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The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines


MARCH 29, 2018

VOLUME 112, No.13


R. ANDREW CUMMINGS QC passed away at his Queen’s Drive home last Saturday, March 24, 2018. He had been a practising lawyer in his native St. Vincent and the Grenadines for close to 43 years, and had all but become a household name in legal circles here. A graduate of the St. Vincent Grammar School where he excelled both in the classroom and on the track and football field, Cummings entered the newly established Faculty of Law at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados, in 1970. He graduated, as many of his colleagues expected, with honours in 1973, and later that year enrolled at the Hugh Wooding Law School at the Trinidad, St Augustine Campus of the UWI. Upon receipt of the Legal Education Certificate from the Council of Legal Education, Cummings was called to the Bar in his native St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 1975. He entered the then esteemed chambers of E.A.C. Hughes, QC, and by 1989 was made a full partner in that firm, occasioning a name change very few Vincentians would have ever dreamed about, i.e. from simply the Chambers of E.A.C Hughes to that of Hughes and Cummings. It would be sometime before he branched out on his own, some say out of loyalty to Mr. Hughes. But when he did, in 2007, after the senior


Hughes had long passed away, he did so knowing that was the correct time at which to commence the building of Cardinal Law Firm, comprised of himself as Principal, and ably served by his three children, all lawyers. Cummings’ legal presence was felt across the spectra of legal pursuit. He immersed himself in a wide and encompassing range of cases, including but not limited to criminal matters, and was successful at an enviable rate. His arguments on behalf of his clients went as far as the British Privy Council where he was also successful. Through it all, Cummings was able to establish a vibrant company law and intellectual property law practice; handling numerous trademarks, patents and copyrights for international companies; many Constitutional Law cases in St. Vincent, and providing legal opinions to the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, in addition to representing it in diverse legal matters. His company has also provided services to a number of financial institutions — including Commercial Banks, Insurance Companies, and Credit Unions — and to large local business entities and public corporations. But his focus was always on the rights under the law and he was courageous in battle on behalf of local non-government organisations R Andrew Cummings, led and influenced others positively and even sporting associations. without even being up front and boisterous. Continued on Page 3


V News 3 No mega tsunami threat


from the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) and based on information received from the University of the West Indies’ Seismic Department in Trinidad. Michell Forbes, Director of NEMO, told THE VINCENTIAN that back in 2015 there were some reports being circulated that the activities associated with Kick ‘em Jenny could trigger a mega tsunami. But according to Forbes, that information was false. “The scientists have said that the volcano, in its current state will not do so,” she said. If anything, any activity would trigger a more localized tsunami that will affect areas including Union Island and the North There have been scores of eruptions associated with Kick ‘em Jenny, going back into of Grenada. early 2017, but there has never been any real threat of a tsunami. “We have to understand IN THE CURRENT STATE, the submarine create a mega tsunami. the science behind it. We try not to do volcano known as Kick ‘em Jenny cannot This is the official word coming anything without speaking of the

Increased screening for AIA-JFK direct flight increased scrutiny of their electronic/computer devices. Chief Executive Officer of the AIA, Hadley Bourne explained that this was now part of the requirement for flights going directly into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security announced last year that passengers flying Chief Executive Officer of the from foreign airports AIA, Hadley Bourne, was will have to undergo making certain that he more rigorous introduced the new measure screening of their as early as possible to the baggage and electronic public, so as to avoid any devices. inconvenience. After some discussion, it was PASSENGERS agreed that passengers TRAVELLING TO the will continue to be allowed United States via the to bring personal Argyle International Airport will be subjected to computers and tablets onto

planes, in their carry-on bags. Bourne explained that the requirement was implemented as a way to determine whether or not an individual’s electronic device is part of an explosive apparatus. On March 14, Caribbean Airlines (CAL) commenced direct flights between JFK International in New York and the AIA, and, according to Bourne, the new requirement was for airlines entering any US destination. “So, we want the public to be aware and not feel aggrieved when these measures are put in place,” Bourne said. (DD) Editor’s Note: See a related story on Page 5.

science,” Forbes said. She further explained that NEMO has been allowing for the scientists to take up their role and would give the support, where needed. “We have to listen to the scientists,” Forbes said, adding that although this information has been disseminated before, people think that it is not true. While the UWI Seismic Department has the responsibility for monitoring volcanoes throughout the Eastern Caribbean, agencies such as NEMO has the responsibility of getting the information out to the public. Last week, it was announced that the alert level had been reduced back to ‘yellow’ after being upgraded to ‘orange’ some time before, following increased activity at Kick ‘em Jenny. ‘Kick em Jenny’ submarine volcano is located 8km north of Grenada (12.18°N, 61.38°W). The volcano is about 1300m high and 300m wide at its summit, which is currently thought to be about 200m below the surface of the sea. As far as experts are concerned, Kick ‘em Jenny is the only ‘live’ (likely to erupt again) submarine volcano in the Eastern Caribbean. (DD)

SVG mourns the passing of a Legal Luminary Continued from FrontPage.

Andrew Cummings pictured with his wife Jacqueline and their children (from left) Jarand, Anique and Jadric, on whose shoulders the future of Cardinal Law Firm now rests. CUMMINGS WAS ALSO A SOUGHT after and active motivational speaker, social and political commentator, guest lecturer, radio/TV talk show host, before ill health caused him to ‘downgrade’. The challenges he faced and surmounted during his period of illness became honest, real life references in his many speeches and lectures. The life of Andrew Cummings QC was more than simply being a lawyer. He was, in his own words, “Not a vey good lawyer, only a hardworking one who will ensure the ducks are lined up before making the call to advance.” Another life lesson from a humble and learned soul.




calls for Man jailed for sex Marks backlog clean up with stepdaughter The 23 days spent on remand are to be deducted. A 52-year-old man The victim was 12 received multiple years old when the sentences on Tuesday, for offences were committed having unlawful sexual in 2013. intercourse with his The accused was found stepdaughter. guilty during a trial at The man was jailed for the Criminal Assizes, but 12 years each on three sentencing was counts of unlawful sexual postponed. intercourse with a girl Before handing down under the age of 13. He the sentences, Justice was also jailed for three Brian Cottle told the years for indecently accused, “You took assaulting the girl. The advantage of a young sentences are to run child who looked up to concurrently. Stories by HAYDN HUGGINS

you as a father figure and for economic assistance to attend school. That type of behaviour would not be tolerated by this court. “What is even more disturbing is when the child told you that she would report the matter to her mother, you told her to go ahead, there is nothing that her mother can do, because you had the economic power.” But the Judge made it clear that, “there is something that the state

could do.” Cottle noted that the victim had to undergo a full trial, giving evidence before strangers, and the accused was not remorseful. Luckily for him, he had no previous convictions of a similar nature, which may have saved him a stiffer penalty. Unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13 carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Twin remanded as victim critical TWIN BROTHERS Bevon and Devon Williams of Spring Village will return to the Serious Offences Court

for bail review next Wednesday, April 4, on a charge of wounding with intent. The 24-year-old

labourers, who worked with the Cocoa Company, have been remanded, charged with unlawfully and maliciously

wounding Jomo Samuel with intent. Samuel, 32, of Spring Village, is the foreman on the Cocoa Project at Belle Isle. Samuel reportedly received a stab wound to his left side and a chop to his hand, during an incident at Belle Isle, March 23. The brothers were not required to plea to the indictable charge when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne at the Serious Offences Court on Monday. In objecting to bail, Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delpleche told the court that Samuel was warded at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital suffering from those injuries which, according to medical personnel, are serious. Delpleche asked that the brothers be remanded, as the prosecution sought to have a prognosis on Samuel’s condition. He noted that the injuries were allegedly inflicted with a knife and a cutlass, and that Samuel was being monitored closely by medical personnel. Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne remanded the brothers until April 4, so that the Court could have a proper medical update.

Defence lawyer DEFENCE Ronald Marks LAWYER wants to see a Ronald Marks greater effort thinks that aimed at cleaning more could be up the backlog done to get rid of the backlog of of cases before the courts here. cases. Marks, in delivering remarks at the closing of the Criminal Assizes on Tuesday, stated that 19 matters were disposed of, and a lot of them were guilty pleas. He pointed out that there are a lot of trials pending, as well as several retrials, some of which ought to be abandoned. He is of the view that the issue could be approached in a fair manner, “so that we could get rid of this backlog.” Mark said that former Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Colin Williams, now High Court Judge in Belize, has left behind his legacy as DPP. He noted that the prosecuting team at the DPP’s Office is “quite competent. “The Office of the DPP is in safe hands,” Marks said, but hastened to add, “We need that post filled”. Crown Counsel Sejilla McDowal is in administrative control of the DPP’s Office pending the appointment of a DPP or acting DPP.

Jail time for trying to rape child A 35-year-old man was sentenced to six years in prison on Tuesday for attempting to rape a sixyear-old girl. The man also received a two-year sentence for indecently assaulting the child and one year for abducting her. The sentences, handed down by Justice Brian Cottle at the Criminal Assizes, will run concurrently. The time spent on remand is to be taken into account. The accused had been on remand since September 26, 2017. The facts revealed that on April 3, 2017, the accused had taken the child to his home, kissed her and attempted to put his penis in her vagina. He then gave her 25 cents and put her out through a window. Rising as a friend of the court, attorney Ronald Marks indicated that the accused pleaded guilty at the first available opportunity, had no previous convictions, and that the offences seemed to be quite out of character. Marks noted that the perpetrator had explained to the social worker that he was in a drunken state when he committed the acts. Marks added that in relation to the abduction, there was no violence, and the attack was not prolonged or accompanied by any violent abuse. According to Marks, the most serious offence was the attempted rape, but the accused had stopped what he was doing. He asked that a sentence at the lower end of the scale be considered. Justice Cottle told the accused that rape carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, and so too does attempted rape. But the Judge took into account the fact that the accused had not wasted the Court’s time by pleading guilty at the first available opportunity. Cottle added that the accused had “stopped what he was doing”. But Cottle expressed concern that, “She (victim) was six, and I hope when she has grown, it would not affect her.”




No apologies for Joachim just done by guess but is a system that is well organized and No video proof systematic,” Miller said, adding that he wanted to During the playback of the give the assurance to recording of the March 17 incident, members of the public Joachim is seen entering the security that they can be confident restricted area around 1:24 pm on the that what the screeners said day; he walks through the metal do at the AIA is in detectors, then there is a visible compliance with the exchange between the security officer standards of ICAO and Keith Miller, Head of Security at the AIA, sought to and Joachim. other agencies. assure the public that his security officers were At one point, Joachim is seen to It was confirmed that not at fault as Stephen Joachim alleged. have lifted his t-shirt exposing his only the Head of State, abdominal area, but there was nothing the Governor General in aircraft. to suggest that he was manhandled. our case, was exempt from screening. Furthermore, under the Civil And despite the allegations leveled Members of the diplomatic core were Aviation Act, which was amended in against the security staff, Miller said offered certain courtesies as well, but 2017 to reflect some of the new that investigations on both occasions all other individuals are subjected to international regulations, an determined that the screeners carried being screened and or searched if individual who is in breach of the law out their duties with utmost deemed necessary. can be arrested on site, without a professionalism. Miller reminded the public that, warrant. “Reports like this will trigger off an once a passenger openly and All attempts made by THE immediate investigation because we aggressively refused to be screened, VINCENTIAN to contact Joachim for a cannot have anything being said that becomes visibly irate, that response, proved futile. (DD) adversely about us,” Miller said. persons can be denied access to the “Any bit that comes out of AIA will affect a number of things with respect to St Vincent and the Grenadines and particularly AIA,” he continued. the opportunity to view the video footage for both incidents.

Stephen Joachim alleged that he was on two occasions, subject to stripsearches and man handling by AIA security officers. HEAD OF SECURITY at the Argyle International Airport, Keith Miller, has said that, based on investigations conducted, there is no evidence to support the claims made by Stephen Joachim, the Chief Financial Officer of Mustique Company Ltd., that he was strip- searched and manhandled by screening officers. And to support this conclusion, members of the media, during a press briefing held by the AIA last Monday, were shown video footage of the incident in question. The AIA’s Security Chief said that he had received a telephone call on March 17 from a senior member of staff at the airport who had reported to him that Joachim had leveled the allegations of being manhandled and strip-searched by security personnel. This was, according to information on file, the second time that Joachim had apparently had issues with security officers at AIA. According to Miller, the first incident occurred on September 22, 2017. Reports coming from members of staff, according to Miller, suggest that Joachim used abusive and obscene language against the security officer, and in the security area in the presence of other passengers. Members of the media were afforded

AIA complying with int’l standards The procedures as they relate to security screening and checks at AIA are not set by local authorities, but by international aviation agencies, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Evaluation of the implementation of these guidelines and procedures spelt out by these agencies is an ongoing process, and a prerequisite for continued operation of any international airport. The enforcement of these regulations is done through the use of applicable equipment and conducted by trained personnel. “What is done at the airport is not



Views The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Managing Editor: Desiree Richards Editor: Cyprian Neehall Telephone: 784-456-1123 Fax: 784-451-2129 Website: Email: Mailing Address: The Vincentian Publishing Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 592, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines.


For Andrew (Reprint of THE VINCENTIAN EDITORIAL of July 25, 2008) EVERY SO OFTEN, something crops up in the life of a nation, of a people, that reinvigorates national pride, resets it on a course upwards and spreads a shower of hope across the landscape. Without apology, last Friday, July 18th, 2008, was one of those days. Not because it was the end of another work week — not because for many it began another weekend of gay abandonment — but because a nation stopped for a few hours, to recognize one of its own. Andrew Cummings after, by his own admission, resisting the want of pomp and ceremony, was bestowed the ‘silk’ that designated him a Queen’s Counsel, in a special sitting of the High Court, presided over by his countrymen Justices Adrian Saunders and Dane Hamilton, and sitting High Court Justice, Frederick Bruce-Lyle. The measure of the man says thus: The designation is enough — the credentials are welcomed — but please, no fuss!! No, Mr. Cummings, neither the members of your fraternity nor your friends otherwise frocked were going to let the moment go without some display of public recognition. And that insistence — by the frocked and unfrocked — is fitting enough. For, even if you had resisted to the end, their insistence would have been enough to register the esteem in which you are held. And this esteem comes not for want of continuing some false sense of colonial accolade, but from a genuine sense of pride in your accomplishments, a sense of having shared in that path to attainment, recognition of your courage as a member of the human race, the kings of the temporal kingdom, and a simple love of your person. That some would have long recognized that you were destined to lead from the front but might not have been made it manifest in any spoken, even animated way, is not a failing on their part. You would have wanted, “None of it.“ But those who did, and beckoned or tried to beckon you forward, recognized eventually that your destiny was yours to or not to fulfil. You would have, for reasons only you could best articulate, chosen to lead with a quietness bordering on

being incognito— a quiet influence on those who passed swiftly, even lazily, through the corridors of your reach. This quietude might have been a cause for disappointment, for always there are those who have aspirations for others — downright illegitimate aspirations — as though the decision to lead is not at its core, one for the individual to make and not one to be flippantly accepted because others wish it for you. Your days of recent worth may not have been characterized by the swiftness of the champion athlete of those youthful seasons of spring, but they have not been any less impactful. Even in the face of encouraging what may be unnecessary debate, it is advanced that your recent days of worth were informed by an experience you may, yourself, describe as being larger than life. For having yourself survived what most will not want prayed upon them by the least among the disciples, you rose like the proverbial phoenix, re-tooled, renewed, surrounded with a new aura, even a new almost boyish effervescence, all of which combined to have you encourage some of the more practical, rationale goals and aspirations for our young persons. So when your profession chooses to bestow upon you the prestigious designation of Queen’s Counsel, there are many who view it as an honour deserving of your person, not only for what you have accomplished in the corridors of legal arguments and rulings, but also for what you would have achieved as a humble soul, from the beginnings of your meanderings through the intense roadways of New Montrose, through the open fields of athletic competitions, the hallowed halls of higher learning, the often darkened rooms governed by the grovel and the open uncharted road that is life here and now. Arise learned Counsel. Accept your honour, for whether it be for queen or country, it is yours, earned by your own fortitude and strength and none but the court jester would have wished it not for you. Congrats Andrew. Long may the cooling breeze of New Montrose past bring you the joy of life you so undetectably deserve.

The continuing political skirmish: 50 years ago (Part 1) THIS ARTICLE IS PROBABLY BEING READ in the pre-Easter Lenten weekend characterised by mourning of the crucifixion of Christ, of sackcloth and ashes and the beating of chests. Sadly, it is more appropriate following the passing of a great nationalist, Andrew Cummings, the announcement of whose death devastated and immobilised me to the extent that, with the dead Andrew and his living contemporary Adrian Saunders, in a follow-up article inspires us to greet Easter as if it were a new beginning, a rebirth, a renaissance, heralding a bright spring after a dread and wintry tale. But for now, I deal with a grave issue reflecting the failure of an aspect of our political system as I captured it, as it were painted on canvas, forty-six years ago. “We confront a system which taught that the people’s lot was merely to do, not reason. Accepting the view that a man believes in the inherent goodness of his Party, he is afraid to question some of the apparently dictatorial actions lest he gives comfort to the other side. Indeed, party hacks often tell their supporters that the party is not perfect, it has serious faults; but to bring them up for open discussion is to rock the boat and enhance the chances of its rivals. Similarly, most politicians realise that they are on to a good thing, and resent the efforts of “upstarts” who attempt to break into the system and threaten to upset it by spreading education among the masses. True, the politicians go through the motions of democratising the country. An appearance, not content, is their trade. Political meetings do not inform, they propagandize; the Government radio station is virtually a public relation agency of the ruling party; the opposition newspaper presents a totally distorted picture of political events. At any rate, given the polarisation of the society, both groups preach to the already converted, while the “Philistines” turn a deaf ear on them. Nor does local Government serve its true purpose of enthusing people about Government by placing it, so to speak, on their own doorsteps. The waspish attitudes which render the legislative process an almighty farce, are also present among Village party politicians. If anything, the fight is more savage because of the smallness of the arena. The local bodies are not allowed to live a life of their own; they sheepishly cooperate with Government or blindly oppose them, depending on whether or


their party controls the central legislature. Intended to be partly a nursery to train politicians at the grassroots, party politics has made these bodies into nursing homes for defeated politicians who wish to keep up their stocks until the next General Election. Above all, a local Government administration is used as a primary base from which patronage and victimisation might be carried out to a fine detail. Patronage and victimisation are the very foundations of our politics. Both sides practise them. The one might do it with sophistication, the other crudity; the one, while hiding its own misdeeds, might have the machinery to show that the other side is guilty of favouritism. But everyone, deep down, knows that political patronage and victimisation are rampant in the society. The EFP believes that this phenomenon is a natural outgrowth of a two-party system operating in a two-by-four povertystricken island. The national cake being so small, it is not surprising that after supporters of the ruling party demand and get their first bite, there is little left to go around. And the facts of political life dictate that representatives will sooner or later succumb to the pressures of a starving clientele to find work for them. Since there is scarcity of available jobs, there is an almost irresistible temptation to replace “enemies” by “friends” in existing positions. Especially is this so where there is the belief - and this is the usual case - that the other side started the process or would have done so if given the opportunity. In this way, a spiral is set up in which victimisation increases at every round as the Government changes and political attitudes harden. It is virtually impossible to think of an area of Governmental activity that is not touched by patronage and victimisation. They pervade the entire network of public economic relationship, and more. Appointed to Statutory Boards; the granting of pioneer status, other incentives and Government contracts; housing by the CHPA; promotion in the Public Service; employment at PWD including jobs as lowly as those of road workers, all fall within the wide sweep of the policy of patronage and victimisation. It is a policy of winner takes all.




TGHF says thanks Dear Mr. Editor: ON BEHALF OF THE Garifuna Heritage Foundation Inc., I would like to express our deepest gratitude to you for your contribution towards our Heroes and Heritage Month activities. We hereby express our deep appreciation for the media coverage that was provided. This contributed greatly to the success of our 2018 Summit with organized activities such as the 5th International Summit, Garifuna, Craft and Market Place and the 4th Annual Schools Garifuna Folk Festival. Thank you very much for giving importance to endeavors such as ours. Any collaboration with us in the future will be greatly appreciated. Yours Sincerely, David “Darkie’ Williams President TGHF

Gayle must Structural inequality go for good!! THIS INSULARITY in our cricket is getting worse. This big country, small country thing is once again ruining our cricket. I could not believe that a certain commentator would be saying that even though Chris Gayle has not made any significant contribution — if any at all — to West Indies ODI and 20/20 cricket, it is vital that we keep him in the West Indies ODI team. ‘To do what?’ I ask. Look like an idiot in the face of good fast bowling? Those same commentators talk down the young players when they get a start but don’t deliver demand. But Gayle isn’t delivering either, so how come he must stay and the young fellows must go? Because he has been around longer and scored more runs? I want to say that I, as a born Vincy, am calling for the omission of Christopher Gayle from

the West Indies 2019 World Cup Squad. That one ball he got against Scotland should have been his last. And by the way, look back and see how many runs Gayle has scored against class opening bowling — fast or slow, in recent times. The man even lost his place among the big money earners in the IPL. If the private franchises see him as no longer being an attraction, someone in whom they can invest, why are we holding on to the past? The man is over the hill. He has done his part. Not because our Prime Minister jumped on Gayle’s bandwagon, had a big fete for him here when he was omitted sometime ago, must I swallow the PM’s stance and sing the Chris Gayle song. By the way, it was good to see the WI winning again. I don’t know whether it is because the non-test

NDP congratulates NNP, Grenada The New Democratic Party (NDP) extends heartfelt congratulations to our sister party the New National Party (NNP) of Grenada, on securing a momentous second term electoral victory on 13 March 2018. The Dr. Keith Mitchell-led NNP secured a historic victory, winning all fifteen (15) seats for the second time in a row, a

feat never before achieved by any government in this hemisphere. President of the NDP, Dr. the Hon. Godwin Friday said that he had sent personal congratulations to Dr. the Hon. Keith Mitchell, after receiving the news of the NNP’s ‘overwhelming’ victory. According to Dr. Friday, the results show that the people of

Grenada have placed confidence, not only in the promises but also in the performance of Prime Minister Mitchell and his government. We wish Dr. Mitchell and his Government continued success in delivering for the people of Grenada. New Democratic Party of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Thanks or criticism where deserved ALL OF US (myself included) seem quick to voice our criticism of government departments and agencies that perform badly, but are less quick to express appreciation and thanks when it is earned and deserved. I specifically have in mind the garbage collection employees of the CWSA. My family resides in Cane Grove, a couple blocks up from the gas station, and without fail, rain or shine, our trash can is dealt with quietly and efficiently, and our street is debris-free early every Tuesday morning. The staff of the truck that services our area repositions our trash can and its lid back over the top of our fence,

out of the street. There is never any spillage or remnants left behind. I might add that we secure our trash in small bags, inside of a large bag, inside of our garbage can–the least we can do to help the collectors. Other than a well deserved “thank you” in Bassy’s newspaper column some time ago, I have not encountered any expressions of gratitude or respect for those employed in the service of our garbage collection. It is well deserved and overdue. Gentlemen, many thanks, and keep up the good work–it is noticed and appreciated. A Henderson Lane Resident

playing countries are catching up on us, or that we have descended so much, but there was hardly anything to separate the countries who just played in that World Cup Qualifying round in Zimbabwe. And yes!!! We must admit… we were damn lucky against Scotland. Vincy to the Bone

EVEN AFTER 38 years of independence, SVG is still mired in institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination, i.e. APARTHEID, which was permitted by the former colonials and sadly encouraged by our own black leaders. As such, we live in a society in which a politically and economically dominant group benefits, while the majority of people remain in poverty, and whose children automatically grow up in poverty. One group attains supremacy, while the larger group remains in servitude. APARTHEID is a structural inequality. Many white children are wealthy today as a direct result of benefits from their parents, but black people of SVG are victims of APARTHEID and so are their children. SVG’s indigenous black people are being deprived of billions of

dollars in revenue via an unfair tax system. Shame on us that we continue to allow so called developers in Mustique and Canouan, and Taiwan, to make billions of dollars from our resources and throw us charity handouts. This must change. We must stand up and say enough is enough, even if it means taking back from those we have given my patrimony. And those blacks who have aided and abetted in this structural equality must also be punished. APARTHEID breed’s crime in black communities. If APARTHEID isn’t discontinued, crimes will escalate, children will live in impoverished conditions. All those guilty of perpetuating this inhuman system of structural inequality must be dealt with. Kadmiel McFee Independent Politician

NDP canÊt win, why? IF I WAS A MEMBER of the New Democratic Party of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, I would be asking myself the question: How is it we can’t win an election in SVG? I would ask that question because when I look around the region, I see that parties with whom the NDP is associated, have all taken the seat of

government in recent times. These include the United Workers Party (UWP) in St. Lucia; Team Unity in St. Kitts and Nevis; the New National Party in Grenada; and the Labour Party in Antigua and Barbuda. Is it that the NDP just doesn’t have a winning strategy? Is it that they just don’t know how to win? Is it that they have

not been able to put together a winning slate of candidates? Or is it that they simply do not have answer to Dr. Ralph Gonsalves? Whatever the case, the NDP must admit that it is doing something dreadfully wrong when it comes to contesting general elections in SVG. George




The Unity Labour Party - 17 years of tremendous progress

A case for Citizenship by Investment Programme for SVG


(Part 1)

MARCH 28th 2001 will always be remembered as a very important day in the socio- economic developmental history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It was the day when almost thirty-four thousand Vincentians went to the polls and cast their vote for the Unity Labour Party, a signal that they wanted a new direction for their country, and an end to the backward antisocialist programmes of the opposition New Democratic Party. Some fifty-six percent of the persons who voted in that election, supported the ULP. It was a clear mandate that the voters supported the programmes of the ULP, as outlined in the election manifesto. It was a clear mandate that the people of SVG were in love with the peoplecentred development approach as outlined in the 2001 manifesto. Since then, the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines have returned the ULP to office, after elections in 2005, 2010 and 2015. Continuously, it’s the longest for any government in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and with one leader, throughout the seventeen years. The NDP has tried its utmost to wrest power away from the ULP, and they have failed badly, because they could not present plans and programmes to match those outlined by the ULP. The NDP became so desperate, that they resorted to all sorts of unconventional election tactics, at one point utilizing the services of SCL the “mind benders” out of the United Kingdom, to run a nasty dirty campaign against Comrade Ralph. All this came to naught, and the result is that the NDP is now the longest serving party in opposition, in the history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

ECONOMIC CITIZENSHIP is offered when an individual completes the legal process to acquire citizenship in a second country on account of the individual’s financial investment into that country’s economy. St. Vincent and the Grenadines can benefit tremendously from such a programme. The New Democratic Party will implement the Citizenship by Investment Programme. Among the countries which have legislation authorizing the procurement of citizenship after making a substantial investment are: Austria, Cyprus, Malta, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and St. Lucia; of which five of the Citizenship by Investment Programmes are in the Caribbean. Furthermore, foreign investors’ residence programmes have long existed in the U.K, Portugal, Spain and Greece. Most of the EU countries offer, in one form or another, some form of investment residency or citizenship programmes. In fact, more than twenty-five countries around the world are offering some form of Citizenship by Investment Programme. The richest country in the world, the United States of America (USA), allows foreign citizens to obtain green cards. The USA allows foreigners to obtain their green cards under EB-5 Visa once they meet the requirement of investing $500,000 in a specified employment area and can create a number of jobs. Although there is an annual cap of 10,000 with regard to the issuing of passports, the EB-5 programme alone has seen over $6.8bn invested into the US over the past years. It is of interest to note that in recent years, the USA reached its maximum of 10,000 immigrant investor visas before the end of its fiscal year. The IMF has stated that it is the wealthy, private investors from the emerging market economies that are driving the trend. Some countries do not offer citizenship for sale per se, but offer various options to consider for residency and citizenship. Not every country and programme are the same. For instance, countries such as Australia, Belgium, Portugal, U.K, Singapore and Spain do offer programmes with a difference. In Portugal for instance, foreign investors who spend 500,000 Euros on a property are allowed the privilege or right to live in Portugal under what the government refers to as a ‘Golden Visa’ programme. The benefits have been tremendous since its inception in 2012. The Portuguese Government announced in March of 2017, that it has earned more than 440 million Euros from the Programme to date. An English firm of advisors on citizenship, which advised their clients on what they consider the most suitable places to invest their money, has estimated that every year thousands of people spent collectively two billion United States dollars to obtain a second or even a third passport to their collection. Thus, business executives and other wealthy individuals have taken the opportunity to buy their citizenship. As the advisors stated: ‘Just like you diversify an investment portfolio, you want to diversify your passport. One may go on to say that the idea of having a second citizenship is adhering to the fundamental investment principle of not putting all

17 years of remarkable progress The ULP can boast an impressive list of achievements over the 17 years in office, all of which have impacted positively, the lives of Vincentians. But above all, the education revolution has been the shining star in the list of achievements. The education revolution has touched the lives of every Vincentian, from the universal access to secondary school, to the expansion of preschools, to the provision of scholarships and bursaries and other soft loans, for tertiary level studies. The ULP government has transformed the delivery of education in terms of access, spread, and quality. In the process, it has altered immeasurably for the better, the lives of children, young persons, adults, entire families and the nation as a whole. Never in the history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines has any government emphasized the education of its people, as the ULP has done since 2001. The Education Revolution has so far been a spectacular success, but, as always, more still needs to be done. Going forward, the ULP will deepen the education revolution to establish a well-managed, effective and efficient education system, which focuses on quality, relevance, living and production. The ULP also wants to promote further, standards of excellence and professionalism, and to promote more community involvement in education.

Then there is the Argyle International Airport, the largest capital project ever attempted and completed by any government in the history of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This project is the catalyst for the future development of the country, and is critical for the tourism and agriculture sectors. Already we are seeing activity which is an indication of the usefulness of the international airport. What of the other achievements? They too have touched the lives of all Vincentians. The ULP has constructed more houses for the poor and the middle class, than any government in the history of the country. The ULP has designed a programme called “turning dead capital into live capital” which allowed Vincentians to obtain titles to the lands they were squatting on. With this title deed, many Vincentians were able to obtain funding to better their lives, and those of their children. There has been an intensive programme to improve the infrastructure of many of the buildings owned by the State, but used for the delivery of services. So for example, primary and secondary schools, police stations, clinics and hospitals have been repaired and rebuilt. The ULP administration will go down in history as having constructed the most schools in the State. Every sector of the Vincentian society has been positively affected by the ULP administration during the last 17 years in office. These include the administration of justice, repairs to the country’s road network, the care of the elderly and disadvantaged, repairs to the country’s sea ports, the work to diversify the agricultural sector, and the unprecedented approach in the diplomatic sector, that has resulted in so many benefits for the country.

Conclusion Never before has the country seen such a leadership, with a vision and a philosophy as set out by the ULP administration. The ULP has been congratulated for the way it has kept the country together, in the face of tremendous difficulties, such as the several natural disasters which have affected the country, and the global economic meltdown of 2008. Through all this, the ULP has kept a tight control of the economic wheel to navigate successfully through all the difficult times. By comparison, the opposition New Democratic Party has shown no leadership, no love for Vincentians, and continues to ‘bad mouth’ the country and ‘pull down’ Vincentians at every opportunity. They have shown themselves to be a backward element, exhibiting learned helplessness, and a lack of faith in our people. St. Vincent and the Grenadines today is a far better place to live as compared to 2001. We have made remarkable progress in all developmental indices, thanks to the quality of the leadership of the ULP government.

your eggs in one bucket. In recent years, the Citizenship by Investment Programme has become extremely popular with citizens from China, Russia and people from the Middle East’. The issue of citizenship is controversial, as some argue that a passport should never be sold, it should not carry a price tag, it should only be granted through birth or more traditional immigration. Others are against the programme due to the potential for abuse from lack of transparency, and the fact that many, especially those in the Caribbean, do not have a residency requirement, thus there is often no long-term connection by the applicants to the country. Others are also worried about the negative repercussions from granting a passport to an applicant who may be laundering money or worse yet, turns out to be a terrorist. Despite these objections, the number of Citizenship by Investment Programmes is increasing as they help to increase the flow of Foreign Direct Investment and in turn, fuel growth in the economy. For example, during 2014 fiscal year, the government of St Kitts & Nevis, which has the oldest Citizenship by Investment Programme, generated EC$767.9million in revenue. Fifty percent, EC$383.7million, was derived from taxes and the rest, EC $384.2million non-tax revenue, was generated from fees from the Citizenship by Investment Programme. Is this growth in Foreign Direct Investment for St Kitts and Nevis and the rest of the Citizenship by Investment Programmes sustainable despite the objections? According to, only 15% of the world’s population hold citizenship from leading countries like Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and those in the European Union. These Western and European countries, despite their challenges, are attractive to the global elite from the remaining 85% born in such countries like China, Russia, India, and Lebanon, because they are wealthy, politically secure and provide easier access to other parts the world. For example, Malta has a Citizenship by Investment Programme which provides an opportunity to work and live in Malta plus the other European Union countries. A Maltese passport also provides visa-free travel to Canada, China, and the United States. That is not the case for someone who carries a Chinese or Russian passport. To support the programme, senior executives at Henley & Partners, who recently hosted the 10th Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, stated that recent unsettling world events such as the attempted Turkish coup, French terror attacks, Brexit and now the Trump , have increased interest from high net worth individuals for alternative residence and citizenship. Not just from the global elite in countries like China and Russia, but also from the United Kingdom and the United States. The New Democratic Party continues to express its commitment to implement the Citizenship by Investment Programme, which will bring tremendous economic growth and development to St. Vincent and the Grenadines.




Caribbean Women in Science and Technology (Part 2 of 2)

“When we empower and inspire girls to believe in themselves and dream big dreams, they will be the catalyst for positive and lasting change in their environment, country and world.” Dr. Camille Wardrop Alleyne (born 1966), Trinidad and Tobago Astronaut based regularly publishes in the field of at NASA, USA. indole chemistry and is especially interested in the synthesis of LAST WEEK’S ARTICLE highlighted the interesting indole alkaloids. significant contribution that women have Dr. Camille Wardrop Alleyne is one made, and continue to make, to the field of the few black, female scientists of science, technology, and innovation. working at the National Aeronautics The essay featured the accomplishments and Space Administration (NASA). of Caribbean women scientists Lois This national of Trinidad and Tobago Oliver of Barbados, Ayanna Samuels of migrated to the USA after completing Jamaica, and Petal Ounalall-Jetoo of her primary and secondary education Guyana. Many readers (mainly females) in her home country. She obtained her contacted me to indicate how pleased BSc in Mechanical Engineering at they were to read about the Howard University before securing her accomplishments of our women in this MSc in Mechanical Engineering “male-dominated” field. The essay (specializing in composite materials) continues with the reader being from the Florida A&M University, and cognizant of the need to possibly expand an MSc in Aerospace Engineering the publication beyond a two-part (specializing in hypersonic feature. There are many more females aerodynamics and propulsion) from the whose accomplishments qualify them for University of Maryland. On noble mention. However, be that as it completing these two Master’s degrees, may, time and space would not allow us she proceeded to pursue doctoral to go beyond those featured in this studies at the University of Houston. second half of the essay. She holds a Doctorate in Education Dr. Jeanese Badenock is an Leadership from that university. accomplished Caribbean scientist. She Dr. Alleyne is the first person of deserves noble mention. She Caribbean descent to be employed at a commenced lecturing in Synthetic senior management level at NASA. Organic Chemistry at the Cave Hill This brilliant and accomplished Campus of the University of the West scientist is the Assistant Programme Indies (UWI) in 2004. She is Scientist for the International Space considered a valuable member of the Station (ISS) — a scientific laboratory staff in the Department of Biological that orbits the earth. Among her and Chemistry Science. many roles, Dr. Alleyne is responsible Her interest in the sciences was for managing the research activities catapulted when she pursued her BSc and the flow of the scientific data (Hons) in Chemistry and Mathematics generated at ISS. She reports to the from the Cave Hill, UWI. She then top leadership at NASA, the USA continued her studies in the field of congress, and several research and science and obtained her PhD in educational communities. Chemistry from Dartmouth College, a Prior to her recruitment at NASA, private Ivy League research university she was employed as an aerospace in Hanover, New Hampshire, United systems engineer with the USA States of America. Her research Department of Defense and the US focused on the chemistry of indole, a Missile Defense Agency. Her attention heterocyclic compound. to detail and her meticulous approach She is considered to be an to her work enabled her to be outstanding researcher and academic. promoted to be the lead analyst on She possesses the winning attitudes several assignments related to these that drive her to excel at all that she sophisticated ballistic missile projects. does. This is evidenced by the number Her expertise was also considered of awards she has received over the invaluable as she co-led the design and last two decades. She received the implementation of the USA’s Navy’s R.L. Seale Prize in Chemistry in Intercontinental Ballistic Missile recognition for her outstanding projects. performance in this field of study, and Dr. Camille Alleyne’s bio-sketch, as the Valedictorian Award for the UWI presented here, confirms that Class of 1996. She also secured the Caribbean citizens have the capacity to Karen E. Wetterhahn Fellowship in aim beyond the skies; the sky is no Chemistry, and the John H. Wolfenden longer the limit. This is just as true Teaching Prize while at Dartmouth for our girls. Such pursuits in science College. and technology are not beyond them. In addition to her duties as It is therefore not surprising that she coordinator of the Chemistry subhas been a driving force behind discipline at UWI, Dr. Badenock is also encouraging young persons to pursue a member of the Barbados National careers in science and technology. She Ozone Steering Committee. Her founded the Brightest Star Foundation experience and skills are also utilized in 2007. This non-governmental when she is contracted as a consultant organization is dedicated to fueling the to the United Nations Environment interest in space technology for Programme Regional Office of Latin children — and especially for girls. She America and the Caribbean (UNEP encourages girls to dream big dreams ROLAC). This organization is and to know that there is no limit to especially focused on monitoring Ozone what they can achieve when they depleting substances. She is also the commit to hard work, determination, founding manager of the Caribbean and a belief in themselves. Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Solvent Support Facility. The Send comments, criticisms & distinguished scientist has served for suggestions to many years as the Chairperson of the BCS Safety Committee. Dr. Badenock

A Pantheon of Heroes MORE HEROES are coming. On March 14, 2017, National Heroes Day, PM Gonsalves disclosed that Rene Baptiste, chair of the National Heroes Committee, delivered to him the final report with her committee’s recommendation. To mark where I have been on this , I offer views first expressed on March 20, 2009. ‘March is Heroes and Heritage Month, and the discussion as to who our heroes should be, has taken on new importance. The government appears agreed on three more heroes: George Mc Intosh, Ebenezer Joshua and Milton Cato, all males, all politicians. There is nothing wrong with this, to the extent that these persons are deserving. A pulse check is in order. Any enterprise having to do with human beings is inherently flawed. Neither nature nor science has yet developed the perfect person. Consequently, we will always be able to pick away at some sore festering on a proposed hero and say, see, he is not worthy. Therefore, the puritan debate swirling around the selection of our heroes should stop. To argue that Chatoyer should be our only hero, is to demonstrate a very low esteem of ourselves. We cannot be so hard on our civilization. Too many great men and women graced this land and contributed to its development. Imagine for a moment that the man who is now hero, Chatoyer, was killed in 1795 while, leading the fight for independence and self-determination, yet the British never conquered this nation until 1795. Some epic battles of resistance and outstanding leadership must have been displayed in the war that lasted another two years. If we dig more into our past, a treasure trove may be discovered. Duvalier and others are calling. If Barbados can elevate Gary Sobers, a cricket genius, to its pantheon of heroes, we can do no less than to add the education pioneer, JP Eustace. Person for person, he may have impacted more lives in a lasting positive way that Mc Intosh, Joshua and Cato combined. But even this statement is revolting. True greatness carries a qualitative touch that goes way beyond the sheen of sheer numbers. Caveat apart, the exploits and achievements of JP Eustace as a pioneering educator and nation builder are enough to confer hero status. Other nations take their heroes in all their dimensions. Benjamin Franklyn, the American founding father who famously said ‘anyone willing to sacrifice freedom and liberty for national security,’ was a guntoting cowboy, as well as inventor and intellectual, was killed in a gun duel. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington had slaves. Jefferson was a rapist who fathered with at least one of his enslaved Africans. Abraham Lincoln, acclaimed universally as the president who freed enslaved Africans in America, said if he could have preserved the unity of the United States without ending slavery, he would have never penned the Emancipation Proclamation. The foregoing is intended for us to have some perspective as we move forward with the discussion on our heroes. Part of the difficulty with selecting heroes is the refusal of our current leadership to do away with the colonial relic of honouring nationals. Rather than bestowing MBE and OBE on persons of distinction, we should move swiftly to establish a homegrown award system. Cuba has its Jose Marti Award and Venezuela Simon Bolivar, Trinidad, the Trinity Cross. I have long been in support of naming Mc Intosh and Joshua as

heroes. I have always been and remain opposed to the elevation of Milton Cato. The reasons could not be more basic yet compelling. When Mc Intosh emerged in the late 20s, the people saw in him a leader of great worth. He was their voice. Many conveyed to him what they wanted the governor to know. Mc Intosh was fearless and supported causes which placed him in personal jeopardy. He was a socialist and an early supporter of the Russian Revolution. He believed the socialist enterprise offered the people a greater chance to realize their humanity. Through his Working Men’s Association, he mobilized the poor, and was instrumental in the emergence of early trade unions. His efforts gave people courage, so when they rose up in 1935, the British underestimated the organizational capacity of the toiling masses and overestimated Mc Intosh’s role, and tried him as leader of the revolt. Some are opposed to naming Joshua as hero because they claim he inherited and benefited from Mc Intosh’s effort. We all do. We delude ourselves into thinking we stand on our own feet. We are actually elevated on the shoulders of giants who pioneered the path and laid the foundation. And so it was with Joshua. He inherited no bed of roses when he stormed into national politics in 1951. After the split in the 8th army of liberation, he emerged as the true leader of the people. He led the fight to break the back of plantation servitude by convincing the toiling workers that they had the power to stand up to the white planter class and demand better conditions of work and more wages. Joshua built up the unions and imbued the workers with the power of their labour. Joshua as the first Black Chief Minister was responsible for the early infrastructure of road, bridges and schools. Pride in being Black was triggered by Joshua’s leadership. Milton Cato is worthy of honour, but he simply does not attain the status of national hero. He led the nation to independence at the time when the British were ready to throw these islands to the dogs. He created the National Commercial Bank, National Insurance Scheme, Development Corporation and the Industrial Estates at Campden Park and Diamond, but these initiatives were also done across the Caribbean as leaders built up the state sector. The developments were significant but not novel. He never took risks for the nation. Cato’s biggest impediment to the pantheon of Heroes is that he represented a foil to Joshua. He was the ruling class answer to Joshua’s mobilizing and organizing campaign. He stood as the shield against democracy, popular discussion and debate. The respected National Independence Committee was disparaged as a bunch of nincompoops by Cato. He blocked the road to the entry of new ideas and banned progressive literature and persons. Ominously, he remains the leader most comfortable with the threat and use of force. The lofty proclamation of hero should be reserved for visionaries and pioneers. Cato must stand down and JP Eustace, Mc Intosh and Joshua must be honoured. Send comments, criticisms & suggestions to




VAT is killing our economy and country

THERE IS PLENTY of evidence to show that the 16% VAT is a very big mistake for our country. VAT is counter-productive in SVG. VAT is choking the economy, has pushed up unemployment even higher, forced many businesses to close down, and now there’s very little money circulating in SVG. VAT is killing our economy and country. It is causing economic stagnation. Many people on low incomes have told the Leader of SVG Green Party, Mr. Ivan O’Neal, that they are finding it very hard to make ends meet with their shopping. They find it hard to feed their family adequately, pay the light bills and pay school fees. A large number of Vincentians have said that the 16% VAT should be abolished. Since 2001, the ULP regime’s financial and economic performance has been appalling. Their lack of vision and planning is causing a lot of hardship throughout the country. Pushing VAT and high taxes as the solution for correcting bad economic planning, could resurrect the 1935 situation of spontaneous public unrest in SVG. Many people have said that there is no improvement in the SVG economy with the high level of VAT. This is true. The effect of VAT in a poor country, such as SVG, actually reduces the amount of economic activity. This can be seen all around SVG. VAT is a ‘blunt instrument’ in economics that lacks precision. The ULP regime has wielded VAT without full consideration of the impact that it will

have on the economy, businesses and the population, particularly the weakest elements of society. The economy of SVG needs to be handled with finesse, and that means targeted policies and accuracy. Smashing a peanut with a sledgehammer, i.e. using VAT, is not the answer. It is clear that the ULP regime lacks the knowledge and wisdom needed to build prosperity in our country. Warrant Officer Ivan O’Neal is making a very strong call on the ULP regime to urgently abolish the 16% VAT in order to stimulate economic growth and jobs in SVG. SVG businesses need a more conducive economic environment for them to flourish and grow. At the moment, the ULP regime’s economic policies are bad for business. The economy is getting worse by the day with the 16% VAT. Warrant Officer Ivan O’Neal, who has an MSc degree in Macro-Economic Policy and Planning in Developing Countries from Bradford University, England, says that a Green Government would abolish VAT as it is highly regressive. It punishes poorer people more and stagnates businesses. A Green government would also invest heavily in high-quality education from pre-school to university, and set up SVG’s own billion-dollar tuna fishing and canning industry. This would bring a huge amount of revenue in to the SVG Treasury, create thousands of new jobs and fiscal stability. We must abolish VAT. In SVG, we

need to tax those who need to be taxed: the super-rich, white migrants in Mustique and Canouan. These people are making millions of dollars in a taxfree environment. It is not only scandalous, but irresponsible for the ULP regime to let this happen. Taxing the super-rich will alleviate the need for poor families to pay so much tax.

SVG Green Party

Women carry the future in their wombs MARCH 8 is celebrated world-wide as International Women’s Day (IWD). It is a day to celebrate women; to advocate for improvement in their livelihoods, inter alia, their development, equality and peace. In recent years, the central issue of IWD has been “Violence Against Women”, even though another International Day — November 25 - has been dedicated towards eradication of this scourge on humanity. Escalating crime and domestic violent abuses, resulting in many women being murdered, has overshadowed the 2018 observance of IWD. Powerful men, women, the United Nations and Commonwealth Agencies have loudly denounced violence against women, in all its forms. Governments have enacted laws, and numerous training courses have been made available to communities of men and women, police, social workers, religious leaders and the judiciary. Yet women still stay in abusive relationships, and men continue to maim or kill them. There is still too much silence by the victims and those in whom they confide.

Breaking the silence – NGOs stifled

In addressing domestic violence, we must take a look at our human resource, and from whence we came — from the union of a male and female. One writer was very perceptive in her remarks, as she boldly stated....”Women carry the future in their wombs, and men who declare themselves great today, once passed through the birth canal with nothing”. That realization should be humbling and cause the angrily lifted hand to pause, because in striking, you are as good as dishonouring the Mother who bore you, or the brothers, sisters, sons and daughters you are proud to own. We as members of humanity must recognise the positive areas in our differences, even as we break through the barriers of the sexual division of labour and education, class, race and religion, and climb out of the pitfalls of gendered social organisation. Not all women are house bound, there are those who make informed choices to work within the home, and should not be ridiculed for doing so. In the media, “some are being sexually exploited, reduced to body parts with no brain attached, advertising anything from alcohol to cars”. Where is the respect? —women must resist, and demand it from society. As surely as we look to our political leaders for good governance, let us take a good look at the leaders in our homes and those balancing work and family responsibilities, who are making a positive difference. Many of them are Women. Do not destroy the female half of the human resource - give them the respect they so rightly deserve. The increasing violence in language perpetrated by a large section of the population, coupled with violence in some forms of popular music has nurtured physical and psychological violence and disrespect in our society. The community based organisations and larger non-governmental organisations such as the chain of groups under the National Association for Mass Education, and the National Youth Council, to name a few, played a significant role in human development in our country. They are either nonexistent today or function as shadows of themselves. At the height of their functioning, no one felt “more than”, or “less than” —there was respect for each other’s capability, and programmes put in place to improve where there was lack. Loss of respect for each other by men and women, is the breeding ground for violence. To return to financial resources, organisations can contribute more towards building peace in the society if they are strengthened. Funding agencies and governments must revisit their guidelines and monitoring mechanisms, to ensure that non-state actors have access to the funds allocated for them.

Silence can lead to death, not only of the victim, but to the perpetrator whom the victim can kill in a moment of frustration. The victim then becomes a murderer who has to face the Court and Prison. We MUST break the silence! Where do the solutions lie? Not all men are perpetrators of violence, not all women are victims. The tendency to tar everyone with the same brush adds to the confusion and inadequate approach to addressing the issues. Not too long ago, in pointing to institutions and organisations that should give voice to these issues, the question was asked — Where are the NGOs? They are present, but for the most part weak, since they are voluntary organisations and short on resources. Rigid funding requirements by Donors exclude those with the ability to implement on an ongoing basis, not just on the international days that are meant to highlight the issues. So there is a need to take another look at the access to resources at varying levels. I dare to say that the conversation and resources for this type of human development work have been moved to the corridors of power - government ministries and United Nations Agencies. Those are important spaces to be partners in the effort, particularly at the policy level. Yet there is an expectation that implementation will take place at the personal and community levels. The necessary mobilization, sharing information and teaching cannot take place without human, technical and financial resources being made available to the Nelcia Robinson - Coordinator community-based organisations. Committee for the Development of Women Women must demand more




School Bands exhibit excellence at ÂShowcaseÊ


GIVEN THE MUSICAL EXCELLENCE displayed by the bands at the inaugural SVG Teachers’ Cooperative Credit Union, Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Culture National School Bands Showcase, it will be fair to say that the future of live musical entertainment is in capable hands. Some nine bands — eight secondary schools and one gospel band — each comprised entirely of students - gathered at the tarmac of the former E. T. Joshua Airport, Saturday 24th March, to deliver cleverly puttogether medleys, instrumental pieces, and riveting repertoires accentuated by vibrant vocals.

Bishop’s College Kingstown

St. Vincent Grammar School Intermediate High School Right: Sandy Bay Secondary School Grammar School (SVGS) — five members).


While the showcase was not a competition in Schools and their bands itself, the band which gave the best rendition of Each band had its the SVGTCCU basic instruments of advertisement jingle, was bass, drums, keyboards, duly rewarded. and guitar, with each All performances were choosing to enhance their basically good, but some make-up with the bands took it several inclusion of steel pans, notches above good. The percussions, wind and/or SBSS was clearly the string instruments and band with the most vocals. seamless transitions Performances in order through a medley of of appearance were as popular songs. They follows: the Flow were well synchronized Thomas Saunders in rhythm, melody, and Secondary School had serious (TSSS)- ten players; entertainment value. Tus-T Water Yell NUSS followed in eighteen members; their wake. Their gospel National Insurance medley brought out their Services Emmanuel High singing and playing School (EHS) - fourteen talent so effectively. The players; Posse Snacks IHS was vibrant, with a West St. George pannist who infused his Secondary School excitement in his (WSGSS) - ten players; playing, and a suave bass RJR Sandy Bay guitarist. Secondary School (SBSS) The lead male — twenty players; vocalists in both the BHS Arabesque Shipping Inc. and the SVGS bands dug North Union Secondary deep and aroused the School (NUSS)- eight crowd. The YELL Band members; National was an all-rounder, Lotteries Authority giving a stand-out, Intermediate High robust performance. School (IHS) - ten All in all, each players; Sunset Shores ensemble did their school Bishop’s College proud. Kingstown (BCK) — ten members; and Bank of History SVG St. Vincent and the

The inaugural School on the agenda — a Bands Showcase was a national youth band culmination of the quantity and quality of work done in music in schools, dating back to the 1990s when UNESCO provided a shipment of instruments to the Ministry of Education for use in its Music Programme, then directed by Music Officer, Mr. Joffre Venner. The early effort gave birth to the first National Schools Band, but it was YELL Band difficult sustaining membership, and this gave way to the National Youth Band as a step towards continuity. Direct injections of instruments through the government of SVG and donor agencies, in particular, a Canadian agency headed by Mr. Leo Lewis, made it possible to focus on revitalizing and strengthening the schoolbased programme, especially over the past six years.

What’s next After such an outpouring of energy and excellence, what’s next

maybe? Would that serve the over one hundred musicians who demonstrated a passion last Saturday? Could a structure be put in place to allow for genuine, quantitative

achievement? It would be a real tragedy if a selection process that would divide rather than sustain growth and development for all, was allowed to take precedence, thus leaving many a talented young man or woman behind. Music should be kept significantly alive for all.



Easter Message

The Resurrection calls for a more mature perspective

overwhelming presence and impact of evil: “Why does the wicked prosper?” UP FROM THE GRAVE “Why do the he arose, with a heathen rage?” mighty triumph o’er “How long will the his foes.” wicked exult?” This is something of an Easter theme-song or We are not anthem. There are many immune who feel an Easter worship service isn’t None can doubt complete without this that millennia militant and triumphant later, we still are hymn. Why does this surrounded by an hymn resonate? What overwhelming Leaders of the Churches that comprise the SVG Christian Council: (left to right): Rt Rev Calvert Leopold does this hymn mean for presence of evil Friday CMG, Anglican Bishop of the Windward Islands; Major Pierre Antoine, Commanding Officer of us as believers when so and wickedness the Salvation Army in St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Monsignor Michael Stewart, Vicar General of the R.C. much evidence of defeat which can have a Diocese of Kingstown; and Rev. Adolf Davis, Superintendent of the Methodist Kingstown/ Chateaubelair and demise encircles us? somewhat Circuit. Have you ever wondered intimidating what this Jesus message impact, nudging perspective was reflected rhetoric of interest in racism is current and not Story really means, and what towards defeatism and in the observations of the women’s rights and wellpast, Russia flexing was His real impact on hopelessness; for many, psalmist. “The wicked muscles, Boca Haram, being has not been How are we to this world that continues the principle lived by is sprout like grass and all sufficiently mature, Isis, climate change, negotiate and navigate to spiral? Have you ever “if you can’t beat them, increased waste and the myriad of challenges evil doers flourish… [but] holistic, honest and wondered: if the join them,” while others the righteous flourish inclusive, lacking excesses, a kind of that continue to face us resurrection story, a in askance say; “What’s like the palm tree.” Such consideration for all the opulence that reminds of as a nation? Are the story of victory, is central the point…!” How easily the increased divide of women affected; whether Christians ostriches who an approach empowers to the message of Jesus, it is for the cries of the our engagement of haves and haves-none, in the initial display of are singing triumph and why are believers psalmist to resonate. national issues, and abuse or in the increases in crime and telling a victory story surrounded by so much In our global village, conjures a more healthy subsequent turn of violence and, so much when so much is wrong defeat, battle after battle there are many more. events. We are concerned and the wicked continues and productive fought and ‘lost’? This developments that may endeavour. Our St. Vincent and that too often women are to prosper? Is the type of reflection can leave some bewildered It is our interest in a the Grenadines, land of tools of exploitation and resurrection message a easily take you back to and perhaps turning different and more the blessed, has not been feel-good opiate which convenience, even in the the milieu of the psalms; back to the psalms for a inoculated from this mature approach that name of advocacy. It is lacks realism? Certainly which, when you read familiar voice; the rise of temptation to defeatism informed our concerns as important that interest not! What we need in our them, you see the Trump, the continued we observe several issues in the rights and and the kind of nation is a kind of evidence that the writers mass shootings, more and how they have been wellbeing of our women bewilderment that finds maturity and wisdom were burdened with the and more evidence that voice in the psalms — is responsible and that discovers the depth approached. holistic and therefore whether the of insight in the Easter The national milieu including matters such stimuli are real, Story and provides us imagined or as businesses’ use of the with a path which Often, the approach to woman’s body as a perceived. As we embraces the promise of negotiate the marketing tool (whether the Sovereign to work all issues of national interest has been in a varieties of in person or on posters). things together for good manner that has experiences, some to those who love Him. The physical, emotional of which create and psychological abuse This means we cannot be reflected an immaturity concern and superficial and trivial in or misguidedness that is of women and girls by anxiety, our unhelpful and unhealthy. ‘respectable men” and our analysis of and struggle is also We believe, for example, other males in our approach to the issues. often complicated We cannot be purely that our politicians could society, the continuous by the problems of parochial and partisan in have handled the vote of sexualizing of our women misinformation, in various media, often our pursuits. Rather, the no confidence with no information, or Easter story challenges greater maturity, justified as culture, must convenient especially as we form part of any mature us to look not simply at information. Our negotiate the oftenand responsible the proverbial bigger excessive diet of conversation that picture, but at the divine manipulated spectrum talk shows and between the letter and genuinely pursues the picture, that is, to call-in programs rights and wellbeing of deliberately endeavour to spirit of the law. This along with matter does have our women. discover God’s view, political “spin This matured God’s perspective on the implications for the doctors” have confidence in and perspective of which we issues that confront us contributed to our and the visible presence practice of our speak, challenges us to people being often of evil and decay while democracy, and as such seriously consider a all too quick to we believe there is developmental narrative embracing the selfbelieve, slow to wisdom in formally that is not a carbon copy sacrificing, redemptive research, and of other More Developed path of the redeemer. To seeking the counsel of finding little value search for the divine the OECS Court of Countries (MDCs) or in the old adage Appeal in this matter as imported from the North. wisdom in a narrative “tek time kill ants, where ‘Easter’ is we use this as a learning Rather it demands that yo go find the tool to shape the we see ourselves surrounded by so much guts.” landscape of our House legitimate people of God wicked and evil yet not of Assembly. who have legitimate overcome by it. This In search of the We have also been divine, mature deeper Easter concerned that the recent Continued on Page 13.




Easter Message

The Politics of Easter by BISHOP SONNY E. WILLIAMS Presiding Bishop Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies St. Vincent and the Grenadines District

HETHER YOU’RE CELEBRATING Easter this weekend or just enjoying a weekend of rest and relaxation, I hope you will find the time to reflect on the gospel record of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. From my reflection, I see a vivid display of human nature and tendencies in the players of this drama as it intriguingly unfolds. Reflect on the enthusiasm of the crowd and their extravagant display of adoration as Jesus entered Jerusalem. The gospel writers described the scene, as many spread garments in the way, waved branches, strewed them and shouted his praise. Yet, by the end of the week, when asked to exercise their choice


between Jesus and Barabbas, they resoundingly and repeatedly called for the crucifixion of Jesus. How can the tide of popular opinion change so quickly? What was the basis of their choice? Barabbas could be identified with any group whose shadowy lifestyle blurred the boundaries between crime and politics. Reflect on Judas’ selfinterest and selfambition that masqueraded in a claim to champion the cause of the poor. The gospel writer assessed him as “not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief and had the bag, and bare what was put there in” (Jn. 12:6). Although his real motive was to steal, he echoed the condemnation that’s become so common in our culture. No wonder that he found thirty pieces of silver irresistible as a reward for the betrayal of his beloved master. Reflect on the Jewish

High Priest Caiaphas whose political common sense is to solve problems by scapegoating others. He reasoned, “It is better that one man should die for the people, rather the whole nation should perish” (Jn. 11:50. He continued, “If we let this man go on like this, everyone will believe on him, and then the Romans will come and destroy both our place and our nation”. Consequently “they kept looking for a way to kill him, for they were afraid of him”. What a diabolical way to justify your endeavours, to eliminate your perceived opponent. Reflect on Pontius Pilate, a powerful political figure with considerable military power at his disposal. He held the keys of life and death in his hands. Yet, the irony of the story as it is told in the Gospel, is that Pilate emerges as perhaps the weakest of all the characters. He is

The Resurrection calls for a more mature perspective Continued from Page 12.

Let Easter be an illumination access to the wisdom and word of God, discerning God’s will for us as a nation — in and of ourselves and as a nation that is part of a region and a global village. The kind of maturity that resists passionately the ‘universal’ narrative of ‘money run things’, where our decisions and policies are governed primarily by economic value. Where our tourism product recognizes the difference between SVG as having beaches and being a beach — communicating an expected respect for our values, which are not for sale. Where our conversation on medical marijuana is a conversation willing to be honest about the benefits but also about the disadvantages and the challenges our small island state can face in mitigating against such.

It is this mature, divine perspective that informed the Messiah, leaving heaven, becoming mortal, suffering rejection and the trauma of the cross. Surrounded by so much wrong and wickedness, he waited for three days in the darkness of the grave, confident that on that Third Day a new day will dawn because the sovereign God is the architect of his future, and while much of the world will wake as they did each preceding day, he knew a seed was sown in history that will change millions of lives and keep humanity from self-destruction. The resurrection did not eliminate the world’s darkness, but it certainly illuminated the darkness of millions of lives. How easy it is for us to see only the presence of evil and not the hand of the sovereign shaping a redemptive narrative in the midst of evil. How easy it is to look around and not look up. A looking up that informs a different attitude and approach to the issues which surround us, empowering us to be holistic, patient, collaborative, optimistic, less self-serving, superficial, premature, parochial and enabling us to sing authentically — “Up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph o’er his foes.”

skilfully and relatively easily manipulated by Caiaphas who changed the charge from blasphemy to dangerous political insurgency. Pilate’s personal weakness and political vulnerability were exploited with Caiaphas’ carefully chosen words: “If you release this man, you are not a friend of the emperor”. Pilate is like so many in positions of political power who are haunted by their past, an Achilles heel that occasionally forces them to limp. Pilate was not willing to pay the political price, and hence did what was politically expedient. Integrity does not come cheap, and Pilate couldn’t afford it. Reflect on the guards of the tomb of Jesus. Most of us are like these guards, we’re Caesar’s people. We often are aware of the facts, but we tread lightly for fear that our political system will victimize us for

speaking out or telling the truth. The gospel writer, Matthew said that these soldiers were given large sums of money to conceal the truth and propagate the lie that the disciples stole his body (Matt. 28:11-15). “Jesus is Lord” was very scandalous in ancient Rome. “Jesus is Lord” was a direct affront to the popular Roman slogan “Caesar is Lord”. By refusing to submit to Caesar Augustus as Lord, Bishop Sonny Williams and claiming a new king and a new meant that God said yes kingdom, Jesus and his to Jesus’ passion for a followers were committing nothing short transformed world, and no to the powers of of treason. The radical domination that killed message of Easter that Jesus rose from the dead, him. Of course, Easter has more than a political meant Caesar’s regime meaning — but not less. and all other regimes Pentecostal have an expiration date Assemblies of the West on them. His Kingdom will be the only one that Indies (PAWI) encourages all to will have no end. embrace Jesus as Lord of Easter also has a your life. political meaning: it





HALF WAY through her presentation, Jemariah Diamond raised the level of the Grade Five Public Speaking Competition. Her combination of research material, delivered in a commanding manner, earned points which made the difference. The ten-yearold Marriaqua Government School student walked away with the overall top prize. Jemariah received help from teacher Carla Matthews and praised her mother Jennetha. From La Croix in the interior of mainland St. Vincent, Jeremiah expressed satisfaction on her achievement. Seven finalists spoke on the prepared speech: ‘Dance Hall music is contributing towards the increase in violence among youths in the Vincentian society. How far do you agree with this statement?’ Jemariah pulled the topic: ‘Why are manners important’ for her Impromptu presentation. This category was won by Ginniek Shallow who spoke on: ‘If I ruled the world’. That performance crowned a good all-round effort for the Lower Bay School Inc, as Ginniek took second place. Third place went to Rosashia Shortte from Lowmans Leeward Anglican School. Her Impromptu speech was on ‘Dogs are better than cats’. Fourth place was taken by Rolando Lewis from Diamond Government School. His Impromptu topic was: ‘Should children watch less television?’ The other finalists were Shavel Lewis of the Fancy Government who pulled the topic ‘Saying thank you’; Jaiden Kydd Paget Farm Government with ‘If I had wings’; and Deandra Boyle representing Argyle Primary who spoke on ‘Praying’. Twenty students took part in preliminary rounds organised by the Ministry of Education, Ginniek Shallow – 2nd place. National Reconciliation and Information, with support from the National Insurance Services. Sharon Ashton, representing NIS, reflected on the 15 years since the sponsorship has been taking place. NIS has been in existence for the past 31 years, but Ashton noted that many persons were still not aware of the importance of social security. (WKA) Rosashia Shortte – 3rd place.

Marriaqua’s Diamond stands out

Jemariah Diamond topped all others in this year’s Grade Five Public Speaking Competition.




Wounded security guard to undergo surgery to murder the security guard, as well as Veron ERROL HINSON, the Williams, an employee of security guard who was the Lions Club, which shot in his face during an operates the Lotto Booth incident at Heritage at Heritage Square. Square, Kingstown, March Jackson is also 15, was said, up to press charged with conspiring time on Wednesday, to be with others to rob the in serious condition at the booth. Milton Cato Memorial Delpleche noted that Hospital, and was while Williams, who had scheduled to undergo also received a gunshot surgery today (Thursday). injury during the Senior Prosecutor incident, was discharged Adolphus Delpleche made the disclosure at the Serious Offences Court on Monday, as he further objected to bail for Rockies resident Kishron Jackson who is charged with attempting by HAYDN HUGGINS

from the hospital, Hinson remains in serious condition. As a result, Jackson, who had initially appeared in Court last week Monday, was further remanded when he reappeared before Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne this week. He will return to Court next Tuesday, April 3, when the issue of bail will again be reviewed.




VINLEC in regional discussion on safety and disaster OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH and Safety and Disaster Management policies and procedures at St. Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC) were among issues highlighted at the 2018 Occupational Health and Safety & Disaster Management Seminar, held in Jamaica from March 11th -14th. The seminar, which was organised by the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) and co-hosted by the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS), was held under the theme: “Safety by Design with Disaster in Mind”. The event was aimed at promoting a proactive approach to health and safety in the workplace, and involved a number of occupational health and safety experts and energy leaders who used the platform to share ideas, experiences, skills and knowledge. VINLEC’s Environmental Health and Safety Officer Mr. Anthony Patterson

presented on the topic “Greening the Electric Utility - Achieving Net Positive Environmental Impact.”, in which he addressed issues related to environmental and sustainability accounting, environmental hazards and mitigation measures for electric utilities, and VINLEC’s renewable energy thrust. VINLEC’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Thornley Myers was among a group of panelists who addressed the topic — “Roadmap to Rebuilding and Resilience”. Mr. Myers noted that one of the important steps in this process is preparation. He said that building a roadmap will help stakeholders navigate through the events that occur during times of disaster and noted that the participants should use the experiences of other utilities as a guide. The CEO assured that VINLEC continues to be an advocate of

Anthony Patterson VINLEC’s Environmental Health and Safety Officer. occupational health and safety, and encouraged other Companies to do the same. The Occupational Health and Safety & Disaster Management Seminar was held concurrently with the Corporate Communications, Human Resource and Customer Service Conference.

persons could overcome such formidable physical challenges to engage in a fitness walk over that distance was indeed a ON WEDNESDAY, March 14th — heroic feat. Also participating in the National Heroes Day — members of the Biabou Senior Citizens Health and walk were members of staff of the Health Promotion Unit within the Fitness Group set out to challenge Ministry of Health, Wellness and the themselves with a walk lasting close to two hours for some of its members, Environment, and the Parliamentary Representative of South Windward the majority of them in their seventies (the constituency in which the group and older. is grounded), the Honorable Frederick The group is made up of older Stephenson. persons from Biabou and surrounding The walk was part of a year-long areas. Apart from their advancement series of activities leading up to the in age, many of the members are group’s tenth anniversary (February afflicted with the chronic ailments 26, 2019). This series of activities was traditionally associated with ageing — unveiled at a launching ceremony held diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, on Sunday, February 25th at the heart disease; some are even Biabou Hard Court. The next activity would be the visiting of the shut-in recovering from stroke. members of the group during the But none of these ailments were month of April. enough to deter, not even the most The group is an initiative of the infirm among the membership from walking. The walk started at 6:30am Health Promotion Unit, and it is one of the first initiatives to be from the Biabou Learning Resource implemented under the Port of Spain Centre. The more physically Declaration, which is an agreement challenged ones who were unable to signed by the Caribbean Heads of walk the entire journey took the Governments, as a regional strategy circular route along the main road, to combat Chronic Non-Communicable around the clinic, across the Biabou Diseases. The goal of the group is to bridge and back to the resource promote the health and wellbeing of centre; while the others walked its members; its motto: “Age northward along the Windward highway to the Reaves Level gap and gracefully, Stay healthy, Celebrate life.” back. The fact that these older

Heroes walk




Sniffing around the wrong tree I AM IN LOVE with a girl who has never told me she loves me. The first thing she told me was if I truly love her like I said, I would pay off her car loan, pay her house rent, and even put a plan in place so she can get her own place. George, for months and months this woman had me paying for her visits to the beauty salon and for admission to every show she attended. She never permitted me to have sex, using the excuse that she wanted our experience to be special when that time comes. I recently found out that she had another man all this time and is planning on marrying him. I confronted her,

and her response was, “I never told you I loved you.” Should I put up a fight to get her from this other man? I know I am the man for her, but she just does not know it yet.

in love with you. You should have spotted this moons ago. Money may grant you the opportunity to have limited or unlimited involvement with another person, but that’s as far as it goes. Keeping hope alive Love is always given and received freely, and can Dear Keeping hope never be bought or sold. alive, The money you offered up may buy her You may be in love attention but not the with this woman, but one love you seek. thing that’s sure is she is not in the slightest way George

Trust betrayed She had the audacity to meet me and tell me that the reason why we never AFTER ONE YEAR of had children together being together, I broke was that I was not man up with my girlfriend. I wanted us to have a child enough to get her pregnant. together but it never But one of her happened. Not long after girlfriends levelled with we broke up, she picked up this man, and is now me and told me that she was on the pill because pregnant with twins.

Dear George,

All is not lost Dear George MY HUSBAND has been acting strange since returning home after serving a two-year sentence overseas. Since returning, he has shown no interest in having sex with me, and refuses to go out with me. I do not know if he heard about my relationship with this other man while he was not around. I said nothing to him about it, but he is acting like he heard something. I asked what is on his mind, but he won’t say. George, I was lonely while he was in jail, and I did what I had to do to keep myself alive. If he continues to act this way, I may just continue seeing this man. He will be the one losing out in the long run. I hope he knows that.

Questions Dear Questions You cannot expect to solve this problem with your husband if you are still attached to another man. Based on what you’ve said, it appears as though you have not completely cut the rope with this other guy, and that you are not prepared to come clean with your husband about your stepping out of the marriage. Have an honest conversation with your husband, and both of you can then, with the help of a marriage counsellor, make a resolution to recommit to the marriage.


she had no intention of bearing children for me. She was only with me for her own convenience. My mind is so messed up right now. How can I ever trust another woman again.

Hurt bad Dear Hurt bad, What rings true here is that neither of you was a perfect candidate for parenthood. Of course, she should have been more forthright and level with you instead of being deceptive. That said, be grateful for the way it ended, leaving each of you with the opportunity to go after what makes you truly happy. No need to concern yourself with what she does now. Look to the future and wait for the lady of your dreams to come along. It will take some time but in time, you will be able to trust again.



ARIES (MAR. 21- APRIL 20) It might be best to keep your ideas to yourself this week. Don’t let the erratic behavior of someone you live with interfere with your professional performance. Loans will be attainable and legal matters easily taken care of. Be willing to listen, but don’t be fooled.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23) Your attitudes at work will open new avenues for you. Your domestic scene could continue to be in an uproar this week. Older family members may try to make demands that are impossible for you to handle. Limitations with females could lead to unfortunate circumstances.

TAURUS (APR. 21- MAY 21) Expect to pay more than anticipated for entertainment or other purchases. Offer consolation, but don’t give them any direction. Communication will be your best bet. Don’t let your personal problems interfere with your professional responsibilities.

SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22) Your diplomatic approach and rather outgoing nature will enhance your reputation and bring you the support you need. Don’t believe everything you hear. Control your emotions and everything will fall into place. Get the red tape and the unwanted paperwork out of the way.

GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21) Focus on your domestic scene. Get together with friends or relatives. Put your plans into motion by presenting your intentions to those who should be able to give you financial support. Discover opportunities based on the individuals you mingle with this week. Rewards for past good deeds will be yours. CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22) Your partner may be somewhat irritable this week. Help an older member with a problem that faces them. Mingle with those who can help you get ahead. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 -DEC. 21) Your stubbornness coupled with your mate’s jealousy don’t make for a favorable time. You may think gifts will win their heart, but it could add stress from lack of funds. Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement. It’s time to reconnect with some of the people you used to know. CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20) Question your mate if you must. You must not let others talk you into doing things that will probably limit you financially at a later date. One of your female friends may try to disrupt your day. Stand up for your rights.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) You will need to take a look at the renovations that are necessary and try to find the cheapest way to get things done. Don’t take advantage of your expense account. Residential changes, renovations, or moves are likely to disrupt your routine. Recognition will be yours if you meet your deadline.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21.- FEB. 19) You should get out and meet new people this week. Take care of yourself or you can expect to suffer from minor illness. Don’t let your emotions interfere with completing your chores. You can get others to do things for you but be sure not to overpay them or lend them money.

VIRGO (AUG. 23 -SEPT. 23) Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart. Travel will result in new romantic attractions. Real estate should be lucrative for you. Talk to employers in order to promote your career objectives.

PISCES (FEB. 20-MAR. 20) Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion. Wait and get all the information before consulting your boss. Emotional relationships will be plentiful if you attend group activities. Make sure that you take time to remember those you love.

ACROSS 4. Organ for hearing 8. Hemmed in by ice 11. Exclamation to express sorrow 13. Sailor 14. Bursting into flame 15. Streetcar 17. Vandal 18. Pleasingly pretty 19. Cessation 21. Upper limb 22. Beige 24. Brassiere 27. Solid 29. Dove sound 31. Wager 33. Unit of linear measure 35. Discharged a debt 36. Epic poetry 38. Praiseworthy 40. Flat circular plates 43. Japanese rice beer 45. Lyre-shaped 49. Furrow 50. To be unwell 51. cold soup 52. Storage shelter DOWN 1. Tiny 2. Rebuke 3. Colorful form of the common carp 4. Boredom 5. Capital of Yemen 6. Fuming Sulphuric acid

7. Garden flower 9. Concern 10. Exclamation of disgust 11. Capital of Ghana 12. Insect 16. Great in quantity 20 Engage in prayer 21. Curve 23. Mountain range 25. Labor 26. French military cap 28. Dull 29. Taxicab 30. Lyric poem

310. Bug that infests beds 32. Throw 34. Art of dueling 35. Young salmon 37. Escarpment 39. 24 hours




41. Gull-like predatory bird 44. And so on 46. Exclamation of surprise 470. Bind 48. Antiquity



KPS are champs again! division and put together 166 points ahead of Stephanie Browne Primary in second position on 116. Buccament Government followed on 103, Calliaqua Anglican on 60 points and the St Mary’s Roman Catholic fifth on 59 points. Buccament Government took the top spot in the male category. Their 140 points put them ahead of KPS with 110 for second. Questelles Government came in third with 93, followed by Stephanie Browne 83 and Layou Government on 76. The individual champs of Kingstown Prep – 2018 Inter-Primary Schools Athletics the day: 4-6 female category Champions. Skylar Francis (20 points), with Adriano Glasgow (KPS) THE KINGSTOWN champing among the boys PREP SCHOOL with 16 points; 7-8 female (KPS) recorded champ was Amelia 276 points to Alexander (18) Stephanie retain their Browne Primary and the championship male champ Jayvon Phillips title of the Inter(21) of the Bequia Anglican Primary Schools Primary; 9-10 female Sports, which champion title went to was held at the Devon Dickson (20) and Arnos Vale male champ was Rolando Sporting Richards (30) of Calliaqua Complex last Anglican School; 11-15 week Action in the Inter-Primary School Athletics female champion title was Wednesday. Sports meet. taken by Skye Williams (30) Buccament Government fourth on 150 and of KPS, and the champ among Government was second on Layou Government fifth with the males was Kesron Myle 243, followed by Stephanie 126. (27) of the Buccamant Browne Primary of Union KPS dominated the female Government School. Island 199, Questelles

Rolando Richards – 2018 Victor Ludorum. Skye Williams – 2018 Victrix Ludorum.

Below: Stephanie Browne Primary won March Past.

Rolando Richards was the Union Island’s Stephanie Meet’s Victor Ludorum, while Browne Primary. Skye Williams earned the Victrix Ludorum title. Stories by I.B.A.ALLEN The March Past was won by

CLSS, SVGS take Sec. Schools’ athletics titles

SVG Grammar School – Male Champions. Central Leeward Secondary School Female Champions. CENTRAL LEEWARD SECONDARY School and the St Vincent Grammar school took the honors in the 2018 Edition of the NAL Inter- Secondary Schools Athletics Sports meet, staged last week Thursday, March 22, at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex. With a total of 377 points, CLSS were crowned female champions, well ahead of Thomas Saunders Secondary on 212, St. Joseph’s Convent

Kingstown 198 points, Bethel High School on 192, points and the Girls’ High School on 144 points. St Vincent Grammar School captured their seventh straight Males Championship title after amassing 310 points to be comfortably placed ahead of St Martin’s Secondary with 212 points, Thomas Saunders Secondary third on 163, Central Leeward Secondary on 150, and Bethel High School fifth on 138 points. Those copping individual accolades were: Latavia Daly (36 points) Female Junior Champ and Andrew Mapp

(SMSS) and Omario Warren Joint Male Junior Champs (33 points); Ulanda Lewis of CLSS Female Intermediate Champ (41 points) and Jevonie Lavia (47) of

Desroy Jordan - Victor Ludorum. Left: Ulanda Lewis - the Victrix Ludorum. the SVGS topping the Males category; Aaliyah Anderson from the CCSS (38 points Female Senior Champ, and Desroy Jordan from the Georgetown Secondary Senior Male Champ with 27 points. Meet’s Ulanda Lewis of the Central Leeward Secondary was named the Victrix Ludorum and Desroy Jordan of the Georgetown Secondary the Victor Ludorum.




Twenty-four records crumble at 2018 ISSAC A PHENOMENAL twenty-four records fell during the 2018 hosting of the National Lotteries Authority InterSecondary Schools Athletics Championships (ISSAC). A whopping twenty-two were attained during the track finals which took place last week Thursday at the Arnos Vale Playing Field. Andrew Mapp, Ashanti Richards, Romar Stapleton, Ulanda Lewis, Handal Roban, Zamesha Myle and Zita Vincent were all multi record breakers. Mapp of the St Martin’s Secondary set records in the junior males 100, 200 and 400m. His 12.05 seconds outdid the 12.25 seconds, timed by Romar Stapleton of the Bishop’s College Kingstown in 2015. He readjusted the 25.21 seconds for the 200m of the Georgetown Secondary in 2014 to 24.28, and he erased Stapleton’s 57.61 in the 400m, to a new mark of 53.94. The Central Leeward Secondary’s Ashanti Richards now holds the records in the junior females 400 and 1000m. The new 400m record is 1:01:03 and the new 1000m is 3:19.46. In 2012, Shaffiqua Maloney of the Thomas Saunders Secondary did (1:01.82) in the 400m, and in 2015, the Bethel High School’s Shannel Lampkin had clocked the best of 3:26.92. Meanwhile, Romar Stapleton’s run in the intermediate males 100m of 11.20 seconds and his 22.42 seconds in the 200m, removed the existing records of 11.30 seconds in the 100m and 22.82 seconds in the 200m. Responsible for three records was Central Leeward’s Ulanda Lewis whose 12.35 seconds in the 100m, 25.31 seconds in the 200m and 58.37 seconds in the females intermediate 400m, dispensed with the standing records in those events.

Similarly, the males intermediate 400m, 800m and 1500m records now rest in the hands of the St Vincent Grammar School’s Handal Roban. His new recording breaking times were 49.73 seconds for the 400m; 2:01.55 in the 800m, and 4:20.01 for the 1500m. Handal Roban of Andrew Mapp of the Ashanti Richards of Central Leeward’s Zita Vincent the St. Vincent St. Martin’s Secondary the Central Leeward revised the senior females 800m to Grammar School, School broke three Secondary School 2:23.68 and the 1500 to 5:12.47. as expected, records in impressive is carving a name And, Zamesha Myle of the Thomas dominated in his style. for herself in the Saunders Secondary re-established age group. middle distances. the senior females 200m and 400m to which replaced the Girls’ High 25.18 seconds and 56.96 seconds respectively. School’s time of 4:15.56, achieved in 2017. In addition to the individual achievements, five Two field events records were also broken. relay records were also smashed. Krystal Foster of the Girls’ High School set a new Among them were the senior males and females 4 x 100, with the Central Leeward Secondary School, mark of 31.25m for the senior females Discus the new holders. The females clocked 50.85 to erase Throw, doing away with the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua’s 31.15m, which stood since 2004. their own mark of 51.56 seconds established in And, the females Junior Shot Put record was 2014, while the males timed 43.71 seconds, to undo the Thomas Saunders Secondary’s 43.84 seconds, set renewed by Clemicia Mc Intosh of the St Joseph’s Convent Marriaqua to 9.20m. She bettered the in 2015. 8.73m, set last year by Clenetta Brudy, also of the The record for the females 4x200 Meter Relay Junior was erased by the Girls’ High School. Their St Joseph’s Marriaqua. The field events records were achieved during the time of 1:56.30 did away with the mark of 1:56.34 heats, which were staged prior to last Thursday’s set by Thomas Saunders Secondary in 2014. final. Also falling by the wayside was the male intermediate 4x400m. The new mark of 3:35.19 achieved by the St Vincent Grammar School, eclipsed the 3:36.10, registered by the Thomas Saunders Secondary School back in 2011. The females’ senior 4 x 400m record is now in the hands of the Central Leeward Secondary, whose quartet did 4:11:48 at last week Thursday’s final,

Doyle gets challenging first round VINCENTIAN Jason Doyle will meet the Caribbean number one Squash player- Jamaica’s Christopher Binnie in the Men’s first round at the XXI Commonwealth Games set for the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, early next month. Doyle’s match up against the top Caribbean male player is one of his biggest outings as Binnie, apart from being crowned Caribbean Men’s singles champion from 2011 to 2017, is a Professional circuit campaigner. In January of this year, Binnie attained a career—high World Ranking of 65. Meanwhile, Doyle’s other teammates - Othniel Bailey and Jules Snagg - face Kenya’s James Dalidi and Kevin Moran of Scotland, respectively. Doyle, Snagg and Bailey were all part of the SVG Squash team when the 2014 edition was held in Glasgow, Scotland. In the Doubles draw, Doyle and Snagg are in Pool C, along with Paul Coll and Campbell Grayson of New Zealand, as well as Bradley Hindle and Daniel

Christopher Binnie

Jason Doyle

Zannit- Lewis of Malta. Bailey and Omari Wilson are lodged in Pool H alongside the New Zealand pair of Lance Beddoes and Evan Williams. The other pair is Nafiizwan Adnan and Ivan Yuen of Mauritius. The four Vincentian

representatives, along with Manager/ Coach - Kevin Hannaway, left St Vincent and the Grenadines last Sunday en route to Australia. The XXI Commonwealth Games take place 4th to 14th April.




Patriot blazes HE BLAZED THE TRAIL, and from one of this country’s top athletes, he progressed into a patriot of immense worth. Andrew Cummings is one of the nation’s genuine products. He was endowed with a sense of humour, which he used to bring out the best and seriousness of those with whom he mingled. His athletic prowess was evident from early in his career, and his exploits for Millar House contributed to that vestige entrenching itself as the power base of Grammar School sports. Andrew was everything in sports, from throwing the cricket ball, running the 100 yards, any distances, up to five miles. He was a member of the Millar House Relay squad when the unfortunate incident occurred which led to Cuthbert Cozier’s death. The burial in Bequia turned into an occasion of grief for many students who journeyed for the ceremony, and to the family as well. It ushered in an era of precaution, for thereafter, those who were expected to take part in the Road Relay, had to undergo a check-up. Andrew was more than the average footballer. His speed and stamina were assets any player would have cherished. Andrew was also a shrewd thinker, and he portrayed his ability to outfox, and outmanoeuvre many an opponent with his wits. Andrew hung up his sporting gear in order to concentrate on matters more family-oriented. It is no surprise that he cultivated such an environment that a legal foundation bears his legacy. Even though the profession might come under scrutiny occasionally, by the acts of this or that member of the fraternity, there was never a question as to Cummings’ forthrightness. He maintained the nobility of the sphere with dignity, and could have been counted on as one with a sense of reason. He kept an interest in football to the very end. He was too passionate about the game to allow it to drift. He was never one to exert himself onto any situation, and preferred the way of quiet advice and if it warranted, compromise so as to maintain a balance of purity. Throughout the uncertainties of life, including the field of politics, Andrew walked with Kings and kept the common touch. He seemed robed in a coat of loyalty to the cause of justice, and he pursued that course to the end. The legal fraternity and the regional jurisdiction might have benefitted more from his expertise, had matters turned out differently. One versed in literature, he was mature enough to make the choices he was compelled to, and completed each move with the strength and conviction of a patriot. St. Vincent and the Grenadines has lost a worthwhile personality. His contribution to life is the blessing the nation will endure. Condolences to his family. They will be strengthened by the respect he commands. His name will live on. He never made any push to carve out a legacy, but his actions have been so profound that it is difficult to deny him dues.

Victors, Radcliffe victorious on weekend

First Division

In First Division weekend action, E.J Robertson Construction North Windward became the third team to qualify for the semi-finals of the NLA VICTORS ONE and Flow Radcliffe Dyke Cato, 2 for 16, and Richie First Division 50 Overs Sunday continued their winning ways in last Richards, 2 for 22. League. They did so by beating weekend round of matches in the Guardian General Saints will Keegan’s Bequia Eleven by 3 Premier Division National 50 Overs have to wait to taste victory. wickets at Arnos Vale Two. Cricket Competition. They went under to Victors One Bequia took first strike, but Fresh off a previous weekend in a low-scoring encounter at Sion other than Comus Hackshaw, 36 victory over Saints, Flow Radcliffe Hill. Victors One made 103 for 6 and Razine Browne, 39, they had beat Team Rivals by 78 runs at from 17 overs. Lauron Francois no answer to Sealroy Williams Arnos Vale One. Flow Radcliffe top scored with 27. SVG Under who bagged 5 for 11. North made 183 for 9 from 40 overs. 19 fast bowler Rayon Williams, 4 Windward responded with 139 for Derron Greaves and Romano for 44, held our hope for a Saints 7 from 28 overs, with Williams Pierre stroked 40 apiece. win. It was not to be. They were completing a good day’s work with Veterans Orlanzo Jackson, 3 for strangled from the get go and a knock of 45. 22, and Deighton Butler, 3 for 33, finished on 102 all out in 17 overs, No games will be played this were Rivals best bowlers. Team Alston Bobb continuing to show weekend (Easter). The Rivals were disappointing in their outstanding form with the ball, competitions will resume the chase and were dismissed for 105 taking 4 for 23. Jeremy Haywood, following weekend. from 36 overs. Kody Horne top29, was the only ray of light scored with 23, but they had no among the Saints’ batsmen. I.B.A.ALLEN answer to Othneil Lewis, 3 for 39,

Senior male training squad announced A SQUAD of 30 has been selected for training as local selectors move towards making their final decision regarding the team to represent this county in the Windward Islands Cricket Tournament, to be in St Lucia from May 23 — 30. According to Roland Wilkinson who heads the selection panel that

Keron Cottoy returns after recovering fully from a knee injury and is excited to be part of the national mix.

also includes Lance John and Bill Edwards, the squad was increased from 24 to 30, given the “immense talent” his panel has seen this season. The squad includes some senior players who were absent last year due to injury or overseas commitment. Allrounder Keron Cottoy is one such player. He last played for SVG in 2015 when he scored 150 not out in an innings. More recently he represented Combined Colleges & Campuses in the Regional Super 50. “It is always an amazing feeling to represent my country. I am actually excited to be back in the set up” Cottoy said, and thanked God, and the University

of West Indies for guiding him to full recovery. Alston Bobb is another senior player who returns to the squad. He was absent in 2017 due to a professional stint of club cricket in England. Winning captain in 2017, Sunil Ambris will join the training squad as soon as he is passed fully fit from his injury, Alston Bobb and fast bowler, Kesrick Williams would be looking will also join the training squad to carry through on his return from the ICC World with his current Cup qualifiers in Zimbabwe. outstanding form Opener Miles Bascombe will in local cricket, miss the tournament due to a with both bat and personal obligation, while fast ball. bowler Shaquille Browne continues to recover from a shoulder injury. The full training squad reads: David Lewis, newly DAVID LEWIS is the new Alston Bobb, Atticus Browne, President of the SVG Referees elected President of Keron Cottoy, Kimson Dalzall, the SVG Referees Association. Dillon Douglas, Kenneth Dember, Association, will He was elected at the Wayne Harper, Donwell Hector, oversee the Association’s Annual General Othneil Lewis, Roniel Jeffery, Meeting held last week, at the operations of what Desron Maloney, Darius Martin, St. Vincent and the Grenadines is described as a Anson Latchman, Jeremy Layne, Football Federation (SVGFF) refreshed grouping Leshawn Lewis. The squad also headquarters, Kingstown. of professionals. includes Lauron Francois, Also elected were: Koyana Shamon Hooper, Deron Greaves, Horne — Vice-president; the current state Richie Richards, Gidron Stresford John — Secretary; of the sport Pope, Tijourn Pope, Rasheed Ronnie Dowers — Treasurer; and worldwide demanded that Mihala Thomas, Caswell referees continue to improve their Frederick, Delorn Johnson, Cambridge, and Calvert Cordice — craft. He also alluded to the many Romano Pierre, Ray Jordan, Obed Committee Members. opportunities for personal McCoy, Asif Hooper, Seon Sween, The executive will serve for development that can be availed Andrew Thomas, Rickford Walker, one year. through refereeing. and Casmond Walters. Addressing the gathering, Coombs urged the referees to Nixon McLean is the team Venold Coombs, President of the continue the good work they have coach, and Elvis Browne will SVGFF, pointed out that the been doing, but cautioned that serve as manager. number of benefits accruing to they must be able to manage the The successful management referees has been increasing, but immense power which they carry team of Nixon McLean and Elvis over the course of any one match. Browne is expected to continue Outgoing president of the John Hinds, the roles of coach and manager SVGRA John Hinds, who did not outgoing respectively. president, would seek re-election, stressed the In January 2018, the SVGCA importance of protecting and be pleased that Inc. announced the requirement encouraging the independence of he contributed for national players to meet a the Association. significantly to fixed fitness standard to be He pledged his ongoing bring eligible for selection to the final commitment and service to the respectability and squad. Association. meaning to the SVGRA. I.B.A.ALLEN I.B.A.ALLEN

Referees elect new Executive



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SHAHAR ELIZABETH GEORGE (SAMUEL) New Testament Church Lowman's Hill Monday 26th March, 2018 Viewing 1:00 p.m. Service 3:00 p.m.

EILEEN RUBINA CROOK Eden Memorial S.D.A Church Spring Village Sunday 25th March, 2018 Viewing: 1:00 p.m. Service: 2:00 p.m.

Dubois Wesleyan Holiness Church Saturday 24th March, 2018 Viewing: 1:00 p.m. Service: 2:00 p.m. SISTER AGATHA ADINA HOLDER JORDAN Gorse Apostolic Faith Mission Gorse Saturday March 24th, 2018 Viewing: 1:00 p.m. Service: 2:00 p.m.

JOEL CORNELIUS WILLIAMS MRS. AGNES FLORENCE BAILEY Georgetown Evangelical Church Mt. Bentinck Tuesday, 13th March 2018 Viewing: 2.00 p.m.

Funeral Service Ebenezer Gospel Hall Church Belvedere Friday, March 23, 2018 Viewing: 1:00 p.m. Service: 2:00 p.m.

The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines


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MURDERER GETS MULTIPLE SENTENCES 25 years in prison for the murder of his wife Ingrid Jack-Franklyn, 35, but the time spent on remand is to be deducted from that sentence. Franklyn was remanded since September 16, 2011 in connection with the matter. The 47-year-old was also sentenced to 15 years for the murder of his neighbor Marva James. That sentence will run consecutively to the other sentence. Franklyn also received a ten-year sentence for each of the attempted murders of Sharon James, daughter of Marva James; Simeon James, Attorney Stephen Williams Marva’s son, who is also made a sterling mitigation Sharon’s brother; Desroy Jack, plea on behalf of his client. Jack-Franklyn’s brother; and Desroy Lavia. These sentences by HAYDN HUGGINS will run concurrently with the others. GEORGE ‘Chocolate’ Franklyn, a Franklyn was further businessman who unleased a sentenced to seven years for series of violent attacks, aggravated burglary, five including double murder in his years for possession of a Campden Park neighbourhood, firearm with intent, and three September 13, 2011, received years for ammunition multiple prison sentences at the possession. These sentences Criminal Assizes on Tuesday. will also run concurrently with Franklyn told Justice Brian the others. Cottle, “Thank you,” after the The businessman is sentences were handed down. expected to serve an overall He had pleaded guilty to 17 sentence of about 34 years. charges last week Monday, but All the offences arose from sentencing was adjourned. the nightmare drama which Franklyn was sentenced to unfolded at Campden Park

around 7 a.m. Jack-Franklyn received gunshot wounds to her head and abdomen, while James was shot in the face, resulting in their death. Other persons survived gunshot injuries as well as stab wounds during the onslaught. In a sterling and lengthy mitigation plea, Franklyn’s lawyer Stephen Williams outlined his client’s history. He noted that Franklyn attended the Fitz Hugh’s Government School but had to leave because of financial circumstances. His mother died when he was six years old, and at age 12, he left Chateaubelair and went to Kingstown where he lived for a period of time. Because of his circumstance, he slept on the streets of Kingstown pushed a cart, and did odd jobs to survive. Williams said that Franklyn endured a hard life, and even though he sought to make an honest, living, and managed to migrate to United States some years later, he was eventually deported because of problems he had there. According to the lawyer, while Franklyn was working in the United States, he had returned to these shores on various occasions, during

Published by The VINCENTIAN Publishing Co. Ltd, St. Vincent and the Grenadines;

George ‘Chocolate’ Franklyn (right) pleaded guilty and may have earned himself less of an overall sentence. which time he met the woman he made his wife. He built his house and mini-mart on JackFranklyn’s land and worked for long hours. The marriage relationship, however, began having problems, and Franklyn would hear talk in the community and during visits to his wife’s workplace. He would also receive calls from anonymous persons, in relation to the relationship. “These problems together with the sceptic schedule of running the business caused the defendant some stress”, Williams said, adding that his client acted under domestic and emotional stress. He noted that the Social Inquiry Report stated that Franklyn had expressed remorse, and was a good candidate for rehabilitation. Williams said Franklyn had confronted his wife, that fateful morning, about what he was hearing. An argument ensued, and he was struck by an unknown object, and it was at this stage the series of events escalated. Justice Cottle took into account Franklyn’s guilty plea, the Social Inquiry Report’s conclusion that he was a good candidate for rehabilitation,

Justice Brian Cottle gave studious consideration to all that was before him before handing down the sentences. and that he acted under some social and domestic stress; but the Judge also stressed the seriousness of the offences.

Printed by the SVG Publishers Inc., Campden Park.

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