112 Code. • https://judicial.webex. 5:30 - 7:30Children’s PM com/meet/D18-ARAP-Div23 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED • Enter your name and Centennial Airport willknow hold who a public meeting onPeople Wednesday, that the of the January State of email address (so we 24, 5:30 Over the Rockies Exploration of Colorado may request the Court you2024, are). at You willp.m. thenatbethe in Wings the Flight 13005 Wings Way Englewood, 80112 to kick-off enter anCO order finding that youthe virtualMuseum, courtroom. 14 Regulation Part 150 Compatibility Study areNoise the legal parent of the above • Code of Federal Select your audio setUpdate. The meeting is tocomputer inform interested parties about the purpose named child, entering an orderof ting. If the audio on your requiring you to pay reasonable or tablet does not work, please use the Study, outline the general Study process and request comments. We the alternate audio option of calling hope to see you there, all are welcome. and necessary support pursuant to §19-4-116(6), on a monthly basis in to the number below. monthly basis commencing The Study is being conducted to identify on anda evaluate current and future immediately for the support If youeffects do notassociated have a device will operations noise withthat aircraft at Centennial Airport.of the child(ren), entering a judgment for support a video connection, you The goal of the Study is to work with surrounding communities and child support debt pursuant to §14may still participate by audio only stakeholders to reduce the number of people affected by aircraft noise. 14-104, C.R.S., medical support, by calling 720-650-7664 and enter and to grant such further relief as access code 2598 320 5548 (folComments questions can be submitted meeting in person or theduring Courtthe deems proper. lowed by #,or#). online: APA150noisestudy.com/contact. Please visit our for additional study events, news, andthat information YOU ARE ADVISED you In the event youwebsite fail to appear here: APA150noisestudy.com/. have the right to be represented for said hearing at the date and by counsel at every stage of these time indicated, the Petitioner will proceedings. In accordance with request that the Court enter a Published in The Villager default judgment against you and First Publication: December 28, 2023 C.R.S. §19-4-105.5, you also may have the right to request genetic adjudicate the child dependent and Last Publication: January 4, 2024 testing. A request for genetic test neglected in accordance with the Legal # 11428 shall not prejudice the requesting Colorado Children’s___________________________ Code. party in matters concerning allocation of parental responsibilities. If Linda Arnold, Esq., 16764 genetic tests are not obtained prior Assistant County Attorney to the legal establishment of pater-



nity and submitted into evidence prior to the entry of the final order establishing paternity, the genetic tests may not be allowed into evidence at a later date. The Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: • https://judicial.webex. com/meet/D18-ARAP-Div22 • Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. • Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. • If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720650-7664. When prompted enter Access code: 927 2594 887 9073 then press #, # (no attendee ID is needed). YOU ARE FURTHER COMMANDED to appear before the Court at said time and place, either in person or by phone. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin. Date: December 14, 2023 Sarah Simchowitz, Esq. #44890 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Dr., Aurora, CO 80012 Phone: (720) 800-5788 Email: SSimchowitz@arapahoegov.com Published in The Villager Published: December 28, 2023 Legal # 11424 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner,


and NOTICE GENESIS PADILLA TO CREDITORS FIGUEROA, Estate of RONALD JAMES Children, MCCARTY a/k/a RONALD J. MCCARTY a/k/a RONALD MCAnd concerning CARTY a/k/a RON MCCARTY, Deceased YURI aka PR YURY CaseFIGUEROA Number 2023 31385 FIGUEROA FIGUEROA, All persons having claimsJOHN against DOE, VALENTIN NAME the above namedLAST estate are reUNKNOWN, ODILthem ENRIQUE quired to present to the PAperDILLArepresentative ROMERO, andorJOSE GUZsonal to District MAN BONILLA Court of Arapahoe, County, ColoraRespondents. do on or before April 22, 2024 *, or the claims may be forever barred. Linda Arnold, Reg. No. 16764 Gabriel Gelman, Gelman Law LLC Office of the County Attorney for Arapahoe Co-Personal RepreAttorney sentatives Attorney for the People 8480 E. Orchard Road, Suite 5000 Arapahoe County Department of Greenwood Village, Colorado Human Services 80111 14980 East Drive Published in Alameda The Villager Aurora, CO 80012 December 21, First Publication: Tel: 303-636-1882 2023 Fax:Publication: 303-636-1889 Last January 4, 2024 Legal # 11422 Case No: 22JV509 ___________________________ Division: 23

NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY COURT TRIAL AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT REGARDING RESPONDENT FATHERS JOHN DOE, VALENTIN LAST NAME UNKNOWN, ODIL ENRIQUE PADILLA ROMERO and JOSE GUZMAN BONILLA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above captioned matter has been set for an ADJUDICATORY COURT TRIAL AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT REGARDING RESPONDENT FATHERS JOHN DOE, VALENTIN LAST NAME UNKNOWN, ODIL ENRIQUE PADILLA ROMERO, and JOSE GUZMAN BONILLA on January 5, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (MST) in Division 23 of the Arapahoe District Court. ** The Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: • https://judicial.webex. com/meet/D18-ARAP-Div23 • Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. • Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664 and enter access code 2598 320 5548 (followed by #, #). In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Linda Arnold, Esq., 16764 Assistant County Attorney Published in The Villager Published: December 28, 2023 Legal # 11425 ___________________________

CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE Public Notice of Contractor’s Final Settlement Pursuant to C.R.S. 38-26-107, notice is hereby given that on/or after the 11th day of December 2023 final settlement with KRM Concrete LLC. will be made by the City of Cherry Hills Village, for the 2023 Belleview Street Median Improvement Project, and that any person, co-partnership, association, company, or corporation who has an unpaid claim against any of the contractors for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractors,

or any of their subcontractors, in or about the performance of said work may file at any time up to and including said time of such final settlement on/or after January 4, 2023, a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim with the City Council of the City of Cherry Hills Village, at the office of: City Manager City of Cherry Hills Village 2450 E. Quincy Avenue Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 Failure on the part of a claimant to file such statements prior to such final settlement will relieve said City from all and any liability for such claimant’s claims. CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE STATE OF COLORADO Published in The Villager First Publication: December 21, 2023 Last Publication: December 28, 2023 Legal # 11420 ___________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of RONALD JAMES MCCARTY a/k/a RONALD J. MCCARTY a/k/a RONALD MCCARTY a/k/a RON MCCARTY, Deceased Case Number 2023 PR 31385 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Arapahoe, County, Colorado on or before April 22, 2024 *, or the claims may be forever barred. Gabriel Gelman, Gelman Law LLC Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives 8480 E. Orchard Road, Suite 5000 Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Published in The Villager First Publication: December 21, 2023 Last Publication: January 4, 2024 Legal # 11422 ___________________________

SPECIAL DISTRICTS NOTICE OF BUDGET CHERRY HILLS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT (Pursuant to 29-1-106, C.R.S.) NOTICE is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the CHERRY HILLS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT for the ensuing year of 2024; a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of Darcy Beard, CPA, 6050 Powell Rd, Parker, CO 80134, where the same is open for public inspection; such proposed budget will be considered at the regular meeting of the CHERRY HILLS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT scheduled for 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 4, 2024 at Duffey’s Patio Cafe’, located at 4994 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80222. Any interested elector of CHERRY HILLS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Dated: December 19, 2023 CHERRY HILLS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT By: /s/ Darcy Beard Budget Officer Published in The Villager Published: December 28, 2023 Legal # 11427 ___________________________ CENTENNIAL AIRPORT Initial Public Information Meeting Wednesday January 24, 2024 Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight 13005 Wings Way Englewood, CO 80112 5:30 - 7:30 PM Centennial Airport will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight Museum, 13005 Wings Way Englewood, CO 80112 to kick-off the 14 Code of Federal Regulation Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study Update. The meeting is to inform interested parties about the purpose of the Study, outline the general Study process and request comments. We hope to see you there, all are welcome. The Study is being conducted to identify and evaluate current and future noise effects associated with aircraft operations at Centennial Airport. The goal of the Study is to work with surrounding communities and stakeholders to reduce the number of people affected by aircraft noise. Comments or questions can be submitted during the meeting in person or online: APA150noisestudy.com/contact. Please visit our website for additional study events, news, and information here: APA150noisestudy.com/. Published in The Villager First Publication: December 28, 2023 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 Legal # 11428 ___________________________

NAME CHANGES ARAPAHOE County, Colorado ARAPAHOE County, Colorado 1790 W LITTLETON BLVD 1790 W LITTETON BLVD LITTLETON, CO 80120 LITTLETON, CO-80120 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 2023 CV 319 Case Number: 2023 CV 319 Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Public Notice is given on Public Notice is given on NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child has been filed with the Minor Child has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. Arapahoe County Court. The Petition requests that the The Petition requests that the name of LANA BAHAA FARAG be name of LANA BAHAA FARAG be changed to LANA ROSE JAMES changed to LANA ROSE JAMES Published in The Villager Published in The Villager First Publication: December 28, 2023 First Publication: December 28, Last Publication: January 11, 2024 2023 Legal # 11429 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 ___________________________ Legal # 11429 ___________________________ ARAPAHOE County, Colorado

ARAPAHOE County, Colorado 1790 W LITTETON, BLVD 1790 W LITTLETON, BLVD LITTLETON, CO-80120 LITTLETON, CO 80120 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 2023 CV 313 Case Number: 2023 CV 313 Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Public Notice is given on Public Notice is given on NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child has been filed with the Minor Child has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. Arapahoe County Court. The Petition requests that the The Petition requests that the name of JASON BAHAA FARAG name of JASON BAHAA FARAG be changed to JASON ASHER be changed to JASON ASHER JAMES JAMES Published in The Villager Published in The Villager First Publication: December 28, First Publication: December 28, 2023 2023 Last Publication: January 11, 2024 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 Legal # 11430 Legal # 11430 ___________________________ ___________________________

ARAPAHOE County, Colorado ARAPAHOE County, Colorado 1790 W LITTLETON, BLVD 1790 W LITTETON, BLVD LITTLETON, CO 80120 LITTLETON, CO-80120 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 2023 CV 312 Case Number: 2023 CV 312 Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Public Notice is given on Public Notice is given on NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child has been filed with the Minor Child has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. Arapahoe County Court. The Petition requests that the The Petition requests that the name of JOSHUA DANIEL name of JASON BAHAA FARAG FARAG be changed to JOSHUA be changed to JASON ASHER DANIEL JAMES JAMES Published in The Villager Published in The Villager First Publication: January 4, 2024 First Publication: December 28, Last Publication: January 18, 2024 2023 Legal # 11431 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 ___________________________ Legal # 11430 ___________________________

ARAPAHOE County, Colorado ARAPAHOE County, Colorado 1790 W LITTLETON, BLVD 1790 W LITTETON, BLVD LITTLETON, CO 80120 LITTLETON, CO-80120 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 2023 CV 310 Case Number: 2023 CV 310 Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Public Notice is given on Public Notice is given on NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child has been filed with the Minor Child has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. Arapahoe County Court. The Petition requests that the The Petition requests that the name name of JOSIAH SAMUEL of JOSIAH SAMUEL FARAG be FARAG be changed to JOSIAH changed to JOSIAH SAMUEL SAMUEL JAMES JAMES Published in The Villager Published in The Villager First Publication: December 28, 2023 First Publication: December 28, Last Publication: January 11, 2024 2023 Legal # 11432 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 ___________________________ Legal # 11432 ___________________________

ARAPAHOE County, Colorado ARAPAHOE County, Colorado 1790 W LITTLETON, BLVD 1790 W LITTETON, BLVD LITTLETON, CO 80120 LITTLETON, CO-80120 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 2023 CV 311 Case Number: 2023 CV 311 Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Public Notice is given on Public Notice is given on NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child has been filed with the Minor Child has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. Arapahoe County Court. The Petition requests that the The Petition requests that the name of JAYDEN DAVID FARAG name of JAYDEN DAVID FARAG be changed to JAYDEN DAVID be changed to JAYDEN DAVID JAMES JAMES Published in The Villager Published in The Villager First Publication: December 28, 2023 First Publication: December 28, Last Publication: January 11, 2024 2023 Legal # 11433 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 ___________________________ Legal # 11433 ___________________________

ARAPAHOE County, Colorado ARAPAHOE County, Colorado 1790 W LITTLETON, BLVD 1790 W LITTETON, BLVD LITTLETON, CO 80120 LITTLETON, CO-80120 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION PUBLIC NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: 2023 CV 309 Case Number: 2023 CV 309 Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Petitioner: HEATHER JAMES Public Notice is given on Public Notice is given on NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a NOVEMBER 27, 2023 that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child has been filed with the Minor Child has been filed with the Arapahoe County Court. Arapahoe County Court. The Petition requests that the The Petition requests that the name of JOEL ELIJAH FARAG be name of JOEL ELIJAH FARAG be changed to JOEL ELIJAH JAMES changed to JOEL ELIJAH JAMES Published in The Villager Published in The Villager First Publication: December 28, 2023 First Publication: December 28, Last Publication: January 11, 2024 2023 Legal # 11434 Last Publication: January 5, 2024 ___________________________ Legal # 11434 ___________________________

PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • December 28, 2023

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