6-10-21 Villager

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VOLUME 39 • NUMBER 29 • JUNE 10, 2021

Since 1982



Price $1 per copy

Polis is giving away $6,250,000 just for getting vaccinated BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER


hen Governor Polis was asked by a reporter on June 2 whether it was right to pay people up to $1,000,000 as a reward for getting a vaccine to protect them from COVID-19, the governor answered that he expects the million-dollar rewards and the $50,000 being given to 25 lucky teenagers who have been vaccinated will encourage some people to get vaccinated sooner than they otherwise might have. He added that the money was being paid from “federal funds (the CARES Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020) that are for the purpose of marketing and promoting the vaccine.” In other words, the money comes from taxpayers across the country, not just Colorado. At a press conference on June 3, Heather Roth, Immunization Branch Chief, Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) explained that everyone who has received their vaccination in Colorado should assume that they are in the state database, hence eligible for the cash prizes, even if they get an error message when they check the portal at

Scott Bookman is the COVID-19 incident commander at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

https://ciis.state.co.us/public/ Application/PublicPortal. Roth explained that error messages appear because the log-in for the portal requires a phone number or email and, in many cases, the vaccine provider didn’t enter that information when they reported the vaccination, resulting in a non-match when the patient checks the portal. Colorado residents who were vaccinated in another state need to report their vaccination to CDPHE to be in the database. Five adults will win $1 million each, one person chosen randomly and announced on Fridays through July 7.

Heather Roth is chief of the immunization branch in the Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Five teens from ages 12 to 17 will be named on each of five consecutive Fridays starting on June 11 and ending on July 9. All 25 teens will receive $50,000 scholarships for higher education. The first winner of $1 million, announced on June 4, was Sally Sliger, described as a “healthcare worker from Mead.”

COVID-19 by the numbers Nearly 3.1 million Coloradans had received at least one dose of the vaccine and over 2.6 million were fully immunized as of June 6. In

Like governors in Maryland, Ohio, New York, Kentucky, Oregon, Washington, and California, Colorado’s governor decided to give money prizes to random citizens who got the COVID-19 vaccine.

Arapahoe County, 61% of those eligible had received at least one dose of the vaccine. In Douglas County, that number was 66% and in Denver, 70%. In Elbert County, barely 32% of those eligible had received a vaccine. Hospitalizations continue to decline. On June 1, there were 469 people hospitalized across the state with confirmed cases of the virus, compared to over 1,800 last December, according to Scott Bookman, COVID-19 incident commander at CDPHE. By June 6, the number of

people hospitalized around the state had declined to 411. On June 3, The Villager asked CDPHE how many of those hospitalized represented breakthrough cases, meaning that the patient had already been vaccinated when they tested positive for the virus. Bookman said, “Vaccine breakthrough cases are very rare, and hospitalized breakthrough cases are exceedingly rare.” While CDPHE was unable to answer our question directly because it was such a small number it could result in inadvertently identifying private patient information, they told us that the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in vaccinated patients was only one percent of all positive cases. They also told us that of the total 8,541 hospitalizations for the virus since January 15, just over two percent were breakthrough cases. Asked what worries him as a potential cause for Colorado seeing a future surge of the virus, Bookman said, “Right now the data shows that things are headed in the right direction. At this point, the most important thing is to get as many people vaccinated as possible. The state is committed to trying to reach all Coloradans through their local providers and answering all their questions.” fmiklin.villager@gmail.com





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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021

GV District One City Council Member Jerry Presley won’t seek re-election BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER


n a letter sent to the residents of Greenwood Village district one on June 5, City Council Member Jerry Presley announced that he would not run for re-election on November 2, adding that he hoped his letter would “encourage others to serve our community by running for office.” Presley said that he “has served 12 years on the council,” emphasizing that what he views as the most important skills and knowledge to bring to the job are the ability to collaborate and communicate with fellow council members. District one is the westernmost part of Greenwood Village, bounded by Holly on the east, Clark-

Jerry Presley will leave the GV city council on November 2.

son on the west, Belleview on the north, and Orchard on the south. Those are also the orig-

inal borders of the city itself, going back to its formation in 1950. In a telephone interview, Presley told The Villager that “this is a good time for me to step down” and that his reasons for doing so were entirely personal. He plans to spend more time with his family. Presley is a managing partner in a firm that provides computer networking support for student housing facilities. As he steps aside, Presley told us that he felt “confident that I’ve achieved what I intended to” when he ran in November 2017, pointing to the changes to the city’s comprehensive plan that he helped shepherd through the council in 2018, shortly after he was elected. Presley

emphasized that the comprehensive plan is the guideline that should be used for all future development in the city. When we asked if the very strong emphasis on new office buildings described in the revised plan was still operable, given the changes in office use brought on by the pandemic, Presley pivoted, noting that “the comprehensive plan is not set in stone. A future city council could change the vision if the environment changes, if the market changes, or due to the pandemic.” Though less active in recent years on the council, Presley is known for championing the “20 is Plenty” campaign in Greenwood Village in 2006 to encourage people

to drive slower. Presley confirmed to The Villager that the letter he mailed to district one residents announcing he won’t run for re-election was printed and sent at his own personal expense. He also told us that he plans to serve out his entire term, which ends with the November election. In the past, some city council members in Greenwood Village and other cities have resigned ahead of the end of their term, creating an opportunity for the remaining council members to appoint someone to serve out the balance of the term, providing an opportunity—some would say advantage—of running in the upcoming regular election as an incumbent. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Arapahoe Community College picks new president

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Dr. Stephanie J. Fujii has been named the new president of Arapahoe Community College (ACC). Fujii will assume the presidency on July 12, 2021, succeeding Dr. Diana Doyle after her retirement at the end of June, announced Colorado Community College System (CCCS) Chancellor Joe Garcia. Currently the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Scottsdale Community College within the Maricopa (Arizona) Community College District, Fujii has more than 25 years of experience in community college education, said CCCS. “Dr. Fujii has amassed a great breadth and depth of experience in higher education in areas such as teaching and learning, developing academic and career technical education programs, creating career pathways, and fostering student success,” Garcia said. “Her professional experience, energy, and vision make her a great fit to lead Arapahoe Community College during this pivotal time. As we emerge from the pandemic, a credential of value for our students is more important than ever for professional and economic success and personal growth.” Fujii was selected after a sixmonth nationwide search led by a nine-member search advisory committee.

June 10, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

Is perfection the goal?


ust do your best. That’s probably the most common advice parents, teachers, and counselors give to kids. Nobody’s perfect, we remind them, and all we can ask is that they try hard and give their best effort. But do we really mean that? And, in this day and age, is their best enough? The free response question on this year’s AP English Language & Composition exam asked high school students to consider the value of striving for perfection. As writer and teacher Carol Jago noted, it is quite an appropriate question for the highly-driven, perfectionist kids of Generation Z who take Advanced Placement classes, which are college level courses taken in high school. As an English teacher and writer, I’ve been pondering how I might approach such an essay, for it seems fairly interesting on the surface, but could also be challenging to really go deep on the topic. And just what is the right, or perfect, answer? I think I’d begin by addressing the connotation of the word “striving.” Certainly, we might argue that no one ever really strives for mediocrity, though even that might be up for debate. All of us have to consider what results we’re willing to accept, as well as how much effort and at what cost we are willing to pursue levels of achievement. Years ago when I was in grad school, I recall a 300 or 400 level class that several of my cohort classmates took together along with a larger number of undergrads. We were shocked and a little miffed to hear the underclassmen say things like, “I only need a ‘C’ in the class,” or “I’m only taking it pass/fail because I just need credit.” That approach certainly compromised and diminished any sort of “striving” they were going to engage in. And, of course, the literal definition and varied interpretations of “perfection” are also important to consider in answering College Board’s question. We’ve all heard the advice to “never let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” and no matter the task, we must accept some degree of imperfection. Right? Obviously, I don’t want anything less than perfect from a doctor who is operating on me, though I must also concede the problem of just how nuanced that is. For students and their expectations of achievement, we should acknowledge that a top score of an ‘A’ in class or a ‘5’ on the AP exam doesn’t

necessarily mean 100% perfection in answering questions. In fact, from a percentage angle, the difference between an ‘A’ grade of 90% can be quite different from perfect or flawless. Even socalled “perfect scores” on the

ACT or SAT actually allow for some missed questions. Robert Fulghum, the famous writer of quirky essays about “uncommon thoughts on common things,” once told the story of a troubled man who went to see his

rabbi because he felt like his life was a failure. The rabbi told him to go to the library and read page 930 of the New York Times Almanac, where he would find peace of mind. What the man found there was a listing for the lifetime batting average of Hall of Fame slugger Ty Cobb. It was .376. When the man returned to the rabbi, incredulous at the random trivia, the rabbi noted that the greatest hitter of all time only hit the ball three times out of ten. In sports, we know that 100% is rarely if ever the bar for perfection. Coaches and counselors are fond of reminding people that if you can hit the ball one time in every three at bats in the major leagues, you are likely going to be an All Star. In baseball they

even use the term to describe a masterful dominant pitching performance in that a “perfect game” is one where no hits or walks are allowed by a single pitcher. But that doesn’t mean the opposing team didn’t hit the ball at all. And is it more perfect for the pitcher to strike every batter out or to throw fewer pitches but allow contact which is smoothly fielded by his teammates for outs? These are unanswerable questions. Perfection is then always elusive, though still a noble if ultimately unreachable goal. So, all anyone can ever really ask is that we do our best. Michael P. Mazenko is a writer, educator, & school administrator in Greenwood Village. He blogs at A Teacher’s View and can be found on Twitter @mmazenko. You can email him at mmazenko@ gmail.com

We’ve all heard the advice to “never let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” and no matter the task, we must accept some degree of imperfection. Right? Obviously, I don’t want anything less than perfect from a doctor who is operating on me, though I must also concede the problem of just how nuanced that is.


Movie night under the stars For the second year in a row, Pictures on the Plains is back at the Fairgrounds by popular demand! Tickets are now on sale for June 16 – The Croods: A New Age, and June 30 – Men in Black. Join us for a pre-movie concert and a feature film under the stars! Pictures on the Plains is sponsored by E470 and Michelob Ultra. Tickets are only $5. Visit arapahoecountyfair.com/picturesontheplains Meet the 17 Mile House Beekeepers Learn the basics of honeybees, beekeeping, and bee-friendly gardens, featuring fun, hands-on learning activities for youth. This is a free event, but registration is required. Visit www.arapahoegov.com/17milehouse

You’ve made your vows, make sure you can vote.

Update name changes in your voter registration at GoVoteColorado.gov. Your community. Your vote. ArapahoeVotes.com


Visit arapahoegov.com/osmasterplan to read the DIVE summary report.

PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021

The Villager

Critical race theory needs close examination

We’re hearing a great deal about “Critical Race Theory.” What is it all about? “Imprimis,” a publication by Hillsdale College features an article by Christopher F. Rufo that walks through his interpretation of “Critical Race Theory.” Rufo is founder and director of Battlefront, a public policy research center. Here’s portions of his report: “In explaining critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism. Originally, the Marxist Left built its political program on the theory of class conflict. Marx believed that the primary characteristic of industrial societies was the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers. The solution to that imbalance, according to Marx, was revolution, the workers would

eventually gain consciousness of their plight, seize the means of production, overthrow the capitalist class, and usher in a new socialist society.” He goes on to explain that Marxist style revolutions formed in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, and Cuba with the “darkest brutalities.” The results saw the deaths of nearly 100 million people, according to Rufo. Rufo explains that Critical Race Theory is an academic discipline, formalized in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. He believes that it has been injected into government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs, and corporate human resource departments in the form of diversity training programs

and school curricula. Supporters describe Critical Race Theory including “equity,” “social justice” “diversity and inclusion,” and “culturally responsive teaching.” “Equity,” he explains sounds non-threatening and can be confused with the American principle of equality. “Equality” is the principle proclaimed in The Declaration of Independence and the Civil Rights Act of 1965. He concludes that critical race theorists believe equality represents “mere nondiscrimination” and provides “camouflage” for white supremacy, patriarchy and oppression. He cites UCLA law professor and critical race theorists Cheryl Harris who has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth and redistributing them along racial lines. Summing up, Rofu believes

that an equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property, but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. The right would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. His conclusion for Americans to consider about critical race theory is that it prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution. Local school board elections are looming in November and this topic needs to be closely examined by all voters, regardless of political affiliation. We urge our school system to shun “Critical Race Theory.”

event centers. cal businessCrowds are es. We’ll have now allowed at photos of the award-winour “hot” Nugners featured get and Avanext week in lanche playoff The Villager. contests. *** Enjoying County Commissome lunch sioner Bill Holen is meetings again an army veteran with and Zane’s combat active duty in Bistro was the Vietnam. He was shot L-R: John Horan, Yang Chee, Siage Yang, Bill location last down in a small scout- Holen, Robert Olislagers and Ed Dwight. week meeting nowned sculptor, aviator, and ing plane in Cambodia with renowned and was part of a team dealing Vietnam veteran. Founding Arapahoe County lawyer Bill board members are John Banta. Bill is a longtime local Horan, chairman; Bill Holen, resident and Constitutional vice-chairman, and secretary, scholar. He is one of a few John Luhmann. Americans that has read all The foundation has purof The Federalist papers that chased a T-28 that the Lao helped create our founding Hmong flew as a separate arm documents. Recent events of the Royal Lao Air Force seem to indicate that we need while training in Thailand. further education especialThe first pilots were Lee Lue ly on the First and Second and Vang Toua, both of whom Amendments of the Bill of were decorated for valor and Rights. Bill is going to draft a who died heroically in comseries of articles on these docbat. uments to help us better unThe plane is currently staderstand our sacred freedoms. Front Range Pharmacy owners holding their awards tioned at Centennial airport in The first article appears in this created a special “hometown” with supporting the LaoCentennial, built as a trainer week’s Villager. type of pharmacy. I’ve already Hmong people supporting the for the U.S. Navy in 1956. *** had several calls from former South Vietnam and U.S. war The plane will eventually be Our beloved BT Galloway, customers of the two owners efforts. repurposed to be placed atop the front desk circulation delighted that they have been The Lao-Hmong forces the memorial. manager, receptionist, and rediscovered by reading this fought bravely and took pride The National Lao-Hmong baseball columnist, went on newspaper about this new in defending the sovereignty Memorial Foundation is vacation two months ago and business. of Laos and supporting the asking for donations to the somewhere along the way The Villager was nominterests of the U.S. and allies. non-profit 501C3 to help reccontracted COVID-19. He has inated under the Lifetime Over 500,000 Lao-Hmong ognize, honor, and memorialbeen hospitalized at Swedish Business Achievement Award now live in the United States. ize the sacrifices of these loyal for several weeks with severe category that was won by A National Lao-Hmong allies. Checks may be mailed complications. Craig Hospital; a great facility Memorial Foundation was to 11150 E. Dartmouth AveNow, with the assistance of for spinal injuries providing formed to establish a comnue, Aurora, CO. 80014 or at a son, has been moved to exloving care. They are one of pelling national memorial to the website: www.lao-hmong tended care in Ft. Collins. His the best rehabilitation facilities honor the service and sacrific- memorial.org. return is in doubt, but he is a in the world. es of the Lao-Hmong during *** pretty spry 80-year-old. We met the new Chamber the U.S. Secret War in Laos. Having been fully vacIf you need assistance with Executive Director, David The memorial will be located cinated it is almost weird your subscription orders or Carroll. He is a great fit for in Westminster, Colorado walking into restaurants and renewals call the Villager at the chamber that is making a adjacent to the U.S. Armed stores “maskless.” I almost 303-773-8313 during normal comeback from COVID-19. Force Tribute Garden in the feel undressed without that business hours and you will The chamber members are garb on my face, so be it. city park. talk to a live person, or you America is on the move again young and enthusiastic. It was The memorial is being Continued on page 5 literally on the highways and a great program honoring locreated by Ed Dwight, a reGerri and I attended the Englewood Chamber of Commerce May 27 35th Annual Business Awards Banquet. I was especially pleased to see Front Range Pharmacy, mentioned in this column recently, win the “Emerging Business Of The Year” award located in downtown Englewood. These two, very talented pharmacists, Bridget Logan and Michael Scruggs have designed and

Office: 8933 East Union Ave. • Suite 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1357 Phone: (303) 773-8313 Fax: (303) 773-8456 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $52 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 8933 East Union Ave., Suite #230, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-1357 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR Gerri Sweeney gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 sharon@villagerpublishing.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-773-8313 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Susan 720-270-2018 PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification, and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2020 Member


A realoffriend is QUOTE the WEEK one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. – Walter Winchell


June 10, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5


Why are people afraid to ditch their masks?



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In mid-May, the CDC issued long awaited new mask guidelines, “Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing.” Masks are still required on public transportation as in planes, trains, and buses as well as in healthcare facilities. Governor Jared Polis issued an executive order reiterating CDC recommendations. This explains the appearance of actual faces on people in stores, supermarkets, and health clubs. Hopefully everyone remembers what friends and neighbors actually look like after not seeing their faces for more than a year. So, what explains some individuals continuing to wear masks? We have all seen the lone jogger or cyclist out early in the morning, all alone except for their mask. The virus doesn’t hover in the open air waiting for an unsuspecting individual to jog by. Sunlight deactivates viruses and even the mildest of breezes blows the virus away. This is not a local phenomenon. The New York Times recently described a middle-aged professional photographer who previously had COVID and is fully vaccinated, yet he will not leave the house without wearing two masks, one an N-95 mask, and goggles, and has no plans to

change his practice for the next five years. Is this a science-based decision? Or more of a fearbased, security blanket? BY BRIAN C. JOONDEPH We never saw similar mask persistence after past viral outbreaks, including Ebola, SARS, MERS, or swine flu. Why now? One explanation may be Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological phenomenon where “hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors and abusers.” This bonding can occur over days, weeks, or months of captivity and abuse. Rather than being terrorized by their captors, hostages sympathize with them, developing positive feelings, sharing common goals and causes, and essentially falling in love with their captors. A modern-day version of the Stockholm Syndrome is playing out after over a year of COVID captivity. Americans have been held hostage by medical czars like Dr Anthony Fauci, totalitarian governors named Cuomo, Newsom, and Whitmer, and big media, including cable news giants CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Americans have been held hostage in their homes for months, told not to wear masks, then to wear one, then two, now none. We were assured that a

BLM protest of thousands is perfectly safe while a family wedding, funeral, or a Trump rally is a super spreader event. An experimental, non-FDA-approved vaccine is being mandated for everyone, including children at extremely low risk from getting sick from COVID, yet at the government agencies pushing vaccinations, like the CDC and NIH, they don’t know how many of their own employees have declined the vaccine, perhaps as many as half. Speaking out against your COVID captors leads to punishment and abuse, from social media deplatforming and public harassment, to loss of job or even prison. Americans have been beaten with a stick for over a year, based more on the whims of the ruling class than any sound science that would explain the above contradictory rules. Stockholm Syndrome won’t explain all the permanent mask wearing but is certainly a reasonable explanation for a society that has been held hostage and beaten into submission incessantly for the past 15 months. Add this phenomenon to the existing flood of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues post-pandemic. As George Orwell wrote in his novel 1984, “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” Over a year of masks and distancing may have done just that.

Barbwire Bob Continued from page 4

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can leave us a message anytime. A “Thank You” to Larry Brown, longtime friend and former local resident who has recently moved to Kansas. He renewed his subscription with a nice letter, a $60 check, and a crisp new $2 bill. We go back many years together as friends. Another friend, Andy McKean, who founded Liberty Day, is moving to Missouri to be near family members. He has 10,000 Constitution booklets he wants to sell, or perhaps donate to an individual, business, or non-profit. Contact him at: 303989-4833. Andy will be sadly missed by all. Adage of the week: “Don’t worry about old age, it doesn’t last that long.” And ... “Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the internet and you won’t be bothered for weeks, months, maybe years. *** Remember to attend the free,


The Villager makes the villages stronger

Lots of bad stuff going on including newspapers diminishing in quality and value then asking for donations as if they are a worthy cause. They are not.

Cynthia Madden Leitner and John. W. Madden Jr. look over the construction of the Marjorie Park.

family friendly opening of the Museum of Outdoor Arts in the newly renovated Marjorie Park on June 12 from noon to 4 p.m. Fiddlers Green amphitheater is located at 6331 So. Fiddlers Green Circle. The park features more than 40 permanent artworks, most of which are sculptures. The

park is named after Marjorie P. Madden, who co-founded the Museum with her husband, commercial real estate developer, John A. Madden Jr., and their daughter Cynthia Madden Leitner. Drinks and food are available for purchase. Event registration is required at moaonline.org/events/.

But, your Villager remains among the very best - loaded with community news that is not available anywhere else. The Villager makes the villages stronger. People should not only subscribe for themselves, they should buy

gift subscriptionsfor friends, neighbors and relatives.The very best to you. Larry Brown Kingman,Kansas (Former Denver resident)

PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021

A successful year in spite of Covid! Central City Opera Guild Membership Meeting packs Wellshire venue entral City Opera Guild (CCOG) filled the Wellshire outdoor venue with an early evening reception for its mid-year membership meeting. Louise Atkinson, Susan Stiff, Christina Dinegar and Cindy Koch produced the event. The highlight was high energy and dramatic performances by local singers with accompanist Steven Aguilo-Arbus. An exciting lineup of events will include the presentation of two classes of Flower Girls on June 19 and several productions at Hudson Gardens including Carousel. “Voice Your Dreams” Campaign Chair Anne McGonagle reported that a $15 million endowment has been raised already toward the goal of $20 million. “It’s been a financially successful year,” said CFO/COO Scott Dessens. “Donations remained higher and we have no external debt.” Also in attendance was CCO Honorary Board Member Jerry Bader and wife Barbara. Founded in 1932, Central City Opera is the fifth oldest program of its kind in America. Barbara Ferguson founded the Central City Opera Guild in 1974.

CCOG founder Barbara Ferguson with Central City Opera Board Co-Chair Anne McGonagle

Event Co-Chair Susan Stiff, current CCO Guild President Cindy Koch and CCO Board Member Kristin Bender

ABOVE: President-Elect Louise Atkinson, husband Bill and daughter Catherine (Flower Girl 2012) RIGHT: Director of Education Emily Murdock and Scott Betts of Grand Junction who received the Educator of the Year Award

A highlight - varied performances by Mezzo-soprano Kira Dills-DeSurra, LEFT and Soprano Margaret Ozaki Graves RIGHT

ABOVE: Central City Opera CFO/COO Scott Dessens RIGHT: John Wendorf, Emma Crossman, Catherine Atkinson and Andre Sencan

June 10, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

Le Bal de Ballet presents two classes on June 12

Because of the pandemic, the 2020 Le Bal de Ballet presented by Denver Ballet Guild was canceled. This year the 52nd and 53rd annual events will be combined. Karen Walker (2020 Chair) and Judy Weisiger (2021 Chair) proudly announce the honorees of each class. The spectacular presentation will be staged the

evening of Saturday, June 12 at The Sheraton Hotel on Court Place in downtown Denver. “Les Caprices de Papillon” is the theme of the 2020 class and “Adventure is out There” is the 2021 theme. Dinner and dancing to the Jerry Barnett Orchestra will follow the traditional introductions of Debutantes and Young Men of Distinction.





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PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021

June 10, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9


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PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021

Judge grants Coffman’s request to block part of new Aurora law BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER


n May 28, Arapahoe County District Court Judge Peter Michaelson issued an order that included a preliminary injunction barring implementation of some parts of a campaign finance reform ordinance passed by the Aurora City Council last November. The order was in response to a lawsuit filed on March 17 by Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman against the city. The suit claimed that the new law “prohibits Mayor Coffman (and others like him) from doing anything effective to campaign for another candidate or in support of a ballot issue. In essence, it unconstitutionally restricts the rights to free speech and association for both candidates in

Mike Coffman was elected mayor of Aurora in 2019, after serving ten years in Congress.

the current election cycle and others who could potentially run in some future election.” Coffman’s suit also said that he was seeking “to protect Aurora citizens’ ability to fully evaluate candidates and ballot issues without the government telling them what


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information they can and cannot hear and consider.” The Villager has not yet been able to obtain the complete order, but the judge has been quoted as saying, in part, “To make that conclusion would require the Court to accept the dubious premise that incumbents are all corrupt and only self-funded candidates, or those with support from outside the community and without the need to associate with existing elected officials, are pure.” Mayor Coffman said, in response to the judge’s ruling, “These extreme rules are designed specifically to deny me the fundamental right to publicly support candidates or ballot initiatives. I’m grateful that the Court has granted an injunction suspending these rules while our lawsuit to have them declared unconstitutional continues.” Last November, during

the debate on the ordinance before it was passed, Mayor Coffman, who had turned over the gavel to Councilmember Angela Lawson so that he could actively participate in the discussion, proposed an amendment to eliminate a section that he said precluded anyone with an active campaign committee from having “a role in other campaigns or even issue committees,” because, he said, “That is really a First Amendment violation.” Councilmember Juan Marcano, a sponsor of the ordinance, responded at the time that he was confident that the language did not violate the First Amendment, adding, “The intent of that section is to avoid the appearance of impropriety.” Mayor Coffman then challenged the bill’s two sponsors to identify any other jurisdiction that had a similar provision in its municipal code. When neither Marcano

nor the co-sponsor of the bill, City Councilmember Nicole Johnston, who is resigning her position on the council on June 15 to move to Colorado Springs, could name any other locale that prohibited anyone with a campaign committee from having a role in promoting another candidate seeking office, Coffman said, “I believe it is unique to this particular campaign finance reform and I believe that it targets me directly and it was written for that very purpose.” Coffman was elected Aurora mayor in 2019. His term ends in 2023, when he will be eligible for re-election. One of the issues around this ordinance involves the manner in which Coffman is able to support other candidates, especially for the Aurora City Council, in the election this November. fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

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New Littleton City Councilmember Mark Rudnicki was selected for the position after being interviewed by current Councilmembers (around the table from left to right) Carol Fey, Patrick Driscoll, Pam Grove, Mayor Jerry Valdes, Kelly Milliman, and Mayor Pro Tem Scott Melin.

Mark Rudnicki is appointed to the Littleton City Council BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

On June 1, the Littleton City Council voted unanimously to appoint Mark Rudnicki, an architect and 28-year resident of the city who served on the planning commission for 19 years, including four as chair, to join the city council for the next six months. He will fill out the remaining at large term of Karina Elrod, who resigned from the council as of May 9 because she and her family are moving to Europe. Eight people applied for the position. As part of their interviews, all applicants were asked by Mayor Jerry Valdes if they “would be willing to attend council meetings and other events in person and about their current understanding of the city’s unified land use codes, because they will be “a significant council activity in the next six months.” During his interview with the council, Rudnicki said that the number one issue facing the city is its infrastructure, noting, “Littleton has been skating for years—developers putting in streets, sidewalks on their dime, and the city hasn’t

done much to upkeep that infrastructure over the years. It’s time to pay the piper…and there’s no budget for it.” He also expressed a strong desire to finish the work he had done on the unified land use codes as a planning commissioner before being term-limited. Asked by Mayor Pro Tem Scott Melin whether he had a position about asking the citizens to approve a sales tax increase, something the council is considering, Rudnicki said he could be in favor of it if it were dedicated to infrastructure and the tax contained a sunset date. He was non-committal when answering a question from Councilmember Kelly Milliman about whether, if appointed, he planned to run for a full term in November. At his swearing-in on June 1, Rudnicki said, “I appreciate the council allowing me the chance to continue to serve the community. I’m happy to be able to help finish the work on the Unified Land Use Codes.” One of the other applicants for the city council vacancy was Jason Henderson, a lawyer who served as vice-chair of LIFT (Littleton Invests for Tomorrow Urban Renewal Authority, canceled in 2020) and who currently serves on the city’s Historic Preservation

Board. Henderson said he was “not intensely familiar with Littleton building codes or the u-land use codes.” He talked about a future for Littleton that includes, “growth that reflects the beauty that people want to sustain.” Another candidate was Pete McClintock, a 7-year board member of Western Welcome Week, who previously served on the city’s board of appeals. He noted that he had spent a long time in the oil and gas industry, emphasizing that context was crucial when analyzing data with the memorable analogy, “If you have 50 men and 50 women, you could easily draw the conclusion that the average person has one testicle.” Another applicant for the position was Iftin Abshir, a doctoral student with a degree in chemistry who is former chair of the Littleton Next Generation Advisory Committee and a current board member of the South Metro Land Conservancy. Abshir ran for city council from district four in 2019. The remaining candidates were Christopher Bischoff, a systems engineer who said in his interview that he was not familiar with the unified land use codes; Joe Greiner, a four-year resident and advertising and marketing executive who said he was interested in Continued on page 16

June 10, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11

How to downsize your home for a move tions for selling locally, which can eliminate the packing and shipping costs and hassle. These websites and apps also don’t take a cut of your sales, but you’re responsible for connecting with your buyer and making the exchange of money and goods.


exemption of the first spouse to die. While portability sounds like a panacea, it is not without confusion and potential problems. Portability is still relatively new and can be a potential minefield for the unwary. It is important for a surviving spouse to seek legal counsel within nine (9) months of his or her spouse’s death, to discuss how portability may be applicable to his or her situation.

What is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?

What are the four key medical/estate plan documents you need now?

3. Advanced Directive for Medical/Surgical Treatment (“Living Will”); and 4. Will (or a Will with a Trust). Careful medical/estate planning should include preparation and signing of these documents, to accomplish your goals and protect you, both during your lifetime, and at the time of passing. The Power of Attorney documents allow you to designate those agents whom you authorize to help you on your behalf during your lifetime, and the Will/Trust documents allow you to nominate others to help with your estate after your passing, as well as to identify the beneficiaries and the distributions to them, to accomplish your estate planning goals. Selected information in this column has been taken with permission by Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc., from the Colorado Senior Law Handbook, 2020 Edition (Chapter 15: Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts and Your Property, Clara Brown Shaffer, Esq.), which is a copyrighted publication and may be accessed and downloaded for free at: www. cobar.org/For-the-Public/ Senior-Law-Handbook.


Dear Savvy Senior, options may include consignWhat tips can you offer for ment shops, a garage sale, downsizing? My husestate sale and selling band and I would like online. to relocate from our Consignment shops house into a retireare good for selling ment community conold clothing, housedo near our daughter hold furnishings and but need to get rid decorative items – of a lot of personal they typically get 30 possessions before we BY JIM MILLER to 40 percent of the can move. sale price. A good old-fashion Overwhelmed Willa garage sale is another option, or for large-scale downsizing Dear Willa, you could hire an estate sale The process of weeding company to come in and sell through a house full of stuff your items. See EstateSales. and parting with old possesnet and Estate sions is difficult and overwhelming for most people. A Sales.org to locate options in good place to start is to see if your area. Some estate companies will even pick up your your kids, grandkids or other stuff and sell it at their own family members would like location – they typically take any of your unused possesabout 35 percent of the profits. sions. Whatever they don’t Selling online is also a want, here are a few tips and great option and opens you services that may help you up to a wider audience. downsize. The OfferUp app (OfferUp. com), Facebook Marketplace Sell It (Facebook.com/marketplace), Selling your stuff is one way to get rid of your posses- Craigslist (Craigslist.org) and the CPlus for Craigslist app sions and pad your pocketbook at the same time. Selling (Yanflex.com) are great op-



Dear Readers,

At the end of 2017, Congress passed sweeping tax reform called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The President signed the Act on December 22, 2017. The unified gift and estate tax exemption amount was changed by this legislation, which greatly increased the amount an individual can pass to his or her heirs tax-free. The exemption amount for an individual in 2019 was $11,400,000. For a couple, this amount was $22,800,000 in 2019. The adjusted amount for 2020 was $11,580,000 for individuals and $23,160,000 for a couple. This amount will continue to be adjusted annually for inflation, and, if Congress does not act prior to the end of 2025, the exemption amount will sunset back to the 2017 amount, adjusted for inflation. Those individuals with moderate wealth should review their estate plan to determine how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act affects their estate/ financial planning. Additionally, Congress decided to continue the availability of portability, which allows a surviving spouse to use the

Many of my clients have asked what are the critical documents needed, particularly in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simply being married does not give you the legal right to gain access to your spouse’s medical records or make medical decisions on your spouse’s behalf, even in an emergency. To avoid this problem and to help others care for you and to achieve your overall estate planning goals, the following documents create an effective medical/estate plan package: 1. Healthcare Power of Attorney; 2. General Financial Power of Attorney;

Donate It

If you itemize on your tax returns, donating your belongings to charitable organizations is another way to downsize and get a tax deduction. The Salvation Army (SAtruck.org, 800-728-7825) will actually come to your house and pick up a variety of household items, including furnishings and clothing. Goodwill (Goodwill.org) is another good option to donate to but they don’t offer pickup services. If your deductions exceed $500, you’ll need to file Form 8283, “Noncash Charitable Contributions” (IRS.gov/pub/ irs-pdf/f8283.pdf). You’ll also need a receipt from the organization for every batch of items you donate and will

need to create an itemized list of the items donated. To calculate fair market value for your stuff, use the Salvation Army’s donation guide at SAtruck.org/home/donation valueguide.

Toss It

If you have a lot of junk you want to get rid of, contact your municipal trash service to see if they provide bulk curbside pickup services. Or, depending on where you live, you could hire a company like 1-800-Got-Junk (1800gotjunk.com, 800-4685865) or Junk-King (JunkKing.com, 888-888-5865) to come in and haul it off for a moderate fee. Another disposal option is Bagster (TheBagster.com, 877-789-2247) by Waste

Management. This is a dumpster bag that you purchase for around $30, fill it to a limit of 3,300 pounds and schedule a pickup, which costs anywhere between $100 and $300 depending on your area.

Get Help

If you want or need some help, consider hiring a senior move manager. These are professional organizers who help older adults and their families with the daunting process of downsizing and moving to a new residence. To locate one in your area, visit the National Association of Senior Move Managers at NASMM.org or call 877-6062766. You can also search at Caring Transitions (CaringTransitions.com), which is a large senior relocation and transition services franchise company that has more than 200 franchises nationwide.

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PAGE 12 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021


—Continued from previous page—

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ARAPAHOE COUNTY WARRANTS REPORT FOR 05/01/2021 TO 05/31/2021 FUNDS SUMMARY: 10...................................General Fund................................. 4,142,923.37 11....................................Social Services.................................. 799,870.49 12...................................Electronic Filing Te.............................. 55,056.00 14...................................Law Enforcement Auth........................ 24,222.44 15...................................Arapahoe / Douglas W...................... 373,170.10 16...................................Road and Bridge............................... 361,715.98 20...................................Sheriff’s Commissary.......................... 23,175.25 21...................................Community Developmen..................... 26,025.56 26...................................Grants............................................... 888,543.93 28...................................Open Space Sales Tax................. 16,882,063.42 29...................................Homeland Security -............................ 23,959.30 33...................................Building Maintenance.......................... 95,941.71 34...................................Fair Fund............................................... 1,500.00 41...................................Capital Expenditure........................... 825,848.69 42...................................Infrastructure.................................. 1,441,015.62 43...................................Arapahoe County Recr.......................... 8,804.49 70...................................Central Services................................ 529,250.87 71...................................Self-Insurance Liabi.......................... 158,347.00 73...................................Self-Insurance Worke........................ 153,348.76 74...................................Self-Insurance Denta.......................... 83,447.62 84...................................E-911 Authority.................................. 104,651.77 91...................................Treasurer........................................ 8,037,908.07 TOTAL .................................................................................35,040,790.44 _______________________________________ PREPARED BY _______________________________________ APPROVED BY FUND REPORT - 10 General Fund LASATER & MARTIN PC....................Services and Other........... 3,440.00 A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Supplies............................ 1,654.08 ABLC...................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 ACCESS ONE, INC.............................Services and Other........... 3,672.34 ACSO EMPLOYEE TRUST FUND......MISC................................ 1,353.50 ADVANCED NETWORK MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 33,538.39 AED EVERYWHERE...........................Services and Other.............. 104.00 AHMAD TEHRANi...............................MISC..................................... 15.00 ALICIA KRUEGER..............................MISC..................................... 15.00 ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................Supplies............................... 479.60 ALLEGIANT MORTUARY TRANSPORT LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,756.00 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY.........Supplies............................... 143.55 ALSCO................................................Supplies................................. 27.50 ALTITUDE COMMUNITY LAW PC......MISC..................................... 54.00 AMELIE COMPANY............................Services and Other......... 10,002.22 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 115.80 ANALEMMA ENTERPRISES LLC......Services and Other.............. 600.00 ANGIE ZBOROWSKI/PETTY CASH...MISC..................................... (1.99) ANGIE ZBOROWSKI/PETTY CASH...Services and Other................ 75.61 ANGIE ZBOROWSKI/PETTY CASH...Supplies............................... 276.78 ANTERO INC......................................Services and Other........... 3,700.00 APRIL BAILEY.....................................MISC..................................... 15.00 AQUA SERVE.....................................Services and Other.............. 166.00 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 5,763.44 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Supplies.......................... 51,807.83 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND...Services and Other......... 41,906.17 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other......... 11,362.50 ARAPAHOE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 97,888.39 ARISTOMENIS GATSIOPOULOS......MISC..................................... 15.00 ARMANDO HERRADA........................MISC..................................... 15.00 ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO COUNTY ............................................................Services and Other.............. 600.00 AT&T....................................................Services and Other................ 55.46 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other................ 55.46 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Supplies................................. 40.04 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF IL ............................................................MISC..................................... 30.00 AUDRA MCNICHOLAS.......................Supplies............................... 209.22 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,120.00 AURORA INTERCHURCH TASK FORCE ............................................................Services and Other......... 12,750.00 AURORA WARMS THE NIGHT..........Services and Other....... 161,300.40 AUTOZONE PARTS INC.....................Supplies................................. 39.99 Aden Hassan.......................................Services and Other.................. 4.48 Angela Stanton....................................Services and Other................ 16.83 April Stones.........................................Services and Other.............. 175.71 BACKUPIFY INC.................................Services and Other........... 2,135.70 BAUDVILLE INC.................................Supplies............................ 1,247.92 BC SERVICES INC.............................MISC................................... 165.00 BEARD ST GLAIR GAFFNEY PA.......MISC..................................... 40.00 BECK PAYNE FRANK & PIPER PC....MISC..................................... 15.00 BENEFITED LLC.................................MISC................................ 1,565.19 BETH A KINSKY..................................Services and Other................ 40.00 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC.......Supplies............................... 649.46 BODIE ENGER LAW...........................MISC..................................... 45.00 BOHANNAN-HUSTON INC.................Services and Other........... 4,637.50 BOLDER ENERGY ENGINEERS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,500.00 BRAMMER LAW OFFICE PC.............MISC..................................... 15.00 BRINK’S INCORPORATED.................Services and Other........... 3,965.23 BW LIMITED........................................Services and Other....... 100,000.00 Bashar Sawaqed.................................Services and Other................ 57.69 Brenda Simons....................................Services and Other................ 11.79 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................... 817.84 CAMIE BOLASKI.................................Services and Other......... 69,892.13 CARROT INC......................................Services and Other........... 3,555.00 CCG SYSTEMS INC...........................Services and Other......... 21,858.16 CEC SOLAR #1121 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 8,884.41 CEC SOLAR #1122 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 8,521.76 CEC SOLAR #1130 LLC.....................Services and Other........... 8,121.49 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other......... 70,990.37 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Supplies................................. 99.99 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other......... 15,898.97 CHELSEY WEARE..............................MISC..................................... 15.00 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other.............. 116.93 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Supplies............................... 314.25 CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER......MISC..................................... 34.50 CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC................................ 1,182.00 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other........... 2,883.50 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...MISC................................... 180.89 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other.............. 224.46 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................MISC................................... 361.78 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................MISC................................... 144.71 CIVICORE LLC...................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 CLARION ASSOCIATES LLC.............Services and Other........... 4,577.50 CLEAN DESIGNS INC........................Services and Other........... 3,650.48 CLEAR SELECTIONS GROUP INC...Services and Other........... 4,520.00 CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN LLP..........Services and Other......... 21,000.00 COLORADO COMMERCIAL...............Services and Other.............. 200.00 COLORADO COUNTY TREASURERS ASSN ............................................................Services and Other.............. 400.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC................................... 253.90

COLORADO GOVERNMENT FINANCE ............................................................Services and Other................ 50.00 COLORADO NATURAL GAS INC.......Services and Other.............. 178.05 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Services and Other.............. 399.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Supplies................................. 93.00 COLORADO OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,008.00 COLORADO REGIONAL HEALTH INFO ............................................................Supplies............................... 350.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CASHIERS ............................................................Services and Other......... 14,525.76 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.................. 5.25 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER.................Services and Other......... 17,000.00 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE ............................................................MISC.............................. 23,026.25 CREDIT SERVICE COMPANY INC....MISC..................................... 15.00 CRYSTAL MARIE NEFF......................MISC..................................... 15.00 Christopher Clark................................Supplies............................... 200.00 Christopher Fall...................................Supplies............................... 500.00 Claudia Meeks.....................................Services and Other.............. 119.06 DAIOHS USA......................................Supplies............................... 160.25 DANIEL G KAY PC..............................MISC..................................... 15.00 DANIEL HAMPTON.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 DAVINA CASTILLO.............................MISC..................................... 15.00 DCPS CLEANING LLC.......................Services and Other....... 100,228.94 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other......... 47,384.50 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Supplies............................... 121.93 DENISE MANCUSO............................MISC..................................... 15.00 DENVER HEALTH AND HOSPITAL....Supplies............................ 1,142.00 DENVER WATER................................Services and Other.............. 621.76 DISTINCTIVE THREADS INC.............Supplies............................... 566.76 DODGE DATA AND ANALYTICS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 186.76 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFFS........MISC................................... 868.28 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFFS........Services and Other.............. 400.00 DS CONSULTING INC........................Services and Other.............. 500.00 David Clark..........................................Services and Other................ 14.00 Denise Holter.......................................Services and Other.................. 7.73 Dustin Herndon...................................Services and Other................ 22.45 E470 PUBLIC HIGH WAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other................ 40.25 ELECTION CENTER...........................Services and Other........... 3,710.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Services and Other........... 1,420.00 ELECTRONIC METROLOGY LABORATORY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 900.00 ELIZABETH ANNE PALMER...............Services and Other.............. 100.00 EMILY RUNDALL................................MISC..................................... 15.00 EMPLOYERS COUNCIL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 205.00 ENCORE ENERGY SERVICES INC...Services and Other......... 22,097.06 ENGLEWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT ............................................................MISC................................... 397.96 EP BLAZER LLC.................................Supplies............................... 664.17 ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL ............................................................Services and Other.............. 130.00 EXPRESS TOLL..................................Services and Other................ 13.10 EZ MESSENGER................................MISC..................................... 62.50 Eloisa Altamira.....................................Services and Other................ 42.51 Ernest Shackelford..............................Supplies............................... 200.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................Supplies............................... 331.13 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Services and Other......... 32,099.34 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 7,516.22 FARIS MACHINERY CO.....................Supplies............................... 278.46 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies................................... 7.36 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies............................... 559.41 FINANCIAL EQUIPMENT CO INC......Services and Other.............. 335.00 FLEET FUELING.................................MISC.............................. 40,335.71 FOP LODGE 31...................................MISC.............................. 33,171.00 FORENSIC TRUTH VERIFICATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,220.00 FRANCY LAW FIRM PLLC.................MISC................................... 275.00 FRANK J BALL....................................MISC..................................... 40.00 FRASGONA JOINER GOODMAN &...MISC................................... 145.18 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other....... 133,457.50 GITACISSE..........................................MISC..................................... 15.00 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other........... 1,110.57 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 1,692.21 GREENBERG & SADA PC.................MISC..................................... 15.00 GREENWOOD VILLAGE POLICE DEPART ............................................................MISC................................... 361.78 GUARDIAN SAFETY & SUPPLY LLC ............................................................Supplies............................... 219.75 Gerardo Alvarenga Rivera...................Services and Other................ 16.80 HAAT FORCE SOUTH METRO LLC..Services and Other......... 39,030.00 HARM LESS & WILLIAMS LLP...........MISC..................................... 15.00 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................Services and Other.............. 815.31 HOBART CORPORATION..................Services and Other.............. 835.00 HOLST BOETTCHER & TEHRAN! LLP ............................................................MISC..................................... 10.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................MISC................................ 6,194.82 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Services and Other.............. 918.36 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................ 1,452.23 HOWARD MARK BUCHALER............Services and Other................ 45.00 HUGHES LAWYERS LLC...................MISC..................................... 15.00 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC.....Services and Other........... 1,785.60 IBM CORPORATION...........................Services and Other........... 1,173.00 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS MFG INC.. Supplies............................ 1,095.00 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS......................Services and Other........... 1,475.68 INSIGHT GLOBAL...............................Services and Other........... 7,044.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other......... 39,561.61 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Supplies............................ 2,892.60 INTELLECTUAL TECHNOLOGY INC ............................................................MISC................................... 894.96 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK & SECURITY ............................................................Services and Other.............. 350.59 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................MISC............................ 380,292.73 INVITAE CORPORATION...................Supplies............................... 300.00 IPS PACKAGING.................................Supplies............................... 934.51 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other................ 68.90 JACINTA MOREAU.............................Services and Other................ 65.00 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................Supplies............................ 3,231.62 JAMES BROWER PSYCHOLOGICAL ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,300.00 JAMIE B WOLLMAN...........................Services and Other.............. 200.00 JANE F RIECK....................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 JANEWAY LAW FIRM PC...................MISC..................................... 10.00 JANEWAYLAW FIRM PC....................MISC..................................... 15.00 JENNIPHER ALEXANDER.................MISC................................... 350.76 JESSE ARMSTRONG.........................Services and Other................ 40.00 JJL PROCESS CORP.........................MISC..................................... 60.00 JOHNSON MARK LLC........................MISC................................ 1,459.06 JONATHAN SHERMAN......................MISC..................................... 15.00 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA.........MISC............................ 308,678.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A.........Services and Other....... 305,360.75 JUDICIAL ARBITER GROUP INC.......Services and Other........... 2,000.00 Jahsana Banks....................................Services and Other................ 46.82

James Beall.........................................Services and Other................ 17.02 James Conyers...................................Services and Other................ 88.34 Jeremy Cordes....................................Supplies............................... 500.00 Joshua Thompson...............................Services and Other................ 19.70 Joshua Thompson...............................Supplies............................... 500.00 KATHRYN LATSIS..............................Services and Other.............. 210.00 KCI KONECRANES............................Services and Other........... 1,045.00 KQH ENTERPRISES INC...................Services and Other......... 25,495.55 KRYSTLE L HART...............................MISC..................................... 60.10 KUBAT EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE CO ............................................................Supplies................................. 23.70 KUBL GROUP LLC.............................Services and Other.............. 875.00 Katlin Ramirez.....................................Services and Other........... 1,307.10 Khanh Pham........................................Services and Other................ 60.31 Kimberly Gonzalez..............................Services and Other................ 82.04 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 628.53 LASER GRAFIX LASER PRINTER.....Supplies............................ 1,556.00 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC...............Services and Other.............. 360.00 LAURA AGUAYO.................................MISC................................... 130.00 LAW OFFICE OF KAREN LAMPREY PC ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 LE ARGUELLO....................................MISC................................... 365.52 LEWIS PAPER INTERNATION INC....Supplies............................ 4,613.81 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Supplies............................... 229.75 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 350.20 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other.............. 259.50 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies................................. 12.32 LUMIN8 TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,655.00 LUMINOUS FORENSICS....................Services and Other.............. 785.00 LYNN SAUVE......................................Services and Other.............. 200.00 Lauren Thomas...................................Services and Other................ 17.68 Lucas Green........................................Services and Other................ 25.20 Lynnea Oldham...................................Services and Other.............. 122.98 MACARI HEALEY PUBLISHING CO LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,684.68 MAIL MASTERS OF COLORADO INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 28,897.09 MANATRON INC.................................Services and Other........... 2,167.11 MARK A LEACHMAN PC....................MISC..................................... 80.00 MARK ANDY INC................................Services and Other........... 2,034.12 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,132.00 MATTHEW K REPPLINGER...............MISC..................................... 30.00 MCCARTHY & HOLTHUS...................MISC................................... 139.79 METRO COLLECTION SERVICE INC ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 MIAM LLC...........................................Services and Other.............. 617.50 MILIND VIBHANDIK............................Services and Other................ 30.80 MOBILE MINI LLC...............................Supplies............................ 5,405.05 MOELLER GRAF PC..........................MISC................................... 343.30 MONGE & ASSOCIATES LLC............MISC..................................... 15.00 MOTION AND FLOW CONTROL........Supplies................................. 98.07 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS..................Services and Other....... 113,394.20 MULTICARD INC.................................Supplies............................ 1,014.54 MULTICOPTER WAREHOUSE LLC...Supplies............................ 4,792.00 MYEISHA DELOUTH..........................MISC..................................... 15.00 Maher Elsayed....................................Services and Other........... 1,471.96 Michael Agos.......................................Services and Other.............. 158.60 Michael Axinn......................................Services and Other................ 64.06 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................Supplies............................... 953.39 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............Supplies................................. 29.28 NCPAA.................................................Services and Other................ 35.00 NELSON & KENNARD........................MISC................................... 180.00 NELSON &KENNARD.........................MISC..................................... 15.00 NETWORK CLAIMS REDUCTION TECH LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 750.00 NORTHWEST PARKWAY LLC............Services and Other................ 16.95 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other.............. 666.00 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC.............Supplies............................... 238.62 PATTON & DAVISON LLC...................MISC..................................... 56.07 PAYLOGIX LLC...................................MISC.............................. 25,193.25 PERFECT TONE.................................Services and Other......... 21,230.59 PETERSEN LEYBAS RUBBER STAMP ............................................................Supplies............................... 145.82 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Services and Other.............. 205.55 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Supplies................................. 12.12 PLATTE COUNTY ATTY.....................MISC..................................... 36.50 POCKET PRESS LLC.........................Supplies............................ 1,174.99 POTESTIO BROTHERS.....................Supplies............................... 446.12 POWELL & EDWARDS.......................MISC..................................... 15.00 POWERDMS, INC...............................Services and Other......... 10,002.85 PROVEST LITIGATION.......................MISC..................................... 15.00 PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,875.00 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION..........Services and Other.............. 140.22 PURPLE COMMUNICATIONS............Services and Other................ 69.00 QUICKSILVER EXPRESS COURIER ............................................................Supplies............................... 404.21 RACINE COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT DEPT ............................................................MISC..................................... 15.00 RANDALL S MILLER...........................Services and Other.............. 200.00 RANDSTAD TECHNOLOGIES...........Services and Other......... 11,620.00 RATION & DAVISON LLC...................MISC..................................... 46.14 RAYMOND B VIGIL.............................MISC..................................... 40.00 RC PRECISION INSTALLATIONS INC ............................................................Supplies............................ 8,250.00 READY TO WORK AURORA..............Services and Other........... 1,556.46 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other......... 10,000.00 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies............................... 200.00 REEGAN O’NEILL...............................MISC....................................... 2.00 RHONDA ROBINSON/PETTY CASH ............................................................Supplies............................... 268.04 RICHARD T SALL...............................Services and Other.............. 200.00 ROADHOG INC...................................Supplies............................... 202.53 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,085.95 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies............................... 172.68 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Supplies................................. 43.96 RODNEY O BROCKELMAN...............Services and Other.............. 200.00 RONALD A LOMBARDO.....................Services and Other................ 40.00 ROWENA GARCIA..............................MISC..................................... 15.00 RYDERS PUBLIC SAFETY LLC.........Supplies............................ 7,597.41 Randall Ward.......................................Services and Other................ 35.44 Richard Anselmi..................................Supplies................................. 76.82 Robert Decker.....................................Services and Other................ 53.76 Ronald Benton.....................................Services and Other................ 32.27 Ryan Seacrist......................................Services and Other................ 44.02 SALAM INTERNATIONAL INC............Supplies............................... 456.07 SARA GARRIDO METZ......................Services and Other........... 2,700.00 SCHWAB MFG & ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY ............................................................Supplies............................... 877.89

— Continued to next page —

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— SECURITY CENTRAL INC.................Services and Other.............. 120.00 SHARON B COLE...............................Services and Other................ 65.00 SHEILA A GAINS.................................Services and Other................ 34.07 SHRED-IT USA...................................Services and Other.............. 744.08 SOURCE IT TECHNOLOIGES LLC....Services and Other........... 5,255.50 SOUTHERNCARLSON.......................Supplies............................ 1,939.76 SOUTHLAND MEDICAL LLC..............Supplies............................ 1,794.88 SPECTRUM MICROSCOPE SERVICES ............................................................Supplies............................... 625.00 SPOK INC...........................................Supplies............................... 372.24 SPRINGMAN BRADEN WILSON........MISC................................... 135.55 SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC..................Services and Other.............. 546.72 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC..........Services and Other......... 10,686.29 STATE OF COLORADO......................Services and Other........... 5,415.24 STATE OF COLORADO......................Supplies.......................... 21,710.10 STENGER & STENGER.....................MISC................................... 766.90 SUCCESSFACTORS INC...................Services and Other......... 98,750.77 SUNBELT RENTALS INC....................Services and Other......... 29,189.41 SUSAN STAULCUP............................MISC..................................... 15.00 Scott Shaw..........................................Services and Other................ 46.26 Seddon Keyter.....................................Services and Other................ 14.00 Selina Baschiera.................................Services and Other................ 35.28 Shawn Boston.....................................Services and Other................ 38.08 T-MOBILE USA INC............................Services and Other................ 11.20 TAMARA BLANTON............................MISC..................................... 15.00 TARAMART & GAS INC......................Services and Other................ 82.00 THE DUPONT LAW FIRM LLC...........MISC..................................... 55.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other........... 6,120.15 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other........... 9,967.21 THE MOORE LAW GROUP APC........MISC..................................... 15.00 THE MOORE LAW GROUP ARC.......MISC..................................... 15.00 THE RECIPROCITY COLLECTIVE....Community Programs....... 2,388.68 THE SAYER LAW GROUP PC............MISC..................................... 15.00 THE SUPPLY CACHE INC..................Supplies............................... 672.70 THERMO FLUIDS INC........................Services and Other.............. 753.45 THIN LINE THREAD...........................Supplies............................... 667.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other........... 3,557.07 TOCABE INVESTMENT COMPANY LLC ............................................................Services and Other......... 44,151.64 TODD COMPANIES INC.....................Services and Other.............. 700.00 TOP HAT FILE AND SERVE INC........MISC..................................... 53.50 TOSCANA RISTORANTE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other......... 87,842.94 TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK.................MISC..................................... 36.18 TOWN OF PARKER............................MISC................................... 361.78 TRANS UNION....................................Services and Other.............. 240.36 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 32,359.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other....... 397,442.00 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS.....Services and Other........... 3,380.00 TSCHETTER HAMRICK SULZER PC ............................................................MISC................................... 262.50 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC...........Services and Other........... 2,762.62 Tamra LeBlanc....................................Services and Other........... 1,200.00 Teresa Marlowe...................................Services and Other................ 72.66 Travis Krings........................................Services and Other................ 39.09 U.S. COURTS-PACER........................Services and Other.............. 667.00 UE COMPRESSION HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,244.66 ULINE INC...........................................Supplies................................. 95.08 ULTEIG ENGINEERS INC..................Services and Other......... 16,054.37 UNIFIRST FIRST AID CORP..............Supplies................................. 73.24 UNIVERSAL INFORMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 643.28 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other.............. 722.74 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 134.64 VARGO & JANSON PC.......................MISC..................................... 15.00 VERTIQ SOFTWARE LLC..................Services and Other........... 7,225.00 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP.....Services and Other........... 4,456.07 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other.............. 596.40 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Supplies............................ 4,484.44 Victor Blatzer.......................................Services and Other.............. 121.52 WARREN KULIK.................................Services and Other................ 37.52 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other........... 9,603.89 WELBORN SULLIVAN MECK & TOOLEY PC ............................................................Services and Other......... 13,704.45 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other....... 464,500.10 WEST NETWORKS LLC.....................Services and Other.............. 494.00 WINZENBURG LEFF PURVIS & PAYNE ............................................................MISC................................... 221.72 WOLTERS KLUWER LEGAL &...........Services and Other........... 1,205.00 William Watts.......................................Services and Other................ 45.36 Writer Mott...........................................Services and Other................ 61.60 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other......... 91,099.81 XEROX CORPORATION....................Services and Other.............. 113.55 FUND REPORT - 11 Social Services A BETTER PLACE FUNERAL.............Community Programs....... 1,000.00 AMERICAN BIOIDENTITY INC...........Services and Other........... 2,326.50 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LP........Community Programs....... 2,395.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Services and Other......... 23,304.72 ARAPAHOE/DOUGLAS WORKS........Community Programs..... 38,299.74 Aimie Ingalls........................................Services and Other.............. 268.97 Alexis Jones........................................Services and Other.............. 258.38 Allison Good........................................Services and Other.............. 123.20 Amber Verzosa....................................Services and Other.............. 232.23 Amy Goldberg.....................................Services and Other................ 87.36 Andrea Mackenzie...............................Services and Other.............. 400.35 Angelica Ros.......................................Services and Other.............. 216.67 Ashley Kowalefski...............................Services and Other.............. 241.42 Ashley Wunderle.................................Services and Other.............. 216.45 Aubree Brewer....................................Services and Other.............. 218.69 BC SERVICES, INC............................MISC................................... 982.70 BRAZOS COUNTY..............................Services and Other.............. 115.00 BROOMFIELD COUNTY.....................MISC..................................... 20.00 Brenda Armour....................................Services and Other.............. 258.39 Brenda Flores......................................Services and Other................ 18.42 Britany Feathers..................................Services and Other.............. 828.81 Brittani Choate.....................................Services and Other.............. 402.64 Brittany Kaplan....................................Services and Other................ 96.32 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC.................Supplies............................ 3,384.93 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other......... 15,218.31 CENTER FOR WORK EDUCATION AND ............................................................Community Programs... 174,464.53 CHAD C CERINICH............................Services and Other.............. 978.75 CHANCE.............................................Community Programs.......... 640.00 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Community Programs....... 3,300.00 COACHING-FORLIFE.........................Services and Other.............. 750.00 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER.................Community Programs..... 12,960.00 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other........... 1,171.49 CORPORATE TRANSLATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,336.14 CREEKSIDE OPERATING LLC..........Community Programs.......... 422.00 Cait Clough..........................................Services and Other.............. 200.82 Carrie Balow........................................Services and Other................ 60.71 Cassandra Aguilar...............................Services and Other.............. 621.55 Cassandra Gorrell...............................Services and Other.............. 415.41 Chantelle Romero...............................Services and Other................ 26.54 Chelsea Sweeney...............................Services and Other................ 32.62 Chelsey Hanson..................................Services and Other.............. 650.34 Christine Lane.....................................Services and Other.............. 335.84 DANA CARTER...................................MISC....................................... 5.00 DENVER SHERIFF DEPARTMENT....Services and Other................ 69.85 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE ............................................................Services and Other................ 46.00 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFFS........Services and Other.............. 195.00 DOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGE INC....Community Programs....... 1,888.73 DUANE L KENT..................................Capital Outlay................. 19,400.00 Danielle Waagmeester........................Services and Other................ 69.55 Dawn Stoudt........................................Services and Other.............. 241.48 Deanna Lee.........................................Services and Other................ 29.96 Deanna Stepaniuk...............................Services and Other.............. 617.61 Deborah Bowers..................................Services and Other................ 92.17 Delmy Acosta......................................Services and Other.............. 339.92 Douglas Fessenden............................Services and Other................ 39.03 EXPERIAN..........................................Services and Other................ 37.00 Elizabeth Aznar...................................Services and Other................ 92.51 Eric Hoskins........................................Services and Other.............. 627.65 Erin Ellis..............................................Services and Other................ 81.37 Erin Wieneke.......................................Services and Other.............. 439.43 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,208.47 FAMILY TREE INC..............................Community Programs... 102,000.00 FRONT RANGE LEGAL PROCESS SERV INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 144.60 GERALD H PHIPPS INC.....................Capital Outlay............... 102,644.85 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP..................Services and Other........... 1,677.43

GRAPHICWORKS LLC.......................Capital Outlay...................... 801.55 Genevieve Rumlow.............................Services and Other.............. 110.60 H & H EARLY LEARNING LLC...........Community Programs.......... 990.00 HOPSKIPDRIVE INC..........................Community Programs....... 9,991.38 Hannah Herinckx.................................Services and Other.............. 387.24 Hannah Shier......................................Services and Other.............. 150.02 Harmonie Trenn...................................Services and Other.............. 229.37 ILLUMINATE COLORADO..................Services and Other.............. 303.00 INFINITY DIRECT CREMATIONS.......Community Programs....... 1,000.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other........... 2,411.14 INTERGROUP INC.............................Capital Outlay...................... 677.50 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other........... 1,264.24 JACQUELINE A S MULLER................Services and Other.............. 487.50 JAMES ERIC SWART.........................Services and Other.............. 495.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY DEPT OF SOCIAL SVC ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,291.25 JEFFERSON COUNTY DEPT OFSOCIAL SVCS ............................................................Community Programs....... 2,739.62 JEFFERSON COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC................................ 1,244.13 JEFFERSON COUNTY HUMAN SVCS ............................................................Community Programs............ 76.86 JORGE RAMIREZ...............................MISC................................ 1,316.00 JORGE SALAS...................................Services and Other........... 3,960.00 Jacquelyn Gabel..................................Services and Other.............. 190.28 Jessica Freeman.................................Services and Other.............. 113.91 Jessica Roman Martinez.....................Services and Other.............. 106.34 Jill Coughlan........................................Services and Other.............. 920.86 Jordan McGinnis.................................Services and Other.............. 359.13 Juanita Castillo....................................Services and Other.............. 924.78 Julia Ramsdell.....................................Services and Other.............. 483.45 Julie Schilling.......................................Services and Other.............. 429.35 Justina Meadows.................................Services and Other.............. 213.36 Kari Sales............................................Services and Other.............. 233.74 Katharina Mittler..................................Services and Other................ 72.35 Katriona Mortimore..............................Services and Other.............. 343.52 Kelly Goodman....................................Services and Other.............. 183.91 Kelseigh Gorman.................................Services and Other.............. 191.86 Kimberly Pine......................................Services and Other.............. 171.19 Kristin Davis........................................Community Programs............ 18.68 Kristin Davis........................................Services and Other.............. 309.40 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 246.00 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 367.34 LINX MULTIMEDIA LLLP....................Capital Outlay................... 4,806.00 LKF FAMILY CORPORATION.............Community Programs....... 3,000.00 LONNIE EDDY....................................Services and Other........... 1,215.00 Laura Heathcoat..................................Services and Other.............. 458.59 Leah Turner.........................................Services and Other................ 53.03 Leba Hirsch.........................................Services and Other.............. 557.65 Leticia Bradshaw.................................Services and Other................ 29.12 Lilian Luquin-Salazar...........................Services and Other.............. 165.10 Liliana Cobo........................................Services and Other.............. 207.93 Linda Harris.........................................Services and Other................ 39.09 Linley Stricker......................................Services and Other................ 55.61 MARATHON ATTORNEY SERVICE...Services and Other................ 75.00 MARTIN, JOYCE.................................Services and Other.............. 303.75 MCXI LLC............................................Community Programs....... 1,500.00 MNEEMA HAWA..................................MISC................................... 220.00 Maria Louis Miller................................Services and Other.............. 514.64 Marianela Turner.................................Services and Other.............. 501.53 Marina Sarinana..................................Services and Other.............. 219.41 Mary Leeds..........................................Services and Other................ 41.89 Maya Hoganson-Sanchez...................Services and Other.............. 172.98 Melissa McKinley.................................Services and Other.............. 189.40 Michelle Galindo..................................Services and Other.............. 101.36 Michelle Morfin....................................Services and Other.............. 206.70 Mindy Kugler.......................................Services and Other................ 67.48 Molly Craig..........................................Services and Other.............. 277.53 NANCY REGALADO...........................Community Programs.......... 260.00 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT...........MISC................................... 403.40 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY..................Services and Other........... 7,250.00 NEWCOMER FAMILY MORTUARY....Community Programs....... 1,000.00 Natalie Coronado................................Services and Other................ 84.56 Natallie Rodriguez...............................Services and Other.............. 214.87 ONTARIO SYSTEMS LLC...................Services and Other........... 2,220.00 OPTIMIZE MANPOWER SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 60,388.24 PITNEY BOWES.................................Supplies............................ 6,633.00 Paige Viscarra.....................................Services and Other.............. 133.28 Pamela Yanett.....................................Services and Other.............. 120.74 Phiangchit Mutzbauer..........................Services and Other.............. 721.51 RACHEL ANNE NUNEZ......................Services and Other.............. 720.00 RAISE THE FUTURE..........................Community Programs....... 2,603.33 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT ............................................................Community Programs..... 16,800.00 RENE GONZALEZ..............................Community Programs.......... 750.00 ROBERT MARIN.................................Services and Other................ 65.00 ROSIO GAMBOA................................MISC..................................... 20.00 ROYAL BUYING GROUP INC.............Community Programs..... 15,000.00 Rachele Serres....................................Services and Other.............. 584.80 Rebecca Heaton..................................Services and Other................ 75.71 Rebecca Madsen................................Services and Other................ 27.10 Rebecca Maybury...............................Services and Other.............. 338.91 Rebeckah DeAngelis...........................Services and Other.............. 362.82 Robin Niceta........................................Services and Other.............. 422.91 Roxann Tademy...................................Services and Other.............. 382.37 SALVATORE L FAZIO JR....................Services and Other........... 1,372.50 SHILOH HOME INC............................Community Programs..... 14,139.63 SHILOH HOUSE.................................Community Programs..... 12,111.20 SHILOH HOUSE.................................Services and Other.............. 727.58 STENGER & STENGER.....................MISC................................... 779.72 STEPANIE VELASQUEZ....................Services and Other................ 58.24 STEPHANIE ANDREA RAYTON.........Community Programs....... 2,000.00 STING RAY LEGAL SERVICES INC...Services and Other................ 86.00 STORMSOURCE LLC.........................Services and Other........... 2,530.70 SUMMIT STONE HEALTH PARTNERS ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,100.00 Sadie Hill.............................................Services and Other.............. 648.82 Sarah Lewnard....................................Services and Other.............. 552.30 Sarah Williams....................................Services and Other.............. 575.57 Shannon Meade..................................Services and Other.............. 227.52 Shayla Reichert...................................Services and Other.............. 249.09 Stevie Rees.........................................Services and Other................ 46.59 THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,000.00 THOMAS A GRAHAM JR....................Services and Other........... 1,980.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST............Services and Other........... 5,849.97 TOM MILLS PSI INC...........................Services and Other........... 1,735.00 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs..... 11,448.22 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other.............. 840.00 Tanya Glick..........................................Services and Other.............. 369.15 Taylor Graston.....................................Services and Other.............. 310.63 Tracy Carroll........................................Community Programs.............. 7.70 Tracy Carroll........................................Services and Other.............. 115.75 Tracy Opp............................................Services and Other.............. 293.22 VALERIE K BROOKS..........................Services and Other.............. 297.50 Valerie Terzic.......................................Services and Other................ 38.98 Vanessa Hughes.................................Services and Other.............. 147.33 Victoria Gillett......................................Services and Other.............. 107.02 WAL-MART STORES..........................Community Programs..... 30,000.00 WELLS FARGO...................................Services and Other................ 58.30 WEST METRO FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,415.80 Yangson Baker....................................Services and Other................ 13.72

FUND REPORT - 15 Arapahoe / Douglas Works! ADAMS COUNTY................................Services and Other........... 2,465.89 ALL AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF HOME ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,495.00 ARMBRUST REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,050.00 Alexa Ely.............................................Services and Other................ 16.69 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 782.39 CHERRY CREEK INNOVATION CAMPUS ............................................................Community Programs.......... 171.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ............................................................MISC............................ 172,798.63 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................Community Programs.......... 190.00 CONTACT WIRELESS........................Services and Other.............. 519.80 CORNELL UNIVERSITY.....................Services and Other........... 2,520.00 Cynthia Borunda..................................Services and Other................ 15.68 DAVID R HAYDEN..............................Community Programs.......... 500.00 ECONOMIC MODELING LLC.............Services and Other........... 7,500.00 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS LLC..........Services and Other.............. 950.00 EXCEL DRIVER SERVICES LLC.......Services and Other........... 4,500.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,415.08 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,408.48 GARY J MIMS.....................................Community Programs.......... 200.00 Heidi Moseman...................................MISC................................... 258.52 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC.........Services and Other........... 1,677.90 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other.............. 195.00 JOHN D NEBEL..................................Services and Other........... 4,870.00 LAIRMER COUNTY............................Services and Other......... 61,597.37 LAMAR D WASHINGTON...................Community Programs.......... 150.00 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY ............................................................Community Programs.......... 207.90 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,195.00 MOORE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,500.00 NORTHERN COLORADO ADVANCED ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,075.00 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP ............................................................Supplies............................... 291.60 RIGHT ON LEARNING INC................Community Programs....... 1,300.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other................ 69.00 SAMUEL L SHEPPARD......................Community Programs.......... 200.00 SOUTH DENVER SCHOOL OF NURSING ARTS ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,000.00 THE FORT COLLINS DIGITAL WORKSHOP ............................................................Services and Other........... 5,404.50 THE JOB STORE................................Services and Other......... 15,294.65 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING...Services and Other......... 25,835.00 WELD CNTY DEPART OF HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,052.95 WEX BANK.........................................Community Programs....... 2,497.07 WORKFORCE BOULDER COUNTY..Services and Other......... 40,000.00

FUND REPORT - 12 Electronic Filing Technology COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC.............................. 34,612.00 KOFILE TECHNOLOGIES INC...........Services and Other......... 20,444.00

AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other......... 33,054.28 AVANATH FOX CROSSING LLC........Community Programs....... 4,418.00 Angela Stanton....................................Services and Other................ 76.69 April Stones.........................................Services and Other.............. 155.81 BLDG II MANAGEMENT CO , LLC.....Community Programs....... 3,152.03 Brenda Simons....................................Services and Other................ 75.57 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 412.02 CH GREENWOOD POINT COMMUNITIES LLC ............................................................Community Programs..... 18,701.56 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other................ 94.75 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES INC............Supplies............................ 1,248.58 COMCOR INC.....................................Community Programs....... 3,189.50 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Community Programs... 110,385.28 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 17,595.00 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Community Programs... 216,205.73 CORECIVIC LLC.................................Services and Other........... 6,354.39 DENVER WINAIR CO.........................MISC................................ 1,235.73 DONATELLI AND KLEIN INC ETAL PTRS ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,523.00 Denise Holter.......................................Services and Other................ 44.07 EAGLE ROCK SUPPLY......................MISC................................ 7,237.25

FUND REPORT - 14 Law Enforcement Authority Distric ANGIE ZBOROWSKI/PETTY CASH...Services and Other................ 70.75 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other......... 16,128.81 COLORADO DEPT OF HUMAN SVCS ............................................................Services and Other.............. 870.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................ 1,553.00 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies................................. 25.46 JACINTA MOREAU.............................Services and Other................ 65.00 JUDICIARY COURTS STATE OF CO ............................................................Services and Other................ 74.00 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 419.01 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 233.47 POCKET PRESS LLC.........................Supplies............................... 663.46 SHARON B COLE...............................Services and Other................ 65.00 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT...................MISC................................... 923.08 THE ADT SECURITY CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other................ 77.66 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC...........Services and Other........... 1,841.74 VICTIM ASSISTANCE LAW................Services and Other........... 1,212.00

FUND REPORT - 16 Road and Bridge ACE IRRIGATION & MFG CO.............Supplies.......................... 15,900.60 ACF FINCO I LP..................................Supplies............................... 719.55 AG WASSENAAR INC........................Services and Other........... 1,212.50 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY.........Supplies............................... 226.30 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................ 1,391.04 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC.......................Services and Other.............. 801.05 BAUDVILLE INC.................................Supplies............................... 737.00 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC.......Supplies............................ 3,870.94 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC................................... 528.92 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other........... 1,567.82 CITY ICE INC......................................Supplies............................... 130.00 DENCO SALES CO............................Supplies............................ 1,720.15 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS INC....Supplies............................ 1,098.84 ENNIS-FLINT......................................Supplies.......................... 34,320.00 FASTENAL COMPANY.......................Supplies............................ 1,178.82 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................ 1,061.87 GREATWOOD LUMBER AND HARDWARE ............................................................Supplies............................... 199.50 HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION CO......Services and Other......... 25,697.20 IDENTITY INC.....................................Supplies............................ 2,081.02 J & A TRAFFIC PRODUCTS...............Supplies............................... 943.00 JK TRANSPORTS INC........................Services and Other......... 59,368.25 JOHNSON STORAGE........................Services and Other.............. 825.00 KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE CO........Supplies........................ 143,186.91 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC...................Supplies................................. 64.56 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies............................... 513.04 LUMIN8 TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................Services and Other........... 4,786.41 MATHESON TRIGAS INC...................Supplies............................... 146.80 MCATEE CONSTRUCTION................Services and Other........... 3,381.00 NORTHERN IMPORTS.......................Supplies............................ 2,592.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other.............. 263.00 PIRTEK NORTH VALLEY....................Supplies................................. 49.61 R2JAM HOLDINGS INC......................Supplies................................. 49.60 ROTH SHANNON...............................Services and Other........... 1,400.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 480.66 TRINITY SCS INC...............................Supplies............................... 263.22 TSINELAS INC....................................Supplies............................ 8,017.43 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other.............. 106.92 VANCE BROTHERS INC....................Services and Other......... 38,182.54 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,060.20 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 1,592.71 FUND REPORT - 20 Sheriff’s Commissary ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........... 1,700.83 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT.......Services and Other........... 9,752.50 COMCAST...........................................Services and Other.............. 115.00 DEBRA RENEE TYGRETT.................Services and Other........... 1,512.50 THE DENVER POST...........................Services and Other........... 2,210.00 USA TODAY........................................Services and Other.............. 120.00 WELLPATH LLC..................................Services and Other........... 7,764.42 FUND REPORT - 21 Community Development AURORA HOUSING AUTHORITY......Services and Other........... 1,350.50 BROTHERS REDEVELOPMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 11,737.11 GRACEFULL FOUNDATION...............Services and Other........... 3,910.45 SENIOR HUB INC...............................Services and Other........... 7,827.50 VWC3 LLLP.........................................Services and Other........... 1,200.00 FUND REPORT - 26 Grants ACOMA INVESTORS LLC..................Community Programs....... 3,700.00 ADVANTAGE TREATMENT CENTER ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,438.80 AFFORDABLE MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS ............................................................Community Programs.......... 631.68 AIMCO PROPERTIES LP...................Community Programs....... 8,555.25 ALSCO................................................Supplies............................... 329.19 AMERICAN HOMES 4 RENT LP........Community Programs..... 11,517.09 ANTTI HEISKANEN............................Community Programs....... 8,100.00 AREL DENVER ll LP...........................Community Programs..... 24,454.38 ARTWALK OWNER LLC.....................Community Programs....... 8,672.08 ASCENTIA REAL ESTATE HOLDING ............................................................Community Programs..... 11,174.00 AUKUM TERRA VISTA APARTMENTS LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 4,618.54

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021 —Continued from previous page— EVERGREEN JEWELL AND VAUGHN LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 5,354.00 Eloisa Altamira.....................................Services and Other................ 92.45 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Community Programs..... 14,435.00 GARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,300.00 GARY GHISELLI.................................Community Programs....... 3,635.00 GREENWOOD VILLAGE APT INVESTORS LLC ............................................................Community Programs..... 23,156.15 GRID ALTERNATIVES........................Services and Other......... 10,840.00 H & A PROPERTIES LLC....................Services and Other........... 8,589.45 HAZELBROOK SOBER LIVING, LLC.Community Programs.......... 775.00 HOLIDAY MOTEL LLC........................Community Programs..... 22,100.00 HOME COMFORT INSULATION........Services and Other........... 7,545.39 Hugh Cockshoot..................................Services and Other................ 58.24 IMT CAPITAL IV CORNERSTAR RANCH LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,796.50 INTERVENTION COMMUNITY...........Community Programs....... 1,707.30 INTREPID VENTURE GROUP LLC....Services and Other......... 38,325.00 JAMES J MILLER................................Community Programs..... 12,600.00 KFED DOR 85B LLC...........................Community Programs..... 18,222.14 LARA LEA APARTMENTS LLLP.........Community Programs....... 3,000.00 LARIMER COUNTY............................Community Programs.......... 719.40 LARRY ULRICH..................................Community Programs..... 18,720.00 LOCKBOX NUMBER: 234070............MISC................................ 1,290.00 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............MISC................................ 1,072.87 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES...Supplies............................ 4,873.04 Lauren Thomas...................................Services and Other................ 53.05 MALLORY SAFETY AND SUPPLY LLC ............................................................Supplies............................... 845.28 MESA COUNTY..................................Community Programs....... 1,438.80 MONTGOMERY INSULATION INC....Services and Other........... 6,700.24 Marissa Bovee.....................................Services and Other................ 40.32 PINNACLE AT MOUNTAIN GATE LLC ............................................................Community Programs..... 15,040.50 POWERS CIRCLE APARTMENTS.....Community Programs....... 5,234.68 PPF AMLI DEVCO LLC.......................Community Programs..... 12,899.99 Peter DeAngelis..................................Supplies................................. 25.00 RESIDENCES AT FIRST AVENUE.....Community Programs.......... 726.00 ROBERT ESHELMAN.........................Community Programs....... 3,975.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................. 44.86 RUFFNER PROPERTIES LLC............Community Programs....... 7,910.00 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other.............. 993.00 SOUTHWEST COLORADO COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs.......... 285.00 SPMF VENTURE IV LLC....................Community Programs..... 10,402.27 TCR SOUTHCREEK LP......................Community Programs....... 5,452.42 TEBO-ORVIS LLC...............................Community Programs....... 3,780.00 TRADITIONS AT ENGLEWOOD LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 1,214.00 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US)..........Services and Other.............. 201.94 Teresa Marlowe...................................Services and Other................ 24.22 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD DENVER HELIX LLC ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,437.09 VIA MOBILITY SERVICES..................Services and Other......... 37,860.94 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 200.25 WHOLE ENERGY AND HARDWARE INC ............................................................MISC................................... 313.50 WILLOW MISS DEVELOPMENT INC ............................................................Community Programs....... 6,780.13 WINDERMERE ONE HOLDINGS.......Community Programs....... 6,498.44 XCEL ENERGY...................................Community Programs.......... 508.47 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 401.36 YOUNG LEE.......................................Community Programs....... 8,500.00 ZARIN HOSPITALITY GROUP INC....Community Programs..... 25,200.00 FUND REPORT - 28 Open Space Sales Tax ACTIVE ATHLETICS BOOSTER CLUB ............................................................MISC................................... 303.50 ALMA FLORES...................................MISC................................... 675.00 ASCEND PERFORMING ARTS..........MISC................................... 169.35 BUILDING AND CONTROLS..............Services and Other.............. 200.00 BULLDOG CLUB OF DENVER...........MISC................................... 660.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 940.45 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other......... 83,646.80 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2............Services and Other.............. 561.96 CITY OF AURORA..............................Services and Other.... 9,769,219.52 CITY OF CENTENNIAL.......................Services and Other.... 3,301,171.97 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...Services and Other....... 197,602.02 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................Services and Other.... 1,047,974.12 CITY OF GLENDALE..........................Services and Other....... 148,959.23 CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE.....Services and Other....... 478,880.32 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................Services and Other.... 1,349,844.63 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................Services and Other....... 185,864.75 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,080.00 COLORADO DELIVERS.....................Services and Other........... 1,500.00 COLORADO DESIGNSCAPES INC...Services and Other........... 1,200.00 CONCRETE EXPRESS INC...............Services and Other....... 139,598.70 CORE MARKET MEDIA INC...............Services and Other......... 13,375.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION...Services and Other........... 2,781.47 DENVER METRO CONVENTION &...Services and Other.............. 300.00 DESIGN WORKSHOP INC.................Services and Other........... 7,084.50 DIERS EXHIBIT GROUP, LLC............Supplies............................... 352.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Services and Other.............. 772.21 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS INC ............................................................Services and Other................ 15.30 Eaglecrest High School Band Booster ............................................................MISC................................... 900.00 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC................................... 431.06 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 12,064.76 FRONT RANGE AGILITY CLUB.........MISC................................... 900.00 GOODBYE BLUE MONDAY INC........Supplies............................... 156.12 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 110.70 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................ 1,233.48 JAMES W GRIMES.............................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 KATHRYN SCOTT PHOTOGRAPHY LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 MADISON KUKUCKA.........................Services and Other.............. 400.00 NICOLE FUENTES-VARGAS.............Services and Other.............. 400.00 PHILLIP BERNAL................................Services and Other.............. 300.00 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION..........Services and Other........... 1,305.31 QUINT VALLEY FAIR..........................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other................ 72.95 ROTH SHANNON...............................Services and Other.............. 205.00 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other........... 4,706.00 SEAN CURRENCE.............................Services and Other.............. 200.00 STREAM DESIGN LLC.......................Services and Other........... 1,384.50 TARA ROSE HENDRICKS..................Services and Other........... 1,000.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 148.68 TOWN OF BENNETT..........................Services and Other......... 13,282.42 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY.......Services and Other......... 43,918.16 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL......................Services and Other......... 23,920.24 TOWN OF FOXFIELD.........................Services and Other......... 23,058.52 TRIPLE L&P INC.................................Supplies............................... 671.21 ULINE INC...........................................Services and Other........... 5,448.60 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 192.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other........... 7,670.91 FUND REPORT - 29 Homeland Security - North Central C SCOTT KELLAR..............................Services and Other......... 12,250.00 CADWELL IRREVOCABLE TRUST III ............................................................Services and Other.............. 389.46 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP....................Services and Other.............. 172.64 CRITIGEN LLC....................................Services and Other........... 3,885.00 Charles Kellar......................................Services and Other.............. 377.50 Nicolle Rosecrans...............................Services and Other.............. 120.12 RICHARD C PRICE.............................Services and Other........... 6,219.00 TIME CREATORS INC........................Services and Other.............. 300.00 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 245.58 FUND REPORT - 33 Building Maintenance Fund A & A TRADIN POST INC....................Services and Other.............. 396.54 AIR CYCLE CORPORATION..............Services and Other.............. 895.00 AMERICAN BACKFLOW CONSULTING & ............................................................Services and Other.............. 400.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY SECURITY.....Supplies................................. 69.36 BOBS ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ............................................................Services and Other.............. 200.68 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other.............. 372.06 CFM SUPPLY COMPANY...................Services and Other................ 50.00 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC..........Services and Other........... 1,273.17 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC..................Services and Other........... 4,210.52 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ............................................................Services and Other................ 30.00 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE...Services and Other......... 14,226.89 DS WATERS OF AMERICA INC.........Supplies............................... 130.89

LEGALS ELECTRI TEK LLC..............................Services and Other........... 4,225.98 ELEVATOR INSPECTION & CERT SERV INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 2,150.00 FAIRCLOTH CORPORATION.............Supplies............................... 152.57 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES INC ............................................................Supplies............................... 280.00 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC..................Services and Other.............. 283.37 GEORGE T SANDERS COMPANY....Services and Other................ 41.60 GRAINGER.........................................Services and Other........... 1,140.60 GRAINGER.........................................Supplies............................... 418.05 HARMONIC MEDIA INC......................Services and Other.............. 750.00 HOME DEPOT USA INC.....................Supplies............................ 6,013.41 HORIZON............................................Services and Other.............. 298.18 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS.............Services and Other........... 1,115.02 JOHN W GASPARINI INC...................Services and Other........... 1,452.13 KEESEN LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,085.75 KEN CARYL GLASS INC....................Services and Other......... 24,700.00 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY.............Services and Other.............. 780.00 PEST PREDATOR LLC.......................Services and Other........... 1,614.00 PIONEER SAND COMPANY INC.......Services and Other.............. 180.49 PSI CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Services and Other........... 3,750.00 PUR-O-ZONE INC...............................Supplies............................ 1,000.00 RAMPART SUPPLY INC.....................Services and Other........... 1,402.36 RESOURCE COLORADO INC...........Services and Other........... 1,165.08 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................. 59.79 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT...Services and Other.............. 665.00 SANTA FE GLASS INC.......................Services and Other.............. 931.82 SAVATREE..........................................Services and Other.............. 543.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS.........................Services and Other.............. 997.37 SOLSBURY HILL LLC.........................Services and Other.............. 347.28 SPECIALIZED ENGINEERING...........Services and Other........... 7,617.81 THE DAVEY TREE EXPERT COMPANY ............................................................Services and Other........... 1,175.00 TRIPLE L&P INC.................................Services and Other.................. 4.22 WEED WRANGLERS..........................Services and Other........... 4,860.75 WESTERN ACCESS CONTROLS INC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 250.00 WESTERN MECHANICAL SOLUTIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 235.97 FUND REPORT - 34 Fair Fund MCGOFFIN MARKETING INC............Services and Other........... 1,500.00 FUND REPORT - 41 Capital Expenditure A2M4SEEN LLP..................................Capital Outlay................... 8,877.64 ABEAM CONSULTING USA LTD........MISC............................ 105,655.50 AMTECH SOLUTIONS INC................Capital Outlay................... 5,400.00 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC.................Capital Outlay................... 4,636.22 COLORADO COMMERCIAL...............MISC................................ 9,661.00 COLORADO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC ............................................................MISC............................ 533,830.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Capital Outlay................... 1,099.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................MISC................................ 1,249.05 DUANE L KENT..................................Capital Outlay...................... 800.00 JAMES R HOWELL & CO INC............Capital Outlay............... 113,139.03 KC CONSTRUCTION INC..................Capital Outlay................. 16,202.25 LEWIS HIMES ASSOCIATES INC......Capital Outlay................... 2,310.00 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS.....MISC.............................. 20,349.00 TRUEPOINT SOLUTIONS LLC..........MISC................................ 2,640.00 FUND REPORT - 42 Infrastructure ALFRED BENESCH & COMPANY......Services and Other........... 1,870.00 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG......Services and Other......... 78,027.95 HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION CO......Services and Other......... 35,959.85 HC PECK & ASSOCIATES INC – ESCROW ............................................................MISC............................ 880,100.00 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC........Services and Other....... 174,296.50 SEMA CONSTRUCTION INC.............Services and Other........... 4,369.50 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INCORP ............................................................Services and Other......... 32,145.16 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC..........Services and Other......... 75,060.86 STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other....... 159,185.80 FUND REPORT - 43 Arapahoe County Recreation Distri ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND...Services and Other........... 6,560.52 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY..................Services and Other.............. 383.20 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.............. 892.25 XCEL ENERGY...................................Services and Other.............. 968.52 FUND REPORT - 70 Central Services ADVANCE AUTO PARTS....................MISC..................................... 63.70 ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................MISC................................ 1,482.96 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC ............................................................MISC................................ 1,151.12 AUTOZONE PARTS INC.....................MISC..................................... 42.90 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC.......MISC..................................... 75.24 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................MISC................................ 2,677.52 CLEAR CHOICE.................................MISC................................... 360.36 COLORADO GOLF AND TURF INC...MISC................................ 9,560.00 DIRSEC, INC.......................................MISC.............................. 20,232.60 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS.................MISC................................... 546.83 FARIS MACHINERY CO.....................MISC................................ 1,095.00 FEDEX................................................MISC................................... 443.11 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES............MISC................................ 9,985.98 HILL ENTERPRISES INC...................MISC.............................. 53,104.14 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................MISC................................ 2,349.75 MOTION AND FLOW CONTROL........MISC................................... 799.10 NAPA AUTO PARTS............................MISC................................... 925.79 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS..............MISC................................ 1,714.69 OWENS EQUIPMENT LLC.................MISC................................... 142.49 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................MISC................................... 102.41 ROADHOG INC...................................MISC................................... 461.95 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................MISC..................................... 89.50 SPRADLEY BARR FORD...................MISC............................ 421,425.00 VISTA FD LLC.....................................MISC................................... 418.73 FUND REPORT - 71 Self-Insurance Liability AXIOM COLORADO LLC....................Services and Other........... 6,975.88 EP BLAZER LLC.................................Services and Other.............. 373.27 IMA FINANCIAL GROUP....................Services and Other......... 18,089.00 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Services and Other.............. 499.00 MEFFORD ZIRBEL & ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other......... 17,515.00 MOTION AND FLOW CONTROL........Services and Other.............. 246.79 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC.............Services and Other........... 4,934.14 OLSON RESTORATION II LLC...........Services and Other....... 101,961.84 PROGRESSIVE DIRECT INSURANCE CO ............................................................Supplies............................ 7,124.04 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Services and Other.............. 417.41 VISTA FD LLC.....................................Services and Other.............. 210.63 FUND REPORT - 73 Self-Insurance Workers Comp CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other....... 153,348.76 FUND REPORT - 74 Self-Insurance Dental DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other......... 76,036.62 RETIREMENT PLANNING SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other........... 7,300.58 VISION SERVICE PLAN.....................Services and Other.............. 110.42 FUND REPORT - 84 E-911 Authority BRUCE ROMERO...............................Services and Other................ 90.00 CENTURYLINK...................................Services and Other......... 23,814.88 CITY OF LITTLETON..........................Services and Other........... 9,814.50 CONVERGEONE, INC........................Services and Other......... 69,625.60 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES............Services and Other.............. 506.81 STATEWIDE INTERNET PORTAL AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other.............. 143.17 TDS LONG DISTANCE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.............. 291.42 VOIANCE LANGUAGE SERVICES LLC ............................................................Services and Other.............. 365.39 FUND REPORT - 91 Treasurer CITY OF AURORA..............................MISC......................... 1,935,728.01 CITY OF CENTENNIAL.......................MISC............................ 470,032.99 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE...MISC............................ 116,035.10 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD......................MISC............................ 217,366.06

CITY OF GLENDALE..........................MISC.............................. 19,590.45 CITY OF LITTLETON FINANCE DEPT ............................................................MISC............................ 208,106.70 CITY OF SHERIDAN...........................MISC.............................. 42,199.08 COLO DEPT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT ............................................................MISC................................ 1,260.00 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE.....MISC......................... 4,994,153.24 STATE OF COLORADO HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC................................ 8,400.00 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY.......MISC.............................. 25,036.44 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S.S. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) I, JOAN LOPEZ, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND EX OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LISTS OF COUNTY WARRANTS ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER THE DATES OF 05/01/2021 THROUGH 05/31/2021 DRAWN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERE UNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE SAID COUNTY AT LITTLETON THIS 06/02/2021 . JOAN LOPEZ, CLERK TO THE BOARD Published in The Villager Published: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10279

COURTS DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, IN THE INTEREST OF: MIRIAN COTO Child, and concerning LIZETH TEGADA PACHECO and RENE COTO PERDOMO Respondents. Linda Arnold, Reg. No. 16764 Office of the Arapahoe County Attorney Attorney for the People Arapahoe County Department of Human Services 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303-636-1882 Fax: 303-636-1889 Case No: 21JV88 Division: 14 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY COURT TRIAL AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT REGARDING LIZETH TEGADA PACHECO and RENE COTO PERDOMO To The Respondents: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Court Trial regarding LIZETH TEGADA PACHECO and RENE COTO PERDOMO is set for June 24, 2021 at the hour of 3:30 p.m. in Division 14, of the Arapahoe County District Court, 7305 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/ or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ bonnie.mclean •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. •Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664. When prompted enter code 925 850 797. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren), dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. /s/ Linda Arnold Linda Arnold, Reg. No. 16764 Senior Assistant County Attorney Published in The Villager Published: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10280 ___________________________ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF

COLORADO In the Interest of: KAIRI MILHOAN and ADARA RUBIN, Children, and concerning TASHEENA POLANCO aka TASHEENA POLANCO-MCALLISTER, CHRISTIAN RUBIN and JANET MILHOAN, Respondents. Linda Arnold, Reg. No. 16764 Assistant County Attorney 14980 E. Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 larnold@arapahoegov.com 303-636-1882 / (F) 303-636-1889 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY COURT TRIAL AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT Case No: 21JV130 Division: 23 O The Respondents: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding CHRISTIAN RUBIN is set for June 18, 2021, at the hour of 10:30 a.m., in Division 23, at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7305 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/ or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ beth.dumler •Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. •Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you do not have a device that will support a video connection, you may still participate by audio only by calling 720-650-7664. When prompted enter code 926 041 808 #. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren), dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. /s/ Linda Arnold Linda Arnold, Reg. No. 16764 Senior Assistant County Attorney 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 (303) 636-1883 Published in The Villager Published: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10283 ___________________________

FOXFIELD PUBLIC NOTICE Town of Foxfield The Town of Foxfield at the Regular Board Meeting on June 3, 2021 passed the following ordinances: Ordinance 2021-03, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF THE FOXFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING OUTDOOR STORAGE IN THE RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT. Ordinance 2021-05, A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— CHAPTER 2 OF THE FOXFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING MEETINGS To request a copy of the above ordinances in their entirety, please contact: Randi Gallivan, Town Clerk PO Box 461450, Foxfield, CO 80046 clerk@townoffoxfield.com (303) 680-1544 Published in The Villager Published: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10284 ___________________________

SPECIAL DISTRICTS CENTENNIAL AIRPORT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of the Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority will conduct a VIRTUAL BOARD MEETING at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 17th, 2021. Please go to the following link to attend this virtual meeting: https:// www.centennialairport.com/index. php/en/about/virtual-boardroom. The agenda will include a Public Hearing on an applications under Centennial Airport’s Development Policy and Application Procedures for Aeronautical and Non-Aeronautical Land Use (“Development Procedures”) from AeroColorado for the Lot 15 AeroColorado Hangar Development Plan. Information concerning these items may be reviewed at the Airport Authority offices by appointment at 7565 South Peoria Street, Englewood, CO 80112. To schedule an appointment please call 303-790-0598. Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority Published in The Villager First Publication: June 3, 2021 Last Publication: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10276 ___________________________ CENTENNIAL AIRPORT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of the Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority will conduct a VIRTUAL BOARD MEETING at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 17th, 2021. Please go to the following link to attend this virtual meeting: https:// www.centennialairport.com/index. php/en/about/virtual-boardroom. The agenda will include a Public

Hearing on an application under Centennial Airport’s Development Policy and Application Procedures for Aeronautical and Non-Aeronautical Land Use (“Development Procedures”) from APP Centennial LLC for the Willowbrook Office Addition Development Plan. Information concerning these items may be reviewed at the Airport Authority offices by appointment at 7565 South Peoria Street, Englewood, CO 80112. To schedule an appointment please call 303-790-0598. Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority Published in The Villager First Publication: June 3, 2021 Last Publication: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10277 ___________________________ CENTENNIAL AIRPORT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of the Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority will conduct a VIRTUAL BOARD MEETING at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 17th, 2021. Please go to the following link to attend this virtual meeting: https:// www.centennialairport.com/index. php/en/about/virtual-boardroom. The agenda will include a Public Hearing on an applications under Centennial Airport’s Development Policy and Application Procedures for Aeronautical and Non-Aeronautical Land Use (“Development Procedures”) from Modern Aviation for the Modern Aviation Hangars and FBO Development Plan. Information concerning these items may be reviewed at the Airport Authority offices by appointment at 7565 South Peoria Street, Englewood, CO 80112. To schedule an appointment please call 303-790-0598. Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority Published in The Villager First Publication: June 3, 2021 Last Publication: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10278 ___________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Charles Lester Duvall aka Charles L. Duvall, Deceased Case Number 21PR30481 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the

personal representative or to District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado, on or before October 4, 2021, or the claims may be forever barred. Barbara A. Duvall c/o Scott J. Atwell 5673 S. Fulton Way Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Published in The Villager First Publication: May 27, 2021 Last Publication: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10266 ___________________________

MISCELLANOUS NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (“OCC”) for approval for Home Savings and Loan Association of Carroll County, F.A., Norborne, Missouri, to acquire the branch office of NBH Bank, Greenwood Village, Colorado, located at 1002 N. Highway 65, Carrollton, Missouri. The branch office operates under the name “Bank Midwest, a division of NBH Bank.” It is contemplated that all of the other offices of the above-named depository institutions will continue to operate following the transaction. Home Savings and Loan Association of Carroll County, F.A. intends to consolidate the operations of the office to be acquired with its existing branch office located at 121 N. Folger Street, Carrollton, Missouri. This notice is published pursuant to 12 USC 1828(c) and 12 CFR Part 5. Anyone may submit written comments on the application by July 2, 2021, to: Director of District Licensing, OCC Western District Office, 1225 17th Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80202. The public may find information regarding this application, including the date of the end of the public comment period, in the OCC Weekly Bulletin at www.occ.gov. Requests for a copy of the public file on the application should be made to the Director of District Licensing. Home Savings and Loan Association of Carroll County, F.A. (Acquiring Institution)

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NBH Bank (Target Institution) Published in The Villager First Publication: May 27, 2021 Last Publication: July 1, 2021 Legal # 10270 ___________________________

2021 Volkswagen Atlas Turbo has muscle BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST

Published in The Villager Published: June 10, 2021 Legal # 10269___________________________

Volkswagen became famous with the “Beetle” that swept American popularity for decades. I owned three different models over several decades and enjoyed them all. VW introduced the Atlas in 2018 as a three-row SUV with a 235-turbo-charged 2.0L engine generating 235 horsepower. The peppy engine is linked to a “Tiptronic 4Motion” eightspeed transmission made in Japan with the engine manufactured in Mexico demonstrating VW’s world auto diversity and dominance with the final assembly of the Atlas in Chattanooga, TN. The engine and transmission are especially efficient driving on mountain roads. This is a large all-wheel drive family-styled vehicle for work and play. Loaded with the latest electronics, UBS portals, and safety features. The eight-speaker sound system is easy to operate and easy on the ears. There is some road noise and some ride discomfort from the 20” tires and firm suspension system. While VW doesn’t detail the suspension system, Atlas engineers might examine shocks and suspension

attributes for additional riding comfort. The Atlas is fast and handles the road excellently, with sharp precise electromechanical steering featuring variable assistance. The exterior is attractive with vivid “Tourmaline blue” paint and the interior is designed in black leatherette. The heated rearview mirrors are large and give a wide view of traffic lanes. The windshield wipers are rain sensing and work well with our summer rain showers. Atlas radar cruise control works very well and maintains perfect speeds and distance behind a lead vehicle. VW has an advanced ABS braking system that is one of the best in the business. It is amazing how fast this Atlas can accelerate and reach high speeds quickly. VW has a base manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $38,795 on the test drive model that includes many attractive options. They offer a 4-year/50,000-mile limited warranty that includes the powertrain. Also, a 3-year 36,000 roadside assistance program for towing and emergency services. This could be my fourth VW — Continued to next page — model.

PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • June 10, 2021


Local talent Griffin Jax called up to the Minnesota Twins BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER


riffin Jax lived in Greenwood Village and played baseball at Cherry Creek High School until

2013, when he graduated and moved on to the United States Air Force Academy (AFA) in Colorado Springs. Now 26 and a Captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserves, Jax’s military career has been adapted to work around his goal to be a pitcher in Major


BOOK REVIEW The Tipping Point

This book by Malcolm Gladwell has been out since 2000. Despite the fact that I did not read it until twenty years after its release, I found it of great value. I have always been interested in the concept of tipping points in my life and business as well as world events. The subtitle “How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference” also intrigued me. I often ask myself what those little things are, and now I have a better idea. I loved reading stories about The Law of a Few: Mavens, Connectors, and Salesmen and how they can create change with their talents. The Stickiness Factor of Sesame Street and Blue’s Clues brought me a new understanding of how kids learn. Reading the research behind epidemics of suicide, violence, and smoking addiction has created a deeper understanding of the complexity of those matters. Previously, I had not fully grasped some of the dynamics creating positive


To learn more about Lisa and her books, visit her website, www.LisaJShultz.com. To read more book reviews, follow her on Goodreads, www.goodreads.com/ LisaJShultz. Lisa loves speaking to groups, and she would be happy attend your book club. Call her at 303-881-9338. or negative trends, and now I have a richer and deeper view of subjects currently in the news. For those who are open to digging deeper into marketing strategies, epidemics of all kinds, and how human nature can shift to the context in which is finds itself, I highly recommend the book.

Pictures on the Plains a t the Fairgrounds. Tickets on sale for June 16-The Croods: A New Age, and June 30 - Men in Black. Tickets are $5.Visit arapahoecountyfair.com/ picturesontheplains


Learn the basics of honeybees, beekeeping, and bee-friendly gardens,hands-on-learning activities for youth. Free event but registration is required. Visit www.arapahoegov.com/17milehouse.

League Baseball. That goal took solid shape when he was called up by the Minnesota Twins on June 5 and placed on their active roster. A report on MLB.com that described his career since his days at the AFA said, “Following his third-round selection in the 2016 MLB Draft by the Twins -- the highest ever by an Air Force player -- and his active duty assignment in 2017, Jax has more or less lived a normal baseball life since April 2018, when he was accepted to the Air Force World Class Athlete Program, which allowed him to pitch in the Minors (technically in preparation for the Tokyo Olympic Games) without receiving pay from the Twins.” It also said that he “posted a 3.20 ERA across 52 appearances in the Minors, including a 3.33 ERA and 29 strikeouts in 27 innings for Triple-A St. Paul this season.” Jax did not play in the Twins’ victory over the Kansas City Royals on June 6, but he is expected to take the mound for his team in the very near future. When he does, he will become the first major league baseball player to have graduated from the Air Force Academy. fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

Rudnicki appointed to the Littleton City Council Continued from page 10

becoming involved in the community; Gretchen Rydin, a therapist and crisis counselor at All Health Network; and Carolyn Wolvin, a sales executive at a local HVAC systems firm and a member of the board of adjustments who has served as general contractor on a major remodel. Following the completion of all eight interviews, the six sitting council members decided to conduct straw polls until they achieved at least a majority (four) of votes for one candi-

date. Before the straw polling began, Mayor Valdes announced that he thought the best two candidates were Rudnicki and Henderson but, he said, “I’m strongly going to go with Mark Rudnicki because he’s coming with a code experience which is huge what we need right now (sic).” Councilmembers Kelly Milliman and Patrick Driscoll agreed that Rudnicki was the best choice. Councilmember Pam Grove and Mayor Pro Tem Scott Melin advocated for Jason Henderson, about whom Melin


Now, more than ever, we all feel the Optimism! For 45 years the Monaco South Optimist Club has enriched the youth of Southeast Metro Denver FRIDAY BREAKFAST MEETING AT AMERICAN LEGION HALL Reach out and learn more:


said, “I like his dedication to the city, I like his enthusiasm, I think he’s gonna come with creativity…” Councilmember Carol Fey said she favored Pete McClintock, “because of his vast business experience…and his experience with Western Welcome Week.” When the first poll was taken, the council voted as they had indicated they would, three for Rudnicki, two for Henderson, and one for McClintock. In the second vote, Fey switched her vote to Henderson, resulting in a three-to-three tie for Rudnicki and Henderson. After that, Driscoll said about Henderson, “I sat on the LIFT board. That board was stagnant and that board did absolutely nothing and that’s why that board failed, and Jason (Henderson) was part of that board.” The final straw poll vote was five to one, with Rudnicki receiving the vote of everyone except Melin. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Circle. A free, family-friendly event. Featuring more than 40 permanent artworks, most of which are sculptures. The park is named after Marjorie P. Madden, who co-founded the Museum with her husband, commercial real-estate developer, John W. Madden Jr., and their daughter, Cynthia Madden Leitner. Entertainment by DJ Walt White, drinks and food available for purchase. Event registration is required at moaonline.org/events/.


The Summer Reading BINGO sheet can be picked up at your favorite library or printed from home at arapahoelibraries.org. Everyone ages 0-18 is invited to visit one of their libraries GREATER ENGLEWOOD CHAMBER and choose a free book while supplies last. Get COFFEE NETWORK creative this summer and share or show your Friday, June 18, 8:30 -9:30 a.m. at The favorite part of your neighborhood in a life-size Peace Place, 4300 S.Broadway, Englewood. neighborhood collage at any of the library locations. Add a splash of color, words, a poem or a ENGLEWOOD THOUGHT CO-OP sketch to illustrate the spirit of your community. Thursday, June 24, 8-9 :00 a.m. at The Schedule of library events: visit arapahoe Sacred Grace, 3220 S. Acoma St., Englewood. A libraries.org panel discussion on the Faces of Homelessness in Englewood. RSVP In-Person (limited to 50) ACC FOUNDATION DENIM & Free; Zoom: Free. DIAMONDS Honoring Dr. Diana M. Doyle Presidential COLORADO WOMEN’S ALLIANCE Scholarship Endowment. VIP event at 5:00 p.m. June 23 for all donors to the endowment. TRAINING EVENT Denim & Diamonds June 23 at 6:00 -9:30 p.m. Part 1: Does your community know your at ACC Sturm Collaboration Campus, 4500 Limename: Part 2: Considering running for office: light Ave., Castle Rock. First steps. Thursday, June 17, 4:30 -6:00 Tickets: $150 which includes passed hors p.m.,200 Union Blvd, Lakewood. $25. Register: on EventBrite. Happy Hour following training d’oeuvres, plated dinner, open bar, and enterat 240 Union Restaurant. Questions? info@ tainment. coloradowomensalliance.org Emcee, former Denver Bronco Reggie Rivers and a live auction.


June 12, 12-3 p.m. Gold Medal Event at South Suburban Sports Complex. Free public ice skating, food & drink specials, Colorado Avalanche Game on Street Hockey, soccer drills, mascot appearances, bounce house and more.


Thursday, July 29 at Fossil Trace Golf Club in Golden. Register for golf, sign up to be a sponsor or donate an item for the auction. Info: Kim Fry kreeman3@gmail.com or Todd Griffin at underpar@yahoo.com. Money raised will go METRO DENVER RETAIL PARTNERSHIP towards Freed’s rare neurological disease contracted at age 2 diagnosed as SLC6Al. A gene VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR Co-hosted with the City of Englewood. June therapy is being developed at the Univ. of Texas 16, 8-8:30 a.m. - Veterans only; 8:30-11:00 a.m. so they are in a race against time. - Open to the Public. You could be invited for an on-the-spot video interview. Register: www. BIKE MS - 150 LOOKING FOR SPONSORSHIPS adworks.org Bill Morgan, a member of the Monaco ENGLEWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD NIGHTS South Optimist Clubwill be riding in the Bike MS - 150 on Sat., June 26 and wouldlove your Food trucks available. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and enjoy from4-8 p.m. June18, sponsorship. Please make donations to nksbmorgan@msn.com Cushing Park, 700 W. Dartmouth Ave. Info: Info: Call Phil Perington 303-668-7031 or englewoodco.gov/neighborhood-nights Monacosouth.org


In-person event June 11, 7:30-9 a.m. at Cherry Creek Schools/Innovation Center Campus - 8000 S Chambers Rd., Englewood.Registration and Info: 720-459-2958 or khowell@bestchamber. com


June 26, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. with dance music continuing for the benefit of your house party. Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons, Community Angle Award Recipient. Bessie’s Hope, the only organization in the country whose mission, for 27 years, has been to enhance the lives of nursing home elders and bring generations together. Also a 2-week auction Call 720-3333825 or visit www.bessieshope.org


The 3.1-mile course begins and ends at 17 Mile House Farm Park in Centennial and follows a beautiful stretch of the Cherry Creek Trail. Camp Gladiator will lead a pre-race warmup! Free race t-shirt and pancakes at the finish line on Saturday, June 12.Visit aragahoecountyfair. com/5ktrailseries


Join in person or virtually. Celebrating America’s Western spirit with Allen West, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Sen Ted Cruz, and world champion rodeo stars. A conversation with Young Conservative Leaders, including Benny Johnson, Isabel Brown and CJ Person. Honoring the 2nd Amendment with Rep. Lauren Boebert and Antonia Okafor Cover. CENTRAL CITY OPERA PARTNERS Speakers, workshops, exhibits, and more! June WITH NATIONAL JEWISH HEALTH FOR 18-19 at the Hyatt Regency Denver. ReservaSUMMER FESTIVAL tions: WesternConservativeSummit.com Central City Opera’s 2021 Festival presented at The Hudson Gardens & Event Center. July 3 KEMPE TOP GOLF CHALLENGE Aug. 1 for four-week extravaganza of storytellThe Challenge will be held at 10601 E ing & Powerful voices, featuring classical music’s Easter Avenue in Centennial on June 17 from biggest talents, the Central City Opera Orchestra 4-7:00 p.m. for games, networking, silent aucand rising stars from the Bonfils-Stanton Fountion, food and beverages. dation Artists Training Program. The musical Call 303-864-5300 or visit Carousel and Rigoletto will be produced in the stone.julia@kempe.org. open-air. Info: visit centrlcityopera.org. Tickets: Call 303-292-6700 or email boxoffice@central CITY OF CENTENNIAL COMMUNITY cityopera.org

SOCIALS MUSEUM OF OUTDOOR ARTS OPENS THE District 4, June 10, 6-8 p.m. at Village Park located off Parker Rd & Lake Ave. District 1, June NEWLY RENOVATED MARJORIE PARK June 12, from noon to 4 p.m. at Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre at 6331 S Fiddlers Green

15, 6-8 p.m. at Clarkson Park. Live music, family activities, food trucks etc.

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