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DECEMBER 04, 2015

VOLUME 109, No.49


Monsignor Michael Stewart, who heads the NMCM, has been advised by Dr. Ralph Gonsalves that he should not allow anyone who is a known anti-ULP activist to serve as an elections monitor. by DAYLE DA SILVA “WE WILL OBJECT to any wolf in sheep’s clothing.” So says the Political Leader of

Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, pictured with His Holiness Pope Francis, has gone out of his way to remind the populace that he is a member of the Roman Catholic faith. the Unity Labour Party (ULP), Dr Ralph Gonsalves, who, last Saturday, told a public meeting of his party, that he was advising Monsignor Michael Stewart, Chairman of the St Vincent and the Christian Council and the

National Monitoring and Consultative Mechanism (NMCM), to be very selective with respect to those who will make up the team of local monitors. Continued on Page 3.


POLICE REMAIN ON FULL ALERT AS INVESTIGATIONS continue into the matter involving damage to the motor car belonging to Deborah Charles, the Unity Labour Party’s candidate for West Kingstown, Commissioner of Police(CoP) Michael Charles is reporting that the election campaign, while it has been challenging for the Police CoP Michael Charles has given the Force, has gone, assurance that the generally, without many incidents of misbehaviour RSVG Police Force will be on full alert as by citizens. the country enters Charles told THE the final days of the VINCENTIAN that to campaign leading up date, the only two major incidents to have occurred to the December 9, 2015 General were: the act of Elections. vandalism that occurred against Charles’ car, when the driver’s side window was smashed and the battery stolen; and the bottle-throwing incident that occurred at Petit Bordel during a function being held by the ULP. The CoP did say that there were other minor incidents that have occurred, the majority of which were traffic related when supporters parked vehicles in an effort to block opposing supporters. “Other than that, the police have been on the ball,” he told THE VINCENTIAN. “This time is usually referred to as ‘silly season,’ and during this time, we will be out in full force,” he said. In response to an earlier claim made by members of the New Democratic Party (NDP) that police presence was often absent at their political rallies, the top cop said that this was not true, and assured that police will be present at all major political events scheduled by any of the four political parties here. And as far as this weekend, the final before the 2015 General Elections, is concerned, Charles affirmed that the police will continue to be on full alert.

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