Issue September 7th, 2012

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The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines


SEPTEMBER 07, 2012

VOLUME 106, No. 36


reversing into his yard in Redemption Sharpes when he was UROY ‘LAYBAY’ ROBERTSON, the shot in the head multiple times. star witness in the case involving He was rushed to the Milton Cato the death of Lloyd ‘ Lazarus’ Samuel Memorial Hospital, but he never , was on Sunday 2nd September, regained consciousness, and died shot dead. on Christmas Day. According to a police report, Ozari ‘Nines’ Ash, purported to Robertson, a 22-year-oldlabourer be the killer, and Che ‘Ragga’ of Evesham, was sitting with two Bute, the alleged mastermind other men at the roadside in behind the killing , both former Walvaroo, when he was shot at friends of Robertson, were tried the left side of his head, by an and sentenced to life in prison for unknown assailant. The two men the murder. who were sitting with Robertson Robertson also told the court in fled the scene. Robertson died on 2011, that from 2009 , he had the spot. “stopped liming with the ‘Dutty Robertson gained notoriety in Cup Crew” with which Bute and 2011 when he gave evidence in Ash were associated. He stated the case against Ozari ‘Nines’ then that he was “fed up” because Ash, both of whom were charged he kept getting into trouble and with the murder of Samuel. going to prison. Robertson gave graphic details He also told the court that about the plan and execution of three years prior to Samuel’s the murder. death, he was involved in a The court heard then that on robbery and he disclosed to the December 24th, 2007, Samuel was police exactly what had transpired by KENVILLE HORNE

Uroy ‘Laybay’ Robertson was well known to law officers and the courts.

in that undertaking, because he “wanted to change his life.” However he was convicted and jailed. Once released, though, Robertson continued to run afoul of the law, and was arrested for theft, fire arm possession and assault. He was also shot in his hand earlier this year. More recently, he was released by the police after being held on suspicion of robbery. While the circumstances behind Robertson’s death are being investigated by the police, a very reliable source has indicated that Robertson might have had information pertaining to a recent murder. The source also noted that someone has been picked up for questioning.


Murder accused Andy Quashie (left), Billy Adams (2nd from left) and Adolphus Foye (behind Adams) leaving Court last Wednesday.

Teenager remanded on murder charge ADOLPHUS FOYE, a 17-year-old Layou resident, along with Billy Adams and Andy Quashie, both aged 26 and also of Layou, will return to the Serious Offences Court, January 22, when Preliminary Inquiries into a charge of murder will begin. The men are accused of causing the death of Joseph ‘Evans’ Lynch in Layou last Saturday, September 1. Foye was unrepresented when he appeared before Senior Magistrate Sonya Young last Wednesday. He was not required to plea. Adams was represented by lawyer Patricia Marks, while Quashie had Grant Connell in his defence. Prosecutor Glenford Gregg requested a date early in the new year for the start of the inquiries. He outlined that the Police had 15 witnesses to appear. Continued on Page 3.

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