March 2022

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VINDICATOR Cleveland State University’s Arts and Culture Magazine

MARCH 2022







The Vindicator Magazine needs more designers! Our team is looking for someone with great design skills, a passion for social justice, cultural topics, and is eager to help our publication grow! Could that be you?


• Following direction

• GPA of at least 2.75

• Creating spreads each month

• Excellent InDesign skills

• Working with writers

• Basic knowledge of Illustrator

• Attending all meetings

• Interest in arts and culture topics

• Meeting all deadlines

• Strongly encouraged Experience working with print or editorial design

Betty White

what’s in this issue? 3

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Letter from the Editors


Meet Our Contributors

Arts 7

This vs. That: Female Representation by ERIC SEITZ


The Male Gaze in Film by LAUREN KOLESZAR 11

The Psychology of Comfort Movies by SAMRA KARAMUSTAFIC


Culture 13




Beyond Hellen Keller: Deaf Women in History by JILLIAN VANDYKE

Fashion + Wellness









Food for Thought by ABIGAIL PREISZIG


Caffeine in the College Life / Quiz by CHRISTINA IBOS




New Year, New Me? by ABBY JARVIS

Send your portfolio and resume to


Complexities of Friendships Between Women by SHEILA KISS


Disney World 50th Anniversary by ANDREA BRAZIS




MARCH 2022


w h a t’s h a p p e n i n g i n


3/9 Billy Strings

Cleveland Music Industry Conversations BOP STOP @ The Music Settlement, 2920 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland 6:00-9:00PM

Playhouse Square Center, Cleveland, OH Ages: All Ages.


“An aggressive, growth-oriented plan for emerging from CSU 2.0.” –CAMERON MAYS

3/12 Aminé Concert


3/19 Dance

Pam Tanowitz Dance with Simone Dinnerstein 7:30PM PLAYHOUSE SQAURE

stay up-to-date with all things Vindi on Instagram

House of Blues Cleveland 6:30pm $145-$255




MARCH 2022

The Cleveland State Vindicator was founded as a Black student newspaper in January 1970.

WORDS FROM OUR WOMAN EDITORS What does it mean to be a woman in 2022?

Cara Robbins social editor Being a woman is strange and intimidating and

Abigail Preiszig online content editor

empowering all at once. It is acknowledging how the

Being a woman in 2022 is all about breaking the rules

characteristics of what society defines as “woman”

and making your own. There are so many things that

were crafted to weaken us, and turning those char-

women are “supposed” to be. The future of being a

acteristics into pillars of strength and identity. It is a

woman is just to be. Period. Be without the expec-

deeply personal and individual journey– and because

tations of others standards for your femininity, or

of that, no one other than yourself has the right to

lack of femininity. Be unashamed in your interests

tell you if you are or aren’t a woman.

and desires. Be unafraid to take up space. You don’t have to be anything to be a woman.

Sheila Kiss arts editor Being a woman in 2022 can mean a lot of things. It can

Kristina Markulin culture editor

mean being a single mom, being married, or owning

Whatever you want it to mean. Embrace yourself!

your own business. It can mean dressing masculine,

It’s been a rough two years, who has the energy to

wearing makeup, or being covered in tattoos. This

police someone else’s gender expression? Don’t hold

is the most special part of being a woman in 2022,

yourself to however society thinks a woman should

we can do or be whatever we like and there is no

act in order to determine your worth.

mold we have to fit to be a woman. Embracing the

Jillian VanDyke art director

is powerful and it is a promising sign for what the

Embracing the uniqueness of what women, especially

future of being a woman truly is.

unique differences and similarities that women have

individuals hold is something so special. Having a community full of grace, strength, and willpower

Lauren Koleszar features editor

brings thankfulness this year. Seeing other women

Joining hands with other women and standing together

who are embracing their skill sets and pushing for-

against a society that expects you to compare and

ward to make a difference in the areas they work in

compete. It means understanding and shaping yourself

makes me so proud to be a woman. With all of this

as an individual, first, and then finding meaning and

being said, having growth towards a sustainable

strength in the female form as a choice and in no way

future for all is something to look forward to.

that is inferior or subservient to anyone.

Samra Karamustafic fashion & wellness editor

Megan Mullaly managing editor

Being a woman has and always will mean being a

Embracing femininity in all of its forms and continuing

force to be reckoned with.

to push the boundaries of what it means to be female.



Jillian VanDyke Art Director

Megan Mullaly Managing Editor

Lauren Koleszar Features Editor

Sheila Kiss Arts Editor

Kristina Markulin Culture Editor

Lynn Nichols Copy Editor

Cara Robbins Social Editor

Abigail Preiszig Online Content Editor

Samra Karamustafic Fashion & Wellness Editor

WRITERS Samra Karamustafic Eric Seitz Ashley Lubecky Abigail Jarvis Andrea Brazis Jillian VanDyke

JUNIOR DESIGNERS Lauren Koleszar Abigail Preiszig Kristina Markulin Cameron Mays Christina Ibos Sheila Kiss

Emma Splete Shannon Driscoll Hannah Mosley

Faculty Advisor Julie Burrell Web Specialist Daniel Lenhart Disclaimer The content of the Vindicator does not necessarily represent the opinions of Cleveland State University, its students, faculty, or staff: nor does it represent the members of the Vindicator staff or our advisors unless otherwise stated. The editor reserves the right to comment on any issue that affects the student body in general as well as the multicultural community at large. Letters to the editors and other submissions are accepted, however they must have the authors name, address, major if applicable, and telephone number. All submissions become property of the Vindicator and the Vindicator reserves the right to edit submissions as deemed necessary. Magazine and newspaper theft is a crime; limit one per person. 2121 Euclid Ave, MC 471, Cleveland, OH 44115 216–687–2118 5 | VINDICATOR



MARCH 2022

THIS VS. THAT: Female Representation women well, and examples of those which don’t.



Hannah Mosley


emale representation in entertainment has nodoubt increased and improved greatly in the 21st century. From the first woman-led Star Wars film to an all-female reboot of Ghostbusters to Disney

Princesses who are their own heroes, the entertainment world is blossoming with instances of more prolific (if not always better) representation. But what makes good representation? Which TV shows, films, and video games have representation that stems from genuine efforts to improve the public’s perception of women, and which are merely empty, corporate cashgrabs, aiming to appease a progressing society? Below, read a this-or-that list of which pieces of entertainment represent women well, and which don’t.

SUPERHERO FILMS This Works: Wonder Woman The first major blockbuster female superhero film, Wonder Woman was a critical and commercial success, reinvigorating the DC Extended Universe. The film expertly foils Diana’s graceful might against the brutality of the male-dominated World War I. The theme of female empowerment is woven into the narrative itself, so the level of representation feels natural — like it’s supposed to be there. This Doesn’t: Captain Marvel Captain Marvel is a perfectly serviceable Marvel Studios film — and it wouldn’t have obliterated the box office records if it weren’t. It fails where Wonder Woman succeeded in that its theme of female empowerment feels grafted onto the rest of the plot. The film constantly reminds audiences that Carol’s been pushed down her entire life, hoping that when she accesses her full powers, viewers will understand this is a big moment. But the moment falls flat because of its lack of connection to the entire rest of the movie’s story.

in an overly sexualized skin-tight bodysuit. Additionally, the games that explore Samus’s personal life more deeply tend to show her as a weaker version of herself than how she

to improve on this. Madeleine feels like dead weight being

representative boundary-breaking in film: Southeast Asian

rashly, and is

does all that, but it goes further. The female warrior (Raya)

deeply human.

her own worth. The villain is dynamic and unconventional.

That makes her

flies that flag of progression well beyond what’s expected.

triumph at the

This Doesn’t: Incredibles 2

DNA of previous Ocean’s movies, while incorporating a

end all the more

superhero who easily fought alongside the men, and it

moving B-plot of female teamwork. This Doesn’t: Ghostbusters (2016)

emotional and

the parenting responsibilities with her husband. The sequel

Ocean’s 8 is a who’s who of Hollywood’s finest actresses. Starring Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling, and I don’t have enough room to list the rest, this film had all the makings to be a cash-in on both the popularity of the Ocean’s franchise, and also the popularity of its cast (I mean, why else would Rihanna be in this film?). However, Ocean’s 8 is an intricate, fun heist flick that maintains the

This Ghostbusters reboot promised that women could carry a comedy franchise, but the problem wasn’t that it was all female — it was that it pretended like it wasn’t. If this were a generic ghost-battling comedy that happened to star all women, the story would be different. But the filmmakers made a conscious choice to cast an all-female reboot, so using the female-ness of the film to its advantage would have given it something special. Instead, the film tried to recreate what the originals had — but with women. And people hated it.

FEMALE-LED VIDEO GAMES This Works: Horizon Zero Dawn Horizon’s characterization, story, and


Raya and the L ast Dragon ticks all the boxes for cast. Female warrior. Female sidekick. Female villain. It learns to be an effective leader. The sidekick (Sisu) realizes Raya and the Last Dragon champions progression, but it (And Raya doesn’t sing!) The original Incredibles established Elastigirl as a competent established her civilian counterpart Helen as a wife who split attempts to take it a step further by putting Elastigirl into the spotlight that Mr. Incredible held in the original, but the plot deteriorates into a mere gender-swap of the first film. Reducing Helen’s time in the spotlight to a simple retreading of Bob’s footsteps is a disservice to what attempts the

doesn’t look overly feminine. Further, she’s not a Mary Sue like many female

makes her triumph at the end all the more

While the Metroid games form a critically

This Doesn’t Work: Aladdín (1992) Jasmine in the original Aladdín is one of the weakest Disney princesses of the modern era. Her role in the film is solely that of Aladdín’s love interest. The subplot of Jasmine wanting to free herself of Agrabah’s old laws only serves to put her next to Aladdín as his wife in the end. Despite her seemingly progressive independent spunk at the

than most other female video game protagonists, her status as a feminist

her again, then shows up five years later asking for her back, and she just…falls back into his arms. The Bond films have never been — and never will be — about the Bond girls, but an attempt at making them into real, believable human beings would be nice. This Does: Super Mario Like the Bond series, the Mario series has a bumpy past when it comes to female representation. However, the portrayal of Princess Peach has come a long way from the kidnap, save, kidnap, save cycle of the 80s and 90s. In Super Mario 3D World, Peach was a playable hero. And at the end of Super Mario Odyssey when Mario and Bowser are childishly fighting for her affection, she leaves them both to fly solo and tour the world with her new gal pal Tiara — just two single ladies on a globetrotting adventure of their own. shedher nasty habit of developers can (and do) comeup with ways of ensuringeveryone’s favorite parasol-wielding princess of mushrooms is more than merely an object for Mario to get.

distress in the final act. This Does: Aladdín (2019) The course-correct that the writers did on Jasmine’s character for the live-action remake of Aladdín is second to none. With a few simple tweaks, Jasmine quickly became the most interesting part of the entire

film. Her mission to become sultan makes such perfect sense in hindsight that it’s hard to understand why writers of the original didn’t

choose that route in the first place. Further, her song “Speechless” is the spine-tingling culmination of her fight against Jafar and

combat, and exploration, their protagonist While Samus has been around much longer

attempted murder and tells her he never wants to see

beginning of the film, she becomes the damsel in

acclaimed franchise for their expert gameplay, Samus is often a subject of controversy.

the plot. In No Time to Die, Bond accuses Madeleine of

getting kidnapped, the

emotional and real. This Doesn’t: Metroid

side, even when her history is purposely intertwined in


protagonists are — she makes mistakes, acts rashly, and is deeply human. That

pulled along for the sake of having a woman by James’

While Peach may never

that it frankly does not matter whether its not sexualized or fetishized, and she

interest Madeleine in the final few Daniel Craig films fails

writers made at proper female representation.

world are so fabulous because of the fact protagonist Aloy is male or female. Aloy is

The entire 007 pantheon has had a troubled history with sexism and lack of representation. “Bond girls” especially


mistakes, acts

This Works: Ocean’s 8

This Doesn’t Work: 007

tend to get the short end of the stick. And Bond’s love

This Works: Raya and the Last Dragon



appears with suit on.

Aloy makes

Examples of entertainment media that represent

whenever Samus is on screen without her suit, she is portrayed

subsequent emancipation. Not only did the

alterations of Jasmine’s story help in

the film’s representation of women, but


it improved the story as a whole.

symbol is questionable at best. For one, THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 8


MARCH 2022


ou’re knee-deep in a spy thriller, and Tom Cruise or whoever is laying out his plan when suddenly — a slow, erotic tracking shot in-

troduces the hero’s companion in her sexy new uniform, starting from the heels and vertically following her body as she approaches the male protagonist. We are all familiar with the way that female characters are relentlessly reduced to montages of body parts, catering to the pleasure of the male viewer. In the

In the 1970s, film critic Laura Mulvey formally attacked what she called “the male gaze” in her groundbreaking essay, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” She argues that there is a power structure inherent to cinema that is broken down into the active gazer and the passive gazed-at. In an industry dominated by male creators and viewers, this active gazer role is almost always given to a male character, which informs how female characters will be curated toward the male gaze and thus take the passive, gazed-at role. In her words, the male gaze “projects its fantasy




Lauren Koleszar

Corey Brickley

A male-dominated film industry values women in terms of their tobe-looked-at-ness, perpetuating gender inequality and damaging the way women are taught to view themselves.

on to the female figure which is styled accordingly.” According to Mulvey, the male gaze consists of three parts: the male camera (communicating the way the filmic world is perceived), the male character (whose gaze informs the camera), and the male viewer (the interests of whom are prioritized for optimal visual pleasure). Totally catered toward the male ego, the male gaze informs how female characters are perceived in the film world and thus by the audience. Mulvey further argues that in a male-dominated culture, and, likewise, the film industry, “the unconscious of patriarchal society has structured film form.” When the world of film is controlled by the male gaze, it holds extraordinary power and influence over how audiences are subconsciously taught to perceive the world — specifically, women. The core offense of the male gaze is that it strips female characters of their agency and ability to make


tied to the primary story and pleasure of the male

the woman subjected to the male gaze is “a perfect

protagonist. Visual media is saturated with passive

product, whose body, stylised and fragmented by

female characters who are sexualized by the camera,

close-ups, is the content of the film.” For women,

valued for their “to-be-looked-at-ness,” as Mulvey

the male gaze makes it near impossible to escape

calls it. Even in terms of visual storytelling and film

the societal pressure to visually stimulate a man.

language, the male gaze is totally illogical and serves

A common misconception in the conversation about

no purpose in the film. When the camera opts for a

the male gaze is a confusion between unnecessary,

slow-motion bikini shot or erotic montage of body

automatic sexualization of a female character and

parts, all the rules of storytelling that apply to reg-

depictions of sexuality in general. An attack on the

ular action and male characters to further the story

male gaze is in no way, shape, or form an assault on

and its meaning are thrown out the window. Mulvey

a woman’s attractiveness or sexual appeal. Women

asserts the woman’s “visual presence tends to work

cannot enjoy their femininity or sexuality without

against the development of a story line, to freeze the

intrusive thoughts or shameful criticisms that they

flow of action in moments of erotic contemplation.”

are doing so for a man’s attention. Equating sexual

Not only does this perpetuate lasting, damaging

desire with objectification of a woman is entirely

ideas about how women should be perceived by men,

socially constructed and holds no weight in reality.

but it also cheapens the artistry of filmmaking that

Megan Fox, for instance, is a conventionally attractive

relies so much on the intentionality of the camera to

actor, but notice the differences between the way she

communicate a meaningful story. Instead, the male

is depicted in “Transformers” and “Jennifer’s Body.”

gaze allows the sociopolitical power of the patriarchy

In the first, the sexual appeal of her character holds

to permeate through the story in order to reinforce

little importance to the story, except that she is a love

the inequality between men and women, categorizing

interest to the male protagonist. In “Jennifer’s Body,”

them as the gazer and the gazed-at.

the character’s sexual nature is extremely important to the plot. Notice that despite this difference,

rity and negative mental states in women who learn

the camera in “Transformers” works much harder

The male gaze in

to fear and worry over the anticipation

to sexualize Megan Fox, lingering on her waist and

of being looked at by a man. When the

cleavage multiple times for no meaningful reason.

cinema assumes the

male gaze exploits women as objects of

In “Jennifer’s Body,” Fox’s character is sexually

male voyeurism, they are stripped of

attractive, yes, but at no point does the camera ogle

ideal ego of a het-

their agency and humanity; it forces an

Fox or step away from the story to allow a voyueristic

ideal ego upon the female spectator who

audience to check her out. There are plenty of films

erosexual man who

is led to view herself through the lens

with raw depictions of sexuality, or with characters

of the male gaze. In her seminal femi-

whose sexual nature is important to the story, that



nist text, “The Second Sex,” Simone de

are told without a male gaze lingering on a woman’s

Beauvoir wrote: “Masculine desire is as

legs and buttocks any time she enters a scene.

en as the bombshell

much an offence as it is a compliment.”

Though the male gaze still dominates the film

The male gaze is one manifestation

world, major efforts, mostly by female directors, have

blonde or mousy li-

of this masculine desire and imagines

been made to eliminate or subvert the male gaze in

needless competition among women, who

modern films. Even in the world of screenwriting, it



from an early age are taught to agonize

is increasingly frowned upon to write descriptions

over the way they are perceived by men,

which include details about a character’s physical

criteria that ranks

comparing themselves to other women

attractiveness unless relevant to the story. These

for the sake of becoming the primary

efforts, a long time in the making, started with

women in terms of

subject of a man’s attention. The male

Laura Mulvey when she shook the world awake with

gaze in cinema assumes the ideal ego

her attack on the male gaze during the second wave


of a heterosexual man who categoriz-

of feminism in the 1970s. Her words remind us that

es women as the bombshell blonde or

becoming conscious of the problem is only the first

mousy librarian based on criteria that

step to solving it. As Simone de Beauvoir once wrote:

ranks women in terms of their poten-

“Self-knowledge is no guarantee of happiness, but it

tial to sexually please him. No matter

is on the side of happiness and can supply the courage

how consciously aware women are of

to fight for it.”

male gaze, and increased discussion urges us to unsociety.

akin to product advertisements, argues Mulvey, and

The male gaze has been shown to increase insecu-

language of film analysis, this has been termed the derstand the damaging effect this film trope has on

meaning in the filmic world beyond that, which is




sexually please him.

these stereotypes and misogynistic “ideals,” it is near impossible to totally resist the influence of the male gaze when a constant flood of imagery shows women as they exist relative to men and in terms of their sexual invitation. Depiction of women in film is



MARCH 2022

“a movie that one watches to feel less shit and a movie that evokes

many positive and lovely feelings.




Samra Karamustafic Shannon Driscoll An explanation to why our brains find particular movies endlessly rewatchable.


that we’ll never get tired of: Our comfort movie! Now you might be wondering, “What on Earth is a ‘comfort movie,’ exactly?”

icture this: you’ve just had an incredi-

While an entry for the phrase may not be in any

bly busy (and not-so-good) day, and all

official dictionary, you can certainly find it on another

you’re looking forward to is a night in

highly trustworthy and dependable source: Urban

with your TV and some takeout. You feel

Dictionary. According to the Urban Dictionary, a

like watching a movie tonight, but you’re

comfort movie is “a movie that one watches to feel

not exactly sure which one to watch. You begin flip-

less shit and a movie that evokes many positive and

ping through the seemingly endless list of movies on

lovely feelings.”

your favorite streaming services when you see a new

So does that mean that a comfort movie must hold

action flick that looks promising, but you’re just not

a certain degree of comedy and lightheartedness, or

in the mood to watch it tonight. On the other hand,

follow a set of rules, in order to be considered a true

there’s that new thriller that your friend has been

comfort film? Not at all!

raving about for weeks, and it’s finally on Netflix… yeah, it’s still a no.

In their piece “Top 10 Comfort Films,” the Los Angeles Times emphasizes the individualized nature

Suddenly, you stumble upon the movie that you

of a comfort movie, writing that they are “memory

just know you’ll be watching tonight — even if you’ve

movies, tied to a time in your life, or a place, or a

already seen it 20 times and know it by heart by now


— because you simply need some cheering up. It’s a movie that we all know and love, and one 11 | VINDICATOR

So, while someone’s comfort movie may be what is considered a “classic” feel-good film — like “When

Harry Met Sally,” for instance — somebody else

have to take the time to get to know the characters,

may consider a horror movie like “Halloween” their

keep track of the storyline, and prepare yourself

favorite comfort movie all the same.

for any unexpected plot twists. But, as Psychology

Has the idea of a comfort movie always been around,

Today notes, “there’s no guesswork, cliffhangers, or

or is this a newer concept? While the phrase was added

stressful anticipation when watching an old favorite

to Urban Dictionary in 2011 and the LA Times piece

— which makes it easier for our tired, overloaded

was published in 2014, no one knows for sure when

brains to process.”

the phrase “comfort movie” first came into use.

But, won’t there come a certain point where our

Nonetheless, the phrase has certainly cropped up

brains will just get sick and tired of rewatching the

in all corners of the internet over the recent years

same characters and unforeseeable (but at this point,

— whether that be a Twitter thread of someone’s

totally foreseeable) plot twists? Psychology says that,

favorite comfort movies or a curated list of the top

for the most part, not really — and that’s because of

52 comfort films from The Guardian. It also comes

a phenomenon called “the mere exposure effect.”

as no surprise that the concept of comfort movies

As The Decision Lab explains, the mere exposure

has spiked in popularity over the last two years, con-

effect (also k now n as the familiarity principle)

veniently coinciding with the start of the COVID-19

“describes our tendency to develop preferences for

pandemic — a time in which we were all looking for

things simply because we are familiar with them.”

any bit of comfort we could get from home.

It’s why we like frequenting the same coffee shops

In fact, the pandemic plays an important role

and restaurants, while also ordering our usual latte

when we take a look at the psychological aspects of

or entree after promising ourselves that we’d try

comfort movies. We’ve collectively had to face a lot of

something new this time. Familiar things are easier

difficult decisions and changes in our daily lives over

for us humans to process, and as Dr. Fayard writes

these past two years, all of which have increased our

for Psychology Today, “When something is easy to

cognitive load tenfold. Cognitive load (also referred

process, it tends to make us feel positive emotions,

to as cognitive load theory), as defined by the BBC,

which in turn make us like the object more.”

views the mind as an information processing system.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling bad for

Essentially, we depend on our working memory —

watching the same movie yet again, don’t! Revel in the

which is a limited resource — whenever we tackle a

experience, acknowledge that you’re doing yourself

new problem or face a decision to make. To say that

a favor by giving your mind a break and indulging in

we’ve all overloaded our working memory since March

the nostalgia, and just know that, in the end, you’re

2020 would be an understatement, but this gives us

probably watching a good movie anyway. It’s called

an explanation as to why so many of us revert to


rewatching our favorite movies on a night in. Watching a new movie takes a lot of mental work, even if it may not seem like it would. For starters, you have to find a new movie that piques your interest enough for you to watch at that very moment — and we all know how much of an ordeal this can be. After flipping through possibly every movie on your preferred streaming platform and pressing play, you THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 12


MARCH 2022


And I’ll admit, feminism has had a very rocky

advocacy isn’t advocating for women. It’s advocating

history, and hasn’t always had intersectionality

for the ultrafeminine, child-rearing, breeding broads

in mind. A long and arduous history shows

that neo-Nazis think women are.

feminist movements being actively bigoted toward

are not a threat to cis women. There has been no

intersectionality now more than ever. Famously,

widespread phenomenon of trans women harming

early feminism was constructed to benefit only

cis women in places like bathrooms or locker rooms.

white woman, and the anti-porn/anti-sex work

But TERFs refuse to accept that trans women aren’t

stances of the second wave have done little to

men, that they face their own unique struggles that

remedy the issues facing sex workers. But as time

no cis person can truly understand. And this hormonal

went on, feminism became more intersectional, and

phrenology they keep trying to push is not going to

now in 2022, it’s important that feminism becomes

change that trans women’s struggles don’t deserve to

staunchly intersectional.

be minimized by bigots who refuse to learn anything




The TERF obsession with “real women” is in

No, you will not change my mind.

and advocate for women all around

the globe. Women’s rights have historically been contested in society, mostly by men. However, there is a movement growing in popularity that claims to be for women’s rights, but in actuality, actively harms women of all walks of life. Both online circles and real-life spaces reflect a growing obsession with gender amongst some women. This idea that what makes a woman boils down to manner of dress, or socialization, or phenotypical features. That “woman” is a concrete, predetermined set of roles that one must meet in order to be considered as such. To the untrained or unsuspecting eye, this rhetoric might pass by unnoticed or with little scrutiny. However, these are dog whistles, a mere taste test of TERF ideology that, although it may seem innocuous at first, is anything but. TERF stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist.”

TERFs pretend to care about women’s rights and

women can’t even be applied to all cis people. How

liberation, but the rights of an entire group of people

do you even define a woman? Hormone levels? People

cannot be ignored or denied. There is no women’s

with PCOS — many of them cis women — have

liberation if trans women are not liberated too.






movement of cis women whose feminism does not consider — and actively antagonizes — trans women. A lot of TERF rhetoric is predicated on the idea that “we” need to protect “real women” from “men invading women’s spaces.” It’s a movement that cloaks transphobia and transmisogyny with a veneer of progressivism in an attempt to legitimize bigotry. It’s a movement that boils down gender to genitalia and chromosomes, painting those who move within or break the gender binary as dangerous predators or “lost lesbian sisters,” with the goal of invalidating and demonizing trans people (especially trans women). It simultaneously claims


to break the societal confines put on women while


actively harming a whole community of women and

Kristina Markulin

strengthening the restrictions on another.


In short, it’s not feminism. Before I continue, let me be clear: I am a cis

Hannah Mosley








gender essentialism, the oft-debunked idea that biologically, men and women have different intrinsic traits that are unique and shared amongst all those of the same gender. It’s the same line of thinking that locks women to housework while men are the sole breadwinners, that says women are pure beings more interested in romance than sex while men are sex-obsessed to the point of not desiring anything else. It’s using biology to create a manufactured psychological dichotomy within the gender binary. This, of course, has no concrete backing and actively ignores the nuances of identity. While there are two main types of genitalia (more when considering intersex people), the human mind is not locked to a binary. Feminism began as a way to combat this forced dichotomy, to demand that women be treated as men’s equals, not as inferior or complimentary.

see something ugly. TERFs’ demonization of men

(and those whom they perceive to be men), their anti-sex work/anti-porn beliefs, their demand for the protection of the meek, delicate woman — it all feeds into the same patriarchal system they claim

There is no

With that out of the way, let’s continue.

that doesn’t make them men. TERFs’ definitions

When you peek behind the rhetoric curtain, you

by an ever-increasingly harmful and bigoted society

rhetoric kills.

subcultures of cis women dressing masculinely, but

woman, even if you’re cis.

rhetoric levied against them not only by TERFs, but

year since 2013. It is not hyperbolic to say that this

still get periods. Manner of dress? There are entire

naturally embody. There is no one set way to be a

activists have done to deconstruct the harmful

trans and non-binary people in 2021, the deadliest

the transmasculine people and trans men who may

account for the wide array of diversity humans

the tireless and dedicated work trans and nonbinary

Rights Campaign tracked at least 54 fatal attacks on

And I’m sorry, but if your advocacy does not include trans women, you’re not a feminist.

of “woman” are completely arbitrary; they don’t

woman. My discussion on these issues is informed by

that TERF ideology only strengthens. The Human

Menstruation? Older women

and younger girls don’t menstruate, not to mention

to be against. It’s no wonder they share so many

women’s liberation if trans women are


to celebrate women’s accomplishments

about psychology and social constructs.

itself a fallacy. Many of the ways TERFs try to define

elevated androgens. arch is Women’s History Month, a time

A lot of TERF anger is misplaced. Trans women



not liberated too.

views with conservatives and neo-Nazis. Whether they realize it or not, the “radical” in their name has more in common with the right than the left. TERFs advocate for freedom from the patriarchy, but demand that freedom be gatekept to only the “pure” or “authentic.” To them, transness is not a reflection of the complexities of humanity, but a perversion of humanity’s greater design. They don’t bat an eye at bathroom bills or athlete hormone checks because, fundamentally, they agree with the conservatives writing and advocating for them. To them, femininity is almost sacred; a more delicate, more fragile sex that needs to be protected from those who dare cross into its boarders. Anyone not born into this exclusive club is an interloper, deliberately misidentified with some appropriated language of abuse to obfuscate their point. They fight tooth and nail to hold onto an antiquated notion of what a woman is or can be — that in the end, their



beyond hellen keller Deaf Women in History WRITTEN & DESIGNED BY

Juliette Gordon Low

Jillian VanDyke

Known as the founder of the Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Low created the largest and most successful organization for girls in the world. She is known

Eight women who have made a large impact on both the deaf and hearing communities.

and remembered for the efforts that were put into making this large organization in the beginning of the 20th century. She passed nearly a century ago, but the Girl Scouts


henever we think of the history of women, deaf women are not often our first thoughts, and even then we may not think beyond

Hellen Keller. There have been plenty of women over the years that have made an outstanding impact on

organization is still blossoming world-wide. “As of 2017, there are over three million members and over fifty million members since its founding in 1912. The organization is self-sufficient due to its many patrons and yearly cookie sales to raise funds.”

both deaf and hearing communities. This article highlights deaf women who have made history as positive role models into the 21st century.

viral video of a woman (Shannon

speed boats, dived off hotel rooftops, leaped from helicopters, set herself on fire, and water-skied at more than 100 mph. This earned her the title “world’s fastest woman,” reaching speeds of about 600 mph while piloting a rocket car across a dried lake bed in

Claudia L. Gordon is the first deaf Black female

There have

attorney in the United States. She currently works

been plenty of

Contract Compliance Programs. Previously, she held

women over the

gagement as the Public Engagement Advisor to the

made an out-

you might have come across a

operations in her 20s, she raced motorcycles and

Claudia L. Gordon

years that have

Scrolling through TikTok,

Amid a battle with cancer that required two sets of

southeastern Oregon

Shannon Heroux

Kitty O’Neil

in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal a position in the White House Office of Public EnDisability Community for less than a year. She is also the first deaf person to work at the White House in

Heroux) who said that she was refused service at Dunkin’ Donuts because she was deaf. On September 10, 2021, she shared a video in which she said, “A little while ago, I got refused service at a Dunkin’ Donuts because I’m deaf.” Heroux became quite emotional. “I didn’t know how to process it. I was confused, I couldn’t hear anything. I wear an implant, but I was not wearing it at the time. I’ve never been refused service before and it hurts — it hurts really bad.” Shannon brought light to the ways people in the service industry have failed to accommodate deaf individuals, especially amid the pandemic, when people are wearing masks.

a detailed capacity. In an interview, she pointed out that there was a deaf intern working in the White

standing impact

House before her, and that there are currently other

on both deaf

the White House.

deaf people working in less prestigious positions in

and hearing

Marlee Matlin


Marlee Matlin is an American actress and activist who was the first deaf performer to win an Academy Award for Best Actress for her debut film performance in “Children of a Lesser God” (1986). Beyond her acting, Matlin strives to bring more deaf representation into Hollywood by advocating for deaf roles to be played by deaf people.

Sista Chandra Sista Cha ndra is a TikToker who has garnered 80.6k followers for

Linda Bove

her lively personality and cof-

Linda Bove is known as “Linda the Librarian.” She

fee-mak ing videos. She spoke on her

earned deaf teachers the recognition they deserve, as well as showing the world sign language. Her role on “Sesame Street” is still the largest role in the series for someone in the deaf community. “Sesame Street” books were another way she educated the world on American Sign Language. “One was ‘Sesame Street Sign Language ABC with Linda Bove’ that taught how to sign words and letters to children.”

Abigail Heringer Abigail Heringer was one of the 43 women on season 25 of The Bachelor. She is 25 and is from Salem, Oregon. Bachelor franchise blogger Reality Steve reports that she was born deaf. She is also a financial manager at the Opus Agency who graduated from Linfield College in 2017 with a BS in finance. She underwent cochlear implantation surgery at Oregon Health & Science University when she was just two. As she approached a dapper Matt James in a gorgeous gown, she told him in their first meeting she was hearing impaired. “I am deaf, but it’s okay because I will be reading your lips,” she stated.


deafness in several videos, pointing out in one that telling someone they have a good voice for a deaf person is actually a back-handed compliment. Through the platform of TikTok, she is able to show viewers that deaf people do not fall under a single category and are able to do everything a hearing person can do except hear. Her coffee videos are quite amusing and the response she gets is entertaining. In a recent video, she shares how she has been mistreated by an airline because they assumed she was in need of a wheelchair. She points out that not all physical disabilities affect mobility. Sista Chandra does an incredible job at informing the public and debunking misconceptions about the deaf community.




Ashley Lubecky DESIGN BY

Jillian VanDyke

A reflection on Betty White’s historic career, raw talent and beautiful soul.


etty White, dubbed the “first lady of television,” began her career as a performer in 1939. She would then go on to become the first woman to produce a nationally

broadcast television show, to star in a national sitcom, to receive a national Emmy nomination,and to receive a Game Show Emmy, as well as the first producer to hire a female director. Her career as a performer would


continue to expand for eight decades, earning her

was the

career. This career included everything from hosting


celebrity guest star on game shows like “Match Game”

of them

Golden Girls” and “Hot in Cleveland,” to starring in

all and will

in addition to hosting “Saturday Night Live.” Along

be forever

with her raw talent and adorable, sassy personality,

the Guiness World Record for the longest television

Betty White



and producing her own television show, to being a and “Password,” to appearing in sitcoms like “The movies like “The Proposal” and “The Lost Valentine,” the way, Betty White won over the hearts of many leaving kindness, warmth, laughter and inspiration in her wake. Betty White’s first television appearance was on a local broadcast show in 1939, in which she performed a song by her idol, Jennette McDonald. This short performance unleashed her pure talent to the world, which many would come to love and adore, and launched her career as a performer and television personality. This performance sparked the interest of one man in particular, Al Javis, a radio disc jockey. Upon seeing Betty’s performance on this broadcast, Al invited her to appear regularly on his new television talk show, “Hollywood on Television,” which aired live for 5 and a half hours six days a week. “Hollywood on Television” aired from 1949 to 1953, and was eventually rebranded “The Betty White Show” with the departure of Al Javis and Eddie Albert. The daily longevity of this show emphasized Betty’s raw talent; she was able to keep fans entertained for five and a half hours a day as she showcased her sparkling personality. Following “Hollywood on Television,” Betty White co-founded Bandy Production and produced the series “Life with Elizabeth,” becoming the first female


producer of a national television show. Betty not


only produced “Life with Elizabeth,” but took on the role of the main character, Elizabeth, also making her the first woman in history to lead a national sitcom. Additionally, Betty became the first woman to receive a national Emmy nomination for her role as Elizabeth in this sitcom. Betty went on to produce “The Betty White Show” when it was picked up by NBC in 1954, and shortened THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 18


to a half hour live show five days a week. Additionally,

(2010-2015), and many more. She starred in various

Betty hired a female director for “The Betty White

movies, including “Bringing Down the House” (2003)

Show,” making her the first producer to do so. “The

and “You Again” (2010), and hosted a Mother Day’s

Betty White Show” eventually went national but,

episode on “Saturday Night Live” on May 8, 2010.

unfortunately, was soon canceled because Betty

Betty also appeared in commercials, WWE Monday

rightfully refused to give into racism — Betty’s guest

Night Raw, as well as voice-acted in animated films

and friend, Arthur Duncan, a Black man, frequently

including “Tom Sawyer” (2000), “Toy Story 4” (2019)

appeared on the show, performing tap dance and

and “Dog Gone Trouble” (2019).

MARCH 2022

musical numbers. At the time, stations from the South urged Betty to take Arthur off of the show because of

Betty White passed on December 31, 2021, days

his race. Betty fought back, saying “live with it,” and

before her 100th birthday, which would have been

instead gave Arthur more air time. Eventually, “The

January 17, 2022. Betty’s last appearance in a film

Betty White Show” was canceled from live television,

was the animated role in “Dog Gone Trouble” (2019),

but became a sitcom decades later.

where she played Mrs. Sarah Vanderwoozie, an eldery

When appearing on “The Golden Palace” — a

woman who passes in the film. In a bittersweet co-

spinoff of “The Golden Girls” — in 1992, with co-star

incidence, her character’s first lines within the film

Don Cheadle, Betty darkened her hair and makeup to

are: “Hello everyone. I have some sad news. I bit the

accommodate the contrast in lighting in their skin

big one! I’ve cashed in my chips. I’m dead.”

tones. After Betty’s passing, Don wrote on Twitter;

Aside from being a great performer and

“Betty was the best of the best, when we were shoot-

producer, Betty White was a treasured

ing scenes together it was difficult for the DP to get

soul who fought for animal rights,

the lighting right between my chocolate and Betty’s

opposed racial injustices and supported

white! She was either a ghost or I was the shadow. I

LBGTQ+ rights.

came on set one day and Betty had darkened her make

In “Betty White: The First Lady of

up/hair a bit in an attempt to accommodate for it.

Television,” Betty shared how she woul

Nobody asked her to do it. And that’s just one small

like to be remembered: “If you look at those

example of her overflowing generosity…She was the

negatives, you spoil all the good stuff, and it

goldenest of them all and will be forever missed.”

goes by and it’s gone, and you haven’t tasted

Betty was also a supporter and advocate of LGBTQ+ rights and said, “If a couple has been together all that

it. If you don’t at least notice it and accentuate the good stuff when the bad, really tragic

time — and there are gay relationships that are more

stuff comes along, it makes it tough to handle.

solid than some heterosexual ones — I think it’s fine

When you find something funny or enjoyable, the

if they want to get married. I don’t know how people

whole body has a different attitude, it relaxes, and

can get so anti-something. Mind your own business,

that’s gotta be healthy, as opposed to the tension

take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about

and the worry.”

other people so much.” Betty White singlehandedly debunked the excuse of “coming from a different generation” in relation to controversial opinions on race, gender and sexual orientation. Into the 1960s, Betty White appeared on more game shows, including “Password,” “Pyramid” and “Match Game.” These consistent game show appearances dubbed her the “first lady of games shows.” Additionally, Betty met her late husband, Allen Ludden, from appearing on “Password” in 1961. In a “Television Academy” interview from 1977,, Betty said of their relationship, “We felt like we knew each other.” Betty later went on to host the game show “Just Men!” and became the first woman to receive the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host in 1983. Betty continued to amaze fans with her talent as the years went on, appearing in many sitcoms, including “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” (1970-1977), “Mama’s Family” (1983-1990), “The Golden Girls” (1985-1992), “That ‘70s Show” (1998-2006), “Hot in Cleveland” 19 | VINDICATOR



MARCH 2022


direct your complaints to them, thanks!” Benny Littlejohn described Schneider as just one example of “transfem excellence” in entertainment, with the power to counter transmisogynist rhetoric. “Once you have remarkable figures like that, the people that hate on them — because they’re transfem or a trans woman — just look stupid,” they said. “It just shows that [transfeminine people] are cool.” Schneider has faced harassment during her fame, including frequent online messages misgendering her (such as those she answered with sarcastic humor in a tweet). After her incredible success and impressive record, Littlejohn said, hate like that must come from a place

spoke about her respect and gratitude for female

sense. Megan Mullaly said that Schneider, Collins,

est-earning female champion in “Jeopardy!” history, with the second-longest win streak

of all time. In 40 games, she became the first trans contestant to qualify for the Tournament of Champions, and one of only five people to earn more than $1 million on the world-famous game show. With speed and precision, Schneider’s streak seemed unstoppable — she averaged 32 correct responses per game out of 60 clues on the board, as of game 39. In 87% of her games, according to official “Jeopardy!” statistics, Schneider built up leads so wide that she was unsurpassable in Final Jeopardy!. Her last episode aired January 26, when she could not provide a response to the Final Jeopardy! clue and lost her 41st game to Rhone Talsma. Schneider’s season winnings total $1,382,800. Megan Mullaly, managing editor of The Vindicator, described the disappointment she and many fans felt when Schneider’s streak was over. “I loved turning the TV on every few days, seeing her still competing, and saying a little, ‘You go, girl,’” she said. Even though viewers miss seeing Schneider on “Jeopardy!”, her supporters were happy to watch her succeed for so long. Benny Littlejohn (they/them), a junior majoring in film and media arts, said: “It’s pretty wholesome. I was comforted by the fact that she just enjoyed it — enjoyed the ride while it lasted.” Schneider became the highest-earning, longest-winning woman to win on “Jeopardy!” after she surpassed 2014 champion Julia Collins’ 20-day streak. During the show and on Twitter, Schneider


and show

and all other past and future female champions on “Jeopardy!” are valuable role models. “Some shows

that I can be

still emulate the idea that a woman is just a pretty


face,” she said. “Watching a woman compete on a

in a very

show like ‘Jeopardy!’ shows young girls how much CSU students also discussed Schneider’s “Jeopardy!” run as an example of powerful LGBTQ+ representation on television. “I think it’s great,” first-year Ph.D.

on Twitter, Amy Schneider was not the first transgender “Jeopardy!” champion. In December 2020, Kate Freeman became the first out trans person to win a game on the show. Schneianother step forward for trans representation be-

type of way

cause of her high earnings

has, I think,

and long-running streak. When she spoke to the Asso-

student Mary Robakowski said. “There needs to be

made a lot of

more LGBTQ+ rep in media and such, but to have

[trans people]

that along with being a role

feel better

model to other trans people,

stuff like this in real life feels like vindication. Like it’s not just in fiction that queer people can achieve great things.” Iris Graham, a freshman psychology

about the

major, said that she was proud of Amy Schneider’s

people in their

success and what it represents for the trans commu-


nity. “For once it seems to me like the news about a trans person is perceived as positive,” Graham said, which resonates today “especially when it’s about a trans woman.” Because of her positive impact creating visibility for the LGBTQ+ community, Schneider

ciated Press, Schneider said

her fame takes positive visibility outside of the trans community. The “Jeopardy!” audience includes “parents, and sometimes grandparents, of trans people, an older generation,” Schneider said, viewers who may have struggled to under-

will receive a Special Recognition honor at the 33rd

stand trans identities or feared the discrimination

Annual GLAAD Media Awards.

their trans loves ones would face. “To be able to go

Schneider has challenged transmisog yny and

out there and show that I can be successful in a very

anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in her interviews and

mainstream type of way has, I think, made a lot of

social media posts. She grew up in Dayton, and fellow

them feel better about the people in their lives.”

Ohioan Rep. Tim Ryan congratulated her on Twitter for her wins. As she thanked the Democratic Representative, Schneider reminded her followers of the Republican party’s transphobic legislative agenda and its devastating impact on Ohio’s trans community. That tweet marks one of Schneider’s few explicitly political public statements; but, as she pointed out, reactionary anti-trans policies make it impossible for her to avoid political stances. “I would be *delighted*

The pearl necklace Schneider wore during every “Jeopardy!” game was a gift from her now-fiancée.

der’s success represents


more a woman can be.”



my Schneider broke barriers as the high-

As she has reminded fans

Lynn Nichols

could win on ‘Jeopardy!’?”

go out there

during her 20th game as a tribute to Collins’ fashion

The “Jeopardy!” champion’s impact on women’s history and trans representation

ple complaining about her

To be able to

trailblazers like Collins, even wearing a sweater


of envy. “You think the peo-

Amy Schneider announced her engagement to Genevieve Davis on February 24.

Amy Schneider will appear on “Jeopardy!” again to compete in the Tournament of Champions, which will air this fall. In February she announced that she resigned from her job as a software engineer, with plans to pursue further public endeavors, including writing a book. For updates on her life, as well as detailed behind-the scenes of her game show experiences (and outfits), you can visit her @Jeopardamy on Instagram and Twitter.

for my existence to not be a political issue,” she wrote. “But as the GOP won’t give me that option, please THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 22


MARCH 2022

As for throwing around the phrase “I hate men,”

the sake of both men and women. There is immense

women have a similar responsibility to not take things

pressure among men to compare sexual partners,

so personally. A toxic ex-boyfriend or a mansplaining

assert themselves onto and over women, and play the

professor are not individuals totally indicative of a

part of the hero. These have detrimental effects on

group — nor should they be excused on account of

women, who live in constant fear of being objectified,

mindlessly perpetuating toxic gender stereotypes

assaulted and patronized. Though women are clearly

that reinforce a power imbalance between men

the victim of oppression, the harmful ideas taught to

and women. Author of “The Feminine Mystique,”

men that perpetuate misogyny should not be swept

Betty Friedan, writes that “Men weren’t really the



under the rug. For all the harmful ideas society has

enemy — they were fellow victims suffering from an

Lauren Koleszar

Manuely Avila

about male behavior, men alongside women should

outmoded masculine mystique that made them feel

be saying “I hate men.”

unnecessarily inadequate when there were no bears

What does it really mean when a woman says she hates men?


e live in a society that relentlessly favors the male over the female, and it is this inequality of the sexes that is the subject of female hatred and has spawned

the phrase “I hate men.” Rape culture, female objectification and gender roles constantly disadvantage women and only benefit men, the latter of whom are frequently brainwashed into behaviors that allow this social order to self-perpetuate. Simone de Beauvoir writes in “The Second Sex,” “One of the benefits that oppression secures for the oppressor is that the humblest among them feels superior.” When women casually or seriously say “I hate men,” they are referring to this same oppression, and the way it advantages men and dictates the standards set for men in society. Saying “I hate men” voices the frustration faced by every woman who must navigate a world that calls her too sensitive and that asks what she was wearing. It is easier to say “I hate men” than to list every way in which society allows and favors toxic masculine behavior. Though men are responsible to identify and unlearn misogynistic ideas, as all human beings are responsible to correct themselves, it is also not anti-feminist to acknowledge that men face challenges as a result of a society that favors them. Their struggle is hardly comparable to the one faced by women, but it often goes unsaid that men are constantly pressured to conform to standard ideas about how they should treat, perceive, and think about women. Rather than feel attacked by women’s frustration, men should feel similarly frustrated


that toxic masculine behavior is standardized, for

“I hate men” is not a personal attack against every

to kill.” Now, don’t run with this quote out of context

man, though many men still seem to take it this

and start calling men “victims,” but understand the

way. One of the most damaging obstacles to gender

point Friedan makes: a patriarchal society causes

equality is the defensive stance assumed by men

negative effects for both men and women. Rather than

who take any statistic or statement about women’s

be upset by the “I hate men” sentiment, men should

rights or misogyny as a personal attack on them,

be similarly upset by a society that standardizes toxic

birthing the “not all men” defense that has stunted

behaviors traditionally ascribed to men. If men and

progress for both men and women in terms of equal

women can understand that feminism is not a war

treatment. The sociological idea that men and women

between sexes but rather a shared battle against

exist on opposite ends of a binary has led people to

society, they have a common enemy and progress

internalize men and women as opposites in every

can become streamlined.

way, making it impossible for them to ever stand

Men as human beings are not to blame; there is

on equal ground. Without getting into differences

no psychological basis for demonizing men. Rather,

between sex, gender, and societal gender roles, or

overpowering social norms have shaped male behaviors

how arbitrary or biological any of it is, the simple fact

into toxic, domineering traits that hurt women. We

remains that “not all men” is a self-centered defense

cannot make this into a generalization that displaces

that comes from someone

all negative social behavior of men onto a patriarchal

who takes things too per-

society; it is naive and narrow-minded to excuse

sonally. Beyond this, the de-

human beings from negative behaviors, comparable

fense is simply illogical. No,

to excusing toxic personality traits to one’s family

not all men are “like that,”

life or personal temperament. We are each respon-

but yes, all women have to

sible for ourselves, and knowledge of these societal

guard themselves in a world

structures allows us to unlearn toxic behaviors and

where it is more standard

thinking patterns — the feminist mindset is one that

for a man to be “like that”

purports the ability of a human being, regardless of

than not. In her Academy

gender, to take full responsiblity for oneself, learning

Award winning script for the

and practicing equal treatment and understanding

2020 film “Promising Young

of all human beings. When we say “I hate men,” we

Woman,” Emerald Fennell

mean we’re frustrated that this understanding is

writes a scene in which a

given to men first, women second.

The sociological idea that men and women exist on opposite ends of a binary has led people to internalize men and women as opposites in every way, making it impossible for them to ever stand on equal ground.

male character expresses that “It’s every guy’s worst nightmare getting accused like that,” to which the film’s

female protagonist dryly responds, “Can you guess what every woman’s worst nightmare is?” In two lines of dialogue, Fennell shuts down the “not all men” defense — the logical fallacy exposed. THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 24

MARCH 2022

ed: do you get butterflies in your stomach? This is

you do with it? Incorporate brain healthy foods into

your gut and brain communicating. This is called

your everyday diet.

your gut-brain axis and it communicates in three different ways: Neurotransmitters

Leafy greens are a great source of fiber, folate and vitamins A and C. Leafy greens include kale, spinach, arugula, collard greens and more. They are affordable

Neurotransmitters are your body’s “chemical mes-

and easy to add to smoothies. Baked kale chips are

sengers.” Serotonin is well known for contributing to

a quick and easy snack and a great substitute for

feelings of happiness. It also regulates sleep, appetite

potato chips.

and pain. According to an article by Harvard Health,

Tasting the rainbow with colorful fruits and veg-

95% of your serotonin is produced in the gastroin-

etables is Instagram worthy and delicious, and aids

testinal tract (your gut).

in memory, sleep and mood. Meal prepping a salad with all your favorite fruits and vegetables at the

The Nervous System

beginning of the week to take for lunch is a great

Neurons are nerve cells found throughout your brain

way to set yourself up for success. Quinoa bowls filled

and central nervous system that tell your body how

with roasted veggies are another simple way to stay

to behave. Your gut is lined with millions of neurons

away from overly processed carbs and incorporate

that connect to your brain through nerves and the

colorful foods into your diet.

central nervous system. This allows your brain and

Opting for seafood and limiting your consumption

gut to send signals back and forth, distributing those

of fast food, red meat and poultry is another great way

neurotransmitters produced within your gut.

to eat for your mind. The “Tik Tok salmon bowl” is a

Like an expensive car, our brain needs premium fuel.


great way to get your omega-3s while incorporating Gut Microbiome The gut microbiome is made up of all the microorganisms, like bacteria, that inhabit your gut. The



Abigail Preiszig

Emma Splete

Nutritional psychiatry is a growing discipline connecting what you eat to how you feel and behave and

The link between what’s on your plate and what’s in your mind.


t was a gloomy February, and I was feeling sad and hungry, looking for a quick bite to eat before class and I, like many college students, considered my

fast-food options. I could have Cup Noodles before leaving my house, get a Big Mac on my drive to school or even get Arby’s before walking to my building. No matter what I ate, I knew it would be delicious, but filled with empty fats and calories that would not make me feel good. When discussing a healthy diet, factors of weight and physical health are often at the forefront of everyone’s mind. But recently, greater importance has been placed on the connection between diet and mental health.


what type of bacteria is present in your gut. For many years, the medical industry ignored the connection between “mood and food,” said one Harvard Health Blog. This field of study aims to figure out how our diet contributes to widespread anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. First, think about how much energy your brain uses. Your body has time to rest, but your brain is always working to keep you going, so it requires constant fuel. According to the New York Times, 20% of all the energy we consume goes to our brain. Like an expensive car, our brain needs premium fuel. Premium fuel for our brain consists of high-quality foods with lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Both our bodies and cars function with low quality fuel, like heavily processed or refined foods, but they won’t run as smoothly. Next, think about when you’re nervous or excit-

your leafy greens. If you are vegan or vegetarian, chia seeds are another great option, and often come in pudding form.

production of serotonin in your gut is influenced by

Nuts, beans, seeds and even nut butters are healthy

what makes up your microbiome and produces other

snack options, which can be added to stir fries, soups

neurotransmitters, like gamma-aminobutyric acid

and salads. Spices and herbs like cinnamon, ginger

that assists in controlling feelings of fear and anxiety.

and turmeric are great for your brain and body as

When gut bacteria are good, it will protect the lining

well. Cooking with olive or canola oil is another

of your intestine by providing a barrier against toxins

simple way you can switch up your diet.

and bad bacteria, improve nutrient absorption, limit

Eating fermented foods such as yogurt, kombucha

inflammation and activate those neural pathways

and cheese is a great way to contribute healthy mi-

that travel between your gut and brain.

crobes to your gut. Lastly, dark chocolate is delicious,

“We know if you eat a bunch of garbage, you feel like garbage, but the idea that it extends into our

easy to consume and packed full of antioxidants that can reduce the risk of depression symptoms.

mental health risk is a connection we haven’t made

You don’t have to take the plunge all at once, but

in psychiatry until recently,” said Dr. Ramsey, author

making small changes in your daily diet and trying

of the book “Eat to Beat Depression and Anxiety” in

new recipes can be fun, exciting and make a differ-

an article for the New York Times.

ence in your mood and energy levels. Just some food

Eating foods high in nutrients, vitamins, min-

for thought!

erals, amino acids, healthy fats and antioxidants is the foundation for a healthy brain. Many articles suggest following a Mediterranean Diet that is filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats such as avocados and omega-3s. They also suggest avoiding processed foods, added sugar and refined grains. The Mediterranean Diet has been linked to improving memory, attention and processing speed as well as tied to lower risk of dementia, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Healthline offers a great sample menu of a Mediterranean diet. Diet can be used as a tool to help with mental health, but it should not replace treatments such as therapy or prescription drugs. It will also take time to see changes in your mental health after changing your diet. So now that you have this information, what do THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 26

MARCH 2022


tea’s traits are uniqueness and unpredictability, green tea’s are harmony and tranquility. Mixing ginger, lemon and some different fruit flavors with this tea will result in some eurythmic drinks.


White Tea: By far the least caffeinated tea and the least flavorful, this one is for the cliquey sophisticated tea drinker. One who likes to rattle off, “Grapefruit Vanilla White tea is delicious,” or “Bashan Silver Tip White tea is the best tea ever created.” This is for the people who want to be


Jillian VanDyke

Make sure that you find the right caffeinated beverage for you with this informational list and quiz.



ccording to the National Library of Medicine in 2019, a recorded 92% of U.S. college students were all regularly consuming a well-known drug that some may view as

Life-Giving. This is the same one that graced the window of “Central Perk,” that drove Loreli Gilmore to Luke Danes, that gave Uncle Iroh peace and contentment, and gave Tweek his tweeaak! If you read the title of this article and have excellent investigative skills, you then know that this holy grail, this pure nirvana, this vivacious bliss, is, of course, Caffeine. From coffee beans to dried tea leaves to bubbling energy drinks, caffeine covers a vast amount of beverages. The only way to balance your classes, homework, job, late-night games, and rowdy parties is not keeping to a regular sleeping schedule, but delving into the sixth official food group of delicious coffee, steaming hot tea, and energizing drinks. Whether you already consume caffeine regularly or want to start, make sure you know which kind is the best for you. Coffee By far the most popular and most widely consumed caffeinated drink, coffee originates from ancient Ethiopian fields. As the National Coffee Association explains, Kaldi, a goat herder, found that the berries of coffee bean trees caused his goats to jump around like kids on a sugar high (get it — ”kids”?). Within the realm of coffee, different types contain different amounts of caffeine based on how they are made. Light Roast Coffee: This coffee is brewed with lightly roasted beans, meaning that the flavor is more subtle and the beans are smaller so more can be included in one brew. Therefore, light roast coffee has the most caffeine


of caffeinated drink appeals to a particular type of per-

ter. Some people will still add sugar to light roast

son: one who has some level of anxiety or ADHD, who

brews, but depending on your preferences, many

finds that coffee is too bitter or who likes to perform

people enjoy this type of coffee with just a splash of creamer or milk. Dark Roast Coffee: Before describing this type of brew, ask yourself this question: “Do I like burnt popcorn?” Because, unless

well athletically. Of course, these traits do not pertain once said, tea can appear to be “nothing more than

to every energy drinker, but for some reason energy

hot leaf juice,” but make sure to give this beverage

drinks are desirable to people like this. Because of the

a try. Nothing says “wellness and contentment” like

sheer amount of options — Mountain Dew Rise, Amp,

a bit of steeped green sencha tea.

Kickstart, Bang, Reign, Monster, G Fuel, V8 Energy, Full Throttle, NOS, Celsius, Rockstar Energy — this article

you grew up in the early 20th century of Europe where

Black Tea:

this roast originated, most people will only prefer

will not include a breakdown of each one. This beverage

According to ArtfulTea, this is one of the most pop-

the unique taste of dark roast coffee if the answer is

is by far the most caffeinated category and sweetest.

ular types of caffeinated tea, as it’s often used as a

a confident and profound Yes! There are exceptions

breakfast tea. Just like in “The Crown,” this tea can

to this answer such as: you’re over 50 years old; you

The Caffeine College Crowd is certainly a wide and diverse

give you the most authentic English aesthetic. Due

find that things are better with a side of bitterness;

group, one that anyone can be a part of. While a regular

to the way it is made, black tea is acidic and pungent

and/or don’t want too much caffeine in your coffee.

sleep schedule can most definitely eliminate any need for

in flavor. However, depending on the ingredients

But, be warned that this brew is not for the faint of

caffeine, there’s nothing like brewing coffee first thing

it’s mixed with, it can offer a strong, delicious taste

taste. Make sure you have adequate amounts of sugar

in the morning, smelling the flavorful notes of steeping

with enough caffeine to get a tired college student

and creamer/milk if you try it.

tea, or cracking open a crisp carbonated energy drink.

through the day. Notable flavors include cinnamon,

Joining this crowd will immediately connect you with

lavender and chai.

thousands of generations who have all found happiness,


coffee first

Energy Drinks

ol’ Redbull, these beverages grow and grow. This genre

this type as the base because it tastes the least bit-

like brewing thing in the

brand. From the classic 5-Hour Energy shot to the good

for each cup consumed. Many flavored brews use

there’s nothing

a part of this caffeine group while still standing out.

It appears that every day brings a new energy drink WRITTEN BY

smelling the flavorful notes of steeping tea, or cracking open a crisp carbonated energy drink.


peace, and buzzing energy within caffeine. Check out

Lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, red-eyes, frappuc-

Oolong Tea:

cinos, americanos and dirty chais all have the most

this quiz to figure out the best beverage to enter the

Oolong tea isn’t an overly popular type of tea. It’s

concentrated form of coffee: Es-pres-so. (Notice that

wonderful world of caffeine.

second in caffeine-level to black tea, but the amount

there’s no “x.” ES-presso. ES.) You will definitely

can vary depending on how the tea is made. The taste

need sugar or cream/milk with this one. Espresso is

also depends on how it’s made, but the variety in

used in lattes with steamed milk, cappuccinos with

oolong tea can provide a quality of uniqueness and

mostly foam, and macchiatos with only foam. If you

unpredictability that not much else in this article

like sweet beverages, definitely order one of these,

can. If you strongly believe that, “Conventionality

because flavored syrup and espresso go together like

is the refuge of a stagnant mind,” like Alexandra

peanut butter and jelly, puppies and kittens, and

Townsend, or if you just want to shake up your daily

dungeons and dragons. You will not be disappointed.

routine, definitely check this tea out.


Green Tea:

Contrary to the popular saying, “Spill the tea,” which

Now this tea has significantly less caffeine than the

implies ~drama~, people who enjoy this drink tend

rest of the list, so if your sole purpose for reading

to be carefree. Their persona is synonymous to a

this is to get your caffeine buzz, this isn’t the drink

yoga session, a spa day, or anything where you can

for you. However, if you are looking to be included

be both grounded and lightweight. There are several

in the caffeine college crowd but find that too much

kinds of tea and hundreds of different flavors — not

caffeine can leave your heart in tune with an offbeat

all of which are caffeinated. Sometimes, as Uncle Iroh

grade school rock band — try this drink. If oolong




MARCH 2022

Results: 0- 14 pts./ Mostly last options selected. If you scored between these numbers, sorry, but you are probably trying to get into the wrong crowd. No offense, because you’re most likely living your best life with plenty of sleep and time to actually read the texts your professors assign. In fact, you’re probably very smart, but not quite meant for this group of hooligans. However, if you really want to be, you definitely can be a part of this crowd — everyone is welcome, even those with their life put together. 15-24 pts./ Mostly second options selected Welcome to the Tea party! Based on your score, you should try drinking tea. Make sure to try each kind before deciding which one is the best and don’t be


afraid to put a little honey, milk, cream, or sugar into it. Enjoy!


25-35 pts./ Mostly first options selected Bazinga! You are most likely to enjoy energy drinks if you score between these numbers. There are so

After the quiz, make sure to add up the numbers you

many options available — you will never get bored.

picked (yes, math is involved- sorry in advance).

When in doubt, crack open a new one, because there

But be careful — the numbers are different for some

is probably no end to the number of different energy

questions! If you find that simple addition is simply

drinks. Get energized!

making you crazy, another way of discerning your drink will be included with the results. Have fun!

35-45 pts./ Almost all first options selected Wow, you’re the goat! Based on your score, you are akin to the ancient Ethiopian goats who found the

You LOVE caffeine.

Among your friends you are most like…

coffee bean. Dip into your roots and try some fresh

5. Absolutely — with my whole heart!

5. The crazy / athletic one

hot or cold coffee!

0. Not Really

2. The calm / mom one

1. Meh — Unsure

0. None of the above

Bitter things don’t phase you.

Which animal is most like you?

5. Yep

5. bull / cheetah / golden retriever

2. Ew — get that stuff away from me

2. panda / turtle / butterfly

1. I don’t really care

0. None of these

You love Yoga.

You have a flair for propriety and sophistication.

5. You could call me a Yogi Master

5. Of course, kind sir.

2. I would never *looks aghast*

2. Not me.

1. Never tried — what is…yopa?

0. I don’t know

Pick your favorite show.

In this article, you liked which beverage most?

5. Friends

5. Coffee

2. Avatar

2. Tea

0. None of the above

1. Energy Drinks

Your Parents / Guardians drink… 5. Coffee / Energy Drinks 2. Tea 0. Nothing / why would I know that?




MARCH 2022

CSU 3.0


Cameron Mays An aggressive, growth-oriented plan for emerging from CSU 2.0.


t the tender age of twenty-one, I already

empowHERment Because March is Women’s History Month, this issue’s

feel I am at the senile age seventy-one. I

Spotify playlist is all about women! Listen to our

base this feeling on the fact I have surren-

arrangement of groundbreaking female artists from the

dered to technology. My newfound interest in doing

20th and 21st centuries. We included songs that celebrate

nothing, and my general disdain for Silicon Valley,

femininity, made history, or are simply some of our staff’s

has eclipsed my capacity to care for computer chips.

favorites. From Ella Fitzgerald to Adele, you’re bound to

With that, I have decided to go total Luddite. I smash

find a female artist you enjoy!

the computers that will one day replace me. I hold protests in the Public Square against the devolution of humankind by way of laptops. Converting my educational habits was not the slightest bit difficult; I have friends print out and mail my emails to me, and my professors are more than willing to convert all of their PowerPoints to VHS. The timing of my technological temperance came at the worst possible time. Cleveland State sent out an email survey (which was then printed out and mailed to me) for CSU 2.0, its plan for growth post-COVID-19. I could not have been more excited to share with the architects of this plan my ideas and feelings. I, of course, had no idea what CSU 2.0 was all about, but I already had several opinions. I ran to my laptop to fill out this survey, and swiftly rediscovered my Hewlett-Packard was a pile of rubble, destroyed by my adoption of the practices of radical 18th-century English textile workers. I spent the next days and nights rebuilding my computer, just to fill out the CSU 2.0 survey. Like a phoenix rising from Arizona, the computer was reborn, I hopped on my email and I began filling out the survey. My lascivious dalliance with Ned Ludd’s namesake movement stunted my technological ability. My attempts to figure out how the survey thing worked failed like a caught fish attempting to return to the sea. After an agonizing eight-and-a-half minutes, I gave up, my last battle with unintuitive operating systems ending in a bitter defeat. Regardless of my inability to fill out a survey, I knew I had to get my opinions on CSU 2.0 to the public. Although I do not live on or near campus and I rarely use any campus facilities, I feel that I have a strong grasp of the needs of the Viking Community. It may be too late for me to change CSU 2.0, but it might be just the right time for me to start CSU 3.0. What’s my ideas for our beloved campus and campus community? Check out my video on to find out! 31 | VINDICATOR



MARCH 2022

acing your resolution and losing sight of your goals. Tip 1: Is This Resolution Right for You? If your resolution hasn’t gone according to plan, now is the time to assess why. Were you unprepared to achieve this goal? Does your schedule lack the hours in a day to commit to this practice? Did you over-commit yourself and become overwhelmed? If any of these questions are the case, it is time to redefine your goal. This can mean giving yourself a more achievable time frame for your goal and setting more realistic expectations for yourself. For example, you couldn’t possibly master guitar in a month with your school and work schedule, but maybe you could learn two chords a month. Tip 2: On Pen & Paper Manifest your goal by writing it down! Visualizing your resolution and outlining your progress can be an extremely beneficial move towards success. On paper, list out the steps needed to achieve your goal, breaking it down into small achievable pieces to tackle. Wall calendars, notebooks, planners, or bullet journals are great tracking devices for resolutions. You’ll be super satisfied seeing how far you’ve come once you start checking boxes on your resolution. Tip 3: Making it a Habit Everyone is different when it comes to creating a daily habit. Psychologists state that it can take as little as 18 days or up to 254 days to create a fully realized habit. In order to add your resolution to your daily routine, set a notification for yourself on your phone. Use the Reminders or the Clock apps on your phone, or one of the numerous other task-oriented third-party apps. Some of the most popular are Any. do, MinimaList and Alarmed. When setting up the notification, use a separate sound than your alarms to Pavlov yourself into remembering your task. This tip works best for routine resolutions like making your

Reach out and find who you can work with to achieve your resolutions together! Tip 5: Take It Easy Buddy Buddy systems are meant for encouragement, and they should be supportive safe spaces for you and your goal. If you start to make harsh comparisons or feel dejected about your progress in comparison to your buddy’s efforts, it may be time to find a new buddy. In the age of social media, it can be hard to not compare yourself to every influencer or gym selfie on your timeline. The best types of online creators should be honest about their experiences, not the personification of unrealistic expectations on a pedestal. Remember, there is not one straight path to success. If someone is making you feel unworthy, consider unfollowing or politely distancing yourself from them. That is a brave step toward any goal. Tip 6: BE KIND TO YOURSELF Resolutions are hard. Sticking to resolutions is even harder. Be kind to yourself if you’ve gotten off track or haven’t made the progress you expected. Everyone grows and learns in different ways, and forming new habits is no exception. When self doubt or insecurities deter your goals, vent to a friend and push through. You have every capability to achieve your goal. Move forward with a gentleness and willingness to learn, you’ve got this. Tip 7: You’re Not a Quitter, You’re a Restarter

Visualizing your resolution and outlining your progress can be an extremely beneficial move towards success.


Don’t be afraid to restart your resolution! If you have stopped your progress in your goal since January, you can begin again at any time. The date isn’t the most important part of a resolution —your determination and desire for self improvement is what matters. You can start today, tomorrow, or in July! What matters is that you just start.

bed, journaling, taking medication more regularly,



Abigail Jarvis

Emma Splete

How to keep your New Year’s resolutions alive



or exercising daily. s the ball drops on December 31st, one in

Tip 4: The Buddy System

four Americans resolve to drop their bad

A support system makes achieving any goal easier.

habits or refresh their lifestyle, according

Mentors can guide you through the process of your

to YouGovAmerica. Some of the most popular reso-

goal, and friends can motivate and encourage you.

lutions in the country focus on health and wellness,

Some ways that you can build your support system

cleanliness and organization. While these goals are

is by creating a group chat with friends who have

certainly ambitious, a study reported by Forbes Mag-

similar goals, joining a Facebook group, or following

azine and conducted by the University of Scranton

content creators online with similar resolutions. CSU

found that only 8% of people will achieve their New

makes finding that kind of community easy. Did you

Year’s resolutions. March is the perfect opportunity

want to start a new hobby, or learn a new skill at the

to check in and assess how those resolutions are

gym? The CSU Rec center is a great place to start your

going. What have you been doing to accomplish those

health and wellness goals, all while working with well

resolutions? If you have lost your way, the Vindicator

trained professionals. Another on campus option are

resolves to help you get back on track to achieving

the clubs listed on VikesConnect. Having a guide and

your goals.

accountability partner can be the difference between THEVINDI.COM ­­ | 34


MARCH 2022


Sheila Kiss

ships are focused around hurt, secrets, and gossip.

nication plays a crucial role in how we grow close to

Most of the time, the friendships we have with other

one another and learn about each other. Conversation

women can be fruitful and therapeutic in many ways,

is a key aspect in female relationships and can even

as we turn to our friends in times of need and, most

be a distinguishing factor of women’s friendships.

importantly, to have fun together. Friendships among

According to Deborah Tannen, professor of linguistics

women are based on a lot of different aspects, not

at Georgetown University, conversation is the “glue

just conversation; although it does play an important

that holds a relationship together,” for friendships

role in these relationships. Much of the drama we

among girls and women. Tannen is a renowned author

experience with our friends can be mostly confined

of many books including “You’re The Only One I Can

into our middle-school and high-school years. Many

Tell: Inside the Language of Women’s Friendships,”

women may also prefer to be friends with men for the

which focuses on the complex and joyful nature of

aspects of female friendships described above. With

women friendships and the role that conversation

all this in mind, the friendships we form with other

plays in these relationships. For this book, she in-

women are very unique and special, and all women

terviewed 80 girls and women, ages ranging from 9

can relate in some way or another because of the

to 97 years old, who gave detail on their friendships

commonalities we experience with our friendships.

with other females. One of the highlighting factors of Tannen’s research on this topic is that women’s friendships are based on “talk,” as she puts it, and the conversations tend to be more in depth compared to friendships among men. Girls and women are more inclined to share secrets and personal details about themselves with each other, and this determines the level of closeness they have with one another. Tannen says that this was reflected by many of the women she had conversations with. “One woman said a close friend knows things about me that others don’t and another woman said if a friend is a true friend I tell her everything I think and everything I feel,” she said. Women go to each other for venting, for advice, and for help in troubling situations. This nature of

Some may not be a part of our lives forever, although a few may remain as we grow up.


As in most relationships and friendships, commu-

women friendships make these relationships very special on one hand, but can also make them very complicated and complex on the other.


he friendships we form with other women are a key part of our lives as we grow from girls to women. In elementary school, we meet our first friends. Some may not be a

part of our lives forever, although a few may remain as we grow up. We start out with “playdates’’ doing crafts, playing outside, and dressing up in ridiculous costumes, pretending to be princesses or cowboys. There is the occasional quarrel about who gets to wear the prettiest dress or who gets to play with their favorite doll, but by the end of the day we are begging our parents for a few more hours together. In middle school, we have sleepovers for each other’s birthdays or for school dances. We stay up laughing until we almost pee ourselves, eating snacks, and playing games. At times, certain girls are excluded from the group — maybe their parents wouldn’t let them come or because they aren’t “cool” enough.

In high school, those friendships really begin to

An aspect of women’s friendships that is in con-

change. We start growing apart from our first friends

nection with women’s tendencies to share personal

and we find new friends and new interests. As many

information with their friends, is that the friends who

of us know, high school is notorious for being filled

know personal information first are considered “more

with hormonal drama, and when we look back on

close” to you. Being the last to know (or maybe just

it, it’s difficult to say what all the drama was really

not the first to know) leads to feelings like you aren’t

about or why there even was drama. You find out

“as close as you thought” with that friend. Although

your “friend” is talking about you behind your back

this sounds silly and in some ways immature, this

or you don’t like that one girl your friend is close

is a tendency among women’s friendships, as found

with. Your once lifelong best friend finds a new best

through Tannen’s research. She notes, “It is such a

friend, leaving you in the dust. It’s difficult to say

huge part of women’s friendships that you tell what’s

what causes these discrepancies, but one thing is

going on in your life, you tell secrets, that not being

certain — the fallout of an ended friendship can be

told is a violation of the friendship and you feel hurt.”

heartbreaking and painful.

This also leads into the aspect of being left out of

Although many girls and women may not relate to every one of these situations described above, many women have similar — if not the same — experiences when it comes to their friends. Not every female friendship is the same, and many other factors play into these friendships due to the fact that we are all different in our own ways. However, many undeniable factors specifically unite friendships among girls and women.



A glimpse into the special nature of women’s friendships and what makes them so complicated.

“the group.” It is important to note that this aspect is not exclusive to women’s friendships although it is common. Most would agree that being left out of an outing with friends, whether it be a birthday dinner or trip to the mall, can be one of the worst feelings in the world. Tannen notes that “girls really do punish girls they don’t like by locking them out.” It is important to note that not all female friend-


MARCH 2022

Disney’s celebration last year — and more are still

dogs and fries, Mickey Mouse Dome cakes, the

on their way, as this 18-month celebration continues

EARidescent Firefly Mocktail, the 50th Celebration

through all of 2022 and a few months into 2023.

Ice Cream Sandwich, the Shimmer Over the Moon

Disney Enchantment is a brand-new nighttime spectacular firework show that debuted in Magic



Andrea Brazis

Emma Splete

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the happiest place on Earth.


as celebratory 50th masterpieces that represent the beauty of Disney and showcases the magic of the Imagineers. Shimmering lights and iridescent colors

elcome to the most magical place on Earth! Hint: it’s not Cleveland. The classic story of Disney began

with a man, a mouse, and a dream. This simple but strong foundation led Walt Disney to create what would turn into one of the most popular tourist spots to ever exist. Now, Disney World is officially celebrating 50 years of bringing magic to life. This magical celebration began on October 1, 2021, which was exactly 50 years after it officially opened in 1971. One of the most fascinating changes for the celebration was the theme parks’ transformations into


“beacons of magic.” The “beacons of magic” serve

encapsulate the four park icons: Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom, Spaceship Earth at Epcot, Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom and Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios. Amongst these four icons, Spaceship Earth is by far the most impressive, featuring reflective panels that create a starry night illusion. An article by DisneyTouristBlog says “unlike the other Beacons of Magic, these are the only permanent new lighting that will continue beyond ‘The World’s Most Magical Celebration’ as a defining feature of reimagined Epcot.” A variety of new attractions and experiences hit

the 50th Anniversary Dessert.

Kingdom, taking the place of the beloved Happily

In addition to the menu items, a new restaurant has

Ever After show. Dazzling new lights, fireworks, and

also made way into the Disney theme parks: Space 220.

projections illuminate the Castle Courtyard and Main

This stellar experience is out-of-this-world! Space

Street, U.S.A, accompanied by an original song by

220 doubles as both a restaurant and an immersive

7-time Grammy award-winning songwriter Philip

experience. From the moment you step in, you are


transported to the space station, where you will board

Harmonious is another firework show that earned a

an elevator and travel “220 miles into outer space.”

spot in the 50th Anniversary Celebration. It features

Reservations go quickly and are difficult to secure,

floating set pieces, choreographed fountains, lasers,

so make sure to check this one out ASAP.

lights, original soundtracks and so much more. The

Unfortunately, all the magic in the world can’t battle

artistry of this show is nothing short of phenome-

the villains of reality. In 2020, the coronavirus struck

nal; it’s a beautiful tribute representing many of the

violently, creating a worldwide panic. On March 15,

beautiful countries featured on the World Showcase.

2020, Disney World shut down for the first time since

Projected scenes from animated Disney movies

2015. According to an article by WFTV9, Disney lost

beautifully showcase pieces of world cultures using:

nearly $7 billion due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Beauty and the Beast” (France), “Brave” (Scotland),

When Disney reopened in July of 2020, it was like

“Coco” (Mexico), “Mulan” (China), and “The Lion

no time had passed at all. Crowd numbers quickly

King” (Africa).

surged and slowly but surely, pieces of the park came

Entertainment aside, there’s still a wide variety of


cocktail, the EARidescent Croissant Doughnut, and

back to life.

attractions and entities that have recently emerged.

Since the start of this pandemic, Disney has made

After what’s felt like a lifetime, Remy’s Ratatouille

every effort to make guests feel comfortable and

Adventure has finally opened in Epcot. This 4D ride

safe when visiting the parks while still enjoying the

takes guests on a trip through Gusteau’s restaurant,

magic. Masks and vaccinations have been strongly

from Remy’s point of view; the cute animation and

encouraged, in addition to social distancing markers

low intensity makes it perfect for guests of all ages.

and new virtual ride queues. Although these chang-

Die-hard “Ratatouille” fans are sure to adore this

es were initially made as a result of the pandemic,


they’ve proven to be permanently helpful.

Another unique experience has been created called

As CDC guidelines are constantly shifting, Disney

the “Disney Fab 50 Character Collection.” Fifty golden

is continually doing their best to adjust accordingly.

sculptures of various Disney characters are located

The well-being of their guests is Disney’s top priority.

throughout all four theme parks, with each sculpture

The magic of Disney World has lived on for 50

paying homage to the past, present and future of

fantastic years. It caters to people of all ages, from

Disney World.

5-year-old kids to adults who simply want to unleash

Eventually, some of these sculptures will be in-

the freedom and imagination of their inner child.

teractive for guests using the new versions of the

Disney is undoubtedly the perfect fantasy getaway

Disney MagicBands. An article by DisneyParksBlog

for people who are willing to let their imagination

dives into more detail regarding this addition and

take flight and believe in the magic of Disney.

all the magical chaos attached.

A variety of new attractions and experiences hit Disney’s celebration last year — and more are still on their way.


Walt Disney once said, “When you believe in a thing,

Disney World is based around the ideas of imagi-

believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestion-

nation and dreams. So yes, you can imagine that the

ably.” It’s the dreams of the guests and the magic of

prices are cheap; you can dream of having a loaded

the cast members that make Disney one-of-a-kind,

wallet — but this doesn’t make it reality. Following

in the best way.

your dreams is expensive. There’s a million and one things that you could spend a wad of money on in Disney, and believe it or not, food can put one of the biggest dents in your budget . Disney has undoubtedly upped the ante with their food and snack selections, in addition to the amount of festivals and celebrations within the 50th, including the Festival of the Arts and the Flower and Garden Festival. New menu items include: Walter’s chili-cheese



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