The Villanovan's Advertising Pricing 2023-24

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The Villanovan 2023-2024 Advertising Pricing The Villanovan staff publishes a weekly newspaper and prints about 750 print copies that get distributed around campus. Please see below for sizing and pricing options. Payment and artwork must be received no later than 5:00 EST on the Monday before your wanted print date. Please contact for all inquiries including printing and payment instructions.

Printed Advertisements (Color) Full Page (11.25 x 17 in.) - $450 Half Page (11.25 x 8.5 in.) - $250 1/4 Page (11.25 x 4.25 in.) - $125 1/8 Page (11.25 x 2.125 in.) - $75

Full Page Half Page

Printed Advertisements (Black & White) Full Page (11.25 x 17 in.) - $400 Half Page (11.25 x 8.5 in.) - $200 1/4 Page (11.25 x 4.25 in.) - $100 1/8 Page (11.25 x 2.125 in.) - $50

Instagram Story Advertisement Rates Instagram Story- $250

1/4 Page

1/8 Page

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