8-12-21 Villager

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VOLUME 39 • NUMBER 38 • AUGUST 12, 2021

Since 1982



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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

Tom Dougherty will not run for re-election to GV City Council


He said, “I would like to see some sort of coherent plan for the development of or redevelopment of that entire part of the city. If we continue with individual parcel piecemeal development or redevelopment, I think the most that we can hope to do is ensure that the quality is up to GV standards.” He talked about the 10-acre property just south of the Landmark Towers as being, “the largest single parcel remaining in GV and a tremendous opportunity to make a statement and find a use that fits and maybe even use it as the spark plug to spur redevelopment and reinvigoration of everything that’s around it.” The outgoing councilman told The Villager that he believes that The Arapahoe Entertainment District (AED), which runs from Syracuse Street east to Yosemite Street on Arapahoe Road, is something that he “will look back on and feel like I made a significant contribution. ougherty explained that he used his experience as a land use attorney, looking at that area and asking, “What do we want to have in this part of town?” He was even the one who came up with the name AED, envisioning it as a place where GV residents could go for entertainment instead of having to leave the area, something he told us constituents told him they wanted when he was campaigning back in 2017. He credited Councilmember Anne Ingebretsen with “showing leadership” and “nurturing the idea” to bring it to fruition. What is still left to do, he told us, is to improve pedestrian and bicycle access to the area. That has not been improved by the city or by the private property owners who will benefit from the sales


n an interview with The Villager on July 29, Greenwood Village district four City Councilmember Tom Dougherty told us that he has decided not to run for re-election after serving two two-year terms because, “It has always been a challenge to have a busy law practice and devote the amount of time that I think I should to city council responsibilities.” Losing three close family members in the past two years, including a brother in Texas to COVID-19, caused Dougherty and his wife Traci, Assistant Principal at Cherry Creek High School, to take stock of their lives. They also want to have more exibility to travel to see family. Their son, a budding composer, is moving to London to attend graduate school at the Royal College of Music. Their daughter is in Uganda volunteering in a public health program in a small village without running water or electricity. Dougherty talked about his four years on the city council, telling us, “The conversation after the 2017 election was dominated by Orchard Station. A committee was formed to review and propose changes to the city’s comprehensive plan from beginning to end to codify the very strong message about what GV residents wanted and what they didn’t want in terms of development, which was an emphasis on the single-family nature of Greenwood Village.” We wanted to know how that policy impacted the Orchard Station area, which has remained largely unchanged during the past four years. A














Tom Dougherty is a partner in the law firm of Lewis Roca where he leads the firm’s energy, utilities and infrastructure practice. He serves on the Board of Governors of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation and holds a B.S. in Nuclear and Materials Engineering from the University of Maryland along with a J.D. from the University of Denver. He also served for eight years as an operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency.

tax rebate the city has agreed to give them, which, in the case of Pindustry at 7939 E. Arapahoe Road alone, could exceed $2 million. On the question of using city tax dollars to repay businesses for the cost of improvements to their private property, instead of public improvements that tax rebates have been traditionally used for, Dougherty said that it was “a creative use of the public-private partnership approach…(in which) GV is investing with our business community to achieve a result that’s a win for the city, a win for our residents, and a win for our businesses.” Dougherty talked about a well-known frustration among empty nesters in GV. “I have absolutely explicitly heard from older GV residents who want to downsize F







and say, “I love GV. I don’t want to move from GV, but there really are no options for me to downsize. I’ve heard this from people who lived here for a very long time, have huge equity in their homes, and have said, frankly, “I can afford to pay for something nice, but I have no choices here. We have some undeveloped properties in GV where that sort of residential product has been considered and I’m hopeful that those sorts of projects continue to be discussed because I think it’s our responsibility to our residents who’ve been here for a huge portion of their lives and want to stay here but have no option. I think high-quality GV-type (residential) products could be developed to address that need.” He named the 10-acre parcel of land just south of the Landmark Towers in Orchard Station as one location and the Dayton Station property on the north side of I-225 as another. On the subject of renewable energy, which has been a part of the GV council’s ongoing debate since January involving ground-mounted solar panels, Dougherty said, “I hope that the council and our residents, in terms of their engagement with city government and their voting, think more broadly…I think we have to recognize that this is the direction that not only the state and the nation are going…and I don’t think we be dismissive of that…Younger Coloradans are…interested in working for companies that support those issues and living in places that have sustainability programs. Our peer jurisdictions recognize that and are taking steps…because it makes economic sense… I’m hoping that we think








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more broadly and open-mindedly about the future.” Dougherty reminded us that, just before the pandemic, he wanted to focus on branding, his idea being, “Put the green in Greenwood Village.” He saw it, and still does, as having three main “green” components: 1. the parks and open space around the city; 2. the tax revenue generated by businesses in the city; 3. the green aspect of sustainability, including providing bike trails and electric-vehicle charging stations, support for recycling, and support for solar energy at businesses and homes. When we asked if there was interest from his peers for supporting aspects of sustainability in transportation including bicycles and encouraging the use of light rail, Dougherty told The Villager, “There are…some strong differences of opinion on city council with regard to those sorts of issues.” He noted that his constituents in GV district four “want more opportunities to bike to places safely and connectedly without having to venture out onto a place where they are uncomfortable biking,” adding that he often hears from GV residents who wish that their kids could bike to school safely. Looking ten years down the line, Dougherty predicted, “In order to preserve what is special about GV, I hope that we recognize that we don’t exist in isolation…We are not a fortress where we can put up walls, we have to engage with the rest of the world… We are an island in the middle of an ocean in the metro area and the waves of that ocean are increasingly washing up on our shores in the form of adjacent development.” He named, “Transportation challenges, be it I-25 or light rail…and what our employers need to be able to attract and retain their employees” as “considerations that we have to factor into our city planning,” In closing, Councilmember Dougherty wanted to let the citizens of GV know that, “I was elected by the residents of district four, but I viewed my responsibility as looking out for the interests of district four and more broadly, the entire city… I hope that everybody whose matter I weighed in on felt that I treated them with respect and gave them a fair hearing…Whatever our next council looks like, I really do hope that they recognize that the best way to preserve what is so special about GV isn’t to hold onto the past, but to figure out how best to embrace the future.” fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

My philosophy of teaching I was recently asked to articulate my “teaching philosophy,” something I have thought about often and had formally crafted years ago. Now, nearly thirty years into my career, I have continuously revised and updated my views, and as summer winds down, and we all prepare to return to the classroom, I thought it was worth writing about. In my column I’ve shared this story before, but it’s worth repeating because it is the foundation of my beliefs about teaching. When my high school age daughter was very young, one of the first full sentences I recall her saying is “My dad teaches students how to read and how to write.” What I loved most, other than the sing-songy rhythm with which she recited it, was her use of the transitive verb, or more specifically the direct object: My dad teaches children. She didn’t say he teaches English or grammar or any curriculum-related words. She focused on the children. I teach children. I’ve always loved the directness of her description. In being a responsive educator, I don’t teach English or math or science or social studies – I teach students. The essence of my instruction is an emphasis on cultivating the arts of reading, writing, and thinking. That singular focus on teaching the craft and the beauty of the English language has been my calling from my earliest days teaching language classes in Taiwan to my time in a middle school in Chicago where nearly half of my students spoke Spanish in their homes to my current position teaching AP English at one of the top high schools in the country. If I aligned my teaching philosophy with two literary works, they would be Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem “I Am Waiting” and Kenneth Burke’s passage “The Parlor Metaphor.” Each of these works are featured as introductory lessons in my various classes to set the tone for the year. The key reference in Ferlinghetti’s piece which informs my instruction is his hope for “a renaissance of wonder.” A sense of wonder and inquiry and curiosity is what I hope to evoke and engage in my students with each lesson in every class. From Burke I draw upon his reference to the unending conversation which exists in the relationship between writer, subject, and reader. The work on the page preceded us and will outlive us, but as students, we have a conversation with the text, hoping to glean understanding. Because the works we study can be so vast

in scope, I guide my students to become what Henry James called “a person on whom nothing is lost.” Regardless of the subject, context, time pe-

riod, or purpose, my students will hopefully learn to engage with the works as part of their education. From the Sage on the Stage to the Guide on the Side, from the classical instructor to the

learner facilitator, from direct instruction and rote memorization to child-centered learning and Socratic seminars, the education world has seen numerous models and philosophies in teaching, and over the past thirty years I have learned, practiced, and incorporated most of them in my teaching. Regardless of the lesson and my chosen approach, however, the goal of student engagement and growth remains the key and the non-negotiable factor. In my focus on teaching kids rather than content, my intent is always to be a responsive educator. In that regard, I aim to focus on the specific abilities, needs, and goals of the unique students in the classroom at the time and to be fully present for them. Obviously the content and curriculum also guide my approach to the lessons and the students, but the philosophy of responsiveness and engagement remains the same.

The point of education is to gain knowledge and understanding of content which is not already natural and familiar to the students. Thus, I must understand and respond to my students’ backgrounds, interests, and needs. The one thing I truly love to do is to teach students how to read and how to write. Additionally, one of my greatest gifts is that of editor, a talent I inherited from my mom, a newspaper editor and feature writer. So, whether I am introducing young writers to rhetorical analysis and argumentation or helping upperclassmen craft and develop college application essays, I am happiest and most successful in helping students develop their facility with the craft of language. Michael P. Mazenko is a writer, educator, & school administrator in Greenwood Village. He blogs at A Teacher’s View and can be found on Twitter @ mmazenko. You can email him at mmazenko@gmail.com

…Whether I am introducing young writers to rhetorical analysis and argumentation or helping upperclassmen craft and develop college application essays, I am happiest and most successful in helping students develop their facility with the craft of language.



Let’s get moving and hit the trails! Tickets available now for the next event in our 5K TRAIL WALK/RUN SERIES! On Saturday, August 14 the walk/fun run will take place at the Richmil Ranch. Get details at arapahoecountyfair.com/5ktrailseries

Get the latest COVID-19 vaccine info The Colorado COVID vaccine hotline is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926)

Open house and Pancake Breakfast The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office and Coroner's Facility will host the event Saturday, August 14, 2021 from 8 a.m. to Noon at it's headquarters, 13101 E. Broncos Parkway in Centennial. Visit arapahoesheriff.org for details Draft Transportation Master Plan available for public comment Arapahoe County is seeking input from the public as the county continues its efforts to map out its transportation needs and goals for the next 20 years. Input on the draft recommendations and investment priorities will be collected through Aug. 11. Visit arapahoegov.com/transportationplan


Visit arapahoegov.com/osmasterplan to read the DIVE summary report.

PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

The Villager

Fires, water, and electricity challenges

he increase in fires across the West is disturbing. We have aging forests, beetle killed trees, droughts, and careless campers along with Mother Nature’s lighting strikes creating a national crisis and a grave challenge without any obvious answer except to “fight the fires. A looming crisis that is almost inevitable in Colorado and Western States that rely on snowfall in the Rocky Mountains is heading towards a future disaster. (No snow, no water, and not enough storage.) Historical low interest rates and western population growth, as people abandon the East Coast and California add to the demand on scarce water supplies and sources. Apartment complexes and new housing subdivisions abound to provide badly needed housing. The challenge is now and will be more evident in the near future in supplying adequate water supplies to housing needs. Cities should

be requiring ush-less toilets, xeriscape yards, and trickle irrigation for gardens and shrubs. Aurora water officials have made valiant strides in recycling water from area gravel pits and streams. However, this process is more costly and used sparingly during adequate water years. There have been successful efforts to purchase water rights from abandoned mines in the mountains. The professional men and women who deal with water know what is coming. Both Denver and Aurora water boards and staff have done a yeomen’s job of securing present and future water supplies; that is if the streams don’t run dry from lack of snow and rainfall. Time is on our side; there is still time for future conservation and new water storage projects. More urgent is the rush to electricity as a source for future transportation. While ma or Colorado coal fired power plants are being shut-

tered and not converted to natural gas, President Biden is urging that we have mostly electric cars by 2030. I received an article written by Bryan Preston, noted author, who takes a strong stand against the rush to electric cars. He relates that Robert Wimmer, head of Toyota’s energy and environmental research, testified before the U.S. Senate saying, “If we are to make dramatic progress in electrification, it will require overcoming tremendous challenges, including refueling infrastructure, battery availability, consumer acceptance and affordability. Wimmer’s remarks came after GM’s announcement that it will phase out all gas internal combustion engines by 2035. Both Toyota and Honda, two of the world’s largest car manufacturers, have declined to make any such promises. Honda is the world’s largest engine manufacturer of all types. Wimmer is quoted that only 2 percent of the world’s cars are electric at this time. He warns that the grid and

infrastructure simply isn’t there to support the electrification of the private car eet. He concludes that in a U.S. government study in 2017 it would take 8,500 strategically placed charge stations to support a eet of ust 7 million electric cars. That is about six times the current number of electric cars, but we should be talking about powering about 300 million cars in the next 20 years. Preston concludes, “Simply put, we’re gonna need a bigger energy boat to deal with connecting all those cars to power grids. A LOT bigger. Further, “ here is no free lunch. Electrifying the auto eet will require a massive overhaul of the power grid and an enormous increase in power generation. The leaders at Toyota have offered the opinion that the world is not yet ready to support a fully electric auto eet. Preston concludes, “Toyota isn’t saying none of this can be done by the way. It’s just saying that so far the conversation isn’t anywhere near serious enough to get things done.

Office: 8933 East Union Ave. • Suite 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1357 Phone: (303) 773-8313 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $52 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 8933 East Union Ave., Suite #230, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-1357 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR Gerri Sweeney 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com

I’ve really enjoyed watching the Olympics and have nothing but praise for the host city of Tokyo. Associated Press reports that the official price tag of the games figured by an Oxford study relates an estimated $15.4 billion, the most expensive on record. So sad that millions of Japanese could not even attend the party that they presented and handled so well. Hard to put a price on such an awesome world event. What do wars cost in dollars and human lives? I haven’t seen an Associated Press report from any University adding up world con icts costs since orld War II. All sports, and especially bringing the finest male and female athletes of all colors and creeds together to perform at such high levels is worth the price. Three cheers for our athletes who did so well and for Japan for moving forward to host this event. Sports are one of the few venues left where people and nations can compete peacefully and playfully. It was wonderful to see so many countries of all sizes participate in this historic event. The games

move to Paris in 2024. Maybe the world should share the expense of having a permanent Olympic site but part of the culture of the games is to see and learn about the host country. The pandemic hurt the Japanese tourist economy and their many tourist sites and excellent food’s venues. Our American teams and athletes were outstanding! *** The smoke in the air is astounding billowing across our beloved state from fires in orthern California. In my lifetime I’ve never seen so much smoke over such an extended time and land mass. Adding to the fire danger the mudslides in Glenwood Canyon are paralyzing the state business commerce in the height of tourist season. The Canyon is one of the world s finest engineering feats, protecting the environment through the pristine canyon. It seem to me that Gov. Polis needs to call in the Army Corp of Engineers to protect the U.S. highway, Colorado river, and the nion Pacific rail lines. he Governor is seeking $116 million from the Feds, and about 5,700 tons of debris

have been removed from I-70 over the weekend. I’ve pondered solutions, perhaps tunneling underneath the road for a short distance; do an emergency road above the highway with a pontoon type bridge over the mud slide. I guess if we could ford the Rhine during World War ll we can figure out some solution to a mud slide in the canyon. The above may sound silly, but we need American ingenuity to attack these mud slides. This is a Colorado and National emergency. Travelers can detour over to. U.S. 40 to Steamboat, Craig and eeker to i e, but it’s a long trip. Those towns, hopefully, are getting an economic boost. hanks to Frontier airlines for adding two reasonable daily ights to rand unction last week. *** One of our neighbors is Judith Briles PhD., who is one of the leading forces in the Colorado Author’s Hall of Fame 2021 nductee Gala coming up Sept. 18 honoring some of Colorado’s greatest authors. The event is an evening event with tickets on sale now. See the press release in this week’s Villager on page 14. COGreatAuthors.org

*** The Rodizio Grill is returning to the local area opening a new DTC location this fall at 7340 S. Clinton St. heir first location was in Littleton in 1996. They now have 21 locations with national headquarters in Utah. Welcome back! *** La Loma is apparently opening a new facility in the l Fornio location on Belleview. They have a location across from The Brown Palace downtown and another in Highland’s Ranch area of Castle Rock. *** A big shock, but really no surprise, considering the value of land in the DTC area, is the closing of Marina Square for a new residential development and commercial locations on the lower levels. Reported to be a 14-story design with present tenants having to move by July of 2022. That means one of my favorite restaurants Zane’s has to move. They are looking to find a new location in the nearby area. Marina Square is located on the Denver side of the DTC. ***

Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 sharon@villagerpublishing.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-773-8313 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Susan 720-270-2018 PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2020 Member

QUOTE of the WEEK QUOTEThe of best the WEEK

preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5


Converting the catalyst BY ROBERT WALLACE MEYER

H a s a nyoe e l s e ne e d e d ne a r t r i pl e t he nor m a l a m ount of e ye dr ops a nd na s a l s pr a y l a t e l y? T he dul l pa l l t ha t ha s de s c e nde d ove r our c ityc a ni r r ita te s i nus a nd e ye s ur f a c e s . W e are told that it is wildfires t o t he nor t h” a nd t ha t m us t be t he c a s e . T he D e nve r a r e a i s not a l one . R e por t s i ndi c a t e s i m i l a r s i t ua t i ons i n m a ny ot he r c i t i e s . S om e one dr ops a c i ga r e t t e , t he r e i s a l i ght e ni ng s t r i ke , or a s p a r k f r om a pow e r l i ne a nd w e a r e of f a nd r uni ng a ga i n. These fires seem to rage f or e ve r a s w e a r e un a bl e t o put t he m out . T he r e w i l l be a s ol e m n f a c e on t h e t e l e vi s i on a t t r i but i ng a l l t hi s t o “ G l oba l W a r m i ng” . P e r ha ps . B ut m y “ c he c k e ngi ne l i ght ” j um pe d t o l i f e t hi s m or ni ng a nd t ha t t a ke s pr i or i t y . N o t e l l i ng w ha t i t c oul d m e a n, s o of f t o t he r e pa i r s hop. W e l l , i t m e a ns t ha t i t w i l l t a ke $2,50 t o

r e pl a c e a c a t a l yt i c c on ve r t e r w hi c h ha s bur ne d out . “ O uc h! ” T he l a s t one of t he s e , pur c ha s e d a f e w ye a r s a go, w a s a c oupl e hundr e d or s o. W ow ! N ot one of my first four cars c os t ne a r $2,50. W ha t ha s ha pe ne d? “ N e w e nvi r o nm e nt a l l a w s , pa s s e d j us t t hi s ye a r m a nda t e C a l i f or ni a e m i s s i on s t a nda r ds . S o, r hodi um m us t be i nc l ude d i n t he ne w c onve r t e r s a nd i t c os t s a bout $25,0 a n ounc e ,” s a i d t he br i ght young m e c ha ni c . B ut e ye s s t i l l bur n a nd s i nus e s a r e s t i l l c l oge d. I t m us t be t hos e da r n w i l d fires, some even several s t a t e s di s t a nt f r o m m y be l ove d C ol or a do. A f e w ye a r s ba c k t he r e w a s a c on ve r s a t i on w i t h a ni c e pa r k r a nge r . I ha d a s ke d, “ W hy pe r m i t a l l t hi s be e t l e ki l l a nd f a l l e n de a d w od t oa c c um ul a t e ? I t w oul d be ve r y easy to ignite and fire fighters would have difficulty

ge t t i ng t hr ough a l l t hi s mess to fight a fire, even i f t he y ha d A br a m s t a nks . C a n w e not c l e a r a nd r e m ove s om e of t he de a d a nd us e l e s s t r e e s ? ” T he r a nge r pa us e d a nd a dj us t e d hi s S m oky B e a r ha t , s a yi ng, “ I t i s t he l a w . F e de r a l l a nd. N o w od c ut t i ng a l l ow e d.” A nd t ha t , a s t he y s a y , w a s t ha t . T he l ogi c , i f a ny , t ot a l l y e s c a pe d m e . W e da m our rivers to achieve ood c ont r ol , f or hydr o- e l e c t r i c pow e r , a nd f or r e c r e a t i on. W e bl a s t da nge r ous r oc ks f r om ove r our hi ghw a ys . W hy not pr om ot e s om e e f f e c t i ve pl a nt hus ba ndr y f or our f or e s t s ? W e m a y onl y hope t ha t t he dr ug s t or e ha s a s up pl y of e ye dr ops a nd na sa l s pr a y . A nd I m us t pa y a ki ng’ s r a ns om f or a s m a l l a ut om ot i ve pa r t —f or t he e nvi r onm e nt —w hi l e w e continue to let wild fires bur n a nd pol l ut e t he he l l out of e ve r yt hi ng. C oul d C a l i f or ni a ha ve i nde e d i nva de d C ol or a do? P e r ha ps .




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PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

The preeminent University Club tradition “A MidSummer Twelfth Night Fuss” Remembering the year 1943, the year Twelfth Night was cancelled Usually held in November, the revered University Club of Denver, under the leadership of President Mark Johnson (and for the pleasure of “The King” and his most unruly guests) decided to make Twelfth Night a summer celebration. Since 1897, the long, festive event was only cancelled twice – in 1943 and 2020. University Club members had been waiting for fun – for a year! The much anticipated 2021 version (the 121st show) was a USO-type uplifting production, all team driven, in-house by members. The cast and crew (including numerous creative writers, technical support and rehearsals) pulled it together in a remarkable six weeks. Special accolades from Otto Hilbert went to his Assistant Fool Judy McWilliams, Tom Stocker, Charlie Putman, Jeff Shellhorn, Doug McLemore, Scott Lowery, Matthew Burkett, Pete and Andy Johnson, Emily Teel Coleman, Karen Fukutaki, Dave Lichtenstein, Joann Cole, Giles Fox, Ken and Barbara Laff, Bob and Laurie Walcott, Rick Foster, Vivian Bergamo, Adam Story, Nick Johns, Royce Hataway, Sean Rivard, Donna Debreceni and Mark Johnson for special contributions. The skits and full chorus on stage with lyrics based on current events and characters were hilarious. Included was a roast of sorts to the likes of Fauci, Trump, Biden, Polis and even Meghan and Harry just to name a few. Take another bow, University Club members. You deserve five stars And, dinner was an appropriate feast.

Cynthia and Mark Johnson, Arlene Mohler Johnson and son Seth Mohler

“The Fool” Otto Hilbert and Judy McWilliams “Assistant Fool for All Works”

Colorado Treasurer Dave Young and wife Mary Young who represents House District 50

At the keyboard – Donna Debreceni and Music Director Tom Stocker

New member Brian Coleman, Frank Arduini – club historian and Lynn Hornbrook who was attending his 59th Twelfth Night

“Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.” “Pinup girl” Dr. Valerie Wassill and hubby Kevin Rudolph

-William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

University Club President Mark Johnson cast as “The King” wearing the military uniform of his dad at age 19 - the late Don Johnson with Otto Hilbert in costume of “The Fool”

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

Ninety-One miles with Manny BY JEFF ANDERSON

first encountered his name a few years ago when spotted it on the Colorado Freedom emorial. Panel 19, column 2, row 47 anuel . Sapien, r. His name stood out from the more than 6,000 honored on that memorial because knew a man with the same name. asked my coworker and friend anny if he had lost a son in military service, and he confirmed that he had. he respect held for my friend deepened, and after that we occasionally talked about his son and the Colorado Freedom emorial. arly this year, my son-in-law invited me to oin him in a rucking challenge he had signed up for. ucking the military practice of walking long distances with a heavy backpack has become a popular fitness discipline in recent years, even among civilians. t turns out rucking provides aerobic benefits that are close to those of running, but its impact on the body and risk of in ury are much lower. have not served in the military, but am involved in a war of sorts: m fighting becoming soft in my middle age. y toughest battles are with my mattress in the morning and the recliner in the evening. decided to sign up for the challenge and started to train for it. he event we signed up for is called the O C ough Challenge goruckevents.com goruck-challenge . Led by a former Special Forces Cadre, team members there were 24 at our event commit to rucking 15-20 miles over 10 12 hours, usually overnight, carrying both their individual gear plus 30 additional pounds and shared group weights, such as sandbags or logs. n addition to rucking, the team is subected to arduous military physical training P exercises squad pushups, bear crawls, squats, etc. while wearing or carrying our weighted packs. he Cadre who oversaw our event added another requirement: He asked that every team member bring a photograph and story about someone who has lost their life in military service so we could honor them and share their stories during the challenge. pon learning of this requirement, spoke with my friend anny, told him what was doing, and asked if could carry a photo of his son and honor him. After he agreed, asked if there was some personal item of anny r s that could also carry nothing too heavy to connect me to him even more. was astonished a few days later when, along with an official Army photo, anny handed me his son s posthumously-awarded Purple Heart medal. felt humbled and honored to be entrusted with this extraordinary memento. t seemed right to carry young anny and his award with me while was training and not solely during the event, so photocopied his picture, placed it and his Purple Heart in a waterproof bag, and tucked them into a pocket in my rucksack. started training by carrying my ruck ust a few miles at a time, increasing distance gradually, and recorded the miles as completed them. cleared a substantial mental and physical hurdle the day rucked to my home in Aurora from the enver oo, a

distance of 15 long miles. knew then that was capable of finishing the challenge. As prepared physically, also continued to learn more about the man was honoring. learned that anny r. was born ust 15 months before was. He was an Army Specialist and was killed by a landmine in raq on arch 17, 1991, ust after the ulf ar ended. He was 22 years old. discovered that anny r. had been engaged to be married. His fianc was also in the Army and their wedding was postponed when they were both deployed in Operation esert Storm. His betrothed worked in the Army s casualty identification center, and my heart broke when reali ed that she had learned of anny s death when she identified his remains in the line of duty. he more learned about this man and the more miles walked with his

photo and award in my pack, the closer felt to him. he rucking event neared, and during my last few training sessions it felt as if Specialist Sapien walked beside me. Finally my O C challenge arrived. he miles had

highlight of the night for me was sharing anny r s story with my teammates, honoring as a group his life and his sacrifice. As tallied the miles had rucked both throughout training and during the event, hoped it would be a nice, round number.

logged in preparation paid off rucked the event s weighted miles with ease. he P sessions were much more difficult than the rucking l learned quickly what else will need to do to prepare when if accept the challenge again. A

ighty-five, the total read. had walked 85 heavy miles with anny r. hat seemed like a lot, and was pleased with my accomplishment. hat number didn t quite feel complete, though neither very round nor

significant. considered pushing the distance walked with anny to an even hundred miles before returning the photo and Purple Heart to his father, but then remembered something had learned while plotting my training routes. recalled that the Colorado Freedom emorial is exactly a six-mile walk from my home. knew then what needed to do. Still sore from the rucking challenge, asked my supportive wife to drop me and my pack off at the emorial the place where this whole story had begun. walked those six miles with thoughts of the man whose life and sacrifice had helped to honor, a man to whom had been only marginally connected but with whom now feel a kinship. hat final ruck brought the total miles we had walked together to 91 the year anuel . Sapien, r. gave his life in service to our country.

PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

Person accused of causing the death of Stacy Pepper is in custody The Cherry Hills Village Police Department (CHVPD) has been investigating a fatal crash that occurred in the 4000 block of S. University Blvd, on July 26, 2021 at approximately 6:34 pm in which a suspect ed on foot after the crash and was not apprehended. The crash resulted in the death of Stacy L. Pepper, 37 years of age, from San Francisco, California who was in town visiting family. As a result of the investigation CHVPD obtained an arrest warrant for:

“ Just racing in the rain and riding the storm out”

Stacy Pepper was a CHV native and highly successful attorney.

Evan Michael Joslin, date of birth March 17, 1993. On August 8, 2021 at approximately 6:00 pm Joslin surrendered himself to the Aurora Police Department. He was booked on the charges listed below. Joslin posted a 50,000 bond. His first court date is scheduled for August 27, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. in Arapahoe County. 1) 18-3-106(1)(a) Vehicular Homicide-Reckless Driving 2) 42-4-1601(2)(c) Failed to Remain at Scene of Accident Involving Death

3) 42-2-138(1)(a) Drove Vehicle When License Revoked-Refusal 4) 42-4-1101(1) Speeding (10-19 Over Prima Facie Limit) 5) 42-4-1601(1) Failed to Notify Police of Accident 6) 42-3-121(1)(b) Displayed Fictitious Number Plate The investigation is continuing. Please direct any further questions to the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office.

Evan Joslin is accused of causing the crash that resulted in the death of 37-year-old Stacy Pepper in Cherry Hills Village on July 26.

Men’s 40yr+ Category 1, 2, 3 riders in turn one.


After the cancellation of the 2020 edition of the Littleton Twilight Criterium, due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, the bicycle race made it’s return regardless of the unpredictable Colorado weather. Make no mistake, regardless of the race course conditions the races were on, rain or shine. Many racers came back to compete in one of USA CRITS’ popular races in Littleton Colorado, that included local, state and national class rides from Colorado and many other parts of the United States. This included past winners of the race, current and previous US National Champions and other riders of all ages and abilities. The winner of 2021 Littleton Twilight Criterium, Skylar Schneider, this time, racing for the L39ION Los Angeles Team, also won the race back in 2018.

Photos by Stefan Krusze

Women Category Pro 1, 2 racers taking turn one, racing in the rain. Current Masters 40+ US National Road and Criterium Champion Pat Warner of Boulder, Colorado racing with Stages Cycling.

Border disasters After tens of thousands of Cubans cried out for freedom from the murderous communist regime that has executed, tortured and starved them for half a century, a flotilla was quickly put together to rush food and medicine to Cuba. This Miami flotilla has over a hundred boats and is manned by many Cuban Americans who are willing to risk their lives to help their relatives in Cuba. So what has the Biden regime done to help? Maybe provide a navy escort for these boats? Or perhaps take in refugees from Cuba that are fleeing for their lives? Incredibly, the answer is no. Instead, the Biden regime has outraged many Americans by ordering the Coast Guard to stop these boats from going to Cuba. Many people are asking why Biden would not allow

our country to help these embattled Cubans. One possible answer could be that Biden is following Obama’s misguided attempts to befriend the brutal communists of Cuba.. This outrage is even more stark when you compare it with what is happening on our southern border, where known terrorists and over 800 convicted criminals have been captured while trying to enter our country illegally. This dangerous situation has largely been ignored by the Biden regime as they have done nothing to stop these incursions that are overwhelming the border states. So one must ask, “What kind of president would deny food and medicine to people who are standing up against communism, but at the same time would ignore terrorists and criminals entering our country?”The answer to this question should frighten all Americans. Charles Newton Highlands Ranch

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August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9

Masks required in Denver but not Cherry Creek or Littleton Schools



isted below are the most recent publicly-issued policies about masks in public school districts around the metro area as we went to print. e attempted to find out the mask policy at several area private schools, however those policies were not outlined on the public-facing school websites we visited. It was noted there that the information had been provided to parents of students at those private schools. As of this writing, parents’ reactions to mask policies as schools open have ranged from displeasure in Jefferson County, where on August 4, 300 parents protested masks being required for younger children, to Cherry Creek,

where 2,200 parents signed a petition presented to the school board at its meeting August 9 voicing strong objections to the fact that masks are not being required.

Littleton Public Schools

The CDPHE strongly recommends but does not require that unvaccinated students and employees wear masks. LPS will rely on parents to make the very best decision for their children. LPS will rely on staff members to make the best decision for themselves, as well. In the absence of a public health order, capacity returns to pre-COVID practices. Schools will provide as much physical distancing as possible without disrupting the learning environment.

Cherry Creek School District Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) is now recommending that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask indoors, including teachers, staff, students and visitors to K-12 schools. All students and staff are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask in school. Masks are required on all school buses. Mask wearing played a key role last year in keeping COVID transmission inside schools extremely low. The decision on whether to have your child wear a mask in school will be up to each family.

Denver Public Schools

Face masks will be required inside school buildings for all Denver students, staff,

and visitors, whether they’re vaccinated or not. The policy begins Aug. 9 for those in all DPS schools and buildings. The school district said that since the transmission of CO -19 is significantly lower outdoors, students and staff will not be required to wear masks while outside.

Douglas County School District

Recently, the Delta Variant has proven to be very contagious. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) updated their recommendations regarding face coverings. In alignment with this guidance, DCSD is:

Cherry Creek Education Association announces endorsements for 2021 Board of Education race Union endorses pro-public education candidates SUBMITTED BY FRANK VALDEZ COLORADO EDUCATION ASSOC.

As the Cherry Creek School Board election draws near, the Cherry Creek Education Association (CCEA) announces the endorsement of two candidates for this fall: Kristin Allan in District E and incumbent Kelly Bates in District D. The CCEA

executive committee voted to endorse the candidates in June. “This year, we were really intentional about the types of candidates we were going to endorse,” said Kasey Ellis, middle school science teacher and president of the Cherry Creek Education Association. “We were looking for individuals whose values align with ours: equity, funding, diversity, and elevating educators’ voic-

es. Kristin’s and Kelly’s values align with ours and that’s why we are proud to endorse them.” Kristin Allan is a parent with two elementary schoolaged children in the district. She has been active on the Cherry Creek School District Accountability Committee, which advises the district on district-wide spending priorities, reviews applications for charter schools, and reports

on the effectiveness of district programs. Kelly Bates is the current Vice President of the Cherry Creek School District Board of Education. First elected in 2017, Kelly has been deeply involved in committees on the board, working with parents and district leadership alike. Prior to her tenure on the board, Kelly volunteered as a parent in many capacities

What can we learn from Olympic athletes? Watching the Olympics with breathless anticipation of athletes being at the top of their game after years of preparing for this moment, is exhilarating. Listening to their TV interviews captivates me as they describe their training regimen. Many get up at the crack of dawn, work out and practice for 8-10 hours a day working through injuries, surgeries, treatments and comebacks. What is striking is not HOW they do it, but WHY they do it. They are passionate about winning and they have a deep confidence in their talent and ability. More importantly, they have a team of support

and encouragement. When they compete for themselves, they also compete for America. We could all learn some lessons from athletes regarding success. Common behavioral traits of many successful athletes are also seen in successful entrepreneurs, families and everyday workers. Here are 6 lessons regarding success from American Olympic athletes to apply to our lives. Inner Locus of Control: This means the reward comes from inside, rather than from the outside. The desire is on the inside to win, not someone pushing the athlete to

win. Another way to describe inner locus of control is what happens when we speed and see a police car. We screech to slow down with our heart pumping and our palms sweating. The slowdown happens when we encounter an external force. Inner locus of control is defined by the desire to slow down because we desire to follow the law, be safe, and be a good citizen. We are controlled by a clear sense of principles, and inner desire. Self-control and discipline: Olympic athletes train early and hard even on weekends when most of us are sleeping in. It is not fun or easy to do this, but self-discipline trumps fun and easy. If one wants to be a winner,

it’s not about fun and games or comfort; it is about the big picture, working hard for the payoff and staying focused. As Yoda from Star Wars says, “Don’t Try. Do.” Goal Setting and Visualization: Setting a goal and then visualizing accomplishing that goal is imperative to success. Motivation and Drive: Being motivated, having an unbridled tenacity and drive, is the jet fuel of reaching a goal. Perseverance: This means, never, never, never, never giving up. Keep pressing toward the goal. Support and Encouragement: Working with a supportive coach, team, friend or family member is essential to

Recommending that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask in indoor public places, including teachers, staff, students, and visitors to schools. In addition, DCSD is requiring its student-facing staff who are not fully vaccinated to wear a face covering while indoors. Face coverings must be worn by all staff and students regardless of vaccination status on DCSD school buses

Jefferson County Public Schools

Students ages 3-11 are required to wear masks indoors. Students age 12 and older are recommended to wear masks indoors, whether or not they’ve been vaccinated. Unvaccinated staff members are required to wear masks. All staff members are recommended to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

across the district. “There are many challenges this district will face over the next couple of years and electing pro-public education, pro-union candidates will help move us in a direction that will ultimately benefit students, said Ellis. “Kelly and Kristin’s deep involvement and commitment to the students of this district are what we need going forward and the 2,700+ members of the Cherry Creek Education Association are proud to be with them.” success. We need encouragement, support, and refinement to improve and move to the next level. They love their country: This is the place that gave them tremendous opportunity to train, learn, compete, heal from injuries, and continue on their quest for excellence. Watching the Olympics is inspirational because it celebrates the resilience and passion of the human spirit, highlighting that anything is possible if you go after it. These lessons are for all at every stage and every age of our lives. What are your current goals? Go after them with passion, purpose and perseverance. Live well, love well, win, and always respect your country! joneen@myrelation shipcenter.org

PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

GV’s Bullock wants the city to be ready to resist mask mandates BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

As the study session preceding the regular reenwood illage City Council meeting was ending on August 2, Councilmember ave ullock asked, “Are we going to have a discussion if ri-County Health CH and or the state starts mandating masks ... y belief is that we don t ust fall in line. here is significant medical evidence that this is a political issue, it s not a medical issue. would ask that we put it on a study group discussion as to whether we as a city are going to comply with any mask mandates. ayor Lant responded that in a recent meeting, r. ohn ouglas, executive director of CH , said that,

“the intention of CH is to go along with C C s .S. Centers for isease Control and Prevention instructions that certain groups in certain places wear masks. he mayor added, “ t was not his intention or his belief that there would be a mask mandate and he didn t believe that people would follow it. ullock replied, “ e ve seen in the last year and a half how quickly these things have changed. hatever this council decides we need to have a discussion on it because don t think we should ust fall in line with any state or any health division mandates when there is significant---and m not talking about wild stuff on the internet, m talking about very credible doctors that are saying this is political, it s not medical. hen Councilmember


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Anne ngebretsen suggested that “monitor what s going on and we don t discuss it until it becomes an issue, ullock wanted to know, “ hat happens if a mandate comes between council meetings hese decisions have to be made in 24 hours think that there is significant precedent over the last year that government agencies and state agencies have changed on a dime. think it is better for us to be prepared so that we are not scrambling trying to figure out what to do. ayor Pro em erber chimed in, “One of the things we can do is figure out what authority we have. don t think we have any authority over masks, to which ullock responded, “ here are cities that are choosing to ignore the mask mandate. erber pointed out that, “the C C doesn t

Arapahoe Sheriff & Coroner invites public to open house and free pancake breakfast Take a peek inside the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office and Coroner s Facility, climb into a S A vehicle and try on S A gear, watch a police helicopter land, see our -9s in action, watch a vehicle extrication, pet our mounted unit horses and even try out maggot art. Plus, take a tour of our 911 dispatch center and a history tour of the sheriff s office. id you know we re the oldest sheriff s office in Colorado founded in 1858 e have a lot of historic artifacts to show you t s all happening at our Open House on August 14. Oh, and did we mention the F pancake breakfast ring your family friends and explore all the different parts of ACSO: -- Coroner's Facility ours aggot Art--9 emo-- ounted Patrol Horses-- S. .A. . omb Squad-A Helicopter-911 ispatch ours-- Sheriff s Office History ours-- South etro Fire ruck-- Arapahoe escue Patrol. he event takes place on August 14 from 8am-noon at 13101 . roncos Parkway in Centennial. Scan the code below. e can t wait to see you https: bit.ly SheriffOpenHouse

Dave Bullock is in his third term on the GV city council and running for a fourth term this November.

have any legal authority over us, but CH does. He continued, “ don t think we have any type of governmental authority to enforce or agree with it. ullock pointed to the fact that in 2020, ouglas County commissioners chose to opt out of directives issued by CH , so he believed that the council should be discussing the issue of

mask mandates because, he reiterated, “ here s significant credible medical evidence that these mask mandates are political, they are not medical. hey are not supported by medical science. hen fellow district one councilmember erry Presley suggested that “wait until CH makes something that we can react to, ullock asked, “ hat if we have 24 hours to react o we have an emergency council meeting to figure out what authority we would have to ignore or not ignore a mandate ayor Lant and several other council members turned to Assistant City Attorney Shannon Chambers elson, who was present at the study session. She informed them that orders issued by CH last year included an opportunity for counties e.g., ouglas or Arapahoe to opt out, “rather than ust a city. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11

Republican Party state chair charts the road forward BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

On August 4, Colorado Republican Party chair Kristi Burton Brown told 75 of the party faithful that, “We live at a very pivotal point in time right now in Colorado,” and that, “2022 presents a perfect storm of opportunities for us to take back some control in this state if we don’t give up.” Democrats presently control both chambers of the state legislature and hold every statewide elective office except for one seat on the CU Board of Regents. She pointed to the ongo-

ing process of redistricting of the state’s congressional and legislative districts by the two 12-member independent redistricting commissions, each comprised of four Republicans, four Democrats, and four unaffiliated voters. rown said, “The maps right now (which are preliminary, subject to the results of the 2020 United States Census and ongoing citizen input) present an opportunity for us to win back nine to 12 seats in the state house and four seats in the state senate. We have to win three seats in the state senate to take back the chamber, we have to win nine in the house to take

it back.” She continued, “This is a once-in-ten-year-opportunity to get…fair maps, fair lines, because we believe that when the districts are drawn fairly across Colorado, we can compete and we can win as Republicans because we do have better solutions for Colorado’s future.” The Republican party chair pointed to a recent news article that said Democrats regretted supporting the constitutional amendments that created the independent redistricting commission because, without it, they would be able to form Continued on page 14

Honor’s the big loser in Nolan Arenado saga

Judging by the ovations he received during the four-game series with St. Louis over the Fourth of July weekend and again at the All-Star Game, Coors Field fans still consider Nolan Arenado one of their all-time favorite players. I’m not one of them. I marveled at his amazing defensive skill, cheered his clutch hitting and loved his passion as much as any other Rockies follower. But I avoided those four games when he came in with the Cardinals. And I stayed in my seat when he came to bat for the National League and responded to another deafening roar by placing his hand over his heart as a gesture of thanks. No boos, but no cheers or applause from me. Just polite silence. Why? you ask? Disloyal, you say? Consider this: Nolan Arenado gave his word that he’d stay at least three years, then reneged. At least that’s how I see it. I bargained labor contracts with eight unions for more

than a decade, and had to trust that their negotiators would live up to their commitments once we reached agreement. Those talks were often difficult. Sometimes unpleasant or uncomfortable. But that handshake at the end meant everything. Not so with Nolan Arenado. He signed a longterm contract for hundreds of millions of dollars then whined his way out of it before he honored it up to the escape clause. It would have been disappointing to see Arenado exercise his opt-out option at the end of the 2021 season, but that was part of the deal. He had every right to walk then if he didn’t want to remain with the Rockies. But petulance to the point of forcing your way out of what you agreed to is not honorable—especially not when you’re being paid millions for your perceived suffering. Don’t give your word if it’s not your bond. Some will argue that Jeff

Bridich and Dick Monfort, general manager and owner, respectively, didn’t keep their words to do everything they could to build a contender for Rockies fans. That may be Arenado’s view, and it may be shared by a majority of those who go to the games. But that doesn’t excuse what he did. Commitment isn’t conditional. Bridich (since departed) and Monfort may not have made decisions Arenado agreed with or thought would achieve what he expected. ut he wasn t the first employee at odds with management, and he won’t be the last. His remedy was to opt out when the contract he agreed to honor ac allowed him to. Meantime, accept the millions and give your all, in return. Are the Rockies, minus Arenado, headed in the wrong direction? Time will tell, but a closer look suggests they might not be. You wouldn’t know it to listen to all those who continue to lament that trade with St. Louis, but the Arenado-less Rockies have a winning record since May 21. As of the completion of the six-game home stand



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State Republican Chair Kristi Burton Brown is pictured with Erik Aadland, candidate for the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Senator Michael Bennett in 2022. Aadland is a West Point graduate and retired U.S. Army Captain who served in Iraq and Afghanistan where he earned two Bronze Stars. Photo by Freda Miklin

on Sunday, August 8, they’re 36-31. (While St. Louis is 30-38 over the same 11 weeks.) Assuming Trevor Story is not a part of the team in 2022 and beyond, the years ahead still may not be as bleak as some would have you believe. The starting rotation is arguably the best it’s ever been (Chi Chi Gonzalez notwithstanding). It’s a solid foundation on which to build a contender. In Raimel Tapia, Ryan McMahon, and possibly Brendan Rodgers, Yonathan Daza and Garrett Hampson they have young players who can be parts of a winning team. They need several relief pitchers, a catcher (unless Elias Diaz is for real), a first baseman C. . Cron is not a long-term solution) and could use another outfielder ready to step in for Chuck Nazty when that time comes. Sam Hilliard may not be the answer, but he’s at least raising eyebrows lately. Connor oe might be a find. Bottom line: With young players growing and maturing every game, the Rockies could show improvement and hope for the future the last two months of this season—without Nolan Arenado. Was the Arenado trade as bad as most fans think? Time will

tell on that, too. f Austin omber finishes with 12-14 wins, as it appears he can, and with the tandem of Ryan McMahon and Joshua Fuentes (until he was sent to AAA) equaling or exceeding Arenado on offense and in the field combined the only negative becomes the $50 million the Rockies agreed to give away. That’s real money, granted. But a solid lefthanded starter shouldn’t be dismissed., if indeed that’s what Gomber proves to be. Arenado probably will win another Gold Glove, though c ahon should be a finalist. (Wouldn’t it be something if he won it instead!) And Nolan can hit 35 homers and drive in 120-plus runs again this season. But justice will be served if Arenado and the Cardinals miss the playoffs, as they seem destined to do, and even more so if his chosen new team finishes under .500. Denny Dressman is a veteran of 43 years in the newspaper business, including 25 at the Rocky Mountain News, where he began as executive sports editor. He is the author of 13 books, seven of them sports-related. You can write to Denny at info@ comservbooks.com.

PAGE 12 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 13


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PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

Republican Party state chair Continued from page 11

legislative and congressional districts favorable to their party. The Villager reviewed the article and found that the person who said that it was a mistake for emocrats to have supported the creation of independent redistricting commissions was a political strategist. emocrat Steve Fenberg, senate ma ority leader, was quoted as saying, “ think it s better that emocrats, epublicans and unaffiliated folks all were involved in shaping what and the constitutional amendments that created the independent redistricting commissions turned out to be. rown went on to say that having no incumbent epublicans at the top of the ballot in

2022 presented an opportunity “to rebrand the party. She talked about the new “ epublican commitment to Colorado that would be announced soon, saying it would “identify what we stand for as epublicans. She told her audience that unaffiliated voters in Colorado current active voters in the state are 44 percent unaffiliated, 30 percent emocrat and 26 percent epublicans want to hear the words “future and “solutions from epublicans, “not more complaining and negativity. “ hat epublicans are going to campaign on across Colorado, rown announced, is: 1. Prioriti ing public safety 2. aking Colorado affordable 3. Supporting educational options.

Affordable office furniture in great condition for sale! Desks, hutches, file cabinets, etc. Text 720-270-2018 to preview in the Denver Tech Center.

run on a nonpartisan basis. allots do not identify candidates party affiliation. The Villager asked rown how the epublican party planned to make Colorado more affordable. She told us, “ t s not the Paying close attention to their state party chair were Bob Roth, candidate state party s ob to set for Arapahoe County Commission district four, Jeff Baker, Arapahoe County Commissioner district 3, and Aurora City Councilmembers Curtis Gardner and policy. respect the Marsha Berzins. Photo by Freda Miklin right of our candidates to do that, so you will rown shared her belief that, ed to be principled and stand on see our candidates go around “ hen the emocrats in the leg- those principles to be willing and propose their policies and islature are now telling us we are to work with the other side and their bills that will do these about to have to start paying ten stop all the divisiveness and disthings. She then cited “cutting cents per plastic bag at the grorespect in politics. a lot of the taxes and fees and cery stores, they are literally inFinally, rown announced reversing and repealing them creasing taxes and fees on every that the epublican party in if we win a ma ority in the legpart of our lives, and it is making Colorado will be placing a new Colorado unaffordable for midfocus on local elections, pointing islative chambers as a way to make Colorado more affordable. dle-class average families. to former Aurora City Counrown stopped short of identiOn education, she said that cilmember ob oth, who has fying which taxes or fees that suburban moms, minority comannounced that he is running for could be cut. munities, and young families, Arapahoe County Commissioner oining elected officials Cher“all of which are huge demodistrict four, and Schum avarry Creek Schools oard Presgraphics here in Colorado want ro, state epublican Party secident aren Fisher, Arapahoe excellent neighborhood public retary, who announced that she County Commissioner eff akschools, charter schools . hey is running for the Cherry Creek er, ayor Pro em athy urley want the ability to put their kid School oard. Said rown, “ nand City Councilmember ike in private and home schools if stead of the state party having Sutherland from Centennial and that s what they choose without a hands-off approach this othe government breathing down vember, we are actually umping Aurora City Councilmembers ave ruber, arsha er ins their necks and telling them in to some key targeted local and Curtis ardner were Cathy everything they have to do and races---school board, city couneynolds, former Centennial teach. cil, and mayor races where we mayor and att Crane, former rown told the party faithful know we have a chance to ip Arapahoe County Clerk, at agthat “many of our candidates these boards and these councils. giano s C for the monthly around the state are going to be e can win the local races if we meeting of the Arapahoe County proposing policies that match put effort into it. n Colorado, with these goals. She added, members of city councils, mayepublican reakfast Club. “ e are the party that is expectors, and school board members fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Second Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame set for Sept. 18 he very first Colorado Authors Hall of Fame, held in September of last year, was deemed a resounding success by all that attended. his sold-out event was the first in the nation to celebrate and honor the breadth of work of published authors connected in some way with the state of Colorado. he next induction of the Hall of Fame will be held September 18, 2021, at the enaissance Central Park in enver. nformation about the induction, donations, events, board members and future inductees can all be found at www.ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame.org. he first gala and induction featured 22 authors that either lived in Colorado or featured Colorado prominently in their work. he inductees included national bestsellers Stephen ing, Clive Cussler, and erry enkins award-winning science fiction writers Connie illis and om esta national icons adeline Albright and arilyn an erbur and local authors argaret Coel and ohn unning. hose that were nominated but died, like national bestseller Louis L Amour, were represented by their living family members. he event was considered a resounding success by those who attended, with everyone dining on fine food, chatting among themselves, and emotionally charged speeches were

made by arilyn an erbur. o the delight of attendees, mystery writer ohn unning shared his ourney, and historical romance author ris ualla wowed the crowd. veryone who attended also went home with a wide array of goodies, from books written by the inductees, to posters that were made exclusively for the event by photographer and fellow inductee ohn Fielder. udith riles, the founder, C O, and President of the Hall

of Fame oard of irectors, had this to say about the induction. “ he 22 men and women inducted last year delivered a O factor to the publishing and writing community that envelopes Colorado. Some of the inductees were lifelong residents of Colorado. Others were drop-ins coming to workshops or nestling into a mountain hideaway to write. Stephen ing transitioned from aine to live in oulder for a year as he wrote he Shining, his book set in a fictional hotel in the Colorado ockies. his was only the first of what r. riles plans for the bi-annual Hall of Fame inductions in odd numbered years. Other inductions are

planned for authors in exas and Ari ona. ominations for authors to be inducted are now open to the public on the Hall s website, www. ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame. org. he public is invited to visit the website, read the criteria for nominations, and nominate authors who they believe would be ideal to include in the 2021 celebration. he Hall strives to educate the people of Colorado and the country about the stories of the authors who shaped their works using their personal presence and the environment of our State with courage, leadership, intelligence, compassion, and creativity. nductees are authors who ve made a ma or impact on others with their words to make sure their legacies never die. udith riles has published 37 books and has a lifetime of experience within the publishing industry, having experienced the pitfalls and benefits of both self-publishing and traditional publishing. She is the president of Author O , a non-profit organi ation dedicated to helping authors navigate the publishing world and give self-published authors access to publishing resources. Her consulting company, he ook Shepherd based in Colorado, has created over 500 bestsellers for authors. nformation about the induction, donations, events, board members and future inductees can all be found at www. ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame. org.

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15

How to replace important documents that are lost or missing SAVVYSENIOR

Dear Savvy Senior, a nd w ha t i t w i l l c os t Can you tell me you – us ua l l y be t w e e n what I need to do to $10 a nd $30. replace a variety of important documents? Car titles Our house burned M os t s t a t e s of f e r down a few months r e pl a c e m e nt s t hr ough ago, and we lost eva l oc a l de pa r t m e nt of BY JIM MILLER erything including our motor vehicles office. home property deed, Y ou’ l l ne e d t o c om pl e t e a car titles, old tax returns, Sor e pl a c e m e nt t i t l e a pl i c a t i on cial Security, Medicare and f or m a nd pa y t he a pl i c a t i on Covid vaccine cards, birth f e e , w hi c h va r i e s by s t a t e . erti ate arriage li e e Y ou’ l l a l s o ne e d t o s how ID and passports. a nd pr of t ha t you ow n t he Stressed Seniors c a r , s uc h a s your ve hi c l e r e g i s t r a t i on or your l i c e ns e - pl a t e D e a r S t r e s s e d, num be r a nd V I N ( ve hi c l e I ’ m ve r y s or r y f or your identification number). To get l os s , but you’ l l be r e l i e ve d t o a n a pl i c a t i on, go t o DMV. know t ha t r e pl a c i ng i m por t a nt org, pi c k your s t a t e , a nd pr i nt doc um e nt s t ha t a r e de s t r oye d, it or fill it out on the site. l os t or s t ol e n i s pr e t t y e a s y onc e you know w he r e t o t ur n. Property deed H e r e a r e t he r e pl a c e m e nt T o a c c e s s your hous e de e d, r e s our c e s f or e a c h doc um e nt c ont a c t your c ount y c l e r k’ s you m e nt i one d. office, where deeds are usua l l y r e c or de d – y ou m a y be Birth certificates c ha r ge d a s m a l l f e e t o ge t a I f yo u w e r e bor n i n t he c opy . U ni t e d S t a t e s , c ont a c t t he vi tal records office in the state Marriage certificate w he r e you w e r e bor n ( s e e C ont a c t t he vi t a l r e c or ds CDC.gov/nchs/w2w/index.htm office of the state you were f or c ont a c t i nf or m a t i on) . T hi s m a r r i e d i n t o or de r a c opy office will give you specific ( s e e CDC.gov/nchs/w2w/ i ns t r uc t i ons on w ha t you ne e d index.htm) . Y ou’ l l ne e d t o to do to order a certified copy pr ovi de f ul l na m e s f or you


What types of deeds are recognized in Colorado and how are they used? (Part 1 of 2)

GENERAL WARRANTY DEED: In a General Warranty Deed, the Seller (Grantor) guarantees title against defects that existed before the Grantor acquired title or that arose during the Grantor’s ownership. It does not contain any warranty against encumbrances or defects arising from the Buyer’s (Grantee’s) own acts. It is typically considered to be the “strongest” form of Deed, based on the expansive warranties that a Grantor makes to a Grantee in conveying title to a property. SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED: In a Special Warranty Deed, the Grantor says, is in effect, to the Grantee, “I only guarantee that I have done

nothing to create a title issue or an encumbrance while I have owned the property; that I have lawful authority to sign and deliver this Deed; and that the title which this Deed conveys is good and clear insofar as my actions are concerned.” Under the current Colorado Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate for Residential Property, that document automatically defaults to the use of a Special Warranty Deed, unless the parties decide and agree on an alternative form of Deed. A Special Warranty Deed is preferred by Sellers, because it guarantees only that portion of the title from the date of the Seller’s ownership of the property forward to the time of sale. QUITCLAIM DEED: In a Quitclaim Deed, there are no warranties or representations, including any implication that the Grantor actually owns or holds title to the property. In such a Deed, the Grantor simply says to the Grantee, “I surrender to you and Quitclaim and abandon all claims and interests, if any, which I may have in the land.” Quitclaim Deeds will not pass after-acquired title (title acquired by a Grantor who conveyed land before he or she owned it). Quitclaim Deeds are often used in intra-family transfers, to add or remove someone

a nd your

s pous e , t he ad t e of w e di ng, a dn t he c i t y or t wo n w he r e t he w e di ng w a s ep r f or m e d. F e e s r a gen f r om 1$ 0 t o $30. your

Social Security cards

I n m os t s t a t e s ( e xc e pt i n A l a ba m a , M i ne s ot a , N e va da , N e w H a m ps hi r e , O kl a hom a a nd W e s t V i r gi ni a ) , y ou c a n r e que s t a r e pl a c e m e nt S oc i a l S e c ur i t y c a r d onl i ne f or f r e e a t SSA.gov/myaccount. I f you l i ve i n a s t a t e t ha t t he onl i ne s e r vi c e i s not available, you’ll need to fill out f or m S S - 5 ( s e e SSA.gov/ forms/ss-5.pdf t o pr i nt a c opy) a nd t a ke i t i n or m a i l i t t o your nearby Social Security office a l ong w i t h a num be r of e vi de nc e doc um e nt s t ha t a r e l i s t e d on t hi s f or m . F or m or e i n f or m a t i on or t o l oc a t e t he S o cial Security office that serves your a r e a , c a l l 8072- 1213 or s e e SSA.gov/locator.

Medicare cards

I f you a r e e nr ol l e d i n or i gi na l M e di c a r e , you c a n r e pl a c e a l os t or da m a ge d M e di c a r e c a r d by c a l l i ng M e di c a r e a t 80634227, or by l ogi ng i nt o your MyMedicare.gov a c c ount . I f , how e ve r , you ge t M e di c a r e he a l t h or dr ug be n from title, or to convey a property from individual ownership to a newly created trust or entity. Often, people obtain Quitclaim Deed forms and attempt to fill them out on their own. It is preferable, however, to have help from an experienced real estate practitioner, to avoid unintended consequences, such as unwittingly defeating joint tenancy ownership, when filling out such a Deed. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED: This Deed contains no warranties at all, and, in effect, the Grantor says to the Grantee, “I bargain, sell, transfer and convey to you the real estate described in this deed. I make no representations or warranties with respect to title or anything else.” Note: Bargain and Sale Deeds are not accepted by many title companies because there is no warranty language involved. In my next article, Part 2, I will cover additional types of Deeds used in Colorado, including a Personal Representative’s Deed, Conservator’s Deed and Trustee’s Deed, as well as their uses.

What are the four key medical/estate plan documents you need now?

Many of my clients have asked what are the critical documents needed, particular-

efits from a Medicare Advant a ge P l a n, s uc h a s a n H M O , P P O , or P D P , you’ l l ne e d t o c a l l your pl a n t o ge t your c a rd r e pl a c e d .

COVID-19 vaccination card

Your first step is to go back t o your va c c i na t i on s i t e a nd s e e i f t he y’ l l gi ve you a re pl a c e m e nt . B r i ng a n I D a nd t r y t o r e c a l l t he da t e you w e re va c c i na t e d. I f t ha t ’ s not fe a s ibl e , c ont a c t your s t a t e he a l t h de pa r t m e nt i m m uni z a t i on i nf or m a t i on s ys t e m ( s e e CDC. gov/vaccines/programs/iis/ contacts-locate-records.html) w he r e yo u s houl d be a bl e t o pr i nt out a r e pl a c e m e nt s he e t .

Tax returns T o ge r e t ur sn

t c opi e s of s t a r t w i t h your

ol d t a x ta x

ly in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simply being married does not give you the legal right to gain access to your spouse’s medical records or make medical decisions on your spouse’s behalf, even in an emergency. To avoid this problem and to help others care for you and to achieve your overall estate planning goals, the following documents create an effective medical/estate plan package: 1. Healthcare Power of Attorney; 2. General Financial Power of Attorney; 3. Advanced Directive for Medical/Surgical Treatment (“Living Will”); and 4. Will (or a Will with a Trust). Careful medical/estate planning should include preparation and signing of

pr e pa r e r , w ho us ua l l y ke e ps copies of your returns on file. Y ou c a n a l s o ge t c opi e s of f e de r a l r e t ur ns di r e c t l y f r om t he I nt e r na l R e ve nue S e r vi c e . You’ll need to fill out and m a i l i n I R S f or m 4506. T o dow nl oa d t hi s f or m IRS.gov/ pub/irs-pdf/f4506.pdf or c a l l 80829- 367 a nd a s k t he m t o m a i l you a c opy . T he c os t i s $43 f or e a c h r e t ur n r e que s t e d.


Y uo c a n a pl y f or a r e pl a c e m e nt pa s s por t a t a P a s s por t A pl i c a t i on A c c e pt a nc e Facility. Many post offices, publ i c l i br a r i e s a nd l oc a l gov ernment offices serve as such f a c i l i t i e s . Y ou c a n s e a r c h f or t he ne a r e s t a ut hor i z e d f a c i l i t y a t iafdb.travel.state.gov. T he f e e i s $145. these documents, to accomplish your goals and protect you, both during your lifetime, and at the time of passing. The Power of Attorney documents allow you to designate those agents whom you authorize to help you on your behalf during your lifetime, and the Will/Trust documents allow you to nominate others to help with your estate after your passing, as well as to identify the beneficiaries and the distributions to them, to accomplish your estate planning goals. As a courtesy, there is no charge for my initial consultation with clients. I have served seniors and their families for over 44 years regarding their medical and estate planning needs.


Phone: (303) 758-0999 E-Mail: Donald@PetersonLaw.co Website: www.donpetersonlawfirm.com

PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021


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ARAPAHOE COUNTY WARRANTS REPORT FOR 07/01/2021 TO 07/31/2021 FUNDS SUMMARY: 10........................................................General Fund ........... 8,272,480.94 11 ........................................................Social Services ............ 543,486.86 12........................................................Electronic Filing Te ........ 48,610.00 13........................................................Cash-in-lieu ..................... 1,119.00 14........................................................Law Enforcement Auth .. 34,552.57 15........................................................Arapahoe / Douglas W 445,648.58 16........................................................Road and Bridge ...... 1,959,023.47 20........................................................Sheriff’s Commissary .... 32,297.20 21........................................................Community Developmen 45,593.05 25........................................................Developmental Disabi 3,507,082.04 26........................................................Grants....................... 1,345,876.03 28........................................................Open Space Sales Tax 133,941.18 29........................................................Homeland Security - .... 161,284.14 33........................................................Building Maintenance .. 152,170.90 34........................................................Fair Fund ..................... 475,294.71 41........................................................Capital Expenditure ..... 351,215.98 42........................................................Infrastructure ............... 642,929.16 43........................................................Arapahoe County Recr 104,921.98 44........................................................Arap. County Water a ......... 300.00 62........................................................ Lease Purchase Agre ........ 750.00 70........................................................Central Services .......... 341,056.95 71........................................................Self-Insurance Liabi....... 41,295.99 73........................................................Self-Insurance Worke .... 97,798.09 74........................................................Self-Insurance Denta..... 67,216.32 84........................................................E-911 Authority ............ 136,357.83 91........................................................Treasurer .................. 9,029,021.11 TOTAL ................................................................................ 27,971,324.08 _______________________________________ PREPARED BY _______________________________________ APPROVED BY FUND REPORT - 10 General Fund 1ST CLASS TOWING.........................Services and Other.......... 2,460.00 2814 KENNEDY CORP ......................Services and Other........ 16,500.00 A CHILD IS MISSING INC ..................Services and Other............. 600.00 A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Services and Other............... 55.00 A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Supplies.............................. 675.94 ACCOUNTY BROKERS OF LARIMER COUNTY ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ACSO EMPLOYEE TRUST FUND .....MISC. .............................. 1,397.50 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS ...................Supplies.............................. 226.87 AED EVERYWHERE..........................Services and Other............. 104.00 ALAMEDA EAST VETERINARY HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 6,529.54 ALCOCK LAW GROUP PC ................MISC. ................................. 160.52 ALL DIGITAL REWARDS LLC ............Services and Other............... 77.62 ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................Supplies.............................. 104.02 ALLEGIANT MORTUARY TRANSPORT LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,621.00 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY ........Supplies.............................. 206.05 ALMAX LLC ........................................Services and Other.......... 4,535.00 ALSCO ...............................................Supplies................................ 27.50 ALTITUDE COMMUNITY LAW PC.....MISC. ................................... 25.00 AMELIE COMPANY ...........................Services and Other........ 10,055.12 AMTECH SOLUTIONS INC ...............Services and Other.......... 2,250.00 ANALEMMA ENTERPRISES LLC......Services and Other............. 675.00 ANGELA M HARMS ...........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 ANTERO INC .....................................Services and Other.......... 3,700.00 AQUA SERVE ....................................Services and Other............. 332.00 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other........ 14,118.60 ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Supplies....................... 110,932.64 ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ..Services and Other........ 57,737.23 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT ......Services and Other........ 11,362.50 ARAPAHOE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER INC ............................................................Services and Other...... 174,389.50 ASHLEIGH MCQUEEN ......................MISC. ................................... 61.60 ASPIRE HR INC .................................Services and Other.......... 1,852.50 AT&T...................................................Services and Other............. 110.76 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC ......................Services and Other............. 147.46 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other...... 118,135.75 AURORA WARMS THE NIGHT .........Community Programs.... 12,893.93 AUTONATION ....................................Supplies.............................. 203.04 AUTOZONE PARTS INC ....................Supplies.............................. 158.36 AXON ENTERPRISE INC ..................Supplies........................... 2,619.00 Aaron Bryant.......................................Services and Other............... 44.95 Adam Nardi.........................................Services and Other............. 448.80 Alexander Ligon..................................Services and Other............. 429.00 Anamaria Barbulescu .........................Services and Other............... 18.59 April Stones ........................................Services and Other............. 357.74 B-Y COMPANY ...................................Services and Other.......... 7,910.50 BACKUPIFY INC ................................Services and Other.......... 2,135.70 BC SERVICES INC ............................MISC. ................................. 116.00 BLANCHARD TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,000.00 BLUEBEAM SOFTWARE INC ...........Services and Other............. 797.00 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC ......Supplies.............................. 660.78 BOULDER COUNTY,COLORADO .....Supplies.............................. 330.00 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other............... 63.99 BRIDGESTONE RETAIL OPERATIONS LLC ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,062.32 BRIDGET GURULE/PETTY CASH ....Services and Other............... 40.00 BRIKOLAGE LAB LLC .......................Services and Other.......... 9,000.00 BSV GREENWOOD VILLAGE LLC ...Services and Other........ 29,057.70 BUDGET CONTROL SERVICES INC ............................................................MISC. ................................... 30.00 BURNS, FIGA AND WILL, P.C. ..........Services and Other.......... 1,203.25 Bambi Shropshire ...............................Services and Other............... 64.78 Bashar Sawaqed ................................Services and Other............... 15.68 Beatriz Quintana .................................Services and Other............. 415.80 Bill Holen ............................................Services and Other............. 418.00 Brenda Simons ...................................Services and Other............... 10.43 Brian Bostwick ....................................Supplies................................ 44.71 Brian Knudsen ....................................Services and Other............. 364.00 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC. ................................. 817.84 CARALY HANNAH WALKER .............MISC. ................................... 15.00 CATA...................................................Services and Other.......... 4,400.00 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Services and Other............. 168.44 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Supplies........................... 2,469.03 CEC SOLAR #1121 LLC ....................Services and Other........ 18,422.13 CEC SOLAR #1122 LLC ....................Services and Other........ 18,449.70 CEC SOLAR #1130 LLC ....................Services and Other........ 17,292.25 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other........ 52,471.88 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Supplies................................ 49.99 CENTENNIAL AIRPORT CTR OWNERS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 2,189.67 CENTURA HEALTH CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,080.00 CHAMBERS POINT LLC....................Services and Other........ 25,809.15 CHARM-TEX ......................................Supplies........................... 6,454.00 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY .................Services and Other............. 125.75 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY .................Supplies................................ 76.67 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other........ 47,167.26 CITY OF AURORA .............................MISC. .............................. 1,160.00 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other........ 13,426.56 CITY OF AURORA .............................Supplies......................... 45,313.17 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.....................Services and Other.......... 5,315.54 CITY OF LITTLETON FINANCE DEPT ............................................................Services and Other........ 15,652.57

CIVICORE LLC...................................Services and Other............. 600.00 CLARION ASSOCIATES LLC ............Services and Other.......... 3,792.50 CLEAR SELECTIONS GROUP INC ..Services and Other.......... 3,600.00 CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN LLP .........Services and Other........ 28,910.00 COLORADO ASSESSORS ASSOC...Services and Other.......... 2,400.00 COLORADO BUREAU INVESTIGATION ............................................................MISC. ............................ 17,725.00 COLORADO COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSOC ............................................................Services and Other............. 450.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC. ................................. 426.79 COLORADO MEDICAL WASTE INC .Supplies.............................. 728.00 COLORADO NATURAL GAS INC ......Services and Other............... 67.45 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Services and Other............. 735.00 COLORADO OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 9,694.00 COLORADO REGIONAL HEALTH INFO ............................................................Supplies.............................. 350.00 COLORADO SOCITETY OF ..............Services and Other.......... 1,080.00 COLORADO STATE TREASURER ....MISC. ............................ 91,749.73 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION ............................................................Supplies................................ 45.00 COMCAST..........................................Services and Other................. 5.30 COMMUNICATION CENTER SPECIALISTS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,950.00 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE ............................................................MISC. ............................ 22,991.60 CORINNE J MAUDELONDE ..............MISC. ................................... 15.00 COUNTY OF WELD ...........................Services and Other............. 495.28 COURTNEY ANNE HODGE ..............MISC. ................................... 15.00 CRASH DATA GROUP INC ................Supplies.............................. 685.00 CYNTHIA R MCNAIR .........................Supplies........................... 2,111.25 Carrie Warren-Gully ............................Services and Other............. 380.00 Catherine Raley ..................................Services and Other............. 750.30 Chanetta Philbert ................................Services and Other............... 35.91 Christopher Fall ..................................Services and Other............... 19.70 Claudia Meeks ....................................Services and Other............... 70.45 Cory Rieck ..........................................Services and Other............... 39.20 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 18,728.50 DCPS CLEANING LLC.......................Services and Other........ 88,756.32 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other...... 157,113.01 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,524.00 DENENBERG TUFFLEY PLLC ..........MISC. ................................... 30.00 DENNIS WAYNE BROWN II ..............MISC. ................................... 15.00 DENVER FIRST AID & SAFTEY ........Supplies.............................. 243.87 DENVER HEALTH AND HOSPITAL AUTH. ............................................................Supplies.............................. 493.31 DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF ..Services and Other........ 53,225.00 DENVER WATER ...............................Services and Other.......... 9,467.07 DISTINCTIVE THREADS INC ............Supplies.............................. 343.56 DUANE FOX.......................................Supplies........................... 5,000.00 Daniel Tipton.......................................Services and Other............. 415.80 David Bessen .....................................Services and Other................. 9.07 David Mickle .......................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 E & L FLATWORK ..............................Services and Other............. 600.00 E-470 PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other............... 45.30 E470 PUBLIC HIGH WAY AUTHORITY ............................................................Services and Other............. 114.80 ED TATE AND ASSOCIATES LLC .....Services and Other........ 36,865.15 EL PASO COUNTY ............................Services and Other........ 15,115.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC .............................Capital Outlay ....................... 70.00 ELECTRI TEK LLC .............................Services and Other............. 300.00 EMPLOYERS COUNCIL SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 325.00 ENCORE ENERGY SERVICES INC ..Services and Other.......... 7,206.59 EP BLAZER LLC ................................Supplies.............................. 195.27 ERGOMETRICS & APPLIED PERSONNEL ............................................................Services and Other............. 150.00 EXPRESS TOLL .................................Services and Other............... 47.25 EYNER DE JESUS ORTIZ-QUINTAL ............................................................MISC. ..................................... 5.00 Elizabeth Knerr ...................................Services and Other............... 79.39 Eloisa Altamira ....................................Services and Other............... 32.46 Erin Powers ........................................Services and Other............... 63.35 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS ................Supplies.............................. 883.17 FAIRCLOTH CORPORATION ............Supplies.............................. 196.06 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Community Programs.... 24,103.75 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. .............................. 7,524.77 FARIS MACHINERY CO ....................Supplies........................... 8,378.02 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Supplies.............................. 755.96 FASTSIGNS OF ENGLEWOOD.........Supplies........................... 3,986.50 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION ............................................................Supplies.............................. 272.93 FEDEX................................................Supplies................................ 45.01 FEKADE SENBETA............................MISC. ................................. 120.00 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG .....Services and Other........ 23,198.29 FLEET FUELING ................................MISC. ............................ 43,039.63 FOP LODGE 31..................................MISC. ............................ 33,008.00 FORENSIC TRUTH VERIFICATION GROUP ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,130.00 FOUR M ENTERPRISES INC ............Services and Other............... 10.00 FRANCY LAW FIRM PLLC ................MISC. ................................. 153.00 FRANK J BALL ...................................MISC. ................................... 60.00 FRITEL ASSOCIATES LLC ................Supplies.............................. 992.00 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other...... 165,955.23 GARY L MARSH.................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 GJKG INC...........................................Services and Other............. 150.00 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM ...............Services and Other.......... 2,311.20 GPS SERVERS LLC ..........................MISC. ................................... 10.50 GRAINGER ........................................Services and Other.......... 1,224.95 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies................................ 69.49 GREENWOOD 7939 LTD...................Services and Other.......... 3,502.20 Gerardo Alvarenga Rivera ..................Services and Other............... 16.80 HILL ENTERPRISES INC ..................Services and Other............. 270.67 HOBART CORPORATION .................Services and Other.......... 1,997.60 HOCHMAN & NUGENT PC ...............MISC. ................................... 15.00 HOLST BOETTCHER & TEHRAN! LLP ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 HOLST BOETTCHER & TEHRANI LLP ............................................................MISC. ................................. 157.90 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................MISC. .............................. 6,771.86 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Services and Other............. 923.48 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Supplies............................. (113.78) HORIZON ...........................................Supplies................................ 54.00 HORIZON LAWN & TREE CARE INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 460.00 I-70 PUBLISHING COMPANY INC ....Services and Other.......... 3,368.00 IMPACT DESIGN LLC ........................Supplies.............................. 290.27 INSIGHT AUTO GLASS .....................Services and Other.......... 2,163.28 INSIGHT GLOBAL..............................Services and Other.......... 5,760.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC ........Services and Other........ 31,265.44 INTEGRATED FAMILY COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........ 20,000.00 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK & SECURITY ............................................................Services and Other............. 410.94 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................MISC. .......................... 428,998.71 INVITAE CORPORATION ..................Supplies.............................. 300.00 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS............Services and Other............... 31.80 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 885.00

JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................Supplies......................... 16,841.06 JAMES BROWER PSYCHOLOGICAL ............................................................Services and Other........ 11,150.00 JAMIE B WOLLMAN ..........................Services and Other............. 100.00 JANE F RIECK ...................................Services and Other............. 200.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY TREASURER ............................................................Services and Other............... 30.00 JENNIPHER ALEXANDER.................MISC. ................................. 350.76 JJL PROCESS CORP ........................MISC. ................................... 30.00 JODY S ERIKSON .............................Services and Other.......... 4,375.00 JOHN SEEBECK ................................Capital Outlay ..................... 493.50 JOHNSON MARK LLC .......................MISC. ................................... 42.46 JONATHON LOUIS MEYER ..............MISC. ................................... 15.00 JOSEPH ALARCON ...........................MISC. ................................... 67.60 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA ........MISC. .......................... 275,156.06 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. .......Services and Other...... 325,711.38 James Mason .....................................Services and Other............. 426.00 Jana Nordstrom ..................................Services and Other............... 95.87 Jeffrey Baker ......................................Services and Other............. 283.20 Jennifer Roylance ...............................Services and Other............... 21.50 Joan Lopez .........................................Services and Other............. 146.40 John Gray ...........................................Services and Other............. 429.00 Jonathan Dyffryn ................................Services and Other............. 219.00 Joshua Kraus......................................Services and Other............. 189.00 Joshua Thomas ..................................Services and Other.......... 1,377.20 K-ISAN INSTITUTE LLC ....................Services and Other.......... 6,650.00 KATHRYN LATSIS..............................Services and Other............. 105.00 KELLY TECH LTD ..............................Services and Other.......... 1,213.25 KEYTRAK INC....................................Supplies........................... 3,074.00 KINGSTON HOLDINGS LLC .............Services and Other........ 36,636.28 KUBL GROUP LLC.............................Services and Other.......... 1,283.75 Kelsea Dombrovski.............................Services and Other............... 15.00 Khanh Pham .......................................Services and Other............... 84.56 Kimberly Gonzalez .............................Services and Other............... 75.61 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES ...........Services and Other............. 983.78 LAW OFFICE OF NELSON & KENNARD ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 LCC ENTERPRISES LLC ..................Supplies................................ 88.77 LE ARGUELLO ...................................MISC. ................................. 365.52 LEWIS PAPER INTERNATION INC ...Supplies........................... 4,211.94 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Supplies.............................. 265.25 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 360.71 LIGHTING ACCESSORY & WARNING ............................................................Supplies.............................. 318.00 LINDA LOUISE FISHER .....................MISC. ................................... 15.00 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ............................................................Supplies................................ 25.18 LUMINOUS FORENSICS...................Services and Other.......... 4,917.92 LYNN FOLK ........................................Services and Other........ 27,395.25 LYNN SAUVE .....................................Services and Other............. 100.00 Lauren Thomas ..................................Services and Other............... 28.45 Lucas Green .......................................Services and Other............... 44.63 Lynnea Oldham ..................................Services and Other............. 122.98 MACARI HEALEY PUBLISHING CO LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,317.40 MARK ANDY INC ...............................Services and Other............. 708.77 MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,132.00 MAURICE E DUSKY PC ....................MISC. ................................... 15.00 MAURICE MCDONNELL ...................MISC. ................................... 30.00 MCGEE COMPANY ...........................Supplies.............................. 155.32 MCM TECHNOLOGY LLC .................Services and Other.......... 4,145.00 MEETING THE CHALLENGE INC .....Services and Other.......... 5,200.00 METRO COMMUNITY PROVIDER NETWORK ............................................................Services and Other........ 82,668.14 MGT OF AMERICA LLC .....................Services and Other........ 20,000.00 MIAM LLC...........................................Capital Outlay ..................... 595.15 MILIND VIBHANDIK ...........................Services and Other............... 26.38 MOBILE MINI LLC ..............................Supplies........................... 4,922.07 MOELLER GRAF PC .........................MISC. ................................. 108.88 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS .................Services and Other.......... 7,745.00 MULTI SERVICE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS ............................................................Supplies.............................. 169.99 MULTICARD INC................................Supplies........................... 1,612.54 Madison Kuglarz .................................Services and Other............... 10.00 Marjorie Gordon..................................Services and Other............... 14.45 Mark Keaney ......................................Services and Other............. 462.00 Matthew Cleveland .............................Services and Other............. 429.00 Meagen Kurasz ..................................Services and Other............... 12.32 Michael Axinn .....................................Services and Other............... 47.94 Michael Borders..................................Services and Other............... 86.50 Mitchell Maulik ....................................Services and Other............. 219.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS ...........................Supplies........................... 2,264.97 NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,017.00 NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICERS .....Services and Other.......... 2,412.00 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS .............Supplies.............................. 285.39 NAVIGATE WELLNESS LLC ..............Services and Other.......... 3,110.25 NELSON & KENNARD .......................MISC. ................................. 222.50 NETWORK CLAIMS REDUCTION TECH LLC ............................................................Services and Other............. 300.00 NGUYEN PHUONG ...........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 NORTHWEST PARKWAY LLC...........Services and Other............... 17.30 NORTON TRAINING &.......................Services and Other........ 22,505.50 NOURISH ...........................................Services and Other........ 20,000.00 Nancy Jackson ...................................Services and Other............. 418.00 Naomi Narcomey ................................Services and Other............... 12.32 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ......Services and Other 223.00 OFFICE OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY ...Services and Other... 2,692,056.00 ON TARGET PERFORMANCE ..........Services and Other.......... 2,050.00 ORTEN CAVANAGH HOLMES & HUNT ............................................................MISC. ................................. 197.65 PAYLOGIX LLC ..................................MISC. ............................ 24,126.09 PEPPERDINES ..................................Services and Other............... 25.75 PETERSEN LEYBAS RUBBER STAMP ............................................................Supplies.............................. 390.76 PIKE REPORTING COMPANY ..........Services and Other............. 849.75 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,889.47 PITNEY BOWES INC .........................Services and Other............. 141.82 POTESTIO BROTHERS ....................Supplies........................... 1,263.89 PROFESSIONAL SIGN LANGUAGE .Services and Other............. 195.00 PROFORCE MARKETING INC..........Supplies......................... 22,319.70 PROVEST LLC ...................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,850.00 PUEBLO COUNTY COLORADO .......Services and Other............. 170.00 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION .........Services and Other............. 148.09 QUICKSILVER EXPRESS COURIER ............................................................Supplies................................ 24.77 RADIOTRONICS INC .........................Services and Other............. 705.60 RANDALL S MILLER ..........................Services and Other............. 100.00 RANDSTAD TECHNOLOGIES ..........Services and Other........ 12,340.00 READY TO WORK AURORA .............Services and Other.......... 3,689.02 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,655.00 RED WING BUSINESS ADVANTAGE ACCOUNT ............................................................Supplies.............................. 378.49 RGB SYSTEMS INC ..........................Services and Other............... 18.00 RICHARD T SALL ..............................Services and Other............. 200.00

— End oftoLegals — Continued next page— —

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— ROADHOG INC ..................................Supplies.............................. 865.50 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 2,758.64 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies.............................. 600.71 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,406.82 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Supplies.............................. 129.60 ROCKY MOUNTAIN INFORMATION ............................................................Services and Other............. 250.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADIOGRAPHICS ............................................................Supplies.............................. 506.25 RODNEY O BROCKELMAN ..............Services and Other............. 100.00 ROMBERG AND ASSOCIATES .........Services and Other........ 13,620.71 ROYAL TEXTILE PRODUCTS COMPANY INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 11,573.00 RUSSELL W OWENS ........................Services and Other............. 750.00 RYAN AUSTIN SPENCE ....................Services and Other............... 23.52 RYDERS PUBLIC SAFETY LLC ........Supplies........................... 2,204.75 Richard Haight ....................................Services and Other............. 418.00 Robert Decker ....................................Services and Other............... 50.40 Robin Frazee ......................................Services and Other............. 138.69 Ryan Marshall.....................................Services and Other............... 81.00 Ryan Seacrist .....................................Services and Other............... 51.46 SARA GARRIDO METZ .....................Services and Other.......... 1,900.00 SCHRICK LAW ...................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 SCHWAB MFG & ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,387.58 SECOND CHANCE CENTER INC .....Services and Other........ 31,951.02 SELENA LAMPHIER ..........................MISC. ................................... 15.00 SHRED-IT USA ..................................Services and Other............. 675.65 SKM MANAGEMENT, MORTON ASSOCIATES, ............................................................MISC. ................................. 124.20 SOUTHERNCARLSON ......................Supplies........................... 1,702.50 SOUTHGLENN SQUARE LLC ...........Services and Other........ 62,236.43 SOUTHLAND MEDICAL LLC .............Supplies.............................. 130.44 SPRINGMAN BRADEN WILSON.......MISC. ................................. 204.60 SPRINT SOLUTIONS INC .................Services and Other............. 546.72 STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC .........Services and Other............. 385.16 STATE OF COLORADO .....................Services and Other.......... 7,451.72 STATE OF COLORADO .....................Supplies......................... 28,270.41 STEPHEN BABATUNDE ....................MISC. ................................... 15.00 SUCCESSFACTORS INC ..................Services and Other...... 138,600.00 SUMMIT VIEW SOLUTIONS .............Services and Other............... 62.00 SUNBELT RENTALS INC ...................Services and Other........ 16,378.26 SUNCOR ENERGY SALES INC ........Services and Other............. 534.00 SUPER SEER CORPORATION .........Supplies................................ 21.00 SUPING LIU .......................................Services and Other............... 82.27 Samuel Torres ....................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 Scott Shaw .........................................Services and Other............... 36.40 Seddon Keyter ....................................Services and Other............... 14.00 Selina Baschiera.................................Services and Other............. 114.68 Shawn Boston ....................................Services and Other............... 35.84 Shaylen Florez....................................Services and Other............... 23.74 Shelby Horvath ...................................Services and Other............. 330.00 Susan Sandstrom ...............................Services and Other............. 291.20 T-MOBILE USA INC ...........................Services and Other............... 27.47 TALENTSMART INC ..........................Services and Other.......... 2,709.93 TARAMART & GAS INC .....................Services and Other............... 42.00 THE DUPONT LAW FIRM LLC ..........MISC. ................................. 146.82 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,474.90 THE JOB STORE ...............................Services and Other........ 24,473.76 THE MOORE LAW GROUP APC .......MISC. ................................... 30.00 THE RECIPROCITY COLLECTIVE ...Community Programs.... 21,375.00 THE SUPPLY CACHE INC .................Supplies........................... 1,490.45 THIN LINE THREAD ..........................Supplies.............................. 895.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ...........Services and Other.......... 6,472.78 TODD COMPANIES INC ....................Services and Other............. 700.00 TONY JARRETT PC...........................MISC. ................................... 30.00 TOP HAT FILE AND SERVE INC .......MISC. ................................... 30.00 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL.....................Services and Other............... 44.01 TRANS UNION ...................................Services and Other............. 101.44 TRI TECH FORENSICS INC ..............Services and Other.......... 1,498.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs.... 64,718.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other...... 794,884.00 TSCHETTER HAMRICK SULZER PC ............................................................MISC. .............................. 3,979.30 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US) .........Supplies.............................. 635.87 Teresa Marlowe ..................................Services and Other............... 55.12 Timothy Aston .....................................Services and Other............... 89.31 Timothy Hanson .................................Services and Other............... 10.00 Todd Montgomery ...............................Supplies.............................. 295.68 Tyler Brown.........................................Services and Other............... 89.00 U.S. COURTS-PACER .......................Services and Other.......... 1,321.60 ULINE INC ..........................................Supplies.............................. 498.66 UNITED LANGUAGE GROUP INC ....Services and Other............. 646.00 UNIVERSAL INFORMATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,346.62 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other............. 433.64 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other............. 150.48 VALLEJO CC LLC ..............................Services and Other........ 39,516.50 VECTORS, INC ..................................Services and Other.......... 8,065.50 VIA MOBILITY SERVICES .................Services and Other.......... 9,381.02 VIGILANT SOLUTIONS LLC ..............Services and Other........ 20,020.00 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP ....Services and Other.......... 1,430.55 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ............................ 13,053.45 VISTA FD LLC ....................................Services and Other............. 737.68 VISTA FD LLC ....................................Supplies........................... 3,440.50 Victor Blatzer ......................................Services and Other............. 107.24 WARREN KULIK ................................Services and Other............. 142.70 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other...... 262,994.07 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 9,782.54 WATCHGUARD VIDEO......................Services and Other............. 864.00 WATCHGUARD VIDEO......................Supplies......................... 11,400.00 WELBORN SULLIVAN MECK & TOOLEY PC ............................................................Services and Other........ 11,934.00 WELLPATH LLC .................................Services and Other...... 421,708.89 WEST ACADEMIC .............................Services and Other............. 150.00 WESTERN OFFICE SYSTEMS .........Supplies.............................. 732.40 WESTERN WELCOME WEEK ..........Services and Other.......... 1,585.00 WINZENBURG LEFF PURVIS & PAYNE LLP ............................................................MISC. ................................... 15.00 Writer Mott ..........................................Services and Other............... 42.00 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other...... 148,485.36 XEROX CORPORATION ...................Services and Other........ 34,081.05 FUND REPORT - 11 Social Services A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Services and Other............. 228.50 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ............................................................Services and Other............. 130.00 AMERICAN BIOIDENTITY INC ..........Services and Other.......... 3,019.50 APALONIA & RAYMOND CERVANTES ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,400.00 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Community Programs.... 22,403.63 ARAPAHOE COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD ............................................................Services and Other.......... 9,638.84 ARAPAHOE/DOUGLAS WORKS.......Community Programs.... 55,627.48 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,221.35 Abigail Ramsauer ...............................Services and Other.......... 1,065.07 Adeline Duanlueded ...........................Services and Other............. 244.95 Aleah Buccelli .....................................Services and Other............. 348.44 Alexandra Eggleston ..........................Services and Other............... 82.94 Alicia Hewitt ........................................Services and Other............... 90.10 Alison Ivory .........................................Services and Other............. 299.60 Allison Good .......................................Services and Other............. 293.44 Amber Verzosa ...................................Services and Other............. 392.39 Amitabh Singh ....................................Services and Other................. 8.46 Amy Goldberg.....................................Services and Other............. 133.50 Andrea Mackenzie ..............................Services and Other.......... 1,036.80 April See .............................................Services and Other............. 165.87 Ashley Kowalefski...............................Services and Other............. 178.76 Ashley Wunderle ................................Services and Other............. 398.33 Aubree Brewer....................................Services and Other............. 326.64 BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS .......Services and Other............... 44.00 Blake Askew .......................................Services and Other............. 324.30 Brenda Armour ...................................Services and Other............. 393.07 Bridget Grimaldi ..................................Services and Other............. 256.70 Brittani Choate ....................................Services and Other............. 384.10 Brittany Kaplan ...................................Services and Other............. 604.29 Brooke Downer ...................................Services and Other............... 47.26 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Services and Other.......... 2,226.40 CDW GOVERNMENT ........................Supplies........................... 2,184.46 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. ...............Supplies.............................. 248.70 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other........ 15,999.82 CENTER FOR POLICY RESEARCH ............................................................Services and Other........ 33,860.00 CHAD C CERINICH ...........................Services and Other............. 978.75

CHEATON MANNING ........................MISC. ................................... 40.00 CHILDRENS WELLNESS CENTER OF ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,200.00 CLUTTER TRUCKER.........................Community Programs...... 5,496.00 COACHING-FORLIFE ........................Services and Other............. 750.00 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,217.84 COLORADO FAMILY SUPPORT COUNCIL ............................................................Services and Other............. 200.00 COLORADO HUMAN SERVICES......Services and Other........ 13,300.00 COMITIS CRISIS CENTER ................Community Programs.... 17,460.00 COMPASS GROUP USA, INC ...........Community Programs........... 50.00 CONTACT WIRELESS .......................Community Programs...... 4,046.35 CONTACT WIRELESS .......................Services and Other.......... 1,462.03 CORPORATE TRANSLATION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,561.03 Cait Clough .........................................Services and Other............. 427.67 Carrie Balow .......................................Services and Other............. 280.62 Cassandra Aguilar ..............................Services and Other............. 306.82 Cassandra Gorrell ..............................Services and Other............. 440.71 Chelsey Hanson .................................Services and Other............. 693.74 Christine Lane ....................................Services and Other............... 72.24 Cynthia Martinez-Vazquez..................Services and Other................. 5.04 DARRON WADE DUNSON JR ..........Services and Other............. 225.00 DBOA LLC ..........................................Community Programs...... 3,075.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 8,985.00 DENVER DEPT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ............................................................MISC. .............................. 7,521.00 DENVER MANAGER OF FINANCE...Services and Other............... 13.00 DENVER SHERIFF DEPARTMENT ...Services and Other............... 29.90 DETROIT BEHAVIORAL INSTITUE LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,677.16 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC. ................................. 205.00 Dawn Stoudt .......................................Services and Other............. 400.57 Deanna Lee ........................................Services and Other............. 108.86 Deanna Stepaniuk ..............................Services and Other............. 418.04 Deborah Bowers .................................Services and Other............... 68.21 Delmy Acosta......................................Services and Other............. 226.80 Diana Cortes.......................................Services and Other............. 209.72 Donovan Webb ...................................Services and Other............. 124.69 Douglas Fessenden............................Services and Other............... 23.02 ENITZA TEMPLETON ........................MISC. ................................... 20.00 ERNEST J CORONADO JR...............Services and Other............. 260.00 EXPERIAN .........................................Services and Other............... 37.00 Elise Ronquillo ....................................Services and Other............. 196.06 Eliza Granahan-Field ..........................Services and Other............. 345.58 Elizabeth Aznar...................................Services and Other............. 157.30 Eric Hoskins........................................Services and Other............. 480.98 Erin Ellis..............................................Services and Other............... 45.53 Erin Wieneke ......................................Services and Other............. 383.54 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. ................................. 872.98 FAMILY TREE INC .............................Community Programs.... 23,610.00 FREMONT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT ............................................................Services and Other............... 41.72 GERALD W MEDINA JR ....................Services and Other............. 495.00 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORP..................Services and Other.......... 2,104.25 GRAPHICWORKS LLC ......................Capital Outlay ..................... 189.50 Genevieve Rumlow ............................Services and Other............. 261.24 HOPSKIPDRIVE INC .........................Community Programs.... 11,101.66 Hannah Herinckx ................................Services and Other............. 104.44 Harmonie Trenn ..................................Services and Other............. 200.20 Hayley Wolfe ......................................Services and Other............. 320.10 ILLUMINATE COLORADO .................Services and Other............. 454.50 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE .......MISC. .............................. 2,800.00 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS............Services and Other............. 413.40 JACQUELINE A S MULLER ...............Services and Other............. 341.25 JAMES ERIC SWART ........................Services and Other............. 990.00 JANOS BODONI ................................MISC. ................................... 17.10 JEFFERSON COUNTY DEPT OF SOCIAL SVC ............................................................Community Programs.... 13,118.30 JORGE SALAS...................................Services and Other.......... 3,352.50 JULIE HART .......................................Services and Other............. 243.75 JUVENILE ASSESSMENT CENTER ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,266.56 Jacquelyn Gabel .................................Services and Other............. 261.29 Jennifer Marine ...................................Services and Other............... 11.09 Jesse Bobian ......................................Services and Other............... 25.43 Jessica Freeman ................................Services and Other............. 119.78 Jessica Roman Martinez ....................Services and Other............. 418.89 Joseph Borrego ..................................Services and Other............... 55.42 Juanika Barnett...................................Services and Other............... 41.05 Julia Ramsdell ....................................Services and Other............. 364.27 Julianne Simenson .............................Services and Other............... 61.82 Justina Meadows ................................Services and Other............. 267.06 KATHLEEN ZIOLA..............................Services and Other.......... 1,000.00 KINGS COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ............................................................Services and Other............... 28.00 Kari Sales ...........................................Services and Other............. 238.29 Katharina Mittler .................................Services and Other............. 135.80 Katie Brooks .......................................Services and Other............. 285.88 Katrin Barthel ......................................Services and Other............. 103.32 Katriona Mortimore .............................Services and Other............. 769.95 Kelly Goodman ...................................Services and Other............. 442.54 Kelseigh Gorman ................................Services and Other............. 351.29 Kimberly Pine .....................................Community Programs........... 17.97 Kimberly Pine .....................................Services and Other............. 101.24 Kristine Flores.....................................Services and Other............... 20.16 LAURIE GRAVES ...............................Services and Other.......... 4,772.50 LEXIS NEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other............. 100.00 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 936.23 LONNIE EDDY ...................................Services and Other.......... 1,215.00 Laura Diaz ..........................................Services and Other.......... 1,288.23 Lauren Phalen ....................................Services and Other............... 25.26 Leah Turner ........................................Services and Other............... 40.32 Lilian Luquin-Salazar ..........................Services and Other............. 160.28 Liliana Cobo........................................Services and Other............. 199.75 Linley Stricker .....................................Services and Other............... 10.42 MARK A LEACHMAN PC ...................MISC. ................................. 939.34 MESA COUNTY SHERIFF .................Services and Other............... 27.50 MNEEMA HAWAZI .............................MISC. ................................. 220.00 Maria Louis Miller ...............................Services and Other............. 142.24 Marianela Turner ................................Services and Other............. 362.49 Marina Sarinana .................................Services and Other............. 127.96 Maya Hoganson-Sanchez ..................Services and Other............. 116.32 Melissa McKinley ................................Services and Other............. 219.07 Michelle Dossey .................................Services and Other............... 24.47 Michelle Morfin ...................................Services and Other............. 237.33 Mikaela Zamora ..................................Services and Other............. 544.83 Milagros Mendoza ..............................Services and Other............... 27.55 NANCY REGALADO ..........................Community Programs......... 280.00 NEBRASKA CHILD SUPPORT ..........MISC. ................................. 403.40 Natalie Coronado................................Services and Other............... 29.12 Natallie Rodriguez ..............................Services and Other............. 278.21 ONTARIO SYSTEMS LLC..................Services and Other.......... 4,574.00 OPTIMIZE MANPOWER SOLUTIONS INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 27,797.71 PIERSON ALEXANDER .....................MISC. .............................. 1,400.00 PINEY RIDGE TREATMENT CENTER LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,880.00 PITNEY BOWES ................................Supplies......................... 10,316.32 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,889.20 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies.............................. 186.17 PRCP AURORA LLC ..........................Community Programs...... 1,846.65 Pamela Yanett ....................................Services and Other............... 41.33 Penelope Chiha ..................................Services and Other............. 308.39 Phiangchit Mutzbauer .........................Services and Other............. 324.63 RACHEL ANNE NUNEZ .....................Services and Other............. 900.00 RAISE THE FUTURE .........................Community Programs...... 5,206.66 RECOVERY MONITORING SOLUTIONS CORP ............................................................Services and Other........ 24,905.00 Rebecca Heaton .................................Services and Other............... 88.20 Rebecca Maybury...............................Services and Other............. 223.61 Rebeckah DeAngelis ..........................Services and Other............. 441.33 Robin Niceta .......................................Services and Other............. 325.87 Rolonda Nix ........................................Services and Other............. 515.44 Roxann Tademy..................................Services and Other............. 562.41 Ryan McCormick ................................Services and Other............. 100.24 SALVATORE L FAZIO JR ...................Services and Other............. 990.00 SHILOH HOUSE INC .........................Community Programs.... 29,561.08 SHILOH HOUSE INC .........................Services and Other............. 727.58 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................................MISC. ............................ 25,176.80 STORMSOURCE LLC........................Services and Other.......... 2,584.70 Sade Mickles ......................................Services and Other............. 107.85 Sadie Hill ............................................Services and Other............. 593.49 Samantha Kahle .................................Services and Other............. 192.75 Sarah Lewnard ...................................Services and Other............... 62.72 Sarah Williams....................................Services and Other............. 503.38 Sarah Wolf ..........................................Services and Other............. 379.12 Shaela Newby ....................................Services and Other............. 504.33 Shannon Hicks ...................................Services and Other............. 243.60 Shayla Reichert ..................................Services and Other............. 237.55 Stephanie Velazquez ..........................Services and Other............... 56.11

TCR SOUTHCREEK LP .....................Community Programs......... 586.00 TERRIE RUMLEY ..............................Community Programs........... 34.00 THE BROWING GROUP INTERNATIONAL INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,784.00 THE CENTER FOR RELATIONSHIP ............................................................Community Programs...... 5,000.00 THE HOPE INITIATIVE ......................Services and Other............. 552.50 THOMAS A GRAHAM JR ...................Services and Other.......... 1,980.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST ...........Services and Other.......... 5,849.97 TOM MILLS PSI INC ..........................Services and Other.......... 1,545.00 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs.... 11,448.22 TRI COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Services and Other............. 420.00 TRI-COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs.... 11,806.32 TaShana Sanders ...............................Services and Other............. 166.49 Tanya Glick .........................................Services and Other............. 660.52 Tanya Larby ........................................Services and Other............. 164.70 Taylor Graston ....................................Services and Other............. 232.35 Tea Merdanovic ..................................Services and Other............. 273.40 Tracy Carroll .......................................Services and Other............. 121.02 Tracy Opp ...........................................Services and Other............. 116.66 VALERIE K BROOKS .........................Services and Other.......... 1,105.00 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP ....Services and Other............. 181.24 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. .............................. 4,379.86 Victoria Gillett .....................................Services and Other............. 133.56 WAL-MART STORES .........................Community Programs.... 10,000.00 WINRIDGE VENTURE LLC ...............Community Programs......... 535.00 Whitney Ernst .....................................Services and Other............. 229.93 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Community Programs...... 1,304.91 YAKIMA COUNTY CLERK .................Services and Other............... 34.00 YOUTH VILLAGES INC .....................Community Programs...... 7,249.32 ZAMZAM MUHAMED .........................MISC. ................................... 28.00 Zoei Moon...........................................Services and Other............. 130.37 FUND REPORT - 12 Electronic Filing Technology COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC. ............................ 34,194.00 KOFILE TECHNOLOGIES INC ..........Services and Other........ 14,416.00 FUND REPORT - 13 Cash-in-lieu STRASBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT 31J ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,119.00 FUND REPORT - 14 Law Enforcement Authority Distric 1ST CLASS TOWING.........................Services and Other.......... 1,640.00 A CHILD IS MISSING INC ..................Services and Other............. 400.00 AXON ENTERPRISE INC ..................Supplies........................... 1,746.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other........ 10,757.75 CENTURA HEALTH CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other............. 720.00 COLORADO DEPT OF HUMAN SVCS ............................................................Services and Other............. 915.00 DENVER FIRST AID & SAFTEY ........Supplies................................ 75.10 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. .............................. 1,304.79 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Supplies.............................. 503.98 JUDICIARY COURTS STATE OF CO ............................................................Services and Other............... 87.00 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES ...........Services and Other............. 655.86 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS FL INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 240.47 LIMU LLC ...........................................Services and Other.......... 3,281.95 RADIOTRONICS INC .........................Services and Other............. 470.40 SUNCOR ENERGY SALES INC ........Services and Other............. 356.00 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT..................MISC. ................................. 923.08 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO HOSPITAL ............................................................Services and Other............. 289.10 VICTIM ASSISTANCE LAW ...............Services and Other.......... 1,374.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 636.09 WATCHGUARD VIDEO......................Services and Other............. 576.00 WATCHGUARD VIDEO......................Supplies........................... 7,600.00 FUND REPORT - 15 Arapahoe / Douglas Works! A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Services and Other........ 16,706.60 ADAMS COUNTY...............................Services and Other............. 802.87 ALEXANDER AARON HADFIELD .....Community Programs......... 100.00 ALL SEASON CDL .............................Community Programs......... 134.00 ALL SEASON CDL .............................Services and Other.......... 4,895.00 AMBIUS (20) ......................................Services and Other............. 194.64 ANDREW N JONES CRULL ..............Community Programs......... 100.00 ANELA ROSE VALLADARES ............Community Programs........... 30.00 AURORA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,559.61 AURORA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ............................................................Services and Other.......... 9,702.00 Andrea Barnum ..................................Services and Other............... 25.54 BISHOP ALBRIGHT-WALKER ...........Community Programs......... 450.00 BRISBEN CENTENNIAL EAST II .......Community Programs......... 960.00 BROKER SOLUTIONS INC ...............Community Programs...... 2,710.29 CASTLE ROCK CHMBR OF COMMERCE ............................................................Services and Other........ 10,424.00 CDL CERTIFIERS INC .......................Services and Other.......... 2,000.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 791.92 CENLAR FSB .....................................Community Programs...... 1,466.00 CITIZENS BANK N.A. ........................Community Programs...... 1,144.29 CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER .....Services and Other...... 123,635.67 COLORADO COUNSELOR TRAINING ............................................................Services and Other............. 840.00 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY GLOBAL ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 COLORADO TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,095.00 COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY INC ............................................................Community Programs........... 35.00 COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 705.00 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TRAINING CENTER ............................................................Services and Other........ 10,000.00 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF AURORA ............................................................Community Programs......... 188.00 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF AURORA ............................................................Services and Other............. 839.00 CONTACT WIRELESS .......................Services and Other............. 519.80 CREDIT UNION OF DENVER............Community Programs...... 1,403.09 CURTIS DESIGN GROUP .................Services and Other.......... 2,266.67 CYNTHIA CROWNHART ...................Community Programs........... 50.00 D LAWSO ENTERPRISES INC .........Services and Other.......... 3,000.00 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other.......... 3,282.74 DIAGONAL CROSSING APARTMENTS LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,718.00 ECKERD YOUTH ALTERNATIVES INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 46,864.24 ERICA GARCIA ..................................Community Programs......... 250.00 EXCEL DRIVER SERVICES LLC.......Services and Other........ 27,000.00 Elise Flores .........................................Services and Other................. 2.52 FHEG ARAPAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ............................................................Community Programs........... 43.98 FINGOAL INC .....................................Services and Other............. 780.00 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,745.84 HAWA ROBLE ....................................Community Programs........... 30.00 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC ........Services and Other............. 696.59 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS............Services and Other............. 137.80 JAILA LANAE MARQUEZ ..................Community Programs........... 50.00 JAMES NATHANIEL BEATTY ............Community Programs........... 50.00 JEFFERSON COUNTY ......................Services and Other........ 16,956.19 JENNIFER LESTER ...........................Community Programs......... 100.00 JENNIFER SALGADO........................Community Programs........... 40.00 JIMMY H TRINH .................................Community Programs........... 50.00 JOHN D NEBEL .................................Services and Other.......... 4,870.00 JOSE VILLALTA VARGAS ..................Community Programs......... 150.00 JOSEPH CAMPBELL .........................Community Programs......... 200.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. .......Community Programs...... 1,584.64 KAILANY YULEISY RIOS RIVERA ....Community Programs........... 30.00 KEVIN DE LAO SANCHEZ ................Community Programs......... 140.00 L S CODING & EDUCATION LLC ......Services and Other.......... 4,055.00 LAIRMER COUNTY ...........................Services and Other........ 14,523.76 LMC VALLAGIO III HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,974.00 LOCKHEED MARTIN SPACE SYSTEMS CO. ............................................................Services and Other.......... 6,000.00 LYDIA K AKALU..................................Community Programs......... 125.00 M&J DEVELOPMENT LLC.................Community Programs...... 1,505.00 MALAK M KHATIB..............................Community Programs........... 50.00 MEDCERTS LLC ................................Services and Other........ 14,000.00 MISTIE SMITH ...................................Community Programs......... 200.00 MR COOPER GROUP INC ................Community Programs...... 2,496.37 MUHAMMAD ABDUL GHAFUR .........Community Programs........... 50.00 NATIONAL ASSN. OF WORKFORCE ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,830.20 NOAH A PERALTA .............................Community Programs......... 100.00 NUAGE PARA MEDICAL ETHETICS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 6,000.00 OFFICESCAPES OF DENVER LLLP ............................................................Supplies.............................. 291.60

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 18 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021 —Continued from previous page— PICKENS TECH .................................Community Programs......... 474.44 PROPERO SOLUTIONS LLC ............Services and Other.......... 1,590.00 REBECCA M GINDLESPERGER ......Community Programs........... 50.00 RIGHT ON LEARNING INC ...............Community Programs...... 4,650.00 ROCK GATE CAPITAL .......................Services and Other.......... 4,295.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other............. 171.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN LASER COLLEGE ............................................................Services and Other.......... 6,000.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN WORKFORCE ..Services and Other.......... 2,500.00 RTD 2380 ...........................................Community Programs...... 1,454.00 SEVEN CEDARS LIVE LLC ...............Services and Other.......... 1,730.00 SOLID SURFACE CARE INC.............Services and Other.......... 2,700.60 SOUTH DENVER SCHOOL OF NURSING ARTS ............................................................Community Programs......... 135.00 SOUTH DENVER SCHOOL OF NURSING ARTS ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 SPRING INSTITUTE ..........................Services and Other............. 445.00 SUMMER HOPE GATHERCOLE .......Services and Other............. 632.50 SUNITA SANGRAULA........................Community Programs........... 50.00 TARAN Q LEOPOLD ..........................Community Programs......... 250.00 THE JOB STORE ...............................Services and Other........ 17,505.50 THE MASTER’S APPRENTICE .........Services and Other.......... 9,000.00 TOMASINA JAY DEE SMITH .............Community Programs......... 200.00 TRUE NOURISHMENT LLC ..............Services and Other.......... 1,580.00 UMAMA ZAKI AL-MOURADI ..............Community Programs........... 40.00 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING ..Community Programs......... 550.00 UNITED STATES TRUCK DRIVING ..Services and Other........ 12,935.00 UNIVERSAL LENDING CORPORATION ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,466.00 VICTORIA ROSE SHEETS ................Community Programs........... 50.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 532.74 WALTER ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ ....Community Programs......... 100.00 WESTON ENTERPRISES INC ..........Services and Other.......... 2,018.95 WEX BANK.........................................Community Programs...... 2,765.39 ZOLA SAULSBERRY .........................Community Programs........... 30.00 FUND REPORT - 16 Road and Bridge 1ST CLASS TOWING.........................Services and Other............. 255.00 ALLEGRO COFFEE COMPANY ........Supplies................................ 72.05 ALSCO ...............................................Supplies........................... 3,979.77 AT&T MOBILITY II LLC ......................Services and Other............. 397.99 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT ............................................................MISC. ................................. 528.92 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other.......... 1,629.79 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other...... 551,018.69 CITY OF CENTENNIAL......................Services and Other...... 328,490.92 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ..Services and Other........ 48,276.17 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.....................Services and Other...... 104,372.48 CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE ....Services and Other...... 173,825.47 CITY OF LITTLETON .........................Services and Other...... 123,917.38 CITY OF SHERIDAN ..........................Services and Other........ 17,655.32 COLORADO ASPHALT SERVICES INC ............................................................Supplies........................... 5,865.75 DENCO SALES CO............................Supplies.............................. 884.76 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS INC...Supplies........................... 1,380.80 ENGLEWOOD PROPANE LLC ..........Supplies................................ 83.90 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Supplies........................... 1,578.56 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies........................... 1,020.40 GREATWOOD LUMBER AND HARDWARE ............................................................Supplies................................ 87.55 IDENTITY INC ....................................Supplies.............................. 104.97 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. ......Services and Other........ 52,344.05 JK TRANSPORTS INC .......................Services and Other...... 164,149.44 JOHNSON STORAGE .......................Services and Other............. 275.00 KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE CO .......Supplies....................... 340,070.38 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ..Supplies........................... 1,173.09 LUMIN8 TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................Services and Other........ 10,102.11 MACHOL & JOHANNES ....................MISC. ................................. 277.96 MATHESON TRIGAS INC ..................Supplies.............................. 155.80 NORTHERN IMPORTS ......................Supplies.............................. 300.00 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF SW ............................................................Services and Other............. 521.50 OXFORD RECYCLING INC ...............Supplies................................ 77.04 ROADSAFE TRAFFIC SYSTEMS .....Supplies.............................. 733.00 ROCKET SUPPLY ..............................Supplies.............................. 560.50 ROTH SHANNON ..............................Services and Other.......... 2,800.00 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other............. 329.06 TIMOTHY A SCOTT ...........................Supplies........................... 4,496.40 TOWN OF BENNETT .........................Services and Other............. 920.06 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY ......Services and Other.......... 7,223.26 TOWN OF DEER TRAIL.....................Services and Other.......... 1,046.24 TOWN OF FOXFIELD ........................Services and Other.......... 2,995.16 TRINITY SCS INC ..............................Supplies.............................. 346.16 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF ............................................................Services and Other............. 122.76 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 506.50 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 365.52 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other.......... 1,705.84 FUND REPORT - 20 Sheriff’s Commissary ARAMARK CHICAGO LOCKBOX......Services and Other.......... 5,008.45 ARAPAHOE LIBRARY DISTRICT ......Services and Other.......... 9,752.50 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,153.19 COMCAST..........................................Services and Other............. 105.00 DEBRA RENEE TYGRETT ................Services and Other.......... 1,267.50 THE DENVER POST..........................Services and Other.......... 1,088.00 USA TODAY .......................................Services and Other............. 114.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 44.14 WELLPATH LLC .................................Services and Other.......... 7,764.42 FUND REPORT - 21 Community Development A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Capital Outlay ..................... 704.00 BROTHERS REDEVELOPMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 12,431.24 EAST CHERRY CREEK VALLEY ......Services and Other............. 158.80 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Services and Other........ 16,504.51 GRACEFULL FOUNDATION..............Services and Other.......... 4,030.97 IMPACT DEVELOPMENT FUND .......Services and Other.......... 4,000.00 INTEGRATED FAMILY COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,664.50 TIMOTHY M NOWAK .........................Services and Other.......... 1,800.00 VILLAGER NEWSPAPER GROUP ....Services and Other............... 45.74 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 28.90 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other............. 224.39 FUND REPORT - 25 Developmental Disability DEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS ........Services and Other... 3,507,082.04 FUND REPORT - 26 Grants AAA LONGHORN ELMWOOD LLC ...Community Programs...... 7,330.00 ALSCO ...............................................Supplies.............................. 220.98 ALTOS REALTY ADVISORS INC .......Community Programs...... 8,121.95 AREL DENVER ll LP ..........................Community Programs...... 5,735.00 ARTWALK OWNER LLC ....................Community Programs...... 3,964.51 ASCENTIA REAL ESTATE HOLDING ............................................................Community Programs.... 30,823.00 ASSET PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 6,145.00 ATLAS REAL ESTATE GROUP..........Community Programs.... 12,818.30 AURORA COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY ............................................................Services and Other........ 27,834.16 April Stones ........................................Services and Other............. 304.74 BELLEVIEW TWO HOLDINGS ..........Community Programs...... 4,261.83 BENZER CO 1 LLC ............................Community Programs.... 11,448.15 BLDG II MANAGEMENT CO , LLC ....Community Programs.... 27,578.73 BRIDGE WF CO ESPRIT CHERRY CREEK LL ............................................................Community Programs...... 5,230.98 BRIDGE WF II CO PEMBROOKE GREEN LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,961.00 BROADWAY LOFTS LLLP .................Community Programs...... 6,843.00 Bambi Shropshire ...............................Services and Other............. 244.34 Brenda Simons ...................................Services and Other............... 99.33 CA PEAKVIEW OWNER LCC ............Community Programs.... 59,152.09 CAH INVESTMENTS LLC ..................Community Programs...... 8,048.00 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 412.02 CH GREENWOOD POINT COMMUNITIES LLC ............................................................Community Programs.... 22,875.60 CHILDRENS HOSPITAL COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other........ 11,559.73 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other............. 200.41 CLEARFORK REALTY CORPORATION ............................................................Community Programs...... 8,997.78 CLI COLORADO LLC .........................Community Programs...... 3,777.62 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ............................................................MISC. ................................. 587.78 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES INC ...........Supplies.............................. 560.58 COMCOR INC ....................................Community Programs...... 4,144.32 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Community Programs.... 94,062.14 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTERS INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 17,930.00 CORECIVIC LLC ................................Community Programs.. 216,408.04

LEGALS CORECIVIC LLC ................................Services and Other.......... 7,041.20 COSGROVE MECHANICAL LLC .......Services and Other.......... 9,135.00 CSH PROPERTY ONE LLC ...............Community Programs.... 11,871.20 Chanetta Philbert ................................Services and Other............... 59.85 DENVER WATER ...............................Community Programs......... 597.13 DONATELLI AND KLEIN INC ETAL PTRS ............................................................Community Programs.... 24,322.00 Denise Holter ......................................Services and Other............... 75.26 ENGLEWOOD 312 OWNER LLC ......Community Programs.... 12,257.73 ENGLEWOOD UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ............................................................Community Programs........... 95.29 Eloisa Altamira ....................................Services and Other............... 72.26 FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER DENVER IN ............................................................Community Programs.... 27,284.42 GALBRAITHS FAMILY LLP ................Community Programs...... 2,800.00 GALLUP HOLDINGS FOUR INVESTMENTS ............................................................Community Programs...... 5,266.88 GARD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,245.00 GARFIELD COUNTY .........................Community Programs......... 439.76 GRACE MANAGEMENT ....................Community Programs.... 22,714.50 GREENTREE VILLAGE LLC..............Community Programs...... 2,793.51 GRID ALTERNATIVES .......................Services and Other........ 84,265.50 Gabriel Ruiz ........................................Services and Other............. 299.60 H & A PROPERTIES LLC ...................Services and Other.......... 8,589.45 HERMAN 16528 LLC .........................Community Programs...... 2,590.00 HOALOHA WINDERMERE ................Community Programs...... 4,015.00 HOLIDAY MOTEL LLC .......................Community Programs.... 24,650.00 HOME COMFORT INSULATION .......Services and Other........ 12,764.76 IMT CAPITAL IV CORNERSTAR RANCH LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 7,173.58 INTERVENTION COMMUNITY..........Community Programs...... 1,251.54 INTREPID VENTURE GROUP LLC ...Services and Other...... 106,950.00 J & R WOOD PRODUCTS INC ..........Supplies........................... 1,779.03 KEY PROPERTY MANAGER.............Community Programs...... 4,926.00 KFED DOR 85B LLC ..........................Community Programs.... 22,330.47 LARIMER COUNTY ...........................Community Programs...... 1,438.80 LMC VALLAGIO III HOLDINGS LLC ..Community Programs...... 6,578.21 LOHMILLER AND COMPANY ............MISC. ................................. 789.54 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ..MISC. .............................. 1,726.40 LOWES COMMERCIAL SERVICES ..Supplies........................... 4,719.29 Lauren Thomas ..................................Services and Other................. 7.11 MESA COUNTY .................................Community Programs......... 479.60 MIG RE INVESTORS 1 LLC ..............Community Programs.... 25,047.83 MIG RE INVESTORSILLC .................Community Programs...... 3,796.87 MINOL INC .........................................Community Programs...... 1,309.70 MONTGOMERY INSULATION INC....Services and Other.......... 4,541.44 MORTON ASSOCIATES LLC.............Community Programs...... 5,830.00 Marissa Bovee ....................................Services and Other............... 20.72 OLGA MEKSIN ...................................Community Programs...... 4,050.00 OXFORD STATION ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 4,059.97 PACIFICCAL PC CORE LLC ..............Community Programs...... 5,692.22 PATHFINDER LITTLETON HOLDINGS LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 9,121.99 PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION ..Community Programs...... 3,506.16 PHS RENT LLC ..................................Community Programs...... 1,250.00 PINNACLE AT MOUNTAIN GATE LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,008.04 POPULUM REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 1,600.75 PPF AMLI DEVCO LLC ......................Community Programs.... 31,285.72 PRENTICE PLACE LOFTS LP...........Community Programs...... 3,324.00 Peter DeAngelis..................................Services and Other............. 264.88 REGINA BOSMA/PETTY CASH ........Supplies.............................. 265.66 REGINALD M GAMLIN ......................Community Programs.... 10,500.00 RICHMARK HOLDINGS INC .............Community Programs...... 6,093.80 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................ 62.80 RONALD W STREHLOW ...................Community Programs.... 10,220.00 RRE FOX RIDE HOLDINGS LLC.......Community Programs...... 8,299.33 SARAH MAX APARTMENTS .............Community Programs...... 1,295.00 SOUTHWEST COLORADO COMMUNITY ............................................................Community Programs......... 285.00 STARIKA INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP LLLP ............................................................Community Programs...... 8,865.00 SUNROAD MEZZ APARTMENTS PARTNERSHIP ............................................................Community Programs.... 10,459.75 TRADITIONS AT ENGLEWOOD LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 5,010.00 TRAVIS AVILA ....................................Community Programs.... 11,500.00 TREA SH VENTURE LLC ..................Community Programs...... 8,815.00 TYCO FIRE & SECURITY (US) .........Services and Other............. 201.94 Teresa Marlowe ..................................Services and Other............... 19.36 UNITED WHOLESALE MORTGAGE LLC ............................................................Community Programs...... 2,762.94 URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD DENVER HELIX LLC ............................................................Community Programs.... 12,568.60 VIA MOBILITY SERVICES .................Services and Other........ 26,302.86 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 167.28 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 200.25 WATERFIELD COURT GARDENS LP ............................................................Community Programs...... 6,856.46 WELLPATH LLC .................................Services and Other........ 11,794.75 WELLPATH LLC .................................Supplies......................... 11,794.75 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE ............................................................Community Programs......... 670.56 WESTDALE SUNBELT PROPERTIES LTD ............................................................Community Programs...... 6,191.84 WILLOW MISS DEVELOPMENT INC ............................................................Community Programs...... 4,920.00 WINDERMERE ONE HOLDINGS ......Community Programs...... 1,275.00 WINDSONG APARTMENTS LLC .......Community Programs...... 1,005.00 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Community Programs...... 3,861.67 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other............. 375.16 XIAOSHENG CHEN ...........................Community Programs...... 4,700.00 ZARIN HOSPITALITY GROUP INC ...Community Programs.... 22,750.00 FUND REPORT - 28 Open Space Sales Tax ACTION CARE AMBULANCE, INC....Services and Other............. 450.00 AG WASSENAAR INC .......................Services and Other.......... 3,177.50 AMERICAN BACKFLOW CONSULTING & ............................................................Services and Other............. 412.78 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 340.38 Brett Collins ........................................Services and Other............. 178.08 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 936.64 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2 ...........Services and Other............. 730.85 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other............. 398.23 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC Services and Other.......... 6,780.00 COLORADO DESIGNSCAPES INC ..Services and Other.......... 1,200.00 CONCRETE EXPRESS INC ..............Services and Other........ 33,912.25 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC .................Services and Other............. 578.57 DENVER METRO CONVENTION & ..Services and Other............. 300.00 DESIGN WORKSHOP INC ................Services and Other.......... 1,488.00 DHM DESIGN CORPORATION .........Services and Other.......... 4,157.50 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 14,674.32 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS INC ............................................................Supplies........................... 1,093.50 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY..........MISC. ................................. 431.06 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG .....Services and Other........ 16,765.66 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies........................... 1,718.70 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Supplies........................... 1,154.98 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION ......Services and Other.......... 6,262.00 JILL MARIE SCHLADWEILER ...........Services and Other............. 350.00 KATHRYN SCOTT PHOTOGRAPHY LLC ............................................................Services and Other............. 250.00 MCGOFFIN MARKETING INC ...........Services and Other............... 45.00 MEGAN HENSON ..............................MISC. ................................... 75.00 PURE CYCLE CORPORATION .........Services and Other.......... 1,981.86 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Services and Other............... 72.95 ROTH SHANNON ..............................Services and Other............. 410.00 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other.......... 3,931.25 SAFFIRE LLC .....................................Services and Other.......... 2,266.50 SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT...................Supplies................................ 56.40 Sandra Bottoms ..................................Services and Other............. 157.29 THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC ............................................................Services and Other............... 97.80 THE STEVEN MANSHEL BAND LLC ............................................................Services and Other............. 350.00 TIMOTHY W BOWERS ......................Services and Other.......... 4,891.25 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................. 131.50 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 197.00 WEED WRANGLERS.........................Services and Other............. 258.20 WENK ASSOCIATES INC ..................MISC. .............................. 6,584.75 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other........ 14,043.43 YESENIA IBARRA ..............................MISC. ................................. 650.00 FUND REPORT - 29 Homeland Security - North Central C SCOTT KELLAR .............................Services and Other........ 11,585.00 CADWELL IRREVOCABLE TRUST III ............................................................Services and Other............. 778.92 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ...................Services and Other............. 172.64 CENTER FOR INTERNET SECURITY INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,700.00

CHARLES SCOTT KELLAR...............Services and Other.......... 1,328.54 CRITIGEN LLC ...................................Services and Other.......... 3,052.50 EON OFFICE PRODUCTS ................Services and Other............... 71.18 MIRION TECHNOLOGIES INC ..........MISC. ............................ 37,800.00 PEST PREDATOR LLC ......................Services and Other............. 120.00 RICHARD C PRICE............................Services and Other.......... 5,499.92 RT COSTILLA ASSOCIATES LLC......Services and Other.......... 9,737.91 SAFE SOFTWARE INC ......................Services and Other.......... 2,800.00 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP .............Services and Other........ 83,058.42 STEPHANY JUNEAU .........................Services and Other............. 156.30 TIME CREATORS INC .......................Services and Other............. 150.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 36.80 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other............. 236.01 FUND REPORT - 33 Building Maintenance Fund A & A TRADIN POST INC ...................Services and Other............... 62.38 ALLISON AND HAINEY INC ..............Services and Other............. 275.00 ATCO MANUFACTURING COMPANY ............................................................Supplies.............................. 156.00 BIG TOOL BOX ..................................Services and Other................. 3.56 BOLDER ENERGY ENGINEERS LLC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,383.75 CENTURYLINK ..................................Services and Other.......... 1,037.13 CFM SUPPLY COMPANY ..................Services and Other............... 97.00 CHARLES D JONES & CO INC .........Services and Other.......... 1,697.34 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC .................Services and Other.......... 4,368.03 DENFAB .............................................Services and Other.......... 1,690.00 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ............................................................Services and Other............... 30.00 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE ..Services and Other.......... 2,677.85 DS WATERS OF AMERICA INC ........Supplies.................................. 8.99 ELECTRI TEK LLC .............................Services and Other.......... 5,853.34 FASTENAL COMPANY ......................Services and Other............... 57.64 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES INC ............................................................Services and Other............. 560.00 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES INC ............................................................Supplies.............................. 280.00 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC .................Services and Other.......... 1,987.77 GRAINGER ........................................Services and Other.......... 1,644.22 GRAINGER ........................................Supplies.............................. 699.87 HOME DEPOT USA INC ....................Supplies........................... 6,062.59 HORIZON ...........................................Services and Other............. 603.24 IMPACT FIRE SERVICES LLC ..........Services and Other.......... 1,599.00 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS............Services and Other............. 536.36 JOHN W GASPARINI INC ..................Services and Other............. 877.73 KEESEN LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 9,297.79 MOHAWK FACTORING II INC ...........Services and Other........ 80,975.24 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY.........Services and Other.......... 2,781.43 PEST PREDATOR LLC ......................Services and Other.......... 1,670.00 PURLEVEL LLC .................................Services and Other............. 900.00 RAMPART SUPPLY INC ....................Services and Other............. 562.22 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOTTLED WATER ............................................................Supplies................................ 32.87 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARKING LOT ..Services and Other............. 665.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PORTABLE COOLING INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,865.00 SAVATREE .........................................Services and Other.......... 7,072.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS ........................Services and Other............. 622.45 SOLSBURY HILL LLC ........................Services and Other.......... 1,265.36 SUMMIT LABORATORIES INC..........Services and Other.......... 4,480.00 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO ..........Services and Other............... 99.97 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO..........Services and Other............. 525.94 UNITED REFRIGERATION INC.........Services and Other.......... 1,106.84 FUND REPORT - 34 Fair Fund AMBERG ENTERTAINMENT COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other.......... 7,001.00 ANDREA JACKSON ...........................Services and Other............. 100.00 ASOCIACION CHARROS LAS DELICIAS INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 12,500.00 BENT BARLEY BREWING CO, LLC ..Supplies.............................. 200.00 BLUE SPRUCE BREWING COMPANY ............................................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 BRIANNA MACKEY............................Services and Other............. 115.00 CARL STEITZ .....................................Services and Other............. 125.00 CASSEY ANDERSON ........................Services and Other............. 125.00 CODE 4 SECURITY SERVICES LLC Services and Other........ 15,343.00 COLORADO DELIVERS ....................Services and Other.......... 1,500.00 COLORADO EVENT TRAFFIC ..........Services and Other........ 21,434.85 COLORADO GARDEN TRACTOR ....Services and Other............. 500.00 COLORADO WORD WORKS INC .....Services and Other............. 730.00 CONNIE CECIL ..................................Services and Other............. 100.00 COPPER KETTLE BREWING COMPANY ............................................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 COURTNEY LEPLATT .......................Services and Other............... 75.00 DAISY BOULTER ...............................Services and Other............. 125.00 DISTINCTIVE THREADS INC ............Supplies........................... 4,233.53 DR JAMIE AKERS ..............................Services and Other............. 100.00 DRY DOCK BREWING CO ................Supplies.............................. 200.00 EAGLE ROCK DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LLC ............................................................Supplies......................... 11,754.65 ELITE BRANDS OF COLORADO INC ............................................................Supplies........................... 3,635.52 ENTRAVISION COMMUNICATIONS .Services and Other.......... 8,499.50 FRED BEARDSLEE ...........................Services and Other............. 100.00 GRUVI ................................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 JACKASS HILL BREWERY................Supplies.............................. 200.00 JADE MOUNTAIN BEWING CO, LLC ............................................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 JIM N NICKS DENVER LLC...............Supplies........................... 7,829.75 JULIA HURDELBRINK .......................Services and Other............... 75.00 K DIANE SWABBY-CAHILL................Services and Other............. 100.00 KARA RUDNICK.................................Services and Other............. 100.00 Kathy McCarrie ...................................Services and Other............. 125.00 LAUNCH PAD BREWERY..................Supplies.............................. 200.00 LISA MASON ......................................Services and Other............. 100.00 LONE CREEK FARMS INC ................Services and Other.......... 4,000.00 LYNDA DIRKSE..................................Services and Other............. 125.00 MCGOFFIN MARKETING INC ...........Services and Other........ 12,208.50 MICHELLE WILSON ..........................Services and Other............. 100.00 MILE HIGH GOLF CARS ...................Services and Other.......... 6,220.00 MILLER RODEO COMPANY .............Services and Other........ 14,250.00 MITZI TOLMAN ..................................Services and Other............. 100.00 NATIONAL SLED PULLERS ASSOCIATION L ............................................................Services and Other........ 15,000.00 NURF TERF LLC................................Services and Other.......... 4,000.00 OLIVIA BARDEN ................................Services and Other............. 115.00 PATRICIA JENKINS ...........................Services and Other............. 125.00 PATRICK A EMERINE ........................Services and Other........ 26,580.00 PATTIE LINDSAY ...............................Services and Other............. 125.00 PAUL A BORRILLO ............................Services and Other.......... 3,000.00 PEACHY FARMS INC ........................Services and Other.......... 3,000.00 PEAK VIEW BREWING CO, LLC.......Supplies.............................. 200.00 RADIO RESOURCE INC....................Services and Other.......... 1,025.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TRACTOR PULLERS ............................................................Services and Other............. 500.00 SAFFIRE LLC .....................................Services and Other.......... 1,074.41 SAM LOWRY......................................Services and Other............. 100.00 SANDY SAWYER ...............................Services and Other............. 100.00 SARA GREER ....................................Services and Other............. 125.00 TRI STATE FIREWORKS INC ............Services and Other........ 14,000.00 TWO22 BREW ...................................Supplies.............................. 200.00 WAGNER’S CARNIVAL LLC ..............Services and Other...... 270,795.00 WELCOME HOME BREWERY ..........Supplies.............................. 200.00 FUND REPORT - 41 Capital Expenditure A2M4SEEN LLP .................................Capital Outlay ..................... 865.04 ABEAM CONSULTING USA LTD .......MISC. ............................ 38,175.00 ATOM PHYSICS .................................MISC. ................................. 300.00 COLORADO NETWORK CABLING AND CCTV ............................................................Capital Outlay ..................... 581.40 EST INC .............................................Capital Outlay ..................... 748.68 GATEWAY AIR WEST INC .................Services and Other................. 8.18 GERALD H PHIPPS INC ....................MISC. ............................ 82,832.40 JAMES R HOWELL & CO INC ...........Capital Outlay .............. 171,756.88 KONE INC ..........................................MISC. ............................ 49,587.15 TI DRP LLC ........................................Services and Other.......... 5,500.00 WOLD ARCHITECTS INCORPORATED ............................................................Capital Outlay ..................... 861.25 FUND REPORT - 42 Infrastructure CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER .....Services and Other........ 17,850.00 FELSBURG HOLT AND ULLEVIG .....Services and Other........ 38,172.59 JALISCO INTERNATIONAL, INC. ......Services and Other........ 29,301.50 SEMA CONSTRUCTION INC ............Services and Other...... 531,940.62 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INCORP ............................................................Services and Other........ 25,664.45 FUND REPORT - 43 Arapahoe County Recreation Distri ARAPAHOE COUNTY WATER AND ..Services and Other........ 26,634.57 CHERRY CREEK VALLEY .................Services and Other.......... 1,785.58 CITY OF AURORA .............................Services and Other........ 44,000.00 COLORADO DESIGNSCAPES INC ..Services and Other............. 533.60 CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC .................Services and Other............. 578.58 ENGLEWOOD LOCK AND SAFE INC ............................................................Supplies................................ 28.90

— Continued to next page —

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LEGALS —Continued from previous page— JOSEPH KALICKI ..............................Services and Other............. 146.71 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EXCAVATING INC ............................................................Services and Other........ 24,731.50 S & B CONFLUENCE CO LLC...........Services and Other.......... 2,188.20 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................MISC. ................................... 36.80 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF DENVER ............................................................Services and Other............. 902.73 WEED WRANGLERS.........................Services and Other............. 811.12 XCEL ENERGY ..................................Services and Other.......... 2,543.69 FUND REPORT - 44 Arap. County Water and Wastewater UMB BANK NA ...................................Services and Other............. 300.00 FUND REPORT - 62 Lease Purchase Agreement Fund ARBITRAGE COMPLIANCE ..............Services and Other............. 750.00 FUND REPORT - 70 Central Services ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................MISC. ................................. 511.32 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS INC ............................................................MISC. ................................. 952.67 BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES LLC ......MISC. ................................. 346.46 BOWIE INTERNATONAL LLC............MISC. ............................ 19,269.00 COLORADO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CO ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,703.65 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS ................MISC. ................................. 902.43 FEDEX................................................MISC. ................................. 195.99 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES ...........MISC. ............................ 16,405.38 HILL ENTERPRISES INC ..................MISC. .......................... 102,330.04 JACK’S TIRE & OIL MANAGEMENT CO INC ............................................................MISC. .............................. 8,121.28 NAPA AUTO PARTS ...........................MISC. .............................. 1,085.92 NATIONWIDE AUTO PARTS .............MISC. .............................. 2,530.06 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC ............MISC. ................................... 75.00 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SERVICES INC ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,325.83 SPRADLEY BARR FORD ..................MISC. .......................... 184,513.00 VICKERY YAMAHA INC .....................MISC. ................................... 81.96 VISTA FD LLC ....................................MISC. ................................. 706.96 FUND REPORT - 71 Self-Insurance Liability

ALL TRUCK AND TRAILER PARTS (ATTP) ............................................................Services and Other.......... 1,144.00 AXIOM COLORADO LLC ...................Services and Other........ 23,919.87 ELECTRI TEK LLC .............................Services and Other.......... 1,739.70 FIRST ARMORED SERVICES ...........Services and Other.......... 3,778.03 MAZZO CORPORATION ...................Services and Other.......... 7,604.88 NAPA AUTO PARTS ...........................Services and Other............. 797.45 OJ WATSON COMPANY INC ............Services and Other............. 463.80 ROCKY MOUNTAIN H-D MOTOR CO ............................................................Services and Other............. 514.96 VISTA FD LLC ....................................Services and Other.......... 1,333.30 FUND REPORT - 73 Self-Insurance Workers Comp CANNON COCHRAN MANAGEMENT ............................................................Services and Other........ 97,598.09 MR MARK EDSON .............................Services and Other............. 100.00 PATRICIA SAVAGIAN .........................Services and Other............. 100.00 FUND REPORT - 74 Self-Insurance Dental ALERUS FINANCIAL NA....................Services and Other.......... 2,148.16 DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF COLORADO ............................................................Services and Other........ 60,577.41 RETIREMENT PLANNING SERVICES INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,333.00 VISION SERVICE PLAN ....................Services and Other............. 157.75 FUND REPORT - 84 E-911 Authority 911 SOLUTIONS INC .........................Services and Other.......... 1,235.00 BRUCE ROMERO ..............................Services and Other............... 90.00 CENTURYLINK ..................................Services and Other........ 21,269.24 CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE ....Services and Other.......... 1,750.00 CONVERGEONE, INC .......................Services and Other........ 31,166.13 DEER TRAIL RURAL FIRE PROTECTION ............................................................Services and Other........ 61,884.99 EMERGENCY POWER SERVICES CO INC ............................................................Services and Other.......... 5,031.00 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES ...........Services and Other............. 773.24 SOUTH METRO FIRE RESCUE FIRE ............................................................Services and Other.......... 4,500.00 TACITO DESIGN INC .........................Services and Other.......... 3,134.33 TDS LONG DISTANCE CORPORATION ............................................................Services and Other............. 290.10 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS ....Services and Other.......... 4,829.98 VOIANCE LANGUAGE SERVICES LLC

............................................................Services and Other............. 403.82 FUND REPORT - 91 Treasurer CITY OF AURORA .............................MISC. ....................... 2,196,847.51 CITY OF CENTENNIAL......................MISC. .......................... 542,583.31 CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ..MISC. .......................... 106,461.17 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD.....................MISC. .......................... 234,813.55 CITY OF GLENDALE .........................MISC. ............................ 35,481.17 CITY OF LITTLETON FINANCE DEPT ............................................................MISC. .......................... 260,251.74 CITY OF SHERIDAN ..........................MISC. ............................ 64,578.92 COLO DEPT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT ............................................................MISC. .............................. 1,464.00 COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE ....MISC. ....................... 5,563,096.24 COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ............................................................MISC. ................................... 25.00 STATE OF COLORADO HUMAN SERVICES ............................................................MISC. .............................. 9,760.00 TOWN OF COLUMBINE VALLEY ......MISC. ............................ 11,228.06 TOWN OF FOXFIELD ........................MISC. .............................. 2,430.44 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) S.S. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) I, JOAN LOPEZ, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND EX OFFICIO CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN AND FOR THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING IS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE LISTS OF COUNTY WARRANTS ALLOWED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES UNDER THE DATES OF 07/01/2021 THROUGH 07/31/2021 DRAWN FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERE UNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE SAID COUNTY AT LITTLETON THIS 08/04/2021. JOAN LOPEZ, CLERK TO THE BOARD Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10342

ARAPAHOE COUNTY SALARIES PAID IN JUNE Wages Paid to Arapahoe County Employees and Officials in June 2021. Benefits average approximately 28% of wages.” Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sergeant ....................... $8,580.00 Detention Crew Leader $3,452.80 Event & Business Development Coordinator ............... $5,289.33 Social Caseworker B .... $5,820.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Oil & Gas Specialist ...... $8,473.81 Kinship Navigator Assistant ....................................... $4,362.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,061.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Building Inspector II ...... $5,917.60 Sergeant ....................... $8,644.13 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,333.33 Program Specialist II .... $3,315.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,214.63 Sr. Welfare Fraud Investigator ....................................... $5,440.93 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,413.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Manager of Business Analysis ... ................................. $10,976.31 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $5,653.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 GIS Technician ............. $4,142.67 CSS Admin ................... $6,719.20 Mgr of EIM/Solutions Develop. ..................................... $11,729.88 Program Specialist II .... $3,248.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Records Supervisor ...... $6,136.00 Inmate Services Technician .... .................................. $5,004.13 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 CSE Specialist .............. $3,780.40 Program Specialist II .... $3,348.80 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $3,638.27 Business Associate I ..... $3,315.87 Admin Supv Assessor ... $7,390.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,458.13 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $3,501.33 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Road & Bridge Supervisor ....................................... $5,564.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,413.33 Social Caseworker B .... $4,936.19 Budget & Financial Analysis Supervisor ................. $7,208.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Victim Advocate ............ $2,083.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Appraiser III - Residential ....................................... $5,863.87 Building Inspector I ....... $5,461.73 Road Maintenance Technician III ....................................... $4,832.53 Records Mgmt Specialist ....................................... $5,923.67 Business Associate III ... $3,702.40 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Child and Family Supervisor .... .................................. $5,628.50 Building Inspector I ....... $5,522.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Accounting Supervisor .. $6,707.94 Undersheriff ................ $13,853.00 Facility Utility Worker .... $3,336.67 Parts Specialist ............. $4,421.73 Executive Assistant ....... $5,678.40 Tax Compliance Rep. ... $4,160.00 Sr Assist Co Attorney .. $10,435.23 Deputy Sheriff ............... $4,759.73 Mechanic ...................... $4,494.53 Detention Maintenance Foreman .... .................................. $6,401.20 Custodian ..................... $2,996.93 Road & Bridge Supervisor ....................................... $5,531.07 Custodian ..................... $1,318.20 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $3,638.27 Asst Appraisal SupervisorCommercial ............. $7,564.96 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Operations Administrator .... .................................. $6,741.06 CSE - Supervisor .......... $6,848.66 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $4,134.00 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ....................................... $3,352.27

Social Caseworker Associate .......................................$3,553.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Operations Manager ..... $9,570.43 Appraiser II - Residential .... ..................................$4,166.93 Kinship Navigator ......... $3,485.73 Motor Vehicle Specialist $3,191.07 Colorado Works Assessment Spec $4,383.60 Social Caseworker B .... $4,866.14 CSE Specialist .............. $4,151.33 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,366.40 Detention Maintenance Foreman .... ..................................$6,739.20 Administrative Specialist .... ..................................$4,957.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Detention Maintenance Technician .......................................$4,125.33 Social Caseworker C .... $5,890.86 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,759.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Applications Support Spec. .......................................$7,043.08 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Plans Examiner I .......... $5,806.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Sr Network Systems Engineer .....................................$10,334.46 Administrative Support Specialist .......................................$3,770.00 Program Specialist Supervisor .......................................$5,583.87 Sergeant ....................... $9,041.07 Social Caseworker C .... $6,252.65 Evidence Technician ..... $4,073.33 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .... ..................................$5,333.47 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$4,971.20 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Kinship Navigator Assistant ....................................... $3,211.87 Hum Svcs Bus Process Analyst .......................................$6,548.99 Program Specialist II .... $4,428.67 Administrative Technician .......................................$3,759.60 Paralegal ...................... $5,888.13 Program Specialist Lead .... ..................................$4,064.67 Sergeant ....................... $9,474.40 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,759.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints .... ..................................$6,370.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,460.00 Social Caseworker C .... $6,455.69 Communications Technician II .... ..................................$5,950.53 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,614.00 Social Caseworker B .... $2,928.90 Purchasing Manager .... $9,985.19 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,404.27 Business Associate II .... $3,804.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Communications Technician II .......................................$4,985.07 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,000.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,607.07 Social Caseworker B... $4,577.00 Child and Family Supervisor .... ..................................$6,387.92 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... ..................................$3,120.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Social Caseworker B .... $4,886.25 Sr HR Business Partner .... ..................................$7,639.80 Sr. Administrative Assistant .......................................$4,151.33 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $5,194.80 Business Associate III ... $3,941.60 Deputy Director of Elections .......................................$8,340.39 Pretrial Compliance & Systems Auditor ...................... $7,159.12 Detention Operations Technician .... ..................................$3,766.53 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .... ..................................$3,776.93 Lieutenant ................... $10,416.97 Child and Family Supervisor .... ..................................$7,923.18 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Child and Family Supervisor .... ..................................$6,523.53 Appraiser II - Residential .... ..................................$4,667.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,579.27

Best Interest Determination Coordinator .............. $3,352.27 Learning & Development Program Manager .................... $9,036.60 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$6,607.34 Road Maintenance Technician II .......................................$4,291.73 Open Spaces Planning Administrator ............ $8,020.68 Operations Supervisor .. $6,033.73 Accreditation Manager .. $8,135.75 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 GIS Technician ............. $3,976.27 Lieutenant ..................... $9,986.56 Business Associate I ..... $3,230.93 Engineer II .................... $7,333.34 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,555.76 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Engineer III ................... $7,817.38 Detention Crew Leader $3,856.67 Associate Project Manager .......................................$5,663.32 Social Caseworker C .... $6,711.90 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,638.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,099.33 Field Tech III ................. $5,723.47 Program Specialist II .... $4,182.53 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Community Corr Specialist .......................................$4,385.33 Desktop Technician ...... $5,338.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Captain ....................... $11,912.72 Finance Supervisor ....... $7,386.32 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,776.93 Business Associate III ... $4,270.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Medical Investigator ...... $4,560.40 Technical Service Analyst .......................................$4,938.27 GIS Administrator ......... $7,146.04 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Social Caseworker B .... $4,836.04 County Attorney .......... $18,982.99 Investigative Paralegal . $6,673.33 Accountant III ................ $5,930.23 Road Maintenance Technician II .......................................$4,352.40 Appraiser III - Residential .......................................$5,869.07 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $5,752.05 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Program Specialist II .... $3,783.87 Business Associate I ..... $3,473.60 Social Caseworker B .... $5,750.44 Motor Vehicle Supervisor .......................................$4,674.82 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,640.27 Deputy Director of Records .......................................$8,772.55 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Fairgrounds Site Manager .......................................$6,721.89 Business Associate I ..... $2,896.40 Lieutenant ................... $10,934.89 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,118.40 Software Configuration Administrator ............ $5,976.71 Database Analyst .......... $5,343.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Accountant I .................. $4,865.47 Building Division Manager .....................................$10,689.21 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Fairgrounds Ops & Events Technician ................ $3,820.27 Business Associate III - Technical .......................................$3,780.40 CAPS Section Manager .... ..................................$9,412.56 Scheduling & Client Relations Specialist .................. $3,640.00 Custodian ..................... $3,146.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,413.33 Social Caseworker B .... $5,418.77 Program Specialist Lead .... ..................................$4,359.33 Housing Comm Dev Sr Resources Div Mgr ..................... $9,515.03 Social Caseworker Associate .... ..................................$3,451.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $4,759.73 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$4,967.73 Business Associate II .... $3,191.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sergeant ....................... $8,448.27 Fairgrounds Ops & Events Technician ................ $3,851.47

Lieutenant ................... $10,059.34 Program Specialist II .... $3,348.80 Business Associate III ... $4,270.93 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,702.53 Business Associate III ... $3,589.73 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,420.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Senior Program Specialist .......................................$4,030.00 Paralegal ...................... $4,430.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .... ..................................$4,971.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Quality Assurance & Compl Specialist ................. $4,420.00 CSE Specialist .............. $4,919.20 Election Judge Coordinator .......................................$3,686.80 Kinship Navigator Assistant .......................................$3,173.73 Deputy Emergency Manager .... ..................................$7,730.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,573.09 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Program Specialist Lead .... ..................................$4,648.80 Accountant III ................ $6,833.36 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,605.33 Communications Supervisor .......................................$7,806.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,638.27 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,269.20 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Business Associate II .... $3,120.00 Purchasing Agent ......... $4,800.92 Business Associate III ... $4,660.93 Social Caseworker B .... $5,321.49 Business Associate III ... $4,078.53 Medical Investigator ...... $6,742.67 Crime Analyst II ............ $6,848.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Program Accounting Specialist .......................................$5,373.33 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,413.33 Social Caseworker B .... $5,138.23 Communications Technician I - RECRUIT ................ $3,537.73 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$5,610.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Road Maintenance Technician I .......................................$3,380.00 Sr Assist Co Attorney .. $10,822.89 Program Specialist II .... $3,482.27 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Pre Trial Officer ............. $5,302.27 Practice Coach ............. $5,065.34 Accounting Technician .. $4,279.60 Business Associate I ..... $3,192.80 Data Collector ............... $4,584.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,550.78 Program Specialist Lead .... ..................................$5,579.60 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,419.87 Program Specialist II .... $3,731.87 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support .... ..................................$5,666.22 Social Caseworker B .... $5,453.89 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,381.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,991.87 Sr ACSES Liaison/Trainer .......................................$6,068.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,364.80 Homemaker .................. $3,562.00 Open Spaces Director $14,366.21 Digital Communications Specialist ................. $6,771.74 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Business System Appraisal Analyst ..................... $8,019.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,482.27 Benefits Analyst ............ $7,483.62 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,035.20 Sergeant ....................... $8,838.27 CSS Admin ................... $6,574.01 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker C .... $6,430.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Manager of Network Systems .... ................................ $11,913.09 CSE - Supervisor .......... $5,235.08 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47

Courier .......................... $2,938.00 Business Associate I ..... $2,693.60 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Building Inspector I ....... $5,373.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Road Maintenance Technician I .... .................................. $3,466.67 Mechanic Supervisor .... $5,692.27 Victim Assistance Coordinator .... .................................. $5,974.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Election Service Manager ....................................... $7,620.82 Legal Operations & Office Manager .................. $7,799.07 Paralegal ...................... $6,512.13 Social Caseworker C .... $6,443.56 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Election Mapping Coordinator ....................................... $3,614.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,640.27 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... .................................. $3,334.93 Program Specialist II .... $4,232.80 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $3,763.07 Sergeant ....................... $8,545.33 Program Specialist II .... $3,551.60 CSS Admin ................... $7,160.49 Social Caseworker B .... $5,887.27 CSE - Assistant Attorney .... .................................. $7,483.17 Communications Technician II ....................................... $4,985.07 Program Specialist II .... $4,451.20 CSE Specialist .............. $4,919.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Quality Assurance Analyst ....................................... $7,741.63 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Business Associate II .... $4,437.33 Road Maintenance Technician I ....................................... $3,466.67 Sergeant ....................... $8,354.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Chore Services Worker $2,860.00 Engineering Services Div Mgr. .... ................................ $12,970.99 Manager of System Services .... ................................ $10,093.89 Autopsy Technician ....... $1,987.27 Social Caseworker B .... $6,017.27 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $7,580.91 RIM Lead ...................... $4,336.80 Manager of Weatherization .... .................................. $9,626.09 Evidence Technician ..... $5,659.33 Accounts Payable Specialist ....................................... $4,166.93 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Courier .......................... $3,828.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,382.00 Program Specialist II .... $3,482.27 Program Specialist II .... $3,248.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $5,101.03 Road Maintenance Technician II ....................................... $3,842.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Sr. Budget Analyst ........ $8,239.36 Customer Support Specialist ....................................... $4,154.80 Financial Analyst ........... $6,250.01 HR Business Partner .... $6,190.17 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Mechanic Supervisor .... $5,834.40 Business Associate I ..... $2,752.53 Sr. Project Manager ...... $8,958.11 Business Associate III ... $4,619.33 Forensic Scientist - Biology ....................................... $5,969.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Communications Business Partner ..................... $5,833.34 Deputy Assessor - Appraisal ....................................... $8,700.01 Social Caseworker B .... $6,003.40 Business Associate I ..... $3,967.60 Business Associate II .... $3,362.67 Workforce Manager ...... $7,166.68 Residential Appraisal Supv. ....................................... $7,670.95 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $3,614.00 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Social Caseworker B .... $5,699.66 Building Inspector II ...... $6,250.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,742.67 Clerk and Recorder .... $10,040.42 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Communications Training Supervisor ............... $7,806.93

Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,211.87 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $5,333.47 Assistant Co Attorney ... $9,117.16 Deputy Director of Motor Vehicle ....................................... $7,579.56 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... .................................. $3,355.73 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ....................................... $6,113.29 Program Specialist Lead .... .................................. $4,137.47 Support Services Div. Manager .... ................................ $10,668.88 Business Associate II .... $4,451.20 Bureau Chief ............... $13,133.64 Custodian ..................... $3,031.60 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,037.07 Social Caseworker C .... $5,861.92 Grants & Acquisitions Administrator ............ $5,842.24 Data Collector ............... $3,579.33 RIM Technician ............. $2,653.73 Forensic Scientist - Biology Supervisor ............... $9,095.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Communications Technician II . $5,950.53 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,212.00 Social Caseworker B .... $4,398.18 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Business Associate III ... $5,073.47 Lieutenant ................... $10,660.13 Accounting Manager - C&R ....................................... $6,447.24 Social Caseworker B .... $4,579.29 Sr. Solutions Developer .... .................................. $9,073.55 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,527.06 Open Spaces Planner .. $6,333.34 Field Tech II .................. $4,459.87 Social Caseworker B .... $5,024.09 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Senior GIS Administrator ..................................... $10,170.46 Custodian Team Lead ... $3,846.27 Program Specialist Lead .... .................................. $4,655.73 Appraiser II - Residential .... .................................. $4,634.93 Personal Prop. Appraisal Supv. ....................................... $7,211.17 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Forensic Scientist - Biology ....................................... $6,902.13 Business Associate II .... $2,047.93 SAP Functional Analyst $8,444.11 Custodian Team Lead ... $3,120.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Fingerprint Technician .. $1,371.07 Chief Deputy Clerk & Recorder ....................................... $8,598.55 Accountant I .................. $4,647.07 Welfare Fraud Claims Recovery Specialist .................. $3,816.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Forensic Pathologist ... $16,999.04 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... .................................. $3,146.00 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $4,168.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Custodian ..................... $2,676.27 Sr. Project Manager ...... $9,496.07 Crime Scene Investigator ....................................... $5,602.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Detention Maintenance Foreman ....................................... $5,567.47 Social Caseworker B .... $5,443.38 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,217.20 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Sergeant ....................... $9,509.07 Lead Maintenance Technician ....................................... $4,588.13 Business Analyst .......... $8,427.62 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,376.67 IT Division Mgr. ........... $12,372.17 Administrative Assistant .... .................................. $3,308.93 Employment Case Specialist ....................................... $5,231.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Adult Protection Supervisor ....................................... $6,944.88 Medical Investigator ...... $5,049.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Shuttler ......................... $1,556.53 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,269.20

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 20 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021 —Continued from previous page— CSE Specialist .............. $3,971.07 Road Maintenance Technician III ....................................... $4,794.40 Event Specialist ............ $3,846.27 Senior Plans Examiner . $6,954.13 Appraiser III - Commercial ....................................... $5,980.00 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $5,002.40 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Workforce Manager ...... $7,500.00 Sr Assist Co Attorney .. $12,634.66 County Veterans Services Officer Superv ..................... $5,487.73 CSE Specialist .............. $4,929.60 Social Caseworker B .... $4,747.51 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Lieutenant ................... $10,078.86 Maintenance Inspector . $5,354.27 Program Specialist II .... $3,936.40 Fleet Services Manager $8,790.34 Sr ERP System Administrator .... ................................ $11,424.75 Social Caseworker B .... $4,885.60 Desktop Technician ...... $5,109.87 Homemaker .................. $3,014.27 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,276.13 Program Specialist II .... $4,461.60 Sr. Business Analyst ..... $8,913.43 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Appraiser III - Residential .... .................................. $5,749.47 LINKS Coordinator ....... $4,475.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,106.40 Sr. Budget Analyst ........ $6,848.55 Social Caseworker B .... $4,846.49 Appraiser III - Commercial ....................................... $6,380.40 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.66 Child Welfare Trainer .... $6,443.56 Senior Accounting Clerk .... .................................. $4,648.80 CSS Supervisor ............ $6,142.31 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Plans Examiner II ......... $6,623.07 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,118.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,364.80 Long Range Plan Program Mgr ....................................... $8,259.81 Classification Specialist .... .................................. $5,347.33 Customer Serv. Repr. Supv. ....................................... $6,042.12 Sergeant ....................... $8,529.73 Sergeant ....................... $8,448.27 Field Tech II .................. $3,570.67 Recording Lead ............ $5,603.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Finance Director ......... $14,634.19 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support ....................................... $5,735.93 Purchasing Agent ......... $5,096.82 Training & Safety Coordinator ....................................... $5,373.33 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,919.20 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support ....................................... $5,300.43 Non-Certified Deputy - POST ....................................... $4,603.73 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $4,971.20 Deputy Treasurer ........ $10,372.92 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sergeant ....................... $8,482.93 Program Specialist II .... $4,099.33 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... .................................. $3,120.00 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Program Specialist II .... $3,844.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 HR Division Manager - HR/Talent ..................................... $12,227.35 Risk & Resiliency Support Analyst .... .................................. $6,066.67 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Accounting Technician .. $5,000.67 Appraiser II - Personal Property ....................................... $3,955.47 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support ....................................... $7,011.83 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Social Caseworker B .... $4,497.29 Animal Services Officer $4,468.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Office Services Supervisor ....................................... $4,574.27 Communications Supervisor ....................................... $7,806.93 Election Service Lead ... $5,456.53 Social Caseworker B .... $5,634.18 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Classification Specialist $4,172.13 Project Management Admin Support .................... $3,619.20 Social Caseworker B .... $5,024.80 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.66 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $3,971.07 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $5,948.80 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $4,257.07 Executive Assistant ....... $4,680.00 CCS Call Center Supervisor ....................................... $5,720.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 CSE Specialist .............. $4,503.20 CSE Specialist .............. $4,929.60 Mgr. of Application Services .... ................................ $11,488.51 Communications Manager ....................................... $9,369.56 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,759.87 Sergeant ....................... $8,644.13 Recording Specialist Sr $4,874.13 Plans Examiner II ......... $6,456.67 CCSS Division Manager .... .................................. $8,495.41 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,524.56 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Sr. Business Analyst ..... $8,785.38 HVAC/R Supervisor ...... $6,893.47 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ....................................... $3,614.00 Intelligence Analyst II .... $6,110.00 Lieutenant ................... $11,038.84 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,141.07 Sr. Administrative Assistant ....................................... $3,664.27 Business Associate IV .. $4,967.73 Engineer II .................... $7,083.35 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist Lead $4,378.40 Print Services Coordinat ....or ....................................... $5,434.00 Distribution Management Lead ....................................... $4,811.73 Motor Vehicle Systems Trainer $5,220.80 Commissioner ............. $10,040.42 Road & Bridge Supervisor ....................................... $5,068.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Service Request Coordinator ....................................... $3,998.80 Med Invest/Foren Histologist ....................................... $6,494.80 Recording Lead ............ $5,439.20 Administrative Technician

.......................................$3,515.20 Paralegal ...................... $6,520.80 Program Budget Analyst .... ..................................$6,248.67 Lead Evidence Technician .......................................$4,929.60 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,141.07 Facility Maintenance Technician .... ..................................$4,966.00 Accounting Technician .. $4,506.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Resource Coordinator .. $5,196.53 Program Specialist Lead .... ..................................$5,655.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $4,971.20 Applications Support Spec. .......................................$7,692.06 Social Caseworker C .... $5,814.88 Social Caseworker B .... $4,612.21 CAPS Division Manager ..................................... $11,050.00 Facilities Project Manager .......................................$7,500.00 Concealed Handgun Permit Processor ................ $3,964.13 Child and Family Supervisor .... ..................................$6,138.51 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,386.93 Business Associate III ... $4,695.60 Risk Manager ............... $7,180.75 Communications Technician II .......................................$5,950.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,740.53 Paralegal ...................... $5,369.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Registration Specialist .. $2,969.20 Administrative Assistant .... ..................................$3,503.07 Sr Network Systems Engineer .......................................$8,192.51 Emergency Management Training Specialist .................. $6,298.93 Chief Deputy Public Trustee .......................................$6,147.42 Paralegal ...................... $4,527.47 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,679.87 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Community Development Adm .... ..................................$7,585.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Operations Services Coordinator .......................................$3,409.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.66 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... ..................................$3,120.00 CAPS Section Manager .......................................$9,208.33 Sr. Solutions Developer .... ..................................$9,581.24 Detention Maintenance Technician .... ..................................$4,236.27 Motor Vehicle Supervisor .... ..................................$4,979.15 Social Caseworker C .... $5,467.58 Business Associate I ..... $3,518.67 Business Associate I ..... $2,728.27 Program Specialist II .... $3,924.27 Project Operations Manager .... ................................$10,131.51 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,206.57 Road Maintenance Technician II .......................................$3,958.93 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,206.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child and Family Supervisor .... ..................................$6,912.77 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$4,683.47 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .......................................$4,603.73 Grants/Acquisitions Manager .......................................$9,422.42 Homemaker .................. $3,615.73 Range Supervisor ......... $6,753.07 Social Caseworker B .... $4,593.33 Senior Programmer Analyst .......................................$8,594.47 Custodian ..................... $3,175.47 Mechanic ...................... $4,600.27 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,759.87 CSE Administrator ........ $8,018.08 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $4,752.80 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$5,153.20 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,061.47 Custodian ..................... $2,802.80 SAP Business Operations Div Mgr .... ................................ $11,973.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Commissioner ............. $10,040.42 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$4,101.07 Branch Manager/Land Division Supv. ......................... $7,484.30 Business Associate II .... $3,345.33 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,386.93 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,050.80 Business Associate II .... $3,556.80 Custodian Team Lead ... $2,808.00 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Accounting Technician .. $4,073.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,537.73 Facilities Data & Procurement Admin ........................ $6,118.93 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Administrative Analyst - Personal Prop .......................... $5,948.80 Detention Operations Technician $3,960.67 .... Detention Operations Technician .... ..................................$4,964.27 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,870.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Sergeant ....................... $8,838.27 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,328.00 Detention Operations Technician .......................................$4,761.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Social Caseworker Associate .......................................$3,352.27 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,460.00 Classification Specialist $4,075.07 Taxing Authority & TIF Specialist .... ..................................$4,120.13 Paralegal ...................... $5,395.87 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.66 Administrative Support Specialist .......................................$4,021.33 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,508.40 Deputy County Attorney .....................................$12,078.43 Technical Service Analyst .... ..................................$4,995.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,351.97

LEGALS Election Logistics Coordinator .......................................$3,690.27 Business Associate IV .. $6,044.13 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Road & Bridge Division Manager .... ................................$10,922.54 Accounting Division Manager .....................................$12,856.52 Sr. Desktop Technician . $6,172.40 Field Tech II .................. $4,004.00 R&B Operations Manager .......................................$6,408.68 Assistant Co Attorney ... $8,849.21 Attorney Supervisor .... $12,717.99 Child/Family Administrator .......................................$8,176.18 Business Associate I ..... $2,716.13 Appraiser III - Residential .......................................$5,990.40 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................................$5,250.27 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$4,432.13 Desktop Technician ...... $5,475.60 Warehouse Specialist ... $5,031.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,410.19 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Accounts Payable Specialist .......................................$4,418.27 CSE - Supervisor .......... $6,915.48 Abstract Supervisor ...... $5,697.29 Grounds Maintenance Technician .... ..................................$3,683.33 Program Specialist Supervisor .......................................$6,291.03 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Administrative Technician .......................................$4,432.13 Social Caseworker B .... $4,529.76 CSE - Assistant Attorney .... ..................................$6,451.53 Mechanic ...................... $5,052.67 Technical Service Analyst .......................................$5,073.47 CSE Specialist .............. $4,364.53 Program Specialist II .... $4,348.93 CAD Administrator-SO .. $7,422.13 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,057.73 Lead Maintenance Technician .......................................$4,946.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Detention Crew Leader $4,238.00 Social Caseworker B .... $5,331.52 Trainer - CCSS ............. $6,045.87 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Applications Support Spec. ..... $7,725.81 Lead Pretrial Officer ...... $5,440.93 Trainer - CSS ................ $4,433.87 Manager of Technical Services $11,627.35 Zoning Inspector ........... $4,581.20 Practice Coach ............. $6,240.74 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Homemaker .................. $3,737.07 Road Maintenance Technician I $3,380.00 Accounting Technician .. $4,849.87 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ............... $6,335.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$6,092.10 Evidence Technician ..... $4,073.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Community Service Specialist .......................................$3,766.53 Workforce Specialist ..... $6,045.87 Mental Health Program Coordinator .............. $4,907.07 Weatherization Inspector .......................................$5,324.80 Autopsy Technician ....... $5,375.07 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Social Caseworker C .... $6,618.63 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Road Maintenance Technician I .......................................$3,466.67 Motor Vehicle Training Supervisor .... ..................................$6,258.79 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,497.06 Animal Services Field Supervisor .... ..................................$5,000.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Registration Specialist .. $1,507.13 Sergeant ....................... $8,354.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Medical Investigator ...... $4,608.93 Senior Payroll Specialist $5,179.20 Paralegal ...................... $4,926.13 Maintenance Tech II -Open Space & Trails ...................... $3,813.33 CSS Admin ................... $6,918.51 Social Caseworker B .... $4,728.27 Social Caseworker B .... $5,332.95 Facilities Custodial Supv $5,024.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,742.67 Mechanic ...................... $5,200.00 Custodian ..................... $3,050.67 Road Maintenance Technician III .... ..................................$5,276.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Senior Accountant ........ $6,519.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Sergeant ....................... $8,611.20 Program Specialist II .... $3,397.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Trainer - CSS ................ $4,137.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,744.00 Facility Maintenance Technician .......................................$3,709.33 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$4,699.07 Engineer III ................... $9,002.26 Assistant Co Attorney ... $8,852.07 Social Caseworker B .... $4,868.05 Road Maintenance Technician II .......................................$4,248.40 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Accounting Technician .. $2,205.67 Facilities Custodial Supv .... ..................................$4,900.13 Zoning & Animal Services Manager .... ..................................$7,916.94 Social Caseworker B .... $4,503.63 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$6,830.16 Signs and Markings Tech I .......................................$4,102.80 Accounting Clerk .......... $4,212.00 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $4,631.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Workforce Economist ... $8,752.66 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist Supervisor ....$5,584.24 Building Services Assistant Manager .................. $7,186.21 Human Resources Director .....................................$15,877.2 Road Maintenance Technician Lead .......................... $4,430.40 Child/Family Administrator .......................................$8,710.39 Business Associate I ..... $3,546.40 Sergeant ....................... $8,498.53 Building Division Operations Manager .................. $8,188.12 Communications Technician II .......................................$5,950.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Assistant Appraisal Supervisor .......................................$6,678.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20

Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,298.53 Animal Services Officer $4,073.33 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $4,047.33 Judicial Services Officer $5,397.6 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Accountant III ................ $6,886.32 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,413.33 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$5,106.40 Detention Service Coordinator ....................................... $5,011.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ......... $5,022.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Road Maintenance Technician III .... ..................................$4,662.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$4,759.73 Permit Review Technician I .......................................$4,012.67 Traffic Engineering Technician .......................................$4,461.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... ..................................$3,289.87 Senior Inspector ........... $7,202.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,501.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Bankruptcy Specialist ... $3,861.87 Program Specialist II .... $4,411.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,106.40 Social Caseworker C .... $6,603.03 Animal Services Officer $4,270.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate I ..... $3,711.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,382.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Engineer III ................... $9,500.18 Detention Crew Leader $3,952.00 Leave & ADA Specialist $4,916.67 CSE Specialist .............. $4,062.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Graphic Designer .......... $6,006.95 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Project Management Administrator .... ..................................$7,355.40 Sr. Desktop Technician .... ..................................$5,721.73 Welfare Benefits Fraud Investigator .............. $5,000.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,925.57 Field Tech I ................... $3,232.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$5,333.47 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,692.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Communications Technician II .......................................$4,985.07 Custodian ..................... $2,653.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 HR Business Partner .... $7,014.26 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,638.27 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... ..................................$3,120.00 Sergeant ....................... $8,354.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Compensation Analyst .. $8,792.42 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,690.27 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $5,324.80 Business Associate III ... $5,085.60 Hotline Caseworker ...... $4,582.93 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Claims Administrator ..... $5,454.80 Road Maintenance Technician III .... ..................................$4,563.87 Business Associate II .... $3,090.53 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,460.00 Program Specialist Supervisor .......................................$6,071.50 Custodian ..................... $2,790.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Assessor-Administration .... ..................................$8,299.01 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Emergency Manager .......................................$7,044.27 CSE Specialist .............. $4,894.93 Sr Quality Assurance Analyst .......................................$7,146.82 Office Coordinator ........ $4,537.87 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,664.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child/Family Administrator .......................................$8,537.64 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 CSE Specialist .............. $4,270.93 Recording Specialist ..... $3,620.93 Evidence Technician ..... $4,300.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Custodian ..................... $2,830.53 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.66 Custodian ..................... $2,837.47 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor .... ..................................$7,267.87 Deed Specialist ............. $3,750.93 Sr Assist Co Attorney .. $10,409.49 RIM Technician ............. $2,983.07 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,690.27 Benefits Specialist ........ $5,373.29 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Communications Business Partner .... ..................................$7,132.97 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Business Associate III ... $5,153.20 Bus. Assoc. II - Front Dsk Ld .......................................$2,991.73 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,655.60 Accounting Technician .. $4,475.47 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Sergeant ....................... $9,094.80 Coroner ....................... $22,333.35 Custodian ..................... $3,229.20 Office Coordinator ........ $5,130.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,593.33 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,160.00 Program Specialist II .... $4,444.27 Custodian ..................... $3,191.07 Communications Manager .......................................$9,355.71 Business Associate II .... $4,064.67 Business Associate IV .. $6,018.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,640.27 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................................$6,186.27 Sr. Administrative Assistant .......................................$4,919.20 Mechanic ...................... $5,411.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$5,615.85 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,141.07 Sergeant ....................... $9,493.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Program Specialist Lead .......................................$5,018.00 Assessor ..................... $10,040.42 Program Specialist II .... $3,553.33 Senior Payroll Specialist .... ..................................$6,234.80 ASP Clerk ..................... $4,406.13

Workforce Specialist ..... $5,524.13 Program Specialist II .... $3,716.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sr. Planner .................... $7,345.35 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $7,713.44 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Senior Inspector ........... $6,744.40 A/V & Security Systems Technician .... .................................. $5,018.00 Engineering Inspector II .... .................................. $5,999.07 Lieutenant ................... $10,146.44 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Sr. Administrative Assistant ....................................... $4,373.20 Assistant Branch Manager ....................................... $6,330.13 Program Supervisor - ADW! ....................................... $6,682.00 Custodian ..................... $3,600.13 Paralegal ...................... $4,452.93 Captain ....................... $12,097.76 Recording Specialist ..... $3,227.47 Program Specialist Supervisor .... .................................. $6,094.64 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $5,151.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.8 Behavioral Health Co-Responder Clinician .................... $6,042.40 CSE Specialist .............. $4,108.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 CSE - Supervisor .......... $6,898.69 Social Caseworker Associate ....................................... $3,352.27 Custodian ..................... $2,690.13 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $4,955.60 Business Associate III ... $5,120.27 Community Resources Director .... ................................ $11,843.33 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $4,699.07 RIM Technician ............. $2,865.20 Engineer I ..................... $6,167.37 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,118.40 Paralegal ...................... $4,790.93 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 4-H Program Coordinator ....................................... $5,742.53 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ....................................... $4,782.18 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Social Caseworker Associate ....................................... $3,553.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .... .................................. $4,759.73 Sergeant ....................... $8,644.13 Appraiser III - Residential ....................................... $6,418.53 Lead HVAC/R Technician ....................................... $6,640.40 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $3,690.27 Assistant Co Attorney ... $9,378.89 Behavioral Health Co-Responder Clinician .................... $6,203.60 Custodian ..................... $2,600.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Applications Support Spec. .... .................................. $7,011.96 Accounting Clerk III ...... $4,607.20 Offset Printer Operator . $4,610.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Road Maintenance Technician I ....................................... $3,380.00 Quality Assurance & Compl Specialist ................. $4,652.27 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Facility Maintenance Technician ....................................... $3,582.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Trainer - CSS ................ $5,799.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Applications Support Spec. ....................................... $6,784.81 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,104.53 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints ....................................... $6,768.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Business Associate III ... $4,175.60 Sergeant ....................... $8,997.73 Crime Scene Investigator ....................................... $5,602.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Provider Services Manager ....................................... $6,168.35 Program Specialist II .... $3,418.13 Appraiser III - Commercial ....................................... $6,293.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $5,333.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,668.34 Business Associate III ... $1,998.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Business Associate II .... $3,487.47 Workforce Specialist ..... $2,270.67 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor .... .................................. $5,919.33 Appraiser II - Personal Property ....................................... $4,409.60 Field Tech I ................... $3,267.33 Lieutenant ................... $10,466.73 Detention Service Coordinator ....................................... $5,044.00 County Veterans Serv. Officer .... .................................. $4,444.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sr. Systems Administrator ....................................... $8,993.27 Visitor Services Specialist ....................................... $1,394.47 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Program Specialist II .... $4,082.00 Accountant I .................. $4,520.53 Captain ....................... $11,697.49 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Detention Administration Coordinator .............. $6,753.07 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,021.33 CSE Specialist .............. $4,907.07 Operations & Placement Supv .... .................................. $6,352.08 Volunteer Coordinator ... $6,087.66 Recording Manager ...... $6,372.90 Accounting Technician .. $5,397.60 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $4,971.20 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $5,021.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Sr. Applications Support Spec ..... ................................. $7,368.34 Detention Operations Technician ....................................... $4,875.87 Program Budget Analyst-Lead ....................................... $5,453.07 Business Associate II .... $3,222.27 Engineer III ................... $9,538.12 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,146.27 Program Specialist II .... $4,179.07 Coroner Office Administrator ....................................... $7,966.60 Applications Support Spec. ....................................... $7,639.82 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $4,160.00 Social Caseworker B .... $5,261.99 Road Maintenance Technician II

....................................... $3,582.80 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,321.20 Assistant Co Attorney . $11,123.52 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Facility Utility Worker .... $3,333.20 Culture & Engagement Administrator ............ $4,721.60 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $7,961.31 Print Services Manager $8,597.81 County Sheriff ............. $12,777.68 Service Desk Supervisor .... .................................. $6,241.73 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,312.53 Road Maintenance Technician III ....................................... $5,274.53 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $4,759.73 Community Service Specialist ....................................... $4,250.13 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,367.40 Road & Bridge Supervisor ....................................... $6,080.53 Technical Service Analyst ....................................... $5,232.93 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $4,052.53 Deputy Director of Administration .... .................................. $8,121.60 Document Specialist ..... $4,945.20 Retirement Plan Assistant ....................................... $5,551.87 Planning & Exercise Support Analyst ..................... $6,101.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Recording Specialist ..... $3,397.33 Administrative Coordinator ....................................... $4,638.40 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,718.13 Detention Maintenance Technician .... .................................. $4,090.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Classification Specialist $5,593.47 Accreditation Specialist $5,038.80 Sergeant ....................... $8,602.53 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,216.19 Program Specialist II .... $4,012.67 Custodian ..................... $3,542.93 RIM Technician ............. $2,946.67 Program Specialist Supervisor ....................................... $4,814.03 Sergeant ....................... $8,644.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Manager of Judicial Services ....................................... $9,540.51 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Criminal Justice Plng Coord ....................................... $7,639.00 Kinship Support Supervisor ....................................... $7,485.86 Master Gardener Program Coordinator .............. $5,149.73 Social Caseworker B .... $5,180.41 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Social Caseworker B .... $4,628.63 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Administrative Supervisor ....................................... $4,972.93 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,659.20 Communications Business Partner .... .................................. $6,650.15 Mapping Manager ......... $9,168.08 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,921.53 HR Recruiter (SO) ........ $5,396.52 Lead Engineering Inspector ....................................... $6,973.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $5,333.47 Program Specialist Supervisor ....................................... $6,013.54 Sr ERP System Administrator ..................................... $11,463.14 Warehouse Specialist ... $4,125.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Purchasing Agent ......... $5,471.35 Social Caseworker B .... $5,261.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,106.40 CO Works Assessment Spec. Lead ......................... $4,842.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Manager - Emergency Management .......... $10,998.09 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $5,485.05 Social Caseworker C .... $6,443.56 Shuttler ......................... $1,431.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $4,368.00 Paralegal ...................... $6,295.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Court Services/Fugitive Clerk ....................................... $4,232.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING .... .................................. $4,603.73 Business Associate I ..... $3,116.53 Child and Family Supervisor .... .................................. $6,797.83 Custodian ..................... $2,600.00 Engineer III ................... $8,750.02 Human Resources Specialist .... .................................. $4,421.73 Program Specialist I ..... $3,584.53 Social Caseworker B .... $5,597.61 Crime Scene Investigator ....................................... $5,808.40 Field Tech II .................. $4,785.73 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $4,118.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Transportation Division Mgr ..................................... $11,132.90 Social Caseworker B .... $5,558.65 Business Associate III ... $4,504.93 Telecommunications Coordinator ....................................... $7,500.13 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,565.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Assistant Co Attorney ... $8,220.27 Lead Mechanic ............. $5,274.53 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $3,891.33 Commissioner ............. $10,492.76 Appraiser II - Residential .... .................................. $4,073.33 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,191.33 Homemaker .................. $2,880.80 Customer Support Specialist ....................................... $3,151.20 Product Manager ........ $10,055.87 Building Services Manager ....................................... $7,739.64 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 CSE Specialist .............. $3,875.73 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Community Resources Housing Specialist .................. $3,955.47 Road Maintenance Technician II ....................................... $4,166.93 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,515.47 CSE Specialist .............. $4,761.47 Business Associate II .... $2,983.07 Child/Family Administrator ....................................... $8,298.05 Comm Corr Compliance Auditor .... .................................. $5,434.00 Program Specialist II .... $4,435.60 Business Associate II .... $4,428.67 Inmate Services Technician

— Continued to next page —

August 12, 2021, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 21

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— ....................................... $3,679.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Communications Technician II ....................................... $4,702.53 Custodian ..................... $3,627.87 Deputy Public Trustee .. $3,532.53 Planner/Project Specialist ....................................... $2,643.33 CSE Specialist .............. $3,915.60 Solutions Developer Lead ..................................... $10,973.71 CSE Specialist .............. $4,929.60 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 RIM Supervisor ............. $5,899.77 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $5,458.27 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,928.03 Business Associate I ..... $3,738.80 CSU Extension Office Coordinator .... .................................. $4,238.00 Sr. Business Analyst ..... $8,371.89 Commissioner ............. $10,492.76 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $5,437.47 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $4,489.33 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $5,172.27 Social Caseworker B .... $4,581.96 Data Collector ............... $3,556.80 Custodian ..................... $2,665.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Business Associate IV .. $5,659.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Custodian ..................... $3,364.40 Social Caseworker B .... $4,927.69 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .... .................................. $4,603.73 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $4,964.27 Staff Development Supervisor ....................................... $7,942.24 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate IV .. $5,810.13 Social Caseworker B .... $5,620.29 Program Coordinator .... $5,000.67 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,538.83 Sr. Business Analyst ..... $8,743.50 Business Associate II .... $3,503.07 Detention Crew Leader $3,541.20 CUWA Director ............. $9,166.67 Administrative Support Specialist .... .................................. $3,640.00 Recording Specialist Sr $4,187.73 Custodian ..................... $2,617.33 Senior Resources Program Supervisor ............... $5,875.16 Business Associate IV .. $4,595.07 HR Division Manager - Total Compensation ....... $12,989.38 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 CSE Specialist .............. $4,907.07 Social Caseworker B .... $4,362.78 Custodian ..................... $3,146.00 Social Caseworker B .... $5,605.71 Office Coordinator ........ $5,420.13 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Public Information Officer ....................................... $8,780.79 Program Specialist Lead .... .................................. $5,049.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Payroll Supervisor ........ $7,397.72 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,652.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,364.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Div Mgr Admin Services .... .................................. $9,970.35 Administrator to the Board ....................................... $6,739.20 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,366.40 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,357.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker Associate ....................................... $3,383.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate III - Technical .... .................................. $4,686.93 Customer Support Specialist ....................................... $3,321.07 SO Human Resources Manager ..................................... $11,444.12 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,515.47 Non-Certified Deputy - POST ....................................... $4,603.73 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,160.00 Sergeant ....................... $9,321.87 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $5,423.60 Business Associate III ... $5,205.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,382.00 Social Caseworker C .... $5,945.25 Social Caseworker B .... $4,437.23 Business Associate III ... $1,909.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Facility & Fleet Management Di ..................................... $13,003.12 Planner II ...................... $5,456.73 Business Associate I ..... $2,653.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Program Specialist II .... $4,030.00 Social Caseworker B .... $5,494.93 Sr. Systems Administrator ..................................... $10,761.62 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Open Spaces Planner II .... .................................. $6,718.34 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $4,851.60 CSE Specialist .............. $4,269.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Data Collector ............... $3,688.53 Lieutenant ................... $10,098.55 Program Specialist II .... $4,414.80 Lead Quality Assurance Analyst ....................................... $9,160.23 Mechanic ...................... $5,844.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $3,796.00 IT Division Mgr. ........... $13,824.66 Paralegal ...................... $6,286.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sr. Systems Administrator ..................................... $10,097.12 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor .... .................................. $6,602.27 CSE Specialist .............. $4,919.20 RIM Lead ...................... $3,657.33 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,527.06 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Road Maintenance Technician II ....................................... $3,832.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Strategy Analyst ............ $6,377.00 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,198.13 Social Caseworker B .... $4,579.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 FAS Division Manager .... ................................ $10,443.16 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $6,637.61 Classification Clerk ....... $4,501.47 Behavioral Health Co-Responder Clinician .................... $6,104.80 Program Specialist Lead .... .................................. $3,955.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Mechanic ...................... $4,674.80 Database Specialist ...... $6,193.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate III ... $3,724.93 Zoning Inspector ........... $4,674.80

Accountant II ................. $5,151.23 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate I ..... $4,014.40 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,307.20 Offset Printer Operator . $4,853.33 Social Caseworker B .... $5,058.26 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 SAP Functional Analyst $8,817.32 Project Manager ........... $9,395.58 Community Service Specialist .......................................$3,761.33 Program Specialist Lead .... ..................................$5,799.73 Custodian ..................... $2,665.87 Social Caseworker B .... $5,820.04 Planner/Project Specialist .......................................$2,751.67 Plans Examiner II ......... $6,389.07 Current Planning Program Manager ................ $10,153.63 Custodian ..................... $2,620.80 Telecommunications Specialist .......................................$6,820.67 Facility Maintenance Technician .......................................$3,636.53 Detention Chaplain ....... $6,032.00 Hotline Caseworker ...... $4,907.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Assistant Fleet Supervisor .......................................$6,786.00 Systems Coord/Judicial Services Officer ....................... $4,224.13 Road Maintenance Technician I .......................................$3,380.00 Deputy County Attorney - Litigation .... ................................ $12,117.76 Program Specialist II .... $3,744.00 Sr Network Systems Engineer .....................................$10,382.58 Business Associate III - Technical .... ..................................$4,723.33 Evidence Supervisor ..... $6,801.60 Court Services/Fugitive Clerk .... ..................................$3,638.27 Manager of Facility Operations .... ..................................$8,976.54 Administrative Technician .......................................$3,978.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ............... $5,413.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Asset Mgmt. Administrator .......................................$5,988.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Civil and Warrants Supervisor .......................................$6,189.73 Grants Administrator ..... $4,815.20 Sr Network Systems Engineer $10,309.33 Program Specialist I ..... $3,024.67 Housing & Homeless Program Supervisor ................. $5,328.27 Business Associate III ... $5,385.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Public Trustee .. $4,804.80 Detention Operations Technician .......................................$3,452.80 Motor Vehicle Business Manager .... ..................................$5,371.73 Provider Services Manager .......................................$5,051.43 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .... ..................................$6,682.00 Communications & Admin Services Director ................... $12,666.68 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Facility Maintenance Technician .......................................$3,532.53 Custodian ..................... $2,624.27 Social Caseworker C .... $6,443.56 Finance & Administration Manager .... ..................................$9,444.11 Paralegal ...................... $4,662.67 Human Services Deputy Director CCS ........................ $12,439.05 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Tax System Analyst ...... $4,430.40 Engineering Inspector II .... ..................................$5,621.20 Social Caseworker B .... $4,527.06 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$4,759.73 CSE Specialist .............. $4,894.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 RIM Technician ............. $3,052.40 Motor Vehicle Business Manager .... ..................................$6,693.90 Program Specialist II .... $4,154.80 Sergeant ....................... $8,611.20 Social Caseworker B .... $4,524.56 Social Caseworker C .... $5,180.13 Program Specialist II .... $4,101.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$4,971.20 Senior Financial Reporting Analyst .... ..................................$8,222.33 Business Associate II .... $1,596.40 Captain ....................... $11,624.60 Accountant II ................. $5,666.66 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,671.20 Administrative Technician .......................................$4,075.07 Program Specialist II .... $3,302.00 Facilities Custodial Supv .... ..................................$5,349.07 Facility Utility Worker .... $3,466.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,189.47 Social Caseworker C .... $5,654.24 Program Specialist Supervisor .......................................$5,275.70 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $4,451.20 Medical Investigator ...... $4,832.53 Program Specialist II .... $4,461.60 Administrative Manager $9,510.17 Sergeant ....................... $8,354.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,655.00 HS Project Manager ..... $7,386.06 Program Specialist II .... $4,390.53 Social Caseworker B .... $4,525.63 Finance Manager ........ $10,079.27 Social Caseworker B .... $5,116.22 Communications Supervisor .......................................$7,806.93 Social Caseworker Associate .......................................$3,352.27 Admin/Clerical Administrator .......................................$8,631.44 Detention Operations Technician .... ..................................$3,562.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Lead Mechanic ............. $5,723.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Custodian ..................... $2,957.07 Data Collector ............... $4,083.73 Certified Tax Document Specialist .......................................$3,716.27 Sr. Purchasing Agent .... $8,195.16 Program Specialist I ..... $3,026.40 Assistant Co Attorney ... $8,319.78 Customer Support Specialist .......................................$3,617.47 Social Caseworker B .... $5,041.55 Sr HR Business Partner $7,691.39 Detention Maintenance Technician .... ..................................$4,279.60 Crime Scene Investigation

Supervisor ............... $7,432.53 Custodian ..................... $2,600.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Program Specialist II .... $3,943.33 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$5,333.47 Social Caseworker C .... $5,330.28 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .......................................$4,603.73 Sergeant ....................... $9,112.13 CSE Specialist .............. $4,870.67 Lieutenant ................... $10,387.89 Traffic/Logistics Technician .......................................$5,333.47 Intelligence Analyst ....... $5,087.33 Social Caseworker C .... $5,918.79 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,939.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,650.82 Lead Maintenance Technician .......................................$4,400.93 Sr HR Business Partner .... ..................................$8,537.90 Human Services Director .....................................$15,258.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Public Information Officer - SO .......................................$7,616.29 Weatherization Admin. Supv .......................................$5,092.53 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Inmate Services Technician ..... $3,759.60 Permit Review Technician Supervisor ............................. $5,739.07 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $3,761.33 CSE Specialist .............. $3,863.60 Criminal Justice Plng Coord .......................................$7,377.52 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,382.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Behavioral Health Response Program Mgr ............ $6,895.70 Applications Support Spec. .......................................$6,960.94 GIS Technician ............. $3,856.67 Judicial Services Officer $4,043.87 Business Associate I ..... $3,707.60 Social Caseworker B .... $2,531.53 Irrigation & Turf Specialist .......................................$4,593.33 Road Maintenance Technician III .... ..................................$4,803.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Deputy County Attorney HS ..................................... $13,112.95 Sr. Systems Administrator .......................................$8,181.55 Executive Assistant ....... $5,886.40 CSU Extension Program Supervisor ............... $5,867.33 Lead Pretrial Officer ...... $4,979.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,376.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$4,759.73 Lead Election Judge Coordinator .......................................$4,804.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Registration Specialist .. $1,643.20 Detention Operations Technician .... ..................................$4,894.93 Sr. Solutions Developer .....................................$10,060.14 CSE Specialist .............. $4,619.33 Event Specialist ............ $1,956.07 Body Worn Camera Logistics Coordinator .............. $5,707.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$5,437.47 Communications Technician II .... ..................................$5,950.53 Accountant III ................ $6,669.02 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist I ..... $3,317.60 Property Tax Director .... $8,678.78 RIM Technician ............. $3,140.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Engineer II .................... $7,250.27 Sr. Parts Specialist ....... $5,359.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Field Tech Specialist ..... $5,042.27 Program Specialist Supervisor .......................................$5,937.66 Business Associate I ..... $2,653.73 Cybersecurity Analyst ... $9,416.68 Detention Crew Leader $3,452.8 Motor Vehicle Specialist $3,317.60 Operations Division Manager .....................................$10,849.50 Social Caseworker B .... $4,777.07 Forensic Scientist - Biology Tech Leader ....................... $8,164.00 Medical Investigator ...... $2,521.13 Business Associate I ..... $3,194.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,350.67 Mechanic ...................... $5,057.87 IT Division Mgr. ........... $14,086.89 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Data Collector ............... $3,575.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Paralegal ...................... $6,014.67 Communications Business Partner .... ..................................$6,853.06 R&B Infrastructure Manager .......................................$9,614.50 Senior Land Surveyor ... $7,268.73 Social Caseworker B .... $4,732.80 Program Specialist II .... $3,537.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Inmate Services Technician .... ..................................$3,638.27 Administrative Technician .......................................$3,731.87 Sergeant ....................... $8,727.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Facility Maintenance Technician .......................................$3,709.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Classification Manager . $6,555.47 Receptionist .................. $3,714.53 Communications Business Partner .... ..................................$5,589.13 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,529.20 Kinship Navigator Assistant .......................................$4,451.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 GIS Technician ............. $5,324.80 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$5,948.80 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Alt. Svcs/UPS Supervisor .......................................$7,033.13 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,759.87 Detention Operations Technician .......................................$3,452.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Victim Advocate ............ $4,699.07 Administrative Coordinator .......................................$4,680.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Field Supervisor ............ $6,567.77 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,961.31 Building Inspector I ....... $5,373.33 Sr. Commercial Appr. - Appeals .......................................$7,596.51

Social Caseworker B .... $4,831.43 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 GIS Technician ............. $5,312.67 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,395.73 Sr. Planner .................... $7,044.25 Environmental Manager $8,642.16 Business Associate I ..... $2,842.67 Administrative Support Specialist .......................................$3,770.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Communications Technician II .......................................$4,985.07 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................................$6,250.40 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,487.60 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,678.13 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ............... $5,622.93 Detention Crew Leader .... ..................................$3,506.53 Performance Management Analyst .... ..................................$7,867.32 Sergeant ....................... $8,529.73 Social Caseworker C .... $6,443.56 Sergeant ....................... $8,529.73 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,773.47 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$4,593.33 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,334.93 Business Associate II .... $3,120.00 SAP Functional Analyst $9,501.90 Facility Maintenance Technician .......................................$3,910.40 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,160.00 Motor Vehicle Supervisor .......................................$4,848.65 Accreditation Specialist $6,032.00 Program Specialist II .... $3,250.00 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Workforce Administrator .......................................$8,469.07 Motor Vehicle Specialist II .......................................$3,605.33 Sr Software Config Admin .......................................$9,339.61 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Hotline Caseworker ...... $4,400.93 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Sr ACSES Liaison/Trainer .......................................$5,226.00 Inmate Educator ........... $4,222.40 Business Associate I ..... $2,818.40 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................................$4,971.20 Retirement Plan Administrator .......................................$9,529.54 Weed Control Specialist .... ..................................$6,498.27 Workforce Administrator .... ..................................$8,083.34 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,285.07 Evidence Supervisor ..... $5,284.93 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.66 LINKS Coordinator ....... $3,856.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Road Maintenance Technician II .......................................$3,858.40 Provider Services Manager .......................................$6,161.98 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate I ..... $2,785.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,640.27 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .......................................$4,603.73 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,794.27 Accreditation Specialist $4,520.53 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,939.87 Executive Administrator $5,804.93 Business Associate III ... $3,619.20 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,961.31 Sr. Signs & Markings Tech. .... ..................................$4,995.47 Classification Specialist $4,075.07 HR Business Partner II . $6,371.91 Workforce Manager ...... $6,183.34 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Administrative Technician .......................................$5,312.67 Weatherization Tech Sup Spec .... ..................................$5,877.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,742.67 Recording Specialist ..... $3,409.47 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$5,938.31 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints .... ..................................$6,236.53 Classification Specialist $4,886.27 Motor Vehicle Lead ....... $4,047.33 Program Specialist II .... $3,248.27 Technical Support Specialist .......................................$5,009.33 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,776.93 GIS Systems Analyst .... $6,148.13 Program Specialist II .... $3,844.53 Bureau Chief ............... $13,135.37 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,923.18 Social Caseworker B .... $4,658.70 Forensic Scientist - Firearms .... Examiner ................... $7,500.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $4,378.40 Operations Supervisor .. $5,557.07 CSS Supervisor ............ $6,216.54 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Bureau Chief ............... $12,823.85 Program Specialist Supervisor .... ..................................$5,746.54 Social Caseworker B .... $4,633.18 GIS Specialist ............... $6,111.73 Paralegal ...................... $5,172.27 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................................$5,834.40 Lead Administrative Technician .......................................$4,829.07 Sr. Systems Administrator .....................................$10,279.34 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,253.60 Senior Inspector ........... $6,498.27 Senior Program Specialist .......................................$4,404.40 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,314.27 RIM Technician ............. $3,475.33 Sr. Planner .................... $6,051.18 CSE Specialist .............. $4,000.53 Custodian ..................... $2,927.60 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... ..................................$3,120.00 Program Specialist II .... $3,806.40 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................................$6,292.00 Recording Specialist ..... $3,163.33 Communications Technician II .......................................$5,950.53 Training Assistant ......... $4,503.20 Organizational Development Coordinator .............. $5,333.34 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,742.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... ..................................$3,180.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67

Social Caseworker B .... $5,737.75 Judicial Services Officer .... .................................. $5,161.87 Communications Technician II . $5,284.93 Sr. Solutions Developer ..................................... $10,032.56 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Engineering Support Specialist ....................................... $5,616.00 Road Maintenance Technician III .... .................................. $5,000.67 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ............... $5,413.20 Public Works and Dev Director ..................................... $13,033.39 Administrative Technician ....................................... $4,031.73 Detention Operations Technician $3,452.80 CSE Specialist .............. $4,064.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Sr HR Business Partner .... .................................. $8,308.47 Road Maintenance Technician II ....................................... $4,238.00 Paralegal ...................... $4,771.87 Evidence Technician ..... $4,376.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 County Veterans Serv. Officer ....................................... $4,834.27 Program Specialist II .... $4,078.53 Program Specialist II .... $3,983.20 Social Caseworker B .... $5,416.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist ....................................... $3,120.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 CIP Program Manager .. $8,754.11 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Division Manager of ADWORKS! ..................................... $10,588.74 Sr. Budget Analyst ........ $8,231.71 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,626.13 HVAC/R Maintenance Worker ....................................... $4,307.33 Road Maintenance Technician I ....................................... $3,380.00 Investigator ................... $2,815.80 Social Caseworker B .... $4,394.98 Apprenticeship Coordinator ....................................... $5,333.34 Child and Family Supervisor .... .................................. $6,304.16 Medical Investigator ...... $4,544.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,144.80 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,858.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Child and Family Supervisor ....................................... $7,961.31 Booking/Release Clerk . $1,989.87 Program Specialist II .... $4,451.20 Communications Technician II ....................................... $5,600.4 Program Specialist I ..... $3,009.07 Program Specialist II .... $3,348.80 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $3,792.53 Sergeant ....................... $9,405.07 CBOE Appeals Coordinator - Part Time .......................... $7,416.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Program Specialist II .... $3,482.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support ....................................... $5,002.92 Program Specialist Lead .... .................................. $4,990.27 Recording Specialist ..... $3,442.40 Classification Specialist ....................................... $4,321.20 Signs & Markings Tech II .... .................................. $4,369.73 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Detention Operations Technician ....................................... $3,809.87 Communications Business Partner .... .................................. $6,415.33 Accreditation Specialist $5,990.40 Social Caseworker B .... $4,403.38 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sr. Project Manager ...... $9,293.48 Social Caseworker B .... $5,116.22 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker B .... $4,593.33 Classification Specialist $6,002.53 Communications Technician II ....................................... $5,950.53 Program Specialist I ..... $3,340.13 Paralegal Supervisor .... $6,324.00 Inmate Services Technician .... .................................. $3,695.47 HRIS Systems Administrator ....................................... $8,419.02 Paralegal ...................... $5,976.53 Lead Elections Logistics Coordinator ............. $4,132.27 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,759.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate III ... $4,170.40 Communications Technician I .. $3,927.73 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,990.27 Safety Officer ................ $5,798.59 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Building Inspector II ...... $6,130.80 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Judicial Services Pretrial Navigator .... .................................. $4,640.13 Foster Care Recruiter ... $6,223.36 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $5,340.40 Assistant Co Attorney ... $8,375.51 Commercial Appraisal Supervisor .... .................................. $6,883.39 Social Caseworker B .... $5,215.38 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Engineer III ................... $8,917.42 Inmate Services Technician .... .................................. $4,688.67 Victim Advocate ............ $4,166.93 Paralegal ...................... $6,520.80 Administrative Technician ....................................... $4,031.73 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $4,971.20 Pavement Mgt Coordinator ....................................... $6,844.93 Database Report Writer .... .................................. $6,282.84 Custodian ..................... $2,705.73 Social Caseworker B .... $5,857.80 Program Specialist II .... $3,627.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Traffic Operations Manager ....................................... $9,583.84 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $5,333.47 Commissioner ............. $10,492.76 Sr Assist Co Attorney .. $11,141.04 Sergeant ....................... $9,493.47 CSE Specialist .............. $4,929.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Communications Technician I ....- RECRUIT ............... $3,537.73 Sergeant ....................... $9,387.73 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,584.53

Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $4,116.67 Assistant Co Attorney ... $9,841.78 Information Technology Dir ..................................... $15,713.51 Energy Program Manager ....................................... $8,654.19 Communications Technician II ....................................... $4,186.00 Road Maintenance Technician Lead .......................... $5,040.53 Judicial Services Pretrial Navigator .... .................................. $4,636.67 Voter Service Manager . $5,920.57 Sergeant ....................... $8,354.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,640.27 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ....................................... $3,400.80 Furnace Technician ...... $4,681.73 RIM Technician ............. $3,471.87 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ....................................... $3,291.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .... .................................. $4,603.73 Sr Program Analyst - Assessor .... .................................. $9,464.98 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Autopsy Technician ....... $3,972.80 Social Caseworker B .... $4,489.96 Child and Family Supervisor .... .................................. $6,818.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Welfare Benefits Fraud Investigator .............. $4,605.47 Lieutenant ................... $10,557.84 Sergeant ....................... $9,009.87 Sr Assist Co Attorney .. $12,178.47 Program Specialist II .... $3,348.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,460.00 Sr HR Business Partner .... .................................. $7,905.26 Program Specialist II .... $3,315.87 Social Caseworker B .... $4,833.51 Social Caseworker B .... $4,577.08 Maintenance Inspector . $5,236.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Social Caseworker B .... $5,047.19 Emergency Mgmt. Specialist ....................................... $6,721.87 Facility Systems Manager ....................................... $8,508.46 Social Caseworker B .... $4,413.37 Motor Vehicle Specialis ....t ................................. $3,120.00 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor .... .................................. $6,042.40 Program Integrity Specialist ....................................... $5,993.35 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,914.00 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,681.73 Deputy Sheriff .....................................$7,144.8.00 Finance Office Coordinator ....................................... $4,478.93 Warehouse Supervisor . $5,283.20 Business Associate III ... $3,707.60 Assistant Appraisal Supervisor ....................................... $6,685.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Administrative Technician .... .................................. $4,075.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $5,215.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Social Caseworker C .... $6,408.35 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $4,316.00 Registration Lead ......... $4,855.07 Program Specialist II .... $4,451.2 Treasurer .................... $11,082.09 Applications Analyst ...... $7,197.32 Deputy Director - Crime Lab ....................................... $9,253.21 Program Specialist II .... $3,698.93 Planning Division Manager ..................................... $10,695.45 CSE - Assistant Attorney .... .................................. $9,125.78 ASP Clerk ..................... $4,189.47 Program Specialist/Front Desk Lead .......................... $4,810.00 Custodian ..................... $3,146.00 Custodian ..................... $3,050.67 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $3,638.27 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $5,610.80 Business Associate IV .. $5,328.27 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Technical Writer ............ $7,164.00 Lieutenant ................... $10,039.73 Lieutenant ................... $10,722.51 Captain ....................... $11,546.43 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $4,127.07 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,461.47 CSE Payment Specialist $4,894.93 Administrative Technician ....................................... $4,432.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,382.00 Ballot Tabulation Lead .. $6,011.20 Quality Assurance & Compliance Lead .......................... $5,492.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Liquor Code Enforcement Officer .... .................................. $3,068.00 HRIS Specialist ............. $5,758.13 Sr. Desktop Technician . $5,856.93 Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Dir Dept of Strategy and Performance ......... $12,497.55 Workforce Specialist ..... $5,709.60 HVAC/R Technician ...... $6,134.27 Detention Operations Technician .... .................................. $3,936.40 Workforce Manager ...... $7,166.68 Business Associate II .... $3,874.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .... .................................. $4,442.53 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $4,971.2 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Permit Review Technician I ....................................... $4,409.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Hotline Caseworker ...... $4,019.60 Communications Technician I .... .................................. $3,704.13 Family Resource Navigator ....................................... $4,561.18 Business Associate III ... $3,983.20 Evidence Technician ..... $5,659.33 Inventory Specialist ...... $3,392.13 Accountant I .................. $5,383.73 Child/Family Administrator ....................................... $8,176.18 Road Maintenance Technician III .... .................................. $4,166.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Sr. Applications Support Spec. .... .................................. $7,825.52 Business Associate II .... $4,428.67 Program Specialist II .... $4,097.60 Criminal Justice Agency Coord ....................................... $6,032.00 CSE Specialist .............. $4,243.20 Mgr. of Application Services ..................................... $12,206.61 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Detention Operations Technician

— Continued to next page —

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.... .................................. $3,813.33 Administrative Technician .... .................................. $3,759.60 Sr. Applications Support Spec ..... ................................. $8,153.58 Social Caseworker B .... $4,403.38 Social Caseworker C .... $5,631.32 Business Associate IV .. $4,459.87 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,934.80 Facility Maintenance Technician .... .................................. $3,740.53 Quality Assurance & Compl Specialist ................. $4,959.07 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,460.00 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,137.47 CSE - Supervisor .......... $6,932.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Process & Performance Analyst ...................... $5,403.45 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,080.27 Lead Maintenance Technician ....................................... $4,078.53 Family Services Coordinator .... .................................. $5,712.27 Sr. Project Manager ...... $9,377.96 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.36 Road Maintenance Technician III ....................................... $4,125.33 Building Automation Systems Specialist .................. $8,039.94 Social Caseworker B .... $4,333.33 Sr. Administrative Assistant ....................................... $4,919.2 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ....................................... $4,759.73 Evidence Technician ..... $5,031.87 Accounting Technician .. $4,321.20 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $3,759.6 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT

.......................................$5,610.80 Business Associate III ... $3,702.40 Sr. Data Mgmt. Analyst . $9,831.32 Custodian ..................... $3,050.67 Pre Trial Officer ............. $4,458.13 Hotline Caseworker ...... $3,823.73 Telecommunications Specialist .... ..................................$7,155.20 Road Maintenance Technician Lead .......................... $5,787.60 SAP Functional Analyst $9,688.51 Senior Program Specialist .......................................$4,397.47 Senior Plans Examiner . $8,103.33 Lieutenant ................... $10,098.55 CSE Payment Specialist .... ..................................$3,875.73 Senior Accounting Clerk $4,411.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,333.47 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Custodian ..................... $3,542.93 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .......................................$4,603.73 Senior Grounds Maintenance Technician ................. $4,210.27 Resource Support Analyst .......................................$6,184.53 Sergeant ....................... $8,878.13 Kinship Navigator Assistant .......................................$4,265.73 Accountant I .................. $4,953.87 Program Specialist II .... $3,315.87 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,610.80 Data Collector ............... $3,532.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,061.47 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ........................ $4,829.07 Planning Technician ...... $5,884.67 Lead Administrative Technician .... ..................................$4,685.20

Motor Vehicle Business Manager .... ..................................$5,334.33 Social Caseworker B .... $4,505.22 CSE Specialist .............. $4,626.27 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,317.73 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Engineering Inspector II $5,383.73 Deputy Sheriff ............... $4,971.20 Road Maintenance Technician III .......................................$4,258.80 Program Specialist II .... $3,482.27 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Sergeant ....................... $9,510.80 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .......................................$4,603.73 Open Spaces Business Analyst .... ..................................$6,010.36 Accountant I .................. $5,063.07 Program Specialist Supervisor .......................................$5,838.60 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,782.13 Finance & Admin Services Division Mgr ............................ $9,083.69 Communications Supervisor .......................................$7,491.47 Office Services Supervisor .......................................$5,534.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 Social Caseworker B .... $4,506.67 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .......................................$3,614.00 Social Caseworker C .... $6,603.03 RIM Technician ............. $3,104.40 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Evidence Technician ..... $4,414.80 Registration Specialist .. $3,048.93 Sergeant ....................... $8,580.00 Senior Program Specialist .......................................$4,056.00 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,212.00


or by calling 720-874-6650 or by emailing planning@arapahoegov. com during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday).

Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10347 ___________________________

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ARAPAHOE COUNTY COLORADO FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE NEW LICENSE In accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes, Murphy Oil USA, Inc. d/b/a Murphy Express #8923 has requested the Arapahoe County Liquor Authority to grant a new Fermented Malt Beverage License at 21500 E. Quincy Ave., Aurora, CO 80013. A public hearing will be held through remote participation in the West Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 S. Prince St., Littleton, CO 80120-1136, via telephone. Members of the public may participate telephonically by calling (719) 569-5048, and when prompted enter Phone Conference ID: 147 306 557# on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 2:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the calendar of the Liquor Authority permits. OFFICERS: Robert A. Clyde, President & CEO, 520 E. 8th Street, El Dorado, AR 71730; Malynda K. West, EVP & CFO, 264 Rainwater Rd., El Dorado, AR 71730; John A. Moore, SVP & Counsel, 2316 Ridgewood, El Dorado, AR 71730; Gregory L. Smith, Secretary, 247 Fawnwood Circle, El Dorado, AR 71730. The application and additional information are available in the County Attorney’s Office, County Administration Building, 5334 S. Prince St., Littleton, Colorado 80120-1136. Due to Covid-19 Restrictions our office is closed to the public without an appointment. Please direct all inquiries by telephone to the Arapahoe County Liquor Licensing Authority at 303795-4539. Petitions or Remonstrances may be filed at the County Attorney’s Office on or before the date of the hearing. BY ORDER OF THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY LIQUOR AUTHORITY Tiffeni Contiguglia, Clerk DATE OF APPLICATION: July 15, 2021 Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10344 ___________________________ ARAPAHOE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CASE NO PF21-002, DOVE VALLEY V #20 REPLAT OF L1-2 B11 DOVE VALLEY V / FINAL PLAT PROPOSAL: The applicant, ARCO Specialty Construction, LLC, wishes to replat a 24 acres site from two lots to one lot. The site is located at 7758 and 7860 South Fairplay Street, and is currently zoned Mixed-Use. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on August 31, 2021, at 9:30 A.M., or as soon thereafter as the calendar of the Arapahoe County Board of County Commission permits, a public hearing will be held; at which, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the above-described PF21-002, Final Plat. The public hearing is scheduled for the East Hearing Room, 5334 S Prince St., Littleton CO 80120, however, please note that due to the ongoing COVID-19 emergency the hearing will be conducted through remote access – please check the weekly public meeting agenda at https:// arapahoe.legistar.com/Calendar for specific information on how to attend and participate. The agenda will typically be posted by the Friday afternoon preceding the hearing. More information about this proposal is available at the offices of the Arapahoe County Public Works and Development Department, Planning Division, 6924 S. Lima St., Centennial, CO 80112

Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10345 ___________________________ REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CENTENNIAL AIRPORT ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO The Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority (the “Authority”), is the owner and operator of Centennial Airport in Englewood, Colorado and is soliciting Requests for Proposals for Commercial Real Estate Broker Services. The proposer must supply all information required by the Request for Proposals for Commercial Real Estate Broker Services. The Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities and minor irregularities in the submittals and to select the proposer deemed to be in the best interest of the Airport. For any questions and to obtain a complete copy of the Request for Proposals for Commerical Real Estate Broker Services for the Authority please contact Luke Skaflen, Business Support Specialist for Centennial Airport at 303-790-0598 or lskaflen@centennialairport.com. Proposals must be submitted electronically to Luke Skaflen (lskaflen@centennialairport.com) no later than 3:00 p.m. MST, August 27, 2021. Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10346 ___________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ARAPAHOE COUNTY COLORADO HOTEL & RESTAURANT NEW LIQUOR LICENSE In accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes, Fenix DTC, LLC d/b/a Rodizio Grill has requested the Arapahoe County Liquor Authority to grant a new Hotel & Restaurant Liquor License at 7340 S. Clinton Street, Englewood, CO 80112. A public hearing will be held through remote participation in the West Hearing Room, County Administration Building, 5334 S. Prince St., Littleton, CO 801201136, via telephone. Members of the public may participate telephonically by calling (719) 569-5048, and when prompted enter Phone Conference ID: 147 306 557# on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 2:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the calendar of the Liquor Authority permits. OWNERS/OFFICERS: Brazil-US Irrevocable Trust, 9829 S. 1300 E, Suite 302, Sandy, UT 84094; Ivan Utera, Sole Beneficiary of Trust, 350 S. 200 E #600, Salt Lake City, UT 84111; Clark Jeffrey Thompson, Trustee of Trust, 8383 Willow Creek Drive, Sandy UT 84093. The application and additional information are available in the County Attorney’s Office, County Administration Building, 5334 S. Prince St., Littleton, Colorado 80120-1136. Due to Covid-19 Restrictions our office is closed to the public without an appointment. Please direct all inquiries by telephone to the Arapahoe County Liquor Licensing Authority at 303795-4539. Petitions or Remonstrances may be filed at the County Attorney’s Office on or before the date of the hearing. BY ORDER OF THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY LIQUOR AUTHORITY Tiffeni Contiguglia, Clerk DATE OF APPLICATION: July 21, 2021

COURTS DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO Petitioner, In the Interest Of: OAKLEE AVERY, Child, and concerning AMANDA CAMPBELL and TREVOR AVERY, Respondents. Kiley Schaumleffel, Esq. #46107 Attorney for the People Arapahoe County Department of Human Services 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303-6369-1308 Case No: 21 JV 214 Division: 22 NOTICE OF PATERNITY HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above captioned matter has been set for a Paternity Hearing in this action regarding the minor child, OAKLEE AVERY, on October 28, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. in Division 22 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the People of the State of Colorado may request the Court enter an order finding that you are the legal parent of the above named child(ren), entering an order requiring you to pay reasonable and necessary support pursuant to §19-4- 116(6), on a monthly basis on a monthly basis commencing immediately for the support of the child(ren), entering a judgment for child support debt pursuant to §1414-104, C.R.S., medical support, and to grant such further relief as the Court deems proper. YOU ARE ADVISED, that you have the right to be represented by counsel at every stage of these proceedings. In accordance with C.R.S. §19-4-105.5, you also may have the right to request genetic testing. A request for genetic test shall not prejudice the requesting party in matters concerning allocation of parental responsibilities. If genetic tests are not obtained prior to the legal establishment of paternity and submitted into evidence prior to the entry of the final order establishing paternity, the genetic tests may not be allowed into evidence at a later date. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: • https://judicial.webex.com/meet/ don.toussaint • Enter your name and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual courtroom. • Select your audio setting. If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below. If you elect to appear in person, you must be at the Courthouse a half hour before the hearing is scheduled to begin.

Communications Supervisor .... ..................................$7,806.93 Program Specialist II .... $4,139.20 Custodian ..................... $3,146.00 Special Projects Team Supv .......................................$4,986.04 Deputy Sheriff ............... $6,682.00 Program Specialist II .... $3,293.33 Child and Family Supervisor .......................................$7,599.02 Business Associate II .... $3,172.00 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Office Services Supervisor .......................................$6,461.87 Welfare Fraud Investigations Supervisor ................. $6,864.22 Accounting Technician .. $5,487.73 Accounting Manager ..... $8,329.47 Zoning Inspector ........... $4,766.67 Program Specialist II .... $4,151.33 Workforce Specialist ..... $4,317.73 Social Caseworker B .... $4,839.92 Paralegal ...................... $5,018.00 Business Associate I ..... $3,976.27 RIM Technician ............. $2,707.47 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Workforce Manager ...... $7,243.34 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,259.20 CSE Specialist .............. $3,761.33 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 Appraiser III - Residential .......................................$5,876.00 Building Inspector II ...... $5,917.60 Courier .......................... $3,071.47 Emergency Mgmt. Specialist .......................................$5,834.40 Business Associate I ..... $2,707.47 Inmate Services Technician .......................................$3,929.47 Road Maintenance Technician III .......................................$4,882.80 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,106.40 Dated: August 3, 2021 Kiley Schaumleffel, Esq. #46107 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for the People 14980 E. Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 303-636-1308 Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10348 ___________________________\ DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, Petitioner, In the Interest of: JOSEPH BURRIS Children, And concerning: ANIEYA BURRIS and DENNIS BURRIS Respondents. Heather L. Tomka, Esq. #50963 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for the People 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303.636.1895 Case No: 21JV251 Division: 22 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing and Default Judgement regarding Respondent Father, DENNIS BURRIS, and Respondent Mother, ANIEYA BURRIS, is set for September 13, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. in Division 22 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Date: July 29, 2021 Heather L. Tomka, Esq. #50963 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for the People 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303.636.1895 Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10349 ___________________________

CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE Public Notice of Contractor’s Final Settlement Pursuant to C.R.S. 38-26-107, notice is hereby given that on/ or after the 27th day of August 2021 final settlement with Vance Brothers, Inc. will be made by the City of Cherry Hills Village, for the 2021 Street Improvement Chip Seal Project, and that any person, co-partnership, association, company, or corporation who has an unpaid claim against any of the contractors for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractors, or any of their subcontractors, in or about the performance of said work may file at any time up to and including said time of such final settlement on/or after, August 27th, 2021, a verified statement

Workforce Specialist ..... $4,787.47 Inmate Services Technician ....................................... $5,154.93 Communications Supervisor ....................................... $7,806.93 Social Caseworker B .... $4,844.39 Sergeant ....................... $9,028.93 Customer Support Specialist .... .................................. $2,918.93 Deputy Sheriff ............... $7,652.67 Business Associate III ... $3,841.07 Adult Protection Supervisor ....................................... $7,051.89 Lieutenant ................... $11,014.58 Motor Vehicle Specialist $3,120.00 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .... .................................. $4,603.73 Program Specialist Supervisor .... .................................. $5,839.43 Client Relations Coordinator ....................................... $5,212.13 Sr. Facilities Project Manager ....................................... $8,535.76 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,106.40 Road Maintenance Technician I ....................................... $3,380.00 Accounting Technician .. $4,173.87 Sr. Administrative Assistant ....................................... $4,919.20 Community Development Adm .... .................................. $6,919.47 Practice Coach ............. $5,428.61 Program Specialist Supervisor .... .................................. $6,085.84 Administrative Coordinator ....................................... $3,532.53 Program Specialist II .... $3,315.87 Communications Technician II ....................................... $4,702.53 Social Caseworker B .... $4,859.88 Maintenance Tech II -Open Space & Trails ...................... $3,640.00

Sergeant ....................... $8,432.67 Non-Certified Deputy .... $5,186.13 CSE Specialist .............. $4,206.80 Permit Review Technician I ....................................... $4,953.87 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... .................................. $3,120.00 Business Associate I ..... $3,714.53 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,382.00 HVAC/R Technician ...... $5,154.93 Quality Assurance Manager .... .................................. $8,358.26 Communications Technician II ....................................... $3,997.07 Facility Warehouse Administrator .... .................................. $4,198.13 Evidence Technician ..... $4,322.93 Motor Vehicle Specialist .... .................................. $3,120.00 Non-Certified Deputy .... $4,603.73 SAP Trainer .................. $6,324.22 Program Specialist II .... $3,901.73 Communications Technician I RECRUIT .................. $3,537.73 Motor Vehicle Specialist III ....................................... $4,414.80 Medical Investigator ...... $5,908.93 Business Associate I ..... $3,418.13 Deputy Sheriff ............... $5,948.80 A/V & Security Systems Supervisor .... .................................. $7,212.88 Non-Certified Deputy .... $6,813.73 Program Specialist Supervisor .... .................................. $5,856.67 Social Caseworker Associate ....................................... $3,376.53

of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim with the City Council of the City of Cherry Hills Village, at the office of:

You are entitled to participate in these proceedings if you wish. You may also hire an attorney if you wish.

City Manager City of Cherry Hills Village 2450 E. Quincy Avenue Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113

The Special Master requests that any owners or former owners who wish to object or participate in the proceedings submit written documents stating their positions or objections (including any legal authority if you wish) according to the following deadlines:

Failure on the part of a claimant to file such statements prior to such final settlement will relieve said City from all and any liability for such claimant’s claims. CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE STATE OF COLORADO Published in The Villager First Publication: August 12, 2021 Last Publication: August 19, 2021 Legal # 10350 ___________________________ CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 7, SERIES 2021 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, AMENDING THE 2021 BUDGET AND APPROVING A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION IN THE GENERAL FUND AND THE PARKS AND RECREATION FUND FOR ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE COST OF LIVING AND MERIT INCREASES AND EMPLOYEE TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Copies of the Ordinances are on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10351 ___________________________ CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 8, SERIES 2021 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 BY CREATING THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUND AND ALLOCATING FUNDS THERETO Copies of the Ordinances are on file at the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10352 ___________________________

SPECIAL DISTRICTS NOTICE TO CURRENT AND FORMER OWNERS OF UNITS AT LANDMARK TOWERS CONDOMINIUMS, GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLORADO You may be entitled to a refund of property taxes paid to the Marin Metropolitan District during the years 2009 through 2013. If you are a current owner of a condominium unit at the Landmark Towers, or if you paid property taxes to Marin Metropolitan District during any of these years, please read this notice carefully. The District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado has appointed a special master to make a recommendation as to which owners or former owners are entitled to share in approximately $1.2 million of refunds. As an initial issue, the special master will decide whether the current owners of the units or former owners who paid the taxes should receive the refunds. In some cases, your purchase or sales contract may provide for who is responsible for past taxes or refunds of past taxes.

Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2,021 Legal # 10,343 ___________________________

1) Notice is being sent out by mail to all current owners and former owners at their last known address (which may not be accurate), and also by publication the Greenwood Village Villager. IF YOU OBJECT TO THIS NOTICE PROCEDURE, YOU MAY SUBMIT A WRITTEN OBJECTION NO LATER THAN AUGUST 30, 2021 TO THE UNDERSIGNED ATTORNEYS. 2) You may submit your written position as to whether refunds should go to former owners who paid the taxes during 2009-2013 or the current owner. IF YOU WISH TO SUBMIT YOUR WRITTEN POSITION, YOU MUST SUBMIT IT NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 TO THE UNDERSIGNED ATTORNEYS. 3) You will receive copies of any written correspondence received from other parties. You may submit a written response NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 TO THE UNDERSIGNED ATTORNEYS. 4) A hearing will be held at a later date on any objections and the issue described above. If you submit any objection or response, you will be notified of the hearing and have an opportunity to appear. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL WRITTEN OBJECTIONS OR WRITTEN POSITIONS TO BOTH OF THE UNDERSIGNED ATTORNEYS: Brian Matise 40 Inverness Drive East Englewood, CO 80112 bmatise@burgsimpson.com Josh Bugos 695 S. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80246 josh@cclawcolorado.com Please include your name, address, telephone number, and email address with all correspondence. Also include your unit number at the Landmark Towers if different from your current address, and the dates you owned your unit. Published in The Villager Published: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10353 ___________________________


DISTRICT COURT ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO 7325 S. Potomac St. Centennial, CO 80112 Case No.: 2021 CV 96 ORDER FOR PUBLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAME The court orders the following publication for a change of name: Name of Marjorie Blair Madden Bui is requested to be changed to Blair Bliss. 1. Pursuant to statute, public notice of this change of name shall be published three times in a legal newspaper published in this county. This publication is to made within 21 days of the date of this order. 2. Proper proof of publication shall be filed with the Court upon final publication to receive Final Degree for a Change of Name. Date: July 19, 2021 Peter Michaelson, Judge Published in The Villager First Publication: July 29, 2021 Last Publication: August 12, 2021 Legal # 10337 ___________________________

— Continued to next page —

August 12, 2021 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 23

DENVER ZOO CELEBRATES 125TH WITH PERFORMANCE FROM COLORADO BALLET August 20 from 6-8 p.m. Colorado Ballet will feature two original contemporary works; Sean Omandam’s “Yeah, It’s About That” and Sara Thomas’s “Embrace It or Race It.” Performances included in the price of daily admission to Denver Zoo. Tickets, visit DenverZoo. org/Events. AURORA CHAMBER ARMED FORCES RECOGNITION LUNCHEON Aug. 20, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at DoubleTree by Hotel Denver, 3203 Quebec St., Denver. Visit www.aurorachamber.org AURORA CHAMBER TO HONOR COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS “We’re All in This Together.” Nominations of individuals or businesses can be made at www.aurorachamber.org Honor champions that have played a major role in assisting society throughout the global pandemic. Double Tree by Hotel Denver, 3203 Quebec St., Denver. Oct. 15,11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. SOUTH METRO DENVER CHAMBER’S 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Sept. 24, 6-11 p.m. at Wings Over The Rockies. Honorary Chair, Brian Vogt, former SMDC President and Chief Executive Officer of the Denver Botanic Gardens. Tickets: 303795-0142 THE GREAT COLORADO AIR SHOW October 16 & 17 at Northern Colorado Regional Airport in Loveland. Featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels flying the team’s new aircraft, the F/A-18 Super Hornet which is 25% larger than their predecessor jet. Tickets went on sale July 6 and sold online through The Great Colorado Air Show. Tickets will not be available on site during show days. Visit www.greatcoloradoairshow.com. $5000 RAFFLE The Optimist Club of Monaco South is conducting a raffle to benefit their youth programs. Each year for 45 years this service club has sold Christmas trees to fund scholarships and worthwhile community needs. However since COVID severely restricted Christmas tree sales, Raffle tickets are being sold now with a $3000 first prize, a $1000 second prize and 10 $100 prizes. Drawing to be held at the Breakfast Meeting place, August 20th at 7:30 am, American legion hall 5400 East Yale. Tickets can be purchased for $25 each from Phil Perington 303-668-7031 or Mark Metevia 303-880-5000 WEEKENDS ON LITTLETON MAIN ST. Main Street will be closed the second Sat. of every month for “Second Saturdays” on

Artisan Market. Handmade market 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Aug. 14. Handmade jewelry pottery, clothing, fine art, candles, accessories and more. Pickletown Flower Company’s truck will be providing live music. COLORADO CELEBRITY CLASSIC (TAPS) Sept. 11, 5:30-9:45 p.m. at the Grove Family Ranch at Cherry Creek, 6225 S Fraser St., Centennial. Remembering the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 for the loved ones of those who served and died. Saluting our Fallen Military Heroes. Nashville Singer-Songwriters Show & Dinner. Since 1994 the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) has helped more than 100,000 children, teens & adults grieving a military death. Services are provided free-of-charge and TAPS receives no government funds. Tickets: 303-696-0450 COLORADO UPLIFT GUILD’S FASHION SHOW MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Sept. 27, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Colorado Uplift students will model fashions. At Lone Tree Golf Club & Hotel. Questions: rachael.uplift@ gmail.com SWING NIGHTS AT ASPEN GROVE Every Thursday night in August. Live bands & dancing in the street from 6-8 p.m. near Ted’s Montana Grill and Panera Bread. ONLINE SOCRATES CAFE EVENT Meeting each Friday, Sat. & Tue. & 1st Sunday from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. on zoom meeting 4167 450840 Free. Info: Call John Wren 303-861-1447. ART ON THE GREEN Sept. 11 & 12 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Curtis Park in Greenwood Village. A juried art fair featuring only Colorado artists with 8090 booths. Food trucks and local musicians. Partnered with the Women of Steel Studio Tour by bus. Info: Chris Stevens, 303-708-6110 or cstevens@greenwodvillage.com BLOOD DRIVE AT SOUTHLANDS SHOPPING CENTER Sat., Aug. 21 during the Sat. Farmers’ Market. Follow vitalant.org to pre-book your appointment. Determine if you are eligible to donate blood, visit https:// www.vitalant.org/blood-donationrequirements. CHV PLANNING 75TH +1 ANNIVERSARY EVENT The City of Cherry Hills Village is planning a 75th + 1 Anniversary event. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all events were cancelled so the City was unable to plan a celebratory event to acknowledge the City’s 75th anniversary. Thus, the 75th + 1 Anniversary was created!

The event will be held on Saturday, August 28 from 3-7 p.m. at John Meade Park and Alan Hutto Memorial Commons (120 Meade Lane). The event will include food, drinks, music, a time capsule dedication, family fun and more! For more information and to RSVP for the event, please visit www.cherryhills village.com/75event. ARAPAHOE SHERIFF & CORONER OPEN HOUSE Public invited to open house and free pancake breakfast on August 14 from 8 a.m. to noon at 13101 E. Broncos Parkway in Centennial. Climb into a SWA T vehicle, watch a police helicopter land, see K-9s in action, watch a vehicle extrication and more. https://bit.ly/SheriffOpenHouse 10TH ANNUAL AFFORDABLE ARTS FESTIVAL Valuable artwork from over 160 National & Colorado artists priced at $100 or less. Sunday, Aug. 29. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Arapahoe Community College Campus, 5900 S. Santa Fe Dr., Littleton. Tickets: $12 online & at the gate. Tickets proceeds help fund students scholarships. Affordbleartsfestival.com ENGLEWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD NIGHTS Bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Food trucks will be there. Aug. 19 at Denny Miller Field -3600 W. Elati St.; Sept. 2 at Belleview Park - 5001 S Inca Dr.; Sept. 10 at Roman’s Park - 1800 E. Floyd Ave.; Sept. 16 at Rotolo Park - 4400 S. Huron St. From 4-8 p.m. FALL CITIZENS ACADEMY IN ARAPAHOE DA OFFICE Eighteenth Judicial District Attorney John Kellner will hold his Academy Sept. 15-Oct. 27. The Academy is free, but registration and a background check are required. Application available at www.da18.org/ community-outreach/citizens-academy/ Deadline is Aug. 27. Participants will be notified of acceptance the week of Sept. 6. Meet on Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m. for seven weeks. COLORADO’S AUTHORS’ HALL OF FAME SEPT. 18 The induction will be held at the Renaissance Central Park in Denver. More information about the induction, donations, events, and board members can be found at www. ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame.org. Judith Briles of Aurora is the founder, CEO, and President of the Hall of Fame Board of Directors. CITY OF CENTENNIAL TO HOLD 20-YEAR CELEBRATION Sat., Sept. 18 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Streets at Southglenn. Enjoy a pancake breakfast, exotic car show, chalk art, live music, family activities and local vendors & food.


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2021 Camry Hybrid XSE is a home run BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST

Spent the last week driving around Colorado mountain roads in a 2021 Camry S Hybrid sedan averaging 47 mpg for the ourney. he gas tank still reads half-full, what a pleasure to drive such a spirited and economical vehicle. his oyota best seller also can boast a perfect five-star safety rating in all categories by the ational Highway raffic Safety Administration. he Camry has a far more expensive appearance than the manufacturer s suggested retail price of 32,720. Several desirable optional packages can raise the price, such as the driver s assist package that includes more cameras and

safety features adding 1,430. A second navigation package adds S 9-speakers with subwoofer and amplifier and a premium dynamic navigation system for 1,760. hese special options and others are worth the additional charges and the complete package is around 36,974. he exterior is attractive with “Celestial Silver etallic paint with the final assembly being done in eorgetown, . he car rides on 19-inch black alloy wheels that match the exterior paint for a great appearance. he interior has black trimmed heated and ventilated leather seats that provide a soft, comfortable ride, even on the crumbling -70 highway going est. Panel lights

warn of speed limits and car speed and paddle shifters can control the electronic variable transmission optional gear choices. here is a normal and sports mode and sport mode suspension for high performance driving. he oyota Safety Sense 2.5 program offers the precollision system with pedestrian detection, full speed radar cruise control and lane departure alerts. he rear traffic alert is especially appreciated at the local grocery parking lots. Overall, American consumers have made Camry a number one selection with many good reasons. oyota s chief scientist ill Pratt argues that a diversity of electrified drive train types are a better means of addressing climate

change than a monoculture of only electric vehicles. he trend to hybrid is increasing and makes more common sense than total electric choices. he hybrid system teamed with the 2.5L, 4-cylinder engine delivers both economy and performance with no necessity to charge the battery system that provide a powerful vehicle perfor-

mance. he overall fuel economy is astonishing with the high-performance of the Camry. he rear seats have adequate leg room and the trunk space is large and spacious for golf clubs and luggage. ou can certainly “ o Places in this top performing Camry hybrid.

PAGE 24 | THE VILLAGER • August 12, 2021

Sober living homes are part of life in the U.S. BY FREDA MIKLIN STAFF WRITER

Few Americans have not had some connection to a person who has struggled with addiction to some type of drug or alcohol. Most experts believe that at least one of the drivers of the swelling homeless population is the pervasiveness of substance abuse in our country. While drugs are appropriately the topic of many conversations about addiction, The National Institutes of Health recently reported that, “in 2019, 26 percent of people 18 and older reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the past month,” and 95,000 Americans die from alcohol-related deaths every year. Theories abound on the reasons for addiction, but the effects are irrefutable. One element of the timeline between addiction and a return to responsible living is time spent in a sober living home. Facilities for sober living are usually houses ranging in size from very modest to upscale for those who can afford it. Regardless of how fancy they are, all sober living homes are intended to offer a structured, supportive environment designed to ease those in recovery from addiction gradually and safely back into their regular environment. To live in a sober house, one must have completed the process of

detoxification from addictive substances, be willing to work and be able to live cooperatively, including doing chores in a home for multiple people in recovery mode. According to a longitudinal evaluation of sober living houses published by the National Institutes of Health, people who used them were generally very successful in maintaining their sobriety, staying employed and avoiding arrests for the 18-month period included in the study after completing residential treatment at a sober living house. Estimates are that Colorado has as many as 369 individual sober living homes and there are just under 18,000 nationwide. The subject of sober living homes got more complicated when it became clear that The Fair Housing Act of 1968 combined with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 taken together meant that addiction is a disability and those suffering from it are entitled to the protections of the ADA with respect to fair housing. After you cut through all the red tape, that means that people who reside together in sober living homes, although unrelated, are treated as a family for purposes of local zoning codes. Five years ago, residents of a toney neighborhood in Greenwood Village, where homes averaged around $1 million, began to notice that

one of their neighbor families had quietly moved out and the home was occupied by a bunch of men who came and went, usually without interacting with neighbors. They soon found out that the rent at this home, now a sober living house, was just under $1,900/month per person and that its bedrooms had been converted to accommodate at least eight men. In response to neighbors’ concerns about a group of unrelated men in a family home on their street, members of the GV city council turned to their city attorney for answers. They soon got the news that the home was exempt from the provisions of the GV Municipal Code that prohibit more than three unrelated people from living together in a single-family home because the tenants were considered a family under federal law as a result of their being in recovery from addiction, a disability. Even though the operation looked to many like a business, it could not be prohibited on that basis because it was a sober living home. As GV City Attorney Tonya Haas Davidson said in a presentation to the Colorado Municipal League in 2017, “Studies have shown that returning immediately to the same atmosphere where the drug or alcohol abuse occurred is more likely to lead to a relapse than spending time in a sober living house first where steps to last-

Boys Hope Girls Hope receives donation State Farm agent along with special guests deliver $3,000 check

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado in Aurora, welcomed a few fun and interesting “guests” recently when local State Farm® Agent Mark Peter showed up with Jake from State Farm (cutout) and a giant State Farm Bear to assist him in presenting an oversized check to Executive Director Mary Fran Tharp. The $3,000 State Farm donation supports the organization’s Collegiate Prep Program which provides tutors, mentors, character development opportunities, and ongoing support for the academically motivated high school students they serve. Mary Fran shared, “Boys Hope Girls Hope graduates this year earned over $3 million in merit and need based scholarships from colleges across the country. Our scholars do the work. Boys

Aurora State Farm Agent Mark Peter presents Boy Hope Girls Hope of CO Executive Director Mary Fran Tharp with a donation check for $3,000 in support of the organization’s Collegiate Prep program. Jake from State Farm (cutout) and a State Farm Bear joined in the presentation to make it extra fun!

Hope Girls Hope provides the opportunities and guidance. State Farm and our community partners make it possible. We are so grateful for the support from State Farm!” “I had a lot of fun pre-

senting our State Farm check to Mary Fran,” said Mark. “We’re proud to support a program that provides these necessary resources for our youth and serves as a small springboard to helping them reach their educational goals.”

ing recovery can be practiced for anywhere from 6 months minimum to 2 years or more.” Before things settled down, the city council spent $10,000 to get a second opinion on the question that confirmed what their city attorney had told them. Finally, neighbors and the city gave up trying to get rid of the sober living house. It eventually failed on its own and the original residents of the neighborhood who owned it sold it in 2019 for just under $1.3 million Not long afterward, a similar operation for women in recovery popped up, with proper notice to and permission from the city, at an even larger home in Greenwood Village about three miles away, owned by the same family. It was more secluded and went mostly unnoticed by neighbors. It was eventually converted into a men’s sober living facility that the owners sold in June 2021 for $1.4 million more than they paid for it a decade earlier. In April 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic was getting into full swing, Greenwood Village granted a request for “a reasonable accommodation” for up to ten people to reside in seven bedrooms in a new sober living home for women. The home was owned by a limited liability corporation (LLC), the principal of which was a longtime GV resident who was also

a principal of the LLC that planned to run the operation. As the home was getting ready to open, The Villager toured the home, which was newly furnished and in excellent condition. We interviewed its executive director, who confirmed that the aforementioned sober living home for men was still operating and both homes were intended to be “the type of place that Greenwood Village and Cherry Hills Village residents can go to for a higher-than-average quality of living” experience while they recover from addiction. She explained that the importance of the sober living step was to avoid the triggers of patients’ former environment that could lead to relapse as they adjust to life without substances. She also told us that the motivation for starting this operation, as with many, was to support a family member in recovery. By June 2021, the experiment was over at that location and the home was sold by the LLC for almost $400,000 more than it paid 14 months earlier. While it was there, those neighbors who knew about it said little and there is no indication it had any impact on them. Sober living homes can be found in any residential neighborhood anywhere in Colorado and throughout the country. Many of those who live nearby don’t even know that they’re there. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Littleton Public Schools will elect three school board members in November The Board of Education of Littleton Public Schools Arapahoe County is now accepting nominations for election to its school board on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. At this election, three directors will be elected for one 4-year term each. To be qualified, a candidate must have been a registered elector and a resident of the school district for at least twelve consecutive months before the election. A person who desires to be a candidate for school board must file a written notice of intention to be a candidate and a nomination petition with the school district in accordance with state law. Nomination petitions may be obtained at the Littleton Public Schools finance office, 5776 South Crocker

The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must accompany all letters to the editor for verification and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. Letters deadline 10 am Monday. Please limit to 300 words.

Street, Littleton, CO. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Completed petitions should be submitted with 50 eligible signatures to the Littleton Public Schools finance office by 4:30 p.m. on August 27, 2021. The Board of Education has designated Jonathan Levesque, LPS director of finance, as the election official for this election. He can be reached at 303-347-3333 or jvlevesque@lps.k12.co.us. The LPS school board is comprised of five members, all of whom are elected and serve at-large. Of the three positions up for election, two are currently occupied by Kelly Perez, board vice president, and Jack Reutzel, board secretary, both of whom are term-limited and cannot run for re-election. fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

Submit your letters by email to: gerri@villagerpublishing.com 303-773-8313

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