3-11-21 Villager

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VOLUME 39 • NUMBER 16 • MARCH 11, 2021

Since 1982





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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

A look back at a year of COVID-19



irst the data…As of March 8, there have been 5,995 deaths in Colorado from COVID-19. Testing centers have administered 6,415,123 tests to 2,616,541 people (45% of the population) and 306 people are currently hospitalized with the virus. The overall positivity rate for tests

conducted is just over 3%. Statewide, 18% of Coloradans have received their first dose of the vaccine and more than half of those folks have gotten both. The number of vaccinated individuals is expected to soon increase dramatically as the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine continues to arrive. The state expects 400,000 doses of it this month and is using every arrow in its quiver to get them into arms. Since the pandemic began, 54% of all deaths

have been in Coloradans over the age of 80 and 90% have been in those over the age of 60. By the time you read this, all front range counties will likely be at Level Blue on the state’s COVID-19 dial 2.0, the second lowest level out of six. Case and positivity numbers have been declining dramatically as vaccine numbers have increased. On March 8, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it is safe

This chart shows that the number of cases of the virus that were detected and reported were significantly less that the number of actual cases suspected based on predictive modeling.

This chart shows that Colorado ranked sixth in the U.S. for controlling the stress level on its health care system throughout the past year.


Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, is executive director of the state health department.

Dr. Rachel Herlihy is the Colorado state epidemiologist.

for fully vaccinated people to socialize together without a mask, but recommended they continue to avoid travelling. In a press conference on March 3, Jill Hunsaker Ryan, MPH, executive director of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), reviewed the past year of battling COVID-19 in our state. The effort began with a unified command, consisting of the governor’s office, CDPHE, the department of public safety, and the Colorado National Guard, who all partnered with local public health agencies, hospitals and providers, the Colorado School of Public Health, and most importantly, the people of Colorado, who were willing to stay home, wear masks, and socially distance when they did go out. Hunsaker Ryan pointed out that the worst challenges of the virus were that it could be transmitted by a person with no symptoms or signs that they were infected, and the huge variation in the severity of the symptoms, from barely discernible to death, with no obvious explanation as to why some people got very, very sick and some barely knew they had the virus. To allow CDPHE to massively scale up to meet the state’s needs, it received $1.165 billion in mostly federal funds. It added 1,616 full time employees, contractors, and volunteers. The state lab moved to three shifts, working

24/7, processing an average of 46,000 tests each week, compared to the average of 800 before COVID. Free testing for the virus was set up at 121 sites across the state. Key dates on the timeline, beginning in 2020 and going into 2021, include: • March 5 – First positive case is confirmed • March 13 – First fatality from COVID-19 • March 25 – First stay-athome order is issued • July 16 – Statewide masking order is issued • August 28 – State introduces first version of county-level color dial • December 14 – First vaccine delivery arrives • December 30 – State lab detects the first case of the B.1.1.7 variant in the U.S. • February 5 – State introduces version 2.0 of county-level color dial With no strategy to control the pandemic emanating from the federal government, our state created its own plan to attack the spread of the virus. Key steps included residential care strike teams sent to long term care facilities because outbreaks among the elderly were the most life-threatening. Aggressive efforts were made to acquire and distribute personal protective equipment, free statewide testing for the virus was begun, and a decision was made to do everything possible to get as many people as possible vaccinated, including creating community vaccine sites and pop-up clinics and operating on the honor system. No one receiving a vaccine is required to prove their identity. By early March, before the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine was even released, 100% of residents and staff at long-term care facilities had received both doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Dr. Rachel Herlihy, state epidemiologist, talked about how the case rate in Colorado has compared to the national average. Most significantly, she presented data that showed that if our state had experienced the same death rate as the U.S. overall, we would have lost 3,000 more Coloradans, a full 50% more than we actually did. She continued, “A key role for our epidemiologic teams and our public health partners has been responding to outbreaks, In a typical year,


Continued on page 3

March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

Here the state tracked the average number of cases in outbreaks in long-term care facilities over time, which reached a high of 55 last April and got down to 5 last month.

In this graph, we see that for most of the past year, Colorado’s per capita case rate was under the U.S. overall, especially in 2021.

A look back Continued from page 2

she reported that CDPHE might respond to 100 to 400 outbreaks from “all types of pathogens,” however, “In the last year alone, we’ve responded to over 4,000 outbreaks in Colorado.” She presented charts that showed that outbreaks in long-term care facilities, where the highest percentage of residents succumbed to the virus, have been all but eliminated since the arrival of the vaccine. Hunsaker Ryan ended the presentation by expressing gratitude for the amazingly fast and safe development of the COVID-19 vaccine, which has been the most significant key to getting this virus under control. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

President of FRIENDS FIRST to step down

The Board of Directors and staff at FRIENDS FIRST have announced that Elycia Cook will be stepping down from her role as President & CEO of FRIENDS FIRST on March 5, 2021 to pursue a new career opportunity. Elycia has been a part of the FRIENDS FIRST family for more than 12 years and has served in her current role for nine years. Andy Matott has been named the Interim President & CEO. Andy has been with the organization for more than seven years in several different roles. A committee is being formed to lead the leadership search.

Most importantly, our state’s per capita death rate from the virus has never exceeded the U.S. overall.

This shows the ramping up of testing during the past year. The largest number of tests in one day occurred on November 25, 2020.

ARAPAHOE COUNTY C NVERSATIONS Nominate a student for a college scholarship! If you know a local high school senior who’s gone above and beyond, nominate them for a 2021 Arapahoe County Mayors and Commissioners Youth Award. The application deadline is Friday, March 12.





For more information, visit arapahoegov.com/youthawards.

TRANSPORTATION 2040 MASTER PLAN Tell us about the types of road and mobility improvements that are most important to you. The County is leading an effort to better manage and enhance the transportation network, and we want your feedback on 24 key transportation corridors. Take just a few minutes to join the conversation. You can comment on just the corridors that are important to you, or on all 24! The survey closes on March 19, so take it now by scanning this QRCode on your smartphone or visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AC2040TMP Get the latest COVID-19 vaccine info The Colorado COVID vaccine hotline is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926)



Let’s get moving and hit the trails! Join us for Arapahoe County’s inaugural 5K TRAIL WALK/RUN SERIES celebrating Open Spaces, fitness and good health, and our thriving local trail system. Saturday, April 10, 8 a.m. at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds and Park. Tickets at arapahoecountyfair.com.


Visit arapahoegov.com/osmasterplan to read the DIVE summary report.

PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

The Villager

Forge ahead and recover from COVID-19 Students should be going back to school and kudos to the private schools that remained open during the pandemic. We’re not out of the woods quite yet, but victory is in sight with vaccines and masks. I’m awaiting the Johnson and Johnson one-shot vaccine that I believe should do the job of protecting me. I have great respect for J&J. I also like Pfizer, but know little about Moderna, although it is approved by the FDA. It would make common sense to extend the school year out to a 12- month period with ample vacation time for students to catch up on curriculums. Looks like money is coming from Washington. Harkening back to my early school years in Craig in junior high school in 1950. I was in the seventh grade when the tallest, toughest, eighth grader was struck with polio. Doug Deyo just disappeared from school and was rushed to a Denver hospital where

I enjoy writing this column because I can wander through some personal experiences of where I’ve been, what I’ve seen in my life, and browse around on today’s happenings. What I saw over this past weekend was the emergence of public life, restaurants reopening with proper spacing, and customers pouring into the local establishments. Saturday we went to Outback at 5 p.m. and the only seats left were at the bar with a 45-minute table wait. We accepted the bar seats, that worked out well, with comfortable chairs and a very affable bartender who told us that he played hockey at UNC. He appears to be an excellent employee - glad to have the business open again. Earlier in the day I took a drive to Black Hawk and the traffic leaving the city was heavy at midday. The Ameristar casino is now part of Penn Gaming that has become one of the largest chain gaming outlets in America with 35 casinos nationwide. Their stock tumbled last year to a low of around $8 and today is $110. The gaming industry in Colorado will go to higher betting limits on starting May 1 and casinos are preparing for high rollers to arrive. Ameristar, and other gaming outlets have en-

he fought for his life to survive polio. He was the only case in the junior high school, maybe the only case in the small rural N.W. Colorado community. There was no talk of shutting down the school and we just hoped that this dreaded disease wouldn’t take any more of us. Along with the fear of polio, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were threatening each other, and we had an East German blockade and had “Nuke” emergency training where we would go to the basement of the ancient county courthouse a few blocks away from the school. There was an atomic bomb shelter symbol posted at the site. Students today should be aware that we had a dreaded polio scare and it was for real until Dr. Joseph Salk invented the polio vaccine that ended the worldwide epidemic. Back to Doug. When he returned to school they rolled him out of an ambulance in

dorsed and commenced sports betting with online apps, and in-house TV sport book parlors. Betting revenues are adding millions to state tax coffers as fans participate in betting on sporting events. Along with sports, the marijuana industry had a record-breaking year and has contributed millions to the Colorado economy. The revenue sources can be described as “sin taxes” harnessing what people like to do legally, adding tax revenues to hard pressed state and local budgets. The senate passed the 1.9 trillion spending bill this past weekend and will no doubt sail through the congress and checks will be sent out within weeks. This should boost the economy and extend unemployment benefits. The challenge going forward will be servicing the boggling national debt. A few things in the government’s favor is that interest rates are historically low, less than one percent. In other words, the government can borrow money cheaply and hopefully pay back the debts with cheap newly printed dollars. This will likely create inflation in nearby years. A booming economy from all of this stimulus could in fact boost tax revenues to reduce debts. But, Congress must address spending along with income. One way the government

a stainless “iron lung” that allowed him to breath. A large tank respirator, Iron Lung was a machine powered by an electric motor with two vacuum cleaners. The pump changed the pressure inside a rectangular airtight metal box, pulling air in and out of the lungs - making it possible for polio patients to breath and survive. He was a skeleton of his former self and we cautiously approached the open iron lung to welcome him back home and to school. He was able to eventually talk and walk. He returned back to school skin and bones, once the tallest, most muscular kid in the school. It was frightening and memorable. Doug slowly recovered having some paralysis in one leg, but he was able to resume sports and I played football with him in high school several years later. He became a professional referee for sporting events and both of his sons played football for UNC in Greeley.

could get out of debt is to sell off millions of acres of public land primarily located in the west. When the Homestead Act was enacted in the 1880s all of the land with access to water was taken by homesteaders. Dry land farming wasn’t successful and millions of acres of dryland was unclaimed. Enter today’s Bureau of Land Management that supervise these millions of acres with thousands of employees. In the era of homesteads, the only source of water for the 160-acre plots of dry land was to hand dig a well for drinking and stock water. This was done by hand and windmills were later devised as a way to use wind power to pump water wells. The home site wells had a hand pump that could fill buckets of water by cranking the metal handle that would pump up the water. My ancestors had such a well near the front door of their cabin. Community water wells in the Middle East and rural Russia et al, are still in use where water is dipped out of community wells by women with buckets. With today’s technology, these vast public lands in most cases are open for hiking, hunting, biking and camping and much of the vast areas are leased for livestock grazing and supervised by the BLM. In droughts, the reservoirs go dry and ranchers have to haul water to thirsty cattle or liquidate herds. Without

Doug passed away several years ago. His wife was a local nurse who he married after graduating from CSU, returning to Craig. We were both on a college bowling team together that won the campus title. He developed a strong personality and a good sense of humor. I only relate this story to send a message to students who have been out of school that this is not the first health scare and probably won’t be the last. The Russians didn’t nuke us, and Doug was able to play sports and graduate from college. He overcame and prevailed from a deadly experience. We can lick this pandemic together. It was frightening that this disease struck the best athlete in the school. His physical strength is probably what saved his life, as well as the wonderful Denver doctors and nurses fighting the dreaded disease. The American way is courage against adversity.

water land is useless for farming or livestock, but with wells can be homesites. Many urbanites would love a few acres in remote areas to escape the crowds, drill a well, and enjoy the solitude and back to nature with a small garden and weekend retreat. Ranchers would purchase their BLM leases and own the lands adjacent to their spreads rather than long-term leases. This idea was launched as the “Sagebrush Rebellion” decades ago, but disappeared over time. More people moving back to the country would add to small town prosperity with new homes rising on the prairies. *** News from the oldest newspaper in Colorado, The Weekly Register Call, located in historic Black Hawk and Central City, reported the following story 151 years ago on March 3, 1871. “ A letter was received by Senator Chaffee in which he said there was no hope of passing the enabling act for some time to come, but that he hoped to pass the bill enabling the citizens of Central, Black Hawk, and Georgetown to get title to their townsites.” Colorado eventually entered the Union in 1876 as the Centennial State. ***

Office: 8933 East Union Ave. • Suite 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1357 Phone: (303) 773-8313 Fax: (303) 773-8456 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $52 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 8933 East Union Ave., Suite #230, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-1357 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney — x305 sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 sharon@villagerpublishing.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-358-1555 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS B.T. Galloway — x301 subscribe@villagerpublishing.com PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification, and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2020 Member


It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. – Voltaire

March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5

Republican state chair candidates make their appeal BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

At the regular monthly meeting of the Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Club (ACRBC) on March 3 at Maggiano’s DTC, four out of five candidates for state party chair (Current chair Ken Buck is not seeking reelection) presented their ideas and answered questions about how they would lead. Also greeting the crowd were the two candidates for vice-chair and one of the five announced candidates for state party secretary. The positions of chair, vicechair, and secretary of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee will be filled during an election on Saturday, March 27 at 9:00 a.m. as part of the 2021 Colorado Republican Committee Organizational meeting, which will be held virtually. Kristi Burton Brown, a constitutional lawyer, policy analyst, and longtime anti-abortion activist, has been vice-chair of the state party since 2019. She is also a mother and a millennial. Burton Brown talked about the “need to strategize to appeal to minorities and millennials and emphasize the issues of jobs, kids, and the American dream because there isn’t a voter out

Former Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler is a candidate for Republican state chair. Photo by Freda Miklin

Republican party state vicechair since 2019, Kristi Burton Brown is seeking the top job.

Chris Holgate is running for Republican state party secretary. Photo by Freda Miklin

Patrician Rahm, fresh from running for the CU Board of Regents, is one of two Republican party state vicechair candidates.

there who doesn’t care about those things. The battle is not over. There is so much more we can do together. We have to focus on local races. It is time

Photo by Freda Miklin

for a new generation of leadership in our party. I have plenty of plans and strategies. I want

Three-time Colorado congressional candidate Casper Stockham has many ideas of what he would do as Republican party state chair.

Photo by Freda Miklin

Aleta You, holder of a Ph.D. and former instructor at Rutgers and Princeton, wants to be Republican party state vice-chair.

to serve our candidates.” On the subject of fundraising, she said, “We raised $2.2 million in the past two years. Donors are

Rich Mancuso is also throwing his hat into the ring for Republican party state chair.

committed to my vision.” She talked about borrowing from a Democratic Party strategy of focusing on small dollar donations because small donors are reliable voters. Burton Brown emphasized the importance of supporting the party’s strongest candidates. Scott Gessler is an elections attorney in private practice who served as Colorado Secretary of State from 2011 to 2015. He did not run for reelection, instead sought to become the Republican candidate for governor. The nomination went to Bob Beauprez, who lost to John Hickenlooper. Speaking to the party faithful at Maggiano’s, Continued on page 6

PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

Republican candidates Continued from page 5

Gessler said, “I’m running because I’m tired of seeing our state and our party decline. The purpose of this job is to get our candidates elected. We need good data and we need to show the crazy things Democrats are doing. We’ve lost 100,000 Republicans in Colorado over the past four years. I was honored to work for (former) President Trump in 2016 and 2020. Republicans believe in the Constitution and families We are going to hold Democrats accountable for Polis’ devastating policies. I want to turn this state red.” On the subject of fundraising, Gessler said, “I’ve raised millions. I’m raising money for my campaign for chair. We need to bring in interns and teach them how to raise money so that our candidates can raise more than the Democrats.” He noted that Republican Richard Champion only raised $69,000 in a losing bid for re-election in HD38 (he was appointed to the seat to finish the term of Susan Beckman, who resigned the state house in January 2020 to take a job in the Trump administration) to newcomer Democrat David Ortiz, who raised $222,000. Democrats control both

houses of the general assembly, the governor’s office, and every other statewide elected office except for Heidi Ganahl’s seat on the CU Board of Regents, both U.S. Senate seats, and four out of seven U.S. House seats. In response to a question about how the person elected chair of the state party would “get word of the Republican message to the people of Colorado,” Scott Gessler said, “Method matters in addition to message. Trump used conflict to sell a message. I’m comfortable doing that. We need to cultivate the conservative media and also use social media.” Kristi Burton Brown spoke next. She expressed the view that, “Conflict may sell but conflict does not persuade. I was an executive at a media company that persuaded people. I know how to combat censorship. All messages need to go through jobs, kids, and the American dream. We are a diverse state and we need to talk about our positive vision.” When Heidi Ganahl, in the audience, put the question, “How do we get women to run?” pointing out that “they have a 4-point advantage going in,” Burton Brown said, “(U.S. Rep.) Lauren Boebert is endorsing me. Women need to see women in leadership.

Democrats train candidates through outside groups, not the state party. We need to bring that for all, including giving mentors. Gessler, who raised his voice for emphasis, said, “We need to stop being pathetic. We had a lot of great women candidates. We aren’t supporting them the way they need it. My program is to have the state party do this. Suzanne (Staiert, who ran for the seat vacated by Republican Jack Tate in SD27 last year and who served as deputy secretary of state under Gessler and his successor, Wayne Williams) was left hanging in the wind. Some Democratic candidates are hot messes.” Gessler announced that he was being endorsed by Centennial Mayor Stephanie Piko. In addition to Boebert, Burton Brown announced she was being endorsed by the Republican chairs of Boulder and Jefferson Counties. The other two candidates for Republican state chair who were at the meeting were Caspar Stockham, who has run for the U.S. Congress twice in CD1 and once in CD7, Rich Mancuso, a 40-year Colorado resident who ran for CD2 in 2006 and is a longtime high school American history teacher who has worked on numerous campaigns. The fifth candidate for Republican

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state chair, Jonathan Lockwood, did not appear at the ACRBC. He is a millennial who has said publicly, “The Republican Party has no credibility now because it covered for everything Trump did.” He is also the only candidate who has publicly stated that President Joe Biden was legitimately elected. Burton Brown, Gessler, and Stockham have stated outright that they believe there was significant election fraud all around the country, including in Colorado, implying that it may have contributed to Trump’s loss. Outgoing Republican Chair Ken Buck has defended Colorado’s election system as accurate. At the ACRBC meeting, Stockham said, “We don’t have enough Republicans to win a statewide election. We have to grow our numbers to win this fight. I want to make our party stronger. When I ran for Congress three times, I got the most votes of any Republican ever in those races. I started America First Republicans because we don’t get enough support from the state party. We have 40 people in the pipeline. We have to reach out to the black and Hispanic communities. On the subject of fundraising, he said, “I propose we ask local Republicans to donate $17.76 to your local county organization to

‘lift all boats.’ That will raise $17,760,000.” Also greeting Republican stalwarts were the two candidates for state party vice-chair, Aleta You, a former professor at Princeton and Rutgers Universities who holds a Ph.D. in philosophy of education, and Priscilla Rahm, a former high school principal and 27-year veteran Master Teacher who holds an honorary doctor of humane letters and ran for CU Regent last year. Of the five declared candidates for state party secretary, only Christopher Holgate appeared. He asked the candidates for state party chair challenging questions on important topics. Saying hello to the crowd and listening carefully to the candidates were local Republican officials John Kellner, 18th Judicial District Attorney, Heidi Ganahl, CU Board of Regents member and rumored to be a possible candidate for governor in 2022, Jeff Baker, Arapahoe County Commissioner, Don Sheehan, Centennial city council member, and Matt Crane, former Arapahoe County Clerk. Also showing up was Dustin Zvonek, candidate for Aurora City Council at large, and a young future Republican party leader. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

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PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

Denver Lyric Opera Guild presenting live-streaming annual Competition finals on Saturday, March 20 from 1 – 5 p.m. Denver Lyric Opera Guild (DLOG) VP Public Relations Dr. Valerie Wassill shared the announcement recently that the organization’s annual Competition will go on in spite of COVID-19 and invites attendance at no charge for this exciting event. Normally, the entire competition process would be in-person, open and free to the public at Calvary Baptist Church in Denver. The Master Class kicked off the 2021 schedule on February 13 and was conducted by Dr. Robert Harrison, former professor of music at the University of Colorado. The preliminary portion for competitors and panel of judges only was held

Dr. Jeremy Reger accompanying 2020 Competition First Place Winner Claire McCahan Photos courtesy of DLOG

Saturday, March 6. The Denver According to ComLyric Opera petitions Committee Guild is a Chair Kathy Van Ars56-year-old dale, the committee volunteer proposed Livestream membership events and online organization archives of beautiful that encoursinging; learning while ages and supobserving others ports young working with singers and an outside exeducates the pert, Dr. Robert membership Harrison, and in the appreVice President for watching Finals Competitions Kathy ciation and of the Compe- Van Arsdale knowledge tition online. of opera. In The radical departure 1984, the Guild inaugurated required technical its signature event, the Comadvice and implemenpetition for Colorado Singers, tation, flexibility by to support singers ages 23-32 members, volunteers, in pursuing their operatic caand participants. The reers. Since then, the Guild DLOG Board was very has awarded over $850,000 supportive in the quest to Competition winners. Hunto create something dreds of young singers have Master Class Instructor Dr. Robert successfully launched their Harrison, Professor of Voice Emeritus new to benefit singers, (2015), Jacobs School of Music, the membership and the operatic and musical careers Indiana University Bloomington world beyond. since winning the Competi-

Accompanist Dr. Jeremy Reger, international performer and educator who holds degrees from Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and the University of Michigan

“Rather than cancel competition events for this season, as so many other arts organizations have done, the Denver Lyric Opera Guild Competitions Committee felt strongly that holding a series of events was vital this particular year.” – Kathy Van Arsdale Chair, Competitions Committee

Since inaugurating the Competition for Colorado Singers in 1984, over 250 aspiring young opera singers have won the coveted top awards. Over $35,000 will be awarded in 2021. The First Place Winner will receive $6,000 (Galen & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation Award). Second Place Winner will receive $5000. (Kenneth King Foundation Award). Third Place Winner $4,500 (Myrle F. Hoffman Memorial Award). Fourth Place Winner - $4,000 (Galsane & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation Award). Fifth Place Winner will receive $3,500 (Gary & Gayle Landis in Honor of Marlis Smith Award). Sixth Place Winner $3,000 (Carole Johnson in Memory of Mary Wise Award). Seventh Place Winner will receive $2,500 (Sherry Sheperd Sargent Memorial Award). Eighth Place Winner $2,000 (Dr. Frank Sargent Family Award). tion. This year, the Guild will award $35,000 to the top 15 Finalists. The scheduled times of contestants is posted on the website: Denverlyricoperaguild.org/ 2021-competition. “Get ready for the Competition,” Kathy Van Arsdale said. “Plan to watch!”

DENVER LYRIC OPERA GUILD COMPETITION FOR COLORADO SINGERS Saturday, March 20, 1 pm - 5pm LIVE-STREAMED ON THE DLOG WEBSITE! denverlyricoperaguild.org/2021-competition

VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE: Middle school students Saturday, November 14participate in first Denver Academy pickleball tournament 9:30 amProvider (YPP) pic Mountain Biking Coach Ben Youth Program Denver Academy (DA), an- 10:30

March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9

Ollett. “The sport is a great physMembership, which gives access independent school for diverse Enjoy a those presentation Head youth of School ically-distant activity during this the official pickleball learners, including with dys- bytoour followed by a virtualplaybook, Q&A with current time as we navigate through the discounts on equiplexia and ADD/ADHD, in grades teachers. for the school, free access to pandemic. It has really become one to twelve has beenstudents teaching andment a favorite of both teachers and the youth pickleball video series, pickle ballRSVP as part of ran quite atits denveracademy.org/openhouse students, so we decided to make and digital copies of Pickleball sports unit in Physical Education the unit more robust this year by Magazine. (PE) classes for adding a tournament at the end.” The competition more than five year. USA Pickleball found out was held Feb. 22, This year, the DA via social media that DA was and took place all coaching staff put toengaging its students in the sport week during PE gether a round-robin and reached out to collaborate. classes with the tournament as the “USA Pickleball loves seeing the semi-finals and fifinale to the unit excitement of our youth playing nals taking place on which has caught the sport and with Coach Ben’s Feb. 26. the attention ofServing USA diverse learners, includingFriday, those mutual enthusiasm for being able Academy Campus – Pickleball. Thewith co-eddyslexia doubles and ADHD,Denver grades 1 to 12. to teach the students how to play James E. Loan Athletic Center, is tournament included DA Middle located at 4400 E Iliff Ave., Den- by sharing a Twitter photo, we School students with prizes from denveracademy.org • 303-777-5161 wanted to learn more about their USA Pickleball including branded ver. The James E. Loan Athletic PE program,” said Director of paddles for the top six players and Center opened in May of 2019 and provides a 25,000 square-foot Media Relations for USA Picklethe first-place team received an facility including a multi-use gym ball Laura Gainor. “We’re grateannual individual membership ful for the robust program that with 500 seats as well as locker to the organization. In addition, Denver Academy is offering their rooms, a weight room, and a Denver Academy received a students and their interest in orgadance studio. nizing future camp programs and “A lot of kids who don’t typtournaments to allow us to continically like team sports love pickDiana Kennedy - Aug. 8,1948 leball,” said Denver Academy PE ue being the fastest growing sport ~ Feb. 24, 2021 in the United States.” Teacher and former USA OlymOn Wednesday, February 24, 2021, Diana Kennedy passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 72. Born in Willow Hill, Illinois August 8, 1948 to Ronald and Maudie Mae Gibson, Diana and her family moved to Banning, California in 1951 where she graduated from Banning High School. After working at the mayor’s office in Palm Springs, she decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in political science at the University of Hawaii. After graduation, she lived in Honolulu for ten years working in comVirtual Fundraiser & Silent Auction mercial real estate. Diana eventually moved to southeast Florida where she met her husband, Jim Kennedy, in 1982. They lived in New York City, California and Florida before settling in Denver to raise their daughter Kathryn, whom they had adopted while living in California. Diana was active in Kat’s schools and the Denver Ballet Guild, while also volunteering at the Denver Zoo. Caring for disadvantaged children was a passion for Diana, and she spent time and provided assistance to homes for single parents. Diana loved to travel. She traveled all over the world with Jim and Kat, some of her favorite places being Italy, Ireland and Japan. She also loved the outdoors and was a fine athlete. She enjoyed playing tennis, scuba diving, horseback riding, skiing and hiking “14ers” with the beloved family dog Eliza. Diana was also passionate about the arts. She read voraciously and was a prolific writer, going back to school after college to improve her writing skills. She had a deep interest in fine art, volunteering in various art museums, collecting art and eventually owning her own art gallery in Littleton. We will remember her loving nature, intelligence and eccentric sense of humor. Diana was preceded in death by her father Ronald and her mother Maudie. She is survived by her husband Jim and daughRegister at ter Kathryn. A private memorial service was held Tuesday, March 9th at Horan & McConaty in Centennial. In lieu of flowers, please make a gift to support the Diana Kennedy Memorial Fund for Alzheimer’s Research at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Please send your gift in memory of Diana Kennedy to: University of Colorado Foundation, PO Box 17126, Denver CO 80217. On the memo line of the check, please note Diana Kennedy’s name and make it payable to the CU Foundation. Benefiting The Guild of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation & the Barbara Davis Center Gifts may also be made online at https:// giving.cu.edu/DianaKennedy.

ABOVE: Tournament winners Peter H. and Joel D. with P.E. teacher Ben Ollett LEFT: March 1 First Fair Play Award Winner Ted G BELOW: March 2 winner of Fair Play awards, Gunnar C., Maddy W. and Rose G.

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PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021


How to choose a quality nursing home during a pandemic SAVVYSENIOR

Dear Savvy Senior, Can you give me some tips on how to pick a good nursing home in the COVID era? BY JIM MILLER My mother had a stroke a while back and can’t use her legs any longer. I’ve been taking care of her at home, but her health has declined to the point that I absolutely can’t do it any longer. Need Help

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Dear Need, COVID-19 has hit nursing homes hard over the past year, making it extremely difficult for people attempting to choose a nursing home during this time. While many eldercare experts suggest avoiding nursing homes during the pandemic if at all possible, some families, like yours, find themselves in difficult situations needing long-term or rehabilitative care for their elder loved one now. To help you find a good nursing home in the COVID era, and avoid a bad one, here are some steps to follow. Make a list: There are several sources you can turn to for referrals to top nursing homes in your area including your mom’s doctor or nearby hospital discharge planner; friends or neighbors who may have had a loved one in a nursing home; and online at Medicare’s nursing home compare tool at Medicare.gov/care-compare. This tool will not only help you locate nursing homes in your area, it also provides a 5-star rating system on recent health inspections, staffing, quality of care, and overall rating. Also keep in mind that it’s

always best to choose a nursing home that’s close to family members and friends who can check in often, because residents

with frequent visitors usually get better care. Do some research: To research the nursing homes on your list, put a call into your long-term care ombudsman. This is a govContinued on page 11


BOOK REVIEW A Gentleman in Moscow

Published by Amor Towles in 2016, this book is a work of historical fiction. The novel is set in Moscow in 1922 after the Russian Revolution when the Bolsheviks take control. The main character, Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, is spared from death due to poem he wrote when he was younger indicating his revolutionary sympathies. Count Rostov is placed under house arrest inside the Metropol Hotel in Moscow. I was enchanted from the beginning and fully engaged all the way through. The reader on Audible is delightful and brought the character to life. In some respects, many of us have been “under house arrest”, confined at home or had our interaction with the world shrink in the last year of pandemic living. Count Rostov’s world became small when confined to a hotel, but he learned to adapt, “if a man does not master his circumstances then he is bound to be mastered by them.” Thankfully, our modified living in the last twelve

To learn more about Lisa and her books, visit her website, www.LisaJShultz.com. To read more book reviews, follow her on Goodreads, www.goodreads.com/ LisaJShultz. Lisa loves speaking to groups, and she would be happy attend your book club. Call her at 303-881-9338. months is easing, and we are beginning to see a future of more normalcy ahead! A Canadian production company acquired the film rights to this book, and it is reported to be in the process of becoming a TV series.

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March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11

Are you really reading the newspaper? “If you can read this, thank a teacher.”


’ve seen that platitude on countless bumper stickers, T-shirts, and coffee mugs over the years, and though it’s rather trite, it does make me smile. However, it brings up an important question: can you read Seems like an odd question to begin an essay, yet literacy specialists would not dismiss it, for they know many adults don’t read regularly or effectively, and most Americans did not read a single book last year. An equally large number do not read the newspaper, instead skimming articles online, surfing social media, or watching TV. Abraham Lincoln, a voracious reader of the classics, warned us “the man who doesn’t read has no advantage over the man who can’t.” Granted, many people say, “Oh, but I can when I need to.” I wonder what the average adult might learn about himself if he sat down with the SAT or ACT reading section. According to the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP), roughly 40 of high school students are “dys-fluent” in

Savvy Senior Continued from Page 10

ernment official who investigates nursing home complaints and advocates for residents and their families. This person can tell you which nursing homes have had complaints or problems in the past. To find your local ombudsman, call your area aging agency (800-677-1116) or visit LTCombudsman.org. ou should also visit the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website (data.cms.gov), which provides updated data on U.S. nursing home reported COVID-19 cases and deaths.

reading even when encountering grade-level, familiar text. 80 of colleges have courses in remedial reading, including the Ivy League. As a result, many adults are also technically “dys-fluent,” which basically means they can’t read. Of course, they’re not illiterate, but they can’t truly authentically read complex texts with fluency and comprehension. In

the field of reading instruction we’d say they’re “fake readers.” Their eyes may be able to skim the words and their brains can pronounce them, but they don’t truly comprehend what they are reading. Sadly, there has been little discussion of the need to teach reading throughout high school and even college. In reality, most school systems teach students to “decode” in first and second grade. After that schools simply assign reading. The problem is as texts get hardnursing home is to visit it in person, but because of COVID, some facilities may offer limited or virtual tours only. To help you evaluate and rate a facility, Medicare offers a terrific checklist of questions that you can print at Medicare. gov/NursingHomeCompare/ Checklist.pdf. A






er and material becomes more complex, students need assistance in how to tackle the more challenging texts. Especially at the upper levels, all teachers need to teach students how to read for their class. Reading is a learning skill, not an English skill. However, most teachers simply tell students they need to “read it again” or “read it more carefully.” et, it’s not simply a failure of pedagogy, but instead a failure of nearly everyone to understand literacy. As an English teacher with decades of experience and two college degrees, I can honestly confess to struggling with reading even in adult life. While completing a master’s degree in English, I initially struggled, along with my cohort of twelve people, reading the text for our socio-linguistics class. On the second day of class, our professor acknowledged with a benevolent grin, “Of course you don’t understand it. I haven’t taught you how to read this content yet.” That insight resonated with me years later when I read a book about reading instruction by Denver-area teacher Cris Tovani. I Read It, but I

Don’t Get It is based on her efforts to work with struggling readers, and it literally changed my life as a teacher, moving me from assigning reading to teaching it. I now actively promote reading to my students, and though they’re teenagers, I still spend time teaching them how to read. Last Tuesday was Dr. Seuss’ birthday, which is also National Read Across America Day, a day meant to be devoted to the art of reading. The last year of the pandemic and remote learning is undoubtedly having harsh effects on the literacy of many young people, but that doesn’t mean students’ reading skills will naturally decline. Carol Jago, former president of the National Council of Teachers of English, recently tweeted “Students who have been reading avidly - and had access to books - are unlikely to have fallen behind in reading.” The written word is a special gift. Reading, however, is not natural or intuitive. It’s actually a complicated and challenging skill, one which we too easily take for granted. Michael P. Mazenko is a writer, educator, & school administrator in Greenwood Village. He blogs at A Teacher’s View and can be found on Twitter @mmazenko. You can email him at mmazenko @gmail.com

Can you read? Literacy specialists would not dismiss it, for they know many adults don’t read regularly or effectively, and most Americans did not read a single book last year.

Paying for Care

which must occur after a hospital stay of at least three days. Most nursing home residents pay for care from either personal savings, a long-term care insurance policy, or through Medicaid once their savings are depleted. The National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information website (LongTermCare.acl.gov)

is a good resource that can help you understand and research your financial options. ou can also get help from your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), which provides free counseling on all Medicare and Medicaid issues. To find a local SHIP counselor visit ShiptaCenter.org or call 877839-2675.

With nursing home costs now averaging $255 per day nationally for a semi-private room and nearly $290 for a private room, paying for care is another area you may have questions about or need assistance with. Medicare only helps pay up to 100 days of rehabilitative nursing home care,






















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Contact the nursing homes: Once you’ve identified a few good nursing homes, call them to see if they have any vacancies, what they charge, and if they accept Medicaid. Also, find out their staff-to-patient ratio and staff turnover rate; their COVID infection-control procedures; the percentage of residents and staff that have been vaccinated for COVID; and their facility visitation policy. If visitor restrictions are in place, see if they offer smartphone, tablet or laptop technology assistance so you can have Facetime, Zoom or Skype video calls with your mom.

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PAGE 12 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021


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March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 13


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PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

This map shows the location of the planned new 4-home subdivision in Cherry Hills Village.

The CELL is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to addressing the subject of terrorism everywhere in the world.

CHV approves new residential lots near Colorado Blvd and Hampden Ave BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

Following a lengthy discussion at its regular meeting on March 2, the Cherry Hills Village City Council voted unanimously to approve a change in zoning for a 3.33acre parcel of land located in the 3500 block of South Monroe Street and 3800 E. Hampden Avenue owned by Denver First Church of the Nazarene (DFCN). The project representative who appeared to answer the council’s questions was Steve Ferris of The Real Estate Garage. All CHV city council meetings are presently being held virtually. They are also recorded on video, whether live or virtual, as are all city council study sessions and board and commission meetings, so they can be viewed anytime by anyone on YouTube or the CHV website. DFCN purchased the 3.3acre property in 1997 when it was undeveloped, though it had previously been used as a single-family residence. It was zoned R-3A and platted into five residential lots. A few years later, DFCN expanded its church across Monroe Street at 3800 E. Hampden Avenue, which sits on 10.66 acres. As part of that expansion, they requested and received approval from CHV to rezone the 3.3-acre parcel to R-1 (2.5-acre residential), which would allow them to utilize it as overflow parking for the church. The expansion of the church was completed approximately seven years ago and the property has been designated and striped for overflow parking since. The church has determined that it does not need the additional parking. So as to meet the CHV zoning requirements for parking,

based on available seating in its sanctuary, DFCN has committed to closing it balcony seating, thereby limiting its maximum attendance to 2,100 people at any one time, resulting in the onsite parking adjacent to the church having the required number of parking spaces without using the overflow lot across the street. As a precaution, they are in the process of entering into a shared parking arrangement with Brave Church located at 3651 S. Colorado Boulevard just south of DFCN should they need overflow parking for a special event, although it is not intended to be used on Sundays or high-attendance religious holidays. Since the 3.3-acre parcel is not needed for parking, DFCN requested a zoning change to create four residential lots zoned R-4, which would require a minimum lot size of .5-acres. The proposed lots they plan to develop are actually between .643-acres and .898 acres. The council made a finding that single family homes on those lot sizes are consistent with nearby homes in the area. City staff informed its council that its engineering consultant has reviewed the parking study of the applicant and finds it in order and the proposed site plan amendment complies with applicable criteria for approval. After lengthy discussion, the council agreed that the request for approval of the preliminary plat was indicated, subject to a completed contract for overflow parking with Brave Church for special events. The council split on the question of requiring an HOA for the new four-home subdivision. Although testimony from Pasquale Riggi representing the adjacent

Covington neighborhood HOA and Mr. Ferris indicated that DFCN and Covington anticipated the four new homes being added to the Covington HOA, it was not a “done deal,” prompting council member Dan Sheldon to propose that the four homes either join the Covington HOA or form a separate one of their own as a condition of city council’s approval. Sheldon said, “I think it would be totally irresponsible to approve a subdivision in today’s age that doesn’t have a set of covenants that talk about architectural guidelines.” Mayor Pro Tem Katy Brown saw it differently. She said, “My neighborhood has hundreds of houses. We don’t have an HOA and I’m sure we have a few houses that people would consider an eyesore…we’re a small city, but we have a lot of different feels. Buell (Mansion) feels different than old Cherry Hills which feels different than Glenmoor which feels different than my neighborhood. I think people should be able to make those choices.” Council member Mike Gallagher agreed, saying, “Living on the west side, we are not the land of HOAs.” When the vote was taken on that question, Councilor Afshin Safavi joined Brown and Gallagher in voting against requiring that the homes be in an HOA. Councilors Sheldon, Al Blum, and Randy Weil voted yes. It was left to Mayor Stewart to break the tie. He voted no because “under these circumstances, it’s just too complicated” for the city to require that the four homes be in an HOA, while expressing his strong hope that they would become part of the Covington HOA. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

Rove and Begala debate the politics of national security In a debate sponsored by the Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (CELL), a non-profit arm of the Mizel Institute, and the

an attempt by some members of that mob to break up a constitutionally mandated joint session of the House and Senate to receive the electoral college votes cast by the electors in their respective state capitols in December. And it was an attempt to

Karl Rove is a longtime Republican public and foreign policy strategist

Paul Begala is a longtime Democratic public and foreign policy strategist


Denver Post on March 1, pressure the vice president of Karl Rove, deputy chief of the United States to exercise staff for Presa power that ident George he does not W. Bush, have under the and Paul BeConstitution, gala, senior that is at the strategist and sole discretion counselor to of the elecPresident Bill tors from the Clinton, asstates.” Rove sessed domessaid that the tic extremism events were on the left planned and and the right expects that Brett Stephens moderated and answered the discussion between those who did questions the planning Rove and Begala. about foreign will be identipolicy under Presidents fied. Stephens responded that Biden and Trump. Bret StePresident Trump had spent phens, foreign policy expert two months lying about the and newspaper columnist, election and asked Rove, currently with the New York “Who is the intellectual godTimes and formerly with the father of what happened here Wall Street Journal, served (on January 6)?” Rove replied as moderator. that he agreed with United Stephens opened the States Senate Minority Leadprogram by referring to the er Mitch McConnell that it events of January 6, 2021, was Trump, who, Rove said which he said, “will be seared had delivered “a horrifying in the American mind just as speech,” adding that “and it the events of September 11th took him 27 hours to decry were seared in our minds.” that violence.” Rove added He turned first to the Rethat he sees an underlying publican, Rove, who said, “I problem, that “there is a do believe it was an act of Continued on page 15 domestic terrorism. This was

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March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15

Rove and Begala debate Continued from page 14

group of people in America who believe that our country has been fundamentally disfigured and that the only way to restore America as they know it…is to engage in acts of armed violence.” He expects that there may be someone actively encouraging some militias and lone wolves to act out violently and the identity of that person or group will be revealed as the criminal cases resulting from the activities of January 6 are adjudicated. Democrat Begala said he agreed with Rove about January 6, then pointed to how he had worked together with Rove and other Republicans, noting that in the past, a national emergency took precedence over partisan politics. Begala pointed to President George W. Bush visiting a mosque after September 11 to show unity with and respect to American Muslims. Begala said the “information ecosystem” today “drives people toward radicalization,” pointing to polling that shows a majority of Republicans don’t believe that President Biden won the election. Stephens responded, “We know what the information ecosystem is…It’s a whole host of highly respectable, well-managed, well-funded television stations who are constantly peddling an idea that an election has been stolen.” He also blamed radio show hosts for “persuading those people who did storm the Capitol that they weren’t assaulting democracy, they were saving democracy.” Looking toward Rove, he said, “There is a need for some giant social, intellectual repair on the political right that was taken in by, not some fringe, but by the President of the United States (Trump), working with the right-of-center media to persuade a critical mass of Americans that what happened in November 2020 was a stolen election.” Rove said that while many Republicans might have believed Trump in the heat of the moment, as time passes, they are realizing that what he said about

the election being stolen isn’t true. Rove added that it was important that Dominion Voting Systems was “going after the mouthpieces of the lie,” but that he believes, over time, the lie that the election was stolen will be diminished “by Republicans standing up and saying, ‘He (Trump) had 62 chances to prove it. We cannot undermine confidence on our country by believing things that they cannot prove in a court of law in front of judges that Trump himself appointed.” Rove agreed with Begala that the problem is the information ecosystem. Looking back to recent history, he pointed out that, “How we reacted to information and where we got our information in the mid 1990’s is significantly different than it is 25 years later.” Rove added that he thought that the events of January 6 caused a significant drop in support among Republicans for the former president and that Trump’s “personal difficulties,” including criminal investigations and financial challenges, plus the passage of time, will “rebalance the situation.” Still, he added that the impact of social media to inflame people on the left or right remains “awfully frightening.” Stephens pointed Begala to the violence of left-wing organizations during 2020, saying that the role of Antifa in urban mayhem in cities like Portland and Seattle was “downplayed by the media.” Asked whether he saw left-wing violence as real, Begala quickly conceded that there were indeed fringe members on the left who incited violence in U.S. cities in 2020, adding, “But they aren’t the president.” Switching to foreign policy, the moderator asked Begala whether he was concerned about younger elected Democrats remaining loyal to Israel. Begala said, ‘I’m very worried that younger Democrats are reacting negatively to Israel” primarily because Trump was a strong supporter of Israel’s leader Benjamin Netanyahu and “we are in such a tribal period of negative

partisanship,” that Trump having been in favor of something is enough for some younger Democrats to be against it. Stephens asked Rove about Republican foreign policy in a post-Trump era, given that “some of Trump’s foreign policy would have been recognizable” under previous Republican presidents, but that “some of it was wholly unrecognizable—on trade, on NATO, on the whole concept of America first, some of the statements that he made early in his presidency that seemed to draw an equivalence between Vladimir Putin and the behavior of the United States.” Stephens asserted that there was a fundamental break, where Trump represented a repudiation of traditional Republican foreign policy. Rove responded that some of Trump’s policies, such as being aggressive toward China and demanding fairness in trade, would remain in place under President Biden. He added, “But I do think that the idea of international alliances and standing for democracy and standing for human rights and standing for fundamental American values…I think that we will reaffirm the things that we believed before.” He pointed to important successes Trump had in foreign policy, including standing with Israel, killing Isis, taking action in Syria, and killing Iranian military officer asem Soleimani, which Rove said kept with the Republican tradition of American leadership abroad. Begala agreed with Rove on Trump’s decision to move the American Embassy in Israel from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, but was unforgiving on the topic of Russia. He said, “I have never seen such weakness in my life and it’s not just me. Anybody who saw the press conference in Helsinki (at an international summit between the U.S. and Russia on July 16, 2018) saw an absolute collapse of American strength. It was one of the most shameful acts a president has committed in my lifetime.” Begala said that he expects the Biden presidency to be one where “America re-aligns its interests and its values.” Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com



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2021 Acura RDX all-wheel drive scores big BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST

The luxury arm of Honda is Acura and the test vehicle this week is the Acura 2021 RDX SH-SWD, A-Spec model. This is the top of the line in the RDX line and has a manufacturer’s suggested list price of $46,000 that includes all options. The shiny “Thermal Orange Pearl” paint attracts attention and “ahs” from car fans in parking lots. Final assembly is in East Liberty, Ohio, with 65 percent of parts from US/Canadian sources. The style and appearance rates high, but the athletic performance of the RDX is what is most impressive. Acura engineers have figured out how to take a 2.0L 4-cylinder engine and make it produce 272 horsepower with twin-turbo power. Zero to 60 in six seconds is fast, not up to Porsche performance, but fast enough on the highway. The engine is mated to a high-performance 10 speed transmission and controlled by steering wheel

paddle shifters. Under fast acceleration the twin-pipe muffler roar is piped into the cabin through the sound system that is music to the driver’s ears. The RDX all-wheel drive averaged 23 mph overall riding on 20” inch alloy rims and Goodyear Eagle tires. The SUV is especially frisky in lower gears with a fast take-off from stop signs. The seats are leather trimmed, soft and comfortable. Center console computer driven with a finger pad control to fish through the home page apps. The ELS studio 3D premium sound system with 16 speakers is the best in the business with large sound speakers in the doors. Another unique fea-

ture is the lane adjacent warning lights in the door rather than on the outside rearview mirrors. Easier to see cars approaching in either lane. Acura offers a 6-year/70,000-mile power train warranty. Adding up the likeable features, the most impressive is the all-wheel drive and the smooth and powerful performance from the twin-turbo engine and tenspeed transmission. The electric steering and lane handling are remarkable, and the car grasps the road with almost no drift on corners or from wind gusts. Loaded with the latest safety features; 12-way power seats, a raft of air bags, side, curtain and knee, the RD scores a perfect five-star safety rating. This is one of the best SUVs tested and excels in every category and is superior in performance. A real pleasure to drive and especially suited for high-performance fans.

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PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

Plan your visit to the Denver Botanic Gardens BY LISA J. SHULTZ

ou may dismiss visiting the Denver Botanic Gardens in winter, but there is plenty of outdoor art to see while strolling the paths of the dormant gardens. Furthermore, the Galleries at the Freyer-Newman Center at Botanic Gardens are now open. This center fuses science and art together. The building was named for Robert and Judi Newman and Ginny and John Freyer, who together contributed the final amount of funds to make possible the construction of the new center for science, art and education. The Center houses the Helen Fowler Library, art galleries, herbaria, classrooms, the School of Botanical Art & Illustration and a coffee shop, the Copper Door. I recently visited three exhib-

its in the beautiful new building. The first exhibit is entitled Ra ces y ramas: Roots and Branches. The artist is Tony Ortega, and he explores and celebrates the Chicano experience in U.S. culture. He states, “The people in my art don’t have individual features. They are faceless, yet each one is important in defining the community, participating in its many rituals and social gatherings.” The second exhibit is Prima Lingua: First Words of the Earth. The artist Jody Guralnick paints microscopic and often unnoticed structures of lichens, mushrooms and molds. “She considers these tiny forms the first words of the Earth building blocks for nature’s language.” I was mesmerized by the beauty of her work. The third exhibit is Dreams in Bloom: Photos by Fares Micue. Her photography is comprised of self-portraits that integrate natu-

Raíces y ramas: Roots and Branches, artist Tony Ortega

Prima Lingua: First Words of the Earth, artist Jody Guralnick

ral objects around her head. This vibrant and colorful collection captivated me. Enjoy these works of art

in the beautiful new FreyerNewman Center and then stroll the gardens appreciating the sculptures that you might have

Dreams in Bloom, photos by Fares Micue

Freyer-Newman Center (exterior, above and interior, left)

overlooked when you last walked the gardens looking at blooms. Reservations and masks are required. Grab your spot by visiting botanicgardens.org. Lisa J. Shultz is a Denver native and loves the Mile High City. She loves to inspire exploration of the city’s treasures in her book Essential Denver. Find out more about her and her book on her website LisaJShultz.com or call her at 303-881-9338.

March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 17

Xcel Energy natural gas line work near Union Ave and Dayton Street BY FREDA MIKLIN STAFF WRITER

This is a photo of the retaining walls for the tunnel under Hampden Avenue.

High Line Canal Trail connection is on time and on budget BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

In a presentation to the Cherry Hills Village City Council, Emily Black, CHV parks and recreation coordinator, reported that the extension of the High Line Canal trail underpass below Hampden Avenue was progressing and

expected to be completed early in May 2021. The project includes the installation of a new footbridge and an extension of the underpass. There were delays in the work being managed by the City and County of Denver, resulting in the CHV portion of the construction beginning late last year. However, the project is presently on time and on bud-

get. Black reminded the council that the remaining cost of the project to CHV, $708,910 is being fully offset by two Arapahoe County Open Space grants. The remaining work is to pour concrete when the weather permits, bridge decking and path, landscaping, and irrigation. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

East Union Avenue between South Dayton Street and South Yosemite Street. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Xcel Energy is using Cherry Creek Schools’ spring break week between Saturday, March 13 and Sunday, March 21 to replace 5.2 miles of natural gas line for the Southeast Metro Natural Gas Project under Union Avenue near South Dayton Street. The purpose of the project is to connect aboveground natural gas regulator stations. According to the City of Greenwood Village, the project “is being constructed as a part of Xcel’s commitment to system revitalization, allowing for the ability to provide safe, reliable natural gas service.” Construction activities, as shown in This is the location where Xcel the illustration, will cross Energy will be working.


Office: 303-773-3399

Cell: 303-905-0744





o CHERRY HILLS PERFECTION: 5000 S ALBION ST. Exquisite walkout ranch backing to the Highline Canal. Superb attention to detail, spacious, flowing floorplan. $2,995,000 UNDER CONTRACT. o ONE CHERRY LANE - Exquisitely remodeled from traditional to transitional in this premier low maintenance gated community. $1,975,000 o VILLAROSSO PENTHOUSE - East facing with full length balcony, European ambiance. Total custom. 3 Bedrooms. $1,135,000 o 20446 E ORCHARD PLACE - Minimum maintenance walkout ranch at the Hillside at Greenfield. $435,000 UNDER CONTRACT. o COMING - The Hills at Cherry Creek. 3 car garage, over 3000 sq ft. $900,000 o PINE VALLEY AT DTC AND BELLEVIEW In Denver, steps from the park. Totally updated tri-level with park-like yard, Architectural Digest bathrooms, hardwood floors. COMING IN APRIL $650,000 UNDER CONTRACT AND SOLD o THE PINNACLE IN CASTLE PINES NORTH: MAIN FLOOR MASTER AND THEATRE, SOARING RUSTIC BEAMED CEILINGS, PHENOMENAL WATERFALLS. EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY. $1,500,000. UNDER CONTRACT. o 5055 S. HOLLY CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE Best Buy. $2,350,000. With $100,000 allowance for additional garages. SOLD. o RANCH NO MAINTENANCE VILLA IN THE MEADOWS AT CASTLE ROCK $515,000 SOLD. o 467 ADAMS ST. CHERRY CREEK NORTH - $2,195,000 SOLD. o THE PRESERVE Exceptional executive home. $3,000,000. SOLD. o THE PRESERVE ON OPEN SPACE. 4810 PERRY PARKWAY $1,750,000. SOLD. o SUNDANCE HILLS. BEAUTIFUL REMODEL $785,000 SOLD. o OBSERVATORY PARK $2,000,000 SOLD. o 37 CHARLOU IN CHERRY HILLS - $1,700,000 SOLD. o 5816 S. VILLAGE WAY - $2,560,000 SOLD. o 19 S. FRANKLIN CIRCLE - $3,550,000 SOLD. o ONE OF A KIND ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECE.RANCH LIVING GREENWOOD VILLAGE $1,680,000 SOLD. o 5775 S FOREST ST, THE PRESERVE. $1,739,000 SOLD. o LANDMARK 11TH FLOOR PENTHOUSE $1,040,000 SOLD.

ABOVE: This photo shows the pedestrian footbridge being placed. LEFT: The footbridge was installed on February 17, a month ahead of schedule.



PAGE 18 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021


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ARAPAHOE COUNTY WARRANTS REPORT FOR 02/01/2021 TO 02/28/2021 FUNDS SUMMARY: 10.................................General Fund................................... 5,454,562.85 11 .................................Social Services ................................ 1,136,131.24 12.................................Electronic Filing Te ............................... 47,522.00 14.................................Law Enforcement Auth ......................... 84,377.24 15.................................Arapahoe / Douglas W ....................... 123,667.92 16.................................Road and Bridge................................. 282,195.97 19.................................Communications Netwo................................. 9.00 20.................................Sheriff’s Commissary............................ 48,765.39 21.................................Community Developmen ...................... 45,629.21 25.................................Developmental Disabi......................... 148,883.79 26.................................Grants .............................................. 3,174,111.45 28.................................Open Space Sales Tax ....................... 522,200.56 29.................................Homeland Security - ........................... 186,964.45 33.................................Building Maintenance ........................... 42,202.45 34.................................Fair Fund ................................................ 1,500.00 41.................................Capital Expenditure ............................ 287,289.33 42.................................Infrastructure ...................................... 935,556.28 43.................................Arapahoe County Recr ......................... 15,121.01 70.................................Central Services ................................. 953,311.79 71.................................Self-Insurance Liabi ......................... 1,142,885.77 73.................................Self-Insurance Worke ......................... 175,874.86 74.................................Self-Insurance Denta .......................... 145,201.92 84.................................E-911 Authority ................................... 635,470.92 91.................................Treasurer ......................................... 7,059,488.14 TOTAL 22,648,923.54 _______________________________________ PREPARED BY _______________________________________ APPROVED BY FUND REPORT - 10 General Fund LASATER & MARTIN PC ..................Services and Other.......... 6,466.50 1ST CLASS TOWING.........................Services and Other............. 569.00 A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Services and Other.......... 4,590.76 ACCESS ONE, INC ............................Services and Other.......... 2,563.40 ACCOUNT BROKERS OF LARIMER CQUNTY ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ACSO EMPLOYEE TRUST FUND .....MISC. .............................. 1,341.50 ADAM Z FRANK .................................Services and Other............. 180.00 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,406.25 AED EVERYWHERE..........................Services and Other............. 806.00 AED EVERYWHERE..........................Supplies.............................. 683.15 ALAMEDA EAST VETERINARY HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other............... 77.92 ALENA WILDER .................................Services and Other............... 14.00 ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY.....Services and Other........ 53,354.38 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY ........Supplies.............................. 141.35 ALPINE CREDIT INC .........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ALSCO ...............................................Supplies................................ 27.50 ALTITUDE COMMUNITY LAW PC.....MISC. ................................. 166.13 AMELIE COMPANY ...........................Supplies......................... 40,000.00 AMERICAN BOARD OF MEDICOLEGAL ............................................................Services and Other............... 25.00 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,598.00 AMY COPLEY ....................................Services and Other............... 15.12 ANGELA G STANTON .......................Services and Other............... 13.80 ANGELA LIVINGSTON ......................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ANSON LAW OFFICE ........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ANTERO INC .....................................Services and Other.......... 7,060.00 ANTHONY R FRANK .........................Services and Other............. 312.00 APRIL STONES..................................Services and Other............. 181.64 AQUA SERVE ....................................Services and Other............. 204.10 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........ 11,276.88 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Supplies......................... 94,149.09 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER & .......Services and Other.......... 6,159.12 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ..Services and Other........ 40,796.69 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT ......Services and Other.......... 7,227.50 ARMOR SECURITY SYSTEMS INC..MISC. ................................... 15.00 ARTICULATE GLOBAL INC ...............Services and Other.......... 2,598.00 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC ......................Services and Other............. 110.76 AURORA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............................................................Services and Other........ 48,416.00 AURORA ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL INC ............................................................Services and Other...... 105,500.00 AURORA WARMS THE NIGHT .........Services and Other...... 171,153.78 AUTO MART USA LLC .......................MISC. ................................... 15.00 B.V.D. INC ..........................................Supplies........................... 3,940.25 BATTERIES PLUS .............................Services and Other............... 95.98 BAUDVILLE INC.................................Services and Other............. 892.82 BC SERVICES INC ............................MISC. ................................... 70.00 BENJAMIN L WILLIAMS ....................Services and Other............. 180.00 BERGSTENE LAW OFFICES ............MISC. ................................... 15.00 BETH A KINSKY .................................Services and Other............... 40.00 BODIE ENGER LAW ..........................MISC. ................................... 45.00 BOULDER COUNTY, COLORADO ....Services and Other............. 500.00 BQ & ASSOCIATES PC LLC ..............MISC. ................................... 30.00 BRENDA L SIMONS ...........................Services and Other............... 12.40 BRENNA MEADE ...............................Services and Other............... 91.34 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Supplies........................... 2,714.39 BRINK’S INCORPORATED................Services and Other.......... 9,370.00 BRITTNEY FRANKSON .....................MISC. ................................... 15.00 BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES INC ......Supplies........................... 2,202.50 BURBACH & ASSOCIATES, INC .......Services and Other............... 35.00 CALEB P HENDRICH ........................Services and Other................. 1.70 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC. ................................. 817.84 CAMDEN COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 CARA ANN PROFFITT .......................Services and Other................. 8.24 CARE TRAK INTERNATIONAL INC ..Supplies.............................. 515.63 CASEY PATRICIA BITTING ...............Services and Other............. 175.00 CCI INDUSTRIES INC .......................Supplies.............................. 770.30 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Services and Other.......... 6,784.70 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Supplies........................... 1,930.73 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other........ 27,274.83 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Supplies.............................. (72.00) CENTURYLINK ..................................Services and Other........ 14,435.86 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY .................Services and Other............. 116.73 CHRISTOPHER CLARK ....................Supplies.............................. 500.00 CITY OF AURORA .............................MISC. .............................. 1,178.00 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other........ 32,513.77 CITY OF LITTLETON .........................Supplies................................ 50.00 CIVICPLUS INC .................................Services and Other.......... 1,504.92 CLARION ASSOCIATES LLC ............Services and Other.......... 7,847.50 CLEAR SELECTIONS GROUP INC ..Services and Other.......... 4,520.00 CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN LLP .........Services and Other........ 21,000.00 COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION .....Services and Other............. 292.29 COLORADO BUREAU INVESTIGATION ............................................................MISC. ................................. 237.00 COLORADO COUNTIES, INC. ..........Services and Other........ 75,000.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ............................................................Supplies.............................. 370.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC. ................................. 587.81

COLORADO INFORMATION SHARING ............................................................Services and Other........ 11,748.00 COLORADO MEDICAL WASTE INC ............................................................Supplies.............................. 486.00 COLORADO NATURAL GAS INC ......Services and Other............. 301.16 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Services and Other............. 530.00 COLORADO OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,650.00 COLORADO STATE TREASURER ....MISC. ............................................................ 13,424.70 COMCAST..........................................Services and Other................. 5.25 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER ................Services and Other........ 17,000.00 CONIFER HYON INC .........................MISC. ................................... 30.00 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE ............................................................MISC. ............................ 22,898.06 CORIN NAVELLE MILLER SR ...........MISC. ................................... 15.00 COSTCO WHOLESALE .....................Services and Other............. 240.00 COVERTTRACK GROUP INC ...........Services and Other.......... 3,000.00 CYNTHIA R MCNAIR .........................Services and Other............. 814.00 DAIOHS USA......................................Supplies.............................. 103.18 DANIEL S ESPINOZA ........................Supplies................................ 30.00 DANISHA SCHIRO .............................MISC. ................................... 40.00 DAVID A KELSO .................................Services and Other............. 384.30 DAVID L MICKLE................................Supplies.............................. 649.53 DAWN WILLIAMS ..............................MISC. ................................... 41.00 DELILAH R MEDINA ..........................Services and Other.......... 1,471.68 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,025.98 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,000.00 DENISE R HOLTER ...........................Services and Other............... 15.46 DENVER FIRST AID & SAFTEY ........Supplies.............................. 269.29 DENVER HEALTH AND HOSPITAL AUTH. ............................................................Supplies.............................. 825.54 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF ..Services and Other........ 44,225.00 DENVER SOUTH ECONOMIC ..........Services and Other........ 70,000.00 DENVER WATER ...............................Services and Other............. 493.94 DIANA ANGELICA TOBON ................MISC. ................................... 15.00 DISTINCTIVE THREADS, INC. ..........Supplies........................... 2,403.65 DOCTORS CARE...............................Services and Other........ 11,700.00 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFFS .......Supplies........................... 3,000.00 DTN LLC.............................................Services and Other............... 26.00 DUKWOO SHIN .................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 E470 PUBLIC HIGH WAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other............... 47.40 EL PASO COUNTY ............................Services and Other.......... 5,400.00 ELIZABETH ANN BONCZEK .............Services and Other................. 9.52 ELIZABETH ANNE PALMER..............Services and Other............. 300.00 ELOISA ALTAMIRA.............................Services and Other............... 41.95 EMPLOYERS COUNCIL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other............... 79.00 ENTERPRISE LEASING CO OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,127.40 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH ............................................................Services and Other........ 58,019.18 ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL ............................................................Services and Other............... 25.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS ................Supplies.............................. 877.00 FAIRCLOTH CORPORATION ............Supplies.............................. 119.13 FAMILY PROMISE OF .......................Services and Other........ 30,938.41 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. ............................ 10,332.50 FAMILY TREE INC .............................Services and Other........ 25,000.00 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Supplies........................... 8,135.39 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies.............................. 343.17 FEDERICO CASTANEDA ..................MISC. ................................... 15.00 FEDEX................................................Supplies................................ 14.18 FINANCIAL EQUIPMENT CO INC .....Supplies.............................. 524.40 FLEET FUELING ................................MISC. ............................ 25,879.00 FOP LODGE 31..................................MISC. ............................ 33,086.00 FORENSIC TRUTH VERIFICATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,610.00 FRANCY LAW FIRM PLLC ................MISC. ................................... 70.00 Fay Myers Motorcycle World ..............Supplies................................ 25.46 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 161.36 GATEWAY BATTERED WOMENS SHELTER ............................................................Services and Other........ 86,250.00 GEOFFREY RUSSELL QUABECK ....Services and Other............. 180.00 GERARDO CANO ..............................Services and Other............... 35.39 GERARDO M ALVARENGA RIVERA ............................................................Services and Other............... 13.44 GJKG INC...........................................Services and Other............. 300.00 GLENN JANSSEN..............................Services and Other.......... 1,085.00 GOLDEN PLAINS AREA EXTENSION ............................................................Services and Other............. 210.00 GOSERVE LLC ..................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM ...............Services and Other........ 23,147.21 GRAINGER ........................................Services and Other.......... 2,729.32 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies.............................. 324.70 GREATER GLENDALE CHAMBER OF COMMRC ............................................................Services and Other........ 10,000.00 GREGORY J BRAGDON ...................Services and Other............. 360.00 HAAT FORCE SOUTH METRO LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,500.00 HARRISON ISRAEL ...........................Services and Other............... 14.00 HILL ENTERPRISES INC ..................Services and Other.......... 1,290.93 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................MISC. .............................. 7,262.97 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Services and Other............. 335.16 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Supplies.................................. 1.50 HOWARD MARK BUCHALER ...........Services and Other............... 45.00 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. .............................. 3,312.84 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC ....Services and Other.......... 1,681.60 I-70 REGIONAL ECONOMIC .............Services and Other........ 30,000.00 ICON SALES LLC ..............................MISC. ................................... 39.33 IMPACT DESIGN LLC ........................Supplies.............................. 473.64 INPRO CORPORATION.....................Services and Other............. 221.43 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS .....................Services and Other.......... 1,066.40 INSIGHT GLOBAL..............................Services and Other.......... 5,111.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC ........Services and Other........ 14,801.04 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INFORMATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,750.00 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................MISC. .......................... 368,546.28 INVERNESS PROPERTIES LLC .......Services and Other............. 229.00 IRON & METALS INC .........................Supplies........................... 1,800.00 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,232.20 JAMES V CONYERS .........................Services and Other............... 60.59 JAMIE B WOLLMAN ..........................Services and Other............. 100.00 JANA L NORDSTROM .......................Services and Other............. 124.72 JANA L NORDSTROM .......................Supplies................................ 65.01 JANE F RIECK ...................................Services and Other............. 105.00 JANEWAY LAW FIRM ........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 JEANNINE M THALO .........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 JENNIPHER ALEXANDER.................MISC. ................................. 350.76 JESSE ARMSTRONG ........................Services and Other............... 40.00 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other........ 48,000.00 JOSEPH P RICHARDS ......................Services and Other............. 360.00

JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA ........MISC. .......................... 230,767.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. .......Services and Other...... 294,904.49 JUSTICE AND MERCY LEAGAL AID CLINIC ............................................................Services and Other........ 20,000.00 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. ....................... 1,217,225.39 KATHRYN LATSIS..............................Services and Other............. 100.00 KELLY TECH LTD ..............................Services and Other............. 296.70 KEN MITCHELL .................................MISC. ................................... 64.10 KHANH N PHAM ................................Services and Other............. 112.56 KRISTINE BURRIS ............................MISC. ................................... 15.00 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE CO ............................................................Supplies................................ 26.45 KUNG HEE PARK ..............................MISC. ................................... 15.00 LAUREN THOMAS.............................Services and Other............... 19.82 LAW OFFICES OF BRANDON R CEGLIAN PC ............................................................MISC. ................................... 28.50 LAW OFFICES OF NELSON & KENNARD ............................................................MISC. ................................... 11.00 LAW-OFFICES OF NELSON & KENNARD ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC ..................Supplies.............................. 178.34 LE ARGUELLO ...................................MISC. ................................. 365.52 LEWIS PAPER INTERNATION INC ...Supplies........................... 5,854.37 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other............. 350.20 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Supplies.............................. 152.50 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other.......... 2,305.16 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ..Supplies.............................. 261.25 LUCAS E GREEN ..............................Services and Other............... 28.00 LUMINOUS FORENSICS...................Services and Other.......... 3,997.50 LWVADC .............................................Services and Other............... 85.00 LYNN SAUVE .....................................Services and Other............. 100.00 MARK A LEACHMAN PC ...................MISC. ................................... 43.50 MARSHALL C HALL ...........................Services and Other............. 180.00 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 2,128.70 MCGEE COMPANY ...........................Supplies................................ 78.00 MEETING THE CHALLENGE INC .....Services and Other.......... 1,850.00 MELODY C MEDINA ..........................Services and Other............. 217.01 MICHAEL S AXINN ............................Services and Other............... 22.96 MILIND VIBHANDIK ...........................Services and Other............... 14.22 MITCHELL L MAULIK.........................Services and Other............. 180.00 MOBILE MINI LLC ..............................Supplies......................... 19,782.03 MORTA MEDICAL LLC.......................Supplies.............................. 179.15 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS .................Services and Other........ 20,985.80 MULTICARD INC................................Supplies.............................. 918.04 NAPA AUTO PARTS ...........................Supplies.............................. 722.10 NATHAN C SCHLOESSER ................Supplies.............................. 500.00 NATIONAL ASSOC OF COUNTIES ...Services and Other........ 10,981.00 NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies.............................. 142.00 NAVIGATE WELLNESS LLC ..............Services and Other.......... 6,426.95 NELSON & KENNARD .......................MISC. ................................. 150.00 NELSON &KENNARD ........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 NETWORK CLAIMS REDUCTION TECH LLC ............................................................Services and Other............. 300.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other............. 400.50 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC ............Supplies.............................. 443.96 OLSON RESTORATION II LLC ..........Services and Other............. 395.87 ORIEANNA MITCHELL ......................MISC. ................................... 15.00 PATRICE GOLDMAN .........................MISC. ................................... 89.50 PATRICK C GREELEY .......................Services and Other............... 90.00 PATRICK L MCCLURE .......................Services and Other............. 363.00 PATRICK T YANT ...............................Services and Other............... 90.00 PATTON & DAVISON LLC..................MISC. ................................. 130.88 PAYLOGIX LLC ..................................MISC. ............................ 24,149.51 PAYSCALE INC ..................................Services and Other........ 23,875.00 PERKINELMER GENETICS INC .......Supplies.............................. 100.00 PETERSEN LEYBAS RUBBER STAMP ............................................................Supplies.............................. 109.32 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY...................Supplies.............................. 142.99 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,889.47 PLUM CREEK PRODUCTS COMPANY INC ............................................................Capital Outlay ................ 10,875.00 POTESTIO BROTHERS ....................Supplies.............................. 300.62 POWERDETAILS LLC........................Supplies.............................. 135.03 PREFERRED GARAGE DOORS LLC ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 PROFORCE MARKETING INC..........Supplies......................... 12,975.00 PROGRESSIVE 15 ............................Services and Other.......... 2,500.00 PROSCI INC.......................................Services and Other............. 760.00 PROVEST LLC ...................................MISC. ................................... 30.00 PSI CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Capital Outlay ................ 28,921.79 PUEBLO COUNTY COLORADO .......Services and Other............. 310.00 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION .........Services and Other............. 135.59 PUREWATER DYNAMICS INC ..........Supplies................................ 25.00 PVP COMMUNICATONS ...................Supplies......................... 12,072.00 Q MATIC CORPORATION .................Services and Other........ 57,536.30 QUICKSILVER EXPRESS COURIER ............................................................Supplies.............................. 214.20 RADIX METASYSTEMS INC .............Services and Other........ 21,000.00 RANDALL S MILLER ..........................Services and Other............. 100.00 RANDSTAD TECHNOLOGIES ..........Services and Other........ 16,240.00 RATION & DAVISON LLC ..................MISC. ................................... 90.32 RAYNETTE SHANTELE STARKS .....MISC. ................................... 15.00 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies.............................. 371.72 REICHEL & ASSOCIATES LLC..........MISC. ................................... 15.00 RICHARD T SALL ..............................Services and Other............. 100.00 ROBERT C DECKER .........................Services and Other............... 47.60 ROBINSON AND HENRY PC ............MISC. ................................... 40.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other............... 23.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies.............................. 136.69 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADIOGRAPHICS ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,800.00 RODNEY O BROCKELMAN ..............Services and Other............. 100.00 ROGER E HANKINS ..........................Services and Other............. 180.00 RONALD A LOMBARDO ....................Services and Other............... 40.00 RONALD L BENTON ..........................Services and Other............... 12.00 ROSWITHA MCCOY ..........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ROYCE INDUSTRIES, LC .................Supplies.............................. 518.61 RR DONNELLEY................................Supplies.............................. 711.97 RUNBECK ELECTION SERVICES, INC. ............................................................Services and Other........ 29,925.00 RYAN AUSTIN SPENCE ....................Services and Other............... 21.84 RYAN MARSHALL..............................Services and Other............... 81.00 RYAN TURBYFILL..............................Services and Other............... 40.00 RYDERS PUBLIC SAFETY LLC ........Supplies.............................. 555.95 SAFE-CHECKS ..................................Supplies.............................. 590.84 SAIRA ARVIZO ...................................Services and Other................. 7.45

— End — onofn Legals ed on ne —age—

March 11, 2021, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 19

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— SAMUEL J TORRES ..........................Supplies.............................. 500.00 SANDRA FAYE MILLER .....................MISC. ................................... 15.00 SANDRA MULLER .............................MISC. ................................... 15.00 SAP PUBLIC SERVICES INC ............Services and Other.......... 4,140.00 SARA GARRIDO METZ .....................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 SCHWAB MFG & ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY ............................................................Supplies........................... 2,267.00 SCOTT A SHAW .................................Services and Other............... 61.60 SECURITY CENTRAL INC.................Services and Other............. 120.00 SEDDON G KEYTER .........................Services and Other............... 33.26 SELINA N BASCHIERA......................Services and Other............... 14.00 SHANE ADAMS..................................MISC. ................................... 30.00 SHAWN W BOSTON ..........................Services and Other............... 57.23 SHRED-IT USA ..................................Services and Other.......... 1,010.56 SHUMS CODA ASSOCIATES INC.....Services and Other........ 10,310.00 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION .............Services and Other........ 89,850.00 SKM MANAGEMENT, MORTON ASSOCIATES, ............................................................MISC. ................................. 124.20 SOUTH METRO DENVER .................Services and Other........ 88,250.00 SOUTHEAST METRO STORMWATER AUTH ............................................................Services and Other............. 406.00 SOUTHLAND MEDICAL LLC .............Supplies......................... 12,053.82 SPECIALTY INCENTIVES INC ..........Services and Other........ 56,838.93 SPRINGMAN BRADEN WILSON.......MISC. ................................. 706.69 SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC .................Services and Other............. 550.20 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ............................ 64,711.85 STANLEY B TURNER ........................Services and Other............. 604.00 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC .........Services and Other.......... 4,924.18 STATE OF COLORADO .....................Services and Other.......... 3,457.90 STATE OF COLORADO .....................Supplies........................... 8,937.67 STATE OF MONTANA ........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 STEWART AND STEVENSON...........Supplies.............................. 182.28 STEWART MCQUILLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 15.00 SUMMIT SAFETY SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 230.00 SUNBELT RENTALS INC ...................Services and Other........ 11,121.31 TAMARA HUNTER-MAURER ............MISC. ................................... 15.00 TARAMART & GAS INC .....................Services and Other............... 74.00 TERESA A MARLOWE .......................Services and Other............... 67.12 TERR! SEBAUGH-LIM .......................MISC. ................................... 15.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,541.17 THE JOB STORE ...............................Services and Other.......... 9,587.05 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO ..........Supplies........................... 1,204.33 THERESA SUTHERLAND .................MISC. ................................... 15.00 THERMO FLUIDS INC .......................Services and Other............. 169.17 THIN LINE THREAD ..........................Supplies.............................. 342.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ...........Services and Other............. 199.80 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ...........Supplies.............................. 345.60 TOBEY & JOHNSTON PC .................MISC. ................................. 189.82 TODD COMPANIES INC ....................Services and Other............. 760.00 TODD J MONTGOMERY ...................Services and Other............... 81.00 TOP HAT FILE & SERVE INC ............MISC. ................................... 15.00 TOP HAT FILE & SERVICE INC ........MISC. ................................... 15.00 TOP HAT FILE AND SERVE INC .......MISC. ................................... 11.00 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL.....................Services and Other............... 42.72 TRANS UNION ...................................Services and Other............. 113.56 TRAVIS R KRINGS ............................Services and Other............... 47.10 TRI TECH FORENSICS INC ..............MISC. .............................. 1,504.80 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs.... 32,359.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other...... 397,442.00 TRUE NORTH FABRICATING LLC ....Supplies........................... 1,175.00 TSCHETTER HAMRICK SULZER PC ............................................................MISC. .............................. 3,220.60 U.S. IDENTIFICATION MANUAL .......Supplies.............................. 225.60 ULINE INC ..........................................Supplies.............................. 142.55 UNC EAST COLORADO SMALL BUSINESS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 UNDERGROUND CONSULTING SOLUTIONS ............................................................Services and Other............. 200.00 UNINCORPORATED ARAPAHOE COUNTY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER ......Supplies........................... 5,000.00 UNIVERSITY OF DENVER ................Services and Other........ 18,500.00 VAN REMORTEL LLC ........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 VICTOR R BLATZER .........................Services and Other............. 138.32 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP ....Services and Other.......... 6,994.97 VISION GRAPHICS INC ....................Services and Other.......... 9,449.49 VISION GRAPHICS INCORPORATED ............................................................Services and Other.......... 2,690.38 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ............................ 13,267.10 VISTA FD LLC ....................................Supplies........................... 1,688.40 WARREN KULIK ................................Services and Other............... 35.84 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 9,012.19 WELLPATH LLC .................................Services and Other...... 472,785.85 WILLIAM T WATTS ............................Services and Other............... 21.56 WINZENBURG LEFF PURVIS & PAYNE L ............................................................MISC. ................................. 153.42 WMU HOMER STRYKER MD SCHOOL MED ............................................................Supplies.............................. 550.00 WRITER MOTT ..................................Services and Other............... 28.00 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other...... 121,392.40 XEROX CORPORATION ...................Services and Other............. 113.55 YEKATERiNA BURGIN ......................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ZICCARDI LAW OFFICES .................MISC. ................................... 15.00 FUND REPORT - 11 Social Services A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Capital Outlay .................. 8,647.58 ABIGAIL M RAMSAUER ....................Services and Other............. 230.71 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Services and Other............. 104.00 AIMIE INGALLS..................................Services and Other............... 63.83 ALAMOSA HUMAN SERVICES .........MISC. ................................... 50.00 ALEXANDRA C EGGLESTON ...........Services and Other............. 100.40 ALEXANDRIA J KNAPPE...................Services and Other............. 426.95 ALICIA P HEWITT ..............................Services and Other............. 138.86 ALISON A IVORY ...............................Services and Other............. 362.83 ALL THE COMFORT OF HOME INC ............................................................Community Programs...... 8,304.00 AMBER D VERZOSA .........................Services and Other............... 20.16 AMERICAN SECURITY CABINETS INC ............................................................Capital Outlay .................. 2,178.00 AMITABH D SINGH ............................Services and Other............... 77.56 AMY & GAGE DURAN .......................Community Programs......... 200.00 AMY L GOLDBERG............................Services and Other............... 17.47 ANASTASIA ROMERO.......................Services and Other............. 548.40 ANDREA D MACKENZIE ...................Services and Other............. 503.21 ANDREA M SCHABES.......................Services and Other............. 140.05 ANGELA G GUERUE .........................Services and Other............... 54.77 ANGELA M COMPTON ......................Services and Other............. 389.71 ANGELS OF COLORADO HOME CARE LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,000.00 APRIL K SEE ......................................Services and Other............. 374.85 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Services and Other........ 32,247.60 ARAPAHOE/DOUGLAS WORKS.......Community Programs.... 82,861.04 ASHLEY D WUNDERLE ....................Services and Other............. 143.13 AUBREE RENEE BREWER...............Services and Other............. 200.14 BRANNON BRADDY..........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 BRENDA L ARMOUR .........................Services and Other............. 505.45 BRENDA R BLASKO ..........................Services and Other............. 120.41 BRIDGET GRIMALDI .........................Services and Other............. 107.29 BRITANY S FEATHERS .....................Services and Other............. 399.34 BRITTANI N CHOATE ........................Services and Other............. 431.77 BRITTANY NOBLE .............................Services and Other............... 66.23 Bent County ........................................Services and Other............... 35.00 CAIT CLOUGH ...................................Services and Other............... 79.52 CALIFORNIA VITAL RECORDS.........Services and Other............... 50.00 CASSANDRA GORRELL ...................Services and Other............. 371.34 CASSANDRA R AGUILAR .................Services and Other............. 776.10 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other........ 19,613.24 CENTER FOR POLICY RESEARCH ............................................................Services and Other........ 10,500.00 CENTER FOR WORK EDUCATION AND ............................................................Community Programs.. 132,790.24 CHAD C CERINICH ...........................Services and Other............. 978.75 CHANTELLE R ROMERO..................Services and Other............... 26.54 CHARLES PIRKL ...............................MISC. ................................... 20.00 CHELSEY R HANSON .......................Community Programs........... 18.53 CHELSEY R HANSON .......................Services and Other.......... 1,247.71 CHRISTENSEN, NEAL ......................Services and Other............. 180.00 CITY OF AURORA .............................MISC. ..................................... 6.00 COACHING-FORLIFE ........................Services and Other............. 500.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV

............................................................Capital Outlay .................. 5,300.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Services and Other............. 704.00 COLORADO WELFARE FRAUD COUNCIL ............................................................Services and Other............. 240.00 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER ................Community Programs.... 22,860.00 CONTACT WIRELESS .......................Services and Other.......... 2,369.89 CORPORATE TRANSLATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,875.69 DAJANA ROGULJA............................Services and Other............. 335.50 DANIEL & KATHERINE ELLERSDORFER ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,200.00 DANIELLE J CLARK JACKSON ........Services and Other............... 89.04 DBOA LLC ..........................................Community Programs...... 2,612.50 DEANNA C STEPANIUK ....................Services and Other............. 374.64 DEANNA R LEE .................................Services and Other............... 96.36 DEBORAH M BOWERS .....................Services and Other............. 134.73 DELMY C ACOSTA ............................Services and Other............. 172.48 DENICE A ALVAREZ ..........................Services and Other............. 365.23 DENVER HUMAN SERVICES ...........MISC. ................................... 50.05 DENVER SHERIFF DEPARTMENT ...Services and Other............... 70.95 DETROIT BEHAVIORAL INSTITUE LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,677.16 DEXTER VICTORIA ...........................Community Programs......... 400.00 DIJANA P JUGOVIC...........................Community Programs...... 2,100.00 EL PASO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE............................................................Services and Other............... 20.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC .............................Services and Other.......... 1,890.00 ELISE N RONQUILLO........................Services and Other............. 196.08 ELIZA M GRANAHAN FIELD .............Services and Other............. 164.19 ELLIS FAMILY SERVICES LLC..........Community Programs...... 1,000.00 EMELY ROMERO ..............................Services and Other............. 361.01 ERIC A HOSKINS ...............................Services and Other............. 567.73 ERIK MEJIA........................................MISC. ................................... 25.10 ERIN N ELLIS.....................................Services and Other............... 88.04 ERIN W WIENEKE .............................Services and Other............. 407.51 EXPERIAN .........................................Services and Other............... 37.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. .............................. 1,190.44 FAMILY TREE INC .............................Community Programs.... 48,080.00 FAMILY TREE INC .............................Services and Other.......... 2,568.50 FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT ............................................................Services and Other............... 42.70 GABRIELA R GUTIERREZ ................Services and Other............... 50.85 GENEVIEVE RUMLOW .....................Services and Other............... 92.68 GERALD H PHIPPS INC ....................Capital Outlay ................ 26,614.20 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP..................Services and Other.......... 2,211.89 HANNAH HERINCKX .........................Services and Other............. 476.18 HANNAH SHIER ................................Services and Other............. 121.41 HARMONIE R TRENN .......................Services and Other............. 115.53 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. .............................. 1,059.18 ILLUMINATE COLORADO .................Services and Other............. 303.00 INDIANA STATE DEPT HEALTH........Services and Other............... 14.00 INTERGROUP INC ............................Capital Outlay .................. 8,724.95 JACOB ERIC JOHNSON SWARTZ ...Services and Other............. 405.00 JACQUELYN C GABEL......................Community Programs............. 8.14 JACQUELYN C GABEL......................Services and Other............. 325.24 JAMES ERIC SWART ........................Services and Other............. 427.50 JARED HUTCHINSON .......................MISC. ................................. 200.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY DEPT OFSOCIAL SVCS ............................................................Community Programs...... 4,182.86 JESSICA L FREEMAN .......................Services and Other............. 120.18 JESSICA ROMAN MARTINEZ ...........Services and Other............. 159.91 JILL KARK COUGHLAN .....................Services and Other............. 209.05 JORGE SALAS...................................Services and Other.......... 2,385.00 JUANITA E CASTILLO .......................Community Programs........... 11.89 JUANITA E CASTILLO .......................Services and Other............. 412.29 JULIE E SCHILLING ..........................Services and Other............. 555.68 JUSTINA E MEADOWS .....................Services and Other............. 448.62 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. .......................... 469,557.18 KAREN M MAZZINI ............................Services and Other............. 120.96 KATHLEEN ZIOLA..............................Services and Other.......... 1,000.00 KATHRYN J WILD ..............................Services and Other............. 110.00 KATIE E BROOKS..............................Services and Other............. 371.17 KATJA & SCOTT MAXWELL ..............Community Programs......... 800.00 KATRIONA S MORTIMORE ...............Services and Other............. 336.89 KELSEIGH GORMAN ........................Services and Other............. 161.39 KIMBERLY D PINE .............................Community Programs........... 12.47 KIMBERLY D PINE .............................Services and Other............. 278.88 KRISTIN F DAVIS...............................Services and Other............. 341.84 LANAE WELLS...................................Services and Other............... 14.56 LAURA DIAZ.......................................Services and Other.......... 1,383.20 LAURA N HEATHCOAT......................Services and Other............. 391.70 LEAH N TURNER...............................Services and Other............. 192.13 LEBA R HIRSCH ................................Services and Other............. 664.30 LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 195.75 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 354.40 LILIAN LUQUIN SALAZAR.................Services and Other............. 199.81 LINDA K METSGER ...........................Services and Other............. 149.39 LISA BROUSSARD ............................Services and Other............. 260.00 LONNIE EDDY ...................................Services and Other............. 990.00 LUZ MARINA ......................................MISC. ................................... 56.00 LUZ MONTOUR .................................MISC. ................................... 20.00 MALENIE MEJIA ................................MISC. ................................... 20.00 MARIA V LOUIS MILLER ...................Services and Other............. 390.72 MARIANELA V TURNER....................Services and Other............. 173.65 MARTHA J LOVATO ...........................Services and Other............... 61.12 MARTIN, JOYCE ................................Services and Other............. 318.75 MARY E LEEDS .................................Community Programs........... 77.76 MARY E LEEDS .................................Services and Other............... 80.08 MAYA HOGANSON-SANCHEZ ..........Services and Other............... 28.75 MELISSA A HANSON .........................Services and Other............... 86.26 MELISSA A WILSON ..........................Services and Other............... 29.68 MELISSA L MCKINLEY ......................Services and Other............. 233.74 MICHAEL & SHAROLYN LINDSAY....Community Programs......... 600.00 MICHELLE E MORFIN .......................Services and Other............. 278.96 MIKAELA C ZAMORA ........................Services and Other............. 338.58 MILAGROS Z MENDOZA...................Services and Other............... 47.68 NANCY REGALADO ..........................Community Programs......... 190.00 NATALIE F CORONADO ....................Services and Other............... 48.72 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT ..........MISC. ................................. 403.40 NEW LEGACY CHARTER SCHOOL ............................................................Community Programs...... 5,000.00 NICHOLE A BLANFORD ....................Services and Other............. 376.40 OLIVIA L BENNETT............................Services and Other............... 36.62 ONTARIO SYSTEMS LLC..................Services and Other.......... 2,220.00 PAMELA A YANETT............................Services and Other............. 114.46 PATTON ENTERPRISES LLC............Services and Other............... 50.00 PENELOPE J CHIHA .........................Services and Other............. 236.61 PHIANGCHIT MUTZBAUER ..............Services and Other............. 747.23 PHILLIP A ROMERO ..........................Services and Other............... 59.77 PURPLE COMMUNICATIONS ...........Services and Other............. 174.00 RACHAEL K RYAN.............................Services and Other............. 285.20 RACHEL ANNE NUNEZ .....................Services and Other.......... 1,350.00 RACHELE SERRES ...........................Services and Other............. 604.68 RAISE THE FUTURE .........................Community Programs...... 5,206.66 REBECCA J MAYBURY .....................Services and Other............... 94.75 REBECCA MICHELLE MADSEN .......Services and Other............... 13.55 REBECKAH DEANGELIS ..................Services and Other............. 193.72 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other........ 16,929.00 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT ............................................................Community Programs.... 11,375.00 RENE GONZALEZ .............................Community Programs......... 250.00 RIVERNDELL REAL ESTATE ............Community Programs...... 1,685.00 ROBIN L NICETA................................Services and Other............. 387.95 RYAN G MCCORMICK ......................Services and Other............. 339.08 SADIE E HILL .....................................Services and Other............. 525.67 SALVATORE L FAZIO JR ...................Services and Other............. 495.00 SARAH LEWNARD ............................Services and Other............. 225.68 SHAELA M NEWBY ...........................Services and Other............. 762.32 SHANNON HICKS..............................Services and Other............. 300.50 SHAYLA B REICHERT .......................Services and Other............. 293.45 SHELLEY ANN CRAWFORD .............Services and Other............... 87.75 SHILOH HOME INC ...........................Community Programs.... 22,467.00 SHILOH HOUSE ................................Community Programs.... 14,102.51 SHILOH HOUSE ................................Services and Other............. 727.58 SKILL SURVEY INC ...........................Services and Other.......... 3,440.00 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,280.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ............................ 19,325.50 STEPANIE VELASQUEZ ...................Services and Other............. 102.06 STEVIE N REES ................................Services and Other............... 43.57 STORMSOURCE LLC........................Services and Other.......... 2,891.10 SUNBELT PORTFOLIO JV LP ...........Community Programs...... 1,384.57 SUSAN L WYNN ................................Services and Other............. 720.00 TANYA CHEYENNE GLICK ...............Services and Other.......... 1,184.33 TAYLOR R GRASTON .......................Services and Other............. 257.03 TENNESSEE VITAL RECORDS ........Services and Other............... 45.00

THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP ............................................................Community Programs...... 5,000.00 THE GLOBAL ORPHAN PROJECT, INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 6,340.00 THE PITNEY BOWES BANK INC ......Supplies........................... 6,633.00 THOMAS A GRAHAM JR ...................Services and Other.......... 1,980.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ...........Services and Other.......... 5,849.97 TOM MILLS PSI INC ..........................Services and Other.......... 1,775.00 TRACY J OPP ....................................Services and Other............. 102.87 TRAVIS RUMSEY ..............................Services and Other.......... 2,100.00 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs.... 11,448.22 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs.... 11,806.32 VALERIE K BROOKS .........................Services and Other............. 765.00 VALERIE L TERZIC ............................Services and Other................. 9.24 VANESSA N HUGHES .......................Services and Other............. 199.99 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP ....Services and Other............. 202.40 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. .............................. 4,472.44 WAYNE LA CRUE ..............................Services and Other.......... 1,282.50 WE CARE HOMES OF COLORADO INC ............................................................Community Programs...... 7,640.00 WELLS FARGO ..................................Services and Other............... 60.20 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Community Programs...... 1,046.87 YAJAIRA MARIA MORENO................MISC. ................................. 234.09 YOUTH VILLAGES INC .....................Community Programs...... 4,897.50 FUND REPORT - 12 Electronic Filing Technology COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC. ............................ 31,580.00 KOFILE TECHNOLOGIES INC ..........Services and Other........ 15,942.00 FUND REPORT - 14 Law Enforcement Authority Distric CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other........ 10,693.29 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies................................ 36.49 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. .............................. 1,553.00 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Supplies.............................. 280.85 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................. 175.26 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. ............................ 63,120.28 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other............. 233.47 LIMU LLC ...........................................Services and Other.......... 3,195.61 OLSON RESTORATION II LLC ..........Services and Other............. 263.92 POWERDETAILS LLC........................Supplies................................ 90.03 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. .............................. 2,708.86 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT..................MISC. ................................. 923.08 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ...........Supplies.............................. 230.40 U.S. IDENTIFICATION MANUAL .......Supplies.............................. 150.40 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 722.30 FUND REPORT - 15 Arapahoe / Douglas Works! ADAMS COUNTY...............................Services and Other.......... 3,733.37 CDL SAFETY SCHOOL INC ..............Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 841.06 CENTER FOR WORK ETHIC ............Services and Other.......... 1,200.00 CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 5 ............................................................Community Programs........... 85.00 CODY LAYMON .................................Community Programs......... 500.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY GLOBAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS ..Community Programs......... 116.00 CONTACT WIRELESS .......................Services and Other.......... 1,055.19 EL PASO CTY PIKES PEAK WORKFORCE ............................................................Services and Other........ 13,833.60 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. .............................. 1,415.08 FHEG ARAPAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................Community Programs......... 141.45 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................. 251.46 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. ............................ 56,007.74 LAIRMER COUNTY ...........................Services and Other.......... 6,437.13 MOORE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 NATIONAL ASSN. OF WORKFORCE ............................................................Services and Other............. 975.00 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP ............................................................Supplies.............................. 291.60 PICKENS TECH .................................Services and Other............... 47.00 PRECISION TRANSACTION .............Services and Other.......... 1,905.40 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other............. 391.00 RTD 2380 ...........................................Community Programs......... 684.00 SOUTH DENVER SCHOOL OF NURSING ARTS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 SOUTH METRO DENVER .................Services and Other.......... 1,200.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. .............................. 2,735.55 SUMMER HOPE GATHERCOLE .......Services and Other............. 825.00 THE JOB STORE ...............................Services and Other.......... 2,986.51 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING ..Services and Other.......... 7,495.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 514.39 WESTERRA CREDIT UNION ............Community Programs......... 648.85 WEX BANK.........................................Community Programs...... 2,351.54 FUND REPORT - 16 Road and Bridge ACF FINCO I LP .................................Supplies........................... 1,381.80 AG WASSENAAR INC .......................Services and Other.......... 3,745.00 ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY.....Services and Other.......... 9,800.00 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY ........Supplies.............................. 132.40 ALSCO ...............................................Supplies........................... 3,050.37 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC ......................Services and Other............. 398.89 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC. ................................. 528.92 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other.......... 1,152.89 DENCO SALES CO............................Supplies.............................. 997.93 DENVER SOUTH TRANSPORTATION ............................................................Supplies......................... 38,681.00 ENNIS-FLINT .....................................Supplies.............................. 598.50 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Supplies.............................. 700.51 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies........................... 2,320.92 GREATWOOD LUMBER AND HARDWARE ............................................................Supplies.............................. 242.69 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................. 182.88 IDENTITY INC ....................................Supplies.............................. 184.97 JK TRANSPORTS INC .......................Services and Other........ 22,863.30 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. ............................ 48,170.48 KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE CO .......Supplies......................... 13,584.41 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC ..................Supplies................................ 28.97 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ..Supplies.............................. 153.31 NORTHERN IMPORTS ......................Supplies.............................. 264.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other............. 810.00 ROADSAFE TRAFFIC SYSTEMS .....Supplies.............................. 572.80 ROTH SHANNON ..............................Services and Other.......... 2,400.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. .............................. 2,321.07 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other............. 840.52 TIMOTHY TONGE & ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,475.00 TRINITY SCS INC ..............................Supplies.............................. 605.20 US BANK ............................................Services and Other.......... 1,575.00 VANCE BROTHERS INC ...................Services and Other........ 74,775.31 VANCE BROTHERS INC ...................Supplies.............................. 790.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 517.84 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 2,642.40 WL CONTRACTORS INC ..................Services and Other........ 37,609.95 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other.......... 3,096.74 FUND REPORT - 19 Communications Network Replacemen GPI PLAZA TOWER LP......................Services and Other................. 9.00 FUND REPORT - 20 Sheriff’s Commissary ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........ 10,175.01 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT ......Services and Other........ 13,887.50 BAKER & TAYLOR .............................Supplies........................... 1,968.10 COMCAST..........................................Services and Other............. 659.27 DEBRA RENEE TYGRETT ................Services and Other.......... 1,147.50 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................... 22.86 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. .............................. 2,851.62 LM INFORMATION DELIVERY INC ...Services and Other.......... 9,962.96 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ................................. 289.40 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 36.75 WELLPATH LLC .................................Services and Other.......... 7,764.42

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PAGE 20 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021 —Continued from previous page— FUND REPORT - 21 Community Development AURORA HOUSING AUTHORITY .....Services and Other.......... 4,875.25 EAST CHERRY CREEK VALLEY ......Services and Other............. 271.40 HAAT FORCE SOUTH METRO LLC ............................................................Services and Other........ 29,020.00 JAMES W STAHLER ..........................Services and Other.......... 2,000.00 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. .............................. 3,786.08 SENIOR HUB INC ..............................Services and Other.......... 5,400.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ................................. 191.31 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP ....Services and Other............... 56.27 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 28.90 FUND REPORT - 25 Developmental Disability DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS ........Services and Other...... 148,883.79 FUND REPORT - 26 Grants 2019-1 IH BORROWER LP ................Community Programs...... 6,435.00 2700 SB LLC ......................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 303 COFFEE CO INC ........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 4 GS CAFE II INC...............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 A & K PARTNERS LLC .......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 A PLUS ATHLETICS LLC ...................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 AA CLIMBING 2 LLC ..........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ABDULAZIZ AHMED ..........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ACTIVE ATHLETICS ..........................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 ADVANTAGE TREATMENT CENTER ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,486.76 ADVENIR AT DEL ARTE LLC .............Community Programs...... 8,691.00 AEROWOOD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 3,381.00 AKI ASIAN LLC...................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 ALAMEDA VIEW APARTMENTS LP ............................................................Community Programs......... 350.00 ALLANAS ACADEMY OF DANCE .....Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ALSCO ...............................................Supplies.............................. 806.96 ANGELA G STANTON .......................Services and Other............... 67.40 ANN MARIE ISAAC-HESLOP ............Community Programs...... 4,400.00 APEX COMBAT ACADEMY LLC ........Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 APRIL STONES..................................Services and Other............. 174.52 ARAPAHOE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 32,586.00 ARYAN CORP ....................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 ASTATOS INC ....................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........ 31,538.63 AURORA INTERCHURCH TASK FORCE ............................................................Community Programs.... 11,807.58 AURORA PRESTIGE FITNESS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 AVANATH FOX CROSSING LLC .......Community Programs...... 1,141.00 B PILATES LLC ..................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 BAFBDD LLC .....................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 BAJA IN THE ROCKIES LLC .............Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BAWARCHI BIRYANI POINT LLC ......Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BEANTOWN INC................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BENZER CO 1 LLC ............................Community Programs...... 7,895.24 BIG C LLC ..........................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BIJU ENTERPRISE LLC ....................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 BLUE SPRUCE BREWING COMPANY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BOBBY CUCUMBERS LLC ...............Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BORIS KLEIN .....................................Community Programs...... 7,050.00 BOWAUT INC .....................................Community Programs......... 971.00 BP PREMIUM FOOD & BEVERAGE .Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 BREIT MF HOLDINGS LLC ...............Community Programs...... 3,472.12 BRENDA L SIMONS ...........................Services and Other............... 56.48 BRIAN J GRIMM ................................Community Programs...... 1,983.00 BRIDGE WF II CO PEMBROOKE GREEN LLC ............................................................Community Programs......... 987.00 BULLSHARK INC ...............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 BW LIMITED.......................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 CANCUN INC .....................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 CARA ANN PROFFITT .......................Services and Other............... 43.28 CARNATION BUILDING SERVICE INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,020.00 CASA GUTIERREZ CORP .................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 CASTLE HILL CORPORATION..........Community Programs...... 3,576.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 408.94 CELTIC STEPS INC ...........................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 CENTURY KARAOKE ASIAN CAFE INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 CHORIZO INC ....................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 CHRISTINE L ROUNDS .....................Community Programs......... 225.76 CITY GROUP INC ..............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other............... 99.80 CITY OF CENTENNIAL......................Services and Other........ 13,355.91 CLASAMAR INC.................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 CLUE ROOM LLC ..............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 CME CATERING & EVENTS LLC ......Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 COLORADO CC LLC .........................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 COLORADO MARTIAL ARTS LLC.....Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 COLORADO MUSLIMS COMMUNITY CENTER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 COLORADO PINBALL LLC ................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES INC ...........Supplies.............................. 827.80 COMCOR INC ....................................Community Programs...... 3,795.58 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Community Programs.. 101,145.39 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 77,863.81 COMRADE BREWING COMPANY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 CORECIVIC LLC ................................Community Programs.. 219,563.92 CORECIVIC LLC ................................Services and Other.......... 9,296.49 COURTYARDS OWNER LLC ............Community Programs...... 1,165.15 CPY DENVER LLC.............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 CRABRUS INC ...................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 CRAWFISH BOIL COMPANY LLC .....Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 CRISP CAFE ......................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 CULINARY REVOLUTION .................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 DAI HENG ENTERPRISES INC.........Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 DAVID SCHMIDT ...............................Community Programs...... 1,300.00 DENISE R HOLTER ...........................Services and Other............... 43.01 DEVILS HEAD DISTILLERY LLC .......Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 DH & HS LLC .....................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 DIAMOND DRUGS INC .....................Supplies.............................. 832.50 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE INC...Community Programs...... 5,933.43 DREAM HOME RENTAL LLC ............Community Programs...... 1,600.00 DREAMN CORPORATION ................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 DREAMS INC .....................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 DUAL STAR ACADEMY OF DANCE ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 EAGLE ROCK SUPPLY .....................MISC. .............................. 8,985.60 EAST CHERRY CREEK VALLEY ......Community Programs......... 361.00 EGGCEPTIONAL RESTAURANTS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 ELEVATION VOLLEYBALL LLC.........Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 ELK RIDGE LP ...................................Community Programs...... 1,114.00 ELOISA ALTAMIRA.............................Services and Other............... 85.17 ENMJ LLC ..........................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 EPICUREAN CATERING LLC............Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 ETHIO DENVER LLC .........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 FAMILY PROMISE OF .......................Services and Other.......... 7,780.17 FENCING ACADEMY OF DENVER LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 FIGHT ON FOREVER LLC ................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 FINN MCCOOLS BAR AND GRILL LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 FIVE DALLAS PARTNERS LLC .........Community Programs......... 995.00 FLAMING JOES SEAFOOD LLC .......Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 FRIST STEPS PEDIATRIC THERAPY INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 19,922.81 FUJII FITNESS SYSTEMS INC .........Services and Other.......... 2,423.73 GAIL SEGRETO .................................Community Programs...... 3,108.00 GALBRAITHS FAMILY LLP ................Community Programs...... 2,100.00 GALLUP HOLDINGS FOUR INVESTMENTS ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,654.01 GARCIAS BROTHERS INC ...............Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 GARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,665.00 GARNISH INC ....................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 GARY WOODWORTH .......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 GLACIER DENVER LLC ....................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 GOODHAND INC ...............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 GRACIE JIU JITSU AURORA LLC .....Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 GREGORY NATHAN GOLYANSKY ...Community Programs...... 3,100.00 H & A PROPERTIES LLC ...................Services and Other.......... 8,589.45

LEGALS H & G INC...........................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 H2BEST CORP ..................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 HANNAH CORPORATION .................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 HAZELBROOK SOBER LIVING, LLC ............................................................Community Programs......... 755.00 HEATHER RIDGE HOLDINGS LLC ...Community Programs...... 8,769.38 HIRA CAFE AND PATISSERIE INC ...Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 HOME COMFORT INSULATION .......Services and Other........ 12,614.23 HORIZON GENERAL TRADING LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 HUNTINGTON RIDGE HOLDINGS LP ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,180.00 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................... 91.44 ILLEGAL BURGER CITISET LLC ......Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 IMPERIAL HOLDINGS INC ................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 IMT CAPITAL IV CORNERSTAR RANCH LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 3,975.19 IN TOUCH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ............................................................Community Programs...... 4,500.00 INDULGE SOUTHGLENN LLC ..........Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 INTEGRATED FAMILY COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs.... 15,490.83 INTERVENTION COMMUNITY..........Community Programs...... 1,295.55 INVESTED REAL ESTATE GROUP...Community Programs...... 1,795.00 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GROUP LTD ............................................................Community Programs...... 6,800.00 JABO’S BAR-BE-Q LLC .....................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 JACLYN GISH PERRY .......................Community Programs...... 1,600.00 JINS BROTHERS LLC .......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 JOSE MANUEL ORTIZ.......................Community Programs...... 2,800.00 JUNBUGG ENTERPRISES LLC ........Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 KAIMOOK INC....................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. ............................ 23,561.74 KATES BISTRO LLC ..........................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 KEUM H LIM.......................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 KIDE PROPERTIES LLC ...................Community Programs...... 4,800.00 KONJO CATERING ............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 KRKDVA LLC......................................Community Programs...... 1,243.00 KYONG BILLIARD INC ......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 L.C. TAVERNS INC ............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 LANDMARK SPORTS LLC ................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 LG RG & SG INC................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 LIFELONG CONDITIONING LLC.......Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 LIL FELLAS LLC .................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 LITTLETOWN PARTNERSHIP...........Community Programs...... 2,835.00 LMC VALLAGIO III HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 4,549.37 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY ............MISC. ................................. 604.94 LOMAX INVESTMENT GROUP LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ............................................................MISC. ................................. 896.71 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,093.15 LUIS ORDUNEZ .................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 LW1 LLC .............................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 M&F INC .............................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MALLORY SAFETY AND SUPPLY LLC ............................................................Supplies........................... 2,568.72 MARISSA BOVEE ..............................Services and Other............... 18.48 MARRAKCHI INC ...............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MARU FUKU INC ...............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 MAY FARMS .......................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MCKINNERS LLC ..............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 MEADOW LARK APARTMENTS .......Community Programs...... 1,645.69 MENYA NO 5 LLC ..............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MESA COUNTY .................................Community Programs...... 1,537.76 MESQUITE HOUSE INC ....................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 METRO COMMUNITY PROVIDER NETWORK ............................................................Services and Other...... 227,906.74 MILE HIGH CATERING INC...............Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 MILE HIGH CROSSFIT LLC ..............Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MISSION ESCAPES LLC ...................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MITCHELL B WESTALL .....................Community Programs...... 2,895.05 MJ FIT LLC .........................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MOBILE MINI LLC ..............................Supplies.............................. 478.80 MODERN BREW ................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 MONTGOMERY INSULATION INC....Services and Other.......... 2,485.44 MUKJA LLC ........................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 NANGLO GROUP LLC.......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 NEW CHINA KING BUFFET INC .......Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 NEW ORIENT RESTAURANT LTD ....Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 NOREST INC .....................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 OCAMPOS CATERING SERVICE LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ONE BARREL LLC .............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 ORCHARD AT CHERRY CREEK .......Community Programs...... 2,370.00 ORIGINAL BEAVER POND INC.........Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 OTF AURORA LLC .............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 OTF DENVER LLC .............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 OYUN NAMJIG...................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 PARK PLACE 1 LLC...........................Community Programs...... 1,981.22 PARRYS PIZZA X LLC .......................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 PARTY LIFE RENTS LLC...................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 PCC PARTNERS LLC ........................Community Programs...... 1,260.00 PHATSUBS LLC .................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION ..Community Programs...... 3,387.72 PHO 75 ...............................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 PHO 888 INC......................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 PHO SAIGON-VVIETNAMESE ..........Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 PHO VY 3 LLC ...................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 PHO4U LLC........................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 PICCADILLY ASSOCIATES LLC ........Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 PINNACLE AT MOUNTAIN GATE LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,290.00 PIZZA PALS LP ..................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 PM PARTNERS ..................................Community Programs...... 2,300.00 POCHA LLC .......................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 POKE CONCEPT RESTAURANT GROUP LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 POKE CONCEPT V LLC ....................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 POLLO LIMA INC ...............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 POSITIVE ENERGY CONSERVATION ............................................................MISC. .............................. 6,592.16 PRESTIGE FITNESS LLC..................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 RACE-0-RAMA IN THE ROCKIES LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Community Programs......... 434.00 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies.............................. 165.74 REDCUP BEVERAGE SERVICE LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 REDWOOD HIGHLAND POINT LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,024.00 RICHARD E DOUGLAS .....................Community Programs...... 4,700.00 RICKEY BRUENING INC ...................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 RICOS BURRITOS.............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 RIDGE HILL HOLDINGS LP...............Community Programs...... 4,684.09 RKW ENTERPRISES INC..................Services and Other........ 10,000.00 RM CONCEPTS INC ..........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 RMR COLORADO LLC ......................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 ROCK HOUSE ENTERPRISES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................ 26.92 ROLLING SMOKE BBQ AT UTC LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ROOTS COLORADO .........................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 RUNWAY 2 FITNESS LLC .................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 S&J WORRELL FITNESS LLC ..........Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SAHARA MATAAM INC ......................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SAIGON BISTRO INC ........................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SAJ HOLDINGS LLC..........................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SAKURA LT II INC ..............................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 SARAH ANTOINETTE LARSON ........Community Programs...... 2,325.00 SARDA SIKTEL ..................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SAVORY SANDWISHES ENTERPRISESE INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 SAVORY SANDWISHES INC.............Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 SHANGHAI KITCHEN INC .................Services and Other........ 40,000.00 SHAWN SCALLISE GORDON ...........Community Programs...... 5,700.00 SIDEBURNZ II LLC ............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SIMON6TOES INC .............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SIPP SODA BAR LLC ........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SKKS VENTURES LLC ......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SLAUGHTER FITNESS AND NUTRITION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SMOKIN OUTLAW KITCHEN LLC .....Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SMS COLORADO LLC.......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SNAP NORTH LLC ............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00

SONG URIM LLC ...............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SONODA RESTAURANT INC ............Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SOUTH CREEK LITTLETON LLC......Community Programs...... 1,075.00 SOUTH MARINA ENTERPRISES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 SOUTH METRO DENVER .................Services and Other........ 40,000.00 SOUTHWEST COLORADO COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,486.76 SPICE TRADE BREWING COMPANY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 SPRADLEY BARR FORD ..................MISC. ............................ 75,828.00 SPRING CREST ENTERPRISES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SRGMF III HOLDINGS LP .................Community Programs...... 4,300.96 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,053.24 SUNBELT RENTALS INC ...................Services and Other........ 21,395.09 SURAJ OPERATING LLC ..................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 SUSHI BASHO LIN LLC .....................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 SUSHI-RAMA LLC..............................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TBDM INCORPORATED....................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TD RB HOLDINGS INC ......................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 TEAM MW LLC...................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 TERESA A MARLOWE .......................Services and Other............... 11.84 THE FUNKY BREWSTER COFFEE CATERING ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 THE HIGHLINE LOUNGE ..................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 THE HOME STORE IP1 LLC .............Community Programs...... 4,002.00 THE MONEY SOURCE INC...............Community Programs...... 5,400.00 THE REAL TASTE LLC ......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 THE SPORTS BOOK LLC..................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 THE TABLETOP TAP LLC ..................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 THE WEILLS MONGOLIAN BARBEQUE INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 THREE CHEERS LLC ........................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TIBURON ASSOCIATES LLC ............Community Programs...... 2,200.00 TLP OF AURORA LLC .......................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TODD D ERICKSON ..........................Community Programs...... 3,750.00 TORU CORPORATION ......................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 TOSCANA RISTORANTE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 TREA SH VENTURE LLC ..................Community Programs...... 6,540.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other...... 957,999.87 TRUE PLAY ENTERTAINMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TRUONG LE.......................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TSEYANG AND KALDEN LLC ...........Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 TTL RESTAURANTS ..........................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 TUSCANY RISTORANTE ITALIANO CORP ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 TUTUR INC ........................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US) .........Services and Other............. 201.94 UDOM THAI INC ................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 UNCLE ZHOU RESTAURANT INC ....Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING ..Services and Other........ (4,495.00) UPSTAIRS CIRCUS DTC LLC ...........Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 URBAN FRESH SYSTEMS LLC ........Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 VIA MOBILITY SERVICES .................Services and Other........ 12,317.50 VIKING POWER ELITE LLC ..............Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 174.62 VLYNN ART LLC ................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 W G HOLDING LP..............................Community Programs...... 1,690.00 WASABI GV LLC ................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 350.00 WATDA PHO LLC ...............................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 WHOLE ENERGY AND HARDWARE INC ............................................................MISC. ................................. 702.72 WHOLE HEALTH CLUB LLC .............Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 WINDSONG APARTMENTS LLC .......Community Programs...... 1,005.00 WINE EXPERIENCE CAFE ...............Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 WONDER TEA ...................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Community Programs......... 561.75 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other............. 493.32 YANG ENTREPRENEUR INC............Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 YANNI LLC .........................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 YD ENTERTAINMENT LLC ................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ZACHARY HILDEBRANDT ................Community Programs...... 2,648.27 ZEAL II LLC ........................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 ZEN MOUNTAIN LLC .........................Community Programs...... 1,629.11 ZOES LOUNGE..................................Services and Other.......... 3,500.00 ZOMO LLC .........................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 ZONE ATHETIC CLUBS COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,000.00 FUND REPORT - 28 Open Space Sales Tax ALESCO APPRAISAL INC .................Services and Other.......... 8,500.00 ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY.....Services and Other............. 862.00 AMERICAN BACKFLOW CONSULTING & ............................................................Services and Other............. 240.00 BLUE SKY CO LLC ............................Supplies.............................. 719.94 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Services and Other............... 95.56 CECILIA MONTALVO .........................MISC. .............................. 1,000.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other.......... 1,326.87 CENTRAL GARDEN & PET ...............MISC. .............................. 1,162.50 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2 ...........Services and Other............. 466.41 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other............. 535.92 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ..Services and Other........ 12,350.00 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.....................Services and Other...... 375,000.00 CRYSTAL ORGAN .............................Services and Other............. 128.52 DAISY SALAZAR ...............................MISC. .............................. 3,400.00 DESIGN WORKSHOP INC ................Services and Other........ 31,214.67 DESTINATION COLORADO MEETINGS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,295.00 DHM DESIGN CORPORATION .........Services and Other............. 490.00 DONALD C ANDREWS ......................Services and Other.......... 2,500.00 ELIDA ESCOBEDO ............................MISC. ................................. 738.50 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS INC ............................................................Supplies................................ 17.40 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. ................................. 431.06 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG .....Services and Other.......... 9,897.50 GLEN R POOLE .................................Services and Other............... 78.36 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies.............................. 188.64 GRANITE SEED COMPANY ..............Services and Other............... 70.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Supplies........................... 1,632.97 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................... 45.72 IRMA CORREA...................................MISC. ................................. 933.00 IVONNE CASILLAS............................MISC. .............................. 1,040.00 JANETH VILLASENOR ......................MISC. ................................. 784.50 JOANNA CASILLAS ...........................MISC. .............................. 2,437.12 JOSE TAPIA .......................................MISC. ................................. 628.75 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. ............................ 15,189.67 LORENA MORALES ..........................MISC. .............................. 1,741.00 MARISOL HERRERA .........................MISC. .............................. 1,600.00 MICHAEL MANTIA .............................Services and Other.......... 2,500.00 MILE HI BARREL HORSE ASSOCIATION ............................................................MISC. ................................. 900.00 MIRIAM MARTINEZ ...........................MISC. .............................. 3,000.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other............. 205.00 OPEN MEDIA FOUNDATION.............Services and Other............. 540.00 PINYON EVIRONMENTAL INC..........Services and Other............. 133.50 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION .........Services and Other.......... 1,260.81 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other................. ROSA MARIA HINOSTROZA .............MISC. .............................. 3,000.00 ROTH SHANNON ..............................Services and Other............. 205.00 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other.......... 2,359.75 SAFFIRE LLC .....................................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ................................. 681.31 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY ............................................................Supplies.............................. 104.05 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other............. 206.60 UNINCORPORATED ARAPAHOE COUNTY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 VERONICA LOMELI ...........................MISC. ................................. 900.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 139.07 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 198.50 WENK ASSOCIATES INC ..................MISC. ............................ 10,108.75 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other........ 11,516.64 YENI ACEVEDO .................................MISC. .............................. 2,500.00 FUND REPORT - 29 Homeland Security - North Central ALL CLEAR EMERGENCY MGMT GROUP LLC

— on n ed on ne


March 11, 2021, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 21

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— ............................................................Services and Other........ 22,250.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ............................................................MISC. ................................... 43.96 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other................. 7.25 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC............MISC. ................................. 316.24 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC............Services and Other............. (61.64) C SCOTT KELLAR .............................Services and Other........ 12,110.00 CADWELL IRREVOCABLE TRUST III ............................................................Services and Other............. 778.92 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 172.60 CENTER FOR INTERNET SECURITY INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,760.00 CHARLES SCOTT KELLAR...............Services and Other............. 115.57 CLASSIC TRAILER SALES INC ........MISC. ................................. 203.70 CLASSIC TRAILER SALES INC ........Services and Other............. 700.00 CRITIGEN LLC ...................................Services and Other.......... 4,045.00 EON OFFICE PRODUCTS ................Services and Other............. 116.64 GRAINGER ........................................MISC. .............................. 2,047.80 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC ................MISC. ................................... 22.86 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. .............................. 1,360.22 L.N. CURTIS & SONS ........................MISC. ................................. 676.81 RICHARD C PRICE............................Services and Other........ 10,999.84 SAFEWARE INC ................................MISC. ............................ 46,947.67 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ................................... 93.96 TACTICAL SURVIVAL SPECIALTIES INC ............................................................MISC. ............................ 14,730.88 TIME CREATORS INC .......................Services and Other............. 455.00 ULINE INC ..........................................MISC. .............................. 1,239.00 ULINE INC ..........................................Services and Other............. 127.30 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 36.80 WARRIOR KIT INC.............................Services and Other........ 59,518.00 WORLDPOINT ECC INC ...................MISC. .............................. 3,940.13 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other............. 209.94 FUND REPORT - 33 Building Maintenance Fund A & A TRADIN POST INC ...................Services and Other.......... 1,733.00 AFFILIATED WASTEWATER .............Services and Other.......... 2,464.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER & .......Services and Other............. 523.11 ARAPAHOE FIRE PROTECTION INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 486.90 CENTURYLINK ..................................Services and Other............. 520.70 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC .........Services and Other............. 798.14 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ............................................................Services and Other............. 125.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Services and Other............. 740.00 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ............................................................Services and Other............. 150.00 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE ............................................................Services and Other............. 720.00 DS WATERS OF AMERICA INC ........Supplies.............................. 165.34 ELEVATOR INSPECTION & CERT SERV INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 975.00 EMPIRE FIRE AND SAFETY INC ......Services and Other............. 828.00 ENGLEWOOD LOCK AND SAFE INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 148.60 FAIRCLOTH CORPORATION ............Supplies.............................. 238.87 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Services and Other................. 7.00 FASTSIGNS OF ENGLEWOOD.........Services and Other............. 121.68 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC .................Services and Other.......... 2,009.56 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY ...Services and Other............. 408.73 GLOBAL FIRE & SAFETY INC...........Services and Other............... 90.00 GRAINGER ........................................Services and Other............. 289.24 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies................................ 80.16 HARMONIC MEDIA INC.....................Services and Other............. 730.00 HOFFMAN HEIGHTS HARDWARE INC ............................................................Supplies................................ 55.56 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Supplies........................... 5,977.05 HORIZON ...........................................Services and Other............... 21.08 JDC INC .............................................Services and Other.......... 2,690.00 JOHN W GASPARINI INC ..................Services and Other.......... 1,797.66 PEST PREDATOR LLC ......................Services and Other.......... 1,600.00 PIONEER SAND COMPANY INC ......Services and Other............. 232.83 PSI CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,050.00 RAMPART SUPPLY INC ....................Services and Other............. 620.26

ARAPAHOE COUNTY ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO PUBLIC NOTICE & OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arapahoe County, Housing and Community Development Services staff will complete a Public Hearing with the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), as well as provide a ten day public comment period to obtain citizen input and comments regarding the plan to utilize the Country’s second round of CDBGCV funds as well as an allocation of HOME funds to address community needs related to COVID-19. The BOCC Public Hearing will be held electronically on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 9:30 am, or shortly thereafter. Interested parties can view and access the Public Hearing through our website: https://www.arapahoegov. com/1617/Meeting-Videos-andLive-Broadcast and our new Legistar portal at https://arapahoe. legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Interested parties are also encouraged to review the proposed Substantial Amendment associated with the HOME and CDBG-CV projects and submit comments during the 10 day public comment period, beginning Friday, March 12, 2021 and ending Sunday, March 21, 2021. The proposed Substantial Amendment will be available for review online, at https://www. arapahoegov.com/334/Reports. The plan will also be available by request made to Jeremy Fink at fink@arapahoegov.com or (303) 738-8062 or by TDD (303) 738-8033, or at Arapahoe County Housing and Community Development Services located at 1690 W. Littleton Blvd., Suite 300, Littleton, CO 80120. The County will consider any comments (written or verbal) received during the public comment period when preparing and submitting the Substantial Amendment. As such, a summary of the comments will be incorporated into the final document. The County encourages citizen participation, emphasizing demographic diversity and the involvement of low-to-moderate income residents, particularly residents

ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................ 48.85 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT ............................................................Services and Other............. 665.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS ........................Services and Other............. 348.06 SUMMIT LABORATORIES INC..........Services and Other.......... 2,240.00 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO ..........Services and Other............. 324.61 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO..........Services and Other............... 92.88 TRANE INC ........................................Services and Other............... 32.18 TRIPLE L&P INC ................................Services and Other.......... 5,030.00 WEED WRANGLERS.........................Services and Other.......... 2,998.00 WESTERN ACCESS CONTROLS INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,980.00 WHISLER BEARING COMPANY .......Services and Other............... 45.40 FUND REPORT - 34 Fair Fund MCGOFFIN MARKETING INC ...........Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 FUND REPORT - 41 Capital Expenditure ABEAM CONSULTING USA LTD .......MISC. ............................ 96,737.00 AD MILLER SERVICES INC ..............Capital Outlay ................ 17,878.04 ALLIANCE CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Capital Outlay .............. 124,312.07 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Capital Outlay .................. 1,533.50 EST INC .............................................Capital Outlay ..................... 636.00 GERALD H PHIPPS INC ....................Capital Outlay .................. 3,735.65 KC CONSTRUCTION INC .................Capital Outlay .................. 9,881.26 LINX MULTIMEDIA LLLP ...................Capital Outlay ................ 20,575.81 REILLY JOHNSON ARCHITECTURE INC ............................................................Capital Outlay ................ 12,000.00 FUND REPORT - 42 Infrastructure ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY.....Services and Other........ 59,472.88 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other...... 265,606.80 SEMA CONSTRUCTION INC ............Services and Other...... 570,764.25 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC .........Services and Other........ 29,371.11 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA) INC ............................................................MISC. ................................. 780.00 ZARA AUTO SALES INC....................MISC. .............................. 9,561.24 FUND REPORT - 43 Arapahoe County Recreation Distri AMERICAN BACKFLOW CONSULTING & ............................................................Services and Other............. 160.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ..Services and Other.......... 6,407.32 BLUE SKY CO LLC ............................Supplies........................... 1,079.91 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY .................Services and Other............. 380.40 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies.............................. 187.06 GRANITE SEED COMPANY ..............Services and Other............. 170.00 KAISER PERMANENTE ....................MISC. .............................. 4,744.92 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC. ................................. 172.45 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 44.14 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 601.00 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other.......... 1,173.81 FUND REPORT - 70 Central Services ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................MISC. ................................. 763.12 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC ............................................................MISC. ................................. 355.96 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS ................MISC. ................................. 520.00 FARIS MACHINERY CO ....................MISC. .......................... 308,372.05 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES ...........MISC. ............................ 51,515.45 HILL ENTERPRISES INC ..................MISC. ............................ 56,398.39 HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY ...MISC. .......................... 162,574.00 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................MISC. .............................. 2,332.00 MOTION AND FLOW CONTROL .......MISC. ................................. 518.15 NAPA AUTO PARTS ...........................MISC. ................................. 984.74 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS .............MISC. .............................. 2,505.74 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC ............MISC. ................................. 296.91 OWENS EQUIPMENT LLC ................MISC. ................................... 26.32 SPRADLEY BARR FORD ..................MISC. ............................ 29,911.00 VISTA FD LLC ....................................MISC. ................................. 359.96 WAGNER EQUIPMENT CO ...............MISC. .......................... 335,878.00 FUND REPORT - 71 Self-Insurance Liability

and interested parties located in areas served by CDBG and HOME projects.


If you need special accommodations or translation services to attend a public meeting or submit comments, or if you would like to request related documents in a language other than English, please contact Jeremy Fink (contact information is listed above) at least 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting to ensure we can accommodate your request.

That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2015;

Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10163 ___________________________

TREASURER NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to JOSEPH E TURECEK, JOSEPH K. TURECEK TRUST, KATHERINE J. PHELPS, TRUSTEE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY – INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE You and each of you are hereby notified that on the rd day of November, 2016, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC, the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: LOT 3 BLK 2 JOSEPH K TURECEK TRUST FLG NO 1 aka UNKNOWN and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC; Whereas, the said FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC did, on the 30th day of December 2020 duly assigned the certificate of the sale of the ta lien on the property as aforesaid, and all its rights, title, and interest in

That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of JOSEPH E TURECEK for said year 2015; That said BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC, on the 30th day of December, 2020, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate;

the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: LOT 1 BLK 18 TOWN OF SHERIDAN aka 3400 S CANOSA CT and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to CONNIE HANSEN; That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2014; That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of MICHAEL E. BEAUDET AND WILEY C. PRICE for said year 2014;

That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC, on or about the 7th day of July, 2021, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed.

That said CONNIE HANSEN, on the 4th day of February, 2021, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate;

Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed.

That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said CONNIE HANSEN, on or about the 7th day of July, 2021, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed.

Witness my hand this 5th day of March, 2021, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: March 11, 2021 Last Publication: March 25, 2021 Legal # 10153 ___________________________ NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to MICHAEL E. BEAUDET, WILEY C. PRICE, THOMAS J. WITTMAN FAMILY ESTATE LLC, STAMP HOUSE HOLDINGS, LLC You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 5th day of November, 2015, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to CONNIE HANSEN, the following described real estate situate in

Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 5th day of March, 2021, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: March 11, 2021 Last Publication: March 25, 2021 Legal # 10154 ___________________________ NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to JUSTIN PENG, HUA NIEN PENG, WILLIAN PENG, OIWAH PANG FUNG, OI W FUNG, OI WAH PANG FUNG, FUNG OIWAH PANG, DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, STATE OF

AXIOM COLORADO LLC ...................Services and Other.......... 2,533.18 EAP GLASS SERVICE .......................Services and Other.......... 3,252.00 IMA FINANCIAL GROUP....................Services and Other... 1,132,470.00 MAZZO CORPORATION ...................Services and Other.......... 4,630.59 FUND REPORT - 73 Self-Insurance Workers Comp CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,292.67 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies................................ 43.19 IMA FINANCIAL GROUP....................Services and Other...... 171,539.00 FUND REPORT - 74 Self-Insurance Dental DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other...... 138,032.49 RETIREMENT PLANNING SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,067.48 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................Services and Other............. 101.95 FUND REPORT - 84 E-911 Authority 911 SOLUTIONS INC .........................Services and Other.......... 6,507.50 BRUCE ROMERO ..............................Services and Other............. 585.00 CENTURYLINK ..................................Services and Other............. 648.99 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ..Services and Other........ 25,000.00 CITY OF LITTLETON .........................Services and Other...... 108,869.00 CONVERGEONE, INC .......................Services and Other........ 95,144.10 EMERGENCY POWER SERVICES CO INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 15,700.00 FAIRFIELD AND WOODS PC ............Services and Other.......... 2,074.50 FIRSTWATCH SOLUTIONS INC .......Services and Other........ 40,026.55 INTRADO LIFE & SAFETY INC .........Services and Other.......... 8,011.67 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES ...........Services and Other............. 256.76 SOUTH METRO FIRE RESCUE FIRE ............................................................Services and Other...... 315,000.00 TDS LONG DISTANCE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other............. 290.10 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY ......Services and Other........ 17,356.75 FUND REPORT - 91 Treasurer CITY OF AURORA .............................MISC. ....................... 1,757,396.36 CITY OF CENTENNIAL......................MISC. .......................... 480,330.67 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ............................................................MISC. .......................... 105,345.63 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.....................MISC. .......................... 181,685.40 CITY OF GLENDALE .........................MISC. ............................ 31,180.44 CITY OF LITTLETON FINANCE DEPT ............................................................MISC. .......................... 203,644.72 CITY OF SHERIDAN ..........................MISC. ............................ 37,961.38 COLO DEPT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT ............................................................MISC. ................................. 990.00 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE ....MISC. ....................... 4,228,212.27 STATE OF COLORADO HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC. .............................. 6,600.00 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY ......MISC. ............................ 26,141.27 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S.S. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) I, JOAN LOPEZ, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND EX OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LISTS OF COUNTY WARRANTS ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER THE DATES OF 02/01/2021 THROUGH 02/28/2021 DRAWN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERE UNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE SAID COUNTY AT LITTLETON THIS 03/02/2021 . JOAN LOPEZ, CLERK TO THE BOARD Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10162 ___________________________

COLORADO, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, JIM BLACK CONSTRUCTION INC, SUNBURST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the rd day of November, 2016, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC, the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: LOT 81 BLK 2 SUNBURST aka 16316 E RICE PL A and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC; Whereas, the said FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC did, on the 30th day of December 2020 duly assigned the certificate of the sale of the ta lien on the property as aforesaid, and all its rights, title, and interest in said property, to BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC. That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2015; That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of HUA NIEN PENG for said year 2015; That said BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC, on the 30th day of December, 2020, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate; That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC, on or about the 7th day of July, 2021, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed. Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 5th day of March, 2021, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: March 4, 2021 Last Publication: March 18, 2021

Legal # 10155 ___________________________ NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to LAUREN A SHERWOOD, CENTENNIAL CROSSING CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the rd day of November, 2016, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC, the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: UNIT 215 BLDG 300 AS PER CONDO DECLARATION RECORDED IN B4596 P505 CENTENNIAL CROSSING CONDOS FORMERLY SPENCER’S LANDING CONDOMINIUMS aka 4691 S DECATUR ST 215 and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC; Whereas, the said FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS CO13 LLC did, on the 30th day of December 2020 duly assigned the certificate of the sale of the ta lien on the property as aforesaid, and all its rights, title, and interest in said property, to BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC. That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2015; That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of LAUREN A SHERWOOD for said year 2015; That said BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC, on the 30th day of December, 2020, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a

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deed to said real estate; That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said BLUE SPRUCE SERVICING COMPANY LLC, on or about the 7th day of July, 2021, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed. Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 5th day of March, 2021, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: March 11, 2021 Last Publication: March 25, 2021 Legal # 10162 ___________________________


DISTRICT COURT ARAPAHOE COUNTY COLORADO Court Address: 7325 S. Potomac Street, #100 Centennial, CO 80112 Plaintiff: SUNBURST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado non-profit corporation; Defendants: MATTHEW POSET; GUILD MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC.; ARAPAHOE COUNTY TREASURER; UNKNOWN TENANT(S) IN POSSESSION. Attorneys for Plaintiff: THE DUPONT LAW FIRM, LLC Stephane R. Dupont, #39425 Address: PO Box 1073 Castle Rock, CO 80104 Phone Number: (720) 644-6115 Case Number: 2021CV30183 Div.:Ctrm.: SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: Matthew Poset You are hereby summoned and required to appear and defend against the claims of the Complaint filed with the court in this action, by filing with the clerk of this court an Answer or other response. You are required to file your Answer within 35 days after the service of this Summons upon you. Service of the Summons shall be complete on the day of the last publication. A copy of the Complaint may be obtained from the clerk of the court. If you fail to file your answer or other response to the Complaint in writing within 35 days after the date of the last publication, judgment by default may be rendered against you by the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint without further notice. This is an action for judicial foreclosure of an association assessment lien pursuant to C.R.S. 38-33.3316, in and to real property situated in Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Dated: February 9, 2021 THE DUPONT LAW FIRM, LLC By: *s/ Stephane R. Dupont Stephane R. Dupont Published in The Villager First Publication: Last Publication: This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4(h), Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure

Lot 6, Block 1, Sunburst Subdivision, Filing No. 2, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Also known as: 16150 East Radcliff Place, Aurora, CO 80015 Published in The Villager First Publication: February 18, 2021 Last Publication: March 18, 2021 Legal # 10141 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, IN THE INTEREST OF: NAZYRYAH MARTINEZ, Child, and concerning DESIREE ROSE and JOHN DOE, Respondents. Jordan Lewis, Esq. #50198 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-636-1883 Case No: 20JV455 Division: 14 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding RESPONDENT FATHER, JOSEPH MARTINEZ is set for April 15, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. in Division 14 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren) dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ bonnie.mclean •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. •Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664. When prompted enter code 925 850 797. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin. Dated this 5th day of March, 2021.

LEGALS LEGALS Jordan Lewis, Reg. #50198 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-636-1883 303-636-1889 FAX

Legal # 10167 ___________________________

Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10164 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Glendale, Colorado, will hold a Public Hearing at Glendale City Hall, 950 South Birch Street, Glendale, Colorado, in the Courtroom/Council Chambers on the first floor, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 concerning the following ordinances:

PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO In the Interest of: KAYDEN SUTTON AND KHALEESI SUTTON, Children, and concerning MELINDA SUTTON AND TIMOTHY HARDWICK, Respondents Heather L. Tomka, Esq. #50963 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for the People 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303.636.1895 . Case No: 20JV493 Division: 22 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing and Default Judgement regarding Respondent Mother, Melinda Sutton is set for March 25, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in Division 22 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Date: March 3rd, 2021 Heather L. Tomka, Esq. #50963 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for the People 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303.636.1895 Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10165 ___________________________

CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 1, SERIES 2021 A Bill for an Ordinance of the City of Cherry Hills Village to Rezone a parcel of land owned by Denver First Church of the Nazarene, located in the 3500 block of South Monroe Street, from R-1 (2½–acre residential) to R-4 (½–acre residential), and amending the official Zoning Map consistent therewith Copies of the Ordinances are on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021


CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 2 SERIES OF 2021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, COLORADO, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.20 TO PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF SALES TAXES FOR MARKETPLACE FACILITATORS AND SIMILAR ENTITIES Copies of this ordinance are on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Dated the 3rd day of March, 2021 City of Glendale, Colorado Veronica Marvin, City Clerk Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10168 ___________________________

GREENWOOD VILLAGE BID INFORMATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive bids by electronic submission through BidNet® on the Rocky Mountain Bid System on the Greenwood Village website at www.greenwoodvillage. com/bids. Bids must be submitted by 4:00 p.m., March 25th 2021 for: 2021 Noise Wall Structural Repairs Project The plans and specifications for the 2021 Noise Wall Structural Repairs Project are available electronically via the Rocky Mountain EPurchasing System on the City of Greenwood Village website, www. greenwoodvillage.com/bids. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, and provisions produced, manufactured, or grown in Colorado, quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside of the State. Colorado labor shall be employed to perform the work for which bids are requested herein to the extent of not less than eighty percent (80%) of each type or class of labor in the several classifications of skilled and common labor employed on such work, pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-17-101. The City requires a certified or cashier’s check, or a corporate surety bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid amount before the City can accept or consider any bid for any bids greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The bid and the deposit shall be filed with the Public Works Department, securely sealed and endorsed on the outside with a brief statement as to the nature of the item or work for which the bid is provided. Upon a bid award, such

Castlewood Library unveiling and virtual tour After undergoing an extensive remodeling project, Castlewood Library, at 6739 S. Unita St., Centennial, will host a virtual tour and official unveiling event on Thursday, March 11, 6 pm via the Zoom platform. The remodeled library features new areas for children and teens, private study and meeting spaces and a cutting-edge Makerspace with new and updated equipment. The library is currently open for browsing, computer use and to pick up holds Monday through Saturday from 12-5:30 pm. “Many of the changes implemented during the renovation were a result of direct feedback from library patrons during a townhall held prior to the remodel,” said Nicole Wilhelms, manager of Castlewood Library.

bond shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidder(s). In the case of the successful bidder, the bid bond will be returned upon receipt of the required payment and performance bonds, each in the full amount of the contract price. Such bonds will be retained by the City until the two year (2) warranty period has expired. An electronic bid opening will occur at 4:01 p.m., March 25th, 2021. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to Bill Behre at (720) 749-8155 or bbehre@ greenwoodvillage.com. /s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works Published in The Villager First Publication: March 11, 2021 Last Publication: March 18, 2021 Legal # 10169 ___________________________

SPECIAL DISTRICTS Arapahoe Libraries Board of Trustees Vacancy The Arapahoe Libraries Board of Trustees (the “Board”) invites interested residents to apply for an open position. The Board is a seven-member governing, policy-making board. The Board is responsible for a $43 million budget, nine facilities, and the policies for funding and operating these facilities. Arapahoe Libraries serves all of Arapahoe County except the cities of Littleton, Englewood and Aurora. It also serves a small portion of Adams County that is within the Deer Trail School District. New Trustees are recommended by the Board and confirmed by the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners and the Deer Trail School District Board of Education, the two governmental entities that formed the District in 1966. The time commitment for Trustees is substantial. The Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month beginning at 5:30 p.m. (dates and times are occasionally changed.) Due to COVID-19, recent meetings have been held virtually, but during normal times, meetings are scheduled on a rotating basis at the various District libraries. In addition to the 2-4 hours of reading to prepare for each meeting, trustees must also commit to attending some library events, study sessions, and occasional workshops, conferences and related meetings. An iPad will be provided for Board reading material. Besides your time and interest in the Library, the most important qualification is a sincere commitment to provide the best possible library service to the residents of the entire District. Experience interpreting financial statements is also encouraged. Applicants must live within the Arapahoe Library District service area to serve on the board. Interested persons should complete the online application found at https://arapahoelibraries.org/ board-of-trustees/. Applications must be received by Monday March 22, 2021 at 4:00 pm. For further information please contact Oli Sanidas, Executive Director, at 303-792-8987. Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10170 ___________________________ CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE SANITATION DISTRICT STATE OF COLORADO IN RE PETITION OF DENVER FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE FOR EXCLUSION OF PROPERTY FROM THE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE SANITATION DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The owners of the real property described below filed a Petition with the District Board of Directors for exclusion of the property from the boundaries of The City of Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District (the “District”). The Petitioners are: DENVER FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 3800 E. HAMPDEN AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80113

cause in writing why the petition should not be granted. Failure to show cause in writing will be deemed consent to the granting of the Petition. NOTICE is given this 18th day of March, 2021. Kathy L. McKune District Administrator City of Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10171 ___________________________ NOTICE OF HEARING ON INCLUSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been filed with the Board of Directors of the Hillcrest Water and Sanitation District (the District”), County of Arapahoe, a petition praying for the inclusion of property into the District. The prayer of the petition is that the property, generally described below, be included into the District. Accordingly, pursuant to pursuant to §32-1-401 C.R.S., notice is hereby given to all interested persons, that they shall appear at a public meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 7:30 AM, and show cause in writing why the petition should not be granted. The Board, in its discretion, may continue the hearing to a subsequent meeting. Given current events and current advice and directives from local, state and federal jurisdictions related to COVID-19, Board members, consultants and members of the public may participate by videoconference or teleconference by utilizing the following information for a Zoom Meeting: https://zoom. us/j/95668899885 Meeting ID: 956 6889 9885; to call in: 1-253-2158782 The name and address of the petitioners and the general description of the property mentioned in the petition is as follows: PETITIONER: DENVER FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ADDRESS OF PETITIONER: 3800 E. Hampden Avenue, Englewood, CO 80113 Property generally located at: 3500 Monroe Street City of Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 Legal Description: LOT 1 BLK 1 AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 1 BLK 1 HIGHLINE MEADOWS IN CHERRY HILLS. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HILLCREST WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT By: Community Resource Services, District Manager Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10172 ___________________________ NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDED 2020 BUDGET OF THE SUNDANCE HILLS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an amended 2020 budget has been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Sundance Hills Metropolitan District for the year 2020; that a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of the District located at Circuit Rider of Colorado, 1100 W. Littleton Blvd., #101, Littleton, Colorado, where same is open for public inspection; and that such proposed budget will be considered at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the District to be held at via Virtual Meeting, due to Coronavirus, on, on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Detail to join the Virtual Meeting are available at the top of the homepage of the District’s website at ccvprd.org. Any elector within the District may, at any time prior to the final adoption of the amended 2020 budget, inspect the budget and file or register any objections thereto. This meeting is open to the public. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUNDANCE HILLS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT /s/ Circuit Rider of Colorado, Manager Published in The Villager Published: March 11, 2021 Legal # 10173 ___________________________

The real property to be excluded is known as:

“While many of our patrons have stopped by to see the new library, we wanted to offer a virtual tour and official welcome for patrons who have not yet seen the changes to Castlewood.” To register for the event and for information on how to access Zoom, visit arapahoelibraries.

org or call 303-LIBRARY (303542-7279). About Arapahoe Libraries Arapahoe Libraries serves 250,000 patrons and includes eight community libraries, a jail library and a Library on Wheels in Arapahoe County, Colorado. For more information, visit arapahoelibraries.org.

LOT 1 BLK 1 AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 1 BLK 1 HIGHLINE MEADOWS IN CHERRY HILLS (the “Property”). A copy of the Petition is on file in the Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District office for public inspection. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 12, 2021, at 2450 E. Quincy Ave., Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, 80113before the Board of Directors of The City of Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District, at which time and place all persons interested shall appear and show

— End of Legals—

March 11, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 23

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown Live Production

March 19 – April 18. The Town Hall Arts Center is presenting the first live musical since last year at its historic Littleton theater bringing the beloved “Peanuts” comic to life in a classic musical. New safety protocols and precaution will be in place. Evening performances begin at 7:30 pm and matinees at 2:00 pm. 2450 W. Main Street, Littleton. For tickets go to boxoffice@townhallartscenter.org or call 303-794-2787.

History Colorado Center Borderlands of Southern Colorado

Presented in English and Spanish this stunning exhibit explores the shifting geopolitical history of southern Colorado. In 1848 when the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo moved a portion of the US – Mexico border from the Arkansas River – which flows through the middle of Colorado – down to the Rio Grande, an international border crossed over the people in this region changing their lives forever. Daily 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. 1200 Broadway, Denver. Non-member tickets : Adults $14, Seniors $12, Students $10. For tickets go online to estore.historycolorado.org. No

tickets available on site. For information call 303-447-8679.

Museo De Las Americas Testigos/Witnesses Exhibit

Now through March 20. This timely exhibit is about Life, Death, Culture and Time. Born out of a friendship that developed between artist Gaal D. Cohen and artisan Genaro Fuentes Trego of the indigenous Otomi community of San Pablito Pahuatlan, Mexico it weaves together photography and thanatology into a stunningly wise and compassionate presentation. General Admission $8. 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm. 861 Santa Fe Drive. For information call 303-571-4401.


South Suburban Parks & Recreation Job Fair

March 11. South Suburban is hiring for seasonal and part-time position for ages 15+. 2:00 – 6:00 pm. Sports Complex, 4810 E. County Line Road, Littleton. For information go to careers.ssprd.org or call 303-798-5131.

Cherry Creek School District Invest in Success Gala March 11. Help celebrate and

support our students and schools at this virtual event featuring former Denver Bronco Reggie Rivers with CCSD Student Performances and a Silent Auction. 6:30 – 7:45 pm. Register today at ccsdfoundation.ejoinme.org/ InvestInSuccess. For information call 720-554-4429.

South Metro Chamber Forum-The Future of Cities and South Metro Transportation

March 12. Join us in this virtual meeting as we cover topics on funding, fees, I-25 and local, non-highway connections. Jeff Thompson, SMDC VP of Public Affairs will moderate a panel including Senator Faith Winter, Representative Matt Gray and Sheryl Machado, Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Denver South TMA & EDP. 7:30 – 9:00 am. To obtain the Zoom link contact khowell@bestchamber.com or call 720459-2958.

Colorado Women’s Alliance A Conversation about Covid-19 Vaccines

March 19. Trying to decide whether to get a Covid-19 vaccination? Join us for a free online event. Ask questions of our expert panelists including Dana Malick, DVP of PhRMA, Colorado State Senator Rhonda Fields, Dr. Oswaldo Grenardo of Centura Health with Moderator Libby Szabo.

2021 Toyota Sequoia lives up to its name BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST

“Let’s Go Places” is the Toyota mantra and families seeking outdoor activities can certainly “Go Places” in the 2021 Toyota Sequoia 4x. Just make sure you can find a gas station along the route. This massive SUV has three rows of seats, a thirsty 401 horsepower 5.7L V8-engine and a sixspeed variable transmission. Like the name taken from a massive tree, this vehicle is well named. Along with the large structure, the test Sequoia is all black with “magnetic gray” metallic paint and has a menacing forceful appearance. It was noticeable in driving that other motorists had respect for this vehicle. Driving the larger 4x4 was a complete change from the last test drive of a Toyota Camry. The twin-turbo Camry was compact, frisky, and much smaller in stature. Easy to find a parking spot and blending into traffic easily with 34 mile per gallon fuel average. The Sequoia is a far cry from compact and averages 14 mpg. But, it can pull a boat and haul eight passengers. The third-row seats fold down to haul larger items of luggage and sporting equipment, not possible in the smaller vehicles. Vehicles need to match the need of the owners and the usage the driver’s require. In test driving the Sequoia, the first impression was “Wow, this is a monster SUV,” and it handles and drives like a large truck. But, as the week rolled by the handling became easier, the transmission became very effective in the S, or D modes, and the 401 horsepower showed some

muscle. Riding on 20-inch alloy wheels the SUV sits high on the road and gives a powerful feeling of safety and performance. Such a vehicle demands an experienced driver who understands the gear ratios and vehicle ranges and power train. The longer I drove the Sequoia

the better I liked it and the more the drive became comfortable and enjoyable. The extended power outside mirrors are large and effective,

the radar speed control worked perfectly. The first row and second row leather appointed bucket seats were comfortable and heated. Friends raved about the powerful appearance of the Sequoia. Too new to have a safety rating yet, no doubt will be high with the Toyota Safety Sense package. The sound is great and easy to control from the JBL 14 speaker sound system with woofer and amplifier. The rear seats have a screen and wireless headphones for the Blue Disk system to keep the kids happy. The Sequoia has final assembly in Princeton, Indiana with a manufacturers suggested retail price of $63,345 with extra options that can increase the price. This is a serious vehicle for drivers with a travel mission.

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1:00 pm. Register at Eventbrite or contact Joni Inman at joni@colorado womensalliance.org.

Denver Botanic Gardens The Denver Botanic Gardens 1007 York Street location is open with limited attendance numbers, timed tickets and strict social distancing guidelines. Admissions are capped at 250 people in two-hour increments. Make a reservation online for a specific date at botanicgardens.org. Tickets will not be available onsite. For information call 720-865-3500

Greater Englewood Chamber Virtual Coffee Network March 19. If you want to expand your networking, grab a cup of coffee and join us as we explore the challenges of working remotely and ideas for dealing with the current situation. 9:00 – 10:00 am. Zoom Meeting: us02web.zoom. us/j/89746680287. Meeting ID: 897 4668 0287. For information call 303-789-4473.

Denver Zoo All tickets must be purchased/ reserved online at DenverZoo.org/Visit. The zoo will limit the number of visitors per day with staggered 15-minute entry windows to limit the number of guests at any one time. A one-way path around the entire campus has been created to allow guests to view a majority of its animal habitats and gardens. All guests ages 3 and over will be required to wear face masks. For further information call 720-337-1644

Denver Night Lights March 2 – 30. Noted artists continue to create illuminating works that light up the Clocktower on the 16th Street Mall at Arapahoe Street Tuesdays through Sundays after sunset. The March exhibits are devoted to the Month of Photography featuring the works of a global community of visual storytellers from a diverse range of communities across six continents.


Old coins and coin collections, jewelry, silver flatware, tea sets, old watches, Chinese and Japa-

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PAGE 24 | THE VILLAGER • March 11, 2021

Apply by March 10 for Planning & Zoning Commission vacancy The city of Aurora is accepting applications until 5 p.m. March 10 for residents to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. One seat is vacant on the commission. The commission provides recommendations to the Aurora City Council on zonings and a wide range of planning- and development-related issues. Members also review site plans and use approvals unless appealed to the City Council. Members must be registered electors and residents of Aurora for at least one year immediately preceding the date of their

appointment. No member shall hold paid office or position in the city administration. If any member ceases to be an Aurora resident, membership will terminate immediately. To apply for the commission, call Patti Varney at 303.739.7635 or visit Aurora Gov.org/Boards. The Aurora City Council will interview selected applicants at their April 5 study session. The commission usually meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. The term of service is three years.

The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect (EndCAN) Honors Lifetime Child Health Advocate & Denver Philanthropist, Nancy Gary The National Foundation to End Child Abuse and Neglect (EndCAN) is honoring philanthropist Dr. Nancy Gary for her lifetime commitment to end child abuse and neglect. EndCAN will award Mrs. Gary with the Richard D. Krugman Award at its second annual virtual No Dinner Dinner event taking place on Thursday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. MST. The Richard D. Krugman Award is named after one of EndCAN’s founders and Board Chair, Dr. Richard D. Krugman. The award, established in 2021, recognizes an individual who has made a lifelong commitment to protecting children and championing a future free of child abuse and neglect. Dr. Nancy Gary is the award’s first recipient. Dr. Gary has dedicated her career to pediatric mental and physical health. She married her husband, Sam, in 1953 and completed her Master of Science (Child Health Associate) degree with a specialty in ambulatory pediatrics at the University of Colorado’s Medical School. She then worked for the Child Protection Team at the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect. Having soon recognized that the children she was encountering had unmet psychosocial needs, she went back to school and received her doctorate in clinical child psychology from the University of Denver and dedicated her career to providing physical and mental health support to

Aurora breaks ground on newest recreation center

The city of Aurora broke ground on its new 62,000-square-foot recreation center Thursday, Feb.18. The $41.9-million project is fully funded by marijuana tax revenue and is expected to be completed in early 2023. Due to safety precautions of COVID-19, the groundbreaking was a closed ceremony and no members of community or the media were in attendance. The recreation center will be located in southeast Aurora, 25400 East Alexander Drive. Those in attendance included Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman; Aurora Mayor Pro Tem Françoise Bergan; Aurora Ward Four Council

Member Juan Marcano; Aurora Ward Five Council Member Alison Coombs; representatives from Populous, the project architect firm; representative from Saunders Construction, the project general contractor; along with limited city staff from Parks, Recreation & Open Space and Public Works. The soon to be state-ofthe-art recreation center will include an indoor pool with waterslide, pool party rooms, fitness area that includes a 1,000 square foot fitness turf zone, group exercise rooms, multi-purpose community rooms, gymnasium, “figure 8” running track with various elevations and the newest

addition to the city’s recreation center facilities, an over 20,000 square foot indoor fieldhouse. The center will also include integrated public art. After a public process, the city’s Art in Public Places Program selected the team artist team Project One Studio of Indianapolis to develop an art installation, “Florescence,” that will be integrated through the recreation center. The city hosted an extensive public input process in 2019 garnering nearly 2,700 responses from the community about their vision for the center. The feedback received ultimately shaped both the external, look and feel of the center as well as the internal, listed amenities within it.

Honoree Dr. Nancy Gary Cherry Hills Village resident

children and families through her Denver-based practice. Nancy gave the first seed grant enabling EndCAN’s launch and founding. About EndCAN: EndCAN raises awareness of the health, mental health, and physical health impacts of child abuse and neglect. EndCAN’s mission is to end child abuse and neglect in the United States through funding research, investing in innovative child abuse prevention and treatment, and supporting a community of survivors. The theme of EndCAN’s second annual No Dinner Dinner is “Authentic Voices” and celebrates each survivor, supporter, and advocate who has used their voice to call for an end to child abuse and neglect. The evening will be hosted by 9News anchor Ed Greene and will feature music performances, artists, authors, and key figures in the movement to end child abuse and neglect. More information can be found at the event webpage.

Selection of final six Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commissioners The final six members of the Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission were selected March 1. They are: • Martha Coleman (D, Fort Collins), CD-2 from the Senate Majority Leader’s list of finalists; • Moussa Diawara (U, Colorado Springs), CD-5 unaffiliated selection; • Carly Hare (U, Firestone), CD-4 unaffiliated selection; • Jason Kelly (R, Alamosa), CD-3 from the Senate Minority Leader’s list of finalists; • JulieMarie Shepherd (R, Aurora), CD-6 from the

House Minority Leader’s list of finalists; and • Simon Tafoya (D, Denver), CD-1 from the House Majority Leader’s list of finalists. They join these six previously selected commissioners to make a full 12-member commission: • Jolie Brawner (U, Denver), CD-1; • Paula Espinoza (D, Roxborough Park), CD-4; • Bill Leone (R, Westminster), CD-7; • Danny Moore (R, Centennial), CD-6; • Lori Schell (U, Durango), CD-3; and • Lisa Wilkes (D, Colorado

Springs), CD-5. Judge Alan Loeb, the chair of the judicial selection panel, thanked the thousands of applicants for the time and energy they put into their applications. “The panel has fulfilled its constitutional obligation to select a panel that reflects Colorado’s racial, ethnic, gender, and geographic diversity. We feel we have selected a strong commission, and we wish them the best in their redistricting efforts.” The state constitution requires the Governor to convene the Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission no later than March 15, 2021.

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