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JULY 17, 2015
VOLUME 109, No.29
Odinga Foster has no fear by HAYDN HUGGINS WHILE ODINGA FOSTER IS HAPPY to have been freed on a murder charge hanging over his head for about five years, he is disappointed that he still has to face a kidnapping charge, arising from the same matter. But, he declared that he has no fear. The former loans officer at the Kingstown Cooperative Credit Union (KCCU) was speaking to THE VINCENTIAN on Tuesday, four days after being released on bail on the kidnapping charge. Foster was charged with the October 2009 kidnapping and murder of his cousin, Agassi Frazer, who was an 18-year-old student of the St. Vincent Community College at the time of his death. Following a retrial at the High Court Criminal Assizes, a 12-member mixed jury, on June 17 this year, found Foster not guilty of murder, but failed to reach a verdict on the kidnapping charge. As a result, Justice Kathy Ann Latchoo declared a hung jury on that charge, and remanded the accused. However, last Friday, July 10, following a bail application by Foster’s lawyer Kay Bacchus-Browne, Justice Latchoo granted Foster bail in the sum of $10,000 with one surety, on condition that he report to the Central Police Station on Mondays and Fridays. Karim Nelson, Crown Counsel in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), did not object to Bacchus-Browne’s application. Foster told THE VINCENTIAN that he could not find words to describe how it feels “to breathe fresh air again,” adding, “I am a bit disappointed that the
Kay Bacchus-Browne, lawyer for Odinga Foster, sees no reason why the DPP should not nolle prosequi the kidnapping charge against her client. matter in its entirety is not over; but after being patient for five years, I suppose I can be a little more patient now to have the kidnapping charge dealt with.” Continued on Page 3
Odinga Foster, having been freed on one charge (murder), is hopeful for a speedy conclusion of the matter on a second charge (kidnapping).
V News 3 Eustace wants answers on loan status
“These are serious issues, and when you ask questions, you don’t get answers; but I am going to ADER OF THE OPPOSITION, Arnhim Eustace, wants to ask in Parliament, because I can’t understand ow the current status of the money owed to the that, and it is unacceptable to have that kind mer National Commercial Bank by Desmond Morgan, situation going, very unacceptable,” Eustace said. ormer chairman of that bank, and husband of the Back in May 2010, the High Court ordered rrent Attorney General, Judith Jones Morgan. Morgan, proprietor of Blue Skye Communications Eustace said on Monday on the New Times radio (SVG) Ltd., to pay to the NCB EC$2.251M, as the ogramme that he has failed in his attempt to get repayment for loans and outstanding interest. swers on the matter before, and will be seeking a Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves said at a sponse at the next session of Parliament. press conference back in July 2010, that what the According to the Opposition Leader, there were Leader of the Opposition and others were not out 11 or 12 government statutory bodies whose saying was that the loan, taken back in October ans were not being repaid. 2006, was guaranteed with three parcels of lands “And in relation to the bank, I asked the question at Calder, including 39,545 square ft. parcel on fore, but I am going to ask it in Parliament this which the Morgan’s family house was built, and me because I am not getting any answers; I want to therefore “At no time was Mr Morgan’s, or Blue ow what happened to the loans of some of the Skye’s debt unrecoverable.” rectors of the bank NCB, including the chairman of The Prime Minister further explained that in e NCB, and others of millions of dollars I want to November 2008, the Chief Executive Officer of the ow the status of those loans today,” Eustace said. then National Commercial Bank (NCB) had drawn He continued, saying that he understood that they to his attention that the Blue Skye account was in ere passed on to a recovery company, but he arrears. anted to know what was being repaid. Dr. Gonsalves said then, that he subsequently “Is any money being paid on these loans, or is the called Morgan, the then chairman of the bank, and The repayment status on a loan disbursed to Blue untry being carried for a ride? I want really to informed him that he was removing him from that Skye Communications, headed by Desmond Morgan (Pictured), was among those about which the Leader ow the answer to that. capacity. of the Opposition wanted an update. : DAYLE DA SILVA
SVG is no tax haven hand does not know what the left hand is doing,” the Prime Minister said. “ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES is not a He further stated that the EU’s Commission was tax haven.” not the recognised authority to address the issue of So said Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves, in non-cooperative jurisdictions, or tax transparency response to the blacklisting of this country, and issues, but rather it was up to the Organisation for thirteen other countries in the region, by the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), European Union. which comprises the United States, Canada, Japan On June 17, the EU published a list of 30 and select European nations. countries - 14 of which are Caribbean countries — “They have what is called the global forum on tax describing them as ‘tax havens’. transparency and exchange of information; the However, Dr Gonsalves said on Tuesday during a formal name is the OECD’s global forum and press briefing, that they objected to this list from exchange information for tax purposes,” Dr the very beginning. Gonsalves told members of the media. “It looks as though in these countries, the right And this country, according to the Prime Minister, has been working with the OECD, and has been given a clean bill of health by circumstances.” continued from Frontpage. them who have said She further pointed out that it would that this country is Foster said he has no fear regarding the be a misuse and abuse of state funds to have a third trial. She noted that Foster not a tax haven. kidnapping charge, and hopes that “it “There is this list would not be a very long time before the had already served the likely sentence which was put out, for kidnapping, even if he was found DPP decides which way he wants to go which was entirely guilty. on that charge.” out of order, and “I am wondering what evidence they Foster thanked God for giving him the completely at (prosecution) would bring, because they strength and patience to endure the variance with what hardships of prison life. He also thanked cannot rehash the evidence the jury has the OECD has been his family, who, he said, played a pivotal already rejected by finding him not guilty of murder. So my take is that the saying and work role in ensuring his survival behind which we have been DPP should do what is just and bars. reasonable, and that is to nolle prosequi doing with the He expressed gratitude to his lawyer OECD and the for ensuring that he had a fair trial, and the kidnapping charge. I think they are global forum,” the going to have difficulty separating the for having secured an acquittal on the Prime Minister evidence”, Bacchus-Browne said. murder charge. continued. Agassi Fraser’s battered body was Bacchus-Browne told THE This country was discovered lying in bushes in the area of subjected to two VINCENTIAN, “As far as I am Highway Trading, Arnos Vale on October peer reviews, which, concerned, Mr. Foster has been tried twice on the same charge, and to try him 10, 2009, after he had gone missing Dr Gonsalves said, about two days before. again would be unfair in all it had passed with by: DAYLE DA SILVA
Odinga Foster has no fear
Dr Ralph Gonsalves has not taken lightly to a list published by the EU that purports that this country has not been complying with best (tax) practices. “flying colours”. Director of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), Sharda Bollers, has been working with the Prime Minister, who has been working with the other OECS and CARICOM member states, Dr Gonsalves assured. A letter was sent to the Head of the Secretariat of the Global Forum, and a response was received on July 1, which, according to Dr Gonsalves, clarified this country’s position of being compliant. “We are complying, and this was unfair and unjust,” he said. Dr Gonsalves disclosed that he had written to the President of the EU Commission and Director of the EU Commission seeking resolution to the issue. “We are a small country, and these things smear you for absolutely no reason at all, and then you have reputational damage to correct,” he concluded.
Safer and better Transport System needed be incurred by operators because of the reduction in the number of passengers. IN AN EFFORT to ensure a safe, efficient and The association also noted that sustainable public transport system, the National Omnibus Association (NOBA) has advanced a proposal to the there is a lack of clarity amongst the travelling public as to what is a short The National Omni-bus Association (NOBA) has recognised the Transport Board, in which it has outlined a number of recommendations. drop, and, as a result, many disorganisation in the transport system here, and has made The document dated June 15, stated there are passengers are still paying incorrect recommendations to government to rectify the situation. approximately 800 private bus operators who cover fares. all areas of the mainland and the Grenadines, and government. NOBA is, therefore, calling on the At a NOBA news conference held at the Haddon although these are responsible for such a vital government to be part of this change in order to Hotel on Wednesday, President of the Association, service, there are numerous deficiencies in the ensure a safer and better transport system.” Anthony ‘Code Red’ Bacchus, told reporters, “We system. NOBA’s Vice President Julian Lyttle, Public cannot continue to conduct our transport system in NOBA characterized the public transport system this way, every man for himself, dog eat dog.” Relations Officer Abdul Woodley and Marketing as being unreliable, lawless, unsafe, disorganised, Officer Angus McKay also responded to a number of Bacchus declared, “We are willing to make a unregulated, uncomfortable and unprofessional. questions and concerns raised by journalists. change, but we need assistance from the The association outlined that: less than 25 percent of operators are registered with NOBA; many drivers and conductors are unprofessional in their approach to the travelling public; consistently deliver mediocre customer service, and have little or no concern for safety. by DAYLE DA SILVA According to the association, buses regularly transport more passengers than they are licensed to PRIME MINISTER Dr Ralph Gonsalves said that carry; passengers have to endure uncomfortable he is unhappy with the manner in which workers journeys crammed into seats like sardines; and some from the Kingstown Town Board (KTB) executed drivers seem to operate with blatant disregard for the removal of benches and tables, which belonged the traffic regulations. to vendors in Kingstown. NOBA pointed out that, in the absence of any Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, Dr scheduling system, buses can leave or arrive all at Gonsalves recalled that on Sunday, June 28, some the same time, to the detriment of the travelling benches and tables belonging to vendors in public. The association noted that there are no Kingstown, were taken to the landfill at Diamond. mechanisms in place to regulate the industry. And while the Prime Minister said that he was in agreement that some vendors were not adhering Recommendations to the regulations to move their tables and benches on the weekend, some of the furniture that was NOBA is recommending a line-up system, removed were not necessarily in a bad state. increased inspections, drug and alcohol testing, “On the 28th, they (KTB) took good and not so assessment of medical fitness of bus drivers, good tables which were there, and they took them increase in short drops fare from $1 to $2, and to the landfill because the people didn’t move lowering the number of passengers buses are them,” Gonsalves said. allowed to carry, in order to lessen instances of But the Prime Minister is contending that overcrowding and to improve passenger safety. In consideration was not given to the fact that there this regard, the recommendation is that omni-buses was a lot of rain the day before (Saturday). be licensed to carry a maximum of 16 passengers, Although some vendors may be unreasonable, NOBA is also proposing a code of practice, zoning, Gonsalves said that those charged with ridding the There is a view that Kingstown is being overrun training for drivers and conductors to promote by vendors, a view which the PM did not address. town of derelict benches and tables ought not to higher standards of service. have moved everything. It also calls for all bus operators/owners to be discarded, Gonsalves said. “I went around there, and they spoke to me,” he registered with the association, as a condition for Dr. Gonsalves made it clear that he was not continued. obtaining approval to operate a passenger bus. denouncing the action of the workers of the KTB, The Prime Minister said that he has since, he knew that they were carrying out their This, NOBA says, will promote greater organization subsequently spoken to the Warden of the KTB, work – difficult work. of operations which will lead to improved levels of Carl Williams, and Minister of State, Julian “[I am] just urging them to do this thing properly, service and compliance. Francis, who has direct responsibility over the KTB. and to urge people who use the streets to be NOBA noted that the increase in the fares for There were some people that now require cooperative,” Gonsalves said. short drops will offset the loss in revenue that will assistance to get back such items that were by HAYDN HUGGINS
Tables ‘upturned’… PM unhappy
Opposition absent from Select Committee MEMBERS of the opposition have not been attending meetings of the Select Committee to discuss aspects of the Geo-thermal Bill, which is expected to be presented at the next sitting of Parliament. Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves made the announcement on Tuesday at Cabinet room. He said that to date, the Select Committee has met four or five times already, but members of the opposition have never been present. “This is a critical, very important public policy,” Gonsalves said. The Bill is expected to be presented and debated at the next session of Parliament, and according to Gonsalves, when they (the opposition) come to Parliament, there will be all sorts of talk. “When we were to sit and talk about it, they were
not around,” he said. Meanwhile, he further stated that he had just received three volumes of a Geo-thermal Business Plan which was submitted by the companies Reykjavik and Emer. Cabinet was expected to respond to this Business Plan when it met on Wednesday, the Prime Minister explained. This was part of a critical piece of public policy which proposed that by the end of 2018, this country’s electricity network would include a 10Mw power source via geo-thermal. (DDD) Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves displays a copy of a Geo-thermal Business Plan which Cabinet was expected to consider this week.
Four CARICOM nations heading for a debt trap BELIZE, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines are among 22 countries already in a government external debt crisis, with “high government debt payments leading to large amounts of money leaving
their country each year, along with an overall net debt with the rest of the world.” This is according to Jubilee Debt Campaign (JDC) — a coalition of national organizations and local groups around the UK, calling for the
unjust and unpayable debts of the poorest countries to be cancelled. The information is contained in the Jubilee’s 40-page document entitled, ‘The new debt trap: How the response to the last global financial crisis has laid
the ground for the next’, which analyses public and private debts owed by countries across the world. The JDC assessment of the four above-named Caribbean countries is based on what it says is the countries’ net debt of
CLICO has money.. Peter Permell, Chairman of the Clico Policyholders Group (of Trinidad and Tobago), says that there is no reason for government’s delay in paying what is owed to Clico policyholders.
Larry Howai, Minister of Finance, Trinidad and Tobago, had spoken previously about Clico’s return to solvency.
CLICO POLICYHOLDERS in Trinidad and Tobago are to make another effort to recover the outstanding debts to them. According to a Trinidad Guardian report on the weekend, Clico Policyholders Group (CPG) says it has new evidence that “Clico is in a position to pay its outstanding debt to policyholders contrary to reports from Central Bank and the Finance Ministry.” CPG chairman, Peter Permell, was expected to meet the T&T Minister of Finance last Wednesday, at which time he, Permell was to present information showing that Clico was in a position to pay outstanding debts to policyholders. That information, it is understood, will include in the 2013 audited statement of one of CL Financial (Clico parent company) brands CL World Brands Ltd (CLWB.), which indicates “a 180-degree turnaround in the financial health of CL Financial.” The audited statement, signed on May 28, by then Clico chairman Gerald Yetming and Malcolm Holder, is said to point to a £191.9 million ($2 billion (TT) net asset, $1.3 billion (TT) of which represents “cash at bank and in hand.” “This is good news for the policyholders, in the first instance, and the Government, because it means that the Government can get back its money. It means that more
value is restored to CLF,” the Guardian reports Permell as saying. The discovery of the information, Audit Statement 2013, follows confirmation by both the Governor of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago and the Minister of Finance, that Clico was once again solvent. It was Permell’s contention that there was no excuse, ‘given the excess liquidity floating around’, for government’s delay in putting “appropriate mechanisms in place to pay assenting policyholders the balance of their money that is morally and legally due to them from Clico.” Policyholders across the Caribbean still wait on their fate. (Trinidad Guardian)
Jubilee Debt campaign has led open appeals for mutli-lateral lending agencies and large donor countries to free struggling small economies of their debt stranglehold in which they find themselves. 30 per cent of GDP and external debt payments that exceed 15 per cent of government revenue. Jubilee’s analysis defines countries as at risk of a government debt crisis if they have net debt higher than 30 per cent of GDP, or current account deficit more than five per cent of GDP); and future government debt payments exceeding 10 per cent of government revenue or, where projections are not available, current government external debt already over 40 per cent of GDP. The report also pointed to 14 countries at
high risk with net debt of exceeding 30 per cent of GDP; current government external debt already over 50 per cent of GDP; and a current account deficit that is more than five per cent of GDP. “Of these, some are already likely to be back in debt crisis, but the figures are not yet available to show that they are,” the report stated. Interestingly, no Caribbean nation was named among countries at risk of facing a private-sector debt crisis. (Source: Caribbean 360)
Cuba tourist numbers flying high THE PORTALS that had prevented unencumbered travel between Cuba and the USA in particular, have not yet has removed from their hinges, but Cuba is showing signs of a bludgeoning tourism industry that is projected to make miniscule, other existing tourism markets in the Caribbean. Tourism officials in Cuba had, at the beginning of 2015, projected an increase in tourism arrivals for 2015. Their expectations, it seems, may well be achieved, if not exceeded. Reports from that country’s Ministry of Tourism say that two million tourists have visited Cuba from January 1 to July 10, this year. The two million mark was said to have been reached in 39 days fewer than in 2014, and the spike in arrivals in the present year translates into 16 percent growth. The significant increase has been attributed to the encouraging performance of source markets
British tourists relaxing on a beach in Cuba. such as Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Argentina and the USA. According to the report, the results show that Cuba as a destination has garnered international recognition as a safe, peaceful and healthy country to visit. Anticipation is rife in Cuba that the tourist arrivals will surpass the 3 million achieved in 2014, in the calendar year 2015. In 2014, Cuba achieved its goal of receiving over 3 million tourists in a year for the first time in its history, a feat that would seem to be easy to match and surpass in 2015. The Dominican Republic was the only Caribbean tourist destination to boast a higher number (5.1 million) Tourists learn of tourist arrivals than Cuba to dance on a in 2014, and Jamaica was beach at the the closest English-speaking Santa Maria territory to Cuba, with 2.08 Key Resort, million arrivals. Central Cuba.
AK Couture Boutique/Beauty Bar celebrates 3rd anniversary (menswear). During the past three years, George said her WITH MUSIC PUMPING and patrons first reveling in the atmosphere, leading accomplishment Vincentian fashion designer, Zulema N. was to launch her George, recently celebrated the third own clothing line, anniversary of AK Couture Boutique & H.A. U T. E., Beauty Bar, in the epicenter of the which was done in Caribbean community in Brooklyn. December. The boutique, located at 4516 To date, she Church Avenue, between East 45th said she has and 46th Streets, was a hive of released and sold activities, as George, its owner, was items from two busy greeting patrons, while having collections. fun. Her second “I’m proud to be in a group of accomplishment selected few entrepreneurs that are was launching her able to sustain their business in these store’s app, which times,” George told THE is available for Owner and fashion designer Zulema George (L) Zulema George inside AK Couture & Beauty VINCENTIAN afterwards. iOS and Android! with mom, RN Edna George. Bar. “All of my goals are not yet For the accomplished — I guess it’s because I She is a graduate of immediate future, George said she was accepted to Howard University, a have so many (LOL), but I can say Brooklyn Technical High wants to continue providing haute leading Black institution, in that my main goals of keeping my School, considered the largest clothing for customers. Washington, D.C, she where majored doors open while still providing my specialized high school for science, “I want to continue working on my in biology and minored in chemistry. customers with excellent service and technology, engineering and clothing line, definitely release more While at Howard University, merchandise, were definitely realized,” collections,” she said. “I would LOVE mathematics in the United States. George was also able to tap into her she added. While attending Brooklyn Tech, she other passion — fashion. — and to have at least one more location.” “Success is relative. I’m successful George, who was born in September participated in various activities, both participated in fashion shows, hair because I have a GREAT support 1973, is the only child of Vincentians, social and academic, and played on the shows, and became a mini stylist to system,” George continued. “I am economist/accountant Auton “Frankie” school’s women’s junior varsity her friends. successful because I have customers George, of New Montrose, Kingstown, basketball team. After graduating from Howard, she who believe in me and continuously It was during her senior year at and his wife Edna, a registered nurse, returned home to Brooklyn to figure support me.” Brooklyn Tech that George said she of Belair. out what exactly she would do with Two other designers were also decided she wanted to continue her George migrated to Brooklyn with the rest of her life. featured during the celebrations: education outside of New York. her parents when she was two years She entered into the retail and KMichele (handbags) and Peta Odini So on graduation, she applied and old. fashion world for a couple of years before attending graduate school at Long Island University (LIU), downtown Brooklyn, where she majored in Community Health/Health by Nelson A. King Administration. Still driven by a passion for US CORRESPONDENT fashion, she opened her first brickPhotos courtesy: St. Matthias and-mortar boutique, Anavaa Kisasa, Charities, Inc. The Frugal Fashionista’s Boutique, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, TEAMING UP WITH A selling the handbags/clutches she had Grenadian-born member, a been designing for about four years. Vincentian philanthropic group Anavaa Kisasa, George said, in the Bronx, New York, recently offered exposure from customers and conducted what members media from around the world, and as described as a very successful more and more opportunities arose, mission to Grenada. she decided to close her Williamsburg The St. Matthias Charities, location, and started her online Inc., headed by Georgetown store. native Pastor Robert McBarnett, She did this for a year, and then has just returned from the realized that she was best suited to “Spice Isle”, where members In Petit Bacaye, At Princess Royal Hospital in Carriacou. Crown Heights have one-on-one interaction with her distributed a variety of medical Grenada. St. Matthias’ Gospel Church and Pastor Robert McBarnett handing clientele. and other supplies to the local distribution. over medical supplies. So, in 2012, George opened the hospital, clinics and various doors of her second boutique, AK communities throughout which instructed local personnel to Joseph and members of Crown Couture Boutique & Beauty Bar, in Grenada and its sister isle, Carriacou. Heights Gospel Church,” McBarnett, a clear and store the shipment of East Flatbush. The rest is history. On the trip was Grenadian Hannah Spiritual Baptist, told THE supplies for us.” Reid, who three years ago, when the In addition to keeping people in The donations were received with VINCENTIAN. group was formed, became a member fashion, George is communityWith help from the Brooklyn-based gratitude from the Government and and, subsequently, accompanied St. oriented and helps out various Square Deal Shippers & Movers, all of the citizens of the communities, Matthias Charities, Inc. on two similar McBarnett said St. Matthias, Inc. organizations, including the American said Mc Barnett. missions to St. Vincent and the Cancer Society, Revlon and the Susan shipped 39 boxes, including As St. Matthias Charities, Inc. Grenadines. G. Komen organizations, to bring prepares for its fourth mission to St. commercial boxes and crates, of In return, the philanthropic group awareness of breast cancer to men medical equipment and other supplies Vincent and the Grenadines, pledged to reciprocate by collaborating to Grenada. These comprised, among McBarnett said the group will hold its and women. with Reid and her Brooklyn church, George lauds her parents, her others, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, annual fund-raising BBQ on Aug. 22, Crown Heights Gospel Church, to “other half,” Ronney Philips, and her from 5:00 — 9:00 p.m., at the Friends bath chairs, canes, dishes, food, conduct a mission in Grenada. clothing and household items. of Crown Heights Educational Center, community for “embracing me and “Needless to say, we kept our allowing me to survive in these 1435 Prospect Place, Brooklyn. “The mission was a complete promise; and, on June 28, we were in times.” success,” Mc Barnett said. “We worked Grenada, along with Pastor Cyprian with the Government of Grenada, Story and photos by NELSON A. KING US CORRESPONDENT
Vincy group conducts mission to Grenada
Major developments coming by: Dayle Da Silva
construction of a creative arts and convention centre, which will be located in close proximity to the administrative building (financial complex) in Kingstown, and a boardwalk in the area commonly referred to as ‘China Town’. This was all part of the work to be done, should the Unity Labour Party (ULP) be returned to office, Gonsalves explained. There was also an option for the
AN AGREEMENT HAS been signed between the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines and some Canadian entrepreneurs for the development of a resort in the Mount Wynne/Peter’s Hope area, on the Leeward end of the island. The agreement was signed during the Carnival season, according to Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves, who added that there were certain things that needed to be done within the next 30 days, following on which the operational phase of the project would commence. He described the project as a “huge investment,” adding that the project includes the construction of a hotel, villas and a golf course with club house. Also under consideration Mount Wynne is earmarked for major tourists-targeted was the development, according to the Prime Minister.
construction of a 40 or 50-room hotel in the city, he added. And as the Prime Minister spoke about future developments, he highlighted the construction of a new port. He had previously announced that a study was conducted for the new port to be located in the Rose Place (Bottom Town) area. On Tuesday, Gonsalves said that some persons on the technical side suggested that the new port be
relocated at the new city at Arnos Vale. The Caribbean Development Bank has extended its funding which will cover the cost to conduct a study in that area. “So by the time we come to the people at the polls, I should have both studies in my hand and I should be able to tell where… and if I can’t tell definitely, can say most likely where it would be,” Gonsalves said.
Views The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Managing Editor: Desiree Richards Editor: Cyprian Neehall Telephone: 784-456-1123 Fax: 784-451-2129 Website: Email: Mailing Address: The Vincentian Publishing Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 592, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines.
CLICO? Who cares? WHAT A MAN THIS Lawrence Duprey is!!! After fleecing (and that is being polite) Caribbean people of their hard-earned savings, their pensions, and what have you, particularly through CLICO, a company owned by CL Financial, Duprey’s holding company, the man has the gall to say he wants his company back, now that others have salvaged it. In 2009, fearing a runoff effect by CL Financial’s failure, Patrick Manning, then Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, agreed to a bailout… and that is what it is, regardless of how much this Duprey fellow would want to say otherwise. After six years or so, the company has returned to solvency and, according to reports, the company is ready to make (if it hasn’t already) its first repayment of just over TT$7 billion to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, its benefactor. Not only that, it is readying itself to pay policyholders of Trinidad and Tobago an estimated TT$950 million. It speaks much about the measure of any man, not least Duprey, that he would take to fields afar and unknown, in the face of a meltdown involving billions of other people’s money, but reappear after those who sought to salvage the remains have done so successfully. What a man! What effrontery!! So, while CLICO policyholders in Trinidad and Tobago have some ‘good’ news to hold on to, policyholders in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean are still holding their breaths, waiting to exhale a sigh of relief. And, unless this column can be otherwise informed, Barbadian and East Caribbean policyholders might just have to hold their breaths for how much longer we don’t know, therein increasing the chances of death of their hard-earned dollars. Barbados and Eastern Caribbean policyholders were assured that, given the ‘separateness’ of CLICO Holdings (Barbados) Ltd. from CL Financial, they had nothing to fear. Leroy Parris, Executive Chairman of CLICO Holdings (Barbados) Ltd., now caught up in his own cesspool of a questionable receipt of some alleged Bds$3.3m, assured Vincentians and our colleagues in the Eastern Caribbean of this, saying in as much that, given his company’s ‘autonomy, the debacle in which CL Financial had found itself, would not affect operations in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. If Mr. Parris did not say so in as many words that was the indication that he left. Now that the ‘bowley buss’ in Barbados, i.e. CLICO
Holdings (Barbados) Ltd. going under, can we now say that Mr. Parris lied? The basic message here is that what has developed in Trinidad and Tobago with respect to payment to policyholders, is no cause for hope for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Our governments, Barbados included, seem to have failed us by not replicating what happened in Trinidad and Tobago, as a measure to addressing the fallout. A quick process of re-structuring is what led to the turnaround in the fortunes of CL Financial. It is almost a year that the Barbados Cabinet approved a CLICO restructuring plan for policyholders, a plan designed by the Ministry of Finance in that country and the CLICO judicial manager Delotte Consulting. That plan was never implemented, for reasons yet unknown. Perhaps it had to do with Barbados’ trepidation to accede to a plan that proposed a commitment in dollars and cents, during a period of economic and financial uncertainty of their own. Perhaps it had to do with a heartless effort by Eastern Caribbean governments to hold Barbados responsible, a la the Trinidad and Tobago government. Whatever the reason(s) for the failure to implement a restructuring plan, in its original form or in a revised form, Barbados and Eastern Caribbean policyholders are left holding air and, as it stands, may well have to accept that the Company will go into liquidation, resulting in the loss of their investments — their savings. Can we imagine what that would do to policyholders? Private sector entities, cooperatives and credit unions, nongovernment organizations (farmers and small and micro financing agencies) and thousands of individuals will have ‘to suck salt’ because some unholy, dollar-driven individual thought he was ‘God’s gift to Caribbean Enterprise’, and sought to use the money of others. Parasite!! The question remains: Where are those we have elected to serve us? Have they lost their empathy for those who have had to endure unimaginable hurt and pain as a result of the CLICO crisis, occasioned by the ‘greediness’ of Durprey and his cohorts like Leroy Parris? Will the likes of Duprey and Parris ever be made to pay for their crimes against Caribbean people? Time longer than twine.
Why I resigned the chairmanship of the National Heroes Committee By Jomo Thomas in “The News” “WHEN GOVERNOR GENERAL Sir Frederick Ballantyne called to ask whether I would serve on the National Heroes Committee, I viewed his request as a signal honour. In the past, I had written and spoken extensively on who our next heroes should be. However, once I became a member of the committee, I knew instinctively that I could not speak or advocate for or against anyone who should join Paramount Chief Joseph Chatoyer, in the national pantheon of heroes. Drs Adrian Fraser and Kenneth John, at the invitation of the UWI Open Campus, spoke persuasively for the elevation of George Mc Intosh and Ebenezer Joshua to hero status. Doctor Gonsalves apparently felt compelled to make a case. He spoke on the topic “The Making of a National Hero: The Law and Practice in St Vincent and the Grenadines”. Some say that the lecture was brilliant. What else do they expect from Ralph Gonsalves? The man is an academic of superior intellect. There was no surprise there. If Gonsalves was able to translate his academic prowess into political I.Q, history will look at him kindly. But alas, the muzzle of national service applied to everyone except him. By short listing who the next heroes should be, Gonsalves failed to see the most elementary point; that as Chairman of Cabinet, the final arbiter of the selection process, he should not intervene. Gonsalves’ lecture was wilfully disregarded because respected opinion makers, the likes of PR Campbell Q.C; social activist, Renwick Rose and News Paper editorialists, led the chorus against the Prime Minister’s intervention. This takes me to Gonsalves’ case for Cato. Cato is far removed from anyone resembling a national hero. This is not to say that he did not make a contribution to the development of our country. He performed in the context of his time. His biggest weakness is that he dwelt on the limitations of small island politics, and failed to grasp the enormous possibilities open to the country during his governance. He, more than any other leader since 1951, saw our country through the eyes of our “traditional” friends. But there is more. His 29 continuous years in parliament, and decades-long tenure as leader of St Vincent Labour Party, do not recommend him for hero status. It must be remembered and considered that Cato and his Labour Party acted as a planter class foil against the People’s awakening, empowerment and rebirth, as represented by Joshua and his Peoples Political Party. Gonsalves said that Cato was avant garde in terms of his initiatives and policies during his administration. The evidence does not bear this out. Most of Cato’s legislative reforms came on stream across the region. To give Cato credit for these acts, would be similar to giving Mitchell for the liberalization of the media. But the media was liberalized across the region at virtually the same time. PM Gonsalves gives Cato big credit for the introduction of the National Commercial Bank and the National Insurance Service. A quick study shows that these were neither unique nor innovative acts. For example, the Grenada National Insurance Service came into being on
4th April, 1983. The National Commercial Bank of Grenada was incorporated in September 1979. In St Lucia, the NIS was formed in April 1979. In Antigua it was even earlier, April 1973. So much for the P.M’s points that Cato was a leader of the pack in these areas. But the area in which Cato’s image and legacy takes the greatest battering is the very area to which Gonsalves applies the most whitewash: Cato’s repressive tendencies, highhandedness and over-reaction when it comes to the use of force and his disrespect for the civil and political rights of citizens. The “Kill the Bills” struggles of 1981 placed Cato and H.K Tannis in very bad company. He was so arrogant and contemptuous of the views of others, that in the 1979 Independence period, he lambasted a group of respected nationals as a “bunch of nincompoops”. Many citizens still remember Cato’s overreaction to the 1970 Black Power Rebellion in Trinidad, the tear gassing of teachers during their November 14, 1975 march, and the Union Island Rebellion led by “Bomba” Charles in 1979. Citizens were not allowed to walk in more than two’s, and Barbadian troops came onto our soil at Cato’s invitation. Cato’s political police also searched and rounded up members of the budding intellectual class, on the serious charge of sedition, and dug up the yards of progressives in search of ammunition. That was the political atmosphere that Cato’s regime engendered. Did PM Gonsalves try to rewrite history in speaking of the tear gassing of teachers? We think he did. Beache, he said, told him that Cato and his cabinet were in session and had not given approval for the tear gassing of the Teachers’ march. If this is true, why did Cato not order the immediate release of the arrested teachers? Why did Cato have the Teachers Union leaders spend the entire weekend in jail? Why did Cato summon Attorney General, Arthur Williams to lead the prosecution against the teachers? Do these actions reflect the opinion of a leader who was not in support of the tear gassing, arrest and trial of citizens? There is an affection and acclaim that Mc Intosh and Joshua had that Cato lacked. The essence is gleaned from the names by which they were known. Among broad sections of the people, Mc Intosh was “Daddy Mc” and Joshua was “Pappy Josh”. The muzzle of national service as a member of the National Heroes Committee prevented me from checkmating Gonsalves’ sales pitch for Cato. Do you still think Cato makes the cut? I hope you can see why I had to resign.” The question is: Would Jomo, Renwick et al accept a listing of Heroes that includes R.M Cato? In fact, this article could easily be sub-titled “The Case Against Cato as National Hero!”
Act now, Mr. Commissioner
THE RECENT revelation that a high ranking police officer is alleged to have been connected to crimes committed in the Peruvian Vale, Diamond areas by handling stolen property, has dealt a significant blow to the already poor image of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force. At a time when the Ralph Gonsalves-led administration boasts of having expended significant sums to improve the standard of living and general wellbeing of that institution, this type of negative publicity has the potential to derail all the gains of the Police Force, and cause further damage to the already sagging morale of its members.
If what is already in the public domain is true, it must be dealt with to prevent further damage. The Commissioner of Police needs to move from the line of the spontaneous utterance to ‘Utter Nonsense’, and have the matter investigated with expediency and transparency. This type of behaviour by any public officer, let alone a high-ranking Police Officer, must not be tolerated. This breach is reprehensible. The famous dictum by Lord Denning, distinguished jurist, “No man is above the law” is still relevant today. Most regrettable is the silence of the Public Relations Department of the Royal St. Vincent and the
Electricity, water: Gifts to us ELECTRICITY and water are gifts to us. VINLEC personnel need to be reminded about that. That company was a gift from our colonial masters, to the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, both rich and poor; and because of incompetence, the company has been run like it’s a ‘mauby shop’, run by someone who does not have a business head. Every month, there is wastage on the lines — all the electricity generated is never sold, but we have to pay for that wastage. There can be more customers to the company line, but the cost per unit is too high, and the fuel surcharges much too high. The formula used for the latter should be abandoned, and the company should return to the drawing board. They have a Petro Caribe deal extending repayment for fuel over a period of time. They get credit from local firms, and are not compelled to pay all debts at the end of the month. Why should they compel the poor man to pay all outstanding debts, and threaten him with disconnection, knowing that unemployment is high in SVG? Kerosene is cheaper for the poor man to use, but the health problem associated with its use is not encouraging. Barring the smoke in the nostril, and depending on a household’s contents, it takes only 2 bottles of kerosene per month for a 3- bedroom house, and that only costs $7.00. I remind you that there is a company that still make fridges (refrigerators) that use Kerosene oil and pro gas, and there is a new product that is being withheld, that is much cheaper than the conventional type. Mr. Eustace, you all have the authority to discontinue this practice. The Company belongs to the people of SVG. The persons who work there are our employees, not our dictators. NDP, let us hear you on your platform. And while I’m at it, CWSA customers should be given a basic number of gallons of water before they are charged. As it is, we are charged from 0001. Mr. Manager, your service was also a gift to us, and we have been paying since 1940. I even worked on the Reservoir at the Gardens. One should be given an extended credit of $100 per month. ‘Old Man’
Grenadines Police Force with respect to this shameful matter. It must not be perceived by ordinary citizens that members of the Police Force are above the law. Justice must prevail, and not only for a select few, to save the name of our Police Force. This matter will not go away until decisive action is taken by the Commissioner of Police. It is well-known that a blue wall of silence exists
in many Police Forces to shield members who have transgressed against the law. In this case, the truth must be elicited. Where the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force is concerned, precedence exists. The son of a former boss of the Criminal Investigation Department was successfully prosecuted for several burglaries, and that officer never interfered in the matter.
A senior officer had to be removed from the Police Force for accepting money, and another involved in a passport racket was also removed from the Police Force. All this happened because of the exemplary fortitude of the then Commissioner of Police. Mr. Commissioner, this letter calls on you to “let the truth be told”. Jacob Samuel – Brooklyn, N.Y.
Cringing at same sex discussion AS THE CIVILIZING forces of science and public education have taken root over the last several generations, we have stopped burning witches at the stake, legislated against slavery, permitted women to vote, and fostered cooperation and harmony among the world’s races and religions. As tolerance and understanding have moved to the fore, ignorance, superstition, and prejudice have been forced, increasingly, into dark corners. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, an avowedly Christian country, manages to tolerate its few Hindus and Muslims without discernible difficulty. Cuba decriminalized homosexuality in 1979. Jamaican gays and
lesbians will be staging their first Gay Pride celebration in August of this year. While Jamaica still retains “buggery” laws on the books, their enforcement has largely to do with male intercourse with animals. They have no laws restricting lesbian activity. The European Parliament in 2005 passed a resolution calling on Jamaica to repeal its “antiquated and discriminatory sodomy laws and to actively combat widespread homophobia”. Amnesty International has congratulated Grenada on its accepting recommendations to ratify a number of human rights treaties, but urges it to end all discrimination against LGBT (Lesbian, Gay.
Bisexual, Transgendered) persons. Meanwhile, the powers that be in St. Vincent and the Grenadines cringe and recoil at the notion of any discussion of decriminalizing same sex activity. The only thing that decriminalizing compels is tolerance. Decriminalization does not legitimize Gay Marriage, nor does it force any member of society to change their religious convictions, nor urges them toward aberrant behaviour. The Government simply takes no position (no pun intended) on the behaviour of consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedroom. As the historian Herbert J. Muller observed, “As we recognize the real power
Belle Isle can feed all the prisoners MY RECENT visit back home for the carnival also allowed me the opportunity to take drives along the Leeward and Windward coasts. It was a joy driving up the Windward coast. The drive along the Leeward was, as always, more uncomfortable, especially given the work going on there. The drive along the Leeward took me to Belle Isle, where, for the first time, I was getting a glimpse of the new Correctional Facility. It is quite a structure, at least from the outside, and it is located in a fertile and beautiful part of Belle Isle. That is why, my hope is that the location will be used to produce more
food for use in the correctional facilities here. There is no reason why, given what I see is available at Belle Isle, correctional facilities here could net be selfsufficient in food. There is enough land for growing crops and for rearing livestock, including small ruminants, and poultry. In our situation, blessed with some of the most fertile soil in the world, why can’t this facility at Belle Isle become a bread basket of its own? We are already stretched as far as use of taxes are concerned, and there is no way I can see any new or higher rates of taxes being introduced
on workers here. All the more reason to move to decreasing the share of the taxes that go to correctional facilities. I recall that we had a similar operation — a farm operated by the prisons — at Ottley Hall. So it’s not a case of introducing anything new, but simply a case of picking up where we left off. Overseas-based National
of knowledge and reason…we are forced to recognize the greater power of inertia, ignorance, stupidity, and irrationality.” I hear there are those among us already gathering kindling for the next planned witchcraft trials, soon to be scheduled. I also take note of the upcoming inaugural meeting of the recently reconstituted Flat Earth Society; both of these are expected to be well attended. Backward… march! HJA
* Do the calypso judges here know how to judge a ‘saucy’ calypso? Then again, do they know what a ‘saucy calypso’ is? * Is it that, according to the criteria, a good calypso must sound like a hymn? * Are there any problems paying Petro Caribe for fuel? You know that we have to pay, eh? * What is it that makes text books so expensive? Duty? Source price? Mark up?
More Vincentians benefitting
South Central Windward
from the strategy of turning dead capital into live capital
DURING the reign of the New Democratic Party (NDP) administration, the people of South Central Windward enjoyed an extremely high standard of living. Today, it is not so; the constituents are experiencing tremendous hardship all because the Unity Labour Party (ULP) regime has neglected the constituency; although the parliamentary representative is a member of the government. The farmers were the first to feel the full weight of the ULP government. In its first year in power, the government dismantled the Banana Growers Association, took full control of its affairs, and subsequently removed the credit system from the farmers. The government then failed to incorporate the established banana facilities overseas so as to expand the national diversification efforts. The end result: most farmers abandoned their farms and began to seek employment elsewhere. Not one village in the constituency has escaped the wrath of this vindictive ULP regime. Most of the public facilities that were constructed or conceptualized by the NDP when it was in office, are left to ruin. For instance, the Doreen John Health Centre in Greiggs, is in a deplorable condition; it is not being maintained. This is a health facility. Look at the building! It’s a disgrace! Why is the ULP treating the people of Greiggs and South Central Windward like that?
The issue OVER the last two weeks, the ULP administration has been engaged in the process of assisting Vincentians who have been squatting on government lands, to own those lands outright. At events held at Adelphi and Spring Village, a number of Vincentians received letters of offer, which set out the conditions under which they can purchase their plots of land. In this case, the lands were sold at fifty cents per square foot, a bargain/knock down price in any language. This process, called “turning dead capital into live capital”, is a strategy adopted by the ULP administration, to give Vincentians titles to their lands. As the situation described itself, these plots had little value, since the persons who occupied them had no title deed. They were simply squatting. The buildings which they erected on the land they occupied, could have been demolished by the government, under the law. But a caring ULP administration took no such course. Instead, a huge surveying exercise was conducted to determine the existence of the boundaries of the lands in question. Then the Cabinet had to determine the extent of the offer to the persons who existed on these lands. Offers went as low as ten cents a square foot, as the government tried not to make the process burdensome. In fact, the government has offered assistance to potential owners of these lands, in the preparation of their title deed, and this has been a cost savings.
if the building on the property is valued at EC$40,000, we can now see the live capital emerging. While this is a small amount, she can now engage any financial institution to raise money for a number of purposes, including education, health, extension to the current house, a vehicle, and the list goes on.
The Cost to the State
Of course, all this has a cost to the State, and many Vincentians don’t know the value of the process of turning dead capital to live capital. Over four thousand plots of lands have been delivered to Vincentians, but for the purposes of the calculation, let us round this figure off to 4000 plots. Let us assume that the average size of a plot is 3,500 square feet, then the ULP administration would have delivered fourteen million square feet of land (4000 x 3500) in the process. Let us go further and assume that the average cost of these plots is four dollars and fifty cents, then the value will be EC$63 million dollars (4000 x 3500 x 4.50). We must add to this the cost of providing the infrastructure like roads, electricity and water, as well as the costs of administrating the process. This means that the costs of turning dead capital into live capital could well approach the EC$80 million dollar mark, and the What people are getting government still has to regularize the process for more Vincentians who are Perhaps it is important to remind squatting. Vincentians what the offers are, in Added to all this cost is the social terms of turning dead capital into live feeling of the recipient of a letter of capital. Apart from the sale of the offer. Suddenly that person is now a lands for prices as low as ten cents a land owner, after years of worrying square foot, the government has about if they can own land, and what undertaken to refund persons excess monies, where they were overcharged their future would be, if any government decides to remove them by the NDP. For example in some areas, where persons were charged in from their plots. There is a sense of excess of EC$3.50 per square foot, and relief, of accomplishment, of knowing that they now own something that where some monies were paid under they can leave for their children and the NDP, the ULP refunded sums of money, following the re-evaluation of grandchildren. How do you cost this intrinsic feeling on the part of our the land. citizens who have benefited from this Under the NDP, some persons ULP strategy? found that they were in arrears in terms of their payments, and were Conclusion subjected to an interest penalty. The ULP administration made a decision No government in the history of to provide some relief to these this country, has provided so many persons, so as to make it easier for them to own their property. All this is plots of lands for Vincentians. No a cost to the government. In addition, government in the history of this the government has to meet the costs country, has been able to design a of all surveying and titling; drains strategy, to positively affect the and roads; electricity and water; and informal human settlement situation security and solid waste disposal. in our beloved country. The facts are So overnight, a Vincentian woman there, and the evidence is before our and her two children, who are without very eyes. title to the four thousand square foot All this is wrapped up in the plot that they are living on, can own people-centered vision approach to the land outright if the government offers the plot at fifty cents per square development, as adopted by the ULP administration, and which has foot. She needs to find two thousand brought socio economic benefits to the dollars, and a payment plan is people of St.Vincent and the available for her to complement the process in installments. When this is Grenadines. Vincentians will never completed, and if she lives in an area forget, and that is why they will where the price of land is eight dollars return the ULP to government for a per square foot, her property will now fourth term, when the Comrade rings be valued at EC$32,000. In addition, the bell.
Front of the building. (inset) Back of the building. Also, the sporting facilities are in urgent need of repairs. The youths complain every day to the parliamentary representative about the hard courts in Sans Souci, Lauders, Lowmans and Greiggs, and the playing fields in Mt. Grennan, Greiggs, Lauders and North Union. None of these complaints has been addressed. The roads in the constituency are disgraceful. If there were to be a bad road competition, South Central Windward will take the crown easily. It has the worst roads in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Because of the condition of these roads, the people of Chapmans, New Adelphi and Hadley’s Village experience difficulty getting public transport to travel to and from Kingstown. Vehicle owners and drivers complain on a daily basis; they have to spend large amounts of money to purchase vehicular parts to replace those that are damaged because of the bad roads. Moreover, the unemployment situation is a major concern.
Hundreds of persons in the constituency are unemployed, and this government is not assisting. Whether it’s Diamonds, Mt. Grennan, Lauders, New Grounds, Chapmans, Sans Souci, North Union, South Union , New Adelphi, Lowmans, Greiggs or Hadley’s Village, most young persons are on the “block”, not because they are lazy, as the ULP would like us to believe, but because there are no employment opportunities for them. The ULP regime has failed to create jobs for the people, especially the young people of South Central Windward. However, there is good news. The NDP and its candidate, Addison ‘Bash’ Thomas, offer hope to the people of South Central Windward. The NDP and ‘Bash’ will develop and restore eco-tourism sites in the constituency. The NDP will rehabilitate and replant one thousand (1000) acres of bananas in its first year in office. We will provide the technical support that is needed, and give farmers an income support of $500. 00 per month, until the fruit is ready to be harvested. The party will also reintroduce the credit system, develop and execute an extensive feeder roads repair programme, and seek markets for agricultural produce. Farmers in South Central will benefit from that programme. Vincy Fresh in Lauders will be reorganized so that the farmers will benefit from its operations, and meaningful employment will be created. Furthermore, the NDP will create jobs for the people of the constituency. In our first year in office, the NDP will create five hundred (500) jobs in the information technology sector alone, from which South Central will benefit. Employment will also be created in the: agriculture industry, tourism sector, private sector, implementation of the Constituency Development Fund, and from programmes that will be implemented through the development of small businesses. The NDP will create educational opportunities for the youths, develop at least one playing field in the constituency to host regional matches, and install lights at all hard courts. South Central Windward, you have been suffering for too long. The present parliamentary representative has failed you. It is crystal clear that the ULP does not care about you. Addison ‘Bash’ Thomas is your man. You must vote for the ‘Bash’ and the NDP on Election Day. We are confident that the NDP will win the general elections, and ‘Bash’ will win that seat. He has begun his campaign. His office to manage that campaign will be opened at Lowmans on Friday 17th July. See you there. We Ready!
From Hell Yard to Duke Street
Faith without works is dead
“We cannot solely depend on contributions and earnings from Panorama performances and other small ventures. This is critical for our growth and development as a social and cultural institution.” — Beresford Hunte, Manager of Massy Trinidad All and launching out for bigger and Stars, 2015 Panorama Champions of better things. Trinidad and Tobago Community groups, farming organisations, sports clubs, church STEEL BANDS PLAY a significant groups, and other civic-minded groups positive role in the development of many can learn from their efforts. On our Caribbean societies. This is especially own, we may have challenges in true in Trinidad and Tobago where “pan” securing funding for projects that can was born. It is interesting to observe provide tremendous social and how much discipline and musical financial benefits to our families, our acumen is required as the various steel communities, and ourselves. orchestras prepare for their big events. However, when we join forces, we In harsh economic times, many steel have the potential to make the orchestras find it challenging to secure impossible possible. We can live out adequate sponsorship. I was therefore the acronym of TEAM: Together Each quite pleased when I read an article that Achieves More. was written by Gary Cardinez entitled Many Caribbean nationals have “All Stars purchases 42-44 Duke been socialized to consider business Street”. This article appeared in the opportunities where the individual is Daily Express of Wednesday, 8 July a sole proprietor — we are encouraged 2015. The article also featured a to go it alone. We seem to have an photograph showing the Massy All Stars aversion to partnerships and Manager, Beresford Hunte, and Massy cooperative efforts. However, the CEO, Gervase Warner, displaying days of the “Lone Ranger” are long “thumbs up” as they celebrated the gone. There are very few who can purchase of a property on Duke Street, make it alone. The “soloist mentality” Port of Spain. I was encouraged (nay must give way to the “choir mind-set”. “inspired”) as I read about this We need to abandon the negative outstanding milestone in the life of a thoughts that emerge when the older steel band that has been around for folks cautioned us that “partnerships eighty (80) years, and has won nine (9) are sinking ships”. We need to take a national panorama championships. For new look at the importance of many years, the steel orchestra has cooperative efforts to generate wealth. practised in an area called “Hell Yard” We can study the best practices, and which is located in the vicinity of Duke put proper systems in place to reduce Street. They are now venturing out to the risk of failure. We can join look at business opportunities that can together with individuals who have a generate additional revenue by common vision and are prepared to purchasing a property that is located to invest time, effort, and money to the front and east of their famous make the business venture work. panyard. Designing a proper agreement and Steel orchestras are now very ensuring that there is transparency popular in every Caribbean territory. and accountability, will go a long way We are encouraged to know that there to encouraging the success of such are schools throughout the region that ventures. encourage the teaching/learning of We can generate wealth by coming this musical art form. There are also together and engaging in cooperative schools in the United Kingdom, business ventures. We can move from Germany, and Japan that teach pan the “Hell Yard” of unemployment and music. Periodically, students and poverty. We can venture forward to former students from these countries “Duke Street” where there are endless would arrange to visit Trinidad and possibilities to make elusive dreams Tobago and participate in the various real. We already know what needs to steel band performances. Pan is be done. In so many cases, we know rightfully a universal musical how to do it. There are so many instrument. models that we can learn from. The Many steel bands, especially in the major challenge is whether we will smaller territories, struggle to survive kindle to “fire in the belly” to proceed. outside their respective carnival We need to have the desire, the seasons. Fortunately, some hotels motivation, and the drive, to take and other places of entertainment action. As the old people say, periodically contract some pan players “Nothing ventured; nothing gained.” when they have special functions. Other communities and cultures have Unfortunately, such occurrences tend been able to engage in such to be few and far between. It is community economic activities. Rural therefore quite encouraging when women in many African states engage these bands can secure sponsorship in such practices on a small scale. from local and regional firms. In so That is how we in the Caribbean many ways, the philanthropists who inherited the “su-su hand financial lead many of these organisations assistance scheme”. understand and appreciate the fact We commend and thank the Massy that their demonstrations of corporate All Stars for shining new lights, new social responsibility play a major role insights, of how and what we can do in the social and economic to help our communities and development of entire societies. We ourselves. We will wait to celebrate commend them for their efforts. your 100th anniversary with you and, Many of the regional steel in looking back, we will also observe orchestras can learn from this recent how your 80th anniversary move by the Massy All Stars to investment in real estate in Trinidad purchase real estate and move in the and Tobago triggered multiple direction of engaging in business projects for economic activities activities that will generate regular throughout and beyond the income for the group. This effort and Caribbean. initiative would have taken them years to amass the “seed money” for such a project. However, by their Send comments, criticisms & example, they now inspire other suggestions to community groups to consider the possibilities of pooling their resources
POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN SVG is very high as compared to other parts of the world. In the 2010 general elections, more than 60,000 persons went to the polls. When we consider that about one third of the population is between 1 and 17 years old, a 60,000 voting population out of 110,000 is exceptionally high, especially when we factor in the daily grind of economics. People may complain about major political parties, but the large numbers of persons who go to the polls indicate that Vincentians are still very much concerned about their own existence. Most still see their very existence as connected to the political fortunes of either the ULP or NDP that they remain active participants in the politics of the land. This is good for our polity, and everything possible should be done to encourage involvement and participation. All Civil society organizations, especially political parties, have a great interest in ensuring that this political interest remains high. The last thing we want is a population that has lost faith in the institutions of state. But we do not want, and must guard against blind faith. People need to be educated about the true state of affairs, rather than be led into making decisions with little or no information. Any astute observer must be stunned at the amount of glib talk that pervades this land. Political talk is most glib. Politicians or their communications ‘experts’ can be forgiven for some of the loose talk about politics, especially now that we are in the midst of the silly season. But some of the ridiculous comments that come from persons who should know better, are truly baffling. Elections are a few months away, and all kinds of predictions are heard every day. Most conversations about politics and elections are cheap talk rather than serious soul-searching and level-headed analysis. It is puzzling that someone who has not set foot in North Windward or South Leeward, East St George or Central Leeward, Marriaqua or the Southern Grenadines, will speak with an air of certainty about the likely outcome of the contest. An enquiry about the basis for the cocksure pronouncement will most often reveal that the view is based on listening to radio, or with a conversation with someone from the area. Further, a caller takes on the mantle of an entire village, district or town. One caller pronounces that the people of Layou don’t want Labour anymore, or that this or that candidate done win. We all know that serious campaigning has not yet started across the country. There is a lot of talk, but little or no work on the ground. Yet we hear every day the ULP can’t win or that the NDP can’t lose. Ask most of these persons for a view of their respective party’s path to eight seats and thus formation of the next government, and the conversation invariably breaks down into shouting or name- calling.
Few can back up their wild predictions. Analysis is done in broad sweeps. Last time NDP won 7 seats, so Eustace is guaranteed a seat in the power corridor come elections night. PM Gonsalves has done so much for SVG, so neither he nor the ULP can lose the upcoming elections. Oh yeah! What were the results of the 2010 elections again? These statements are clear proof that faith without works is dead. Ask most of these talkers what they are doing to ensure that their respective parties emerge victorious, and they sheepishly proclaim that they have done nothing yet. Too many of these persons, who undoubtedly want their parties to do well, are waiting on the ringing of the bell. And the bell will ring, and they will continue to talk and talk. A lot of those dead Labour and dead NDP men and women will remain dead NDP and Dead Labour. Few of them will jump to the challenge of coming alive for their party and country. What is needed now more than ever, is a politics of engagement. People need to know and have stronger reasons as to why they are voting for this or the other party. The central reason for voting ULP or NDP has to be issue and policy based. It cannot simply be that I came and met my parents voting a particular way, so I am staying true to their lead. Anyone serious about the political development of the country must be concerned about the very low level of political consciousness among the population. Our people must be educated so that they will draw the correct political and economic lessons about what is happening in more developed countries like Spain and Portugal, Italy and Greece. Are these people lazy and want to get everything for free, or is the problem in the Euro zone more systemic? Are the problems currently experienced across the Caribbean a result of the colossal failure of our political and economic elite, or is the inability to solve the problems in favour of poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized, indicative of wilder, untamed forces that will stymie the most determined effort by the most able statesmen and women among us? It is clear that too much talking and too little thinking has taken hold in this land. Talk is cheap, but cheap talk rarely contributes to solving anything. All of us need to be drawn into a big conversation, in which we remove political blinders and keep our eyes wide open. Blind faith will not take us very fair. In times like these, we are reminded of the biblical refrain that faith without works is dead. Send comments, critical comments and other views to
Green Party:offers hope for SVG farmers THE LEADER OF SVG Green Party, Mr Ivan O’Neal BSc (Hons.), MSc, MBA, and other members of SVG Green Party, were told last week by residents in the South Central Windward constituency, that the ‘dasheen factory’ in Lauders has been closed down. As such, therefore, SVG farmers now have no alternative market for their dasheen and eddoes. The closure of this factory is a massive setback for hard- working farmers. Incompetence has become a habit for the ULP regime. There is no logical reason for the closure of this factory. There is a large foreign market for dasheen and eddoes, and a large foreign market for the numerous dasheen and eddoes by-products. The closure of the dasheen factory is yet another illustration of the economic incompetence and lack of vision of the ULP regime. Day by day, many of our farmers are losing money, because the ULP regime does not have the ability to find foreign markets for our farmers’ produce. SVG farmers and their families are experiencing hard times, because of the inexcusable stupidity of the ULP regime. There are over 50 by-products for dasheen and eddoes. A Green government will re-open the dasheen factory and start to export dasheen and eddoe by-products. There is a lot of innovative use of dasheen and eddoes around the world. The factory will create employment, generate income and increase farmers’ income by thousands of dollars. There is a strong demand in the USA and Europe for dasheen and eddoes, because they are well known for their health benefits. Dasheen and eddoes improve digestion, lower your blood sugar levels, protect the skin, increase circulation, decrease blood pressure, aid the immune system, prevent heart disease, and also support muscle and nerve health. Dasheen and eddoes contain a significant amount of dietary fibre and high levels of vitamin A, C, E, B6 and magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, potassium, manganese and copper. Cryptoxanthin, which is found in their root, is directly connected to a lowered chance of developing both lung and oral cancers. Given their renowned health benefits, and the strong demand for dasheen and eddoes abroad, it is incredible that the dasheen factory is closed. We cannot have 5 more years of ULP regime economic incompetence. The factory needs to be re-opened now, so farmers can boost their income. SVG needs a Green government. A major problem in the agricultural industry is the lack of a ‘Marketing Corporation’. Leader of SVG Green Party, Mr Ivan O’Neal, and other SVG Green Party experts, have completed an assessment of the La Croix banana boxing factory, and have decided that a Green government will bring back the Marketing
Corporation, and use this to tap into foreign markets to acquire export contracts for SVG farmers’ produce. The banana boxing factory in La Croix, Marriaqua, will be converted into a fully operational and modern Marketing Corporation, to create diverse streams of income for farmers, and boost the rural economy. The ULP regime’s 14 years in office have been an economic disaster. They have thrown away about $800 million
dollars on an airport for rich foreigners, and let our country fall to ruin. The agricultural industry has been decimated, and SVG is swamped with high poverty, high unemployment, high crime, and there is little money circulating in our weak economy. Since 2001, the ULP regime’s incompetence has been a major reason for the demise of the SVG agricultural sector. Surely now, for the sake of
SVG farmers and their families, it is time for the ULP regime to step aside. They do not have the ability to do the job. They have failed farmers. Vote Green Party to rejuvenate the SVG agricultural industry with new foreign markets via a revived Marketing Corporation. SVG Green Party www.svggreenparty.orgt
U.S-Caribbean Relations in a Post Embargo Cuba – Part 2 Editor’s Note: Speaking at a roundtable on the future of U.S–Caribbean relations in a post-embargo Cuba, on Friday, June 26, at the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, D.C, Ambassador Kingsley C.A. Layne, C.M.G, delivered a comprehensive, experiential based presentation on the evolution of relations between the Spanish speaking country and the English speaking Caribbean, and his vision of the place and role of that relationship in the emerging Cuba/U.S rapprochement. HE WAS SVG’s Ambassador to the U.S.A and Permanent Representative to the OAS (1990-2001), and Permanent Representative to the United Nations (1990-1994). He conducted the negotiations leading to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba, and became SVG’s first Ambassador to the Caribbean country in 1995. Ambassador Layne’s Presentation At his meeting with Caribbean Community leaders, during his visit to Jamaica, en route to the Seventh Summit of the Americas in Panama, U.S. President Barack Obama lauded the enabling role of CARICOM countries in the on-going normalization of relations between his country and Cuba. Even as this thrust gains momentum, many are skeptical of the possible implications for the rest of the region, especially in the vital tourism sector. Out-going CARICOM chairman, Prime Minister Perry Christie, addressed the subject when put to him in the Bahamas, by expressing confidence that the nonCuban Caribbean tourism sector has had a long time in the industry, and has the experience and expertise to compete successfully. There are many potential challenges facing Caribbean Community countries as the Cuba-U.S re-engagement continues apace, thereby opening up hitherto forbidden areas of economic activity. In the heavily tourism-dependent Caribbean, the re-entry of Cuba represents the biggest ripple in the usually calm pond for half a century. Already that country is recording significant
growth figures: 36% rise in U.S. arrivals; 14% rise in arrivals from around the world between January-May, compared to the same period last year. The country is also attracting much investment in anticipation of greater liberalization of the economy. Spain’s conservative government has just established a US$45m line of credit for Spanish investment Ambassador Kinsley Layne, this country first projects on the island, Ambassador to Cuba, being greeted by then while pressuring Cuba to President of Cuba, Dr. Fidel Castro. speed up reforms. This can draw in another Optimism is somewhat tempered by US$400m. Mexico and China are also the uncertainty that whatever major players in the investment progress is made under this surge. Other real benefits of administration could be reversed by a normalization so far include: U.S. future one that does not share its travelers can now book rooms in enthusiasm for normalization. Cubans Cuban homes, which enhances the are aware of this possibility, and show cultural experience of visitors, and no signs of easing the exodus. increases accommodation capacity; the In the current dynamic situation, cost of calls has been cut; U.S. has the countries of the Caribbean approved new ferry services from Community are well placed to Florida to Cuba, and opened the door leverage their position of mutual for direct air services. In the area of trust, earned from their principled medical sciences, a New York medical relationship with, and embrace of, centre is preparing to run a clinical Cuba, in difficult circumstances, and trial on a Cuban lung cancer their strong, traditional ties with the treatment. U.S, co-existing side by side. These The major issues for resolution relationships will continue to grow between the two countries are thorny and mature, and can herald a new era and fundamental, and have the of wider strategic co-operation for potential to prolong, if not derail the development in the Caribbean, based process. For the U.S. they include: on trust and self-interest. human rights; law enforcement coThe event was a part of the operation, including U.S. fugitives National Caribbean American living in Cuba; and compensation for Legislative Week 2015, celebrating confiscated U.S. property. For the the 10th Anniversary of National Cubans, the major issue remains the Caribbean American Heritage Month, lifting of the embargo, and under the auspices of the Institute of compensation for damages to Cuba Caribbean Studies (ICS). The from it. The U.S. has already removed Institute was founded in 1993 to Cuba from the list of state sponsors of provide a forum for the public and terrorism, thus clearing the way for private sectors, the non-government greater institutional engagement. organization community, scholars and Powerful forces opposed to the others interested in promoting warming of relations, believe that the dialogue, and assist in the execution new policy rewards Cuba for its years of actions that result from that of human rights abuses, and some dialogue. presidential candidates have spoken out against rapprochement. However, Washington, D.C. the process has strong support among 6. 26. 2015 ordinary people in both countries.
“Carnival is our theatre,” says band leader by HAYDN HUGGINS A PROMINENT band leader here would like to see more mas bands placing greater emphasis on craftsmanship and story line, in their productions for Vincy Mas. “Carnival is our theatre. In America is Hollywood, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines is street drama. We have to keep what the legends did alive. We can’t leave it to die,” Elroy ‘Blondie Bird’ Boyde told THE VINCENTIAN during an interview on Tuesday. He expressed the view that mas portrayals must tell a story. Concerns have been raised in some circles here, that there has been a decline in creativity and craft in Vincy Mas, within recent years. However, Boyde is of the view that, while a small minority is guilty of this, a large percentage of mas bands here still produce creative mas. “We still have creativity in our mas because people still coming to St. Vincent to see creative mas,” Boyde said. But he stressed that, “if nobody keeps the traditional, nobody would know which band they into, because everybody would look the same.” While Boyde is aware that there are some young people here whose style is playing mas almost naked, he declared, “Our band can’t allow this to happen; we can’t afford to go down this road, because if we want people to come to St. Vincent, we have to have something different to offer.” Boyde also pointed out that “everybody now feel they could bring a
Elroy ‘Blondie Bird’ Boyde (right) and his son Chatoyer, represent two generations of masmen who share a common attitude to the creation of carnival costumes. mas band because they could go to Trinidad and buy the product.” The veteran masman, however, made it clear, “I ain’t vex with them for doing that, but that ain’t our style.” Boyde recalled that, “We the only country in the world that had ten days of jamming on the streets, and when Tuesday come, you seeing creativity and craftsmanship. That’s what the visitors used to love; but after we start to close down the street bars at 1 a.m. people stop coming to Kingstown to party. When the bars used to close at 5 a.m, people from the rural areas used to stay in town and party.” Boyde has headed one of the leading mas bands in St. Vincent and the Grenadines over the last two decades or so.
Another Edwards turns 100 she was 106 years old. His oldest sister, Beatrice, lived for THERE IS definitely something 104 years. Another sister, unique about the genes of the Amanda Edwards, died when Edwards family of Rose Bank, she was 101 year old, while St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Odessa Delpesche, also a On Monday 6th July, sister, passed on one month Daymond Edwards celebrated short of celebrating her 100th his 100th birthday, to continue birthday. what community members say His other siblings lived well is ‘the genes of longevity’. into their 90s, with only one Daymond’s mother, brother, Elimus Edwards, who Margaret Edwards, lived until was residing in Trinidad, not
reaching the age of 90. On Saturday 11th July, Daymond Edwards was the toast of Rose Bank, as family and friends gathered to celebrate his milestone. He is still in very good health, and is able to recall many stories from his past, and during the celebration on Saturday, he beat the bum drum and danced, much to the delight of all those present. Edwards was born in an area between Rose Bank and Petit Bordel called ‘Catty’, but he resided in Fort Hill, Rose Bank, for most of his life. During his early years, he played cricket, and Verona Edwards, has daughter-in-law, described him as a very hard-working man, “who worked lands as a farmer at Morne Ronde and fished for a living.” He is also renowned as one of the founders, and the oldest surviving member of the Rose Bank Classic Groovers, a ‘Bum Drum’ group. Daymond Edwards shared in a drumming session with the Rose He retired from active Bank Classic Groovers, a group he helped found. drumming just two by KENVILLE HORNE
years ago. Edwards fathered fourteen (14) children. Three died in their infancy, and one son, Selwyn Edwards, died in his 60s. Among those alive are his first child, Ulrick, who is 74 years old, and Margaret, his second, now 73. One of his sons, Dennis, along with his wife and two children, journeyed from Aruba, where they reside, to celebrate the milestone. Saturday’s celebrations were directed by Master of Ceremonies, Noel Soleyn, a great grandson of the centenarian. A number of speeches and tributes were delivered, including a biographical account of Daymond Edwards’ life by his son Jemmoth. There was much singing, merriment and drumming. And the occasion was summed up by Veda EdwardsWilliams, the centenarian’s first granddaughter, who told THE VINCENTIAN, “I ‘m praying to God that I inherited
Daymond Edwards became the latest centenarian in a family whose members are known to live long lives. his genes.” THE VINCENTIAN extends heartiest congratulations to Daymond Edwards on his attainment of 100 years, and wishes him continued good health and even longer life.
Ă‚Mad SkullĂŠ is a Digicel ambassador
SOCA RECORDING and performing artiste Lancelot ‘Mad Skull’ GlosterScott is now a Digicel ambassador. And the young man, riding on the popularity of his 2015 release, ‘Alyo Know Me’, says, “I feel proud to walk in the streets and say I’m a Digicel ambassador. For the longest while, I have always wanted to work along with Digicel, and now that I have the opportunity to do it, I just feel proud, feel great, nice.â€? Beaming with a new confidence since his partnership with Digicel, he assured, “I know for sure Digicel will endorse me and help me represent myself and the company to the fullest, and that’s good. ‌ Expect great things from me. I’m on a high right now, and the people are boosting me.â€? ‘Mad Skull’ burst onto the local soca scene in 2014, and pushed right to the top of the Soca Monarch pecking order, placing fourth with his hit ‘Family’. Since then, he has continued to gain momentum, and this year, he released two songs, ‘Alyo Know Me’ and ‘Man of D House’, which enjoyed massive
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ECGC assists sports organisations CONTINUING on its well established and recognized record of support for sports and youth activities here and in the Eastern Caribbean, the East Caribbean Group of Companies (ECGC) recently made financial donations to two local sporting organisations. With their eyes set on participating in the Special Olympics World Summer Games, to be held in Los (L-R) Rachel Haslam - Marketing Manager ECGC, Angeles, California, Lavern Allick - Special-Olympian, Janice Mc Master from July 25th to â&#x20AC;&#x201C; National Director Special Olympics SVG. August 2nd, the local co-ordinating body, Special Olympics St. Vincent and the Grenadines, received a sum of EC$1,000.00 from the company. The other sporting organization to benefit from ECGC benevolence was the SVG Netball Association, who also received EC$1,000.00, in support of the National Netball U23 teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation in the OECS Under 23 Netball Championship in St. Kitts, from July 18 to 23rd. (L-R) Rachel Haslam Marketing Manager ECGC, Natasha Stapleton - SVG Netball Association.
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Seaweed Task Force set up An Inter-ministerial Task Force, headed by Minister of State, Senator Julian Francis, has been commissioned and charged with overseeing the clean-up of the Sargassum sea weed. In confirming this measure, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said, “We have to find a comprehensive manner in which to do so,” adding that he had spoken to some individuals in Barbados, who have recruited some scientists to try deal with the issue. The Prime Minister displayed a copy of the report he received from the Sargassum task action force who visited some of the sites locally. He added that he was a bit disappointed that the University of the West Indies was not in a position to give an analysis on the issue. However, he stated that there were groups, especially in the Southern Grenadines, that were already conducting clean-up operations.
“But as soon as you clean up, it comes again,” Gonsalves said. Within recent times, large masses of the Sargassum seaweed, a free-floating seaweed that moves with the ocean currents, have been washing up on the shore lines of several Caribbean islands. At least one interest group has taken steps to have their members address the problem. The St Vincent and Grenadines Hotel and Tourism Association (SVGHTA) and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) are working together to provide hotels, government officials and stakeholders with best practice information aimed at mitigating the negative effects of high levels of the seaweed at local beaches. The organizations have released a resource guide, compiled by the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST), a CHTA initiative in collaboration
The shattered show window through which the TV was viewed is now barricaded.
IADC TV stolen from CoreaÊs
TERRENCE JACOBS, a resident of Paul’s Avenue, was on Wednesday charged and sentenced to serve tto terms of three years and six months respectively, for his involvement in the theft of a 42 inch Plasma Television, the property of the International Airport Development Company (IADC), which was stolen from a show window at Corea’s City Store. The sentences will run concurrently. According to Jean Johnny-Findlay, Manager at Corea’s City Store, the incident occurred sometime around 4:30 Tuesday morning. The perpetrator broke the glass and stole the item, she explained. The television was placed at the said location over a year ago, giving viewers a virtual image of a completed international airport at Argyle.
with strategic partner OBM International (OBMI), to assist with local efforts.
The east coasts of the islands of the Caribbean Archipelago, including St. Vincent and the Grenadines, have seen unprecedented deposits of Sargassum seaweed.
Man detained for Âscratching tyresÊ confiscated until he agreed to remove all of what he had recorded. Persons WHAT HE THOUGHT WAS who took note of this were of the ‘entertainment’ might just have landed a opinion that the police were over young man on the wrong side of the law. stepping their boundaries, since there The young man, moved perhaps by were no laws that prohibited persons the spirt of the carnival season, from conducting recordings in public. decided to offer some ‘entertainment’ An attempt by a police officer to get to the many persons who had the car started so that it could be gathered on Higginson Street, just driven to the Kingstown Police outside the popular Yankee’s Station for possible impoundment, establishment, on the evening of proved futile. This evoked loud cheers Carnival Tuesday, after the street and taunts from the crowd, in open jump up had come to an end. ridicule of the police officers on the He took to demonstrating a number scene. of ‘tricks’ with his motor vehicle, The driver had to re-enter the car including what is referred to as and assist in getting it started. He ‘scratching tyres’, a ‘stunt’ that emits then drove it, in the company of a loud and penetrating sounds police office, to the station. The crowd accompanied by clouds of smoke. erupted in cheers and loud shouts of Persons gathered cheered on the support for the driver as he drove young man, some deciding to capture away. the scene on phone cameras. Checks with the Traffic Branch of The ‘entertainment’ was brought to the RSVG Police Force indicated that an end by members of the Royal SVG the driver of the car has not been Police Force who, on arriving at the charged. The matter was said to be scene, ordered the driver out of the still under investigation. car. A young man, who was recording what was taking place, had his phone by KENVILLE HORNE
Efforts by the police to get the car started proved futile.
Post Office robbery accused for trial by HAYDN HUGGINS ABOUT TWO YEARS AFTER police had deemed former national goalkeeper Dwaine Sandy ‘wanted’ and ‘armed and dangerous’, following a daylight robbery and shooting in Kingstown, another has been committed to stand trial in connection with the matter. On Wednesday, following a retrial at the Serious Offences Court, which had started earlier this year, Colin David, 28-year-old labourer of Fair Hall, was committed to stand trial for the robbery of postal worker Cleopatra Wilson, of EC$100,000 in cash belonging to the SVG Postal Corporation, and the attempted murder of Police Constable Juliani Jack. The charges reportedly stem from an incident in Kingstown around 11:30 am, June 13, 2013. Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias ruled that a prima facie case was made out for David to answer. Ten witnesses testified for the
Colin David was deemed to have a case to answer. prosecution, including PC Jack and Wilson. Attorney Michaela Ambrose represented David, while Senior Prosecutor Adolphus Delpleche appeared for the prosecution.
ECCO members receive royalties THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN Collective Organisation for Music Rights (ECCO) Inc., responsible for music royalty collection and distribution, was expected, earlier this week, to make another payment of royalties to its local members and members of international affiliates. This payment is strictly in respect to live performances licensed across the ECCO territories, and royalties received from affiliated societies in the UK, France and Trinidad & Tobago, for 2013 and 2014. Payments will include royalties received from the following sources: St. Kitts Music Festival 2012 & 2013; Dominica World Creole Music Festival 2013; Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival 2013; and Overseas royalties from PRS (UK), COTT (Trinidad & Tobago) and SACEM (France). This week’s distribution is the second of several payments that ECCO members will benefit from this year. ECCO will be making its main royalty distribution in August 2015 for Radio and General, and another payment is to be made in September 2015 for Saint Lucia Carnival 2014. ECCO members and members of affiliate societies are expected to share in an overall distribution pool of over EC$600, 000. ECCO General Manager Steve Etienne says “The members who will benefit the most from these series of payments are of course those whose works
Commissioner’s act in poor taste according to Minister of State Senator Julian Francis, returned to the obelisk following the wreath-laying ceremony in honour of National Hero, Joseph Chatoyer, to retrieve some wreaths. The nation’s top cop took to the stage pushing a wheel barrow with a placard around his neck bearing the statement, “Barrowing Wreath for next time.” But according to Eustace while speaking on the ‘New Times’ Commissioner of Police programme on Monday, Michael Charles on the COP should have stage at this year’s been displaying an J’Ouvert competition. attitude that showed (Photo Credit: Oris that he was the “guider Robinson) and protector of all,” and questioned, “How can I LEADER OF THE take him seriously now OPPOSITION, Arnhim in representing my Eustace , says that he security; how can I?” has issue with this He did not go further country’s Commissioner into the issue, preferring of Police, Michael to say that the public Charles, following an will hear more about it ‘Ole Mas’ he portrayed at another time. at this year’s J’Ouvert Commissioner activities. Charles has been a Charles’ portrayal regular feature at the highlighted the issue annual J’Ouvert which surfaced in the competitions, dating media earlier this year back to before his that involved Opposition appointment as Parliamentarian St Commissioner of Police. Claire Leacock who, (DDD)
feature prominently at major events across the ECCO territories and those whose music is performed in international markets”. Not all the revenue available will be distributed, due to members not returning logs sheets of their live performances, despite personal appeals from ECCO. However, this revenue will be reserved pending completion of claims.
The Eastern Caribbean Collective Organisation for Music Rights (ECCO) was launched in St. Lucia on 27th January 2009.
Betwixt and between travel due to a medical condition. My fiancée is insisting that we get I AM ENGAGED to be married in Barbados, married to a beautiful woman from my area. She despite my mother’s wishes. I am the only is 28 and I am 32. We have decided to elope and child for my mother. My fiancée does not want to get married in Barbados budge, and I find her to on August 15, this year. be unreasonable. This is It was my fiancée’s idea to elope, as she does causing a problem for us, and it could very well be not want her side of family to be there, since big enough to put a they are bent on causing damper, if not a halt to our plans period. confusion at the Could you please talk wedding. They have some sense into my been spreading all sorts fiancée’s head? of lies that I am a wild man and I have children elsewhere with different headache women. They even said Dear headache, they would come to the wedding ceremony One of the main and object openly to us things a marital union getting married, on the calls for is compromise. grounds that I am a trickster and a father of The sooner you both many, unknowing to my learn the art of fiancée. My fiancée does compromise, the better it would be for your future not want that confusion relationship/marriage. on her special day, and Your fiancée needs to hence her decision to realise that this elope. marriage is not all about My mother, however, her; that you are very would love to be at my wedding, and she cannot much an integral part of it. She needs to consider
Dear George,
your feelings and opinion, and work towards a compromise. If you do not have problems getting married at home and facing any malicious challenge to your decision to be joined in Holy matrimony, then the reason for eloping becomes less important. I see no problem with your fiancée giving your
mother the honour of being a part of your wedding. It is better to do that than for you to have a lingering negative after taste. Your fiancée seems to have more to gain than lose in getting married at home.
Lying about my sexual prowess Dear George, MY GIRLFRIEND became attracted to me because of the things her girlfriends told her about me. When I first saw her, I was thrown off balance completely. She was hot! I asked her friends about her, and they told me that she preferred guys who could satisfy her sexually. I proceeded to make up lies about my sexual abilities, and soon enough, word got to her about me. We started dating. My plan was to get her to fall in love with me, and then tell her the truth about me. The truth is, George, I am a 29-year-old virgin, and this girl is 26 years old. She is literally begging me to make love to her, but how do I tell her that I am a virgin, but genuinely love her enough to be willing to make her my wife? I do not want her to be disappointed with me in bed. I am quietly hoping that what she has seen of me so far would be enough to have her overlook what I can or may never do in bed. What do you think are my chances of keeping her?
Scared Lover Dear Scared Lover, It is never recommended to build a relationship on lies and deception. You seemed more concerned about disappointing your girlfriend in bed, rather than she becoming disappointed in you for misleading her and winning her affection under false pretense. While the importance of sex in a relationship cannot be downplayed, it should not be the entire focus, and certainly not the platform on which to begin and build a relationship. If you remain with your girlfriend long enough, she would find out the truth about you, whether you choose to tell her or not. You will have to decide how you want her to find out.
A test of friendship Dear George, MY BEST FRIEND is having a long distance relationship with a man who lives in the U.S.A. I warned her about the situation she was getting into. You see, my best friend is married, and the guy she is having this long distance affair and is also married. She has tried her best to justify her reasons for being with this guy, saying how charming he is, etc. I have said nothing to her husband, since I do not want to cause trouble for her marriage. About a month after knowing about this guy, I began communicating with him, acting as the middle person between him and my best friend. The more I talked with him, the more I discovered that he and I had so much in common. We just hit it off. We ended up getting personal, and now, we are at the point where we have feelings for each other. I divorced from my husband two years ago, and I am ready to be with this man. I know this sounds wrong, but I have even asked him to be with me and forget about his wife, for whom he said he is losing feelings. I have not told my best friend that I am now in love with her sidekick. I know that if and when she finds out, our friendship will be threatened. Why should she have him and she already has her husband? I am the one who needs the company - I have nobody!
Wishing heart Dear Wishing heart, The situation that you have described presents two tests. It tests your sense of friendship, and also the strength of your character and moral convictions. You are willing and ready to dissolve a good friendship for the temporary pleasure of being with a man who, you believe, has pledged his love and commitment to another. At the end of the day, this man would most likely remain with his wife and you would be left to regret betraying a proven friend for a trophy that never belonged in your collection in the first place. Be the friend that you should be, and encourage your friend to forget about this distant man, and get back on track with her marriage. You can do this without being too judgemental, of course. As for your feelings for this man, let them disappear as quickly as they appeared. You will get better results loving someone who is totally and unconditionally available to you.
Aries (Mar. 21- April 20) Strong willpower will come to your rescue. You will find travel and lectures most stimulating. Don’t start a dispute unless you’re prepared to accept irreversible results. Delve into worthwhile causes that will show results if you put in the effort. Taurus (Apr. 21- May 21) You’ll communicate easily and develop new friendships. You can have a great time if you go out with the one you love. Be sure that you have all the facts before you take action. Gemini (May 22-June 21) Love relationships will flourish. Dig deep, ferret out any hidden concerns before you sign your life away Expect to experience a sudden reversal of fortune. You’re best to avoid disputes. Cancer (June 22-July 22) Do your own thing without drawing attention to it. Your doubt could lead to insecurity. Your charisma will no doubt attract a lot of attention. Be diplomatic but stem when it comes to giving of yourself. Leo (July 23-Aug 22) You can ask for favors or run your ideas by those who will be able to support your objectives. Visit someone who hasn’t been feeling well lately. You may be experiencing emotional turmoil in regard to your mate. Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Get the red tape and the unwanted paperwork out of the way. Try not to judge too quickly. Help others solve their dilemmas. Entertainment should include your whole family.
Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Try not to hesitate; act on your initial instincts. Hidden assets can be doubled if you play your cards correctly. Your partner will be emotionally unable to cope. Try not to lend or borrow money or belongings this week. Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You may find travel to be most rewarding. Weigh the pros and cons and make a decision that will change the conditions you’ve been living under. You can finish projects early, which will bring you praise from superiors. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You will do best to entertain those you wish to close deals with. Try to find another time to present work or ideas this week. Don’t bend to the pressure. You can enjoy entertainment if you join in and follow the crowd for a change. Capricorn (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Someone you live with will be quite unreason able this week. Opportunities to get together with people in powerful positions could help you get ahead. Losses are likely if you get involved with uncertain individuals. Aquarius (Jan. 21.- Feb. 19) Old friends may not like your choices. You will do extremely well if you get involved in competitive activities this week. Take a close look at any contracts you’ve signed in order to be sure exactly where you stand. Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Uncertain changes regarding your personal life are evident. You should get into programs that will enhance your appearance and help you to be the best that you can. New love connections can be made through group associations.
ACROSS 1. GI’s address (abbr.) 4. Bank door letters 8. School org. 11. Standard (abbr.) 12. Actress Turner 13. Sudden disappearance sound 14. Guy’s opposite 15. Slangy negative 16. “__ you know!” (2 wds.) 17. Highway rigs 19. Cable news inits. 21. Intrude 22. Cads 25. Apartment house, e.g. (abbr.) 28. Curtain holder 29. Building addition 31. Drivers’ org. 32. Prayer finales 34. Sis, for one 35. __ Tin Tin 36. Veto, slangily 37. Bank machines (abbr.) 38. Prom attendees, e.g. 40. Frat house letter 42. Actor Chaney 43. Soothe by indulgence 46. Siamese, now 49. Keyed up 51. Powder __ 53. Wanes 54. Trig or calculus 55. Remove a stitch 56. Two (Sp.) 57. Selves 58. Toothpasteaccepting gp. DOWN 1. Chile’s neighbour (abbr.) 2. Pod dwellers 3. Gawk 4. Talent 5. “Driving
Miss __” 6. Wayside hotel 7. Finally figure out (2 wds.) 8. Gdansk’s locale 9. In addition 10. Rearward 13. Window part 18. Car buyer’s concern (abbr.) 20. Actor Beatty and others 23. “__ we forget” 24. Svelte 25. Lounge feature 26. Milk (Fr.) 27. Hamlet, for one 28. Actor Harrison 30. Pounds (abbr.)
32. __ Domini 33. Identify incorrectly 37. Get ready to shoot 39. Actor Wallach et al. 40. Picture, for short 41. Grant and Downs 44. Green pods
for gumbo 45. Actress Beryl 46. Actor Knight 47. Cable option (abbr.) 48. Not in school (abbr.) 50. Stage joke 52. Grade Point Average (abbr.)
Antoine is new CAFRA representative Ms. Nevlyn Antoine is the new National Representative of the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Her designation was endorsed at CAFRA’s recent General Assembly held in St. Lucia. Ms. Antoine, who currently serves as a Zonal Co-ordinator (Central Windward) with the Adult and
Continuing Education Unit, brings to CAFRA years of experience as a community activist, with an unquestionable passion for issues affecting women, particularly women in rural communities. As this country’s National Representative, Ms. Antoine will be responsible for spearheading the implementation of CAFRA programmes here.
societal transformation, thus creating a climate in which social justice is CAFRA, launched on realized. April 2, 1995, is ‘a At its recent General regional network of Assembly, CAFRA, feminists, individual among other decisions researchers, activists and and deliberations, women’s organizations denounced and that define feminist condemned what it policies as a matter of described as ‘the both consciousness and outrageous action of the action’. government and people Its mission is ‘to of the Dominican celebrate and channel Republic against the the collective power of Haitian /Dominican women for individual and Population’.
CAFRA takes a stance
CAFRA said in a statement, that it stands ‘against the repatriation of undocumented Dominicans of Haitian descent, who have difficulty in accessing their identify documents, or who are not registered in the civil status registry. Further, the process of repatriation of migrants in this irregular situation should be implemented with the full respect for Nevlyn Antoine, new CAFRA National human dignity and Representative for St. fundamental rights, as Vincent and the well as avoiding the Grenadines. separation of Haitian families living in the with Dominican Dominican Republic, children’.
Union IslandÊs newest doctoral graduate Kinta AlexanderMills, a proud alumnus of Union Island Secondary School (UISS), graduated from New York Medical College on May 21, 2015, becoming the latest student from Union Island to complete a doctoral degree. Born in Ashton, Union Island, Kinta showed early signs of academic prowess and social Kinta Alexander-Mills, the maturity. She was latest student from Union skipped to a Island to complete a doctoral higher class at the degree, and her husband, age of 7 after Fitzroy Mills. exhibiting keen mental focus; at the age of 14 she represented UISS nationally at the Jaycees Public Speaking Competition, and propelled all the way to the finals; at 15, she graduated top of the class as part of UISS illustrious “Class of 1995” (the largest graduating class at the time). She credits the blessings of God for her success, and the hard work of her parents (Ozias and Robertha Alexander of Union Island). She is especially thankful for the love and support of her husband, Fitzroy Mills, a licensed electrical engineer in NY (also from Union Island). Kinta feels that the strong family foundation that she received on the hills of Valley (where she grew up), coupled with the graceful moral shaping of her Seventh-day Adventist upbringing, prepared her for the many vicissitudes of life, and helped her navigate the many treacherous paths of adolescence and adulthood. She contends that a well-rounded biblical worldview helps with right decision making. Kinta graduated with a Doctor of Public Health degree after successfully defending her ‘Assessment of the Risk Factors for Hospital Onset Clostridium Difficile Infection’. Prior to her doctoral work, Kinta completed both a Master of Science and a Master of Public Health degree. She currently works at Mount Sinai Beth-Israel Hospital in NYC. (Submitted by Nkarlo)
Bequia Annual Basketball Tournament opens
SVG, for her ongoing commitment to sports, and called on the membership to support her. Teams line up for inspection at the He recognized opening of the 17th Annual Vita Malt the high level of Action in an opening night match in the Bequia Bequia Tournament. skill from the Basketball Tournament. Grenadines players, tournament runs smoothly. Vincent Ltd and Frangipani Hotel, as testimony of which is borne out in He urged the players to take well as many of the Bequia business their representation on national advantage of the opportunity places who contribute. teams. presented to them to play hard, make She congratulated the entire Bequia Dr. Godwin Friday, also lasting friendships, and to be part of Basketball fraternity, and all teams congratulated the Executive of the something special, and made special who own the tournament and who Bequia Association and all those who recognition of Bequia overseas-based volunteer their time, along with the work behind the scenes to ensure the player, Shawn Executive Committee, to collectively King, who was in run the summer tournament. attendance, and In one of the games played on who now plays opening day that threw up an early professional upset in the second Division, Rising basketball in Stars II defeated defending Europe. (See Champions Blazing Heat 71 to 50. accompanying Rising Stars: Cody Compton with 29 even national team SHAWN KING, who honed his skills years ago Story). points, 4 steals, 1 block led for Rsing players.” King said on the Clive Tannis hard court in Bequia, is with some concern. grateful for that opportunity, which has been Director of Stars 11, and for Blazing Heat: In the highly the launch pad for a professional career. Sports, Nelson Nicholas Lewis had 12 points, 4 steals. competitive Caribbean King, who plies his trade in Europe, Hillocks, was in confessed, “Basketball in Bequia has helped me championships, King, high praise of Other games played ended as a center, was the top a lot, because if I didn’t have my skills here, I Mitchell and the follows: Duke 63, Warriaz 55 and rebounder with 71 in wouldn’t be able to go anywhere.” Executive East Blazers 80, Wizards 56, in the total, made up of 50 The powerfully built King, who stands at six Committee for an First Division; and Wizards II, 48, feet ten inches, has played in various European defensive and 21 awesome Young Duke, 41, in the Second countries, including Belarus, Italy and Ukraine. offensive pull downs. Shawn King is currently achievement of 17 Division. King was also third in plying his trade in He heads next to Lebanon. years. Matches will be played every the block shots He revealed that over the years, he has Europe. Mitchell, in her Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and category. learned to stick to the basics. address, thanked Sunday night. At the opening “Everything in life as a young player is a The tournament is scheduled to ceremony of the 17th annual Bequia Basketball the main sponsors small step.... You have to work on your craft of the conclude on Sunday, August 30. Tournament last Saturday night , the 33every day... . For you to get somewhere you year—old King was highlighted as someone that tournament, have to work on your dribbling, your shooting, namely the St. I.B.A.ALLEN you have to work on your lay ups... You have to the young players on the island should look to Vincent Brewery, for mentorship. get the fundamentals right,” King said. Courts St. “When people looking at you, they are looking at your fundamentals... . If you don’t have that, they not going to want you, so you have to come back to the basics,” he added. He observed that this is lacking with some of SVG TOP JUNIOR players head two silver medals last year (Jason the current young players on Bequia. “ I came here and watched a lot of guys, and off to Barbados to represent Team Doyle BU17 category and Kai OECS for the __ annual Caribbean Bentick BU13 category). Both all they want to do is dunk. It’s not all about Jason, 5/8 seed, and Kai #2 seed dunking and shooting three points; you have to Squash Championship which will have moved up in age categories know how to make a layup, how to dribble the be held from 18th -25th July. The Team comprises Vincentian and are expected to perform just as ball, how to pass the ball,” King advised. Boys Under(BU) 19 Jason Doyle well, if not better in this year’s A member of the St Vincent and the (captain), BU19 Omari Wilson, championship. Grenadines team which participated in last BU17 Michal Quashie, BU15 Kai Thandi Myers, #5/8 seed, month’s Caribbean Basketball Championships finished in 6th place in the GU17 in Tortola, the British Virgin Islands, King was Bentick, BU13 Jlan Mc competition last year. Kirsten disappointed with the overall play, opining that Master,Girls Under (GU) GU19 Deiriai Myers, GU17 Thandi Myers Gordon #5/8 seed, Deiriai Myers the team should have done better than their and GU13 Giovanni Miller#10 seed. sixth place. Alexander, and British Virgin The girls’ team finished 5th, and “We had a great team, but we still had a lot Islander GU17 Kirsten Gordon. boys team finished last place, with of things to learn. We had a lot of basic stuffs The team is coached by James only 3 members on a 5-member to work on and improve for the next time. We The OECS Junior Squash team team squad. could have done better, but messed up on some Bentick, managed by Kevin Hannaway, and has Janine Doyle The team’s participation is made that will participate in the of the games just because of our Caribbean Squash possible with support from the fundamentals... We need to work on our basics, as their chaperone. Championship. Team OECS earned themselves National Lotteries Authority.
THE 17TH VITA MALT BEQUIA Tournament opened in earnest last weekend Saturday, July 11, at the Clive Tannis Basketball Court . Sixteen teams are expected to compete in three divisions, and will involve approximately 200 players. The opening witnessed addressed by several dignitaries. In attendance at the Opening and March Past of Teams, included the Hon Cecil McKie, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports; Dr. Loraine Friday, Parliamentary Representative for the Northern Grenadines, and Director of Sports Nelson Hillocks. Minister Mc Kie congratulated President of the Association, Sabrina Mitchell, also Sports Ambassador in
Basketballer grateful for Bequia tournament
Squash juniors head for OECS championship
V Shantel in 200 metres heats today 24. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015. THE VINCENTIAN
brother’s wedding celebration. Williams said that September will THIS COUNTRY’S LONE representative to make it two years since she began the IAAF World Youth Athletics Games in training with Ballantyne, and she has Columbia, Shantel Williams, will be in no regret saying that he is a “good the heats in her pet event, the 200 coach”. metres, Friday July 17th, with all In his last-minute instructions intention of qualifying for the next round before Williams departed the ET and even improving her time. Joshua Airport, Ballantyne advised Williams qualified for the Games her to “try and be comfortable,” after achieving the standard at the without putting herself under Hampton International Games in pressure, and that at the bend, she Trinidad in May. The standard for the “must push hard over the next 80 Youth Athletics Games for the 200 metres,” adding, “I want to see a good metres was set at 25.35 seconds, and effort with an improvement in your Williams completed the distance in time”. 25.31 seconds. Williams is being accompanied by Just prior to leaving for the Games coach/chaperone Andrea David on Sunday afternoon, Williams —Latchman. admitted to being a little nervous, but The Games end on Sunday. said she was confident of doing well. Her coach, Pamenos Ballantyne, who was not making the trip, said that he too, was confident that his charge of just under two years, has the potential to do well. Ballantyne said that when Williams started, she was doing 28 seconds for the 200m, and that was very slow. At SOPHIE GODDARD was re-elected President of the St. Vincent and the the 2014 Inter-Secondary School Grenadines Rugby Union Football Games she completed the 200 metres Club (SVG RUFC) when it held its in 27.56 seconds. Annual General Meeting on Monday “But look at the improvement now, where she ran the 200 metres in 25.80 13th , at the Arnos Vale Sporting and broke the record held by Shafiqua Complex. In addition to elections to the Maloney. Last year in the hundred, executive, another significant agenda she did 13.59 and claimed the record this year with a time of 12.67, beating item of last Monday’s meeting was the vote to officially change the name of the old mark of 12.97’,” he said in a the organization. Carried by hoarse voice, the after effects of his by E. GLENFORD PRESCOTT
An at ease looking Shantel Williams (right), with her chaperone Andrea David –Latchman and her coach Pamenos Ballantyne, just before her departure for the IAAF World Youth Athletics Games in Columbia.
SVG Rugby: New Name, New Executive
unanimous vote was a name change from St. Vincent and the Grenadines Rugby Union Football Club (SVG RUFC) to the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Rugby Union (SVG RU). President, Sophie Goddard, who along with her executive, will serve for the period 2015 — 2017, was happy with the outcome of the meeting, and very pleased for the official name change. “The name has been active since 1998, but a name change was something we have been considering for a while,” Goddard said, adding, “ The by E. GLENFORD PRESCOTT coaches a chance to old name was confusing to get involved in members of the public - it CLUBS, TEAMS AND INDIVIDUALS who organised coaching,” contained ‘football’, which excelled during the domestic football season the president persons always questioned, and at the national level, are expected to be informed. and also ‘Club’ , and we are a rewarded today, Friday, July 17th 2015, at Coaches who Union not a club! We have 4 Frenches House, when the St. Vincent and attend this course clubs within our Union in SVG, the Grenadines Football Federation will be given the so it is important to (SVGFF) holds its awards and prize-giving opportunity to step differentiate.” ceremony. up to other courses, She welcomed new officers President Venold Coombs said that towards the recently and members to the Executive. “thousands upon thousands of dollars will introduced D License As of this term, the be paid out to footballers.” Course now being Executive has expanded with Coombs stressed that the success of the offered by the the introduction of new roles: various national teams and those in the CONCACAF. Venold Coombs, League Coordinator, filled by Community Inter-league and Club Today’s ceremony, President of the Kemi Francois; Sponsorship championships must be recognised with scheduled for a SVGFF, has stated Director by Jake Heimann; and tangible rewards, and he is making sure 6:30pm start, will categorically that U19s Public Relations Officer that happens. hear addresses from his Federation will Nixon McAllister. “This executive is not only serious about the president, and see to it that As far as the rest of the football with words; we are showing it by former national footballers are Executive is concerned, it action and deeds; we are here for the athlete, Dr. Lennox rewarded tangibly development of the sport, not to be a Adams, who is down for their successes reads: Co Vice President John Townend; Treasurer parasite on the backs of players. to do the feature and achievements. Gary Blackman; Secretary “Our goal is to make sure that the lives address. Valarie Pelletier, Assistant of those who play football are improved East Kingstown parliamentary Secretary - Leonard Matthews; substantially, and we are doing so by representative and Leader of the Public Relations Officer - Kemi rewarding them not only with trophies and Opposition, Arhnim Eustace, and Sports Francois; Team Manager - Guy medals but with cash… .” Minister Ceceil Mc Kie are expected to be Hadley; Club Coach - Mike Coombs also noted that football in SVG in attendance. has been impacted positively at every level, Among the most anticipated awards will Jackson (6 months); U19s Men’s captain - Benson with seniors, juniors, males, females and be: Youth Footballer of the Year; Female Nanton; and Men’s captain grassroots all getting plenty of attention. Footballer of the Year; and Senior Andrew Phillips. “Our objective is to move football along Footballer of the Year. With the exception of Gary at all levels, and next week, we will hold yet another Grassroots course to give our
SVGFF to hold awards ceremony tonight
Sophie Goddard was re-elected President of the newly named St. Vincent and the Grenadines Rugby Union. Blackman and Mike Jackson, all other members were returned to positions they held during the last term. Mike Jackson is an English Coach who will soon become attached to the Union for six months. Future goals of the Executive include hiring a local assistant for their grassroots ‘Get into Rugby’ programme, as well as expanding the sport into secondary schools, increasing the standards of the National team(s), attending more youth tournaments, and hosting tournaments here in St. Vincent, and recruitment. Goddard was optimistic, expressing, “I feel that we now have an Executive who is all working towards the same future goals. It is now important for us all to encourage new members in a recruitment drive, as well as work on our standards of existing players” she concluded. I.B.A.ALLEN
SVG female cricketers off to Grenada by GLENFORD PRESCOTT
Pete launches Academy FOOTBALL lovers have an opportunity to hone their skills when two brothers, Pete and Des Morris, pit their skills to organise ‘Summer Soccer Camp 2o15’. The event is scheduled for the Arnos Vale Playing Field next Monday, July 20. Football and the Morris family go together. Pete’s elevation to the senior national squad came as a formality. The talent he displayed as a youth made it inevitable that he would have made it to the top. The family is originally from the central Leeward town of Layou, which still maintains its place in this country’s cultural and sporting annals. Pete was the fulcrum of a generation of Vincentian footballers that helped catapult this nation into the football circles. It was a family trait. Pete’s elder brother Luxie and the youngest of the trio Des, form part of a formidable structure. Des’ Touch Masters Incorporated is a household name, not just in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but also in the US where they have been based. The Summer Soccer Camp will feature Jefrey Callau Casanova, well known for his role as Head Coach of the Barcelona Youth Football Academy, Spain. Players from the rest of the Caribbean, United States and Europe have been invited to attend. It is open to boys and girls aged six to 15. This comes as an injection to this country’s football heritage. In less than a week, the fiasco over our eligibility to continue world cup qualification will be settled. To what extent it will affect our preparation, will depend on how quickly we adjust. Following the arbitration, the opponents for the Third Round will be known. The slots for the Fourth Round will also be allocated. This country’s chance of advancing is as good as ever. A generation of players has stamped its brand of soccer on the world stage. It will be useful to incorporate the skills and experience of the Morris fraternity. Pete is launching his Academy along the lines of his younger brother. There is no question as to the sincerity of the Morris family. Everyone should be anxious to latch on to their philosophy. In addition to World Cup qualifiers, St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be in Haiti August 14, in a bid to make it to the final stage of the Olympic qualifiers. The local Federation will have to cater for a series of matches as long as the teams proceed. That will call for deep benches to cater for match conditions and other adjustments. The Summer Soccer Camp 2015 has potential of financial returns to this nation. Any influx of visitors will benefit the State. One must overlook tendencies which seem to be entrenched. A trait of suspicion, perhaps tinged with insecurity, overwhelms us occasionally. Handling matters in a mature way should be our direction. We have to use our resources while we remain within the ambits of legality. Our young athletes are rising to the next level. The female footballers set the stage when they captured the inaugural Windward Islands Football Championship. That was inspiration to their male colleagues. They won the Senior Windward Islands trophy, and used that tournament as preparation for the 2018 World Cup qualification. It will be an anti-climax if we face early elimination. The same situation ought not to hamper the Olympic journey. There is too much at stake for us to be handling matters in any erratic way. The trail of success has spilled over to the young cricketers. It is commendable that our Under 19 Cricketers could take that title in Dominica. The success of our sporting heroes must be a motivation. We must make sure that they grow
Experienced former West Indies batter Cordel Jack is part of a thirteen (13) member female squad to represent St. Vincent and the Grenadines in a three-match 50 over series in Grenada. The matches will be played 17th — 19th July 2015. The team was forced to make a last minute change when first choice wicketkeeper, Kayleen Garrick, was excluded on the advice of doctors, following a blow to the head during the team’s final training session. She was replaced by Glendeen Turtin who was named in the reserves. The series will help determine the composition of a 14-member Southern Windward Islands team for next month’s West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Super 50 Women’s Tournament, in Trinidad and Tobago. Jack, who has had some problems with the local cricket authorities, makes a return after a period of absence, during which time she is said to have contemplated retirement. An opening batter and offspinner, Jack has been one of the country’s top rated players and represented the West Indies in a number of matches. However, below par fitness more than a loss of form saw her losing her place in the West Indies team. The team shows the inclusion of
Julianna Nero Cordel Jack returns Kaylene Garrick, remains at the helm to the national team wicketkeeper, was of what is described with renewed forced out through as a balanced squad. vigour. injury. three newcomers in rebuilding. Samantha Caine and Kimone “We do not want the female Homer, both medium pacing all game to fall into the situation rounders, and off spinner where you are forced to continue Shenezia Daniel. selecting older players because The team will be captained there are not enough young once again by the experienced players coming through,” Burnette said. Juliana Nero, while Stacy-Ann The full touring team: Juliana Adams, who was named as one of the cricketers of 2014, will be her Nero (C), Stacy-Ann Adams (VC), Latoya Providence, Nyasha deputy. Williams, Japhina Joseph, Coach Cleton Burnette said Glendeen Turtin, Shavorne that the team is well balanced, Clarke, Vinisha King, Kimone with youth and experience well Homer, Shenezia Daniel, represented. Five of the players Samantha Caine, Crystal John, are still in their teens, an Cordel Jack, Cleton Burnett indication that the SVG Cricket (Head Coach), Samantha Lynch Association is serious about (Assistant Coach) Reserves: Zavian Stephen, Sue Ann Martin, Shonica Campbell.
ÂI thought it was a joke,Ê Cottoy
VINCENTIAN leg-spinner Davids, and Nanton McCollum.” Keron Cottoy has admitted his He assured that, “The call up to the Zouks experiences that I continue to Franchise in the ongoing CPL accumulate, I would surely T20 tournament came as a cherish and use to further surprise, but he is grateful develop for a brighter under the circumstances. cricketing future.” Speaking to THE Cottoy hopes to make most VINCENTIAN after arriving of this opportunity, while in St Kitts, the day before the keeping it simple, learning game against St Kitts and enjoying the time spent Patriots, Cottoy confessed that with the entire team. at first he thought his call-up Notwithstanding, he hopes it was a joke. to make a great impact on the “It is by no means Keron Cottoy efforts of the team going unfortunate, the forward. is proud to circumstances that brought Cottoy is currently a wear the me in the Zouks unit in the student at the University of Zouks first place, but by all means, I colours. The West Indies (UWI), and is am grateful for this a member of the UWI opportunity to showcase my talent Blackbirds Cricket team, which recently won the Barbados Cricket because it is a dream come true,” Association T20 tournament. Cottoy expressed. “I must admit that I have some of Cottoy was called up to replace the greatest opportunities that are en Captain Darren Sammy, who sustained a fractured left little finger route to the goals that I had set since I was a young boy. Academics and after being struck by a short-pitch delivery from West Indies fast bowler Sports really do go hand in hand where the avenues for opportunities Andre Russell, in the match against lie,” he mused. the Jamaica Tallawahs in Jamaica, His focus now is on doing well for last week. the Zouks, but he has some The young man described the stage encouraging words of advice for the at which he is now in cricket as “a future generation of cricketers: pivotal phase”, since he has his eyes “Never give up on your dreams trained on making it onto the West because they will come to you at the Indies team. right time.” The opportunity of playing for the He recognizes and thanks his Zouks, he described as “a learning one family, coaches, managers and all for me, playing amongst and against well-wishers for their continuing some of the greatest players in world support. cricket, the likes of Kevin Pietersen, a player whose skills I always admired; I.B.A.ALLEN Darren Sammy, Ross Taylor, Henry
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„EUSTACE MAKING EXCUSES,‰ SAYS GONSALVES PM Dr Ralph Gonsalves dismissed the Opposition Leader’s allegations as a step towards setting up an excuse for when he, Eustace, loses the next general elections.
THE LEADER of the Opposition is using the allegation of bribes as an excuse for when the New Democratic Party (NDP) loses the next General Elections. So says Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves in response to a comment made by the Opposition Leader, Arnhim Eustace, on Monday’s edition of the ‘New Times’ programme. Eustace charged that the Unity Labour Party (ULP) administration had purchased some EC$10M worth of building materials from a Jamaican company, for the purpose of political bribes. According to Eustace, EC$10M was a lot of money to be spending on a company outside of St Vincent, and on items that were going to be distributed to people who were not in need. Admitting that the economy was in a bad state, with a lot of businesses closing, Dr Gonsalves quipped, “But we are going to take $10M and spend it on one business in Jamaica.” Eustace further contended that the government owed local businesses, yet the Prime
programme, the Prime Minister continued. That money was included in the 2015 budget, he added, and the payments for the material which was being supplied by the Jamaican company, Tank-Weld, were to continued. This was the same company be made monthly out of funds from Petro Caribe, from that got all the business January to December 2015. during the previous General “So all that material… what Elections, Eustace charged. “How does this make sense; happen, I was bribing voters even if you bought it here and then?” Last December’s delivery give it away, the money would was the third time that the have gone to firms and the people here,” the Leader of the government had received shipments from the company. Opposition said. Dr Gonsalves conceded that He went on further to say over time, he had developed a that the matter was worth working relationship with the investigating in the future. company. But Dr Gonsalves Following the December responded during a press shipment, Gonsalves said that briefing on Monday, that the Montgomery Daniel, who has government had previously been placed in charge of the ordered EC$5M worth of ‘Lives to Live’ programme, Minister was spending all that materials, which was already expressed to him that they money on one foreign delivered last December. company. Those materials were to be were running low on supplies, particularly steel, cement, “This money is to be paid on used in the ‘Lives to Live’ a monthly basis starting in programme, and for victims of lumber and ply wood, and a subsequent order was made January 2015; what are we Hurricane Tomas and the valued at EC$4M. trying to do? Put this country April, 2011 floods, who were “This morning (Tuesday), I in a worse off position?” not yet supplied with building was finalising some Eustace questioned. material. “People call it bribery for Whatever remained was to documentation and the system of payment,” he said. election, but what is it that be distributed to persons on According to Gonsalves, he you are really trying to do?” he the public assistance Arnhim Eustace, Opposition leader, charged that the ULP had purchased a quantity of materials to be used as political bribes leading up to the next general elections.
Published by The VINCENTIAN Publishing Co. Ltd, St. Vincent and the Grenadines;
knew how much funding he had available to him; however, the leader of the opposition would not. “What you hear he talking about there, he is trying to in advance set up an excuse for when he loses the elections,” Gonsalves explained. “In 2001, they said that I won because of obeah. In 200, it was obeah plus stealing the elections. In 2010, they said that if it wasn’t for Tomas, and in the case for that, they said that I had ordered the material before Tomas,” he said as he dismissed Eustace’s allegations.
Printed by the SVG Publishers Inc., Campden Park.