WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 7, 2024 @thevillanovan VOLUME 116 | ISSUE 2
ADPi University Celebrates: Black History Pulls Out Month of Villanova Cate Torrey Staff Writer
On Thursday, Jan. 25, the sorority Alpha Delta Pi anounced that it would be suspending its recruitment efforts indefinitely from Villanova’s campus. After many months of working on forming a new chapter, the decision to pull itself from campus is one that has a significant impact for the women who wanted to become involved with sorority life. Currently, there are 23 active Greek Life chapters. This past year, Alpha Delta Pi excitedly revealed its intent to join Villanova’s campus. Alpha Delta Pi is a highly regarded sorority on a multitude of campuses nationwide. The prospect of another sorority joining Villanova’s campus was enticing to many, as it offered the promise of a new beginning and the opportunity for a fresh start within Greek Life. Additionally, members would, hypothetically, hold a greater say in how the chapter will go about its Greek Life journey, which originally sparked much interest in Alpha Delta Pi. This decision comes on the tail of the failed expansion of the sorority Gamma Phi Beta in 2022. Comparably, Gamma Phi Beta had attempted a similar recruitment process and ultimately suspended its efforts. However, while some Greek Life organizations may struggle to generate significant interest and integrate fully into a new campus community, Alpha Delta Pi managed to gather a fairly considerable amount of support from Villanova’s Interfraternity Council, as well as numerous Villanova students. Continued on p. 5
Lauren Armstrong Co-News Editor
Every February, the Nation comes together to celebrate Black History Month. Created in order to acknowledge achievements and amplify Black voices, Black History Month is honored every February. Villanova is celebrating this month by co-hosting and supporting a multitude of student events. “This month, Villanova will celebrate African American and Black people throughout history and within our community,” the University shared on its Instagram account. Villanova organiza-
tions, most notably the Black Student Union, are hosting a variety of events throughout the month. One of the biggest events is the annual Black History Month Showcase. This year it will take place on Feb. 24. “We have a lot of exciting events planned in the upcoming weeks, but I am most excited for our Black History Month Showcase,” Black Student Union Event Coordinator Corban Rogers said. “It is happening on Feb. 24, 2024 in the Villanova Room, and we will celebrate Black excellence, in various aspects, displayed here on campus as well as throughout the history of our culture as a people.”
Villanova University Banner Projected in Honor of Black History Month. Graydon Paul/Villanovan Photography
This event includes a multitude of categories, including Mr. and Miss Black Class Award, Mr. and Miss Academic College Award, Mr. and Miss Highest GPA Award, Service and Advocacy Awards, Student Organization Awards, Extracurricular Awards and Style Awards. “We anticipate the evening being filled with recognition and celebration as we honor the outstanding achievements and contributions of our Black students,” Black Student Union Co-Vice President Kentron White said. “This prestigious event will aim to spotlight the remarkable accomplishments of those who have demonstrated exceptional leadership,
academic excellence and a commitment to making a positive impact on both campus and the broader community.” Alongside the Black Excellence Awards, the Black Student Union is also hosting a Brunch Night on Feb. 8 in the Cyber Lounge in the Connelly Center. On Feb. 9, Villanova’s Latin American Student Organization (LASO) will be hosting a Black History in the Diaspora Community Dance Class, supported by the Superlative, Wazobia and Ablaze. “As one of the cultural dance groups on campus, we are co-sponsoring this event to spread the word about dembow, a style of dance popular in the DoContinued on p. 3
Faculty Art Exhibition in Connelly Art Gallery Bailey Quinn
Staff Writer
Located on the second floor of the Connelly Center to the right of the front desk, the Art Gallery is typically a quiet haven. The symphony of students hard at work mixed with eager conversation becomes a sort of muffed background music to the subtle yet blunt clicking of one’s heels on the wooden floors of the gallery.
However, this past Thursday was the exception, as the Gallery drew in curious onlookers from the dinner rush at the reception
for the Faculty Art Show Exhibition. The show features works from Villanova faculty, such as Tina Waldeier Bizzarro, Christine Clay-Gorka,
Villanova Connely Center Art Show Lauren Armstrong/Villanovan Photography
Jeff Dion, Nathan Durnin, Santiago Galeas, Michael Hollinger, Susan Kelly vonMedicus, Janus Stefanowicz, John Welsh and Michael Willse. Their works, according to the Gallery’s online announcement, span across mediums such as “painting, photography, figure drawing, iconography, original music and costume design.” Held in the early evening, the reception was run and hosted by Art GalContinued on p. 12
This Week in Politics p. 2
Preview: Black Journalists Roundtable p. 4
University Hosts Spring Involvement Fair p. 5
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Snub Reveals Hollywood Sexism p. 6
Superbowl 101 pg. 7
Eli Rallo’s Book Tour Live in Philadelphia p. 10
VillaVogue: Anything but Basic p. 10
Office of Health Promotion: Navigating Relationships p. 12
MBB Preview: Xavier and Seton Hall p. 14
WBB Preview: Marquette and Georgetown p. 14