The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
MAY 11, 2012
VOLUME 106, No. 19
PROSECUTOR INSPECTOR Adolphus Delpleche may have saved the academic career of and ensured a future for a 16year-old secondary school student, when he withdrew two criminal charges against him on Monday, May 7. The student, who attends a rural secondary school, appeared at the Serious Offences Court charged with possession of five grams of marijuana and having an offensive weapon, to wit, a pair of scissors. The charges were read to the student, but before the youngster could enter a Prosecutor Inspector Adolphus Delpleche plea, the said that it was not in the public interest to prosecutor continue with the case.
informed Chief Magistrate Sonya Young that the prosecution was withdrawing both charges. Inspector Delpleche did not give the court a reason for his decision. However, when contacted later, Delpleche told THE VINCENTIAN that the
youngster “is a student and, should the prosecution proceed with the matter, there is a strong chance of him being convicted, based on the evidence.” The Prosecutor explained, “My issue is, had he been convicted, he would have had to end school, and that would
have been the end of his academic career. “He might not have been able to get a job or learn a trade, because it is difficult to obtain jobs with criminal convictions.”
Continued on Page 3.
Wounded man refutes rumours by KENVILLE HORNE MONTY JOHN, who is nursing a wound to his neck, allegedly inflicted by 2010 Green Party candidate Joseph ‘Bongo Shines’ Caine, is dispelling rumours that he interfered with Caine. According to John, he was at his residence in Calliaqua on the morning of Thursday 3rd when a friend, by the name of ‘Cheater’, came and called. “When me come outside, me hear a loud noise from a chain saw.” On investigation, John said he saw ‘Shines’ using the chain saw, “so I say, ‘Shines,’ and, e say ,’Wat?’”. At that point his
Monty John warded at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, welcomes the opportunity to dispel certain rumours. friend advised him to leave Caine alone. He said, however, that his friend attempted to speak to Caine concerning the noise “so early in the morning,” but Caine responded with an
outburst of obscenities. John recalled that he and friend, ‘Cheater’, then departed his residence and headed in the direction of the main road. When
they were nearing the area where Caine was cutting, his friend indicated that he wanted to have a word with Caine.
Continued on Page 3.