8-25-22 Villager

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www.facebook.com/thevillager1982 Price $1 per copy VOLUME 40 • NUMBER 39 • AUGUST 25, 2022 SUBSCRIBE TO THE VILLAGER TODAY - CALL 303-773-8313 twitter.com/thevillager1982 Since 1982 1983 Aerovodochody L-39C 1940 Lincoln Victoria Saturday, August 27th, 2022 • 6-10 PM Signature Flight Support North at Centennial Airport More tickets available at www.morganadamsconcours.org See story on page 5

Five-year-old Ivan, who attends Runyon Elementary School in Littleton, told us that he “loves SWAT and police,” and wants to be a police officer when he grows up. Ivan came to the Sheriff’s Open House with his parents Amanda and Paul.

Arapahoe County Sheriff Tyler Brown (right) told The Villager that Robert Minor (left) is a huge supporter of law enforcement.

Max and Ashley brought daughters Talia, 5, and Blake, 2, from Castle Rock to help their kids get familiar with first responders and emergency teams.

Arapahoe County Coroner Kelly Lear, M.D., was telling new Colorado residents Brian and Hope Ashton about county operations. The Ashtons moved to Parker seven weeks ago from southern California to be near their daughter who is a Human Resources employee for Arapahoe County. We asked Dr. Lear, who was first elected in 2014, how she is impacted by term limits. She explained that she is not subject to term limits as the coroner because she is Forensic Pathologist, but that anyone elected to that position who did not possess that credential would be term limited. Dr. Lear served as Arapahoe County Chief Deputy Coroner for ten years before her election to the top position in 2014.

Continued on page 5

BELOW: Aiden, 3, was very excited to point out the fire trucks to dad, Michel. They live in Parker. Aiden was sporting a cap from his dad’s home country of Switzerland.

Arapahoe County Sheriff and Coroner hold open house BY FREDA MIKLIN REPORTERGOVERNMENT

Tom and Vicki Pinnow came to the Sheriff’s Open House and pancake breakfast to support their son, Deputy Sheriff Jeff Fischer, who works in the maximum-security section of the Detention Center, as well as the Special Operations and Gang Enforcement Units.

On August 13, Arapahoe County Sheriff Tyler Brown and Arapahoe County Coroner Dr. Kelly Lear hosted an Open House and free pancake break fast for the community. The event included Sheriff’s deputies demonstrating how their K-9 partners help catch cri inals and find dru s, ther apy miniature horses, SWAT and bomb squad tools and procedures, South Metro Fire Rescue engines and tools, in cluding a demonstration on the use of the Jaws of Life, Arapa hoe Rescue Patrol, Emergency Management, tours of the 911 dispatch center, the Sheriff’s ffice, and the oroner s fa cility, and even a dunk tank where people got a chance to dun their fa orite elected offi cial by donating $5 to help pay for breast cancer and prostate cancer treatment for Littleton Adventist Hospital patients in need of assistance. An estimat ed 2,500 people attended.


Photos by Freda Miklin Mateo, 4, from Aurora, loved petting Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol miniature therapy horse Happy Times. Dad Chris, a Sheriff’s Deputy, told us they come to this event every year. These miniature horses are provided by the McNicholas family, longtime philanthropists whose patriarch was T. Kevin McNicholas, of blessed memory. Ron Bouchard, who is running against Dr. Lear for Arapahoe County Coroner, told The Villager he was at the open house to “see the dedication of Sheriff’s Office and Coroner’s Office employees serving our laboratoryof“hasConstitutionandiswebsiteBouchard’scommunity.”campaignsaysthatheaproudAmericandefenderofthewhoover30yearsscienceresearchexperience.”

Rising fifth grader Cooper Carnes is pictured with his mom, Centennial City Council Member Robyn Carnes. Cooper plays left guard and right tackle for the Warriors AYL football team.

PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022

One-year-old Colt was happy to see his mom, Mary Katherine, a member of the Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol, who rides the horse Maverick.

Kamily Gilmore, 3 (next to the window), Lilah Gilmore, 6 (middle), and Virginia Schumacher, 6 (in the red sweater), practiced what it would be like sitting in this Denver Police helicopter that pilot Ron Brightwell told The Villager is used “to catch bad guys.” Lilah and Virginia attend Arrowhead Elementary School in Aurora.

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Le Mot Juste



drug overdose. Visit overdoseday.com August ChildisSupport Awareness Month ARAPAHOE COUNTY Lace up your sneaks for a timed 5K racebeginning at Tagawa Gardens and running along the Cherry Creek Regional Trail. Walkers and all ages welcome! Funds support trail maintenance and Arapahoe County Open Spaces. BBQ dinner and live bluegrass at the finish line! 2022 Date & Time: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 | 5:30–7:30 p.m. Location: Tagawa Gardens–7711 S. Parker Rd., Centennial, CO 80016 Registration Fee: $25 online, $30 onsite Get details at arapahoecountyeventcenter.com/5ktrailseriesPublicHealthServices Our weekly public health polls have concluded. In this new survey phase—in your own words—help us better understand your needs from Arapahoe County Public Health. Visit arapahoegov.com/health for details. PUBLIC HEALTH THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS AND SPONSORS: CNVERSATIONS arapahoegov.comarapahoegov.com/osmasterplan ARAPAHOE COUNTY

August 25, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

always laugh, or nod approvingly, at the blunt criticism of math, a nemesis to many. However, the lesson is not just about the rhetorical effect, but about how the writer achie ed the final product through numerous drafts. His initial poem was “I Hate Algebra,” which was mostly an expression of anxiety about an upcoming quiz. In revising, he decided the source of angst was algebra, not him. So, on revision he removed the word “I” and added the contemptuous word “sucks.”

According to Mark Twain

Poetry has the ability to stop the reader experienceandaboutthinkingfromlifedirectlyitinstead.

The second draft became “Algebra Really Sucks,” which is certainly an improvement. However, the writer realized “really” is actually a weak odifier and doesn t enhance the effect he final draft is powerful and effective for the feeling it evokes, emphasized even more through intentionally poor grammar. My plan is for students to craft a three-line poem, using the most effective language, and to explain their writing and revising process. The simple structure – just three total lines – is not too overwhelming, as I’m not a fan of forcing kids to be creative and poetic. The lesson is introduced through imagism, the style of poetry developed in the 20th century and popularized by Lost Generation poets like Ezra Pound. The conciseness of the genre makes it accessible and less intimidating to students while also encouraging tight command of language. We begin with Pound’s classic poem “In a Station of theInMetro”:astation of the metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough.Asstudents make sense of the poem by discussing word choice and structure, the word “apparition” is key, noting the suddenness of the appearance. The use of the colon reveals meaning through analogy, as the faces are fragile, delicate, diverse, and vulnerable “petals on a wet black bough.” The simplicity of the poem creates its impact, which is meant to be immediate and momentary, rather than expansive and drawn out. Imagism captures a moment, intending it for observation, much like a painting or sculpture.Ialsoshare poems from an American Buddhist monk named Joe Wagner, whom I met years ago in Taiwan. Joe’s poetry is linked to his meditation and intention to live deliberately and self-aware because “poetry has the ability to stop the reader from thinking about life and directly experience it instead.” That insight suggests a meditative quality. In his three-line poems, Joe’s philosophy of poetry seeks brevity as a goal. If a poem is too long, it risks losing the reader to the inevitable wanderings of the restless mind. If the goal is to impact that mind, the poem must stop the reader from thinking too much. I share several examples of Joe’s poetry, revealing them slowly, one line at a time, which enhances the effect of the words. The sadness of eating guageofsimplicityfromcomesthepowerEveChristmasOnPizzaTheofpoemthethelan-and the structure which emphasizes the starkness of the moment. Another example perfectly captures a moment in every teacher’s life, one which students are generally aloof to. Classroom quiet The EachTakechildrenaquizpoemproduces insightful and enlightened nods and murmurs in the classroom. The kids get it.

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Twain was undoubtedly a master of language, and when I teach rhetoric, Twain’s sentiment is central to understanding effective word choice. The goal is to affect the reader with what the French call le mot juste, “the right word.” One way I introduce my students to the power of diction is through the three-word poem. I learned it from a colleague, and one year it produced a true work of art, which I share with my students. The following is one of the best three-word poems I’ve everTheBadSucksAlgebraread.students

When I ask students to create a three-line poem, they also submit an analysis of their process. While I don’t require numerous drafts, I do expect that their analysis paragraphs re ect an idea of re ision and editing. These poems are also receivedrecitedsimplyemstheselesson,unlikeHowever,thesentedpre-toclass.mypo-areand with no comment or analysis in class. Many produce great reactions, from gasps to sighs to laughter, and students hopefully grasp an appreciation for “the right word.” Michael P. Mazenko is a writer, educator, & school administrator in Greenwood Village. He blogs at A Teacher’s View and can be found on Twit ter @mmazenko. Ytou can email him at mmazenko@gmail.com to read summary report. awareness of drug abuse and overdose Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August 31 each year that aims to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends by remembering those who have died or had a permanent as a result of a

the DIVE

Visit arapahoegov.com/osmasterplan

PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 QUOTEoftheWEEK QUOTEoftheWEEK The Villager Office: 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122 • (303) 773-8313 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $52 per year. Single copies available for $1 per issue. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID IN LITTLETON, CO. AND ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 6972 S. Vine St., Suite 363, Centennial, CO 80122 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday. PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney gerri@villagerpublishing.com RobertPUBLISHERSweeney bsween1@aol.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney 720-270-2018Lanam susan@villagerpublishing.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETINGSharonSweeney sharon@villagerpublishing.com BeckyLEGALSOsterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com NEWS EDITOR Gerri 720-313-9751Sweeney gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com303-489-4900 RobertREPORTERSweeney bsween1@aol.com FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com Sharon Sweeney — 303-503-1388 Gerri Sweeney — 720-313-9751 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-773-8313 valerie@villagerpublishing.com StefanSusanSUBSCRIPTIONS720-270-2018PHOTOGRAPHERKrusze—303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNIST Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com


2020 Member Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get -Julestired.Renard

The accuracy fairness contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

This past week my life’s companion, Gerri and I, set out to make a tour around Western Colorado, my immigrant an cestor’s homeland, starting with the arrival of my Irish grandfa ther to America in 1865 and my mother’s grandparents arriving in Leadville from Scotland in 1895.The trip was following an invitation from the Palisade Historical Society about the Palisade Tribune that we owned and published for 20 years. I donated historic news paper binderies to the Society and became a lifetime member of the group. The newspaper was sold to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, who published the newspaper for only two years, closing it down, leav ing the town without a local newspaper. Alas, happening in far too many towns across the nation. Who will guard the cit izenry as the 4th Estate news papers dwindle away. But, there are a few diehards like us, who still believe in printing newspapers. Many accolades to our subscribers who agree and continue to subscribe year after year through print or digital. I reminisced with the group located in a former Palisade fruit shipping warehouse, now converted to a winery and restaurant. They invited me back for another program at some future date. Palisade is heaven on earth as a fruit capi tal. The fruit is seasonal and has to compete with South America and Florida where crops can be harvested throughout the year. The empty shipping warehouse is a reminder of former days of shipping fruit by rail that runs thru town. It was my plan to own the Palisade Tribune and live in that community in my later years. I could toddle up to the ain street news a er office and continue my writing and newspaper activities.

Instead of mov ing to Palisade, we moved to Denver in1980, where our four children obtained higher educations. Two attending CU, and two at CSU. All four ended up in the publishing business, with older daughters now retired, and two still active in the business. Susan is heav ily engaged in daily operations and sales, and Patrick doing IT work, keeping his father’s com puter running and the news paper’s servers and computers working.Weleft Palisade at 7 p.m. and headed l20 miles north to rai , tra elin throu h i e and Meeker; traveling on a dark road where once my grandfa ther drove a freight wagon on a dusty trail to i e i hway 13, heading north, is famous for being deer laden, but nary a deer on the hi hway i e is the home of U.S Representative Lauren Boebert’s “Shooter’s Restaurant,” now closing for lack of a lease. Her four boys recently making the news rid ing their off-road vehicles too fervently in the Silt neighbor hood, a minor event, making national news. She is now somewhat of a national celebri ty running for re-election. We rented the last room in Craig at the Hilton Hampton Inn for $250 a night, the last room in a town full of motels. Seems that construction work ers are renting the motel rooms working on the doomed power plants, road construction, and gasThelines.trip to Craig coincid ed with the death of my high school pal, life-long friend William L. “Bill” Terrill. He became a national “Million Dollar Roundtable” member, year after year, representing the New York Life Insurance Co. He was married four times, had a very exciting life, and passed away in his sleep alone suffering from a heart ailment. A celebration of his life was held at Vallar ta’s Mexican restau rant. The popular site was once owned by his family, named “Signal Hill” during the oil boom days. Bill owned a “Signal Hill” sign that he donated to the new owners that hangs behind the wall at the restaurant bar. His father was also Moffat County Sheriff and was appointed Colorado’s U.S. Marshall by President John F. Kennedy; his Uncle, John Terrill, received the same presidential appointment in Wyoming. The two were very famous lawmen. It was old home week at the outdoor patio celebration for “Billy.” We saw many Craig friends, es ecially fi e eroulis brothers who grew up in Craig with our family. We were close friends with their parents, John and Kate Peroulis. There is a large Greek population in Craig, all related to the early day sheep industry with the na tion’s largest wool warehouse located in Craig. The brothers all ranch and own the historic truck line in Craig. I was thrilled to sit by old friend Louis Wyman, the founder and operator of the Wyman Museum, located di rectly East of Craig. A former rancher, he has accumulated a vast collection of Western antiques, including a steam gold ore stamping press out of Central City. He has an early day military tank. I have a tank driving license from Ft. Knox army days. His museum was featured nationally on the Antique Roadshow, a popular televisionAnotherprogram.Craignative was Dr. Neal McCandless, Veteri narian graduate who I knew at CSU. His father, Ted McCand less, wrote a clever column in The Craig Empire-Courier called, “Shot of Scotch.” Mc Candless was a member of the Colorado A&M Board of Agriculture and a very promi nent veterinarian, and an avid Democrat. His son, Neal has served in many positions in Moffat County, including being a County Commissioner. My father loved to read his dad’s column.Highlight of the trip was dinner Friday night with one of my last two living relatives, y first cousin, atricia wee ney Pierce. Now a widow, she was raised in a log cabin on the original Sweeney ranch. A registered nurse, she married a local cowboy and state champi on wrestler, spending her life in Craig. Her mother Edna lived actively to age 104. My son, Patrick is named after her fa ther, and my grandfather. My other first cousin, ason wee ney, also grew up in the wil derness on a cattle and sheep ranch and is like a brother. He wor ed the su er hayfields with me, and attended CSU, having a successful career working for IBM in Boulder. At home Sunday I caught up on local news, reading The Denver Post. I’m really tired of those New York Times edito rials. While I may write about family history and events, the information is still about Col orado. I really miss some of those great Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News writers, like Gene Amole, who shared how to make good turkey stuffin The Villager now has a great sport’s writer, Denny Dressman, formerly of the Rocky Mountain News Colorado Masons are gath ering in Central City this week end to celebrate the founding of their first lod es durin the old rush. The Lodges were here prior to Colorado becoming a state in 1876.

of their

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists and didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content,

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RIGHT: First to dunk 18th Judicial District Attorney and Republican nominee for Colorado Attorney General were his own kids, who were very happy. Next to try was his mom, but she didn’t throw the ball hard enough, probably on purpose.

Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Deputy Jim Stiltner is the handler for K9 Doc, a German Shepherd/Berlgian Malinois mix from Hungary who is trained in apprehension and narcotics detection. Doc and his bulletproof vest were both purchased with the help of Back the Blue K9 Force, a local nonprofit agency.

Centennial City Council Members Christine Sweetland (left) and Tammy Maurer (right) came to the open house to show their support for the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office and the Arapahoe County Coroner.

Arapahoe County Sheriff and Coroner hold open house

The 19th Annual Morgan Adams Concours d’Elegance, a fundraisin e ent to fi ht children’s cancer, will be held at Centennial Airport on Satur day, August 27 from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. and will feature a world-class exhibit of vin tage and exceptionally-crafted vehicles, including airplanes, automobiles, and motorcycles. Participants in the event will view over 125 exotic andtimeless classic street and race cars, alongsidemore than 45 custom private jets and ex traordinary period aircraft, 50 or more highly coveted classic motorcycles, while enjoying a walk-about feast with samples fro so e of the area s finest restaurants and beverage pro viders, including Barolo Grill, City Bakery, Osaka Ramen, Stranahan’s and many others.

Continued from page 2

The Promise The Morgan Adams Foundation raises money and awareness on behalf of children with cancer. They use donations to directly fund pediatric cancer research and therapies that will improve survival rates and reduce the devastating side effects of cancer treatments. The Foun dation also provides financial support for families in need during their child’s treatment.

The 19th Annual Morgan Adams Concours d’Elegance Fundraising event to fight children’s cancer will feature a worldclass exhibit of vintage airplanes, automobiles, and motorcycles and will take place at Centennial Airport on Saturday, August 27

Photos by Freda Miklin

• Learn More or Donate to The Morgan Adams Foun dation: foundation.orgmorganadams

August 18, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5

Joan Slaughter, who along with her late husband Steven Adams, began the event in memory of their daughter Morgan who passed away from cancer, had this to say about the staggering collection of machinery: “We are able to showcase cars, planes and motorcycles that span the entire production history of each industry, so we are sharing with our guests not only exquisite models with truly significant historical sig nificance, but also some of the coolest, fastest, most desirable vehicles on the current market. The breadth of it all is pretty amazing when it all comes together. Butbeyondthat, to know all of our guests, exhibitors and volunteers come together to make a huge difference in how we care for the kids and teens with cancer who are the reason behind our work – that is what makes this an incredible evening like no other I know of anywhere.” This year the event will be showing a 1936 Delahaye Type 135CS from The Mullin Museum in California. This race car took 1st place at the 1938 Le Mans Grand Prix and is still in action today, af ter eight owners, dozens of races, numerous crashes and a “slight searing” after it’s transportation truck caught fire once. Juxtaposing the 1936 Delahaye is a 2022 “Liquid Carbon” Ford GT, a newly available, limited edition Ford GT model that emphasizes the GTs lightweight, sculpted carbon fiber body that is com pletely free of paint and coat ed with a very special clear coat that highlights the carbon fiber weave – a truly beautiful car.

Proceeds benefit The Mor gan Adams Foundation, a local 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life and survival rates of children diagnosed with pediatric cancers. Morgan Adams was 5-years old when she was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multi forme brain tumor. She faced her many treatments - surgery, chemotherapy, blood trans fusions - with bravery and fortitude, never complaining. There were glimmers of suc cess, so many achievements exceeding doctors’ expecta tions, but the family was dev astated to learn the tumor had recurred. Morgan battled her cancer for 11 months before she succumbed to the disease. She was home with family when she died peacefully on November 7th, 1998, at the age of Two6.years after Morgan died, her parents Steven Ad ams and Joan Slaughter joined the Oncology Advisory Board at The Children’s Hospital in Denver as a way to learn more about research and treatment options for childhood cancer, and to take a more active role in addressing the unmet needs in the field of pediatric cancer research.Asaresult of their work with the Board, they asked a small group of friends to help a host a fundraiser to benefit pediatric cancer research. Artma, now a hugely-antici pated biennial art auction, was held in 2001. Based on that success and the response from the community, an additional fundraiser, the Morgan Adams Concours d’Elegance, began in 2003. “When we started the event in 2003, we were one of a handful of “hangar parties” in the country and it has been an incredibly special thing to build this event over the past 19 years!” exclaimed Joan. “It has grown tremen dously, and we have had the privilege of sharing with our guests some truly exceptional machines, many never seen outside museums.We have gone from 500 guests, 50 cars, 20 planes to more than 1500 guests each year, 125 cars, 50 aircraft and over 50 motorcy cles and two full hangars! It’s so exciting, and we’re incredi bly grateful to have been able to build something that our guests and patrons love, and that keeps them coming back year after year. Of course we think everyone should join us, but seriously if you’re an enthusiast of any sort of “thing that goes” – this is an event you really don’t want to miss. AND for a great cause – how can there be anything but goodness that comes from that?”

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Program is an educational, volunteer program for young people aged 14-21 who are interested in law enforcement. Members of Explorer Post #25, whose advisor is Deputy Colton O’Keefe (standing, left), include Sergeant Dayonara Castillo, 19 (standing, right), who attends Arapahoe Community College and plans to work on the mental health side of law enforcement, Lieutenant Brooklynn Arnold, 17 (sitting, left), who attends Grandview High School and aspires to be a Department of Homeland Security agent, and Aiden Apodaca, 19 (sitting, right), who works in Detention Operations at the Arapahoe County Jail, who plans to be a Sheriff’s Deputy.

ABOVE: We found Grayson, 3, with Mom Tori and Dad Mike, from Parker, checking out South Metro Fire Rescue’s biggest rigs. Grayson told us he “loves police and ambulances.”

FAR RIGHT: Sheriff Tyler Brown was the first to sign up for the dunk tank. He got dunked by lots of kids and he even helped many of them do it.

• Their promise, “We prom ise to continue funding hope, until we fund a cure.”

• Tickets and Event Details for Morgan Adams Con cours d’Elegance: adamsconcours.orgmorgan

Arapahoe County Republican candidates gather at Grove Ranch for fundraiser

C herry Creek Repub lican Women, Au rora Republican Fo rum and Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Club partnered to sponsor a county fundraiser for GOP candidates with Tony’s Meats and thepresentationforgivencandidateforandsupplyingMarketmeatcheesetraysguests.Eachwasequaltimehisorheratbeautifulterrace of Steve Grove’s Ranch in www.arapahoerepublicans.orgCentennial.

Caroline Cornell, candidate for Clerk and Recorder

Ron Bouchard, candidate for Coroner Bob Andrews, candidate for Assessor Kevin Edling, candidate for Sheriff Steven Monahan, candidate for U.S. Congressional District 6 Mark Gotto, candidate for Commissioner District 2 Bob Roth, candidate for Commissioner District 4

Lynne Cottrell and Jill CullisMarsha Berzins, candidate for Treasurer

Former Centennial Mayor Cathy Noon, current Centennial Mayor Stephanie Piko, Francoise Bergan – Aurora City Council and Mayor Pro Tem

PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • August 25 2022

Arapahoe County GOP chair Suzanne Staiert Tony Rossacci and Cherry Creek Republican Women President Evie Ashmore Photos by Scottie Iverson

CHV City Attorney Kathie Guckenberger explained that the Wayfair decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018 “effectively invalidated the city’s version of the

CHV Mayor Russell Stewart summarized the effect of this code change as extending the requirement to collect the city sales tax to those engaged in business in the city, rather than only those that have a physical location within the city. comfmiklin.villager@gmail.

Village residents on the issue, including presentations at multiple homeowner association meetings, mailing of postcards, and articles in The Crier and this SalesRemoteplacingresolutionapprovedimouslycilCitytheAugustmeetingitspaper,news-atregularon16,CHVCoun-unan-atheTaxBallot

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August 25, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7 PREMIUM BE E F , LLC From Wiens Ranch Co Half • Quarter • Eighth • Bulk Beef fromSedaliaOURRanchtoYOURkitchentable WiensRanch.com-AVAILABLENOWSUMMER OF FUN & GIVING BACK CONCERT SERIES Planning an event? 303-635-1210 • Corporate Events • Festivals & City Events • Charity & Non Profit Events • Weddings & Receptions • Graduations & Proms • Bar & Bat Mitzvahs • Family Events • Holiday Parties • And so much more! www.5StarActs.com | ProfessionalWhere’sTerri@5StarActs.comTerri?EntertainmentforAnyOccasionFind out more and get tickets at: www.mscenter.org 44th Rocky Mountain MS GALA September202217,2022 - 6:00 pm Nacho Men Fun Dance Music, Choreography & Humor Music • Live Auction Dancing • Casino Gaming Downtown Denver Sheraton Hotel David Gaston Photography www.flatironcrossing.com FIESTA SeptemberFUN17, 2022 Fiesta Colorado 12:00 - 12:45 Premier Hispanic Dance FlatIron Crossing One West FlatIron Crossing Dr., Broomfield Azteca Dancers 2:15 - 3:00 Traditional Hispanic Dance Dirty Flamenco 1:00 - 2:00 Spanish Rumba Flamenco Music Sugar Skull Making 12:00 - 3:00 Terri Fisher Owner, President 5 Star Talent Entertainmentand Hyland Hills WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS Carl Park Community Center: 5401 Meade Street, Denver September 14, 2022 | 10:00 am Featuring: HawkQuest Live birds of prey Happy 30th Anniversary Al and Terri! August 29, 2022 City of Broomfield BROOMFIELD DAYS Midway Boulevard and Kohl Street, Broomfield September 17, 2022 2:10 - 3:00 pm Featuring: Istari Percussion 3:00 - 6:00 pm Featuring: Hot Lunch Band SAVE THE DATE!Wings Over The Rockies 2022 GALA | November 10, 2022 Featuring: Dave Camp, Party Crasher’s Dueling Pianos “Plus” Rylie Behr Auctioneer Stay tuned for more details! THURSDAYS Bill Kopper & Gui Kroneberger Authentic Brazilian Samba Music FOGO De CHÃO STEAKHOUSE Park Meadows | 6:00 - 9:00 pm FRIDAYS Gary Meyers Trio Spanish FlamencoRumba Through September, 2022 Twenty Ninth Street SUMMER OF LOVE CONCERT SERIES August 26, 2022 - 6:00 pm 1710 29th St., Boulder Quemando Salsa and ShowTek CHV City Council approves sales tax ballot issue BY FREDA MIKLIN REPORTERGOVERNMENT

rectlycyachangeanyColorado,lawstate“GivenShetaxinrulepresencephysicalthatisitssalescode.”added,theofthehereinkindoftotaxpoli-thatdi-may cause a revenue gain to the city requires voter approval,” noting, “This language does not create a new tax,” adding, “It will not increase the tax rate of 3.5% that exists in the city code currently.”

fter cant Cherry Hills

research and education of

Issue before CHV voters on November 8. It states: “Without changing the city’s existing 3.5% sales tax rate, shall the sales tax code of the City of Cherry Hills Village be amended, as a voter-approved tax policy change, to require persons “engaged in business in the city,” which may include persons making deliveries to city residents, that including remote sellers, to collect tax, and further shall any increase in revenues resulting from these changes to the code, regardless of amount, constitute a voter-approved revenue change for the city within the meaning of Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution?”

August 25, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 February 24, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • February 24, 2022 CALL ONE OF THESE TRUSTED EXPERTS Denver’s architecture,landscapefull-serviceaward-winning,premier, construction and maintenance firm. 303.789.4400designsbysundown.com andConcrete,Asphalt,RepairsReplacement,onClayShake. Locally owned - 70 years of stellar service. 303-942-1386 www.goldenspikeroofing.com ROOFING FINANCE ROLL OFF DUMPSTERLANDSCAPING MOVING/STORAGE MOLD REMEDIATION Choose The Colorado Mover That Makes Your Life Easier Moving & Storage For: Commercial, Residential, Load and Hold (303)789-2200 • cowboymoving.com Inspect, test, or eliminate your mold problem in one day! PureMaintenanceCO.cominfo@puremaintenanceco.com303-536-7545 Experience Refinancingprocessmortgagepersonalizedabyor Purchasing your dream home! Vickie Newman Loan Officer NMLS # 493951 Licensed States: AZ, CO Email: vnewman@ccmclending.com Office: 720-974-8400 Direct: 720-902-5040 Commercial & Residential Dumpster Rentals • Locally Owned & Operated • Made in the USA • We Deliver on Saturdays • New, Powder Coat Painted Dumpsters • Many Configurations/Sizes Centennial (720)www.redboxplus.com/denver-south-metroCO734-4414 FINANCE ROOFING MOLDLANDSCAPINGREMEDIATIONROLLMOVING/STORAGEOFFDUMPSTER CUSTOM FRAMING CUSTOM FRAMING We framingofwithhelpcanyouallyour needs, including custom services such as: High-Quality Custom-Made Frames Expert framing design guidance Conservation archival framing Framed custom mirrors & much more framedeart.com303-722-1525


What inspires your creativity?

What do you enjoy most about being an artist? I enjoy the freedom of expressing myself and wood.workingnewexploringwaysofwith How/ when did you know you liked creating art? I loved making art before I can even remember. Since I was one or two years old, I would watch my mother, a fine artist herself, create at her drawing table and be totally transfixed with her process. She also would keep me “busy” as a little tot by providing me with paper, pens, pencils and crayons, allowing me to discover my own creative process.

What is your favorite piece of art by you or someone else? We have an incredible photograph by the late and great Dallas Parkins. This 40x30in vast desolate desert landscape is proudly displayed in our living room, and has been known to change color depending on the time of day. What do you enjoy most about being an artist? The ability to see and observe the world as a sensitive feeling person. To have the gift of transforming the mundane into something beautiful, interesting or different.

Sat. - Sun. Sep 17-18, 2022 at 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 whenHow/ did you know you art?creatingliked I’ve always been a creative person, even as a child. I was always building with Lego blocks, Tinker Toys, and Lincoln Logs. As an adult I learned woodworking with the intention of building custom designed furniture. These skills led me to doing abstract sculptural work. What inspires your creativity? My current sculptural series is inspired by geological formations – the many layers that have been stacked on each other over the millennia. Aside from that, seeing other artists’ work is always an inspiration. And not just woodworking, but artists of any media. What is your favorite piece of art by you or someone else? I can’t say I have a favorite, but coming from a background in architecture, visiting the Pantheon in Rome left a strong impression on me. Not only is it beautiful and an

ART ON THE GREEN - Join the Curtis Center for the Arts and the City of Greenwood Village for our annual, All-Colorado art fair!

Come and check out and purchase artwork from over 80 artists, listen to live music, grab a bite from local food trucks and cool down with refreshing drinks!


A beautiful sunset, an unusual bird in a tree, the way the ocean looks at night. I am inspired by things that some may overlook or disregard, like an urban skyline that creates a whole different shape in the sky, or the way telephone wires can crisscross when looking up at them, and the varied lines it makes. All of these observations are incorporated into my work through my use of color, composition, shape, form and value.

on page 14

August 25, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11 With annual revenue $7 million over budget, GV will raise employees’ pay $2.5 million BY FREDA MIKLIN REPORTERGOVERNMENT

State Sen. Kevin Priola switches from Republican to Democrat BY FREDA MIKLIN REPORTERGOVERNMENT

For many years, Greenwood Village surveyed other cities in Colorado about their pay ranges for municipal jobs and adopted a pay scale based on comparable salaries for comparable positions. After being told that the city had a 10.5% attrition rate just through August 15 and was losing employees to higher-paying positions, on August 16, the city council agreed to adopt a new compensation philosophy that would result in higher payThescales.new method of setting salaries, formulated by city staff with assistance from Employers Council, a human resources consultin fir , matches all 102 different jobs in city government with a comparable position in the overall job market, including the private sector. Deputy City Manager John Sheldon explained that this change in philosophy is expected to add an estimated $2,452,061 to the city’s 2023 ayroll and enefits ud et, which will total $30,070,361.

GV Finance Director Shawn Cordsen told the coun cil that, based on the most current information available, GV was “on track to outper form (its budgeted revenue for 2022) by $7 million,” adding that tax collections for just the month of June had exceeded the amount budgeted by $1.2 million.Cordsen attributed the sig nificant re enue increase to higher-than-expected remit tances by online retailers as a result of the 2018 Wayfair decision of the U.S. Supreme ourt and recei t of si nificant amounts of use tax on large purchases of technology by GVOccupationalbusinesses. privilege tax remitted, which is based on the number of employees actually working in the city, he noted, was relati ely at City Manager John Jackson shared that lodging tax reve nues in 2022 were coming in at the expected rate, after being much lower for the two previ ous years (likely related to the pandemic).Council Member Paul Wi esner expressed that, despite the new system, some em ployees might choose to leave GV if they determine that they could earn more elsewhere, and in that case, the city might agree to raise their pay, since that was the current practice in private industry. fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

The new salary structure, which will result in pay raises for 88% of all city employees (no employees will see their salaries reduced), will be effective retroactive to July 1, 2022. The additional cost for 2022 of making the raises effective July 1 will be paid from budget savings due to vacancies created by employees who have left city government.Inresponse to questions from City Council, Sheldon re ported prior year attrition rates, which reached highs of 13.9% in 2019 and 15.3% in 2021. The lowest rate at which em ployees left city government in recent years occurred back in 2015. He also conceded that the data used for 2023 pay ranges was developed “based on what everyone thinks it’s going to be,” since there is no empirical data available. Final ly, he told the council that GV policy permitted merit raises up to 5% of annual salary based on performance and the average one was 3.8%.

After Priola’s change from Republican to Democrat, Dem ocrats hold 21 seats in the state senate and Republicans hold 14. To regain control of the sen ate, Republicans will have to win and Democrats will have to lose a net total of four seats in November.Inhisstatement, Priola pointed to the events that trans pired at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, saying, “Like many Coloradans, I watch the events on January 6 with horror...I cannot continue to be a part of a political party that is okay with a violent attempt to overturn a free and fair election and con tinues to peddle claims that the 2020 election was stolen.” He also talked about the is sue of climate change, explain ing, “The Republican party I joined decades ago created national parks, preserved fed eral lands, and protected wild life. President Nixon signed the legislation that established the Environmental Protection Colorado State Senator Kevin Priola (D)


Two years into his second and final four year ter re resenting Senate District 25 in Adams County, State Sen. Kev in Priola announced on August 22 that he had changed his par ty registration from Republican to Democrat. He explained, “I will not be changing the way I vote on legislation. I just simply will now cast my votes with a D next to my name instead of an R.” rior to ein first elected to the state senate in 2016, Priola served in the State House for eight years. n his official state ent about his decision to change his arty affiliation, riola see ed to synthesize the reason he made the move with, “I rec ognize we are in the midst of an election that will determine which party controls the (State) Senate chamber. Even if there will continue to be issues that I disagree with the Democratic Party on, there is too much at stake right now for Republicans to be in charge.… Simply put, we need Democrats in charge because our planet and our de mocracy depend on it.”


In early February, before Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association reached agreement to end the lockout that delayed spring training and the start of the 2022 season, the Rockies announced a one-year contract extension with manager Bud Black.That means he’s ticketed to return to the dugout for at least another season. But should he? If Freeland and others are to be believed, maybe it’s time for fresh leadership in the clu house and on the field, a shift to greater accountability.This is Black’s sixth season as Rockies manager. After winning 178 and losing 147 in his first two seasons, his teams have lost 58 more than they’ve won since. That’s an overall .484 winning percentage—barely better than his .477 in nine seasons with San Diego.For sure, a team’s performance is not entirely a manager’s fault. As they say, the players play the game. But Black received kudos for being an ex-pitcher who related to the mound staff when the Rockies went to the playoffs in 2017 and 2018. It seems only fair, then, that he should shoulder at least some of the responsibility for the miserable pitching performances from both starters and relievers in 2023. With Chris Woodward’s dismissal by the Rangers last week, four managers have been replaced this season. t s the first ti e since that any team made a change in season wo of the first three seem to have been changes for the better. The Phillies, who axed Joe Girardi in early June after a 22-29 start, are 44-26 since and hold the third and final ualifier s ot in the ational League Wild Card race, a game and a half ahead of Milwaukee.Toronto is 19-13 since John Schneider took over for Charlie Montoyo. and the Blue Jays are in a three-way tie atop the American League WC standings, followed closely by the Twins, Orioles and White Sox. Maybe someone slightly less understanding of defensive missteps calling the shots next season would inspire better performance from the millionaires. But with all those long-term contracts, it’s unlikely that Schmidt will clean house even if he’d like to. And it would be out of character for Rockies owner Dick Monfort to approve— much less initiate—a managerialButchange.it’ssomething they should seriously consider. Denny Dressman is a veteran of 43 years in the newspaper business, including 25 at the Rocky Mountain News, where he began as executive sports editor. He is the author of 14 books, eight of them sports-related. You can write to Denny at comcast.net.dennydressman@

Go behind the scenes as the Colorado Rockies come to life then win the official Coors Field opener in classic walkoff fashion in the 14th inning. And relive their greatest game and their greatest season, ending with Matt Holiday's head-first slide in the 13th - 12 years later. Order online from Amazon.

A Rockies Doubleheader

while Jeff Bridich was still in charge.Thelong-term contract that Ryan McMahon signed this spring (six years, $70 million) hasn’t worked out, either. At .252 with 12 home runs and 56 runs batted in, he isn’t on pace to even match his 2021 season numbers (.254, 23-86) much less improve on them. On top of all that, neither catcher Elias Diaz nor lefty Austin Gomber have been able to build on last season’s hopeful signs, and All-Star C.J. Cron hasn’t hit his weight since the All-Star Break. While the defense has improved in the past couple of months, the team still ranks next to last in the Majors with 81 errors (behind Pittsburgh’s 85) and is tied with six other clu s for ne t to last in field ingYetpercentage.KyleFreeland, for one, says, “We’re better than this.” Several teammates agree and have made similar statements. GM Schmidt apparently believed them at the trade deadline, when Colorado was the only team in either league that did not move or acquire anyone.So,looking ahead to 2023, what’s to do?

PAGE 12 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 Sports

Maybe it’s time for a change in the dugout


that things would be different if he had been healthy all season. He does have a .306 batting average in 160 at-bats, but realistically, it’s highly doubtful that his daily presence would have translated into a winning record or Wild Card contention.The loss of Tyler Kinley didn’t help, either. But the biggest reason for what is shaping up to be one of the most disheartening letdowns in the oc ies first sea sons is the performance of the misnamed “Big Three” in the startingGermanrotation.Marquez, Kyle Freeland and Antonio Senzatela have combined for a 16-25 won-lost record and a combined earned run average of 5.01.That’s hardly what Kris Bryant had in mind when he signed with the Rockies for $182 million over seven years. Nor is it what Colorado General Manager Bill Schmidt envisioned when he loc ed u reeland for fi e years and $64.5 million and en a for fi e at to o with the two years plus a mutual option remaining on the fi e year deal ar ue si ned

With just under one quarter of the season left, it can be said that the Rockies have been a huge disappointment in 2022.They’re 17 games under .500, more than 30 games out of first lace in their division, and among the nine teams with the lowest

Dear Searching, The cost of assisted living and nursing home care in the U.S is very expensive. According to the Genworth cost of care survey tool, the national median cost for an assisted living facility today is over $4,600 per month, while nursing home care runs more than $8,100 per month for a semi-private room. (See you/finances/cost-of-care.htmlGenworth.com/aging-andto look up costs in your area.)

Most people pay for longterm care (LTC) – which encompasses assisted living, nursing home and in-home care – with either personal funds, government programs or insurance. But if your mom is lacking in savings and has no LTC insurance to cover her costs, here are your best options to look for funding.

To locate some, use the Life Insurance Settlement Association member directory at LISA.org.Tolookfor these and other programs in your area that can help pay your mom’s long-term care, go to PayingForSeniorCare.com and click on “Find Financial Assistance for Care.”



August 25, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 13

Dear Readers, What if an Agent under a Power of Attorney abuses the Agent’s authority? (Part 2 of 3) Under Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 15-14-715, regarding an Agent’s duties under a Power of Attorney, the Agent may be exonerated, or held responsible, based on the following: (1) If there is a provision in a Power of Attorney relieving an Agent of liability for breach of duty, such provision is binding on the Principal and the Principal’s successors in interest, except to the extent the provision: (a) Relieves the Agent of liability for breach of duty committed dishonestly, with an improper motive, or with reckless indifference to the purposes of the Power of Attorney, or the best interest of the Principal; or (b) The provision was inserted as a result of an abuse of a orconfidentialfiduciary

itytheifreliefFurtherPrincipal.withrelationshipthejudicialmaybehadanAgentabusesAgent’sauthorunderaPowerof Attorney, under Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 15-14-716, which provides: (1) The following persons may petition a court to construe a Power of Attorney or review the Agent’s conduct and grant appropriate relief: (a) The Principal or the Agent; (b) A guardian or conser ator, or other fi duciary acting for the Principal; (c) A person authorized to make health-care decisions for the Principal; (d) The spouse,Principal’sparent, or descendant; (e) An individual who would qualify as a presumptive heir of the Principal; (f) A person na ed as a enefi ciary to receive any ro erty, enefit, or contractual right on the Principal’s death, or as a beneficiary of a trust created by or for the Principal that has a financial interest in the Principal’s estate; and (g) A governmental agency having authority to protect the welfare of the Principal. Upon a motion by the Principal, the court shall disiss a etition filed under this section, unless the court finds that the rinci al lac s capacity to revoke the Agent’s authority or the Power of Attorney.Itis always best to consult with an experienced estate planning attorney regarding questions concerning the duties, authority and liabilities of an Agent under Power of Attorney documents.

Ways to pay for long-term care without insurance or savings

What are the four key medical/estate plan documents you need now? Many of my clients have asked what are the critical documents needed, particularly in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Simply being married does not give you the legal right to gain access to your spouse’s medical records or make medical decisions on your spouse’s behalf, even in an emergency. To avoid this problem and to help others care for you and to achieve your overall estate planning goals, the following documents create an effective medical/estate plan package: (1) Healthcare Power of Attorney; (2) General Financial Power of Attorney; (3) Advanced Directive for Medical/Surgical Treat ment (“Living Will”); and (4) Will (or a Will with a CarefulTrust). medical/estate planning should include preparation and signing of these documents, to accomplish your goals and protect you, both during your lifetime, and at the time of passing. The Power of Attorney documents allow you to designate those agents whom you authorize to help you on your behalf during your lifetime, and the Will/Trust documents allow you to nominate others to help with your estate after your passing, as well as to identify the eneficiaries and the distributions to them, to accomplish your estate planning goals. BY DONALD PETERSON

Medicaid (not Medicare): The first thin you need to know is that Medicare (the government health insurance program for seniors 65 and older and those with disabilities) does not cover long-term care. It only provides limited shortterm coverage, up to 100 days for skilled nursing or rehabilitation services after a three-day hospital stay. Medicaid, however, (the joint federal and state program that covers health care for the poor) does cover nursing home and in-home care. But to be eligible for coverage, your mother must be very low-income. Her countable assets can’t be more than around $2,000, including investments. (Note that most people who enter a nursing home don’t qualify for edicaid at first ut ay for care out-of-pocket until they deplete their savings enough to qualify.)Thereare also many states that now have Medicaid waver programs that can help pay for assisted living. To get more information on Medicaid coverage and eligibility, call your state edicaid office see Medicaid.gov). You can also check your mom’s Medicaid eligibility at orgMedicaidPlanningAssistance.

Veterans benefits: If your mom is a wartime veteran, or a spouse or surviving spouse of a wartime veteran, there is a enefit called id and Attendance that can help pay toward her long-term care. To be eligible, your mom must need assistance with daily living activities like bathing, dressing or going to the bathroom. And her yearly income must be under $15,816 as a surviving spouse, or $24,610 for a single veteran – after her medical and long-term care expenses. Her assets must also be less than $138,489 excluding her home and car. To learn more, see VA.gov/ geriatrics, or contact your re ional office, or your local veterans service organization. Call 800-8271000 for contact information.


Dear Savvy Senior, What types of financial resources are available to help seniors pay for long-term care? My 86-year-old mother will need either an assisted living facility or nursing home care in the near future, but she doesn’t have long-term care insurance and her savings are Searchingminimal.Daughter

Life insurance: If your mom has a life insurance olicy, find out if it offers an accelerated death enefit that would allow her to get a taxfree advance to help pay for herOrcare.consider selling her policy to a life settlement company. These are companies that buy life insurance policies for cash, continue to pay the premiums and collect the death enefit when she dies. Most sellers generally get four to eight times more than the policy cash surrender value. If she owns a policy with a face value of $100,000 or more and is interested in this option, get quotes from several brokers or life settlement providers.

A 30% REDUCTION ON ESTATE PLAN DOCUMENTS IS CURRENTLY BEING OFFERED DUE TO THE COVID-19 CRISIS! FOR A FREE TELEPHONE OR VIDEO CONSULTATION, PLEASE CALL: Donald Glenn Peterson, Esq. Don Peterson Law Firm 4100 E. Mississippi Avenue, Suite 410 Denver, CO 80246 Phone: (303) 758-0999 E-Mail: Donald@PetersonLaw.co Website: www.donpetersonlawfirm.com

Date: August 17, 2022 Kiley Schaumleffel, Esq. #46107

Legal # 10839 NNA NewspaBetterpeAdvertisingContest 2018 Award-wi nning Newspa pe FIRST PLACE Best Public Notice Section 2017 FIRST PLACE — Best Section — End of Legals — PMS to MENOPAUSE – Part 1 of 4 [Part 1-Endometriosis and Uterine Cancer]

in Clinical Nutrition Therapy, as expected, her latest clinical nutrition evaluation indicated that her healin was sufficient for her and her husband to start actively pursuing their plans for a family. How did Margaret develop Endometriosis and pre-can cerous uterine tissue? Have you or someone you know received these same diagnoses and were told a hysterectomy was your only alternative? Whether you are interested in healing as Margaret has or simply preventing the above from happening to you or a lo ed one, you ust first un derstand the three phases in a woman’s menstruating cycle, four phases if you count the fi e day leedin eriod of menstruation, which are:

Public Notice of Contractor’s Final Settlement

1. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has an unpaid claim against the said PROJECT for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender or other supplies used or consumed by such CONTRACTOR or any SUBCONTRACTOR in or about the performance of said WORK contracted to be done or that supplies rental machinery, tools, or equipment to the extent used in the prosecution of the WORK whose claim therefore has not been paid by the CONTRACTOR or the SUBCONTRACTOR may at any time up to and including said time of such final settlement file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing and Default Judgement regarding Respondent Father, JOHN DOE is set for August 29, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. in Division 22 at the Arapahoe County District Court, 7325 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner, the People of the State of Colorado, will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Due to COVID 19, the Arapahoe County District Court is holding some hearings via Cisco WebEx Meetings to allow for audiovisual and/or audio participation. Participants may use any computer, tablet or smart phone equipped with a camera and microphone for audiovisual participation. Parties should use the following link: •www. judicial.webex.com/meet/

Assistant County Attorney Attorney for Petitioner 14980 E. Alameda Dr. Aurora, Co 80012 Published in The Villager Published: August 25, 2022 Legal # 10841

tion, company, or corporation who has an unpaid claim against any of the contractors for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractors, or any of their subcontractors, in or about the performance of said work may file at any time up to and including said time of such final settlement on/or after, September 9th, 2022, a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim with the City Council of the City of Cherry Hills Village, at the office of: City Manager City of Cherry Hills Village 2450 E. Quincy Avenue Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 Failure on the part of a claimant to file such statements prior to such final settlement will relieve said City from all and any liability for such claimant’s claims.


NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AGE, whether you are menstruating, have had a partial or complete hysterectomy OR you are in menopause, please read all four parts of this article so you can see the whole pic ture and so you can share this information with your family andForfriends.help with any female issue, please call me at (940) 761-4045. First Consultation Free!Dr. Smith is the owner of ADVANCED CLINICAL NU TRITION (Est. 1981) in Wich ita Falls, Texas, with clients residing in 37 U.S. states and seven international countries. Since opening her business, she has continued to hold a successful track record of over 90% in helping her clients im prove their health, and she can help you, too, no matter where youInformationlive. for Nutritional and Bioenergetic Education only and not for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or disease.

Published in The Villager First Publication: August 18


CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE STATE OF COLORADO Published in The Villager First Publication: August 25, 2022 Last Publication: September 1, Legal2022 # 10840

EFFECTS OF SOME BIRTH CONTROL: However, when a woman’s birth control method blocks or inhibits the elevation of Proges terone in the Luteal Phase, the high levels of Estrogen contin ue to produce more and more eggs, every day for months and years, until that method of birth control is discontinued. The uterus then becomes so overloaded with eggs, that it cannot release them all through menstruation. So, these exces sive amounts of eggs attach to the endometrial lining where, in time, the eggs decay (rot) and infect the endometrial tis sue, which is called “Endome triosis,” until years of rotting e s in a in endo etrial tissue leads to “Cancer” within theEXCESSIVEuterus.

Name: Jon Nelson Title: CIP Project Manager , 2022

2022 Last Publication: September 1,

Pursuant to C.R.S. 38-26-107, notice is hereby given that on/ or after the 9th day of September 2022 final settlement with Vance Brothers, Inc. will be made by the City of Cherry Hills Village, for the 2022 Street Improvement Chip Seal Project, and that any person, co-partnership, associa-


Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority

Republican to Democrat Agency. Today, my Repub lican colleagues would rather deny the existence of humancaused climate change than take action…”Noting that his personal beliefs are consistent with recog nized Republican values, Priola reminded voters that, “My prolife position, school choice, and pro-Second Amendment stand often runs counter to the Demo cratic Party platform.” As expected, Republican leaders criticized Priola’s deci sion and Democrats applauded it.

Continued from page 11

Notice is hereby given that at 10 a.m. on September 12, 2022, Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority shall make final payment to L&M Enterprises Inc. 735 E. Highway 56, P.O. Box W, Berthoud CO 80513 in connection with full payment for all services rendered, materials furnished and for all labor performed in and for the abovereferenced PROJECT.

After 10 years, Margaret and her husband had their PhDs and tenures at our local university and were ready to start a fami ly. However, seeking answers to why Margaret was not get ting preg nant at age 31 resulted in her cerousPre-CanosisdometriwithdiagnosedmedicallybeingEnandUterine Tissue, AND being told a hysterectomy was her only option. However, for this educated couple, that was the last resort so they began to inquire as to other options and were referred to me. Because of her pre-cancer ous diagnosis, I informed Mar garet that I would only accept her case if her gynecologist agreed that her life would not be at risk by her postponing the hysterectomy for at least three months…knowing, generally, that is the least amount of time needed to grow new healthy uterine cells and tissue. Her gynecologist agreed, and I provided the therapeutic nutrients (aka Clinical Nutrition Therapy) indicated by a Clin ical Nutrition Analysis (CNA) of her Laboratory Reports from testing her biochemistry. Two months later, Marga ret’s gynecologist called her in for a hysterectomy pre-exam, which revealed no Endometri osis and her uterine tissue was healthy, with new pink uterine skin cells growing, and no sign of cancer. Margaret was delighted to cancel the hyster ectomy.

1) The Follicular Phase, where Estrogen levels are ele vated to make eggs, begins on the first day of enstruation and ends on the first day of the 2) Ovulation Phase where the eggs are released and the 3) Lu teal Phase that develops the fe tus (baby) begins at the end of ulation throu h the first day of the next Follicular Phase. During the 10-17 days of Ovulation, the signal to lower the Estrogen level to stop the production of more eggs occurs when there is a simultaneous elevation of Progesterone, which develops the egg into a fetus (baby) if the male’s sperm has mated with the egg. If not, the undeveloped eggs are released from the body through the bleeding days of menstru ation.ADVERSE

BLEED fter the a era e fi e days of menstruation, do you or someone you know experi ence breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or prolonged men strual bleeding that may last for weeks or longer? In Part 2 of this 4-Part article series, I will explain the causes of and healthy clinical nutrition solu tions to excessive bleeding.

2.All such claims will be filed with Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, 7437 South Fairplay Street, Centennial, Colorado, 80112, on or before the abovementioned date and time of final 3.Failuresettlement.on the part of a creditor to file such statement prior to such final settlement will relieve Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority from any and all liability for such OWNER:claim.

PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 LEGALS —Continued from previous page— — Continued to next page — PAGE 22 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 COURTS DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE STATE OF COLORADO 7325 South Potomac Street Centennial, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-6355 Telephone PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF InPetitioner,COLORADOtheInterest Of: ZAHIR WORKU, ZAFIR WORKU, ERMIAS WORKU, and LUNA SHEMSIAandChildren,BENSIMMOU,concerningWORKU, DONALD MILES, ADAM BENSIMMOU, and JOHN KileyRespondents.DOE,Schaumleffel, Esq. #46107 Attorney for Petitioner 14980 East Alameda Drive Aurora, CO 80012 Telephone: 303.636.1308 Case No: Division:21JV54822 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT

Kristi Burton Brown, state GOP chair, said, “It’s clear that riola has selfishly chosen to make himself the story at the expense of Coloradans he was elected to fi ht for e will re ret this decision when he is in the minority come January 2023.” Colorado Governor Jared Polis said, “We are a broad tent party, always seeking good ideas from the left and right to move (Colorado) forward. Senator Pri ola is a strong leader on climate issues and will hopefully be even more effective on the Democrat ic side of the Bipartisanaisle.”billson which Priola was a prime sponsor that were passed and signed into law in 2022 include SB22-171 Privacy Protection for Educa tors, SB22-153 Internal Election Security Measures, SB22-133 Provide Security for Certain lected fficials, and Procurement of Information Technology Resources.

•Enterdon.toussaintyourname and email address (so we know who you are). You will then be in the virtual •Selectcourtroom.your audio setting.If the audio on your computer or tablet does not work, please use the alternate audio option of calling in to the number below.


2022 Volkswagen Jetta has turbo power BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST I’m very familiar with Volkswagen vehicles, going back to the Beetle models, long may they be revered. The 2022 Volkswagen Jetta is quite an upgrade from Jetta’s of the past.The Jetta model driven recently was sporty with a sixspeed stick shift with 1.5L 158 hp engine with turbocharging. Nothing like driving a stick shift with adequate power and choice of gears. It was a fun drive on mountain roads and handled well. Fuel economy average over 27 mpg. However, the fun ended in city traffic with constant gear shifting, stopping and starting, and clutching constantly. The Jetta comes in various models. I would choose the automatic transmission. Prices start in the low $21,000 range and climb towards $30,000. This is an economical smaller sedan, but has good cabin space, great windshield view, and a large trunk. The design of the Jetta is modern, sleek, and expensive in appearance. It rides nicely on 17” wheels and corners confident ly, riding on strut suspension, and torsion beams. The car gives visual advice on what gear to use for maximum fuel economy. Safety rating was not given, but the car comes with the forward collision safety features, blind spot warnings, radar stop and go cruise options. However, gears must be downshifted in accordance with speeds. I’ve found in driving many Volk swagens third gear has the best versatility.Thevehicle has famous German heritage and solid dealer support. The front wheel drive works well on slick roads but is not as useful as an all-wheel drive on more expensive vehicles.Overall the Jetta is a good commuter, especially on open roads; capable of achieving higher fuel mileage driven conservatively. The sport feeling of driving a turbo-power stick shift is appealing to younger drivers who like acceleration and the fun of having to really drive a vehicle. The Jetta is an economy car to be driven and enjoyed by both young and old, especially youthful.

IN BUSINESS CONFERENCE SEPT. 8 - Lone Tree Golf Club, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets 303-795-0142. Speakers: Christine Kahane, Candice Kingston, Michelle Fournier and Marilyn Manning. Register at BestChamber.com/WIBC “TAPS” CELEBRITYCOLORADOCLASSIC SEPT. 10, 5 p.m. Denver Songwriter Show & Dinner at Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, 7711 E. Academy Blvd., Denver. Featuring singer/songwriters Frank Myers, Anthony Smith, Wynn Varbel, Brice Long & Jimmy Nichols. Prime rib dinner prepared by the Coors cowboys. Meet TAPS Founder & President Bonnie Carroll. Silent auction www.taps.org/ colorado

WESTERN SCHEDULEDFANTASYFOROCT. 15 The 29th Annual event will be chaired by Pat Robinson and will feature country star Justin Moore! Table sponsorships available before June 30. Visit Western. com or contact Michael James mjames@ voacolorado.org or 303-297-0408.


ALCOHOL, TOBACCO & FIREARMS PARTY SEPT. 17, 7:30 a.m. - breakfast; 8:15 a.m. Safety Instruction 8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start; 11:30 .m. lunch, keynote, live auction, cocktails & cigars. Sponsored by Independence Institute. Kiowa Creek Sporting Club, 46700 E County Road 30, Bennett, CO. RSVP: Mary Goodley at maryg@i2i.org

Colorado Statewide TOP 1.5% OF IN THE USA #44 OF 1,350,000 IN THE USA (THE WALL STREET JOURNAL)


WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs ✓ Backed by American Standard’s 150 years of experience ✓ Ultra low ease of entry and exit ✓ Patented Quick Drain® Technology ✓ Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 Hydrotherapy Jets for an invigorating massage Limited Time O er–Call Today! 855-785-8519&forDesignedpainreliefeasyuse



WHAT’S NEW? Ed Bozarth Chevrolet Aurora is now CELEBRATION CHEVROLET under the leadership of Kent Bozarth. Located at 2001 S Havana Aurora. Delivery anywhere in Colorado. Visit www. celebrationchevrolet.com for information on this third generation led family automobile business.


AUG. 25 6 p.m. FREE musical events featuring four bands playing at various Greenwood Village parks every Thursday in August. Each week features a unique style of music. Food trucks available. AUG. 25, The Goonies at Curtis Park. Info: 303-797-1779. Bring a blanket.

AUG. 28, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Valuable artwork from over 160 National & Colorado Artists priced at $100 or less. Tickets: $12 online and at the gate at Arapahoe Community College Campus, 5900 S Santa Fe Dr., Littleton. Ticket proceeds help fund students scholarships. Affordableartsfestival.com

August 25, 2022 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15

SHILOH HOUSE BOOTS & BOWTIES SEPT. 17, 5-8:30 p.m. 2022 Gala in Castle Rock. Premier fundraiser to serve youth & families impacted by drama, abuse, family crisis and neglect. Info: Adam Robe. arobe@shilohouse.net


COLORADO AUTHOR’S HALL OF FAME SEPT. 16, noon to 2 p.m. at Denver Univ. in the Tuscany Ballroom. Award Winning and Bestselling Autor Patricia Rayon will speak at the first Aspiring Author Scholarship Awards ceremony. Five aspiring authors to receive $2,000 scholarships. Tickets: https://colorado

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY CONCERTS AT CHERRY CREEK LAKE Denver’s only waterfront event center. The two-level Lake House hosts weddings and corporate events inside, on the outside deck and on the sand. A nautically themed bar-“The Pub” offers a full bar with seating beneath a shaded deck overlooking the lake. Open TuesdaysSunday. AUG. 25, Dotsero Band; AUG. 31, TBA; SEPT. 9, Live Your Lyrics - A Musical gathering to promote Suicide Awareness and Prevention. Info and tickets online for concerts through SEPT. 9 at www.pbcherrycreek.com/pb-events. Also equipment rentals.

DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS ROSE SOCIETY SHOW SEPT. 11, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Roses accepted from 6:30-10 a.m. Take blooming roses from your garden to display without the formality of a judged rose show. Vases provided. Speakers and panels from 1-3 p.m. Ask experts all about roses. Admission required. ARAPAHOE COUNTY 5K RACE SEPT. 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. A timed race beginning at Tagawa Gardens and running along the Cherry Creek Regional Trail. Walkers welcome. Funds support trail maintenance & Arapahoe County Open Spaces. BBQ dinner and live bluegrass at the finish line. Location: 7711 S. Parker Rd., Centennial. Registration Fee: $25 online, $30 onsite. Details at com/5ktrailseries.rapahoecountyeventcenter.

Nominationsauthorshlloffame.org/events.htmlforauthorstobeinducted at www.ColoradoAuthorsHallofFame.org

“Take Delight in the Lord.” SEPT. 30 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Infinity Park Event Center, Glendale. Keynote Speaker: James Barthel, MBA, Founder & former CE O of Metals Treat meant LLC, a National Company. Info: ccballiance.org

Network To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact The Villager at303-773-8313 SAFE STEP - WALK IN TUBSDIRECTV DIRECTV for $79.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package. Watch your favorite live sports, news & entertainment anywhere. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix Included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call for more details! 1 888 725 0897 AT&T WIRELESS COLORADO PRESS NETWORK Great New Offer from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the NEW iPhone 12 mini for as low as $0 with trade in. While supplies last! CALL: 1-877-384-5339 Colorado Statewide Classified Advertising Network, To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado Newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or email CPN at rtoledo@colopress.net Safe Step. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive Lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-Line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call Today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-877-596-2899 NEW AND COMING FOXRIDGE WEST EXCEPTIONAL TRI-LEVEL WITH FINISHED BASEMENT. FORMER MODEL HOME. ON MARKET NOW. $700,000. HIGHLANDS RANCH GOLF CLUB: PATIO HOME. RARE MAIN FLOOR MASTER SUITE. PERFECTION. OVER $150,000 REMODEL.. WON’T LAST. $765,000 COMING: CHARLOU IN CHERRY HILLS. Builder’s own home. Exceptional quality, spacious rooms, walk out basement. European Chateau. $2,700,000. THE PRESERVE: EXQUISITE ART NOUVEAU HOME WITH A MAIN FLOOR MASTER SUITE AND EXERCISE ROOM. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING!! COMING $2,695,000 #1 DENVER BOARD OF REALTORS 12 YEARS STRAIGHT


2022 MORGAN ADAMS CONCOURS d’ ELEGANCE AUG. 27, 6-10 p.m. at TAC Air at Centennial Airport, Englewood. Hanger party to benefit The Morgan Adams Foundation. View a collection of historically significant airplanes, cars, and motorcycles, including modern jets and supercars. Aerial demonstration, silent & live auction, treats from Denver restaurants. Tickets: 303-758-2130.


PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • August 25, 2022 getVOLUNTEERinvolved!SPONSORDONATELEAD Projects offered throughout the year: • Weekend of Action, an annual 4-day community-wide community service event •Bean Soup Project •School Supply Drive •Diaper •MonthlyDrivevolunteer projects it is all about people •Package bean soup for people struggling with food •Packinsecurityhygiene, snack, and activity packages for our deployed military •Make activity bags for critically ill kids and their •MakesiblingsDignity Kits for homeless individuals •Make "Just In Case" kits to help low-income women with everyday needs •Fold pocket-sized flags and write cards to deployed troops •Make blankets for low income newborns and other children needing some comfort •Assist seniors with needed projects, which in turn, helps them stay in their homes and live independently •and so much more MARK YOUR NovemberCALENDAR! 10-13Weekend of Action Every year, we celebrate the powerful, dynamic impact of volunteerism as we engage hundreds of people in a four-day weekend of service!Volunteers of every age, from every neighborhood and demographic, come together to support important causes through meaningful service projects that benefit those in need in our community. Is your company looking for a unique and high impact opportunity to get involved in a large community service/ social action event?Check out our sponsorship opportunities! projectourtown.org/sponsors project examples PROJECT OUR TOWN helps people to help people! We make it fun and easy for volunteers to participate in meaningful, impactful projects that serve the community. Projects provide assistance to people struggling with homelessness, poverty, food-insecurity, mental and physical health problems, and more. how we do it what we do inspiring action We provide the easy button! We find the needs in our community then: •Offer the best possible volunteer •Planexperiencesandfacilitate impactful opportunities to help businesses meet their team building and community outreach goals •Create meaningful relationships between our organization, our volunteers, our company partners, and non-profit organizations doing critical work in our community

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