Not for the first time, Opposition Leader Dr. Godwin Friday sought to highlight flaws in the this country's Annual Budget presentation.
LEGISLATORS APPROVED the 2025 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure on January 10 which amounted to EC$1,849,341,997, representing a 14.4% increase over the approved budget for 2024, when lawmakers approved a budget of EC$1.6 billion.
Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves, in presenting the 2025 Estimates, explained that the Recurrent Expenditure, inclusive of Amortization and Sinking Fund
Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves delivered the 2025 Budget which is supposed to be the pathway to a ‘Resilient Future’.
contributions amounted to EC$1,150,713,466 with Capital Expenditure EC$690,628,531.
The 2025 Budget will be financed from Current Revenue of EC$907,729,320 and Capital Receipts of EC$943,612,687. The revenue side of the Budget anticipates an additional EC$104.7 million or 10% in tax receipts.
The Budget, however, is another deficit budget with the
overall deficit being $639.9 million.
Dr. Godwin Friday, Leader of the Opposition NDP said in his response to the 2025 Budget presentation in Parliament on January 14 that the opposition had heard and debated on various budget presentations over the years, and that government continues to present what the NDP termed a ‘fictitious’ budget.
“… what we have come to expect is that what is in the Estimates or Budget is that we cannot take the Minister (of Finance) at his word,” Friday told members of Parliament, and reiterated that “the fiction that is presented in the Estimates and the promises made in the Budget, we cannot trust the government to mean what they say.”
‘Other Receipts’
The country has been through a lot, the opposition leader said, through the experiences of natural disasters, qualifying his admission with the observation that those disasters have been compounded by a lot of manmade errors, particularly from the government.
Among the flaws presented over the years was that there is a big hole in the budget which was captured in the Capital Receipts item called Other Receipts.
Continued on Frontpage.
Balliceux, which remains undeveloped and uninhabited, was the site of one of history’s worst genocides perpetrated by the British government.
“WHETHER BY NEGOTIATEDpurchase or acquisition, the island of Balliceaux will return to the Vincentian people in 2025.”
So said Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves during his 2025 Budget presentation on January 13.
Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves had announced in January 2024 that his Unity Labour Party government would begin the process of either purchasing or acquiring the privatelyowned 320-acre island, after it had been advertised for sale in 2023, at a price of US$30 million.
The Prime Minister said then that that he had instructed the Chief Surveyor to provide a valuation of the island, to inform the offer to the owners.
He said further that should the purchasing agreement fail; the government would invoke the law relating to acquisition and take the matter to a tribunal.
Finance Minister Gonsalves updated the government’s position first saying, “In the past, our efforts focussed on defining the acceptable uses of the island and indicating that we would not approve an alien’s landholding license to any investor that sought to use the island in a manner that diminished its cultural and historical significance,”
He continued: “By indicating an intent to buy the island ourselves, the Prime Minister effectively moved from defence to offence in our ongoing engagement with the (purported) owners.”
According to Gonsalves, the situation as it existed today regarding Balliceaux was that the heroism and genocide of the Garifuna people have
Repairs to the Stephanie Browne Primary school were on schedule for completion that would allow a January re-opening. (Source: Radio Grenadines)
UNION ISLAND PRIMARY SCHOOLS are set to be reopened this year.
The Stephanie Browne Primary School will be ready by February 2025 and the Mary Hutchinson Primary School is expected to be ready in time for the new academic school year beginning September 2025.
So said Curtis King, Minister of Education, in
Parliament on January 9, in response to Terrence Ollivierre, Opposition Parliamentarian and Southern Grenadines Representative. King was asked to provide an update on the rebuilding process at both primary schools which were damaged during the passage of Hurricane Beryl, July 1, 2024.
As a consequence, students
who had been displaced but who wished to remain on the island to continue their schooling were allowed to do so in a facility attached to the Union Island Secondary School, while others opted to journey to the mainland and attend school at the temporary facility at Arnos Vale.
Actual construction began on August 12, with BRAGSA
Damage to the Mary Hutchinson Primary School was so severe that it warranted a new structure altogether. (Facebook Photo)
doing the work at the Mary Hutchinson Primary and the REACT/Gombolimbo group doing the work on the Stephanie Browne Primary School.
King told Parliament that all the major repairs at the Stephanie Browne Primary were completed with only painting and electrical installation outstanding. These were expected to be effected by the end of January.
In the case of the Mary Hutchinson Primary School, however, the education minister said that a new
SOME 405 HOMEShave been repaired, rebuilt or new ones constructed, representing an amount of EC$15 million already spent to on housing relief in the Southern Grenadines, in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, July 01, 2024.
Orando Brewster, Minister of Housing, Informal Settlement, Youth and Sports made the disclosure in Parliament, January 9. He was at the time responding to a question posed by Parliamentary Representative for the Southern Grenadines, Terrence Ollivierre, who requested of the Minister that he state the amount spent thus far and how many homes have been completed to date, and to disclose the criteria used to determine who received government assistance to rebuild or repair their damaged
Ollivierre’s request could well have been motivated by the fact that the Government had been criticized for the slow pace at which the rebuilding process was progressing.
Notwithstanding tardiness, Brewster assured that work would be ramped up.
“If I had a magic wand, I would have fixed every single house by July 12 — I am telling you, every single one of them would have been fixed by July 12,” Brewster said in Parliament.
And as far as the “talk about nothing ain’t happening in the Southern Grenadines,” Brewster told the parliament that treasury receipts up to December 31, 2024, indicated that approximately EC$40 million had been spent thus far on housing, of which EC$15 million was spent on
He added that the amount spent was actually in excess of $15 million since this did not include the contribution to the rebuilding effort made by Ian Wace, a developer residing on Canouan, and the contribution of private sector entities like Coreas, SOL and C.K. Greaves.
According to Brewster, it was important to recognize that most of the damaged houses in the Southern Grenadines were categorized as level 3 or 4 - i.e. that they were severely damaged with some needing to be rebuilt entirely, meaning that it would take some time before these homes would be ready for occupation.
However, Brewster seemed happy to report that there were but 85 more homes earmarked for rehabilitative work.
January should see increased activity in this regard, the Housing Minister proffered. (DD)
concrete structure had to be constructed.
The new facility is comprised of five buildings King said, with buildings one and three (classroom blocks) and building five (washroom block) already completed.
Buildings two and four, i.e. staff room, kitchen, etc., were not yet completed but all works were expected to be completed by March 31 this year to ensure a September 2025 formal reopening. In the meantime, students continue their education as referenced earlier. (DD)
According to Friday, in the summary there is the revenue that the government intends to collect over the course of the year, the expenditure, Current Revenue and the Capital Revenue.
But, Friday contended, there was a situation where there the amount in the ‘Other Receipts’ column amounted to EC$280.5 million in 2025 which accounts for 15 percent of the total expenditure, and the government does not know where the money is coming from.
And if it was put as a percentage of Capital Expenditure, it accounts for 40 percent, he added.
“They will never collect much of this money. As represented, it is a gaping hole within the budget,” he asserted.
The opposition has asked for the finance minister to explain where he expects to get the money from, but according to Friday, he usually ignored the question.
He said that he was not being critical of the Estimates and Budget presentations to be negative, but it was the opposition’s job to uncover mistakes in the government’s approach.
“The objective is not to embarrass the government, it’s not to call them out but it is to hold them accountable,” Friday said.
Continued from Frontpage.
been reduced to a chronology of dates, and the mass grave of the Garifuna victims marketed as a potential playground for rich foreign investors.
However, he projected that would no longer exist soon, once Balliceaux is either purchased or acquired by the government.
Balliceaux holds historical and religious significance for the Garifuna people.
Following the capitulation of the Garifuna forces by the marauding British by 1795, 5,000 Garifuna people were exiled to the uninhabited island.
In early 1797, the survivors were shipped 1,700 miles away to the island of Roatán off the coast of
Honduras. Only 2,026 remained of a population that two years earlier had been estimated at between 8,000 and 9,000.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, known to the Garifuna as Yurumein, is seen as their spiritual homeland, while Baliceaux is revered as a sacred space representing the death and rebirth of their culture.
A 37-year-old farmer of Dickson Village, Georgetown, was freed of firearm and ammunition charges at the Serious Offenses Court on Tuesday, following the testimonies of five witnesses.
Dearon Glasgow was charged with possession of a Kahr .45 pistol, six rounds of .40 ammunition, and 30 rounds of .45 ammunition without licenses.
The gun and some of the bullets were reportedly found during a police raid of a shed next to a property where Glasgow resided at Dickson Village. The operation was executed around 5:30 p.m. on April 12, 2024.
The other bullets were reportedly found during the same raid in the yard of that property, which was not enclosed.
Glasgow, who was represented by attorney Grant Connell, denied knowledge of the gun and bullets. Five witnesses had already testified for the Prosecution, all police officers, following the testimony, and after cross-examination of the fifth
SIMON SIMMONS, a 33-year-old I.T. technician at the SVG Port Authority who is facing ammunition charges at the Serious Offenses Court, will be tried at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court, on September 3, on charges of assaulting, and threatening to kill his father- Wendell Simmons, of Sharpesdale.
Simmons is accused of assaulting his father causing him bodily harm, and using threatening language to his father, to wit, “I shooting you, I killing you”.
The Green Hill man is also charged with assaulting his father with intent to commit an offense, to wit, bodily harm. All three offenses were reportedly committed on December 8, 2024.
Simmons is accused of striking his father in his head with something that looks like a gun.
The defendant pleaded not guilty to all three charges when he appeared before Senior Magistrate Colin John at the Serious Offenses Court on Monday. He was granted $2,000 bail with one surety and the matter was transferred to the Kingstown Magistrate Court for the following day.
However, when the defendant appeared in that Court on Tuesday, his attorney Ronald Marks was not present as he was engaged in another matter in the High Court.
The Senior Magistrate Tammika McKenzie set the trial date for September 3, but a case management date was set for June 18.
The defendant is also carded to return to the Serious Offenses Court on February 13 on ammunition charges for which he was also granted bail. (See related story on this page.)
witness, PC962 Traevieque Johnson, Prosecutor Renrick Cato informed the Court that he was withdrawing the charges.
Connell then formerly requested Senior Magistrate Colin John to dismiss the charges. The request was granted, meaning that the matter cannot be brought back.
Dearon Glasgow (right) and his lawyer Grant Connell after Glasgow was freed on an illegal possession of firearm and ammunition charge.
Connell also asked the Court to put a charge of possession of 1,816 grams of marijuana, with intent to supply, to Glasgow again, and the Magistrate did.
Glasgow had initially pleaded not guilty to this charge but changed his plea to guilty and was fined $600 to be paid in one month or three months in prison.
The marijuana was found in a hut in Glasgow’s yard during the same raid.
Speaking with THE VINCENTIAN shortly after the trial, Connell said that if the Prosecution had not withdrawn the gun and ammunition charges, he was going to make a no case submission, and the Court was likely to uphold it.
Connell explained that the prosecution had
difficulty in the proper identification of the firearm, and proving the elements of possession of the firearm and ammunition.
“The Prosecution could not make out a prima facie case because the evidence was tenuous and riddled with uncertainties”, Connell said.
On exiting the Court building, Glasgow thanked his lawyer, and posed with him for a photograph.
Grant Connell’s last minute plea for leniency, 22-year-old Joshua King of Edinboro ended up with a criminal record for just 17 grams of marijuana, considered by many youngsters to be only a small smoke.
Appearing at the Serious Offenses Court on Monday King pleaded guilty to possession of 17 games of marijuana with intent to supply and was fined $50, chalking up his first criminal conviction. He was allowed until the following day to pay the fine or go to prison for three months.
When Senior Magistrate Colin John questioned the boy about his academic background, King told the Court he was a former student of the JP Eustace Secondary School and obtained 3 subjects. He said he worked for a period after leaving school, but is no longer employed.
As the youngster was
about to leave the dock, Connell entered the Court, and informed the Magistrate that he spoke to the boy’s mother outside the Court, and she drew the matter to his attention.
The lawyer asked the Magistrate to apply section 37 of the Criminal Code, which allows to an offender to be discharged without a criminal record, taking into consideration, the boy’s age, and that it was a very small amount of marijuana.
The lawyer pleaded with the Court to prevent the possible destruction of the boy’s future by applying Section 37 before the matter was stood down.
“You give a man a criminal record for weed”, Connell said, and noted that marijuana is sold at outlets at the cruise ship berth, all that is needed is a prescription.
“Ganja to St. Vincent is like rice to China”, he opined.
A 33-YEAR-OLD I.T. TECHNICIAN at the SVG Port Authority, who is charged in connection with the January 9, 2025 seizure of 16 rounds of ammunition at Green Hill, was granted bail when he appeared in court on Monday.
Simon Simmons has been charged with possession of 13 rounds of 7.62 prohibited ammunition, as well as possession, without licenses, of two rounds of .38 ammunition and one shotgun cartridge. The Green Hill man pleaded not guilty
to all three charges when he was taken before Senior Magistrate Colin John at the Serious Offenses Court on Monday. He was represented by attorney Ronald Marks.
Simmons was granted $5,000 bail, with one surety on condition that he report to the Central Police Station every Monday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
The charges stem from combined operation by the Rapid Response Unit (RRU) Narcotics Unit, Special Services
Simon Simmonswlll answer to illegal possession of ammunition charges.
Unit (SSU) and the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Green Hill on the morning of January 9, 2025. The matter has been adjourned to February 13.
But the Magistrate told Connell that the penalty was already handed down and based on the facts, King was selling the marijuana.
Speaking with THE VINCENTIAN shortly after, Connell expressed concern that the boy, now having a criminal record, will have difficulty with travel, as well as employment opportunities, locally and abroad, including his ability to join the army or navy.
Connell said the youngster was charged and taken to Court without the police following the procedures of the Drug (Prevention of Misuse) Amendment Act, passed in Parliament on July 25, 2018, which makes possession of 56 grams (two ounces) of marijuana and under, a tickable offense which means that persons cannot be arrested for that amount.
The maximum fine for the ticket is $80.
However, if you don’t pay, the ticket will be used to summons you to Court. If the matter reaches the Magistrate’s Court, the maximum penalty there is $500, in addition to receiving educational materials, counselling, or rehabilitation.
The facts of the case showed that King was among a group of young men at Heritage Square, Kingstown, smoking when police officers from the Narcotics Unit approached and requested a search of their persons and bags of which they consented. During the search, King was found in possession of 17 grams of marijuana in his left front pocket and EC$35 in a zip-lock bag.
When cautioned, King said “Officer I ha me card eh”.
When the police asked him if he had a medical condition he said ‘no’. King told the police he bought the card, and disclosed to them the place where he bought the card, but Prosecutor Renrick Cato opted not to disclose the name of that place to the Court.
The Prosecutor said that when the police questioned King about the $35 found in his bag, he admitted that he earned it from the sale of drugs.
The Court ordered the confiscation of the money.
Indecision over what to do with the iconic Grimble Hall delayed work on the Girls’ High School.
IT IS NOT CLEAR how much longer students at the Girls’ High School (GHS) and the Thomas Saunders Secondary
School (TSSS) will continue to be housed at the temporary location at the decommissioned airport at Arnos Vale.
However, it has been announced that work on the original sites of the GHS and the TSSS is expected to commence
The Thomas Saunders Secondary School, which was a new building that replaced the original Richmond Hill Government School, will be demolished.
this year.
According to Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves, some rehabilitative work had already been completed on the GHS but further work has been delayed. He attributed the delays to disputes and issues relating to redesigns on Grimble Hall.
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said back in 2023 that the engineers had recommended that the existing structure be demolished and a new one built. He noted then, this would increase the projected cost for the
overall repairs.
“The numbers are going to jump very high is the Girls’ High School...where that was looking at $3 million plus rehabilitation, it looks s though we have to do a further $6 million or thereabouts, because we basically now have to do a new building at Grimble Hall,” the Prime Minister said.
Amidst disputes between conservationists wanting to preserve the building and architects and engineers who determined that the layout was not fit for mere repairs, a first
ST. VINCENT’S CENTRAL WATER AND SEWAGE AUTHORITY(CWSA), in a statement released on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025, notified that a major breakage to its 12-inch main pipeline in the Hermitage Mountain, had left twelve (12) communities, stretching from Barrouallie to Richmond.
The CWSA attributed the breakage to a fallen tree.
Work to restore the water service begin soon after the damage was reported. The CWSA explained that the restoration work would entail the replacement of a 12-inch pipe.
And on Thursday, the CWSA made a public announcement that the work to replace the broken 12” main pipe in the Hermitage Mountain was completed ahead of schedule, midnight last night, January 15th 2025. Service to the affected areas could be expected to return to some normalcy by the weekend.
In July, 2024 the CWSA was confronted with the task of restoring the water supply to North Leeward after the Copeland Mountain pipe line was severely damaged. That line had to be diverted and connected to the main source at Hermitage Mountain.
While most of SGG slept in peace and quiet, CWSA field staff worked tirelessly and round-the-clock to effect replacement of a 12-inch pipe in the hermitage Mountain. (Credit: CWSA)
Due to the elevated height of the pipeline, scaffolding had to be erected as a pre-requisite for undertaking the more detailed work. Installing the scaffolding was completed on the same day, along with the mobilization of the pipeline to the work site.
CWSA committed to deploy Water Trucks to alleviate some of the inconvenience that residents in the affected areas were obviously going to experience.
design was deemed too expensive prompting a new design, and those designs were now completed and accepted paving the way for work to commence this year. There were similar challenges affecting progress on the TSSS site.
According to PM Gonsalves, the consultants did not do the job of assessing the work to be done as well as they ought to.
It has been hinted, he disclosed, that the entire building housing the TSSS would have to be demolished and rebuilt rather than repaired. Designs for a new building have been submitted and approve and work is expected to begin some time this year.
Overall, some EC$40m was allocated in the 2025 Budget for the construction, enhancing and the equipping of educational facilities, Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves told parliament.
Seventy percent of the funds allocated is sourced through soft loans from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). (DD)
THE OPPOSITION NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY (NDP) has all but finalised its slate of candidates for the next general election, to be held in 2025. There are five new NDP (first time) candidates all set to contest in constituencies which were won by the Unity Labour Party (ULP) in the election of 2015.
The five are: Dr. Kishore Shallow who replaces Roland
‘Patel’ Matthews in North Leeward; Conroy Huggins who takes over from Ben Exeter in Central Leeward; Kaschaka Cupid replaces Kay BacchusBaptiste in West St. George; Phillip Jackson will contest instead of Bernard Wyllie in Marriaqua; and Andrew John takes over from Noel Dickson in the South Windward constituency.
Each of these candidates
will be intent on wresting their respective seat from incumbent ULP representatives. The rest of the NDP slate comprises incumbent members of parliament as well as persons contesting for a second time.
The incumbents are: Dr. Godwin Friday - Northern Grenadines; Terrence OllivierreSouthern Grenadines; Dwight Fitzgerald BrambleEast Kingstown; St. Clair LeacockCentral Kingstown; Daniel Cummings — West Kingstown; and Nigel Stephenson - South Leeward. Those contesting for a second time are: Shevern John (Mrs.) — North Windward; Chieftain Neptune — North Central Windward; Israel Bruce — South Central Windward; and Laverne Gibson-Velox — East St. George.
The NDP will be looking to
overturn five consecutive losses (2001, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020) to the ULP. The closest they have come to unseating the ULP was in 2010 and 2015 when, on each occasion, they took seven of the fifteen seats available.
The NDP won all elections between 1984 and 1998: 9 of 13 seats in 1984; 15 of 15 seats in 1989; 12 of 15 seats in 1994; and 8 of 15 seats in 1998.
This will be the second time that Dr. Friday will be leading the NDP in a general election. He will have to contend with Dr. Ralph Gonsalves who will be leading the ULP in a sixth consecutive general election. Meanwhile, it is all but
confirmed that there will be at least four new candidates on the ULP slate.
Montgomery Daniel, Frederick Stephenson and Edwin Snagg have all indicated that they will not contest the next election, in the constituencies of North Windward, South Windward and the Southern Grenadines respectively.
To date, only one replacement has been named with Grace Walters, currently the Hospital Administrator at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital selected to replace Daniel in North Windward. And with Deborah Charles who contested the West Kingstown seat in the 2015 general election but now serving as the Clerk of the House of Assembly, the ULP will need to find a replacement for her.
There is speculation that Senator Keisal Peters could well be the ULP candidate in Kingstown.
VENEZUELANPresident Nicolas Maduro, whose nearly 12 years in office have been marked by deep economic and social crisis, whether induced or not by foreign pressure, was sworn in for a third term, January 10, 2025.
His swearing-in came in the midst of a six-monthlong election dispute and an increase in the US reward for his capture.
Maduro, president since 2013, was declared the winner of July’s election by both Venezuela’s electoral authority and top court, though his tallies supporting his victory have never been published. So much so, the Venezuela’s opposition says ballot box-level tallies show a landslide win for its candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, who subsequently fled the country for Spain in September 2024.
The government, which has accused the opposition of fomenting fascist plots against it, has said Gonzalez will be arrested if he returns and offered a $100,000 reward for information leading to his capture.
And in similar vein the outgoing Biden administration in the USA increased its reward for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Maduro on drug trafficking charges to $25 million, from a previous $15 million.
It also issued a $25 million reward for Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello and a $15 million reward for Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, as well as new sanctions against eight other officials of The Maduro government.
The Maduro government has, as expected,
A 28-member Vincentian delegation was in Venezuela for the inauguration of President
GUYANA said on Thursday, 9th January 2025 that it will seek help from the United Nations’ top court — the International Court of Justice (ICJ) - to deter plans by neighboring Venezuela to elect a governor to rule its western Essequibo region, an area rich in resources long claimed by Venezuela as its own.
Guyana’s foreign ministry said in a statement that Venezuela’s plan violates a December 2022 agreement between the two countries to not
trigger conflict or escalate tensions over the mineral and oil-rich region comprising two-thirds of Guyana’s land mass.
This also flies in the face of the 2024 Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela, agreed by the two countries, after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro threatened to annex the region by force, following a referendum in which he claimed Venezuelan voters backed turning the Essequibo into a Venezuelan state.
Venezuela in its tracks if it goes ahead with plans to elect a governor of Essequibo.
rejected all sanctions old and new, saying they are illegitimate measures that amount to an “economic war” designed to cripple Venezuela.
“The outgoing government of the United States doesn’t know how to take revenge on us,” Maduro said during his inauguration speech.
Maduro was sworn in at the national assembly in Caracas and said he was taking his oath in the name of sixteenth-century Indigenous leader Guaicaipuro and late President Hugo Chavez, his mentor, among others.
“May this new presidential term be a period of peace, of prosperity, of equality and the new democracy,” Maduro said, adding he would convene a commission dedicated to constitutional reform.
“This act is possible because Venezuela is peaceful, in full exercise of its national sovereignty, of its popular sovereignty, of its national independence,” Maduro said.
Some 2,000 invitees from 125 countries attended the inauguration, according to the government, including Cuba’s President Miguel Diaz-Canel and Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega, staunch allies of Maduro. (Source: Reuters)
Chairman of the Special Commission for the Defense of Guyana Essequibo Hermann Escarra stands next to Venezuela’s new map Dec. 08, 2023, that includes the Essequibo territory controlled by Guyana but claimed by Venezuela. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix, File)
But Caribbean leaders, Brazil and the U.N. organized an emergency summit between the presidents of both nations on Caricom country St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where they agreed to resolve the dispute though peaceful means, and to avoid taking actions that would raise tensions.
Guyana’s foreign ministry said it would ask The Netherlandsbased ICJ to stop
Venezuela has always considered Essequibo as its own because the region was within its boundaries during the Spanish colonial period. It has long dismissed the border drawn by international arbitrators in 1899, when Guyana was still a British colony.
After years of fruitless mediation, Guyana went to the world court in 2018, asking judges to rule that the 1899 border decision is valid and binding. Venezuela argues that a 1966 agreement to resolve the dispute effectively nullified the original arbitration.
Venezuela was given until late August to reply to arguments made by Guyana.
Venezuela, with the largest oil reserves worldwide, focused interest on the Essequibo region after massive
quantities of oil and gas were discovered off Guyana’s coast in 2015.
The latest dispute between the two countries comes just weeks after Guyana objected to the completion of a bridge by Venezuela’s military on Guyana’s side of the bordering Ankoko Island, calling it a breach of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Tensions between the two had eased for most of last year, especially after Guyana allowed the U.S. military to fly fighter jets over the capital, Georgetown, in May in a show of support for Guyana. (Source: AP)
The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Managing Director: Desiree Richards
Editor: Cyprian Neehall
Telephone: 784-456-1123 Fax: 784-451-2129
Website: www.thevincentian.com
Email: thevincentianpublishing@gmail.com
Mailing Address: The Vincentian Publishing Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 592, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines.
THREE DAYS before his January 10, 2025 inauguration for a third term as President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro announced he was scheduling the election of the governor of Essequibo, a resource-rich area of Guyana that his country claims as its own.
Even if Maduro would want to justify this move as adhering to the dictates of a referendum of December 2, 2023 that approved its “annexation” of the Essequibo region and the creation of a state of “Guayana Esequiba” on 21 March 2024 by his National Assembly, we cannot take Venezuela’s intentions, perceived as they might be, with a pinch of salt.
Further, given that this country, with the blessings of its Caricom partners and other western hemispheric countries, brokered an understanding between Maduro and President of Guyana Dr Irfaan Ali, that produced a truce of sorts that was dubbed the Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela, we cannot extricate ourselves, nor can Caricom, from condemning any action, by either side, that has an inkling of potential to disturb the “uneasy peace” currently characterizing the relationship between the two South American countries.
However, we cannot be expected not to protect Guyana since it is a member of Caricom.
If any of the above stated sentiments are anywhere near accurate, then it is not folly, it is not far-fetched to entertain the thought that Venezuela may well be considering, planning to invade Essequibo, Guyana.
We only have to call attention to Venezuela’s construction of an airfield near the border between Essequibo and Venezuela which could be used to support an invasion, and its conduct of military exercises in the area which it ‘justified’ by claiming that the U.S. sought to establish a military base in Essequibo.
This, of course, provoked a show of military support for Guyana by the USA when two of that country’s fighter aircraft made manoeuvers over the disputed territory and Guyana in general.
And even though there might be an interpretation that Maduro’s December 02, 2023 referendum may have been moreso a strategy to undercut the opposition ahead of the 2024 Presidential elections, we must not lose sight of the fact that the
Venezuelan claim to Essequibo is one of the few issues on which the Maduro regime and the opposition agree.
Is this not ground on which Maduro would predicate an invasion, i.e. the “legitimacy” of a single Venezuelan sentiment, as disguised as some might think it is?
But, in as much as we would want to warn against the likelihood of a Venezuelan invasion of the Essequibo, we cannot exclude from the equation, the factor of whether the Maduro regime would want to escalate a territorial dispute into military conflict. After all, Essequibo, representing 2/3 of Guyana’s territory, borders Guyana’s capital itself, and any Venezuelan aggression would profoundly risk disturbing whatever political and economic stability there is in the hemisphere.
Could Maduro be influenced otherwise? Would he consider before mounting any military campaign in Essequibo, that a failed intervention could demoralize the Venezuelan military and turn it against his administration thereby weakening his political hold on the country and its people?
Undoubtedly, Venezuela’s military is vastly superior to the Guyana Defense Force (GDF) in numbers and equipment, Venezuela would likely have significant problems moving forces into and sustaining combat operations in the vast Essequibo region, especially if the GDF and its reserve, with support from the U.S. and others, mounted an effective resistance against them, as Ukraine did against Russia.
No one wants the GuyanaVenezuela dispute to descend to armed conflict. No Caricom member can say that this is the route to putting the dispute to bed once and for all.
It is in the interest of Caricom to keep the doors open to frank and honest dialogue, and work toward a possible amicable end. However, if it were that military action is initiated by either side, Caricom must move swiftly to condemn it without forfeiting its obligation to a Caricom partner.
In the long run, Caricom must not lose sight of the fact that for Maduro, the appropriation of Guyana’s oil wealth beckons.
Are we to turn a blind eye to Venezuela’s expansionist intentions for the sake of promised oil concessions? Shame on Caricom, shame on SVG if they do!!!
DO WE NEEDto continue to speak about our children? Last week, I wrote about the lost children on the street, and now I feel somewhat obligated to offer some suggestions on how to develop a positive influence on our children and keep them safe.
Regardless of where we come from or live, we have developed a habit of looking for role models and heroes. The simple explanation/definition of a role model is a person who serves as an example by influencing others. A well-adjusted child will find his/her role models among their close relatives (parents) and caregivers. Some children then look to a series of secondary role models to help shape their behaviour and to help them make difficult decisions. These were traditionally found in schools, relationships, or the village. It is not uncommon to find children looking up to other relatives (aunts, uncles), teachers, coaches, and peers. When children start looking to copy the behaviour and appearance of celebrities, such as athletes and entertainers, and characters from books, TV, movies, or video games, we must worry because we have failed them miserably.
As parents, it is often hard to accept that our children did not identify us as their heroes; we must not take offense but use the opportunity to discuss role models with our children. Here are some helpful suggestions for discussing role models with your children and for serving as a positive role model yourself:
* help your children identify what qualities they admire in their role model;
* give examples of people in our community who you feel have positive qualities and are a good influence on others;
* talk about people you look up to for guidance and inspiration.
Without an extensive conversation with our children, negative role models will find a way to play a role in our children’s lives. The problem is that occasionally, widely admired public figures can be poor examples of role models. As parents, we must be willing to discuss why some people in highly prominent positions are not always good choices for our children to admire, and as examples of what they should aspire to become. Young
children without guidance may assume that the behaviours of negative role models are typical, safe, and acceptable. Parents and caregivers must intervene and empathize that those who embrace inappropriate behavior - violence, racism, sexism, and drug and alcohol abuse - are not acceptable. We must emphasize that while we do not embrace these people as heroes or role models, it does not mean that we should disrespect them as individuals. Remember the old saying: if you have nothing good to say about someone, it’s best not to say anything. We must engage in age-appropriate conversation with our children.
It is essential to discuss with our children, especially our younger ones, that some highly positioned people in our society who could be seen as default role models, make mistakes that could or should disqualify them. I am not one to say that our role models must be perfect; everyone has good and bad qualities, and anyone can make mistakes. Explain to your children that what is essential is when mistakes are made, we should apologize and learn from our mistakes, and we should hold everyone to that standard. Ask your children what they think of the role model’s behavior and what an appropriate course of action should be. Ask them what they would do differently in a similar situation, and help them articulate a healthy, positive way to handle it.
Remind your children that they do not have to do everything their role models does. Help your children identify positive role models by encouraging them to become involved in activities that reflect the values you are trying to engender, like joining religious activities, athletics, service clubs, or general volunteer activities in the community. Believe it or not, sometimes our role models could also come from among our elected officials.
Taking the time to go through this process with your children will help them manage their expectations of the ones they choose to be role models and, most of all, help them navigate disappointment in the people they look up to.
THE UNITY LABOUR PARTYwill be seeking a sixth term in office when general elections are called later this year. But there seems to be a desire for change among a large cross-section of the population of the country.
Here are ten reasons why that is so:
1. The high levels of crime and violence in the country, which the government seems unable to address.
2. The high levels of unemployment, underemployment and poverty.
3. The horrible state of the roads throughout the country.
4. Inefficient health services.
5. The stagnation of the agricultural, fisheries, and tourism industries, while virtually no manufacturing industries were established in 25 years. This shows the ruling administration’s lack of vision.
6. The escalating national debt, high taxes, and high inflation.
7. The heartless action of the government, that resulted in the dismissal of hundreds of public servants who decided not to take the COVID-19 vaccine. An action that showed a lack of concern and empathy for teachers, nurses, policemen, women, and other public workers who were affected.
8. Strong indicators suggest that promotions to leading positions in the civil service depend on political affiliation.
9. There is no effective juvenile reform system in the country to deal with troubled teenagers.
10. Accusations of systemic victimization of persons who have been openly critical of the government and an apparent lack of transparency and accountability in government.
Despite the confidence of the ULP, all is not well in SVG. NDP has more than a decent chance of winning the next general elections.
* Is there anywhere else in the world where a parliament meets during “foreday” morning? Who listening to our parliament “foreday” morning?
* Is the agent for Amerijet paying a certain connected individual rent for storage at the AIA?
* Why are we creating a mountain out of a molehill with respect to registration of voters for the Grenadine constituencies?
* Isn’t there something radically wrong about a bank making use of monies deposited by cheque by private individuals while those individuals have to wait six weeks before the cheque is cleared?
* If the President of the Fisherfolk Association says without water in his mouth that he and others were not included on the list for income support, why did the Minister of Fisheries insist they were?
* Why are people saying that Dr. Gonsalves should follow Prime Ministers Rowley and Trudeau and go home?
* Why are some residents of West Kingstown saying that Dr. Friday has not made an appearance there for a long time?
* How many times has work been undertaken on that Villa Boardwalk since the ULP formed government?
* People on Bequia are asking why are mainland Vincentians flocking to Bequia and setting up ‘business’ on beaches there to compete with Bequia resident/natives?
I HOPE YOUwon’t think I am a nuisance, but I am requesting space for this little input by me, even though it would mean two letters by me in consecutive issues.
I can’t hold this back for much longer.
Like it or not, I have to say that this country needs a proper Fire Service. When was the last time we heard that the fire brigade arrived on the scene of a fire so that it could have at least brought the fire under control? And some of them, like the recent one on Higginson Street, you could spit on them from the Fire Department base.
Too many buildings are going up on fire and we are lucky that we
don’t have more of that occurrence that we had in Georgetown last year. I mean, what is wrong with the Fire officers. I saw a video of a fire in Montrose that showed the firemen putting on their special uniforms when they got to the scene of the fire. And worse, they looked like they were taking their own sweet time to get dressed. Are they not to come to a fire prepared and properly outfitted?
It is high time we do a proper study and work with the CWSA to place fire hydrants in appropriate places throughout the country. Equipping as many of our out-of-town police stations could also help. But what I want to
suggest is something which I heard you, Mr. Editor, speak of many years; that we train teams of volunteer firefighters in as many communities as we can afford to. And just like we keep emergency supplies and equipment to response to natural disasters, we can store hoses and so forth to be used in collaboration with the fire hydrants.
You might say all of this is nonsense but with the Fire Department proving to be ineffective, we need to consider as many options as we can.
I have not heard the Estimates for 2025, but I hope the government would see to it that we have an adequate fleet of fire trucks and
emergency vehicles, and that it would provide funding to equip the Fire Service with the necessary resource/training for a reliable emergency response system, just like there is for situations of natural disasters.
THE MASS MURDERof Palestinian civilians — including a high percentage of women and children - continues in the Middle East, and we in an area of the world that has not known the ravages of a modern-day war, can only wonder when the carnage will end.
Israel, or should I say Zionist Israel, with the full backing of the USA and the UK, go about genocide against the
Palestinian people in Gaza, and ethnic cleansing in northern Gaza, as though it was just another walk in the park.
In addition, they have expanded their settlements in the West Bank, settlements the UN declare as illegal. No amount of washing your mouth on the USA and the UK has had any influence as far as having them cut back, or far less, completely cease
(For the children of Gaza)
If I must die, you must live to tell my story to sell my things to buy a piece of cloth and some strings, (make it white with a long tail) so that a child, somewhere in Gaza while looking heaven in the eye awaiting his dad who left in a blaze –and bid no one farewell not even to his flesh not even to himself –sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above, and thinks for a moment an angel is there bringing back love. If I must die let it bring hope, let it be a story. Dr. Refaat Alareer
assistance to the real terrorist — Israel.
Israel is nothing but a pariah state. Its prime minister is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity. but he will never see even the front door of that court because he is protected by the USA who does not recognize that Court.
The USA observes international law when it suits their objectives, but disregards it and attacks organisations like the ICC when it suits them.
So now, while Israel continues to show its real colours, the country that cannot escape condemnation for all that is happening between the Israelis and the
Palestinians, and in the wider Middle East region, is the USA. Israel is merely an upholder of the USA’s political and economic interests in the region. The USA will see to it that it remains a power in the Middle East. Sadly, its seems that Israel will continue to run amok in Palestine and that we can only hope and pray for some divine intervention. What is certain is that Israel must be made to pay for the blood of thousands that it has spilled.
[Excerpt from the 2025 Budget Address by Hon.
Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning]
Madame Speaker,
WE BEGIN EACH YEARwith a Budget Address that sets out our goals and details the next steps in our plan to accelerate transformative change in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Within that plan is a collection of commitments that are markers on the path that we travel together towards greater development, prosperity and progress. While disasters like Hurricane Beryl can obviously cause delays and diversions on our journey, this Government is consistently proud of its record of accomplishment and our record of promises fulfilled. 2024 was no exception. Despite the cataclysmic mid-year intervention of Hurricane Beryl:
We pledged to complete a $35 million upgrade to our sporting facilities and host World Cup Cricket T20 games, and we fulfilled that pledge, spectacularly.
We told you that we would host the largest gathering of world leaders, governments and international organisations in the history of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and we did it; conducting a massively successful summit of the Community of States of Latin America and the Caribbean.
We promised that Saint Vincent and the Grenadines would add 400 top quality rooms to our hospitality room stock, with the opening of Sandals Resort and Holiday Inn Express. That happened, and, combined with additional rooms added by local hoteliers, we blew past the 400-room target.
We assured you that a major new airline would begin visits to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and that existing carriers would come here from new cities. As such, 2024 welcomed Jet Blue Airways for the first time, and American Airlines added routes from New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.
We committed to beginning construction of the Arnos Vale Acute Care Hospital, and we have indeed begun the most significant and transformative expansion in our healthcare infrastructure in generations.
We promised to distribute $27 million worth of supplies and production supports to farmers and fishers nationwide, and we have done so, comprehensively.
We promised to dramatically increase minimum wages across the board in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and we did so, enacting the largest such wage increase in history.
We pledged that public servants would receive a 2 percent salary increase, on top of the 2.5 percent that they received the previous year. That pledge was fulfilled, as will be our pledge for further increases this year.
We also guaranteed that all nurses, nursing assistants, and nursing aides would be paid a five percent monthly supplementary income. This has been done, and extended beyond the initial sixmonth period that was first promised.
We committed to help ease the pressure of inflation on vulnerable Vincentians, and we have unveiled a raft of innovative interventions that have worked to cushion cost of living challenges.
We said that we would create a Prime Minister’s National Advisory Council on Youth, and we have done so, launching a vibrant and active youth-led organisation with a breathtakingly wide scope of activities and ambitions.
We assured you that we would enact important reforms to our National Insurance Services to ensure the health and longevity of our social security arrangements. After lengthy consultations with stakeholders, we did just that.
We promised to reduce interest rates on student loans to 4.5 percent, and we did it, much to the apparent surprise of some.
We promised to complete far-reaching rehabilitation projects at the Bequia
Community High and St. Clair Dacon Secondary Schools, and we have done that. Students of those schools will begin this school year in radically-improved buildings.
We pledged to begin construction of the Administrative Building at the Sir Vincent Beache Stadium, the Multipurpose Centre at Diamond, the Enhams Wellness Centre, the Buccament Isolation Unit, the temporary High Court at the former Bank of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines building, the Jackson Bay Beach Facilities, and the Park Hill Cultural, Education and Wellness Centre. Actual construction on all of these projects is underway.
We outlined, in granular detail, a plan to undertake road reconstruction works on 50 separate stretches of road across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Forty-six of those 50 road contracts are either completed or substantially underway.
In the face of critics who claimed that our capital budget was overly ambitious, or worse, fictitious, we expressed confidence in our “projections, our plans, and our partners’ ability to rise to the occasion.” In so doing, 2024 marked an historic feat of over $460 million in capital expenditure — roughly $80 million more than 2023’s record-breaking implementation total.
And we pledged to create greater economic growth and further reduce unemployment in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Despite Hurricane Beryl, our nation enjoyed its fourth consecutive year of robust economic growth and increased employment.
Along the way, 2024 was a record year for the award of the number of national and exhibition scholarships, bursaries and special scholarships. ……
Our promise to repair hurricanedamaged schools and start the academic term on time resulted in an unprecedented mini-boom in construction that saw Bishops College Kingstown receive $2 million in repairs, and the construction of a $3 million temporary school for Hurricane-displaced students from Union Island. With very few exceptions, schools opened on time for thousands of primary and secondary school students, just two short months after the hurricane.
Our commitment to house and care for Hurricane-displaced persons extended to over 1,500 persons in shelters, 600 people in apartments and guesthouses and 500 persons in private accommodations receiving assistance.
Our pledge to help homeowners impacted by Beryl has resulted in roughly 2,500 households receiving help with repairs, reconstruction or building materials to date. This is a phenomenal response in the circumstances.
We promised to ease inter-island connectivity challenges by providing free ferry services from Saint Vincent to the Southern Grenadines, and we have done so, with 24,000 passengers benefitting thus far, at a cost of $3.7 million.
We promised to remove hundreds of thousands of pounds of debris from the most heavily impacted areas and to restore electricity expeditiously. We have done this, with BRAGSA’s heroic work and VINLEC’s restoration currently ahead of schedule.
We vowed to rescue Mayreau’s storied Salt Whistle Bay from Beryl-fuelled wave action, and we did so, in record time.
We assured Hurricane-impacted households, farmers, fishers and tourism workers that we would provide them with income support until some sense of normalcy was restored. To date, 12,012 persons have received income support, at double the level of our Volcano-related income support of just three years ago.
(Excerpts of Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Dr Godwin Friday’s 2025 Budget presentation)
THE OVERALL BUDGET is $1, 851, 387, 634. As the minister said, ‘It’s a deficit budget.’ The current deficit is $5.6 million. Amortization is $215. 4 million, and the Sinking Fund is $22 million. The overall deficit is $639.9 million and that is stated in the minister’s budget presentation.
Some of the concerns that we raised last week in the Estimates debate, as we have done year after year because the problem recurs, and that is to look at how the figures are presented, to see if they are credible and whether the budget is based on a solid foundation. If the foundation is flawed, then everything that comes after equally makes it flawed; in fact it makes the problem worse.
One of the things that we have pointed out over the years is that there is a big hole in the budget which is captured in the Capital Receipts item called Other Receipts. In the summary, there is the revenue that the government intends to collect over the course of the year, the expenditure, Current Revenue and the Capital Revenue. Other Receipts falls within the category of Capital Revenue which means as is presented in the Estimates that those monies are supposed to go towards capital projects.
What we have here is a situation where you have under Other Receipts $280.5 million. Last year, it was $215 million. The Other Receipts is a category of funding that the government puts in the Estimates but which they never receive very much of. It accounts for this year, 15% of the total expenditure of the government, and they don’t know where the money is going to come from. If you put it as a percentage of Capital Expenditure where it is intended to be spent, it accounts for 40% of Capital Expenditure. They never collect much of this money. As represented, it is a gaping hole within the budget.
According to the Director of Audit, in the 2019 report for example, she indicated that $198 million in Other Receipts was budgeted, yet only $3 million was raised. That’s less than 2% of the Capital Revenue. So, where is the rest of the money coming from? And remember, according to the Estimates on roman numeral vii, it indicates that Other Capital Receipts comes from domestic sources. This is after having accounted for all of the borrowings and all the grants that they say they would get during the course of the year. So, it’s quite clear that it is unrealistic.
The question we ask ourselves year after year, is why do you put it in the budget? Can you imagine a business running its affairs like this? A CEO presenting to his board or shareholders the financial statements, said we are making a profit of $100 million? We have $50 million. We are not quite sure where we are going to make that money, but we are projecting that profit. They will fire him! We have been
urging the people of this country to fire the government for a long time now. We have asked many times of the minister to explain it and he usually ignores us. But this time, he said that he would try to explain. However, what he says to me compounds the confusion. If we look at page 93 of the budget presentation of the Honourable Minister of Finance, he sets out in summary form various aspects of the funding that they will receive and how it’s going to be allocated. On page 93, Other Receipts, he sets out to explain, he says Other Receipts represents, ‘The financing for capital budget for which the source of funds is yet to be determined. Secondly, it includes the financing of the amortization and thirdly, it includes the Sinking Fund contribution and the fourth component, it includes modest current account deficit.’ He then sets out each of these the numbers: the unidentified capital financing amounts to $33.2 million; the amortization amounts to $215.4 million; the sinking fund amounts to $ 22 million; and the current account deficit is $5.6 million. That adds up to $276.2 million. It does not even add up to the $280.5 million that he said is for Other Receipts. So even the figures that they present here do not add up to the amount.
Here is the explanation that he is presenting. He said, ‘During the period of the preparation of the budget, negotiations for funding for several capital projects are ongoing. It would therefore be premature to identify a given funding agency as financing project A or project B. Although, there is a strong likelihood that the funding may come to fruition during the fiscal year.’ However, we know historically that they don’t get anything more than 5%. The Director of Audit usually reports on this but they are behind time. The most recent one we have is for 2021. But it is clear, that they don’t receive this money. He goes on, ‘as funding arrangements are concluded the finances raised will be accounted for, on the basis of their source, be there external loans, grants or local loans.’
What we have here is a situation where it appears that what the minister is saying that this is how we come up with this number for Capital Receipt because we take these things into account, and we put them together and this somehow balances the budget, but it is not a source of revenue. A deficit is not a source of revenue, amortization is not a source of revenue.
He said that Capital Receipts is made of amortization which means that it has to be paid at some point. If it has to be paid, then the money has to come from somewhere. The money can’t come from amortization. Where does it come from to pay amortization? Amortization is paid all the time.
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Sir Winston Churchill (18741965) – British statesman, military officer, and writer who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.
SHAFIQUA MALONEY,the Vincentian middle-distance runner, holds the female 800-meter national record for both the indoors and outdoors. Evelyn Watt, writing in a blog titled “Paris 2024 Athletics: How Shafiqua Maloney Went from Homeless to Making Olympic History for St. Vincent and the Grenadines” (6th August 2024) noted that Shafiqua had risen from desperate lows to becoming the first Vincentian athlete to reach the final stage at an Olympic event at Paris 2024.
Watt noted that when Shafiqua was interviewed after finishing fourth behind Great Britain’s Kelly Hodgkinson, Shafiqua commented that, “Nobody wants to be in that situation, but I think it all happened to make me a stronger person. I grew a lot of mental strength, and I think it prepared me for the rounds at the Olympic Games, not to be nervous, be patient and trust in God.” Such a response is loaded with wisdom and reminds us that persistence and determination are often forerunners to great success … even when we have performed at our best but still fall short of our goals and ambitions. The determination to rise and to better our best efforts can make a significant difference as we pursue our noble ambitions.
Life is full of challenges that at first glance may seem insurmountable. Diseases, accidents, betrayals, broken relationships, unemployment, and under-employment are but a few of the detours and distractions that we face as we journey through life. Sometimes such obstacles appear to suck the oxygen from our lungs leaving us gasping for breath — struggling for life. On other occasions, they can lure us into the depts of depression and lull us into the “comfort” of self-pity. However, deep and objective introspection, accompanied by wise counsel from friends and loved ones, can usher in a new sense of hope and purpose. We may have failed but we are not failures. We can reflect on the fact that we are not alone on life’s journey, and we can learn from the resolve and determination of others who have faced a much greater crisis than our own and found opportunities for growth (and re-growth) following life’s various adversities. They were determined to rise … and so can we. Regardless of the hardship, pain, and disappointment we can often find the reason to hope and usher in a new sense of purpose that would enable us to resume the relentless pursuit of our noble ambitions. This is true for the athlete whose injuries kept them from a competition that they trained so very hard for. It is also true for the student who could not perform at their best because of a sickness or accident. It is equally applicable to the individual whose investment vaporised leaving them bankrupt and destitute. However, “Determined to Rise” is not limited to overcoming hardship; it is about having a deep commitment, a
strong resolve, to pursue life’s desirable outcomes with passion and gusto — regardless of the setbacks.
Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014), the American poet, and civil rights activist, inspires many through her inspirational poem titled “Still I Rise” that was published in 1978 (see YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrj NdYdbiwk). She reminds us that life’s challenges and disappointments can teach us how to thrive, and not merely survive. She notes that we can still rise after facing disappointments, fears, pain, loss, terror, unhappiness, insecurity, or grief.
The review of the lives of many successful individuals in government, business, and society confirms that their life’s journey was punctuated with a variety of setbacks and failures. For example, Albert Einstein (18791955), the German-born theoretical physicist, is known to have had a difficult time during his early school years. While he was extremely gifted in mathematics and physics, he was known to have often clashed with Germany’s rigid educational system. Some of his teachers classified him as “a slow learner” and he was known to have failed the entrance examination to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich when he first attempted to do so in 1895. However, he passed on his second attempt. Despite this academic setback, Einstein earned a degree in physics from the Polytechnic and later earned a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
The foregoing reminds us that even the greatest minds face failures and setbacks. However, with a determination to rise after a failure or setback, it is possible to achieve great outcomes. This is as true for the student who may have experienced failure in school, the athlete who did not perform at their best, the worker who experienced ridicule or rejection in the workplace, or the politician who was rejected at the polls. While the weight of disappointment may seem overwhelming, these dark moments can magnify the strength of our resolve; the lit candle appears to shine brightest in the darkest corners. While we do not underestimate the trauma caused by life’s varied hurts, disappointments, and adversities, we note that there are always opportunities for growth from the most devastating crisis that we may face. In many instances these are often blessings in disguise; providing valuable lessons if/when we pause long enough to find and appreciate them.
Anthony Robbins (born 1960) the American motivational speaker, reminds us that, “Every problem is a gift; without them we will not grow”. In life, we will have problems, setbacks, and failures. However, we are reminded that true victory lies not in never falling, but in finding the courage and strength to rise again.
BUDGET 2025 was presented with the usual fanfare: plenty of clapping, desk thumping, laughter, and jeering. For almost five hours, Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves laid out our government’s plans for the next 12 months and beyond. The minister’s attempt to paint a pretty picture failed to impress. Ultimately, the ritual, a blur of words and an exercise in stamina attempts to justify the government’s borrowing policies.
Disasters, as reflected in the Covid Plandemic (2020), the Volcanic eruption of La Soufriere (April 2021) and Hurricane Beryl (July 2024) can never justify our government’s carefree, reckless approach to borrowing. In his presentation, Gonsalves said that the government borrowing is not profligate, but viewed in the context of 2025 and the impending elections, his words ring hollow. The Gonsalves government is pimping these disasters for electoral gain.
The notion that the government’s policies are primarily directed at helping the poor must be questioned and rejected. The governing elite is busily enriching themselves while conspiring to prolong their less-thanstellar performance in the seat of government.
First, those who predicted a bevy of taxes in budget 2025 should retake Politics 101. A ULP government led by the politically savvy Ralph Gonsalves will not slap taxes on an economically depressed, disaster-weary population in an election year.
The ULP government charges its political opponent and all Vincentian patriots who put their minds to matters of state as scaremongerers. It’s a tired and worn tactic by all politicians who employ a mode of aggressive attack as their main ploy of defence.
Beyond the word buzz and smiling faces is a stark reality. Behind the $1.8 billion budget numbers is a rapidly rising debt-to-GDP ratio, currently pegged at 93.6 percent. The debt-toGDP ratio grew by nearly 20 percent in 2024. By our prime minister’s own admission, this amounts to a hook in the gill of the nation.
This year, SVG committed to repaying nearly $350 million in debt and interest. If the government’s numbers are believed, 38 cents of every dollar generated in revenue goes to pay the debt. When public salaries and sinking fund contributions are added to the national bill, there is hardly any money left to carry out the other government functions.
A consequence of the foregoing is that the government routinely violates the legal limit of $85 million on the overdraft facility. In 2024, the government exceeded the legal limit by $30 million without seeking parliamentary approval. The government’s inclination to spend wildly and recklessly knows no bounds. It must be brought to heel.
The Finance minister argued that Budget 2025 is a people-centred and recovery-centred budget. But is it really? Budget 2025 may be more accurately described as a construction budget. A look behind the construction flurry reveals the government’s lack of care and concern for the very people it claims to be concerned about: the poor and vulnerable.
The government disclosed that it intends to construct or rehabilitate six schools and 11 clinics. Why leave these schools and clinics to sink into disrepair before attending to them? Imagine the premier girls’ school, which has existed for over a century,
locked up for years with its yard rapidly becoming a forest. Imagine further clinics, schools and police stations with broken windows, toilets, leaky roofs, and disease-causing moulds that have existed and have persisted for years while the government loudly proclaims its love for the people.
How prudent is a government that proposes to build a school at Brighton on the whim that the East St George constituency is the only one without a secondary school? The East St George Constituency is less than an hour’s drive from the West St George and Carapan secondary schools. Just like the modern port for which the government has offered neither economic feasibility nor justification except to say that Port Kingtown is old and Port Campden Park is inadequate, the government goes headlong, borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars for costly, unnecessary and fiscally irresponsible projects.
If the government is serious about the needs of the poor, it will use some of these wasted millions to hire more counsellors and teachers at our schools. Many students need to speak through their anger and concerns with trained professionals. The failing rates at our schools are very high because many students need remedial attention. Train and hire specialist teachers in math, the sciences and remedial teaching skills.
The lack of trained Psychiatrists remains a vexing issue. Scores of prisoners languish in prisons because there is no trained specialist to test their fitness to plead. There remains a burgeoning mental health crisis in SVG that demands urgent attention. Money saved by scrapping, downsizing or rehabilitating some buildings and facilities could be diverted to correct these glaring needs and deficiencies.
During the estimates, Camillo Gonsalves disclosed that the government intends to borrow upwards of $260 million from Taiwan in 2025–more than a quarter billion dollars. I sincerely hope that my ears betrayed me and that I heard incorrectly. Unlike other institutions (World Bank) and governments (Venezuela), Taiwan has never offered a single cent in debt relief. Close to 40 percent of the foreign debt is owed to Taipei. This relationship is incestuous at best and anti-national at its worst. There is a sufficiency of evidence that in collusion with Gonsalves and his clansmen, Taiwan has been improperly interfering in our country’s internal affairs.
As the debate unfolded this week, there was no presentation on how the government plans to tackle the growing poverty rate, which now stands at 4 out of every 10 Vincentians or over 40,000 nationals, high youth unemployment of plus 40 percent, and a galloping crime rate most glaringly reflected in record official numbers of homicides of 55 and 54 in the last two years.
PM Gonsalves said that he would always choose debt over death. He really meant debt that allowed him to prolong his rule. As the 2025 budget debate comes to a close, any keen observer can safely bet that the twin scourges of debt and death will accompany us into the future.
Send comments, criticisms & suggestions to
THE CRIME MINISTER, the minister responsible for the prevention, detection of crime and bringing criminals to justice, has been on the job since 2001, about 24 years. The 78-year-old claims to have credentials in Government, but the University’s website lists no such major. Political Science is a common field of study but so many politicians have become embroiled in corruption that they want to shun the name. It is a challenge to change one’s practice from defending criminals to one of prosecuting criminals.
disputes through dialogue. Schools teach students how to live and how to make a living.
agency to employ those who are willing to work.
13. Clubs Against Crime. Encourage individuals to join groups according to their interest.
The war against crime needs a standing army. This is serious business and success cannot be guaranteed with volunteer help only. Consequently, a special unit should be set up called the Prime Prevention Squad. Although they may need basic police training, they could be assigned to their various positions upon completion. Members should be given specialized training to function in their various areas.
Many solutions to our crime problem were expounded but most failed apparently because of poor implementation. Many of us may have excellent ideas, some from encyclopaedias, but it takes youth, vigor, will and guts to implement them. Our feeble war on crime may have included the following:
1. Criminals Against Crime. This is where criminals are allowed to kill each other with the hope that none will be left standing.
2. Pan Against Crime. This is the engagement of individuals particularly males in the production of pan music.
3. Sports Against Crime. This involves young people in various sporting activities with the hope that they would stay away from crime.
4. Tourism Against Crime. This creates a climate where people are gainfully employed in the Tourism Industry.
5. Church Against Crime. People are encouraged by their God to develop good moral code by which they live.
6. Education Against Crime. People learn to settle
7. Homes Against Crime. Families teach their children to respect themselves and also to respect others and their property.
8. Workplace Against Crime. Promotion by merit according to education and experience creates an atmosphere of fairness.
9. Judges Against Crime. Timely judgements deter criminal behavior.
10. Money Against Crime. Giving people money with the hope that they would behave themselves.
11. Health Against Crime. Provision of adequate mental health services including Psychiatrists and Psychologists.
12. Jobs Against Crime. Create an employment
Crime Prevention Squad:
1.Steelpan arranger/builder/tuner
2. Coach/Sports Teacher/Sports Facilities Maintenance
3.Beach Ranger/Swim Coach/Lifeguard
4.Guidance Counselor
5. Social Worker/Family Therapist
6. Promotion Umbudsman
7. Employment Agency (all entitlements)
8. Health (Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Rehab coach)
9. National Youth Counselor (Clubs)
10. Park Ranger
IT IS SAD THAT THE PUBLIC didn’t get to read the letter that was sent to Putin by PM Gonsalves urging an end to the near three-year war that was waged on Ukraine beginning in
February 2022.
We noted on page 3 of your January 03, 2025 edition, that PM Gonsalves called on Putin, Zelensky, Biden and GD of the UN Guterres, to end the war which he said was senseless. Is PM Gonsalves real? Is he controlled by some foreign spirit(s)?
The man spoke to the world leaders as of his quest for global peace, justice, security and prosperity for all humanity. Powerful words. Where is the peace of mind of this so-called “world boss” when he refuses to speak to elected member of the house? He has SVG divided into the advantaged and the disadvantaged as we see when he disregards the justice handed down by the learned judge in favour of our civil servants who stood up for their human rights by refusing to have foreign COVID-19 substances injected into their bodies.
Where is the security when there are so many more murders than ever before experienced. And why are the churches closed at nights?
Where is the prosperity for all when our farmers and working class in SVG have to be living on handouts. There is little if any structural development here and there is hardly any sustainable human developments.
PM Gonsalves mentioned that Ukraine is fully backed by the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led by the United States of America (USA). P.M Gonsalves couldn’t
mention that Russia is backed by North Korea, China and others… two sides on the fence at the brink of World War 111?
P.M also mentioned that: “It is evident to all people of reason, who also apply their hearts of wisdom, that this war will not end with military triumph for one side of the other”. So true, but why did the so-called world boss take so long to call for world peace? Is it that he is afraid of the incoming of the unpredictable Donald Trump, President of America, sweeping into Russia and ending the war in one day?
It is evident that hooks are in the jaws of Putin according to Ezekiel 38:1-4. Yes, an evil thing went into the mind of Putin according to v.10. Russia was well-known to be one of the strongest governments on earth but look what this little comedian Zelensky has done to Russia?
World War 11 lasted four years before it ended (1914-1918). This war will be three years next month. The UN was established after World War 11 (1939-1945) to avert a third World War. The Christian Democrats across the globe have linked together to call on all peace-loving people to rise up against wars and crimes.
We are also calling for an investigation into all war crimes, and crime committed by the white-collar criminals against humanity.
Long live the call for world peace.
Christian Democrat.
SUNRISE 31.08.1924 –
SUNSET 12.12.2024
TO SURPASS one’s allotted three score and ten is indeed a gift from GOD; to be gifted a further thirty years and be able to enjoy a good quality of life up to the end reflects not only
blessings but a stoic human input as well. Doris Mckie’s 100 years on the earth epitomized a love for the Lord and total devotion to family. She was a beacon in the community in which she resided and served with unbelievable
dedication to teaching.
Doris was the third of seven children to the late Randolph and Mable Adams of Kingstown Hill. Her passing leaves
only Clairmonte to survive her. Four of her six siblings migrated and developed themselves in Trinidad, Canada and the USA, while she and two others made SVG their full home.
Both of her parents were devoted Christians and ensured that the entire family received early exposure and proper grounding in the Bible. They were all cultured in the way of the Lord at the Gospel Hall Church in Kingstown. She herself gave her life to the Lord at a tender age and lived and served Him up to the very end.
The religious values which molded and shaped her, she transferred to three generations at home, in church/Sunday School,in the Community and in the School. In the process, thousands were impacted positively by this GEM of a lady.
Doris got married at the age of 27 years to the late Clive Mckie, an elder in the Kingstown Gospel Hall Church. That Marriage lasted up to his passing in 1981 and produced four boysAndrew (Andy), Joel (Joe), Walford (Wally) and Cecil (Ces). Her four
sons gave her six grandsons and one granddaughter, who then gave her fifteen great grandchildren up to the time of her passing. Family meant everything to Doris and she directly prepared her four sons and three grandchildren (the others from a distance) for life, and ensured that they went on to become productive citizens of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and their adopted homelands.
Her formative twentyseven years were spent living with her parents at Kingstown Hill. Her parents and the Adams family were household names in the Community and she herself adopted their philosophy of service to GOD and to humanity through the church, community work and in the classroom. These traits and characteristics followed her when she got married and moved to Arnos Vale/Upper Cane Hall.
Continued from Page 14.
From the 1950s to the time of her husband’s passing in 1981 and her passing in 2024, the McKies’ residence was home to the community. Fruit trees were available for all to enjoy, land to hone their cricket skills and their possessions to share with everyone. These attributes of service were passed on to her sons who all continued this rich legacy in the fields of Education, Cadets and Finance, Electricals and Entertainment, Accounting,
Health and Sports, Banking, Politics and Insurance. All four boys excelled in various sporting disciplines and represented House, School, Community and Country. The First and last headed up the Community Organization of the Arnos Vale Educational, Sports and Cultural
Organization (AVESCO), and served at the National Levels through the National Youth Council (NYC) as well as in Service Clubs.
Like their parents, the sons all served and continue to serve their community and country. The legacy of service goes on through them and now the grandchildren as well.
It was in the field of Education that Doris (Teacher D) had her greatest impact. Her life’s work in the classroom started at the Wesley Hall School at the age of sixteen years. She taught there for ten years during which tenure she took the opportunity to sit and pass all the Pupil Teacher exams and gained the status of Certified Assistant Teacher. She was
then transferred to the Richmond Hill Government School where she taught for a further nine years. During that period, she had her four children and now felt obligated to devote more quality time to their upbringing. She then retired from teaching to nurture and create the desired foundation for her boys. However, after only a month at home she began to receive requests from parents in the neighborhood to look after their preschool age children as there was no preschool in the area. She agreed and in short order the demand was so great that she added on a room to her home and used the garage space of her brother-in-law’s house to establish school up to Grade 3. All four boys were now at Primary School age and Teacher D closed the doors of her school, reapplied and was accepted back in the Public Teaching Service. She was placed at the Kingstown Preparatory School (PREP) where she taught for six months before applying and gaining entry to the just established Teachers College (in Batch Three), where she spent a year and then became a Qualified Teacher.
From College, Teacher D was placed at the Sion Hill Government School where she spent the next thirteen years, working her way up to Head Teacher until her eventual retirement in 1979.
However, evening classes at her home, which started and continued even while she was a teacher, continued after her retirement in 1979 until 2005 when she had an unfortunate fall, broke her hip and became laid up in bed.
As you would imagine, a journey of teacher from 19402005 (65 yrs) allowed Teacher D to impact three generations and thousands of Vincentians. Many of those impacted, have gone on and continue to serve their communities and country (of birth or adoption) in various capacities up to the highest levels.
DORIS MCKIE was given a fitting send off at the Kingstown Methodist Church (according to Gospel Hall rites) and laid to rest at the Kingstown Cemetery on January 9, 2025.
TODAY,Thursday 9th January, 2025, we are gathered here in this historic building of the Methodist Church in Kingstown, the capital of our country, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, to say good-bye to Doris McKie, one of the precious daughters of this beautiful land. She has given several decades of dedicated service as a teacher in the Primary School system and has played a prominent role in the development of our
community. Her family is one of the oldest in the Arnos Vale area and her stint at the Sion Hill Primary School was broadly impactful as she pursued her role with distinct commitment and energy, and positively impacted the parents and guardians of the students under her care. She was not merely a teacher, she was a godmother; we parents are eternally grateful to her!
Even as we mourn the loss of this precious sister Doris McKie, we are silently
groaning when we think of the agony that those other two hundred teachers and their families are now suffering because of our government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Those teachers who did not take the vaccine have been crippled economically for life, while many of those who took the vaccine to save their jobs are now suffering lifethreatening diseases, and the court which was hitherto regarded to be the dependable societal apparatus to effect justice, has in this season
become ineffectual. Sometimes one is tempted on the basis of the indicators apparent to conclude that ‘the halls of justice’ have been reduced to ‘the rooms of jugglery’.
The McKie family can take comfort in the fact that Doris McKie had played a very valuable role in the development of our society, among whom, she had pursued her mission with integrity and trustworthiness. That is how we will remember her.
May she now rest in peace!
Please join with me in this prayer- “Lord Jehovah look down in mercy upon us, deliver us from our sins, strengthen us against unrighteousness and allow us to share in your peace, protect us from the forces of evil, keep us out of the clutches of the ungodly and stir in our hearts the desire to be obedient to your will. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!
LeRoy Providence.
THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND NATIONAL RECONCILIATIONwill be pleased with Pastor Al Blake’s handling of their theme: ‘Reflect, Rejoice, Give thanks; Rising above the storm’, for their Annual Church Service.
Blake, Senior Pastor of the High Point Church, Arnos Vale, delivered the sermon at
the Faith Temple, Thursday January 9. Blake made it clear that any sense, wellbeing “only happens when we rest in God’s peace.”
His interpretation is that peace “encompasses a sense of wholeness.”
For the High Point Pastor, it is God’s peace that “can sustain us through all circumstances.”
Salvation, sanctification, and service are measures towards not simply happiness but joy, Blake insisted.
The joy he ascribed to a “deep and abiding confidence, that despite my circumstance, all is well between me and the Lord.”
For Blake, “joy and peace” are entwined, and ultimate joy enlists a “relationship with Jesus.” His wish was that mankind would commit to “holy living.” He was mindful of his current situation and called upon the foundation he knows.
Pastor Al Blake not only stressed the importance and power of prayer but led the gathering in prayer as well.
True service is rooted in humility and love. You are called to persevere. Don’t be wary of doing good,” the Pastor implored.
He highlighted the power of prayer which he considered, “breeds passion.” And while he looked at it as “hard work, he urged that you “connect with God through prayer.”
He urged listeners to bring families into their prayer life, and spoke to staff and students about praying together regularly.
“Commit to this practice, transform not only the classroom, but the nation,” Blake beseeched.
“You don’t have to be in the spotlight, because you have the light of Christ in you,” Blake declares.
“God’s people are victorious.
6THwas a day of heightened excitement as Layou resident, Gracie Dublin, known affectionately as Aunty Gracie, celebrated her 104th birthday.
Present to celebrate with Aunty Gracie was a number of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, neighbours and some friends.
Pastor Blake’s presentation came after performances of dance and music recitals.
A dance routine by a female duo from Lowmans Leeward Anglican School was well received.
Dexter Bacchus from the Ministry, displayed his skills on the saxophone, which students and staff enjoyed.
An ensemble of students from the Intermediate High School aroused a sense of nostalgia with their rendition on recorders. And the mixed choir from Sandy Bay Government School Choir showed talent with a rendition which stirred the audience.
There were melodic and timely presentations with a Praise and Worship team that included Maxine Coombs, Ronnie Richardson, and Colin Sam. (WKA)
The celebration at her residence in Layou was taken a notch higher when her son, Daneth Dopwell, famed guitarist with former St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ top musical band Asterisks, joined with Carlyle Douglas, himself an accomplished bassist, to lead what was a spirited rendition of the “Happy Birthday Song”.
A number of popular gospel songs were thrown into the mix and Aunty Gracie gleefully sang along with consummate ease.
The celebration continued the following day with members of her church - Grace and Truth.
Daneth altered the lyrics of Happy Birthday to suit the occasion and to Aunty Gracie’s delight and that of those gathered.
The celebrations were covered live on Nice Radio.
Editor’s Note: In as much as this article missed last week’s edition, THE VINCENTIAN’s management and staff join with the hundreds who extended best wishes to Gracie Dublin on achieving yet another milestone in her life’s journey, and wish her many more blessed days with us.
Auntie Gracie at the ripe age of 104 years is in full command of her faculties. She reminded those who came to celebrate with her that at church gatherings, it was usually one person, she, who would lead a particular song for others to follow in fellowship.
SANDALSResorts International has kicked off the new year with prestigious recognition, securing top honours in the Best All-Inclusive Caribbean Resort category of USA Today’s 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards for 2025.
The renowned luxury-included brand claimed two coveted spots in the top 10 rankings, underscoring its excellence in Caribbean hospitality.
Leading the charge is the newly opened Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which debuted in 2024 and wasted no time slingshotting itself to the pinnacle of all-inclusive luxury in the region. The resort earned the number-one spot in the category.
“Set in its own private cove, Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines boasts azure waters, breathtaking rainforests, and pristine white-sand beaches. Accommodations range from overwater villas to beachfront flats, complemented by 11 restaurants featuring cuisine from around the world, along with
numerous bars and pools,” noted USA Today’s 10Best. Since its opening, the resort has also attracted a constellation of Hollywood stars and high-profile guests.
Meanwhile, the reimagined Sandals Dunn’s River captured the numberseven spot in the same category.
Located on Jamaica’s stunning north coast, this 260-room luxury resort delivers elevated suite designs, and innovative culinary concepts.
What makes this recognition especially meaningful is the unique selection process of the Reader’s Choice Awards. Nominees are chosen by travel experts and USA Today’s 10Best editors, with the final winners determined by the publication’s global readership.
These latest accolades reaffirm Sandals Resorts’ status as a leader in luxury all-inclusive hospitality, continuing to set the benchmark for excellence in the region. (Submitted by Sandals Resorts International)
CAMPARI enthusiasts were in for a thrilling experience at the ‘Mix and Win’ promotion held on December 22nd next to Ace Hardware, Kingstown, where excitement, prizes and the bold flavour of Campari took centre stage. During the course of the promotion, persons were treated to an unforgettable experience, combining fun, suspense and hard, cold cash.
Shoppers who purchased two bottles of Campari earned exclusive access to the Cash Vault where they stepped inside to grab as much cash as they could in a whirlwind of swirling bills. The vault became the center of attention drawing laughter and speculation as participants tried their luck to claim as much cash as they could within the time limit.
Meanwhile, those who bought one bottle of Campari got the chance to spin the wheel, walking away with prizes ranging from Campari and cash, to branded merchandise including cooler bags, mugs, sunglasses, hats and rags among other things.
The activation attracted a vibrant crowd, creating an energetic atmosphere buzzing with excitement; furthermore, in anticipation of winning more cash or a bigger and better prize, many people tested their luck repeatedly on the spin-the-wheel game and the cash vault, by purchasing numerous bottles of Campari.
The Campari ‘Mix & Win’ promotion is a part of the brand’s ongoing commitment to bringing excitement and rewards to its loyal customers. Furthermore, it was one of the many ways Campari connected with its community and boosted the festive spirit.
Campari is the iconic red Italian aperitif known for its vibrant flavor, bold heritage, and timeless appeal. As a leading global brand, Campari is dedicated to crafting exceptional moments and connections for its customers worldwide. (Submitted
January, The Ministry of Education, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning, launched the “Advancing Caribbean Teachers in Mathematics Education” (ACT) Project.
The ACT project focuses on strengthening the capacity of mathematics educators to improve teaching practices and, ultimately, student outcomes in Mathematics.
The project is being piloted in St. Vincent and was its launch took the form of a two-day workshop — January 1314, 2025 - that brought together some 30 Mathematics teachers from across the state.
Mathematics has been identified as a challenging one for many students in the region.
Delivering remarks at the opening ceremony, Chief Education Officer Kay Martin-Jack highlighted the importance of the initiative.
She said that Mathematics Education was very important and it must start with teachers who have a passion for the subject.
She expressed the confidence that the collaborated effort between the Commonwealth of Learning and the Ministry of Education will assist teachers with strategies to address the problem.
“The students are experiencing challenges in the field of Mathematics here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, just like in other countries. Here is one strategy that we are employing to mitigate this. The collaborative effort between the Commonwealth of Learning and the Ministry of Education underscores our shared commitment to empowering teachers, strengthening pedagogy and fostering inclusive learning environments for our students. Today we embark on a project
Dr. Lois George, Project Facilitator, encouraged the teachers to stay the course since what they would learn with respect to fractions, would serve them well in addressing other topics.
that is both timely and necessary. One that focuses on equipping educators with the knowledge and skills required to integrate technology-enabled learning, TEL, as we would say, and gender responsive strategies in the teaching of mathematics,” MartinJack stressed.
“We are here to connect dynamic community of practice where educators leverage culturally and communicatively relevant methods to enhance learners’ mathematical competencies,” she further noted.
The project’s focus is particularly on fractions, an area that has proven to be a significant challenge for many students across the Caribbean.
Dr. Lois George, Head Lecturer in the
Kay Martin-Jack, Chief Education Officer cited the challenges in navigating through mathematics and underscored how the act will assist in equipping teachers to deal with this issue.
Mathematics Department at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, and facilitator for the project, also spoke at the workshop. She urged Mathematics teachers to pay attention to factions.
“Because it is difficult to teach, difficult to learn, and importantly, it is a predictor of Math’s success in high school and beyond. It underpins so many of the different topics and therefore we want you to learn this well,” the facilitator told the teachers, adding that what they were going to learn was a model that they can transfer to any other topics for which they are responsible.
The pilot project will span three months, with most of the training taking place virtually.
Dear George,
MY GIRLFRIENDand I visited SVG a couple of weeks ago. During that time, an incident occurred that set me thinking.
My girlfriend for some reason appears to have a soft spot for her Ex. This is a man who disrespected her and abused her when they were together.
We were on our way to get something to eat when we ran into my girlfriend’s Ex. She greeted him and entertained him longer than I thought was necessary, mentioning in the process where we were going to eat and, without consulting me, invited him to tag along. He readily accepted.
At the end of the evening she told him where he could reach her. I was left wondering what in the world was going on but I did not intervene.
On a few occasions, she left the house without saying where she was going. As usual, I didn’t want to make a scene and just let it slide.
Since we got back, she has been somewhat distant and less tolerant of me. I’m still trying to figure out what is happening. Something does not feel right.
You have to decide when to be tolerant and when you should put your foot down.
The vacation, I take it, was all about spending quality time with your partner, not to share that time with her Ex.
That said, your partner should not go out of her way to accommodate her Ex.
If it is that she does not see her Ex as a “thing of the past,” she should come clean and tell you where her feeling lies.
You need to have a heart to heart talk with her in order to know the status of you’re the relationship between you.
Dear George,
MY GIRLFRIENDand I have been dating for two years. We have discussed getting married in 2026.
A few hours into 2025, my girlfriend showed me her list of New Year resolutions and it included getting married in 2025. When I inquired about the change she bluntly said she was going to be married this year, with
or without me.
I’m feeling she is dragging me into marriage and I’m not yet ready.
Marriage is a serious commitment. No one should feel pressured into getting into it. If for some reason she thinks the date for your marriage should be
brought forward, then it is for both of you to have another discussion on the matter.
The idea of getting married with or without you is not a healthy one and should be addressed in the soonest possible time. At the end of day, care should be taken so that neither of you gets married just for the sake of getting married.
Dear George,
MY BOYFRIENDis a mixed bag; he is both abusive and romantic.
The truth is that he would get physical with me up to three, four times a month. Each time he hits me, I complain to my best friend and he would beg me to leave my boyfriend and start a relationship with him. My friend has vowed never to hit me.
My best friend is the one who helps me to heal time and time again, and I’m beginning to wonder if I should not switch my heart to him instead of this two-faced guy I’m presently with.
Between Bitter and Sweet
It is not a very good idea to complain to another man about how badly your boyfriend is treating you. More than likely, he is going to promise to do all the things your boyfriend is not doing. While it may be good
to have someone to confide in, you have to be extremely cautious that you are not setting yourself up to repeat the mistakes of the past. Be wary of anyone who falls short of suggesting that you take as much time as needed to figure yourself out.
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
You may interest some of them in a service you have to offer. Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions. Your practical approach to life may charm someone who has been observing you. Your emotional partner may make you angry this week.
TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21)
You may have the opportunity to get involved in some interesting conversations. Make residential changes that will lift your spirits. Travel for business purposes may bring the highest returns. You will need to take a look at the renovations that are necessary and try to find the cheapest way to get things done.
GEMINI (May 22-June 21)
You can accomplish a lot if you deal with other people's money or possessions this week. You may experience financial loss if you don't use good judgment. Be careful not to lead someone on if you truly have no interest. You can make a difference if you're willing to stand up and be counted.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
If you work in conjunction with someone else you may find they're trying to steal your thunder. Opportunities for new and exciting relationships will be yours if you get out and join groups. Opportunities will come through long term investments. You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22)
Make plans to mix business with pleasure. Dinner with clients or business associates should be successful. You should be trying to clear up legal contracts that have been pending. Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Your high energy and discipline will enable you to complete any seemingly insurmountable tasks.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
Don't take advantage of your expense account. You can't do everything on your own. You may have difficulties with for-
eigners. You will encounter those who can help you further your goals if you attend functions that attract prominent people.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Make love, not war, and all will be fine. You will find that social activities will be enjoyable and will promote new connections. There may be opportunities to attend social functions that are linked to work. You will find that you can work progressively at improving yourself this week.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Do what you can to help them but don't neglect your own family. It's time to reconnect with some of the people you used to know. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. Think twice before you agree to take on any new projects.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
Don't overspend to impress others. Confusion is apparent and you'll need some sound advice if you want to do the right thing. Your ideas can be put into action. Don't ruffle the feathers of those you care about most.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
Keep an eye on your weight. Any difficulties with peers could be unnerving. Your devotion will be persuasive. Try to be understanding.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Have some fun, but draw the line if someone tries to fast talk their way into your heart. Your mate may want to pick a fight but if you're persistent with your affections their anger should dissipate. Socialize with friends, but don't overspend on lavish entertainment. Take care of the needs or responsibilities of elders.
PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Business trips might prove unproductive. Don't give your heart too readily. You need to spend less time daydreaming and more time accomplishing. You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener.
1. Jalopy 4. Raincoat, for short
7. Root beer, e.g.
11. Mine wagon
13. Confused bustle
14. Placed down
15. Tie again
17. Bank machines (abbr.)
18. Dweller (abbr.)
19. Fish feature 21. Heroic narrative
23. Upholstered seats
27. Greenhouse growth
28. Function
29. Legal profession
30. “Tell Mama” singer James
31. Braying beast
32. David Copperfield’s wife
battle-foe 38. Vigoda and Burrows 39. __ Khan 40. Occupy a chair
41. Drink deeply 44. Tactful person
49. Phone start
50. Before, in poems
51. “Get Shorty” Actress Russo
52. Garden need
53. Compass pt. 54. Toothpasteaccepting gp.
1.Middle (abbr.)
2. Have being 3. British fliers’ gp. 4. Wrestlers’ pads
5. Fruity refresher
33. Decompose
34. Cagers’ org.
35. Answer
36. Lion’s
12. Yacht spot
16. Religious group
20. Follower of (suffix)
21. Sir __ John 22. Broadway’s LuPone
23. Actress Dey 24. Secretly marry
25. British noblemen
6. Own up 7. Tilt 8. Edible grain 9. Fade 10. Public
26. Fluctuate
27. Lima’s land 31. Scrapes
32. Loancompany
have achieved the qualification standards required for representing
St. Vincent & the Grenadines at the 2025 Carifta Games, scheduled for April 19-21, Easter Weekend, in Trinidad and Tobago.
The standards fall, once again, into a 2-tier system of qualification, with an A and B standard.
the Boys U20 triple Jump. His jump placed him second in the Jamaica event.
THE BARBADOS JUNIOR Dinghy Event was the first event of the 2025 Barbados Sailing Week held over the past weekend.
Two sailors from St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), Kai Marks-Dasent and Scarlett Hadley, were invited to participate in the event.
They arrived a day early to get used to the conditions in Barbados and had a practice sail on Friday afternoon in light and shifty winds.
The official weekend started at the Barbados Cruising Club on Friday, 10th January with a skipper’s briefing, during which participants got to meet their fellow sailors and go over the sailing instructions.
On Saturday, 11th January, 22 sailors from Barbados, SVG and Trinidad and Tobago took to the waters of Carlisle Bay in a moderate, easterly with 12 knots of winds.
Ten races were set to take place over Saturday and Sunday, five on each day. Unfortunately conditions did not look promising for Sunday so the race committee held six races in shifty wind conditions on Saturday.
On Sunday at 12pm, the race committee decided to cancel the races for Sunday because of the high surf advisory and the dangerous conditions on the beach.
Not daunted by the challenges associated with sailing in a new place with different conditions, both Kai and Scarlett rose to the occasion, with Kai taking 2nd place in the ILCA 4 category, and Scarlett taking 3rd place in the ILCA 6 category.
The SVG Sailing Association is grateful to InterCaribbean Airways which took the sailors and equipment safely to and from the event. (Source: SVGSA)
Attaining the A standard guarantees automatic selection for the team, while attaining the B standard earns an athlete consideration for team selection. Other factors that will influence a final decision on a B Standard includes consistency of performances, regular attendance at Team Athletics SVG (TASVG) Development meets, and consultation with the athlete’s coach.
Among those attaining the A Standard was Jamaica-based J’Aivar Cato who, with a jump of 14.83m Jump at the JC Sprint Fest, held at Jamaica College in Kingston Jamaica on Jan. 03, eclipsed the 14.70m A Standard for
His trip to Trinidad and Tobago will be his third Carifta Games. He placed 6th in the event at the Carifta Games last year in Grenada.
Following in Cato’s leap was Ajay Delpesche who, in winning the U20 Boys 200m in a time of 21.47 sec, at the TASVG first Development Meet of the season at the Diamond Track and Field Facility, did better than the A Standard of 21.80 sec, for an automatic qualification in that Carifta Games event. Delpesche was part of the 5th place 4x100m SVG relay team at last year’s games.
A “B” standard was made in the U20 Boys High Jump, at the second Development Meet on January 11th.
Trevel Sylvan cleared a height of 1.95m, but had 2 unsuccessful higher attempts, then had his time expire on his 3rd attempt.
The next meet on the TASVG Calendar will be the Pamenos Ballantyne Distance/Jumps Classic, on January 18th.
THOSEARCHERSwhoexcelled during2024,andthosewhowent aboveandbeyond,werelast Saturday,January11,2025, recognizedbytheArchery AssociationofSt.Vincentandthe Grenadines.
Abriefawardsceremonyto highlightthetopperformerswas stagedattheKegBarandGrill, Murray’sVillage.
CoppingtheFemaleArcherof theYearAwardwasDivya Jiandani,andJarodNicols—the MaleArcheroftheYearAward.
RayonClarke, whowasadjudged theMost ImprovedArcher andBrianGibbs, whoacceptedthe SpiritofArchery Award.
Reactingtoher accolade, Jiandani,stated, “Iamveryglad andproudof myself.Iam tryingtoworkas hardasIcanso thatIcan improve.Ithankallwho arearoundfortheir support”.
Sheviewsheraward asafillipforherto continuetoexcelinthe sport.
Meanwhile,Clarke welcomedtheaward, albeitdeemingita surprise.
“Itwasunexpected.I guessallthehardworkI putintothesport,it showsnowthroughthis award.Ihavenothing morethantostepupand belikearolemodelfor
theyoungeronescomingup,and atthesametimebeamongthetop archersinthecountry”,Clarke advanced.
Apartfromthefourmain awards,RicholRichards,along withMareseandMarielBurgin wereacknowledgedfortheir unwaveringcontributionduring 2024.Thetriowerepresentedwith certificates.
And,theExecutiveofthe ArcheryAssociationofSt.Vincent andtheGrenadineswasinfora surprise,astheytoowereonthe receivingendoftokens complimentsthearchers.
WHEN HERplaying days were over with the national netball and basketball teams, Vasha Adams sought to get involved in the local coaching programmes of both sports.
As far as basketball was concerned, she soon became part of the national coaching programme and became a FIBA certified coach. Now Adams is even more equipped to impact
the local basketball set up having only recently returned from Delaware, USA, during which she completed the monthlong face-to-face component of a sixmonth International Coaching Apprenticeship in Basketball (ICAB).
The first five months were conducted online.
“It was a very interesting programme, very educational,” Adams told this publication, “We learnt about the different basketball programess in the United States from the WNBA to the NBA, to the high school and colleges programmes,“ she added.
Adams was attached to the programme at Lehigh University, a NCAA Division One school.
“What I take away most from the programme is the coaching style…. the way that the coaches interact with the players and the other coaches. It has really opened up my
eyes,” Adams related.
And what has it taught her? “It has allowed me to be more disciplined in relating to my fellow coaches and athletes; doing practice plans so that we all will know what our plans are … what we want to accomplish as a Federation and a coaching committee,” she responded.
Adams is looking forward to imparting the knowledge gained from this programme. “I would be looking to develop more coaches and athletes; we have a coaching committee where we are planning to start a grassroots programme in different committees and schools. There are eight of us on board and seven of us are certified FIBA coaches, so we do have an idea of coaching grassroots,” she said.
We really don’t have a national team so we have to go back and try to develop players to get
IN THE AFTERMATHof the passage of Hurricane Beryl, July 1, 2024, the Executive of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Football Federation, sought to assist affiliate members who suffered loss.
And in responding to this need, three affiliates who lost the roof of their respective dwelling houses, were each given EC$3,500, towards effecting repairs.
The recipients were: Foster Branch, a leading light in Greiggs FC; former Executive Member and national senior men’s team Manager- Otnell Douglas; and Lionel Cumberbatch, member of the administrative staff of QUESCO.
The three all expressed gratitude for the gesture by the SVGFF, noting that the contribution would aid immensely in their recovery efforts.
The contributions to the trio are part of a wider response to assistance by the Football body, to those who suffered from the perils of the storm. Explaining the process of coming to the aid of affiliates, President of the SVGFF- Otashie Spring, said, “We sent out a questionnaire/survey to our footballing community to find out how many persons were affected, to what extent and what type of assistance they would
want the Football Federation to give”. Spring said, “There were thirty-five respondents and from the assessment, some acquired wanted food stuff and others were more severe, hence, the assistance to Messrs Branch, Douglas and Cumberbatch”, Spring said.
Spring emphasized that the funds used in
back to that level,” she advanced.
Adams earned a certificate from the University of Delaware for successfully completing the programme.
VINCENTIANMozakie King, will be among twenty-two match officials representing 15member associations at the Caribbean Football Union’s 2025 edition of the Next Generation Referee Course, January 17-19.
Hosted by the Barbados Football Association (BFA), the course seeks to equip participants with theoretical and practical skills, ultimately leading to nominations to the FIFA rank.
Towards this end, participants will undergo intense training on the field and in the classroom. The training then transfers online, with the instructors designing a bespoke programme for the cohort, monitoring their progress, and providing mentorship.
the relief effort were extracted from the SVGFF’s local accounts, this becoming the only course of action following unsuccessful attempts to acquire funds from some “international partners”. Spring said that in all, EC $65,000 was spent$15,000 directly to affiliates, and $50,000 to the National Relief Effort.
Delighted to be part of the course, King expressed, “It is a pleasure to represent my country St. Vincent and the Grenadines. At the course, my goals are to obtain the knowledge and understanding necessary to excel and elevate to the highest level”.
A former student of CW Prescod Primary School, and the West St. George Secondary, King has his progressed steadily since taking up officiating about a year and a half ago.
To date, he has officiated in some community leagues, the schools’ football competitions and women’s international friendly.
He was thrown into the deep end recently when he was the man with the whistle in a Premier Division fixture of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Club Championships at the Victoria Park.
And as King reviews his progress to date, he is “…grateful for the support, especially from Clemroy Francois, Lorson Lewis as well as the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Football Referees’ Association, as well as the Executive of the SVG Football Federation. Your belief in me has inspired to work harder”.
The CFU Next Generation Referee Course was launched in 2022, with support from Concacaf, to provide Caribbean match officials with the prerequisites to matriculate to the FIFA Refereeing International Lists.
Next Gen. students may also receive appointments to competitions, such as the CFU Girls U-14 Challenge Series slated for the summer.
THE TESTseries between West Indies and Pakistan winds up towards the end of January. It will wind up with the points differences making little impact on the West Indies’ fortune. The points they can gain will be helping and necessary, but will hardly lift them out of the cellar position.
Cricket, couched as the game of glorious uncertainties, provides its share of miracles. West Indies threw up many moments of these cutting edge performances. We will not be surprised if more mysteries happen during those Pakistan matches.
That series is an opportunity for coach Andre Coley to enhance his resume, if only to keep his credibility high for other engagements.
At the end of the Pakistan-WI series, he makes room for Darren Sammy who assumes the full slate of the coaching spectrum as far as West Indies cricket is concerned.
Coley is hoping that the batsmen stand up to the task. Their recent record against fast bowling is not one about which to be proud. Still, Pakistan is opting for a spin-heavy attack for the two match series.
That is in contrast to the open display of the lack in technique modern day Caribbean batsmen show. So if that is the case, we have a long list of fulfillments to acquire.
That is the reason why we struggle to qualify for even One Day International competitions, and T/20 championship.
Caribbean people have persistently rebounded from conditions which have defined our existence from primitive outlines to colonial or outside interference to dominance and open disregard.
In our quest to shake off the shackles of humiliation, bound by chains of global imprisonment, people of SVG, like their Caribbean counterparts, find ways of securing their rights to life.
Sometimes, we miss the complexity of the dilemma. We overlook the depth of our misfortune, or our difficulty in safe-guarding some fundamentals of our livelihood.
We have become victims of a diverse culture, and when we establish our distinct personality, or indigenous traits to global trends we may be faced with threats of extinction, ridicule, and or open racism.
Those are matters we as people have to cope with. It is the only form of survival. We can’t just settle for that. There must efforts top progress. That is the natural way of complete stability.
Societies mature and find ways to improve their lot. That cannot happen in a world of isolation. There has to be ways of engaging the Vincentian community in ways to ensure that we develop as region.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines has surfaced as a beacon of Caribbean unity. Our record speaks that exemplifies our appeal.
We have to use sport as a foundation for international appeal. A sports programme incorporating the talents, enthusiasm of our youthful population must be chiseled to cater for our full capacity.
Dr. Kishore Shallow, President of CWI, has reserved any definitive position on the two-tier system until it is presented officially to the ICC and CWI.
WHILE CONFIRMINGthat a proposal to introduce a two-tier Test cricket system has not been discussed at the International Cricket Council (ICC) or the Cricket West Indies (CWI) levels, Dr. Kishore Shallow, President of CWI, offered a proposition of his Board on the matter.
Whatever the outcome of proposed discussion at the ICC level, Shallow asserted that any decision made at that level must align with the best interests of West Indies cricket and the sport globally.
Shallow’s comments, made on the Mason and Guest show aired on VOB radio, Barbados, last week Tuesday, December 7, followed reports of an upcoming meeting between ICC Chairman Jay Shah and representatives from Australia, India, and England, to discuss the possibility of splitting the 12 full members into two tiers based on rankings.
The reports also suggest a potential revamp of the nineteam World Test Championship.
If implemented, the proposed changes could see the West Indies, who celebrate their 100th anniversary as a Test-playing nation in 2028, relegated to a Btier.
However, Shallow, who has served as a CWI director since 2017 and with the ICC for the past two years, clarified that the two-tier Test system has not been formally discussed at either organisation during his tenure.
ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESand Grenada will face each other in an inaugural bilateral Under-23 Cricket One Day Series, from January 17th to 21st in Grenada.
Orlanzo Jackson, Head Coach of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines team, believes, “it’s a good initiative to have more players involved at different levels, competing against each other.”
“I think it is a really good thing for cricket especially in the Caribbean. The downfall over the years, after Under-19, the players have to fight real hard to get into their national (senior) team and some players who are very weak mentally, when they realize how difficult it is to get into the (senior) national set up, most of the players will give up and we lose them between the ages of 1821,” Jackson reasoned.
Repeating his take on the
Under-23 initiative as a good one, the former national player cum coach said, “I am very excited as the coach to see so many players around that age group getting a chance to be more involved in competitive cricket, instead of losing them to football, drugs, alcohol, etc.,” and he recognized that the initiative has rekindled interest among players, “.. who were heading out of the game.”
“This could easily be a rumour,” he suggested.
According to Shallow, his research on the issue uncovered that the matter has been on the table since 2004 when there was discussion about ways to keep Test cricket interesting.
“That in itself shows how long people have been considering Test cricket to be on the decline,” he added.
Still, Shallow refrained from offering a definitive stance on the matter, as he reiterated that no formal proposal has been presented at the ICC level. But, in the same breath, he stressed the need for any decision to be thoroughly examined, including its practicality, funding mechanisms, and overall impact on the sport.
“Whatever decision, I suppose at the ICC level, it must be in alignment with what is best for West Indies cricket, and cricket by extension across the globe. That is the position I hold,” Shallow reiterated.
Some West Indies cricket legends have weighed in on the issue with both Sir Clive Lloyd and Michael Holding voicing strong disapproval of the reports of a proposed two-tier Test cricket system.
(Primary Reference: SportsMax)
He is hopeful that with this focus on the Under-23s will bolster the game at the local club level since many of those called up to national Under-23 duty are members of those clubs.
As for the upcoming series, Jackson said he was looking forward to a good standard and noted that it is never an easy walkover playing against Grenada.
Orlanzo Jackson, SVG U23 Cricket team Head Coach, welcomes the opportunity to involve the Under-23s in competitive cricket.
“But, SVG has always been ahead in terms of talent throughout the Windwards. It is just for us to keep these guys together, hope some learning will take place, and hope they take it seriously,” the coach assessed.
“In the meanwhile, we are elaborating our plans to build the hall of justice. I said to my colleagues, I said this thing is going on too long and I would like to bring closure to this thing before we do anything up there either with the parliament or the hall of justice,” Gonsalves told the Parliament.
And money was paid over to De Freitas in 2021, 2022 and 2024, amounting to EC$4,743,785.
The last amount paid by the government amounted to EC$500,000 and was collected by De Freitas in February 2024, Gonsalves disclosed.
“Until I told you this, you would not have known...but I did not have to pay any of this,” Gonsalves reiterated.
Sunday, 12th January, 2025
St. Alexander Spiritual Baptist Church Coulls Hill
Viewing: 1:00 p.m.
Service: 2:00 p.m.
Interment: Troumaca Cemetery
Saturday, 11th January, 2025
Apostolic Faith Mission Church Paget Farm, Bequia Viewing: 10:30 a.m.
Service: 11:30 a.m.
Interment: Paget Farm Bequia Cemetery
Tuesday, 14th January, 2025
New Grounds S.D.A Church Viewing: 1:00 p.m.
Service: 2:00 p.m.
Interment: San Souci Cemetery
Saturday, 4th January, 2025
St. Bethel Spiritual Baptist Church
Viewing: 12:00 noon Service: 1:00 p.m.
Interment: Byera Cemetery
Sunday, 12th January, 2025
Dorsetshire Hill Evangelical Church
Viewing: 2:00 p.m.
Service: 3:00 p.m.
Interment: Dorsetshire Hill Cemetery
Sunday, 12th January, 2025
S.D.A Church Barrouallie Viewing: 1:00 p.m.
Service: 2:00 p.m.
Interment: Glebe Hill Cemetery
a.k.a. Samuel James
Sunday, 12th January, 2025
Evangelical Church Viewing: 12:00 noon
Service: 1:00 p.m.
Interment: Troumaca Cemetery
GOVERNMENThas paid over EC$4.7 million to Marcus De Freitas, former Minister of Government under the New Democratic Party (NDP) administration and Managing Director of De Freitas Investment Holdings
According to Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, there was no final court decision nor was there any judgement handed down by the court in the matter as it relates to the acquisition of property at Beachmont from De Freitas, property on which Trans Caribbean Traders Ltd, a subsidiary of DIHL, operated a hardware.
To date, EC$4,743,785 has been paid to De Freitas, Gonsalves said in response to a question in Parliament by Parliamentary Representative for East Kingstown, Fitzgerald Bramble on January 9.
But the government was not obligated to pay the quantity of money, Gonsalves contended.
In 2004, the property concerned was acquired by the government, and according to Gonsalves, De Freitas was dissatisfied with the amount recommended to be paid as compensation.
That amount as was presented by the government valuer at the time was in the sum of EC$1,743,785 and De Freitas asked for the matter to go before the Board of Assessment, as is allowed under the Land Acquisition Act.
The Board of Assessment comprised then of former High Court Judge, Justice Frederick BruceLyle (chairman), John Thompson representing the government and Greg MacLeod who represented De Freitas, increased the money to be paid by EC$200,000.
In October 2008, the Board of Assessment ordered the government to pay De Freitas EC$4,140,000 plus $20,000 cost and the assessment
which they gave was to attract a 5 percent interest on the entire judgment.
But the government appealed this decision, Gonsalves said, and the matter was heard at the Court of Appeal in November 2010, when it was remitted back to the Board of Assessment for a new assessment.
Marcus De Freitas stayed the course and is said to have received the amount awarded to him by the Board of Assessment.
A chairman and government representative were subsequently appointed to the Board, however De Freitas did not appoint a representative.
“We could have gone with the names selected, but the government decided that it did not want to proceed like that,” Gonsalves said.
Retired Judge, Justice Gertel Thom who was appointed as chairman of the Board, was elevated during the interim to serve at the Court of Appeal, and she was replaced as chairman. The government representative was also changed but no one was ever appointed by De Freitas.
Continued on Page 27.
GOVERNMENThas increased the budgetary allocation to the Ministry of National Security for 2025 as it to deal with issues surrounding crime.
Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance said in his 2025 Budget presentation that the recurrent budget for the Ministry of National Security had increased by EC$7 million thereby raising the capital budget by 74.6 percent.
The year, as it relates to national security and combating crime, is expected to see:
* Acting Commissioner of Police Envil Williams spearheading reform of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF), details of
which could not be made public;
* Creation of 25 additional positions at each rank ranging from Corporal to Assistant Commissioner of Police — to strengthen the leadership of the Police Force, create new crime fighting units and improve morale;
* EC$1 million to be spent on specialised equipment and additional vehicles to improve capacity and operational effectiveness;
* Work is expected to continue with the Taiwanese for the Installation of an additional 160 cameras across the country and an expansion of the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Command Centre at Questelles, in
collaboration with the Taiwanese;
* Over EC$8 million is to be allocated for work to be done on various police stations including Calliaqua, Layou, Paget Farm, Spring Village and Union Island;
* Additional facility will be constructed at Diamond which according to Gonsalves — is intended to increase the number of officers deployed between the Stubbs and Calliaqua police stations, and to quicken their response;
* An additional criminal court judge will assume duties during 2025 — especially to address the backlog of criminal cases.