3-12-20 Villager E edition

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VOLUME 38 • NUMBER 16 • MARCH 12, 2020

Since 1982




The 14 season of the “Rail Yard” at Ruby Hill Park, in conjunction with Winter Park, got off to a late start for 2020. With mild temperatures in January, snow making, both natural and man-made, was delayed until February when the winter season finally hit Colorado’s Metropolitan area. With the help of volunteers, Mother Nature and snowmaking equipment, this years “urban” skiing and snowboarding terrain at Ruby Hill offered up 10 rails and boxes for riders and skiers of all levels to learn skills or hone their tricks. The park attracts visitors from out of state and skiers and riders from throughout the metropolitan, suburban and multi-county areas. In what is a unique and possibly the only urban winter sports offering in any metropolitan setting in the US, along with Colorado’s predictably unpredictable weather, Ruby Hill Park’s Rail Yard can offer up winter, springtime skiing and riding all on the same day. Metro area parks also th


include other diversions, so that on the same day, it is possible for one to catch a few runs at the Rail Yard, catch a skateboard ride at William McKinley Park or Skate Park in Greenwood Village, and then take in a round of golf at several local courses. Students or working professionals can get in rides, runs and rounds, all without getting stuck in I-70 traffic for hours. So, even as the skiing and snowboarding season appears to be winding down, there’s still plenty of entertainment to be had at Ruby Ridge Rail Yard and many surrounding recreational venues. Photo by Stefan Krusze

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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

Lone Tree municipal election canceled BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

Lone Tree City council member district 2 Cathie Brunnick will be automatically re-elected.

Lone Tree Mayor Jackie Millet will be automatically re-elected.

Lone Tree City council member district 1 Wynne Shaw will be automatically re-elected.

On March 4, Lone Tree City Clerk Jay Robb announced that the regular municipal election scheduled for May 5, 2020 was being cancelled, pursuant to C.R.S. §31-10-507 and §2-1-60 of the Lone Tree Municipal Code. The positions of mayor, city council representative for district 1, and city council representative for district 2 were open, however no can-

didates, including potential write-in candidates, other than the incumbents in each of the three positions, had filed the required paperwork to run for any of the three open seats. Accordingly, Mayor Jacqueline Millet, City Council Member District 1 Wynne Shaw, and City Council Member District 2 Cathie Brunnick, will be declared elected to a second and final consecutive four-year term on May 5. They will be sworn in at the regular city council meeting on May 19. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

Apply by March 26 for Planning & Zoning Commission vacancies The city of Aurora is accepting applications until 5 p.m. March 26 for residents to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Two unexpired term seats are available on the commission, with one expiring Dec. 31, 2020,

and the other expiring Dec. 31, 2021. The commission provides recommendations to the Aurora City Council on zonings and a wide range of planning- and development-related issues. Members also review site plans

and use approvals unless appealed to the City Council. Members must be registered electors and residents of Aurora for at least one year immediately preceding the date of their appointment. No member shall hold paid office or position in

the city administration. If any member ceases to be an Aurora resident, membership will terminate immediately. To apply for the commission, call Barbara Shafer at 303.739.7140 or visit Aurora Gov.org/Boards. The Aurora

City Council will interview selected applicants at their April 6 study session. The commission usually meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. The term of service is three years.

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March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

RENEW SADDLE ROCK MEMORY CARE TAKES ON CORONAVIRUS SUBMITTED BY RENEW SADDLE ROCK MEMORY CARE With the fear of pandemic, never has it been truer that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Renew Saddle Rock Memory Care has continuously demonstrated its leadership and innovation in the delivery of senior care and quality of life to its residents. We want our families and staff to be assured that we have systematically and deliberately created a comprehensive response plan to this virus in an effort to keep everyone safe (copies are available from the wellness department). We are not waiting for this health crisis to visit us, we have created a solid plan using the most informed sources to target stopping this virus in its tracks. As the Coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, scientists are learning more about its effects on people. Not all patients with COVID-19 will require medical supportive care. According to recent findings the CDC reports that 80% of the people who become infected with the virus will only experience mild to moderately ill effects and can safely be treated as you would from the flu or influenza by staying at home, getting plenty of rest and pushing fluids. Approximately 15% will become severely ill and while still able to remain isolated at home may experience more significant symptoms such as shortage of breath while the virus runs its course. The remaining 5% of the victims can become critically ill and will require hospitalization and may develop pneumonia in both lungs, experience multi-organ failure, and in some cases death. Clinical management for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is focused on supportive care of complications, including advanced organ support for respiratory failure, septic shock, and multi-organ failure. While most people recover from this virus, the fatality rate is now estimated at between 2.8 – 3.4 percent for the overall population but rises to 8% in patients between the ages of 70-79 and 14.8% in patients over 80. The available data is currently insufficient to identify risk factors for severe clinical outcomes. From the limited data that is available for COVID-19 infected patients, and for data from related coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, it is possible that older adults, and persons who have underlying chronic medical conditions, such as immunocompromising conditions, may be at risk for more severe outcomes. Given the highly transmissible nature of the coronavirus and the limited treatment options available in severe cases, prevention will be our senior living community’s first line of defense. While we cannot guarantee that COVID-19 will not enter the community, planning for a potential emerging infectious disease pandemic, like COVID-19, is critical to protecting the health and welfare of our residents who are most vulnerable to the effects it can cause. Renew has taken a leadership role in creating innovative barriers to protect our residents and staff from this risk. Our communicable disease response plan was designed with the involvement of public health officials, our medical director and nursing clinicians to apply educational, clinical, operational and preventive measures to assure the safety of our residents and the staff who serve them to the highest clinical certainty possible. Our comprehensive plan was also adapted from HHS Pandemic Influenza Planning resources, recommendations of the Center for Disease control for healthcare facilities and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR).

The Renew plan is specific to our assisted living and memory care buildings and identifies preventative activities that we can do now to prepare for, respond to and be resilient in the face of COVID-19. We have incorporated elements to assure continuation of essential services such as pharmacy, food services, maintenance, housekeeping and wellness. We have determined likely resource shortages and identified relevant vendors, cache and options for managing shortages. We have already contacted vendors to determine their emergency plans for inventory acquisition, substitutes and delivery. The Renew plan outlines specific steps that we are talking to educate our staff and families, creating communication protocols and involving public health officials in the event of an outbreak within our buildings. We have also developed plans for implementing building security and controlled access (which may be phased) during peak pandemic weeks to assure controlled ingress and egress and monitoring. We also have a plan in the event public health officials close schools and what impact this may have on our staffing. We are concurrently evaluating the list of applicants that we do have and creating a pro-

cess for rapid credentialing for them and non-facility staff to supplement our health care staff. We have also developed as part of our response plan procedures for reporting resident/ staff who are symptomatic to our physicians and the hospital. We have also designated a point of contact for health officials. Employees who have symptoms will seek medical care and be allowed to return to work only with a note stating that they are able to work and they are not contagious. Education and training of staff, residents, visitors, and volunteers is essential. We have organized a plan for providing just-in-time staff education via electronic and other non-classroom means including information about COVID-19, transmission, infection prevention measures, usual clinical symptoms and course, risk factors, and complications. Among the topics discussed, and best practices implemented, are: Hand hygiene (frequent washing, use of gloves, and use of hand sanitizers); respiratory hygiene / cough and sneeze etiquette (use of disposable tissues, or elbow when tissues unavailable, use of facemasks); environmental cleaning (wiping down surfaces with antibacterial / virucide cleansers; monitoring waste disposal

best practices (e.g. touchless, lined wastebaskets). All points of entry for our buildings have been equipped with mandatory sanitation resources for staff and visitors to utilize upon each entry. Trainings of staff and volunteers are covering the following: sources of exposure, prevention, recognition of symptoms, response when an outbreak has been identified, communication protocols, education of residents and visitors about prevention practices, response, and precautions which have been implemented at the community. As the virus may spread we may also consider implementing protocols for staff travel (leisure or work-related), including international travel to countries with confirmed cases of the coronavirus. In addition to our COVID-19 response plan, Renew Saddle Rock Memory Care routinely exercises precautions against the spread of infectious diseases that are rigorously observed, even if there is no suspicion of the coronavirus being present. For example, employees who are not feeling well are instructed to stay at home and not potentially expose residents and coworkers to infection. Similarly, some of our residents contract with hospice and home health

providers for private duty aid assistance, our plan includes inquiring about the precautions and protocols that these agencies have regarding vetting individuals for contamination and education on self-assessing and reporting symptoms. At this point, there is no reliable way to distinguish coronavirus symptoms from symptoms caused by the common flu, as both diseases can cause fever, coughs, and pneumonia. One of the greatest difficulties with this disease is that an individual may have been exposed to it and not exhibit any outward symptoms for a period of up to approximately 2 weeks. It therefore is difficult to identify a person who may be a carrier of the coronavirus by mere observation alone, so prevention is the best medicine. The CDC has advised us again yesterday that the overall risk to Americans to contracting this disease remains low and we should take care to not over-attribute symptoms shared with the flu to the coronavirus with at least 15 million flu cases reported this season that are unrelated to the COVID-19 strain. Should you have any questions or would like to come in and take a tour, please contact us at (720) 664-4949 or visit us at www.renewsenior.com.

Moving in has never been easier! Currently deferring all Move-In Fees – Save up to $5,000* *Offer good through March 31, 2020. Not valid with outside referral agency. See RENEW for details

Book your private tour (303) 766-8867 R E N E W S E N I O R . C O M

PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

The perfect storm

If the coronavirus pandemic threat isn’t bad enough, Saudi Arabia and Russia have to get into a competitive feud over the oversupply of oil with the Russians not agreeing to production cuts, so the crown prince unleased a flood of oil at bargain prices. What the prince should know, although relatively new as the new ruler of Arabia, is that the Russians are tough customers and are used to being poor and afflicted by their Communist government. When the Soviet Union collapsed some the communist leaders became oligarchs and managed to grab much of the nation’s wealth. There have been some vast fortunes made by some Russians over the past 30 years. Especially with oil, natural gas, and mineral wealth. The Saudis have been filthy rich for 75 years since Texaco developed the huge oil reserves under the sand dunes. The current crown prince is making waves and blamed for killing a former citizen who became a semi-journalist and started writing exposes on his former Arabia homeland. He was stupid enough to go to the Turkish Em-

bassy to get a marriage license and never came back out alive, only in bits and pieces. The crown prince clamed innocence and the clamor has dimmed, but the memories still exist. They recently allowed women to drive cars, that is a real break thru for local woman’s suffrage. This is a very male dominated society. As their long-time ally, they depend upon the United States for their security and we sell them planes and guns. We get oil, but under President Trump’s energy policies we have become energy independent and most Saudi oil now flows to Japan and Asia. I did have the honor and pleasure of meeting Prince Bander who came to visit Ambassador Sam Zakhem at his Lakewood home after the Desert Storm conflict and the United States was short of oil. Bander was the Ambassador to the United States as part of the ruling royal family. He had a $120 million-dollar estate in Aspen that he has since sold and returned home. Bander and his entourage of staff arrived at Zakhem’s home at which I was an invited guest. I went in Ambassador Zakhem’s library with the two

The Villager

men and Prince Bander immediately told Sam, “Don’t worry about oil for the United States, we will supply all of the oil that you will ever need.” He was a very friendly man and he and his wife loved the United States; they lived in Washington D.C. for many years until regime changes and he was recalled back to Saudi Arabia. Both Bander and Zakhem are now retired, and one of Bander’s sons became the Minister of Security for Saudi Arabia. Ambassador Zakhem has undergone successful heart surgery and travels frequently to Lebanon where he was born. As a Christian, he works with many Middle East leaders to spare Christians from the terrible slaughter that they have suffered throughout the conflicts. Back to the perfect storm. The stock market has suffered greatly this week and it is not President Trump’s fault. The coronavirus comes from communist China and the oil fracas ripples from an oil rich kingdom in decline and another communist led Russia... If president Trump is a comrade with Russia, this is one hell of a way to treat a friend. The coronavirus is nasty and has spread quickly, impacting everywhere, everybody, and everything. There is new case in

Arapahoe County with a woman living in Centennial. Cruises are not advised. The March Madness basketball tournament is threatened and the Olympic games in Japan may be postponed. This perfect storm is moving quickly, but as a storm it will pass leaving some carnage behind and some more financial lessons that we forget as the stock market offers such rich monetary rewards Food and real estate seem to be the best investments at this time and interest rates are at record lows to buy a home or refinance. Home prices in this market should be firm because of supply and demand but the negative oil business will impact the marketplace. The virus will become a bad memory and the energy challenge may continue to linger into the future with the rise of alternative energy. Remember the old slogan, “We will all freeze in the dark” that occurred back in Prince Bander’s era with an oil and gas shortage. We may freeze again if the sun doesn’t shine, and the wind doesn’t blow. We may really miss those coal fired power plants. Finally, we can’t shake hands and kiss anymore.

At least last week we had some hints of spring. Easter is early this year on April 12. I have fond memories of the many services attended with Pastor Jim Dixon at Fiddler’s Green. He could quote long scriptures by memory. He impacted many lives with his wisdom and started Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church that has been successful from humble beginnings in Littleton on Orchard Road, then Cherry Hills Village, and today the huge campus in Highland’s Ranch. The church has been successful in so many ways and Jim is now with his lord and savior. *** Staying alive is a constant challenge whether young, or old. Now we have the coronavirus threatening the entire world. It too will pass, and medical science will soon find a vaccine that will slow this virus. I heard on the news that Israeli doctors are close to a vaccine. With all the medical research we still can’t eliminate the common cold and influenza that kills thousands of people every year. This new brand draws attention to just how many people die from the flu. The grocery stores have empty shelves and a shortage of sanitary wipes and even toilet paper; not sure why people are hoarding that product. *** Many of us have reached an age where we are on Medicare.

I have found it to be quite efficient, along with a United Health Care advantage supplement that backs up the health care program. This is the second year that I have received a call from my care provider informing me of my complimentary annual physical provided with my new doctor. My old doctor of a dozen years, Dr. Carmel, retired at the Denver facility. He would relate to me how “lucky” I was with my good health. I attribute my good health to those early years on that ranch drinking fresh milk and eating fresh garden vegetables along with plenty of hard physical work doing ranch chores. My parents were healthy, genes play a large part in our longevity along with lifestyle habits. My rancher father died of lung cancer from his daily Lucky Strike cigarettes along with cold weather, ranch chemicals and dust. His father lived to be 100 and he would have made it there without the smoking. (I don’t smoke) My new doctor is young and very attentive. He performed the usual tasks with his light in my eyes, listening to my heart, checking my blood pressure, and oxygen level. What I really liked about this doctor is that he isn’t a pill pusher. He would like to see me lose a little weight and continue to exercise moderately. He listened to me rant carefully. He also said, “I don’t want to kill you with pills.” He ordered some blood tests and one week later I get a call at

7:30 a.m. and he reviewed my blood samples with me. Nothing to worry about but he recommended taking some B12 that is just an over the counter vitamin. So, I’m following his advice and am very happy to have an attentive new doctor. There will come a time when I will need him more than now and thank God for all of our good doctors and nurses who provide health care for us all. We need them now more than ever and the system seems to work pretty darn well. *** Midweek I ended up at Glenmoor Country Club for a meeting of the Legacy stock club. A dozen friends, who I’ve known for many years, meeting for lunch monthly and have a small portfolio of stocks. This particular meeting came in a week where the market has been plunging up and down like a yoyo, mainly down. We discussed the age-old method of “buy and hold” which we follow but did sell several stocks that included Las Vegas Sands because of the virus and their holdings in Macau and Las Vegas. The stock had risen quite a bit but had fallen back to our purchase price. This coronavirus has impacted so many segments of the world economy, especially travel and tourism. My own view is that everyone will still have to eat; the Chinese will need our food sources more than ever including all of the grains, chicken, pork and beef. Delivering it will be the challenge.

Our grocery stores are very busy, and the demand will drive prices higher for many food items. Clorox is one of the few stocks that has risen during the month. My advice to investors is to just stays calm and this storm will pass. Remember that we have to dance in the rain. *** Thursday evening, we ventured down to the historic University Club for a surprise 60th birthday party for Stephanie Doss, hosted by her significant other, Mark Johnson, CEO of Johnson United. Johnson Mov

Office: 8933 East Union Ave. • Suite 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1357 Phone: (303) 773-8313 Fax: (303) 773-8456 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $45 per year. Single copies available for 75¢ per issue. PERODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 8933 East Union Ave., Suite #230, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-1357 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney — x350 bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney — x305 sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com NEWS EDITOR gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTERS Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 • 303-773-8313 x365 Doris B. Truhlar dorisbtruhlar@gmail.com 720-934-4645 FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe — x303 production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Sharon Sweeney — x305 303-503-1388 sharon@villagerpublishing.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-358-1555 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS B.T. Galloway — x301 subscribe@villagerpublishing.com PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNISTS Robert Sweeney — x350 bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification, and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2018 Member

Stephanie Doss received a 60th Birthday crown at her surprise party planned by her many friends. 125 showed up March 6 to celebrate the event at the University Club. The well-known gal was escorted to the club by Mark Johnson for a lobster club dinner. Little did she know that 125 friends would join the dinner.

Continued on page 5

QUOTE of the WEEK I remember asking my QUOTE of the mum when I wasWEEK about 13, ‘Why are my brothers and sister so much older than me?’ And she just said, ‘You were a mistake.’ And I laughed. – Ricky Gervais


March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5

Barbwire Bob

Continued from Page 4

Johnson United. Johnson Moving and Storage is one of the pioneer moving companies in the Metro area and Mark has carried on the mantle of his father Don Johnson who passed away leaving his wife Arlene who is one very kind and caring lady. Jan Hammond and her friends put this party together on short notice and did their best to round up at least 125 friends of Mark and Stephanie. The venue was at the historic University Club, home to a multitude of professional members in the once masculine only den. The event was tucked into the second

Jan Hammond, Mark Johnson, and Pat Singleton who engineered the event

floor and Stephanie was taken to the club for the lobster night special dinner. When the couple arrived, the door was closed and when opened 125 friends greeted her with cameras and birthday wishes. Tony David and his Wilde Fire band played for hours and

the buffet dinner was exceptional. Mark is a member of the Roundup Riders of the Rockies and some of his pals were present for the party. It was really quiet an event and well done by Jan and her pals. Stephanie is one of Denver’s most beautiful women and Mark is a

Some perspective on coronavirus

Coronavirus has been in the news constantly this past month. Big media, following the axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads,” has been discussing the virus outbreak nonstop, only taking a day off for Super Tuesday. Much of the reporting, in my opinion, has been more fear mongering than science. With a presidential election coming up, Democrats and their media allies are desperate to derail President Trump’s ride to reelection against a clown show of dwindling Democrat candidates. Stoking fear about quarantines and supply chain disruptions sent the stock market on a roller coaster ride, mostly down, these past few weeks. What better way to influence an election than by talking down the economy? Monday morning quarterbacks are criticizing the Trump administration’s response, not offering any better approaches other than to say they could have prevented a virus outbreak originating in rural China. Let’s put coronavirus into perspective with some statistics from the Centers for Disease Control along with data from the Johns Hopkins coronavirus dashboard. At the time of this writing, there are 98,047 cases worldwide, 3,354 deaths, and 54,021 recoveries. 10 of those deaths occurred in the US. The odds of recovering are far higher than the odds of dying. There are now two reported cases in Colorado. Anthony Fauci, MD, of the National Institutes of Health and member of the Trump administration’s task force gave some perspective in a New England Journal of Medicine editorial, The median age of the patients was 59 years, with higher morbidity and mortality among the elderly and among those with coexisting conditions (similar to the situation with influenza). The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza. In other words, Coronavirus may be a nastier version of the seasonal flu, potentially fatal for the elderly and infirm. How many Americans die from the flu each day? Let’s ask the CDC. Influenza and pneumonia caused 55,672 deaths in the US in 2017, or 153 persons per day. As a reminder, only 10 have died from Coronavirus to date. For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day.

A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, more than twice times the number who died from coronavirus. Over the past decade influenza flu has affected between 9.3 and 45 million persons each year, depending on the flu severity. Hospi-

talizations for the flu have ranged from 140,000 to 800,000 persons per year and deaths varied between 12,000 and 61,000 each year. These numbers, in America only, far eclipse the number of coronavirus fatalities worldwide, about 3,400 thus far. This could and will

very lucky man. (Wait until he gets the bill for that party.) *** Saturday I attended my Republican precinct caucus that is the grassroot event for both Democrats and Republicans. This starts the elective process with delegates to the county assemblies and eventually all the way to the national conventions for both Democrats and Republicans and the nomination of the president. Talk is cheap, and participation takes some effort. My congratulations to all party members and new voters who attended these caucuses. This is where we go forward to find good candidates for office and start the election process. If you didn’t attend, at least financially support the candidates and the par-

ty of your choice. *** The historic Central City Register Call had this reprint last week from March 14, 1869. “The first panel of lady grand jurors in the world was sworn in at Laramie City, Wyoming Territory on March 7th. None asked to be excused, and a lady bailiff was appointed.” “The citizens of the county were requested to meet in Washington Hall on Saturday evening for the purpose of taking into consideration the location of a United States mint at Central City, for the coinage of gold and silver coins.” The Mint ended up in Denver and actually had to order rifles in order to protect the facility from Indian threats and uprisings along the frontier.

likely change, but are the numbers worthy of the hair-on-fire reaction from cable news anchors and Democrat politicians? Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca, a Democrat, stoked fear by endorsing the idea of a coronavirus infected individual attending a Trump rally, deliberately spreading

a potentially fatal virus to her political opponents. President Franklin D Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take it all with a grain of salt and keep things in perspective. BY BRIAN C. JOONDEPH

Repticon Join us at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds and Event Center for Repticon, March 28-29. This family-oriented, fun-filled event offers guests the opportunity to learn about animals not normally seen in local pet stores. Repticon.com/colorado/denver

Volunteer today. Inspire for a lifetime.

Make an impact in the lives of your neighbors and enrich your community. arapahoegov.com/volunteer or call 303-738-7938 Work for Arapahoe County Have you ever thought about a career in public service? Arapahoe County is currently hiring for a variety of positions and specialties. Visit governmentjobs.com/careers/arapahoe for more information.

Get Involved

Arapahoe County depends on its 23 citizen boards, committees and commissions to help shape the future of our communities. arapahoegov.com/getinvolved Just Between Friends Bargain shop for safe and affordable kids clothing and maternity wear! Enjoy FREE admission to the Spring/Summer Sale, March 26-29, Arapahoe County Fairgrounds and Event Center. Aurora.JBFSale.com


The 2020 Census is coming. You can make a difference in how dollars are directed in your community.



PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

Greenwood Village is known for excellent snow removal service. Photo courtesy of Greenwood Village



Dave Bullock has represented western GV on the city council since 2015. Extraordinary custom home, designer perfection, top location and better than new condition. AVAILABLE TURNKEY FROM DESIGNER FURNISHINGS TO SILVERWARE. PRICE NOW $2,295,000. CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE

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Bullock criticizes GV snow removal on rural roads BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

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The Preserve, backing to open space, walkout basement, BOA remodel of kitchen and addition. $1,795,000


On March 2, at a study session of the Greenwood Village City Council, Jeremy Hanak, public works manager, explained the methods and methodology used by his department to clear snow and ice off GV’s streets during and after winter storms. According to the staff report he prepared for the study session, “Recently there have been questions from the community regarding snow and ice operations in Greenwood Village.” After stating that, “Staff prides itself in delivering these services (with) a high level of service to the community,” Hanak pointed to his department’s 8-page “Roadway Snow and Ice Control Plan,” issued August 15, 2018, along with a map of the city organized into three residential and two commercial areas for snow-clearing purposes. Within each of the five areas, every individual street in the city was designated as either priority one or priority two (i.e., arterials have a higher priority than side streets). GV’s snow removal plan is to plow “every street every storm… You’re either first or second,” Hanak explained. “Residential, we don’t plow curb to curb so that we won’t cover sidewalks or block driveways…Post-storm, we do go back into residential areas where there are areas prone to icing.” He told the city council that his staff is aware of locations where warm winter days that result in melting snow are followed by cold ones that can cause “ice dams and sheets of ice.” Public Works returns to those locations and addresses ice issues. He further explained, in response to a question by City Council Member Libby Barnacle, that they plow residential streets to allow one car to pass in both directions, 20 to 24 feet across, depending on the street. After sharing a complaint that she received from an elderly resident about her driveway being blocked by snow left there by GV plows, Barnacle asked Hanak whether public works has “a running tally of those aging population folks that have called in.” Hanak said that the department does not track the age of residents who call for service. City council member Dave Bullock said, “We all know that

“Hanak said that his department has received a total of 29 requests for service in 2.5 winter seasons from residents saying that “no one has been down my street (to plow the snow) or it’s slippery.”

Greenwood Village is the gold standard of snow removal,” but he had heard “the most complaints from the residents on the culde-sacs.” Bullock continued, “In those November storms and December we weren’t doing the cul de sacs to the standard that we’ve done them in the past. I know because I live on a cul-de-sac.” He explained that it was important because in many cases, it’s the only place where trucks can turn around. He went on, “I have one

“We’re all being brutally honest here. The storms earlier in the year, the standard was not being kept as it has been in the past, through at least much of our district.” – Dave Bullock

resident who says that it’s not to the same standard that it was two or three years ago, and I agree with that. It hasn’t been.” After acknowledging the challenges presented citywide by some of this season’s large snowstorms, Bullock added, “We’re all being brutally honest here. The storms earlier in the year, the standard was not being kept as it has been in the past, through at least much of our district.” The public works department has a software system called Cityworks that keeps track of all service requests received from

residents. They also have GPS trackers in every snow-plow truck and pick-up truck used to help in plow operations that allow managers to know where the trucks are at all times, where they’ve been, and when they were there. Software even tracks how much snow-melt material is spread and the time it was done. Hanak told the city council that the public works department has received 8,414 total requests for service since 2018, of which 7183, or 85 percent, related to trash service, nearly all from residents requesting large item pick-up service (i.e., not complaints) . The next highest number of calls were about traffic at 437, followed by 209 (2.48 percent) regarding snow and ice. The remaining 585 calls were for miscellaneous problems like damaged (perimeter) walls or dead animals. Further refining the data related to snow removal, Hanak said that his department has received a total of 29 requests for service in 2.5 winter seasons from residents saying that “no one has been down my street, or it’s slippery.” Public Works records show that all service requests from residents are addressed in an average of 1.5 days. City Council Member Libby Barnacle complimented GV’s work clearing the sidewalks and trails, which is done by the city’s parks, trails, and recreation department, under Director Suzanne Moore. Moore told city council that of the 34 personnel in the parks maintenance group, during a snowstorm, 21 are assigned to the public works department to help out. Moore’s department is also responsible for parking lots, including those at city hall, The Curtis Center, Westlands Park, Village Greens Park, and the Arapahoe and Caley parking lot that had been slated to be the site of the Greenwood Village Westin Hotel before that project was cancelled. Residents can see which streets have been designated priority one and which are priority two, along with those that are plowed by jurisdictions other than GV (e.g., CDOT plows Belleview Ave. and University Blvd. because they are state highways) on a map posted on the GV website at: https://www. greenwoodvillage.com/Document Center/View/157/Snow-and-IceControl-Map?bidId=. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Covering business

March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

in the DTC & Denver south SM


Covering business

in the DTC & Denver south SM


SKY RIDGE Expansion Property

HealthONE purchases parcel of land The last parcel of land on West Side of RidgeGate community, it continues the expansion of Sky Ridge Medical Center

The RidgeGate community in Lone Tree, announced March 3 that HealthONE has purchased a 10.75 acre parcel of land on RidgeGate’s West Side for the continued expansion of Sky Ridge Medical Center and to meet ongoing demand for new services and programs at the award winning hospital. “We are pleased to have Health ONE acquire additional land in RidgeGate for the continued growth of the Sky Ridge Medical Center, which was RidgeGate’s kick-off land sale in 2001, and a

top area employer beginning in 2003 when it opened,” said Keith Simon, Executive Vice President and Director of Development for Coventry Development Corporation, the master developer for RidgeGate. “Sky Ridge Medical Center has transformed the quality of health care available to residents of the region and has grown to be one of the top medical centers in the entire Denver metro area and we are so very proud that they selected RidgeGate and the City of Lone Tree to locate within.” The property is immediately south of the current Sky Ridge Medical Center Campus and is the second-to-last parcel for sale in RidgeGate’s West Village. Sky Ridge Medical Center will use the site for future

growth opportunities. “While there are no immediate development plans for this parcel, this purchase gives us the flexibility to grow with the community,” said Kirk McCarty, Sky Ridge Medical Center’s new President and Chief Executive Officer. “RidgeGate and the City of Lone Tree have been excellent partners, and we look forward to sharing our plans whey they are finalized.” HealthONE is the largest healthcare system in the metro Denver area with more than 11,000 employees. As part of the HealthONE system of care, The Medical Center of Aurora, North Suburban Medical Center, Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, Rose Medical Cen-

ter, Sky Ridge Medical Center, Swedish Medical Center, and Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital work together to provide a higher level of care. In addition, our family of services includes eight hospital free-standing emergency departments and numerous ambulatory surgery centers, CareNow urgent care and occupational medicine clinics, physician practices, imaging centers, and AIRLIFE-DENVER, which provides critical care air and ground transportation across a 10-state region. And, as the #7 corporate philanthropist in the metro area, and the only hospital system in the top 10, HealthONE contributed more than $1.5 million in 2018 and supports more than 150 organizations through cash and in-kind donations.

About RidgeGate

RidgeGate is a mixed-use, master planned community in Lone Tree, Colorado that is currently home to 6,000 residents. The community began taking shape in 2003 with the Sky Ridge Medical Center and is nearly fully developed on the west side of I-25 with expansion now beginning on the east side of I-25. RidgeGate encompasses a total of 3,500 acres, or six square miles, and is designed to seamlessly integrate urban amenities and residential neighborhoods with beautiful natural open spaces, parks and trails. It is home to three light rail stations, dynamic shopping, dining and wellness as well as several large employment campuses, all joined by a highly connected and walkable UrbanScape®.

Three candidates vie for two seats on South Suburban’s Board of Directors

Three candidates are vying for two seats on the board of directors for South Suburban Park and Recreation District. The District-wide polling place election will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The candidates submitted self-nomination and acceptance forms for inclusion on the ballot. The order of names appearing on the ballot were selected by a lottery drawing on Tuesday, March 3 at the South Suburban Administration Building (6631

South University Blvd.). For information about the candidates, visit ssprd.org/board-election. The ballot order is as follows: • Michelle Cuellar • James (Jim) Taylor • Ken Lucas The five-member board of directors is elected at large on a non-partisan basis. Two board positions will be filled for three-year terms each. Regular elections occur in May of even-numbered years. Beginning

May 2023, all District regular elections will be held every two years. The board of directors meets on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month at Goodson Recreation Center. Additional study sessions or special meetings are called as needed. The election will be a polling place election, with the option of obtaining an absentee ballot. This is a District regular election

and will feature only the election of board of director’s candidates. Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Locations include: • Buck Recreation Center (2004 W. Powers Ave.) • Goodson Recreation Center (6315 S. University Blvd.) • The Lone Tree Hub (8827 Lone Tree Pkwy.) • South Suburban Golf Course (7900 S. Colorado Blvd.) To request an absentee ballot,

click here. For questions about voter eligibility, send an email to elections@ssprd.org or call 303-4837011. For election information visit ssprd.org/board-election. Current board members are Scott LaBrash, Jim Taylor, Susan Pye, Pete Barrett and Dave Lawful. Scott LaBrash cannot seek re-election due to term limits, while Jim Taylor is seeking re-election for a second term.

PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

High Line Canal governance evolves BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

At a meeting held at Greenwood Village City Hall on March 4, the High Line Canal Working Group (HLCWG), which met for the first time on April 9, 2010, officially evolved into the Canal Collaborative. Ten of the 11 entities that signed the HLCWG Statement of Purpose adopted a decade ago were present for the changeover. The purpose of the Canal Collaborative (CC) is to “transition the HLCWG to improve collaboration, communication, cooperation, and consensus-building.” Guiding principles include 1) local jurisdictions will retain their land use authority; 2) participation in CC projects is voluntary, and 3) no new governing authority is created. During its ten years of important work, the HLCWG completed the vision plan that will guide leaders for many years to


Office: 303-773-3399

come, maintained and enhanced the all-important tree canopy, replaced or built three bridges, 20 at-grade crossings, five trailheads, three stormwater projects, four underpass projects (Hampden is still ongoing), and numerous other unique enhancements, valued at over $30 million just since 2014, most of which came from private donations of dedicated local residents. The newly minted CC will have two arms. The CC Forum will be comprised of one elected official from each local government, a board member from each district, and one appointee each from Denver Water, Mile High Flood District (formerly Urban Drainage Flood Control District), and High Line Canal Conservancy (HLCC). The CC Leadership Team will be comprised of managers and directors of the same entities who have authority to make decisions or recommendations involving the allocation of resources. Technical teams will be formed as

Cell: 303-905-0744


Exquisite designer home, French Country ambiance. On Cherry Creek’s best street. $2,295,000

NEW LISTINGS o 5055 S. HOLLY CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE Best buy at only $2,350,000. Must see masterpiece on 2.2 acres, panoramic view. o PRESERVE AT ITS BEST - Extraordinary European styling. Private cul de sac, open floor plan, outdoor kitchen, Bedroom on main floor. Incomparable quality and finishes $2,795,000 o 467 ADAMS ST. CHERRY CREEK NORTH Extraordinary custom home, designer perfection, top location and better than new condition. This home sits on Cherry Creek’s best site, close enough to walk to everything and away from the congestion. May be offered as a turnkey purchase, from designer furnishings to kitchen silverware. PRICE NOW $2,295,000 o OBSERVATORY PARK - 2475 S. COLUMBINE ST. SOLD $2,000,000 o BACKING TO THE NATURE PRESERVE 4701 PRESERVE PARKWAY NORTH Exceptional Executive home. 10,000 square feet, private pool, walkout basement, 2 studies and a Guest Suite on the main floor. $3,000,000. o THE PRESERVE ON OPEN SPACE. 4810 PERRY PARKWAY. Walkout basement, voluminous family room,rare contemporary design by Golden Builders. Recently remodeled and expanded by Colorado’s Best, BOA Construction. Guest Bedroom on the main floor. Cherry Creek Schools. $1,795,000 o 37 CHARLOU IN CHERRY HILLS - $1,700,000 SOLD. o 5816 S. VILLAGE WAY - $2,560,000 SOLD o 19 S. FRANKLIN CIRCLE - $3,550,000 SOLD SOLD

o CHERRY CREEK NORTH $1,595,000 SOLD. o BONNIE BRAE CONTEMPORARY - $1,100,000 SOLD. o LAKEVIEW AT THE HILLS - $1,050,000 SOLD. o 47 CHERRY HILLS FARM. Spectacular remodel. Main Floor Master, Transitional Styling. $2,395,000 SOLD. o POLO CLUB NORTH $1,000,000 SOLD. o ON THE HIGHLINE CANAL- SOLD - $2,175,000. o THE PRESERVE - $1,940,000 SOLD. o 1215 S YORK, WASHINGTON PARK - $980,000 SOLD. o 4945 S GAYLORD CHERRY HILLS FARM WEST - $2,190,000 SOLD. o THE PRESERVE 5402 PRESERVE PKWY N. - $1,699,000. SOLD. o PENTHOUSE DENVER ART MUSEUM - $1,150,000 SOLD. o THE PRESERVE 5801 S. BIRCH CT. $1,725,000 SOLD. o 75 GLENMOOR - $3,550,000 SOLD


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needed to analyze the technical aspects of potential projects, in addition to two standing Technical Advisory Committees. Mile High Flood District will chair the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee. A Natural Resources and Recreation Committee will be staffed with managers in those disciplines. The High Line Canal Conservancy will take over the organizational and administrative role that Arapahoe County performed for the HLCWG. HLCC will assume responsibility for participation, coordination, facilitation, and staff support for all teams and committees of the CC. The work of the CC will be based on The Plan for the High Line Canal: A Collaborative Framework for our Regional Legacy published September 2019, available on the HLCC website and including a welcome letter from Denver Water, the Canal’s owner. The Plan “lays out clear guidance for repurposing the historic Canal, improving the health of people and the environment, and increasing accessibility and enjoyment for generations to come.” It contains canal-wide objectives

The High Line Canal is a precious recreational asset to area residents. Photo by Freda Miklin

and tools for transformation, including stormwater management, design guidelines, signage and wayfinding, character zone plans, opportunity areas, and regional collaboration opportunities. In addition to resources that will be provided by the jurisdictions, the HLCC is launching a campaign to raise capital and operating funds for the CC from private parties. The first meeting of the CC Leadership Team will take place in April, exactly ten years after

the first meeting of the HLCWG. The local governments who comprise the CC are Arapahoe County, Aurora, Centennial, Cherry Hills Village, Denver, Douglas County, Greenwood Village, and Littleton. The districts are South Suburban Parks and Recreation, Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA), and Highlands Ranch Metro District. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

CHV approves, GV flinches at Arapahoe County 911 Authority IGA amendment BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

During the first week of March, the city councils of Cherry Hills Village and Greenwood Village were each poised to approve a second amended and restated intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the Arapahoe County 911 Authority “to provide the Authority greater flexibility in operating in a quickly changing technological environment,” according to Shannon Chambers-Nelson, GV assistant city attorney. The message from staff members to both GV and CHV’s city councils was that the revision would: 1) allow the Authority to apply for an increase in its allowed fee, which has been capped at $0.70 per month for 30 years, with permission from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Currently, a cap increase also requires the permission of two-thirds of the 19 municipalities and fire rescue/emergency service providers in the county (or 50 percent of the population), in addition to the PUC; and 2) remove the Authority’s restriction against lobbying. The Authority is managed by a five-person board appointed by the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). Four of the five members are nominated by first responders from local law enforcement and fire departments. Michelle Tovrea, CHV police chief, told her city council that the Authority wants the lobbying restriction removed because it “believes it is vital that Arapa-

hoe County is represented when legislation is presented that might impact 911 in Arapahoe County.” She also said, “The Authority does not anticipate hiring a lobbyist.” Shannon Chambers-Nelson, GV assistant city attorney, delivered a similar message to her city council, saying, “The current IGA prohibits any lobbying by the Authority, which precludes board members from testifying before the legislature on matters that have significant impact on the Authority.” Chief Tovrea presented the amended IGA at CHV’s city council meeting on March 3. Bruce Romero, executive director of the Authority, attended to answer questions. After listening to Tovrea’s explanation, Council Member Al Blum asked how the monthly fee was collected, which Romero answered. Mayor Pro Tem Katy Brown thanked Romero for attending the meeting and being available to answer questions. The IGA was approved unanimously. In GV, after Chambers-Nelson presented the request for approval and introduced Romero, Council Member Dave Kerber opened the discussion, saying that the Authority was doing a good job. He asked Romero why they wanted to change the method for requesting approval for a rate increase. When Romero explained that the PUC process would take two to three years and included public input, Kerber responded, “As we’ve been fighting with TABOR (the Taxpayer Bill of Rights) and fighting with governmental entities raising fees and raising this and

raising that, the people seem to be left out…People ask, what do you spend all your money on?” Romero explained that PUC approval is based strictly on need and that the rules are very specific, allowing spending only for the delivery and processing of 911 calls. He added, “We are currently operating on 1968 technology to deliver 911 calls. This is why 911 can’t find you but Uber can.” Kerber asked Romero to tell him why his telephone bill for his private business in Aurora contained a $1.20 monthly city 911 fee. Romero told him that Aurora had chosen not to participate in the Authority, thus was not bound by the $0.70 limit. Chambers-Nelson shared that GV had never signed the first amendment to the IGA. (CHV signed it in 2000). Council Member Dave Bullock shared that he had read an email from Kerber earlier in the day (that was not included in the official documents for the meeting) and he agreed with Kerber, then suggested that the vote be deferred because he wanted “to understand this better before I would vote for it.” Council Member Jerry Presley confirmed with Romero that if GV wanted the IGA amended, the Authority would have to start over with the legal counsels of the other 18 participants, then once they all agreed, go back to the other 18 city councils or governing bodies for approval. Council Member Tom Dougherty said that he was familiar with 911 proceedings Continued on page 23

March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9


Cherry Creek Schools Foundation gala raises $365,000 BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

Over 600 supporters of the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation (CCSF) attended the 6th annual Invest in Success gala, “A Night to Ignite Education,” at the Marriott DTC in Denver on March 5. Former Denver Bronco Reggie Rivers served as host. In addition to the dozens of overflowing gift baskets on display for the silent

auction, the hotel lobby was filled with examples of unique and creative work being done by Cherry Creek students across the district. Five third graders from Meadow Point Elementary, with the help of their teacher Anne Chapdelaine and seamstress Sharon Gould, used grant money to buy materials to construct insulated lunch boxes. They will do science experiments on the lunch boxes to determine how well they maintain heat and cold.

Students in the advanced manufacturing, hospitality, tourism, IT, STEAM, automotive, infrastructure engineering and business services pathways at the Cherry Creek Innovation Campus displayed everything from food to car parts that they made. Founded in 1994 to provide resources and partnerships to create meaningful educational opportunities for students and educators, CCSF has awarded over 1,000 educator initiative

grants and raised more than $8.5 million for educational programs from elementary school literacy, to middle school engineering, to high school leadership programs since its inception. In the year 2018, $925,000 raised by CCSF impacted 32,000 students and 700 educators through 150 initiative grant awards. Gold and silver sponsors of the event were Enterprise Rent-A-Car, HealthONE, Rocky Mountain Hospital for

Children, JHL Constructors, Kroenke Sports & Entertainment, MDC/Richmond American Homes Foundation. Aon, Arrow Electronics, Butler Snow, DLR Group, FirstBank, Plante Moran, M.A. Meyer Construction, JP Morgan, Alpine Bank, Jacobs Project Management, Saunders Construction, Southshore Community, Arapahoe County, and Cigna Healthcare of Colorado. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

LEFT: Dr. Scott Siegfried, CCSD superintendent, was happy to see Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman and Cherry Hills Village City Council Member Katy Brown. RIGHT: Renowned realtor and Villager favorite Edie Marks, CCSF board member Jackie Devine, David Wilkins and CCSF board member Katie Wilkins, are pictured with Gala Committee member Elise Marks. RIGHT, BELOW: Meadow Point Elementary third graders (from left to right) Elyjiah Payne, Evan Hemans, Riley Getz, Drea Suarez, and Savanna Bantner participated in the Ultimate Lunchbox Project.

State Sen. Jeff Bridges compared notes with Henny Lasley, SMART Colorado executive director, and Brian Brown, Cherry Hills Village resident and CCSD parent of two children. Photos by Freda Miklin

Josh Penry, principal of political consultants EIS Solutions and spouse Kristin Strohm, executive director of the Common Sense Policy Roundtable, are Greenwood Village residents and CCSD parents. CCIC students Kylee Blackman, a Eaglecrest High School junior, and Jordann Howard, a Grandview High School senior, both hope to have their own bakeries.

BALLET MASTERWORKS Ellie Caulkins Opera House with live music featuring the Colorado Ballet Orchestra April 3-12, 2020 Featuring In The Upper Room by choreographer Twyla Tharp, Petite Mort by Jir̂í Kylián and Theme and Variations by George Balanchine, this program showcases works that profoundly impacted the art form and remain central masterpieces of the 20th century ballet repertoire.

Steve and Betsy Burns, CCSD parents, came with their friend, school board member Anne Egan

Dave Strohfus is the principal at the Challenge School Drea Suarez shows two of the insulated lunchboxes she and her classmates made from materials purchased with grant Overland High School sophomore Stephanie funds. Torres showed car parts she manufactured at the Cherry Creek Innovation Campus.

Leah McFadden by Allen Birnbach

Ticket Information: All performances take place at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House. Tickets range from $30 to $155. Visit COLORADOBALLET.ORG or call Patron Services at 303-837-8888 ext. 2 to purchase tickets. To continue to reduce the number of ticket resellers, please purchase directly through Colorado Ballet via the website or phone number listed above. Tickets purchased through resellers may not be valid.

PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

New director & new directions


ccording to the its congregation and to the Chorus Impact community. Grace recently Study (2019, Grun- hired Rev. David Van Deren wald Associates to serve as Grace’s Choir DiLLC & Chorus rector and to begin America), individthe transition from uals who sing in an aging choir to choirs (and other an intergenerationsimilar groups) exal choir that will perience significally be a blend of high results, happiness, a school students, sense of purpose in college students, life, and even better and older adults. Rev. David Van Deren Grace Presbyterian health! Usually when we think of choirs, we recently put together a unique think of a declining way of scholarship opportunity for life of yesteryear. However, high school and college stuthe number of Americans dents. Each semester that a joining choirs has increased student participates in Grace over the last decade. Presbyterian’s choir allows Grace Presbyterian Church, them to be eligible for $250 located at 9720 US Highway in college scholarship funds. 85 N in Highlands Ranch Over the course of four years believes that its choir is key of high school that adds up to to bringing more vibrancy to $2,000 for college expenses.

Grace Presbyterian is highly committed to intergenerational programs. During Rev. Van Deren’s first few months at Grace,


he has been helping the congregation become even more intentional about this intergenerational focus. Rev. Justin Spurlock, Grace’s Senior Pastor, states, “We know from all of the research that even one adult mentoring relationship beyond the household builds resiliency and confidence, and is the number one predictor of future success for adolescents. Churches are a perfect place for such mentoring relationships to be fostered and music transcends generations.” With choir participation increasing across America and with its added emotional and social benefits, joining a choir could be an easy way

to increase happiness and health. Many churches and choral groups are receiving new members in and around Denver’s south suburbs. Grace Presbyterian is excited for its new director and new direction of creating an intergenerational choir. In addition to his Master of Divinity degree, Rev. Van Deren completed his undergrad at Colorado State in Music Performance. High School and college students do not have to be members of Grace Presbyterian Church to participate. The scholarship application can be found at www.grace colorado.com/scholarship. For more info please call 720-608-0373.

Kristi is displaying the Pura Vida bracelets



Julie is displaying her hand creation silver ring from her beautiful trunk show.

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March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11


On March 9, Tri-County Health Department reported the first “presumptive positive” test for COVID-19 in Arapahoe County. A Centen-

nial resident came up positive in initial testing done at the state level. Tri-County is working closely with the state Department of Public Health and Environment (DPHE) as it awaits confirmation of the test results from the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-



Every few decades, going back nearly a century and a half, socialism makes another run at popularity in America. That is a question that baffles, because our system has produced for us a life that is better, more prosperous, more free and more rewarding than most any other. Someone will scream that our system is unfair and uneven, that the poor and minorities are left behind. Life itself is not fair, of course. Some, rich or poor, live long, healthy lives and others are stricken by disease. But even the poor in this country, by government definition, have cars, homes and cellular telephones, things the poor in many third-world countries cannot even dream of. Our nation’s wealth is immense. We are awash in material goods that often only complicate our lives. And we have made real, successful efforts to eliminate prejudice and advance women and minorities. The job is not done, but we continue to work at it. The rich live better than the

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rest of us, it’s true. Many of them earned their place with superior talent in music and the arts, sports, business or some other field. The rest of us may be envious, but we can’t sing or throw a football or lead a multinational corporation. But amidst all that we have, still socialism in all is guises has an appeal, and each generation has to discover why it is a system that does not work. Socialism has failed whenever and wherever it’s been tried. It is a system that produces not mass wealth, but mass poverty, where the means of production belong to the state and no one takes responsibility for success. Socialism failed the Soviet Union, it failed utterly in Cuba, it failed in Europe wherever it has been tried. It failed, in part, because the state cannot create wealth, it can only consume it. Why, then, does socialism keep coming back? Why is the leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination an avowed socialist millionaire? The columnist Cal Thomas writes that socialism makes itself sound good. “Socialism is a false doctrine,”

tion (CDC). The patient is a woman in her 30s who recently traveled to India. “We are just learning of this positive test from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and will begin our contact investigation to determine if there

he says. “It sells itself to new generations who know little about it. They promote it by promising ‘free stuff,’ along with envy of the successful.… “Its adherents claim it is fairer than capitalism. It isn’t fair, socialists say, that some people make more money than others.” Socialists excuse the failure of their programs by saying we haven’t done enough. Great Society government programs failed to eradicate poverty in this country, but they continue to exist. Socialists want more of the same, though most of these programs only enable people to exist in poverty, not to escape it. We should pray that socialism does not take root in America, for that would mean the end of our extraordinary prosperity – for all of us. But won’t a socialist system be more fair? Fair, as in Cuba, or the Soviet Union, or China? Where everyone is equally poor except government officials, military leaders and party members who somehow become wealthy and live well in a society supposedly based on equality. This is not a good future for our country, no matter what some

Let’s keep our tax dollars in our neighborhoods by shopping locally

were any other potential exposures,” said John M. Douglas, Jr., MD, Executive Director of Tri-County Health Department.” Tri-County will provide updates on its website, https:// www.tchd.org/CivicAlerts. aspx?AID=354, as additional information becomes available. All residents are advised to

follow CDC guidelines about hand-washing, avoid people who have respiratory sickness, and use good judgment about international travel. Those who are more susceptible to illness due to age and/or preexisting conditions should take extra precautions. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

say. It would bring us only failure, decline and decay. Let us hope the American peo-

ple can recognize socialism for what it is, a failure, and turn back this tide.



MARCH 2020

First coronavirus case in Arapahoe County

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MAR 20

PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 17

After the invocation by Craig Chaplain Rev. Candi Boyd, guests at the 19th Annual PUSH Gala enjoyed beef tenderloin and a touching program at Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center. PUSH was founded by Art Seiden FLEURISH in honor of his wife Julie and he chaired the first annual fundraiser to benefit the worldrenowned rehabilitation hospital in Englewood, Colorado. Over 90% of Craig Graduates go back to their lives and 50% are from out of state. “The money raised this evening will truly make a difference,” said Gala CoChair Michael Long who kicked off the giving with $50,000. With huge and repeated accolades to the Craig staff, remarkable recovery stories were shared and awards presented in two categories. The “Impact Award” was presented to The Buschling Family, founders of Brain Buddies, a grassroots organization in St. Louis that works to connect individuals with brain injuries for mentoring, support and social activities. “We take homage to Craig Hospital for recovering therapy. You gave us the template for Brain Buddies,” said Craig Graduate Dane Buschling who delivered his remarks with humor and enthusiasm. “Thank you for this honor and continued bond with the staff.” Dane’s mom Tammie brought tears with her comments. “This miracle is made possible Karli and Robert Wickens (Craig Graduate) with 2020 PUSH Chairs and active supporters of the community with hard work by the Craig staff, the and education Karen and Michael Long Photos by Scottie Taylor Iverson families and the injured. There is no finer steward to be a recipient of your generosity!” she said to the audience. Colin Heffern received the “Dave and Gail Lininger Spirit of Craig Award.” The Craig Graduate is an advocate, traveler and educator. In addition, he leads a bi-weekly class at Craig focused on independent lifestyles for patients with high spinal cord injuries. The former athlete was paralyzed from the C-4 level when his neck snapped from a jump during his freshman year at CSU. Heffern’s spirit is just unstoppable. He came back to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from CSU, study abroad in Sydney, Australia and holds a Masters Degree from USC. He just found different ways to accomplish his goals. Now as a project manager with the National Park Service, he can firsthand make sure trails and sights can be enjoyed by every visitor regardless of challenges. After an exciting live auction, the paddle raise added to the coffers for the patient assistance fund. Craig helps with all aspects of life. After the first 19 PUSH events over $17 million has been raised. Craig patients with spinal cord and brain injuries have access to unique Culture of Care programs like Therapeutic Recreation, Assistive Technology, Music Therapy and Community Reintegration. These programs are generally not covered by insurance and rely on donor support. PUSH donations also fund spinal cord and brain injury research and provide a financial safety net for patients when they need it the most. This year’s PUSH Gala was presented appropriately by ARROW Five Years Out. Co-Chair MiCraig Graduate Robert Schroeder sang the National chael Long is Chairman, President and Anthem assisted by Craig Music Therapist Annamarie CEO of Arrow Electronincs.

ABOVE: Staff members and guests of GE JOHNSON Construction Company, Auction Sponsor

2019 PUSH Chairs Charlie and Judy McNeil

LEFT: The Buschling Family received the “Impact Award.” At the mic is Dane with his parents Tammie and Randy RIGHT, ABOVE: Craig Graduate Colin Heffern received the “Dave and Gail Liniger Spirit of Craig Award” from Dr. Jandel Allen-Davis

“Craig gave me hope that I could accomplish whatever I wanted in life and I am grateful. Like ARROW, technology is always an innovation and evolution.”

RIGHT: Centura Health COO Edward Sim and his daughter Olivia

-Robert Wickens, Craig Graduate who suffered severe injuries from a race car crash in 2018

RIGHT: Craig Hospital President and CEO Jandel Allen-Davis, M.D. and her husband Anthony Davis LEFT: Craig Foundation’s

Executive Director Mary Feller and new Craig Foundation Board Chair Jenny Hopkins

With your help, the PUSH Gala raised more than $2 million for patients, programs, and research. Thank you for empowering lives!


Tiffany Cechini and Peter Kudla

PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

let you know what they require to complete the application. Appraisal: An appraisal will be ordered to determine your home’s value. You should receive a copy of the appraisal and the appraised value of your home will be used for the final loan calculations. The FHA reverse mortgage requires that your home meets FHA guidelines. The appraiser will determine if any repairs are required on your home and if so, in many cases, the repairs can be completed within 6 months after your loan closing. Processing and Underwriting: Your lender will order the appraisal, title work, credit report, flood certification, lien payoffs (if applicable), homeowners’ insurance verification, etc. The lender then sends your loan package to underwriting for final loan approval. Your loan specialist will contact you to determine which payment plan you have selected. Processing typically takes 3 to 6 weeks. Loan Closing and Disbursement: The closing typically takes place in your home, the lender’s office, or the title company office. If you want your lawyer to review the documents, notify your lender so that it may provide the documents in

advance of your closing. After closing, you will have three business days in which to cancel the loan, if you so choose. After this three-day period passes, the loan is in place and the funds are disbursed. (The three-day cancellation period only pertains to refinances, not purchases.) Selected information in this column has been taken with permission by Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc., from the Colorado Senior Law Handbook, 2019 Edition (Chapter 20: Reverse Mortgages: Doni Dolfinger and Paulette Wisch, CML/Universal Lending Corporation), which is a copyrighted publication and may be accessed and downloaded for free at: www.cobar.org/For-the-Public/ Senior-Law-Handbook.

activity. Gather 6 buckets. You could use big buckets or What is on your “Bucket conflict. These are common solo cups. Label List” regarding the health of requests. each bucket with your relationships? You might To grow in relationship, one one of these categosay, I want more respect or needs to know what skills it ries; PHYSICAL, romance, more meaningful takes to do so. Let’s start with INTELLECTUAL, communication and less the whole of who we are. We EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, FINANCIAL. Ask for what you need in each one of these buckets. In the Physical bucket, you could ask for hugs, meaningful, comforting touches, holding hands, pats on the back, massages, tender caresses, dancing or touching one’s face. The Intellectual bucket requests could be about learning new things together, creating a space for intellectual curiosity, exploration or discovery, reading a book toA Boutique Assisted Living and Memory Care Community in the Park gether, discussing themes in a play, outlining the takeaways from a movie, enrolling in a class together and helping each other study. The Emotional bucket could be filled with creating safety to explore feelings which are not right or wrong. Feelings are feelings. No one has the right to apply Featuring excellent care, motives to someone’s feelings stunning views, luxurious suites or tell them they should feel a certain way. Sharing hopes and fine dining. and dreams, secrets, past hurts, fears, and being vulnerable certainly builds trust and closeness. The Social bucket could be filled by honoring one another’s personality. If someone is introverted, extroverted, detailed, compassion6325 S. University Blvd. CO 80121v 6325 S. University Blvd. Centennial, ate, tender, bossy, talkative, friendly, resourceful or whatCentennial, CO 80121 ever, it is likely they fit into a

certain personality category. At the Center for Relationship Education we utilize the Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, and Beaver, personality profile. The take away from this assessment is discovering your personality and that of others. The goal is not trying to change others, but honoring how they do life. This creates safety and acceptance. The Social bucket can also mean that you have similar friends, enjoy similar social events like golf, theater, or travel. Filling one’s Spiritual bucket can be about having a similar faith walk, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, prayer, appreciation for creation and nature. Finally, filling up the Financial bucket is how each person in the relationship spends, saves or donates money. Do you live with an attitude of abundance or of scarcity? Also working together for the same financial goals builds financial intimacy. Even hosting a fund raiser for a charity, you both can enhance financial connectedness. Learning the language of building connectedness in these six categories will certainly create a new way to think about and express your “Bucket List” and letting your partner know how to fill your bucket when it is empty. For more information: joneen@ myrelationshipcenter.org; www.myrelationshipcenter. org



BY DONALD PETERSON Dear Readers, What is a reverse mortgage? (Part 2 of 2) In my last article I explained that a reverse mortgage is a special type of mortgage designed for homeowners who are 62 years of age or older, regarding a loan against their home that does not have to be paid back, as long as the homeowner lives in the home.

When is a reverse mortgage repaid?

A reverse mortgage becomes due and payable when the last living homeowner sells, dies or moves away. If needed, a homeowner can be away from the home for 12 months due to health reasons. The total loan amount owed

is the amount of money the lender has disbursed to you, plus interest and fees accrued during the life of the loan. You, or your estate, are legally required to pay back only the balance due on the loan. All money (equity) left after the loan is repaid belongs to you or your estate. The reverse mortgage is repaid in one payment, either from the sale of the house or by other assets. If the amount owed is more than the sale of the house, the remaining debt is paid by the insurance fund. You, or your heirs, have no personal liability.

HECM (Reverse Mortgage) for purchase

Effective January 1, 2009, the Federal Housing Administration added an HECM (Reverse Mortgage) for Purchase enhancement. HECM stands for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. HECM mortgagors can now purchase a home with reverse mortgage proceeds. This saves the customer money, as it is a “one close” transaction. =Transactions may be completed on a single-family home, an FHA-approved condo, a duplex, a triplex, or a fourplex, so long as the owner lives in the dwelling;

Relational bucket list

Additional monetary investment must come from current assets or from the sale or liquidation of the mortgagor’s home; The lender must verify the source of all funds; No bridge loans are allowed; If the property is new construction, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued; and Customers must occupy the property within 60 days of closing.

Awareness and Education

Classes are often provided on reverse mortgages, free booklets from AARP are available, and approved counselors are also a great resource. Counseling: Counseling is mandatory for all reverse mortgage programs, to review the legal and financial implications, as well as any other alternatives that may be available. At the conclusion, you will be given a Certificate of Borrower Counseling, which must be provided to the reverse mortgage lender. Application: This is when you sign all the paperwork to get the loan started. Your lender will need the original counseling certificate and photocopies of other documents, such as homeowners’ insurance. Your lender will are just not physical beings. We are physical, of course, but also, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and financial beings capable of gathering resources to improve the quality of our lives. Here is a relationship enhancing

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March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15

How to prevent the silent epidemic of kidney disease

Dear Savvy Senior, Do kidney problems run in families? My mother died from kidney failure 10 years ago at age 74 but didn’t know she had a kidney problem until it was too late. Just Turned 60

age 60 are especially vulnerable both because they tend to take more drugs, and because kidney function normally declines somewhat with age.


Get Tested Because kidney disease has no early sympDear 60, toms, the only way to Anyone who has a catch it before it advancfamily history of kidney es is to have a simple disease, or who has high blood and urine test by blood pressure or diayour doctor. So, anyone BY JIM MILLER that has diabetes, high betes is at increased risk blood pressure or heart and needs to have their disease, a family history of kidkidneys tested. According to the Center for ney disease, or is age 60 or older Disease Control and Prevention, needs to get tested. African, Hisaround 37 million U.S adults panic, Asian and Indian Amerihave chronic kidney disease cans along with Pacific Islanders (when the kidneys can’t properly are also at increased risk. do their job of cleaning toxins If you’re diagnosed with kidand wastes from the blood), and ney disease you need to know millions more are at risk of dethat there’s no cure, but there are veloping it, yet most people don’t steps you can take to help contain the damage, including: realize it. That’s because kidney disease develops very slowly over many years before any Control your blood pressymptoms arise. But left untreat- sure: If you have high blood pressure, get it under 130/80. If ed, the disease can eventually you need medication to do it, require people to spend hours ACE inhibitors and ARBs are hooked up to a dialysis machine good choices because of their or get a kidney transplant. Even mild kidney problems can double proven ability to protect the kida person’s risk of heart attack and neys. stroke, as well as cause anemia and bone disease. Control your diabetes: If The reason kidney disease you have diabetes, keep your has become so widespread today blood sugar as close to normal as is because of the rise of obesity, possible. type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure which all strain the kidChange your diet: This usuneys. ally means reducing the amount Another factor is the increasof protein and phosphorus you ing number of people who take eat and cutting back on sodium multiple medications, which can and possibly potassium. Your doctor can help you determine an overtax the organs. People over

appropriate eating plan, or you may want to talk to a dietitian.

Watch your meds: Dozens of commonly used drugs can damage the kidneys, especially when taken in high doses over long periods – most notably NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen. Herbal supplements can also be very dangerous. Talk to your doctor about all the prescription, over the counter and herbal products you take to identify potential problems and find alternatives. Exercise and lose weight: If you’re overweight and inactive, start an aerobic fitness routine (walk, swim, cycle, etc.) that gets your heart pumping. This will help lower blood pressure, control diabetes and help you lose excess weight all of which will help your kidneys. Quit smoking: If you smoke, quit. Heart disease becomes a much greater risk to the kidneys if your smoke. Smoking also doubles the rate of progression to end-stage renal failure. Limit alcohol intake: Drinking too much alcohol can worsen kidney disease too, so talk to your doctor to see if it’s safe for you to drink, and if so, limit yourself to no more than one drink per day. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

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PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

65th Denver Debutante Ball Celebrating the 2020 Debutantes to be honored at the 65th Denver Debutante Ball

Debutante notebooks and gifts from the Ball Committee await distribution to the newly-announced 2020 Debutantes

The 65th Denver Debutante Ball Announcement Tea took place on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at the home of Sharon Martin, a past Chairman and past Honorary Chairman of the Denver Debutante Ball. Mrs. Martin’s granddaughter, Taylor Penn Lester, is a member of this year’s Debutante class. Twenty-three Debutantes were formally announced at the Tea. The 65th Annual Denver Debutante Ball will be held

Debutantes Megan Branish and Annabelle Johnson, with their mothers, Lesley Branish and Christine Johnson

at the Brown Palace Hotel on Tuesday, December 22nd. The presentation will begin at seven o’clock in the evening, with dinner immediately following and dancing until 1:00 a.m. Twenty-three Debutantes will be making their debut. Twenty-one Post Debutantes will also be presented. All proceeds benefit the Denver Botanic Gardens. 2020 Ball Leadership: Chair: Suzanne Coxhead Co-Chair: Kathy Coors Honorary Chair: Dawn Wood Master of Ceremonies: Richard Bellmar Co-Master of Ceremonies: David Tryba

Debutante Grace Faircloth and her mother, Heather Faircloth

Debutante Delaney Cain and her mother, Jennifer Cain

Three generations of Danos ladies: Barbara Danos, a former Chairman of the Denver Debutante Ball, attended the Tea with her daughter-in-law, Kim Danos, and her granddaughter, Debutante Charlotte Danos

Debutante Catherine Ford and her mother, Joy Ford

Guests were served tea with a smile by past Denver Debutante Ball Committee Advisory CoChairman Betty Lynn Jackson Guests took home keepsake cards listing the 2020 Debutantes

Denver Debutante Ball Committee Chairman Suzanne Coxhead and Advisory Committee member (and hostess of the Tea) Sharon Martin

Photos by Anne Zeckser

Guests enjoyed an array of tea sandwiches and bite-sized canapés

March 12, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 17

LEGALS —Continued from previous page—

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ARAPAHOE COUNTY WARRANTS REPORT FOR 02/01/2020 TO 02/29/2020 FUNDS SUMMARY: 10........................................................General Fund............ 8,316,771.82 11.........................................................Social Services.......... 1,420,818.60 12........................................................Electronic Filing Te......... 40,546.00 14........................................................Law Enforcement Auth. 111,358.49 15........................................................Arapahoe / Douglas W. 122,702.65 16........................................................Road and Bridge.......... 115,910.21 19........................................................Communications Netwo... 1,800.00 20........................................................Sheriff’s Commissary..... 42,525.60 21........................................................Community Developmen. 42,963.50 26........................................................Grants........................... 620,202.87 28........................................................Open Space Sales Tax. 833,857.59 29........................................................Homeland Security -..... 100,391.69 33........................................................Building Maintenance..... 96,765.28 41........................................................Capital Expenditure...... 667,024.06 42........................................................Infrastructure................ 200,554.46 43........................................................Arapahoe County Recr... 13,909.72 70........................................................Central Services........... 410,742.46 71........................................................Self-Insurance Liabi...... 552,956.51 73........................................................Self-Insurance Worke..... 91,450.74 74........................................................Self-Insurance Denta.... 215,845.24 84........................................................E-911 Authority............... 91,737.37 91........................................................Treasurer................... 7,714,472.90 TOTAL................................................................................. 21,825,307.76 PREPARED BY APPROVED BY FUND REPORT - 10 General Fund 18TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT.................Services and Other....... 125,403.07 A PRECIOUS CHILD INC...................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 A-1 COLLECTION AGENCY LLC.......MISC................................ 1,845.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other.............. 623.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Supplies.......................... 17,556.50 ACCELA INC.......................................Services and Other......... 15,832.80 ACCOUNT RECOVERY SPECIALISTS ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ACSO EMPLOYEE TRUST FUND......MISC................................ 1,228.50 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,970.49 AED EVERYWHERE...........................Supplies............................ 1,332.60 ALICE MATILA KLOEWER..................MISC..................................... 57.60 ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................Supplies............................... 789.58 ALLEGIANT MORTUARY TRANSPORT LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,480.00 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY.........Supplies................................. 94.45 ALLIED ELECTRONICS, INC.............Services and Other................ 64.05 ALPINE CREDIT INC..........................MISC..................................... 30.00 ALSCO................................................Supplies................................. 27.50 ALTITUDE COMMUNITY LAW PC......MISC................................... 279.09 AMANDA OFFEN................................Services and Other................ 59.82 AMBER G GRAF.................................Services and Other.............. 429.40 AMBER WINTHERS............................Services and Other.............. 104.54 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 351.88 AMI MARSELL....................................Services and Other................ 40.25 AMY BOSSERMAN.............................Services and Other................ 44.56 AMY COPLEY.....................................Services and Other................ 95.95 ANAMARIA BARBULESCU................Services and Other................ 12.00 ANDREW CORNELL...........................Services and Other.............. 371.10 ANDREW NIMTZ.................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ANISSA CRECELIUS..........................Services and Other.............. 228.00 ANTON ROMANOV............................Services and Other................ 46.58 ANTONIA GALVEZ SALDANA............Services and Other................ 92.44 AQUA SERVE.....................................Services and Other.............. 166.00 AQUA SERVE.....................................Supplies................................. 38.10 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other......... 11,336.88 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Supplies........................ 112,784.43 ARAPAHOE COUNTY COUNCIL - AGING ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,000.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER &........Services and Other........... 2,906.32 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other......... 11,362.50 ARAPAHOE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 44,885.00 ARAPAHOE WATER AND WASTEWATER ............................................................Services and Other......... 49,059.41 ARLEEN LIDDELL...............................Services and Other................ 72.00 ARMAG CORPORATION....................MISC................................ 9,294.00 ASHLEY CAPPEL...............................Services and Other................ 52.00 ASIMAKIS IATRIDIS............................Services and Other.............. 900.00 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 115.12 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,120.00 AURORA HOUSING CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 AURORA INTERCHURCH TASK FORCE ............................................................Services and Other......... 12,750.00 AURORA MEDIA GROUP LLC...........Services and Other........... 7,277.40 AUTOZONE PARTS INC.....................Supplies................................. 70.46 BACKUPIFY INC.................................Services and Other........... 2,070.00 BAMBI SHROPHIRE...........................Services and Other................ 36.94 BASHAR I SAWAQED.........................Services and Other................ 20.70 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC...................Supplies............................... 629.48 BC SERVICES INC.............................MISC................................... 266.00 BENJAMIN SWARTZENDRUBER......Services and Other................ 28.41 BILL L HOLEN.....................................Services and Other.............. 509.20 BODIE ENGER LAW...........................MISC..................................... 40.00 BONDED BUSINESS SERVICES LTD ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 BRAMMER LAW OFFICE PC.............MISC..................................... 15.00 BRAUN NORTHWEST INC.................Supplies................................. 25.55 BRIAN C WILSON...............................Services and Other................ 61.06 BRIAN PRENDERGAST.....................MISC..................................... 40.00 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 255.96 BRINK’S INCORPORATED.................Services and Other........... 7,019.61 BRYAN TEANY....................................Services and Other.............. 160.00 BUDGET CONTROL SERVICES INC.MISC..................................... 15.00 BUEHLER MOVING STORAGE.........Services and Other........... 6,261.00 BUFFALO SECURITY.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 BURGER INVESTMENTS FLP...........Services and Other.............. 100.00 BURGER INVESTMENTS, FLP..........Services and Other.............. 800.00 CARL REAM ATTORNEY ATTEMPTED BATI ............................................................MISC..................................... 66.10 CAROL A WINTER..............................Services and Other................ 60.00 CAROL JEPPSEN...............................Services and Other................ 20.93 CASSANDRA SALE............................Services and Other.............. 122.00 CCP INDUSTRIES..............................Supplies............................ 1,072.75 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Services and Other.............. 576.26

CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Supplies............................... 889.55 CEC SOLAR #1121 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 4,181.06 CEC SOLAR #1122 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 4,046.22 CEC SOLAR #1130 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 4,297.90 CENTENNIAL ROTARY FOUNDATION INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,300.00 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other......... 14,838.05 CGRS INC...........................................Services and Other.............. 570.00 CHARLES EASTMAN SPENCER.......MISC..................................... 60.10 CHARLES H BUTTERFIELD III..........Services and Other................ 72.80 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other.............. 116.73 CHEYENNE COUNTY CLERK...........MISC..................................... 15.00 CINDY GARCIA...................................Services and Other................ 90.28 CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC................................ 1,150.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other......... 30,581.34 CLARENCE T TALLEY........................Services and Other................ 86.25 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF.........Services and Other.............. 180.00 COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF 4-H YOUTH ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,110.00 COLORADO COUNTY CLERKS ASSOCIATION ............................................................Services and Other................ 50.00 COLORADO COUNTY TREASURERS ASSN ............................................................Services and Other.............. 400.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 350.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC................................ 2,554.83 COLORADO GOVERNMENT FINANCE ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,750.00 COLORADO INFORMATION SHARING ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,614.50 COLORADO NATURAL GAS INC.......Services and Other.............. 345.56 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING & CCTV LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 175.00 COLORADO OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,646.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY.....Services and Other................ 51.00 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.................. 5.25 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER.................Services and Other......... 52,235.00 CONNOLLY’S TOWING INC...............Services and Other.............. 330.00 CONSTANTINOU LAW GROUP PA....MISC..................................... 15.00 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other................ 28.25 CONTINENTAL COLLECTION AGENCY LTD ............................................................MISC..................................... 30.00 COOK COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT....MISC..................................... 15.00 COOKS DIRECT INC..........................MISC................................ 1,275.00 COOKS DIRECT INC..........................Supplies................................. 47.00 CORRECT CARE SOLUTIONS LLC..Services and Other....... 527,928.86 COVERTTRACK GROUP INC............Services and Other........... 1,800.00 CRAIG REAMS...................................Services and Other.............. 231.80 CRESTEN DASHAW...........................MISC..................................... 15.00 CSUK INC...........................................Supplies............................... 732.00 CYNTHIA R MCNAIR..........................Supplies............................ 1,287.50 D’HISPANOS INC................................MISC..................................... 15.00 DANIAL RUYBAL................................Services and Other.............. 244.00 DANIEL BUSETTI...............................Services and Other.............. 228.00 DANIELLE BASH................................Services and Other.............. 195.25 DAVID BESSEN..................................Services and Other................ 38.76 DAVID KELSO.....................................Services and Other.............. 231.80 DAVID MICKLE...................................Supplies............................... 336.12 DAVID ZIMMERMAN...........................Services and Other.............. 452.46 DAWN RENE DRENNON...................MISC..................................... 15.00 DEANNE BENDER.............................Supplies................................. 75.00 DEISCH MARION & KLAUS PC.........MISC................................... 148.87 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other......... 28,108.62 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Supplies............................ 2,897.17 DELUXE..............................................Supplies................................. 91.82 DENISE HOLTER................................Services and Other................ 23.81 DENVER WATER................................Services and Other.............. 748.42 DEYANIRA MORALES VEGA.............MISC..................................... 15.00 DIEXSYS LLC.....................................Services and Other........... 2,187.40 DISTINCTIVE THREADS, INC............Supplies............................ 1,796.57 DOCTORS CARE................................Services and Other......... 11,700.00 DOMINICK CISSON............................Services and Other.............. 112.00 DOMINIQUE RIDEOUT.......................Services and Other.............. 241.40 DONYALE LYNN KOTH......................MISC..................................... 15.00 DRONE NERDS INC...........................Supplies............................... 679.00 DS WATERS OF AMERICA INC.........Supplies................................. 28.02 DUDE SOLUTIONS INC.....................Services and Other........... 3,590.00 DUNBAR SECURITY PRODUCTS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 834.51 DUSTY SASH......................................Services and Other.............. 241.40 E & L FLATWORK...............................Services and Other........... 1,300.00 E-470 PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other.................. 2.25 E470 PUBLIC HIGH WAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other................ 56.05 EL PASO COUNTY.............................Services and Other........... 8,795.00 ELECTRI-TEK LLC.............................Services and Other.............. 606.25 ELIZABETH CLAY...............................Services and Other................ 61.00 EMPLOYERS COUNCIL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 324.00 ENGLEWOOD LOCK AND SAFE INC ............................................................Supplies................................. 18.76 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH ............................................................Services and Other.............. 183.01 EP BLAZER LLC.................................Supplies............................... 132.18 ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL ............................................................Services and Other.............. 284.00 ERICA SCHNEE..................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ERIKA ESMERALDA GARCIA............MISC..................................... 15.00 ERNEST SHACKELFORD..................Supplies............................... 500.00 ETHAN CAHILL...................................Services and Other.............. 115.50 EVA LOUISE FOSTER........................Services and Other.............. 252.00 EXELON CORPORATION..................Services and Other......... 15,203.25 EXPRESS TOLL..................................Services and Other.................. 2.70 EXTRA PACKAGING LLC...................Supplies............................ 9,318.30 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................Supplies............................ 1,987.44 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC.............................. 10,917.58 FARON PAGE.....................................MISC..................................... 64.10 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies............................... 588.16 FEDEX................................................Supplies................................. 46.05 FLEET FUELING.................................MISC.............................. 36,574.05 FLORIDA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................ 1,685.82 FOP LODGE 31...................................MISC.............................. 19,270.00 FORENSIC TRUTH VERIFICATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,235.00 FRANCY LAW FIRM PLLC.................MISC..................................... 90.00 FRANK J BALL....................................MISC..................................... 45.00

FRONT RANGE LEGAL PROCESS SERVICE ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other....... 115,620.50 GALINA STRILETS.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 GARRY DEMETRIUS RUCKER.........MISC..................................... 15.00 GC SERVICES LP...............................MISC................................... 515.44 GEOFF T LEDGERWOOD..................Services and Other................ 75.00 GEOFF T LEDGERWOOOD...............Services and Other.............. 100.00 GERARDO CANO...............................Services and Other................ 36.34 GERARDO M ALVARENGA RIVERA..Services and Other................ 17.25 GFOA..................................................Services and Other.............. 150.00 GORDON REES SCULLY MANSUKHANI ............................................................MISC................................... 117.10 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM................Services and Other......... 21,432.60 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 2,928.05 HALLIDAY WATKINS & MANN PC.....MISC..................................... 64.10 HARRY L SIMON PC..........................MISC................................... 180.34 HAVIS INC...........................................Supplies............................... 198.00 HEPLERBROOM LLC.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 HERSHEY DECKER PLLC.................Services and Other.............. 292.50 HILAIRE BROCKMEYER....................Services and Other.............. 100.57 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................Services and Other.............. 730.59 HOBART CORPORATION..................Services and Other................ 75.42 HOLST BOETTCHER & TEHRANI LLP ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................MISC.............................. 11,710.11 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................... 237.44 HYATT LEGAL PLANS INC.................MISC................................ 4,686.00 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC.....Services and Other.............. 244.00 IMPACT DESIGN LLC.........................Supplies............................ 6,247.58 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS......................Services and Other.............. 758.98 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other......... 13,480.64 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................ 5,992.08 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................MISC............................ 365,233.57 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 417.00 INVERNESS PROPERTIES LLC........Services and Other.............. 478.00 INVITAE CORPORATION...................Supplies............................... 600.00 ITXCHANGE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,775.00 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK & SUPPLY CO .....Services and Other ............... 49.87 J BROWER PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES ............................................................Services and Other.............. 600.00 JAE SEO.............................................MISC..................................... 15.00 JAHSANA MALUHIALANI BANKS......Services and Other.............. 152.09 JAMES CONYERS..............................Services and Other................ 24.50 JASON M FREDRICKSON.................Services and Other................ 61.00 JASON M NIELSEN............................MISC................................... 374.51 JEFF BAKER.......................................Services and Other.............. 509.20 JEFFER GOERGEN............................MISC..................................... 15.00 JEFFREY MATTHEW SMITH.............Services and Other........... 2,700.00 JENNIFER MARIA SCARPELLI..........Services and Other................ 60.00 JENNIPHER ALEXANDER.................MISC................................... 350.76 JEREMY MANNING............................Services and Other................ 41.40 JIM ILG................................................MISC..................................... 60.60 JONATHAN OLP.................................Services and Other................ 72.00 JOSEPH CHAVEZ...............................MISC..................................... 15.00 JOSEPH VANHOOK...........................Services and Other................ 67.05 JOSHUA SPRING...............................Services and Other.............. 100.28 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA.........MISC............................ 519,486.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A.........Services and Other....... 373,966.55 JUAN C GUZMAN...............................Services and Other.............. 122.00 JUAN LUIS MOLINA VALLES.............MISC..................................... 69.10 JULIO CESAR CASTREJON AGUILAR ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 JUSTICE AND MERCY LEAGAL AID CLINIC ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,000.00 K&H INTEGRATED PRINT SOLUTIONS ............................................................Services and Other......... 83,898.37 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC............................ 900,067.27 KANSAS CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 KATHERINE LARRANAGA.................MISC..................................... 15.00 KATHLEEN CONTI..............................Services and Other.............. 509.20 KELLY ADKINS...................................Services and Other................ 40.83 KELLY DRAPER..................................Services and Other.............. 244.00 KELLY LEAR MD.................................Services and Other.............. 336.60 KELSEA DOMBROVSKI.....................Services and Other................ 19.55 KERRY URBANIAK.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 KEVIN KAY..........................................Services and Other................ 61.00 KEYTRAK INC....................................Supplies................................. 96.37 KOGA INSTITUTE DIV........................Services and Other......... 11,375.00 KRISTI GERHARDT............................Services and Other.................. 5.75 KUBL GROUP LLC.............................Services and Other......... 87,194.00 KUBL GROUP LLC.............................Supplies............................ 8,980.00 L & N SUPPLY COMPANY INC...........Supplies................................. 93.60 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 362.35 LARRY PARR......................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC...............Services and Other................ 62.50 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC...............Supplies............................... 264.36 LASERFAB INC...................................Supplies............................ 6,890.00 LAURA MAZUR...................................Services and Other................ 72.68 LAURAYNA LACRUE..........................MISC..................................... 15.00 LAUREN THOMAS..............................Services and Other.............. 101.89 LAURIE HALABA................................Services and Other.............. 264.00 LAW OFFICE BRIAN DEBAUCH LLC ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LAW OFFICE OF ANDREW GARCIA PC ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LAW OFFICE OF BRANDON R CEGLIAN PC ............................................................MISC..................................... 65.10 LAW OFFICE OF RICHARD K BLUNDELL ............................................................MISC..................................... 27.00 LAW OFFICE OF SCOTT & KIENZLE PA ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LAW OFFICES OF BRANDON R CEGLIAN ............................................................MISC..................................... 60.00 LAW OFFICES OF BRANDON R CEGLIAN PC ............................................................MISC................................... 456.70 LE ARGUELLO....................................MISC................................... 365.52 LEAH HILL...........................................Services and Other.............. 102.98 LEAH MICHELLE RAMMER...............MISC..................................... 15.00 LEIF A NELSON PC............................MISC..................................... 15.00 LEWIS PAPER INTERNATION INC....Supplies............................ 7,367.86 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Supplies............................... 150.00

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 18 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020 —Continued from previous page— LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,183.25 LIMU LLC............................................Services and Other........... 3,108.00 LINX MULTIMEDIA LLLP....................Supplies............................ 3,356.51 LORETTA L DANIEL............................Services and Other.............. 127.35 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies................................. 45.73 LUCAS GREEN...................................Services and Other................ 87.69 LUCINDA GREENE.............................Supplies................................... 7.00 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY.................Supplies............................... 101.50 LYNNEA OLDHAM..............................Services and Other................ 82.92 MACARI-HEALEY PUBLISHING CO LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,625.00 MADELEINE TUGMAN.......................Services and Other................ 23.29 MALIK KAFORIJI................................MISC..................................... 60.10 MANATRON INC.................................Services and Other........... 2,038.96 MARGARET PERL..............................Services and Other.............. 127.05 MARISOL GOMEZ..............................Services and Other.............. 122.48 MARK A LEACHMAN PC....................MISC..................................... 40.50 MARK ANDY INC................................Supplies............................... 158.31 MARK K BOYLE..................................Services and Other.............. 143.89 MARY L KOCHANIEC.........................Services and Other.............. 190.89 MARY VANDEROEF...........................Services and Other................ 29.48 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,347.22 MEDICAL CENTER OF AURORA.......Supplies............................ 2,150.00 MICHAEL AGOS.................................Services and Other.............. 158.60 MICHAEL AXINN.................................Services and Other................ 85.39 MICHAEL HALL...................................MISC..................................... 15.00 MICHAEL R NASH, MAI......................Services and Other.............. 250.00 MICHAEL TENNESON........................Supplies................................. 37.53 MICHELLE A HALSTEAD...................Services and Other.............. 596.32 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC...................MISC..................................... 15.00 MILLER COHEN PETERSON YOUNG PC ............................................................MISC..................................... 40.00 MINTZ LAW FIRM LLC.......................MISC..................................... 15.00 MONTROSE COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS..................Services and Other........... 6,353.58 MULTICARD INC.................................Supplies............................... 915.10 N TEGRA LLC.....................................Services and Other......... 12,164.91 NANCY JACKSON..............................Services and Other.............. 448.40 NANCY N SHARPE.............................Services and Other.............. 494.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................Supplies............................... 584.48 NATALIE BAZAREVITSCH.................Services and Other................ 59.80 NATALIE K ORTEGA...........................Services and Other................ 14.26 NATHANIEL MARTIN FRYE...............MISC..................................... 15.00 NATHEN TREUSCH............................Services and Other.............. 404.30 NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 337.00 NAVIGATE WELLNESS LLC...............Services and Other.............. 309.33 NELSON & KENNARD........................MISC..................................... 30.00 NESS COUNTY ATTORNEY...............MISC..................................... 15.00 NICOLE BUTLER................................Services and Other.................. 6.61 O’REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC ............................................................Supplies................................. 44.41 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,716.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF ............................................................Supplies............................... 102.00 OFFICE OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY....Services and Other.... 2,754,283.93 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY....MISC..................................... 15.00 OLIVIA ISABEL QUINONES...............Services and Other................ 13.40 OLSON RESTORATION II LLC...........Services and Other.............. 518.42 ON TARGET PERFORMANCE...........Services and Other........... 2,050.00 ORACLE USA INC..............................Services and Other.............. 931.70 OWEN KERRY WEIGNER..................MISC..................................... 15.00 OWENS EQUIPMENT LLC.................Supplies............................... 174.06 PACYGA LAW FIRM LLC....................MISC..................................... 40.00 PATRICK HERNANDEZ......................Services and Other................ 59.66 PATRICK HERNANDEZ......................Supplies................................... 3.99 PAYLOGIX LLC...................................MISC.............................. 24,991.35 PERRY FRIEDENTAG........................MISC..................................... 64.10 PETERSEN LEYBAS RUBBER STAMP ............................................................Supplies............................... 600.53 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Services and Other................ 82.15 POLLY NASH......................................MISC..................................... 10.00 PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 207.00 POTESTIO BROTHERS.....................Supplies............................ 1,296.28 POWERDMS, INC...............................Services and Other.............. 152.00 PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF.......Services and Other........... 9,400.00 PROFESSIONAL PROCESS SERVERS LLC ............................................................MISC..................................... 10.00 PROFORCE MARKETING INC...........Supplies.......................... 23,307.50 PROGRESSIVE 15.............................Services and Other........... 2,500.00 PROVEST LITIGATION.......................MISC..................................... 45.00 PROVEST LITIGATION SERVICES...MISC..................................... 60.00 PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 900.00 PUEBLO COUNTY COLORADO........Services and Other................ 80.00 PURPLE LANGUAGE SERVICES CO ............................................................Services and Other................ 81.00 RACHEL BECK...................................Services and Other................ 33.94 RAY ALLEN MANUFACTURING CO INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 307.48 RAYMOND WENDT............................MISC..................................... 66.10 REBECCA DOANE.............................Services and Other................ 21.85 REBECCA TAYLOR............................Services and Other.............. 168.41 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies............................... 135.99 REGIONAL AIR QUALITY COUNCIL.. Services and Other......... 10,000.00 RESEARCH ESSENTIALS LLC..........Services and Other......... 40,000.00 RHONDA ROBINSON/PETTY CASH.Services and Other.............. 504.80 RHONDA ROBINSON/PETTY CASH.Supplies................................. 90.21 RICHARD D WILLIAMS......................Services and Other.............. 525.00 RITA HAYNIE.......................................MISC..................................... 15.00 RM JACKSON & ASSOCIATES PC....MISC..................................... 15.00 ROBERT BROWNLEE........................MISC..................................... 66.10 ROBIN VIGIL.......................................Services and Other................ 43.70 ROBINSON & HENRY PC..................MISC................................... 111.10 ROCKFORD GRAY LLC.....................Services and Other........... 5,284.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 613.80 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies............................... 172.96 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADIOGRAPHICS ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,650.00 RONDA MCGUINNIS..........................Services and Other.................. 2.42 RONEY HAROLD MCCONNELL........MISC..................................... 15.00 ROYAL CUP INC.................................Supplies................................. 13.55 RYDERS PUBLIC SAFETY LLC.........Supplies............................... 524.25 S&D LAW............................................MISC..................................... 12.00 SALLY K GILBERT..............................Services and Other.............. 295.00 SCOTT CLARK...................................Services and Other................ 18.40 SCOTT JONES...................................Services and Other.............. 125.00 SCOTT SHAW.....................................Services and Other................ 91.14 SECURITY CENTRAL INC.................Services and Other.............. 120.00 SEDRA N FREDRICK.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 SEFNCO..............................................MISC................................... 806.50 SHAYLEN FLOREZ.............................Services and Other................ 57.20 SHERYL ANNE YOUNG.....................Services and Other................ 72.00 SHRED-IT USA LLC............................Services and Other........... 1,541.40 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other......... 38,152.99 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Supplies............................ 1,100.00 SMITH SLUSKY LAW.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 SMTN LLC...........................................MISC..................................... 69.10 SOUTH METRO MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 SOUTHEAST METRO STORMWATER AUTH ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,500.00 SOUTHERNCARLSON.......................Supplies............................ 1,702.50 SPECIALTY INCENTIVES INC...........Supplies............................ 2,314.94 SPOK INC...........................................Services and Other.............. 308.25 SPRINGMAN BRADEN WILSON........MISC................................... 700.00

LEGALS SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC..................Services and Other.............. 389.16 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC.............................. 66,141.49 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC..........Services and Other......... 22,753.50 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT...........MISC................................... 580.38 STATE OF COLORADO......................Services and Other................ 25.78 STATE OF COLORADO......................Supplies................................. 43.68 STATEWIDE INTERNET PORTAL AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 36,836.76 STEFANIE SPAIN-MADRIGAL............Services and Other.............. 264.00 STEVEN PECK...................................Services and Other................ 61.00 STEVENS REPORTING SERVICE.....Services and Other.............. 511.10 SUMMIT VIEW SOLUTIONS..............Supplies............................ 2,200.00 SUZANNE LYNN SARASIN................Supplies............................... 231.00 SUZIE MILLER....................................Supplies................................. 75.00 SYMBOLARTS LLC............................Supplies............................ 1,271.75 T-MOBILE USA INC............................Supplies............................... 357.00 TALENTSMART INC...........................Services and Other.............. 143.44 TARAMART & GAS INC......................Services and Other................ 74.00 TATYANA M LEPLER..........................Services and Other................ 76.00 TERESA MARLOWE...........................Services and Other.............. 107.65 THE CLEANING GUYS LLC...............Supplies............................ 3,648.95 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,042.38 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other........... 4,098.09 THE MOORE LAW GROUP APC........MISC..................................... 60.00 THE SALVATION ARMY......................Services and Other......... 15,000.00 THE SUPPLY CACHE INC..................Supplies............................... 294.95 THERMO FLUIDS INC........................Supplies............................... 391.40 THIN LINE THREAD...........................Supplies............................ 2,101.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other.............. 929.15 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Supplies............................... 302.40 TIFFANIE BLEAU................................Services and Other................ 45.83 TIM HANSON......................................Services and Other................ 96.90 TLC MEALS ON WHEELS..................Services and Other......... 30,000.00 TOBEY & JOHNSTON PC..................MISC..................................... 96.85 TODD COMPANIES INC.....................Services and Other.............. 700.00 TODD MONTGOMERY.......................Supplies............................... 199.00 TOM FINLEY.......................................Services and Other.............. 122.00 TOP HAT FILE AND SERVE INC........MISC..................................... 15.00 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL......................Services and Other................ 29.37 TRANS UNION....................................Services and Other.............. 100.48 TRI VALLEY SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other......... 12,000.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 64,718.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other....... 783,726.34 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS.....Services and Other....... 148,335.51 TSCHETTER HAMRICK SULZER PC ............................................................MISC.............................. 12,684.30 TYLER BROWN..................................Services and Other.............. 228.00 U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT INC................Services and Other.............. 672.88 ULINE INC...........................................Supplies............................ 2,793.75 UNC FOUNDATION / EAST COLORADO SBDC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,000.00 UNIFIRST FIRST AID CORP..............Supplies............................... 730.74 UNINCORPORATED ARAPAHOE COUNTY ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,000.00 UNITED LANGUAGE GROUP INC.....Services and Other.............. 222.20 UNIVERSAL INFORMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 568.10 UNIVERSITY OF DENVER.................Services and Other......... 16,650.00 US CORRECTIONS LLC....................Services and Other........... 8,969.25 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION..MISC................................... 521.13 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 201.15 VALLEJO CC LLC...............................Services and Other......... 18,030.47 VERITIV OPERATING COMPANY......Supplies............................... 817.33 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other........... 7,718.38 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Supplies............................... 949.99 VIAL FOTHERINGHAM LLP...............MISC................................... 178.17 VIAL FOTHERINGHAM LP.................MISC................................... 160.52 VICTOR BLATZER..............................Services and Other.............. 150.36 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other........... 5,458.41 VINCENT KAPAUN.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC.............................. 10,159.72 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other.............. 528.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Supplies............................ 2,868.77 WAKEFIELD AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................MISC..................................... 55.00 WANCO INC........................................Supplies............................... 280.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,589.00 WELBORN SULLIVAN MECK & TOOLEY PC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,687.50 WELLS FARGO MERCHANT SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 441.17 WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ............................................................Supplies............................... 550.00 WILSON & ASSOCIATES LLC............Services and Other........... 3,466.50 WINZENBURG LEFF PURVIS & PAYNE......................................MISC. 26.00 WOLF CREEK RUN AT STRASBURG HOA ............................................................MISC................................ 1,513.36 WRANGLER SUPER HOLDCO CORP ............................................................Services and Other................ 89.10 WRITER MOTT...................................Services and Other.............. 241.51 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other......... 82,603.95 XEROX CORPORATION....................Services and Other......... 18,212.95 FUND REPORT - 11 Social Services 1401 JOSEPHINE LLC.......................Community Programs....... 1,353.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Capital Outlay................... 2,267.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other.............. 339.00 AAPEX LEGAL SERVICES.................Services and Other................ 98.50 ADAMS COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC................................ 3,388.00 ADRIANA MENDOZA..........................Services and Other................ 12.65 ADRIANE HACKETT...........................Services and Other................ 89.13 AHMAD MANSHADI............................Community Programs.......... 700.00 ALEXANDRA EGGLESTON................Services and Other................ 37.32 ALEXANDRIA J KNAPPE...................Services and Other.............. 223.22 ALISSA J YULU...................................Services and Other.............. 552.47 ALYSIA LANGELIERS.........................Services and Other................ 23.00 AMANDA MCKEY................................Services and Other................ 46.11 AMBER R GUTIERREZ......................Services and Other................ 17.02 AMBER VERZOSA..............................Services and Other.............. 282.61 AMELIA E VALDEZ.............................Services and Other................ 12.65 AMERICAN BIOIDENTITY INC...........Services and Other................ 99.00 AMUR EQUIPMENT FINANCE INC....MISC................................... 213.00 AMY NOEL JATSKO...........................Services and Other.............. 168.02 ANDREW ACREE...............................Services and Other.............. 119.02 ANGELICA ROS..................................Services and Other.............. 168.72 ANITRA HATHAWAY...........................Services and Other.............. 156.86 ANNETTE MYRICK.............................Services and Other................ 30.04 APRIL SEE..........................................Services and Other.............. 145.04 ARAPAHOE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT ............................................................Community Programs.......... 501.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Services and Other......... 24,708.72 ARAPAHOE/DOUGLAS WORKS........Community Programs... 162,798.38 ASHLEY WUNDERLE.........................Services and Other.............. 125.07 ATLAS REAL ESTATE GROUP..........Community Programs.......... 700.00 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,513.87 AURORA HOUSING AUTHORITY......Community Programs....... 5,000.00 AVI SYSTEMS INC..............................Supplies............................ 3,223.48 B I INCORPORATED..........................Services and Other........... 4,754.07 BACKGROUND INFORMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,659.77 BAILEY MCGUINNESS.......................Services and Other.............. 786.31 BANCHGIZR DEGU............................MISC..................................... 20.00 BOMBINOS CHILDCARE...................Community Programs.......... 291.00 BOULDER CTY HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICE ............................................................MISC..................................... 50.00

BRENDA R BLASKO...........................Services and Other.............. 102.47 BRITANY S FEATHERS......................Community Programs.............. 6.51 BRITANY S FEATHERS......................Services and Other.............. 836.94 BRITTANY NOBLE..............................Services and Other................ 88.38 CARRIE BALOW.................................Services and Other.............. 123.13 CARRISHA NEWTON.........................Services and Other.............. 317.09 CASSANDRA AGUILAR......................Services and Other.............. 274.21 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Supplies................................. 18.22 CENTER FOR WORK EDUCATION AND ............................................................Community Programs... 118,210.48 CESCO LINGUISTIC SERVICES INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 3,023.71 CHERYL TERNES...............................Services and Other................ 84.41 CHRISTIANA FLADEN........................Services and Other................ 86.98 CIERA C SPIRES................................MISC................................... 161.00 CITY OF THORNTON.........................Community Programs.......... 598.50 CLERK OF THE COMBINED COURTS ............................................................MISC................................... 445.81 COACHING-FORLIFE.........................Services and Other........... 4,050.00 COLLEEN HAYES...............................Services and Other................ 10.50 COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION......Services and Other................ 30.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC................................ 5,671.19 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER.................Community Programs..... 11,700.00 COMPASS GROUP USA, INC............Community Programs..... 16,822.70 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other.............. 305.10 CORPORATE TRANSLATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,051.84 CYNTHIA MARTINEZ-VAZQUEZ........Services and Other................ 14.66 DANIELLE CLARK-JACKSON............Services and Other................ 91.54 DANIELLE NEWMAN..........................Services and Other................ 55.64 DANIELLE WAAGMEESTER..............Services and Other................ 32.91 DAWN GOODMAN..............................Services and Other................ 60.82 DAWNA ROBERTS.............................Services and Other................ 42.55 DEANNA STEPANIUK.........................Services and Other.............. 455.71 DEBORAH BATTS..............................Services and Other................ 12.77 DEBORAH MCCARTY........................Services and Other................ 28.25 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other........... 9,674.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Supplies............................ 2,100.00 DELMY ACOSTA.................................Services and Other................ 52.20 DENVER HUMAN SERVICES............MISC................................... 374.00 DENVER SHERIFF DEPARTMENT....Services and Other................ 48.25 DOUGLAS COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER ............................................................Services and Other................ 32.25 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF..........Services and Other................ 50.00 ELIZABETH A NELSON......................Services and Other................ 80.27 EMELY ROMERO...............................Services and Other.............. 204.24 ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT...Community Programs....... 2,572.00 ERIC HOSKINS...................................Services and Other.............. 150.08 ERIN COLOROSO..............................Services and Other................ 45.55 EXPERIAN..........................................Services and Other................ 27.86 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,258.58 FAMILY TREE INC..............................Community Programs..... 42,172.00 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN.....................Services and Other........... 5,571.41 FLAIR DATA SYSTEMS INC...............Supplies............................... 490.00 FLORDELIS CASANAS......................Services and Other................ 24.73 FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT ............................................................Services and Other................ 47.84 FRONT RANGE LEGAL PROCESS SERV INC ............................................................Services and Other................ 75.00 GEORJETTE DHLIWAYO...................Services and Other.............. 232.88 GERALD H PHIPPS INC.....................Capital Outlay................. 26,217.56 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP..................Services and Other........... 1,752.91 GREENLEAF - VILLIA VERDE LLLP ............................................................Community Programs.......... 700.00 HARMONIE R TRENN........................Services and Other.............. 138.53 HEATHER MORGAN..........................Services and Other.................. 5.98 HOPSKIPDRIVE INC..........................Community Programs..... 19,986.70 IDEMIA IDENTITY & SECURITY........Services and Other.............. 198.00 INSIGHT GLOBAL LLC.......................Capital Outlay................... 1,344.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................... 335.58 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE........MISC................................... 150.00 INTERSTATE AUTO GROUP INC.......Community Programs.......... 310.00 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other.............. 392.00 J&M PROCESSORS LLC...................Services and Other................ 50.00 JAMES ERIC SWART.........................Services and Other.............. 765.00 JAYMYN MERRIT...............................MISC................................... 100.00 JEANA MILLER...................................MISC..................................... 20.00 JEFFREY KEY....................................Services and Other................ 13.80 JENNIFER ELANE STEF....................Community Programs............ 58.03 JENNIFER JONES-DAY......................Services and Other.............. 101.50 JENNIFER MARINE............................Services and Other................ 22.54 JESSE BOBIAN..................................Services and Other................ 43.01 JESSICA L FREEMAN........................Services and Other.............. 119.76 JODI GULLEY.....................................Services and Other................ 96.95 JOHN DRULIS.....................................Services and Other.............. 484.71 JOHN NAGENCAST...........................Services and Other.............. 990.00 JORDAN M MCGINNIS.......................Services and Other.............. 461.67 JOSEPH BORREGO...........................Services and Other.............. 172.62 JULIA RAMSDELL...............................Services and Other.............. 240.13 JULIE SCHILLING...............................Services and Other.............. 234.15 JUSTIN E HENDERSON.....................Services and Other........... 2,385.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC............................ 607,989.03 KARA M O’KELLY...............................Services and Other................ 43.70 KAREN MAZZINI.................................Services and Other................ 80.36 KARI SALES.......................................Services and Other.............. 131.95 KATELYN CHRISTINE KRIEGER.......Services and Other................ 51.64 KATHERINE GUERRERO..................Services and Other................ 18.56 KATHLEEN STAFFORD......................Services and Other................ 94.74 KATLIN N FIRA....................................Services and Other................ 69.46 KATRIN BARTHEL..............................Community Programs............ 45.64 KATRIN BARTHEL..............................Services and Other.............. 168.42 KATRIONA MORTIMORE...................Services and Other.............. 580.87 KAYLEE MCFARLAND........................Services and Other................ 36.17 KAYLEIGH BOVERI............................Services and Other.............. 217.02 KELLI TERRELL..................................Services and Other.............. 245.77 KIRSTEN LAWRENCE........................Services and Other................ 88.73 KRAYNEWSKIA ALLEN......................Services and Other.............. 210.88 KRISTEN BRITTON............................Services and Other.............. 137.90 KRISTI ERICKSON.............................Services and Other.............. 157.82 LABORATORY CORPORATION OF...Services and Other.............. 277.75 LANAE WELLS...................................Services and Other................ 13.80 LAURA GOLDSMITH..........................Services and Other................ 27.75 LAURA PATTERSON..........................Services and Other.............. 168.59 LEAH TURNER...................................Community Programs............ 25.60 LEAH TURNER...................................Services and Other.............. 209.21 LEBA HIRSCH.....................................Services and Other........... 1,214.09 LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 570.00 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS........Services and Other.............. 398.60 LIBERTY CREEK APAPRTMENTS.....Community Programs.......... 771.00 LINLEY STRICKER.............................Services and Other................ 20.36 LUCAS S KANE..................................MISC................................... 364.00 LYNNAE J STEVENS..........................Services and Other................ 12.65 MARINA SARINANA...........................Services and Other................ 79.12 MARY LEEDS.....................................Services and Other.............. 175.02 MARY LEMA........................................Services and Other................ 27.49 MARY WORTH....................................Services and Other................ 35.65 MEGHAN LOFTUS..............................Services and Other................ 86.49 MELISSA MCKINLEY..........................Services and Other.............. 422.65 MICHAEL VALENTINE........................Services and Other................ 67.10 MICHELLE DOSSEY...........................Services and Other................ 79.76 MICHELLE E MORFIN........................Community Programs............ 11.42 MICHELLE E MORFIN........................Services and Other.............. 101.21 MIKAELA C ZAMORA.........................Services and Other.............. 182.62 MIRIAN DELGADO.............................Services and Other................ 13.63 MISSOURI HEALTH AND SENIOR SRV ............................................................Services and Other................ 30.00 MOREEN J ORDONEZ.......................Services and Other................ 32.07 MOTI SIWAKOTI.................................MISC..................................... 75.00 MUNITAZ FATIMA ALI.........................MISC..................................... 96.00 NANCY BROWN.................................Services and Other................ 15.00 NANCY REGALADO...........................Community Programs.......... 470.00

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— NATIONAL ASSOC OF COUNTY HUMAN ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,310.00 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT...........MISC................................... 822.48 NEW LEGACY CHARTER SCHOOL..Community Programs....... 2,012.36 NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH ............................................................Services and Other................ 30.00 NICHOLAS P FENNELL......................Community Programs.......... 800.00 NICOLE A NINA...................................Services and Other.............. 228.76 NICOLE HICKS-NESTOR...................MISC..................................... 40.00 ONTARIO SYSTEMS LLC...................Services and Other........... 2,155.79 OPTIMIZE MANPOWER SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 34,720.26 PAMELA YANETT................................Services and Other.............. 156.54 PENELOPE J CHIHA..........................Services and Other.............. 295.34 PHILIP JAMES....................................Services and Other................ 36.42 PITNEY BOWES.................................Supplies.......................... 16,632.00 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 327.40 PUEBLO COUNTY GOVERNMENT...Services and Other................ 37.70 QUENTON BO-RASHARD GOODWIN ............................................................Services and Other.............. 142.14 RACHEL ANNE NUNEZ......................Services and Other........... 1,170.00 RACQUEL ALBA.................................MISC..................................... 44.00 REBECCA HEATON............................Services and Other................ 23.69 REBECCA MAYBURY.........................Services and Other................ 80.10 REBECCA MICHELLE MADSEN........Services and Other.............. 182.74 REBECCA WILSON............................Services and Other.............. 273.42 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT ............................................................Community Programs..... 24,148.00 RENAE C MALLETT...........................Services and Other.............. 300.00 RENE GONZALEZ..............................Community Programs.......... 250.00 RMC CDT GARDEN COURT LLC......Community Programs.......... 550.00 ROBERT ALAN JACKSON.................Services and Other.............. 990.00 ROBIN NICETA...................................Services and Other.............. 711.75 ROSE LIZA BAKER.............................MISC................................... 101.25 RUFFNER PROPERTIES LLC............Community Programs.......... 700.00 SALVATORE L FAZIO JR....................Services and Other........... 2,250.00 SAMANTHA A BOWLES.....................Services and Other.............. 649.59 SCOTTY DAY......................................Services and Other.............. 196.04 SHAELA NEWBY................................Services and Other.............. 182.91 SHILOH HOME INC............................Community Programs..... 23,161.14 SHILOH HOUSE.................................Community Programs..... 24,356.06 SHILOH HOUSE.................................Services and Other.............. 699.60 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other......... 30,300.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC.............................. 18,450.10 STEVEN NASH...................................Services and Other................ 56.67 SUZANNE PRICE...............................Services and Other................ 15.35 SWAN ENTERPRISES & CONSULTING LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,600.00 TAHANI AHMED MOHAMED..............Services and Other................ 27.38 TALENTSMART INC...........................Services and Other.............. 630.00 TANYA GLICK.....................................Services and Other................ 87.46 TARA SAULIBIO..................................Services and Other................ 53.74 TAYLOR GRASTON............................Services and Other.............. 442.83 TECSOLARC LLC...............................Services and Other........... 5,000.00 THE ADOPTION EXCHANGE INC.....Community Programs....... 2,603.33 THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP.. Community Programs..... 25,078.00 THOMAS A GRAHAM JR....................Services and Other........... 1,980.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other........... 6,997.54 TOM MILLS PSI INC...........................Services and Other........... 1,765.00 TRACY OPP........................................Services and Other.............. 287.95 TRACY WALKER................................MISC..................................... 25.00 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 11,448.22 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs....... 8,094.32 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 TYLER KANE......................................Services and Other................ 50.60 UNITED PROCESSING INC...............Services and Other................ 85.00 UNIVERSITY OF DENVER.................Services and Other........... 6,116.91 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION..MISC................................... 825.19 VALERIE K BROOKS..........................Services and Other........... 1,168.75 VALERIE L DIAZ.................................Services and Other.............. 363.41 VALERIE TERZIC................................Services and Other................ 14.84 VANESSA FRAZIER............................Services and Other................ 46.29 VELIA DUST........................................Services and Other................ 29.66 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other......... 17,576.34 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other.............. 741.06 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................ 6,045.58 WESTDALE GACO PROPERTIES LLC ............................................................Community Programs.......... 700.00 WINRIDGE VENTURE LLC................Community Programs....... 2,350.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Community Programs.......... 800.00 ZINO BENYOUCEL.............................MISC................................... 891.97 FUND REPORT - 12 Electronic Filing Technology COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC.............................. 26,720.00 KOFILE TECHNOLOGIES INC...........Services and Other......... 13,826.00 FUND REPORT - 14 Law Enforcement Authority District AED EVERYWHERE...........................Supplies............................... 524.40 ARLEEN LIDDELL...............................Services and Other................ 48.00 COVERTTRACK GROUP INC............Services and Other........... 1,200.00 DOUGLAS COUNTY GOVERNMENT ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,344.00 EVA LOUISE FOSTER........................Services and Other.............. 168.00 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 811.08 JONATHAN OLP.................................Services and Other................ 48.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 98,002.33 KEYTRAK INC....................................Supplies................................. 64.25

LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 241.56 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC...............Supplies............................... 176.24 PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 138.00 RAY ALLEN MANUFACTURING CO INC ............................................................Supplies................................. 12.00 SHERYL ANNE YOUNG.....................Services and Other................ 48.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 2,691.86 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT...................MISC................................... 923.08 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other.............. 313.22 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Supplies............................... 201.60 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 280.09 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................ 1,122.78 FUND REPORT - 15 Arapahoe / Douglas Works! A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other........... 6,856.01 ARLENE R MALAY..............................Services and Other........... 3,071.00 ARSEMA INC......................................Services and Other........... 2,820.00 ASHLEY N SCHACHT........................Services and Other.............. 150.00 BC SERVICES, INC............................MISC................................ 1,001.57 CLAUDIA L ROMERO.........................Services and Other................ 10.75 CLAYTON HOSCHOUER...................Services and Other.............. 142.14 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................Community Programs............ 95.00 D’ANGELO JOHNSON........................Services and Other................ 87.40 ELIZABETH MIKALATOS....................Services and Other.............. 300.77 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,711.28 FRONT RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 832.18 JENNIFER DETLING..........................Services and Other................ 12.36 JESSICA TRUJILLO............................Services and Other................ 35.08 JOHN D NEBEL..................................Services and Other........... 4,870.00 JOSIAH MONTANO............................Services and Other.............. 200.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 76,642.90 KELLY A FOLKS..................................Services and Other.............. 472.63 MOHAMED A FARAH..........................Services and Other................ 60.95 MONIKA STASIAK...............................Services and Other................ 19.02 NIELS E CHRISTENSEN....................Services and Other................ 79.35 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP.Supplies............................ 1,467.92 RANDOLPH JOHNSON......................Services and Other.............. 139.78 RONALD PEREA................................Services and Other.............. 123.33 RTD 2380............................................Community Programs....... 5,954.00 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other................ 50.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 2,626.07 TANYA JO DEBARDELABEN.............Services and Other................ 21.39 TANYA MUNIZ.....................................Services and Other................ 33.64 TAWNEY SULLIVAN...........................Services and Other................ 31.05 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other........... 7,828.48 THE MASTER’S APPRENTICE..........Services and Other........... 3,000.00 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION..MISC................................... 613.78 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 670.32 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 672.50 ............................................................................................................... FUND REPORT - 16 Road and Bridge.................................................. ............................................................ ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY.........Supplies................................. 84.25 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 798.38 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................... 817.84 CARSE SECRETARY/TREASURER..Services and Other................ 45.00 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other........... 9,615.53 COPPER STATE BOLT & NUT CO.....Supplies................................. 37.14 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 720.00 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................ 1,112.72 GREATWOOD LUMBER & HARDWARE ............................................................Supplies............................... 186.69 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC........Services and Other......... 19,960.45 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 62,850.21 KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE CO........Supplies............................ 8,390.44 MATHESON TRIGAS INC...................Supplies............................... 132.76 MOORESEAL INC...............................Supplies............................ 1,600.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 408.00 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other........... 2,775.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................ 2,007.04 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 568.81 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other........... 1,754.50 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 680.43 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 1,365.02 FUND REPORT - 19 Communications Network Replacement HUNTERS RUN HOLDING LP............Services and Other........... 1,800.00 FUND REPORT - 20 Sheriff’s Commissary ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 4,049.44 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other......... 13,887.50 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,905.29 BAKER & TAYLOR..............................Supplies............................... 459.62 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.............. 739.93 CORRECT CARE SOLUTIONS LLC..Services and Other........... 7,764.42 DEBRA RENEE TYGRETT.................Services and Other........... 1,075.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 4,558.89 NANCY LANTZ....................................Services and Other.............. 550.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 215.00 THE DENVER POST...........................Services and Other........... 1,122.00 USA TODAY........................................Services and Other.............. 144.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 54.51 FUND REPORT - 21 Community Development AURORA HOUSING AUTHORITY......Services and Other........... 8,072.52 BROTHERS REDEVELOPMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 8,555.64 COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ............................................................Services and Other......... 12,057.00 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER......Services and Other......... 10,756.45 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 2,931.57 SPMF VENTURE IV LLC....................Services and Other.............. 400.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC..................................... 82.42 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other................ 65.24 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 42.66 FUND REPORT - 26 Grants ADRIAN O ELLIOTT............................MISC................................... 459.35 ADVANTAGE TREATMENT CENTER.Community Programs....... 1,501.95 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................... 730.41 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 22,302.80 BAMBI SHROPHIRE...........................Services and Other.............. 130.96 CARNATION BUILDING SERVICE INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 500.00 CITY OF AURORA WATER DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 163.16 COLORADO STATE PATROL.............Services and Other.............. 702.00 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES INC............Supplies............................... 905.67 COMCOR INC.....................................Community Programs....... 2,915.54 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS, INC ............................................................Community Programs.......... 410.75 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS, INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 27,735.00 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Community Programs... 348,560.93 DENISE HOLTER................................Services and Other................ 66.30 DENVER REAL ESTATE MOGULS....Community Programs....... 1,250.00 DENVER WINAIR CO.........................MISC................................ 8,019.00 DIAMOND DRUGS INC......................Supplies............................... 832.50 EAGLE ROCK SUPPLY......................MISC.............................. 16,970.87 EAGLE ROCK SUPPLY......................Supplies............................. (160.84) FAIRWAYS AT LOWRY.......................Community Programs.......... 945.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 419.06 GARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC

............................................................Services and Other........... 3,350.00 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY....Supplies............................ 4,340.92 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies................................. 33.90 H & A PROPERTIES LLC....................Services and Other........... 8,389.44 HOME COMFORT INSULATION........Services and Other........... 9,672.52 INTERVENTION COMMUNITY...........Community Programs....... 2,270.75 INTREPID VENTURE GROUP LLC....Services and Other......... 43,150.00 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 30,686.58 L & N SUPPLY COMPANY INC...........Supplies............................... 218.40 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,275.00 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............MISC................................... 182.15 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............Supplies............................... 373.31 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies............................ 9,008.58 MONTGOMERY INSULATION INC....Services and Other........... 5,127.68 OAK RIDGE APARTMENTS (DELAWARE) LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,210.00 POSITIVE ENERGY CONSERVATION ............................................................MISC................................ 6,734.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................. 54.05 ROCKY MOUNTAIN OFFENDER MANAGEMENT ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,925.00 SCOTT K LAMBERT...........................Community Programs....... 1,425.00 SEN N SUH.........................................Community Programs....... 1,430.00 SENIORS’ RESOURCE CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 48,786.48 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other.............. 100.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 924.84 TERESA MARLOWE...........................Services and Other.................. 3.33 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US)..........Services and Other.............. 174.75 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 394.80 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC................................... 479.82 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other.............. 163.48 WHOLE ENERGY AND HARDWARE INC ............................................................MISC................................ 2,340.64 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 617.04 FUND REPORT - 28 Open Space Sales Tax ARAPAHOE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT ............................................................Services and Other....... 109,962.00 ARAPAHOE WATER AND WASTEWATER ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 AZTEC CONSULTANTS INC..............Services and Other........... 2,210.00 BREEANNA MARTINEZ......................MISC................................... 590.50 C. CHANGE CONSULTING LLC.........Services and Other........... 2,113.00 CARNATION BUILDING SERVICE INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,333.29 CDW GOVERNMENT.........................Services and Other........... 1,330.48 CINTAS CORPORATION NO. 2..........Services and Other.............. 155.03 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2............Services and Other.............. 460.84 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...Services and Other....... 132,226.00 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other....... 146,850.00 CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE.....Services and Other.............. 525.00 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................Services and Other....... 223,788.53 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC.Services and Other........... 3,128.00 CRYSTAL ORGAN..............................Services and Other................ 24.04 DISTINCTIVE THREADS, INC............Supplies................................. 20.00 DUDE SOLUTIONS INC.....................Services and Other........... 1,795.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 431.06 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 25,454.72 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other.............. 234.43 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 626.01 GRANITE SEED COMPANY...............Supplies............................... 293.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................ 2,422.71 J&S CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CO....Supplies............................... 534.60 JACOB ALSIP......................................Services and Other.............. 103.02 JEFCO AEROMOD’LERS RC CLUB..MISC................................... 900.00 JUAN SIMENTAL................................MISC................................... 687.50 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC.............................. 16,198.62 KATHRYN SCOTT PHOTOGRAPHY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 881.90 LEXY JACOBSON...............................Services and Other................ 33.70 MARIELA GUTIERREZ.......................MISC................................... 835.00 NICOLE JONES..................................MISC................................ 1,640.00 PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other......... 36,563.45 POWERS PRODUCTS COMPANY....Services and Other.............. 892.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 122.90 SHANNON CARTER...........................Services and Other.............. 440.10 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other........... 1,400.00 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 617.45 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC..........Services and Other........... 6,950.00 TALENTSMART INC...........................Services and Other.............. 504.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 210.10 TIGER OAK MEDIA INC.....................Services and Other................ 62.50 TRIPLE L&P INC.................................Services and Other.............. 335.72 TURFTIME EQUIPMENT LLC............Services and Other........... 3,400.00 UNIFIRST FIRST AID CORP..............Supplies............................... 169.80 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other........... 2,726.14 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 62.61 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 192.00 WEED WRANGLERS..........................Services and Other.............. 700.00 WENK ASSOCIATES INC...................MISC.............................. 79,878.25 WESTERN WELCOME WEEK...........Services and Other................ 85.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other......... 10,757.09 FUND REPORT - 29 Homeland Security - North Central AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC...MISC................................ 3,612.77 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC...Services and Other.............. 175.54 ANTHONY KASTROS.........................Services and Other......... 42,415.34 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC............MISC................................... 489.36 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC............Services and Other................ (0.36) BROTHERS BBQ CATERING & PARTY PLANN ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,409.81 C SCOTT KELLAR..............................MISC.............................. 12,180.00 CADWELL IRREVOCABLE TRUST III ............................................................Services and Other.............. 778.92 CENTER FOR INTERNET SECURITY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,820.00 CHARLES SCOTT KELLAR................Services and Other........... 1,551.13 CRITIGEN LLC....................................Services and Other........... 2,282.50 EON OFFICE PRODUCTS.................Services and Other.............. 372.66 FIRE & SAFETY OF DENVER INC.....Services and Other.............. 644.50 GIUSEPPE’S PIZZERIA & DELI.........Services and Other.............. 496.28 GRAINGER.........................................MISC................................ 1,049.40 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other.................. 0.03 GREGORY M THORNTON.................Services and Other........... 1,154.71 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 3,372.27 NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE LLC....MISC................................ 1,768.80 NORTH AMERICAN RESCUE LLC....Services and Other................ 17.00 PREPARE SMART LLC......................MISC................................ 1,440.00 PROPAC INC......................................MISC................................ 6,645.49 RICHARD C PRICE.............................Services and Other........... 5,254.91 SIMLA AUTO & TRUCK SALVAGE.....MISC................................ 5,952.94 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC..................................... 67.30 STEPHANY JUNEAU..........................Services and Other.............. 767.47 TIME CREATORS INC........................Services and Other.............. 300.00 ULINE INC...........................................MISC................................... 508.00 ULINE INC...........................................Services and Other................ 60.74 VERIZON WIRELESS.........................Services and Other.............. 131.39 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 32.34 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 640.45 FUND REPORT - 33 Building Maintenance Fund A & A TRADIN POST INC....................Services and Other........... 6,672.91 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Services and Other.............. 100.00

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PAGE 20 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020 —Continued from previous page— AIRVAC SERVICES INC.....................Services and Other........... 1,303.32 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER &........Services and Other.............. 787.68 ASSIETTE ENTERPRISES INC.........Services and Other.............. 280.00 ATCO MANUFACTURING COMPANY ............................................................Supplies............................ 1,019.70 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other.............. 287.44 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC..........Services and Other........... 2,468.69 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC..........Supplies............................... 720.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING & CCTV LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 CRE BATTERY LLC............................Supplies............................... 258.00 CS GROUP INC..................................Services and Other......... 28,530.00 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 545.00 DS WATERS OF AMERICA INC.........Supplies................................. 69.93 DYNAMIC CONTROLS INC................Services and Other.............. 580.00 EAP GLASS SERVICE........................Services and Other........... 1,275.00 ELECTRI-TEK LLC.............................Services and Other........... 2,847.06 ELEVATOR INSPECTION & CERT SERV INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 EMPIRE FIRE AND SAFETY INC.......Services and Other.............. 335.00 ET TECHNOLOGIES..........................Services and Other........... 1,702.50 FOLIAGE DESIGN SYSTEMS OF......Supplies............................... 408.74 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC..................Services and Other........... 1,485.34 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY....Services and Other.............. 204.49 GOLD PEAK INVESTMENT CORP....Supplies............................... 215.06 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other........... 1,159.32 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 107.62 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies.......................... 24,476.82 HORIZON............................................Services and Other............ (152.00) IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other.............. 198.00 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY OF DENVER.Services and Other.............. 230.99 KEESEN LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 462.90 MTECH MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,441.00 NILEX USA INC...................................Services and Other................ 50.70 PEST PREDATOR LLC.......................Services and Other........... 2,060.00 PURLEVEL LLC..................................Services and Other.............. 900.00 RAMPART SUPPLY INC.....................Services and Other.............. 633.20 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ACCESS CONTROLS INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,600.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FLAG COMPANY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 428.80 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT...Services and Other.............. 665.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS.........................Services and Other.............. 855.91 TAFT ENGINEERING INC..................Services and Other........... 1,429.60 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO...........Services and Other........... 1,186.92 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO...........Services and Other.............. 129.76 WEED WRANGLERS..........................Services and Other........... 4,557.00 WHISLER BEARING COMPANY........Services and Other................ 47.88 FUND REPORT - 41 Capital Expenditure AMTECH SOLUTIONS INC................MISC................................ 3,900.00 GERALD H PHIPPS INC.....................Capital Outlay................... 1,897.76 GERALD H PHIPPS INC.....................MISC.............................. 22,356.48 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................... 557.75 KUBL GROUP LLC.............................MISC............................ 154,773.00 LEWIS HIMES ASSOCIATES INC......Capital Outlay................... 1,800.00 REILLY JOHNSON ARCHITECTURE INC ............................................................Services and Other....... 475,000.00 STRAIGHT LINE SAWCUTTING INC.MISC................................ 6,739.07 FUND REPORT - 42 Infrastructure ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY......Services and Other......... 44,443.64

ARAPAHOE COUNTY ARAPAHOE COUNTY NOTICE OF PARTIAL FINAL SETTLEMENT ARAPAHOE COUNTY 2019 PAVEMENT PRESERVATION TREATMENT PROGRAM Project No. RB19-300 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, Colorado shall make partial final settlement with Vance Brothers, Inc. for its work completed for Arapahoe County. The work performed under this contract dated June 14, 2018 and Change Order’s No. 1 through No. 6, generally consists of a Slurry Seal and Chip Seal Application on various streets in unincorporated Arapahoe County. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender or other supplies used or consumed or any of its subcontractors or that has supplied rental machinery, tools, or equipment to the extent used by Vance Brothers, Inc. or any of its subcontractors in or about the performance of the work done within unincorporated Arapahoe County, whose claim has not been paid by Vance Brothers, Inc. or any of its subcontractors may file a claim with the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, 5334 S. Prince St., Littleton, CO 80120, at any time up to and including February 29, 2020. This Notice is published in accordance with §38-26-107, C.R.S., and all claims, if any, shall be filed in accordance with this statutory section. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement and/or claim prior to the aforementioned date for filing claims shall release Arapahoe County, its officers, agents and employees from any or all liability, claims, and suits for payment to Vance Brothers, Inc. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager First Publication: March 5, 2020 Last Publication: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9581 ___________________________ ARAPAHOE COUNTY REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RFI-20-20 HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

Notice is hereby given that the Arapahoe County Purchasing Division will be accepting proposals for obtaining information and pricing for software and professional services for the implementation of a Human Capital Management system for the Arapahoe County Human Resources Department. All Arapahoe County solicitations can be obtained from the County’s website. The Request For Information (RFI-20-20) document can be obtained by going to the Arapahoe County website www.arapahoegov. com, then go to the Finance Department, and under the Finance Department select Purchasing then go to the Quick Link for the Rocky Mountain ePurchasing website. Submittals must be received in the Purchasing Division, located at 5334 South Prince Street, 4th Floor, Littleton, CO 80120, no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on April 9, 2020. The County reserves the right to waive any or all informalities or irregularities and to reject any or all submittals. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9583 ___________________________ ARAPAHOE COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP-20-03 AUTO BODY REPAIR SERVICES Notice is hereby given that the Arapahoe County Purchasing Division will be accepting proposals for a contractor to perform various automotive and light truck body repair and painting for the Fleet Services Division. A pre proposal conference will be held on March 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m., local time, Arapahoe County Fleet Management, 7600 S. Peoria Street, Englewood, CO 80112. Contractors are encouraged to attend this conference in order to become familiar with the Specifications. All Arapahoe County solicitations can be obtained from the County’s website. The Request For Proposal (RFP-20-03) document can be obtained by going to the Arapahoe County website www.arapahoegov.com, then go to the Finance Department, and under the Finance Department select Purchasing then go to the Quick Link for the Rocky Mountain ePurchasing website. Submittals

LEGALS BONNIE ROERIG & ASSOCIATES, LLC ............................................................MISC................................ 4,150.00 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 69,798.59 DIEXSYS LLC.....................................Services and Other......... 19,686.60 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other........... 1,715.24 HEGARTY & GERKEN INC................Services and Other......... 24,495.75 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC........Services and Other........... 1,923.75 PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other......... 33,140.89 SUBIE AUTO REPAIRS......................Services and Other........... 1,200.00 FUND REPORT - 43 Arapahoe County Recreation District ARAPAHOE WATER AND WASTEWATER ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,288.33 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other.............. 272.00 GRANITE SEED COMPANY...............Supplies................................. 82.26 KAISER PERMANENTE.....................MISC................................ 4,986.78 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY ............................................................MISC................................... 113.91 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................MISC..................................... 88.38 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 804.63 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 1,273.43 FUND REPORT - 70 Central Services ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................MISC................................... 906.73 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................MISC................................... 104.80 COLORADO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CO ............................................................MISC................................ 1,644.25 DRONE NERDS INC...........................MISC................................ 7,521.00 EP BLAZER LLC.................................MISC.............................. 24,849.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................MISC................................... 272.64 FEDEX................................................MISC................................... 462.04 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................MISC.............................. 61,894.00 HORIZON............................................MISC................................ 2,100.60 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........MISC.............................. 22,659.72 J&N TACTICAL LLC............................MISC.............................. 11,895.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................MISC.............................. 47,074.90 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................MISC................................... 698.66 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............MISC................................ 1,200.33 O’REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC ............................................................MISC..................................... 44.99 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................MISC................................... 783.17 SPRADLEY BARR FORD...................MISC............................ 167,556.00 THE PITNEY BOWES BANK INC.......MISC.............................. 40,000.00 TURFTIME EQUIPMENT LLC............MISC.............................. 18,575.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................MISC................................... 499.63 FUND REPORT - 71 Self-Insurance Liability ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................Services and Other.............. 152.43 IMA FINANCIAL GROUP....................Services and Other....... 544,214.09 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................Services and Other................ 72.86 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other........... 7,986.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other.............. 531.13 FUND REPORT - 73 Self-Insurance Workers Comp IMA FINANCIAL GROUP....................Services and Other......... 81,877.06 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 228.00 SHIPLEY VOCATIONAL SERVICES..Services and Other........... 1,359.68

must be received in the Purchasing Division, located at 5334 South Prince Street, 4th Floor, Littleton, CO 80120, no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on April 9, 2020. The County reserves the right to waive any or all informalities or irregularities and to reject any or all submittals. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9584 ___________________________ ARAPAHOE COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP-20-19 TRAILHEAD & PARKS RESTROOM JANITORIAL SERVICES Notice is hereby given that the Arapahoe County Purchasing Division will be accepting proposals for the purchase Janitorial services for Arapahoe County Trailheads/ Park outdoor restroom facilities for Arapahoe County Open Spaces Department. A pre proposal conference will be held on March 26, 2020, 10:00 a.m., local time, Arapahoe County Cherry Creek Eco Park, 700 Jasper Court, Centennial, CO 80112. Contractors are encouraged to attend this conference in order to become familiar with the Specifications. All Arapahoe County solicitations can be obtained from the County’s website. The Request For Proposal (RFP-20-19) document can be obtained by going to the Arapahoe County website www.arapahoegov.com, then go to the Finance Department, and under the Finance Department select Purchasing then go to the Quick Link for the Rocky Mountain ePurchasing website. Submittals must be received in the Purchasing Division, located at 5334 South Prince Street, 4th Floor, Littleton, CO 80120, no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on April 9, 2020. The County reserves the right to waive any or all informalities or irregularities and to reject any or all submittals. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9585 ___________________________

COURTS DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO In the Interest of: LAY’LA CHALK AND AKAYLAA HICKS Children, and concerning DAYONNA BELL, CHRIS CHALK AND JOHN DOE Respondents, and concerning DASHA HICKS, Special Respondent. Tamra Joanne White, Esq., Reg. #22049 Senior Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: (303) 636-1884 Fax: (303) 636-1889 Case No: 19JV780 Division: 22 AMENDED NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding JOHN DOE is set for March 26, 2020 at 10:30 A.M. in Division 22 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child (ren) dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Date: March 4, 2020 Tamra Joanne White, Esq., Reg. #22049 Senior Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Dr. Aurora, CM 80012

SKILLSOFT CORPORATION..............Services and Other........... 7,986.00 FUND REPORT - 74 Self-Insurance Dental DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other....... 210,073.84 RETIREMENT PLANNING SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,708.74 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................Services and Other................ 62.66 FUND REPORT - 84 E-911 Authority CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other......... 20,507.96 COLORADO STATE TREASURER.....MISC................................... 202.99 DAY LARSEN PEDERSEN INSURANCE ............................................................Services and Other......... 20,005.00 DENVER 911 TRAINING DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,200.00 ENGLEWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 242.95 FIRSTWATCH SOLUTIONS INC........Services and Other......... 38,844.24 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 284.52 MOSER TRAINING SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,250.00 MULTIMEDIA HOLDINGS CORP........Services and Other........... 8,000.00 VOIANCE LANGUAGE SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 199.71 FUND REPORT - 91 Treasurer CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC......................... 1,678,548.04 CITY OF CENTENNIAL.......................MISC............................ 439,953.89 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...MISC............................ 106,972.21 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................MISC............................ 216,684.07 CITY OF GLENDALE..........................MISC.............................. 32,316.70 CITY OF LITTLETON / FINANCE DEPT ............................................................MISC............................ 208,472.66 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................MISC.............................. 59,909.10 COLO DEPT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT ............................................................MISC................................... 735.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC.............................. 11,568.00 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE.....MISC......................... 4,935,484.47 STATE OF COLORADO HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC................................ 4,900.00 TOWN OF BENNETT..........................MISC................................... 200.00 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY.......MISC.............................. 18,677.97 TOWN OF FOXFIELD.........................MISC..................................... 50.79 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S.S. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) I, JOAN LOPEZ, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND EX OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LISTS OF COUNTY WARRANTS ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER THE DATES OF 02/01/2020 THROUGH 02/29/2020 DRAWN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERE UNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE SAID COUNTY AT LITTLETON THIS 03/03/2020 . JOAN LOPEZ, CLERK TO THE BOARD Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9582 ___________________________


Name:Paul Danley

Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9586 ___________________________

Title:Executive Director

SPECIAL DISTRICTS 00 65 33 NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT OTERO TRIBUTARY HEADWALL (Contract No. CPR19-00009-C-1) Notice is hereby given that at 10 a.m. on March 23, 2020, Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority shall make final payment to L & M Enterprises Inc. 735 E. Highway 56 P.O. Box W Berthoud CO 80513 in connection with full payment for all services rendered, materials furnished and for all labor performed in and for the above-referenced PROJECT. 1.Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has an unpaid claim against the said PROJECT for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender or other supplies used or consumed by such CONTRACTOR or any SUBCONTRACTOR in or about the performance of said WORK contracted to be done or that supplies rental machinery, tools, or equipment to the extent used in the prosecution of the WORK whose claim therefore has not been paid by the CONTRACTOR or the SUBCONTRACTOR may at any time up to and including said time of such final settlement file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. 2.All such claims will be filed with Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, 7437 South Fairplay Street, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, on or before the above-mentioned date and time of final settlement. 3.Failure on the part of a creditor to file such statement prior to such final settlement will relieve Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority from any and all liability for such claim. OWNER: Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority

Published in The Villager First Publication: March 5, 2020 Last Publication: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9580 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS §1-13.5-513(6), 32-1-104, 1-11103(3) C.R.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Hi-Lin Water and Sanitation District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 5, 2020 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-13.5-513(6) C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Robin Hollenbeck — 3 Year TermUntil May 2023 Michael A. Sayler — 3 Year TermUntil May 2023 s/s Darcy Beard Designated Election Official Contact Person for the District:Darcy Beard Telephone Number of the District: 303-594-5488 Address of the District: P.O. Box 1975, Parker, CO 80134 District Email: darcybeardcpa@ comcast.net Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9591 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City of Cherry Hills Village Sanitation District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent

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March 12, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 21

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 5, 2020 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-13.5-513(6) C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Peter R. Clute — 3 year term — until May, 2023 Joseph E Kovarik — 3 year term — until May, 2023 David C.P. Wyman — 3 year term — until May, 2023 Kathy L. McKune DEO Contact Person for the District: Kathy L. McKune Telephone #: 303-762-8222 Address: 3333 S Bannock St., #360 Englewood, CO 80110 Facsimile #: 303-762-8381 District Email: CHVSanDist@aol. com Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9594 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF REGULAR ELECTION BY THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL HERITAGE GREENS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Heritage Greens Metropolitan District of Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the regular election to be held on May 5, 2020, is hereby canceled pursuant to Section 1-13.5-513(6), C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Timothy Kretzschmar to a 3-year term until May 2023 Arthur R. Stewart to a 3-year term until May 2023 Dated this 3rd day of March, 2020. HERITAGE GREENS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT By: /s/ Becky Johnson Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9595 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF REGULAR ELECTION BY THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL FOR THE BENNETT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 7

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Bennett Fire Protection District No. 7, Arapahoe and Adams Counties, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third (63rd) day before the election or thereafter there were not more candidates for Director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 5, 2020, is hereby cancelled. The following candidates are declared elected: Steven P. Dambroski — Three-year term to 2023 Royce D. Pindell — Three-year term to 2023 BENNETT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 7 /s/ Micki L. Mills Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9574 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF REGULAR ELECTION BY THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL FOR THE DEER TRAIL RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Deer Trail Rural Fire Protection District, Adams, Arapahoe and Elbert Counties, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third (63rd) day before the election or thereafter there were not more candidates for Director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 5, 2020, is hereby cancelled. The following candidates are declared elected: Christopher Garner — Three-year term to 2023 Vacancy — Three-year term to 2023 DEER TRAIL RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT /s/ Micki L. Mills Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9597 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF REGULAR ELECTION BY THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL ORCHARD HILLS METROPOLITAN RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Orchard Hills Metropolitan

Recreation and Park District of Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixtythird day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the regular election to be held on May 5, 2020, is hereby canceled pursuant to Section 1-13.5-513(6), C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Vacancy (2020-2023) Vacancy (2020-2023) Dated this 4th day of March 2020. ORCHARD HILLS METROPOLITAN RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT By: /s/ Kori Lenert Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9598 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF REGULAR ELECTION BY THE DESIGNATED ELECTION OFFICIAL SOUTHEAST PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT METROPLITAN DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Southeast Public Improvement Metropolitan District of Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixtythird day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the regular election to be held on May 5, 2020, is hereby canceled pursuant to Section 1-13.5-513(6), C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Walter A. Koelbel Jr. to a 3-year term until May 2023 Charles Davis to a 3-year term until May 2023 Keith D. Simon to a 3-year term until May 2023 Eric Hecox to a 3-year term until May 2023 Dated this 4th day of March 2020. SOUTHEAST PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT METROPOLITAN DISTRICT By: /s/ Kori Lenert Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9599 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS

§1-13.5-513(6), 32-1-104,1-11103(3) C.R.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Valentia Court Metropolitan District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 5, 2020 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-13.5-513(6) C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Scott L. Alpert — 3-Year Term until May, 2023 /s/ Mandi Kirk Mandi Kirk Designated Election Official Contact Person for the District: Joan M. Fritsche, Esq. Telephone Number of the District: (720) 833-4223 Address of the District: 1888 Sherman Street, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80203 District Email: joan@fritschelaw. com Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9400 ___________________________ NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS §1-13.5-513(6), 32-1-104,1-11103(3) C.R.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Oak Park Metropolitan District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 5, 2020 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-13.5-513(6) C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: Bernard Papper — 3-Year Term until May, 2023 Bruce Wilhelm — 3-Year Term until May, 2023 /s/ Mandi Kirk Mandi Kirk Designated Election Official Contact Person for the District: Joan M. Fritsche, Esq. Telephone Number of the District: (720) 833-4223 Address of the District: 1888 Sherman Street, Suite 200

Denver, CO 80203 District Email: joan@fritschelaw. com Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9601 ___________________________ NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITIONS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 32-1-304, C.R.S., that there were filed in the District Court in and for the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, on February 27, 2020, Petitions requesting the organization of six (6) proposed metropolitan districts, pursuant to the provisions of Section 32-1-301, et seq., C.R.S. (collectively, the “Proposed Districts”). The Proposed Districts are: Prosper Metropolitan District Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Notice is further given that Service Plans for the Proposed Districts and a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, Colorado approving the Service Plans, were also filed with the Court in this matter as required by law. Said documents are now on file at the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, and are available for public inspection. The purposes of the Proposed Districts are to provide: street, park and recreation, water, sanitation, transportation, mosquito control, safety protection, fire protection, and television relay and translation improvements; covenant enforcement and design review services; and security services. The Proposed Districts each consist of approximately 0.0574 acres of land, and are generally located south of Interstate 70, east of South Hayesmount Road (County Road 89), west of Imboden Road (County Road 101), and north of East Jewell Avenue in Arapahoe County, Colorado. The boundaries of each of the Proposed Districts are more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. NOTICE IS GIVEN that any time after the filing of the Petitions for Organization of the Proposed Districts in the District Court for Arapahoe County, Colorado, but no later than ten (10) days before the day fixed for the hearing thereon, the owner of any real property within the Proposed Districts may file a petition with the Court stating reasons why said property should not be included in the Proposed Districts and requesting that said real property be excluded therefrom. Such petition shall be duly verified and shall describe the property sought to be excluded. The Court shall hear said petition and all objections thereto at the

time of the Hearing on the Petitions for Organization and shall determine whether, in the best public interest, said property should be excluded or included in the proposed special district. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that by an Order of the District Court in and for the County of Arapahoe, Colorado, a Public Hearing on said Petitions for Organization will be held on Monday, March 30, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., in Division 21, at the District Court of the County of Arapahoe, Colorado, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112, at which time and place any parties or persons in interest may appear if they so desire, within the limitations provided by law. /s/ SHANA KLOEK Clerk of the District Court County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado EXHIBIT A Legal Description PROSPER METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO. 5: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 14, T.4S., R.65W., OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF SAID SE ¼ OF SECTION 14; THENCE N89°58’02”E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE ¼ A DISTANCE OF 250.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N00°01’51”W A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE N89°58’09”E A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE S00°01’51”E A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH LINE; THENCE S89°58’02”W ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS (2,500 SQUARE FEET) 0.0574 ACRES MORE OR LESS. PROSPER METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NO. 6: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 14, T.4S., R.65W., OF THE 6TH P.M., COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SW CORNER OF SAID SE ¼ OF SECTION 14; THENCE N89°58’02”E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SE ¼ A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N00°01’51”W A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE

Keep in touch with your community for only $52/year Call: 303-773-8313 x 301

E-mail: Subscribe@villagerpublishing.com

Website: villagerpublishing.com Twitter: twitter.com/villagerdenver Facebook: thevillagernewspaper The Villager Newspaper 8933 E. Union Ave., Ste. 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 — Continued to next page —



NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Anthony A. Beran, Jr, Deceased Case Number 2020PR30123 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado on or before July 3, 2020, or the claims may be forever barred. Joy Hertach, Personal Representative c/o Stewart B. Grant, Attorney at Law, LLC 12265 W. Bayaud Avenue, Ste. 210 Lakewood, CO 80228 Published in The Villager First Publication: February 27, 2020 Last Publication: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9562 ___________________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Nan Jeannine Brashear, Deceased Case Number 20PR92 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Arapahoe, County, Colorado on or before July 31, 2020, or the claims may be forever barred. David W. Brashear 9035 Big Canon Place Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Published in The Villager First Publication: March 12, 2020 Last Publication: March 26, 2020 Legal # 9592 ___________________________

CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 3, SERIES 2020 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE AMENDING SECTIONS 20-2-20 AND 20-2-130 OF CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES Copies of the Ordinances are on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Published in The Villager Published: March 12, 2020 Legal # 9587 ___________________________



LEGALS Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive proposals at the City Maintenance Facility, 10001 East Costilla Avenue, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80112-3730, until 2:30 p,m, on March 26, 2020. The request for proposals for the Xcel Street Light Conversion Project is available electronically via the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System on the City of Greenwood Village website, www. greenwoodvillage.com/bids.

GREENWOOD VILLAGE City of Greenwood Village Notice of Proposed Disposition of Unclaimed Property NOTICE IS HERERBY GIVEN that pursuant to Chapter 4-10-120 of the City of Greenwood Village Code, the City has had in its possession the following property for more than 30 days without claim having been been:



Estimated Value

Reason Held

Gray Bag with Clothes




Black Walmart Bag




Multi-Colored Bag with Sweatshirt




Red Purse












Black Magnimum Boots




Black Winter Coat




Any questions regarding the project should be directed to Jeremy Hanak – Director of Public Works (303) 708-6149 or jhanak@ green-woodvillage.com

Silver Bladed Knife




Chevy Key FOB




Wallet with Contents




/s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works

Currency of $6.46




Colorado Driver’s License

Agrapino Rodriquez



Black Camera Case




Black Wallet




The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. Any proposal received as a result of this request is prepared at the consultant’s expense and becomes City property and therefore, public record.

Published in The Villager First Publication: March 12, 2020 Last Publication: March 19, 2020 Legal # 9589 ___________________________ REQUEST FOR BIDS

7 Packs of Suboxone




Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive sealed bids at the Greenwood Village Maintenance Facility, 10001 East Costilla Avenue, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80112-3730, until 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 2, 2020. A pre-bid meeting and tour of the Canal will be held on March 26, 2020 at Rollin D. Barnard Equestrian Park at 11:00 A,M.

3 Small Pink Pills




Skyone Debit Card








Fleet License Plate AHEH43

Enterprise Rental



Visa Debit Card

David Parson



Black LG Phone with Silver Case




The City of Greenwood Village is seeking proposals from qualified service providers, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, to establish a Contract(s) for tree-trimming and tree removal services for approximately 2.5 miles of the High Line Canal (“HLC”). The HLC is a 71-mile irrigation ditch that was completed in the mid 1880’s. The width of the Canal property is typically 100 feet. In addition, pruning approximately 7 trees and 1 removal at the Englewood Reservoir.





Visa Card




Gray Backpack

Joshua Swetky



13 Penicillin Pills

Joshua Swetky



16 Pills

Joshua Swetky



Samsung Tablet

Joshua Swetky



Bushnell Binoculars

Joshua Swetky




Joshua Swetky



The Request for Bids for 2020 Tree Pruning and Removal is available electronically via Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing and may be accessed on the Greenwood Village website (www.greenwoodvillage. com) under Bids & Proposals.

Multi-Colored Backpack

James Fisher



Currency of $5.00

Lauren Anne Patz



Blue and Gray Rolling Backpack

Lauren Anne Patz



Debit Card

Trevor Lyons



The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. Any bid received as a result of this request is prepared at the Contractor’s expense and becomes City property and therefore, public record.

Arizona ID

Trevor Lyons



Social Security Card

Trevor Lyons



Brown Suitcase

Trevor Lyons



Motorola Cell Phone

Martin Garcia



License Plate

Kathleen Mangnusom



Vehicle Registration and Insurance

Baynesha Hills



Colorado ID

Richard Hills, Jr.



Teal Water Bottle

Morgan Buchanan



Prescription Medication

Alexander Dallas



Chase Credit Card

Reimen Lee Erving



Brown Wallet with Cards

Thomas Gabriel




Jacob Martinez



Service Dog Card

Catherine Anna Lee Rodriguez



Keys to 2016 Buick

Anthony Lyle



Misc. Documents found in Vehicle

Alexander Bolden



Colorado ID

Raymond Michael Rodriguez



Academy Bank Card

Anthony Bostic



Target Gift Card




White Kona Bicycle




Raleigh Brand Bicycle




No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, and provisions produced, manufactured, or grown in Colorado, quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside of the State. Colorado labor shall be employed to perform the work for which Bids are requested herein to the extent of not less than eighty percent (80%) of each type or class of labor in the several classifications of skilled and common labor employed on such work, pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-17-101. The City requires a certified or cashier’s check, or a corporate surety bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid amount before the City can accept or consider any bid. The bid and the deposit shall be submitted in a securely sealed envelope and endorsed on the outside with a brief statement as to the nature of the item or work for which the bid is provided. Upon the award of contract, such bond shall be returned to the unsuccessful contractor(s). In the case of the successful contractor, the bond will be returned upon execution of contract. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to Kurt Nielsen at (303) 708-6156 or email at knielson@greenwoodvillage.com. /s/ Suzanne Moore Director of Parks, Trails & Recreation Published in The Villager First Publication: March 12, 2020 Last Publication: March 19, 2020 Legal # 9591 ___________________________

If anyone asserts to be the owner of any of the above-mentioned item, inquiry for claim should be made in writing to Dave Oliver, City of Greenwood Village, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591, and should contain information identifying the item by a SERIAL NUMBER, COLOR, and/or CERTAIN CHARACTERISTIC MARKINGS OF THE ITEM. If the owner fails to provide Dave Oliver with a written claim for the property within thirty (30) days of the publication of this notice, the items shall become the sole property of the City of Greenwood Village and any claim by the owner to such property shall be deemed forfeited. Susan M. Ortiz, MMC City Clerk

Published: March 12, 2020 Published in The Villager Legal #9590

— End oftoLegals — Continued next page— —

March 12, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 23

Lexus ES 300h is a classic beauty

“Experience Amazing” is the Lexus brand statement and their products live up to the motto. The ES300h is truly amazing and is a luxury hybrid/engine combination that boasts 215 overall horsepower with combined battery and gasoline power. This combo averages 44 miles per-gallons in fuel economy with three drive modes of eco, normal, and sport. The car is sleek, very fast, stunningly attractive, with final assembly in Georgetown, Kentucky. What to like? Just about everything, but one prime issue. The

basic ES 300h manufacturer’s price is $41,750 that is very competitive. Here’s the challenge for consumers. There’s a long list of options that raised the price on the test drive model to $53,810. Some of the options are not necessary, like the illuminated door sills for $400 and the power rear sunshades for another $200. The basic car is outstanding without all of the gingerbread that adds over $12,000 to the overall price of the ES300h. A discreet buyer should go over these

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Grand Tango Piano/Cello Concert

the top 15 singers chosen from the preliminaries will compete for major awards. Admission is free. Guests may come and go throughout the competition – or stay all day! 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Calvary Baptist Church, 6500 E. Girard Avenue. For information call 720-289-2719

March 13. Experience the inspiring piano/cello music of Carl Algermissen and Ethan Lazarus as they present a program including arrangements from their newest album Street Tango and the lyricism of cinema scores. Free admission. 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 8545 E. Dry Creek Road, Englewood. Register at Eventbrite.com/e/grand-tangopiano=cello-duo-tickets. For information call 303-740-2688.

Tesoro Cultural Center Music of the Frontier

March 15. This evening will be filled with music, laughter and an insight into the themes, sounds and evolution of the music that filled the camps, dance halls, concert halls and taverns in the West. Dr. Jay Gitlin will focus on the accordion as a primary musical instrument on the frontier. In addition, Dr. Lorenzo Trujillo will highlight the music played in the Rio Grande through the Santa Fe Trail. 6:00 pm. Dinner lecture at the Fort, 19192 Highway 8, Morrison. For information and reservations go to TesoroCulturalCenter. org or call 303-839-1671.

Denver Lyric Opera Colorado Singers Competition Finals

March 21. This annual competition helps young Colorado singers prepare for the challenges of competitive auditions in their future. It also provides significant financial support as singers begin their operatic careers. In this final competition,

Arapahoe Philharmonic Apotheosis of the Dance

March 27. This concert will include Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, Ernest Bloch’s Rhapsodie Hebraique for cello and orchestra with cellist Ethan Blake, and the World Premiere of Jack Frerer’s Splinter featuring baritone Luke Sutliff. 7:30 pm. Denver First Church of the Nazarene, 3800 E. Hampden Avenue. For information and tickets go to Arapahoephil.org or call 303-781-1892

EVENTS One Woman, One Vote Living History Presentation

March 12 – 13. The Center for Colorado Women’s History in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities presents actor and scholar Mary Jane Bradbury who will portray Jeannette Rankin, the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Congress. March 12, 4:00 pm & 6:30 pm, Byers-Evans House Museum, 1310 Bannock Street. March 13, 2:00 pm, Bemis Public Library, 6014 S. Datura Street. To learn more visit coloradohumanities.org or call 303-8947951

Aurora Chamber Annual Awards Dinner March 13. This awards dinner and

options very carefully, some are very good, like the navigation and premium surround sound system. But overall, there are just too many options that should be a part of the basic package. Again, this is a very attractive luxury four-door sedan loaded with all of the options, necessary silent auction is the Eastern Metro Denver-Aurora premier event recognizing the achievements of outstanding businesses, leaders and volunteers. 5:00 pm - Silent Auction, hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and networking. 7:00 pm – Dinner is served. Doubletree By Hilton Denver, 3203 Quebec Street. For tickets and information call 303-344-1500

Women of Denver History

March 16. This Active Minds presentation will focus on the women of Denver and their contributions to the city and state, tracing the impact of famous names as well as well as some lesser known figures and their place in history. 2:00 pm. Bemis Public Library, 6014 S. Datura Street, Littleton. For information call 303-795-3961

Billy Graham Gospel Ministry Exhibit

January 27 – June 30. This exhibit, To the Ends of the Earth, features more than one hundred personal and professional items including many that have never-before been available to the general public. They tell the story of one man’s mission to spread Christ’s gospel message of love an transformation. George Whitefield Center, Colorado Christian University, 8787 W. Alameda Avenue, Lakewood. Online registration is required at ccu.edu/billygraham. For information call 303-963-3000

FUNDRAISERS Global Down Syndrome You Dance Party

March 21. For 16 years & up. Experience a fabulous Saturday night with light appetizers and a DJ playing

and not so necessary. The drive is outstanding, and the car is fast with the hybrid power with instant acceleration and paddle shifters for fast gear changes. The steering is precise, the seats soft, the wood paneling beautiful, and the surround sound system and radio easy to operate. With the speed comes all of the safety features like cruise radar, lane departure alert, and the standard Lexus Safety System that includes most of the latest safety features as standard equipment. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gives this

ES300h a perfect five-star overall rating. The mileage factor is impressive at an overall 44 mpg. While current oil prices have come down significantly, we can expect fuel prices to increase in price, especially with the coronavirus issues. As the demand for electricity and alternative energy sources become more prevalent expect rates to rise considerably with the new green energy concept. This is really a remarkable sedan, somewhat overloaded with expensive options, but this elegant lady deserves to be well dressed.

your favorite hits. You Dance Parties promote independence for self-advocates and encourages your donations. 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Mile High Spirits, 2201 Lawrence Street. For information contact events@globaldownsyndrome.org or call 720-548-5619

Parker. For tickets go to PACEtickets@ parkeronline.org. For information call 303-805-6800

PACE Dueling Piano Fundraiser

March 27. The Parker Arts Center invites you to come and sing loud with two talented pianists who will duel and feud to see who can play the fastest and get the audience to stand up, dance and sing. Your ticket includes entry into the event, a nacho bar and an open bar.6:00 pm. 20000 Pikes Peak Avenue,

Steve Farber was a Denver native who grew up and attended public school on the west side of town, never left, and achieved national acclaim by his wide-ranging accomplishments. After graduating from the University of Colorado Law School in 1968, he turned to two of his childhood friends, Jack Hyatt and Norman Brownstein, to form a law practice. Farber excelled at everything he did. The law firm he founded with his friends, still headquartered in Denver, was the third largest in the area as of October 1, 2019, with 244 attorneys companywide. He was a leader in both the political and the philanthropic community, helping the Denver Broncos and numerous political figures, including former Governor Roy Romer and current Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. Although he was instrumental in bringing the 2008 Democratic National Convention that nominated former President Barack Obama to Denver, he was not strictly partisan. Prominent Republican figures like former Sen. Hank Brown became members of Farber’s law firm.

Transplant Foundation in 2005 after he received a kidney from his son Gregg, then 32, on May 11, 2004. In 2016, the American Transplant Foundation reported that 480 people had been “taken off the waiting list and saved by living donors” after being connected through the organization Farber founded. A memorial service was held on March 8 at Temple Emanuel in Denver. Fmiklin.villlager@gmail.com

County 911 Authority IGA amendment Continued from page 8 one that GV had never signed

before the PUC” from his work as a private attorney (he is lead counsel for rural energy provider Tri-State Generation and Transmission Associates, Inc.) and “they are rigorous proceedings”, noting that requests are “very carefully vetted.” After Bullock said he believes requests before the PUC “always gets approved. It’s almost like a rubber stamp,” Romero said, “I certainly don’t want to ask you to rubber stamp something that you don’t understand.” After Kerber reminded every-

the first amendment to the IGA, Romero remarked, “However, the City of Greenwood Village has benefited greatly from the 911 fund since that first IGA was put into place.” Mayor Lantz concurred, saying, “Absolutely. We have.” On a motion from Bullock, seconded by Kerber, GV city council deferred approval of the second amendment to the 911 Authority IGA pending a study session on the issue on April 6. Mr. Romero agreed to return on that date. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

March 29. This event will feature a silent auction, carnival games, old time carnival characters, bounce houses, face painting and mascots from Colorado sports teams. Proceeds will be used to offset the cost of attending Adam’s Camp for those in financial need. Tickets $10 ($8 online). 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Gold Crown Field House gym, 150 S. Harlan Street, Lakewood. For information or to purchase tickets go to adamscampcolorado.org or call 303-563-8290

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Denver legend Steve Farber passes away at age 76 The Denver Business Journal recently reported that all lawyers at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP were “required to donate at least 50 hours of pro-bono work per year, and some 70% of the roughly 250 lawyers in its Colorado and Washington D.C. offices have served on nonprofit boards.” When he became afflicted with kidney disease in the early 2000’s, Farber used his experience to help others, starting the American

Adam’s Camp Annual Fundraiser

To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or call The Villager at 303-773-8313 x301. BUY OR TRADE WANTED Freon Wanted: We pay CA$H for cylinders and cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Convenient. Certified Professionals. Call 312-625-5322 or visit RefrigerantFinders.com

Cash for Mineral Rights Free, no-risk, cash offer. Contact us with the details: Call: 720-988-5617 Write: Minerals, PO BOX 3668, Littleton, CO 80161 Email: opportunity@ecmresourcesinc.com

Colorado Press Network Buy a 25-word statewide classified line ad in newspapers across the state of Colorado for just $300 per week. Ask about our frequency discounts! Contact The Village at 303-773-8313 x301


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PAGE 24 | THE VILLAGER • March 12, 2020

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