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The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines


JULY 26, 2013

VOLUME 107, No.30


Antonio ‘Que Pasa’ Gellizeau was calm and talkative as he left the dock after being sentenced. of Antonio ‘Que Pasa’ Gellizeau while speaking “IT IS AN HONOUR to be to THE VINCENTIAN tried here on money on Monday, shortly after laundering charges receiving a ten-year instead of on rape prison term in the (charges), and it is an biggest ever money honour for the prosecution laundering case in the to drag me through this Eastern Caribbean. mud instead of nolle The 47-year-old prosequing my case.” businessman was Those were the words sentenced to ten years by HAYDN HUGGINS

for bringing into the country on the yacht ‘Jotobin’, April 5, 2008, at Calliaqua, US$1.73 million (approximately EC$4.6 million) in cash, the proceeds of criminal conduct. He was also sentenced to ten years in prison for concealing the cash. The sentences, handed down by Justice

Wesley James at the Criminal Assizes, will run concurrently, and the time spent on remand will be taken into account. Gellizeau had already spent 16 months in custody in connection with the matter. After the sentences were handed down, Gellizeau left the prisoners’ dock with a smile, and spoke briefly to members of the audience while being escorted to the prisoners’ benches. Speaking with THE VINCENTIAN, Gellizeau commended and thanked his lawyers Shiraz Aziz and Mira Commissiong for “brilliant representation.” Bermudian seaman Winston Franklyn Robinson, convicted on

similar charges in connection with the same incident, is scheduled to be sentenced on October 9 when his lawyer Alberton Richelieu of St. Lucia is expected to be present. Aziz told reporters that Gellizeau’s conviction and sentence would be appealed. “We pushed for sentencing because we cannot appeal the conviction without the sentence,” he explained. Senior Counsel Gilbert Peterson of Trinidad and Tobago, who appeared for the Crown, declined to comment.

Justice Wesley James reminded Counsel for the Defence about the regional and international implications of money laundering.

personal circumstances. But Justice James rebutted, “Are you aware Defense pleas for that money laundering custodial sentence offences have national and international effects?” At the sentencing Aziz pointed out that hearing, Aziz there was no direct contended that the Shiraz Aziz (centre) evidence connecting and Mira Commissiong penalty should be the Gellizeau with Robinson, or least possible custodial (right) seen here after linking him to any criminal sentence, given the the sentencing in activity. He noted there discussion with Senior circumstances that was only circumstantial Counsel and make the case different and inferential evidence. Prosecutor Gilbert from other money Peterson of Trinidad laundering cases, as Continued on Page 3. and Tobago. well as Gellizeau’s

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