WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2024 @thevillanovan VOLUME 116 | ISSUE 3
Black Love is in the Air: Journalists University Celebrates Valentine’s Day Roundtable Emma Cote Staff Writer
On Feb. 10, the Communication Department hosted a roundtable discussion featuring five Black journalists who discussed their stories and experience within the field. The discussion was moderated by former news editor for The Villanovan, Lydia McFarlane, a senior studying political science and communication. “I’m really trying hard not to fangirl right now,” McFarlane said, kicking off the event by explaining her admiration for each of the journalists on stage. Panelists were first asked about how they got into the field of journalism, and while each arrived to where they are now by various means, all echoed a similar sentiment of the vitality of representation. Solomon Jones is a writer for The Philadelphia Inquirer, radio show host and accomplished author. “[I had a] feeling that I got that my voice mattered,” Jones said. Jones has been in the field for quite some time, and opened up on how he has navigated his career. “Yeah, my hate mailbox is full,” Jones shared with a laugh. “But what I do is important, so I don’t really care,” Jones said, in spite of these cruel critiques. To all who infiltrate his mail in response to his writing, he frankly encourages them to “read [his writing],” emphasizing that whether people love it or hate it, at the end of the day, they’re still tuning in. Erin Coleman, an anchor at NBC10 News Today, shared her story of dedication and ambition, one that ultimately resulted in her being a prominent Continued on p. 3
Cate Torrey Staff Writer
February is certainly an interesting time of year. The month brings some boring moments but also excitement for the upcoming holiday, Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day, like other holidays, brings excitement, distracting people from daily stress and reminding people of the joy in relationships. This month, the new semester has begun to settle in and feel more routine for students and faculty. Midterms feel as though they are approaching too quickly, yet Spring Break
is a few too many weeks away. Holidays are arguably important parts of the year because they allow people to find time to appreciate themselves and their loved ones. Not everyone gets excited for or celebrates Groundhog Day in February, but Valentine’s Day is cherished by many for its positivity and encouragement for appreciating those we love. A number of people falsely assume that in order to celebrate Valentine’s Day, they must have a romantic interest in whom to give flowers and chocolate; this is not at all true. What’s great about the holiday is
Students celebrate Valentine’s Day at a formal sorority event. Courtsey of Villanova Alpha Chi Omega
that anyone can celebrate it, if they love and want to show appreciation for people they care about. “I believe Valentine’s Day gets a bit of a bad rap for being a day that only celebrates couples,” senior Talia Calabrese said. “While this can be true in some respects, I do think that it’s a very fun day for all, and it makes the slightly boring month of February a little brighter.” Villanova hosts a couple events around campus that brighten students’ spirits and allow them to participate in Valentine’s Day-related festivities. Many of the holiday-related activities are prepared
by the Villanova Campus Activities Team. This year, on Friday, Feb. 9, the team created a Valentine’s Daythemed event called “Build A Bestie.” Held in Dougherty Hall, students had the opportunity to choose and assemble a stuffed animal that they were able to customize to their liking. Animals included teddy bears, dogs, elephants and more, which allowed for a variety of options. After choosing an animal, people were able to dress them up in an adorable custom Villanova t-shirt to complete the final look. “I loved attending this event because it was...
Continued on p. 3
Father Peter Debuts Play: Crazy for You Christopher Brown
Staff Writer
After a feverish festivity like Super Bowl weekend and a glamorous Valentine’s Day, it is time to cap off the celebrations with Villanova’s newest blockbuster. President of Villanova University, Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD, is the director of the upcoming musical, Crazy for You. It is scheduled to open on Feb. 15. However, mem-
bers of the Wildcat family have the privilege of a free showing at 8 pm on Feb. 14 for “Wildcard Wednesday.” On Friday, Feb 9,
The Villanovan had the opportunity to sit down with Father Peter to discuss his upcoming play. Father Peter touched on his extensive
Villanova eagerly await the wondrous wildcat’s to dance onto the stage. Brian Luppy / Villanovan Photography
path in theater life, describing his strong arts based background. “I’ve been doing [theater] since I was a little kid,” Father Peter said. He graduated from Villanova University with a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in theater and communication arts in 1975. He additionally holds a Master of Arts degree in theater from the Catholic University of America and a PhD in theater from the... Continued on p. 7
Asian Student Association Annual Expo p. 3
Students Should Get On-Campus Jobs p. 4
Free Laundry Isn’t Really Free p. 5
Door Holding Etiquette: Nice or Awkward? p. 6
Celebrating Black History Month on Campus p. 7
VillaVogue: The Grammy’s 2024 Recap p. 9
Love on Lancaster: Valentine’s Edition p. 12
Glad I Exist: An Exploration of Happiness p. 13
Wildcat Watch: Clayton and Weaver Leaving Legacies p. 14
Pappas Scores 100th Career Goal p. 15