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PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTEDand arrangements made for three inmates of Her Majesty’s Prisons to attend the funeral of relatives who died in the road fatality on September 11 in Sandy Bay.

On September 11, 2022, the 11th day of the ninth month, the residents of communitiestheabove the Rabacca River, those communities nestled on the north-eastern coast of mainland St. Vincent, were thrown into disarray akin to that which followed the death of seven students in January 2015, when the bus in which they were travelling ran off the road and ended up in a raging Atlantic sea.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 VOLUME 116, No.37 EC$1.50 POlice like ‘deyPagefraid’4 Two gov’tPageprojects5 FootballPagepassesicon12Yes,PageMinister11 No Pageapology!!!17

away from destination.itsResidentsof the immediate community who made their way to the site of the mangled vehicle, spoke of seeing persons strewed about the wreckage, some without limbs, many unable to move and the majority bloodied all


ST. VINCENT AND GRENADINESnowTHEhas its own 9/11 and no other community recognises that like Clare Valley.

They were making their way to Owia, to attend the funeral of Rohan ‘Charla’ Rawlins at Owia when the incident occurred. Continued on Page 3.

of relatives.


Haywood - all residents of Clare Valley were confirmed dead after the mini-bus in which they

traveling overturned in

Giovanni Barker Elvis Harold

Khalil Robin

Last sometimeSunday,between noon and mid-afternoon, mini bus, registration number H-8190, a Toyota van, owned and driven by Napata ‘Tumba’ Louis of Clare Valley, with passengers from the South


Continued on Page 3.


Not for the first time persons incarcerated at HM Prisons will be allowed to attend the


Right: The mini bus as it stopped after careening over an embankment.


Ishmel Bruce

Five persons — Giovanni Barker, Elvis Harold, Khalil Robin, Ishmel Bruce and Kenroy were the Bay area.


The Prime Minister wants to see an end to the American fascination with guns.

had met with top ranking officers of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) for about 90 minutes.

PM Gonsalves confirmed on radio on Wednesday that he

guns, there is a future in education and training, there is future in smart and hard work, there is future in going and apply for PRYME to start or expand your business,” the Prime Minister said.

succumbing to his wounds on theCarterspot. died at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital after being shot in the stomach.

Recent upsurge

PRIME MINISTERand Minister of National Security Dr. Ralph Gonsalves said that he met with the Commissioner of Police Colin John and other top-ranking officers to discuss the police response to crime.

He repeated his statement made previously urging the males in society to get involved in positive activities rather than guns and criminal activity.“Iwant the young males who have a fascination in

Four homicides, the result of gun-related actions, were recorded between September 3 and 12.

He added there were several things they decided upon, however, he did not disclose what those were.

The most recent gun related incident, September 12, involved 46-year-old Bertram Saunders, a shopkeeper in Redemption Sharpes, who was shot at killed in his shotbothWestfieldarea,theGarnettaroundandVillageMatthewTwenty-seven-year-oldshop.CharlesofMalawasshotandkilledhisbodywasdiscovered6amonSeptember10.AndonSeptember9,WilkinsaresidentofBuddyGutter/OttleyHallwasshotinhisleftleg.OnSeptember3,MosiahandIsiahCarter—ofOttleyHall-wereandkilledwithWestfield

“… It’s sad to see young men wasting their lives away,” he “Yousaid. have to live in the real world, not in the virtual world…that is not real, that is fake,” Gonsalves continued.

“We are not a violent people, we are a peaceful people — this American fascination with guns, we must stop it,” he said. (DD)

Tommy Grecia also sustained gunshots in a separate incident on September 3 at Glen and on September 4, Dwayne Davy of Ottley Hall was taken to the MCMH after he sustained multiple gunshots about the body.

“We did a review as to what is being done now and what we can do different,” he said.


PM/Police meet

The meeting which took place on September 13 followed on the spate of recent gun-related homicides in the country.


The Prime Minister had visited with relatives of the deceased on Tuesday 13 September.

PM visits families in Clare Valley

The siblings of Giovanni Barker and PM Gonsalves.

PRIME MINISTER DR. RALPH GONSALVES on Tuesday visited the families of the five Clare Valley men who died in a vehicular accident at Old Sandy Bay on Sunday 11.

was to have been meetinga regardingfamiliesagenciesstateinvolvingafternoonWednesdayonandthe becauseonnotgood.hisorderlydonewantsnotedreceivingClareschools,inSchoolClarebeingpsychosocialGonsalves.particularinvolvedentitieswithwouldarrangements.funeral“Asyou’dexpect,Ihavetouchedbasethevariousstatewhichwouldbeinthatexercise,”saidHesaidthatsupportisprovidedtotheValleyGovernmentandthatstudentsacoupleofotherwhoarefromValley,arealsosupport.ThePrimeMinisterthathealwaysthesethingstobeinaproperandmanner,wherepresencecoulddoHesaidthathedidvisitthecommunityMondaymorninghewantedto

The South Leeward community of Clare Valley is known to be a closeknitted one and from all accounts, that community will be a state of mourning for some time to come.

Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves in conversation with the girlfriend of Khalil Robin, one of the deceased.

One other passenger, a male, as of Wednesday, was said to be hospitalized at the MCMH, in a coma.

and, of course, Ministry of Health, also specific health issues for those who are sent home and those were still in the hospital, including one person who was still assessed as critical,” the Prime Minister said.


Both Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves and Opposition Leader Dr. Godwin Friday visited with residents in Clare Valley, on Tuesday and Monday respectively.Aninvestigation, led by a senior member of the traffic branch of the police force, has been launched into the accident, the Commissioner of Police confirmed.


and at the CorporationPostalbuilding on Halifax Street in Kingstown.Thevictims of last Sunday’s fatal accident, Ishmael Bruce, Khalil Colin Robin, Elvis Harold, Giovanni Barker and Haywood/Phillips,Kenroy were all passengers in minivan ‘General’ , H 8190, which was traveling from Clare Valley to Owia. (KH)

Five die in Sandy Bay accident

He said that one of the persons affected was on remand, and that was a matter of bail, and the other two were already serving sentences.

Continued from Front Page.

“I think that under the circumstances that it is something reasonable to accede to,” Gonsalves said.

relatives of the deceased, as well as the people who were injured in the accident.“Since that, those involvements have even deepened and widened and that involves Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of withDevelopmentSocialtodealpsychosocialissues

He revealed that the government would cover the cost of the funerals towards this end, there

Another of the injured, also as of Wednesday, was awaiting surgery pending the donation of blood.

“And I exercised my discretion as the Minister of National Security and as head of the Mercy Committee,” he continued.

PM observes injuries of one of the survivors of the accident.

obtain the

Prison inmates to attend funeral

Continued from Front Page.

He said that he had already spoken to the Superintendent of Prisons on the issue, adding that the individuals will be out with appropriate but discrete security.

The dead were Giovanni Barker, Elvis Harold, Khalil Robin, Ishmel Bruce and Kenroy Haywood, all residents of Clare Valley.Robin leaves behind an 8month-old child and reports are that at least two of the other deceaseds also have young children.According to reports from persons on the scene, it appeared that the majority of passengers was male though, of the nine persons said to have been taken first to the Georgetown Hospital and then to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, Kingstown, THE VINCENTIAN can confirm that at least one was a female, who, up to press time, remained warded at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in critical condition.

Napata ‘Tumba’ Louis – owner/driver of the vehicle was able to walk away from the crash site though he was nursing injuries to his arm and forehead.

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves disclosed on radio on September 14 that a request was made by the relatives of the deceased, for relatives who were currently incarcerated to be able to attend the funeral of those who died in the accident.

Speaking on NBC Radio a day after the visit, Gonsalves said he spent three hours Tuesday morning meeting with the

over.When ‘the confusion cleared’, persons reported, and police confirmed subsequently, that five persons, all males, had died — four on the spot and one at hospital.

The matter was reported to the police and Gibson was arrested andIncharged.acaution statement to the police, which was read in Court, Gibson said, “I walk go up in pasture where Miller and Andy does tie dem animals when I see a sheep for Andy. I used my knife and kill the sheep. I put the head and meat in the travelling bag. I was going to eat some and kill some, but Andy come de same

Mills was sitting in the front passenger seat when the vehicle was intercepted. The gun was examined and found to contain six rounds of ammunition. All the occupants of the vehicle were taken to the Central Police Station. Mills was charged with possession of the gun and ammunition, the others were released without

Court heard that Davis, also a resident of Arnos Vale, was once employed with his uncle (Gibson), but was fired because of allegations of stealing.

Former Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delpleche, during his tenure as Prosecutor, had repeatedly called on the police to charge such culprits under the Agricultural and Livestock (Prevention of Theft) Act.

This Act was passed in 2007, specifically to protect farmers, but some 15 years later, the police are still charging the culprits with theft, under the Criminal Code.

Continued on Page 23 Zouck Mills called out persons

Mills: ÂPolice like dey fraid demÊ

here.youngwhatconcernregisteredRechanneMagistrateBrowneheraboutiswrongwithpeople ‘What is really wrong…?’ Magistrate questions Praedial Larceny Act, still not enforced

Mills was among four persons whom the police intercepted in a vehicle travelling at Glen around 9:45 p.m. on September 6.

Ballantyne pushed Hadaway and ran, and Hadaway gave chase, caught up to him, pulled out a pair of scissors and began stabbing Ballantyne about his body. The young lady was able to subdue them.The matter was reported to the police, and investigations led to Hadaway’s arrest.

ZOUCK MILLS, the man who on Thursday, September 8, was jailed for firearm and ammunition possession, is of the view that the police seem to be afraid of a group of dangerous youngsters, because of their (youngsters) connections and assets.

RUDOLF GIBSON, a 64-year-old man of Arnos Vale who, without the owner’s permission, killed and cleaned his nephew Andy Davis’ ewe sheep on the spot where it was tied, was sentenced to four months in prison on Monday.ChiefMagistrate Rechanne Browne handed down the penalty at the Serious Offences Court after Gibson pleaded guilty to theft.Sadly, though, some 15 years after the Agricultural Produce and Livestock (Prevention of Theft) Act was passed here specifically to protect farmers, it is still not being enforced by the police.The

When cautioned by the police, according to Cato, the defendant did not tell the police what he told the Court on Monday. He in fact said then he did not stab Ballantyne.

In a matter at the Serious by being

with a travelling bag over his back.Davis continued on his journey but sent one of his workers to check on some animals he had tied in an area at Arnos Vale. The worker went, and on arrival, he met Gibson cleaning the animal and had the same travelling bag with him.

After hearing the facts, the Magistrate asked him, “Anything you have to say as to why I should not send you to prison for failing to curtail your temper?”Hadaway replied, “I acted out of emotion”.

“After 6 pm you went for a walk?” Browne questioned, to which the defendant responded that he had left home after 5 pm.

The Chief Magistrate raised the question at the Serious Offences Court on Monday, while presiding over a wounding matter in which a 20-year-old used a pair of scissors to stab a 17-year-old seven times, causing serious injuries.

Mills also said that the police recently told him that a group of men was looking for him.

Prosecutor Renrick Cato said Ballantyne received seven stabs, and Hadaway showed no sign of remorse. Instead of making an apology, he tried to defend his action, Cato added.

The matter involved Keron Hadaway, 20 of Ottley Hall, who had pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously wounding Jemaine Ballantyne, 17, of Georgetown.According to the facts presented by Prosecutor Renrick Cato, around 6pm on September 3 Ballantyne was at Canash Beach with a young lady, said to be Hadaway’s ex-girlfriend.

involved unsavouryin deeds, but publicationthis has followed the advice of names.publishingrefrainMagistratethetofromthose

temper,” and expressed the view that “you could have killed this boy (Ballantyne) you know.”When asked about his academic level, Hadaway said he completed secondary school and had applied for entry into the St. Vincent Community College.Browne has adjourned sentencing to today (Friday) to give her “time to consider certainMeanwhile,things.”Hadaway has beenWoundingremanded.carries a maximum penalty of seven years in prison in the Magistrate’s Court and 14 years in the High Court.

CHIEF MAGISTRATE RECHANNE BROWNEis wondering what is really wrong with some young people in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Mills said the harassment started back in 2019, while he was a vendor, when a group of men robbed him, and he was able to wound one of them but one of the men came back and wounded him. He said that even after he had stopped vending and decided to resume business, the men robbed him again.Mills said he made reports to the police, but the youngsters continue to harass him. He said one of the men even stuck a gun into his body at the

Windward Bus Terminal some time ago. He asked the Magistrate to impose a fine.

But Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne told Mills that he pleaded guilty to charges of firearm and ammunition possession, and she has to sentence him in accordance with the sentencing guidelines of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, in relation to those offenses.

“Is no where I could be in peace for dem man dey. Dem man just keep harassing me. I just want to put a stopping to this. The police like dey fraid de man dem too. The police like dey fraid de man dem, because de man dem have assets, and people behind dem,” he explained.

Around 10 a.m. on September 9, Davis was on his way to pick some fruits when he saw Gibson

Hadaway, who happened to be on that beach around the same time, approached Ballantyne and engaged him in conversation, during which he asked Ballantyne, “You know who me be?”


The Magistrate told him, “You have a terrible

Mills, 25, of Barrouallie, was commenting on a situation in which he claims he has fallen victim to constant harassment by these persons, whom he claims are, “going around doing a lot of Mills‘stewpidness’.”commentscame at the Serious

Hadaway, though, who was unrepresented, went on to explain that while he was on the beach he went to urinate, it was then he saw his exgirlfriend. He went to speak to her and Ballantyne pushed him and ran. He said he ran behind Ballantyne, who, according to the defendant, was the one who pulled the pair of scissors as he (Hadaway) got close, and stabbed him on his hand. He said he wrestled with Ballantyne but could not understand how the complainant got stabbed in the process.

the vehicle, in the area of the front passenger seat.

The worker left and reported what he saw to Davis. However, when Davis went on the scene Gibson had already left.

time.”Inhis recommendations for sentencing, Prosecutor Renrick Cato highlighted how farmers have been suffering over the years as a result of the ongoing theft of their livestock and agricultural produce. He asked the Court to impose a penalty that would send a strong message to those who steal from farmers or intend so too.

name as

When the Magistrate asked him how he got on the beach, he replied, “Me and a next young lady was on the beach” adding, “I went there for a walk”, after the Magistrate inquired of him whether he had gone for a swim.

After handing down the penalties, the Magistrate told Mills to use the time at Her Majesty’s Prison to engage in activities that will improve his skill set.“Read, reflect and try to change your mindset, take advantage of the opportunities available for rehabilitation. You have the responsibility to be a model parent when you come out,” she advised.


On scrutinizing the injury forms, the Magistrate noticed that Ballantyne received very serious and open injuries, noting that the injuries were 8cm, 6cm, and 3cm in length.

charges.Mills is also charged with being armed with a gun robbed Carlos Charles of Vermont of five pounds of medical marijuana valued at $10,000. He is also charged with assaulting Rudolf Finch of Vermont with intent to commit the offense of bodily harm. Those offenses were reportedly committed in Vermont in August. He was not required to plea to those charges and is slated to answer to those charges at a later date.

Offences Court, just before he was sentenced to 42 months in prison for possession of a .38 revolver, and ten months for possession of six rounds of .38 ammunition, without licenses, sentences are to run concurrently.

It was shown to the occupants, and when they were cautioned, Mills said, “Ah mine, all you win, man out there want kill we.”

Nothing illegal was found on any of the four persons, but a search of the vehicle, to which the driver consented, discovered the firearm on the floor of


The Court did not believe Hadaway’s explanation.

“What is wrong with you young people in this place? What is really wrong with you? You said you acted out of emotion. When last did your emotions lead you into a church?” the Magistrate inquired.

The travelling bag was met there along with meat.

He spoke of the significance of the projects saying that based on the amount of erosion that had taken place, the entire area might have eventually been eroded through wave action.


Prime Minister Dr. ralph Gonsalves committed to finding the funds for the L’Anse Mahaut road. (API)

A section of the rehabilitated Long Line Road. (API)

Work on the sea defense at San Souci was done by Kelectric and the work at Georgetown by OB Sardoo of St HeLucia.further explained that the designs are based on what engineers refer to as ‘call return periods’ which meant that the sea defense work at San Souci and Georgetown were designed to withstand the impact of waves associated with a storm that comes along once every 150 years. The designs also cater for a 10-inch sea level hadrequiredthetotheaccordingused.blocksagainstcomparematerialdesignconsideration“Anotherrise.significantforseadefenseisthenatureoftheused,”Harrissaid.Studieswerecarriedouttotheuseofboulderstheuseofconcrete‘X’thatwereeventuallyTheunfortunateconclusion,toHarris,wasthatlocalquarrieswereunableproducethesizebouldersinquantityandqualityandtherefore,theytoresorttothe‘X’blocks.

Her disclosed that of the bulk of the money borrowed within the last 5 to 10 years, $4 out of every $10 borrowed goes to deal effects of climate change.“Ifwe don’t do that, we will not have a St Vincent and the Grenadines,” he said.

BETWEEN 1970 AND 2010,over 60 metres of coastline along the Northeast was lost to wave action.

travel destination.tocommutersspeedbythatsituationforcedRalphresidents.Northrapturouswasmillioncostthepeoplechangemakesaid,1.2SpringintoroutekilometereliminateLeeward,areaintoinKeartons,willL’Anseconsiderably.time“Amotor-ableMahautroadrunfromBarrouallieCentralLeewardSpringVillageinNorthanditwillthe7-windinguptoBelleIsleGordonYardandVillagetoaboutkilometers,”Baileyadding,“...itwillasignificantinthelivesofwhotravel.”Heestimatesthat1.2kilometerswillabout$7to$8dollars.Bailey’sreferencegreetedwithapprovalbyLeewardPrimeMinisterDr.Gonsalveswastorespondtotheandconfessedhewas“impressed”theideainviewofthewithwhichwillbeablereachtheir“Iwillfindthe


of the coast line, in order to preserve land andTheproperty.pointwas made at the Septemberopening,9,of sea defense work at San Souci and Georgetown, which was funded and executed under the Regional million.projectswithEC$20,000betweentheexplainedoverviewnotwascompletedthethisManagement(CDB)CaribbeanProgramAccordingProject.VulnerabilityDisasterReductiontoCecilHarris,ManagerattheDevelopmentBankNaturalDisasterProjects,givenaggressiverateoferosion,seadefenseworkatbothlocationsessentialandtimely.Butseadefenseworkdoescomecheap,hestressed.Harris,whogaveanoftheprojectthatdependingontypeofdesign,thecostisEC$10,000andperlinearfoot,thetotalcostofbothamounttoEC$40.2

funded by the World Bank under the Regional Disaster

San Souci/Georgetown gets Sea Defense

It was noted that the projects are among the first in the region to engage the efficient wave brick technology of the ‘X’ block Constructionsystem.included the incorporation of a boardwalk at the site at Georgetown and according to Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, lights will be installed.

It is of critical, therefore, that sea defense work continues along certain sections

A section of the sea defense work at Caratal, Georgetown.


The road, construction of which commenced in 2019, is estimated to be 3.6 kilometers long and was completed at a cost of EC$8.8, and was

(CDB) costly.defensebonesProjects,DisasterNaturalManagementmadenoaboutseaworkbeing

VINCENTIAN BRENT BAILEYis an engineer attached to the Design and Supervision Firm AIC Progetti which undertook the construction work on the Long Line Road. Bailey remarked on the “magnificent team effort” at the opening of the rehabilitated Long Line Road, SeptemberThursday,8.


The Long Line Road connects Westwood village with the community of Belmont, Rose Hall and serves mainly the farmers of North Leeward.

money,” Prime Minister developmentstrategicwhichtowardsinlow.MahautcostJameslongwhichinitiative,L’AnseBaileyCarlos(Long“youhaveMahautknownhintedNorthspentLineadditionMinisterdone.”findreiterated,Leeward,movingreferredCamillopromised.GonsalvesFinanceMinisterGonsalvesto“challengesaroundNorthbut“wewillawaytogetitTheFinancenotedthatintotheLongRoad,$30mwasonprojectsinLeewardandthatifhehadthattheL’Anseprojectwouldbeeninthemix,wouldn’tgetthisLine)one.”AreaRepresentativeJamesthankedforlaunchingtheMahautaventureheconfessedwasinthepipeline.ishappythatthefortheL’AnseRoadissoHethinksitwilltiewiththedriveeco-tourism”heseesasaplankofinSt.

Vincent and the Grenadines and North Leeward in particular. (WKA)

Long Line Road complete: More to come!

Other sea defense work already in the design phase include work at Dark View, Rose Bank, Calliaqua, Villa and the E.T Airport/ArnosJoshuaVale.

Cecil Harris, Program Manager at the DevelopmentCaribbean Bank

Brent Bailey, Engineer, broached the idea (API)

With this knowledge and background, I find it unbelievable that, as a union, you will take on such national political issues as reducing VAT from 16% to 10%. Is it only me, or do these numbers sound strangely familiar? Oh, I remember where I heard this before, from the opposition leader. So let me get this right, you are asking the government to reduce its overall revenue by about $80 million per year (my estimates) while asking for a 10% pay increase. Now I noticed you did not say how much your pay increase will cost, but I suppose that’s ok because you are not serious. It is probably unreasonable to ask you how the government will fund your request and all the other “gives” you are asking for, for people you do not represent.Areyou trying to get some general public recognition for such a generous gesture? After all, you are only paid to represent (generously) about 5% of the total workforce. Frankly, five of your six items are an overreach, super political, and not in the membership’s best interest.

A FRIEND OF MINEsent me the term sheet for the opening offer by the PCU to negotiate with the government for the upcoming two fiscal years. After reading the onepage press release, all I can say is, “Somebody, please say it ain’t so.”

6. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022. THE VINCENTIAN ViewsV Editorial Managing Editor: Desiree Richards Editor: Cyprian Neehall Telephone: 784-456-1123 Fax: 784-451-2129 Website: Email: Mailingthevincentianpublishing@gmail.comAddress:TheVincentianPublishing Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 592, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines. The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

that? I have seen broken chairs and no chairs behind some desks in some offices. I have visited offices, and the person I was visiting had to borrow a chair for me to sit on. I have witnessed workstations with no working phones, and the list of poor working conditions continues. But you get my point, Mr. President.

That request from the PSU

We focus high-handed attention on these communities because we assume, know, they are riddled with crime — with young people there involved in drugs and gun violence.

What this does as a direct but opposite response to decreasing criminal activity, is that it stigmatises those communities, leaving those already involved in crime to continue doing what they are doing, and worse, preventing residents from accessing jobs despite theirWhatqualifications.weneed,by way of a suggestion, is to commission a study to identify the source of the problem and recommend the solutions therein.

So, even as we extend our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of the five departed, we are reminded that there lies at the very core of our society a degree of crime that continues to disturb the equilibrium of our existence.Asrecent as the last weekend, police here were ‘busy’ investigating two more shooting deaths — homicides 31 and 32.


There’s no questioning that generally speaking we have been heavy-handed in our approach to tackling crime. Maybe this is what is meant by ‘being tough on crime and the causes of crime’, with tough being the operative word.So, we increase the complement of police officers, we arm them and create special units that are schooled it seems, in knowing how not to read the Beatitudes to the accused, the suspicious and even the innocent.

Tackling crime to the core

ISN’T IT SIGNIFICANT that last Sunday’s tragic vehicular accident in Sandy Bay/Owia, in the aftermath of which we are left to mourn the deaths of five young, productive males, was as a result, indirectly, of a shooting death?

Yes, those who lost their lives in that mini bus accident were on their way to pay their last respects to one Rohan Rawlins, a fisherman from Owia, who, on August 15, was shot to death at the new Lowmans Bay housing scheme.

In the process of directing state resources to building a police force which we expect to flex its muscles and hope there is no backlash as per Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, we are drawn away from developing and funding programmes that provide adequate and lasting opportunities as means of tackling crime. Granted, this remains a challenge made even worse by the economic pressures that we currently have to confront.

from pursuing that path.

For years we have heard of and even designated certain communities in capital Kingstown and its immediate surrounding as ‘Hot Spots’, i.e. hot with criminal activity.

Here are some ideas for future negotiations, in addition to improving the working conditions Mr.HealthPresident:insurance for all representedEmployeesemployees.cansellback unused leave after ten years of service for specific purposes like a down payment on a home or land purchase or to fund advanced education for themselves or their children.

Allow for a tax-exempt deferred benefit pension plan of up to $5,000 of salaries.Forsome general advice, Mr. President, starting your negotiations in a public forum is never a good idea. This action seems to violate all established protocols.

And as idealistic as it might sound, the result of meaningful human development-focused programmes in ‘Hot Spots’, might be that criminals who seek havens in areas they see as vulnerable and easy to groom youths into lives of crime, would find that the accommodating climate is no longer there.

But then there will remain the ongoing debate: Can a heavy hand approach against those committing crime in sync with a well-designed upliftment programme work?

This week we remain out of the box and ask: Are we dealing with the core problem (of crime) in a holistic manner?

I will try to contain my disappointment with the Union and its six-point proposal. I will get to them later. No, I will leave that to the Prime Minister (PM) or the Minister of Finance.

The study must not turn its attention from a possible connect between those ‘Hot Spot’ and persons from outside who might be the real manipulators, and neither must it shy away from engaging the Chamber of Commerce on how they deal with job seekers from ‘Hot Spot’ communities.Wearenot trying to preempt this study, but it might just be safe to say ahead of time that a study might find a lack of training and employment opportunities was an issue that had to be resolved, if young people in those areas were to be turned from crime.Apossible recommendation might be that the focus of community-based activities must be human development, such as skills training and grooming residents to become more employable and encouraging business and economic development, to help residents start and maintain sustainable businesses.

Lest we forget: No right-thinking person condones criminal behaviour as a means of poverty release. That is all the more reason why we must examine what can be done to prohibit others

For now, I am just asking a few general questions to the PSU leadership: How many of the current eligible public service employees are members? Are you satisfied with the current definition by the Public Service Commission (PSC) of management? Are members of the service in supervisory positions or classified as professional members of the Union? Are all members of service dues-paying members? Is membership voluntary? Are all new members of the “Service” automatically enrolled in the Union? How about the working conditions? Are all employees equipped with the essential tools to perform their daily duties? Have you ever considered that one of the reasons why the public has such a poor image of the public service is that they are not equipped to handle the basics of the job assignment? Never in my life have I ever gone into a government office anywhere and seen so many different official government email providers. And when you use the “”, no one seems to get your email, and if you dare to ask, most people in the office will simply smile and give a private address like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail. (I am sorry, but I feel a kinda-a-way sending a professional email to a “Hotmail” address). I found it strange for the average employee not to have a work email address or not know it because they do not use it to conduct business. Some do not have a computer even though their job suggests they should. Some are asked to use their personal computer. I have met field officers with no vehicles or two officers on opposite sides of the island sharing a vehicle. How efficient or, for that matter, crazy is

Yes, there will be speculation: Had Rawlings not been shot dead, there would have been no need for a funeral; no need for persons to travel from Clare valley to pay their last respects.

colour have taken to using bleaching cream to get a lighter shade. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and despite the prevailing economic conditions, consider their appearance a wise investment.Theboutiques still do a thriving business because inChurchesappearance.importantdevelopmentSamuelGodoutwardshoes.variouswalkingbarrels.comesandeventfashionablefoodtoexpensivethatappearance.enhancesclothingourItappearsnooutfitistooforpoorpeoplebuy.Theywillforgotogetthetreasuredoutfit.EveryisafashionshownoteverythingfromoverseasWespecializeininstylewiththebrand-namedManlooksattheappearancebutlooksattheheart(116:7).CharacterismorethanphysicalTheplaytheirrolehelpingtoshapeus

* In the face of overloaded cement trucks on our road, are there not regulations governing the operation of these trucks? If so, is the Traffic Department ensuring that these regulations are obeyed?


Gonsalves held a meeting at Heritage Square and told a large gathering that when you outside the wicket (cricket), it is different from when you are in the wicket. That he didn’t get election in 3 months’ time, but within a year’s time. Mitchell wanted the election on his birthday, but Gonslaves said no to that.

Part 3

* What’s the latest on the state of health of Senator Julian Francis?

Fitness lovers in Union Island can be seen walking or running along our Northern or Southern Highways. Those who prefer a greater challenge take the Cross-Country Road or Walk around the Rawfall/Miss Toast Circular Road. Some flood the beaches where swimming is the most wholesome comprehensiveand form of exercise. The most recent addition to the fitness programme is the Union

morally. We must learn to behave in ways that enable us to live amicably with each other. Learning is better than silver and gold (Prov 8:10). Knowledge is power and should make our characters more beautiful. Our prison population has a majority of people who lack knowledge and skills.Afit, healthy body, combined with modest attire and good character should go a long way in giving us a good name.

* Could the Minister responsible for Fisheries say how many of those fishing boats that were brought in, in collaboration with one Mr. DeLecia, have been sold or given out to fishermen?*Isthere a plan for road repairs or is this undertaken as per the fancy of ministers of government?

Mitchell in turn, resigned as prime minister soon after the announcement date for elections, leaving the gate open for Arnhim Eustace to become prime minister. Mitchell, the senior minister and elder, demanded the prime minister’s salary. That caused a cold war between both men since Eustace felt entitled to the PM’s salary.

* Are there monies still outstanding to persons who provided produce for those Love Boxes?


* How come the Minister of Health was the one who first spoke about some irregularities in the CXC results and not the Minister of Education?*Havethe Minister of Education and the Minister of Tertiary Education sat down and marked out their territories of operation?


From Mitchell to Gonsalves The Grand Beach Accord A good name

Errol S. - Kingstown

It was announced on Radio 705 that PM Mitchell was unable to attend the OECS Heads of Government meeting schedule to be held in Grenada, due to the crisis in the country. Roads to the E.T. Joshua (Arnos Vale) Airport and city Kingstown were blocked by vehicles, trees and by people, day and night, demanding an end to the Mitchell-NDP government for passing the ‘greedy bill’ in However,parliament.Mitchell made his way to Grenada by sea. While in Grenada with other OECS Heads of Government at the Grand Beach Hotel, he was advised to invite Gonsalves and a limited delegation from his group and the Organization in Defense of Democracy (ODD), and other stakeholders to Grenada. Gonsalves went with a demand from his group — election in 3 months or no dialogue with Mitchell. He tried to hold out with his demand even though some of his friends at the Heads of Government told him that he was demanding the impossible.

yesterday heroes, I believe there are some who might fit that category who the West Indies cricket selectors should consider for the upcoming T20 World Cup.The two of whom I speak are Trinidadian Sunil Narine and Jamaica Andre Russell.

Island Fitness Centre where pleasedgood.handsandofmarksthrivingseemwithbodiesholesencouragingtheirJewelerscaringdressersbarbershigheveryoneonLesskeepdisciplinedWefollowingischallengemuscleavailablecoaches/trainersequipmentprofessionalandaretoputeveryinshape.Theinkeepingfitconsistencyinaprogramme.allneedtobetocomplyandourbodieshealthy.strainwouldbeputourHealthSystemifkeepsfit.Lookinggoodisofpremium.Theandhairbenefitfromforourheads.areexpandingbusinessbyustoputinallpartsofourtobeoutfittedrings.TattooArtiststobedoingatradebyputtingonvariouspartsourbodies.PedicuresmanicureskeepourandfeetlookingSomewhoarenotwiththeirskin

No one would doubt that Narine is not one of the better spinners in the world. He is economical and takes wickets. And he can hit a few “Hero Maximums” whenRussellneeded.isstill one of the most feared batsmen in T20 and ODI cricket in the world and he is an

He led the NDP to a 12-3 defeat in the March 28, 2001 general elections.

PROVERBS 22:1 SAYSthat a good name and loving favor are to be preferred over riches. This is why many people guard their reputations well. Many make every effort to be physically fit. Some place emphasis on their outfit, while others focus on their character. They all combine to make our reputation. What other people think about us has an effect on our ego, and self-esteem.

MR. EDITOR,one of your regular letter writers,

above average bowler and an Worldourtheseourfieldsman.exemplaryCouldwenotswallowprideandinvitementobepartofsquadfortheT20Cup?Justanopinion.

However, Mitchell invited Gonsalves on the beach for a walk and from whatever they discussed, Mitchell agreed to call general elections on March 28, 2001.

Call back Narine and Russell

Anthony G. Stewart, PhD

Ralph was now out of the political wilderness and became Prime Minister on ‘All Fool’s Day’, and so we began the reign of the Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves and the Unity Labour Party (ULP).

IT IS STILL believed by many that there was some sweetheart deal between Sir James and Dr. Gonsalves during that walk on Grand Anse Beach, Grenada, that led to the Grand Beach Accord. Now, during the 2000 Road Block Revolution (as it was called), Mitchell had already built the Coast Guard dock at Calliaqua and lived at the Ratho-Mill sea front.

Christian Democrat

* With all the picong and ridicule characterizing opening ceremonies for government projects, are general elections round the corner or is this just an indication of the style of statesmanship in the country?

The way forward

In twenty-one (21) years, the Minister of National Security and successive commissioners of police have failed to present to the nation a credible and comprehensive plan to deal with spiraling crime. It would appear that such a plan has not even been drafted. The time has come for the administration to engage real expertise

It is of paramount importance that those persons and institutions mentioned are appropriately equipped to deal with reported crimes, in order to ensure that the guilty are convicted and the innocent are set free. Most importantly is the maintenance of law and order and the preservation of the rights and freedoms of Vincentians. The NDP takes the maintenance of those rights and freedoms very seriously, and will introduce measures that will strengthen the criminal justice

roles to play. The government, as the central political expression of the State, under the successive administrations of the ULP, has made extraordinary strides in providing the overall framework for a sound, progressive education. Within that context, quality parenting, quality teaching, and quality school leadership are vital for optimal educational outcomes. The supportive role of the community is essential for the all-around development of theItstudent.isnodoubt that the distribution of the 17,000 tablet devices to teachers and students to facilitate online learning, along with the provision of heavily discounted data packages available for households that lacked wireless Internet or broadband access, in partnerships with the NTRC and local telecommunication providers and quality teaching, surely assisted in the good performance of our children during last year’s examinations. While these initiatives could not solve problems of access, the challenges of disruptions within the education sector because of the pandemic and La Soufriere eruptions would have been insurmountable without our decisive action.

This year, we have seen over 900 tuition scholarships, each valued at 25,000 dollars approved by the cabinet and over 50 students approved for the disadvantaged student loan, continue to assist the children of the ordinary man and woman advancing their tertiary education. With the reopening of the new SVG open Campus site, having been renovated with funding from the Caribbean Development Bank and our government, we continue to see recordbreaking achievements with SVG Open Campus having the most honour roll numbers of all the open campus sites in the Caribbean region.

We will vigorously pursue community policing by increasing the visibility of police on the beat, involving police in trust-building activities in communities, and by providing specific training in community policing. Measures will be introduced that will encourage regular meetings with the police and designated communities towards developing ways to reduce criminal behaviour in those communities.

Education is seen by the ULP government as having the following five basic functions: (i) To train critical minds in receiving and transmitting universal culture, including science and technology, always with a Caribbean sensibility or appropriateness; (ii) To train skilled personnel for the production apparatuses of modern, competitive, many-sided economy, nationally, regionally, and globally; (iii) To cultivate an uplifting core of tried and tested values of our Caribbean civilisation, within the context of a storehouse of humanity’s best inheritances; (iv) To shape rounded, wholesome personalities (critical minds, cultured outlook, physical fitness, etc) with multiple aptitudes and skills relevant to, and appropriate for, a modern, sophisticated society; and (v) To inculcate a commitment to nationhood, our Caribbean civilisation, and internationalism.

Recently, we witnessed the upgrading of schools in Calliaqua, New Grounds and Park Hill. Four months ago, we constructed temporary facilities to accommodate students from Bequia Community High School, Colonaire Government School, Girls High School, Mary Hutchinson Primary School, Saint Vincent Grammar School, Sandy Bay Secondary School, and St. Clair Dacon Secondary School. These temporary facilities cost $7.5 million to construct and are currently housing over 1,800 students. This year, as the students of Grammar School return to the original facility, the students of the Thomas Saunder Secondary are occupying the temporary school at ET Joshua tarmac as the original school building will undergo extensive renovations.

Challenges of this magnitude required bold, focussed, and fresh initiatives to help our children and our country recover. Energised by the spirit of our ever-evolving Education Revolution, and our unshakeable emphasis on education as a tool for development and upward mobility, this Government rose to theHowever, we are in another phase of the pandemic, face-to-face instruction has resumed with thousands of students settling in for the new school year. The continued spending by the government on upgrading existing schools, awarding of scholarships and bursaries and the emphasis on skills training, are part of the government’s thrust in deepening the education revolution. One of the central planks of successive ULP governments over the past 21 years has been the optimal development of our most important resource the people, particularly young people through the opportunity of universal access to quality education and training at all levels.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic and La Soufrière volcanic eruptions, the education sector is one of the most affected sectors by the Pandemic and the volcano. As a population, our students were forced to deal with unprecedented disruptions, uncertainties, and stresses. While we await the official results and analysis of this year’s CSEC exit exams, the exit examination results of last year did not decline. Indeed, in many cases, they improved. There is no stronger evidence of the intelligence, discipline, and strength of our children than their performance in the standardised tests.

The senseless killings must stop

as an important program in crime prevention.

for RedemptionSocialSpiritual,implementcrime.combatingAnd,theandCharter

The Recurrent Expenditure on Education for the year 2022 is estimated at $152 million (more than twice the figure for 2001) or roughly 16 percent of the total recurrent budget of the central government. This sum covers the education administration and associated activities; Pre-Primary Education; Primary Education; Secondary Education; Special Education; Adult and Continuing Education; Technical Education; the SVG Community College; the School Feeding Programme; Examinations and Assessments; Student Support Services; and Libraries; Archives, and Documentary Services.Thisrecurrent expenditure covers salaries, allowances, and wages for the staff at the various educational institutions; routine ongoing expenses for the administration of the Ministry and the schools; and grants and contributions to various entities. By far, the bulk of the recurrent expenditure is on salaries, allowances, and wages. By international standards, SVG’s expenditure, as a percentage of the total budget or GDP, is favourably comparable to that of other countries, developed and developing.

have important

2022 – 2023 Education Year begins

Through these programmes in 2021, over 800 Vincentians engaged in formal TVET training through these programmes, as well as certification courses at the SVG Community College while a further 210 students are currently enrolled in SKYE courses. This year, over $6.5 million will be spent to upgrade technical institutes in Barrouallie, Campden Park, Georgetown and Kingstown; refurbish the Petit Bordel multi-purpose centre and the Canouan Government School to host TVET classes. Since the inception of these programmes, almost 2,000 Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQ)70 and National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ)71 certifications have been awarded to workers

nationwide.Wearecertifying the next generation of skilled workers in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Armed with these formal certifications, they will be more attractive to local and regional employers.

We continue to encourage our young people to get involved in pursuing skills training and getting certified. Last year, we identified improved Technical and Vocational Education as the next phase of our Education Revolution. With programmes such as ANEW (Another Nexus in Workforce Development), YATE (Youth and Adults Training for Employment Programme) and SKYE (Skills for Youth Employment Programme).

system.This will be effected by: conducting a comprehensive review of the laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; introducing measures that will simplify and improve access to justice; increasing the number of magistrates; revising the laws to increase the sentencing options that are available to magistrates and judges; expanding the High Court and improving its facilities; upgrading the forensic lab in order to expedite the prosecution of offences and to reduce the number of cases that are outstanding; reviewing the remuneration and method of promotion of police officers in order to ensure that promotion and remuneration are primarily based on merit, and reviewing the Police Legislation to bring it up to date with the requirements for modern policing.Moreover, arranging for extensive training of police and prison officers, especially in the field of information technology; establishing a Civilian Police Complaint Commission to receive complaints against police officers from both civilians and fellow police officers; establishing a Young Persons Rehabilitation Centre for non-violent young first-time offenders and for juvenile delinquents; introducing a rigorous rehabilitation program that will be designed to improve the lives of inmates after they have left the prisons and reduce the chances of them becoming repeat offenders; reviewing the remuneration of prison officers and the promotion system to ensure that their career growth is dependent on performance and achievement; identifying communities in which new police stations will be constructed. The NDP is committed in fighting crime.


The NDP recognizes the importance of developing and maintaining an effective criminal justice system to convict, incarcerate and more importantly rehabilitate convicted offenders. An effective and well-resourced criminal justice system enhances the chances of securing convictions against those who commit criminal offences. This system involves the police, the Director of Public Prosecutions, lawyers, the courts, magistrates, judges and the penal system.

SOME THIRTY THOUSAND (30,000)students (from pre-school to university) or 30 percent of the population of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, are at school or other educational institutions for the academic year 2022-2023 which commenced on Monday, September 05, 2023.

Let us take a moment to appreciate the multifaceted challenges that confronted our children over the last year and a half of disrupted school: Remote and online classes forced students to attend school from home, where many had to cope with enormous distractions and other domestic issues.

Further, a significant percentage of these homicides remain unsolved as the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force seems unequipped to come to grips with this crisis. This incompetence stands in stark contrast to the enthusiasm and vigour exercised in the pursuit and arrest of critics of the ULP administration and in preventing citizens from exercising their constitutional rights to freedom of expression and association.

The Minister of National Security is out of touch with the people. He must send the strongest message to the criminals, that they will be caught, prosecuted and appropriately punished. The law-abiding majority needs to believe that they can live their lives free from fear. The police also must give the assurance to the public that they are doing all in their power to keep the nation safe.

We call on the Minister of National Security and the Commissioner of Police to address the nation on the worsening crime situation in the country. Of greater concern is the government’s refusal to acknowledge the depth of this crisis. It is obvious that the Minister of National Security has failed to be ‘tough on crime and the causes of crime’. For the Minister of National Security to suggest that there are opportunities for young people; they see these things on social media and they have obsession for guns, is ludicrous.Where are the opportunities for young people? Where are the jobs? Where are the training programs? Forty-six percent of our young people are unemployed (according to the IMF). It was also said on radio, “There aren’t enough skilled persons in St. Vincent.” This suggests that the ‘Education Revolution’ has failed to produce skilled workers in the country. There is also an increase in poverty. The poverty report which the Unity Labour Party (ULP) government has failed to release shows that between 2008 and 2018, poverty in St. Vincent and the Grenadines moved from 30.2% to 36.1% of the population. And, the indigence level jumped from 2.9% to 11.3%. We all know the relationship between poverty and crime.

In andtheparents,State,outcomes,achievingsuccessfullythesethetheteachers,community,thestudentsthemselves

The NDP strongly believes that to effectively combat crime, emphasis should be placed on identifying the likely causes of crime, and developing a strategy to remove them. We will commission a review of existing research into the causes of crime to determine which of these causes are applicable here. This will inform the strategies we introduce

THE NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY (NDP) is deeply concerned about the rapid increase of homicides in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The number of homicides for the year so far is thirty two (32). These senseless killings must stop. If the current trend continues, it will surpass the 2016 record breaking year of forty (40) homicides. It would appear that the government does not have the capacity to manage this crisis.

In his book titled “Acres of Diamonds”, Russell Conwell (18431925), the renowned American author, Baptist minister, and lawyer, highlights the fact that there are many opportunities for growth, development, and wealth-generation within our immediate environment. His thoughts readily synchronize with those of the American inspirational writer Orison Swett Marden (1848-1924) who reminds us, “Do not waste time dreaming of great faraway opportunities; do the best you can where you are. Open your petals of power and beauty and fling out the fragrance of your life in the place that has been assigned to you.” Endless opportunities abound for personal growth and development if/when we develop the proactive stance to pounce on them as they appear. Many of the opportunities are “time sensitive”. They will not wait around indefinitely. Many are like sunsets, if we wait too long, they vanish away beyond the horizon. This, however, is not to suggest that we be hasty and/or impulsive. It is of paramount importance that we calculate the various risks before we opt to pursue many of the opportunities that invite and entice potential suiters.

Theabound.attitudes that we choose to cultivate readily determine the opportunities that we see or do not see. A crisis in our finances or our relationships can usher in a barrage of fears and worries. This, if entertained, can drown our imagination and sense of wellbeing. However, the same situation that ignited a sense of danger can also be loaded with opportunities. The same glass that appears to be half empty is actually half full. It is a matter of perspective and focus. Viktor Frankl (1905-1997), the Austrian Holocaust survivor, neurologist, and author, writing in his 1946 bestselling book titled “Man’s Search for Meaning”, vividly described experiences while living in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. He noted that some individuals gravitated to becoming “devils” while others, faced with similar situations and experiences, evolved to appear like “angels”. Opportunities always abound for the emergence of good and of evil. Individuals choose

Monarchy obscures the crimes of empire and wraps them in nostalgia. It exalts white supremacy and racial hierarchy. It justifies class rule. It buttresses an economic and social system that callously discards and often consigns to death those considered the lesser breeds, most of whom are people of colour. The queen’s husband, Prince Phillip, who died in 2021, was notorious for making racist and sexist remarks, politely explained away in the British press as “gaffes.”

The royal household and its heads are legally exempt from laws that prevent race and sex discrimination, an apartheid system benefitting the Royal FamilyPaine,alone.theauthor of the most widely read political essays of the 18th century, Rights of Man, The Age of Reason and Common Sense, blasted the monarchy as a con. “A French bastard landing with an armed banditti and establishing himself as King of England against the consent of the natives, is in plain terms a very paltry rascally original…The plain truth is that the antiquity of the English monarchy will not bear looking into,” he wrote of William the Conqueror. He ridiculed hereditary rule. “Of more worth is one honest man to society, and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived.”

Guest column by Chris Hedges

There is a pathetic yearning among many in the U.S. and Britain to be linked in some tangential way to royalty. White British friends often have stories about ancestors that tie them to some obscure aristocrat. This desire to be part of the club, or validated by the club, is a potent force the ruling class has no intention of giving up, even if hapless King Charles III, who along with his family treated his first wife Diana with contempt, makes a mess of it.

Send comments, criticisms & suggestions to

Parents and guardians have an awesome privilege to aid their wards in the pursuit of noble dreams. Homes, schools, and Sunday schools play a major role in assisting junior citizens to develop strong character, integrity, and righteousness that will assist them in standing firm for honesty and integrity as the strong winds of temptation and the tugging currents of evil invite them to compromise their principles. They may experience these as opportunities for advancement in academia and the world of work seek to lure the innocent and unsuspecting to “get ahead at all costs” … even if it means pursuing opportunities known to be dishonest or impure. We are reminded that while such opportunities abound it is never right to do wrong.

The cries of the millions of victims of empire; the thousands killed, tortured, raped and imprisoned during the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya; the 13 Irish civilians gunned down in “Bloody Sunday;” the more than 4,100 First Nations children who died or went missing in Canada’s residential schools, and the hundreds of thousands killed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan are drowned out by cheers for royal processions and the aristocracy. The coverage of the queen’s death is mind-numbingly vapid.

There is value in inviting and nurturing critical thinking in our homes, schools, workplaces, and the wider community. Individuals who are self-confident and secure will encourage this. Conversely, persons who are insecure, arrogant, or display inflated egos are likely to be uncomfortable inviting others to engage in critical thinking. Opportunities abound for personal and corporate growth when we encourage constructive criticism in our homes, neighbourhoods, and workplaces. We could learn so much from each other when we embrace concepts of lifelong learning and are willing to learn from those younger than us and/or are less experienced or educated than we are. Opportunities to learn

Many of life’s greatest opportunities may appear disguised as crises, problems, challenges, or difficulties. We should not cower away from these. We should develop the tenacity to face these boldly. Sir Winston Churchill (18741965), the renowned British statesman, soldier, and writer, once noted that, “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” He knew that life’s varied challenges are merely “opportunities in work clothes”. Harry S. Truman (18841972), the 33rd President of the United States of America, in an effort to generate greater optimism and retard pessimism, was known to have said that, “A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.” As we explore the myriad of possibilities that emerge around us daily may we, as enlightened citizens, ignite the optimism that resides in each of us as we pursue the glorious opportunities that abound.

Send comments, criticisms & suggestions julesferdinand@gmail.comto THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022. 9. Views

aristocracy is to sustain a class system that makes the rest of us feel inferior. The monarchy is the bedrock of hereditary rule and inherited wealth. This caste system filters down from the Nazi-loving House of Windsor to the organs of state security and the military. It regiments society and keeps people, especially the poor and the working class, in their “proper” place.

It was not until the 1960s that “coloured immigrants or foreigners” were permitted to work in clerical roles in the royal household, although they had been hired as domestic servants.

Monarchs belong in the dustbin of history

WE VALUE FREEDOM OF CHOICEand the ability to pursue the opportunities that life affords us. With the recent advances in technology, many persons have intensified their efforts to improve their lives and generate revenues in agriculture, fisheries, retail business, the food industry, and so on. Others are seeking to provide services in the field of education, information technology, medicine, etc. Opportunities abound in a host of areas. In the business sector, managers and leaders are exploring ways to reduce cost and improve efficiencies, products, and services. They regularly examine their value chain activities to determine how best they can improve quality and profitability. As a people, we have not exhausted our ability to innovate. We commend those individuals (young and old) who forever seek to invent new products and services or to use their imagination to create and perfect new ideas to improve their respective operations. They question the unquestionable. They strive for perfection. They broaden their horizons and invite critical thinking throughout their organizations. They know that no individual or profession has all of the answers. The “lowest ranking individual” in the organization could have the solution to the company’s biggest and most complex problems.

He went on: “One of the strangest natural proofs of the folly of hereditary right in kings is that nature disproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule, by giving mankind an ass for a lion.” He called the monarch “the royal brute of England.”Whenthe British ruling class tried to arrest Paine, he fled to France where he was one of two foreigners elected to serve as a delegate in the National Convention set up after the French Revolution. He denounced the calls to execute Louis XVI. “He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression,” Paine said. “For if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” Unchecked legislatures, he warned, could be as despotic as unchecked monarchs. When he returned to America from France, he condemned slavery and the wealth and privilege accumulated by the new ruling class, including George Washington, who had become the richest man in the country. Even though Paine had done more than any single figure to rouse the country to overthrow the British monarchy, he was turned into a pariah, especially by the press, and forgotten. He had served his usefulness. Six mourners attended his funeral, two of whom were Black.

‘Unchecked legislatures could be as despotic as unchecked monarchs.’ Thomas Paine

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.” - Joel Osteen (born 1963) –American author, pastor and televangelist.

The royals are oligarchs. They are guardians of their class. King Charles III owns 6.6 billion acres of land. British monarchs are worth almost $28 billion. The British public will provide a $33 million subsidy to the Royal Family over the next two years, although the average household in the U.K. saw its income fall for the longest period since records began in 1955 and 227,000 households experience homelessness in Britain.Royals, to the ruling class, are worth the expense. They are effective tools of subjugation. In 1953, Her Majesty’s Government sent three warships, along with 700 troops, to its colony British Guiana, suspended the constitution and overthrew the democratically elected government of Cheddi Jagan. Her Majesty’s Government helped to build and long supported the apartheid government in South Africa. Her Majesty’s Government savagely crushed the Mau Mau independence movement in Kenya from 1952 to 1960, herding 1.5 million Kenyans into concentration camps where many were tortured. British soldiers castrated suspected rebels and sympathizers, often with pliers, and raped girls and women. By the time India won independence in 1947 after two centuries of British colonialism, Her Majesty’s Government had looted $45 trillion from the country and violently crushed a series of uprisings. Torture, extrajudicial assassinations, public hangings and mass executions by the British were routine. The British state attempts to obstruct lawsuits stemming from its colonial history. Its settlements, 47 million pounds, are a tiny fraction of the compensation paid to British slave owners in 1835, once it – at least formally – abolished slavery.

During her 70-year reign, the queen never offered an apology or called for reparations.Thepoint of social hierarchy and

THE FAWNING ADULATIONof Queen Elizabeth in the United States, which fought a revolution to get rid of the monarchy, and in Great Britain is in direct proportion to the fear gripping a discredited, incompetent and corrupt global ruling elite.

The global oligarchs are not sure that the next generation of mediocrities is up to the job. Let’s hope they are right.


Opportunities abound

which path they take; which road they travel; which destination they pursue. We choose. We decide.

young, strong, and energetic anymore. We need new minds with fresh thoughts and brilliant ideas to pull the country out of stagnation and rising inflation.”Vigilante chuckled, “Though he might not walk briskly, his intellect is sharp and witty. John Bull is a deceptive strategist who wants to hold on to power until eternity. The man is so obsessed with power; if he gets the chance, he will run God out of heaven to be the ruler of heaven. Hmm, that man ain’t easy! His political opponents accused him of cheating. You could hear them protestors how they misbehave in the streets with their placards shouting, ‘Thief! Thief! Yo too thief!!!’ All he wants to do is divide the country, hold the people for a ransom; bribe them with petty cash!”

SVG Green Party Leader, British Royal Air Force Engineer Warrant Officer Ivan Bertie O’Neal BSc (Hons), MSc, MBA, and his wife were invited to Buckingham Palace in the 1970s for the Tea Party held by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for members of the Armed Forces, to meet Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and other senior members of the Royal Family.

In Her Majesty’s final Commonwealth Day Message, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II described our family of nations as “a modern, vibrant and connected Commonwealth that combines a wealth of history and tradition with the great social, cultural and technological advances of our time. That the Commonwealth stands ever taller is a credit to all who have beenOnceinvolved.”again,SVG Green Party sends its sincere condolences to the newly appointed King Charles III and all other members of The British Royal Family in the United Kingdom.

THE MARKETvendors, Observer, Vigilante, and Clairvoyant, should be the eyes and ears of the nationpolitical commentators, critics, and analysts. They scrutinize John Bull with the third eye and crucify him with their tongues for running the

SVG GREEN PARTY sends its condolences to the royal family in the UK. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away on 8th September 2022. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was Head of State for our country.

A constitutional referendum was held in SVG on 25 November 2009 to replace the constitution that has been in force since independence in 1979. The proposed constitution would have abolished the monarchy of SVG, headed by Queen Elizabeth II. The


The Market Vendors - Observer, Vigilante, and Clairvoyant

The market vendors say, “Crazy John, better known as John Bull can’t dance, he should give another man a chance.”However, the market vendors agree that nothing stays the same forever; a change must come. A change must come.

Carden A. Michael

By kind permission of Her Majesty The Queen, an annual Garden Party is held at Buckingham Palace for the

wife attended Buckingham Palace in the 1970s for the Tea Party, the occasion was most graceful, respectful andWarranthistoric.Officer Ivan Bertie O’Neal BSc (Hons), MSc, MBA was awarded The British Royal Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal and the Royal Air Force “Meritorious Service Medal” in recognition of exemplary conduct, high personal standards and professional expertise.

benefit of War Pensioners and service personnel who have received compensation from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. This event brings together more than 2,000 beneficiaries of all ages and services.

Condolences to the royal family in the UK

Then malicious Vigilante speaks, “I don’t think John Bull would be the Captain for too long. He reaches the end of the rope. He is in the twilight zone trying to figure out which way to go. A man of his stature is so obsessed with power that he won’t let go.”

Then compassionate Clairvoyant interjected, “Poor thing! He should get a cane to ease the pressure off his feet; the weight is pulling him down!”

flaws that precipitate beyond John’s imaginable comprehension.

country into a failed, deplorable state. The other day I heard them discussing John Bull, the narcissistic technocrat, and the years he has been in office. (Like he wants to be there for a century?) They spoke about the current affairs of the country and the

The market vendors said the “General” is not too well; he is giving people the impression that he is, but he is not. He has too much weight; he is weighing the country down. We need someone who is assiduous, and spritely to give hope to the hopeless beggars.Observer said, “John Bull don’t want to step aside, the man is a maniac, he looks weak and shaky; he needs a walking stick? If you look attentively, he can hardly stand on his own two feet. Lately, he has developed a bad habit of holding on to people. It shows either his knees are weak or his guts are too puff. A man like that shouldn’t be leading or telling people ‘bout health and wellness, sports, culture, and fitness. If people in this country want to play blind, dumb, and stupid, the world is watching… John Bull taking them for a walking stick.”

When Warrant Officer Ivan Bertie O’Neal BSc (Hons), MSc, MBA and his

The Garden Party is hosted by one or more senior members of the Royal Family. Some armed forces personnel will be presented to a Royal guest who will chat to them about their service experiences. For men and women who are proud to have served their country this is a huge honour and a once-in-alifetime opportunity which they will never forget, the impact of which cannot be overstated.

proposed constitution was rejected by the people of SVG in the referendum, falling short of the required two-thirds threshold.HerMajesty Queen Elizabeth II remained as Head of State of SVG.

Observer, butted in: “A man of his stature doesn’t want a cane; he has too much pride to step aside! He should step aside and give another man a chance! He should realize he isn’t

Observer said, “People who reach their golden age should have the mind to walk away when their time exceeds, but John Bull doesn’t look likely to do such a thing. He sounds like he has dementia. One time he says he is going to retire, then another time changes his mind. If he can’t get his wish appointing those he wishes, that’s exactly what he would do.”


The modern approach – What has not improved


for the impactschemes.financedgovernment-housingTheoverallvisual-kerbappeal

So, when I saw the MCT release I had to take up my pen. I believe I have made a case to support a call for the MCT to take the necessary steps to ensure that the houses that they plan to finance are of a suitable design to take advantage of the environmental conditions and our history.

I have always had “a bee in my bonnet”, so to speak, about ventilation in homes. My own home has a combination of aluminium louvres and fixed glass windows.

otherwise!So,what has not improved? The ventilation in our houses. The simple design of the low-income houses and their relative small size make it easy to see the ventilation deficiencies.

This is a picture of a typical house built at the Plan in Chateaubelair around the early 1930s.

Right: duplexAunit of the ventilation.abouttheaddressedtodoesn’tDevelopmentBayLowmansnewHousingseemhaveconcern

Indeed these became standard features of West Indian colonial

and the sun is setting in the west. The air is getting cooler by the minute.

Still standing in Chateubelair. A lesson for us.

Learning from the past

is indeed impressive and always draws favorable comment. It is this aspect that might have led Prime Minister Gonsalves a few years ago, to claim (unthinkingly in my view) while addressing the Manning Village opening ceremony, that the subject houses would not be out of place in New York or Miami. Of course, the environmental context would dictate


It so happens that they are familiar with both. And yes Minister, context is veryTheimportant.problem highlighted here is more widespread than one might think at first glance. The more complex and larger size houses that populate the landscape effectively mask the problem. There is much work to be done by the homeowners, other stakeholders in the construction sector and the Planning Authority.

Making good use of the Louvre/Glass combination.

I have long been impressed by the several ways in which our colonizers constructed their buildings to take account of our tropical environment — context. They made extensive and effective use of verandahs, overhanging roofs, shaded windows, gable-end openings and generous use of jalousie windows!

The quality of housing generally in this country has improved markedly in several aspects over the last seven or eight decades. This is true too

architecture and can be seen in old pictures from throughout the region.While the large verandahs and overhanging roofs were mainly seen in the estate Great Houses, the smart use of jalousie windows was everywhere and one can still see some of these incorporated in older houses all over St. Vincent — like this “classic” in

When I saw the Lowmans Bay houses the “bees in my bonnet” were aroused. An image was formed in my mind and it has remained with me ever(I)since:amin a small village situated on a promontory on the west coast of a Caribbean island. After a bright sunny day, evening is approaching

I do not know what prompted the Minister to make this call but it led me to look around to see what may be happening that seems to be the result of ignoring ‘context’. I did not have to look too far.

One of the reasons for this feeling on my part was that I immediately saw it as an opportunity to draw the public’s attention to what I have long considered a basic design flaw in publicAnotherhousing.was the recent public call by Minister Saboto Caesar for trained persons to contextualize what they studied.

A house at the Peniston bridge built a few years ago.

IT WARMED MY HEART when I read the decision of the Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT) to finance the construction of forty-one (41) houses for “householders from beyond the Rabacca River who experienced damage to the extent that they have nothing to return to after the volcanic eruption ….” (THE VINCENTIAN 5th August, 2022.)

Assurances for the future

Claude Samuel

Night falls and human activity ceases. Meanwhile outside, the air is cooler still and is swirling from over the sea up and around the houses in the village, probing a window here, probing a door there, probing everywhere, probing in every nook and cranny unable to find an opening……

Yes Minister, context is important

bearrangementshusband’snationalforSVGconjunctionOrganizationBreakawayaward”“receivedBoucher,inHeritageatwasFameGrenadines.innationalCoombs-ledsoccerexecutiveSt.VincentandtheSVGSoccerHallofsaidthatBoucheralsohonoredin2016theSVGDiasporaAwards&GalaBrooklyn.Inaddition,itsaidin2019,yetanotherbytheMastersinwiththeFootballFederationhisrolewiththeteamof1979.Mrs.Bouchersaidherfuneralareyettofinalized. ObituaryV 12. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 THE VINCENTIAN


THE VINCENTIAN that her husband had fallen ill on Aug. 4.

In December 2014, the Brooklyn-based uprising group, honoredVincyCares,Boucherwith its Lifetime Achievement Award.In2009, Boucher was honored by the then Venold

His wife, Jacqueline

the football (soccer) field, an astute captain and an obdurate St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ national soccer coach, but on Tuesday he drew his last breath.

On migrating to New York in 1980, Boucher again assumed the role of coach of Team SVG (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) in the then CaribbeanBrooklyn-basedSoccer Cup.

The son of the late Beryl Boucher, Rudolph Boucher was a member of the iconic Notre Dame Football Club in St. Vincent and the Grenadines that was founded in 1959 by the late Sam DeBique and “a group of young sporting enthusiasts.”Bouchersaid, at the Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony, that the club “matured into one of the finest club teams ever to grace the playing fields in St. Vincent and Grenadines.”theHesaidhehad joined Notre Dame in 1963 as a “precocious teenager” and “literally grew up on the grounds of Victoria Park in Kingstown,” where his uncle, Paul Boucher, was the head groundsman.Initssouvenir journal, VincyCares said Boucher was “noted as one of the living legends of Vincentian football.

Rudolph “Rudy” Boucher is considered as perhaps the best midfielder and one of the best football brains this country has ever produced and nurtured.

Mrs. Boucher told

Boucher, née James, said Boucher died Tuesday morning at South Shore University Hospital at Northwell Health in Bay Shore, Long Island, New York. He was 76.


BOUCHER was a renowned attacking midfielder on

Football icon Rudolph Boucher dies Football icon Rudolph “Rudy” Boucher dies

The finest of them all


“We had some great matches at Victoria Park [in capital Kingstown], and through all that, we never allowed the intensity of the football to affect our added.relationships,”brotherlyFindlay

Story photos by NELSON A. KING

Migration and awards

Boucher played soccer continuously from 196377, captained the national team from 1972-

US naking@verizon.netCORRESPONDENT

76 and then coached it from 1977-80 before migrating to New York.During his playing stint, the national soccer team won the Windward Morris.andHall,LuxyLeslieDouglasBailey,“Chicken”“Mike”greatnationalBoucherSoccerinincludingnumerouschampionshipIslandsonoccasions,consecutively1965and1966.AccordingtotheSVGHallofFame,playedontheteamwithsuchplayersasMichaelFindlay,LennoxJohn,Jeff“Babs”Jones,Cambridge,“Jim”Ollivierre,Quashie,NorbertFredTrimminghamStanley“Luxie”

“He was simply the finest attacking midfield player ever produced in his native St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” it said.On Aug.17, 2018, Findlay, also a former West Indies wicket

keeper and manager, paid glowing tribute to a number of current and former Vincentian sports personalities, including Boucher.“Iamstill firm in my belief that players like Rudy Boucher, Norbert Hall, Dougie Doyle, Fred Trimmingham and Jeff Bailey were ahead of their time,” he declared.

Dr. the Hon. Godwin Friday –Leader of the Opposition

I wish to inform the general public that a

As Leader of the Opposition and on behalf of the New Democratic Party, I extend sincere condolences to His Majesty King Charles III, the Royal Family, and people of his realms Commonwealth.andWegivethanks for her long and dedicated service.

CommonwealthChair Women’s Network & Past Chair of the Commonwealth Civil Society Advisory Committee (CSAC). September 9, 2022.

Her Gracious Majesty served the people of diverse countries with equity and discipline, always tempered with understanding.Underherwatch many Organizations were facilitated or created to ensure that the talents of the people were exposed and used, and

“Her majesty had a remarkable reign, the longest in British history, one of the longest ever in the whole world, and she was a woman with character, and she was an outstanding queen for the British people and she represented stability for them, continuity for them.

Marlborough House.

A wise saying is that, “A Person is known by the steps he/she leaves behind”. The steps of Her Majesty are deeply imprinted throughout her long reign, and will benefit generations to come. The Commonwealth Women’s Network (CWN) will do its part to keep the legacy of people’s empowerment alive, inspired by her gifted life.

developed where there was lack. The Commonwealth Women’s Network is one such organization, doing work for women’s development. The Civil Society Advisory Committee (CSAC) was so empowered that there were seats at the table of the Board of Governors, the Committee of the Whole and at Commonwealth Ministers’ Meetings.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be represented at the Queen’s funeral.”


GonsalvesRalph –Prime Minister

She has fully kept her pledge made as a youthful 21-

THE COMMONWEALTH WOMEN’S NETWORK (CWN) extends deep expressions of comfort to the Royal Family and the entire Commonwealth Family, on the passing of our Gracious Queen Elizabeth II.

H.E. Dame Susan Dougan Governor General St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Governor General H.E. Dame Susan Dougan

“I have been in contact with SVG’s High Commissioner in London, and the High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to SVG.

a symbol of stability and a driving force for meaningful change.

Nelcia Robinson

On behalf of all

Commonwealth Women’s Network

May she Rest in Peace.

year-old princess that her life “Whether it be long or short” would be dedicated to the service of her people. That service was long and fruitful.

Vincentians, Mr. Dougan and I extend heartfelt sympathy to the Royal Family and the citizens of The Commonwealth.

Dr. The Honourable Ralph E. St.PrimeGonsalves,Minister,Vincentand the Grenadines.

Queen Elizabeth II touched numerous lives for an exceptionally long time.

Dr. Godwin Friday, New Democratic Party

Dr. the Hon.

I JOIN friendsVincentians,WITHfellowCommonwealthandpeoplearoundthe


to express profound condolences on the passing of her majesty Queen Elizabeth, who is head of state of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

I AM SADDENEDDEEPLYto learn of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth 11, the longest reigning British monarch.

world in expressing our deepest sadness on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In her long reign, she provided steadfast leadership to people across the Commonwealth. Her leadership was exemplified by grace, humility, loyalty, and strength.Herreign was a time of profound and lasting change. Her commitment to service was absolute and was never found wanting.

Her Majesty gave 70 years inspirationalleadership;outstandingof and selfless service: a life devoted to others that bywithhasCelebrationPlatinumculminateddignitywithhumankind.compassioncommitmentunwaveringembodiedandtoHerMajestyruledgraceandwhichwiththeJubileethisyear.TheCommonwealthbeentrulyblessedamonarchviewedmillionsofpeopleas

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal family during this time of loss.

Only days ago, we saw pictures of Her Majesty swearing in her 15th Prime Minister, and now she is gone.Although we live with the inevitability of our mortality as human beings, we cannot easily come to terms with the passing of those who have become fixtures in our lives. In her service, Her Majesty

Condolence Book will be will be established at Government House from 12th to 19th September, 2022.The Book will be available to dignitaries at the Great Hall of Government House between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm on 12th

September.Members of the public are invited to sign the book from 13th to 19th September between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm.

Her Majesty graced us with her presence at Commonwealth Day Celebrations in Prayers of Thanksgiving, and in social activity at

Editor’s Note: The following statement is issued by Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, ViceChancellor of The University of the West

University’s ‘Visitor’ (final appellate tribunal) and occupied this status until 2019, when she so graciously agreed to the University’s request to have it filled by a Caribbean jurist.

Her love for the Commonwealth was clear. St. Vincent and the Grenadines has benefitted tremendously from being a part of the organization in terms of development, democracy and peace.

Indies on behalf of the university community.

passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

The University was honoured to have hosted Her Majesty in 1953 at the Mona campus during her maiden tour of the Commonwealth


I express profound thanks to Her Majesty for validating my work with the youths in my community and country, by awarding me a Queen’s Young Leaders award.

The University hosted Her Majesty in 1953 at the Mona campus during her maiden tour of the Commonwealth Caribbean. (Photo Source: The UWI)

I owe the Queen a debt of gratitude for what she has done, not just for me but other young persons across the Commonwealth who are/were giving voluntary service to their community, without even being recognized at home.

I can still remember vividly, after accepting my award at Buckingham palace in 2015, we had a great discussion at the reception, in which we talked about a number of things including the 2009 constitutional referendum.

Professor Sir Hilary TheVice-ChancellorBeckles,UWI

Kenville Horne, SVG’s first Queen’s Young Leaders Award recipient

QUEEN ELIZABETH 11,Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, the nation’s figurehead and a towering presence on the world stage for seven decades, died peacefully at her home in Scotland on Thursday aged 96.

Sports Academy, I express gratitude to Her Majesty for recognizing me and all the other young leaders within the Commonwealth.Mydeepestcondolences to the Royal Family and may her soul rest in peace.

Indeed, the award opened doors for me that might have otherwise been closed, as well as provided me with a platform to give back more.

On behalf of the Kenville Horne


HM Queen Elizabeth 11 greets Kenville Horne, SVG’s first Queen’s Young Leaders award recipient at a reception at Buckingham Palace.

THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES (UWI) wishes to pay respect on the

Caribbean. Her subsequent visits to the University in 1975 and 1994 were significant events and remembered withOnfondness.behalfof the university community, I offer condolences to the royal family, the government and people of Great Britain, and citizens of Commonwealth.the (Source: The UWI)

I was impressed by her grace and her memories of her visits to St. Vincent and Mustique.



And registration runs up until October 7, 2022, when registration will close at 4pm.


opportunity to win cash and other invitedstudentsIndividualsprizes.andarebeingtoregister, and those interested in registering to be a part of

And the competition is open to students enrolled in both secondary and tertiary level institutions as well as non-students under the age of 35.


this year’s competition can do so on the NTRC’s webpage, or on its Facebook or Instagram pages.

Lewis explained that for teams entering the competition are required to have a mentor who is expected to lead and support the teams during thePersonscompetition.entering in the Open Category are not required to have a mentor, LewisMobileSecondarypertainedcompetitionchangeTherehowever.isasmallinthisyear’sasittotheIdeaandappCategoriesexplained.Teamsareexpected to create their apps and base their ideas on the following topics: good health and well-being, quality education and responsive consumption and enteringIndividualsproduction.notanappbased on these topics will therefore have to enter in the Open Category, the NTRC’s Consumer and Public ManagerRelationssaid.Thesecondphase of the competition is the

Prizes in this year’s competition are as follows: in the Secondary Idea Category — 1st — EC$2,500; 2nd — EC$1,500 and 3rd — MobileEC$1,000.IntheSecondaryAppCategory — 1st — EC$5,000 and a laptop for each team member compliments the NTRC; 2nd — EC$3,000 and 3rd — EC$2,000.TheOpen Category: 1st — EC$5,000 as well as two tickets to the GMSA 4YFN Startup Event 2023 in Barcelona, Spain; 2nd — EC$3,000 and 3rd — EC$2,000.Prizeswill also be made available to the school with the most entries — EC$1,000 and mentors can collect between EC$750 to EC$1,000.Allteams advancing to the final but not placing will receive EC$300.Andas has been the norm for the NTRC’s virtual launch of the competition, viewers were provided with the opportunity win themselves theAnnSamsungBryanDigicelproviderstelecommunications’complimentshandsetsFLOWandwithJohnwinningaA03andJay-ButchercoppingSamsungS22.

As has been the norm, this year’s competition focuses in on the creation of mobile applicationsphoneand concepts that would make it easier to implement new systems or enhance those that already exist in St Vincent and the Grenadines for the private and public sector.

NTRC competitionicode784launched

InstagramFacebookNTRC’spublishedbeingonthewebsite,andpages.Andthefinalphase — the grand finale — takes place on November 16, 2022 and during this phase of competition,the final judging will take place for all finalists in the three categories.

September 14. Tech savvy persons throughout the length and breadth of the country now can register to be a part of this year’s competition for the

preliminary judging round, and this phase commences on October 18, 2022 and ends on October 20, 2022 where preliminary judging will take place for all categories of the competition with the finalists


According to Rhea Lewis, Consumer and Public Manager,Relationspersons can enter themselves into the Secondary Idea Category, the Secondary Mobile Application Category and the Open Category.


pounds from the gains of slavery, yet she allowed each colony to wallow in poverty.

And the multiple-time calypso monarch of Barbados make it abundantly clear that in spite of his position as Cultural Ambassador, “he has a constitutional right to speak his mind as an individual when he deems it fit”.

Anthony Gabby Carter has always been a strong voice in condemnation of the atrocities of nations against nations.

ElizabethKingdommedia,pennedwillstatedAmbassadorandrecording/performingrenownedANTHONY GABBY CARTER,BarbadianartistedesignatedCulturalofthatcountry,hasunambiguouslythathenotapologiseforapoemheandcirculatedonsocialaboutthelateUnitedmonarchQueenII.

Seventy-five long hard years this monarch Liz did reign, she made sure her colonies made no economic gain.”And yes, even in the country that only recently became the ‘newest’ Republic in the Gabby’sCommonwealth,causticlabelling of the Queen raised the ire of some persons.Barbados Today reported that some people have labelled his ‘sentiments’ as “disrespectful”, “distasteful” andThe“uncivilised”.‘hurt’hasgone so far as to have a voice calling for Government to revoke his National Honour status, should he insist that he has nothing for which to apologise.

In the poem, Gabby refers to Queen Elizabeth as a “quiet wicked woman”, saying, inter alia:“She inherited millions of

Gabby: ÂI apologising!!!ÊainÊt

He proceeded to lambast his critics describing them as “apologists” for Great Britain and even went as far as to say

I became a known artist, it started at 10 years old,” Gabby stated.

And he reminded his critics that has stood up against the likes of Prime Ministers Errol Barrow, Tom Adams and Owen Arthur.

“I will not be fazed,” he assured. (Source: Barbados Today)


According to the Barbados Today article as referenced, a

that they would prefer if Barbados were re-colonised.

The poem, ‘Good Riddance to Rubbish’, according to a Barbados Today article of September 13, “addressed Britain’s, and the role of the Monarchy, in the Transatlantic slave trade, the wealth gained, inherited and passed down through the years, and the fact that victims of these atrocities have yet to receive reparations.”

rhetoric when it comes to

former Barbados High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Guy Hewitt declared that Gabby had “displayed ignorance of the role of a constitutional monarchy, the history of the Commonwealth of Nations and the late Queen’s role in it”.

But during an interview with Barbados TODAY, an unrelenting Gabby reiterated that there will no apology forthcoming.Seemingly irritated by the backlash, Gabby let down his hair and said, “I don’t care if she dead, she should have died every since because she has been no good to us.

“My answer to all of them is, do not expect me to apologise, do not expect me to compromise my words, do not expect me to kowtow, bow or any of the sort. Do not expect me to, in any form or fashion, change my mind or my


I HAVE come to the conclusion that my boyfriend does not love me as much as he claims. Lately, I have been going through some rough times. He is fully aware of where I am

Dear Unemployed and Stressed,

I do not want to be bogged down like this to one woman. I want to be free to be with whomever I choose but how can I make this happen without causing a major disturbance?

not ready to make a genuine commitment. You need to let your partner know that. Do not leave her to think otherwise.

Unemployed and Stressed

you and to reassure you that no one else can or will take your place.

Dear George,

Dear George,

My roommate wants me out but I do not think she has that right to ask that. I need for you to tell me what recourse I have in this case.

No one should be pressured into a relationship. It should be a mutually accepted agreement to love and commit, not forced by oneItparty.isclear that you are

Thinking Out Loud


No leg on which to stand

Two months ago I lost my job and have not been able to pay my share of the rent. I have been contributing to food and also I clean up around the apartment. Isn’t this enough to make up for the rent I’ve not been able to pay? The rent is 900 dollars a month. I’m sure what I purchase in food is very close to my share, if you add to it the fact that I clean.

Dear Thinking Out Loud,

What was the original agreement between you two? Was it for each of you to pay rent along with purchasing food, etc.? If you had no official agreement to buy food as part of your contribution then you do not have a leg to stand on. It’s either you pay your share of the rent or be willing to find alternative housing arrangements.Ofcourse,you can politely ask your roommate to grant you more time but you have to keep in mind that time is money and you may not have that luxury.

I want to kill myself and his response has been: “Why do you keep saying that to me?” It’s like he wants me to do it so he can be left alone to be with that girl who we

always argue about. He claims he feels nothing for her but I know better.Allthis is doing is stressing me out even more. I need your advice.

I HAVE been sharing an apartment with a friend for close to one year.


The best way to get his attention is not to threaten suicide but to have a serious talk with him about your feelings, insecurities and fears. Give him a chance to express himself properly and to respond to your concerns.Itmay be a good thing if both of you saw a professional relationship counsellor. Communicate more and keep the conversations positive.

occasionsemotionally.OnfourdifferentIhavetold him

Be honest with your partner

Dear George,

I AMin a bind and need to get Circumstancesout. forced me to commit to the woman I’m with now and it has been 6 months of torture for me. She begged me to give us a chance and told me committing to her would be extra easy because she knows how to love me. Since I’ve committed to her, it’s like I’m seeing more beautiful and sexy women popping up.

I am going to take a wild guess that your suicide ideation has much to do with the insecurity. That you are thinking that by using the threat of suicide you will get him to listen to


Threatening suicide

DearFrustrated Frustrated,

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

You can get your point across if you don't beat around the bush. Don't lend or borrow money or belongings. Communications with loved ones may be strained. Travel will be favorable. Resist overspending on luxury items.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22)

You are best to keep your money tied up in a safe and secure place. You may be somewhat emotional concerning a rather private matter. Be cautious not to get involved in office chatter that will cause problems for others.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21.- Feb. 19)

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Make money using your ingenuity and creative talent. Investments concerning your residence will be profitable. Empty promises are evident and deception probable. You're eager to learn.

Don't expect anyone else to pay your bills for you. Visit friends or relatives you don't get to see very often. Opportunities to make advancements through good business sense are evident. You can make the most headway if you put in some overtime.

Don't overlook that fact that someone you care about may be hiding something. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love. Your business sense will be leading you in a direction that indicates more travel and communication. They may cost you dearly.

Financial limitations are likely if you take risks. Your hypnotic eyes will capture the hearts of those who interest you. Call a good friend. Don't let criticism upset you. Hassles will delay your plans.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Focus, and concentrate on yourself and your future. Don't hold back; go with the flow and take a bit of a chance. Give everyone in the house a physical chore that will help burn off some of the excess energy.

TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21)


LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Property investments, insurance, tax rebates, or inheritance should bring you financial gains. Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do. Don't let your health suffer because of worry. Talk to someone you trust.

A residential move may be necessary to get a better job. You may want to take another look at the investment you are about to make. Question your mate if you must. Try to get out and socialize.

8. Gawk 9. 10.SuccotashingredientBullets11.___amis13.Bedboard14.Rogerfollower20.Blitzed21.Hatewithapassion23.EmilyDickinson’shome,inMassachusetts24.Putinafolder25.Terrible26.Wineregion27.Homewithaview29.Trifle30___Park,N.J.31.Onagain32.Internetphonecompany34.Bankprofitsource38.WestCoastsch. 39. King, in Cadiz 40. Exhausted 46. Leafy,recessshady 47. Actor Brynner 49. Candied 51. Disturb 52. Rib 53. “Alice’sRestaurant”singer___Guthrie 55. A Muppet 56. Good earth 57. Apportionmedicine 58. Alliance includesthatUkr. 59. NativeAmerican 60. Smallveggiegreen 61. “Who (slangy___?”query)

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

LeisureV THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022.19. ACROSS 1. Darling 5. Dentist qualification 8. 12.StingVillainous monk in “The Da Vinci Code” 14. Quarter segment 15. Heavy reading 16. Fishing net 17. “Field of Dreams” setting 18. Weaponry 19. James Bond’s childhood home 21. Bond opponent 22. City near Syracuse 24. Doctor’s charge 25. Shrinking Asian sea 28. Small bird 30. Married woman 33. Young seal 35. Abyss 36. “Yikes!” 37. Roger Moore starred in it 41. Prefix for form or verse 42. Cake decorator 43. Holland’s flower 44. Enfield or Marvin 45. Deny 48. Kind of bag 49. Cardinal letters 50. Northern Nova Scotia town 52. Bond villain 54 Bond villain 58. Mid-apple 59. Beehive, e.g. 62. Icy dwelling 63. Skye for one 64. Binge 65. Dalai followers 66. Discharged 67. “Have some” 68. Certain DOWN 1. Believers 2. Macbeth dagger 3. Beauty products provider 4. In a legal fashion 5. ___ gratias 6. Morning moisture 7. Jamaican music

Try not to judge too quickly. You may find yourself in a heated dispute with a friend if you try to change your mind. Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, and if you're gullible, it may cost you.

A little overtime may help you reduce the workload. Make those phone calls and pay your bills. Losses are likely if you aren't careful where you leave your valuables. Tempers could boil if someone you work with has not been pulling their weight.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter.

Let your lover know what your personal intentions are. Advancement can be yours if you put your efforts into work related matters. Keep an open mind when dealing with youngsters. Social activities that involve the whole family will be enjoyable.

Downstreet upends Glenside in Marriaqua Football derby

THE ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES SAILING ASSOCIATION(SVGSA) hosted the Bart’s Bash Regatta, at Blue Lagoon, last Saturday, 10th September.

Carriere trumped all four matches in the series.

Last Sunday’s Closing Ceremony heard remarks from Chair of the Marriaqua contestedDickson.Federation-GrenadinesVincentPresidentAssociationFootballandoftheStandtheFootballCarlTwelveteamstheleague.

Drew Mitchell- winner of the Olympic Class.

Goalkeeper, with Ronnie Isaacs taking the Best Defender title.

Downstreet – 2022 Marriaqua Football Association’s League winners.

Sailing Association part of record- breaking quest

countries that were part of the event that was aimed at breaking the world record for the largest Regatta. Notwithstanding that ‘agenda item’, the racing activity threw up its dose of excitement.Winning the Olympic Class was

The Best Goal keeper award was taken by Anthony Hazell, with the Best Defender accolade going to wasGlensideDemarioSolomon.andwasBascombe.GeorgeTheBestMidfielderYaszeemDascentMostGoals-CarlosAmongtheUnder-13s,RobinsonofBallBlazersadjudgedtheBest

Apart from the senior segment, there was an Under-13 segment that featured Carriere and Glenside Ball Blazers.

George Bascombe (left), Best Defender, collects his award from Carl Dickson- President of the SVGFF.

and a trophy for upending opponents.theirFairbainUnited was handed the third place, as Greiggs did not show for the play off, that was scheduled for decision just before the final.

Tegan Deane- winner of the Opti Class, accepting her prize from Brenton Cain, retired Commander of the SVG Coast Guard.

From left - Ronnie Isaacs, Kyle Bascombe, Colin Browne – top performers among the Juniors.Yaszeem Dasent –Best Midfielder

DOWNSTREET SECURED the Marriaqua Football Association’s title with a onenil win over Glenside Ball Blazers last Sunday, 11th August, at the Cane End PlayingCarlosField.Solomon, the competition’s top goal scorer, hit the Downstreetwinner.pocketed $2,000

Drew Mitchell, with Jordan Hazell, second, and third Kevique Sargeant. All three top places went to the Bequia Youth Sailors.

Jenny Trumble, President of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Sailing Association, revealed that sailors were

expected from Canouan, however, they were hindered by accommodation challenges on the mainland.

In the individualseniorawards, all four went to Downstreet.


In so doing, the SVGSA joined with over 1000 clubs worldwide from 63

Kai Marks-Dasent stands next to the boat that helped him win the O’pen Class.

In the Opti Class, dominated by the Vincy Sailing Club, Tegan Deane was first, ahead of Joshua Weinhardt and LilyTakingPunnett.the O’pen Skiff class was Kai Marks Dasent, Jordi Lewis was second and Luke Lewis was third, as the Vincy Sailing Club swept that class.Meanwhile, the Vincy Sailing Club’s combination of Logan Banfield, Naia Crichton and Madison Alcock, topped the Topaz class beating into second another Vincy Sailing Club team of Nyle Weekes, Ira Hadley and Jacob Hornsey.And,winning the adult races were Thor Magnus-Lie of Barefoot Yachts in the Laser class, with Kai Best and Joseph Hadley taking the Topaz class.

Over 40 sailors, from ages 6 to 60 years, took part representing St. Vincent, Bequia and Union Island.


Kyle Bascombe won the Best Midfielder award and Colin Browne, with sixteen goals, was the Best Striker.

NATASHA BAPTISTE, Head Coach of the National Men’s Netball Team is pleased with the team’s performance on the inaugural Male Americas Netball Championship held here from September 01 – 04.

“Lawrence is still motivated despite what has happened. He will be more experienced so next year I am looking


that were going to challenge us were Jamaica and South Africa, so the experience the players gained especially from these two teams will make a big difference mentally, in terms of preparing for other netball series or the next version of the men’s championship in 2024.”

(L-R): Annette Marksman of the NCS receives a plaque of appreciation from Allison Weeks of the BMC.

SVG Men’s Netball Team, runners up, did much to dispel the misconceptions that many people have about men playing netball.


satisfied with. Also the stigma persons may still have about males playing netball, I think the skills levels that were displayed dispelled all of the negatives that persons may have had in their minds and to me that trumps everything else,” she detailed.

“The supportshomegave them the extra push; they really wanted to do well for the crowd who turned up every evening. As a young male netball organization, I think they rose to the challenge, with the support of the national netball association, to be able to execute and deliver a product that patrons were

KYLE LAWRENCEmight not have lived up to expectations with his performances at the 2022 CARIFTA Games and the World Youth

Pamenos Ballantyne is not discouraged by performancesoverseasLawrence’s and will work with his athlete to improve towards going further in those Meets.

‘Male netballers did well: dispelled’NegativesSports

On another score, Ballantyne suggested that Team Athletics SVG look into the matter of having the coach who travels with the athletes to overseas meets, work with those athletes before they travel, especially in cases where the coach assigned is not the personal coach of any of the athletes on tour.

Baptiste disclosed, “We knew going into the tournament the two teams

Coach Baptiste did, however, note that “we need to work more on our fitness, especially driving onto the ball more and being quicker on our feet.”

But while Ballantyne is satisfied with his performances locally, he thinks that he needs to improve at the regional level and go past the heats.

for him to run 10.03 which will give him a CARIFTA medal. A time of 10.05 should get him into the finals, so once he continues his training and stays fit, he will be guaranteed a medal and that’s what we are focusing on now,” Ballantyne said in a recentBallantyneconversation.hasdevised a specific training regimen for Lawrence which he sees as working towards improving his performance.

decision… when we running the tournament we would pay the bills in full, when we not running the tournament, we would pay half of the bills throughout the years,” Dopwell said.


“Now we are doing pace endurance, because it’s the off season, and building strength at the same time. In the next few months, we will move into technicality and speed. We don’t need speed now because we are not preparing for competition, so now I am just working on keeping his body in shape. When the season starts, we will be focusing on more technicality,

starts, strength, mental preparation as well,” Ballantyne explained.

various sporting and social activities. This trust dates back to our inaugural Master Football Tournament in 2011.”Dopwell recalled that when his Committee started the

He expanded on this understanding, saying, “The relationship with the NSC is such that once anyone applies for the use of the facility they will inform us, and once we have our football tournament going on they will not have anyone else use the playing field. If an activity precedence,takesthey will get

Kyle Lawrence, in endurance training currently, is determined to go past the heats stages in his next outing at CARIFTA and World Youth events.

Breakaway Masters Committee through this kind gesture and look forward to a continued

Stories: I.B.A. ALLEN

National Sports Council recognized

Looking ahead, she committed to seeking to get more males involved in the sport so as to expand the base from which national teams can be chosen.Thehead coach was thankful and pleased for the home support.

Leopold Dopwell, President of the BMC, addressing the closing of the 2022 Masters Football Tournament last Saturday, said his Committee “appreciates the trust the National Sports Council has placed in us to host our football tournaments and

in touch with us before they give the right of way.“That gives us enough reason to recognize the NSC for what they did for us and sports in general, and we are happy to have recognized the NSC and look forward to continuing the gathering.Dopwellrelationship,”toldtheWhenaplaque of appreciation was presented on Tuesday to Annette Marksman of the NCS, she responded with: “We are deeply honored to have been recognized by the

Championship, but his coach, Pamenos Ballantyne, believes he has enough time, talent and determination to get back on track and compete creditably at regional events.Lawrence, who is eligible to compete another year at CARIFTA and the World Youth levels, clocked 10.05 sec. at the national club championship last year. He also broke the 60m, 100m and 200m at the SVG Community College Meet and was part of the record-breaking quartet in the 4x100m relay.

Coach: ‘Kyle is keen to improve’

THENational Sports Council (NSC), a statutory body tasked with the responsibilities of managing and maintaining playing fields and hard courts across the state, has been recognized by the Breakaway Masters Committee (BMC).


“I am proud of the players and the way they performed (and) it was a learning experience as well. The two teams that defeated us are teams that are accustomed to play against other male teams. We never really had that luxury here so most of our practise matches were against the females, and it was quite noticeable playing against the males that it was a more physical version of the sports.”

Natasha Baptiste (inset) – Head Coach of the National Men’s Netball team is encouraged by SVG’s showing in the inaugural Male Americas Netball Championship.

Rudy was the complete picture, skillful, instinctive, and almost always seemed to know where the ball would be.

IF THE HISTORYof football is ever written, there will be a Rudolph Boucher chapter. He passed away last Tuesday, September 13 in the USA.Affectionately known as ‘Rudy’ that name will echo with a sense of pride and dignity anytime football is mentioned here. Everything he turned to gold as far as exploits on the football field are concerned.Heplayed for the national team from 1963 to 1977. Rudy is one of the distinguished Notre Dames Clan, a club formed in 1959 and is known to have served as the nucleus for the national squad for as long as it existed.

In Game 1, Gomea Bombers defeated Alder


Kirk DaSilva’s LaCroix Masters, beating them by 9 wickets in an embarrassingly ‘extralow’ scoring match.

match, StrokesBelfongoComputecdefeatedMastersby 4

The facility includes locker rooms, showers, and two levels of seating.

Many factors contribute to the moulding of the football structure in SVG. Rudolph Boucher is an integral aspect of the Vincentian football heritage.

The Administrator acquiesced and with typical British diplomacy apologized to Paul.

Scores: Bequia

Construction Dauphine United by 66 runs. Gomea Bombers batted first and made 184 for 9 in 20 overs with Desron Maloney, 53, and Danroy Hazel, 49 not out, leading the batting.

Hooper’s XI won the series 3-2.

AIA Reload recorded a 49-run win over Combine Rangers. AIA Reload batted first and made 110 for 8 in 15 overs. Jumius London hit 30 not out and Ackeem Charles 21. Jarod Collins took 2 for 14, Andrew Little 2 for 46. In reply, Combine Rangers reach 61 all out in 14.1 overs. Clinton Tier had 4 for 20.

Administrator said the name Boucher was associated with the face of Rudy. Paul held his ground anticipating the reward. It took some nudging from the officials to convince the Administrator that Paul Boucher was indeed the bona fide recipient.

THE FIVE-MATCH TRIALSseries to determine selection to the National Senior Male Cricket Team which will participate in the Senior Men’s Windward Inlands 50Overs Championship, is now over, and the selectors have retreated to their chamber to deliberate.

wickets. Scores: Strokes Masters 89 all out off 10 overs, BelfongoComputecMasters 90 for 6 off 15.5 overs.

People familiar with the Notre Dames legacy will recall the rivalry with other football teams of their era. Honveds and Saints spring to memory. Teams like Avenues and BLAC (Black Liberation Action Committee) added to the reservoir.

Nicholas Holder bagged 4 for 32, Antonell Palmer 2 for 21 bowling for Dauphine United. In reply Dauphine United reached 118 all out in 18.4 overs. Osborne Frankly top scored with 32 not out. Bowling for Gomea Bombers, Azmon Forbes


Others spoke about his never-say-die attitude, and no matter how advanced the game was, and how far behind his team was, Rudy never gave up the will to win.


TBPO Softball Competition bowls off

That spirit of determination paid dividends at times.Rudy was the national coach from 1977 to1980. He took St. Vincent and the Grenadines team to within sight of the regional football championship title.

THELayou Cultural and Sports Association has taken charge of the refurbished pavilion at the Layou Playing Field.

Coming up against Notre Dame was the acid test for emerging football units. Rudy was the standard bearer not just for Notre Dame but for the nation as a whole.

Scores: Digicel Cato Heavy GlamorganEquipmentMasters 88 all out off 16.3 overs, Stubbs Masters 75 all out off 16.3 overs.

Layou playing field handedpavilionover

WHENthe SVG Masters Cricket Competition bowled off last weekend, as busy as their colleagues were with effecting their regular duties, the RSVG Police Masters registered one of the more convincing victories in the history of theThecompetition.lawmeninflicted an humiliating defeat on

Police record big win in SVG Masters

Veejays North Windward Masters had the better of Davis Construction Bequia Masters by 5 wickets.

Desron Maloney was the weekend’s top run-getter.

Cricket trials conclude

Kirk DaSilva’s La Croix Masters were all out after 8.5 overs for a paltry 29, to which the Police Master replied with 33 for 1 off 4.1 overs.Inanother weekend

The ÂRudimentsÊ of Vincy Football

Johnson’s X1 showed little fight and were all out in the 22rd over for a mere 101 runs. Haywood returned with the ball to claim 4 wickets for 25 runs.In Match 5, a consolation match of sorts,

Hooper X1, thanks not for the first time to Gidron Pope, 62 off 35 balls, managed to reach 189. Romario Bibby once again asked questions with his bowling, taking 3 wickets in a four-over spell.

Johnson’s X1 saved some face when they turned the tables on Hooper’s X1, beating them by 72 Battingruns. down the order, even though top scores came from Desron Maloney, 41, and Jahiel Walters, 39, Johnson’s X1 registered a commendable 261 in an innings reduced by 8 overs because of rain.

Going into Match 4 of Trial Series, Hooper’s XI held a 2-1 lead over Johnson’s X1.

THERE WEREvictories for Cole Blocks & Trucking Gomea Bombers and AIA Reload when the National Lottery Authorities Top Belair CompetitionSoftballOrganizationProgressive(TBPO)Cricketbowledoff last

Masters 127 all out in 15 overs, North Windward Masters 128 for 5 off 14.5Sionovers.Hill Masters won from General Hardware Pastures Masters by 5 wickets. Scores: General Hardware Pastures Masters 70 all out off 16.1 overs, Sion Hill Masters 71 for 5 in 14.1 overs.North East Masters defeated Park Hill Masters by 85 runs. Scores: North East Masters 167 for 9 off 20 overs. Park Hill Masters 82 all out off 17.1 overs.

On September 11, Wade Jackson and Vernon McDowall, officers of the LCSA, were handed the keys to the pavilion by McGregor Sealey, General Manager National Lotteries Authority (NLA).

The pavilion project was funded by the NLA to the tune, according to Parliamentary Representative for the area, Orando Brewster, to a figure closer to $400,000.00 than the purported EC$389,000.00.Breswtersupported the higher figure by saying that the pavilion had endured periods of vandalism and theft since the project began in October 2020, necessitating the need for contingency/increased spending.

Gidron Pope has askedundoubtedlyquestions of the selections with his rich vein of form with the bat.


Digicel Cato Heavy Equipment Glamorgan Masters beat Stubbs Masters by 13 runs.

weekend, at the Dauphnie playing field.

picked up 5 for 25, and Raymond Sayers 3 for 8.

Hooper’s X1 went on to take Match 4 by 98 runs. They managed 199 from 30 overs, mainly from the bats of Gidron Pope, 76 from 54 balls and Jeremy Haywood, 40 from 24 balls. Romario Bibby stopped what looked like a potential Hooper’s X1 riot of runs, with an outstanding spell of 5 for 20.

The reward list also included Paul Boucher, who was in charge of Victoria Park. The Master of Ceremonies announced the award for Paul Boucher, and the shy, diminutive man turned up in front of Administrator Hywel George to collect hisButtoken.the

Guy Lowe, a member of the famous 1979 squad, described Rudy as a “great reader of the game.” Others noted his ability to curl the ball around defenders, attackers, or goalkeepers.

The Boucher family resided at River Road, close to Victoria Park. It is no coincidence that Rudy developed in sports. Action there was within his reach and must have cultivated an appetite for greatness such as he displayed in the setting.Alight moment of the Boucher episode came during a presentation ceremony of a just concluded football tournament. Rudy was outstanding for St. Vincent and Grenadines and turned up to collect prizes on several occasions.

Sunday, 11th2022September, New

Continued from Page 4.

Mt. Zion Spiritual Baptist Church Sion Hill

ClassifiedsV REV. MOTHER DONNA MARIA SCOTT Sunday, 11th2022September, St. Bethel Spiritual Baptist Church Old Interment:Service:(BlockMontrose2000)11:00a.m.KingstownCemetery KELVIN E. Saturday,THOMAS

10th September, 2022

Life Viewing:SouthTabernaclePrayerRivers10:00a.m.Service:11:00a.m.Interment:ParkHillCemetery THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022. 23.

Viewing: 10:00 a.m. Service: 11:00 a.m. Interment:CemeteryKingstown

Connell subsequentlyhadtold THE

WINSTON Sunday,a.k.a.DOYLEADONNISBigHead11thSeptember,2022S.D.AChurchBiabouViewing:12:00noonService:1:00p.m.Interment:BiabouCemetery ALMA THEODOSIA JAMES a.k.a. Elma


of the Court, at the hearing of that matter, Attorney Grant Connell had also called on the police to enforce the law. He pointed out that the Agricultural Produce and Livestock (Prevention of the Theft) Act, makes provisions for harsher penalties, gives the police the power to stop vehicles loaded with agricultural produce and livestock to request a certificate of purchase, and that vehicles used to commit those offences could be seized and forfeited upon conviction.

VINCENTIAN, “The Authorities have put the mechanism in place since 2007 to protect farmers, but the police are not applying the Act. I have no issue with giving the police stations a copy of the Act.

Praedial Larceny Act, still not enforced

Offences Court, dated back to August 31, 2020, involving the theft of 75 avocadoes, Court Clerk Corporal David Wright told the Court that, he thinks there are police officers who are not familiar with the relevant sections of the Act.Chief

TWO PERSONSwere killed and a third injured as a wave of shootings continued in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).

Belvedere 13,414 sq.ft @ $16.50 p.sf. - $221,331.00 - BB671

these investigations to telephone 1784-457-1211 or 1-784-456-1810, any police station or speak with any police officer with whom they are comfortable. “All information received would be treated confidentially. At this time, investigations in the incidents are ongoing,” according to a police press release.

“liming’ that Friday night and that the shooting took place in the early hours of Saturday. He was able, according to the source, to somehow “mek it to he mudder place in Mala and his mudder only find him in daylight.”

One day later, Saturday 10, officers from the Major Crime Unit (MCU) responded to a report of a shooting which resulted in the death of Matthews Charles, a 27year-old labourer, of Mala Village, Sion Hill.



Union Island 79,497 sq.ft. @ $6.50 p.s.f. - $516,730.50 - BB903

“He was a cool brethren and always believe in whoencouragingexactbodiescarriedaremortemdeceased.athatmyself,butIcorrectwouldn’tsomethingIfRastafarianthelifestyle.Iamdoingwronghehesitatetome.SometimesdoesfalloutwithhimwhenIcatchIwouldrealizehewasright,”saidfriendofthePolicesaidpost-examinationsexpectedtobeoutonthetoascertainthecauseofdeath.Thepolicearepeoplecanassistwith

Matthew Charles, homicide #31, appeared to have been shot some way from where he was found dead.

stars escapedhavingwith a wound to his leg.

Another resident said that at about 5am he realized that one of the doors of the shop, which was usually closed, was opened. When he looked into the

PM appeals for reason

Kingstown Park 32,731 sq.ft @ $25.00 p.s.f. - $818,275.00 - BB215

in guns,” he added.

Then on Monday 12, police responded to another shooting incident at a shop, below the playing field in Redemption Sharpes. Upon arrival at the scene, Bertram “Boungo Harp” Saunders, a 46-year-old shopkeeper, was discovered dead, with what appeared to be gunshot wounds about hisOnebody.resident told THE VINCENTIAN that they heard about 5 shots around 1am.

He was found dead in his mother’s yard sometime after 6am that day.One source told THE VINCENTIAN that Matthews had been out

On Friday 9, a masked gunman opened fire Garnett “Flingo” Wilkins while he was at a house in the Lowmans Bay/Buddy Gutter. He escaped with a bullet wound in his left leg and taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital (MCMH), where he was warded up to Wednesday, reportedly in a stable condition.

challenging with COVID and the eruptions.volcanic But I am just asking you that we must try not to

Garnett “Flingo” Wilkins countingishis lucky

The homicide number for the year in SVG now stands at 32.

(784)- 457-2087/(718)-807-4376 office(784)-493-9431/(784)-533-0431donp@vincysurf.comwhatsappcell

The PM repeated that there were a lot of opportunities for young males in SVG, “including for training, education, and jobs and for them to get in business, sports, or culture.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 VOLUME 116, No.37 EC$1.50 Published by The VINCENTIAN Publishing Co. Ltd, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Printed by the SVG Publishers Inc., Campden Park.

Lowmans LD 23,698 sq.ft @ $5.00 p.s.f. - $118,490.00 - BB172


Bertram “Boungo Harp” Saunders, homicide #32, was said to be one who lived according to Rastafarian beliefs.



Meanwhile, Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Ralph Gonsalves on Sunday, while addressing the handover ceremony of a pavilion at the Layou Playing Field, looked in on the spate of gun-related incidents.“Ithas not been an easy time, it has been quite difficult, quite

“And you may think you may be big and strong and your gun might give you a little sense of power. But I tell you, you kill somebody today, put your pot on the fire that either that person’s friends or families are coming at you tomorrow or day after tomorrow,” he warned.Hetold the gathering that it makes absolutely no sense to be involved in criminality. “And I am making this special plea: Young persons, young males, in particular, the future is bright for you, but you have to seize the opportunities, not the gun.


shop, he saw the deceased in a seated position in a chair.

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