The Vindicator - October 2017

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Vindicator Cleveland State University’s Arts and Culture Magazine

OCT 2017

punk as a lifestyle

community & music local band interviews the DIY lifestyle

OCT 2 Want More? 3 The Team

5 Letter from the Editor 6 Calendar ARTS 7 The Horror of Movie Marketing 9 D ysfunction as an Art Form 11 America’s Horror Story CULTURE 13 W hite Feminism 15 How We’ve Been Gentrified 17 Campus Activists 19 Indigenous Peru FEATURE 21 S tay Strong, Speak Out 23 Past Vikes Making a Change 27 Cleveland’s Underground Punk Scene 33 Quiz: Are You a White Feminist? 34 Recipe: Pimp Out Your Pasta SOCIAL 35 A Million Ways to Love 37 My Experience with Tech Corps 39 The Meaning of Adopt, Don’t Shop 41 Self-Care as Warfare POETRY 43 Window Minded 44 The Past Should Stay in the Past, Right? 45 Baptism

27 Punk Revival


CLE’s DIY & punk scene are rising from the ashes.


Which is Your Fav Childhood Halloween Movie?



52% 32%




Follow us on social media to participate in our next poll! @VINDI_CSU


INTERVIEW The Vindicator had the opportunity to meet some cute pit-mixes at the Cleveland Flea on September 9th from a local adoption program called City Dogs Cleveland. City Dogs is working hard to help dogs find homes throughout the Cleveland area. You can find them at events throughout the community, their location at 2690 W 7th street, or online at READ MORE ABOUT CITY DOGS CLEVELAND ON PAGE 41


Faculty Advisor Julie Burrell


e heT am Web Specialist Daniel Lenhart


Arbela Capas

Nicole Zollos

Andriana Akrap

Holly Bland

Michella Dilworth


Art Director

Asst. Art Director

Managing Editor

Online Content Editor

Evan Prunty

Alexis Rosen

Alana Whelan

Benjamin Heacox

Dorothy Zhao

Multimedia Manager

Features Editor

Arts Editors

Copy Editor

Junior Editor



Erin Gates

Logan Hammond

Loren Shumaker-Chupp Michella Dilworth

Greg Elek

Jamia Richardson

Grace Roberson

Arbela Capas

Brenda CastaĂąeda

Alana Whelan

Jamia Richardson

Tyisha Blade


Joe Razuicka

Andriana Akrap

Alexis Rosen

Beauxerykah Betterson

Dorothy Zhao

Samantha Sanker

Joy Yayoie McKinney Chau Tang Sidney Berry

CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Mikayla Colston Paige Bowers

Disclaimer The content of the Vindicator does not necessarily represent the opinions of Cleveland State University, its students, faculty, or staff: nor does it represent the members of the Vindicator staff or our advisors unless otherwise stated. The editor reserves the right to comment on any issue that affects the student body in general as well as the multicultural community at large. Letters to the editors and other submissions are accepted, however they must have the authors name, address, major if applicable, and telephone number. All submissions become property of the Vindicator and the Vindicator reserves the right to edit submissions as deemed necessary. 2121 Euclid Ave, MC 471, Cleveland, OH 44115 216 687 2118




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t’s 2017. We’ve been hearing that a lot. Whether it’s through social media or cultural commentary, people are gasping, “I can’t believe it’s 2017, and we’re still dealing with this.” This has made us, the staff and contributors of the Vindicator, think and reflect about our mission as a publication on this campus. It’s 2017. Where has the Vindicator been, and where is it going? We have evolved from our roots as a Black student newspaper in 1969 as a response to a racially charged cartoon published in another on-campus publication. Since then, we have become the Arts and Culture magazine we are today, showcasing and amplifying the diversity of CSU students, especially systemically marginalized groups in society and immediately on campus. As our mission statement reads, “Celebrating nearly 50 years of seeking social justice on campus, in the community and on the Earth,

our mission is to serve the students of Cleveland State University with accurate, opinionated and analytic journalist content.” One of our features this month is profiling previous CSU students and alumni in relation to what they’re doing now. Daniel Grey-Kontar, who works with Twelve Arts Incubator in Cleveland, used to be part of the Vindicator in the 1990’s. Kontar said, “The Vindicator back then was a Black cultural magazine. Its focus was a bit different – that meant that we fostered an environment. The Vindicator at that time was really a space where writers and thinkers who were Black kind of convened there, so it wasn’t just a space where we wrote. It was a place for discussion about Black arts and Black thought. And be paid for what we did.” The staff of the Vindicator has always been comprised of passionate, deep thinking and self-aware

individuals who aim to not only publish news and current events, but the deeper social implications behind them. We are in awe of its ability to give folks a safe space and sense of belonging, its power for people to be creative and to be themselves. We, the Editorin-Chief and Managing Editor of the Vindicator, reaffirm our focus on lifting up marginalized voices and promoting diversity through the multitudes of people who share their stories and viewpoints on campus, while combating systemic oppression and holding the powers-that-be accountable. We are taking this opportunity with our first issue of the semester to call ourselves to action by doing what we do best: reporting stories, writing our experiences while exhibiting art and photography. We hope that you, our readers, will take this opportunity to call yourself to action as well.





w h a t’s h a p p e n i n g i n



Jessica Lea Mayfield w/ Mal Blum Kent native, Jessica Lea Mayfield, is coming to Mahall’s on tour for her newest album, “Sorry Is Gone.” She has an eclectic style that has gained her momentum in the music scene. Tickets are $12 presale and $15 at the door.


Halloween Flea Market

3rd Annual Halloween Flea Market Get your scare on at a flea market that sells everything from halloween toys to horror films and more at Now That’s Class. Be festive and come in costume, or enjoy a special “spooky” drink for those who are 21+. Admission is $1.00 at the door.


Netflix Show


8:30PM, 13200 MADISON AVE


ACLU Belle and Ed Likover Lecture

Nothing was ever going back to normal. #StrangerThings2 arrives on October 27th on Netflix. The second season will consist of 9 episodes. NETFLIX


Come hear Jamil Smith, political journalist and contributor to The Daily Beast, speak about the role of the media in illuminating mass incarceration and race at Cleveland State’s Wolstein center on the 22nd.The event is free and light refreshments will be available. 2 PM, 2000 PROSPECT AVE

Benefit Show

Come out for a fun, family friendly night with raffles, great music and free food with 100 percent of the proceeds going to support the Cleveland APL! Presale tickets are $5 and they can be purchased from the event coordinator, Casey Reddick. Email: 2PM, DRINKO AUDITORIUM AT CSU OCTOBER 2017 | VINDICATOR 6

THE HORROR OF MOVIE MARKETING A look into the world of movie marketing, and why it might be ruining your filmgoing experience. // Greg Elek

CHECK OUT THESE BAD TRAILERS Please only watch if you’ve seen the movie, to avoid spoilers, and to get proper context.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Directed by Peter Jackson Room (2015) Directed by Lenny Abrahamson The Graduate (1967) Directed by Mike Nichols Shutter Island (2011) Directed by Martin Scorsese


t least once a year a small-

that one guy from The Social Network. What

tion at dinner. About ten minutes into their

er dramatic thriller will be

did I think when I saw it? Well, I loved it,

chat, it’s revealed that there’s a bomb un-

advertised as a horror movie,

as I did every movie I saw when I was 15.

der the table. Let’s say in the trailer there’s

and because of that, audiences

When I got home from my initial screen-

a quick shot of a bomb under a table from

tend to have mixed or poor

ing, I rushed to my computer to watch and

before. So, if you’ve watched that trailer,

reactions towards said movies. Some of the

read reviews from all of my favorite critics.

this sequence is now ruined for you; the

victims of this trend that come to mind are

I was muddled to find that they didn’t

suspense is gone because you know what’s

The Babadook (2014), The Witch (2016), and

all love it as much as I did. Part of that’s

going to happen even though only a brief

most recently, my favorite movie of the

because the movie just isn’t all that great

moment was shown in the trailer. Even the

year thus far, It Comes at Night (2017). Even

(it took me awhile to figure that out), but

most insignificant moment in a trailer can

in my personal experience, the audiences I

another big complaint was how misleading

ruin some of the most significant parts in

the marketing was. Pretty Much It — one

a movie. Nowadays, when I go to the the

ed and confused. Even though I think all three of these movies range from good to fantastic, I can’t really blame them. When you’re buying a product, you want to know exactly what you’re getting into. If you gave someone $10 for chocolate ice-cream and they gave you vanilla, you’d be upset. So why do studios keep doing this if it’s getting their movies poor reactions? Simple: horror movies make money. Just look at the three movies I mentioned earlier. The Babadook made $7.5 million on a $2 million budget. The Witch made $40.4 mil-

lion on a $4 million budget, and It Comes at Night made $19.2 million on a $2.4 million budget. Plus, there’s no risk in audiences getting frustrated and boycotting the horror genre since it only seems to happen on a large scale roughly once a year. Nothing is more attractive to a studio than returns on small investments, and if you can do math, and are reading this article in chronological order, you know these movies fit that bill. They cost next

the trailers play, I listen to music and close

When you buy a product you want to know exactly what you’re getting into.

to nothing to make, and then studios flip

my eyes. When my friends are sharing around the newest trailers, I don’t watch (I have literally no idea what the next Star Wars is about and it’s killing me). My movie going experience has gone through the roof since then. Now, when I watch a movie that isn’t predictable, I get the luxury of having literally no idea where it’s going. I understand this isn’t a solution for everyone. I pick movies I want to see based on recommendations from certain critics, as well as who was involved in the production. For more casual fans I understand that’s impractical, which is why their solution is a bit on the trickier side. My first recommendation would be if

you’re sold on a movie based on its trailer to immediately stop watching it. Back before I abandoned trailers completely, I would often stop them halfway through. Another suggestion would be if a friend invites you to a movie that you’ve never heard of, and you’re in the mood for

their earnings and invest them in their

of my favorite movie related YouTube

a movie, just see it. Don’t read any plot

big budget franchise films, which is what

channels — spent the first seven minutes

descriptions, watch any trailers, or read

brings in the big bucks. So what’s the

of their review talking about the market-

any reviews. This is getting your feet wet

solution here? Stop seeing horror mov-

ing for the movie which wasn’t all that

in the realm of avoiding marketing in

ies? Assume that every horror movie you

uncommon when it came to reviews for The

general, and finally, if you just can’t resist

see advertised is going to be an arthouse

Amazing Spider-Man. The same critiques

the seductive world of movie marketing,

drama? Unfortunately, these strategies

kept coming up — so much was shown in

do everything in your power to judge the

will only get you so far because this is an

the trailers that people knew how the en-

movie you’re watching, and not the movie

issue that extends beyond a misrepresent-

tire movie was going to play out. There was

you thought you were going to watch. Rog-

ed thriller or two every year, it’s a problem

also content in the trailers that was left out

er Ebert had a philosophy when reviewing

with the movie industry, and it’s affecting

of the movie another way audiences felt

movies (which really applies to all arts)

movies in every genre.

mislead. I know this is just one movie, but

which is that you should judge a movie

it’s not the first, and definitely won’t be the

based on what the filmmakers were trying

It’s the summer of 2012. I just finished

last movie to be critiqued for its marketing

to make. I know it’s unfair to be advertised

my first year of high school, and all I can

as much as its actual content. So, is there

one thing, and to get another, but are you

think about is how excited I am to see The

a solution to this? I found one, but it’s a bit

really going to let that ruin your expe-

Amazing Spider-Man. It appeared to be ev-

extreme — avoid movie marketing like the

rience? Don’t let the next Citizen Kane be

erything 15-year-old me could’ve asked for


ruined for you because the marketing sold

Let’s go back in time for a second. PHOTO FROM GOOGLE IMAGES

cinema, I bring my headphones, and when

saw these movies with seemed disappoint-

Spider-Man, a dark and gritty tone, Emma Stone, the director of 500 Days of Summer,

Let’s say we’re watching an imaginary

it as the next Paranormal Activity.

movie, and a couple is having a conversa-



HOLLYWOOD AND POVERTY Hollywood cleans up another story of adversity, this time with Jeanette Walls’ best-selling memoir, The Glass Castle // Grace Roberson


hen the words “based

placed into the hands of screenwriters and

on a true story” appear

directors, that vulnerability is amplified. Of

geles Times in August just shy of the film’s

on screen during a film,

course, a book and its film counterpart are

longly-anticipated release, describing her

I often wonder how

going to have stylistic differences – some

experience watching her story make the

much of the original

drastic, some not, but storytelling should be

page-to-screen transition. Her friends from

story was preserved during production. This

done unapologetically nonetheless – take

the writing world advised her not to put

thought has crossed my mind more recent-

127 Hours (2010), Into the Wild (2007), and

her story into the hands of Hollywood, and

ly, when the film adaption of my favorite

The Pianist (2002), which all started out as

Walls herself said that filmmakers loved her

memoir, The Glass Castle, was released this


book, but were unsure about what angle to

The memoir, published in 2005, tells the story of Jeanette Walls and her nomadic upbringing with her non traditional parents as they make their way across desert towns in California, Arizona, and Nevada, eventually settling in Welch, West Virginia. The novel gets its name from her father’s promise to build the family’s dream house – a solar-powered glass castle. The novel describes, in great detail, her family’s struggles with extreme cases of poverty, abuse, alcoholism, and neglect. While the heart of the story is her idealistic, alcoholic father, Rex, it is more so about Jeanette’s conflicted relationship with her adult self and the life she made for herself in New York City that is worlds away from her dysfunctional upbringing. Walls felt compelled to write The Glass Castle because while she was able to have a more comfortable, luxurious lifestyle compared to the one she grew up with, she still felt connected to her childhood. When I first heard about The Glass Castle being turned into a film, I was initially

That is where Hollywood falls

film genre is difficult to get right in terms of accuracy – Hollywood often sanitizes stories with emotionally heavy subject matter. Any story becomes vulnerable when it is published, but when a story is


“One wanted to turn it into a roman-

I left the theater shaken up, but I had more questions than answers...

hesitant to be excited about it. The biopic

short of expectation with the memoir genre – letting go of a story’s authenticity for

the sake of its content, how heavy or light hearted it may be, affecting the first weekend at the box office.

go from for a movie. tic comedy, another wanted to play up the

past August.

Walls wrote an op-ed for The Los An-

celebrity angle, most wanted to set it in the present, complete with cellphones and Twitter battles,” said Walls. Walls finally found her match in Destin Daniel Cretton, director of Short Term 12, a film that shares some of the same themes as The Glass Castle. Soon enough, Brie Larson signed on to play Jeanette, while Woody Harrelson and Naomi Watts were cast as her parents, Rex and Rosemary Walls. In her piece for The Los Angeles Times, the real-life Walls praised Cretton and the cast for working closely with her on the details of her story. The cast and crew went as far as watching videotapes of the real Walls family, reading journals, and using some of Jeanette’s 1980s suits for Brie Larson. Walls said that the truth is in the details, but while watching The Glass Castle, I couldn’t help but feel cheated. Despite her gratitude for Cretton and the cast, I still felt as if Walls’ voice was lost during the film’s production. I left the theater shaken up, but I had more questions than answers, the first one being “What happened?” The house in Welch, West Virginia, that the Walls family settled in during Jeanette’s adolescence (with no electricity or running water) was a far cry from what was de-

add an unwarranted comedic element to a

inequality as appropriate and fair.” To

thematically serious film.

expand on this, Streib writes in the intro-

In 2016, Jessi Streib, a Sociology pro-

scribed in the book. The scenes of Jeanette and her siblings going through cafeteria trash cans for spare food were eliminated. No rips, holes, or stains were visible on clothes. Hair was glossy, teeth were straight and clean. By the middle of the movie, it became clear what angle the filmmakers went for: making the father’s alcoholism the antagonist, and having Jeanette and her siblings adopt the overused we have


to survive and stick together mentality. The film’s narrative was shifted even more so with the casting of Max Greenfield (New Girl) as Walls’ first husband, named David in the film. Greenfield’s character, an investment banker, was used to dramatize the division of class between Jeanette and her family, and more importantly, to

duction of Benign Inequality, “we show that

fessor at Duke University, published the

this oversight is problematic as it masks

article Benign Inequality: Frames of Poverty

variation in how social class inequality is

and Social Class Inequality in Children’s Mov-

portrayed and does not reveal what mes-

ies. The study found that out of 100 chil-

sages individuals are exposed to throughout

dren’s films, only 4 main characters could

the life course.”

be identified as poor. Depicting poverty,

When is Hollywood going to get it

especially childhood poverty, is something

right? The Glass Castle deserved better.

that Hollywood has not quite mastered yet

Downplaying the trauma that the Walls

– class is a subject that filmmakers barely

siblings had to endure growing up only

scratch the surface of. Instead, elements of

adds to the problematic theme of sweeping

poverty and family dysfunction are ro-

true stories of adversity under the rug, and

manticized, discrediting those who have no

skews the general public’s ideas of poverty,

choice but to call living conditions similar

class, dysfunctional families, and substance

to the ones that the Walls family lived with

abuse. With The Glass Castle, Hollywood had

a reality.

a real chance of giving a voice to people

Streib and her team found in their

who have related to the Walls in some way

research that when it comes to the media,

or another, but ultimately chose to take the

“Who is portrayed, how they are portrayed,

easy way out.

and how the class structure are presented all tend to frame poverty and social class


AMERICA’S HORROR STORY An exploration of America’s utter fascination with the horror genre. // Erin Gates


ctober is best known for a

ment, which began in America in 1848 with

il, a creature born to a witch, Mother Leeds,

holiday that seems to be an

the Fox sisters. The sisters became known

and the Devil himself in 1735. This crea-

entire month-long (or for

for producing knocking sounds that they

ture supposedly killed its midwife and was

some, even longer) celebra-

claimed were spirit communication (al-

then exorcised by a minister, but in 1840

tion of horror, fantasy, and

though they later admitted in the late 1800s

sightings of The Jersey Devil arose once

fun. And that holiday, of course, is Hallow-

that it had all been a hoax). This event then

again and have continued ever since. Other

een. Seasonal décor, candy displays, and the

gave rise to mediums who communicated

famous legends include the Lake Champlain

anticipation of the holiday begin as early

with the dead, spirit photographs, spirit

monster, first spotted in 1819, and Bessie,

as late August or when the air gets crisp

lectures, and group séances. First lady Mary

the Lake Erie Monster, which was first

and the leaves begin to fall. But even when

Todd Lincoln was known to attend some

spotted in the late 1700s and continued to

the Halloween spirit isn’t in full swing,

of these séances around Washington D.C.

be seen well through the 1800s.

it’s influence is still incredibly prominent.

and even held a séance of her own in the

Stories of monsters and ghosts and the en-

White House. Victorian novels loaded with

of the 19th century’s captivation with the

thrallment with the make-believe are seen

stories of ghostly hauntings also prevailed,

paranormal, but to mention them all would

all year-round. For practically centuries

the most popular example being A Christ-

take too much time. Although not all these

popular culture has been obsessed with the

mas Carol by Charles Dickens. But ghosts

stories may be true, it’s no question that

abnormal, which Halloween is especially

weren’t the only aspect of the supernatural

this time was the genesis of the side of

known for. So how (and why) have things

that captivated the people of the 1800s,

American culture that loved to get scared.

like horror stories and cryptid creatures

local lore thrived in this time as well.

Even though the Spiritualist movement

current American culture?

The History of Horror For centuries, people have been obsessed with seeking out the things that scare them. Tales of ghosts and monsters and general abnormalities have been a source of entertainment for people of all ages. The Celts, who lived more than 2,000 years ago, were the first to dabble in the paranormal and fancy the concept of spirits. On the Holiday of Samhain (pronounced SOW-in), they believed that the night before the new

Horror movies evolved from creatures of the night to violence...

year, the veil between the land of living and dead was lifted and used the spirits to help predict the future. But even though ghosts were originally regarded as a guiding and helpful force, they steadily began to be depicted as malevolent, as terrifying ghost stories and interaction with spirits began in 19th century. The 1800s became known for an influx of chilling events and lore, most likely caused by the rise of the Spiritualist move-


Once again, novels of the time aided

grown to be so influential and prominent in

There are countless other examples

died out around the turn of the century,

in this rise in popularity, including hor-

horror novels and scary stories were still a

ror novels like Dracula by Bram Stoker and

huge form of entertainment. Then, around

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. More so than

the 1920s, when film became popular, a

just novels, sightings and first-hand ac-

new form of horror was introduced. These

counts of monsters were the most popular

new horror movies provided film and terror

way that local lore was spread. During this

lovers alike with a new avenue to explore.

time, tales of creatures of all sorts began

In 1915 the horror genre took off with films

to be spread. One of the most popular local

like The Golem (1915). From then on, hor-

legends that sprung up was The Jersey Dev- ror films became classics with movies such

as Frankenstein (1931) and The Mummy

ple love to get scared, and because of this,

only a thrilling novel that kept the read-

(1932). As the horror genre continued to

the influence that it has had on pop-culture

er engaged and terrified, but it expressed

grow it entered more forms of media such

is unmeasurable. But why? Why has fear

societal issues like beauty standards and the

as radio, with mystery/horror shows like

become an integral part of entertainment?

consequences of one’s circumstance. It also

Inner Sanctum which ran during the late

Answering how it has become so big in

made the audience question who was the

1940s. By the 1960s, television began airing

pop-culture is an easy trip back into histo-

real villain. Frankenstein is just one example

supernatural programs such as The Twilight

ry, but the why is a bit more involved.

of a villain that deep down, is relatable to

Zone. Towards the last few decades of the

One explanation could be one of sci-

20th century, horror films began to daunt

ence (just bear with me here, science talk

whether it be on television or in video

audiences with more than just monster

will only last for a little while, I promise).

games, delve into the minds of the audi-

tales. Horror movies evolved from creatures

When people get scared, it induces the

ence and challenge social convention. They

of the night to violence and gore. At the

fight-or-flight response which triggers a

ingrain fantasies and nightmares deep into

same time, horror/thriller novels once again

rush of hormones to the body and induces

the human psyche and keep people wanting

rose to popularity, with Stephen King being

a sort of “high”. This explains why adren-

more. And this causes more and more peo-

the main horror author of the 20th and 21st

alin-producing activities like watching a

ple to share and learn about it. Some may

centuries. By this time, the fan base for the

horror movie or going to a haunted house

want to escape from their current situations

genre was huge, and still growing.

are appealing. It’s because people like the

and believe in seemingly crazy ideas, like

way they feel after it’s over. This is such a

hauntings, or feel the need to believe in

simple explanation for the love of horror

something bigger than the natural world.

This is still true today. It is everywhere in

and that’s why it may not be the best one.

Yes, some things are created just to terrify.

our current pop-culture, not solely in mov-

Yes, hormones may have something to do

Some things are admittedly created only

ies. Along with new horror movies being

with it, but the way people function is so

with the intent to entertain. But the true

released every year, there are now televi-

much more complex than chemicals that

masterpieces of the genre, the timeless

sion shows with followings as big as cult

make the body react. There’s a certain cha-

pieces, are the ones that connect a group

movies like American Horror Story and shows

risma and mystery to all things frightening.

of people while still keeping them on the

that tell first-hand accounts of paranor-

It’s because of the mystery that people love

edges of their seats.

mal experiences like Paranormal Witness.

the genre. Not knowing what’s real and

Even video games target a horror-obsessed

what’s not, not knowing what may or may

seeing how it’s placed itself as its own be-

audience. The genre has even spread so far

not be lurking outside the window, and the

ing. However, the reason behind it is argu-

that social media platforms are consumed

hero/villain roles in horror accumulate to

ably more incredible. But whether you’re

by it. YouTube videos, Reddit threads, and

intense and even relatable stories. There

into horror just for the hormonal rush, the

podcasts are dedicated to ghost or demon

have always been real lessons to be learned

psychological torture, the mystery, or any

or murder stories. First hand manners of

and societal issues being addressed in these

combination of the previously mentioned,

getting a scare or two like haunted houses

works of fiction.

one thing’s for sure: tales of the supernat-


Horror in the Modern Day

during Halloween and tours through haunt-

Just take a work mentioned earlier,

many people. Works of horror, in all forms,

The evolution of horror is fascinating,

ural are here for the long haul and October

ed places also gather enormous crowds. It

Frankenstein, for example: Frankenstein’s

is prime time to celebrate them. So, watch

is evident that horror has evolved to be so

monster became a social outcast because

your horror movies, collect your funkopops,

much more than just storytelling. Literally

of the situation the monster was in and

read up on your lore, and embrace the ab-

everywhere in America, all year round, peo-

because of the way he looked. It was not

normal. After all, you’ve only got all year. OCTOBER 2017 | VINDICATOR 12

WHITE FEMINISM & WHY BECKYS ARE FULL OF SHIT If white women want to be true feminists, they need to come to terms with their own privilege and help lift up women of color. //Jamia Richardson

me. This happened before I was even born. It probably started in the Second World War. Millions of Black men went overseas to fight nazis and made more money fighting nazis than they could ever in the United States. Then to come back to the U.S,. and to go back to sitting in the back of the bus was a life changing experience. At the same time, women were entering the workforces by the masses. It was their chance to acquire independent income, and when American men came back all they wanted was the same,” said Chappelle. Although the idea of feminism was already alive, the 1940s catapulted the movement. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only thing that was catapulted; “white feminism” slivered into the cracks of activistism.

lessly for equal opportunities and the right to vote because feminism is to establish and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. If feminism was about equality, then why did our beloved Stanton oppose the 15th Amendment? The idea that a Black man released from his shackles would have the right to vote before

Women had the right to vote – but not all women – just white women. For Black women and other people of color, it took another 40 years...

Faux Feminists Let’s start with the “Women’s Suffrage Movement” and the 19th Amendment. Our beloved Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the fight and fought tire-


round of the fight. That round wasn’t won until the 1960s and 1970s. Did I mention it’s 2017? For 70 years, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for “women’s rights,” but really, they were fighting for white women’s rights and their way of thinking has trickled down to 2017 so-called “feminists.” So that Taylor

her, a white woman, was too much to bear. When you take a deeper look into the 15th Amendment, on paper, it was giving them a right to vote. Unfortunately things didn’t pan out that way, but still that wasn’t the dream she had in mind. That dream was achieved on August 18th 1920. Women had the right to vote, but not all women — just white women. For Black women and other people of color, it took another 40 years for them to get their vote — 40 years of being harassed or attacked at voting booths and a lifetime of oppression. The fight for Black women and people of color started with the right to vote, but that was just the first


veryone wants to be an activist in 2017. In Dave Chappelle’s recent Netflix comedy stand up, Deep in the Heart of Texas: Dave Chappelle Live at Austin City Limits, he preaches about the 1940s, and how nothing was the same afterwards. “I was thinking to myself one day, ‘when did everyone get mad?’ Then it hit

Swift, Lena Dunham, and Amy Schumer, are able to take a stand against men for “all women.” The white women who fought for their right to vote, but didn’t fight women of color’s right to vote, are the ultimate “Becky” prototype.

Beckys Show Up for Themselves Beyoncé, or to be more formal, Queen Bey, coined the term “Becky” with her debut visual 2016 album Lemonade with lyrics like “he better call Becky with the good hair.” Further, Damon Young pioneered the term “Darth Susan,” and, thanks to The Root Magazine, we now have a definition of what this slang means. Whichever your preference, “Beckys” and “Darth Susans” are white women who use their privilege as a

weapon, a ladder, or an excuse. Looking at this on a wider scope, let’s relate this to 2017 America, post 2016 elections, and all the white women who have decided to brand themselves a “feminist.” All the white women who showed up on January 21st in Washington to protest the inauguration of “The Donald” and advocate for human rights which are women’s rights. Keywords like “human rights” are constantly glossed over when it comes to feminism. It’s not like people of color haven’t been screaming what human rights are supposed to be since the creation of this country. All it took was for “The Donald” to be elected to show just the tip of the iceberg of all the flaws in this country. Yet again, white feminism has shown its true colors because on July 31st, approximately 6 months later, white feminists let women of color down again. After all the chants and tears cried at the 2017 Women’s March, Black women were reminded that they are fighting for equality on a different level than white women. On July 31st, Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, the fact that Black women have to work 7 months into this year just to earn the same wages as white men did in 2016 is infuriating. According to the Economic Policy Institute, Black women make 67% percent of what white men earn; even worse, hispanic women only make 58% percent of what white men earn. So where does that leave white women? White women make 76% percent of what a white man earns. So, since numbers don’t lie, why were white women so silent on this day? All those white tears being cried at the Women’s March were washed away when none of them had anything to say about this huge pay gap. The reality of this is, in the words of Dave

Black culture but isn’t comfortable talking about social issues. Kardashian claims she “doesn’t know enough about racism in this country,” but modifies her body to fill various molds that were once scolded in the media as “ghetto.” Lastly, Katy Perry, some consider her “woke” for a white woman; however, cultural appropriation is second nature to her. All three of them have one thing in common — they all benefit from white feminism whether they acknowledge it or not. No matter how many mistakes they make, they will still be forgiven, and months later, their sins will be forgotten. So how do we eliminate white feminism and get back to the roots of being an activist? It can start by cutting the shit, and stop playing stupid. Stop speaking on things you know little about and then posting half-ass dry apologies on social media accounts. The sharing and quoting of these post are not enough either. Now this doesn’t mean don’t say anything; Desmond Tutu taught us “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” But be careful — you can’t take back what you say. When is comes to racism, white people live in a bubble. Because you live in that bubble, people of color don’t expect you to relate to or understand what racism is or feels like. And the last thing any Black person wants to hear from a white person trying to relate to them is “white people suck,” because it’s not true. Historically speaking, white Europeans have not been the best people. However, people of color will never hold it over your head because of your ancestors mistakes. That bubble you are living in is not your fault. The lasting effects of slavery did not just affect Black people, it affected white people too. In 2017,

Chappelle to white women, “you was in on the heist, you just don’t like your cut.”

it’s white people’s job to be a decent person and stand up for what’s right. Yes, human rights are women’s rights, but what about



the rights of an unarmed Black American or the huge pay gap? There are so many things that “Make America Great,” but also many things that America desperately needs to improve upon to better serve every American. An activist is a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change. How can you call yourself an activist if you don’t want to fight for social change for


The Harmful Effects of White Women and Their Privilege And that’s why women like Tomi Lahren, Kim Kardashian, and Katy Perry are complete jokes. Tomi Lahren not only hates the idea of feminism as a whole but is unaware of the fact that she has used her white privilege as a ladder. White privilege is her getting fired from her job because she put her foot in her mouth only to have another job lined up for her months later because she is a pretty white blonde who looks great in front of the camera. Kim Kardashian, who has two biracial babies and a Black husband, has completely submerged herself in OCTOBER 2017 | VINDICATOR 14


HOW WE’VE BEEN GENTRIFIED Black people on television must have the chance to be whole characters, not constantly stereotyped. // Beauxerykah Betterson


ormally, when using the term

Black actors. Let’s look at the kinds of roles

and the funniest — was the “Magical Ne-

gentrification, we are discuss-

we often see played by Black actors.

gro.” This was a character who will “make appearances solely to help white characters

ing historically the displacement of poor communities in

Exhibit 1: The Thug

out of jams, seemingly unconcerned about

We’ve all seen a television or movie role

their own lives.” Nittle also pointed out that

per class tastes. This concept has been the

where that one Black character causes such

this Magical Negro was only concerned with

basis for many political and social debates,

a nuisance, often projecting fear and a

the life of his/her white (or other) counter-

sparking controversy around urban devel-

level of discomfort on the other characters.

part, as if the Black character had no desires

opment and renewal, and how cities should

Marlon Riggs described this role perfectly,

or aspirations of their own. Another com-

approach abandoned houses and overgrown

“Black folks have played the role of absorb-

mon stereotype Nittle examined was that of

lots, and even where new businesses should

ing and reflecting all that is wrong with

the “Black Best Friend.” This character Nit-

be built. There are different arguments for

America. There is this sense that we can be

tle identified to be a woman in most cases,

both the pros and cons of gentrification, but

used because we’re so elastic, so empty in

who had spunk, sass, and the right amount

I am not here to side with either. Instead, I

our identity that society can project upon us

of practical wisdom to guide her protagonist

would like to propose a new idea, one that

its fantasies and phobias.”

through any conflict.

conforming to middle and up-

I believe is relevant to a specific pattern

When we continue to present a sin-

Between thugs, convenient best

we’ve witnessed in television over the past

gle minority group as a violent and drug

friends, and magical fixer-upper Black

few decades. This pattern, or phenomenon,

addicted menace, it is no wonder we feel

characters, you would think that Ameri-

rather, deals specifically with Black televi-

apprehensive when coming in contact with

can Blacks were either slaves or one of the

sion shows, or tv with a majority Black cast.

the boogeymen shown on our television

above. This is just not true. We must stop

I would like to call it: The Gentrification of

screens. Our viewpoints are formed by what

feeding into and meditating on this mes-

Black Television.

we meditate on through entertainment,

sage about Black people. We must shift our

and without even realizing it, we continue

gentrified taste of how we will see Blacks on

clarified by the previously stated defi-

to feed into this gentrification of Black life.


nition. In many ways, Black people and

It is not that Black people can never play

culture on television have conformed to fit

“undesired” or “gritty” roles, but must this

and criminals? Do we only want to see

a middle-class taste – one that continues

be such a common occurrence?

that Black best friend? Are we truly ok

This is a concept that I think can be

with the magical negro, whose loyalty we

to project stereotyped, non-dimensional characters and situations that often fulfill

Do we only want to see Black thugs

Exhibit 2: Black BFF/Magical Negro

can depend on for a motivational boost of

viewer’s preconceived notions of them.

In an article written for ThoughtCo., Nadra

confidence here and there? Is that all Black

Gentrification in its regular sense refers to

Kareem Nittle addressed five common

people are good for?

gentrification on television deals with attitudes and desires – how viewers wish to see a particular group of people on television. Let me say this before going farther into the discussion, I do not think and will not imply that middle-class and Black-gentrifying attitudes go hand in hand. What I do want to discuss is how we – meaning all Americans, from all ethnicities, even Black – wish to see Black Americans on television, no matter our economic standing. It seems to me that Americans don’t expect much from 15 VINDICATOR | OCTOBER 2017

Black stereotypes on television. The first —

Gentrification of black television is the deliberate dumbing down of the complex lives and experiences of black Americans.

the improvement of a house or area. Black

Then vs. Now?

according to the New York Times. That’s

and out of balance in comparison to other

Another factor that proves this gentrifying

the equivalent of 34 hours and 28 mins per

ethnicities. Just having a Black person on

pattern is in the sudden boom and follow-

week! Insane, I know. This is not a matter

television shows is not the aim. It is the

ing decline in television shows featuring a

of you cutting down on those Netflix binges,

type of Black person that is being portrayed

majority Black cast. In the 1980s and 90s,

but what you’ve taken in (and will take in)

that is the issue, not the fact they are phys-

there were over 30 different Black network

during that time. It is surprising to me that

ically present on a show. In a way, Ludovic

television shows for Americans to tune into

a professor of mass communications would

has a point. Blacks are participating in tele-

every night. From the Fresh Prince of Bel-

feel this way. It seems that a professional

vision all over, but at what cost? How many

Air to the Cosby Show, Black characters had

in communications would be extremely

times can a Black woman be the sidekick,

the chance to be more than just supporting

sensitive to our relationship with televi-

or Morgan Freeman play God? Black people

roles, best friend sidekicks and magical

sion, especially given the stats to prove our

are on television, but I don’t think they can

negroes. Now, the protagonists and guest

nation’s (albeit unhealthy) obsession. Ac-

really participate to the fullest.

stars were all represented by Black actors

cording to, television has

and actresses — something majority white

the power to “influence viewers’ attitudes

shows had been depicting for decades. This

and beliefs about themselves, as well as

Looking back at the good old days, when

is not to say that we should have all Black

about people from other social, ethnic, and

many different networks played shows like

television and all white television shows. I

cultural backgrounds.” If one glowing box

Moesha, Sister Sister, Living Single and a

am not suggesting a segregated cable ex-

can do this to our society, it is important to

Different World, it makes me appreciate

perience, just one that can do justice for all

evaluate what messages are being projected.

all the progress we started to make. We are

We Can Do Better

people, regardless of their ethnicity. Denise, Vanessa, and Rudy in the Cosby Show could be typical, all-American teenagers – just like Jennifer and Mallory Keaton in Family Ties. Gentrification of Black television is the deliberate dumbing down of the complex lives and experiences of Black Americans. All Black people are not thugs, and we do enjoy more out of life than just giving good advice.

Is TV Even a Good Idea? I have been talking for some time about the effects that watching characters on TV can have on our attitudes, but should we even care about our entertainment that much? I think so. There is so much power in what we experience on TV that subconsciously affects our views about the world around us. However, not everyone has the same opinion on the matter. Todd Gitlin, professor of Sociology and Director of the Mass

Too Many Blacks?

nowhere near perfect, but we are getting

Communications program at the University

While some may agree with my desire to

better, and are slowly rising out of our tele-

of California at Berkeley said, “People are

present Black people on TV more often and

vision gentrification. Every Black woman

looking to a shoddy institution geared to

in broader and more unique ways, others,

does not have to fit the best friend stereo-

making money to lead us to the promised

like Sir Ludovic, find this notion to be un-

type – we have Clair Huxtable and Rainbow

land, television is a poor place to look for

fair. He said in an interview some years ago:

Johnson to prove it. Every Black man does

guidance. It’s the dependence on television

“I’d like to take issue with Will (Wyatt)

not have to play God – we have Jerrod

that makes me queasy and should make

when he says it was his aim to bring more

Carmichael and Chadwick Boseman to prove

others queasy.”

Blacks to the screen, in which it seems he

it. We have the power to change our views

has more than succeeded. I am all in favour

about how complex people are in real life.

We should be wary of letting our glowing

of Black advancement, but there’s now

Let’s give Black people on television the

boxes determine how we will interpret the

hardly a TV pub, police station, soap, vox

opportunity to make the job easier.

world. The truth is, however, that a good

pop or ad without rather more than its fair

chunk of our free time is spent watching

share of Black participation.” Sir Ludovic’s

television —the average American watch-

comments are nothing short of controver-

es 5 hours and 4 minutes per day last year

sial. He sees Black “participation” as unfair

This observation is true on all accounts.


CAMPUS ACTIVISTS WHO THEY ARE & WHAT THEY BELIEVE You always see them tabling, now get to know who they are and what they stand for. // Logan Hammond


leveland State University has

have noticed they frequently have tables

many political organizations

around campus to answer questions and

“So we got a lot of Speakers coming

for students to participate

spread their ideas. Turning Point is plan-

this semester. The Lieutenant Governor

in. Are they “all talk” or do

ning to place posters and chalk drawing

is coming in at some point, a couple state

they back up their words with

around campus. They also plan to pass out

representatives, a candidate for Senate, a

actual action? That’s what I set out to find

constitutions and educate the students of

candidate for Cleveland mayor,” said Fink.

out about the main groups on campus. I

Cleveland State about their constitutional

talked with Turning Point USA, The College

rights. They plan to make October “Second

their meetings to get ideas from their

Republicans and The Student Socialists

Amendment Month” to advocate for gun

individual members. Beyond just speakers,


rights and will involve paintball and other

the group also plans to host fundraiser and

activities. They’ll be hosting the found-

charity events such as an October Dodge-

er and head of the national organization,

ball tournament on the 25th.

Charlie Kirk, on campus for his “Melting They also plan to conduct a campus wide

questions to go to the meeting and learn

poll on political issues.

more about them. Their group is wel-

Find them on social media @CSUTurningPoint Turning Point USA is led by Tiffany Roberts, a 19-year-old Sophomore majoring in Promotional Communications. She describes Turning Point as a “conservative group on campus. We’re non-partisan, so

coming to all majors and programs. Fink

Student Socialists Society and signaled

says, “you aren’t required to be a polit-

they would be interested in another de-

ical science major.” He emphasizes that

bate this year — SSS expressed a mutual

their members don’t have to be pursuing

interest. They also hope to have events

a degree related to politics in any way.

with the College Republicans and Viking

They work hard to help elect conservative

Veterans group. The national organization

Republican candidates to local, state and

of Turning Point encourages them to work

federal offices. They have a lot of activities

with other groups on campuses around the

and speakers planned and are willing to


listen to the advice and suggestions of their

11:30-12:30pm in the third floor of the

11:30-12:30pm SC339.

The Republicans welcome like-minded conservatives to join or people who have

Turning Point meets Thursdays from

Meets Thursdays from

The college Republicans like to use

Snowflakes and Smashing Socialism” tour.

Last year, Turning Point debated the


Business Economics.

members. The College Republicans and Turning

Student center, room 339. You can email

Point share many similarities with the key

any questions you have to Turning Point’s

difference being that College Republicans

leader, Tiffany Roberts at tiffany.roberts@

are affiliated with a political party and

have a platform on economic and social is-

COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Meets Tuesdays from 11:30-12:30pm SC339

Find them on Facebook @CSUohioCollegeRepublicans & on Twitter @CSUOhioCR

sues while Turning Point is more of a special interest group focused on economics only. Both Turning Point and the College Republicans have an air of camaraderie; they are a group of friends who get along and have fun while also advancing their political agendas. Both of these groups are an excellent reflection of the political

we’re not Democrats; we’re not Republi-

The Cleveland State College Republicans

state of the right. The American right is

cans. We also don’t take stances on social

are an affiliate of the National Conservative

organized and stable — they know what

issues. We mainly focus on smaller gov-

Republican Party. The college group advo-

they believe. The right in America is on its

ernment, lower taxes, free speech, fiscal

cates for the ideas of limited government,

way to victory in all facets of the American


free markets and fiscal responsibility. In

government, but the right isn’t the only

order to learn more, I interviewed College

side of the political spectrum represented

economic issues, Turning Point wants

Republican President Nicholas Fink — a

at Cleveland State.

you. But what do they do? Well as you may

20-year-old, 3rd year senior majoring in

So, as long as you’re conservative on


In the Spring, SSS plans to have a

rent state and future of American politics.

“Retake the Green party” event, but in the

Turning Point and the College Republicans

nearer future, the they are planning an

are forthcoming of the right in American

October panel on Queer-Marxism about

politics; they represent very tradition-

how Communists or Socialists can work

al ideas about Conservatism those be-

with the LGBTQ community and how the

ing small government and free markets.

two groups can work together. In October

However, the Student Socialists represent a

on the 16th, the SSS plan to work with Food

force on the left that seeks an upending of

Not Bombs — an organization that gathers

traditional Democratic establishment and

and distributes food to people in need —

working to bring about radical change; by

free of charge. You can find more informa-

ending capitalist economics and traditional

tion on Facebook by searching “Food Not

government structures. While members of

Bombs.” SSS also plan to raise funds for

Turning Point and the College Republicans

local and international groups, provide aid

will easily integrate into traditional right-

to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma,

wing politics, the Student Socialists are an

and assisting individuals and organizations

outsider group.

in need throughout the Cleveland commu-

nity. SSS also hopes to have more tables

Meets bi-weekly on Thursdays from 11:30-12:30pm in MC 148

Find them on Facebook @CSUSSS + Twitter @CleStateSSS The Cleveland State Student Socialist Society (SSS) are a Libertarian Socialist organization whose mission is to end Capitalism and replace it with Socialism. Libertarian Socialism is a rejection of the State and Capitalism that would operate with public ownership rather than state or corporate ownership of the means of production, and some members have differing opinions on the implementation of government they are united in the belief of ending Capitalism and establishing worker ownership. As far as activism, SSS have held panels on what they believe about workplace organization and many other socialist ideas and topics including debates with RIGHT PHOTO BY EVAN PRUNTY / LEFT PHOTO BY ANDRIANA AKRAP

Turning Point. They’ve worked with the Cleveland State Feminist Coalition, held many movie showings, and have provided support for Flint, Michigan during its ongoing water crisis. The Student Socialist Society are planning this year to have panels to introduce Socialism to people who may be unfamiliar with its ideas, or people who just want to learn about different ideas. On schedule for this semester, they plan to give a history of Socialism on the November 7th anniversary, “October Revolution,” in Russia and to explain why this event matters to Socialists and what they can learn from these events.

being seen as impossible and a gateway to tyrannical government, the Student

These groups are a look at the current state of of American politics and the future as well.


Socialism isn’t a particularly popular idea in American political circles, largely

Socialists remain unapologetic that their ideas aren’t liked by elites. They seek the support of “the people” and to unite the world against capitalistic systems. Overall, the interviews were simple to arrange and the people I spoke to were friendly and enthusiastic about their groups. They all had passion about their beliefs and earnestly desire to enact their policies and ideas. Turning Point and the College Republicans are different in their pursuit of activism. Many on the right are content with a majority and believe that they’ll easily pass their agenda. The Student Socialists, just like their less extreme liberal counterparts, want a change in the current government, but they have a more radical change in mind. On campus, the political rhetoric wasn’t particularly fierce, but what happens in October will be more interesting because now the groups will begin to take more action. They will have a group they can count on recruited from previous years and September’s organization fairs. They

around campus to answer questions and

will be more comfortable expanding their

spread the word about their ideas.

activities and more willing to debate. We can only hope that things on campus will

The Student Socialist Society meet

be more civil than the political chaos that

bi-weekly on Thursdays in Main Classroom

has gripped much of the nation. What hap-

148 from 11:30-12:30pm and sometimes in

pens next remains to be seen, but whatever

the between weeks they have lunch and

occurs in the coming semester, it will have

talk political theory. You can find SSS on

long lasting political implications. We as

Twitter @CleStateSSS. Even if you aren’t a

students are the future and these organi-

Socialist they invite people to attend their

zations know what future they want. They

meetings and see what they’re all about.

are willing to work for it and convince you

These groups are a look at the cur-

that their vision is best


RECONNECTING WITH INDIGENOUS PERU Peru’s culture gets overshadowed by tourism //Brenda Castañeda


hen most people

people alive and breathing and kicking and

information and catering to European and

think about Peru, the

screaming. I never visited Machu Picchu.

American consumers. A resident of Calca I

first (culturally sig-

In all my time in Cusco, whenever I came

met during my trip had a particularly inter-

nificant, you know,

across foreigners, especially Americans,

esting point of view on the tourism industry

besides llamas) thing

Spaniards, and evangelizing Christian

in Cusco– “it’s basic exploitation, they’re

that comes to mind is Machu Picchu. I’ve

groups, I couldn’t help but wonder how

pimping out Machu Picchu and all of the

been around people who don’t know my

they dealt with the emotions that arise in

major sites.” It’s disappointing how quickly

country at all and it’s sadly expected at this

one in the face of such astounding culture.

indigenous value is reduced to aesthetics, to

point. There’s something my uncle once

Where I felt so moved and raw, did they feel

mere history—how its reduced and dimin-

said to me –, “if you haven’t visited Machu

any guilt? Did the white women who trav-

ished, period. It’s beautiful, it really is, but

Picchu, you haven’t really been to Cusco.”

eled wanting to liberate their Andean coun-

it’s sad to think that the only thing most

I spent four weeks in Cusco this sum-

terparts realize that there already existed

people know about the Andes is how good

mer, in a small village in the Valle Sagrado,

a balance between the gender identities of

it looks on their Instagram feed. It’s sad

Calca. I learned about their music, and their

these women, one rooted in the observation

that what little people care to know about

language, and the yupana, the tool that my

of the Earth around them, that was inher-

indigenous groups is based on how pret-

namesake derives from. I lived the celebra-

ently equal and reciprocal? Did they feel the

ty or impressive it might seem to others.

tion of Mamacha Carmen, I built a huatia

same awe I did, or did they come away from

Even my own family and other Peruvians I

and burned my fingertips peeling potatoes,

the experience still believing that “indig-

encountered were immediately put off by

the fact that I didn’t have my own postcard selfie– posing with a llama or with my

It’s disappointing how quickly indigenous value is reduced to aesthetics, to mere history.

finger positioned to appear on the tip of Huayna Picchu. It is especially interesting to follow this train of thought all the way to the States, where indigenous groups are so devalued and marginalized that they aren’t even considered worthy of a second thought by most of the American population and the government, let alone tourists. This is a consistent theme when thinking of any indigenous group, and even more so when we think about the heroes our history

I saw the giant terraces my people built in

enous” is synonymous with “primitive”?

books tell us to venerate. While Columbus

Chinchero, I rode a van up a rocky hillside,

That the lack of Western commodities did

Day is another insignificant day off to most

witnessed an offering to the apus (spirits

not mean that a culture and traditions and

people living in the United States, it is a

of the mountain, guardians to the Ande-

people persevered, but that progress and

symbol of colonialism that should not be

an people– the dancers I was with offered

advancement is stagnant? Did they even

so easily accepted. Recently, Los Angeles,

their vitality and energy to the apus through

make the connection in the first place,

California changed Columbus Day to Indig-

their performance), then ran (and fell)

between the privilege derived not only from

enous Peoples Day, which is certainly a step

back down. I laughed, danced and drank. I

their socioeconomic ability to travel but

in the right direction. However, a change

learned about the history of my people: the

from all the advantages they inherited from

like this only being enacted in 31 cities (only

history that they don’t teach in textbooks,

their colonizer forefathers/ancestors?

one in Ohio– Oberlin) and 3 states, is not

the history that even anthropologists and

The tourism industry is quite beneficial

remotely enough to count as real change

art historians tend to get wrong, the history

to the Andean community, but it mostly

or justice for the indigenous community.

that is not actually history at all, but a

benefits big companies, perpetuating false

In Peru, the small town of Cerro de Pas-


co has been having their water poisoned

have historically been forced into poverty,

the capital of Peru. And while there is a

because of a mining project that refuses to

exacerbated by the lack of proper schools

somewhat deep appreciation of our history

close despite knowing the lead poisoning it

and other social institutions that are very

and culture, there is still much more to take

has brought upon the population– sound

much needed.

accountability for and many more wrongs


familiar? A number of members from one of

Claiming that the traumatic events of

to attempt to make right.

Brazil’s uncontacted tribes, whose financial

colonialism are in the past and remain there

support has been significantly slashed by

is purely fiction. The effects are strongly

of the cultural richness around me, dynam-

the current president, have been reportedly

felt today, all over the world. In the United

ic and surviving. It was not just because

murdered by miners. In Mexico, thousands

States, the nation as a whole should engage

these places are much less developed, in the

of indigenous women working in maqui-

in a moral reflection of its past and rec-

Western sense of the word, rather it was

ladoras went missing and their bodies are

ognize the injustices and disgraces that

the respect that all people had for it. That

found under bridges, raped, mutilated, and

allowed it to become the “great” country

is sacred ground. We are on sacred ground.

murdered, and the government does little to

that it now claims it is. This is something

Everywhere we step is sacred, yet we take

nothing. The North Dakota Access Pipeline

I experienced in Peru itself– while my

it greedily and never give thanks. Leaving

fostered a lot, if short-lived, support for the

family in Lima celebrated Peruvian Inde-

Calca behind and landing in Lima, then

indigenous population in the States, but is

pendence Day in July, my Quechua teacher

leaving Lima and landing in the States

far from a solution. In fact, the drilling of

reminded me that even though patriotism

was a gradual but definite return to “re-

the pipeline started up even after a federal

and freedom of colonialism is valid and

ality” as I know it, which reminded and

judge, U.S. District Judge James E. Boas-

important, much was lost in the process.

showed me just how beautiful and painful

berg, ruled its approval illegal. Reservations

Our independence day marks the day that

the world is.

in the US are low resource areas, far from

Quechua stopped being the official language

local health care and food sources, and

of Peru, the day that Cusco lost its title as

While I was in Cusco, I was hyper aware



SPEAK OUT Sharing my story for those in need of courage. //Tyisha Blade


eing a domestic violence survi-

radio as I finished up my hair and lashes

vor has been an extensive jour-

getting ready before our guests arrived.

members to arrive and I was delighted to

ney full of therapy, uncertainty,

There were sounds of celebrations in the

see her. She was six months pregnant. We

insecurity, and recovery. I found

neighborhood as it primed itself for fire-

rejoiced at the sight of each other. Finish-

myself searching for advocacy,

works and festivities. I was ecstatic.

ing up the final touches of side dishes, my

that had been pulled from my inner being. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. I cannot begin to express how imperative it is to speak out against domestic violence. For a long time, I was ashamed of what society might say if I uttered the words domestic violence. As I searched for coping mechanisms, I began to encounter individuals with similar stories. With the advice and courageousness of others, I decided that sharing my story would create awareness and power for someone else in need. It was particularly hot that Independence Day. My boyfriend and I had prepared a dinner at our home for our family and close friends that were due to arrive later that evening. I remember Z107.9 MHz playing Will Smith’s “Summertime” on the


sister and I reminisced about our childhood as we waited for the other guests to arrive. I sipped red wine as we sat on my balcony.

I cannot begin to express how imperative it is to speak out against domestic violence.

wondering if I’d ever regain boundaries

My sister was the first of my family

What a great day to celebrate life, or so I thought. Returning from the store to get bags of ice, my boyfriend was noticeably intoxicated. He slammed the ice on the kitchen floor mumbling some profanities as he stormed furiously to the back room. In an attempt to preserve the tranquil environment my sister and I created, I cautiously followed him to the room. “Is everything okay?” I asked. He sat uneasily, displaying aggressive, almost fearful eye contact implying that he was not going to share. “If you want to talk, I’m here,” I said in further attempts to mollify the awkward situation. As I turned my back to leave the room, he stood up hastily exiting before me pushing me out his way. Infuriated, I exclaimed, “I was just trying to help!” Like a quick flash of lightning, he turned around, grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back to the wall. I tried pushing him off, but my

strength was no match for his. As I felt my

ever love me like he did. He, then, sped

back pressed up against the wall, a slight

through the red light and crashed us into a

tremor of angst trickled through my body.

light pole totaling my recently purchased

Frightened, I stood there. Initially

Chrysler 200. Fortunately, with front and

trying to calm him down, I noticed that he

side deploying airbags, we were not seri-

had no plans of de-escalating. My sister

ously harmed. Why did I stay with him?

had come to see if everything was alright.

Craig Malkin Ph.D. of Psychology To-

She kept her distance. First, a tussle be-

day reports in his article Why Do People Stay

tween him and I with my sister screaming

in Abusive Relationships that, “many victims

at him in the background. Then, he hit me.

of abuse remain with their abusers in

I fell to the floor, becoming unconscious. I

attraction to the positive characteristics.”

awakened, dizzily, to my sister at my side

Beginning stages of many abusive relation-

and my boyfriend rambling on about how

ships are filled with acts of affection. This

he would fix this. I noticed the puddle of

type of charisma can offer comfort to vic-

blood on the floor that had collected during

tims and they fall in love prior to the abuse.

my brief blackout. Instantaneously realiz-

Ali Owens of the Huffington Post reports

ing the danger that my pregnant sister and

that another reason we stay is because

I were in, she and I ran to the bathroom

“emotional abuse and manipulation have

and locked ourselves in. In the distance, I

wreaked havoc on our emotions and we do

heard the front door slam.

not trust our feeling or thoughts.” Surely,

Everything happened so fast. I was

I can attest to both reasonings. I did notice

vulnerable and confused. I don’t recall feelings of anger at that moment, only feelings of relief after he left. The adrenaline rush coupled with disorientation

that he was becoming increasingly con-


caused me to forget about the pain I was in. I finally turned around and looked at my sister as she stood behind me. I mirrored her look of terror, becoming completely apprehensive as I stared into my sister’s tearful eyes. I turned to look in the mirror and was horrified. My top lip had been cut open when he punched me. I broke down terrified that I would be permanently disfigured. With my sister by my side, I drove myself to the hospital. The doctor providing my care was concerned and had questions for me that I was unwilling to answer. He had to call a facial reconstructionist for proper alignment to reconnect my lip line. When the emergency room visit was over, I left the hospital with eight stitches in my top lip. I cried myself to sleep that night. There were many red flags that should have alerted me that I was entering an abusive relationship. For instance, he never wanted to attend any of my family functions, but would often argue that I was going to meet other men at them. I couldn’t conjure up any realistic reasonings for him


parties. He insisted that he drive me there. Reluctantly, I agreed. Driving 50 mph in a residential area, he was adamant that I was meeting with other men. In the midst of his anger, he shouted that no one would

his actions only caused him to express his regret in hopes of me forgiving him. Creating a cognitive dissonance within myself, I

1. Telling the victim that they can never do anything right

forgave him.

2. Showing jealousy of the victim’s family and friends and time spent away

were full of misery. The stitches had

3. Accusing the victim of cheating 4. Keeping or discouraging the victim from seeing friends or family members

The days that followed the incident dissolved, but there was still conspicuous scarring. I remained at our home, and after filing the police report, I got a restraining order for the days leading up to the court proceedings. Under the council of Detective Latessa of the Domestic Violence Department at the Justice Center, we began

5. Embarrassing or shaming the victim with put-downs

court hearings. It was gruesome. On one

6. Controlling every penny spent in the household

couldn’t bring myself to go through with

7. Taking the victim’s money 8. Looking at or acting in ways that scare the person they are abusing 9. Controlling who the victim sees, where they go, or what they do 10. Dictating how the victim dresses, wears their hair, etc.

making such accusations. On one occasion, I was to attend one of my friend’s birthday

trolling; however, confronting him about

hand, I still had love for this man. I almost trial. Even with threatening calls from his family, I was determined to complete the proceedings. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Unfortunately, many people in domestic violence situations choose to stay even after traumatizing harm occurs. According Huffington Post’s Soraya Chemaly in her article, 60 percent of Americans Know a Survivor of Domestic Violence Abuse or Sexual Assault, “one in three women have reported being victims of domestic violence.” We as

For anonymous, confidential help available 24/7, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).

domestic violence survivors must advocate awareness by being strong for not only ourselves, but for those in fear of reaching out for help. I no longer display concern for speaking out; I am only concerned for those that don’t.


PAST VIKES MAKING A CHANGE Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Four previous CSU students tell us about the ways that they’ve grown and expanded their horizons since leaving college. // Arbela Capas & Contributions by Alexis Rosen


hether you are going for an undergraduate degree or are planning to go all the way with a master’s or doctorate,

there’s no “correct” road of college education to pursue. Sometimes it can be frustrating, whether it’s when programs that don’t line up with our passions or when the costs of higher education outweigh our desire to get a degree. Everyone has a path, and everyone deserves an education – but there are different ways to get there. Cleveland State University is an example of a very diverse, urban campus in the United States. There is often a stigma and pressure of what kind of college you have to go to – whether it’s the argument that private colleges are better, or the college-town experience is more valuable, or that the tuition price coincides with the kind of job you get. Humans are much too complex to be completely defined by those standards, as seen by some of the previous students that have walked the halls of CSU. These are creators, self-starters, lifetime-learners and innovators that have made big strides in the city of Cleveland and beyond. These people chose not to let their time at colleges simply define them, but rather help them grow and leave a marks behind that are truly special. Cleveland State also has rich history with its different organizations, departments and classes, which a lot of these individuals have learned a lot from as well.


DANIEL GRAY-KONTAR @replife777 Poet, Rapper, Journalist, Educator, Youth Mentor MAJOR Pan-African Literature & English YEAR 1995- 1997 AGE 45

What do you do now? It’s really kind of a culmination of a lot of the different artistic and administrative and categorical practices I’ve engaged in over the last several years. For the most part of what I do is I teach young people how to become artists and “art-ivists” and how to become teachers in their own right. We support them with writing residencies, websites, sound recordings, web design, we support them with all of those different things. We work with young people, just helping them understand the importance of their own voice. That’s what we do at Twelve – really it’s a culmination of 25 years of a life in multiple arenas. Twelve Literary Arts has been around--effectively been around for a year and 25 months. We first opened our doors in May of 2015. But really Twelve has been around since I was the literary arts chair at the Cleveland School of the Arts.

What organizations were you involved with at CSU? With the Vindicator, I was a staff writer and I ultimately became its Arts and Entertainment editor. The Vindicator back then was a black cultural magazine. Its focus was a bit different – that meant that we fostered an environment. The Vindicator at that time was really a space where

writers and thinkers who were black kind of convened there, so it wasn’t just a space where we wrote. It was a place for discussion about black arts and black thought. And be paid for what we did. Our advisor at the time was Dr. Adrienne Gosselin. She provided some really interesting insights, how we might consider our approaches to black literature and culture. She was a great person to have in our corner.

What is something you wish you knew as a student? Take a moment, take as many moments as you possibly can to invest in yourself. And what I mean by that is the first thing is take some moments to literally invest, even if it’s 5 dollars – invest it in the stock market. Invest it now. Take, when you get money from your loan check – just take a little bit of it and invest it or if you can, take 5-10 dollars a week and invest it. Invest it. If I had done that with my money back then, I would have a lot of money for things I needed to do now in my 40’s. Just literally, invest in yourself. Even a little bit. And also invest in yourself by taking advantage of traveling abroad. Those are two ways in investing yourself and your development. I would’ve invested in myself. I actually didn’t leave the country until I was in my 30’s.

Take a moment, take as many moments as you possibly can to invest in yourself.



Saying I attended college was a badge of honor because so many people told me I wasn’t going to make it.

@hashtagfostercare Digital Activist

What did you want to do when you attended CSU? I just wanted to prove at that time in my life that I was somebody. Saying I attended college was a badge of honor because so many people told me I wasn't going to make it. I wanted to be a social worker like the ones who I felt like at that time had complete control over my life. The funny thing is I wanted to work for the Cuyahoga County Department of Children and Family Service.

What do you do now? I am a what I call a Digital Activist and child welfare strategist. I created a social media campaign called #FosterCare that engages all your favorite rappers, sing25 VINDICATOR | OCTOBER 2017


MAJOR Social Work YEAR 2002 AGE 33 ers, activist, actors, actress, comedians, interior designers in the plights of foster youth. To date, we have people like Chris Rock, Big Sean, NeNe Leakes, Christian Kirksey, Vice President Biden all holding a sign that says #Foster Care and that just to name a few. I rehab abandoned homes for abandoned foster youth in crisis providing them with a safe place to stay instead of a shelter. I also consult with child welfare agencies on best practice and assist with their marketing. Last but not least I am a mom to a cool 5 year old Kadin Larry!

What do you love most about what you do? I love the freedom and flexibility. I love

that I can speak my truth and give foster youth the platform they deserve. More importantly I love that through social media I am able to reach foster youth all over the world. I was a resource for a foster youth in Peru because of instagram. I love that I am doing it my way!

What do you wish you knew as a student? I wish I knew that grants were real and that student loans follow you! I wish I knew about more programs and how to network. I wish I knew that studying abroad was real. I was a aged out foster youth just trying to survive here so I didn't get the real college experience.

DREW ANDERSON @clekraut Co-founder, CEO

What did you want to do when you attended CSU? I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I kind of just wanted a job. I had a lot of ideas and wanted to start a business. There was a year I left CSU and studied biology for a year in California and then came back and was in the business school and didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. I wasn’t a huge fan of marketing or finance but was in a statistics course with Dr. Polomsky. His course was my first step. It was the hardest course I had taken there. When he talked about his experience as the head of analytics at K-Mart and being hired to travel around the country with his wife in an RV to monitor the population of buffalo herds, and was an expert witness for congressional cases and was doing all this interesting stuff. I wasn’t doing too hot in his class because it was really difficult, but there was something there so I went after class to meet with him and learn about what he did. He told me no one wants to do the statistical work so if you do, you get paid a lot. So I said great and changed my major like that.

What do you do now? For four years, I was in Richmond working on a forecast and then analytics team learning programming and was missing the food from Cleveland - pierogies, kielbasa and kraut - all that good stuff. I started to ferment sauerkraut in my

MAJOR BA, Business Statistics YEAR 2005-2009 AGE 30


apartment and was making hand-ground sausages just for fun. My mother started all of the farmer’s markets in Northeastern Ohio, so growing up on Saturday mornings when everyone else was watching cartoons and throwing a football around, we were at the market helping set up tents, getting farmers in place, and selling food. We were into food from a very young age. Being in banking, I was doing well, but I didn’t really like it and wanted to work with food somehow. I didn’t want to quit my job, so I started fermenting. Key Bank hired me to come back to Cleveland in 2013 on the analytics team there. My brother-in-law, Luke, who was also in Cleveland, was fermenting sauerkraut because it is part of his German heritage. We kind of bonded over that, and one night we were having dinner and I was trying some sauerkraut, he made and we decided to take it to the market. We worked on a bunch of recipes and founded Cleveland Kraut when we took it to the market February 2014.

MAJOR Creative Writing YEAR 2003-2008 AGE 40

What do you wish you knew as a student? I am a big fan of more technical learning. I should have gone harder on tech stuff - learning how to do all of the programs better, paying attention in IT classes and doing more on my own. Instead, I had to buy Excel for Dummies and keep it next to me.

@lovessupremepoet1231 Poet, Teacher, Author

What do you do now? I have a fellowship now with Ohio Center of Books – which is through Cleveland Public Library. I am the regional coordinator for Poetry Out Loud, so those two go together – I’m the regional coordinator for Poetry Out Loud, for the library. So I’m like the liaison between high schools and Ohio Arts Council. I currently teach down at the school campus at the international school for poetry. And, I work with an organization called 12 Literary Arts Incubator. And, I perform and I currently work on another book. That’s what I do.

What is something you wish you knew as a student? Try not to get as many incompletes as you can. Incompletes are the devil. It just takes a lot of time. Go to class. Stick to the course. If I would’ve stuck with the course, I would’ve probably gotten a degree and that’s just being honest. And I didn’t, but I don’t regret it at all. The knowledge I got from Cleveland State – no one can take that away. You’re there for two reasons: a latent function and a manifest function and you need to fulfill those, that’s why you’re there. Other than that, you can drop out or quit classes and do something else until you’re ready to be focused and take those classes and earn that degree. OCTOBER 2017 | VINDICATOR 26

A look at the revival of the punk and D.I.Y. scene in Cleveland. // Joe Ruzicka



ver the past decade, Cleveland has witnessed its own scene grow with an increasing amount of packed house

unk] p o rch [a n a

shows, regular punk festivals

throughout the year that promote crazy lineups and donate proceeds to various charities, and a heavy focus on supporting both the local community and national country in need of assistance. The punk community within Cleveland is probably the most intertwined of all hosting various events such as Babe Bash in October where all revenue will be donated to The Cleveland Rape Crisis Center and Planned Parenthood. There has also been a resurgence of spaces with a focus on helping newer bands gain a following by providing a free space to play along with resources, such as The Shop on the east side, and The Workshoppe in Kent, Ohio where they provide new bands their first show and a place to practice. This would not be able to happen without the community in Cleveland that promotes safe spaces, and bands that promote positive atmospheres and give back to the people that have supported them on their journey.

The 4-piece politically driven Anarcho-Peace Punk band, SAP, has been tearing up the DIY scene over the past two years. With a sound that is a mixture of D-Bea and Powerviolence, and mixing in anarchist ideals along with personal struggle and queer identity. SAP has truly made a name for themselves, and is just one of the amazing punk bands that comprise the greater Cleveland DIY punk scene. Joe/ Could you guys introduce yourselves? Scotty/ I’m Scotty. I play bass, but I’ve jumped around. When the band first started, I was the singer then I moved over to rhythm guitar when Rayne joined on vocals. Rayne/ I am the singer. I also do songwriting, but we all kind of do songwriting. Dominic/ I play guitar, sometimes I’ll write. Pete/ I hit stuff, and I am the muscle. I play drums, don’t get it twisted. S/ Also on the new demo, there is a 5th player to SAP and it’s Garrett. He was playing bass for SAP when that was recorded, he also recorded the album. He is an original member. J/ So how did SAP get started? S/ When I moved to Kent we were in a band called, Ride or Die, we were like a queercore band. That’s the band we played with originally in Kent, and booked shows there.



I wasn’t originally involved in the scene yet.

for different anarchist groups and various political projects in the Pittsburgh community. Originally the whole idea was to very affirmatively write songs about environmental issues. R/ Which is why we’re called SAP. A lot of people think it’s an acronym, but it’s actually just tree sap. J/ So could you talk a bit about the Kent DIY scene? P/ I was talking to the singer of Wallcreeper, and he told me about how The Vineyard, which was this church that at night would do shows. I remember under my dad’s office there was this bridge. Someone set up a generator, and did a show under the bridge. That changed my whole way of thinking about everything. Before that, I thought that if you’re not rich and famous, you just don’t play music that’s it. It’s funny because our friend Garrett sort of resurged the DIY scene in Kent.

Basically I wanted to be in a new band, and

S/ Yeah when I was first starting SAP, and

I was doing a lot of shows in Pittsburgh.

I was asking around about who could play

There was a lot of crust and anarcho punk

bass at the time. Garrett was fifteen at the

there, and there’s an organization called

time, and he was already running his own

Peace Through Strength. I thought it would

DIY space. He joined the band and we had

be really cool to be in a band that could

a practice space. Then I got really involved

do shows with Peace Through Strength.

in booking at The Workshoppe, and we’re

They’re whole idea is that they raise money

all really involved in booking along with


maintaining it as a safe space. J/ Could you talk a bit more about the DIY space around Kent and Akron? S/ There are definitely some really cool spaces around Akron like Hive Mind. Hive Mind is really cool because they’re all leftists, and a lot of anarchists. They all sort of

was really into. Even bands like Aus Rotten were bands that we wanted to sort of emulate. Our sound has changed so much over time though, and we do not sound like any of those bands at all. R/ We’ve all been influenced by so many different things.

have the same ideals as we do, and a lot of

S/ Yeah I originally found Peter when I went

the same interests.

to a Cool Dads show, and thought that he

J/ So what are some of the other venues around Kent? S/ Workshoppe, Bum House, and Stone Tavern is sort of gone but they still book

was crazy and wanted to start a punk band with him. P/ Yeah he took me to a G.L.O.S.S. show then.

other genres. We’ll book any kind of band. D/ We don’t always book punk or grindcore bands, it’s honestly more so indie and other genres. S/ We’re more interested in booking bands with more similar ideas with us, and booking people with voices that we want to hear. S/ Our goal is to get more people to start creating, not see how many bands we can start. We’ve been trying to help people get started, I’ve been doing it since I was 12. R/ That’s what’s really cool about The Workshoppe, we bring people into the scene

shows at this place at Michelles. Everything

S/ Also once we brought Rayne in, that

and help them become a part of it. They

is sort of separate in Kent, something may

completely changed our sound.

become a part of the DIY process, especially

happen for a few years then it will dissolve. J/ Do you guys primarily try to just play at DIY spaces?

J/ So how is your recent release on bandcamp? S/ So two of the tracks on that were on our

S/ We’re not really a bar band, we usually

first demo which is, Resistance is Peace,

play at house shows. We would play at Now

those two tracks are Cat Calling Scum. Cat

That’s Class, and other punk bars.

Calling Scum is really influenced by Kent

D/ When we did Skullfest, there were people playing on stages but we did the Breakfast show. So we were in a garage, and felt right at home. J/ Has the Kent DIY scene influenced your music at all? S/ When we first started, I was really interested by the hippie thing that happened in Kent. You asked what peace punk is, and it was a big movement in the 80’s with bands like Crass, and that’s originally the music I

State and living in a college town, and seeing men thinking they own that space. I wrote that song after my friends told me they witnessed some frat dudes catcalling some girl and grabbing her. I was thinking about why I lived in a place where men think they own this space. J/ So are you guys part of this wave of punk in Kent would you say?

with freshman. S/ We try to avoid cliques as much as possible, and if we have any social capital we use it to help people who maybe think they can’t be in a band. R/ We’ll book their first show. S/ We try to offer them spaces to practice. We all borrow each other’s stuff. S/ Although I consider ourselves a Kent band because we live here, but honestly we started out in Pittsburgh and played with friends around there. Now we’re trying to play shows around Cleveland, and in Columbus. We’re associated with a lot of bands all over the place. No matter what

S/ No, not really. Even The Workshoppe is

end you’re on in Kent, whether you’re an

not necessarily a punk venue, it’s punk in

indie kid or a hardcore kid everyone knows

idealogy but it also serves as a space for

everyone and supports each other.

Honestly yeah, I’ve always viewed the punk scene as a community. A lot of it is focused on bringing people together. These houses and bars that host shows around Cleveland/Akron have been turned into gathering places.


Joe/ How long have you been doing photography? Justin/ I got a camera on December 25th, 2015. Joe/ When did you get into concert photography then? Justin/ I shot some of Mister Fabulous and The Bad Boiz’s shows, but I did not really get into it until the Now That’s Class’ New

r] graphe [photo

Year’s Eve show, and Weedwhacker played that night. It was their second show ever, and it was one of the most entertaining nights I’ve ever had and there was so much energy going around. Joe/ So how did you start getting into punk shows, have you always listened to punk? Justin/ What got me into punk was when I randomly found this song called No by The Subhumans, and ever since then I’ve really been into 80’s punk rock. Mainly the anarcho punk and street punk, each have the same beat but very differently lyrical standpoint. Joe/ So what is your main inspiration for your style of photography? I know that you’ve mentioned in the past that you like the older styles of punk photography. Justin/ Yeah I can’t name any specific artists for the older style, but for current artists two come into mind mostly for me. For one, Viscous Velma photography and then a big one is Adam Degrosse. Joe/ So are these two photographers a part of the newer wave of photography? Justin/ Adam always kind of had his own style. I’ve seen his work on the covers of 7 Inch’s and things like that. I’m pretty sure one of his photos was featured on Short, Fast, and Loud. Joe/ I’ve noticed that about your work, it’s very harsh and energy centric and really covers what the punk scene is. Justin/ It’s all about the energy man. Joe/ So could you talk a bit about your recent gallery at Space Rock? How did you get that?


Justin/ I was at this show, about two months before the exhibition. It was Rubbermaid. The singer went nuts, this dude jumps on people at shows while he is still singing. Words can’t explain the show. Only words, a photograph, a video, or you actually being there to see it can explain it.

Justin Nelson is a self-taught freelance photographer out of Cleveland, Ohio with a focus on capturing the intense moments and community found at the various underground punk shows around Cleveland. Justin’s primary focus when it comes to his style of photography is capturing the chaos that is often found at shows. He has covered artists such as Cloud Nothings along with covering one of the biggest punk festivals in Cleveland, Horrible Fest. He recently had his own gallery at Space Rock with a selection of his best works focused on the DIY punk community within Cleveland.


Joe/ Is that what kind of drives you to pho-

Cleveland. He really gets the crowd going,

nuts at Fuck You Pay Me, and it makes it

tography? As cliché as it sounds, being able

and he’s a local legend pretty much. He’s

so much fun to shoot because everyone is

to capture moments that you would only be

been around for a while, and he’s done a lot

so into it. And weedwhacker, they just get

able to understand if you were there.

of shows around Cleveland. People tend to

crazy. For weedwhacker, I buy them plants

be pretty familiar with his work due to how

for every show I see them at for them to

many shows he has done, and the more fa-

cut with a weedwhacker. They have the best

miliar people are with your work, the more

gimmick too. They are not Cleveland hard-

energetic they get at shows. The crowd is

core, they are Cleveland yardcore.

Justin/ Definitely, I work at Longo’s and a lot of my coworkers, they have never even heard of the word punk before. The genre of music, the genre of life. Some of them have seen of my photos and they’re shocked. They say, “This is what you do?” They ask me about the shows I go to, and they ask if I’m afraid of getting beat up. It’s never been about beating people up, it’s about releasing your energy and jumping into people. Pushing each other around, but always picking people up when they fall down.

Mister Fabulous and The Bad Boiz is an indie garage rock band out of the east side with heavy influences from a variety of genres such as punk, indie with queer influences such as PWR BTTM, and garage rock. They have a new album being planned to come out this fall, you can check out their music on their bandcamp under Mister Fabulous and The Bad Boiz.

Joe/ Exactly, that is what Punk is. I mean I’ve always viewed the punk scene as a community. A lot of it is focused on bringing people together. These houses and bars that host shows around Cleveland/Akron have been turned into gathering places. I mean we were just at Now That’s Class for Ramen Night with stand-up comedy. People don’t just go there for the music, they go there for the community. It’s turned into something really cool. Justin/ It’s honestly a family away from family. Joe/ Exactly, it’s a family away from family. How exactly did you get that exhibition for the show? Justin/ So after the show, the guy who helps run it and get people into the shows came up to me. He said that he’s seen me taking photos at a few other shows, and asked for my information. So about a month and a half later, he asked, “Hey so I know this is really short notice, but do you want to put up a gallery?” I said yeah that sounds awesome. So I had to get all the prints made, create the short biography about what got me into the punk scene. This all happened within three days, and it was what made it really cool. Joe/ So what are some of your favorite artists to shoot? Justin/ Ok so top three artists are easily Fuck You Pay Me(FYPM), Weedwhacker, and The Suicide Machines. Joe/ So why? Justin/ Tony Erba, from Fuck You Pay Me, amazing dude, been in plenty of bands, and has really promoted the hardcore scene in




r o c karage-


I wrote that song after my friends told me they witnessed some frat dudes catcalling some girl and grabbing her.

Joe/ How did MFABB start out? Jesse/ Originally it was my idea, and I wanted to play Pride. So I asked my friend, Nick Czir from The Pizza Creeps, to play drums for me. So he got in touch with our friend Richie, and we were practicing at Richie’s studio. Nick suggested to get a bass player, so we got our friend Ben. Then we recorded our EP, Odd As A Cod, before we even got an application to perform at Pride. That was in the Spring of 2014, we did not get on for Pride and then we just decided to

Jesse/ So we are opening for The Garden

them that it’s free.

which is really cool, and I think we’re the

Joe/ How was the community at The Shop? Jesse/ At the time, it was really nice. I met a lot of friends there. The first time we had played there, we did not know anyone. So we had decided for our first show we were going to play in dresses. Everyone really

The Shop. That’s when I emailed them, and got on The November Shop show. Joe/ So what exactly is The Shop? Jesse/ The Shop is this local punk DIY

26th. Joe/ You guys are playing with Sweepyheads too right? she asked if there any other really cool

Joe/ What did you guys like most about Jesse/ The accessibility, the community,

Tavern. Then someone had told us about

High Waisted at The Happy Dog, October

Jesse/ Yeah! When Jessica asked me to play,

Joe/ So where did you guys start playing

we played open mic nights at The Local

freaks me out. Then we are playing with

my dress for that night. playing at The Shop during it’s peak?

Jesse/ So we just kept practicing, and then

middle band which is crazy. It honestly

loved it, and I got plenty of compliments on

make it a full time band. shows if it wasn’t initially Pride then?

and after such a positive experience the first time you just gravitate to that. You want to

Cleveland bands that might be interested and I was like yeah definitely, Sweepyheads. Joe/ That’s really cool that you guys are supporting them in that way, and that you’re trying to look out for them.

hangout with these people, and then your

Jesse/ Of course, I’ve wanted to play with

friends start coming in. It was just easy.

them for so long. That’s honestly how it

You could try different stuff like we tried

should be, if you like other bands and their

a bunch of new weird songs there because

music and as people you should want to see

we were thinking of it as playing for our

them get successful too. At the end of the

friends. The community had a lot to do with

day, there’s all different types of music and

it I’d say.

bringing the people together is what it is about.

community/venue out in Painesville that

Joe/ I have noticed that the Cleveland DIY

is completely free, and is really just about

scene in general tends to be full of positive

Joe/ Do you have any tips for any people

having a good time and trying to not start

vibes, and there’s few people that are super

new to the scene and want to get involved?

anything. It is a great place to see free

closed off or jaded towards people from

shows, and see good bands along with your

outside the community.

friends playing shows.

Jesse/ Talk to people as much as you can, even if you’re not big with physical con-

Jesse/ Definitely, it takes a lot to go up

versations. Talk to people on social media.

Joe/ Would you say that it is sort of a cata-

there and just talk to people. When we

I can understand that it’s difficult, but it’s

lyst for up and coming bands to help gather

played with Palberta, the lead singer of

all about getting yourself out there. To me

a following?

Cloud Nothings was there and watched our

I always thought that if I could make a

set. Ben went over and talked to him, and

living off music I would be set, but having

then gave him our card. It was really cool.

people ask me to play music is what really

Jesse/ Yeah exactly, it opened up the community because it was free and it was


charge is, but with The Shop you just tell

easy. Whenever you ask people to come see

Joe/ So what are some of your upcoming

your show they usually ask what the cover


makes it. Just knowing that someone wants to hear/see you play is the best thing in the world.

The DIY punk community within Cleveland has provided a foothold for up and coming artists who may not have access to the resources or connections that it would take to get established in bigger cities. Various venues that have provided creatives in general a place to practice their art have truly established a solid art community in Cleveland, allowing individual voices to be heard. Overall, the creatives that make up the scene have truly made something special, and the possibilities are endless for what will be coming out of it over the coming years.



WHITE FEMINIST? WHITE FEMINISM – A brand of feminism centered around the ideals and struggles of primarily white women. While not outright exclusive, its failure to consider other women and its preoccupation with Western standards and the problems faced by the “average woman” is often alienating to women of color, non-straight women, trans women, and women belonging to religious or cultural minorities.

1 2

Do you think that your struggle as a white person is much different than that of a person of color? Do you make sure to put other white people in check, such as close friends, family, and relationship partners if they use harmful language or derogatory terms about people of color?


Do you take the time to evaluate your vocab and conversations to be sure you’re not using harmful or exclusionary language towards or about people of color?

4 5

Do you make sure to consume media content created by women of color, expanding beyond what is immediately available to you? Are you making sure to give women of color a voice in feminist and activist spaces?


MOSTLY NO If you answered mostly no, that means your feminism is not yet completely intersectional, and that means you can now take the time to broaden your views and knowledge about feminism in relation to people of color, especially women of color.

MOSTLY MAYBE If you answered most, “sometimes,” then you are on a good path to being intersectional, however you still could be more aware of the different ways women are equal and not equal. This is known as Feminism Lite, coined by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie “The idea of conditional female equality.”

MOSTLY YES If you said mostly yes, you have a pretty good understanding of intersectional feminism. However, this does not mean that you are off the hook; being intersectional and giving people of color a voice is a constant and evolving action that must be always checked.



A MILLION WAYS TO LOVE For generations, there has been a straight line of how you organize your romantic life–meet someone, get married, be happy. But now, Millennials seem to be embracing different ways to love. //Arbela Capas


ove comes in many forms, but do

very common way for people to find long-

during their mid-20’s. Even though this is

we really talk about the different

term and even life-long partners.

a noticeable trend, it’s not necessarily a de-

types of relationships out there?

Why is it that we are so quick to define

viant thing. It’s certainly not a good way to

Social scientists and cultural com-

a whole generation just based on their

generalize millennials and what they seek

mentators are struggling to figure

opinion on an institutionalized tradition

out of relationships. The low marriage rate

out millennials and our “weird” views on

that is way outdated and is still evolving?

simply shows that the youngest generation

love and relationships. We are the mystery

This is due to the fact that marriage is still

has higher standards for who they choose to

generation that has awkward ways of part-

seen as a cultural norm and is still import-

commit to. Before, the only expectation for

nering up and doesn’t believe in commit-

ant in many customs, families and religions.

finding a mate was that they could help give

ment, right? Is this as bad or dramatic as it

The concept of marriage is the main com-

you children and support you financially.


pare and contrasting point used to explain

Now, there are higher expectations, which

how groups of people relate to each other

is good, but also pumps up the pressure.

tence, the institution of marriage was a

romantically. Now, it’s becoming more

Aziz Ansari explores the way millennials

major way to organize, group up and help

expansive. With the millennial generation,

pair up in his book, Modern Love. In the

re-populate the Earth. Obviously, things

social scientists need to take into account

book, he quotes psychotherapist Esther

have changed,and things have become less

things like like Tinder usage, the concept of

Perel. She explains that getting married in

traditional. For the most part, marriage is

“ghosting” as well as hookup culture.

the past only had economic motivations,

For the early parts of human exis-

something we still hear about as the “final achievement” in your social life –– es-

but now,

Marriage + Monogamy

“We want our partner to still give us all

pecially from people in older generations.

Everyone tries to put millennials in a box.

these things, but in addition I want you to

Along with this achievement, the road to

Articles like “Why Millennials are Failing

be my best friend and my trusted confidant

it seems pretty clear: meet a nice partner

To Shack Up” in Psychology Today right

and my passionate lover to boot, and we live

while you’re ripe in your mid-20s, get

away have an accusatory tone towards

twice as long. So we come to one person,

engaged, sign up for a registry and run off

young people — as if a generation that isn’t

and we basically are asking them to give us

into the sunset (and obviously, the assump-

getting married is “failing” at something.

what once wan entire village used to pro-

tion is that the relationship is between two

I would think that the whole situation is

vide: Give me belonging, give me identity,

cis, heterosexual individuals who want to

much more nuanced than that.

give me continuity, but give me transcen-

have children). Additionally, the traditional model of

If you simply google “millennials” and

dence and mystery and awe all in one.”

“getting married,” a cluster of articles pop

Polyamorous + Open Relationships

the monogamous relationship has always

up such as Business Insider’s piece, “Here’s

been seen as the type of partnership to

why millennials aren’t choosing to get mar-

As the traditional models of relationships

strive for. As the mischievous generation of

ried.” The article explains that this is can

have shifted, more people have become

“millennials” have shown, there are more

be attributed to multiple reasons, including

more open with well, being open.

than a couple ways to love another human,

millennials being products of divorced par-

and that there are many different paths to

ents or due to financial stress.

take when creating romantic connections.

This trend is true. According to a Gallup

Amanda Brian, a 21 year old film and psychology major met her now-boyfriend while being in a polyamorous relationship

Hooking up — what might have been seen

poll from May of 2016, 59% of millennials

that involved a third partner. Today, her

as controversial and forbidden in past gen-

are single and have never been married.

and her boyfriend have an open relationship

erations — is now a very common way that

This reflects a notable point that millennials

that she admits could change or evolve as

young people engage in the dating scene.

aren’t interested in marriage or even being

time goes on.

Online dating now is in the mix and is a

in a committed relationship –– at least not


“We’ve talked about marriage, even,”

said Brian. “It could go either way. If he

sault are all things that can happen between

ity, conflict and consent. That’s why, even

wants an open marriage, we can do that. If

a monogamous, exclusive couple as well.

in hookup culture, there needs to be healthy

he wants to go exclusive, we could do that

Safety should be a priority, despite exclu-

lines of communication –– even if it’s just


sivity. There tends to be an idealization of

“hey wyd” at 2 am.

Before her current partner, Brian has

monogamous relationships and marriage to

Fluidity of Love

had multiple relationships and had been in

the point where people look down at others

monogamous relationships before. She says

who are just “screwing around.” We are

No matter what you choose to do, it’s

that, with this one, it’s the most comfort-

taught that sure, it’s nice to have casual

important to be able to have good lines of

able she’s ever felt.

hookups, but the real thing you want is to

communication in the relationship. There is

be exclusive — as if being exclusive will

no right or wrong way to love, and I’m not

as polyamorous relationships are starting to

right away make the relationships more

saying this to be romantic. I’m saying you

be seen as an actual, viable option for those

safe or dependable.

literally have the option and power to have

seeking love. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, there are 1 in 5 Americans who have been in a non-monogamous relationship at some point. When we hear this term, we right away tend to think of cheating and infidelity at the center of this kind of relationship. However, the interesting part is that the way the study defined “non-monogamous” was “any relationship in which all partners agree that each may have romantic and/or sexual relationships with other partners.” Agree is the key word here. Despite this, there still seems to be a lot of misinformation and ignorance around

Especially when it came to women,

there was right away a labeling of being a

any kind of relationship you want as long as you feel safe and happy. I believe the

As the traditional models of relationships have shifted, more people have become open with, well, being open.

Open marriages, relationships, as well

the subject. Brian says that often, when she expresses she’s having trouble in her

“whore” or “slut” just because the person

millennial generation’s relationship habits

relationship, she often gets reactions like,

enjoyed sleeping with multiple partners

show this. We aren’t a generation that nec-

“Well, it’s ‘cause you were poly.” There’s

with no commitment. Additionally, hook-

essarily celebrates only polygamy, hookup

an assumption that, if a relationship is

up culture isn’t exactly talked about in sex

culture or marriage; we celebrate the right

going wrong, it’s obviously going wrong

education in high school, which is another

to choose what kind of partnership we want.

because you’re not monogamous. Interest-

issue. There’s an assumption that the only

ingly enough, the problems that poly-cou-

time young people will have to deal with sex

own terminology of their relationship,”

ples deal with are nearly exactly the same

is when they’re in a committed relationship.

Brian said. To her, it should be different and

monogamous couples deal with. Issues such

This is unrealistic. Now, there’s a growing

unique to every relationship and based on

as communication, intimacy, vulnerability

acceptance and tolerance to hooking up,

what the two parties want. For Brian, the

and yes—infidelity, are all roadblocks that

and this has helped create a new standard

terms “partner” and “girlfriend” aren’t

could break the partnership apart. It’s just

for consent. The acceptance of hookup


not the traditional model, so it’s seen as

culture, in my opinion, should be some-

an almost deviant form of relationships.

thing celebrated. We are living in a modern

by how fluid and open millennials are being

Brian stressed to me that being in an open

time when men and women are allowed

about their romantic lives, but it is just

relationship does not mean that either party

to explore their romantic needs and wants

reflecting that we have gotten to a point

is allowed to just “do whatever they want,”

without making one of the biggest com-

where we have more choices when it comes

there still needs to be mutual respect and

mitments of their life. This is an absolutely

to our own bodily autonomy and emotional


healthy stage to have before you find “the

investment. Do what you want — love one

one.” “I feel more confident in my relation-

person, two people, have an open partner-

ship from casual dating. Now I’m able to

ship, get married or stay single forever. It’s

Hookup culture is nothing new, but today

enjoy my relationship the way it is,” Brian

your choice, and it’s time to celebrate that.

there is more acceptance of having relations


This, to me, is much bigger than just a large


Hookup Culture

with someone with no intention of having

As with polyamorous and open-rela-

exclusivity. There’s many criticisms of ca-

tionships, being in a hooking up phase also

sual dating and how common it is amongst

doesn’t mean you’re completely throwing

millennials. A main argument against hook

caution to the wind and committing total

up culture is how it can be unsafe, which is

relationship anarchy. Safety still comes into

a valid critique. But, abuse and sexual as-

play when hooking up. So does vulnerabil-

“Every couple is entitled to have their

It seems like people are getting baffled

portion of millennials not wanting to walk down the aisle just yet.



<MY EXPERIENCE WITH TECH CORPS/> Engaging students in week-long camps of activities emphasizing technology and expressive imagination, I experienced the joy of educating and seeing students succeed. //Dorothy Zhao



Media Lab, it allows children to learn the concepts of computer programming by using a simple graphical interface. With

eing a camp counselor this

and 3D Printing. From my first camp in June

Scratch, we taught our Techie students

summer changed my life. A bit

to my last in August, it was a whirlwind

how to make interactive art, animations,

dramatic, but true — as a Techie

three months! My first Techie camp, on

and games through blocks of code. And

Camp instructor, I experienced

Case Western Reserve University’s campus

once again, the young Techies surprised me

both the joys of teaching and

in its engineering building classrooms, was

with how creative they were and what they

technology. It was an amazing opportu-

actually a 3D Printing camp of all middle

had made by the end of the week. After the

nity for both myself and my students (aka

school girls. Planning alongside a co-in-

programming camp, I went back to Case

Techies), and I have to thank the nonprof-

structor, we used the 3D modeling website

Western to teach a week of middle school

it organization called Tech Corps. Tech

called Tinkercad and a Makerbot 3D printer.

App Development. There, the students and

Corps describes themselves as a “nonprofit

It was a fantastic first week, as our twenty

I used the MIT App Inventor, “an intui-

organization dedicated to ensuring K-12

girls sped through the tutorials and created

tive, visual programming environment that

students have equal access to technology

final projects that consisted of an “alien”

allows build fully functional

programs, skills and resources that en-

egg and what hatched out of the egg, some-

apps for smartphones and tablets.” (as

hance early learning and prepare them for

times proved too complex for our Makerbot

noted from their website,

college and career.” The tech programs they

edu) Basing inspiration off the myriad of

develop and the “tech-savvy talent” they

tutorials found on the website, Techies first

deploy (such as myself and my coworkers)

set up their phones, tablet, or emulator for

are found across the country in areas like

live testing. Next, they employed similar

Northeast Ohio, Central Ohio, Georgia, New

blocks of code to Scratch to program and

Jersey, and Rhode Island. Founded in 1995,

create their very own application. From quiz

Tech Corps has a vision of a “technological-

apps to space invader games, the middle

ly literate society [where] all K-12 students

schoolers, through trial and error, pro-

have equal access to the technology skills,

grammed remarkable final projects.

programs, and resources [to] enrich their

For my middle school Programming

education and prepare them to successfully

camp, my very last one in my hometown

compete in the global workforce.” A noble

of Avon, Ohio, my coworker and I decided

mission among similar goals, the founder of

to use Alice, “an innovative block-based

Tech Corps Gary Beach essentially want-

programming environment that makes it

ed a tech version of the Peace Corps: an

easy to create animations, build interactive

organization that could challenge people to

narratives, or program simple games in

bring technology to others lacking expe-

3D.” ( Although this software just

rience with it. Through programs, people,

printer to print but eventually worked out.

sounds like a combination of Scratch and

and partners, Tech Corps seeks to create

Their final presentations, in front of their

the MIT App Inventor, Alice proved to be

an admirable movement of educating the

camp peers and parents at the conclusion

fun, educational, and sufficiently challeng-

younger generation. Even more impact-

of camp, consisted of displaying their 3D

ing for the group of twelve or so students. It

ful, over fifteen thousand volunteers have

model and print.

is worth noting that the camp was original-

served in Tech Corps since its inception over two decades ago.

In the very next week at Buhrer Dual

ly planned with Unity, a game development

Language Academy, I taught elementary

program and cross-platform game engine,

school Programming, utilizing something

but after running into installment issues

mentary and middle school level on three

called Scratch — developed by the Mas-

and lag on the computers, it was clear to

subjects: Programming, App Development,

sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

both of us instructors that it would bemore

I taught five camps at both the ele-


beneficial in the long run to use an easier

Camps were offered! Personally, I applied

lesson plan with Alice. Our Techies that

to be an instructor in March and found out

week partnered up to showcase spectacular

I had been hired at the end of that month.

games and animations; a “cookie clicker”

However, if summers are not a good fit,

game that used mouse clicks are currency to

then one can also be a Techie Club Instruc-

power up one’s cookie, a miniature version

tor for the fall and spring semesters for

of Mario Kart, and a boat racing game that

third through fifth or sixth through eighth

had the player sink if he or she lost were

graders. As an instructor who meets weekly

just a few of what impressively complex

with students, one would teach topics like

Alice programs that the young middle

Computer Programming, Web Develop-

schoolers made. I cannot emphasize enough

ment, Hardware, Software, Internet, Digital

how amazed I was with each and every

and Social Media, Technology Careers, App

Techie student that passed through each of

Development, 3D Printing, and Robotics.

my five camps. It is clear that after a week

For older students and over the summer,

of fast-paced learning of new technology

weeklong experiences, there are high school

and brainstorming a final project, a Techie

coding camps with the program curriculum

student takes a break from long summer

developed in partnership with Westlake-

School, Cleveland School of the Arts, and North Ridgeville Middle School, among others. All the students, regardless of their district, have this amazing opportunity to get an introduction (or a review, if they have attended the camps before) into computer science, engineering, coding, and future possible career paths. By the time they reach higher education, they will have a more solid foundation of understanding various topics and concepts taught from the camps than their peers who have not attended the programs. Knowing what a for loop is may seem simple, but by understanding how the blocks of code relate to

Challenge people to bring technology to others lacking experience

actual coding in later classes and careers, these young students are building their experience and confidence. Personally, with very little programming experience, I initially did not feel comfortable in any of my computer science classes in college. However, if I had attended a program like a Techie Camp, I definitely believe I would have chosen to major in computer science sooner than just when I actually decided — one month before going to college. The innovation of the youth is extraordinary and beneficial towards society. So, by encouraging elementary and middle school student and school participation in Tech Corps pro-

boredom to get in touch with their creative

located company Hyland Software. Among

and scientific side. The logic that it takes to

other programs like Techie Workshops,

program a multi-layered, multi-step game

Computing Career Corps, Student Tech

or animation with lines and lines of code

Corps, Student Code Corps, and Student

requires an enthusiastic desire and moti-

Web Corps, there are multitudinous oppor-

vation to create. In fact, I must admit that

tunities for both interested future instruc-

some of the projects students made might

tors and students alike.

have even been challenging for me to code myself, but my students overcame such

already achieved stand as a shining example

obstacles no matter how close they came to

of how introducing technology to those who

giving up.

have not experienced as much yet benefits

If you want to work or volunteer for ILLUSTRATIONS BY LOREN SHUMAKER

What Tech Corps has planned and has

communities, including that of schools and

Tech Corps just like I did, or know of po-

students. By furthering a child’s education

tential younger students who would want to

over the summer and/or with after school

attend a camp, here’s how! There are a va-

clubs, Tech Corps strengthens students’

riety of programs hosted by Tech Corps —

problem-solving and critical thinking skills

the ones I instructed at were Techie Camps:

by asking for a finalized, complex project

full day, weeklong camps that were either

that requires both hard work and deter-

sponsored (i.e., no cost) or open enrollment

mination. The Techies I taught were from

(anywhere from 325 to 400 dollars). In just

the Cleveland Metropolitan School District,

this past summer alone, over sixty Techie

Campus International School, Avon Middle

grams, we are molding the problem-solvers, thinkers, and engineers of the future. It sounds like a bold claim, but who will deny that an early exposure to educational, entertaining technology can pique a future computer scientist’s interest? I am eternally grateful to have been selected for multiple opportunities over the summer to teach those younger than I am to be technologically literate and to ultimately inspire them to consider a career path along technology. Without such a humbling experience and truly delightful summer of working those five weeks of camp, I doubt I would be as motivated as I am now to continue in my computer science major to return to Tech Corps next summer!

</html> OCTOBER 2017 | VINDICATOR 38



illions of shelter dogs and

Why adopting an animal can do more than save a life, and what local program, City Dogs Cleveland, is doing to help homeless dogs throughout the community. // Alana Whelan to loving homes.

take animal welfare into account. Therefore,

cats are killed each year be-

The differences between shelters and

cause of pet overpopulation,

pet stores can seem blurry because we, as

very low quality of life. This is not to say

and though most shelters

the buyer, do not know for sure what our

that all pet stores get their animals from

wish they were able to save

new pet’s history is. This unclear difference

puppy and kitten mills, but it is extremely

every animal, they often don’t have the re-

is why pet stores are still a widely-known

important to do research before buying a

sources to care for all of them. Meanwhile,

way to purchase pets. However, it is im-

pet to ensure these breeding facilities are

pet stores make money by selling dogs and

portant to be aware of the way many pet

not being supported.

cats that they have purchased from puppy

stores operate. Though the dogs and cats

mills, which put profit over welfare. Many

inside the stores are cute and in need of

buying from a pet store extend beyond

rescue groups and shelters are working

homes, they often come from puppy mills,

animal welfare. One of these is that it is

to diminish the problem of pet-overpop-

where hundreds - sometimes thousands -

much less expensive to adopt a dog than it

ulation by encouraging prospective pet

of animals are held in tiny wire cages and

is to buy from a pet store. According Best

owners not to buy animals from pet stores

are not properly cared for. Mother dogs

Friends, buying a pet ranges from $500 to

and breeders and instead to opt for adop-

are impregnated continuously in order to

$1,000 and up, while adopting only costs

tion. These groups and shelters also work

produce more puppies, which are then sold

from $50 to $200, depending on whether

diligently to save animals throughout their

to pet stores. Because the main goal of these

the animal came from a shelter or a rescue.

communities and to ensure they are going

puppy mills is to make a profit, they do not

Shelters and rescues also offer history on


disease runs rampant and animals have

The reasons adopting is better than

every animal that they bring in, while pet

on pit bulls and pit bull mixes, putting an

dogs get adjusted to lots of human interac-

stores usually cannot offer any background

emphasis on changing the public’s percep-

tion. Some of the places City Dogs Cleveland

at all. And just as background is import-

tion of pit bulls, who are often mislabeled

has been found include the Cleveland Flea,

ant to all prospective pet owners, breed

as aggressive. City Dogs’ mission is to get

Flat Out Fridays, Walkabout Tremont and

can be too. While there is a misconception

these animals ready to be introduced to

more. Along with events, City Dogs has an

that shelters do not have pure-bred dogs,

new, loving homes.

instagram where they post photos of almost

actually around 25% of dogs in shelters

In order to properly prepare these

every dog that is up for adoption with a

are purebred, and they range in age from

friendly pups for their new homes, Har-

description that dog’s personality. Addi-

puppies to super old seniors. Though the

vanek explained that City Dogs spays or

tionally, they will do certain promotions to

majority of shelter dogs are mutts, mutts

neuters them as needed, microchips them

encourage people to adopt a dog, such as

usually are healthier and generally live

and gives them their first round of vacci-

$20 adoptions for the month of September.

longer lives than purebred dogs. Along with

nations. Many of the dogs are then trans-

this, shelters are much more willing to help

ferred out to other shelters, such as the

ple of an organization that is persistently

animals adjust to their new surroundings,

Cleveland APL, but because of the amount

working for the benefit of the animals

as well as to aid humans with any questions

of dogs constantly being taken in, not all

in their community. With promotions at

or concerns.

of them are transferred out. While they

events and through social media, they do all

don’t formally train the dogs, all dogs that

they can to find homes for these adorable,

hand, do not aid in the animal purchasing

enter through their doors have interac-

misplaced animals. If you want to save an

process at all because the only thing they

tions with volunteers and other city pups in

animal in your community, adopting is by

care about is profit, paying no attention

play groups, so they have prior experience

far the best way to go. Organizations like

to the health of the animals. While puppy

with humans as well as with fellow furry

City Dogs Cleveland, the Cleveland APL and

mill operators are making money off of sick

friends. And getting the dogs prepared for

more are great places to look for the newest

animals, shelters take in homeless and un-

new homes is only one step of the adoption

addition to the family.

wanted animals and put them up for adop-

process. If humans want add a new pooch

Puppy mill operators on the other

City Dogs Cleveland is a great exam-

tion in the hopes that they will eventually go home to a loving family. However, these shelters are not always able to save every animal that enters through their doors. With limited materials and space, shelters often become too crowded and animals are then sadly euthanized. In most shelters, the older, less well-behaved or sick animals are the first to lose their lives. But this doesn’t have to be the case. By purchasing pets from shelters or rescues instead of pet stores that support puppy mills, millions of lives can be saved. In doing this, the horrific practices of puppy mills are not being supported. Instead, space is being freed up in shelters, and dogs and cats who are yearning for healthy homes will be saved.

City Dogs Cleveland Various organizations are working on a local level to find homes for pets who have


been displaced and left homeless, including a program called City Dogs Cleveland. City

to their family, they have to be as prepared

Dogs Cleveland is the adoption program

as possible, taking into consideration all the

for the City of Cleveland division of animal

responsibilities that come with having a dog

care and control that got it’s start after the

in their home. To help with adjustments,

division wasn’t able to transfer all of the

City Dogs offers new owners assistance with


dogs coming in out to other facilities. The

integrating their new pup into the family.


Vindicator had the opportunity to interview

City Dogs does everything they can to



Michelle Harvanek, Adoptions and Volun-

ensure that each dog finds a permanent

teer Coordinator at City Dogs. Harvanek

place to stay. They go to events around the

offered some beneficial information about

city so that people have various opportuni-


the organization and its objective. She spoke

ties to meet the cute pups and get to know

about how the program focuses mainly

them. Going to these events also helps the

City Dogs Cleveland



One woman’s quest to love herself and help you do the same. // Samantha Sanker


hroughout my life, I have real-

75 percent begin by age 24. Young workers,

I feel stupid and ugly, I make others feel

ized that self-care is vast and

students and youth in general must learn

this way and we as a collective are much

meaningful. Self-care can play

the value of taking care of themselves in

easier to tame, control and sell products

a role in how anxiety, low mood

their teenage and adolescent years. It’s such

to. Think of Instagram weight loss teas and

and stress affects your personal

a great sight to see Millennials know how

waist trainers; Literally everybody can ben-

and professional life. Self love is a wonder-

simple and significant self-care is com-

efit from self-care. men, women, LGBTQ+

ful component of self-care as well. Having

pared to our parents and their parents before

folks, people of color, elders and youth


of all cultures. Think of self-care as your

you feel about who you are and in turn what you think you’re deserving of. Self-care is as diverse as we are. Some people need to allow themselves private time while others can benefit emotionally from being a social butterfly and forming bonds or connections with others. We have different reasons for self-care. I practice self-care in order to function better at school and work. I practice self-care to make myself feel less scared or panicky. Proper self-care helps me realize that I have the right to say no to things that make me feel uncomfortable or unsafe. I feel like more of a self actualized person because of self-care. I know who I am, what I love and that I don’t owe anybody anything for being myself. Self-care helps me cope with the terror of the Trump administration and its supporters. The time and space that you allow yourself to cope with life can function as warfare against anxiety, phobias and sadness.

Why It Truly Matters The first step can be identifying what selfcare works best for you, whether this is books, music, conversation, nature or all of the above. Self-care can be as simple as designating time to answering emails or as complex as ending toxic/abusive relation-

contribution to your community as a whole. To quote Audre Lorde “caring for myself is

I know who I am, what I love and that I don’t owe anybody anything for being myself.

a negative self concept can damage the way

Self-Care Outside Of Yourself

not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.” Take the time that is yours for yourself, breathe deep breaths and consider some of these useful tools that I have discovered to be valuable.

Hygiene A long soak in a tub can work wonders for the soul. If you consider yourself more of a shower person, that’s great, but soothing accessories like candles and wine are better suited for a bath. I wouldn’t want you to catch on fire or have your wine glass get filled with water when you’re in the shower. I prefer playing F.M 91.5 which plays what I swear is the earliest recorded music. Slow swing or soft jazz can combat the loud obnoxious sounds from work or school. Also, sudsy bubbles are a must. You’ll look shiny, clean and brand new. After a good hygiene sesh like a face wash or foot scrub, you may not feel as dissociated or on edge. Also, please don’t let anybody tell you that baths are “gay” if you’re a boy. Baths are for everybody, except homophobes. So many at-home scrubs and moisturizers can be done with inexpensive items already in

ships. An act of self-care can be putting a

Self-care is a healthy part of maturing and

stop to self criticism. Sometimes, I have to

developing as a person. Whenever I engage

tell myself that I am valid and worthy of

in an act of self-care, I envision DJ Khaled


attention. My internal monologue has an

cheering me on! Saying things like, “they

I recently got my first car, and I find a drive

obnoxious voice and she’s often too mean.

don’t want you to love yourself and be

down a long road is so peaceful and calm-

According to NAMI (National Alliance on

emotionally intelligent!” This is true. The

ing. I have improved in my driving anxiety

Mental Illness) 50 percent of all lifetime

capitalist patriarchy wouldn’t want me to be

which used to hold me hostage and cause

cases of mental illness begin by age 14 and

enlightened to my self worth because when

me to avoid the road at all costs. I commute


your pantry!

now, so I can’t really hide from the very

drive about my life goals. It includes living

you will feel liberated and energized after

scary freeway and the meanies on it. Now

on a farm with a partner and our children

a good gym workout. If you love your body,

I use this time for healthy rumination or re-

and having a job where I work with children

you will want it to be strong for the future.

flection set to a moody soundtrack. Autumn

and teach them how to love themselves

Think of time and energy as your invest-

scenery with its bright yet dying leaves is a

and be intellectual beings. It includes me

ment in a strong, healthy body. There is a

gorgeous bonus when driving.

owning a vespa and roller skates (I suck at

really lovely metropark near my home and

the latter, but a girl can dream, right?) and

I don’t even feel like I’m putting in work

Social Media

owning a lake or a pool for endless sum-

when I go there to enjoy nature. When I’m

This is the most stereotypical thing to

mer swimming. If you feel as though life is

hiking in the woods I feel like exercise is

say, but take time away from social media.

something you hate, or is unmanageable

on my terms. A huge personal motivation

For real. “That hour and a half does not

at the moment, having future goals and

of mine is those really flexible or agile old

count Becky!” You still liked Jake’s picture

intentions written down for reference later

people that make you question everything.

that day! My suggestion is a few days to

can remind you that you want peace and

It’s like, “I want to look 40 when I’m 65

a week. This seems so scary right? “What

happiness for your future self and those

too Ethel!” If you’re a student, your school

if the world ends because I missed seeing

goals and intentions are to be surrounded

most likely has a gym facility that is in-

a picture of my friends vacation?!” Fear

with things you love. You can also say these

cluded in tuition. I really appreciate the fact

not, they’ll still be posting pictures of it for

things aloud to loved ones around you as

that Cleveland State has a pretty nice gym.

the rest of the year! Thank you Throwback

well as write them down. Looking to the

I suggest running at full force to Panda

Thursday! The social media noise con-

future is a remedy for hating the now.

by Desiigner, nothing makes me feel

tributes nothing to your life besides chaos anyway. Don’t let somebody’s construct of themselves on the internet influence you.

Space Check

more invincible.


In conclusion, hear a soothing sound,

I honestly hate it when people say exer-

smell a pretty scent, eat a yummy treat and

cising will solve the world’s problems or

send positive intentions out into the world.

“cure” your depression, but I just love to

Drink as much water as you can and go to

Visiting a space like a coffee shop or library

sweat and think everybody feels a little

bed on time my friends! I love you so much!

where silence is the law is helpful for the

released after running out their rage or

I truly hope this helped you! Good luck at

unquiet mind. I recently repainted my

frustrations. Sweat is good for the skin and

work or school and happy self-care!!

room to a shade called “cucumber” (Think more pastel mint than pickle) and it is the best decision I ever made. Compared to the bright pink it was before called “heartfelt”,


this shade is relaxing and lighthearted. The space we occupy makes the biggest difference in our feelings and emotions. Less clutter equals less stress. Throw away your things my dudes! Factors like light, noise, size and general surrounding that a space has to offer are all detrimental to mental health. Imagine being stuck in a loud, dark, small, cluttered space and how that would make you feel. A space with soft white noise, and sunlight can have a great impact on mood and attitude. My room is a space to sleep, eat and maybe even study (hahaha joke). It is purposefully calm and full of light (also falls scented candles, what can I say, I’m basic™ deep down.) The principle of feng shui states that our surroundings dictate our feelings.

Venting/ Writing One thing that makes me feel at peace and more organized is writing my intentions for my life down. This could literally be anything you want, places you want to visit, people you want to meet, experiences you want to have. I have a google doc in my

1. Billie Holiday Warpaint


2. Nothing for Me Junglepussy


3. Fast As You Can Fiona Apple


4. Dancing On My Own Robyn


5. 20 Something SZA


6. i Kendrick Lamar


7. 1-800-273-8255 Logic


8. Germfree Adolescents X-Ray Spex


9. Guns And Roses Lana Del Rey


10. Big Jumps Emilíana Torrini


11. Hands Jewel


12. Alive Ravyn Lenae


13. Praying Kesha


14. Weary Solange


15. Hear Me Lord Bonnie Raitt


Window Minded By Joy Yayoie McKiney

The one factor from windows in many ways for time. O’ persons being


window minded.


The Past Should Stay In The Past, Right? By Chau Tang

The past is the past But I often question not only my past but my present. I’ve grown mentally and emotionally over the years but what I keep questioning myself is this, Why am i constantly reminded of the past? Why are those who’ve hurt me, keep trying to contact me? Are they trying to hurt me in the present or is it my paranoia that leaves me to believe they are coming to get me? What can I do to forget about it? The answer is, I can’t. What happened has happened but some scars remain. The reminders of people who have said hurtful things in the past are also people you’ve met who’ve said similar things in the present. What I can do is to better myself. I’ve been more outspoken on how I feel, even if it’s redundant but history repeats itself and so do emotions. I’m hopeful for the future more than ever Even though I question my abilities, I try to improve them on a daily.


Maybe, keeping those who’ve crossed me in the past are reminding myself to forgive and try to succeed no matter what. There is a saying, success is the best revenge.


By Sidney Berry

I I have been swallowing flames Holding fire in the pit of my stomach

Trying not to exhale When you kiss me

I lift my skirt to welcome snakes Tongues slither like Fathers seducing mothers

II If I become my abuser My victim will become me The grim reeper

Kills the old On the eve Of My birth

My mother mask my screams with her own


III I put my feet up on the table Sit legs open Around elders And male company

I begin to stuff my bra With expectations My mother sees Lust in my eyes

I cover my skin in embarrassment It’s red like Lust Passion Or my panties at age 11 IV Isolate myself At home School Church Bible study Dinner


I am told I am filthy I bathe

I’ve been cleansed in the name Of the same men who have touched me When I asked them to give back

My body My body My body



The Vindicator Magazine needs a new culture editor for the upcoming Spring 2018 semester! Our team is looking for someone with great editing skills, a passion for social justice, cultural topics, and is eager to help our publication grow! Could that be you?



Leading a team of culture writers

GPA of at least 2.5

Editing culture section (3-5 articles)

Excellent writing & editing skills.

Writing one article per month.

Basic knowledge of AP style

Attending all meetings (Thurs. @11:30)

Interest in arts and culture topics.

Meeting and enforcing all deadlines.

Strongly encouraged Experience writing articles for our print or web publication.

Contact Applications are due early December. Include samples of written or published works.

Vindicator Cleveland State University’s Arts and Culture Magazine

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