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Hickenlooper and Romanoff debate the issues


John Hickenlooper and Andrew Romanoff, Democratic primary candidates for United States senator participated in two virtual debates with local news station affiliates on June 9 and June 10. Hickenlooper served as Denver mayor from 2003 to 2011 and Colorado governor from 2011 to 2019. Romanoff served in the state House from 2001 to 2009, including four years as speaker. He was the CEO of Mental Health Colorado from 2015 to 2019. Independent voters and registered Democrats have received ballots in the mail offering them the chance to nominate one of these two candidates to run for United States Senate against incumbent Republican Cory Gardner. The ballots are due back by June 30.

Asked how Congress could strengthen the ailing health care system in this country, Romanoff said it should adopt Medicare for all, including dental, hearing, long-term care, mental health, and substance abuse coverage for everyone. Hickenlooper recommended that public health infrastructure be built up to make sure everyone is prepared for the next pandemic or natural disaster. On the subject of health insurance, he said, “Universal health care is a right, not a privilege,” and that “Obamacare is a great foundation to get to universal health care.” He wants to see “a sliding scale public option” so anyone who needs health insurance can get it. He did not endorse Medicare for all.

Addressing current events during the debate, Hickenlooper emphasized the importance of police keeping their body cameras on and not using strangleholds. He added, “We also have to look beyond just police reform. We send too many black young people to jail. We need to make sure everyone is getting equal opportunity in housing, in education, and jobs.” Romanoff said, “Reform is not enough. We need to shift resources, demilitarize the police, and invest in community services.”

“We also have to look beyond just police reform. We send too many black young people to jail. We need to make sure everyone is getting equal opportunity in housing, in education, and jobs.” – John Hickenlooper

In response to moderators’ questions, both candidates agreed that law enforcement officers should not have immunity for bad acts, that George Floyd was murdered, that climate change is a serious existential threat that must be addressed, and that the U.S. needs to move unequivocally to a clean energy economy.

Pointing to his ability to bring people with different opinions together and get problems solved, Hickenlooper said that while he was governor, “Colorado went from 40 th in job creation to the top overall economy in the country.”

“Reform is not enough. We need to shift resources, demilitarize the police, and invest in community services.” – Andrew Romanoff

In addition to Medicare for All, Romanoff believes the United States should adopt the Green New Deal and that reparations for past bad acts should be made to Native Americans in addition to African-Americans. Says Romanoff, “This is no time for timidity. We need bold structural change and a government that works for everyone.”

Romanoff repeatedly raised Hickenlooper’s recent run-in with the Independent Ethics Commission (IEC) resulting from a complaint brought nearly two years ago which many viewed as highly partisan. The IEC found two technical breaches. Hickenlooper was neither alleged nor found to have done anything dishonest.

Romanoff’s website says he is running “to rescue our planet, repair our democracy, and restore the American Dream. More than a million Coloradans struggle to afford medical care or a place to live. Carbon pollution kills millions of people around the globe and plunges even more into poverty. Drug addiction and gun violence claim the lives of more than 300 Americans each day.”

In addition to Medicare for All, Romanoff believes the United States should adopt the Green New Deal and that reparations for past bad acts should be made to Native Americans in addition to AfricanAmericans.

Hickenlooper said that while he was governor, “Colorado went from 40th in job creation to the top overall economy in the country.”

Hickenlooper’s website says his goals as a senator are to address climate change, lower prescription drug costs, and work for the benefit of small businesses and entrepreneurs. He believes this is a time for people who know how to work together to get things done in Washington just as he did for 20 years in Colorado.

The candidates both said incumbent U.S. Senator Cory Gardner pretended to act independently but had never once voted against anything President Trump wanted.


Gardner announces $60.7 million grant for I-70 Vail Pass Project

U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, a for this funding to improve I-70 member of the Senate Committee on and am proud to have helped secure Commerce, Science, and Transport his grant of more than $60 million stations, announced June 15 the Colto improve the infrastructure that Colorado Department of Transportation millions of Coloradans rely on. This (CDOT) will receive a $60.7 million funding will help facilitate improve infrastructure for Rebuilding Ameriments aimed at reducing the number ca (INFRA) grant from the U.S. Deaf road closures and delays, making Department of Transportation (DOT) to commutes more reliable and greatly make considerable improvements to improving the quality of life for the I-70 between milepost 180 and 190 Western Slope.” in Eagle County.

According to the DOT, the DOT to make this project a priority funding will be used for construct earlier this year. “Interstate 70 is an ing an eastbound auxiliary lane, an important economic driver in our reconstructing the eastbound bridge state, but I’ve heard from countless over Polk Creek, shoulder widening, Coloradans who are frustrated with westbound curve modifications, congestion, unsafe driving conjurer construction of a truck ramps, and frequent closures due to dynamic message signs, a variable to weather events,” said Senator speed limit system, and automated Gardner. “That’s why I advocated anti-icing technologies.

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