6 minute read
with Coach Jennifer Klatt
Coach Jennifer Klatt
The time of rebirth is upon us. It has been declared that the pandemic is over and that things are going back to normal. Are you relieved? Are you skeptical? Are you still feeling that pull of doubt? Are you hopeful for a new beginning?
If you are like me, you have all these feelings floating around at the same time. This is the time that I am calling the unravelling. This is our moment to decide what is important. The last year and a half you might have felt that tug that your soul has been giving your conscious mind to get your shit together. She has been calling you to find out what really matters. And yet there has been so much fear that has distracted so many from this opportunity to deep dive into what is important. So many are brushing this niggling thought off like it was a mosquito that is trying to get its next meal. If you have gotten caught in distraction, I totally get it. In the last year and a half, I have danced in and out of distraction. I have gotten crystal clear and then become just as confused what seems like moments later. I allowed the unsettled energy swirling around me to pull me into the uncertainty whirlwind. This pull of the collective into fear keeps us stuck, where the only viable solution is to look outside of ourselves to find what is right. We all know that this never works. So, let me remind you.
You are capable! You are gifted with the power of making choices for your own liberation, for your own freedom and mostly to choose what is right to support your highest good and the highest good of those connected to you.
You and you alone are the only one who can shine your light on your life and decide what is best for you.So what a great place to pause for a second just to notice. Notice when you read this what happens in your body, is there a sense of expansion and freedom or is there a constriction and tightness? This is a cue that when you listen to your body, and not that beautiful analytical mind of yours, you know your truth.

This is your moment of truth.
You only have one life in this body, what do you want to experience through it?
Things might seem fragile in the outside world right now. Like a whisper might set off a torrent of emotions. This is why the calling to this inner work is so important. If we want to have a chance to understand anyone else, we must first understand ourselves. We must acknowledge our trauma, our privilege, our biases, or conditionings and question it all. Because without questioning it we can never start the healing process. Without unravelling we can never move forward into a new energy.
As a collective it is time for new beginnings. This is not a time for sticks and tape to keep holding what is not working together until you have that perfect plan. Before we birth something new, we must unravel the old. The stuck energy, the thoughts, the relationships, the patterns, the accepted norms, the ancestral beliefs that no longer serve your highest good. We must unleash the storm within us that shakes us to the core of our old being to allow the emergence of our soul. Don ’t let this opportunity pass you by. If you are feeling resonate with this unravelling in your life you will see it
everywhere. You will get a feeling that you have outgrown things, you might feel caught in situations that make you uncomfortable, you might physically get wrapped up in things. For me I keep watching my new puppy get his leash caught in everything and I have to stop what I am doing and get him unstuck, then I started to look and saw unravelling in my life everywhere. Look at little things that are reoccurring for you, these outside situations are clues to your internal world. And right now, I feel in the collective that it is a time to unravel, acknowledge our personal and collective pain, choose a path of personal healing to rebuilding the type of society that you know is needed right now in this time and space.
Right now, as I type this there is a storm swirling in the outside world. There is thunder, lightening, crazy winds and lots of rain. I love analogies and this is a perfect one. Before the storm everything seems ok, sometimes we notice when things are not great. We notice that things are no longer working for us, but there is no impetus to change. But fuck when the storm hits, when we feel the thunder shake us to the core, we know that we can either allow the energy of the storm to move us or resist all change and hold on for dear life with fear as our partner. I know that it is scary to go with the flow of the storm, but having courage as a partner vs fear is so much more empowering.

I implore you to have courage. Courage to face the storm, to seek the truth, to see the deception. Courage to stand for yourself, courage to choose for yourself, courage to unleash your soul to fully experience this time and space you have incarnated in.

You came here to witness this massive change on earth.
This has been a phrase that I have used for myself often. When I believe that I have chosen to be here, in this body, in this time in this physical dimension to witness all that is happening, there is a bit of a softening that happens. I start to breath again and I can remind myself that I only have one life in this body, so how do I want to experience it. Take a breath and ask yourself that question, with the full knowing that there might be some unravelling that you are ready to flow with in order to fully experience what this life has to offer you.
If you are experiencing anger, I send you the wisdom to let it unravel within you. If you are experiencing unravelling, I deeply bow to you and the work you are doing. If you are experiencing fear, I send you courage to find your inner peace. If you are experiencing peace, I send you love to share that peace with others. If you are experiencing joy, I send you passion to lead others to this path.
Whatever you might be experiencing, know that you are strong and will learn much if you are open to it.

Jennifer Klatt is edgy, funny, and a little sweary. With over 20 years of leadership in public and private organizations, she climbed the corporate ladder to discover her passion in coaching and leadership development. She is a professional accountant by trade and an inspirer of intentional joy by passion. Her biggest lesson has been that when we lose the connection to ourselves then we can no longer connect with others. In finding her connection to herself again, Jennifer is redefining what success looks like through her company, Intentional You. There, she challenges individuals to question their stories, their capabilities, and their judgments of themselves, to give them the platform to jump beyond what they thought was possible.